The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 20, 1899, Image 3

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My Big Summer stock is now complete. There's brightness of
summer reflected in every department of my store now. All
the different stocks have their complement of tine new nier
chaudise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention
for the pleasure there' is in looking at pretty things and for the
niouey-saving there is in buying of me.
A Surprise.
14 vi-il'i'ii
Woman' I'lirintmn i
The Famous W.
Don't forget the next time jou are down town to
come in and see the many new styles we are
showing. Our Prices will make you happy and
the fit make your feet feci glad.
L DOUGLAS shoe for Men,
Exclusive Agency.
....I Have for Inspection....
Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits 3ou will find the
best assortment ever brought to this town.
The People's Store.
v I. ABRAHAfl, Prop.
JULY 20. 18W.
Reduced prices in calico wrappers at
tbo Novelty Store.
Harvesting his commenced io real
earnest ia this county.
BIsAberries bare pat in their appear
ance in Uie local markets.
Mr. aal Mrt. S. C. Flint are in Ash
land attending the Chautauqua.
Sleeplessness, melancholia, etoinacb
paint, heart trouble-". llodyan carea,
All druggists, 50 cents.
Read change of ad, Novell? Store.
Bond for bargains ami your watch re-pairinr.
Miss .7mnirt Diiv. nf Will. ill
j , , ,., i .i- . ,. ....
her iaU r, Mrs. 1. Ab'abftio. ... ., .
I I ttnitvr.tiii'tf L ii hi
.limn-in cures aiuapieafs. t ,, M. K.W on In .a even-
dre.x,.,H and ,.11,1 eat. I ' ! IU)I , oVI-ark ami proceed! i., a body
a.l aruittH. , to ,loU)8 j( Slrf A c JIarslerp
II. II tui.l K K. Scaibranyh of Cr.e- i wheie Mr. and Mr. Kiuhards wpn in
e'l, are looking after businwis matter vi ed to spend l lie eveolng. It Hat a
ulliisriiy. J surprise and farewell reception civtn to
Mic8 tirace Berkley and I.ira'l'ink- I Mr. Richards alio is sun to l.-ave lor
eton, of Oakland spout Tuesday in the St. John's where sbe Iisn uMained ttte
city visiting friends. . ; p'iucialsliii of the school tin re.
Mrs. L. U-Mvea Lit on Wednesday, The rhiuf fevnre of the evening was
..... Ikk ...... . f D:..l. ..I. .t
mQrniDff'H overlmul nr MnJlnn . nn u " l'"f ui.i.uii m ,.irw. u i uiui ui
visit to her fisier. Mrs J. C. (iohl. ! The Baaotiliil Life of Francis E. Wills rd
j ny rim Kiwrmrg W. u. I. L ., JJ-. M)ia
j Drown in beiialf ol the I', ma le
j the presentation iu a very beautiful and
i spproi riate spetch delivered in tier
loan uuiinitable wy. lathe course of
remarks nlie said, " e more iban rsg'et
your gjioif from auionu u, bu we feel
sore that our low will bo the nam of the
ii. i. r.igiir, oi i.ieuuaie, . iu toe ; Co nmunity to which you go, for an feel
ciiy lookinu after LusinctM mailers and i cuutideul thut you will still labor f jr tbe
taking iu tl sight?. Wo arknow ledge ureal cause we have bj uioth at heart."
i Mra. Richards in eipreet-iug her
nit t I'ontiunu' thanks fir, aoJ appreciation of the beau-
th- iiiiel.tke of i,Pk!!oc:iii jojir hlootl ia ttful gift, sail that her work snd iollu
folly. Kti-p yo ir tiitioJ pma with tuce would b freely given in further
lhoJ a harsni iirilU. ! the cause of tenjoerance and el.e would
We Are Now Offering
lr. M. V. Davis is here ami has offices
upstairs over the pstolhce. Call early,
as he will only remain eight or ten day.
The rafters jnd frame work for the
ruuf is nearly completed on the new
court homo and work is proi." reesing rap.
a pltFHUt Cill.
" lo c rr is human,'
Up-to-date' jewelry at J.T. Bryan's.
Bond, tbe watchmaker, does en?ray
Rlraw KbI ml .1 an. I IU n-nta ml iKjil
iW.cneadle, t;r. Pange a Nove Slore, .
old etand. I
, , i or njstclasa dentistry go t. lr.
Llarence Gsuey, the prune buyer j Little of Oakland.
was a Koteborg visitor Wtdoeeday. , . , . . .
..,. . . Laetmen e kodaks and phot j surph'i
Church Jl yooliey report ttg salee ; a, Cburtbil, A Voolley
on their rlano I-ever binder thle year
Mrs. Moztne ol Oardner is visiting the
tbe place to buy busies, Lacka and J hmily of ,Ion j Q rollt.r.on
wagon. Meatus A Cbenowetb, Oak-j
;nd. ! Latest styha iu ladias and cebts jewel-
Bond, the watchmaker fells spectacles j ry in aU rrJe8 " J' T" Drv" V
at loweet prices and can fit them cor-i J. F.. McFarlaud cf CotUc Urovc,
reedy. , j spent tbe first part of tbe week in Ibit
ToLoax: From $-.000 to (3.000. or t t'ackaor nioccasineonlr l jast tbej
NoTel- ue0- u- Ulla cotuiiiuiDS uu-iness i between th chain auJ rj-rcket wheel
witti piejsure in a trip to She W liiao.ette
valley. "
firet class eeenrity. Addrese.
C. 11. Bristol. Roseburc. 'r
. Mrs. O. L. Willis, and childien, Glen
and Helen, vent to Riddle thia morning i for tbe money and guaranteed at J. T,
lo visit with the family of Jndgc Riddle. Bryans.
i ... . r. ii .v.
' ty Store.
Beat and cheapest watches on earth
The pt triors atkini; the ouiheru l'a
ciuc to run a t'-iin .tit nf Corvallis lo
Portlai.J in the j ami link ia the
evening, were f-i.t yrsterJay t the
headquarters of Uu compiny in l'ort
land Albany Liawoorat.
The U iiti'U bir still remains fha',
the depth of water at hitth tide being
only 14 feet. Smaller schooners than
tbe ones heretofore ucd have been se
cured by the tnill company, an l will be
Dsed until the ctiaunel cuts out ugain
Coos Bay News.
Kd Wtiiie had a pretiiniuary trial b
lore Justice Ctcil, at Coiiille, Friday,
charged a iih coinplicitv in t' e I.oreoz
store rob! ry, and was bound over in
the sow of f2,0i0, to aVu the action of
tbe October term of court. Chas. ICoa
ler'a bonds wrre fixed at (1,000. Dis
trict Attorney Geo. M. lirown, who was
irtEeuta! vlie preliminary txauiina'.ion,
returnee! l-j this city Mocosy.
To veiv peculiar bicycle anideiits
recently hapitraed at LUanan. fjsiie
Fry, u llve jrar-o'.def, ws ridiDg
bartfcuttJ when the big lue of his rigLt
foul was cjutfht btaeen the chain and
sprkft nnJ taken cff. Fred
i In.i rv jo:l re hi. bicycle and tea ve
tbe wheal a iuru wheo oae d hi tbnmbe
caught in the aaine plac4 Uklcg off the
end of it- lint is a dai -rroua pUcs
strive to imitate tbe lfe of Francis E.
RflfreehineuU consisting of ice cream,
cakn and lemonade were served, and die
cussed wiih great relieh, Mrr. Marr-tera
getting due praise for her moat Hicient
management and charming hpiality.
The company dispersed a oct half
past ten, and all eipres t'.einwlve.
as having apent a most eij - even
ing. Those present wer. M'. and
M'S. Richards, Mr. aui Mra Iltinlio,
Mr. and Mra. Walker, M Mrs.
Armitage, Mr. and Mrs. Tuoley, Mra.
Fan luer, Mrs. Apphhvff. Mrr. Fergua
ou, Mm. Kagadale, Mrs. Marste', Mrs.
London, Mra. t'atki, Master L)li Mar
s' r and Vergil Hamlin.
Mbs. W. It. Fa-iiso.
GOODS, and all lines of SUMMER GOODS, at greatly re
duced prices. Call and get our prices on these goods, and you
may then see that we mean what we say. The lines are still
complete, aud there is a large assortment to choose from.
See these goods.
t 9
I t
t f
t 9
e. t
f 9
e 9
3oi-33 Jackson St.
Aiken's and Thornton's (Joats
have arrived and can he found at tbe
Sheridan place, south "of town, aud are
ready for delivery to pailies until An-got-t.
aVk My flotto ' ' D
Wood Wanted at This Office
Jottings From Drain.
treks visit
Now it the time f r snbscribers who
are in arrears, ur oew subscribers, to pay
tneir autKriplion in wood. We want
wood at tbia office, wood of ad descrip-
I tioo, oak, fir. pice, tier wood. cordwooJ,
fine wood, block, bring it alopir while il.e (
roads are gsod. (
. . . Quality and Price . . .
Miss 1'earl Bjrl weo! ti
yesterday evening, for a two
wkb friends iu tbe city.
Captain X. J. Cornwall, of tiardiner, j Lw, ,M i., bv ,h,
came in on the stage Tuesday Light and i r .j Aarienlinral Si.
ety, for the exclusive privilege of con-
F. W. Hansen and U:uily arrived to
day from Kosebirg. Ashlan-J TiJings,
E. DuGaa. SI. D.. member Board of : Mrs. Green, nee CaMwell. of Kaceae
Panaion Examiners. Office. Mareters ; City, Missouri, is a pueK vf Mrt. J. F. I Keep yoar eye ou our windows if you
building residing corner Main and Cass : Godfrey. are looking lor bargains. KiceA
atraat- ! TK- finMt .J ;,i.-u it-.t roi.wr ' House Fornisbere.
Krs. S. S. Catching left Ibis morning ; ware ever brought to lioseburg at Chur- A fine line of men's bat in Fedoras i
for Myrtle Creek and Riddle, where ete 'chill & WoolievV. -
... . ......... .1
will enjoy s bnel visit wim relatives and ; Spots before the eyes, de3paaJea:y
constant worn. HoJyan en res. All
drnggiete, 50 cents.
, aodbtiff bats iu the
Mrs. Kiiatbcth Kinney, of Jackson
ville, Ore., one uf the earliest pioneerj of
tbejiatdand well kuoan thriio'iout its
borders, cauie iu last Monday evening
from 1'oit'at.d a:.d is tin guest of Mrs.
Cardwe'il ff Norlb Hose burg. Mrs.
l;ice; awnoey ua teen a! rjuunu viiutng
with t:i od srt'ier who have been in
conven'.ijn '..itrt Mie alio met with
the press i.'Si-Ki.ri.u. r-irirhtinj( oca
went oat ou the local Wednesday morn I
(.... 1
' ;d a resUorant at the paviliioo and
Dr. KatkenJall came in from Eugene ! a saloon at the race course m the cjniing
WeduediT evening, and alerted at once : 8ir, rem A02. :"J to Sept 3. IW; a!s-
for tbe - oast 10 join hm family at Win- j persona wantiig sued privileges will ap
cbesler iiay. for an owioir hi- two or i n! in tt. .
three weeks. ,.m5ji " II. T. Mm 1 ru
Te editor uf tlie Drain W ate:. man,
cams horns on Tuasdav's overland frjm 1
Fortland. Mis Liura, perhapj, ia aot
aware hoar many Watch-men have been
watching the Watchman office wbile the
Watchman woman aaa awar.
The sad drowning of Miss Cynthia
Dimauck, Ju'y 13, at II.-oJ Kiver. Ore
gon, s ttitemeot of which w
numerous friends.
A nest cottage at the loll d Fow ler
street has recently been completed for
j, W. Bennett. The improvement cara
van moves on in this city.
Mrs. das. Yoang staxtod to Jocction
City, Kansas, Tuesday to enjoy a brief
visit with friends. Jim ia now tbe earns
gav, giddy bachelor boy as of yore.
rostmaaterC. J. Bichey of My r t'e
Creek, was a business visitor io this city
Wednesday. Ws acknowledge a brief
Jwt pleasant visit with oar old friend.
The S. P. Go's pay car passed through
Koseborg yesterday, leaving s good
many sheckels with the railroad boys of
this city, who are in conseqoence in good
spirits not liquid. .
Dr. Cbeadls has a new remedy for tbe
extraction of teeth. No cocaine or eo
caineis need. Patients with heart or
long troubles can nee It without any bad
adtareffects. " (jl7)
John Em milt, sn old esteemed pioneer
of ibis county, came np . from TJmpqna
Ferry Wednesday to transact business in
this city. lie made tbe Pijuxdkales
lbs nasal pleasant riait.
Attorney Coshow snd family have tak
en np their residence in Sirs. Dixon's
boose on South Main street. Dr. snd
lira. Cheadle will occupy tbe residence
on Oak street vacated by them.
. J. 8. Medley, one of Lane county's
leading attorneys, came down from Cot
tage Grove Tuesday to look alter busi
' nees connected with Bohemia mining
properties. He returned borne Wednes
day. Did you know that Churchill A Wool
Is 7 carried the largeet sud finest stock
oi Winchester rifles and shot guns carried
outride of Portland which they sell at
Chicago prices and save their numerous
nsstomers freight aod express charges?
Wm. C. Sanderson and family of Ban
don, ate enjiyinz s pleasant visit with
relatives snd friends at Kiddle. Mr.
Sanderson Las become one of the leading
sod most tacce&sfol merchants of Ban
don by the sea.
Cspt. Peters, the well known Oakland j
fruitgrower, was in town ou business
Wednesday snd made oi a pleasant call,
lie predicts that Oakland wil'Jbe rebuilt
more permanently than befote io leee
atfran two years. Oakland's future is no
doubt secure.
! of the fit pre 'fit's established 03 the
j Paekie const.
latent shapes and
Colors at JoM-pbsou'e.
C.tlt UCI tF" ":H UUHUI ,, II.... -f .( I ;.!
I puns, lo?s of appeUte. Iladyan cares. 1 w.
) .1. . r. 1 mask uajuvo ui -icguu uutwi
SUong baa a solid oak riinio chair, j AJ druggist,, o0 cent,. I MriKj bM houfe
cannot be equaled in Douglas connty, for . Willis Kramer, the South l'juglas eveninc direct from Manila, bavins
ujoiow pncew uocenie. uaur aim uiao, was a ous:nefs caiier hi j .,:icj rr 0!U that citv on the
Seated bids will be received ' y the
board of directors of school diaUh l No.
33, for the enlargement of the school
bouse in that district np till 3 o'clock p.
uiZ ,1a ! . on Thursday, July JO, 18W. ri .na
io last Monday', teue of the Pta.NOEAL-j "d,)ccUon9 mT 'l ,be
a a, comes very near home as she was
J. L. Stratford the rtauvnEAia-u ruBtier j the county sat yesterday,
is doing the Ilardacrabble vicioity this; For your watches, clocks audjwu'ry
'week, adding many new names to our! go to l!ryu. His jNices will please you
list. Tbe Plaisdsaleb is making many j and bis work ii Srst class,
friends It is booming. J A trreit m&nv of 00 r citioe are pre-
B.. KoLler, manager of the S. P. lines j paring to go ou their annua! s immer
in Oregon, passed through Eoseborg yea- ; out ng to the coist and mounUine.
lerday aoutubound on a tour ot inspeo j. j;. Wile, aDJ G. E. Lrewer, two of
tion. Mr-Kohlerwas accompanied by Myrtle Creek's most prosperooe farm
several lesser ofSciale. ars. was doinc butinefs in ibis citvto-
Throogh tbe agency of D. 6. West tbe
transfer of the bonse and three lota on
Mill street, known as the Joo. L. Steele
property, was made to Geo. . Perry
thia week. Consideration 650.
airs. B. F. Lohr went to Myrtle Creek
Toeeday to enjoy a brief visit with
friends. She will also visit with Riddle
friends ere her return home. She was
accompanied by Roy Catching, her
Mrs. Maggie Myers and two children,
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. 31. .
Merry in an, arrived in this city from St.
Joseph, Mo., Monday night, and are en
joying s pleasant visit with the former's
sister, Mrs. B. C. Morris.
Don't think you can core that slight
attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that It
will curs itself. Kodol Dyspepeis Curs
will curs If; it "digests wbat you eat"
and restores tbe digestive organs to
A. C. M AKoTJiRS ii CO.
Hoot, J. II. and Kobf. Booth attenJed
the annual meeting of the board of di
rectors of tbe Bootb-Keliey Lumber Co.
at Saginaw Wednesday, returning to thia
city in the eveniog. Ilobert Booth pro
ceeded on to his home at Grants Pass
this morning. Tbe business of tbe com
pany ia reported to be in s very flourish- j
ing condition.
KLftamai CLenowelh at Oakland have t
now on bind hardware of all kinds pur-j nearly lost his life in the yards st Grants
chased before the raise and will tell at Pans Monday. It seems that he at-
lesa then former prices while iu rtcck. j tempted to b-jarj a switch engine when
Also bugnies, hacks and wsgons 5 to flO t he fell, the engine passing over his
less than can be bought elsewhere. J right leg aud left baud. Phyeiciana
Miss Litzia Cooper, who has been
visiting friends and relatives in this city,
returned yesterday, to her home in Kel
We have tbe only experienced uphol
eteier and carpet man in Eoseborg. Up-!
bolstery work snd furciture'rsp ireJ.
Carpets laved or sewed to ordr. Fuioi
tore packed for thipp:n. Bice A Rice,
Hou'e Furniture. .
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croop aod whooping cough readily yield
to One Minute Cough Cure. Vie this
remedy in lime snd save s doctor's bill
or the undertaker's.
As the season for wheels is about half
gone we bare some good bargaioa to
offer in new and second-hand wheels:
One Victor, 1 15; one Stormer, (IS; one
Eambler, f!7; one lady's Hartford, f 15.
Special discount 00 '09 Imperials.
A. C. iloxie has sold out hii interests
in the grocery and feed store near the
corner of Jackson and Douglas streets to
Eoland Ages who took possee6ion last
Saturday. Mr. Agee is a genial and
ounging gonuemau wun wtiooi it ia a
pleasure to transact business and we bo
speak for him a liberal fib are of public
Jobn liarker, uu extra S. P. biewan,
witb her hutbaad an I the Oregon volun
teers. The voyage occupied L'S days,
auJ a the weather was perfect aud little
sickness on boarJ, tho trip was not such
a mooutouuua one- Mra. llayne went
to MaLi'a Idol October to j.nn her hos-
! band, and was iiot favorably impressed
Willi Manna as a place o: nsidence.
She collected many pretty and curinns
relict wtiils iu the Philippines, which
are a great source uf interest to her
many irieuda. Aa soon m mustered out
Mr. Hay oea will return ti this city and
resume the practice of his profession
the daughter ot our eateemed friend and
citiam Kuasell Dimmick, of Elkton,
Oregon, and niece of our County
Treasurer, Geo. Dimmitk. Her father
started on the overland Sunday morn
ing. Tbe bereaved relatives anJ friends
have our bearl-felt sympathy.
Residence Burned.
Tueaday afternoon the residence and
adjoining buildings of John F. Mathews,
located on his farm in French Settlement
near Melrose, were consume J by fire
together witb a large portion of t'jetr
contents. Mr. Mathews was at work in
a bay field tome distance from the bouse
when the tire was discovered, which
presumably caught from a spark alight
inn 00 the rouf from a flue. Beforejiielp
could be summoned the buildings we'
a cia6S of flames and it was only with
tbe greatest difficulty that anything
was saved. Tbe hes will aggregate
abjut Ko00 with f 1000 insurance io tbe
Oregon Fire Belief Asaxi.tion, of Mc-
Miuoville. Mr. Malhewa ws In town
Taesday evening eecurlng a tent which
the family w ill occupy until a new res!
dence can be buil Mr. Mathews had
only recently purchased tie property
sod had expended considerable money
in improving and furnishing the houss,
hence tbe loss which is incurred at such
a busy season of the year, ie a heavy one
for him to bear. Neighbors and friends
throughout the whola community sym
pathize with him iu bis misfottuue.
Lpwortli League Picnic.
Warranted sewinz machine, f20. Poet i
six hole 20 inch oven Steele range a i:b
high closet and reservoir, f 10.' Carload
cf choice cedar shingles.
were called and amputated his leg and
three of his fingers. He was taken to
Portland on Monday night's - overland
and placed in a hospital.
To say that we are selling Summer Goods like the following "at cost" would be
putting it mildly. An announcement of Good Goods is news at any time. To buy them
at the following prices ought to be better news. Call early for first choice.
Shirt Waists, former price 39 cents to 1.25, now
Crash Skirts,
50 cents, now
Figured Pique, io and 15 cent grade, now
Black ground figured Manila Cords, 8j cents, now
Light figured Cords and Dimities, 7 and S cent, now
10 cent Embroidery and figured Lawns, now
New Goods: Overalls, Pants, Towelings, Blankets, Y?ims, etc,-
Members of the Epworth League en
joyed a moat pleasant picnic Wednes
day evening at F-IDorsdo springs, a pic
tures iue point on tne loipoua river,
about four miles west of this city.
Many took advantage of the pleanct
occasion to eojoy a drive or bicycle ride
to the country, and partake of tbe
Buuiptoua repast which was spread late
in the evening end highly enjoyed by
all those fortunate enough lo be pres
ent. The company returned home near
the uiidnikiht hour, delighted and much
refreshed wiih their brief but pleasant
outing. Among those io attendance
wero :
Mr. unJ Mia. F. II. Churchill, Mr,
aud Mri. L. A. Walker, Mrs. E. Collins,
Mrs. Alice Sheridan, Mrs. X. T. Jewett
Misses Emma Fishur, Ileleu Smith, fcil
via Steams, licllo Catchiug, Koso Par
lot, Uuby Bailey, Mary and Eva Cloak
LyJia Tucker, Ha.el Jewett, Delia
Mojre, Effie Collins, Merlo Moore, Leo
Sheridan, Helen Willi, Walter Cloak,
Chas. and Oscar Stratford. Dwight Berry,
Claire Godfrey, Boss Smith, John
Moore, Vaughn Casey..,
Anything from a side of bacon or a sack
of beans to the finest table delicacies.
Coffee is one of my specialties. I also
carry a fine line of Dishes, Crockery and
Novelties. ,
Trade Checks As a special induce
ment, I am giving Trade Checks to all
cash purchasers, redeemable iu $20
amounts. Beautiful lot of prizes given to
holder of checks. Entirely free.
Orders by mail or 'phone promptly at
tended to.
....MRS. N. BOYD.
.Notice to Contractors.
Roseburg Pharmacy
! Review office.
The board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
Address sll bids to
Mas. H. H. FxEuibON,
Clerk Diet. No. So,
Roseburg, Or.
In Justice miler's Court
Jas. Jeouings charged with asaaolt
with a dangeroue weapon, and It. J.
Jennings and Coaa. Bruoeau with
threatening to commit a crime, wer4 giv
en a hearing before Joaiita. Miller Tat
day, and throngb their attorneys, A. M.
Crawford aad J. S. Medley, were held
under 12000 bonds to appear at the next
term of circuit court. Tbey ware al
lowed until the 25th of Joly to file their
nonde. Thia caaa is the outgrowth of the
trouble occurring at tbe Helens mine in
Bohemia last Frllay, at which time Sur
veyor Collier's eurveyiug iaatruaent
was demolished.
Oregon City Chautauqua
tjLADSiOM: Paax, Or., July 18.
Crowds of visitors attended tbe opening
session of Chautauqua, and tbe grove
was filled all day with those seeking
rest, recreation or instruction, which tbe
varied facilities of the Cbautaoqua gath
ering are aMe to afford to all. Tbe aite
is now well filled with tenta, and tbe
place has assumed the appearance of a
thriving settlement, with all tbe modern
conveniences of daily mail, rapid transit,
restaurants, good water aod daily deliv
ery of city groceries. Tbe features of
the day were the Portland Y. M. C. A.'a
baseball victory oter tbe Jolly Fellows
of Oregon City, and the lecture by tbe
Rev. Sam Jones, in the evening.
There is one Utile maxim
That now I will name,
Which may bring what is better
Than riches or fame.
All these who will heed it
Good appetite find,
S-'rong neryte, roy cheeks,
And vigor ol mind.
It will banish dyspepsia.
Rheumatics snd gout,
That Tired Feeling conquer,
Drive scrofula out.
Aod here is the maxim
Its wisdom is sure
Take Uood'e Sereaparilla
And keep your blood pure.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any caae of Catarrh that ran not be
cored by Hall'a Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHE5EV A CO., Props. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 veers, snd believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions snd financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by their
Westik Troas, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Welding, Kin nan k Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Core Is Uken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood snd
mucous surface of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test,
montalj free.
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Dnigs, Toilet Articles, Patent Medi
cine. Cigars, Stationery.. Toilet
So&pe. Paints nnJ Oils.
photographic popplie...
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. .
Call nod Examine them.
taaaaaiaaiaaaaiaaaaaiiaaai..... , , , ntgifmattOt
(Established in 1ST?)
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Eggs from the finest strains sent
on short notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
I Forest Grove, Or. J. M. GARRISON.
iinmiiiiiim Jtltl mmM);
J. F.
& CO.
Kentuckey Democrats Rebel
Bowum; tiRXEN, Ky., July 19. Anth
Goebel democrats in this city and county
bave issued a call for a meeting to be
held hrre July 24, to protest aiainat W,
J. Goebel, for governor, aod tbe Louis
ville convention ticket. The call which
is signed by one-fourth of tbe democrat
ic voters of the cotintrv, says the Louis
ville convention was perverted from its
true purpose by tbe arbitrary uuseaUng
of delegates, by fraud and corrupt bar
gains, aud by unjust snd unprecedented
acts of Chairman Red wine, and calls
upon all true Kentucky democrats to
attend tbe meeting here at which steps
will be taken for the nomination ol a
true democratic ticket.
For Over Fifty Vcaue,
As Ou a?D WsLL-Txisn Eiaaor. Mrt
wiwlow'a Soothing ttjTap baa been nted fat
over Cft; year by millions of moUieis tor their
children while teething, with perfect lucccaa.
It ioothos the child, softens the gum, allays all
pain, cares wind colio, and Is the heat remodj
lor Diarrheas. It pleasant to the lajte. Sold by
druggists In every part ot the world. Twenty
Bvo cents a bottle. Its value ia Incalculable
Be sure and aak far His. Wlaalow's Soothing
Syrap, and take ao other kind.
...Ride a Rambles
Notice to Horsemen
The directors of the Second Southern
Oregon District Agricultural Society have
authorized me to state to the public that
a special purse will be offered for Doug
las county horses ouly, at tbe coming
(a39d.) H. V. MitLui,
Major-General Sbafter is to be placed
on the retired list October 10, 13'J0.
After that he cannot be employed with
out an act of congress, even if the Santi
ago campaign wers about to hs loti(rht
over apin.
$1.50 Per Day Salary.
A few energetic ladles aud geutlemen
wanted to canvass. AboVe ralary guar
anteed. Call on or address
Mho. C. J. Atom at,
Roseburg, Or.
Why have ihe American Armies always been victorious?
Because the U. S. A. had the very best of material aud used ii economically aud
intelligently, to the best possible advantage.
Ajuinaldo is again negotiating (or
peace. This la a 1 usiueaa he ought to
ba expert in if there is anything in
practice. -
However and whenever they come,
the Oregon volunteers will receive a wcl
come homo to Oregon. Mark it.
Why do Rambler Bicycles continue, year after year, to be the most popular wheels
made, prove so generally satisfactory aud yet sell at such a fair price?
For reasons similar to those above mentioned.
We eater to those who demaud the best.
Investigate our "No. 24 Metis Medium weight Rambler Roadster." the most sub
stantial wheel ever made. Price ouly $40.
A. C. Marstcrs & Co., Agents
. . .. ." - ' . - -