The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 21, 1899, Image 4

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The Kind You Have Always
iu use for over 30
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Civstoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing- Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Southern Qrecqh State $ckqol
- ' 4 '
. V -
This School is now under State Control,
Is the Largest and Most Progressive School of Southern
New buildings, new apparatus and fixtures, fine campus, hesllh.'ul location, delightful
climate, excellent influences lor student.
Course of study tbe same a other normals of the state.
Best advantages In Vocal and Instrumental music to be found iu Southern OrnroD.
Training school fully e.jui jijied and in charge of a thorough critic teat tier.
Tuitica SS.i'5 per term : music 5 and fiu per term: board at hail tl" and lodging per
week, students furnishing bed clothing : family board ti.:0 and fC.K.
$i2s pays all expenses for one year's schooling, including books.
The shortest and mt thorough route to a ftate certificate, is the normal course. Review
claw for teachers throughout the year.
First terms open September 11. For catalogue or information, address
W. T. VAN SCOY, President.
a a x
Successor to
General Blacksmithing
81iop on Corner -iVatttalaeton
On the S. P. R. R.
DougIas County, Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open for recep
- tion of- guests.
Water cures Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia,
. Kidney and Skin
To The Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
Tbig old reliable and
the most auoccnsful
riwo. still contiDties to
'ZJ rnre all Sexual and
-i seminal liieae suco
v(istrcUire, Syph'llia In
W7f aeaaea, Nervooa Debit- I
ity. Impeteacy. Semi- I
cal Weaknesi and Loss
of rianhood, the conf-
quenc of self abnm and ezcesaec producing tbe
kllowlnir symptoms: aaliow countenance, daik '
Jljwi. uuuu n i c ('n, , ' 1 1 1 j ii lii ii' 1 1 ii i 1 1
Df the eara, low of coufideiiee, diffidence in a
oacblnf atranpers. palpilation of tbe heart,
eakneai of tbe limbs aud back, loss of memory
"implea on the face, coughs, consumption etc. '
DR. GIBBON baa practiced in Han rranclsco
over thirty yearn ann ttoac troubled shoul l not
'ail to consult him and receive the benefit of
m great skill and exiierieuce. The do tor cures
when others fail. Try bim. :ures guarauieep. j
Persons cured at borne. Charges reasonable. ;
Call or write.
DR. J. F. GIBBON 6 Kearny Bt. Ran Fran '
Cisco. Cai ;
- iMiiMfl" li''
structing the exhausted digestive or-
gana. Itisthe. Mfst discovered digest
ant and tonic. jVo Mlier. preparation
AGHNTS WANTKD- FOR "HIE LIFE AND I C?D approach it ill tHiCH'IICy. It ln-
Achievemenis of Admiral iieuey," tiie world s , stantly relieves awl permanently cures
rreatest naval b. ro. By Murat iiain-aii. the : Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ilfcartbum.
hfe-lonr friend aud admirer of the nation s ; Flatulpnro fcnnr (.'tnmanl- r. '
Idol. Blgget and Ik;kI book : over Sun pages, i !.BD!' . V'1 btfm.a-'H iSaUSea.
gxio tnebe; marly ioi pages halftone iiiustia- oiCKiieaaacne.fjastialgia.Cramps.and
tions. only HM. Kuoruious demand. iR ill other resultsof irtiTKjrfertdiirestion.
roramls'lons. Outfit free. Chance of a life- J Prepared by E. C DeWitt A Co.. CblCOOO.
vim. Write quick. The Dominion Company, .vv,vi;iw
' rd Fioort-axion BidC., hi.Tgo. For 6sle by A. C. Marstcrs & Co. '
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature or
, and has boon made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
no ono to deceive vou in tins.
Signature of
If TVT "-Tr- TVT
i. ui i lit
G. W. NOAH,)
and Kane 6ts., Rosebane.
E Mill
' I'mikd States I.akd Omc e,
i Koi-l)iirs', OreKin. Jime 20, Iv.-d.
i Notice- ! licri tiy eircn that in omnliHucp
witli tbe vroviSKinit of tbe act of CnUKrewof
JuueS, l7s, cntillcd "An act f..r tbe ai' of
umber lauds in the f'latet" ol California, On
guu, Nevada and Washington Territory,
of Cauyuii villc. Omnty of l)ougla, Stale of Ore
son, lias this dv liied iu this office hissworr
stalement No. fsti. for the purchase of the Lot ',
of Section No. :a. in Township No ),
H. Kanu-e No. h V., and will offer proof tot
that the iaml sotipht is more valuable lorib
tiiuberor stone than for azricnhiiral iMinxeii
and to estabiich his claim to wild Imid before
the lieinf ter and Receiver of this oflii at Rofe
biirj, Orecon. mi Katurdoy, the inth day of
Aiieutt, V-s.i.
He names s witness"'!.: William Briccs, Jr.,
Robert Coueler, Thomas Wilson, ti. W. I'uckett,
of 'aiiyonvi!e. Ore.
Any and all persons claimini; adversely the
alove-described lands are reiueted to file their
ciximsin this oflice on or before said 2rth day
of August, 1K''J.
(jap) ReKister.
Ho, for Boswell Springs!
CoaiiuenciDg May 10, 18'J9, and until
September 30, lS'.fJ, Epecial tickets to
Boswell Springs and return to this city
will be sold as Ij11o s: 30-day tickets,
$1.85. Tickets going Katnrday and re
turning the following Monday, f 1.40.
Special rates ar aleo given from Tort
land and intermediate points.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
ItartiflciallydiKesf lio food and aids
Nature in KtietiKtlinniy: and recon
Says Senator Hanna Who has Just
Returned Home from the far
East. Talks on Trusts
Nkw Yokk, Swpt. I'J Last night, be
fore etartinjj fur Cleveland, (lie attention
of Senator lliinu, of Ohio, was called to
the itlleged interview with Li Hung
Chang, ia which the Chliifee etatepman
advised Felling the Philippine.
"iVi!i4i8,"8iul the eeoator,"it may be
a tiairalete fake. Bat even if he did, what
does it nutter? The idfa ia pre poster
our. It would be u.ore than a disgrace
to tlie United Statue lo barter a ay the
ihU'iJj. U would be a repudiation of
our moral colligations to th iyiiit!-
world. The nHtirme of Eiirop are
Witching 10 eee w hat e are goinK to do
io tho J'btlippinte. Toe thinking claeees
look with eatitfaction on this cautery's
present iKilicy.
''The president lis-3 outlined his policy
for the l'hilij pint's, It is i rotd, charit
able and fciucete, and wlutt might t ex-
pci'ttd from a clear-headed (talesman.
The lo.Hile as a rule heartily indorse
that jolicT. V' di I not figdt the pan
iari8 in order lo secure possesion of the
riiiiippiute. They came to us unexpect
The insurgents under A);uiualdo are a
email percentage if the people. People
ia thi country who are euppottiug
Aicuiiialdo do so from a weak-beaded
sentimentality that ia quickly dissipated
when the actual conditions are confront
ed." "What atiout the reeult of the trust
conference at Chicago?
"The net result is that Hi) an got a
great chafing up by Dourke Cockrao,"
said Senator Ilanna, lauLing. "Cock
ran atked liryan to show him evidence
that industrial combinations rer evil in
their tendency. That is a proper de
mand, chow ue the evidence. There is
absolutely uo ii.tlalion ia the existing
bueicets prosperity. There ia not an on
uiihI extension of credit. Bosinees men
are a)ini; ca;h for all they get and glad
to do it. l'tiev are not asking credit.
"We eimply pdteed through a pro
longed business drouth under Cleveland
that exhausted a',1 our supplies and
attained to the snapping point thousands
of our established itidustiies. Sow the
drouth is over, and thd business men
want raw aud niauufactured products,
and have the money to pay for them.
Is there anything wrong with that?
Taking iron, for instance; the high
prices i-re owing to tbe deuiad. Pig iron
is scarce and (bat ia why the price is
"As I said the other day, there is noth
ing in sight to disturb tbe business sit
uation. Tbe business men and laboring
men of this country will not permit it.
They will sutc'sefully combat that issue
a year from now. While it is well
known that it would be impossible to get
free-eilver legislation through the repub
lican United States senate, tbe voters
next year will not, I am sore, do any
thing that will be construed as a threat
to retire tbe republicans from power."
Gardiner Itemj.
Tbo steamer Juno made a special trip
op the river Sunday.
A Dumber of Smith river's youog
people went to Gardiner Saturday to at
tend the dance given by tbe club bo 'f .
Mrs. G. E. Murphy returned Wedces
day froai Iloqaism, Wash., wl.ere she
has been the guest of her eoq for tbe
paet lew weeks.
Chap. LlenJerfoa caaie to Gardiner
Monday to oegin n ..log. As yet tbe
fisb are scarce acd the fishermen have
bad but little auccees.
Father Levesqne, accompanied by
Father Hendricks and the biebop, filled
bis regular appointment on the river
Friday, Services were held at the borne
of G. E. Murphy.
Some of tbe men formerly employed
in tbe Gardiner Milling Co.'s camp are
contemplating fishing this season.
Among tbe number are ouryoung friends
Rceeon Perkins and Arnold Amstein.
This is tbe young men's first attempt,
and we wish them unlimited success.
Allie Perkins, the congenial landlord
of tbe Perkins botal, took a scow load of
hogs to town WedoisJay. Allie is an
accomplished young man, being versed
not only in tbe office work of the hotel,
but also in tbe culinary department and
is a successful farmer and swine herder.
Our small L?) bache'or friend Willie
Keopke, maJe a flying trip borne Sun
day, That's riiht, Willie, "there's no
place like borne" when the bread box is
Stupenduous Preparations.
'kw Yoiik, Sept. 13. A special to tbe
Herald from Washington says: Ar
rangements have been made by tbe war
department for the departure for Manila
by November 1 of all tbe troops intend
ed for General Otis. This means tbat
Secretary li j it'a statement tbat "every
mother's son of the reinforcements will
eat bis Christmas dinner in Manila"
will prove correct. That there may b'e
no lack of transportation, tbe collier
Caesius is to be fitted up as a transport
at an expense of f 120,000, and General
Ludmgton has in mind reveral other
vessels which may be secured.
It is estimated that it will be necessary
to provide tr.inepDrta for 29,918 men.
Holidays in Honor of Dewey.
Albany, X. Y., September 18. Gov
ernor Uoosevelt today issued a proclama
tion setting apart Friday and Saturday,
September 29 and 30, as holidays to be
observed throughout the state as days of
general thanksgiving in honor of the re
turn ot Admiral Gearge Dewey to tbe
Unite. Htatec. This will make tbe days
indicated legal holidays.
Absurdly Comical Story.
Policeman Crouer arrested three ho
bo last right, w ho claimed to be labor
ing uieu looking in vain for work. Tbe
Moiy was so absurdly comical that Ke
crrder Dorris extended the joke and gave
two of them five dayj work each on tie
streets, while the other, a mere boy, is
being held for a few days. Eugene
Guard, (detn).
Encouraging Reports From Grain
Fields, Hop Yards, Orchards
and Gardens.
The grain crop is all harvested in t tie
southern counties ol Western Oregon and
threshing is nearly completed; reports
state that the grain crop id thoroughly
satisfactory in yield and that no damage
was done by tbe rains, fn the coast
counties the craio crop is practically fc-
cured. In the Willamette villey coun
ties the sruiu ih f.ramcully a!l cut;
ihrething continue; the greater por ijn
of the grain will Dealt thret.hel by the
close ol the current wtek. So mt corre
spondents report wheat and oats slightly
damaged by the rains, but, b a rule, the
reports indicate that the grain was uot
materially injured. The spriog-eown
wbeat is turning out better than was ex
pected. Iu tbe eastern portions of the
State harvesting and threehitig continue.
The grain is about all cut or will bt; !v
the clote of the current week. Ttnesn-
ing is active iu all districts. Some few
reports from the northeastern ortion of
Umatilla couuty indicate that grain was
slightly damaged by the tains; the d.ttn-
age is not great, t.or is it extensive.
Iu tho Grande Koiule valley the irrain
is turning out very well, fully up to the
average, liireeuing is nearly compieieu
in Wasco, Sberuiau, Gilliam and Mor
row counties; the yield is good and the
quality is an average ore. Within ten
days the grain harvest will be practically
completed io the state of Oiegon.
The cutting oflhe eecond clover crop
is now in progrees; in some ecciione
three craps have been cut this year.
Pasturage is reportel to be better than
for yearn; there is an abundance of bay
on band for feed duiiug the winter in all
sections of tbe etatt-. The bay crop U
extra largt: over the utocfc country.
I'io'wicg ami seeding continue; the
ground i in hj! condition nil the
wea'her m i ieul for all farm wok.
Grain eovtn in Auin-l i msking tine
Hog picking -'),liuiii'! under tho immi
favjrble t ircii i.Blaiuva In tluxe
where luluvaiiui and spraying aere
properly done, the bop crop ia in good
condition ; in poorly 'attended yards the
bops, while U'e, a?e mo'dy, or an
known in England, "i! k bbghi" pr
vai'.e. .Tae .hop crop, as a whole, is as
good as any ever picked in Oregon, aid
it is being cceureJ much better than is
nsual. Hop pickii g will be completed
in a few days more. Allhopdrjers are
being workeJ to their utmost.
Prune drying has commenced, and
with few exceptions drying will te gec
eral in all orchards '.thia week. Uepo. U
indicate tbat Douglas county will bare
tbe largest prune crop, ihoogbjno coon
ty or orchard will have a crop as large as
the one of last year. The apple and
pear crops are short in quantity and
quality in all orchards. Peaches are
coming into the market, but not as
plentifully as in former years. Melons
of all kinds are plentiful, The cool
weather during August retarded the de
velopment of the melons.
Corn and garden produce are making
good growth. Corn has commenced to
While crops of ail kind, except bay
and hops, are not np to the average in
Oregon, yet they would be called big
crops in almost werv other state.
Ten days more of pleasant weather
mill find crops practically all gathered.
Dreyfus i easily the martyr of the
closing centnry.
C. A. Pillebory, the flouring mill king
of Mioaesota, is dead.
Tbe British admiralty is preparing
plans for the fortification of St. John's,
K. F.
T. B. Reed has issued a letter of fare
well to his constituents of the first Maine
congressional district.
President McKiniey is satisfied with
the situation in tbe Philippines and a
vigorous campaign will be opened
Arrangements for the bi reception in
Washington to Admiral Dewey are rap
idly neariog completion,
Mark Ilanna has just returned from a
trip to Europe. He will be at heme dur
ing tbe coming campaign ia Oliio.
One railroad in Missicbnsstls claims
to have six locomotives capible of run
ning ninety miles an hour. The Ameri
can locomotive is at the top in a class of
its own.
The exports of dried apples for tbe last
fiscal year were li),:;0j,71'3 pounds, val
ued at $1,215,733; wbile of ripe apples
there were exportei 33J.222 barrels, val
ued at 11,210,450.
Uncle Sam is getting into shape an ex
tensive smokless powder plant. One of
the first lesions of the Spanish war was
tbat we had not kept up with the times
in tbe important item of guupowder.
The North Dakota regiment during its
service in the rnuippinss, tost iroru an
causes sixteen men, and the 1st Idaho
twenty-one men. The record continues
to .bo more favorable than that of any
former American war.
A the Tillamook stags was rattling
al i tbe Xrask river road about seven
in ; from the tollgate, at 4:15 Friday
m -ruing, it ran into a Bapling lying
lengthwhe on the elge of tbe road,
which caused it to go off tbe grade and
upset. It lodgsd on 'a ledg about 2(1
feet below, wheels up with the four
horses tangled up in a bunch of trees.
The paesengers crawled out, and soon
tbe stage continued its flight to the bot
tom of tbe ravine, 100 feet, smashing the
top and Bides. Two of the passengers
walked seven miles for help, and re
turned with a wagon. The passengers
were badly bruised, but not seriously in
jured. Their names are E. N. Allen, J.
U. Johnson, Mrs. II. II. Brown and boy,
and they attach no bla ne to the driv
er. Celebrating Prosperity.
Tacoma, Sept. IS. The Indian hop
pickers at Kent are today celebrating re
turned prosperity by indulging in the
buu dauce. About 2000 Indians are now
picking hops in the Puyallup valley.
This is tho first time they have been em
ployed iu five years. Many have ar
ranged a Biasing gambling game for next
Saturday, when all their earnings will
be staked. No trouble is apprehended
c?er the eetivities
tunc -pm
It tbe reiult ot repeated acute attack!. The
liver and ipleeu are principally affected.
They act at storehouse! for tbe malarial
potion and the blood takes It from them.
The potion mutt
be driven oat of
the7item. HUD
TAN will destroy
the action of the
potion and event
ually drive ont the
lait particle ot II
from tbe system.
In addition to
will restore the
lost app e. It
will bulla up the
weakened syitem
make new blood
and new flesh.
The pains In the bones will
dimippear. II I'D VAN has cured others and
It will euro you. We describe the symptoms.
Study them carefully. They are yours. Do
not di-Uy longer, but take HVOTAN now
and you will be cured.
and your headarhc will disappear.
PLEXION. HUDYAN will establtih a free
circulation of pur.) blood and cause the cheeks
to aMUtne thir na'urnl color.
o ill rrv.oro tho appllte and the dixestlon of
food will become perfect.
LIVER. This Is due to Iho enlargement of
thetlrer. It is filled with the poison of ma
laria. UVDT AN will drive out the poison and
cause the organ to assume Its natural sire.
OF THE SPLEEN. The spleen becomes
greatly enlarged. HUDYAN UI lessen the
congestion and cause the heaviness to disap
You are suffcrinir from Chronic Malaria and
vou can he enrfd. Ml UTAM will relieve your
every svmptom and make you well. HUD.
VA.N can be obtained of alt drurrlsta for 60c.
nrr pai'kaKe, or 6 pat-kasre for li. VL II your
Ilriicg,'! ion nnj keep it. send direct to the
riwo, t'alifornia Kemcmber Ihst you ran
consult Urn HI I) VAX UttCTOKS w n r.m .
fall and ee the dnrtors. Yoa mar call and
tee them, or writo. you desire. Address
Cer. StocVtoi., Market aad Ellis Sis.,
Ssa Freaeisce, CL
Montana. Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
(iives choice of two favorite routes, via the
CXIOX PACIFIC Fast Mall Lin, or the
10 GRANDE Scenic Unca.
Look at the time
ia days to Salt Lake
2j days to Denver
3ja days to Chicago
4i days to New York
Free RecllalnK Cbatfr cans, l
bolstered Tonrl.l Sleeping
Cars, Pallman palace Bleep
las Car operated on all
For further lufornis'lop apply to
J. F. OIVANS, Ajtt., Roseburg.
C. O. Terry, W. E. Com an,
Tray. Pass. AgU Gen. Agt.
121 Third SU, Portland. Or.
Farms for Sale.
A camber of small farms for sale,
adapted to froit growing. Good apple
aod prune orchards on some of them.
For -articular inquire of,
G. W. Aldkbbo.v,
Cleveland, Or.
Safe and Profitable Investment.
A branch oflice of the Equitable Sav
ings & Loan Association of Portland,
Oregon, has been organized at Koceborg
and ftock in the association can be ob
tained of tbe local agent. Investments
in this association are safe aod far better
than county warrants aud bonds for
proGt. Any on desiring to lay by a
small eatii of money each month and
have his savings share tbe profits of' tbe
association can find no better depository
than in the equitable. Definite time
loans made at 7 per cent per annum on
improved property, or where persons
are deeirious of building. Call on or ad
dress Jons II. iiitk,
Local Agent.
Inference: Ladd & TTiltons Bank
Portland, Oregon; The First National
Dank, Hoseburg, Oregon. (j27
Administrator's Sale of
Real Property.
in the Comity Court of the State ol Oregon in
and fur Douglas County. In the matter of
the estate ot Karl Kimiiivl,ilct'easel.
Notice is hereby Riven that pursuant loan
order of tho above entitle! court mado and ca
tered In the records of aid court on tho 5th day
of September, IffK. Tho undersigned adminis
tratrix and administrator will on aud after the
Hth day of October, 1WJ, proceed to sell the
following described real property belonging to
'aid estate at private ale, on the premises near
the town of Canyonvllle, Douglas county, Ore
gon, towit: Beginning at a point 22.31 chains
North, and 91.75 chains west of the quarter
section post ou the lino between sections 20
and 21 In township 30, south range S west, W.
M., running thence west 1.V10 chains, thence
south 40 chains, tbenee west 15 chains, theuce
south 65 chains, thence east 30.10 chains, thence
north 95 chains to place of beginning. The
Mine. being part of William Preston's donation
claim. No. 44 aud containing 25 acres more or
lcs, for cash in band.
Hated this 9th day of 8eptoinbcr. A. D.. 1899.
(sll) Administrator.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roscburg, Oregon, September 13, 1KI9.
Nolice Is hereby giveu that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in mipport of his claim, aud
tbat said proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver, U. S. land Office, at RODvburg,
Oregon, ou Oct. 20. lsim, viz:
U.Q . L. ..V. "..U, 1 ,UV i.i-j,
Section lb, Township 30 8., R. 9 West. He
m, 1,1' u ft- tun: r.. ti... wui'
names me joi lowing wimesses to prove tils con
tlnuous residence ujion and cultivation ol said
land, viz: William Moore, William Murray, A.
Coon, Byron Carry all ol Camas Vnlley. Oregon.
J. 1, BKllAiUS,
sUp Register
Aiken's and Thornton's (lots
have arrived andean be found at the
Sheridan place, south of town, and are
ready for delivery to patties until An-
R "ft. (jl '
All Wire
Are Up.
But we will save you 50c
or more on every 100 rods of
See the M. M. S. Poultry fence, Strongest aud Best
at a less price than CominonjPoultry Netting.
Will open its doors for the new school year on September
The buildings bare been thoroughly renovated acd improved 4 pSttr apparatus added and
outer improvements made tor the comfort and convenitnee of the student.
Oood Boarding and Dormitory Advantages at tbe lowest possible rate.
Uniform State Normal School Course,
Complete Training School in connection with the Normal, where Seniors are profesaionaUy
trained under the supervision of a Critic Teacher, who will aive his entire time to this work.
Graduates ol this school are given a credit
ensues mem 10 reaca ine utt Diploma In the
tend your sooreas lor complete catalogue to
We carry a
- X ahied u
1 JMW!
We own and occupy tbe tallest mercantile building ia tbe world. We ba
over 1,000,000 custodiers. Sixteen hundred clerka are constantly
engaged filling out-of-town orders.
OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE ia the book of the people it quotes
Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,00a pages, 16,000 iUustratioaa, and
60.000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 71 cents to print and mail
each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show
your good faith, and we'll send you a
IfniTRiiUFRY wipn a
)nwiiwvMihiii siniiw 1
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties
Prune and Hod Lands of best aualitv. in choice locations
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices ana easy terms, inquire ot
w ssa Jw w sA ai Co ma at OweUJ
Noah & Linfars,
General Blacksmiths and Wagon Hakers.
Repair Workand Horseshoeing a Specialty.
Prices Reasonable.
Get your.
fmi At Marsters.
We have a Complete
stock of TEXT BOOKS
and the Finest Stock of
ever brought to this city.
Our Prices are Right. . . .
ot Thirty Month's Teaching Experience, which
quickest and most satitlactory manner.; V
President of theTacuIty.
trem 10.0CO to
S5.000 letters
twj Jay
a a:: as .
1 a sw-:
copy FREE, with all charges prepaid.
nn ie.i9at.a.s.u.istrsvt
Shop on Jackson lit ncsr Deer Ct
rg, Oregon,
a - . v.-.- -
GlTes the choice of tVQ trans
conOaental ROUTES
Ohort Line
Calt Loke
Minneaoolis Denver
St. Pa i Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
i n as aliM.
LOWCft BaUC t mi
EaMtrn Cltlsw.
Oeaan tumenlcaTa portlaad trtrr
Btaaiam moDthlr Iron Farflaad to Toko
bom a as Hong Kong In connection wlta ts
o.a. k.
or toll detail call on or adflreas
BoMborg, Oregon.
General PaascncerAfftfit.
PeniaBsl, Ore
Railroad Tim TaMe.
Northbound Boaeborg local. So. 17
departs 7 -JO a. u.
Soothbonnd Eoaeburg local, Ko. 18,
armea 50 p. m.
vr .1.1 1 , . 1-
rijea 10 :33 a. m. ; departs 10:43 a. m.
bootnboand orerland. jso. 6, urrrev
4:15 a. m.;d?pana 4:25 . m.
raaiouT nans.
North bound laat tbroah n-elgbi.
221, arrirea 4 :10 p. m. ; departs 6 0 p.
BootbbouDj fast tbroagh trcrgbt, 17a
2, arriTes7.-0Qa. m.; departs 8:00 s
North boand mixed train So.222surivet
at 2 55 p. m.. 8andaye, Wednesdays and
Fridays, departs 9:00 a.m., Manila TS
Tborsdays and Satordays.
nuuiuwiuu uiiAcvi uaul ai
riTea at 3 KX) p.m., on Sundays, Uon.
days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. a.
Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays.
United Wales Land Office.
Roubcbs, Orbepv. 1, 1SK.
To whom it msr concern:
Notice is hereby riven that tnaOrcgoa and
California Railrositl Co. fcasSIed in this office,
list ot land situated In tbo township ilfsi illwil
below, aad hss spplied lor a potest lor said
lands: that the list s open to the public for In
spection and a ropy thereof by deaenptlv. sob
diTiaions, has been poeted In a eooTenient
place in this office, for the inspectioa of all
persons interested and to the public rrrterallj:
South ot rse Un.and West ol WillaseU
Kw;. of NKV,6ce.
T 29. R S.
Lots, Bee 33.
Tfi, Bi
S'4 Ktji and SUV; SRi tt I.
S"fi gwu Sec ji
SIi SWi, Sec I
T. St.
SJ; SE'i. Sec 7.
8V See 7.
n ilhin tbe next sixty daes followina the date
of thia notice, protests or contests agsinrt tbe
claim of the company to any tract or subdrris
ion within any section or part et section, iW
scribed la the list, on the groond that the same
is mora valuable for mineral than for aaricui
taral parpeacs, wUl be receiTed and noted tor
report to the Genera) Land Office ai Washing
ton, D.C
t. H. BoofST"
sttlo ReceiTer.
mm 8UTXS LaJtB Omer,
Roecburg. Orejoo, July la, U93.
To whom tt may concern: Notice la hereby
(irca tbat the Oregon and California rail road
company has filed ia this- oflice a list of
lands situated in the townships described be
low, and hat applied for patent! for said lands;
that the list ts open to the publie for ia
spection, aad a copy thereof by desvriptiT.
sab-di vision has been posted ins coavaaaant
place la this office, for the inspection of all
persons interested and the public generally.
South of base line and weet of Willamette
meridan, Tp -H, R XW i of JE Sec 7.
Within the next sixty days following tbe date
of this nolice, protests or contests against tho
claim of the company to any tract or sub
divfcion within any section or part of section
described in the list, on the grounds that th
same ts more valuable for mineral than lor
agricultural purposes, will bo received and
noted for report to the General Land Office al
Washington, D. C. C-SUO)
Kecuver. Register.
Notice For Publication.
r sited sTArxa laxd office
Hoaebi-B'I, Oaa. August 3l 1W9.
Notice ii hereby given Uist tho tolowing
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to mak e dual proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Regis
ter and Receiver, United States Land Office at
Roseburg, Ore., on October 7. Utf, vis:
OnH. K..K0. 671$ for theNNE' T.
2A, S. R., 4 W. Ue names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of amid land, vis: Ueorge
Davis and Thomas I 'art, of Wilbur Oregon, and
David McKay and Z. Pelaogh, ot Oakland,
au J r. BRIDGES.
5haata Umlted
la the name o! tbe only perfect train
n the world, now running every night
between St. Paul and Chicaco. via the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway
the pioneer road ol the weet in adoDt
icg all improved facilities for the safety
a n. 1 AMlAwmnft n t
uiuvu;wjum,ui HMTOll)(V(S. All liiUB
t rated pamphlet, showing views of bean
tilul scenery along the route of the Pio
neer Limited, will be sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
Btamo. Addrnaa Gan. VT TTnafrnrtt n
Geral Passenger Agent. Chicago, 111.
Are paying good money at present,
but a little more capital needed to prop,
erly work the mines. Easy of access,
will sell all or an interest in the same,
For particulars see me at Boseburg, or
address P. 0. Box 21 Roeebun . Ore.
sr W At
in re. j. n. ouupe is local representa
tive for the popular Yiavl remedies.
Any one desiring any of these remedies
will please call on her at her home or ad
drens her at lloeebnrjr, Oregon,