The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 11, 1899, Image 3

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My Big Summer stock is now complete. There's brightness of
summer reflected in every department of my store now. All
the different stocks have their complement of fine new mer
.vQvi chaudise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention
" for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the
money-saving there is in buying of me.
The Circus
oil. nvennne
The famous W.
Don't forget the next time you are down town to
come in and see the many new styles wc are
show ing. Our Prices will make you happy and
the fit make your feet feel glad.
L. DOUGLAS shoe for Men,
Exclusive Agency.
....I Have for Inspection....
Klegaut up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find the
best assortment ever brought to this town.
The People's Store.
I. ABRAHAn, Prop.
THE PLAIN DEALER. ! Iur Uriua uJ ur uh " i
i pairiov. !
l ... . ... . inir.
A new low u will be started by tue
-1 Booth-Kelly company on Moba k rher. j . rei dan
' .1 Little ol Oakland
i Bond, the watch maker soils spectacles i
Up-to-date jewelry at J. T. Bryan's.
BonJ, the watchmaker, does engrtr-
tiEPrEMBEU 11. 1S9V.
dentistry B' t I'r.
Waller L Main's Urns three rinic cir
cus exhibited in Koaeburg Friday Jt
S. I-Nrly iu (lie morning the rattle of
wagons could be heard alajut the deput
as the large circus was being Uken from
the trains to the ((rounds near the Hose
(5 rove. At noon the parade began which
was iiuiueiiHoand uniipie iu every feature
and was witnessed by hundred of peu
ple from 4oth city and country. After
tue parade, a tree exniuition was given j
at the large tents, and the main peilurin- j
auca bcKiiu at 1 p. iu. This peiforiuance
was witnessed by a largo crowd as many
people from the country would rather
attend in the afternoon so that they
could return to their home? at night.
The menagerie occupied a separata
large tent alj)initi the main tent and
was crowded witti people at an early
hour eeeiiu the fine collection of wild
animals which Waller L. Main exhibits.
The p. rfonuauce at niht was eseci
ally attraitivo and Que and was wit
nessed by the usual larg.) crowd of pec
I'lo from t l.o city, who owing to their
duties in the r-tores and elsewhere were
unable to attend in the day time. There
Ai-rtt no gambling games with this cir
cus and ttiu imtnber of fakers and crooks
whuiiRiially follow phoaa were notice
ably few. It mav s paid withal that
Walter L Main's is the beat huge circus
ever exhibited on this co-is,
List of Letters
Kcmainiug uncalled for inthe kosibug!l)ce l'ersons calling for these let
ten will please state the date oti which
they w.. re advert Ui. I, Aug. 18'J9.
The letters will bo thargi-d for at the
rate of one tent cm-h.
Au'Vriton, I.
Backer, U.S.
JohiHou, George
Miller, Joseph
Molkr, Lee
Neeley, lMward
Tierce, Chas.
l'oindfxter, Juhme
Kobiuson, Charlie
Mep!n u, Mrs. Tiieo,
Wm. A. 1 haiku,
Poet master.
a .ilinw in . ..biff machine at i n 61 ,beln cor
at A good bicycle ladies ) to trade iur; for yonr wdlM dockland jewelry
-vr. w. .. j uo to Jr van. ti is luices wi i ease you
j and his work is Bret claw.
a m a : :
wueeie ueea lorienuiiguuiiug; Chair, rh.ira nnlil vmi ..r.'l
; the eiimmer,
i Masters.
Churchill & Woolley'e
"Native Sons" smokeless shells
... .. ii
laurcuwi ooiij b.
C. B. tieer went to Co county, this j l'r!.
uiorbiog, to look aftr government land
still ibe baildinc boom coca on at
twin. Oakland and Ashland, and all ; Wantid, girl to do kitchen work in the i
other towns in Southern Oregon. country. Wages per mouth. Ad-
When vou come to Portland renieui- I Jr. . Kcaebur. Or.
Ir and Lave your teeth fixed by lr. M. ! A great many people from the country
W. Davis, 103'.. First St. C2i) land neighboring towns were in town
E. DuGas. M. U., member Board of J '"V riJ inttendance at the circus,
rension Examiners. Office. Marstera j E. B. Tengra, of Eugene, occupies the
building residing corner Main and Cass place in the dispatcher's office at this
jj point recently vwcated liy F. J. Belts,
I who has been translerred to Myri:e
Wanted. Ten meu to cut raii-road
wood. Call on or addrew, L. L. IIcia,
.Olendale, Ore. a24tl)
I'ianos and Organs.
fr sa'e very cheap ! oh, yes, you can rest in our chair
j in quality aud price
For Sale
Kica &. Kiif .
T .ru,lfu n . rallMil trtdav bv
telegram to meet the most Kev. Arch- 'k.-lown Ta:k.
bisbop Christie at Eugene, and will be ACKERS ENGLISH KEUEDY
absent a few days. et0P wsb t "J
r ... .,j ... .. : cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or
i m. i ra ' ft B ami Ftil
extraction of teeth. No cocaine or en
caioe is used, l'atienle with heart o
lung troubles can use it wilboot any bad
aft effect. j" r
Wanted: 50 men lofrutnber yard,
money refunded. cts. and ou cts.
F or sale at Kapp's drug store.
Geo. II. Evans and daughter, l'hobe,
of Albany, passed through ILis city
Thursday morning en route to San Fran
rion. Mr. ia a brother f Mm.
skid roid, logging and saw mill work., MtrthB Adeitoacf this city.
Wagea1.50. U.75 d 900 per day.j E Q
Steady employment. Apply to The a pleasant
iv(h Kl w Ijunbrr Co.. hCinaw. Ore. I . .
j visit today. r. Alexander was cjc-
itmilHua difference bow bad tbeioected willi the It vlndlalli. about 30
wound if you tue DeWitl'a Wilch Hazel j years ago but left Iloseburg in 73,
Salve; it wiU iukUy beal and leave no j IeQmoni,j U grippe, coughs, colds,
scar. A. U. M AESTEliS & CO. j CToap 4nd whooping C0Qgt, readily yield
W. U. Cole, of Colea Valley, was ia j to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this
the city, Saturday, lie made this office , remedy in time and save a doctor's bill
a pleasant visit, and deposited the coins j or the undertaker's,
in parment for the rLaisDiiALtB one MA ESTERS A CO.
j Best bargains on earth. lt'6t piauoa
jin the world the Chtckaring. See one
tine 7 it tare piauo tace organ. Prices
j on all our govJs to u,t the times. Our
j prices are luwst fur the came grade
rest ' J0Ol's eVtr 2j'cd in Douglas county,
both i "r a!w 'or '!" reat Eilers
piano liou-e at IV'tland Or. Cll and
' vxAiniun cur nw lurv-n truck m'.tl llm
A good milk cow. A good j 1(r- , , .rnil
horse to trade for wool or grain. Eu-j
tpiire at the Pi-UNDKALtR offit. (da-4)
Say, friend?, if tou can bring us ti-at
wood you promised on eubtcripiio:), be-,
fore Ibe winter rains ret iu, e will feel j
greatly obliged lo you. Should any of j Ail wrilJS Crested are Lere'.y t oti
yoa feel disposed to bring a load M i Sej ibat nU,er E. S. McGowan. nor
not promised we won't ol j-c. !,n,0ebasr Her haJ authority to
f.. A. Dodge, the Myrtle Point aiation i t.ind the Preferred Accideut Insurance
agent, accoinpauied by hi ife, Misa ! Company of .Vw York. Xor any person
Ruba Graham and Mr. aud Mrr. Caddy i now or ucvtr hd auUicritv lo aim the
Koceburg, Or.
jear in alvsnce.3 Mr. Cole's judgment is
all right.
Don't think you can cure that alight
attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it
will cure iteell. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
whx cure if; it "digest what you eat
and restores the digestive organs
health, A. C. M ARSTEKS & CO
W. II. Corbin, one of Myrtle Point's
business men, arrived in this city today
in company with Capt. Mathers who
has been looking after government land
matters in Coos county. Mr. Corbin
made the Pi.aiMfk vlui a pleasant call.
J. L. Stratford, of the Plaimjeaulb,
MOKCfc$ lt)SlTlEL LUBLo j froiu AehUnd tonigbl.
tick beadacSa, indigestion and constipa'
tioa. A aleligbtful berb drink. Re
moves all eruptions ol the akin, produc
ing a perfect complexion, or money re
funded. 25cU. an J 50 cts. M.F. Rapp,
are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures
heart burn, raising of tbe food, distress
after eating or any form of dyepepeia.
One little tablet gives immediate relief
23 cU. and 50 cts. For sale at M. F
Repp's drug store.
Cro Bros, of Roeebnrg, the well
known merchants, will soon engage in
business at Oakland, Or., where a fine
ififk bnildinz is beinc erected for their
nee by A. F. Brown. They have many
friends, who wish them unbounded pros
perity. Jacksonville Times.
Mr. and Mrs. George Eetes returned
WednesJav from San Francisco and left
tbe next evening for Drftin for a day and
will then go on to Portland. Mr. Eetes
is undecided as to what be will eo in the
future but has eeveral things in view,
among them being the management as
president of the consolidated union
Vfter a brief
visit with relatives in the city, Mr. and
Mrs. Stratford will go to Marsbfield,
where Mr. Stratford will engage in busi
ness. Schiller B. Hermann, one ol Myrtle
Point's leading merchants, accompanied
by his wife, have been spending a few
days in tbis city, tbe guests of Mr. Her
mann's sister, Mrs K. L. Miller. They
returned to their Coos county boms to
day, accompanied by Dr. Miller and
Tbe Union Gazette of Corvallia tays:
Claud RidJle, a member of tbe Union
Gazette force left Tuesday for bis home
in Riddle, Oregon, for a vacation of a
couple of weeks. Mr. Riddle is prepar-
j ing to begin the publication of the
! "Mite" once aeain. Tbe introductory
number will le issued in about three
Rev. E. A. Ross, tbe evangelist, has
rented the Cbas. W. Root residence on
Main street and bai eent to Eugene for
bis furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Roes will
move into their new home next Tuesday
Lock wood and family sjeut a few djys
the latter part of last week visiting
with friends in lliie city. They retarded
hoae Saturday.
Mrs. W. II. Bron of Myrtle Point,
was in this city la a Fridiy, oa her re
turn home from Oakland, where for two
weeks she has been at the bedeide of hr
father, Hoc. Gej. T. Russell, who has
been seriously ill, but who we are
pleased to announce, is convaiefcing.
While iu this city Mre. Brown was a
gueat of Mrs. W. C. Conner.
I Tbe rri'itst t ii.Uv fv.-ui:: nl l!u I
era House by Miss Mariba cmeu Ev
ens, graduate of the Curry school of ora
tory of Boston, will be a rare treat for
eur people. Miss Evans has the chair of
oratory and vocal expression in the Pa
cific University at Forest Grove. The
lady will be ablyaseisted by Mr. and Mrs.
Appelhoff and George S. Johnson. Mr.
Johnson is under the instruction of
Madame Jennie Norellie cf Portland, di
rector of Music at the Forekt Grove Un:
vertity. This is an opportunity that
rarely cotees to our city.
At the Marks building this moruit g a
good number of students leathered for
tbe opening session of tbe Roeeburg
academy, though several of the students
could not be present the first day.
Classes were organiaed In Latin, Ger
man, algebra, geometry, bookkeeping,
English Literature, etc. The regular
class week will begin tomorrow morn
ing at V o'clock. Prof. Whittlesey has
succeeded for beyond his expectations
for the short lime he has been here, we
are pleased to announce.
name of this tirm
to recti o:s or other
MoKI.AN t'KO!.,
Portland, Or.
Mr. Uegax Improving.
The I'bvgiral and mental condition of
Conrad Goax art steadily improving,
aud it i now thought be is on a fair
way to re xvtry. lie has no fever, suf
fers but little paio, slees soundly at
times, aud bis sppttite is normal. This
wiii be welcome nes to "Con's"' friends
whom be numb r by tbe score all along
the liue frcru Sacramento to Portland,
Or. lnf.auced are recordtd where more
than ose man has recoverr d and lived
for years with a bullet in the bead, and
this may be tbe case with Mr. Gegax.
Dansmuir New.
Dr. J. B. Pilkiniton
Lost $180.
and Mr. Roes' mother, Mrs. Geo. W.
he 'Ross of Atlanta, Georgia, will arrive
has perfected among the employes of the I next week to live with them. Ashland
Southern Pacific Co. In this cane be will be the permanent home of the Roes'
will make bis future residence in San aud in the spring Mr. Ross will build a
Francieco. Observer, Grants Pass. ' fine residence. Valley Record.
W. P. Haydeu, the well known sur
veyor, of Cleveland, had the misfortune
lo lose a purse containing (ISO, princi
pally greenbacks, and some papers and
field notes, last Saturday. The money
was lost somewhere on tbe road between
bis home and tbis city and was not
missed until he was about to purchase a
draft at the bauk. Mr. Ilsyden being a
poor man the loss falls very heavy on
him as it represented several month's
$1.50 Per Day Salary.
A few energetic ladies and gentlemen
wanted to canvass. Above salary guar
an teed. Call on or addres
Mllh. C. J. AlOIU AOfc,
(j-Jj Iloseburg, Or.
who lor the paM six years Las been tbe
diagnostician aod physirian-in-chicf at
two medical icetitulions iu Southern
fal.. Las returned to Oregjo, and en
riched with pott grad'iate and hospital
experience, feds himself entitled to
"A Skillful Diagnostician and Healtr."
He will be at tbe MaCiallen House,
Rcseburg, 011 Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday. Sept. 13:b, llb and I5:h and
will give free examinations to all atllict
ed with any form of disease, but partic
ularly chronic diaeare.
Dr. P. will take particular pleasure in
meetin old patients of 10 years tgo, and
he Loes they willjcome and see him.
Aiken's and Thornton's Uoats
have arr' ved and can be found at ibe
Sbtridan place, south of town, snJ are
ready for delivery to parties until Au
gust. (JIO.)
Roseburg, Oregon, August 21, 1S99.
To Our Patrons: It is with pleasure wc announce the opening of our fall stock
Our line of men's clothing is a little tardy in arriving; with this exception our fall stock
romnlete. and we are showiuir a better assortment than ever in every department. You
will probably look over the fall line of other dealers, aud, if so, you will be keenly intcr
pstprl tn note that nnr nrires. in defiance of all silTUS of the times, TREND DOWN. It
would please us, and we are sure would profit you, if you will call and compare our values
with those you see elsewhere before buying. We wish you would note iu particular of
the strong values wc offer in UNDERWEAR, also BOOTS and SHOES. In Dress
Goods we arc showing the latest, such as Plaids, Silk Crepons, Coverts, Poplins and
Broadhcad Worsteds. Wc have an entirely new stock of CAPES and FURS, and have
been ipefou our selection of same, but we are willing to leave it to you whether wc
showed g(3od taste. The firm of whom we bought assures us there are no better values.
Nor are we behind in Ladies' and Nen's Furnishings, Childrcus' Clothing, Hats, Mack
intoshes, Blankets, Yarns, Etc., but have a better assortment than ever, Wc hope to
enjoy the same liberal patronage you have so kindly given us in the past and to retain
your full confidence, we are
Your friends,
The Semi-Weekly Plain-
dealer and The eek
ly Oregouiau, both one
year ?2.oo
TheSciui-Weekly Plain
dkalek and the Sunday
S. F. Bulletin 32 pages
both one year ..52.oo
Two papers for the price of
All three papers oueyear
(Coiii iuiied frnm pat
i hm I. Apples and benie.
Culluctio'i irab apples, M luumr
General exhibit apples, Mrs A Fisher
Collection Cab apples. Mia A Fihhur,
General exhibit of apples, F. A. Mc
Call, 2nd.
Glotia Muudi, Mrs A Fisher, lt.
Wsxen, M Lemmer, 1st.
1 ellow WinUr Pippins, M. l-etiimer,
Baldwins, M Lemmer, 1st.
English Golden Kn-set. M. lajiuiuer,
Spittenbcrg, M L-muier. 1st.
Gravenstein, M Lemmer, 1st.
Waxen, Mrs A Fisher, 2nd.
American Gulden Russet, Mrs A iisb
er, 2nd.
Blue Pearmain, Mrs A Fisher, 1st.
Early Harvest, Mrs A Fisher, 1st.
Fall Pippins, Mrs A Fisher, 1st.
King cf Tompkins County, Mrs A
Fisher, 1st.
Porter, Mrs A. Fisher, 1st. ;
Rhode Island Greening, Mrs A Fish
er, 2nd.
Seek-uo-furlber, Mrs A Fisher, first.
Twenty Ounce, Mrs A Fisher, second.
Nod-head, Mrs A Fisher, second.
White Bellnower, Mrs T J Critcser,
American Golden Russet, F A McCall,
Baldaius, F A McCall, secoixl.
Ben Davis, F A McCall, lira'.
Griturs Golden Pippin. F A McCall,
Spitaeubergs, F A McCall, secoud.
Northern Spy, F A McCall, first.
Raiubo, F A McCall. secjnd.
Rhode Island Greening, F A McCall,
Red Canada, F A McCall, seoud
Twenty OiiLce, V A McCaK, tiit.
Yellow Bellflower, F A McCall, first,
.leaett's Fine Red Nod-head, F A Mc
Call, first.
Ben Davis, R Bauer, aecoud.
Fall Pippin, Mrs C Gaddts, aeon !.
Seek-uo-furlber, Mr. C Gllis, cc-
Gloria Muodi, Mrs C Gsdois, sreuud., Mrs C Gaddie, first.
Gravenstein, Mrs C GaJdis, lirrl.
Red Aslracban, Mrs C Ga!d;s, first.
Early Harvest, Mrs C Gai.lV second.
Yellow Winter Pippin, F A McCall,
Rtd As:racban, M'S R L Cauuou, sec
Plate of blackberries, M tauiuier, sec
Plate of Wackbeniee, Dr FG (Ebiue,
Plate of strawberries, Ethel I'arroit,
class ii, Pears and juines.
General exhibit of pears, 31 Leuimer,
Clairgean, M. Lemmer, fust.
Seckel, M. Lemmer, first.
Vicar of Waketield, M l earner, 5'st.
Winter Nellie, M Lauimer, crat,
Vicar of WakelieU, Lee Lodou, scc-
Fall Butter, Lee Loudon, second.
General exhibit of pears, Leo Loudon,
G rover, lee London, second.
Louise Donne de Jersey, lira T J
Criteser, second.
Btfurre d' Aryoa, Mrs A Fisher, first.
Flemish Beauty, F. A. McCall, first.
Bartlelt. F. A. McCall, first.
Bsurre faster, F A McCall, second.
Swar's Orange, F. A. McCall, first.
Ciapp'a Favorite, Mrs C GaJJis, sec
Duchess d'Angouleme, F. A. McCall.
second. ii
Seckel -i Sugar, F. A. McCall. second,
Bartlelt, R. Bauer, second.
Dish of quince, Mrs. J. If. Short,
Hiss iu. Grape.
Exhibit of gi apes, M Uaiuirr, 1st.
Black Hamburg, three bundle, M
Leuimer, 1st.
Flame Tokay, three buncbe, M Leui
mer, 1st.
Royal Muscadine, three bunthos, M
Lemmer, 2nd.
Improved Mission, three bunches, M
Lemmer, 2nd.
Exhibit of table grains, M Lemmer,
Exhibit of grapes, C. W. Smith, 2nd.
Isabella, three bunches, Mrs R L
Cannon, 1st.
Isabella, Ihreejbunches, Edna Cau-
non, uu.
class iv. Plunjk and Pruues.
Columbia, M Leuiux-r, 1st.
Silver prunes, M Lemmer, 1st.
Jefferson, Mrs. E. A. Hinkle, 2nd.
Hungarian prunes, Mrs A Fisher, 1st.
Green Gage. Mrs A Fisher, 2nd.
Jefferson, Mrs A Fisher, 1st,
Italian prunes, F A McCall, 1st.
Silver pruues, F A McCall.
Petite Prun d' Agen, V A McCall, sec
Yellow KiR. FA McCall, ;firr.
Petite Prun d' Agen, R Bauer, first.
Peach plums, Mrs S "X Leake first.
Italian prunes, John McKean, second.
Bradshaw, F A McCall, second .
Yellow Ek'g, Mrs. R. L. Caution, sec-
Fruit Graders,
It has Imvii improved and is the iK-st
machine on the market. It separates
she fruit without bruitfini: or iiinshini; it
mid with yrcat rapidity. Inquire of
Wilbur, Oregon. (olp)
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough
Bearc the
Parents Will Find
At our store Everything in School wear
for boys and girls. We make a specialty
of wear resisting Shoes and Clothing
for the young people. We are exclu
sive agents for the Celebrated
Black Cat Stockings 3
for Boys and Girls. The prices, as us- 3i
ual are as low as they can bem ade on
5 high grade goods. Remember we have
S everything m school wear for Bovs and
uriris. rarenis give us acaii.
3o-303 Jackson St.
Bradshaw, Mrs K L Cauuoo, first,
reach plums, Mrs It I. Cannon, sec
ilaci v. Teacher.
Charlotte, M Jvetnuier, second.
Muir, M Ietniuer, first.
Aiken cliug, M Lemmer, second.
General exhibit peaches, F A McCall,
Ki- Ciawford, F A McCall, tiral.
Ol : :n Free, F A McCall. first.
Char F A McCall, first.
Foster, A McCall, first.
Wagner, F. A. McCall, second.
Uoldeu Cling, F A McCall, tirslr
Aiken Cliug. F A McCall, firet.
Muir, R Bauer, second.
General exhidit peaches. M LeniUier,
class m, iiKin i at ill, arc.
Eshibit ol i-eachep, M leuimer, firs'.
Fihibil of rarpt'eniee, M Leuimer,
Fxhihii of prunee, M Lemuier, first.
Exhibit of apple, M Lemuier, firal.
Exhibit of peac'.ea. Mra F A McCall,
Exhibit ol Fears, Mr F A McCall,
Exhibit of ted raspberries, Mrs FA
McCall. first.
(Continued ou page 4.)
Family Groceries.
My stock of Staple aud Fancy Gro
ceries is kept fresh and new, and is com
plete, Fresh Vegetables. Tropieal and
common fruits constantly on hand. Large
stock of plain and fancy glass ware going
at ccst to make room for new goods.
Cream Puff 16 oz. Bakirnr Powders
for 25c.
Produce taken in exchange
....MRS. N. BOYD.
for ft)
Will reopen Sept. 11, 1S99.
1'reparatiou for college a specially.
Thorough iustructiou in Mathemat
ics, Latin, Greek. Freucb, German,
History. English, Natural Sciences
anJ Bookkeeping.
The school will re-open at
Tut Marks BriLX'iNo
on Jackson lloseborg. Or., iu tbe
rcK'tus formerly occupied by JcJge
ilauiiltou. I'ersous interested please
call on or aJJres tLe pnncipal.
Roeebnrg, Or.
Ollico at Mrs. Wbitney'a, opposite
Court House.
Roseburg Pharmacy
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drngo, Toilet Articles, t'atent Medi
cines, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soaps, Taints &nd Oils.
photographic Supplied.
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call and Examine them.
How'4 This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any cacti of Catarrh that cannot be
cored bv flail's Catarrh Core.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Trope. Toledo. U.
We the uuOerjixnel have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 1 Tears, aud believe
hirx perfectly bouorable in all business
transactions and financially able to car
ry out au? obligations made by their
West & Truss, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinuau & Manio, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon tbe blood and
niocons surface of the system, rrice 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test,
tuoniali free.
There is one little maxim
That now 1 will name,
Which may bring what is better
Thau riches or fame.
All I hose who will heed it
Good appetite find,
S roug uerves, roay cheeks,
And vigor of mind.
It will hauisb dyspepsia,
Rheumatics and gout,
That Tired Feeling conquer,
Drive scrofula out.
And here is tbe maxim
Its wisdom is sure
Take Hood's Sarsaparilla
Aud keep your blood pure.
r .......................................... ......
it you see a man
Loosing his Purse
You would surely tell hint about it without I
waiting for au introduction. We sec you
loosing money every day by not buying from
us and must tell you at once, for our prices J
arc lower than any store here and the
counters arc groauiug beneath the weight of J
bargaius offered. J
If I
(Established in 1877.)
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Eggs from the finest strains sent
on short notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
At -
aniicii Wfl,
I Big Surprises in
Men's aud Boy's Clothing, Shoes, tall aud
Winter Goods, Skirts, Jackets, Mackintoshes
Furs, Men's aud Women's Furuishiug
Goods, Table Liueus, Quilts, Blankets. Ex
amine our goods and prices, aud convince
yourself that you can save money by making
your purchases at the C. I. K. STORE.
An Astonishing But True Story
My home is iu Sidney, Ohio. I have been nearer death with consumption
than any other living person in the world, and I wajit you to read this, so yow
can tell others. I took a severe cold and neglected it, 1 grew worse all tat
time, and at the cud of
two years I had run into
consumption. I vouched
terribly, lost flesh, could
not sleep, aud became so
dreadfully weak that I
had to take to bed. In
the following eighteen
months I gradually
reached the last stages
of consumption. No less
than seven physicians
treated mc and all gave
mc up saying I was in
curable. I was absolutely
helpless. The whole fam
ily wore themselves out
caring for mc. Ouc day
mother and sister canio
to mv bedside, and said
I had but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their checks as they
sobbed the news. The doctors had declared 1 was in the last stage, and no
human being could save mc. 1 was willing to die. but before going to the cruel
grave, I wanted to go out and sec mv dearly beloved town oi Sidney once more.
They told mc such a thing was impossible that I would surely dio before I got
back. But I insisted, and t graui'y my dying wish, a carnage was titted np
with a bed of pillows, ami to tins I was carried aud slowly driven around Court
I louse Square 1 git home move dead than alive. Through the mercy of Provi, someone brought a trial bottle of mcdicino said to be aconsumptioncurc.
No one imagined for au instant it was worth trying. But as a drowning person
grasps at a straw, so I tried this mcdicino. 1 was better after taking two doses.
Mother got more of the mcdicino and I took it. improving all the time. Today 1
am as well as auy reader of this paper, and the medicine that cured mc was
Acker's Knglish Remedy for Consumption. 1 declare before God and man that
every word here printed is true."
TliU remarkable testimonial, on file In ttie office of Mesiri. W. II. I looker Co.. Xew York,
proprietor ot Dr. Aokr' Celebrated English Remedy, i vouched for by them, as well M by
prominent drugirUt of Sidney. Ohio.
AiU!1 KnuU.h Remedy is sold by nil drnctitaU nmler a pasdtlv -'uammee tliat yonr money wU cr
ttm-. l In rutnl t'tiliirr. Co. an. I 1 N,ul.. m I s. and l.i. In' M.. .3. d to.
For sale by M. 1 Rapp, Druggist.
' . ) " m1