J Witt 15 II HI If 1 IMS I" I IBB 1 I til ft-.: Ml 1 1 vr4 1 I ii i 1 a- 1 &3tt!tz , 4 ... V. N X .N N.N V N V X.N X N N V V N.N ..- I A SURE DEATH 4 'S: Closing out Sale!!! gp- Wc arc closing out our entire .stock for CASH - Now is the time ti IJL'V. Read Prices. opher Poison M( im' Heavy loo!e, worth JJ.oU, ' 'shoe- ' tl.f,0 to tJ.Uvt, 1 -dies' Heavy " " M.50 Fine " ' ICO to to" W T.i.ys Suits worth 13,00 to $".0o Men 6' Pants at almost hull prices. i.. i H : i i o" it no .jr ji in M,IM to 2.l 0 1 r V-VM Id f ..'jit 4 (PREPARED WHEAT) Ladies' Vests for Summer wear - " yds. of Calico, Meus' and Boys summer Hals at discount. Three packages 31b. Cold L'rop Washi'ii: I'owi. i leu rars 1. sundry Soap, Fnur cans Tomatoes Tliree cans K. C. liaking Powder even 2 or. pk;f. iSuiokini. TobtccJ 1 '!8hes, Tin and Agatewaie at almost your own pr .- i. ir !.' s-ta-d A .4 EMUal struct! H IT. - - . . v - 4 -' - f r -r' AH SQUIRRELS. 4s In Hay now before t lie s!otk is puked over. II. w; iliii.j; in v store w ill le sol 1 at Cost hut for Cash Only. jjrP'iif mis MICE. CROWS, SIC. vs N N 1 1 Squirrel m G -J Squirrel and ry Gopher Poison :S .52' i ay !.r.,!.,;;,""i:.......: 1 : I',. r-!..:.l fi Tlii-; out rcTjicscnts suad offered by any concern in the tatc for tlu- price 4 Our I:n f Bedsteads are complete. Common Bedsteads for rM.o. Better one iur Hard w..dj Bedstead for 55.00. SPRINGS, MATTKKSS. BLANKETS. Ol'ILTS. an.l i'ILL VS.: as cheap in proportion. BICE BICE, Tlae House Funiisliers. THE PLAIN DEALER Tut TLAlSIiilAl KK I'M-.' !II!S 1 . t M EAltOKl' . . C.CONKJEU. i t.mvifORiv ., tu !: rt f( t on ?uc V r r.. i Months Htrfe Uon'bt - .. 1 JULY J7. is;.. No! aa iocii of Alaktn tn- aiven "Canada iu t!.o It.e bmndary ' d:F!'U.e. rh?irun II all. rr;m will ! .":i;ei:t l .-U'c; Co; "?"?r?r?? Var. iT.ij., v. K j 1 i-t rc" :il.t : Im . Maili of the cUnwr har.l jt i.o : luar ti.r.aii f:rta'. t-taVs in :'.' ii.indei to sloi irru:":i.a. Cat the ern .oiiit.-y ii el- iU-ii" i'. t.i isr regiments i.i he i : i!i i! vv:.:ci.ves "i : it;.;.;? rial s.'tni'.y ai.-i ri time justtbe taa;e. I'-i- iii !-e fi ..a tv.-ry l.u:;d. II- " fmaiiiS t2i a', ti..- h k I.i'.i :!e s.Ivvr : It will uever te kuou !" A Jiuirai sis? i-a .it :i4.'t'ra':.- vui. I 'cti: xralic Cervera went mesi icstea ! oi irt frvai iea ii in e-; ai e s.iy i!-.' :! c .l m --autiag) harbor, ul-sj lit a- j-rotujjteJ ' tiiic. by the tboalit tuat m;.' crow up T,ere i n rtroai o;-j.j-:.in c with t lie eoun try. tie :i resjtr JeiEO-ra'.ic ir.zzzi'vi U i!.e Wtj'cru slates tj ijke up Ej:ue u.ii- ly tlie time the veraze uwu i CO L- er is : au i 1st silver dr-i vat altoic:.. 1.M mony woaib dae Uia ia d--l dtb" : . ! at i; eo far in t!;c ba.kgr;t!- i totapport biiu 'lie rrst oi iii? life, if Le ' l' W!i' Lot Cgare wlt:i ai y pronti coald eoliect it. " l-Ni'-eii'-.y is t:.i- trae neiive iu iLe taavass. of a coantry uewspainrr Orie of the .de.n-XTa'itt !iisiu:"r, Mr. Cjok. oi Missouri, iiiiis-s iha: "iViE 4t bave a right tj think." T:u ir.ay Bjtbe ttrietly irue, !mt 5r:i?.',.s t! ey have a right to think that tbey think. Are truete the ;rod'i..t uf aDytijii.g but class lei;ielatioii? And none fought harder ia congreM t j protee? tb-ai then the democratic ieoaturs :io fjrceJ fp: rial fcatoree into the WiUou tarirf f-.r the tiar trnst and the o i tru-i so con demned by C'.evelaiiJ. 'Janiial JcBr r.al. The iusree demoeratie wranc'.e iu Chi- UHW is onTy au illnstratiou of what it will be io the national convention when It meete. Bryau tuay be iioaiiuated ear-: ily but no pUtforoi will lie ad p:eJ wiiii- OUt btrd DU llOt tWlt. Hi ! Hteil It li , ... . . , over aemocrats wi.s vj-. inty please, The party is worse Uisra-ed than it has been eioce 1871 Pjoglsaeoanty will give her re'.uriiitg aVlIrliAPB 1-1Q b m -tn -1 crxfin c a ' " - tboajja they had pra-iried the -:-;, of m.duaraiuiu.irMie aoi votea to ue miieierca oai ai ancoover. e an : consider tueir wi-iiei paramount ta oar i own, especially when there is a nijn?y j a'.ike, have a disheartening effect on the consideration' in their favr also. Jlorj ' dexocratic lea-Uri. It tr.eaas asaeep iegooJ, bat the boye ligare I that a fev ! ing victory f.r the rt-p'ihlh-an pirty in extra dollars would come in very handy, P.'vK), aiso, and their hea ls ar levtl in this ' -reelect. Taey are every one heroes and Camas Valley Items, will be received a cicli. . rilipiuo leader, :a. A gain aid o.' the paotei ae sayii.x in a rec-ut speech at j aar.ac, at a ce ebralnn nf the auniver-: sarr ot tne J liipin. -aecla-ition ot u.Jc- pendtttice," tbafws shall e at et ! ... ... ... that the great American nation wdlse-' . , , , knowledge the right which is on o-jr -i ma a. ei- , , Side. -bjme states of the . . . , American Lmoa have arisen in our ; favor. Especially 'in the democratic' party conyjocctl that both victors aud vanqaieuea win Lose precious i:vf-e. itius . many oi tue people atu many statesmen ctneore Preeidtnt McKinley as inhuman r j ii'-t-. or MTim woere.1 ins military repre-. narVl... is OJ1, eariv a , frail, will aeutatives at Mani a to ek means tojy.j uii:e Uv pain will be ' bnos mboot btilries with the Fili- i P'C0'' Ilev. II. J. Vivian, of McCook. N'ehras- ! " ka, is viniting wi-ii fri?n Ik in il Taller. . Tlie prole.-t aaaiusl t ie censorship rt MaQila, feigued iya number of corres- lndent', is an a:nus'ii.t docum n in same respects. Tnv m suriiiind to 1 ..... . " ' , DPd that they can not ii-elV ci'ilirst Manila, which atjiresoiit is n':i.ply a ua,i.ii iriR.iii. a nor. I iin LUC wires .,. . . - are utihzsd at bo ne. I be srmy lines i " are formed (Found Manila or a ft-w tuileeawar. It ihe froi.t. Urdinari- ly, war correspondents are not allowed 1 If it be true that President Kiuger has ! ll,it,eJ the said ciime of strangulating j afternoon. All are cordially invited to at to ieleu'aph auvlt.iuz from the fiout. lesicried, iliere is no dancer w hatever ! H"'' smothering the sai l Claiie Adelaide i tend. hermar banishel them Irom h.s de- partiueut. Coiiuiaudiug gnnerals do not open tbeir -trlejcraphi facilities to oullide matter. As a rule, the w ires are -ciowde.Jwiihi.rmr butriuesb. Tnecr retpoudenU at Manila h.-ive enjiytd gretter facilities than is t:usto.nary. They seem to iai.gine that they are called upon to eoaduet alia rs at WaB.', ifjgtou as-well as Mauila. l these ab urdiy pretentioue aud ollivious ciriliar.e : are expeCeJ from isa. J;is' lines mo : e&ldierof eiptrien. - will be surprine.l. iM Ilen.ocrat. .;ir leader in Iron and Kiiauiciod Bedsteads, w I'josperity in the est. o: t:.e i w:. ii Id: a .; ieiders ii liie .O'.iiJj' 1 in ci?io far1- : 0 i;:tit V.t; I.veiy ,)S lb'.ii'.f.). b s5y, .if ui-.'vii! ;s ' i:-) triis aisy-.htiii a;eMi.t.s tf.e itj-i l'. Il.e i! '-i iti i" ore ai-uve 1.1 . : t::au i- . . .-. t.'-n '.fjre. l-i;:s . 1" bank i :ra:a:.oes j'i.iit;: vi "i.L' Wi-ti'. .ii! uf iLeai Ii-,- rr froa. a.l ;eae :u tr.u.'a ::ciis ii- ...r iru r.u.iol :s :.!e a: iLe i.ii.ei i jfirts ever toixheJ. A;;tat reiary iii- 'i ie.i?-.y l: e t- ' gtll are S, J:yat.!. i.jiarcf.ly i. JlUCCr i.!.J t- arixijui tj 6-ii.i i j it, t:i j l:.e i . m t iiiit.y t-j ui r !he:i:. Im' tuo wrl-r b.-ta p -liikiallS ali I ti;e couytB'iou w tnn oi ti.-ii i-ait : edit .rs, are aric tiiC-ir s;.!t to i.ive i-.r' ' t'aat i-6'je and ta t of liomethin ei'e. Tiie defec:ion of t:;c Wetl ii a sorio is , thing for tie ddu-x-ravy. It was .-a li.s . Yest that tLe 'Jewoeratie utm .c.ked f jr a (treat part of their t;e'.l-j,.t; vo'.te Jiifil vear. That kuew tba. the r.urji' er iofe'.atis whi.h they can cany in the ; Sjj-h will Lot f jraitii tl.eai wi;u n.ore ; than ha!: tue ou-aber cf vj'-.. ai.:.h their party w il!i,eed lj jjnc it the vie toiy. The south has Ijii;: t:n'.-e ceac 1 to hi toiid fw-r t!:e de.tvK.rjiy. Miiiv Votej will have iotoxe frou: the ft to - . ;bat patty if it is to Lave my ehanee ta j0. Tae J-mueratic iea ieie kni.w tLat they cj get vrry few vjtca frsra the ; West under preseat ejolrtioos. It was . It.a luinw iSpm ian t.lM Ir.nn -"v -- b the democratic panic of lyJ which ere a;e.j the coaditijes ; ,uve the deai.xMcy eeveral etates in the M:ssi'.sir ;.i va iev and ou the I'aci'Jc , fciope ia l:J i Kepa'ji can pusperity 1 - A. ,.,....1 tT., . ..,,. ., 1 f ' , urUa-.ct. -..!iu. .u. , situatioa is chance 1. This way the report? U ba5;as activity art iteaerai prosjierity ta'OUitiOiit lli"West, wincai comes from democrats and reiuyhcai.s ' At -hjiit li' o'cl K-k Ti-.es-lav residence of T. J. Iovij was discovered petted to waive examination aa l Le will j fi.ao, .,,, ,,. o.o.i .;,i,!,u,. u,..n.u :,. t .. n.. fi.a . ..l ita lr ,l.,4.,va I i t. .,,.',,,.. ..,- .... ,,. t.. ..:.(., u.. i.. ..nA -i.;-t. .t-I t.tJ1Jiei in t;IL. VJ!;y . , , . , ;, :, ; : .' f' , ... :.!i.,.;. ..' x' S . ii' a. v io??. .ri:L uy. iitc t;i;o.aiiri its ., , . not known a the fsui! ir is asieep. oir -i,.' .',,a..I--- l"r;.l.e f,,r a k -m. ..o.- i i..-. I r. n i .r a n"i ii.'tn,'ii;.n. 1 ' " Mr. II. Stanton is iaip.-ovin Ins pU.-e. 14 !i-'e ' barn. j l i.te a uau.ber of ru - I 'sr.ous kinds ' are p.u-ins tiir-.uh on then way to the ! ;Coas. , ,Ie l'"k 0.-".ii i a I r i;ht ; j,,.rS , 7 . T I T,. Dreyfus sernuIv 111. ' 1'aiiis. Ju'v '!'". I Vt i t louniMl ;-.6 ! . f , . . it i t . i .Captain 1'rev us is ill witli a 'ever, and ' i i-.- bis i-onditiun w scrums. j that President McKinley will fol'ow his example No Aui'ucaii hoys Ijjiu tl.i3 year will he n irned AjTUiuahlo, and veiy lew ii any w ill he chns'i-ued A'kins.ir. Mr. K'jot called tit wr .'epartt ut . , looked ever wtik laid .ml f ,r h ins, Hi,d A a? in di - Ymr av- raz-seif ui'ids man is usual- y U1II,!P in ,hPl firMt PH,.H I)V rij. ,.0,,ntv ; ', paper. i it. UcJ-i NO I 0RMAL tllAROL I'LAttl). M.i n:.l Cannot 15c IndiilcJ tleiore! 5srten.iber. igi'nsl MclUniel, as ::'' 'r-''"' and d' ! -:.se -ie;.ri- : ,-.wa lorti.ei "- j M Oi'Uit n's ".u ;L:e i- i-e. la;.u.:.e are i -iiti U't.: U.il tU- riit B)n, .! -' n J. tase vnr :i uin umi i.'iti.efurltiif tii.'Se in tbirk they Mi-iUr.ie! and Mi-6 I:t' ii e'-:rnins h :iic at 1 u:i the bini.t of the n.'irJer. l'l ve.'H'.ir.s Atfrtty ;! a Uee ! I't-'J'.' n"-' have t ii-i. !i.ir'..icii. a? ; i.. i;e of '.!: ai i itixely i leiauy tbe c :;! .: Ji Kuu-i t:ve tt.eir oj ir.i-. n as j i j ra.l.'.eti.-e iii e rl a ;i-a'ai.ve a:. ! ts. ; Yrfer '.. lVC-t:i Mioa.d be-, i ... : .. ......... i ..,,.,..( ji.a- c":.r . I it.d I": infe M i'i!i:t-'. a a i.riv'.r i ee'.y I gi- i s-. .iii;i!.c t!.e:u itt: Cy, :. i'ark at cr l?i euiuiuuy i Mr. ' is oar h .!" ''elnoiv n:l, audjaaJ ii'.t'- .i.cv.-v. w that t: ey i-.ii-t : 1 ui 'nc i y H ji!a iay I'aik j Tb;:riJa .!-T.e..eii. t: and u5a t- witiiiu t iiij- k of liejboxe '.i Mr. an i Mr. C d i I jir.'s !i.-:,e. i.ere l!jey eie ?iea i where we elij )cd '. ie g l 'i.rr" wl. j i!: tHeJr "o ttivce i u-..: j-rct-cJ tjfciy I bar it ai! Moiauici aud Jl.ts Uitvii. lut ti.eir evi-1 deti.-e i-y.nu f.tr.i;'y id u. tJ a- 'hejj; 0f her W.her Jrauci "lichou lerots!j teea oui tsi-s Kue, an I helps to t aaj Mis IWiie Fieneb. l.u were inr crrJ:..rare t!.- i-o-y toll by Mel'auM j riej at tl.e hww vl the li ilts nuV.ber i rn tirst au'-tc 1. ' last week, W.T.I. lie, of Canvon vilie, t:ie f. -rt i la.-rr thir airr, ci:t of : J. ti.i l r oio.ati j:i li that '.v c:;t to Cyl-i l'.i-k. where a ti.s l iiVtr f.rop-.-2a e aaJ l that M -lMais!. hecoaiiii j bvn very iriU'.'U eclirjrJ and ixa.ele iscnSelhe wj'i.i j-ut the e.il . , .-..., llfn,. .,..' i3 wy. . ii;u..ur )uut .ma, i- jcallrcMecat-laolthebroa! piiMisaaJ doabtealy tafafiate.1 with U.m, aa 1 t.tai j ba!tts.r,.lc, g:rin,. h a flue ar.pearaace. a'vae Kvsry ur develorracnt i Aa.j tl.e ;nsi.!e arM aJ aals!iiogi tj-.Leta.: of h.s hav.ee c-ea'.poer over j at? U m ! tiatjMte. iapplsajeote-J her. whieh-raileiuii :.,es ootecein to j wih exw.:leD, :,,aa.eaiet:t IUakiag it haye Iojn-1 a fpo:;ve ejl-l;aif'Ilt in j JUe het hotel on tii road. I aaiily Min- L" Srea-'" T;,a; " ' " ',!ire "J!nersara ma4e a feature, aal we advite ab.ve reproa.-a u-i .. she riiet hiai : .v.. . , L.ir ,i,t i. in. i.e. .! u:i- i pro-eJ rr.oif c-js ! :-: e.y as the Jet.t!- . ,' , ,, iHe j ueei'.-r ;u.; : .c 'ic.i:r w iti a , -.iiLteca:.-? McDaniel. 1 ne pr.-ji.er 1 .15 very roailjrUOie l'irter3 in the th.r J story tf the city jiii. In this E'cry, n :xn prisoners are kept, hot 030 ce.l has been set aail for flu mt t t-' aa r.f -i.' :.(tn.t. Ifa7 prisoners 1 t v. 1. .... v.a.T. ..ia... jj. vu i;...w'. ... . , . ,- 1 ... land with li-.s n iaJ a- active and un- iii'ttcd to see oliv !ii brother and Jus; ... ... ... . ,, - i .. . , a number of yoan attorue 01 i,',.o w hich ere-! mt:i kaew Uistm,, f,r Xr airaioa '.'7 T "u'a , " " ! 3B,e ' oc ati.e'att which. tJ,i?;. lL.aK..se, v'io. tut. ileaLerou. hoaieortha- of Mr. an 1 Mrs. , Dattcr-Ueu Jairy, ; tUy bL,jw ,,,me 5,,?ci.i b-.fiuets. they : .... rt 1 t..i ..;.. 1. .. r.tia refused. McL'auiei hae little, in ! faLt. nothing t sir. anl seems lo have aa aversion tj meeting auv ones ira;- ; ,Ie ,jas evijer.Uy c-jius t-a lii concloaion Iietijer t3rong!, t,e alviee of hi at torney or no!, that " ttiil tongue means a wise head " and if the prosecution throws auy ui ore iiiit uu the murder of Miss Tilth, it will not be throjh any information "'.eanef from Frank Mc Danit!. i When the proper tims cuaies the state will proceed ti make a formal charge ! of murder against McDaniel in the uiu iiiciit the ; oieipai court, w hen the pr.soncr ii tx- 1 1..-.. I.o ro i. . n n. U,l Wlll.i.lit III. 1 1 to In. not Uiet nnti! s-pteiuber. The city! ,;.,,:.,...,.- .1..,,- ;!. I,!.,. ..!. lendale last week attending t.i l.n.i. uj it. iuci 'jc a'.c .i-...iio ... ' , , ,, . , f . . , ,,f s'.c jI cii : in the ha3eii:ent of ths Mult- . , ,, , : noaub ei'iatv eo'irtlit.. ise, frosi whence . , ' . he win eairce a tonvic'cd nmr lerer or 'afre'iuaa " ' . ... vfciiiiicr oi ini: t oKOoi.ii Jim. The fohowiug vtrdi. t was rendered by the corcner's j irv Tutsdav : ' That th t-ausJ of death of the said i Claire Adelaide Fit.-I. was strangu'.aliou and sinoll.orin, and that the eaid Strang ilati.it. and smo-.ueriiu was per- fo'aied by sjne person i:h nmrderous otent. That thr sa d CI -lire Adelaide Fitch had e-tret';. iuet .li.e Frank Mc-Datiiel, and t a'.J'lie evuh-n. : conclusive that the Bi d Frank Mtl'.ii.itl with the said ("aire Adelaide Fitch on the eaid night of Wednesday, duly I'J, 1S'.'V at ! anil in the s.id Cycle Park. That .-xcepting facts hereinbefore stated, the evidence oblaiuatde ie cir cumstantial, aud that as to who com- Fitch, tiie evideuce both direct and cir-' cuiiiruuti.il, points to the Biid Frank 1 McDaniel. .1. W. C.tMI'lifcl.L, til tl.U- WlLMlN, 15. F. SI.ll LOII, i. ANDtltKON, Isaac Fooix, A. A. IhicniK "Kteeestty knowa no law." U is a law of Nature that the blood must be kei.t i.ure. and Ho irl's Sar-m.-riha Drain.OrcKon. V BSCLUTECY Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ilendalc. M'. aud Mr. W.ih M jo:e. ol Uaup-.u-viKe, luve iii-jvcl :j ' ilrsi dale. ii i r-eide liere iu Uie I r.ure. 'Jri". . ana Mrs. a.eutiij j l..;bi!;n, t o of .o! i. n m-.t -i- il-ir U..l:,-e vitu I ' .it:. 1j "ti . .in ! jv . I i Mr :. C. -a k ..:, lu tjirui ivOC I luUe here hi" iirr s':er Mr. . i. ill!, hie g 'tic ..r. l S.aiveoit to visit Ler pirei.t!", Mr. Mr. i;':v. i Mr. aniMt. v. i . i.aiTiri; 0u . - uu - day uioriiir-a'c nvtr a:id 1 i r a weeks Viri! mth Mr. I.t l e ,'jieii'.? at Cauyun- vi!:e. ai.-l.his M!,r Mr-. II. II. N.i .o Kiddie. ; t.len-lale ; tt-y iu atojn i-i tuti live? .n I !i..i:.y n-n am: i aie a J ie I to llil , II .t.'l'lll a. ... uuV U'nr, .. " ? O'lr P-.J-1 U jii v I k!Cl i- l.teat.fo at; 1 f are vcrv e.. Ko erts rp'nt la:t 't'a'it iul r V. T-A'.nu. i" .. r fif .iiiw . 10. l0QCia 11. j,enl hjiue. yUs ylt. i.i-tijaM.- Kiucrr, w-ud t4:;ej U.JU l(J Ueti,i tl.e ed- J2li::atii)c. le'.'ir-Lel :end:e on j Tbart !v. Hutel . i.fliiir. wiii h ha rn'tllr ( iXa. Dalntin havinst been uioat arlisti-i . Co'. . J. M irue. a wcli kaoo Ure - li;a pi.'aeer, it at '.enla e. receiving visits froai a.aar 01 1 fiiead, aaioiigit b.ar.I of reentsot lbs A. C. iiuniedi whoat we we can name Hon. j! Abra-', '"' laaJe hun eng;o?er tf the nw , .. ... haai, Andrew ilaxey. Andre Marshall, Jacob Cha Jwick, Mis. Mary Wool ant! 1 many others. C Martin, wluisuiaie I 11.au mtoscuaiia.-i, 15 uaie ana uearty 1 ciojue 1 aa av -iveare. e c-'roiany ia - ., , . , , . . , . ..... j -JKttm- 1 he reception teadered the lumietsr i aa "l9 '!eue: I rl lay evening as a very pleasant social g.vlhei iog and was eajoyeii by the Iarga concourse oi people who were present. The lunch served by Jthsladies was txcellett. aal the ro- gramme arranged was well executed. The antbeai by Messte. Wikox, Austin,' Stedham, and Misa Stella Std'ham, who also presided attheorgiu, was a niusi- i J cal treat, and called forth rounds ol ap- plans". Uie wl;o.6 wae arranged and. ool alley, 10 H'c: dJastero Ore-exeenie-d by Mis. M. T. Chase aud sav- j goa, rji. 1:, Mohair, :;.;hV. eralvrb? assisted her, and Mr. base I I'otatos-Oregoo litirUn.s, I.-3; Lave the thanks of our people for this!.arnet Chiles, 1.X JI. 73; new 11.00 pleasant occasion. The cash conttibu- "u ' luc UOUBHOn IU I groceries and vegetables was very good. Hou. .1. L. Dewey spent some days ai lendale last week attending to busi ness, lis returned to their camp where Mrs. IVwey and Miss Edith are spend ing the warm .lays, and whom, he iu- nsaa. H rtnrn,! t. 1..!r .--mo J,- formed us were enj yinc their outing' vymach. .uoii.n:. Califomian Have Sailed. v t.Mi.A, duly 'J'i. p. m. 1'iaus ; Shermau tailed today for Sail Frao ci -co, via Nagasaki an 1 Yokohama, with Caiiloruia inlautry, consisting of dS otlici is, hot men, two batteries Califor Liu heavy aililleiy, liiuccllicets, SO men, aud -75 discharge I soldiers from other regiments. Basket fleeting. A basket Meeting w ill be held at the Garden Valley School house, near Mr. i LalUuts, on Sunday July oOth, Preaching by Elder W. A. Wood ol Uoieburg at 11 o clock a. ui., and in the The editor of tlie Democrat climbed to the top of Knox's bulte near Albany ) (his week, probably about as mar Iiojv I en as our friend will ever get. C ASTOR I A For Infants and CMldreo. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of J. A. Black. 1 POVVDEE? "PURE The Seini-Weekiy Pi.AI.n PKAl.r.k and The Week ly Oretrijiiiau. !otii on year The Semi-Weekly Bi.ain DKALKK aud the Suuda , S. F. Bulletin ;c page botlX OUC Car. WO P-lpel -one. the j rive ... All three paper- oi:c ear fur . 5 News Not;-. r .4 t : ii J o.-e I Na ..er (.) iu -r, ir ! I iJceta 1 irv at Casea-lt l.." yectei lay c jii-t-uaiel K irfel-Saiith taw mii! aiid O. 1.'. A N. fre.cbt ur, iod-.l wi.ii iiaii. C. '.V. Cottaai, a druuiaier e i.i:c i;Jf taiajiie hat tue-i 'rvcju ..y l.-i daxaweti foi 1-eir. ia priSoaeJ t ayi fo: leturnc to take .wit a iiien'v. Vnorl:cc ta la, liicjvery v'. the e.ientis!, li.e jfliu is a ..je iv!or iii tea 1 tf red liower thi luay there ran ( no loub; on ttie l omt that it ii the whio iiiin's bo -del at th. pur- ticu ar i;ne. Here n liie h: Ashlaa-ir .,:n aa ex- -Cawge: Tw ehsroiia yomw- 5aJ.e. lei u;. lienaaat iborntoa on : Main Mreet, TnesJav. and Jct-seJ iiiai. , He, hke the hsro of S.ntiicx accepted oscula'.ory :uatmn witli .eeoiuiorf '. moJetty. .i.v.n. v i !..:..; t ! , , ,, , . . .: . 030 gl t:' -seoni refja CN3--r. retariieAl t ; to Corahis leave ct '.-eae. T."e 1 ... . .1 i , t atir piaut at a miary .l f.,)J year ' n hst nstitutiv;D. 1 Today's .larket. i ,. i ioi.il nn. . 1 . 1 1 ;'-'l'i-. tancy ! creamery, Wj per roll. ' Oaitry Chickens, tuupd, . kf ". i. J ; rrune Italian -r;3' .. eilver, extra J choice, i 4'.. per lb. ; heat Wall Wall 07 jc , Val- j 'e' &3 30o; L-luesicm oS;-. ! Oatt White 4J'.4-j: choice gray, pf bushel. Mil'.stutr Urau, lo: tuiiJiiogs i-J; euo'ts, chop, $1(J.W per ton. Timothy $S..i Jlij; clover. . '-'renou wild Lay, f3. 7 per toe. igl.'.'o l-er eack. ! I - - - - - j Many men and vom;.i an akiiou t!nn the .k-adly srast. ot roiisuniTtion. Although its fatal hand is unseen, its presence is made known by unmistakalile S3"mptoais- Ca- ietocon" , suniinion A cough, sore throat, pain, in the chest, bronchitis. Weeding ut the lungs, loss of flesh and general weakness arc warnings that this relentless disease is about to gather in a victim. A remedy for all the disea-s which, if neglected or barfly treated, lead up to consumption, is found iii .Dr. Pierce's Goldeniyfedical Discovery. It builds up the weak plates and fortifies the sy.itcm against liw oiil. mhts ot disease. It helps the . j.jK-titf. usi-t digestion, is an aid to the proprr .is-imi-latioll of food, and t lc:iis-s iho blood of all its impurities. li is a strictly temperance medicine, ixurt.unirij; not an atom of whisky or alcohol in any form. ' Your ltir.ticim- i- ttu Ik l 1 !...' c v-r taken. ' writes Mri,. t nnie Piiiiiiiian. oi nuhurto, Kat kusVa C.j. Mi. I. ' 1 u-t priOK I luil a bad rouult: !; i !:! I had to tf i't lnl all the time. Mv iiti l.a nil ttniML'ht I linil conuniption. lie waul, a inr I, '.t a doctor, but I tuM mm if tt was foiiuniitiiiu UitycottM not litrlp tue. We I thotttht w e mii.l tiy Dr. ruTcr Oultlrn Medi- cwl licovetv 'Hit twturc I lia.t tiik. ti otic bottle J the coiiph i.tujicit :itid I have unci- ltud uonijrai I of its rtiuiuiii." For the most ohstiiictte form, of con j stipatiou ;tn I liiliou-iitss, use Ir. Pierce's Pica sa m iviicts. i inir action is prompt yet cinlor ..hie; tilt ir tllcl is perma nent. Insist that the drm;nivt .Uk-u ,I()t jjive yon something else. stnliborn ---vOlvi' ' J N N. N N N FURNITURE, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER! And the Place to set them is at STRONG'S FURNITURE STORE: . - j lh.t-Lil ro J- I i- a- ---'-1--i- I 1 arnjt. Lib Lack- sit ' Our Iiae vt liel Loacge i ot. j wlat yutt wauf. we task" it f.r j lectit your own gyjdr. Se our ?-'.,..t SiwiOij Machine. Lave the Ust taachiue .a the lastlet ljUij a-- aav :uacLit;e that : ma le. Ir.ti frjni :l" up aa-l Have just sctte.l up otir ttcck if t.us that are Lard to lat I. ale buyers caa le sure i f Retttng as tfooj ' . ....... ' v-CiUUUO iliif nu.' i-v;i;ii'. nii t Ijr tuotto p He t v!l them. hC't-e-'. vaitirs The of Goods, all that is new aud up - prices. Mail orders solicited. Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER MARTIN, 'Phone Main 181. WYLIE PILKINGTON. trfacct'ssor lo uvuviui uiawisi ill Llllll AaKjiaw:3i.iwBi. fROTriNO AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY. KEl'AI&lNU OF ALL. KINDS PRUMJ-IXY Ilv.NK. r Hnuis ou Corner WataltlOKtou nutt Kant Hta., Hoicbara, llllll'Hlll MARSTERS & CO., ROSEBURC. ORECON. XXX X X X X X X X X I cut i? tu - t - . - Jate. AJsO cwJwU-. aai if we Laveu' y.n u 1 jva caa Lavelle a-Jtaale of K .-eet- t - le couv;&ceJ. that, f.-r the 1 rice ao.l wili giurantte it iwl o laiMitko :i beJs fr uj Lrd op. Taper aaJ Lave rae tew Je- in mr ri-.-.;-. .i. 1 1 k'-'-' "''d acLeap a- it 1 lvo.i ... 6. W. Chief Charm. a Shiil Waist, is the charm of I Novelty. It will interest you to kuow that our stock of waists is Clean, Fresh and New. The "snap" aud style ef our garments at our usual low price are giving us astonishing busy days on this article. Call aud exaiuiue our entire stock of Staple and Fancy Dry to - date at specially attractive WOLLENBERG BROS. and Retail Dealeas in Props. (i. W. SUA K.J FOR lllil Druggists, H 1 XNNXXXXXXNX x V, Roseburg Bakery. ; Hurrah ' Hurrah '. the br.-al ii'; ri-t: , And nit-Iy inad- 3r? ur luinee pir". ' No "rim Win.; i . f-r thr ric a '. In.-i'J..- th? ovii ?J,,. jsija Jo jro, j S, h;n the i-rk r-iel 1kjh! ar; i Caiiirad..- and j'atrm; Lave -"U. fun liiJ'.'t caki-i aiid .-a-uut4 we L'jw rell And aii that -;y. tli.-ir twwtbearH til. : Uye l..r.-a-I au-1 ri. t-f every kinl : Il'jolvtr for low pri-re y.i'H tia-I. Laeh k-af i? .1 weiglit sri'l j"jr X'rl ! tho g-ii!- ari-1 laaud- licare. l,ire;f fj'iT Tl-r-r t'.. Ja-ky. fttrwrt, l-a'di i-a?rv!i we ar.- jr'jd t gre. " HANI5CH & BHETJDE, Props. 'Notice For Publication. Csrrro Mint Luo ow.. bare. Orf ja. Ji.y Is;. ai i brtf ;iTm :.,t ia cav:aj. -.iiliti j-r ioc. .-: li.c ct of CfBcsa&f iLt J. lst, ta'.'i-l "An act 1 jt lie Mr '.. jrr Ias1 a '.li-- rra'jr. oi CaUurajt. Ot. f t. is! Wea.K'ua Irmi-.-rr JO!IN K HALE, i j.ai.l- .ia'r ..f J.jph.ac. of Ur-.t.-a. ha tuii 4i? S.l sa Uiua wfice hi "".- -uaoa: So. ;or : oiaa.e o tae : 'i o Kr:i..3 '- :-. Itmn-i:? So. na.' No. J mo-i ;a o?'f pr"?f to !i.jw tvi the wbt u oore ruulbie ior ttsbr or -'oc ibu I arrrulrTmi vcri.". 1 U it;-a :j j.a :j ol trfrjee tjx Re ; ".rr aaJ lo. :r cf rai yr ml t.iseV-rt. .Ore a- 'a rvlr, :te .Vh UT of O :ottr !U.ti Mi. vt. H uliax-- Hi awr.J a n-1 l c. ; Drywa. of Uri:i I'am. r-goa. Any od 1 -r.ci ..ia.;3s tiv.p.r ir9 ri-l iavroo- rr re-.oe--l w t'iair . rUiri ia tb .hi or t..a t-ajit 2ta eT -I Orvy-.-r J. T. BS1IX.EB. Docrron MEYERS & CO. Spefiilists fer Ii .1 1 - .04 U..JP1 s4 j j 1 "5i ?T',TW ? J tNCfeja SSlH :iitiouitti.m. aii ruK. at; rtixa-k I1 Notice For Publication. I-oUld Trasti rVBLIC rAIX. Koset ars. Ore?va. - 1 VOriv.:: Is UEKTBT GIVES THAT I 1 V Jaaao.- ol iHstrcctieM ivxx tttr Ca- , si-iot:erol ..oeral Lsd 04Ve. acder att- &or:y to too ;a turn or Mcaoa -Vv 1 s. rr. sal. aa aen.Vd or tb set d Cnpnai ap-w-o-.tj Krbr-arr Jt. 1ks w will rocvrl to oStr ai -oVuc ttlc ct tbe loik Uy ot Aur l.'. ml thia offor, Uh- ioiio-rtsf tra:ti iaod lt. Lit i, Sec. I. i liTl .3TB-a u r. noca cUIruia a-lere2T the a,.Te-dvs. rjt-J bta.ii are n-javstc-l lo ulc thcr ciais in H113 oSoeoa or before tbe (lav abec dcsaK! tor ItK c.ciaenocscDC ol Hk'.ti Mic. olitnt :-c Ibeir r.sata wiil Vc ktleiftc-I. Jaly I.'. . I.T. BRIDGET. ! II. BtKIU. BSt. VALUABLL rL.CEKMI'ESI0 8ELI Ok xiss. raiooEB $1,500, euom na with sxaix GMST. Aid payioj good money at present, bat a litCa more capiul ceedad to prep erly work the mines. Easy of acceat, will tell all or aa interest io ths eaxua. Far particulars see rue at Kosebarg, or address r.O. Box 21 Koesboxf, Ore. The Home Bakery 701 Oak Street, Opposite Central Hotel. : Fresh Baked Bread Every Day "Boston Baked Bcaus a specialty. MRS. B. COHSTOCK, Proprietress. Administrator's Notke. VOltCt: IS HERKBY t IVl! THAT TUK . . 'inJersisneU mm on ttw Tia Oar ol Julv, ! Ji.lv annointnl ..luiln:.tr... .1 j of Loiidisa ItiteheU. Jei-esl. AU noi tiv , la t.atus ala-t food stlc arc heibT Tf , Qiuivd 10 liv-M.-ut ihc same, vrvpertr venl,C to t fie aJmtnisUwtoralthi iawoihctiol I CTi ttranlorU. ia koavbnrs. Douttla. Count.. Ore Svn. wilbin six mcnitui from uho data hereof. ! l-uled ihU K'lh day of July, i.k-9. ! jniiv iiiui iv aluuiiulrati.r of the ci!e ol Loliditw -M.tcUcl., docvajed. Notice lor Publication. I'MTaojiATis Layo orriil Koaeburs. Orvson, July hjj, Notice l hereby si-en thai ia eomplbaaea witauic i.MvUioa of the act of Coniwa of Ju e J.-d.lsrentii:ed"Anet for th mlti Umber Uudi fn IhosiUiea of Caliioriua. t're gou. cvJ nj w.hiugtoa TeirilorT. . . WiU-lAM R SIFPlt. W l,rants Fa,Coun.yof Josephtno. SUlo ot Oretcou has Ho- iUt uWA ia tht oOk-o bia wora taa.tacatNo.b.forthepurcliaef the S. a. 4 of iSecuoa No. is, a T0Bship So. SS S.O.S W.aod will offer proof to uow thai the land kiuiibt ia 01.11. v.Ih.ki. ir. it. YE: I oerorstouc than for asrlcuttf rwl uurvow. and ! tt eatatili.h hi emui 10 Md laud bvforu lh ; ReKiter aud Komvvr of thl oflicw ai Koavbur t j jUTT"011 ou riJ,.v' lay ol Octofcet j lio name a. wfuies.: Jofca R. HaIc,Kka ard Muier.' wahaui Uaaimond. U C. Browa all oi tiraau puna. Onjou. AnvwudaUrvr- ious el.tin.iij: aderwly the alKtre-deA-ribed lands aivroountrd to tile the.r vlaluu ia lhl niii.sj b or before i I -,Mh duv of iK-tobee. IsS. i . . i.Y. PKllnifc. tl-.tb'P) i-r.!. v. A !