The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 24, 1899, Image 4

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Ni "iPi7P " " s
; JtgefablcPrcparafiDnforAs-
steilatlngtteTKXlandBcguta- .
i i .
ne5sandBt.Conta!as neither
Opium.Morptune nor neial.
A perfect Remedy Tor Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms jConvulsions .Fevcri sh
nrss aid Loss OF SLEEP.
Tc Simile Signature of
aSt - - -.;... jfx" I I)
UyJai 5m-AMrttJJer-
lisavinai r
Southern Qrecqh State Normal School
m j?
wn ii
This School is now
Is the Largest and Most
New buildings, new apparatus and fixtures, fine caiupns, bctilbfni Knaliou, delightful
Count oi study the suuc otber normals of the Utc.
Bast advantages la Vocal and Instrumental music to be found in southern On run.
TWinintr Mnhorl fnllr ,,iifTini1 rA m r k.tM nl . tluwiin.1i iwlfi (Mih.r
TuHlcn tUS per trm: doaic 15 and 110
muucum luiumtiiif; ucu i h.hiii$; I SUiLi J
$135 pays all expen5es for one
The iborMat and nivt tboroucn route to a
v mra jus ewix luniagouui iue rrar.
Fint term open September II. For catalogue or inlurmatiun, aJJrea
W. T. VAN SCOY, President.
Superior band made harnees, both liLt aaJ heavy
Maaufactnred to order on most reaeoaable terms
Latber work, including repairing, execatel in
tb best possible manner at'shortest noticv.
Call and eeo slack 117 "S nr
andsamplefiof workinhhop. W
On the S. P. R. R.
Douglas County, Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open for recep
tion of guests.
Water cures Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia,
Kidney and Skin
To The Unlortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
This oid reliable and
the most auocessfnl
Specialist in ban i ran
r.iBco. still continues to
cure ail Sexual and
Seminal Disease? such
as Ooanorrtma, Oleet
V'i Stricture, Syph llis In
Vvall its forms, Sikla Di
. iVtf-'.-Mase, Nervaus Uebll-"-ity,
Impotencr. Seml
. : Vf nal Weakness and Less
uaief flanbeed. tbe conne-
s;neace of self abuse and excesses producing the
lowing symptoms: aaliow countenance, dnrk
tQOts under the eyes, pain in tbe bead, ringing
r the cars, loss of ouulidence. diOidence In (
w oaching slraneers. palpitation of tbe heart,
-eakneasof the limbs aud back, lots of memory
'inpieon the face, cougbs, consumption, etc.
DA. UIBBOS has practiced in fcau Francisco
er thirty year ami those troubled should not
'ail to eootiiit liiin and receive the benelit of
alt great skill aud experience. Tbe do j tor cures
bcn others (nil. Try lilm. i.'ures gusraaleep.
I'crMiis eured at home. Changs reasonable.
Call or write.
DR. J. F. oIBP.ON. Kesrny Ht. Han Fran
elseo. Cal
Achievements of Admiral Ddtey, ' the world s
greatest naval hero, by Mufat Halittcad. ti.o
life-lour friend and admirvttf the nation b
Idol. Binretit and best bodli Ksver oou pages,
exlO laches; nearly l(t page Ulftoue illustra
tions. Ouly l J). Enormous .-demand. Big
coiugifloua. Outfit free. Cbaace of a life
tWT Wrlto quick. The Doiuinlon (vmpanv,
rd Fleirfs1on Bld;.,r'bierfi.
y ii u
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
sTr;:.Jv. "
under State Control.
Progressive School of Southern
per term: board at ball tl.TS, ana kxl.r.; Xc vvx
ooaru anu ftUW.
year's schooling, including books
state certificate, it the normal xurv. Review
Roseturg, Oregon.
1 CjeiTEb Hiatih Lakd Offk r,
KoMburs, Owaton, Jnn'i. lvja.
Nutios It hereby given that in compliance
with i be proviMouR of theat't uf ConKteHiof
June 3, entitled "An act for the naif of
timber lands in the Etatea of California, Ore.
gou, cvaaa ton naeuuigtuu lernioryf
of CanyonviUe, CoatitT of Oougbu, 6 late of Ore
con, has tbii diiT tiled in ibis office tain fx of.
rtAlement f. cxo. for tbe of tbc Lot
of Section No. :A. iu Township No 3D,
ri. ftans;e So 6 W.. and w ill olfcr proof to boa
that tbe land wiugbt In uiore valuable loriu
timbctorntone than for atn-icultaral puriHMua
audio ettablifh bis ciaiju to wd land before
tbe kegriKter and Receiver of tills ofhee at Koe
burg, Oretroit, on Saturday, the tb dnjr of
August, InVJ.
He names as w!tTitne: William Brig. Jr.
f (.anvonviUc. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming s Jvcrxelr tbc
above-describea lnnls are requested to tile their
claim in tnitomcc on or oeiore said 2Dtu day
Ol AUgliSl, jrw.
J. T. BRlbGKH.
C22l') Recister.
Ho, for Boswell Spring!
CotumencuiK May 10, lS'f9, and uotil
September 30, im, special ticket to
Boewell Springs and return to tbfs city
will be Botd as follow h: 30-day tickets,
$185. Ticket going Satorday and re
turniog tbe following Monday, 1.40.
Special rates ar aleo given from Pott
land and intermediate points.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
; Itartiflcially digests tbe food and aids
(Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the xhauted digestive or
i gang. It is the. "tost discovered dlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
caa approach it In efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
i Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
illother resultsof imperfect digestion,
j Prepared by E. C- OeWltt Co., CqIcoso.
For i C. Murr-tm A Co.
&1 vv m bhni,
List of Claims Allowed ;t the July
'99 Term of County Court.
At tln icuUr term nl the t'oufity
fotirt i i mfl.tH cuut.ty, Uregjii, for
July, lSt.i, ih fi!loiii uucoubti wt-re
au'litrJ kixl allowrd tn.l uarratits erJ-
ereil orsviu mi it o renpfi'iivii fundu:
II A I xtt-ly , inJiM i.a't... $ 01 00
O FTbiel.tnivey 8 25
Alfred DotVi, tcada A loilt:es. . . 0 00
L J lVrduc, toada 2 50
David McCulltiuj, road "3 73
C H Spaub, toadi, No 23 2 50
L il Ctier, roada.Na W 0 25
I'erkiua & liledxoe.roads .. 6S 10
Kela K)dcll, ioad, No 0 8 80
B Nichols, roade 2 25
M V Aldruh, roitd. No S! 10 o0
F E Frem iut, road 5 00
M Simmons, ro.ule, No 40 23 0J
M Bsatd, roads, No 54 12 83
J It AVileon, roads, No 41 5 00
Williams Go'Xlixiau, roads, No
o'J 43
22 60
45 CO
10 00
10 00
44 00
lOti CO
47 50
117 50
05 CO
20 00
10G 05
119 25
12 50
Grout & Grout, rouds Noa 27 & 30
Fred Lebu, ass'i MraSuul'i, pau
6aai Van 'Ale, d;g 2 leaves
J F Wright, ate't J N Halter.. ..
J M lilUrd, dopu'.y aaeeMKir
JlCfitzer, "
L A Martin. 4
Review Tub Co, priutiug
L)uiel Fibber, supt court bouse. .
Plaitidealer Tub Co, printing. . . .
Ira It Kiddle, conveying paopera
to boys aud girl's aid society 13 25
K L itApbens, board of priaouera 101 00
Albert .Mctieheu. cutting wooJ. . . 7 CO
K L htepbeus, conveying paurs
to .be reform school . . .
0 ?0
r, on
Natcisa Oauttraw, pauper acct
J V Dunbar, roada A bridges, No
5 ;
33S 20
2 50
30 30
C 00
5 4$
43 50
21 CO
5 00
20 00
20 00
22 10
11 ugh Goodman, roads No 25
Churchill A Woolley, roada and
puor fftrui
C.C CuBUuiau,
C A llowser.
Tbcebe rtetche'il, iudsgentaaiet-
I J G Dillard deputy ae8or
II N Koee bouotiea
M D Tbompsou roada No 3
Tnos Nkboleon loads No 11
E D Saogenberg lumber
H Mooney roada No 6
Ira W CvjJe Smiths lorry
Moiaa Kllnknc-r Co tlmie for
13 33
10 00
G 70
11 to
2 7J
30 00
10 C5
2 10
Koeeburg Water Co, water June
and July
F M Dillard telegraphing
J I Chapman deputy treasurer. . .
F A McCall copy miliury roll. . .
EE Kicbards stationary
Cniua Lithograph Co b'.auk war
rant a 30 00
P Benedict indigent assisted 53 50
Joe Lyons, indigent as La S3 05
G & Bond " " 15 00
J W Hail poor farm 76 S7
L Baldwin indigent assisted...
Geo W Pelit
22 35
14 00
AC Mars'et " " 34 45
Dr J C Taitchell" " 13 00
G W Dimmick " " U OJ
Plaindealer Pab Co printing 8 50
J F Uinkle deputy sheriff 18 00
O F Thiel surveying 21 00
B F Shields " C 00
W M McMillan " Q tf)
J U Sbope " 0 00
WMSinglctoa viewiog road ti 00
Henry Cbauipagne euivv-ying 6 00
Geo Shram " 0 00
A M Crawford fees remitted 20 00
Williams & Goodmau indgt aaetd
t Bunch
W T Emery bounties
WLSIogletou "
10 00
3 00
Z 00
3 00
3 00
G 00
3 03
0 00
'J 00
Samuel Ball
G F Jones,
John B Bclleqae,
Geo Nolu,
W A Pearce,
Stephen Short,
Chas Dumore, bounty 3 00
Ed Bvggeler, deputy sheriff. 3 83
J McCurdy, " 0 00
Glass & Brundhoumer, books etc 15 90
James Byron, Co Camm'r 18 70
C L Hadley, inquest of McCally 8 40
B Brockway, " 8 40
R J Wilkins, 8 40
L C Hamilton, " 8 40
Fred Fieber, " S 40
Geo Byron, " 8 40
L B Moore, " 1 70
L E Belfile, " 1 70
A E Everton, " 1 70
ERMcDaniels, 1 70
Dr E DoGas, " 7 00
Jam?sT Tynau, " 1 70
Martin Robertson, 1 70
J TGalvin, " 1 7i)
J M Morrison, " 1 70
JapWaite, " 1 70
Dr E V Hoover, " 20 23
J B Riddle, " 10 00
Steal na A Cucowetb, rOSda &
bridge C5 95
J W Hall, board for bond 4 30
S R Sykea, C 11 & Roads 22 50
A E Cooper, lumber 19 20
Dr E V Hoover, county physician 20 00
LA Sanctuary, C H A jail...... 28 15
J W Cowan, roads 13 00
Cosbow & Sheridan, contract on
poor Fm 5 00
M E Tborojeon, county Com'r. . . f 2 50
Tbe following accounts were presented ;
and allowed during vacation, and war
rauta ordered drawn, viz:
J W Javenall, pauper account. . . 5 00
Fletcher Troxel. 30 00
J VY Nor itood, " 5 00
Joseph Gervaie, " 5 00
John McGiunis, " 5 00
Mra Ann Harness, " 5 00
Matbew Simmons, " 5 00
Thomas Dy, " 5 00
A B Kellogg, " 5 00
Peter Miller, " 5 00
Mrs Louisa Genger, " 5 00
Mrs Philip Molkey, " 5 00
Frank Devaul, " 5 00
Kale Cameron, " 5 00
Joa McNeice, " 5 00
MayStewait, " 5 00
T P Stephens, " 5 00
Andrew Trustee, " 5 00 1
8 pence May, Lone Rock Ferry . . 14 00
11 Snook, on court bouee contract 500 00
Ira W Cole, Smith's Ferry 10 00
Ira W Cole, " 38 70
John Fern, Indgt. Aest 5 00
Ira B Riddle, reporting Jane
term 25 00
M C Ruckles, circuit court acct. . 2 50
C M Minter, Dimmick Ferry acct 3 00
C M Minter, " 00 00
11 Snook, on court bouse contract 700 00
Wm Mile", Indgt. a"t 15 00
J W Javet : !!, paupar acct 6 00
J W Norwood, " 6 00
JosGeryaia, " 5 00
John McGinnla, " 5 00
Mrs Ann Hsrness, " 5 00
Matbevr Simmons, " 5 00
A B Kellogg, " 5 00
PoterMallon, " 5 00
Mra L Geogar, " 5 00
Mrs Philip Mnlkey, " 5 00
Frank Davaul, " 5 00
Kate Cameron, " 5 00
May Stewart, " 5 00
Jofepb McNeice, " 5 00
T P Stephens, " 5 00
Andrew Trustee, " 5 00
Spbute May, Lone Rock ferry. . . . 14 00
E Billings, salary Jane term. . . . 25 00
Thos bmilh, stock inspector 3 00
Mis Jane Hart, Indgt east 5 00
"At Parting."
By Sam L, Simpson.
Betside tbe mystic river
At holy even fall,
Where golden lilies quiver
And reedy murmurs call,
We pause, dear heart, at etartii g.
Each leaning ou bis oar,
And never knew 'til parting
How beautiful (be (bore.
CHORt 8.
Touch bauds wills love,
Touch lips with tears.
The golden lilies cbitee.
And call ns to tbe river
And down tbe tide of time.
The stsra uiarcb'ou the gleaming
Uf every diamond crest.
And white plauie dimly elrcimit.g,
Above the world's unrest,
Tell us the martini story
That rules the realm of space.
The comfort and tbe glory,
Ilroic lives may face.
The laet word niuet be spoken,
Tbe last song most be sang,
Yet, ob. we give no token
Of bow onr heart, aro wrung.
As here Ixvi b tlo river
We lean at.d I k and igb,
And on out pale lips quiver
The-loDg-loi g wofXla "gol Lye."
Drain Notes.
rain Watchman.
Merchant Ira Wimburly left Sunday
tuornitg for The Dl!e, to attend aa a
Oelegale, the Wotkauu Giar.d Lodge.
Kev. W. I1. Gordon isattcbdtog the
Chautauttua Assembly at Oregrn City
thi week.
Mra. Mary Wiln, of Uoeeburg, wss
agues, of Mr. and Mr. Ira Wimbeily
the first ol tbe week.
The fruit ouiixik u Dotulaa county :g
much betttr tban reported. There will
be a little shortage in Italian prunes bat
with that exception tbe fruit output of
tbe Umpiua valley will be excellent.
New brick business buildings are rap
idly pushing to completion in Oakland.
and present indications ant that ahe ill
soon have more and better business
bcisea tban ever before.
Oar old friend, E. C. Conner, of Cct
Use Grove, dropped in upon ns this
morning lor a brief visit. He was on
bis way to Oakland to ei-eod a few days
with bis uncle, W. II. Beidler, and fam
T. W. Andrews, of Scottaborg, propri
etor of tbe tannery at that place, was
in town Monday. He was accompanied
borne by his auot from California, who
will epand the sunnier there. Mr. An
diews carcnased a fine ontan of T. K.
Richardson, the Roseburg moaic dealer.
Russel Dimmick of Klkton passed
through here Sunday on bis way to Tbe
Dalles to attend tbe funeral. of bis daugh
ter Cynthia, who was drowned Salmday
in Hood river. She and ber brother
were crowing tbe stream on a loot log
when she fell in. Tbe brother jumped
in an J caught held of ber, bat could not
bold ber, tbe current being so swift.
Ciariiuer item ia tbe Watchman:
Tbe Utile son of A. Uickelbeir, now at
this place bad a narrow escape from
drowning Sunday. Wbile in swimming
with some boys be was accidently
knocked off the boom into tbe water by
one of the ooye. Tbe cJorta of tbe boys
to rescue bits were of no avail and bad it
not been for tbe timely assistance of
Tom Patterson, tbe Umpcjua would have
bad one more victim.
Ignored the Editor.
Roseburg must have a poor opinioo of
tbe Koights of tbe Oniil, bat whether
the newspaper men ot the town are re
sponsible for this feeling of aversion, de
ponent sayetu not. mat was the only
town along tbe route south of Portland
that did not give the editorial associa
tion a royal reception. It is claimed
that instead of feaating tbe qoilldrivers
as their neighbors did, they charged
them oOccotaa meal and gave tbem
slough water to drink. This report ia
probably too severe on Roseburg, but it
ta known that tbe editors lelt the slight
sufficiently strong to close the blinds of
tbeir coaches and remain in their bnnkc
during tbe stop of a couple of hours in
tbe city, on their return home. Rose-
burg may have reason for looking witb
disrepect upon the newspaper fraternity.
but otber towns in Oregon do not share
vbat fee-ling with tbem, nor do we be
lieve thot tbe live papers of that town
have educated tbem that way. Medford
M far as tbe Plain-dealer is con
i.ed the Eye is correct In its latter
i-onclualon. This paper was strongly in
favor of tendering tbe editors a royal re
ception and was willing to bear its share
of tbe expenee incurred in providing
suitable entertainment. Tbe question
was agitated and tbe Board of Trade
voluntarily took the matter in band, ap
pointed committees, including our es
teemed contemporary, an promised to
do oar city credit in entertaioing our
distinguished visitors. Notwithstanding
the fact that this paper was completely
ignored in the appointment of commit
tees by tbe board, we consented to sup
ply tbe Roscbarg article for tbe N. E.
A, Souvenir published at Portland and
assist in every way to make lue recep
tion a success. However, the plans of
the Board of Trade failed to materialize
and not being thus announced until the
very eve of the arrival of our guests, it
was too late for .other arrangements to
be made and pot into execution.
Hence Ro?cburg's failure to entertain
the yieitiog editors and tbeir families.
Au Uaklaud man who was injured in
a railroad accident baa been supplied
with a silver noao. That is a far more
useful organ tban mont of the silver
ongnes we boar abont. Telegram.
la out of order if you bar tbe symptoms
numerated on this chart. Yoa can be cursd
without tbs aid of Calomsl, Blus Vats or
Quinine. Tbry are mineral and ara apt to
poison tbe blood. Why not add yonr name
to tba already large Hut ot poople cured by
fcVDTANt U UOY AN baa cured 10,000 oth
Sra and it will cure you. aTXDYAN is tba
gTsateit Tegetable remedy o( tbe eentoryamV
will relisrs alt tbe following symptoms :
HUDTAN can bo bad of all druggists fol
N cents per package.
Relieved by
YAH will cause the yel
lowness to disappear and
the normal, healthy coloi
to return.
HUDYAN wUltietr the
tongue and make ths
breath pure ai:d -et.
TION. HUDYAN wiil clear ths stomach ot
lbs execsaof bile, relieve the psln aod cause
Ibe food to he perfectly digested.
HUDYAN will lessen tbe con;csHon and re
duce the liver to its normal size.
fil'DTAS oill ni sii the above syuip.
loins and make you well. Io nut delay
longer. t,o lojour druggist t once snd pro
cure a pat ksK f nt IVA Jf for cents or (
packages lor J.'. If your drugs't do-s not
keep it. send dire.-t to the DID VAN REM.
EIY COJ1PAXV, ban raucico, California.
If ou ar not satisfied nuh tbc effecis, re
turn tbc empty FlfDYAX Hox and we will
reinni your raor.y. Kemcml.r that you can
tvusult" tbe nUDYAN DOCTOHS
rnf.JS. Call and ee the doctors. You may
call and see tlie.ii, or write, si jou desire
Car. Stockton. Msrkst sad Ellis its-,
Ssa Trsacisee, Csl.
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
Oivca choice of lao lavorite tou:i". via ti
CNION r-AClFIC Tan Mail Une. or the
BIO ( fLANDE ecenlc Uaio.
Iok at the time
ijj days to Salt Lake
23 days to Denver
3 i days to Chicago
4i days to New York
Free HccIIssIuk cbair cars, I'p
taolateresl Tourtat Slceplua
Care, Palltxtaii Palace Sleets
Issk Carts operated on all
For furtber luiorme'ii-r ai-t-iy u
J. F. OIVANS, Agt., Koeeburg.
C. O. Terry, V. E. Co man,
Trav. I'ana. Ast. Gen. A!.
Ui Third tt., foit'sud. Kir.
Tne Ctiarchcsi.
MxTKouir Cnt'BCU corner of Main and Lane
street. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. m
and :00 p. a.; Babbatb Kbool, 10 a, m.; L.
A. Walker, Euperinwndcut; CUu MocUug a
close ol tbe mornlsaT serrice; SpworUt Leaxue
"Wp. m. F. 11. Cburcbill, 1'renlcnU Trayvr
MceUiis, Wednesday, at 7 30 p. u.
O. R. A aoM, I'ailor,
I'ArsoasfC, corner Jls.'n and Laue.
Cmtxu Buctmksm CHCam-on to Ut iirvcL
Sunday sen ice. at li a. m. aaJ 7 A1 p. m. l'rsy
er mectinir, Thurvlay weninc.
JUs. Leer M. Cctur, Ta-tor.
Sr. - cm vac n. Corner Ca.' and
Maiu slrtctf. bcrvlcts ou sccoud auJ fourth
Sunday moia;ii of caUl month and every Sun
day eveniug. Special services aacoaatod from
lime to time. Rev. Job! Daarso.,
M. E. Cut acu, SoVTM.-eetviocscvcry Sunday
mornins; and evening.
Ktv. J. T. cotton, Ptor
BArrm Cni'BcU corner of Lane aud Ko5c
iiMf. i-un lay service: Prvacblus at 11 a. m,
and 7:30 p. m. gabbath acbool at 10 a. m., O. P.
Cosbow, Mincrintendcnt. frsycr tuccling ft
7:90 Wednesday cvenlu?.
S. A. Dolt;l.4, Pastor.
FtaT CHkinu.1 CHtatH Coruir of line
and Woodward street. Sunday services:
Preaching both morning and cveuluR, Sumtav
Khool at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. . at 6:3J p. m
Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at
7.30. A cor llvl welcome and greeting anaita
all. W. A. WooP,
Fibt P&e-,bytebia! CiiVRCii Corner of C
and Kose street?. Sunday service Public
worship, 11 a. in., aut i p. ui.; &ibbatb
school, 10 a. ui. Y. P. 8. C. K. at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeUfiF. Wednesday evening 7:J0 p
m. J. A. TowyaND,
Taa W. c.T. V. ill bold its r guiar meetings
ou the second and fourth Mondays ot every
month at 7:30 p. m. In the Epwerth Learnt
room of tbe M. E. Church.
Notice For Publication.
Cnited Stsles Laud Oftice,
noasucao. Or., July II, lt'.i.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has bled notice of his Intention to
ma to final proof In support of hit claim and
that said proof wlU be made before the Register
and Receiver, U. 8 Ijtnd Oftice lit Ilocburg,
Oregon, oil August IS, lS'.'A viz:
Ou his II. E. No. M.l, lor tho NW'.XK'., see,
M Tp. M, a. R. 3 West, He uames the loliowing
witnesses to prove bis enutinuous residence
upon ami ctillivatiou of, aid laud, viz:
Johu W. Whitlow. C. K. Wansou. J.L.Wat
son and Jessie Whitlow, all of Peel, Oregon.
J. T. llRIDOiij,
(jl") Renter.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby civcii tbut the underxlisncd
administrators of ilie entale of W. I.. Wilson.
deceased, by virtue of au order aud decree, is
sued out of Ibe couuty court of Douglas coun
ty, state of Orecou, will, on and niter Satur
day, August & ls'-it), "ell at privuto sale, at the
premles, the following described rcnl proorty
beloni:iiiu to the estate of W. L. Wilsiin. de
ceased, to-wit
BcKinuiuK at a point lO.'Jl chains west aud
.62 chains north of ouarter corner bctueeu
Boc s ito and '.'7, In NO y U ii W Willamette Mcri
dion: thence 8 5J degrees, WestJl.SU chains;
thence Last 1.1 chains, and thotiRo north
li.Kl chains to place of beeluninK. contuintui:
ln.uo si re?, bolug all tbnt tiortion of tbc dona
tion lsnd claim ol Willis O. Gearu (helm:
claim Mo. is) situate on houthcast siile of
present ubauuel of Cow Creek, noughts county.
Oatcil ttils 6tli day of Jute, isx.
AJmiuiBtrfttors of tlicesttileof W.L. Wilson,
Prepare for Harvest.
You will have the world
pull, if you buy a Piano
them, also the Chain drive Mower, at
Fifty-eight Years Old
the leading National Family Newspaper.
Z KecogniXiBg .i value to tiioee who dewire all .ne news of tbe State and Nation,
tile t,::t.;eber cf The I'l&ix dealer, (vrurown favorite bome paper) has entered in
t i n alliance wiih "The New-York Weekly Tribune" which enables him U lor
nixli tKith f .iuem at the tritllinir cost of 12. -j vet year.
Kvrtv farmer and vi"aar owes to bimeeif. V bis family, and to tbe conimonity
in which he lir.s a cordial eupiort of Lis local newspaper, a it works cossuntly
acJ uMiiin;.!y for his interests in e-ery way, brings to bis doom ell be news and
Lapp.-nints f hie tn-ighbirboorl, the doings ot nia friends, tne condition end pros
ptt 's for different nope, (be prices in borue market, and, ia fact, ia a weekly
. . . V" . I . t 1 V J t . r n 4 :n . . ;jw-WA nHiarMMM f,mltl
Jj-t k of it! ! !
BOTH One Year for $2.25.
Sendalljsubscriptions to tbe
Real Estate Bought and Sold
cer st-'oaarat jtaaaameier-
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Miniag Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
. 1 . t
prices ana easj terms, inquire 01
(tsvtssaa-a. Ituaastlaaa 3 w aim
r.-r Jroni Poriiaud I From
F?t Mail Ss't Lake, PenTer. Ft. ; Fast
W orth. Oniaba.Kau-! MaU
5 p.m. sas City, St. Lotus, . 6 tp. m.
Chicago and East. !
Spokane W alla W alia. Spokane, i
Fiver . Mnneap"lis.-tPaul f "ljr
:;Vp-0- Pulutb, Milwaukee, j S.30a.m.
Chicago aud Last. i
f p.m. Ocaaa 5teamak-ps 4 p. m.
, Ail saiiing dales sub- i
jeet to Chang.
For tan Francesco :
tUl every flo days i
8 p.m. Colombia River P. m.
Exunday ' bieamers. ! Eisunday
batorday To Astoria anu Way- i
10 p.m. Laaduijt. j
Willamette River, j 30 p m.
t a-ui, Orvfoa i itv, Newbcrg, Es-Sunday
F.X.Sunday : baicm t Way-Land gs j
7 a.m. 1 Willamette and Yan- ' S SO p tn.
Tues.l bur. hill River. ! Sion., Wed.
and iat. Orepnn Cltv, Dsytou, i and Frl.
, aud Way-Landings "
6 a.m. ; Willamette River, j 4:Mp. m.
Tue.Thur. Portland to CorvaUis : Tues.Thur
and Sat. : and Way-Landints and Sat.
Lr.Rlparia Snake River. j LLewlstoa
Dc-ily, ; Dly
Rlparia to Lowiston. ,
i :
Koseburg, Oregon.
Ueueral Passenger Agent.
O. M. da M. Co.,
Portland. Oregon.
CmtedStatl Ljino OrrtcK,
cVreburg. Oregon, July 14, losrj.
To ulinin it niav concern: Notice is hereby
given that the Otvsou and California rail road
company has tiled in ill's otlice the lists of
lauds situated III the townships described be
low, and bn applied for patents for said lauds;
tbat the lists are open to the public for in
spection, ivud a copy thereof oy descriptive
FUtMlivisiou has posted in a convenient
place iu ttiis oitice, for the inspection of all
jennns interested aud the public generally.
South of baso line and west of W illamette
mcridao, '! Jl, U 4 SV , o E )i. See. 7.
Within tlion.xtsistydayslollowlug ho date
of this uotti e, proti-sts or contmts against the
cllm oi the company to uuy tract or sub
divisions within uy section or part of section
uccril'ed In tho list, on the grounds that the
sumo ts moru valuable for mineral than for
ugriculturtU purposes, will be received and
noted for report to tho General Laud Office at
Wnsblneic.u. P C. (j-Vtlu)
Kecchor. Kcglstir.
County Treasurer' Notice.
Notico is hereby givou to all parlies
boldinn Dott(jla3 county warrants in
dorsed on or before February 13, 1S99, to
present the same at tbe treasurer's oiiice
in the Douglas County bunk for payment,
aa interest will ccace thereon After the
date of this uotice.
Dated Ibis the l'Jth day of June, 1399
at tho City of Kotwburg, Oregon.
t-iro. W. LIWIKK.
County Treasurer, Pouijlaa County, Or.
by the tail and a down hill
Binder with fly "wheel. See
& Woolley's.
I I !
It' a long life, bot devotion to tbe
true interests and prosperity of tbe Amer
ican People baa won for it new friends as
ibe yeara rolled by ana i&eonginai mem
bers of its family paed to their reward.
aod tbeee admirers are loyal aad stead
fast today, witb faith in it" teachings,
and confidence- in tbe in forma,! ion which
it brings to tbeir homes and fireeidee.
As a natoral coneeqaencn tt enjoys ia
its old age all tbe vitality and vigor of
ta youth, atrengtbened aod ripened dj
the experiences f over ball e century.
It baa lived on its merits, and oe tbe
cordial support of progressive Amen
It ia "The ew-York Weekly Tri
bune." acknowledged tbe coon try over at
Roseburg, Ore
Railroad Tbae Tabte,
Northbound Roseburg local, No. 17
departs 7 :30 a. m.
Soolbbonnd Roseburg local. No. 18,
arrives 5 :20 p. m.
Nortbboand overland. No. 6. or
rives 10 :3o e. m. ; departs 10:15 a. m.
Sooth bound overland. o. (5, arrive
4.13 a. in.; departs 4:25 a. m.
rasiGirr trais. --"
Northbound faai tbroogh freigbt. No
221, arrives 4:10 p. ni.; depart 50 p
Southbound fast through freight. No
222, arrives 7:00 a. m.; depart 8.-00
North bound mixed train No. 222 arrive
i at 2 55 p. m.. Sundays, Wednesdays and
) Fridays, depart 9:00 a. m., Monday
j Thursdays end Saturdays.
Southbound mixed . train No. 228 ar
rives at 3:00 p.m., on Sundays, lion
days and Fridays, departs 7:13 a. m.
Mondays. Thursdays and Satordaja. .
5hsU Uralted
Is tbe oame of the only perfect train
n tbe world, now running every night
between St. Paul and Chicago, vie the
Chicago, Milwaukee A 6t Paul Bail way
tbe pioneer road oi the west in adopt
ing all improved facilities for the safety
and enjoyment of passengers. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views oi beo
tilnl scenery along the route oi the Pio
neer Limited, will be sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent poeUge
stamp. Address G to. 11. Heefford, Gen
Geral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
; Place while ia town to pot
ap your team id at
i n i TiifTtrtni
j Good waiting rooms for ladies and
gentlemen well warmed and lighted
Good accommodations for keeping
transiet toams over night.
Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited
BEKT CASE, lroprietor
Ccr. Washington and ITain Sts.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all pax ties
, lioiding Douglas county warrant in
dorsed prior to October 13, 1SD3, to
present the same at the treasurer's office
in the Douglas County bank for pay
mcnt, as " interest will cease thereon
after tbe date of this notice.
Dated this tbe 8th day oi May, 1 399
at the City of Roseburg, Oregon.
; Geo. W. Dixjiick.
Couuty Treasurer Douglas County, Or
Mininj; Arpllcation, No. 95.
Ckitko Btjtbs Lair Ornce,
Roscbarg. Oregon. Jtiw g, lx5.
Charles Brnnean, r7. 4. Jaalnrs et4 K. i.
Jenninc. whose postoffice addresses aie as fol
lows: Of Charles Brnneau and H. i. enbln.
Cottage Grove, Lane Covniy, Orc-joo. aod t. i. "
Jennings, ot Portland, MuiiaoBaa County, Ore
gon, have tbl day Bled tautr applies tiou (or a
paumt for 3000 linear teat ol the Helena, Conaol- N
klated Quart! Minv.or vela, bearing gokl,ailver ,. ,
and lead, with surface gronnd MO feet ia width, '
being 3U0 feet en eaeii tide of tne easier e4 said
rein, aad being 1jo linear feet ot the Helena
Lode Claim and lttO feet of tbe Lasjniue Lode
Claim, tbe Laorctte being the 1st extension
Easterly of tne said Helena Claim, Suid claim
belagpirtlcularfy described aa Mineral Survey,
li lena QnarU Lode and Laurette Quarts Lode,
known as Helena Consolidated Quaxtx Aline.
ilnated In Bohemia Mlninc Ltstnoi. Doa. 'mm
Count), Oregon, In Township Ho. za, a. B. 2 E ,
wniametie aenaian, ureton.
Annbcatloa of Cbartes Brnnean. P. J. Jea-
alngs aod . J. Jenoina.
Bealnninaat a fir nost f lnchM square, a ft
Ions, set la iacbea to tbe ground, wua rack
mouua aJongstue, scnoea it. a. xa. uenneai
witb kit at -on ataxtin Boint oi tbe Hinoa Imlc
claim, whence lb discovery eat. aad Tonne!
o. l. ta a. M aegreea s u suet: also a flr 14 lu
lu dtam. bears S. 7 ilecreea, W. XI feet, scribed
M. AO, B. T.; aiao a dr S la. dlam. bear X.
tl degrees W.H feet, erribad M.a b0, B. T. -
Also the Noonday Mining Co.'s Ore House
bears 8. 15 eegTnee w. abont AM) feet.
Aiao the mouth of Geo. Kerr's Tnnoet bears 8.
61 dew , W. abont KM feet. Also lit Tboiaon''
commonly known asCowhorn Peak ol tns Cas
cade Range, bea-a H. 3 sVesj. E.
aiso viamoon reas oears a. so aec. E: taextse
s: iu. ur m. l - ...
. ... V. Wk. ' -VIM WKV WB WUC, up nmf n-
cent M0 It, intersect weao road leading from
toe poouoay ui. s nine ism quaru mtlJ, at
td)Q ft. set fir post S in. square, fees loag,
IS inches in tbc srotiDd torcenier smbAow Sim.
arly end of this claim, witb xaowod o atech,
alucgakde, sen bed M a. v0, from which a fir 14
in. dia. bcarsS. ideg , W. Mleet, aeriOed Jf. A.
360, B. T.
A Bra in. Ql. Dears . m dec. I le feet.
acribed M. 8. aw B. T.
This noat is Identical with the lueatioD neat
set on westerly end of tbfs claim.
inenccD aaeg. w. ji n. net post So. I.
idenUcal with location Cor. 4 feet loba. inehr
snoaxe, IS iacbea ia tbe gruoad witb a monad of
stone akmrstde. acribed C. I, N. a. 3, froea
which a fir 14 in. dia. bears 3. S7 do. a. n.
acribed C. I. Jf . 8 360, B T.
A pine s iR.aia.eii aeg. e 9 it, sen bed c I
Jf H 0O, B T.
w Brace corner to sections 7-12-LJ and IA. Ta
25, 9 B 1 and 2 E, W tllamette Uerfdaa, bean b
:4 deg JU nua w iTjt tect, tacsee from Cor K L
var Udeg aomlnfc. .
leead ttteea Mocottain. f9oe 8 K 13 ft
oa road leading from Noonday Quarts Mia u -'
QnartsMlUC 5 aSdegB iaU.
came road C aotiui. UO9.9 ft 10 Cor Bo 2.
identical wlta a corser of the McsJioau
A r doss I feet ioBST. i inebea bomze. ant M ia.
in tsecroeind with mound of Uouo aJotsgside,
sen nea uixa jw.
Wkteaea a pine 10 In. dia. bcaxa X15
so awowa v , js ana. m 1 .
The tnen CorNaZaatdeetE. Tar a
mi B; 13 Ji le Cor o L of laaxstie ClaLa,
900 feet te post set la center of ttcrir cad at
u Mejeaacuua, saeatieaJ wtt loeaUoB peat
set la easterly end of Uua claim.
fix poet t leet long, 4 iacbea square, set 18 fa.
In tbe growod wit asvaad asoste akincxsde.
Whence a Br S in dia bean S 11 dear E ft.
scribed M B KO B T. (11 f : to On lex Post of
w ester! end of Lauretw Ciaias. Ees ft to small -
creek C South East, ao ft to eorax No x.
soenacai wit a corner 01 tee aoeaUoa.
A fix aoat 4 feet loaar. a 1nrh aouaiw sac la
inches ia Use aTOnnd wltk maanA at siom
alongside, scribed CM X".
v hence er 10 ma bears t arc w t IL
acribed CS.M83UBT.
Corner .ns: Lauretta Lode bears w ;s n w
Bti; tleneefroacrK2,XMdea ". Var a
X sala B.
ateeo moaotriB 51 ft intcraeet sn
road leading from Keotiday Xlae to Quartz
LN0 ft same wacoa road. 14SS J ft ta Curwer So 4.
sdeabcal wltk a locauoa eoracx.
A fir vow 4 it lone. 41. nius. art IX inr'vo.
in the around, with abound of aune alocgside,
scribed C 4, 3360
wneaeeaBX7la die bears 9 S dec 30 mia w 71
rUenbed C 4, at 8 Xu, B Tnd taeaee S 26 dec
Var 19 deg So ml E, S0O ft to center post 00
westerly cad of Claim oeiore dearribed, cxabrae
lngJ0 acres.
B.-ginning at corner So 1. Identical witb tbe
comer os location, a fix post 4 ft loag, 4 inebee
aoare, art la inches ia toe ground wit xoonad
stone alongside, acrtbed Clk aaa, wnesee
A 8 Pise S in Ui. bears X 43 degrees east, 23 ft
Comer Ho t, of ileiewa bears 8 21 dec WB ft,
tbenee from comer I. It Sdec , Var ds
30 mia X SI ft to center post oa Easterly eod cf
Helena Claim, 3t ft to center pout aw wester! -cad
of Laurette Claim-
A fir post, 4 iacbea square, 4 rettloag, set 13
inches in tbe groan, acribed K. 8. 0. wiU
maaadof stone sJossesida.
Identical wtib kocsuioa of Westerly ead of '
Laoreuc Claim, whence dueoTery Cat aad
l unaei So. 0, Bears &73 dec. H. MA ft. feet
to email Crees C. a. JS. Sri it. ta corner So, 3,
Helena Claim, tt) ft. loeomexXo. 1
Idewrical with comer of locarioB.
A flr post 4 ft. king, 4 inches square, set IS
iacbea ta tbe groan.!, wlta xouoad of Mosu
aiousiK xilbed C, Jo- i, il. K, SSO, wbenec
A or 14 in. dia. bears 8. &i dec Z. U ft, senoed
Ttmce from comer Ko- i'g. 75 dec. KTVbt.
D deg. M asm. K. descond 1 ft to ooraer So.
A fir post 4 a Jobc.4 tBebes sooare, set 13
iacbea ia the gTooad, wit monad of attwto
alocgaide, scribed C, , 5L a. 360, waeace a rut
Top aigbneM Jtock, two ft out of grownd I Cert
iacbea. wit -i- eat witb a eauaat at direct poat
waic bears H 54 dec. W. S3 ft, aaaxsed wiu
eausel, C. 3. SSbTB. B.
Aiao toe S, . eacacr of the 5oonday Ouarfx
Xiii, aears n. O deg. W. ji ft,
TbeaoafromeoraerSo. 3, 8 25 dec W. Tar. O
oeg. mia. E. loO, tt. to Crerk S ft wUa,C. 6,
B. aft. toceatcrpuat on Baatexir end of tola
A fir pott 4 It. loo. 4 iacbea square, set 19 ia
efcea in the crooud, wm tnoaad of stoee
alongside, scribed M. 8. . whence a Br U ia
S. dec . BO. aoribed M. B. 9M
aV T. aseend eoo fvet to corner No. 4.
Identical wit a cor. of location:
A flr post 4 fL long. 4 iacbea soaere, sat 1 ia
cbea in tno crooad, wit xaonad of ibodo
akiacsric. benbed C 4, at. & 3sa. wbeaea a fix
a) in. dia. bears S. ks dec. K. ET
fcribed C, 4, H. B, m T.
Tbeaoa S. 72 deg. W. from eor. Ko 4. Vsr. 11
dec. an mia. 735 ft, to Creek 1 ft wide C.
East 90 ft, V wagon road leading from Soon. X
day Jtiae to Quart, aflll, 149 ft to corner Jia.1.
and place of beginning em bracts; 3m acres.
Tba surrey of too HekaM aod Lauretta
Quarts Lodea ara Identical wit Uerespeta.
locations, and the presumed general ecwrae of
Um vela or ksdo ia northweaserty and aoat
eastarry. as is shown by tba plat filed kerewv- ,
as near aa caa be dctermlaea from ta present
Tba Notice of Location ml
thee mTirg
Claims is recorded as follows, asswit:
First. loeaUoa of lb Helena, called B doner
is recorded ia Volume of Wigiaa Cooatr,
Oregoa, MimDC Reoorda, at Pe laa,oatae;tn
day of July, IS, aad tno second aouoe there
of is reoorded in Volume S, of Douglas Ccit
Oregoa. Mining Bacorda, at Pafte slmutSG,
tbe ind day of August, urn.
Tba first location of te Laurette lode Clal-a
was recorded la Volume c, oi DrxicLaa Counry,
Osecoa, Miming Baaords, oa the bm day of o
vember. 1W. at Pare en, aad tho taeoad loea
tioa notioe tbereoT waa isxordod oa Use iud
day of a oxust. lst. in Volruaa a. f im,
County, Orecoa, M.nlag Bocords, at Paxes 2e
aad sua r.
The adjoining Claims ara: Oa tba nortarr'J
tide of the Heleaa, (Heasaer) Lode Claiss. J.
Verde, Lode Clam, of waic r. I. Jenainr
locator aad claimant, and oa the Noruxsri-""
ot the Laurette Lode claim xs tba a me- '
Bot. Lode Claim, oi whleb SL JmiiiinX
C. H. B. Bruaeau are ta toeatota aad cla.
Tba easterly end of tbe Helena. (HelenarS..
Claim la tbe wastedr cad ol Ualun-iM
Claim. On ta sastsriy end of too Laurette v
Claim ia vacant govern meat land, aad en tho
aouiaeriy aweoi use netena (iaalener) and Laa
retta C'aims ia Tenant rmrmnml laSd.
On tbe wesrerl- end of i.Sm u.).n n?i7wv
Claim is the Whit Wings, Led Min.n. ri.,r
located and clainud by G. U. Waraer. -
And any aad aU persona elaimine adrexa
tbe mimaK erooad. reia. kadev nessniaaa or n
portioo thereof, so described, an rrerid, pitied
and applied lor, are hereby aoUiied that, oniem
their adveiao claims are duly filed aco rdinc
law and the regulations there ander. within tba
atxty days publication of this Boooe,
wita too Heoster of to United State
Land Oftice at Koeeborc. ia Um County of Doug,
las, aad State ot O rerun, they will k barred la
virtue ot tbe provisions of said ttatate.
Dated this stb da uf Jaso. una. arwl M nV
liauiou oa Juno lith, 1SW.
Register U. a. Laud oac.
Notice for PubLkAtion.
- Uaaskar. Oragoa. Btay-U, 183S.
Soil CO iS herebT riven that tba fnlbnrtn.
nawed settler has fifed notice of bis intention
to make final proof 1 auoport ot bis claim, and
that said wool wrUl ha ssaan SiiIom is. bhH..
and Receiver 0. a. Ld Ofllou at ftoseoorg,
Oregon, oa Jaly , I lW, vlxr
JIVM ssrii
O H. S. Uo. issas, iortNkK,Sec.MT.a.
3. B- 4 W. tic names tbc following witaesses to
prove ttla casanuoaaresidenc upon and culti
vation ol aid laud, vis: William Moore, Thome
"r, out,; OTiwnara, aaw una dwobusm.
.11 V f . 1 . . i a
u vt Mjnn: vrecua.
. i. . . Begiater.
Farms for Sale. '
A number oi small farms for sale,
adapted to fruit growing. Good apple
and prune orchards ou some of them.
For further particulars inquire of,
Q. W. Aldbbeos, a- -r
- Clsveland, Ort
Vfavl. Vlavl.
Mrs. J. H. Shape is local representa
tive for the popular Yiavi remedies.
Any one desiring any of these renieSA,
will please call on her at her home ot ad
drees her at Roeeburg, Oregon,