The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 14, 1899, Image 3

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My Big Summer stock is now complete. There's brightness of
summer reflected in every department of my store now. All
the different stocks have their complement of fine new mcr
chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention
for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the
money-saving there is in buying of me.
AhlPC Don't forget the next time you are down town to
I rrrrfnTC.
" JWljj
The famous
.m 4 jt A A .A.
aioi ia bicycles at Marstera.
cJi.d for bargains and your watch re-
To exchange for wood, a good second
Land White eewing machine. Apply at
Mr. and Mrs. 1. F. Bentley, of Oak
land, r in the city today, and made
4 hi cflic pleasant business call.
When you come to 1'ortUnd remem
ber and have your teeth fixed by he. M.
W. Davis. 1G3 First St. j2
Female complaints, pale, sallow com
plexlone, headaches, nervous dyspepsia.
Hodyan core. All druggists, 50 ceate.
- E. DuGas. M. L member Board of
Tension Examiners. Office. Mareters
building residing corner Main and Cass
Wsnted: 50 men for lumber yard,
ftid road, logging and saw mill work.
Wages $LS0, U-"5 and $ 2.00 per day.
MnadT emnloYment. PnlT to the
Dxth-Kelly Lumber Co., Saginaw, Or.
Dr. Cbeadle has a new remedy lor tbe
extraction of tee lb. Ko cocaine or en
seals used. Patients with heart or
: -rg troubles cn nse it without any bad
i 'HT effects. W')
Wanted: 50 men for lumber yard,
kid road, logging and saw mill woTk.
Vageaf 10, 11.75 and $2.00 per day.
viedyi employment. Apply to Tbe
Iiib Kelly Lumber Co., Sdnaw, Ore.
It makes no difference bow bad tbe
ouiii if job. esc De Witt's Witch Hazel
S've; itViU quickly heal and leave no
car. A.C. MA.RSTE11S&CO.
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croap and whooping cough readily yield
to One" Minute Coagh Cure. Use this
mnedy in time and save a doctor's bill
or tbe undertaker's.
In't think yon can cure that slight
e'tack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it
111 cure itaelf. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
ix cure If,' it "digests what you eat"
restores tbe digestive organs to
leallh. A.C.MAKSTEKS&CO.
liept., 21, 22 and 23, positively no
-jer. You who want perfect Ml utg
' t ricbt prices can con salt Dr.
"knowu optician, on those
-.eMcCIallen Hotel.- Eemem
i ins dates, as be cannot possibly re
s.':a longer.
' .'t headache, indigestion and constipa
Ion. A delightful herb drink. Ke-
avea all eruptions of tbe skin, produc-
a perfect complexion, or money re
dded. 25cts. and 50 cts. M.F. Iiapp,
sold on a positive guarantee. Cores
s,rt-burn, raising of the food, distress
eating or " any form of dyspepsia.!
e Utile) tablet cires immediate relief
' cts. and 50 cts.
,fp's drug store.
For sale at M. F
J. Russell, of Randolph, lately par
cel i-y .Got. Gear while serving a life
:tU-:.ceior the murder of bis son-in-iw,
Andrew Carlson, was arrested again
t Lis borne on the lower Coquille for at-
motin to kill hia wile. There is no
jubt but that Russell is insane.
We '
adersUnd that De was examined at
"jjaill Sunday, and ordered sent to
he asylum. Coos Bay News.
lb beea . long .urWs play, aad
there' a winter of work ahead
cool time and that boy needs
'Lea Let us do tbe worrying,
vre etery thing he wears- Clothes,
. ve eiwMiiua
w, Hats and I uruibbmg. bend
his measuremente, or better still,
ai?thM?w-to tbe elore aud we
ar,utee! ffaction.
If we beeau now to tell
, tdiM-uay. At " . . . ,
dt of the variety you'll find here, as a hint on prices you know our repu-
ion is. not to be unaersoia.
come in and see the
showing. Our Prices
7. the fit make your
W. L. DOUGLAS shoe for Men,
Exclusive Agency.
Have for Inspection....
Klegaut up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find the
best assortment ever brought to this town.
The People's Store.
vQ nS . I. ABRAHAfl, Prop.
Bond, tbe watchmaker sells spectacles i
at lowest prices and ran fit them cor I
A good bictcle t ladies') to trade for
wood.' Apply Kt this office. A good
A few wheels ufcJ for tenting during J
the summer, f'-r sale very cheap at
Marstera. I
Iiearlburn, coated tongue, baJ breath.
coustipaiion. Hudyan curee. All drug
giiU, 50 cents.
Kicking headaches, bleary eyes, weak
ness, noiptf in Lead. Hudyan cares.
All drugsists, 50 crnti.
Miss Sulla LUroion, of Koeel-urg, is
in the city, the snsst of Mrs. T. C.
Peebler. Lebacon Criterion.
will Btop a cou b at any timi-, and will
cor the worst cold in twelve hoars, or
money refunded. 2-j c!s. and 50 cts.
For sale at Bapp'a d:ua stor.
Sim ans was in yefcterday frcm
Coles Valley, and reports work progress-
! ing nicely at tbe hop yards, and that tbe
hops are much better than U6aal. Mr.
Evans says that fruit picking will not be
gin for two weeks yet.
It ii rumored that the bicyclers are
going to take some interest in the ap
proaching municipal election and will
only support such candidates as favor
tbe enactment of municipal legislation
in tbe interest of wheelmen.
Governor Geer Wedoeeday recom
mended Captain K E Davis, company E,
Second Oregon volunteers, fur appoint
ment as first lieutenant of one of the
volunteer regiments now forming, vice
J. F. Case, who declined the appoint
ment. Tbe recomendalion was made at
the regret of the recretary of war.
Miss HaUie Warner, of Medford, Or ,
was in ihe city yesterday, and made this
office a pleasant business calL Miss
Warner formerly had charge of tbe musi
cal department of the tate Normal
School at Drain, and has many friends
tbrougboot tbe county, who are glad to
cee her. She returned to Medford this
' Mr. Stratford, our busineea manager
j an3 solicitor, is in tbe field, and would
be pleased to meet all who are in arrears
on our subscription list, or any wl,o
would like to read one of the very best
op tc-date oewspapers published in
Southern Oregon. The PLAiNDtiLtK is
second to none and this fad is attested
to by tbe congratulations and constantly
increasing patronacc we are receiv
ing. George K. Kiddle will be a member of
tbe new hardware firm, succeeding the
Jewell Hardware Co- in place of L. W.
McAdams, who has withdrawn. Tbe
company wiil be incorporated. George
Kiddle was in the mercantile business
in Grants Pass for a number of years
wju, ui, father, G. W
Kiddle, and after
wards as a member of tbe firm of Kiddle
& Scott. For tbe last few years he had
teen engaged in business at Riddle, un-
j til recently. He has laUly been in ihe
empioyjoi me jeweu naruware to., and
now becomes one of tbe proprietors of
the same business. Grants PassTpeople
are glad to welcome him once more as
one of their solid business men. Mr.
Hare, who ia with him, is also a tbor-
oogh business man, and the new firm is
a strong one and deserving of tbe success
I which will undoubtedly be theirs.
f Grants Pass Courier.
! 7
: for big tbiDKs anywhere as you wul,
Lave on the little tbiags here your j
savings would amount to something; j
but as nickles and aimes
foundation upon which by fortunes
gre bail yoIf mijtht weii start the
structure today by laying in a6upply
of UXDEUWEAlt, Mens, ladies, of
i ildreus, none better, "Reaper,
you about one of our new Capes and Fur Collarettes
Irl ;ti1l finH s describintr them. Thats a bare
many new styles we are
will make you happy ana
feet feel glad.
A itA jfS A. A jSBi B
Up-to-dato jeaelry at J. T. BryanV.
Bond, tbe watchmaker, does engrav
ing. For rirat class dentistry go to lr.
Little of Oakland.
Don't fail to attend (he mil a I and
musicale at the opera hcu?e .oa oriow
Pale, emaciated, thin, weak men and
women. Hadyao cures. v All it tifgii-U
50 cents.
Wanted. Ten mm lu cut raii-road
wood. Call ou or'ie-, L. L. IIcia,
Glendaltf. Ore. ol'ttj)
For 3onr walcbee. rlocksaud jilry
go to Bryan. His piicis ailt pies uo
and hia work ia first class.
Chair, chaira until you cil rt-l.
Ob, yes, joa can rett iu our chMia bjih
in quality and pi ire. Uioe Ki.t-.
Fuk Salc. A gul mila tutv. A
borte to trade fir wjJ cr jraii;. En
quire at the I'l .MNutALtu oihce. i,da24;
The Mort Rev. ArcLhishtip l ; rm ie.
Father llendrick and F;1it Lsecjue
took the Stags yesterday at Diain for
Gardiuer aud otLer cotbi piuU U t e
gone several daj p.
Died, at tbe fau.iiy iridcuce iu N lib
Kueeuorx, September 12, IS., Lton,
son of Mr. mi-1 Mrs. 1". G. Leonard,
aged 23 yeaie. 1 mvnlb aud 2'J daje.
Funeral emcf3 aere roLiiucted bj Rev.
Jno. Djftaou, WeJoesJay a: tl.e family
Mr. Geo. Etes, ahu has lefn fr kt
eral months past in Su l'riicUco ljot
ing after the interests of the boys along
tbe line, is back and baa been atsigntd
to his furmer position in the S. P. vtlice
at Kasebur. Mr. Ei'.te and faoiily ar
rived in tiie city laft Monday and their
many frieiidd are gbd to aclcotne them.
Mr. Estes ronintd his plic at tbe of
fice yesterday murriiuc. Mr. Muore,
who goes to Gran:g l'b-, has many
friends in Koik burg ho beirtijy aisb
bim success io bis new field of woik.
ooverucr Gecr stut the following die
patch to the 'ew York World, in re
sponse to a query Wednesday : "Ore
gon cannot take any formal part in the
reception to Admiral Dewey upon hia ar
rival in New Yotk,oaicg to the great
intervening distance. However, there is
a eeotiment cf universal admiration
among our )etfple fur it he admiral's pa
triotic mork iu tbe Philippine?, and
mitbout question tbe people cf Sale in
would be grateful for your 'kind oiler to
wire them the exact minute of his arriv
al, and will gladly express their appreci
ation of his.valiaot services by firing an
admiral's salute of 17 guus."
Dr. Pilkington formerly tin professor
of diseases of the eye aud ear in tbe
Willamette University, is now at tbe
McClallen Hotel and can be consulted
Free until Tuesday morning, Sept. 19lb.
All inflammations of tbe eye or lids,
cross eyes, opacities of tbe cornea, cala
ract or loes of transparency of tbe lens ;
and any and all ailments of the ear, as
deafness, dizziness, noise io tbe bead, or
discbarges from ear. Catarrh with
hawking or spitting of offensive matter
with impairment of the sense of smell,
bad breath which makes one near
presence almost intolerable to one's best
friend, scientifically treated and cured
Any number cf references given.
RIDDLE. In Grants Pass, on Wednes
day, Sept. 0, 1SW. to Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. K. Kiddle, a daughter. Grants
Pass Courier.
Every dollar ptirchaw entitloa yon
to a gUCBb.
WauUd, girl to do kitchen work in the
country. Wages $12 per month. Ad.
dreep, box 03, Roeeburg, Or.
Pro'. Whittlesey of ' the Ko&eburg
Academy, will occupy the pulpit at the
Methodist Church next Sabbath, both
morning and evening. Tha people of
the city aro cordially invited to attend.
County court adjourned last Tues
day without appointing a county
commissioner to succeed Mr. Byron.
The tax levy was made regardless ol the
state, putting the couuty and state 10.53
mills, the total levy at 22 mills.
Mies Martha S. Evani, who will Rive
interpretative readings at the Opera
House uext Friday evening, ccmes to us
highly reeoinrneadid both by press acd
private correspondents. In and about
IVr laud she l as been beard with ap
preciation. The people ol MoJford weie
delighted with her eulertainuient and
there is no doubt hut that Kotcburg will
gieatl) enjoy her renditions. Tickets
are on eale at Strong's furniture store.
Reserved seats 3oc, adults 25c, children
Scottsburg and Vicinity.
Mrs. Jubn Palteisjii lua gene hop
Thieebing i progress ell the last
few days, as tho weather bus beeu quite
Rev, Mulkey iu cur etntioii, and
took the boat dawn um river, Monday,
en iu c to Militi !l, lVntiaud and
W. G. Grubbe us iu town tin tirt'. of
the tw-k, in pfaicb uf hup pickers as
nut etioutu bauds could he found on ac
cfunt of the lateneea of ti e thri eliicg
W. E. TIioujuu ajd F. N. Giuble
wentuown the river to betnjployed dur
ing the fidi season, and as ncliiirg has
Moce been iieaid ut them, it is fcuppoted
they bave htcii eallot-d by a sturgeon
or salmon.
Rev. Mu;kry be 1 1 i-er vices at 1-vnn
Prairie ou ti.e Sabbaili. awt gave out an
appou tun iu here lor I lie h dimI Suuday
in tatli mou:h s hi g a the a.atber
iiitrni. ' 'n iie ir.t.. S .i tly Mr. Di'i . b id'l e ! Cv-oite-gatiou
Died, al M. Yjnul.l ILiilel, S p.
Ulh., Jessa A. Bn lef cl I eiuorihage,
aged about 2.t yeais. Je-s' lorn
and raled cer col ri.-ui, but had Dot
eu bee tor a'.ut Ujui He had
becii married '.tut t j UiOt.liiS, acd
was tt.Uatt Mid )uuu, ud hia cnatce
fur a long life teemed uf uu.-ul y good
promise. He aas ill abuul two aeeke,
and timing hi tart boors ou eilb was
attended by lo cf his bro'bei, Walter
and David.
Kiddk News.
Mrs. J. E. Jubntou is qllte Hfk at the
present anting.
Dr.G.B. Cole, late of Kiddie, baa lo
cated at Medford. Riddle is now with
out a physician.
II. A. Crow, the R'jeburg barber, is
spending hia vacation nuticating in tbe
bills around Riddle.
Miss Mildred BjrJen of Ashland, ar
rived al Riddle Wednesday. She will
visit friends here and al Cayouvil!.
Prof, tester F. Ward, a paleontologist,
and Prof. J. S. Diller, a geologist, both
of Washinicton, D. C, and James Stotrs
of Tehama, t ab, assistant to Prof. Diller,
accompanied by Will Brown, are
making some ecieulilic rcrearchec iu Ihe
mountains west o! town.
The few dats of warm a easier bave
ripeued lbs prunej so rapidly that the
Dickers were forced to q-nt packing.
L. Chapman seutloue car to Mouiana and
T. N. Segar of E igene, t'jrte car to the
Eastern states. 51 r. Abner Kiddle and
Mr. Wonacott have eterted their dryers
and all the other dryers of the valley will
start up within a"'ew days
BiiiDLbia ut. tn.
County Court's Work.
A license to sell liquor iu Caoyonvills
was granted to Levins & Gilliam.
All bids for constructing a bridge over
Looking tila's creek at Brockway were
An appropriation of KU is made .to
ward the support of tbe Refuge borne to
be paid io quarterly installments.
Ordered that connty warran'6 here
tofore advertised remaiomg io the
hands of tbe clerk be canceled, as pro
vided by law.
In tbe matter of tbe St. Ores road west
of Drain, J.W. Spaulding, F. A.Cleinenti
and J. II. Stocker were appointed view
ers, and O. F. Thiel surveyor, to meet
Saturday, Sept. 23, 13VJ, at 10 o'clock a
ni. at proposed road.
Sealed Bids
Will be received up to noon Sspt. 28,
130'J, for the rent of the Douglas county
fair grounds for a period of one year,
datiuii from Oct. 1. 1SW. Board re
serves tbe right to reject any and all
For paaticulsia iuquire of II. W. Mil
ler, secretary.
Fruit Graders,
It bus Iktu iiijproved'niul irs the bvh
uiuchino on the market. It wpnrate
tin- fruit without bruif-ing or luuMiing it
and with ?reit rapidity. Inquire ol
Wilbur, Orcguit.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of 1
Shares Dewey's Sympathy for Fili
pinos, but Thinks it a I'tty They
Do Not kecognlzo American
lu an iLterview regarding the i lleged
slateineiit of Admiral Dswey at l.iibral
tar, President Schurroan said to a New
York World representative:
"No question," raid Mr, Schnrman,
"ever cams up at a meeting of the com
mission on which tbe admiral and my
self were not in thorough aciord. I
quite agree with Admiral Dewey, that
t'jo intelligence exhibited by the Fili
pinos is often jurprieing. The great
mass of Ihe people are, ol ceune, ig
norant, but you cannot go into any city
in the islands without finding a sprink-
liog of able, intelligent and well-edu
cated men, and in Mauila ibis number is
considerable. Many of these men baye
been educated in Kurotiean univrsiti js.
I can recall at the moment doctors, law
yers aud burners meu among Ihe Fili
pinos as highly educated as any l have
met auywheie in tbe world. I share
Admiral Dewey's sympathy for the Fili
pinoe, but I cousider it a great puy that
they do not reccKuize that the I -eft thicg
for them would be to acknowledge
American sovereignty. That would be
the beet thing for them in every way,
for if we were to leave tbe Philippine s,
England, France, Russia, Germany and
Italy would all want to share in the
the government of tbe ielaod; . There
are not many among those nations, that
would pay much atteution I democratic
Canyoaville Notes.
Hop picking began last Monday.
Tbe Uttley & Wilson drier has started
Tnomas Wilsou ia still shipping
There will Im a grand tall the nth if
Mr. Bid Levet.e and wife wen- in frini
G lends I Thursday.
Mus Maud Blundeti ill start tor
Washington in fr dajv.
K. L. G'j.dr.ih is .niiing a in w locf
ou hia hotel, tbe Grand Ceo'
Ia i lei Humphrey bat rur nrd iu Cor
valiis where be wilt go to schuo.
Ed Slock has returned from the ccast
where be has been visiting bis -.r-tts.
Misces Dxra and My Biiey i.ave
gone to John Weaver' t pUk rone .
.Missrlyra i son is tpvi u g re
turn to Coivallis Sunday, where. .she
will go to ecbocl.
William Manning was in this city
looking after his business and also visit'
og friends.
Nen Bluudell baa been on tbe tick list
ibis week, but we are giad to.fay be is
some better
T. L'. Humphrey has returned from a
trip to the EssL We are very Ud to
welcome bim home.
Misses Alta UoOge and FanLiu Gibba
have returned from Grauts where
they bare been ttayiog lorafea weeks.
Mrs. Winnie Carter, Mrs. Albroand
Mrs. Bella l'ayne have been packing
peacbea al Mier. M. Gaaley's orchard
thia week.
Those who attended tbe Walter Main
circus were: J. K. t icaett aud lamilv,
W. Bartell and wife, Mrs. A. Harris,
Harmon Swank, Dr. Derore and son.
All report a very good time.
Shorthand for Rase burg Adademy.
MissAonaM. Graham, from the Ot
tawa Basinets College, who is very high
ly recommended, has been secured to
teach shorthand, typewriting and pen
manship at tbe Roeeburg Academy, so
tbat it is no longer necessary to leave
loan to prepare f -r business.
Rumored Change la Train 5crvke.
It ia reliably reported that the double
daily train service which has been under
consideration by the 8. P. railroad com
pany management for some time, will be
inaugurated between Portland and San
Francisco on or about tbe firet of Octo
ber. It is proposed to eatend the local
trains now running from Portland and
San Francisco, to Uoseburg and Bedding
reflectively, to a junction at Ashland,
making a through service, which will
lighten the work of tbe overland trains
and enable them to make much better
time between termioals TiJings.
Light Work and Good Salary.
I am increasing my business and wish
to employ 10 more gentlemen and six
more lsdy assistants on good salary.
Call on or address
Mrs. C. J. Ar.mitaoe,
Roeeburg, Or.
To Trade.
A good lady's bicycle to trsde for 10
tier of wocd. Inquire at this office.
: If you see a
i Loosing his
You would surely tell him about it without
waiting for an iutroductiou. We see you
loosing money every day by not buying from
us and must tell you at once, for our prices
are lower than any store here aud the
counters are groauiugbeneath the weight of
bargains offered.
Big Surprises in
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Shoes, Fall and
Winter Goods, Skirts, Jackets, Mackintoshes
Furs, Men's and Women's Furnishing
Goods, Table Linens, Quilts, Blankets. Ex
amine our goods and prices, aud convince
yourself that you can save money by making
your purchases at the C. I. K. STORE.
Parents Will Find
Sr At our store Everything in School wear
.Sr for boys and girls. We make a specialty
of wear resisting Shoes and Clothing
for the young people. We are exclu-
g sive agents for the Celebrated
g Black Cat Stockings 3
l orBoys and Girls. The prices, as us- 31
jj ual are as low as they can bemade on
high grade goods. ? Remember we have
z e vey thing in school wear forBo vs and S
z wns. jrarents give us acaii.
301-303 Jackson St.
The Seini-Weekly Plain
dkalkr aud The Week
ly Oregoniau, both ouc
year $2.00
TheScuii-Weekly Plain
dealer aud the Suuday
S. F. Bulletiu 32 pages
both one year $2.00
Two papers for the price of
All three papers oueyear
for $3.0x3
Will reopeu Sept. n, 1S99.
N'jiimal, Classical asd lksisEhS
Preparation for college a bpecialty.
Thorough liohtructioa ia Mathemat
ics. Latin, Greek. French, German,
History. Lnglisb, Natural Sciences
and DookkeepiDg.
The school will re-open at
Tiie Makks 13riui5ii
on Jackson St., Roeeburg, (Jr., in the
rooms formerly occupied by Jpdge
Hamilton. Persons interested please
call'i'D or address tie principal.
C. T. Whittlesey,
Koseburg', Or.
Oflico at AIr. Whitney's, opposite
Court Houm?.
Mow' This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward
fur any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by IJaU'e Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo. O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 vests, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to car
ry out any obligationa made by their
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggiets,
Toledo, O.
Wslding, Kinnau A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Care ia taken internal-
It. actinz directly upon the blood and
mucous surface of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. SId all druggists. Te6t.
moniai i tree.
There is one tittle uiaaiiu
That now I will name.
Which may bring what is better
than riches or lame.
All those who will heed it
f Ooxl appetite fitd,
S'rong ne ryes, roy cheeks.
And vigor ol tuiud.
It will banish dyspepsia.
Kbeumatics and gout,
.That Tired Feeling conquer,
Urive scrofula out
And here is tbe maxim
Its wiedom ia euro
Take Hood's ifarsaparilla
And keep your blood pure.
Pianos and Organs,
Best bargains on earth. Best piauoa
in the world the Cbickering. See one
line 7 octave piauo case organ. Prices
on all our goods to suit tbe times. Our
prices are the lowest for tbe esme grade
of goods ever otlercd in Douglas county.
We are also agents tut the reat Filers
piano hoiipe at Portland Or. Call and
examine our new large stock and ihe
prices and terms.
T. K. Kii-uakdso.v,
Roeeburg, Or.
Family Groceries.
My stock of Staple aud Fancy Gro
ceries is kept fresh and new and is com
plete, Fresh Vegetables, Tropical and
common fruits constantly on hand. Large
stock of plain and fancy glass ware going
at ccst to make room for new goods.
Cream Puff 16 oz. Baking Powders
for 25c. Produce taken in exchange for
....MRS. N. BOYD.
1 .
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. V. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drng, Toilet Articles. Patent Medi
cines, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soap. Paints and Oils.
photographic Supplies
The celebrated Magazine Cvclouc Plate )
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. -
Call and Examine them. -
(Established iu 1S77.1
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Eggs from the finest strains sent
on shurt notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
KoTKtOrovp Or.
Also nuAMDinu
Ulinilll IUI1
An Astonishing But True Story
My home is iu Sidney, Ohio. I have been nearer death with consumption
than any other living person ia the world, and I want you to read this, so yoo
can tell others. 1 took a sevcro cold cud neglected it, I grew worse all the
. : . 1 . .. . t r
two years I had run into '
consumption. I couched
terribly, lost tlesh, could
not sleep, and so
dreadfully weak that I
had to take to bed. In
the following eighteen
months 1 gradually
reached the last stages
of consumption. No less
than seven physicians
treated mc and nil gave
mc up saying I was in
curable. Iwas.ibsolutcly
helpless. The whole fam
ily wore themselves out
caring for me. Oue day
wther aud sister came
to mv bedside, aud said
I had but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their checks as they
iobbed the news. Tho doctors li.vl declared I was in tho last stage, and no
human being could save me. 1 was willing to die, but before going to the cruel
gruvc, I wanfed to go out and sec mv dearly beloved town of Sidney once mere.
They told nc such a thing wai impossible that I would surely die before I got
back. Hut I insisted, and to gratify my dying wish, a carriage was litted up
with a bed of pillows, and to this 1 was carried nnd slowly driven around Court
1 l"usc Square. 1 got home more dead than niivc. Through the mercy of Provi
dence, someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to be a consumption cure.
No ouo imagined for as; instant it was worth trying. But as a drowning person
grasps at a straw, so I tried this medicine. I was better alter taliug two doses.
Mother got moro of the medicine aud I took it, improving all the time. Today 1
am as well as any reader of this paper, nnd tho mcdiciuo that cured me was
Acker's Knglish Remedy for Consumption. 1 declare before God and man that
every word here printed is true."
This n-markabte testimonial, on file In tlie otliee of Messrs. V. It. 1 looker A Co., Nw York,
proprietors ot Dr. Acker's Celebrate J ICnglisli Remedy, ia vouched for by them, well S3 by
prominent drnRgtsti of Si Jury, olilo.
Nckpr'i Kml!sh Krniflyi 8M Vy ;iU driv:cisu nnikri Hltlvr 'aartntve lliut your money wlU be
tuuiled iu cot ut (mliliv. 10., M.v. iukd f. a lKiuin 1". S.a.H .mJik'la tulu.i Is! a. 34- kttit . 4t
I'or sale by M. F
mm r-w a wv w m m. v V
J. Al. U A h? I (
nmncDQ mm'cdo