LTLa The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ytf ami has been made under his per- (jfcJfrf?- 8011111 supervision since its infancy. m-7S. '4SUAr. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex Itcrimcnts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Ttx corrtuw comwwt, tt Southern Qrecoh State Normal School r 'Wflimte -a-T H V I- : - This Schonl is now under State Contril. Is the Largest and Most Progressive School of Southern Oregon. Sew building setr appara'.iis and fixtures, line .aii.puv hei;;!,fu2 tucati, u, d-lubiful climate, ex-cUeut iDltnences foridjdcnl.. Conrec of study the ame us other normals of the stale. Beat advantage in Vocal and Instrumental mn-ic to be found iu -N.uthvrn O.-moD. Training school Inily equipped atd in charge of a thorough critic tva'.la-r. Tuitlcn Ki-'o per Una: curie Hand tlO per term: board at hall M.73, and liilgin; i-er wctk, atadnts furaijuins bed clothinc: family board and U CO. $125 pays all expenses for one year's schooling, including books. Theshotest and thorough roate to a state certiiicate, the norma! ceure. Review claws lor teachers throughout the rear. Finrt term! open September 11. For catalogue or icfonnauon, address W. T. VAN SCOY, President. isHLASD, OKEOCX. WYLIE PILKINGTON, S ' c a n X j-k a T vivnwi ai uicliVIlllLIlIIIg rRorriNa and running plates a specialty. KEFAJKINU OF Alx K1XDS PEOMFTLY DOXE. Stoop on corner Wasnington BOSWELL SPRINGS On the S. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. . To The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon This did reliable and the most saocea(ul pecialjt in Ban Fran I risoo. still continnes to ' cure all Sexual acd fU Seminal Disease. such iMJ R Oonnorrnara, (.Heel .'..liMrtnr. vnh III. In i - -.-..tfau iia lorms, main Ui- ' .' ? ' ? ' seaaes, Nervous Debil " fl'-A ity, Impotency. Seni V '"' 0' VVeakoeas and Loss TiniiWMiiiirt i un of flanboed, the conscv Que nee ol sell abase and excesses producing tbe flowing symptom: galiow countenance, dark jnots under the eyes, pain in the head, ricging r the ears, loss of confidence, diflidence in ai , oachlng strangers, palpitation of the heart, D eakness of tbe limbs aud back, loss of memory i Pimples on the face, coughs, consumption, etc. I Di. felBBOS has practiced In Han Francisco 'ail to consult him and receive the benefit of j ois Kreau sain ana expenence. i ue ao;uir cures ; when others lail. Trv him. Cures aruaranteen. . Perwns cured at bm.e. Chanres reawnahle. ' naJTi1; mnov t t, r i eioVi IBBON' 62S Kemrnr SL fa,n Fr" i : ACtXTo WANTEU for "the like AND Achievements of Admiral ity, the w..rM s 1 rilaTTieud".nd of T&uZtouV Idol. Biggest and bet nk: over j) pairef, ' Bxltlloehe; nearly Km pave hallloue llliistra- ! V"ly kM; . ;"urmV"s i--man.i. Bis . cojotnlwions. Outut free. Chance of a life- t:r,i. Write ouiek. The Dominion .'.rtnpanv, ' rt Kioorr .xton bmp., hicrgo. AAA WVWWSAVWAAA Siiliscrili! I iiii Mr m. I . . Signature of UKiT trT, icv voK crrw. "S. ' f- --.Tfif.fel7,ri-. i 5.'-- and Kane His.. Rotebnrg. (NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKD ETjITIri I.AKI) OlTH F. fcjebutv. Oreeon. June a. Notice i hen-hy given that In compliance with the proriKMnia of tbeact of Cagrcs of June 3, lC-, entitled '-An act for the bai-of timber lands in the State ol Colifornio, Ore Son, Nevada and Warhinicton Territory,' FRANK M. HOPKINS, of Canyiu-ille, County of Oougla. State of Orc t:on, ha this day tiled hi this ofbee hjno-r statement No. for the purcba.- of the Lot S, of section So. in Township No i, t-. Ranee No. 5 '.. and will oiler proof tot ho that the land (uucht in more valuable lor its Umber or Mone than for agricultural j,unM audio eitablifli !,: claim to 'Aid laud before the Uc;-"i!-UT and Ueeciver of thin ofliee at Roe burg, Oreirou. on baturdur. the ith day of August, Heuameswitnew.i: William Brigga, Jr., Itobert Cougier, Tliomm Wilaon, o. V. I'uckclU l lanyonvilie. Ore. Any and all pemuiw claiming adversely the atnve-iiescrilR-d lunds are rei nested to tile their claims in this oflice on or before said iolu day of August, isw. J. T. BKHiGKS. O-'p) l;.-Kister. Ho, for Boswell Springs! Coaamenein May 10, ISiW, and uotil September 30, special ticket to Boswell .Springi snd return to this city will be sold as follows: 30-day tickets, 11.85 Ticket going Saturday and re tnrninz the foliowine Monday, f 1.40. Special rnt"8 are aleo civen from Port land and intern. ediate Kjinte. yspepsia Cure. sry IlinP.VTC Ulnar vntl etrtr J vai.. ; Itartifiriallydiest-t lip food aDd aids I Nature in street henit.g and recon-! structing tlic -xhiitKtwl digestive or- pans, ltistlic.tfstdiscovereddiijefit-' dnt and toni-. js'o f.t h.-r prrparation I approach It in cnicioticy. It jn- j Btantly relievi-s and permanently cures i ZfZyZ'JZ t..... . . u D' X...." c' oi"iiacn, I'saunea, C:lCltJieaaaCtie,uast.l alia.Cranips.and ,Uother resultsof iiiirx-rfcri diifestion. bv E C DeWltt A Cn rhiT "PO0 t- COekVItt A Co., Cblcogo. For ealp ,iy A c Marsters & Co, Ft - Traitors. Tito following pjelit from tlio Manila Freedom gives e.Miie idea ;ta to !io utir aicn feci toward the Alkint-oii copner beaiU ai1 ott:er iiioilern Tories who are causing men to t o killed in the I'liilip pines liy eiicuiir iini; m lol of pavas to oonti:;Ut' in revolution: Say, Hill, what's the inntter Oi the pfop'tf now rr days? I mutt confess that I'm not on To :hes' new-fangled whxb; I da not understand it, Vta out of d lie it fceeuig ; What is ttiirt ai;iil in' T -Ut tile riulyi'l-ilire'.' 1 i.i v t alkjilt exinili(-i-jli. An' hull, r all the time T.'iat M. Kiti'ev un' l.i Cahim t A tv Kviiinitlin' of a crime. An' cay h Ihjw our soldieri lads It tv. ry ligM they win. Ate commit ii.' Moody murder lu a in :t n nt r wor-e'n t-i:i. Now that's the pint 'ul bother me. The cue I can't fee hiini,:h. Why are tiie' fel erf oin' Inc On oar yaihti.l hove iu blue? Ain't they Union s.ldiere, Loyal, brave and tnie, An' tieii'.iu' f jr the ouor 1 1 TiiOild Ked, W i.itean' luut-? An' after we had whipped ole .pulu An' detuai deJ what was tin?, It we had to take the Thi j ppitier, IVrto Rico an' Cuby, ' o, To eo,ua-e the debt betwteu lis. Be diirneJ if I cau Bee IIjw McKiuhy's any mi te to Maine. Ttian Mason, you or me. At.' if that AvgiuaMo- lid;ii Uie price lie tho'.ilit we outihl to piy luiu To k'.ep him ac:iu' nice, I do:"t see ai:J reason all this oiow acd brij; Tt er'e intuits to cur l'reei Jet.t, jr toldier an uiir llatf. Niiii ii to f'jity years ag'j L'b people of the Sn'.li Gut uui ii c,ur c'icn'ty An' went tliijO'.iu 1 11 our mouth ; We talked j?st as theee fel'erg talk Au wrote jest a they write. An" it seeme to roe we b-id more iau;-e Than they a t'las:uel s::ht. Cut we wt re t 1 traitor?, ll.V, Decause we couldn't see That the Government had any right To eet our ni-'ers free ; Tm iheu we both etilis'eJ. Toll, An' eacii to fc up hii) K'ic, You to Cht a winutu' t"uh, An' me a login' one. Tbe North and SSoUttra united, loll, An bo Mason Pis in line Now separates your noble son From that plucky loy o' mine; Tbe old "Star-SpaDgltJ Banner". An' 'Dixon'" Hppy LiuJ Nov b!eLl iu one sweet eoibleai o' Our united land. McKinlry is our President, An' aa far as I can eee, Theo'd tli'e jet a sacred Ai it w uz in 'GU. An' hijEoUiers in the l'bilippiuec True and loyal men Deserve the fame eccouragemrnt That Liiicj'n'a boys did then. So if Davis, Lee and Johnson, "Ad we who wore the gray. Were traitors to cur conntry then. "Will toxe one kindly say What Bryan, Hoar acd Atkinson, An' o'.bers of each fa at, tipect to ficd in hittory Writ opposite their name? V. B. E -tiers os, Cmpaoy C", Fifty first Iowa. I". .c. V , in Manila Freedom. The Ore go a Regiment'5 Mascot. Kmanuel Koblieh, the Filipico mascot picked cp ty tbe Second Oregon volun teers in the I'hilippices and brought home wiih theffi, is co at the borne of Charles Whiting at W'oodbnra, in Mar ion coUDty. Mr. Wbitiog was a member of the regiment and took the boy home with him from Portland. EmaLoel is an orphan, who carried water for the toys when they were in the trenches. He is a bright, intelligent boy, as foil o! life and fan as most boys ' are, and was a general favorite with the regitu?nt, and when they were ordered borne he beed to bt taken with them. He was told that Oregon was a bad country for Filipinos, but he was not to turned, and was finally told to "come along." He is 13 yeacs old, and about as large ai an average Jap, and were it not that bis features ara marked by smallpox, be would be a good-l.king specimen of the native Filipino. As Mr. W hiting his no need of any mascot now, be in desirous of getting Kmanuel placed in some good school. There is now an opportunity for some denominalioa to secure and train biai and Eend him back as missionary to civilize his countrymen. He has learned to speak English snflkieutly to make himself understood, and lias also learned some things which he will have to un learn before he will be qualified for a miseionarv. Pointed Paragraphs. Why Jo they have church helis?at?ks tbe Atchison Globe. What goad ara they? Men go to the bank or the store at the proper time without a bell. Wo men -T) op their store! oo time with out beihg rani; op. I'eople in the coun try, where there are no hells, get to ch'irch on time. The fact is, church be!U are a relick of ancient times. I'eo- plo have them because it is a custom. When tbe daily toil is over, and tbe sun is going down, you are ready then to read the news that's going on in town. If you tui the evening paper,, here's a hint, 'twill make you smile; perhips you'll find it on your daughter for the bustle's back in style. When you wash your face in sdapenda, and you're looking t i.:i u . :.. .u, a,..o w.c WK . Ha.UB u. -vour e'M. you start to swear and howl, wine your face upon yoor eleeve and re- nIP,her ah the while that the towel'a i '.. . .1 t , ,0 loCa e 8,nce ,Le bllitle 8 back 10 Now there 'u no ufe getting angry ami it il-jcs no isood ta swear, if your s"U(lay M.irt U .niH8in,r ami you've riothiiiji ch-an lo wear, try your hardest to I'jok ilea.tut, do your host to wear a fin ile, and reiiiRinlit'r when you miss things, that t!ie buetle's bnck in etyle. V. C. T. U. Convention. i.vui.iNi it, Aiiji. 21, l.s;i;(. Saturday afternoon whh uiven to the election of ollicerj ami linii-hii g thu busiuevo of the convention. Saturday evening Mrs. Harford juve the address of the evening, and held the undivided attention of her audieme while sho told of the itnmenfcity tithe lienor trallic, and urged all good citizens to aid iu put ting down this evil. Mark Munaon gave a ei mi-humorciiN recitation which amused, while it mad s tuo strung points for the canne. County cithers elected for the con ing year are as follows : I'ref idetit, Mr?. Helen K Fergnoii, Edenbower ; co. lespmidiiig fi-iretary. Mrs. Ida F. Martlets, Kodehurg ; record ing secretary, Mr.'. C. J. Armitage, Koseburg; treasurer, Mr. Mary H. Jew ett, Gardiner. The siipeiiuteiidetits aro as Ld'dws : Mrs; I'ick'horne, evaugelitic pripen and j.til Wurk; Mi;3 Echo Gad,iw. M'ien litic temperance iiitlrnc'.i'):i ; Mr. Madge Kdgsdule, failor work ; Mia. Jennie (ijb lert, anti-uorcoMc ; Mre. Jennie Brown ell, Sunday Kilo, literature; Mrs. Helen R. Ferguson, L.yal Ltgtou work, Mrs. Lvii IVnitiey. tiiwer mission work; Mrs. Lucy 1. Owen, mother's meetings.: Mrs. C. J. Armita'e, Irai. chie; Mrs. Mary II, Jewett, medal con test. The resolutions are as fallows : We hereby a-'tnoaledge our I, ylty to the National and S ate Woman's t'haa tian Tea:perance t'Lion plans of work. The fundamental principle iu the teni rraccs rcf riu is tjtal abtitinence from all intoxicating H'iors for the ii.div.d.lal, therefore we ur its practice cpn a'd perj.le. Resolved, That we enter cur protect against the decision of AttrneV-tieberal Gr'.g, by which tt,e enactment by cjn (itw, ul tbe aiiti'Car.lerii la, is aa I, ami cli U( n tvrry good uuu aid woiiu:. wUo Lv. luino and loni.Uy to join ai h u- in this pro'est. We Le lieve that fr. f r wotnjn M a ni'-.,-ure 'l iu lr j i ; ami lu )iI i1.k:.V w itii t ur Art eiici' prii v iplea ,f no lalt at:oi w titi'.ti" ter, senia'h n.a i i farther that the tj!i.t i'i thu i auds oi woman lil Ii S 111 f.i- t.'il lil (I the ii'l :t tratSic an 1 its afei I r.t evi'a we t.rge npOii ai, who are m'ette e-! in ti.or.l re form to life tbf ir r il l-; c:- i i il,l en i in l'.C0. Resolved, That tha thanks f Convention are due the ladie of Gardi ner who so generally planned f.r our comfort in every wy To the ch- tr f it their txcellint uiucic; to our iA ing brethren fur kind.y words of cheer and encouragement ; to Mrs. Harlord for her most etlicient help; to Mr?. Adders n for her preset,' e wi-h u ; to the rditoie bo so kicdiy helped us through their 1 olumr.f, ad to all the citizens who iu Gardiner one long to he t eaen.0ered, and above all, do we thank our Heaven ly Father lor His cire ov?r o while j ;or neyin and presen-e with us in oor meeting together. Mas. Iii.v F. M Aii-rtu, Mai M.hy F. Jleii, Mk. LiMt M. 1'uiNii, Committee. t-t NDW. The annual sermon was preached by Mrs. Harford at 11 o'clock. Htr text was Rev. ll:lo. Tue sermon through out was one full of lovingjhcpeful inspir ation a sermon helpful to all who heard iU A meeting was held for the children at 2 p m. If there is any doubt as to impressing temperance truths cpon the children, attend one of these children' meeting. Tbe Sunday evening address on "The Outlook " was a review i( the advance ment of our nation and the peri's that threaten its life. The lecture was veiy inspiring and intereetirjg and was listened to with tbe closest attention by a largd au dience and w as a fit ing close to our con vention. Mrs. HaTforU wai such a he p to us all through. Besides the three lectures and a children's meeting Sunday aiier- noon, she aJdreistd us at every sesaion during the two days' convention, and we cannot fully express our appreciation of her services. God be with her and may His richest blessings rest cn her w herever hei lot is cast. Cuba a New Field for Sport. Hunting in Cuba will oj a faohiuti aole sport some cf these days, because Cuba is great ga'iie country, and the kind of game found there gives the be'.t of sport. There deer, which conjetotbe edges of the openings and clearings at duEk and duD to feed. Cjuniless iixksof pigeons and doves bend the branches of the trees by their weight. There are locg, thick snakes fit to try a sportsman's skill with a rifle snake ttiet furnish beautifully mottled skins for trophies. Wild boars live in the denee wooden brush, and it takes hardy man to face a wounded one. There are wild dogs, too, and many I lids of the most beautiful plumage. Wild fowl are found on all the streams; in the thicket li'e large birds, chiefly gci a bens. Incidentally hordes cf f y outlaws may add to the excitement of a hunt during the next few years. Cuicago Chronicle. Second Oregon in a Nutshell. The souvenir hado that was quite generally worn by the people who parti cipated iu welcoming the volunteers back to Oregon bore the following perti nent history. Bays tbe Telegram : Second Hegitnent, Oregon United .States Volunteers, Organized at Tort land, Or. Mustered into United States service at Camp McKinley, Portland, Mar 10, lt'J8. Left Portland May 11, lH'Jtf. Left San Francisco, Cal., May 25, 1S-J8. Eulered Manila bay, June 30, lS'JS. Landed at Cavile, V. I , July 1, 18'JS Arrived in Sun Fraucisco on return July 12, iso:t. Mu3tcrcd out at Presidio, San Francisco, Aogupt 7, lS'-H. Arrived iu Otegon on return August 9, J8'J!). Culora delivered to T. T. CJeer, Governor of Oregon, at Portland, August 10, 1SW. VVELCOMK. Is purely a m-mini. dioider and all the symptom are of nervous origin. UyilcrU Can be perfectly and permanently cured. Hl'OVA.V nlll cure hysteria. IIIDYAN will relieve every symptom. IIIDYAN will reiitore tan wef k cned nervt-a to a heal thy condition and the symptoms will disap pear. III DYAN' is a vegetable remedy and has uo bad effect on the system. ttii!y your symptoms at' fully. When you have done so, use the 111 D VAX aud then tell four fricii-! whii it Urn doue for you. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: 1-1. FLUTTE1UNO OF Till! EYE LIDS. HUDYAN wil reheve this amu.-t Imnicdirtiely. 0-3. TItEMBMNO OF TDK 1,11'S. j Bt'DYAV vul reilore the !: i v. i to a l."l ; thy coudmoj, an I the t;cml'ltni; ,M i,!- 3. LUMP ITJ THE THUOAT. 'i':.- ', feeling i- ss liifiizh th re a l.i,il 1.1 tts I throat. III DYAN i.l n;:-- it to d:.-j jtir. ' 4. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HUCYAN i!l tr nstln-n the! heart tr.twl' :d caue ll:e t-t.AU li tvj::ie ( s'.rori; an 1 Kpular. i 6. SINKING FfcLLINU IN TIIE j PIT OF TUK STOMACH. It dje to : the r.cli-n f.l liie uenkcntd n-:v of the j ston.aeb. HtDYt.N" u.)l .T-fs'.ln n :!,e ' ue.x, , fcli l lle .-itill iet-!:!!j; vt V.'i !,: r. :t Wot'lt-D. tl;i '. HI DY AN -:r.-- :.. r:!lec yi. u oi h!1 you t an b-s nr- I ; ..u. I Le 'it : i:,.,! i :.!,1 ..::;.:,. 1; .. : ; ' i ' y. i:t "m: n:. 1 v v., : -. . i a .rnan, nt rtire. 1 l- III 111 A X n.. i ', i au s t III n N ( ..ri'...t f..r eriitfc vr i' or f ; uksz- x vr t: - ! j -ir dn:Fc''t '!' ti"t i - n, - :: 1 e.t.t! tie mOYAV IIKMKDY (lMI'V. F:a:;- l';ii rr.-. Voir ?n t! do. !.,r d li.e IIIUV AN BI MIDY tuM PIXY rill.'K. (al "ii I ,. :i tanr.ot i .ill, ) may il:e urUitiM w..l -e g:cuiite. Ad4tefc HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cr. ttocktca, Market iJ Eli lU., tsa Frsacisco, Cat. 1 HiE liip.Kcr ens ik i i Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. tho.i-v t-1 t Itii!, rt -, ', tl.c 1MOS l AClllt'' lui Mail l.;n- . r ti e 1110 i.a.SIE .-onic Uuia. Ur k t tii . t days to Sail Lake 2i days to Denver : davs to Chicago 4ja days to Xcw York Free Mccllalnic Cltalr tni, I p- tiolajicrcd Tourist Hlrrpluit tars, Palluaau ral.icc tilrtp inx tars operated on all : train. For (urtttr iaiora-- r m.j u J. F. iilVANS. .f., n.hurs C. O. Terry. V. E. Comaii, Tr'. I'a.. Act. Ga A.t. l.'l TbirJ e;.. I'or- .u :. Toe thnrchrs MtT,i..Dur I'm j'Tecta. Scadsjr Service t'b,?h JhoTi. ic1. 'L u : j and t oo p m.; Sll-lh A. Wa'kcr, Suprintcutlt:::: Clan Moctin; a', i cloae of the mornin scrrux-; Epwor'Ji Leiqrt:e : 7 p. m. F. 11. thurthii:, rrotJccL Prajcr-' VvrrliUir.. Wc"luflar, at 7 j0 p. ra. j I,. It. AC..'LC, l'M..r. I t'araon.jEr. comer Haiti aa4 Laat. j t'Miiii Br.LIEr tuiatit tia Fowit 'ji. I San Jay sun Sc . at 11 a. m. an I ; p n. lray ! er Decline. Thura.lai' ivtnlnr. Krv Utt 11. li'tur, l'av-r. ' fT. t ut a H. Cortivr t"- a:.l Maiu atrevta. !srtic ou m-couiI a:il liii.-tli eurt tay moroin; ol rach Mi'Qlh ao-1 cvav .-un-dajrvvvuinit. pi-vial sen levs antionccvti lrai time to time. Kkv. Joii.n Ilinv.'S, M.'-'i-'nary. M. E. fin a ii. &ii'Tu. -S.!"rT Suu.lsy mn'iiln; ar,l tventng. Kav. J. T. t"ti7.-. l'.t..r U ii-riM t lu a. u inrner ol lane acd iiiv lret ',. iao lay nkc: I'nai -hlntf at 1! a. ra. ami p. m. ;atbath S h.ui at 10 a. in . O. P. I'oahow, Uriatri'lvai. fnyer r.H-tiiii ft T.'jO Wolnevlay eveninjr. S A. lul'i.l.i. rcrtnr. Kie-T ClIKIaTl.aN t III 11 tVlU. T of IV.le an! WiKvlaant streets. Sunday aenicea ('reaching hoth moiuini: mid viniin :, Suu.ln) scboid at 10 a. in. Y. I, n. c. E. at0. il p. in Prayer ejeh Velncilay cvcnliig at i.O. A cordiit Ktlcunie ainl ajreeliug await all. W. A. Wnv 1'aatur Fia-T i'ctHTTi:ai4 Citl KCii-1 ortier ol l'aa aud Kiise Mreet. Sunday service. Piiblir noral.ip, II a. m, ant 6 p. in.: Sibb..ih tliuol. Id a. i-i- V. 1. B. M. E. at 7 p. in. Prayer mevtitii;, Wolaexlay evening "...0 p oi. J. A. Tow N-aNI, Pst.r TBS W. l T. L'. will li.ild iia regtilnr inoeliui: ou the aeeond and hmrth Mondays f cvtrv mouth at ' p. m. In thu Epwurth Uaftue room of tbe M. K. Church. VAU'ABLK l'LACKU MINKS TO MM ONE MINE TAVISGOVKR f 1,5(K, ollOlir Tl'.NS WITH SMALL (il.l.ST. Are paying Kood money at prf.'eut, but a liltlo more capital needed to prop erly work (he mine. Kaey of iktcpp, will tell all or an interest in Hie e.-iuie, For particulars eee uie at Kesulmri;, or address P.O. Dox "1 Uoeeburg, Ore THE BEST AND CHEAPEST l'laco while in town to put up your team U at i nuirnnni Tin (Jood waiting rooms for ladies anil gimtlotueu well wanned und ligLled (JooJ BccoiumodatioDS for kepjiing tranhiet teams over nigbt. Vour Patron.?. keitct(ully Solicited JJE1.T CAE, Troprietor C'or. Wosbington aud Main H(h. f "") 3 s )( All Wire Goods Are Up. lint or in-jrc :i t It 3 X ;o tii ill A ny r -2 a 0 " . Z k tx - z. k. Fifty-eigiit Vcars i vij ",fa' h i:.-. I : .j ii : . i ' K'. 'y i.n r: r in v lit- :.e t.r sr . iv I.::; :.r 1 - I ? :: : i? t r , -J i t t: U k '. BOTH One Year cnJ a;I Real fcsiate Boinrhi Farms, lare and small, to llni, n r 'v. . a r ! in quautilits t-, ; prices ard easy tcrni; llatlia m i 4 , , 3 U I U r. EAST ROUTES GREAT OFJEGOfi Northern hort Lin Spokane Minneapoii St. Pau AMI Chicago oalt Lake g Denver Cmzhn Kansas City l.owml K.itH t nil i:aHt-rti tltlr.... SAN FRANCISCO IV:i!. boiiia an ll -i-i; ! -v ;.i v -.i i: :; v .:'.: t-1: O K. .v S. Kor f'iii .Ic'.nil- i a i n ,- i.iii -JOHN K. Ii IVANS. Ap-rt. llwi'i.ti.n. V. II. 1IIKI.UI HI, tiiieral l'a- lii-r Ai. at. . U. aV ?i. CO., lur(Iitucl, Ofcifon. NOTICE. 1'xiTui st vi i.- 1. 1 d i ir 1 1, i'. Kiai'I'iirir. Oiii-oi'. ,i'i: lv. To u hoi., it ni.iv coiui rn W: . I-iti'.v Kivcii Ilirtt liie i.''ii and i';i:r;:i.a r.i ' r. :.i et'nipjiny Im i.ii-,1 i:i llr-. ! 1 1 a i i l.iii'l-Ttiiu.ilt.l l:i the tow r-tii.- liv:;i- l i ,. loi, un I li.ta avpl.1 f'i I'A. -:. t U r I i!r.s. that the 1 -1 ii ojhii ! the piui.le (. ,r m speclloti. ai.d a e-'j-y firrtoi ty il.-xiii.tiie tll-itl UloTI llfl!, I ii 11 J o d ll a , , place ill t:ii i'!!u f. i. -r liie in lu'eiMn i-; u j,ir.,n inti'tvi-ied and l';e v'-i c I'viicra !v. Soniliul ha-c i;ne ind iu! ;il- u:i'.!c meridnn, Tp ''!, 1: I NU ii N r 1 j. Set'. . W il 1. ,ii the next iaty itajH Iu;i,r.i mc i;,iU' of Una urn;: e, pn'iiM-. or i 1'iiif H'.n nit I'., claim id the ioi:ii(iiiy to liny iun I or mti dlvi-ioii wulnii liny Miilnii or i.u.1 of vi'.:--:i dewril'i'd in the iit. on l!ic icrinmiU iliv' futile is more valmiiiio 1. r liunvrnl th:iri :,r H.uriciiltiiiul pnrpoM", wilt Lo Mcived a ul noted for report to the Genera! I ami oi'ie-ai WaabliiKii.n. I'.t . ( .1 . II. BiTll. J. r. Ui.IlK.l.S, Kcciher. i;ei::Ur. Notice I'or Publication. I nited Sliacs l.nnd tiiliie. ! Kojllll B i. (r.,. lull II. ix'.l. Nollce inloic'v tilell till;! lac' lo' 1..M i : , I named aeltlerhiiH liled noinv ol liis iiiicniiou i,. niaiie lilmt proof In Miii.ortui hi-, i iutni t thin said i.r.ioi n ill .o niaiie iv inc I:, and Kcccivcr, t'. I .and nii'ini at o,.'i.i,.. I 0,'euoli, on AiiKU-t IS, I Mi'.'. 1: ' i Mil t.AIKU XI. Will 1 1 (UV i on hU II. K. No. si , lor iho NW 1 . SK 1 ,. ,-ve. ' it T. J, H. K.a. Vet, lie naim :. U:e luta.mie; 1 Witiu-aaea lo prove hia enntuutoiia ti-sideniv ! iiHin iiml eiilihalion or, kiI,! luml. ii,- jonn n. hiiiuoh, c . I-. w ai J.I, Vi on and Jv.siu liitlow.ult o( IV , I. ii.m. J.i: niiiu.i.s. (Ji'f) ii.- utti .-ui. vr ftkr ti J! - Mas.. .bur--. Ore Li : i .1 X a 'Li sr.Si " r a al' cc a 'I y.- :1 lir:. T- . :.. i . r - " . . ' . .'. '- '.. l ' ', :. , I.:. 1 ; ..: -: ; . .. V , . ' . . ' t . , : ; riv , .. ; .C-i 1 . I:: , ; ; v.': S ,! :5 - ,!. ! 1 i . ; h 7 ::" . . :. ;: l . ' . ' 1 '..M t.-.ft.. 1. rrueJ - til- ' I ' ; t lr.,';i n;'i) ;!:,'...v r. ;!;;!',: ;W'v t : Wnu St. -n: : Chuv,;.;,v S:. 15ai;.t.JY t!:.! I ii'ue, r ro.i-1 ! '!:t a, ; t- it; i.5.uivc 1 f... i ;:. i - ;: o s.-'i z:.. i'!j"; liHMt id i .i; ct':'. ! A:i;..u- , trutcd i-:. t vl.-w.-s i U iu- tthil rcetu'ry :ii .zjz :!.. r,-.a-.t 'i.v i .o- . neiT I. u.,;-1, tt.-l: ; t- ii . o l ' . " j I'l't.--.-!! ,i;- s. .ii;.-.(!.: r-'-' '-'-y iri.unp. A.',':i . G . ..!: . l't'..-.rrd. lu-i Iff rat l'.'.r-i t--:- r r, I . , rt , !.'. Adniiiii-.tratur's Notice. N..U, U . 1 i : !..: . a m.-: i r. im;m ti. i. l-.i-.-itii ;. Illicit, ton ,i- ).' W ; -. I ... i . i No. i-., o,, t tit l iialdli I i;i I'.. I" I U'.'i l;i .ni. i'atid i i- l 111 l I V l ;' u' . 1 - V ' i i v i 1 r H - ;iov j I-. . M It'. j Aii.i'',!i!::;;o l'ic i : ia: oi W.l. W:'. liii'vs. .!, Notice for. Publication. t'Ni 1 1 i m n 1. 1 i l'l -l I II'.'. 1 .!.,' i . 1., i v tltimed M l ii. r I'rt i. .1 i . I make i 'i-i; yt n t u ., ll'il' said j r .1; i '; i . , ai.d K...i.iT. I'm: U. . : II.::, Hi.- W II I I. VI ' i- I.! it. '' No : '. 1. 1 ' ill : i' S , I,, i V No ,1' . t.llta. IS: N l ' 11 ioii.., win,.-..., i i., , f"W-".i !. !ol . n::. a la'.i.i C '!!:. ol i;,. .l.,.. ; i : i i. -i t j. i. l iiiix.i-. AlCji A; jiiialion, No. 5. I 'V!,I.F7!H, . - :.:ir .'. . ',,;,. J,;i.. a, lr. - ;;.Ki.i;v 'JV1N uiir j:.- (. ,. V. J. I riliiii;-. and K. J. :,:r sj' i, i,i- j' ." l tlli' 1 K. J. 0:ttlJ,n, , i ( j, ::., I,r-n. ,.t:d If. i. ' '. ,n.s . i.; Or':- . . l ! .. . ,r j.r i',ri f'.r a ii.' if Lu r . .1. I. .11:;.?, ;'tA...: .i r r ;: ..v! f . t ,,i ;dll;i ... le i -. r of :d -ii ! : '.J 1. e Hei'-r:a ' ; t I .: I.a.'f .'.e lJie 1 1 - j t eit'jrilon i'i- I l;i.f:;. ris:R . 3 a .'l.rierc: r'lrsey, 'i .r'ilsW, - '.i'. i tw.'. iliuv, ' :... n. ",','.. liou.'isii : . .. B. -i t . I.: 1". J. J- a- u.". .'.,t :. :th f a .. 's -I. i Zit.eai .- : i ;.; 11. ; :.a USm i r . i .i. sid i us ., 1 , '. ' '. : al-o a :.r 1:;. ' . : A. ,j ; ii'.it'i : r '. : .. t an . : ,' .' i L' . .iff h. 'I. y,. i , i t;i ii: ::i - v. K . 1 .Vie' !-ars i -i. a.-. ii.t.w.i., t : i tii cl tile ' mn- . s. K. .." - . th. 'ax -A :'A , op .t r - a t.M'..i. iroi:. . '.. ,r . :.r l.'.X a! ... , 1 i. et e-rj;. .- - ..: : y:. in la t- ;. -..) of .tone ti.? i i !i ii . . -er.u.d U. . ' - E. It fvet, - " ?!.e ...4'iva .'.. - t S. 1. :. i : i - : i Ui, v- . . v.. :. a i .iriSd t.-f . . . -. K. -. ...a, l-';at ; -' ' 4 ti. i. ':. -j ..-. ae-i C I ... ; i. : . id i-. Tp. , '.'.. V. r.'.:., iAmr. . - - :.- :i C-jr 'o 1. ;- nY.i'i .1: . : U;S2.ita, ..4 'irr S i, t W .. Vr i j i - I u .re;:-.- y '.x. . ' i-' :.; t:,l .f - AA'i.VU pOrt . . - .a--.. :1- in. -: v: - :-m.vMr:, ; -- .- .-' U; :, i -f -..; .4 -' : it rsca.i ;-': I i - i --t w, ar ij t .:.; :wi ai.a .; t.-.tro i. u r. " -. . - iacia . :. a.'4aJc. - -. ; J at n i. . . is ; ':;:. rr. iact ' . - 'V2 E2C;2l i i . ijtce li-t. j3 ii . - " : i w i3 ji, i .. s-c t. '. ar IJ ijt ' '.-: a vr.jiil j .- ;.t ca ikr J " I :vr. In ' , 1 ii. -. M a H ,-.: ; I of . - t ;.. i crr aal - ? .lit. K-t - .. ". i - .j". K'.iv, ad ;$ '. v-'' .f . iii.C - -- ' '!'. iacv. .-. i C't. .. u Knwal - N - .-. TJ Ci. E. Vat. i - ii t-j j - . i . .. .- K: t 1 " '. -Miii il ". '.-,": lii&.tiljs :' J: o-.i .il tnv4 3t aj - ' i v: - i -l.ncil pviai - - .:. iarii-: wiy a . . ii -" ' - ' X ciu; Qrvr ' ' - .-'. d w. Var. IS :: : i 1 ii. aiir.C. a. -- .. i- - t, ,a, v:: i ia- '. ':. r..v;tj of tJ.,M : W. II. acr. ta.-i M.Swa ' e . 4. - i. i...i..3: .' iv f.'.ar-. yl :a- ' -J- . u b.i-3ce a Lr t. Jiu . ". i. :r u, t,r. S 4. Var. i .-irvv. .; :t wi-:c i . : d 'i-a.lar 1.-.. .fit !! Ijitf Xtf. 1 'si : r.-.r.g V.i KM. . . - lie.eua aaa Laurctte . .ui... ...i l- roitiiiTc ; ;v ..: ,-: l 'irr e .v::i.wi-ur. as! hiiA- -i .tv (:: v:-.-d Lrai;. - :-iiZii ;n.ta :ac avat i '; J': l . ti: SLtcax a-. lllt - ! il- ., n. Ka-Ied Hiccr '-e A , ; l.Jt'J t -u2tr, r.. a. fa.e Winn ttc :i4 -t ;. v mm ti-.rv . i.i. i . c: I iM:".a Cintv ' a; 1 at, .Ki ,aj jj. .' "UMn-itc Lo!e l"aiai ".-e .. .t i....':As I'ou-ilT, r ;, on u.r Itiii uavi-i N. Kit. e: A .1 . .i-l !::e stivLl kxa- -' t. ordi-i a liar Jiid i:i i-'.:ir ol lvu.:as ' - "-" ' tai nor.hiriT v !-. :. i:K;-::in t ixie Claim. Ihi ' i a. .. . i nfci,a . . .Vanicjj i, i '-::.' i -a tac Nocerly atd i.. c 1--.U ..i;ci ; ;av icjcrii-aii .. v: naj li J. and :-" : "v lc asi claua- "'-v Ki'.ec. iKi-.eoer) -.n.y ir..i n tae Laorvta - ,u e"-.v -! ii l: Laun-tte . - :. :c'.t ..i-i,t. and ia xtta :. o i:-... -a iliccn-i r and Law- : ' i .v. .-roirei:i i . ' e Hiua .Nriifrt i. . i in : . - i . .. i. ri r. V's --a ii;.; ailTerely . .i.:., .i.e, i';i'2i;Hi iir tur .-j 'iw r.ivd. in eed. plalteil a-v fct.i'. v t, -t;;:ed ibat. ua'.iv . . ari-i .1.. Kivri. to '.-ere un-Ur. ttiS ; -i. :iv.;ii :i ci t!;; notice. ' i' e I'r.iiiJ ,-uu i'...,', i". '.eC.'.iLty id Ivu t !.,:. i., t;:,y be laured ui .i i 1. 1 a;.i i.mute. "i", and rt pnb- i i J::ac 1. Ui, iN-J. J. T. BRIIXJE?, Notice for Publication. i'NIiin MAI S 1 AN ; 'Ki K'K. !. -e urj!, OMii-a, A-.: J I, 19, , ' : I;?.-.-.-, by c-'vtn i;n: ta lollowm- '" ; ' 1 - : u.v av oi kit iuteauoa . . .i: i . .: . . ; : h- , ct li;s va;m. and ' .- ; ' : ,'. " ' .-: i i' .ore liic Ki-imit ' 1 ' ' OUicv at Rotatbunc. ' " , '. ; i i .." v . 'i.viuy 1.. m-;: ENi '" ;x " N; :' :vr xw .. uh . . . k , . (;.,. ;o.a.m:uj - 1 1 .'-.c bis ei na.r.oiis rxid nr up i e tii;.i land, y.': Wiitia-a 1 ' - :i i i'. i,r1. j. Tho:ariu. oi .. r m ..,u: i..Ug K-burss, i ' ). T. EKIIH;liS. lieiter. I arms toraJc. A i.UiL. i -. s :i:i'.i far ni for sale, 'Mo 1 to f.-ii;; groninir. viced app! 1 i r. i';:.!ri!s cn some of tliein. - v.r'.iiiii.irs is-jtiire of, O. Al I'KKSOX. CievcUnJ, Or. V, Yuvi. :'. . .!. ii. ii liK'.il repreFenta- ;:u-I i ti.s. i-'pa'ar Viavi remedies. Ai;v ma: Jiiirii! m i' o! Uiom remedies drvsi" l.or at K -ffburf, orfg-.-n.