PLAIMDEALER The Plaindealer Job Printing READABLE. RELIABLE, REPUBLICAN. -ote head, litteb. ; . HEAR?, BILLIOLAItl BXVELOPtS. ETC No tetter field thaa Soathera Ore- ElacaUd M her aetlaw at torn; aa better ncdiym throagh which ta Advertise. cenearteat wltk gaad work. L PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. Vol. XXX. ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 24, 1899. No. 53. IJnl MURDERED IN A PARK Cody of a Ycung Woman found Covered With Brush. A SENSATION TOR PORTLAND Clara Fitch of That City the Victim. Her Companion Suspected and Arrested. . Portland, July 21. Clara Fitcb, the , 19-year-old daughter of George A. Fitcb, who lives at 632 Eaet Salmon street, was found deaJ ia Cycle Park yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, aud Frank MeDaniel ia now ia jail charged with her murder. Toe body was found by George Arn old, wtio it employed by J. Plata. He . m booting (or cows in the paik, when . be saw a woman's feet ticking oat from . under eonie fern. The remainder of ber btir was completely ooyered by the ferae. I0e thought it was a alee pi us wossaa "at first, bat pushing the fe-ns aside od touching the woman, who lay with iter face ia her bat, be discovered thnt a be waa daaJ, aud at once gave the alarm, when the t-alice and coroner , wre notified. . . ... The not where the eh I waa found ia ;&) yarJi na-theast ol the main entrance and, a tisMe distance from an un frequent ed path. Tnere were sorts signs ol a alight struggle. The ferns were tome- . what trampled down, bat eulently no Tioleot Mrogi-le had occurred. TEES UIS IUT It OS a. Clara Fitch left home Wednesday evening, saying she was coirg t the ' homeof alriead,' Miee SuthetU'd, aud would be back soon. Mre. Fitch onder stool that site was coins: over to eee Benha Sutherland, one of ber friend, and paid little attention to the matter. Some friends were yrailing the Fitches, and ia company with tutu Mr. Fitch went out for the evening. She noticed opon ber retarn that Clara had not re taroed, and decided thai she had con cluded to spend the night with the Sutb erlands. Early neil tuornicg Mrs. Fitch bad to gj to Vancouver. She sent one of the children over to the Sutherland borne to - tell Clara to hurry home. Mrs. Fitch ' did not wait for the child to retarn. When ehe got back from Vancouver and learned that Clara had not spent tbe night with Bertha Sutherland, she be cams g-eatly alarmed, and at once, notified tbe police. - OTcn.Tnxnt sas The officers followed different does, but wiUiia an hoar or so all arrived at the conclueioa that UcDaniele was tbe murderer. They tried to find him, bnt 44 not succeed until S :15 o'clock, when Cordaoo and VYeieertook him into cus tody. The two had been looking for bin at the bonaeof bis employer, Mr. Morns, of 543 East Oak street, and had him sighted at C o'clock, but be bad been given a tip, and bad not takea bis team to tire baro, bad changed his clothes, and had., ridden off on Lis wheel. r. :lz ' : About 8 a'clock, while the detctirea " were opsulrt.yoaaj McDaalel came in to the house, and rasbed opeUirs, where the detectives met him, and toJ him be was wanted. "I know whit you want with me," be aid, "but I am not guilty." lie then ; dropped into a chair and said ha was reedy to go with them. mcdajtckl'b story. McPaniel admits to the detect! ves be ing with the murdered girl on Wednes day night, and says they were in Cycle ; " Talk until 9 or 13 o'clock; when be took her within two blocks of ber home, and left ber, as be was not allowed to go to the' txmee. Her parents bad forbade Lin gauig there, aad tbey bad been meeting clandestinely. ' 'He declares he knew nothing of her being miasing or dead until shortly be fore 8 o'clock, when crossing tbe Morri son st rest bridge on a wheel he beard three boys say a dead girl had been found oa-the East aid. He dismounted from his wheel and inquired who she . , was, and was told that it waa Clara Fitch. He eaya be then rushed to hi boardiog-plac, aod was met by the de tectives. THE ACCUSED Frank MeDaniel came here from Call foruia about one year ago. For the past - four months be haa been in the employ of the Moras & Wakefield Transfer Com pany. His lamer lives in ban la Barbara Cal , to which place he moved eome time ' ' ago from Illinois. ; A witsees has been found a ho says that MeDaniel had recently been uneasy a"bout Clara Fitch's condition, aod other . - witnesses have been found who have more or lean damaging testimony. Up on all this is founded the theory tba rank MeDaniel accompanied Claret Fitcb to the park, and that whatever may have occurred while they were alone, ho left hfer dead when he depart ed. MeDaniel teils a straight story about his going there with the girl, and cod ing away with her, and the closest ques- Honing, and si! the "sweating" that can be dorie haa failed to canee hi.n to change this ftory, or to become tangled in rotelling it. lie is root, and while apparently ap- pareriating his po-ition, does not t how any rigns of fear or nervoutritF, and do?e not change color when the dead gin's name ia mentioned, lie ia a.ti 1 to be an intelligent young fellow, and one who does not lock anything like a mur derer. THE MtRDEKKD UUO.. Clara Fitch wis the daughter of Mr. and Mre. G orge A. Fitch. She iived at home with her pareuu, and has alaay been looked opon as a well-behaved fcirl. For some time young MeDaniel has paid ber attention, but her parents decided be was not a proper person to associate with their daughter, aud forbade him ooming to their home. ' George A. Fitcb ia an engineer, in the employ ol the Southern Pacific Corn, pany. lis left here on his run before his daughter left borne, and knew noth ing of the matter uatil he was tele graphed to at Leland yesterday after noon. He was told to come home, but was not advised of his daughter's death until be ar lived at 8 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Fitcb haa been prostrated ' ever since she dlocovered that her daughter waa missing, and for that reason waa not notified if tbe girl's death before li e ar rival of Mr. Fitch. - THE DOCTOSS EXAMINATION. While D.s. K, A. J. Mackens e. Uarry McKay, the coroner and other pbyai ciane are very reticent about tbe remit of the autopsy held, it is kaoao that the girl was either strangled cr emotbered. The theory hae been : advanced that ahe bad heart Uonl la aod probably died from this caoee, while ia an excited slate but l tie teeult cf l be doctors' examina tion totally disproves each a tbtorj . Whcltier she was strangled or snioU- ered U eometbiug ti.e thvsciana ha' not tail e determine i. luey ilidh. utf former is probably the case. OUK ALASKA LETTER A Description of Cook's Inlet and Tributary Country. NATIRE'S GREAT WONDERLAND. Early Discovery and Settlement- Dangers and Difficulties Encount ered by Miners and Prospect Kouiak, Alaska, Jane 10, 18'J'J. 1eaving Homer we ettrted around Anchor Point and are soon again in Cook's Inlet proper, bound for Tyrnik, a ell u?, towards the head of the Inlet. Cjok's Inlet is about 'J03 miles long, aud about GO miles wi io at the entrance, narrowinx gradually, to point at the north end. Hero we havo the strongest and most rapid tidue of any point on the Pac.fie coast, if not at auv piiut on tbis eoatieent. Tbe abapa of tbe Inlet, be ing like a huge faonel, with it base at the entrance contracted, the tide ruahes o, until it i com Jtuinu fearful ben it reaches tbe upper end, sometimes ruu ning at the rate of S cr 10 miles an hour, with a liae and fall of aim set 50 foet. is tbe waters become coutrjcted. they rush along with a rja- which ran t-e heard for miles, cotnins in (he form of three hujo waves, f dbwiug e, h other in qiick nuccession, tbe firt sometimes being from 5 to 8 feet hih, and woe to the lucklera indiviJua'a lio arc cambt j by it. Sel io-.u a rr.o:.'h p;Rtc tht j some unfortunate;-i-t'i', "..a uiaint Oregon News Notes. Fifty cents per box is cileied hop pickers. Corrallis agrlcultmwl cilieze eUciei I old oaicera. Attorney-senerAl rules that a I notes eecored by nxwtgag) are taxable. . Tbe strawberry crop in Orejjia this year was tbe most protkable lruit crop of tte season. Linn county farmers will stork tlie district with Eagbsb partridges and Keaves pheasants. A Salem toang man loaned Ins. girl hia wheel. Her father smashed it w-.tb an ax. Case is now in court. Itun or salmon at Astoria oa , Monday night blocked tbe canneries aud cold storage facilities- One boat caught 190U pounds. rs. ed with the violence ol tbebe :id ia not outCt so tbe start umat lie dnlayed a mouth while horse shoes are ordered from Seattle. It would he folly to start into the mountain with unahod pack horn's and lursrshuea are as scarce In AU'ka aa icerna in Oregon. A aimiliar espvdition under Captain la fitting out at Valdca, on Princo Williams' aouud, which will at tempt 10 reach the Yukon by the way of Ct flVe river. Iliort hdi boen during tbe gold ex viir-meiit of tbe past two or three yera fatiulous etories told cf rich goM fields on C'Kik'a Inlet and the Sueitna river, but like most of tbe tales told in regard to the richnt-aa of tbe Alaska gold fields, tberu is absjlutxle uo truth in tbem. There uiu l or three, or perhaps half a doxtfu placer claims near Sunrise City, a hlch are paring their owners fair'.y well, but i;b this exception the gold mines of Cook's Inlet are a myth. Ilandred and perhaps thousands of men have traniiied over this wilderness of UK-iai, iuountait.3 and glaciers dur ing the l.itt three year, on'y to return to tbe cviet eick,disaypoiotcd aud dot?? tuti-, iriuuate even to t-.-ca(-e wi'h their livt-p. N i man can eveu retiinat with any i!-grte jf accuracy, the number of unUTiuiiatti rce-ov:tors who have er ialie l -at ji ud tbe head ol Cook's Inlet aud in tbe C-opper liver country, many of b j;c bo.lies will remain uudieov rred uulil tbe dual day, hen like the sea, tba iuouovms streams, She snow elides aa 1 g'aciers a lall give up their countlcea dead At Houitfr I j iined Hon. J. W. Palli gjn, s'ate i-natur for Washington ci.ut;tr, Orri d, with bom I am to be fc'sociaiud lor a litnn at Uaat, and I founl him to bs a very congenial and companionable gen'lrman. From CjjU's I a let we i? t Kodiak aiid uditcins i.-'.aod-, be-e e will , tpvtid perhas a mor.tb, anl from which New Store ! New Goods! iglers' rxrocery A F-JLL STOCK OP Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR & WILSON BLOCK i .Low Prices ! A Complete line of now on band. DRY GOODS. Ladies Dres Goods, Ribbons, Trim- mtDKs, Lacee, Etc., Etc., Also a fine line of sranoYoaaao. IU.W. Mr -,- (Tkca. . 1-, Id. A. K7 .T. T : C.H.&ttaators. Confieaataaa Oovernor. Becretary of State- (Hal Treaaorer. Bum. Pnb. Ii tkata Printex. , I. Prcw at. Artrttt.-t a. SUe Attorney Genarai 6apnmtJwlfm-... . 8. wr9ri liudaw. aacovD JCMctax umot. .J. w. IUsUvo PmecaUaf tMnmiif Sao al raTB BOS fceeelTer. Kefiawtr- e. a tan omd, i JBBTJ SWJt J. t. antral of tbe best quality sad latest style, otanrr e. a. wKATaaa waaao. ..Taes. sHmws Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. Hcn-l'ir. eoeeLAS covm. aepreaantatlTea. Tlark. hnff.. rreaanrer ,, Sebool HapiKlateadaBt . Wood, Willow, and Glassware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc., also ca band and at Dricee to suit tbe cooatj jwisw- times. W. KacS W. Caaa J. T. 8j!S R L. St-tua . 6. W. Xttaauc -H. a. eut .Jim. Lt I CotimiariooafTL- Free Delivery 5 4 An up-to-date hue of I Surf ayoi toraoar. (H.O. TlMMBama ' ijaa. Sttou I Sheep Inspector- CUSTOM-MADE-CLOTH KG iostlcaa I OoawtaMaa.- raacucT arram. JI. W. trJ(f mwum inminmn f There is a Quality about our Drugs H. G. STANTON. tUTur . Foetmaatv . an or cotrarexumr. .aat W. A. taat 1st Ward., landward- IrdWard.. caught aud eugullid by these 'readier i oustide. While I waiatTyooi, a srjil! ttw' contaimi; four oien and a Kiy, a awampel bet area Tronik arid J? lurie City and three cf th3 i: ei droaied. Only a week or so previous t t: : t ti:re two or tbreo other men loi-t tinir lives. Whea tbe tid'? g on: i' frc i lea ly ! leaves a toit loidid with traveler, whh : thsir O'J lit of ti avisiouj unl tool, ; ajrrjuad on iLe bare ran l ri a. od ; the tide rctaraj it is w.i'i a f ad I vio'eacs that the Iraii ba. a i h Its car- : I cb.ll write 01 next Iettr. !;. ibe time H it IrtUr appears in ;i rini,Ih v be brav- Douijlas county Una ho have done audi nob'e work fori ti .r cmutrr, iu Macila, will be at b -'nr. Oueof ibe gr'll diappoiot-l ' iiiei.t cf uiv iiie in the fa-.-t that I shall 1 u j! rw tbere to sut iu tbe trand wel I cuaie whith 1 know uill be accorded th-u.. K. l fiKArroau. Which secures permanent patronage. Wet buy in small quantities, and buy frequently, therefore we always have a r-resh Stock ot Full Standard Strength Drugs. Our aim is for Quality, and we hit the mark The merits of our prescription Department have built up a large trade in this line. EAST AND SOUTH TLA THE SHASTA ROUTE OFTHI Southeru PaclUc Co. fta Ward.., Becordar . IF F rww " ,W. B.U - -- I A. rtaU jw.l. tatkfar JF.W. Wnrf ttLCSissaa -v. a. wtm BtanluL. J.W,tUI ret" Boatawff aaseta aa I . on cocvax nrnw. Toe Cos no a CouaeO at me ettv tt Boaeke meeu Lne m neooaT ia eaca o cioea y. a. cocarr aaaaioaa. Th Circuit Court lor Oooataa Cawat as lipim Initi lam ParUaa4 datty. r. a. 5 r.M. 7 . i. Lt. Lt. Ar. Pottlaad - Ar. Rose barf . Lt. tian Praaciae) Lt. Hum Umea a year aa follows aay iamax Ut MooOa aaoa-M j r. say la Match, iba 4U KcateT ta Josa, t, ajuay ia uaounata. J. w. mamu m )imiw. Ueo. M. S(trwa,et 6 i A, oij r. ' OS A a to V at- I M. : M. I Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar, Ogden Ar. Deader I.e. Omaha. Ar. Hut-ago I.T. Io Anf-r i n r. ts v. M A. J P. 9 2S P. it I iaAr J:3S P. it. DMA. M. P. X. Sam Janes on Oregon. 1:15 P.M. i AT. Fort Worth, T:j5 A, M. I Ar. Sew Orieaaa . DtailaiK Cant ouac aaUU Pullnaa Cnt elaai and toonet can attached to all traHta. inaa u 1 1 n auotr. CooBtT Court maati the 1st Wads day a.W tba lat Mooday ol Jaatwrr, ataica, m, its?. Mber and Koran oae. Jaav Ltaa. Draia. Jodge; aL O. TAaani.aat aaaatalisf ana jaa. mo, or UbUia, inanailail ia Paocaua (xion ia ia aaaaiaa fiiaaaaair M Ljona.ludce. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. ProtiCriptioDS cum- nfiirrfricTC pounded Day aud Night L lUgglbl. Haaeftarw JlaU Daily. itx m. l- r. . Lt. Ar. Portland ftoaeburt Ar. Lt. I -M r. orrailii Mail Daily (Except eaadar). 7 A. I il fc . m. ILt. I Ar. PortlMd CorraUia Ar. At Albanv and Corrallis connect with trains CorraUia m Eaatera railroad. Whatehall I Wii the utoi.le of Ore atate?" He v. Sam tad- on ia an- amn.l in an instant and 114 Cre - 1 a- s . fa Ti,..'. f I InVt r.- a rjadJt 1 uim, aiwc as those u? the M;eauri river cauaed by 1 : "Little Strokes " Fell Great 'Oaks' The gUnls of the forest most yield ai list to the coniimul blows of the tvoods mgn. Wlien the human blood has become dogged and impure the little drops of Hood's SarsaparUU, properly taken, wiS fell tlx oah of bad blood. Aaaistant I'oet master Cates cf I'uicn baa tba final! pox and tbe cca!i cr dered tbe patient taksn home an i rjoar' antined. A Pendleton man, W.J. Furnish, W.O1 grapued tau Francisco firm to give com pany D, volunteers, everythicg tbey needed and draw on him. A Una new bridge across Koguc river. near Prospect, is being built by the :fu ear Tine Lumber Company. Tue struc tare ill coat between 2000 and KoOO. Ooly two names Lave been sobmittrd aa yet for the com mission a to which Ore gon IsentltleaTThey "are"DeaUnant Braiee and Captaia IVeecott, company P. . ' A handsome eao'd will be presented Major M. U. Ellis by tbe citizens of Al bany on Lis return borne. Captain M. D. I'hilipe aill also be remembered. Al bany citizens have purcbated a beautiful water service, and will present it opon bis return. Charlton 13. 1'eikios, son of 11. C. Tex kins of tbis city, was recently diechsrged as yoeman on tbe Monadnock and waa at once appointed clerk in the pay inspect or's office at Csvite, at a salary cf f 1200 per year. Charlton writes Lis father and mother that be ie now inaia led in bis new ofSco and likes it very much. Grants rass Courier. A ledge of gold-bearing tjuirtz waa discovered a few days ago about two miles from Cottage Grove, on the farms of Isaac Taylor and C. K Smith. Some experienced miners from California are running; a tunnel in tbe ledge, and tiave taken out some very rich ore, containing visible particles of free gold. The popular teacher content ia l'oit land clo3ed Thursday, a total of 01:1,031 votes being caej. Mips Nellie Fawcelt of Stephens acbool, waa fif6t wilti 91,733, Mre. A. E. Wa'.soo, of Atkinson ei:hool, second, with 78,S2t, Miss Med or a Whit field of Williams ayeoue school, (bird, with 33,196. Ballots sold at ten cents each and tbe proceeds go the high echool library. A tine piano was tbe iiret prize, gold watch the etcand and a ledics Li cycle tbe third. v On Sunday morning Hi boys and young men, who bad been brought here by thn sugar company from I'tah tj work in the beet fields, returned to their homes, aaya tbe La Grands Chronicle. The1) youn fellows are what are termed thinners or weeders, and couplet of the youuger member of those brought here by the company, many of them being mere lads. yet understood their woik thoroughly. There are yet here something like 90 more, who were brought from Utah by the company, and who will remain for some time longer. W. A. Carter, an attorney of -old Hill who Las been spending tbe week in Aah land. reports the people of his eection in high spirits over the prospective buildiug of the bigb line ditch from Rogue river, which will open up numerous rich placer claims on high ground in the vicinity of that town as well as encourage the agri cultural and manufacturing industries generally in the northern end of the counly. Gold Hill is steadily growing, and considerable activity has been noted tho building line there the past year. Ashland Tiling. the rao;d and ceise'css tbb aod tlw of ' the tides. As wc steam north throug'n tba l jwer portioi of U-e Iolet, wc get a magnificent vie of Ilyamna and Redoub to the e-t. lh fjrai?r aa active volcano. I'.vamna mhich ia about 12,000 f.-et bigb, has been activj fjr mora than a bondred year, tba earn ail co.tiuaillr g via cot smoke wiiLli tisci iu hu; cc'.u nu, and floats away ia tbe diiUnc. Ua tin west sida of lb. Inlet, an elevated rangf of enow ciad iconataint, coma dowa near the ahore but oa tbe hia lecture at Gladstone. I think it a lovely cooatry," he re J. "and should be glad to spend more time her. This ii tuy first trip to Ore coo, tb'ju1! 1 bavd been ia California before. "The rammers ou'. here are dtligbtlul to a man alio ivee ia a warm climate, and things look pro-perous and the peo ple here should be happy. "Tb: entire WiaUra coantry i a de lightful place to come to, and should at traut mauy people ia tba coming years. "I notic that the people out bers are given to Sabbatb-breakiu more than thev are ia tbe haet. aod that is one thing I have againet von. A man in my eUl who woald plow, cut his grain or go f shins on on Jay would be arreted, un less he could ahow that it was alisolutely necessary for bim to do so. "I fear that Sabbat h-brealin.-, wbla kv-driukiug anl gaiubliogara the corses of tbo West, but I hope Ibe beautiful i xr. a. r r. a. 8 r. . pealeuoa Pa-Heuer DaUy (except uadar) PorUand QOMMODORE S. JACKSON, Atbjrney and CcaaneaQor at Law. Mining Law and Watar Rigkts navis a specialty. , ' " MarsteraBM. BOBaTJUaa. OBJtwO. Attorney-at-Law, Koona 7 and S- Ar. : Lr. McafioTilic InJayendeaec TT. Lt. Lt. Taylor a Wllaoa Slack. aoszarxa. ca a:aa. 9 l-Oa.a east, a vast elevated plain, or plateau, comparatively level, etretcbee away to a distance of froai 30 to 03 miles from the -bore. Tbis plain, and in fact almost all this country ia practically treeless, ilh tbe exception of scrubby brush or small trees and is covered with grasi aud mof.' Thia b-hlv of water ia named for Cap lain James Cook, who with his ships, ' coaat states are fast getting free from the Discovery and Ceeolulioo, explored these coasts in 1773. Lotniog the In let be explored it as far as Turnsgain Arm, which takes its name from the (act that here the intrepid discoverer turned back from the exploration of a body of water which he hoped would be I tbe much rough t after "northbouni passage," from the Pacific to tho Atlant ic. The Crat permanent white settlement of Cook's Inlet was made ia 178'J by ibe Russians. There was at one time, quite a large native population mound tbe Inlet but IU most of their kind, they have succumbed to tbe civilizing influence of the white man. There are a number of fisbiog stations and trading posts along the shores but we made but one etop, at Tjyonik, a trading poet of tbe Alaska Commercial Company. Tbis is tho larihereet point reached by me so far, in Alaaks, Tyonik is ou ibe same paralell aa St. Petersburg, ia farther north than Lab rador, aud farther north than the south ern point of (ireeuland, It ia as far Ibe Sandwich I-laoda. ho 1 these great evils, aud I hops when I get out tbis way aij.iu to see a decided change regarding these thiuga. "What ths good people aa I the uears rja'tora want to di i to raise the stand ard and keen on a ooiw till tbe rest o' tbe people come t it." his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock ol to baccos in Southern Oregon. a. KOKHLCB. C 1L MARKHAM. Maaaawr. U. f. rut. am t. POETLAJCD OBXOO. Duvt-t coiiDcruon al fas rraiK-lao with U-n-iifp Lme Ha L. iapwu, China. Tbe r i,r tarouab lutctiuii rate can m or an- l aa drcra L. B. MOOKB Atxut or V. U. LONDU5. 1 - &arg. RaV B. BZSDL3B, Attorney tt Law, Boom a rayloraWUaoaBik. BOaMCBa.OBBWOB. W. BSNSOK, Attorney-at-Law. BooaulaadS Bcrtew Boildiaa;. BOSKICBG, OBXWV B. W1T.T.TB, Attorney tvnd Counstlor fitLAvrr aftaaaWata. OS. aaawtO. f lfeaJl tkaa laa ia Maraten Baiidiat. mm mn. 'S-xaic Line at the Wartd" 9 The Favorite Traneconliuental Roots Between the Northwest aud all 1'ointa Last. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. K. C&tWTOSS, Attorney at Law, Booaa 1 4 1, atantata Bade, BOSUUBS. OB. -BaMneat baJoew taa V. a Laad OaVw art leaaeaaapedaity. laUfa-S-aafclaalOSai, JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Public, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Kooia i at antere BuiVdui(. Kob:rt O Ingersoll Struck Dasd. west aa bava b eu aa far noith aa St. l'ebiraburg, and as far weal as tbe Sandwich Island. At Tyonik I met Capf. Glon of tbe U. J. army, who with about 40 picked men, is attempting to locale aud open au "all American" trail tbroogh the vafct eohtulo of mountains a;id canyons, glacit-rs aud mountain rivers, to the Yu kou river. Tlio route contcmplaU'd, be ing up the .Suskitua river to its source, across the huh watershed to the Taoana river aud down that stream to its junc tion with the Yukon. Just what benelit Buch a trail would be to any one, even if it could be opened, no one appears to know, especially now that the railroad and watar route by way of r-kagway is cow iulck, reasonably easy and comparatively cheap. If the season is favorable he will uo doubt be able to reach tue Yukon, aa he haa every means and facility at his command which money and experience can pro cure. He has a good river steamboat for use ou the uakitna river which he hopes to ascend by boat 1"3 miles, tie haa tbe fineet dog teams that money can buy and magnificent ones tbey are, cost from $100 to $200 each. A string of tbe best nack Lorsca that can be had are in charge of trained packers. He has ship load of tents and provision?, all the necessaries aud many of the luxuries that money ran buy. Everything is ready for the advance, when low and behold, tuo pack horses, ; over 43 in number, are not shod and thore in not a horuefihoe in thn wholn Ntw Yokk, Juty 21. Robert G Inger soll died at hia home in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., this afternoon, of apoplexy. Iogrsnll went to his summer h iaio iu Dobbj Ferry two days ago, apparently in good health. Shortly alter his arrival, he complained of blight indisposition. He spent the muriiing io bis room, and shortly before stricken bis wife offered to have luncheon sent up to bim. He laughed and replied that while he did not leal quite as youog as formerly, be guessed be was not yet an invalid, and wonldsodown with the otbera. Aa he finished speaking and waa about to rise he fell back into the chair. A physician was tmmeaiateiy sum moned, but when he reached the bouse found that Ingersoll had died atiu t instantly. The phvaiuiau did not give the cause of bis death, but tbe family believe it was due to apoplexy. Iugersoll'e wife and ttrn dauahters were with him when be died. A Distinguished Visitor. Secretary Wilson, who is visiting Ore gon, is a member of the president's cab inet who ia especially well tiuaiiued lor the porition be holds. Ho is a practical agriculturist, a man of keon obseivation, aud active iu advaucing the agricultural interests ol the whole country. Mr. WilS'io tells us ol some things that we knew before that wa import too many thing that wo cau raise hero almost to perfection but tbis csnnot be told too maov times, uor by too many influen lial voices, und if Mr. Wilsou's chiding does uo good, it can do uu harm. Ore con is in Bovoral localities one of the O - best agricultural states of the Union, audit wclcoaiaa Sacrotary Wilson and cordially iuvites his close iuspectiou. Telegram. l'ew uiun ou the coast havu buried aa inauy people as Justice Duulap. H has been sexton of Jacksonville cemetery for years, aud will be likely to hold tbe position until he yields to tbe inevitable aud passu.) to (he other bide. As Justice of the Peace, town recoider and sexton he ii considerably burdened with otBclal lionors. Choice of Two Routes Through the Famous LJnrlrv Mniintnin ScenervlS WAU ,xv'v j i nt-Amcr Ana r our nouiea cast of Pueblo and Denver. aosuras.OB. Banew Bulldistl, Telephouo So. 4. BcexBtnto, objcso. AU Passengers granted a day stop-over I In tbe Mormon Capital or anywhere ha tween Oedeo and Denver. Personally conducted Tourist Excursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. Ol TIC. 80S aoaaoa Bins, at tea t taaoa ot Xa J. Bitaac. B0tZBCB8,Oa QR.GEO.E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. vaaavr'. OB5ce Poet Odaee Bid. i none, aaia at. aaacaaty Speaking of High Grade Wheels! While we have Imperials at &o and $50 oar $33 wheel is just as moil ghade as oar $50 one, the difference bums simply ia the'tinieu The above mentioned wheels are jaat as high grade as nnyjjwheel in the market and NONE is superior ia material or meohauistn. Tbe oldest wheels now ia ase in the city are Imperials. These wheels have been ia coasts at ase since 1892 T. K. RICHARDSON. For Tickets and any Information Re gnrding Rate, Routes, etc, or for V acripiive .luyet.umis .'.. nn.nia nrvramw wo Maot Agentslot Oregon Kail way A Navigation I tv Qg avvy wooed and Isairta. Saadavw jo.. vreiroa cuort x,ioa oc oouiuern Pacific Companies. S. K. HOOPER, General rase. & Ticket Agent, Denver, Col. R.C. MCUOL, General As,eot, 251 Wash. St. Portland Or. tl'OMES'8 RJtUXP COBPS NO. 10, aUTTW fliat aod third rndava la aaah -aaata. p ISO POST, SO. 19, 8. A. atXBT m Brat and third Thuradajw ml saw BaSaih. I at S p. a. A LPBA LODGE, SO. O, C OP P.. st I KY n erery Wedneaday avaalne M Odd fWuewe Hau. vuinnc aaiahsi la llally invited to i KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF silt i fiki Gins m ?wm FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY". ALSO A FULL LINK OF TOBACCO tfc CIGARS. UIVE VH A TBIAL. FREE DELIVERY. Ouc Door bouth of 1. O. HUHEUtRU, OREGON. a a X DeneaicK UndePtalEi1 end Embalmer. t Any Job Work done at d f Reasonable Pnt-". nn Roseburf P. O. Hoars. Weak days. 6:30 a. m. to S p. m. Son days and holidays, G:3d to 9:00 a.m. aud 50 to 7:30 p. m. 8T.VOK KOCTKS. Roseburg to Marsbfield DeparU ev ery day at ti a. m.; arrives every morn ing. Roseburg to Myrtle Point. Departs every day at ti a. ui ; arrives every morning. Roeeburg to Millwood Departs eyery day except bun Java at a.m.; arrives every day except Sundays at 4:15 p. m Roseburg to Peel Depatts Idaily, (ex cept Sunday) at 7 a. m ; arrives daily. (evcept Sunday) at 3 p. tu. Roaeburg to Lorley Departs Tues days and trulats at 1 p. m. ; arrives Tuesdays aud Fridajs at 11:30 a. m lt you sutler from teuderuess or full noes on the right side, paius uuder shoulder blade, cotiatipation, biliousness, sick headache aud feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and congested. DeVilt'a Little F.arly Risers will enre you promptly, pleasantly and perma nently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally, tiuy ark oood iiiaa. A.C. MARSTF.RS.v ('). T AUBU. l ODOB, A. F. A.M,.BBTJLA U nwilun ih Sd aa4 ak Wailsaseaaw 1 U ABBOTT W. K. onrh. '1 ttESE K.I. Jikii. s'tey. T) OSJCBC rUJ CKAPTSJL KO. tO.l lKnTt V tha Dnl and thtni Thma-daiTa at aaoA mrath. flr-t aod third Thaaadaja at UBBIX C09SOW.W K. MAL'DK BAST, tiea'y. XtODERX WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MEET a. oa rlrt and thtiUTacaday ol each month in the aid Ma-ouic hall. B. W. MUMS, y. C. II. L. Mar-tern, Clerk. Ca- Bail HMHJDMEN OF TUK WORLD. O Kn. i 'V. uittK ai tha Odd Fellow-' in KuM.-bunc. very 1st, old and 5 la MoaOay evcuine. Vuitiur oeighbon alway. weloo-a O. P. Coeaow, C O. V. C Uinoos. Clerk. . ntULKTAKIAS LOxMiK. Ka , . O. O. P. t meeto Saturday "T-mlnf of eaeh wack at their hail in Odd Fellow Tempi at Boaaborm. llemberaol the order tu rood atandinc are lSTlk' adtoauaad. B. W. 81BOSO. . O N. T. JiwiTT, Sec"!. D- W-v- Flu. Bee. P.O. ELKS, R06EBCB9 LODUB. KUtSS, hold their rvcular coamoulcaUona at the t O. O. r. hall ou wuvud aad iuuria Thursday it each moulh. All muaihera rctiiMated to at tuu.l n-vularlT. aad all viBiUn brothers eor- lially iiiviiedtoattcud. . CUAS. U 1IADLST, E. B IKA B. KiUDLE, exxwiaxy. B DOdEBCKG LODUB, KO. 14, A. O. TT. W. av mecta the tecuad aad fourth Mooda-a al eu-b month at7:A)n. m. at Odd PaUewa sail, aeinbera uf the order la good ataadtmi ar la- Tited to attend. D.S. Watt. F. W. Roach, Ptaaacier. rteronlir. S