NOW FOR THE SUMMER My Big Summer stock is now complete. There's brightness of ' summer reflected iu every department of my store now. All the different stocks have their complement of fine new mer chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the money-savjng there is in buying of me. LOCAL BREVITIES. Elincr Wimberly and tra (Vd "petit Sunday in Oakland. Mlns l,ona 11 abseil viitd friend ut Hiiswrl! Spriu; yesterday. EI Weekly uud Fin Mast, of Myrtle j i)f '. I'.iluf. in Uii-i r!tv SatunlHV. j. , . i'orlland Hurjer Cast?. There an- fw ne ileveriipiifut in iLb IVjrilunl mu-lwr mystery i lurthor evidence (if any In pottauce Ir-inf (urn.l ogtttoflt M.Diii-i', (lis (lend yi I'm lov-r. and ttirt (iilic-t nr.1 f'Dp!iHHid i.i joking vtf Ut tliij -tmrder. Tuev ate o deed was nut committed in atteinplluu acriuiua! auauit, while a letter found vu the person of tht prison er proves tit it thi young w.uu w.ts AND Don't forget the next timeyou are down town to come in and see the many new styles we are showing. Our Prices will make you happy and the fit make your feet feel glad. SLIPPERS fj The famous . L. DOUGLAS shoe for Men, Exclusive Agency. - in ....I Have for Inspection.... Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest patteras-AU kiudf-rrf wash dress goods at extremely low prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find the best assortment ever brought to this town. The People's Store. I. ABRAHAfl, Prop. 2 ir.e Oirg.iu oli)i,t-'i i i uili bu mil- lerd .iut Auk. ili. fo it is announced. MrP. J. r. BriJ'ca Hiid sou cut to r. . . . . j t . . .... urain yet iiTiiny on a vmi iiu relative?. ; oeeniy in iok WHO nim ; In ret band. uf h-w arrived ut tliis ' McDaniel says lie abd Mimi Fiuli met pla.-o Saturday , from Coo county, for ! ' yuunjf on bieyles as i hey were Geo. KolbrtiH'is remruin tmvarl Mils rl'ct, a home or Mr?. M. Fickle returned homo fiom Chkiaud, Inst evenltip, where aim ha bo?i visiting rtldHvHR. - liobrri D. Harvey if Oakland, 8H-nt Saturday In Hui cit y, the kivI t if hfs eist.-r, M r. M ry 8t-arns. Miss Ksthcr Colin. e. !w has been a gu.-t l MiB.-i Y-ra (ijol, returned to her li'nn c ut 8aUiu Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Allie HoO'cr cam over from OakUod last night. companied by Mil's A$to IWcklt-y. N-i-ei'v kiKiwj no law." It Is a j U it Xs?rt tbv tlj-xl mint be kf (in?, uiul Moil's SAraitpirilia does It. Mrs. F. U. Iljm':n ln gone lo bau Fmiitisoo lo join h. r licfcb.u.d, L'.cnt. UiuiHa cf Co B. in i';tmp t the Presi dio. Mr. and Mi. I. W.Crctbv.of Riddle, wire in MtMford V r br'uf t'ty with iiuincrons fritadi tbi-i wc'k. Mi'dford Mai!. The manager o! Ibe Southern Oregon Di-iiic! Fair Fcriety. cf thin f iiy, hae oar tb.iciK for ciuipliu.eut.ny season ticket. Mi . I. u e Marte'.lJB and Mre. C. L. THE PLAINDEALER. 1VLT Hi. 189a. Mr.G. A. Crbb of Dillard m In Iowa jeelerJar 1uh Ujliby DUUru, oliogeu, le vib itiog iter cooeso. Miss Clart DUlar J, lo this city. Drive down Ibe nails io joar eiJewlk nil receive the b!eebintt of your ' friends od strangers alike. Headaches, eallonoess, falling eeuta tioue, liter trouble, llodyaa curee. All uraggu, ouceuie. . ; VVhen you comelo ForUand renieui- i W UIU U't JUI v 7 fw ... ,t l,- ir.. Up-to dato jeaelry at J. T. Bryan's. Bond, the wstchmsker, does rrsrav ni. For Hrst class den'Jetrr go t ) lit. Little cf Oakland. W. IaTk. 163i First tt. ()24) Ksad change ol ad- Novelty Store. Bond for bargaius and your w a'.ch re pa'rior. Dr. Cbeadle, dentist, at Dr. Stracge's old eland. Chorcbiil & AVoolley report big oalee oo their Flaco Lever binder tbls ; ear The place lu buy buggies, Lacks and wagon, ftvarns A Cbenoweth. Oakland. Bond, tbe-nalcluuaker bells eptcUcles coosttpaiiorj. Fadvan eore at lowt prices and ran Bt them ,cr- U''1". W cent. rectly. ( , Beet and cheat pett watctes cn e-arlh ! for Ibe moner and snarantced at J. T. Bryans. Pimple, eruption, sweaty hands and t ... 1 l. IT.. I . -! J... . I . iiormpiuirMUT ii j'iuu. .ii nd, the were tilling in j;Uft i.f Mrs Etelmsu'e kodaks and jdnt! :r p!i-ii at Churchill A TToolIey '. Lateft.styles lu ladiaa atd geuis je! ry lu ail grades at J. T. Urrsn 's Heartburn, coated tongue, bad breath, All dru4- !50cente. cToLo:-From .f, .reenjoyicg. i Ctei. ie!h o! Oik! the c ty -lurdiy, 2. Uice. Jui'ge IliaiiltciU a Distiict Attorney jG.M.BroAu a:e tt Ttddj ooi.d acting the regular terui nl circuit coart for Lin cia c-iun'y . A yr:'fit'V oi osi ti(.;u are camp ing ia tl:e viriulty cf Tioga, nj iricg their s iruoTT cu'irg aud ff icg cn troul aud gi te. . Frai.s Kirig, acistaat station tignl at Mc.'.fcird. piste 1 thrtogi ibis lity, 6uo d,ir, n. re'nru fjo-o 4 vi-a ;J bts the nii(ht in question, and that if thm'n parties cinbl b.. found hi o ni l Ktinfy ! the police that be and tl.e uiu' itred girl laft Cyciu Prk to(etlir. Tout McDaniel dots nut yet realize ibe terril.le imsltinn in whicU be m placed i evidenced in his askiu u ytt rday if be could not be released on l,ai! . Accord ing in llioe who have litn followii g up the details, the main points m this peculiar murder case ara involved io the They were ac- j deepest mystery. lit. and Mis. Taitchell, of Koeebarg were guests of Mr. aud Mre. Filch at or about the time (heir daughter was so mysteriously murdered Ust week, io re gird to nbiuh the Telegram eaye: "Mrs. J.PiaU and Dr. J, C. Twiichell were o'her important wimestes exam ined. Dr. TwitchelJ, who was an inti mate frieo) oi lbs family, described Clara' movements in detail ontil the urns sh? left borne. Clara and her ister were to cu'ertaiu the doctor while hsr motLer and Mrs. Twitchell Tislted liver town. Afur i upper C'ara Mid . she wa Koing over to tea her ir-eed. Tt result is alnadr known. The doctor was tho flret to identify the body and be is certain be di not see ibe ooJy uolii after o'cl.ji k Thurs day rooming- F.vtn then be dui not say who the girl was to any one present, yet McDaniels bad already been arrested and declared the body of C ara bad been found. The day after Ciira was i fouud lo be missing Mrs. Fitch and the doctor called at the place where Mo Dinlel worked to see what be would tay about Clara.Ss td Utt.i's friend as ths two together. Mrs. Mr.e eerued very reluctant to talk about McDaniel andflaliy eall be was la bed et!y tb night before." We Are Now Offering wwrtmmm Our entire stock of SHIRTWAISTS. SUMMER DRHSS fnAfC I .11 I! -C fT r r-T. y-.. ...... aim iiii uucb oi DUvuir,rv LrU'JJJS, iit greatly re duced prices. Call and get our prices on these goods, and you may then see that we mean what we say. The complete, and there is a large .assortment to See these goods. : - tines are still choose from. Kep your ye cn c n;ndoe ere looking lor targi' Rii-.i Houee For nit hers. A no line uf men', aud KtiS hats ia tb colors at Joeephscn't Bkliona beadiiche, yeiiow Kkii..iated tocgue, feverel lips. lic.!an cire. J All druggists, 50 cent. mn kt &!tiigc Grove . l)r. Rinfou if Portli-i t:.r.-.l th's P. I asset! ti'y Fri!av, eurouto to ?o ecj v vitt with his v ryr,r:. t n numW r.vH rJ ' - " ' ! For your wtch(, oixka aisJjesflrv at'e TU flaeet li.a plated cop,.r g0 10 Htya. ,lig p.ices .ill rleU yj, Sag reaidia, corner Maia and Ca 7 " ' Silver aervice to be preeeated to i b ak, -frut gror of Myrtle Ck, na, in W fiarshin bv aUte of Waahin.ttoa1 J. ' ' j cwn Friday, I after bu.ine, m,.t- -ri,l-,h;,.tRj, firtwwpnce io yocents. teTt. lU Snlorined cs tb.twbi.eb.s Mica Silvia Bteanu, of ths Plalnslu.- prone crop i'l be small, it will be of ex kb torce. eniived a rjieaeant visit wi'h m - ts ia tedor: Bt b( c a. d j dagbter, Mrs. Daniel GiStf?. i W. T. IVujetit Lro t up 250 l.od of hf s for lie j. KolLagt'n, iss; rek. The bcits i to diiven to Ko elturg the firat of the wc-. Mynie Puiut Euterpri. W. Kse stHrrtd lit Koe. bu-g lcea d. :!.'ic-o,I intending tj apesd a jooii'.ii witli He u.ale the ilei.t Ked." C fj-ulie Fo!- will be era exbibUioo at Spokane for five ! days. - '.."' . 1 J. II. WhiteeU ol Kobertt Creek, was ia town Saturday and made thia office a pleasant visit. He reports the binder all busy in bis section of the county." ? M. F. Barker, an old-time California prospector, is ia town, registered at the Esmond from the Calapooia mining dia triet ia Dooglaa coouty, this state. Tele gram. ; T. F. Fiabex and II. A. Tompkins, tao prominent citiseoe of the Olaila precinct, were In town Saturday looking after bnaineaa matters. This office was far orad with a pleasant visit. ' ' Dr. Cbeadle baa a sew remedy for the extraction of teeth. No cocaine or co caine ia need. Patients - with heart or lung troubles co nee it without any bad aftereffect. ! (jl7) Jodga 11, L. Benson returned to Klam ath Tuesday, accompanied by bis broth er, F. W. Banaon, and family of Rose bars, who will spend a abort vacation at Spring creek. Ashknd Tidings. Geo. W. Howard, lira. Clara . How ard, Mrs. Lacy . Way and Mr. Albert Hope ara bar today froja Enow, Klam ath county, making proof on timber land entries before the U. 8. Land orSoa. Dr. M. VT. Davis, the old reliable dan tiet, lormsrly of this city now located in Portland, made oof town a professional visit nut week and reports that be was much gratified with the large amoant of work reserved for bim. He has many friends and patrons ia this county who , , l . i Tf- :i, - ! are aiways giaa in see aim. ae wui vis it as agaia ia a professional capacity In December. U. 6. tXHhmiseiotiM Oryil Dodge, ac companied by bis daughter, Miss Daisy, arrived in this city last Thursday morn ing from Myrtle Point, ' and are the guests of Mr. Dodge's brother and wife, Mr. and Mre. Cbas. Dodge and Miss Alta Dodge. The commissioner is looking after business before ths U. S. land office in this city and attending to other baai nees matters. Mr. Dodge recently com piled and published a pioneer history of Coos and Carry counties, which was very stereeting and creditable work and Las .. . . . . . .1.; auamea ror lis auiuor quie a repuiauon as a competent, reliable historian. We acknowledge a moat pltasaot visit from Mr.' Dodge and bis estimable daughters, the riam Jeues of the Pacific coatt friends at Wilbur Sunday Another very interesting dlscriptive latter from Alaska written by Editor E. D. Stratford will be found on our first page. Edward F. Goen, of Yoncalla with Hon. W. W. Wilson and John Weeten beieer are in the city today doing hard ness before the U 6. Land office. Bad Isles and son. Story, left for Oak land and other interior points of the state, Monday. The change was made necessary on account of Bad's health which baa oeen poor of late. We hope; of climate will prove beneficial to him. Myrtle Pcint Enterprise. Don't think yoa can core that slight attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will care itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Care wax cure if; it "digests what yoa eat" and restores the digestive organs to health. A.C. MAKfcTERi! CO. Stearns 4. Chenowelh at Oakland have now on band hardware of all kinds par chased before the raise and will sell at lees than former prices while in stock. Also baggies, hacks and wagons o to 10 lees than can be Docght elsewhere. Warranted aewing machine, (20. Best six hole 0 inch even Steele range wltb high closet and reservoir, (40. Carload of choice cedar shingles. Judge Sehlbrede, wbo is interested in a promising Pins Creek claim with E. It Bennett and Mrs. Lockwood of Dyea, received information that Judge Irving bad rendered a decision giving them possession of their property. This claim was worked last year, there being aboat ; (1,000 taken oat, bat daring the absence of the party ia charge last winter, a stranger appeared and drove bis stakes thus tying up the property. Tbe Jade! was well pleased over tbe news. Sksg way, Atlin Budget. ; i Evangelist and Mrs, E. A. Boss ar rived in this city last Thursday eveoiDg, and on Saturday morning went out to Dillard, where they will enjoy a pleasant visit with friends and where tb evange list will take a much needed rest, devot ing his time to banting and fishing. He will deliver two sermons at the M. E. church io this city, earl; iu August, so be informed the Plmndkalkb in a visit to this office Friday. Evangelist Roe? is i 301-303 Jackson St. J05EPHSON5S. Aiken's and Thornton's (Joats have arrived aud cn be fiutil at O.e Sheridan place, south of lon. and are ready far delivery to patties until Aa gnn. (jlO.) Wood Wanted at This Office. No ii Ihe tine fr nbcnbers ho ara in srretrs, or new S'JK-ecribers, to pay their satscrlplion ia wood. We want wood at this offl ;e, wood of all deter i p- iii c, oak, ftr. pine, tierweod, cordwood, 1 tine wom), block, tnr.g it along while ihe j roads are gjod. f riotto c ) My flotto Is (o 0) o) ( 9) Notice. An Eojoyable Occasion. Pea'.rd bids aiil be received bv the sec- i retary of the Second Agricultural Soci ety, f jr the exclusive privilgn of con d a reetarant at ibe pavillion and a saloon at tbe race coarse a tbe coming Sever! young tneo, 0,, last Friday I ir-,rtra Aofi- tf ,0 bepl- 3 1i!8J evening, mere so fortune at to r.c tve j , erfors w&B,il 8 tUcd PrT,,e "ni 9 aninvlUiion from the mnuhfii ft ts-1 P'T w tae secretary TO LEAD IN BOTH ...Quality and Price... GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.- " AnjUhing from a side of bacon or a sack of beans, the finest table delicacies. Coffee-ifHhje of my specialties. I also carry a fine line of Dishes, Crockery, and Novelties. Trade Checks As a special induce ment, I am giving Trade Checks to all cash purchasers, redeemable iu c2o amounts. Beautiful lot of prizes given to holder of checks. Entirely free. Orders by mail or 'phone promptly at tended to. ....MRS. N. BOYD. eel lent quality. We have the on-y expiiienced :phjl steter and carpet man in Koeebmg. Up holstery moik and farciiare repaired. Carpstalayed or sewed to order. Fami tare packed for ebippinz. Rice A- Rice, House Fcrcitc.rj. Mrs. Ida Belts, former Ir cf Grants Pass and Geld Hill, passed through Grants Paes on Mordjr incrnicir Lt Gold Hill. She info.ii. us the has leased theG.ld Hill hotel and wilt tke charge of it at once. Mining Joamal. Pneamonia, la grippe, rocghe, co!d.-, croop and whocping coagh readily yield to One Mina'.e t'-oagb Core. Use this reaedy in time and save a doctor's bill or tbe Undertaker . MARSTEBS & CO. Ihoe. Wilson, tbe genial .and rustling Cany on villa merchant, accompanied by bij wife, arrived st this place Saturday evening, on their return borne from The Dalles and Portland, where they had been on a visit, combining busice-e with pleasure. As tbe season for wheels is about ball gone we bare seme good bargains to oiler in new and second band wheels: One Victor, (15; one Stormer, (IS; one Rambler, (17; one lady's Hartford, (IS. Special discount on Vi Imperial". T. K. RlCHiiDBO.V. Did yea know that Churchill &. Wool le 7 carried the largest and finest stork ot Winchester riSes and shot guns carried outeide cf Portland which tbey sell at .Chicago prices and eavo their numerous customers freight and express charges . Mrs. Chas. Dodge went to Myrtle Point Friday morning, having received a telegram announcing that her father, C. E. G. Dieia, was dangerously ill. Mr. Dietz is an honored pioneer of Coos county. Saturday's Myrtle Point Enter prise says ''Mr. Die' z has been danger oubIv ill for the pl week, but bis con ditiou is better to-lay." Geo. Frattr, of the Cracker Jack mine, has been spending a few days iu town. He accompanied his mother. Mre. W. A. Frater, and sister, Mrs. Ireland, to their homes iu this city, froai the mine?, where they bad been eujoying a pleasant visit. George reports lhat the work of putting the mine iu shape for a lively and encceesful winter's run is progress ing. MID-5UFIMER BARGAINS CHILDRENS AND BOYS SUITS. Yes, Boys feel better, more dignified, more contented, when they are well dressed. This stock to which we have QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. The quality of our Ladies' Shoes is the highest at the ; price, uur saies ana prices i in this line are marvelous. tlv t(fA new niitnVprc can outfit the little man to!Calland examine our $1.50 his entire satisfaction. . And the Price? Well this0 store charges nothing extra for style. You know that. and $2.00 Shoes, also, our Boys and Girls durable shoes j all new goods. MENS HEAVY SHOES. The kind that will stand the stubble and grit of the harvest field. You know we don't charge any more for good quality than some for a poorer grade. Try a pair from these new goods. Re member we sew all rips and make all reasonable demands good in our shoe line. Hip on a le.iu. S. B. lUriiuu:i aal if c r i j j; iog an i-utiGg 1'or. Uif j:d. Or4 of Mr. llfimji ii'i tiiie hordes J-ist laid down and iiid at that p'acv recon'.'v Myrtle Point Enterprise'. Ciri Master, a y jung basiues i man ol Cottonwood, Calif., is enjoy iog a pleas ant vieit with his brother, Berobsrd Munter, and the Wollenberg Bros., abo are alo relatives. TLe Edeaboier Sunday bebool will give an ue cream tocial teat Friday eveoiue, Ju!y-Sib, in Stepbeua store buil Lug near ito railroad fr the lne Cv of t'.ie Suuiiay tcliool All are in vited. J.C. liani, a prpfrjus farmer re siding near Oiklani, was a pleasant caller at this cuicetoJay, while looking aflr hueinet waiters in this city. He male hiois-elf solid fjr ibe Pl2dealeb to this tiuie in 1WX). Mrs. Chas. Clements has gouo lo jiin her husband t Goldtfndale, Wah. She was UudereJ a farewell psr.y at the Lone of Hoo. atd Mis. A. M. Crawford laetTh'iriday evening by the ladici ol tht Eptecopal CLatcb. Mrs. Campbell, cf Eugene, arrived at this ilace, SaturJay, for a pleasant visit itb the family of her brahtr-io law, J. H. Whitsett, of Roberta Greek. She is in pxr health aad hopea to le benefit- ted by a changi of climate, sctnea and sarroonding9. Laat Thursday while A. C. Hoxie, Tboe. Arthur and A. T. Thompson were enrouta to the latter's mine, oa Lee creek, their wagon fell off a grade and down rolled an embankment. All escaped inj.iry except Mr. noxie, who was quite seveilv braised. Iu hia uddrew Ul'ore the Ashland Cbautaquua tbe Ke. cam Jones is qaoted with deiiverin tbe folio-. tug hot shots: "After faith, have knaattdge, not tho kiud that my populist friend af feet so much ; they may get to heaen, but not to Washington ; that ain't on the celestial road anyway. Scholars today are educated above their work : they often gt to college toa soon and stsy too long. It is poor eoonoaiy to put a (3000 education on a 10 cent boy one of tbose who go around holding up one end of a cigarette. Take him oat la tho back yard and kill him. It wouldn't bo mur der murder is taking human life, and such a thing is not buuian life, and such a thing is not human, for it has no sense. Patience i needed. Worry and fretting kills more people than bard work. Tbe woman ho nags and jis all tbe time can make hell out of a home. It I had euch a thing for a wife, and she ehool run away wih some other feller, might pojeibly ask the neighbors where it i. b it I wouldn't go after it." Sara Jones lett hi audience with tho feeling that tbey had received many thoughts that would stick through life, and bd many former ideas reinforced so that tbey will remain through life. Barklow, Marjn Stage Co. Private conveyance frutu Rosebarg to connect- itb boats and trains, ' Co- li'.tt City and Rose burg Mondays, WtrdoesJ) aud Fridays. Goo- rigs ann teams. Best of accomodations. For prices aud particular call on or ad dress, W. PTTE0 , Corner Grocer, Roieburg, Oregon. w- .... r-n ie .oue c oo. to j m tnent in a i "bay-ride." the detlina'i n t,f tli- parly ! U-iug tbe borne of Mies Eva Lu c, sit-, a'.ed oa Pier crek i-ihtor teu -niles j eal oi town. IU start was made -'wot co,uilia Cii) via Myrtle Point o o clock p. m. ana r. being a cot), bright . ir j ui'X'DiigQt eveolng tbe ride was a ruott pleasaut and enjoyable one. Nediees to say a very cordial reception was ten dered tbe company st tbe Lane I oa e hre a few bourn were p!ea.aotlt whiled away, games, sx'ial cjuvurjj aui ' splendid refreshments being among the ; tea. ares of the evening. Ltte in tnei evening the party returned to town more i tbaa delighted with the pleasure tbe ' evening afforded, Tnos in attendance j were : Mr. and Mrs. b. U. Line, Mrs. K. L. Muler, Mrs. Cbas. Zigler, Misses Mabel VaaBuren, LIuie and Roee Parrotl, Lu-j la Willis, Dr. Myra Brown, Maud aad Rjgina Bast, Minnie Suerii.n, Ka'e f Bikk, Frankie Hiwell, Lacy huntoi, I Zilia Zigler, Bill Carry, Abbtj Parrxf, Ivy Vai Buren, Winnie Biiaer, Jennie Baick, Eva Line, Elsie Canuon. Meeers. Douglas Waile, CjI Suntou, Taol Zig ler, Stell Zigler. Dan Laogeaberg, Harry Stiplstoa, R. M. Djnabae, S. Josephson, Dr. S. M. H lui by, James Sc:tt Nathan Fuller too, Eugene Parro't, Ribert Lane, Lee Harriegton. If, V. Mam, Roseburg Pharmacy Notice to Ex-Soldiers and Sailors. Our sale of Remnants, Summer Goods, Shirt Waists and Summer Hats, still goes on while thev last. Visit our Show Windows. ROSEBURG NOVELTY CASH STORE, Notice to Horsemen. The directors ol the Second Southern 0.regon District Agricultural Society have authorized me lo state to the public that a bpecial purse will be offered for Doug las county horses only, at tbe coming I dir. (a'JOdO H.W-MiU-tK, Secretary. $1.50 Per Day Salary. A few energetic la-lien and gentlemen wanted to canvaes. Above salary guar anteed. Call 011 or address Mils, 0. J. Armitagk, ( Roeebnrg, Or, Headquarters Reuo Post No. ?3, Dept. of Or. G. A. R. To all ez-soldters, sailors and marines, federal and confederate, Mezican and Indian war veterans, greeting : Information ts at band Ibat tbe "nd Oregon Vol. Infty. bas arrived at San FranciECO, aud will toon be mattered oat and returned to Roeebnrg. We believe their noble and distin guished service entitles them ts a warm and fitting reception at oar bands. Therefore, in tbs nam? of Reno Poet, I would kindly ask all ex-eoldirs, sailors and marines, both of the blue and ths gray, and alt Mexican and Indian war veterans, lo join wltb Reno Post, in forming a guard of honor to meet Co. B, 2nd Or., at tbe train and escort them to some place in Roeebnrg, to be hereafter selected. Hold yourselves ia rJioes at tbe boom of tbe cannon. Meet and form guard at G. A. R. ball and march to train. E . D. Howill, P. C. Reno Poet. Last Thursday Mrs. Ida Davie, one of Douglas county's most proficient teach- erf, closed a very eaccessiul term ot school in the Ricbey district in tbe north ern part ol the county, Mrs. Davis cer tainly merits tbe praise given her for tbe way she bas so successfully accomplished her work and we were informed by the school board and many of (he school patrons that they would consider them selves fortunate In (scaring Mrs. Da vis for tbe ensuing school year. The morn ing program consisted of songe, recita tions, dialogues, etc, while the dinner a magnificent one, was thoroughly dis eased in the leafy grove near the school building. Tbe afternoon was taken up iu ad dresses and recitations, Among those who deserve special mention in assisting the scLool in tbe entertainment are; Muses Edith Lowe, Bertha Estes, Mollie Larkins and Mr. Parker, all showing marked ability and some evincing extra ordinary talent. This however did not detract from the high estimation pUced upon the exercises by the pupils of the school, which were excellent, aud ia fact we beard persons wno were capably judges in each affairs remarking lhat tbe state normal at Pra;n would have to look well to her laurels. This was a day of unalloyed pleasure aad while the ciowd ia attendance was large it would have been much larger but for the fact that this is the busy sea son of the year, , One WhoWasTiibrs, Look out for our grand clubbing prop osition with the Weekly Oregonian. 1 Both papers for tbe price of one (3.00 There ia une little maxim Ttiat no I mill name, Whkh may bring what ia better Than riches or faue. All those who will heed it Good appetite fiud, t- rong nrrytt, ro-y cheeks, And vigor ol mind, f 1 will ban Ub dyspepsia, Rheumatics and gout. That Tired Feeling conquer, Drive tcrofula out. And here Is tbe maxim Ite wUdow is sure Take Hood's Sareapaiilla And keep your blood pare. Mow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that ran not be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY fc CO., Props. Toledo. O. Ve the uniorsiuel have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 veare, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their firm. Weetdc Traax, .Wholesale Druggist?, Toledo, O. W aiding, Kiouan x Marvin, Whole sale Drnggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal ly, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surface of tbe system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test, monialjfrwo. M. ,F. RAPP, Prescription Drugs, Toilet Artide, l:.-r,t Meii; cines, Ogr, Suiicroery.,-. Suapf, Psietft iad Oils. Druggist. photographic fSnppIieg... (9 ) (O O) fA S Toilet The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. Call aud Examibe them. oSorVWW (o ) d) ( O) I 111 IBS.... 1 Established in 1S77) The leading varieties of thorough bred fowls. Eggs from the finest strains . sent J -on short notice. Send for Cata logue. Address Forest Grove, Or. J. M. GARRISON. i t II makes no difference how bad the wound if yoa ase DeWitl's Witcb Hazel Salve; it will q iWkly heal and leave no scar. A. C. MARSTERS 4 CO. J. F. At - BARKER'S & CO. Fur Over Fifty Yeait. an Ou aha Wiii-Taixo Baasov. iln "tuflow'i Soottuog Hrrap baa been uatd tor erer flit yean by millions of mothara tar Uiair chilJren while tecUiiug, with perfect tucceaa, It MWlbea tbe child, o!tna tbe soma, allays all patn.turea vrinl colic, and U the beat remedy for Diarrbuea. Ii pluanuit to tb last. Sold by draggiita in .tott part ot tbe world. Twenty Sv oenta a bottte. Ita value is Incalculable Be aura and ak for Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Byrap, and taks no other kiud. Also CHAMPION BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES- 'PERFECT SATISFACTiOlY is the verdict of every RAMBLER 0 RIDER The Greatest Durability. The Lightest Ruuuiug Qaalitic, ;iud the Unequaled Mechanical Construction is the secret of Rambler Populari ty. Ramblers, $40.00 cash or on easy installments. F.quiped with the great G. & J. Clincher Tires. A. C. Marsters & Co., Agents