7 The Plaindealer ...j Job Printing READABLE. RELIABLE, REPUBLICAN. 3 KOTE MEADS, LETTEK ? a rlEAD, BILL hBADS ' EWELOFES. ETC. , . . . .- f Ne Setter Held ths Southern Ore- raw; totter median tkrasgh erbkaj ta Advertise. Eaecatcw M iWt noUem at ai coslsUat with gawd work. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. Vol. XXX. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1899. 57- o. ALGER (US RESIGNED The Name of (lis Successor Not Given Oat WIST MILES IN OTIS' PUCE Minnesota Senator Strikes a Popular Chord President Not Blamed. V Confidence in Mile. , WasHUKTOK.-Jsly IkSecretary ol War Aljrwr bas tendered his resignation, to Uke effect at tbe pleasure of the president. o Intimation has yet been Riven oat as to who bis soccessor will be. Nrw Yo, July 19. 1 special to tbe World Iron Washington says : Senator Nelson, of Minnesota, in an interview to-day, sail; 'There seems to be a strong feeling aaoog tbe people that Major-General Otis baa not paabed the campaign in the Philippines ss Yigjrouely as be should, and it might be well lor the president to put another general in authority,- "I bO'iove tbe people woold liie to see lienor! Miles sent to tbe Philippinee and placed is c&aunead. There ia a geo end confidence in bis ability as a soldier and Kauipeigoer. I do not think tbe preside I or the war department bas been to burnt. Otis should bare asked lor more taen and should hare teen to it that when be took an insurgent Tillage or stronghold be bed strength enough to boUit." Not Sore ef tbe Volunteers. Poet lax d, Jul? 10 General Cbaa. E. Beebe and other prominent citizens will leae this evening for San Francisco, for tbe purpose if endearoring to have tbe Ortg-m regiment returned in a body to Portland, after tbe muster oat at San Francisco. STILL F1SHINU FOR AN ISSUE. Democracy Is Still Puzzling Over a Parameaut iasoa or Battlecry. Saw Yokk, July 17. George W. Keeney, presided of tbe Association of Silver dubs, said last night to a Times' reporter: I do not think that free silver coin age will be made the principal iseoe in -the platform tbe democrats will adopt next year. If Mr. Bnan obtains control C tow con ran lion be will, of course, eee that silver baa a prominent place in tbe plariorm, but no man or faction can, I beiisvs, force that iseoe back into tbe peomlnaoc it had in 1SDS. Toe party leers it would Lava bo chance of win- ; sing on that old issue. Bee idee there is clamor for new issues and a fight along new lines. "I do not believe that an ti-imperialism will be made the chief cr even a con spkaoos fast are. Tbe best men in tbe democratic party either approve tbe pol icy ot tbe administration or feel that the present court bas been inevitable and must be fought through to success. It wQ sot do for Bryan to put himself asainst the brains and patriotism of the country. Sany of his friends have felt that be la only losing ground by bis present pol icy of attacking tb administration and ,havo advised bim to fight on ground where hs can easily score a victory. ' "Wi lave urged bim to attack Ir Eialey for tbe palpable errors in the . cosdact of the war. Be could score a hit by showing that it was doe to tbe ad- - jnisiatratioo'a diletoriness that so much fighting and slaughter has beeo necee ' ary and by bowing that our soldiers ' wars actually CUrred in the field. Auti- erpansioa wont do. We succeeded isst year la electing one democrat in Oalifor- , sia merely becaoaeLe favored tbe an- , cezatioa of Hawaii. "Again, the trusts are not to be played very heavily as a political card. They are aso confused by the action of such - capitalists aa Bavemeyer and Hunting ton, and there is a feeling that the trusts lie re at last got a pretty good sUgs in tbe democratic party." Mr. Keener said that there is s very " decided revolt in the South snd Kast against Brysn. "Gorman is stronger than be is usually considered," l;e said. "There is a strong deposition on ths part of the Eastern sod Southern demo crats to try an Eastern man next year, nd Gorman may prove to be a very ; powerful tactor In tbe result. Tbe Southerners sre repeating that the Western combination failed in 1896 and 1833, and that the cuief consideration at this ime is success. "They win, I believe, demand a demo . crat who will unite the East aod South, and one who will not in himself revive the eld issues upon which e hive met only defeat and disaster Cuban bandits kidnapped Galierrez CsUs, a rich Spanish merchant of San Cristobal, and are holding bim for a ran som. - 41 MitiiMii a Silver Lining. t f The douds of bid blood ttrveloping fumuniiy k&vt a silver lining in the sfape ,'of specific to remove them. Sis Hood's Sis&iptrilU, Americas Greatest Medicine, which drives out R impurities from the Mood, of either sex or any age. VOTE WAS TAKEN AT MANILA To Muster Out at 'Frisco and No nanner of Argument Could Induce Volunteers to Chaoge Plsns. Pt'BTLAXD, July 17. The member of the governor's staff who went t meet tbe retaining Oregon oloutoers reached Pot (laud this morning ou the delayed overland. Governor Geer -topped off at Salem, the other members of the party, among whom were Adjutant-General 11. 1. Tut Ue sod Colonel D. M. Dune, coming on 0 Portland, Each one of there geutle men were beseiged by anxious friends as soon as tbey arrived in lb city, aod it kept them busy answering questions, so that by tLo lime the reporters reached them tbey were all aboat talked to death. "Tbe boys are in good bralth," said General Tattle. "That is, as good as could be expected, aod unless tbe vol unteers contract colds snd fevers at tbe Presidio, tbey will get home in Rood con dition. "I am not able to say what will be done about supplying tbe men with over coats. Some arrangements will be made at once by General Summers. This la an important matter, and will not ad mit of delay. ALL WASTU) 'FKIMO0. "It was a great surprise to the ov ernor aod hia staff a ben it ass learned that tbe bays had derided on San Fiaa rise j as tbe tuusWing-oot puiot. Tbia decision, tbey declare, was reached, aud tbe official ballot filed with General Ods before leaving Manila. "After ths transports had been light ed our boat hurried out to meet them. In Some a ay the ih wepaper men had got oa the transports a few momenta ahead of us, and bad told the boys of toe great reception Oregon was preparing to givetbem. Aa suon ss tbe goverooi'a boat went alongside, aod aa wo ex changed greetings, we also begaa to tell the boys what was in store fur tbeiu np on their ai rival at the mouth of tbe Colombia. " 'We sre to be muttered out uere,' " came from hundreds of thera at once. Then aa we r-ndeavored to tell them what preparatioos were being made and how ths mothers, fathers, wives, sUter sad j sweethearts were waiting to give tbe.ru! soch a welcome aa they bad never heard of. tbey completely drowned our voicrs with cries of 'Frisco, Frisco.' "It wss useless to try to argue with them. Tbey would not listen. It seemed that they bad msde np their minds to go out at San Francisco and get their travel pay home, and nothing woold have prevented iu "Tney said tbey would come here if their losses would be made good by tbe people of Portland. Some one insisted on my sending a telegram here to that effect. I felt that it was useless, but ;u order to satisfy all, the dispatch was sent. "Apparently the members of the regi ment did not care for a reception, but wanted first to set ashore on their nstive land as quickly as possible, and they wanted their travel pay, as many of tbem were short of funds already. "Tbe bays were delighted to eee the governor there, and cheered bim loudly, except when be talked of coming here to be mustered oat. It was learned that on tbe way over tbey bad been guessing and even betting whether any one from Port land woold be at San Francisco to meet tbem, and wheat tbey found Governor Gear there, tbey wero greatly pleased. Evidently the governor saw, as the rest of oa did, that nothing else would do tbe boys but to land them at San Fran Cisco and allow tbem their travel pay. We knew the disappointment would be great here, and it was great with us, but there simply wasn't any remedy for it so far as we could see." Colonel Tattle think the volunteers will be mastered out inside of three weeks. He tsys an effort will be made to have tbem paid off on tbe wsy borne, but does not know whether it can be accomplished or not. Oakland Items. Mrs. M. Tynan is visiting friends in Jefferson. Miss Xors Miser is visiting relatives st this place. J. H. Shops of Boeeburg was an Oak land visitor Saturday. Mrs. L. C. Marcellus of Portland, is visiting st tbe home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Smith. W. II. Joy left Sunday morning for Portland. He expects to be at-sent about one week. Ground is bfing cleared for the crea tion of several new buildings on the main street of onr town. Quite a number of Oakland people are enjoying an oaung in tbe luountaios, during the present warm weatber. The family of Wm. Taylor Lava re turned to their old home near towu, from Springfield, where tbey have re sided for tbe past two years. Bev.J. E. Blair, oi the Preebytcriau cyurcb, bas been appointed Sauday school missionary and will leave in a short time for bis work. Ilia family will remain in Oakland for the present. Sometime ago it was learned that binding twin wss in the hsnds of a few and that it was liable to fifteen or six teen cents a pound raise. Thereupon the eranees over tbe state took the matter in band with the purpose of dealing directly with leading firms in the east. The bead dealers at Portland immedi ately took the biot and with their cus tomary enterprise placed binding twine down to ail farmer so that binding twine caa now be had in large or small quantities at 12 to 122' cents. Tbe grange will ajwsys be an Influential factor exerting a wholesome iofiaeucsin belialf of the farming classes. Junction City Timea. CLOTHING fOR TROOPS President McKinley Provides Ov ercoats for the Volunteers. COMPLIMENT TO GOV. GttR Colorado Volunteers Ssil From Ma nils. General Otis and the Press Ccncorship. .WAbiimGTOS, July 18. Prfbulett Mc Kinley bas received a telegram from Sau Francisco saying that the Oregon troops st the Presidio were without over coats and were suffering frou) the weath er and in danger cf pneumonia. Tbe dispatch stated that having just returned from a tropical climate they could not withstand the cold, and tbero were plenty of overcoats in tbe quarter master's department. ' President McKinley dirmed that mch clothing as was necessary for the coaifo.-l of tha (root te issued to them at ouee. It is stated at tbe war department tbat the matter of clothing lor tbo troop ie nt their own disposal. Ech ui-iu is i lowed f 100 rxtiuallr for clolhicit, aud if he does not ure the whole utr.outt he drawa I bo residue. The Orrgu ti; n tau draw upon tbis clothiug cre-lit if they want to and gt overcoats or other thing, but it mill Ic charged to their clotblng account and taken out of tbe j money paid them ah.u they are mus tered out. Compliment to Uovernor Gccr. The following man circulated iu tbe reiiiment: "Sax lKA-Misto, Jo!y 17. To lit Fiffllpnrv T T. t;r li,i;i.iiu ..HI, a. ' gon: Sir Tbe enlieted n.ea cf ilnr fo ment desire to express to tou liie dreu aentimetit of cratrnJa whicit vour t.oble and appreciative eindacl bid inspired iu eocn o- us. rlriot:sm do not lind cx- preesion iu battle alone. Lie wboboUa tbe reii.s o power with such toleration ihtpereocal pe-lip-a a-o eacriSt-d lo h:s Inferior' convictions of rigbi, commands a loyalty that contests io arma fail to matotain, and t.oae can be mere eenciiif e to respectful consider ation than the enhtted men of the Unit ed S'ates army. We fe I most highly honored by tbe attentioua received at the bands of yourself and staff. Very obedi ently. Enlisted Men of its Second Ore gon Volunteer." flora Volunteers Returning. WasuimjIon, July IS lll.wirg has been received from Gtiieral Otia: Manila Cjotiooal heavy rain and ct clonic S'orme. Tbe Colorado regiment sailed on the traoeport Wafren yester day. In addition 130 discharged men took passage. The Caiiforoians on ths Sherman have arrived from Kegros. Tbe Teasel must await the surjeidnce of the typhoon now prevailing. Otis CororresDoadents flust Oo New Yokk, July 13. Tho Washington correspondent of the Herald qoots s member of the cabinet as follows : "Either Major General Otis or the newapaper correspondents must gj. To depot the correspondents would proba bly be accepted at boine and abroad as a return to the old Spauieb method of inuzzliog the press. To relieve Major General Otia will meau an official ac knowledgement of bis fault and a de moraliziiion of military discipline." Toe above statement was made when the member of tbe cabinet was asked to discuss the problem which confronts ths administration ss a reault o! publication of the nswepaper correspondents' "round robin." protesting sgainat the course of General Otis in preysutkg tbe real facts regardiog the Philippine situa tion from becoming known. No Attention Will Be Protest. Paid To Wakiusoiox, Js?y 13. It was stated at the war department "today that no at tention whatever would be paid to tbe "ronud-robin" of Manila correspondent. Pretest was not seat to O.ie and it ia ssid he will not bs called upon for aa ex planation. Io ad Jition to tbi?, it wss in timated that very euconrgiog news has been received from the Philippines, aud that the situation was very much better than georally believed. Bear Stories." l'jn't get worried oyer ths "baar sto ries" of the aunties tbat it is imposaiole for us to peacefully govern the Philip pines. Eemetnber the fact tbat little Holland has possessions in the East Indies, pe spied by MayUya, akin to the Ftlipioos by race. She governs 31,000,- 000 of these people with lower than 10, 000 soldiers. Tbe Tsgals number ouly ,000,000, all told, and they sre the only rsce in the Pbilippinea which is in rebellion. Blade. Something should be done to preten l the spread of tho fires now rasing in the mountains west of Lsksview, ssys the Lake view Examiner. The mountains are full of smoke snd the valleys will soon be ss bad. L. P. W. Quimby, Oregon's game and forestry warden, has written in regard to Ibid matter. He wishes to appoint deputies for this coun ty, and will do so when suitable persons can be fonnd to fill the position.. General News. Dewey bat tiled his claim for navsl bouD'y. The Cuban Lanka r-ek protection from Hpaitieh nilver. Juneau will have a uew HO.tXK) contt b(.us, built t y i lie government. Siagaay iiihu recently sold a ahlpn.ent of rgiie in Da son at $90 a cae. Tbe Sot-iaIit Litor pittv's metting in New Voi It aonud up in a free fight. - Total coll brought down from KIou-Jik- tbua far tbis year ia f3,f 70,000. Tbe govt rum nt ia to be asked to ap propriate money for farming implements for Cuba. A parly of "Wild West" Sioux ln diaG,12in nuvber, are stranded in Germany. 1'refi lent McKiuler has accepted an inviiation to viil Peoria, III., on hia trip Weat. Cartt r Utrrieou, ( Chicago, a ill ask for the democratic presidential nomine liou in lUJ-i. onu'o-a and lepreeeotativee sre said tohavu I'icUte I apviiiittcen'-a rf tew Viluntcer Miru-cre. C' aJ ans took American t!ag off Deary j k, near .vsu-way, au I substi tuted a l'.r.tisb flag. Tbe larcet printing othce in lb wor'd i in W.tl.iL'gtou. I. C. It 'S f r pilot inn govemrxcot ditumtntr. Golden epikf w.s tir.vn in Whits l ass A Yok m railway July 0 iu celebra tion ' I the lojn'a ci mpletion. It li said that tbo relations bitwecn the United tflti-s acd Itusaia acre n.v er moie fnt nd!y than at pre-ent. Peldgic aealicg continers in B. bring Sea, despite tbe Paris reula'a )Df , and the real hrj are Uio diminiahed ! rapidi. Sarpii-e i eipresJ at the large num ber cf Cutucs iu Santiago Province who are arrptiug tbe American gratuity fond. T..o a. ci Ji-uial tc ting eff f a borlar al i!ViU!d the death by Irigbt ot Ir. Mrav I'. Kxond.', a tbyekian, of San Fisncirc . Tbe tmiiia on ti e orw Transiberien a 1'oal are cl uoutual magoiflrecce, be ing ePi?'l ith every jeih!e con venience. A G-'.ncli roj?c il fia-d agtiuat armor plate intended f u the Vlt!--blti.i Ala bama, at Ind'.au Head, wcut clean through it. General Joe Wheel-r is oil over tbe Pai-lUc for ths sat ol war, and if bis su perior officers will give him fiee rein be wiil aiakn it lively for Aguioaldo's bordes this fall. Since the beinnia of tue year 'J30O pattencrs have sailed from Pacific porta for Alaska. Io epite of brdhps the Artie g !dfIold sre attracting 1300 persona a month. One tbarch ia liaaaii baa raited $10, 000 for mieiooary work in ths Philip pines Tnere ia more of the modern apirit in some of the PaciS: ielaods than they get credit for. A letter from Sam a e.ya that Ameri can and L'og!ih reeideute believe tbe annexation of the islands by one of tbe tbree controlling powers is tbe only set tlement of tie trouble. Nearly fifty naval vessel are unJer cona'ruction in this count rr, including a nuoiber In fors'gu poaer. Our big shipyards are curtain to be kept busy for a long peiioJ of years. Gay Wbalen, a leu-year old bo of West buperioi, Wis., wno pulkd an acb'cg tooth with a string, bled to death, despite all efforts of tbe pbyai ciao to stop ths hemorrhage. Tbe volunteer's camp at Presidio is de clared grossly iuadeqiate to the needs aod comfort of tbe troops. General Summers is very indignant about it and demands that tbo givernmoat protect the boys from the cold ocean fogs by supplying them with overcoats snd blankets. To an onlookei up an Americin tree it looks ss if Presided Kruerr had tried pretty well ft-r a stubborn and stolid old Boer to make a fair proposition, and to meet Lord Salisbury half wsy. Eng land demands ciiiaeoship for the Uit landers in five yesrt ; Kroger t ffers it in seven, aud to confer it at ones on all wno bave uvea tn tne lransvsal since 13s0. There ought to be no war over thie. Deal Oently With the Bjys. Let no ono censu-e the Oregon volcn tecra too eeverly for ohocaiog San Fran cisco and travel pay instead of Portland and a big reception. To a man who is prepzimg io lose uis job witu no cer tainty ot getting another at once, a sum equivalent to two iiioCtbs' pay 1b a big Umpatiou, and ono that few of. us would be to able resist undr like circum stances. I be boy j bave not been look ing at the big reception PortUnd was preparing to give tbem from the ssme point of view tbat the people of Oregon bave. In fact, they knew vary little about it. aud bal tbey known, it ia douotful if they would have sacrificed $30 each to make a holiday for Oregon. Telegram. Killed at Gold Hill. Last Sunday evening as the north bound overland train pu'led into Gold Iiill, P. W. Cryter, a resident of tbat town, aged 72 years, was struck by tbe engine aud knocked 50 feet, killing him instantly. Deceased was walking close alongside the track near the Itogue Kiver hriJge, aud beiug ijuite deaf, evidently had no knowledgs of the train's ap proach. He was bjru February 12, 1823 iu Ohio, aud came to Oregon iu 1877 tottling iu Jackson county. Ue lived io Gold Hill for 12 years, during which time he carried tbe mail on the Sam' valley route nix years. 5 1 New Store ! A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR ft WILSON BLOCK V t Low Prices! A A AAA AAAAAAAAaakAA.A - ftaag1g-g.gg,MasA PURE DRUGS g Reasonable It A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions com- pounded Day acd NigLt b his is the to Buy Groceries. I I C. W. PARKS Speaking of High While we have Imperials at $35 muii gbaoe as oar $50 oae, the difference beiaz simply in the'tinish The above mentioned wheels are jast as high grade as any Awheel ia the market and NONE is superior in material or niechauibui. The oldest wheels now in use in the city are Imperials. These wheels have beau ia coasts at use since 1802 T. K. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DEALERS IN Sill -ID FflLW G DEALERS IN FlilE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY" ALSO A FULL LINE OF TOBAOOO & OIGARS. UIVJC US X TRIAL. FREE DELIVERY. P. Benedick Any Job Work done at Reasonable pfa. New Goods! STOCK OF Free 1 Delivery Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumeries, Stationery, Cigars and Druggist Sundries. Complete Line of Goods at r Price. at w.m'mmmma .una mamrm'mmvf Pi ttnm e4-c LirUggISl. - 1 Place A full acd complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which tve invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. I Grade Wheels! aod $50 oar $35 wheel is jmt as RICHARDSON. ALL KI.NU8 OF One Door South ol 1. O. RDSCBl'RG, OREGON, 1 Undertaker and EmbQlmei1. 4 PROVISIONS A Complete lino of now on band DEY GOODS. Ladies Drees Goods, Ribbons Trim mings, Laces, Etc., Etc., Also s fine line of BOOTS IB)- m of the best quality and latest style. Staple and I'aucy GROCERIES. Wood, "Willow, and Glassware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc., also oa hand and at prices to eait the times. Aa up-to-date hue of H. G. STANTON. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Soatiteru Pucllic Co. Kxora. traia Ia. PortUa4 aaUy. r. Lt. -a ?5 r.a. i Lv. -7 -.. Ar. - Portland Ar. Basebarf Lt. tjn Frscin Lt. 00 a. ltf:l5 r. THr. a. :..' V. U. Ar. Ogden Ar. I l:W P. M. S: a P. M. A. M. C P. M. 9rS P. M. IJii P. M. A. M. a P. U. t.:ve. m. ar. Dvavrr i.t. 6.40 A. M. j Ar. OuuOia Ar. lil'. il. f Ar. Cbtcajo Lt. 7 "0 A. -M. I Ar. jo Aogek l P. it. 1 Ar, El Paw Ar. 1.15 P. l. I Ar. Kort W ortb Ar. 7:&5A. V. I Ar. Kcw Orleans Ar Dtulng Carw OtMervation Cetrm. Pullman Srat:ela and toarift cars attached to all IraMla. Kwacbura; naUl OaOlf. tax a. I Lt. Ponlaad - Ar. Rnaetmrf - Lt. taor. 7 JSa. a. r. Ar. trraUis Mail IMil; (Except Sunday ). T sja.au i Lt. -Ar. - Ponlaad -CorraUia Ar. I Lt. aASr.ai l-jor.w U a.a. I At Albaai anil UxralUa eoaaoct with tratw oi Corraiua A Kastera railroad. latkpcndtaos Paacuvt Daily (caorpt uoday) IKr.allr. - PorUaad - Ar. McMinTiti Lt. IilepD.leoce I.t. a:A a. a a. li.i. 7 jsr. Ar. r. a. U. a. COaUfLU. C. II. MARKKA. Ataaacer. U. r. at Paaa, Aori L POBTLAKD OBXGOX. Direct coiiavrljoo at Sao FranriKu with U-amabip liana fur Hawa'i. Japan, Cbina. Tlie rniirtpptaaa ana ausuai.a. For tarouxb ticket, and ra'n rail on or al- dre. L. B. tOOUK Arte I or V. t. 1.'NOO, Borcbarf. Scutes 'Sicttic Uao of tlx WarM" The Favorite Transcontinental . Boots Between the North west and all Foiuts Last. Choice ot Two Koulea Through the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery And Four Routes Last ol Pueblo snd Denver. AU Passengers granted a day atop-over in toe alormon Capital or auvwberere tween Oeden and Denver. Psrsonaily conducted Tourist L'tcuraions three days a wees to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. For Tickets aud any lofermaUon Re garding Rates, Boutee, etc., or lor Jta ecnptive Advertising Matter, call oa Agentejol Oregon Railway Navigation Co., Uregou Short Line or Southern Pacific Companies. S. K. HOOPEK, Genersl Pass. A Tu ket Agent, Denver, Col II. C. SICHOL, Geoeral Ageot, 251 Wash. M. Portland Or. Roscburg p. O. Hours. Week days. 6:30 a. m. (o S p. m. Sun days and holidays, t:30 to "J:00 a, m. snd 5 ;30 to 7 :30 p. ui. STAVB KOCTKS. lvoeehurg to Marshfield Departs ev ery day at 6 a. m. ; arrives every morn ing. Boeebarg to Myrtle Point. Departs every day at 6 a. nt ; srrivea every morning. Roeeburg to Millwood Departs every day except Sundays at 7 a.m.; srrives every day except Sundays st 4:45 p.m. Roeeburg to Peel Departs Maily, (ex cept Sunday) at 7 a. m ; arrives daily, (evcept Sunday) at 3 p. m. Roeeburg to Lurley Departs Tues days sod Fridays at 1 p. m.; arrives Tuesdays snd Fiidays at 11:30 a. m. II you suilxr from tenderoees or full ness ou the right side, pains under m r shoulder blade, conetipatiou, biliouaueaa, sick headsobe aud feel dull, heavy aud sleepy yonr livr is torpid aud congested. DeWitt's Little Larly Kieeia will core you promptly, pleaesntly snd perma nently by removing the congestion ami cauaiug the bile duo's to open and How natttrAilv. i-iikv auk ijihji fii.t.-i. A.C, MAUSTKRS AW. GENERAL 'CIZZ JTCHY arara or oaaeoa. O-.a.Seuatora... lrt! fTrum. B. Toea rX.A. MorxlT Oorernor- ecretry ol Btata f. J. Imair bUt Tnuurer . a & Mount apt Pab. Injunction JS. U. Aetnmmn t Printer ZZzL W. H. Lm.k Atwrner (.cimal., ., .,, b.i. X. Black bsa , , M -i .P. lafwe iuyremtlaAfm J'j. 4. Wolvarraw - - la. si. Seaa ascoira ivasaat aw: uor. T W. HamUtOM ProanitUiC AUoroey GeewJI. Broww V. a. lajra erri.v, soscmcm. Keeelrer r, .. .Henry BVvlb , -iJ. T. Bridco v. a. waaTSts acaaac. .ii i.ii Tk. Uiaaua Otaerrer Senator.:; DQveLAS COCKTT. A. W. Bart W. W Lao a BepresenlatiTea. W.Csow Tlerk r. Gazlcv R L, Btabea. . U. W. DlMBitca ahertff...A.. rieaaarer.. School SnperlulctiOeat. H. B. GUVua Jos.Ltu County Jadfe- CtMBBilaaloa X. D. T bota ja I Jaa. Bynas iarrcyor- Omar 7 bid Dr. E. V. Korrn .-..Taoa.aaua ooroner Sbeep Inspector- rasciacr omcxaa. uUcea. jr. w. BtitJer 'onatabte... -D. T. i laeer city or aoaaacae. C. antara A. Bratrr rt (master.. cotKcuacji. . ? . , ! tf ip Brow a fu. W. Parts r. W. BrJMa I. R.Wiul A. Ptelaa Ut Ward... tad Ward.. rd Ward. iW.J. Lander IU Want... CBIoeuai RecorJei, U. & Wast n 1 ,0'QOl vLaaUwr Jf. W. DUiauS ManbaJ CITY rOCKCtl. IUT1M. Tlie toawHin (ocncil of tbe city of Baaebvra bk-U tbe rlr-t Monl.T ia each k al S u unci p. m. cocai aaaaiokfu Tbe Circuit Court Cor Doorlu f'Mtxtv mmim three times a year u follows: Tito M aUra day ia Hares, tbe 4tb Kouday la JaM, a4 U Ut Jiooday ia Deeearber. J. W. HnihaW Bosebon u.lire. Oeo.al. Brvww.f BaawowM. proaacaun milutuej. Co-mtT Uo-irt meet th 1st Wedaeadav aKw a 1st Monday ( January, Jtareh. Hay, lutj, septeaiber and KoTembez, Joa. Lvgoa. ! uraiu. )ude; M. D. Taoaaaaoawl brottabtti aim jaa. Bvrua, ot Trmailm inaia. Paobate unut U in min. Lyooa. tudre. " Vi-tIasaU ajaurataw yjilU ODciBK !. JACKSON, Attiru.y anl Counsellijr at Law. Mining Law aud Water Bights made a f pevialty. 3UntersBld. BOSEBCBS. OBJESQS. Q.EKOGE M. BROWX, . Attorney-at-Law, BooauTaudS Tayl-.t Wiiaow Block. moezBtrsa. oa I ItA B. REDDLX, - Attorney at Lw, Boom S. rajloc WUaoa Blk. BOtiXBCBa. OMXHOB. P W. BESSON, Attorney-at-Law. Boonu I and I Be t tew B aiming. BObTBLBU, OXXUUal B. WTT.T.Tn, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WUI siaiillai is an tad aawfca mt ta. a aas m AUrsSns BwikUag. riaqaia .Oa. at. CBAWTCSJX, Attorney at Law; tooau tat. aUotatw Bide-. BOBB0B8, OB. CBW-Baaineaa be for. tha U.S. Laad C9c aad uif eases a specialty. LaUBeeaaTerU.&LaadOesaa. JA BUCIIASA;, Notary Public, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Bovut 3 Stantera Building. KOBCBG,Oa SBC EaKBT, a DENTIST, Be view Hul'.dim;, Ielepbone No. a. BO&XBOIU, TJBXSOK. JRA BBOW2T, M. IX OFFICE, UB Jacxaoa Slraat, at ret itcaoe ot Hn. I. Bitaer. ; BOeXBCKS, OB Qit.tiLO.E. HOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. Oflic Pwt Oflice Bid. Pboue, Main Si. KOrXBCSG, Mcletr ncwtUagw. TJOBEBUK(J DIVISION RO 476, . OV U K, Ax meet eTery accoud and loxmav aaaday. BaXUP CO BPS Kft W, MBBTS mi and tniru rrwayw ia p tKO POeT, NO, 29, G. A. B XXXTS THJ Brat ami Lnird Thnradara of i at i p. aa. A LPHA LODUE. SO. 47, C OP P.. K JTTB every Wednesday erenisf at Odd fauewe Hall. ViaiUns Kaiabta la sjoisd sissi?lai saa UaUrUtTitsd to attend. LAUBL 1-OU.jt. A. r. a A. kt.. KXQCLAB meeunirk .Lc iX aod ita Yi'alnawlsjs la sack uoii'tb. Ti ;:5I u FASBOTT W. K. S.T. JcwiTr, s'et y. p OSKBC aii CHAPTER. SO. Lai B.. KXXTS ia. tirst and uurd Tkauadays CBtb, UBBIKCVb'UOW.W V. MAVDB BAST, Seo'y. OUKKX Wt.xDMEN-OK Aill BICA. MKKT A1 on Hot aud tbttd Tovaday of cava tuoatb in tbe aid Marouic haiL U. W. MlAAfB, Y. C. II. L. MaRstms Clurk. vv 'OODilEN K THK WORLD. Oak Camw No. 1J.V. lut-elit nt tho Odd FeUowaT Bail in Horebiini. every 1st, :rd and 5ia Monday evvnios. Vititiug ueighbora always welcome O.r.l'wuoT.CC V. C Losdos, Clerk. plilLETA Rl A N LOxKiK, Ha S, I. O. O. F. mt-eta Saturday evening of each week at their bail in Odd Fallow Teiaplo at Bosebora. Men?bersol tbe order la rood standing arelariv ad to alivnd. ti. W. S1BONU. M. O N. T. JawaTT, Bee' J. D. B. Wasr. 1 iu. See. p P.O. KLKS, ROSXBCRO LODV.B, KtX&a, u bold tbeir regular eonimuuiealion at th. f ti. O. 1'. hatl itli ut'.klii) an.1 r.turlfl TatiraiAV i each uioutb. AU members reuuealcd to at- teud rvK'iiariy, aud all Tiaiting brothers cor liallr niMted to attend. CHAS. 1. UADLEY. K. B IK A B. K'.L'l-K, SevKtary. R' O&EBUBU L01X.K, SO. IS, A. O. U. W. meets tbe wend and fourtk Moodara ai v-b Dionth ai7:0p. aa. at Odd Fellows Ball. Mi'iu tier of tbe order 111 good ataadiog are in vited lo alind. F. . ltoar.il, . ' Ml ai- Iteconler.