The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 21, 1899, Image 3

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$My 13ig Summer stock is now complete. There's brightness of
-; - summer reflected in every departmcut of my store now. All
tlie dnierent stocks have their complement 01 line new mer
chandise fresh from the looms aud workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention
for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the
money-saving there is in buying of me.
11 Don't forget the next time you arc down town to
) come in and see the many new styles e ar
showing. Our Prices will make you happy and
tfie fit make your feet feel glad.
DOUGLAS shoe for Men,
The ' famous W. L.
Exclusive Agency.
Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find the
best assortment ever brought to this town.
Mh. J, W. . Mullen ); fi il i-t in' riling
for Sao Kiui'.ciBco.
ll' ii. J. T. lii'Mxutt ii oiled i D-ain j
this morning on busmen j
Mr. und Mis. Amiiew .1. Willi" of !
North Paer rrt'rk :n- in town today. i
Mr. S M. Yoi.VI Went Id lioit'tiiirj; j
today t.) v i --1 1 fi i -m!8. lvi;r.n(( (Jilar I. j
A Kie of Biiiii!l.c x is n pi ru'il ut Su
I'ltn, mi l the inleu'eit urliT m ijikmu
li no.!.
Sol A!.;ul.uin ( i K'jliaiK initio lirants
Kll'K-AU 1 hi KKliH. A vrr p iiy
ttnldiiin wrs ioleuinizfd mi lb homo
of bride' mother, Mir K. II. Am-
nreitli, iu this city o'ept. 20, 181W, at
o'clock p in , Attorney Dexter Rico
hi d Miss Ulaiiche Autenreith being the
contracting arties, Uev. John Daw hod
of i he Ejiiecopal Church, otiiciatinjj.
Oolite a number of relatives and frienils
of the contracting failles ilnecM)d the
tin pre6faire ceremony, which tuk place
in the pailor of the family home, be
neath a lloral bell composed of white
l'ats a vieil on Monday -Urania I'asi j aatera, Mr. Stanley L. Kidder, acting aa
Courier, i beat man and Miss Dura Wilkina as
ilu.tyun cures sleepiest tiesf, bad ' bridesmaid. The btide as attired in a
dronim nr..) nuht s-.u-ats. Fifty cents all J beautiful wedding gown of i renin caesi
dm'fistR ; mere, while Ihe groom wore the conven-
J. F. Ki-;:,.y, iaw n ill j tion"I iack.
nun, ujs i:i the city yi-t tctvl..y looking Alter the ceremony lia.J been conclud
aft r buFiiii -h matters. e J and hearty congratulations had been
The People's Store.
I. ABRAHAfl, Prop.
SEPTEMBER 21.1899.
Bargains in bicycles at Mareters.
Better roads are a crying need in Ore
gon. Bend for bargains and your watch re
pairic?. Hon. J. IH Booth made Grants Paes a
brief business visit Tnesday.
Oouftnlt Dr. Lowe at onceif you need j
Bond, tbe watchmaker sells spectacles
at lowest prices and ran fit I hern cor
Up-to-daU jewelry at J. T. Biyan's.
Bond, the'watebmaker, does engrav
ing. For first-class dentistry go to Dr.
Little of Oakland.
A good bicycle (ladies') to trade for
wood. Apply at this office. A good
VrmKt dmv tn nt-pntpr th Pacific Uui- : eente.
vereitr A.eebnng, tne genial . 1 . agent McMiiiiv-l
. l-WTll 1 . - -
at I'uiara, was a county eeai visitor ; (,f. Ti.e a
I i.i- . : J 41 i. ... -. i
i i wr( cwu.teu, wiu, uteu nu
I woman. Ilndvan rure All !ril?
Mr:i. lAuii ). B liiU iind d.iuglihr
Il-itti , will Ie'.ivi SundhV t r a:i i xieml
ed visit at CoiwiUis a!). Portland.
Attonu vand M-p, D. x.-r Rica have
th" choicest Ihi.iiks ol the 1'i..ini);i.kb a K'Un'iful t-npply of th--ico wedding
Mi- Ainu t'.Mu'u nj family, of
Klitidth.u, are vis:tii:g with Mr.
Coiuls pjretito, M.. i.d Mr.-. Jifin'6
Mrs. F. J. P.L'ltf, of Myitis Oeek, hi
hasb '. u visiting in thia city the guest
of Mrs F. P. !. iif, rcttim
Albany Co lore will ti? free tuition
tbe coir. i nc yer, t all ih volunteer
soldier-- who care to .miI themselves of
ll tM: !
Tho C.iro liro'i.:va wi'l s..oti move iuto
t!.. sr m-w (juarters ut U ilatid and ba
com'1 e-t.-Oilishe I tu tlie nicr.aiitilo Imsi-nt'-"-'
i:i cur filter city.
It :nVcs no diiTercnce how had the
wo'iii.l ii : you u-e DeWiit'ii Witch Ilael
Salvo; it will (j iicLly heal and levo no
tear. A. C MAKSTF-liS A CO.
Dr. C. V.. l-.e, eyt-jitih e;cc'ulistt of
is iu to'n for a Uw ilv
A few wheels used for renting during j
tbe summer.
If inters.
ctor le.'rs a eplrudij repu
giaeees, as be leaves Saturday night sure. ! The frequent breaking cf water aiains j gUt w ceijU
To exchange for wood, a good second !
band White eewing machine.
i . . .... .. . .. i.i
for sale very cheap et i j uiwa in ui.a cry i r.e, ssionaiiy ar.u o;u-
! Heartburn, coated tjngue, bad breath, j erwiee
constipation, liuavan cures. All urUj;- Visa l'.hi La KiJi: - .r.d l er biother
) Claude, l- CervsHi?. Timr.-djy,
; will reii!i.e tb-lr
! Cor-lli8 Mite.
al l ii 8 iu tl. rli'ge.
Dii'.v, so:i o: J. N. lAj!v of
;mi'h Kwtr, in report
d&ti) TLo tloctor ro;-orts tbi! this week wit
Kor vonr mitrl'fu. elivkit and itelrv !
Apply at i gj to ltryan. His ptiees will please yoa ;
i liacking tieadacues. weary eyee, weas- 8nJ Lis WOfk if firrt , Uw
All kinds of apple pirers, high regis- i SOcentj" r"KALE A good uu-k tow. A to i Dr. Dj tin a.J fi u ly ei j i;.vd a drivj
ter thermometers for Driers at Churchill i e ' " . hor.e to trade for w-.;xi or yraiu. Kn- j to the .haoibrcok hop yard, l-st ScdJav'
A WooUey'e. i temM compiin, paie. eauow c,m-. in n e Pi,usul.ALts olli v
Claude C. Grimes, tbe popular S. P i " ' '
fireman, went to Portland Tuesday in a J i phr.r .;irmi:-,
viit to his mother. I ACKbUS t.NohiMi Kr' wr-L. i dv'm-tf iv.n:uin;.'ior, hii tri. r.'g ' fht V. C r. F. wi ! ..iwrve
... , , , wifi stop a couli t anv time-, ecu wni
A nicker in on- of tr.e hopvaras near : .
., .r:-:. ,n ," .... .... core tl worst colJ in twelve hours, or
" ... ,.ir.i.c tii ftp. anl oil ct.
! For sale at Eapp's dru,t store.
Woodburn Indej-endtat
Wanted, girl to da kitchen work iu the
country. Wages $12 per month. Ad-;
! will he Enrry to leirn.
! Mark Muacoc, viho rciunud
, Cot'8 county rcct-rtly, !e!t by w!k
' Urauts Pats a: J other Jof 'i-i.Ine c
:1 i-r
:. V
Dr. Cheadle has a new remedv for the points Wednc- l.-.y n:.-rnis?.
i extraction of teeth. No cocaine or cc- ihs. I'.. F. 1. Lr .
dress, box 93, Koeeburg, Or
When you come to Portland reaiem-! caine is used. Patients with heart or j &. Catching family
ber and have yonr teeth fixed by Dr. M. J lung troubles can oee it without any bad the bop ? ar
W. Davis. 163i First St. i after effecte. (JI.) s p.eafant at;.l p-ottt i'de outicg.
p TknR.a m n momUr Hoard of Eosanna Carlile. indicted at Jackean-i Tbe annual w.ii-. ;kv of the
r-.; v.rm;nr. Offir Maretrs ' Tille jointly with ber bochand for barn- Church ii ij ti-MA t rjalcai
building residing corner Main and Cass j ing tbe barn of her brother, A. J. llam
. : 1 . . . . I . . . 1. . iM . . . .....
j tt ! ft tt.e fv.tnty.
il.t W. C r. F. wi ! -ierve Ihe
cliil lrctii t.atvt st lio.i.e at.d meuiber-
s'fip crufide day e4. ;h at the Bap
tist Cinirch with :x :o. 1 pro;rtui aaJ re
fresha'fn'p. Sec program liter.
Wanics.!: ') ie-?: f.r lumber yat-l.
. i s'iiJ ro.i.1, loi'u ati l '.T latll work.
17) Ar-,1 ir day.
te.dy f i-n.e-r. i p'y in the
tt-r Co , .i"taw, Or.
M. V.. j Wanted: oJ uj--.. .'-.r -iuiuVr yard,
with a ! ki i rva 1. Ijiic and work
Fot, r;:iJ Mr?
n-tnrced iro'j ; tl.,
yta't'rjjy. TlivV l'l-ort!
1 ri'tifl il.le nillim- ' !- ti;-Ktllv i
extended, tne bridal party repaired to
the dining ball where a dainty and lux
urious repast awaited them.
The groom is a sou of Mr. and Mis. I.
F. Hice, and is a rising youog attorney of
this city, a young man of attrliog iutrg-
rity and possessed of majy manly attri
butes. He is well known throughout
the county, and is held iu the bigbeet
eetcem by all. The bride is a charming
atid very exemplary young lady, well
known iu this city, where ebo hrs
grown from childhood. She too H held
in the highest esteem by ail and bass
I luxe this j wide circio of admiriog iu this
The h.tppy couple took the luon.icg
ovtrlaud for Shasta Springs, Ciif.,
where tt.t-y will spen I b-itl hocey
uio.n teason, after wbicti ii.ey wili re
turn to tbie city, and will borne"
to their many friends iu the Dr. Strange
rtfci Jt'iicoon Lane street.
Tl.e yo:ng couple were ti e recipients
of many handsome and useful preM-ntl,
among which were: Mrs. II. If. Auten
rtith, oil painting and ailver Udle; Vk.
I. F. II ice, Uble aud teaapo-jiM and bed ;
I. F. Rice, set diuiog cuairs ; Mr. and
Mr. Crave", eel of disuse; Mr. end Mrs.
N. Kite, diuing laolejlr. and M re. J.
j W. (iaou, Salem, chocoUle Sol ; Mr. and
Mis. Diiincle'.oii, sugar i.ol and cream
er; Mr. and Mr. Wm. Willu, silver pie
kbie; Fred and Hairy Fly male, of
PoriUnd, cut gUts dish ; fcUi.lcr Kid
dcr, toilet set; Mies lula lrd.ey, oil
piiutir.g; Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Kne, rair
blanketa; Mr. Srah Z'gler, p .iut lace
tunc' kerchief; B. Brock way, bed spread:
MiesZ.-lia Zigler, jtrditiiere; Mr. N.
ilojd tod M m Alice Morti, charubtr
te'.; Mitt Djra Whkiu, Havrlm China
;-id plates; Harry ioculu and Paul Zig
ler, tilver knives and fxks, Dr. S. M.
Hamby ai.d Wm. Carruii, silver cuoco
Ute spoons; Mr. and Mrs. S. K.Sykes,
carving set;Mr. and Mrs. J. II. fykes,
jirdiniere stand; Mr.and Mr. F. M.
Zigler, tauberette; Misa Merta iirarea,
Oakland, pair pillow cases.
The I'LiLNDKALEB joioa a hojt of
f ienda in extending congratulations and
withiog tbe beppy couple lot g, blissful
wedded life, blest with health aod prosperity.
jlin, pleaded guilty Saturday and was
Tbe management of tbe Portland In-! fenced to nine years in the penitenti- officer, an J maay olUr prominent c
i-trial Exposition bas tbe thanks of r-v- ! waIs ' lLe Ui'arch ara en Jane.
larce attt-u-ume. B's'-it-p John H. Yin
cent, of Topeka, Kir is the presiding
dn trial Exnositioi
the Plmsdkalkb for a complimectaiy j Jtatber Livesqoe bas returned Irota Pneumcsu, ia ?r.pre. cjngh, colda
aoaaon ti-ket iCoosand Carry counties, accampiaied ' troop and who--ieg oitph teadily yield
Geoma. and will make ber fcome hel. ; morning local enroute to bis home at
-;h V.. inn Ashland Tidincs.
i Christie.
W. T. Dement and wife of Myrtle
Point, visited with friends a few days in j
this city this week. Mr. Dement is one 1
of Coos county's leading stockmen. !
Kick Dick and daughter, Mrs. Boy
Whistler, raturned to their bome in
Washington Wednesday morning, after
a pleasant vieit with Mrs. I. Abrahams.,
Did yon know that-there was a differ
ence in Mason fruit jars? You will find
tbe beat machine turned top Mason jars,
also tbe new vacum jars at Churchill A
Malvin Stine, a former resident of thia
city, bat now of Yreks, Calif., epent
Tueeday ia tbe city. He was on his way
to CojuIIle City, where be will visit bis
father, Rev. C.'A. Stine.
Wanted: 50 men for lumber yard,
skid road, logging and saw mill work.
Wages $1.50. 1.75 and $2t00 per day.
Steady employasent. Apply to The
Booth Kelly Lumber Co., Saginaw, Ore.
T- P. Lee o'f Grants Pass, is .probably
the oolv man in the state who enaaees
exclusively in the bueineEB of raising
watermelons. He bas seventy-five acres
Keverent Archbishop j to One Miin'e t JjiU Core. I'se this
archbishop took the j remedy ii. t .r.i I fir a doctor' bil
or the n:.d(.it.ktr'e.
At.'oruer I. it. If i 'die and wife ai.d
are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures baby, ret ur.-.t d home fi iru an eojoyaDle
heart burn, raising of tbe food, dint re? s
after eating or any form of dyspepsia.
One little tablet gives immediate relief
23 cts. and 30 cts. For sale at M. T
Bapp's drug store.
Dr. E. H. Mathers snd wife of Akron,
Ohio, are visiting their parent, Capt.
S. S. Mathers and wife. Dr. Mathers is
medical examiner for the Belief Depart
ment of tbe Baltimore & Ohio Baiiroad
Company with' headquarters at Akron,
Ohio, and was formerly stationed at
Washington, D. C.
The news comei from Canyon ville tbat
tbe little 5-year-old daughter of Walter
Coyles, who resides near Canyonville,
while ridiog on the break-block of a wag
on beavily loaded with prunes in John
Weaver's orchard, slipped and fell nnder
the wagon, one wheel passing over ber
breast killing ber almost Instantly. The
sympathy of all is extended to tbe be
reaved family.
Notwithstanding tbe fact that a fine
new Chandler & Price job press and an
immense amount of new material bas re-
waiermcour. -. y " " 1- been added to our job oQice,
devoted to nielors ana snipe mem io iu . . -
northern market by the carload
Don't think you can cure tbat slight
attack c( Dyspepsia by dieting, or tbat it
will core itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs
will cure if; it "digests what you eat
and restores the digeetivo organs
Jiealtb. A. C. M ABSTEKS & CO.
visit with relatives and friends at Kii lie
last Sanday. I. B. and Lis brother, .
enjoyed some ne sport deer huulia :.
W9 understand, aaJ were jiite sncce?;
fal. Sep?., l, 23 snd 23, positively to
longer. You who want perfect fitting
glaseea at riaht prices can consult Dr.
Lowe, the well-known optician, on those
days at the McClallen Hotel. Remem
ber the date;, as he caDnot postsibly re
main longer.
Lct County warrant So. 43GS for fj,
issued to Mrs. Philip Mu'key, August 1,
1SS0, indorsed by the county treasurer,
August 1, 1SU9, has been lost by the-
holder. All paitiea are warned against
the purchase of the eame.
Geo W. D'mmh k.
A rich etrito is reported in the Gold
Standard quartz mine of Kubli Bros,
and E. B. Watson cf Portland, near
Jacksonville. Tbe new discovery is in a
parallel ledge a short distance from the
Standard. Five hundred dollar were
taken out Friday, and there was a large
amount in :ght yet.
Th Uoeburg Academy ia about to
adopt a new feature lhat gives promise
greatly increasing our job printing facil
ities, we are yet crowded with work and
barely able to deliver it promptly o of benefit to the students. It is a
patrons. Among those who bave been
i made bappy by receiving up-to-date
i cimmercial iob nrinUQZ from this office
tO I .1 1 M.,.l,.nl 1 T t..
Eiddle; Tbe McGee Company, Myrtle
510X1 TEA POSITIVELY CUBES ! Creek; Merchant 1. B. Nichols, Brock
ck headache, indigestion and constipa- way ; A. Doeroer, brewer, Cieve'.and;
tion. A delightful herb drink. Be- Capt. . Mathers, Y. S. land cilice; Mrs.
anoves all eruptions of the skin, produc-! Boyd, grocer, and T. K. Richardson, of
Ing perfect complexion, or money re-1 this city. Tbe Fl.usukalkb cflke is Ihe
fnnW. "'.eta. and 50 cts. M. F. Rap;', ; i.laci to get your neat, up to-datc jib
printing. Prices reaeonable.
course of lectures on hygiene to teach
the pupiLi to take care of their bodies in
such a wr.y as to preserve their health,
and thus be prepared to do their best
work. Mi?a Isabel Sedgwick, A. M.,
Portland University; M, D., Oregon
S-atd Cuiver-ity, wh'j h:ia recently come
to Uosebur fr jlu Portland lo take tho
place of Dr. Myra Brow n Inn kiudly tou
eei:te 1 to p. id -it.tke.this work. The first
lecture will be given vit Friday of tliis
wck. X.
. nniitFer
rniu ata.
... , i i i If vou could save as much iu pro-
f.Sm dollar you .pent
now there's a winter of work ahead- foi -Jg jug anywhere at' you will
ebcool time and lhat boy needs ; have on the little tbiaga here your
clothes. Let us do tbe worrying, savings would amount to Gometbirjg;
We've everything he wears- Clothes, ;ut an nicklc and dimes are the
-t. u i Ai- l- c foundation upou which by fortunes
Ohoee, Hats and I urnibbings. bend fire buiUj ,0lf mtj a8 well start the
ns his measuremente, or better still, . ttructore today by JayiDg in aeupply
bring the boy to the ttoro and we i of UXDEKWEAK, Mens, ladies, of
cnarantee satisfaction. childrens, none Detier, nou i
Every do'lur purchauo entilles yon
to R gUCSK
every garment a saving to you.
If we began now to tell you about one of our new Capes aud Fur Collarettes
each day, next spring would still find us describing them. Tiiats a bare
hint of the variety you'll find here, as a hint on prices you know our repu
tation is, not to be undersold.
Vi'ncc tl..y, M.75 atid iJ.CJ lcr day.
Stt'.idy m.i-loYittiit. Afjdy to The
iiooth-Kelly L-irobfr Cj , Saginaw, Ore.
E. 15. Jcnuir.i;?, !;o utarned from
Dosglaa caunty bst week, brouizbt 30
head of cj? will:, ar-d will engage
13 tho diiry b )tiub-s iu the Table Fock
precinct ou a lir- tcle. Jacksonville
if. W . Prunvr, a i rosporoua farmer of
the Hidd.e ptcciuc, is in loan acccni-
pauiii by his eon, Hilm. Mr. Prun-
er i icakio iirr.neaji nts for bi. eon lo
attend our public echo .'. during the en
suing term.
Aikeu vr Thira'.oi ra tv-ti y lhat al
vertisio paye. Iu dijij!i'iuu:ng their
little a 1 "tioits f .r Sib" -a the Plai.n
tit.vLKK Mr. Aiseu remarked that he was
I ein j overwaelnl with l.ters iu re
spouse Ij liie sn 1 t'.i u thoir goats
were all ss'.d.
G. V. Kiaiba". :u id5 a trip to tb emine
of Flint, Kite & iviaiball at Tuscel 4
this week lo lojk alter tli i progress of
deve'o?:iient work. II j jrcubt back
SJine vjry Cii t-peci:ucai of ere, which
carries copper, g l J aiidsitvor. A fifty
foot tunnel bas ju! Lcea ctni;dt. d.
Dan Dirklow, of ltrt'e P.!nt, arrived
iu t'jb city ith a l ack ljad cf asseng
gers WeJues lay evening. Littls Minnie
Urovn, oi Myrtle l'.i'ut, as among Ihe
nu.uler an 1 piooeeded ou to Oakland
this moruiog to visit with her grand
parents, Mr. aad Mrs. G. T. Ka3jell.
The scale of wagea f jr handling the
prune crop iu this county ia nearly the
eame as that of list year, tr.en employed
about tha cv.iporat.ra receiving from
tl.50 to J 00 per ilav. tirauersirom o
Cdnta to $1.50 p r day, anJ llu prevail
ing price for pickiu ia live cents per one
bushel box.
Samuel Corr.eliua, a uieuiber of tbe
Soldiers llonie, was v'iveu aa esamin
tion befoie tha cjnn'y physician Dr.
Hoover, Wednesday, and waa adjudged
iusane and comttiilted to the aeyium. His
mental derangem'.-nl is said lo le due to
fottcuiuij cf the br.iiu. He is also well
advanced iu years.
Mi:8 Kate Click, manager of Iuj W.
U. Telegraph aad Wells F;-r;a & Co.'a
cxpre otlicef, touk her dep.nture
Tue.-.1ay uiormnj for Upper Soda
SpringH, Calif., where biio oes to enjoy
a two wuek'a vacatioj. S. L. Hayes, of
Cjrvallir. i iu chire of t .e olfices in
Misa Duick'r idi.cucc.
Jyim Wiley, accompaniel by h
mother, returned foui Myrtlo Creek,
Douglas county, . u last Thura lay, after
a oioiith'd visit with leUtivcs and friends
at his oil home. John killed two deer
during his sojourn, lud a general good
timt mid returiH t ) Corvallia lo enter
the O. A. C. ai i full-fledged Junior.
Corvaliia Ml'.c.
We desire to call cpecial attention lo
the neat new i,d of Wm. Curriur, tho
grocer. Uol.c. p ii met.) froth stock of
Ptapie an J f amy grocciica and will be
found rery (Jjligiiig un 1 ucc iiiiudrtttug.
TliUJ our advi!rli-.'in : ii:cn-a - ua uur
Ctioulatiou ii:Cif.i-c.-i and e arc not cow
i j ell - d li olfer any special iuducoiueut
r'b:irg.iu cohiuiiib" tilhtr every cul-
u:uu f th.) Plainpsallu ia a bartfaiu
column lo Hit) advertiser.
Parents Will Find
At our store Everything in School wear
for boys and girls. We make a specialty
of wear resisting Shoes and Clothing
ior tne young people. We are exclu- is
sive agents for the Celebrated
Black Cat Stockings 1
tor Boys and Girls. The prices, as us- :S
ual are as low as they can be made on
high grade goods. Remember we have "35
everything in school wear forBo ys and 3?
Girls. Parents give us acall.
JaOi-io.i Jackson St. JOSEPHSON'S. 3
Roseburg Academy
Will reopcu Sept. n, 1899.
Classical axi
Preparation for college J:i specialty.
Thorough idBtrnctioa ia 31 hemat
ics, Latio, Greek. Vrench, German,
Hit-lory. English, Natural Hcierjces
aod Bookkeeping.
The school will re-open at
The Mm.ks Bulmnc;
ou Jackson St., Kosebnrg. Or ia the
rooms formerly occapied by Ji'dgo
Hamilton. Persons interested please
call on or address tho principal.
C. T. WuiTTLtsEV.
Ilot-eburg. Or.
UQico et Mrs. hitney V, opposite j
Court House. i
Family Groceries.
My stock of Staple and F.-jncy Gro
cefif.s is kept fresh aud new, and is com
plete, Fresh Vegetables. . Tropical and
common fruits constantly 011 hand. Large
stock of plain and fancy glass v. are going
at ccst to make room for new goods.
Cream Puff 16 oz. Baking Powders
for 25c. Produce taken in exchange for
....MRS. HI. BOYD.
For City Treasurer.
I hereby aoi.ounce myseli a taDdiUte !
for re-election to tbe office duty trtaa-!
orer at the election to be l.e'.l on Uct
2nd, 1 8'J9. ii eoaoii Caarv.
For City Recorder.
1 Lt itbv anDiiunt-A mtu!( a '
Ir-r re-election to the office of city record
er, at the election to be he'd on October
2od, 1SW. D. S. WcftT.
Roseburg Pharmacy
For City Marshal.
Silk t-lai for the Public Schools.
A ne tilk flag ia lo be port baaed lor
the public schools. The parcbace
money is being aobecribed by popila
and patrone.
Tbe fuUoaiog amoanta hTO beeo anb
acribed by Uo8 hc0 naibea are an
J S FiUboth 19, O V lien celt 25, U
W Untauk 25, F AV D.Uard 10, J H Mo
Curdy 10, AF Van Zile lO.Jakie
Noah 5, Floyd boggea 10, Loot ey I'n
tbiuk 5, Archie Dowel 1 5, Etta Lird 5,
Willelhe Retd 5, Veil Baiker 15, Elsie
Benedick 10, J B Ca field 10, Thoa Wc-
tVrtby 25, Fannie Campbell 20, Either
Tofft 20, Arthur TofTt 15, Johu TolTt 15,
Ed lie Morrs 15, 688814 Kidder 5, L R
Traver 50, total f3 25.
Theli.'t will be coc tit. tied nfst week.
Horses for Sale.
1 beicbr anntntae myttll a ciuJ'da'.e
for re-ekction to the office of city . mar
bal at tbe election to bebflJcn Oct-
nd, iSVX F. W. Fi llahii.
Ail eiBJca ititeroted ure beieby r.cti
fied that ceiil.ur I'. . Mrtiutrau, u ;r
any one has cr ever liad autbori't to
bind the I'rckrnd AcciJect Ius.irir.te
Company of Xe York. Nor any ptrson
now or never had authority to sign tne
name cf this firm to receipts or ether
documents. Morgan I'.kos ,
Pianos and Organs.
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drngs, Toilet Articles. Patent Metii-
ciup, Cigars. Sl&liocery. Toilet
Soaps, Paints snd Oil?.
photographic Supplier
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Pkle
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call aud Examine tLeui. --
f 0a40e-ge3ac a
The undersigned wlil be at iioeeburg
on or about Oct. 1st with 30 head of
gtod work abd raddle hereof. Some line
matched teams. Will be euld cheap fcr
caeh or approved notee.
L. JoNts.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given to all parlies
holding Dooglaa oonty warrants In
dorsed prior to and including March 10,
1 SOli, to present tbe same at Ihe treasurer's
office at tbe Douglas County bank for
payment, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of this notice.
Datedthia the lS.b day of September
lS'J.t, at the City of Rosebnrf, Oregon.
Gto. V. Dim hick,
County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or.
Light Work and Oood Salary.
I am increa'inif, my buVinei8 and i-h
to employ 10 more gentlemen aud six
mve lady atsiataoti o gol salary.
Call on or addree
Ms C. J. Armuaoe.
Rose'mrg. Or.
Beat bargains on ear;Li. I'.est pianos
in be world the Ch;ckeiios. ee one
fine 7 octave t'tino caee oruu. Prices iv
on all oar ijoj !a to t jit ti.e lime. Ourjj
IM 111 III....
lEstsWithed ia 1S77.)
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Eggs from the finest strains sent
ou short notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
prices are the Ioe;t for tbe ame grade
of goods ever eCe'cd in Dou'ae county.
We are also pgents for the peat Eilere
piano bouse at Pctlacd Or. Call and
examice our new large tock acd be
prices and term.
Kcseburjr. Or.
F"orest Grove, Or. J. M. GARRISON.
Sealed Bids
Will be received up to nxn Sept. '2$,
1S09. for tbe rent of tbe Dowlas county
fair grounds f r a period cf one year,
dating from Oct. 1. 1S'J9. Board Ti
erves (be rij;!)t to reject ary and all
For paaticukn 'iLq:iire cf II. V. Mil
ler, secretary.
For Infants and Children.
Be Kind You Have Always Bought
e of utfc?&CUi
- At
J. F.
'5 & CO
Mil W1I8,
Bears the
I If you see a man
S Loosing his Purse
You would surely tell him about it without
Mraiting for an introduction. Yc see you
loosing money everj' day by not buying from
us and must tell you at once, for our prices
are lower than any store here and the
counters are groaning beneath the weight of
bargains offered.
Bicycij Tires Repaired.
We are (jetting u linn vu!c i;ii.:'r uud
n ill soon bo prepared io mend n'l cutH
and uj:Ik'B in new r.nd oi l tiu-. Our
vuli:anitii iil Im fully guaranteed and
wo cnti put your old tiiea in od tluite.
Big Surprises in
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes, Fall and
Winter Goods, Skirts, Jackets, Mackintoshes
Furs, Men's and Women's Furnishing
Goods, Table Linens, Ouilts, Blankets. Ex
amine our goods and prices, aud convince
yourself that you can save money by making
your purchases at the C. I. K. STORE.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward
for any case of Catarrh that rannot be
cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. ToleJo.O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 13 vears, and believe
him perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by their
WesUfc Truax, Wholesale .Druggist,
Toledo, O.
Waldini:. Kinnau & Marvin, Whole
sale DrUBgists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal
ly, acting directlv uixm tho blood and
mocuna surface of the svstem. Price 75c i
m-r bottle. Sold tv all diiiiTcists. Test. 1
Greatest of All
' Kvcry oi!!- in Antonio. Texas, sys
lhat A. lii r ' l.:! liU Keiurily is the greatest
ioIiL. bniiicbllK :
irou; ;!.! ar.i'iioi. I1
havi-'tx.i .o !u it owr lour
,'.V-t - ... J J IT I
I yoarsforall hrtii i'f tbrvut and luii trou-
l'U-. unit li.ive y t to conic srnws a -ae
v lu iv ii t..:U.I. V bavc four little ini"i in
ur family, ami r.t iilu r my wile mr 1 luivo
evor Kt :i ni-tu p Ihhmusc uf tbrvut trod
Miiamw t'u.V.ilUii ii. 1 sut-a that is mora
! than an ctinr f.imily cm say. Acker"
I t-'ru.-'isli tS'm.'iiv M.'tr..flv.. IN. -..
ii - t i. .... I 1. . : ( . .i ....... c.. v..
i r i n may VTivii uui ia tain j uj people a tor t!:e yourc It scvni ti
Tl.. re ie one little iuaxi;u
T.' at now I wil: name.
Thsu rit'hea or fame.
Ail t!'usn who will heed it
iio.ul appetite lii.d,
Stiouc nerves, rosy cl.ecks.
And vior o! mitiii.
U wiil biiuieli dysprpsia.
Uluiiuiattos :;nl tout.
That Tired Keeling cauvi'r,
Drive ecrdnla out.
Aitil here tho maxim
I a i.).m in Hire
Tko llo(i.r SaiatHiilla
Anl keep yonr bivxl pnrel
I Mnu'lit to tne fla.e w lietv ttie troiille hx-i
' in tho throat ami bronchial tuK"s an.l lun.
; tt soothes and heals tiio initatol tissues
j lo.keps iqi i!;e phk-in aiul lmuus in th
i breathini; ;asae-., i(;;ie:s the nerves, invii:
' orates the constitution anil stops tho cougti
ins. My ad ice to parents is to always kit i
i :i Kit lie in llie house, it will he a constant
i isatcKual jiu:iin-t enmp." (Signed)
! t'Ai. .iMMKUMAN. San Antonio, Tex,
t .'oO.. v. a:.d a Nil! It", thrtiuhonllfc luttnt
4a. ff-L If y-itl :e uol sattstU-tl a.UT buying. rUUB Um
hot ik to ilru.iKtst j;i1 gv-t jour iuoucy baefc.
I.V rt'iJ. '"u iAir o;(-!irra.V,
H". V'Wh'ZH C ., 7V.Vfr !, .V, vt
For s Uc hy M. l' Rappt