NEW GOODS LOWEST PRICES Three Large Shipments i - mean prices house complete. THE PLAINDEALER i-ubiisuci Monday u i iuy- Tncl'I.MSUEA.LKK I'VBLIMIINU O. i i K. I. STRATKOBK v. CONKER, I. L.KTRATFOKD.. -I'ul,;"',,tri Msr aiid Xu'llot' SabMcrlptlon thir Year - r-t Months three Mouths... Knit. --' lft' ' SEPThMHkK IS, l&n. Aui:iean hist-rv afford no it.s'.anee uf the success of a iur:y cjijdu :;ed to puil tioin tbe flig or to renounce toiritory gained br treaty. Witiiaai Jtnninrt Bryan fayS he as . . "i f m i i.r ."i r-n.T.i ... . .. uv u . -- ' - " voters in ist. Jj woaoer ie op-, ivjeed ta nalional expansion. Register . A 1 li.... I. a j Mm.rtt..l ... . ., . .- . .... . : . , " - . L : I - .i .. :k ; Ia lnn ipmKrl Thp idea that the lob : . " ' conld be left nnfiniibe l baa never tc-1 rorrf d to Lsewey. ; , . . , A leadins basinesa man said to editor of the Renew one d.y this w,ek: I do not see how any man in b:isi- , ness in liosebur- can affjrd n-rf have an advertisement in the Heview." Oh, that is plain enough, nembborl 1 be v can afford it brcans an i in tbe: ee:ui-weekly Plaisdesler itives tbem 1 better results. The OregouUn bso wed pleased with Secretary liootV decision regarding : the embarkation of the Thirty-fifth iegi- ' meot at Portland, that i printe-1 a large j pictnre of tbe distinguished secretary of ; war on its first page. The Oregonian evidently has a better opinion of Mr. I Boot now than wbeo it declared a short ! .... iiu.. -. time ago that he would be a "parasite of . parasite. j f . j Toe big and little of tbe Oregon cam- paign in Lnzon were eneial nu mers u,t" I and his little spotted war ponr- The year. Will not these facts furnish a general tboogbt so much of bis f teed fresh grievance, also, for some of your that be leit him ia the rear in charge of Christian expanstoniits? Review, an orderly when there was husi- How would tbe Review wipe cut joly n ess a the front. AVhenever the gener- j gamy in the Philippines. By destroying al came on the line on foot arrayed in a j the Sulus? That ie Lot the American bine skirt, tbe boys knew Ihne was! serious boiioees ca hand. The popuhet Cuquilie Herald of last wnek contained a etroug ? article in support of anti-imperialism, Atkinson, Aguinaldo, et al. What are the Caci county populists going to d j about it? We remember quite well that the p;po lict central committee of that county met in special session at Ccquiilc City only last spring and paestd strong rteo lutione favoring expansion. Can it be that ' Old Whiskers' of the Herald is ft'iog to "bolt" tie party in Cjo? Here's hot stuff for tbe "aunties." In one of Dallas' bosinee Louses the o'her evening, saya tbe Observer, a num ber of citizens were difcasaing the ques tion of expansion or anli-cxtausion. Puring the convtrsation a well-known citizen, who, by the way, is a prominent !emccrat, dropped in, and wes almost immediately asked if he ae opposed to expansion, ''Oppoaftl t expansion !" be exclaimed ; "what's the ose of talking aboot that now? Why, darn ir, man, we bave already ex pawled. That question is eetlled." The popaiist Coquille Herald says that at a meeting cf the populist central com mittee in Coquille City last week it was "decided to make a clean fight at tbe coming campaign atd without 'en tangling alliances.' " In other words tbe populisU oi Com county as in Jack son. Douglas and other portions of tbe state hare had all the fusion experience with tbe democratic party they want and are folly dieguHed with the "an ion" proposition. They will hereafter go it alone for weal or woe, preferiog principle to office seekeis only. Tae Portland O.-rgonian and Roseburg Flaisdealek now refer to Adui'ral George Dewey, as "Auntie" Geo. Dewey because be opposes McKiuley's policy of "benevolent aeaocivion." ICeallr it will detract in a large measure from the pop ularity of tbe hero of Manila to be ex posed t-t tbe earcastie trusts ot these brainy editors, who are so much better posted than be upon the Philippine question. Roeeborg Review. Tue Roeeborg Review ues. It edi tor is a disgrace lo the professi ;ti. We defy the physical and mental pigmy to produce one line or one particle of evi dence to substantiate tbe above state ment. We bave always insisted that Admiral Dewey ie practically in accord with the administration's Philippine Policy and we are sti 1 of the same opin ion, the reputed interviews uf the y. How journals to the contrary notwithstand ing. A wan who would willfully and maliciously manufacture such a con temptible falsehood ae the above con tained in tbe Review of last Thursday, is a disgrace and a reproach to humanity. He is lees than a nouentitj a mere wart on th t.iil-pn J of nothing. RICE & RICE, The House Furnisher, ROSEBURG, OREGON. Direct from Eastern factories, received in the last ten days. Goods bought in large quantities mean low prices for the consum er. That is our proposition. JJo Wise Buyer. Can oossiblv overlook our Bargains. When we say Bargains we not duplicated by any firm. The only store in Southern Oregon that carries a complete line of House Furnishings. Send us your orders can fill them. We solicit your correspondence. Very Encouraging Signs. 0j a (e 0j tll A merit au O i all sides tlie eyes of the people are gladdened by the UUtiiitlak- ! able sLjni of prosperity. Lbor audi capital are both Joins wed. Not .s it' ,oce ,n lue TVOrlli wf buein83' of l'rl'ti- j caltfTorl. that good time6 reitn. Ourj ; country is doiiitf linely from a political: M well as a material iioiut of vie. The "Wot Id" present a lew tiuili-; C - U fcta wi,ici, demonstrate thie "The ' democratic party,'' tbe "World' points , out, for the first time in its hit-lory has : ouly two United Slates senators from all tb J north, east aud west. U has lost : control of the tenate for eix rears t0!river nD( i(a tr,,u!ar.l8 to eid miuea,', 'come. ' the undersi.-ned iiifiiiVrs of the j . xiae no sove.nore .e.. - .. . i.r. :.. north. Four of tbesiat-s carri-il l-y ; fusion lor lryau have Wt'U riciaimeu i nd are firmly held by the republican.; And Kentucky, I he ouly stale regained j nv i n. nuniiii'rdiM miii.k irvtt. i.r ir to., iu r --J ."v ; be reclamed m t-Tfmlr. i Tbia is an exhibit which intelliseut j ' Americans may well read with unalloyed j :...r.r -e.. .t.i:- t a.r i fat:eUctiou. Aims uecline, noi 10 say ; iil. (, r,l... , rurlr rrP me imi, '.i iui- usmtiiiaiK. iti i j uu n: , CjD8eloenl PrJ ol republican Pn-i pies is gUlef a capital thing for tbe I ni:e J I i or nisiory reacnea mat me repuoac- an party :s aa it Kinays iiao a staunch and ever faithful cbatupion of . , , , governnieDt of the people, by the people and lor Le people. fbi demociatic par.y, on the olher hand-but it would be ungenfrous to .. hen it is so decided!- down. Let us be content to be thank ful for the faet that tbe times are full of encouragement, in pontics as in other ; fields, New York Mail and Expree. Time and Energy Wasted. i Th Snliis ininrifw mora than a third 0f jj the Philippines. Their peacefSI, cheerful submission to the United States ,reeu grievance with non eiTpccsion- HUF. 1 LAiSDKALEB. ...... , And these Moslem are accept j J as cit- iKM 0f ine l oitbed States, tbeir po!j- gatsous religion guaranteed the protec- tion of our flae, and their sultan, who I sports a grand harem, placed on the wn.inn rn'l In tl.a tnnj. of S?0 00t) a policy. It is our duty as a na'ioo to j teach them better things, ins t i'.l into tbeir minds and hearts loftier ideals and grander, nobler citizenship. We can ed ucate tbem out of polygamy but to ob literate it by any other method w ould be impossible of achievement. While as a nation we have put tbe stamp oi disapproval upon polygamy in oar own land it neverthe'ees follows that we have in Roberts of Utah a poly gauiiet who expects to have a scat in tbe United States Senate. The Review has material for anti-polygamy editorials much nearer at home. We believe tbe Sulua wiP, in time, yield more graceful ly to monogamy than Lave our Utah brethren and all this eickly sentimental listn about palyga.rj.ous Su'uj is time and eneigy wasted. Eigere Rcie ter. Governor Geer on Trust. Governor Gei 'a opinicaii KgirJ to trusts is in line with that of all thought ful, obtervant business men, says the Oregonian. In stating a belief that trusts deal w ith problems that will ad just tbeaiielve before any legislation looking to their control can be formulat ed add applied, he echoes tbe gencial sentiment of all who are couveriant with tbe workings of the laws of trade and their basic principle of detuand and s ip ply. A number of tbe meet unwieldy of these frusta bave already "ialieu to tbeir own weight," aud there are abundant indications of rrxre to follow. In the meantime, as cittd by '.he gov ernor on the basis oi the greatly im proved commercial and industrial con ditions, as compared with those of six years ago, when trusts were few, theee organizations have, nut proved disastrous to tbe public interests. Tersely stated "the peopie have been and are more cared than burl." If tbe trust proves an ulcer up m tbe commercial body or the industrial body, it will be slouched .1T by natural pro cesses governing thofe distinctly organic structures. This is a reasonabic aud a comfortable view of the subject, but one which the professional politician looking ahout him for a campain ieauj ia not likely to ac cept. It seems a though the most eiri ou charge tbe opponents of Hon. Dinger j Hermann can prefer againet him is the! exfuded naud and cordiol greeting ie- served for frie id or f- try tin genial, wbole-soul-d gentleman. A very serious charge iadeedl It is a family character-'. j8tic. mi NiW that the euipmem of peaches aud , aod bartlett pears is about ended for tbe! season, hundreds of boxes of tomatoes ; aie. lwingt-bipped from thia city daily. We Furnish Your House Complete. We can furnish jour we PLTITION I OR A SUi LY. Board of Trade to Consider the Matter 1 Editors that Persist in HaKms Hon of Authorizing the Survey of a keyset Themselves Road to Bohemia. i'o Hun. T. I". Mieiidan, l'n si.leni l'uard of, KoseiiU'c Sir: eh 'n; wuiild Ie of great importance to the fay of Kose- burg and laugias eounfv j;er.erai!y lit : v- have a apon rjad cons'ructcd from Koseburt: to the Bihra n minis au I that a .ractical r -n-e f ,r s .id road could ; be 1-x-ated from tbe termm.H of the .res- ; enl couutv roid, up tht? North Unnpia ' Hoard ol 1 rale anJ tit..i ol Kmmh. anj vicinity, herct-v reM'tiuliy a-k j ,liat ou Ci t nit-eiiuj: of thrj Caard of j xri,U at the eatlitst psiLIe date, to':ar. Let a i;.od s'aed b-dy cf tl' illto cone.jeMti03 ,lie advisibilitv of renj,1D on V" YIT; "tJ, ittZ ! ' a ' i . . . ... . . . . . .... tiuj-iojliig a lumiccui euiiriw miu and ; eDciLeer to at once survey out a route an(J repo,t ..he tesull of hU liadings toibe urcreary anJ t prcviJe Wk,tDB for ,t,e .ltce.. j uiainUinir.g t! ' . .. ' CCOld be i . h.l .... Tfuna- i .a.i TllJlt thi., our regies: may receive your favoab!e contideration and . ... . :.. Coshow & Sheridau. Aiteil Aurai-aui, , j D Hamilton, F. A. n, F. A. McCall, Kficw 1 F (isz'ev W C 1 a.r- 't.i.ej, ... 1 r.,t.ecrge Carpy, 1 A.J Publi-hing Cj., Hildebrand, J . i-. i - .... i. t' r ' - : Zis-ler, I'. S. K. Bai-i, Ja. m, t burn, W. 11. Janiies-m, I. F. liice, Fish er & Bellows, John 11. Shupe, A. Marsters, J. F. Baiker Co., K. L Par rot, T. K. Ki' harJtor, Wo'.lenberg Bros., Churchill A Wooliey. 15. W. Strong, 1'. S. Wes, M. F. liapp, Fletcher & Beam, ,C. W. Parks, John Hunter, J. A. j Bacbansn, A. M. Crawfcrd, C. . Javk ' son, Plaixdeilek Pobli?hicg Co.. Oeo. ! M. Brown. In cotcp'.iance wi;h atove leanest a eicial meeting cf the boatd aiil be held at Marks & Co.' store ruo:u, Tues Jjy, Sept. ICHh. at S o'clock, p. rt. Al our citizens interested in development of tbe county are earnta'.ly rei-Jes!ed to attend. T. U. SlltKlOAN, 1). S. K. Buck, President. Secretary. Wilson Bill s. Dingtcy Tariff Tbe grain ba; trust l.i raided the ... r.t 4.i tn .,,t. I.... Mr),;. I, ih farmra"wi!l have t,iKta .,l an',1 thr is a possibilitv that the price will n higher. F2xchaD;e. Tbe direct result o : : ,e beautiful " pro- tjie urgtst possible ti casure of home tective" tariff whi. 'i the Oingley bill;.. ,, .,.,,., i ,u,nv placed on rai-i tags. Roseburg Rs- j view. Tbe graia bag tru jt i j a Calcutta iusti tutioa an I Ivyou I the reach of any leg Ulaliou or caatrol ai oir part. Tue price of the bags are fixed f iure. There are thius oa which the tariff might be taken oil", and the republican, or pro tection party basnet been slow to act opou it. Tue (tolic; is Ij admit tree things that our people cannot produce. We cannot produce burlap aa J iha tari ff is revenue proiuciuj, which a deun cralic administration tuiJe r,eocsary raiher than protective. Bat by doesn't our sprightly democra'ic contemporary, published in the prune bait, attack the j ttnilon pruuea? lue protective policy as a wbola ha? proved of immense ad vantage to this coan'.ry, thiuh there are instances where the Diugley law, a; ail laws, nrbtb3 improved. It is, how ever, baa I and shoilJera above the Wit son law, the democratic declaration on the tiriff. Fores. Grove Times. As an oa'.come of tbe trust conference closed Saturday at Chicago, action looking toward the formation of anti trust organizations in all sections of the ! country was tak-.n c. a meeting of dele gates to the trust conference opposed to trust held at the Sherman bouse in the evening after the ad journment of the trust conference. The meeting, which was largely attended, effected a temporary organization, aud an executive committee was appointed to build up tbe organization in 1I parts of the country, and to arrange for an early anti-trust convention, whLh it waa an nounced in to be national in ecop3 au I nonpartisan in character, is to ba amal gamated with the National Anti-Trust League. A meeting of the executive committee will be held tomorrow, and plans for perfecting the organization discussed. Motion to Dissolve an Injunction Ak we go to press the case of the Bo hemia miners, G. G. Warner, Edward B. Leigh uud II. D. Langhlin, plaiutills, vs Chas. Braneau, P. J. Jennings aud R. J. Jennings, defendants, is being argued j bfltjie Judge Hamilton, the case con stituting a motion "of defendants for an order tor the ilicsolutiou ol a preliminary injunction. Plaintiff arc represented by Attorneys Coshow .V Sueiidan and F. W. Bjubou, tbe defendant by Attorneys A M. Crawford, J. S. Medley, W. B. Ueyburn and A. C. Woodcock. Later, the above case was argued, sub- mittsd and taken under ndviteiuent by Judge Hamilton. Hulyau cures sleeplusnieiB, bad dreams and nltiht sweats Fifty rents all i drugj-'islH. (let your. SCHOOL SUPPLIES jteAt Marsters. We have a Complete stock of TEXT BOOKS and the Finest Stock of SCHOOL TABLETS ever brought to this city. Our Prices are Right. . . . A. C. MARSTERS & GO. MAKLS ONI: WliARV. Only abhoil lime Mine lh-- Mleiu Hiput.t.t t'apital Jourua' waytd to out l ne a Pnilippiue olio fr !hc Iiatiou to ptireue, and at the mttffati.n las unforluiiately oveilookeil by 1 resi .. . i .. . 1 : . . ' II. I I...- ... LI J I1 HI I I t : i ..." ; iui juiMuir,iui: -- - - cra-ie liev u o' this tify calls the a:itn- li,.., i.fiii itduiiiiiHraliou to a pjixy oItliueJ ,,v l!e very br,loy t.j;tor which ' a iatUiriUUliy U'ing abuot a .eaeefoi . ,,.: , ,,; .i..,, i. i0l!T i ruj!eul The proof htet o: the ,. . . " . i;iln,ia .... t-1 , , ,. lliKLl lA iie ,,tuai iLem. which null te tulbcic. l io pt.t a ttop tt tt.e reti.t , 1U CI U llif Ul IC tVII U. i - oiiiircpliallt J t?JCil a l'ii ol IhetJ- toms' uveuu io meet he t-xret.n- f is aimv fiiPii li.c ar ty ; J a- would IS- : could te wi.ii'i'. ar. j ' a-.-. suredoiti.e lr.ei.-l-hip the Kiapinjs, j ! and iciven the ti'-t -...u.v tt Heir trade, a r. a aatntAiums - mi, !:l a iitiatcvl ci ncmi'ial pro'e.tora o ..virtho new i.a-i : linn !,. v, i.t Kr.-:Jfi eiiira.iuini or Admiral '.ner aiid ah well posted stoden'a ol t'.e hulI.oo. ... i .i,,..,i .,,.! a l.'an bava time anJ a,tn on.Uued su- n a p ao 1 . r -c;(jar . I p " , ..jdeat of tbe l' i u. ippoe reace romm ci m, ....... 1 rfc-ftntlf r-iiril li.nue iroai juaiu.i and Who is prcriiaVv iirlf as we',1 po-t i eJ on thi sdauiiti i j tin Pii;hpp.n- as I is Mr. Fisher of the Kev;-w sijs. "Tne j p.vci oommietioa offered essry in lute- j tneutihoitof a' s jlfaeseii-govercnientto) Agaitaldo so I his fj'.'.oaers. Aguica.doj was promised as the piio for the restor ation of peace in the Tagai brilo a b-.uo of more than t-VWO a year while the Ta-j S-.i.i.m, ur , l'i - - Mtr, ,i .,-r als remained peaceful. He t lf t lat recr sve . the f .!! ii :g ftlf-exj,". n -that he could diojse men Iroai bis tribe i atory me..-g if-n: A-ijutar.".--..;-.era' fjr the minor municipal iHK'es. Tae commission went so far a to promise Aguinaldo the moral support of tbe Foiled Stales covernment, is sucb were needed, to make I. is lea'Ursbi of the I Tagal thoroobly secure. "With all these inducements, tempt I ing 'bey mcst have been, Agiiitia'.uo. j as the recogniz-ed Lead of the intersect j movement, declined to yielJ. He tn jsinted upon immedia'.o eelf-governmeat, and aa lua mstauce was to firm as to malic an atreeu;eut iuipLSib!e, the Amcricat. co:n-aiiio:iers ceased negotu- ' lions. "I favored giving to the various tribe ' the several tribes could aJiLiniitir their local atfairs, tied their municipal ofli csrs, cstablieb court and penal institu lioos, etc., bat I do cot believe it -.wsi-ble to allow tue natives I ) participate in the general government. "How cojld they govern the islau ls, in view of the httregeiiei'v and multipli city ol the tribes and prevent some k-rc-ign power fioiu stepping in and taking possession of part if not the whole aioup . . . . i ox isiauas i ! It will be remetubereJ that the R-.- view rcceutly publi-hed ihe New York World's interview w ith President man in which Le stated that be and AJ mital Dewey were exacliyofooe a cord on the Philippine pi(stion, hence, fioiu tbe above statement it can be plainly seen ho the great admiral stands on expansion. Mr. Fisher should for the sake cf his readers post up a little and quit making a donkey of himself. Elkton News. Weather pleasant. All Likton is picking hops. M. Harrick of the Gardiner cannery, passed down from Portland this week. Misj Minnie HarJctibrock went to Gardner this week to cotk in the El more cannery. E. M. Simpson, the lainber prince of thecoast, passed thiough Elkton, accom panied by his son. Jud-e Lyon's brother, J. G,, came don . toElktoaon t'ae ltJ.h. We ander si . . : he is to locate. AL;:.) Mamie Palmer, who isclctkug in the custom house in Portland, is vis iting her parents in Scottsbntg. Rev. Archbishop Christie, Father Henericks, cf Beaverton, aud Father Levesque, ol Roseburg, stopped a! Klktoo on their way to Gardiner, Marshlield, Ban don and ether parts of Coos county. Si 11STITUTE. Slwep-sl.rr.rlii:. Iij llnelilnery, T!.n ! hi !; sli'.tri;:;r e, t'i inicnl tlmt is In Ir;; ti ;! in Syt-iinuirf. 111., is pr.;v hif,' Mici-issfiil, siiys the St. I.oui (ilolH-l)(.:iii.iit. A giiMiliue engine of four runs ten clippers, which she;ir on an iiverage I.OUUhluep :i day. One of the (id va Hinge of the c.pc: inient is that ubout half a pound more wool is realized from each ahecp. The test will be given to 15,000 bheep. The sheep ure sheared, the wool tied and packed iu large sacks holding sev eral hundred pounds each nnd ready for bhipincnt at once. The bucecss met with iu this experiment will revohi tioaizu tho tbeei-!.hcririiig business. H makes no different' how bad tho wound if you use DeWilt'n Witch Hazel Salve ; it will quickly heal and leave no near. A. C. MAltSTEKS & CO. Pointed Paragraphs IVsucmsioii i- nine B'ld the atlulllfv ti fee wiitil" of ll.o law, is the It ir li. Tin- -rid tin m-tf t har.'t . f r IojJ u.eti than it i.ut fur is.i n !r are da 1 I broke. Seine, people kwi Ih i -i.l4 h i-o i.'', ! t!it they .loii't ..rk anv I ir I', re I it ; lt-furo i.r tlirett aii-r. . r.very Wcj!i :i lui .viiii . . j vo'in.-' r in : n.- l.jl, mi lh'4l I.. me .i... ..... ,, ,i , ,. A !"''J-.V ,',"-,', !-"-!-" e! i.eaitat ,nr .-w.m-r.iy femi-;iuwtioit ' " "t:b tiat atap.ii (:: ' n. '. tb" l'l.i'i.eluii s'.' ' and aiii.i r..i.;- tiifin, rimticatitljr tj pi: ou cli-k i ! ;s li.'e ! . : : d ; H,c al.oie cUfcs inttattt: - Thc ju.u l :i t.'' . : ., i ... . tltKC UMI tat M I . a. (t -. 111 I. HI. retired !-i ri'e t (Say the otLcr dy . ' ll,e epapti was n.;t;i.; ii, and l.rre is the r- Jl' : 1 d;:l lu-jv ff!i.M Ci!lJ !j !e ill l.e i ef-:i . bo., , alJ, ' m't ;hirk I. 1 d r I e thrill :'t io-. i.u' in.- to hay i . ir an I t-di'u ir.'j! n ll.,- ; I tLirk i . r? k -s jc'J I, ,, (.. 1. o. e i f !!.- n. iii t,rr a i r. an I s'a..-l ia a'er the II oj. as.l i..n i;iuf u.. au 1 sr. the u :i 1 . thifg u;r, td i.i b-t-fi b-r er,r stn-e I d .ni thi. H . , n; ..1 I f.,.ir .j i a jfi I ,i- alid r i,r p a r ' U-;il .-... . -. ar.. is a ii.ihtv p-.r 'an. 'J. :' U" t! -:it i:n i- r -:. ts.e U winter, d. t wear uo sjks, ai.d i' l-.aMi'; ai I I a!ci; i u inttv e y.r?." Cac (jets to bi .V.aj-jr Corbin: "Your tcli-iaui of Sj.!tuiin r 1.1 reti.x-mendii-g t.'ap'.ain R. F.. la: fjr cj -; pointnaeri'. as captain in ti,e c-!Mi.tu-:s j vice Ca'e, drdincd, hs ttva i ceived An crder irsur-s today f. tl.eapi :u'.:i:.. ;,t j ofJ.F. t iseastnajjr wf voluuteers, and,) of course, this i. I leave no vs ia y !r r.-. ! your sa!e. ; m Todas Market. 1'vi.iLtMi, 17 pl. yi'-- ' fi -, IS cents per dor. B'iller Best dairy, " .'" Jj. ; ; v creamery, li)."iUc fvi r-.'il. Poultiy Chickens, mixed, J..'.0 ; .;.. . Prunes -lu'.ian - silver, extra . tboi.o, 4.- V-t per lb. Wheat Walla Walla C " -j-'..'-: 'al- ' l?yj(); biUeJtctn til. . Oat White 4J-I-.. ilimre :'?, ' 4.' i.W per buebil j Miilitutl Bran, jlj ; Wild-iiiis : shorts, i lo.ifti ; chop. tlO.Xl per lju. j Hay Timothy f davcr. ?', : Oregon wild bay, f j - 1 per ton. ; Woo' Yailev, !)' !-c: Katttrn t're ! gon, s tJ, Mohair, 2i ';kh j Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 7o'--N)i tiarnet Chile, l .VJ i f I. 7i ; ue l.'Wj vjl. r SA'-k. J Bicycle Tires Repaired. We are getting a fine vu! audi wiil soon be prepared !o meed aM cuts! andgashesin ill lire?, tl'ir! vulcanizing will be folly guaranteed and we can put your old tires in good shape. T. K. Kicman-o . i Wanted : men for lumber yard.! skiircal, logging and eatv milt i 1 Wages ?LoO, l.7o and .'.O0 tr day. j Steady employmtut. Arpiy to The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co , Saginaw, Ore. Mr. Alfred Clarke, of llitc. wan, Manor Co., Iowa, has bceu the niotli- c er of lour children. Now she say : I am nNiut lo become a mother -... ! f lia-c lee n trvrnb- ij I led with morn- I I "Itg kac ami j 1, not cat anv break- ' f at ; ixit two uay ! airo 1 lvan takine vra.r h',.v.irit I're. ' . II I script ton ' twii-c a Jay. j ll a tear"x''ul at a 'f , time, and 1 am pleased had a vomitiiiK pell for V tivo munmiCH.' The "Favotile Pre scription " relieve morn ing sickness and the other discomfort! of the period preceding motherhood by purifying the whole system and by strengthening and mvigonuitiK me .sjm' cial orentiH involved. Morninj; sickmss is due to the effort of nature to remove from the body every bit t,f impurity which might o(Nel the health of il-.c little one lo come. The direct eiur'e of tin- tian rca i-i an init.ition of the tu rves of the femi nine!. hi-!i h a v e a j 1 1 i- 1 1: tic connection with liio nerves f lire Mnveach. ' Tile " l-.ivorite i'lr ..ct iption " s oe h li ui ity lo the fi t of the r.otihle, roothes the nifilni itcivti and hiinc'i comfort t once. It is a sale medicine to take. It contain no nl cohol. opi n m or other ilatiKeioui ' arug. it cuntams no Miirai or sivtur. It aiu the ilicej- tion and i a jen- i ui n;tltll tolllf, while It act directly and sttongly on the rmr pt cial txt of organs, i ii'rttf; i it'll 1 1 I "V . - 1 ft 3 V:i f 1 SrS! "7" , fa 1 sh- . f j TIMING'S FURNITURE STORE Is The Place ; Neic : u ill; .i !U!t !'!' 1 ! CIS h beM'l uve olll Voni 5s- ill ill ; Ke up and 'brand v.k "lhe:U uarai iked line of .-. lmihi. Lo jIs, etc. 1 J.iiill 'i i X I'.'k I .-. els J i-r-.ttv j rack--. : I that aic .in-.t lieaj 1, See " u a r )-t oiui u;ih 'a it wili c:ellt !' it. iod CiUe . aU'.l .t. diner :uake Have .at 1 'Tis Delightful to am ! .v ti , ; 3B - f , - ; K Dler ikcatiic you know that it is the STRONGEST, EASIEST RUNNING MOST DURABLE BICYCLE MADE. They Sell at the Reasonable Price of $40.00 A. C. MARSTERS & CO. 0 The Chief Charms 1 v.v -i....? . . A ' " article. -, " Call aud exxiniiue our eutircj slock of Staple and Faucy Dr3' all tiiai is new and up-to-date at specially attractive! (. lOi'ib, prieo. Mail orders solicited. Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MARTIN, 'Phone iMain iSl. Triumph Prune Grader l'ov Green and dried Pruucs. Compact, Practical, Accurate. Send for circulars and testimonials to WALTER MORLEY, Patentee aud Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. 11 I OFFER The Semi-Weekly Pi.ain DKAl.Ek and The Week ly Oregonian, both one year ;..x The Semi-Weekly dkaleu and the Sunday, S. F. Bulletin 3 pages both one year Two papers for the price of one. All three papers oue ve ar tor 5 -CO flakes the food more delicious and wholesome 7Vl KWl WafWII CO.. WW VfWW. To Buy Furniture. I "M lion bed-; to suit all comers tanging in price from 54.25 up. Our line of Carpets aud Wall Paper can't be beat they are fresh aud new and up-to-date in .styles. e sell uv-w goods, not old , VflXMlS lOr llfcW and gUarantCC, . theUl aS VC repr?CUt t llC M.;c!,riiatU.ofl.c-n often-: ay Kemeciber our mottc, - "Honest values and goodjNotice Ooods." ...B. W. kiiii: a Bicycle, ( a Shirt Waist, i?. the charni Xoveltv. It will interest you toj If TbijThe Home Baker,-' "snap" aud style of our garments j 701 Oak Street, Opposite at our usual low price are giving ; Central Hotel. t;s astonishing bus days on thisjpMc.h u t c - - WALLENBERG BROS. Props. AMY OME WANTING Fruit Graders, should buy the MOjIITOR. I It has been iinpnil'an. N the be.-t iiiaebine. mi tho market. It fpparatos i the iruit without bmiin i.r uiu.'-hing it aii'l witti great rapunty. Inquire ol ROBERT POWELL, Wilbur, Orvgsi. ("lp) Sleeplessness, uiekmholia. stouiacn ! paius, heart trouble.. All druggist, 30 cents. Hud yan cures. Roseburg Bakery. WHITE, -f GRAHAM, AND RYE. 4. BREAD m also All kinds of Pic.;, Cake and Cookies. H. HANISCH, Prop. Notice For Publication. t'.iTti M rr. I.iMj iirtf I. N'fioe i I r:'j? ;i:n ti.l in ernj-iiatice miii t?.r pro i;ti "1 li.e tl ( CmjrrCT A Jur. 3. tvt, tii'lll'! -An a- t 1-it tij f'yi llnib'-r Uivl '.n It." ?.la'. ! Ch!oru.a. rt""- JOHN K. HA.'K, i'llGr:. cjny "t Jfvph.uK. 'r .I : OreifoD. ha thU !y iM In tti: !:-- bi irvrorn 'Utiuc!.t rl, !'jr tor yn f iimf. ul tl.r : "V. 'i t mkIiou No. 1-. :n luwaiii; . Z1 r. miiC 'J. . SUJ i.l 1 I MJ 1 tbe Uiwl ouirtt U ire ri-iiie fer tlmtr or iib Uiaa lor iti;:uri pari-w, awl ti J cU.ia to !! :n-l Otiiif. tL K Ulrr and fc rjr u! Vii ofii- r at k.eliij. Urec".!!. 69 Fri.iar the ''jib dy ol tThrr. . nri Mu:r.iiui. uaot ADjanda:: i.oa riwn 1(:j the - .t..-. ....a i....;. Mir- r,n-i.i to ? ' liir i lit Octolrr, ' J. T. BKIIEs. f.rtt-Ti for I'ublication. 1'jjTti, !riii Iao Urrw.i, ' U-t;8:. Onrcvo. !vtiter J. J"t'? i 'otx: U b!j r1" taat ! Ijj:."iii nuiH -tC-; :. iik-1 0'x " bitiji?!!; U" ! mite fcnal i-iirf in iprtof t;. r!m aat a i that ii ir iU br made ir tbr btf 1it ' ar.-l ItcceiTtr, f. S IjkI trce at Uttlwr?, ! Oma-a, oti .JWobrr ST, 1.. W -; bTZVHZS CHAFJIAN n bi U E. No t;c. the ('. -: ?. ' l.t 1. fc lfc Tp. Z. e. K. W'-. Uic aazon t. fi;i'-w.Dg t tr.r bi -9o; . r4iiliK ja auJ e;i'i'uo nt, -31 iaiyl A- a. Saiitti. N, H. Rod. Z Ptuaui HerVrt : Hani, a.'l vt UaiZas'l. trwr.'B. ai.:-i Notic For Publication. tl-uUtcd Iract UBIIC LkSO SA1X Cjitza Stth L& Ormi Kvoctsrc. Oit5'i. VOIIcL U IltEJEBY OlVES THAT IX inuM cl iauractlbiu Imi C"aa ; rsimioaeiol ibt ni Lajad Ofi-. ah-Vr a- IfcoritT T-rl In h:m trt rwe-ooa Itii V h. Her. ' fatat.. aa amc2&ol l tS art o (.c-osreiH ay-,fm-.r4 tebr&arr -. "til (Mwi : to t-Sri at fat,ac awe on te l.'ib (lay (OlA'jjr-?. W--. ai th tv to- alaj : ir t .A to wit: IjA i, -ve. 1 K. 1 ( Aajr asil ail rUii..:r,s ayi.erKly I t a'.iT-de.r.iJ iaatia are re-jt..' 10 ttjc tieir ais la Ui:a eScc ca ot helve .lay 1W1 e 4-i4nal-i x bt c-nBXje?BKBl .! -a;4 i olhtra i thetr rittt wi;S UxfrHtA- 'ily 1. I'.". j.i. Br.:uE-- J. H. Ki.Til. Kl-t-. lUfHt.r. ,I1. Notice For Publication. I jrtTlt JT.IS" Iid wmi, "!' t- Iw-rrt-y riti-a toas the Inuuwlnf- nasje4 a. Ur La Dutir ol b. ;a;ra :-i ; 10 tcaae ftoal r-r-- f ta ai--rt of ba la:-a. a , that mx prooi " ill b Kt-v- tb- E-si-ier j aifl K'Twn. P JL Ind o-tSee at E,. btux. Orr- jr-H, oa Oct. JO J-fl. 1 11 . J'H r. NOAll. 'a h H E. o. -;. r :h- 1- t. rvctioa 3. Toaalnp a., K s Wes, w. X. H aat lit i.,;:ow:r.i aj-jnei to Mm fecr con- 1jj, m.t ft (ic Or l. T. B&irb'4 fUrsafet wwrkw 'Boston Baked Beans,1 a specialty. MRS. B- C0HST0CE, Proprietress. Notice. Umi Of Ti-. t. licou.-s, One-vB. .tcfi-r To bota It may o-eeern- Nouc is hereby given that the (kvoa Cali fornia fcai'a-oarf foea ha. flJ :B thn ofcew a Lt of !an,ij ::aaJ:n tie tonaafcitw dc cr.bed belo. and ha applied Kr a Mtrnt Wr id tao Is: tfc.t the ijt a opB t xhx vaKle for in.pecaoa aad a ery thereof br deocrirUvc aribnii'isioas, bu rmol ta a cx-Bvraim pce In tha for tie tnpevt-on ol all r ton laicmted aad tho putulc seMrmllj Soc-Jv of dm !ic aal W ete( U Wivai ette lacr:dlao. Part of Wi, )v:L rpiT.K a. ' tW tt $. i a i. W'iS;,. Sc. 51. lUua the next an ly ua. KJfcw ur if data rUim of the toornr toaar- .VvJSli't Ion w-lihiBaaywcUon o, of .tir it cjore valuable for mincrai tha3 f, ural j urjxwoa, wul bo rceeired and BiedS, - jort to li. ..raerai Land l 2Sc .1 Wet BRIDtir R-t?rr. J. It. IwX'ia. accvucT. (A.HtW) Summons. A o ion, for Use CouotT f ruUv '' T. IV.rce B. Carlial.. tMvndant. uioi! name ol ;he State ol Oreron. tvu Zir hereby jmmoned and re-jrured l, ?p? .i .b...enil:l,t cart .ad Iff week, from the date of to- Kr-t IdWaB thi. ltumn aud if yon fail to .Tot a anwer an herem nmired for fL2 Piaantiffwill.vWytoUiJ eouli tt theSf demanded In hei ixtnidainu Th- relici demanded U a ,i.,--. s. . marriaso eoniract e.,n. k.. ' :: !"K and detendani. ih.t 1UIUH Jm name. I i. aiTlabter. .idrTu . 15 rnKOM one a wk fw V? HSluhe lWlteit AogiK IT, JNi9, J A. Bt CHAS AS aKt ailoraey for PUiutir. Notice for Publication. Rose burr. Crwr-.n. Jut. -v. t..-. Notice l hereby nvtn that iB lib the MuvkNous ol the aet oi Jui Inl. l:s. minted -An it t... V. timber lauds h. IhcSla'e, of CiJ,lW8ia 'L VVitXUM R Xiri-EK. that the land wuaht U more uibte fcrrt.. Rjiitr and Keeein-t of thi oi,. .u.- Ul tavvn. on rriday, mtJ .jf, ard Mlo.r. Wliliam Mamiuoiid I . RK all ol Orant tirS WH Uitd, ar rvuested to a;,' IStlr rtVml OTUV) .aj ruji. Tludyau is now a oltl at 50 Dti per pckas,t by all druiats. : Hudyan , OreBn ha, thi day t7w , tt5T!" ftaument No. 6. theoiirchi, ottho ? !! ol section No. is. In lownVh,,. j Kanif Xo. S W. and win ofiVr k.N 32 that th i..i .wh, i. ,. ry?)? ,ow