sammmmmmwrnmimmK .11 mi is G 4 SURE DEATH r inu r pi RineiBR mmf wniffR nillll I II I llllll Hill I II II II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HUM illll. II II LII..I K1 ' I II 11 T If lU 1 llbllb HIIIIHIIIIIV ...... ........ . I -- m i. i i 'jl. TTTff iij Df LJ 44 Closing: out Salel!! We are closing out our entire stock for CASH Now is the time to BUY. Read Prices. Mens' Heavy lioot, worth $2,1)0, ft r 1 in shoes' " fl.50 totf.OJ,.. .f-rtluotufeMNi Ladies' Heavy " " $1.50.. for 4)1.00 Fin f I 60 to 300 fur i,o, to 2.r.O IUiys Suits worth )3,00 to to.OO Lr :00 to J.50 Mens' Psnt at almoet balf price, 3 Ladies eata lor cummer wear 25 yds. of Calico, Mens' and Boys summer Hats at Discount. Three packages 31b. Gold Drop Washing Powder Ten Bars Lundry Soap , Four tana Tomatoes Three cans K C. Baking Powder '. Noven 2 rz. pics. Smokiiis Tobacco. . DiBhes, lin and Agatewate at almost your own price?. Boy row b fore the stock is picked over. Mrnryiliini! in my store will be sold at Cost bat for Cash Only. g Drain, Oregon. J. A. Black. or I.1X ,fr I r fur lor ..for '.' .j; I quirrel i Gopher Poison (PREPARED WHEAT) SURE DEATH Squirrel and m ! Gopher Poison rTv A. C. MARSTERS & This cut represents our leader in Iron and Enameled Bedsteads, the Best Bed siiad offered by any concern in the state for the price $4 25. Our line of Bedsteads are complete. Common Bedsteads for $1. So. Better ones for 52.25. Hard wood Bedstead for $3.00.... SPRINGS, MATTRESS. BLANKETS. QUILTS, and PILLOWS, as eneap in proportion. Tlie House Furnisliers. THE PLAINDEALER! rubllahed Monday aud Thur.iny. TB K.4JSDEALEK rCBUsHINU CO. FAREWtLL RECEPTION Time for Expansion. Tendered to Governor (icer and by California Officials. Staff ; Fourteen veam after the inauguration ! of the Grtt 1 r evident vf tbe I'niteii 1 l 9 eTstATtXRD. W . C. COSiXXR. . I. STUATFOKD 'States the republic began to expand. FuUUsher, jAN I'k.vnchcj, Ju y 10. Tiu ui mu-i We lxs in LouiaSana mu:li roore than - EUtCr 1 , , , -,.. .1. .. f.1 f , Mgr. and SoUdtor 1 ' t i :ouwiiu uur stcs. i deJ a reception to Governor Cieer, of I Sixteen veara after that Mubcrlptlo bc Vear St VBtk tiweltMtkf Rate. 1 to ; ; JULY 17. m. wo anue&d Oregon, and his einiT, who departed i Florida. In the lueautiuie we had per- this vvenicg for Portland. The oiEcers looted o'.ir title to the Oregon country. ! and ladies of the party assembled in the l'lteutvsix years after ths purchase of . parlare of the Oori-ieaUl hotel. i Fiorid we annexe i Texas. All ilu ft'Jcrr were ia nniforto. and ; Thrt vesira after that e added CU' j the gatbertpjt was a brilliant oue. Gen- foruia, ISevad, Utih, tno.U of New Mes eral Sfamana Crst addressed the corn- j co .Arizona snd pait of Coloradj. ' 1 pany of officer., explaining Mat thi . Five yeara liter ae tooght the rouih Not nu died dtirim th nsie of ' meoberi of the governors s'aff desi'e.l e,n p.rts of New Mexico aed Ariaaiia. it., iw. il. to show a uiatk ol re?ec: to the visit r?, i Fourteeu veir thertafter e e-xared It La-not Uien VueU 8.ui Iopb to" '"d had gathered together fir this fare-j .iaU. master the acienrv of transporting troops j H reception. I And then we stopped. Fur 31 year: ." I i nrm. i.j...itlu I riM l-avr iff...... 1.:" . iwiw I S'.i.i t M . . 1 . Unn l Tliiin m-m I i nt i .11 rucked au me micro'oplc morsels ol Hawaii and Potto Ktc, and stretched out a tenUtive hauJ over the 1 uilip- ,1 s.f rtl v hr aea. !""" ! to bid the gallant soldiers After a hard camoaicn in the trooies j Oreiton when thev 8i!?d 'viv" said of the Philippine and kmc fatiguing General Seaonaus "hence it i as en- J voyage it was ouly natu-l that the I tirelr proper (hat California thonl J be 1 bore were eager to get onto w-rra firma . the first to greet thai en their return pines asunickaa powible after entering San j from the glories of war. e luve been i Was it tot ttoie? Never in our his Francisco harbor. The boy want to j pleased and glad t greet you. and if we j tory hag the inarch tt American expao cose to their homes, which .doea not Lave Cone anyth'.og to coutrihole to the beoeaearily mean Portland. : pleasure of your yi;i". here we arj n,cst 'glad." " War ia the Philippines," siya ao . Governor Geer responded, saying that artsli-expanaion exchange, "ia the sad.tet j he wished to tbank the propla of Ca'.i- the hiatoiy of ths L nited , fornia for their kind treatmeat and It isn't iu. lethal. A sadder coartesv. hetwees keven and eight to jthe fijunre mile. It could hardly be :sidlhia that there was any pressing j ccnges'iiu within our boucdaties, bat JelTersou had an eve that could see into the Oregon staff, made the concluding j the fat-re. speech, saying: j When we pur.iueed Florida we ha On behalf of the governor and Lis ham een tour and five inhabitants to the thin in rHtes." thing is the spectacle of so-called Ameri- j "It has ba b a wouderfol receptiou' can ciUseoa einbutraasiog the govern- ! s,id the goverccr. "and we thack yoa ail sneotin it efforts to implant c-iyiliia-! for the wauy ccur:e.ts have re Gaa and good governmsat itnn; a peo- jceived."' pie It tM readied from tvrannf. Cjlonei tpenctr, advoca'.e-g-rucral riou l.aiteii s j long as it ai l Deiween ine aanexatiJU of Ahuka aud that of Ha waii. Never before have e allcwed other nation to gain such a start on us iu i ho race. When Je'.Urem bvught Liuislaoa the density of pDpulalion in the United Statei w.ns - - - - - -wa, ,aueceot to G. W. NOAH.) General Blacksmithing AIVII IKUMM JERJCOlSXIVtii . TROTTINQ AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, REf AIRING l)F ALl. KINDS PROMPTLY liOXK. HUup an Corner WBb.tujttu aud Kane Stat., Roteburi. v; v-v v v.v v v v .x. v v v n. v vv x v . s vrv V v v-v on Tne Review ia its last Thursday's i tiM criticised n? for directine a few Laraleaa thrusts t the local board of 1 gtQ x desire to (av that we have been 1 1 t'jU-ire aire. iraa lor not proriaics.or me tnieriain- i W0Bderfully laapreesed bv ocr recoption ' Wticn we annetel Texis the density Beat of the visiting editor, and then ; jier6i jjt ,Le greeting you have given j 0f onr popalation was net fjuite ten. copied all of the dirty "flings" and ad- j oar jyg :e somethicg tbat we can reveH Wben w; took in CVifornia it was verse comment on the matter that could f3r.e,. We thank the people " the Kboat the satne. be culled from iu state exchsngrt. Con- J m,mbefe of toe governor s tuff for their Wueu we effected t .e' G'.adeen pur ietencT thou art a bright gem, hut you j kindcew and courtesy." cu-:e it was a little over eight, da not sparkle in the columns of the The eiuging of "Aold Ling yue' j When he bought i"ska it was about Koeetrarg Eeview. j brought the reception to a cl jee. j twelve, t It ia no :: le neighborhood of 20 i inc'.uJicg Alacka; and excluiiug Alaska, i mast ol whoe area is unavailable for eetticmcct, it is st. Lvidently the presauie of popuialiou is greater now than it was at any of our previous perioJa of national expansion. If we felt the need for more room then we feel it more intensely now. Our population is denser at this time in California, our remstiet state, than it was in the Old United States when we annexed Looiciaca. Ttie time lot a new expaubion is long ; pat-t, aud tho growing pressure will not i be relieved by silting on ths safety ! valve. Notwithe'anding the fact that Coquillej Old Church That Burned Yesterday. City ia advertising fur laborers to work j ona new logging railroad, while the! St. Uixems, Or., July 15 Ine Met h nsills. toezinx camps and ceameries of iodiat Episcopal chirca ia this city wa tat eectionare raoning in iuil blast and feusineeeof all kinds is hnmuiing, the pcpaliat Herald of that city under the bead ol "political pointers," contained the following last week: "Tbat 'wave of prosperity hasn't wared." Great is calamity joanialism.. It la esv to drill with toe tide ; it is acy to ait down and let your business push itself, bat it never goes fas'. The fellow who advrrticcs and keeps con stantly and everlastingly a: it , is the one that is going to attract people bis Way and the more bustlers of this kind in a town the more Lusinef e it handles. The towns that advertise and bnstte are the ones that do burinrst hiid it meds not the wisdom of a sage to see it that way. An ad in the live wide-awake semi-weekly Plaimjlallk will bring the deaired results. Toe AgulnalJbu uialike to be cilled eoppetbeade. Protests come every little while from support era of Hoar, Gorman, Bryan, Billy Masco and the rest of the enemies of their country sgaiost the ap plication of Ibis term to these individ uals. Yet nnleas the term copperhead hat changed since the days in which it was invented, it correctly decigna es the persona to whom it was given. A cop perhead is a person who lakes the side of bis country's foe. Tne country's foes at this particular lime ara the Filipinos, who are in rebellion against iu author ity. Atkinson. Garrison, Gorman, Hry aa aad the rest of the howling fhg furl era are giving aid and comfort to Aui aaldo and his dupes. If three individu als are not copperheads tt e dictionary definition of that word wil have to be altered. destroyed by fire eany this morning. No effort was mada to tave ths building because it was so far consumed by the flames when persons reached it that arjy effirt would have been futile. The supposition is that tramps were sleeping in the building daring the night, and after awnking threw a lighted match ioto a close; under the stairway leadtug to the gallery. Tnere was a can of coal oil ia the closet, and the flxir was saturated with oil. me ouumnz was repateu to ue ine i i . v. .. :i . : . 1. - f t- - i aecouu uuc uuui iu iub e'.ai? ui iyiri;uu by the Methodiet denominatiou, having been eonetnrcted in 1S52. The cost was by popcliy subscription. Colonel Tripp, Robert Gsrmain and Mr. Cno'jus were the carpenters. The building will be re mem be red by every person who has had cccasiu to travel up cr down the Colum bia river for the past 40 years, it baviDg been perched upon the rack blotT. back ol and overlooking thi city, and was THE ORDER RECINDED. Companies Comprising the O. N. - Notified to Suspend Prepara tions for Portland Trip. It. II. L?abo, captain of company K, Third regiment, O. N. G. of this city, yesterday received from Brigadier-General C. F. Bee!e an order rescinding the thm rooa nrrtmtnff.Tif: larnimflrlr nn ihr r , , . , ,, . previous order, iusfrdctinz the company sea. junto . Lancaster, wao u:ea i few years ago at Vancouver, deeded the lot, on which tlje bniidit g stood, to the church association, and, altbouzh the building waa known as the Methodist chorch and claimed by th at denoxina lion, it is contended by old-timers that the building was erected with the under standing that it ehonld bv kcown and used as a union church. The people of St. Helens regarl the destruction of the building with as dtep regret es thouith a human friend hid been removed from their midst. to prepare to a.t,ve to Portland on the receipt of telegraphic instructions. Nov that the contemplated trip to Portland to Greet the return ing voltn teers af an organization, has been de clared off, it ia eugested that the state guard hold its encampment at the state fair grounds, near this city, as it was or iginally planned. Tho military fond has not vet been expended and no rea son can be given why the encampment should not ho given in this city as planned. Tr.e custom of annually gtviug the Waived Examination, Went Vault Shipped. jinp-tiou. In dtfault uf (!'"() baii lie was The proprietors of the Guard liuiehed j BeDt to jjU ,0 SWjli1 , ,,ie x0V(MJl;,.r u.rm the al.ipment of the oil Lane county j of circJit colJrt. jj.g CO!.i;anion, .tpli court house vault Friday, by dfltvering j enBOaj lVi , Brraf.,.a Monday. to the hfonlheru Pacitic for trjnpporta- j tion to Klamath Falls, Klama'h county, j "A I hope is abandoned," yells tho where it will be used by the bank. j Teheran.. 'The ieopl f tr.g.nre Ths outeide and inside doors with! fuse to reonciil.' Tit- only I lutmhers of tho goatd a few days of to Jail. I practical military He has i.eeu observed ! fcr years, and it is certaiuly of tbs K. L., who is charged with lar-j jm,,srldllCe to the regiment, ceny by bailee, w today taken before ' btl , .iS oliy rcceully been organized, Justice W. D. Smith and waived exam- i ..,nt ,,,,, pn..flmr,,f ,.t )d held this vear. for tho di iiiing an I experience that wivld ht obtained thereby would be in vli::tle ti the varicuB companies. jambs weighed, when crated, 23"0 i peoi-ls ia Or gun n .t ic?r.e pounds, and the wall, floor and ceiling j iulmbitants of Portland aad n. t platse 43'J0.pounJe, in all 7320. Tbejlhem. Ootiide of Portland the riMta wvm .-nt r.l tliH ula'e nhiniiscl in ! tlOU is aiCCl.ed S.Tjttibly and pllii t aie the -1 - 1 .1 -op!,- Ttia cucainpnicnt should cettatnly be held. If thought ill-advised to have the eiiard Gast-UibU iieru at this time, the ctifampnietit could ho held during the hiato fair, w lien it would prove one of thft I an i.i.ti attractions of that exposi ti jn Hsleiu Statesman July 15. section. ical'y. loe gju;jral s'.-ntiiu'int i i'iui the boys have don- the proper t':nu under t';o circuoist in.:i""., and tii-ir Barklow, Martin Stage Co. Private conveyance frotu iioseburg to j ioa is gtuerally cudor Coqullle Cit j via Myrtle Point, connect- the earns as it was ing with boats and trains. Leave Co qoille City and Ko6eburg Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridayp. Goo'' rigs and teams. Best of accomodations. Tor prices and particulars call on or ed HrMS, W. Pattkrhiv, Cornir lirocer, Roiehurg, Oifgon. and Col. Summers. Albany Ie::iorr ii. Yesterday' tiiitiiatch infer ma ui of a vesI wrecked ofl'ihe rnat f N F., by cnitinir in contact with nn iLvber,;. With the thermometer regietcring teai the 100 mark today, iu the chade, some of ne. foe! like beinir wter tpd in tho samn way. Wamiiv-i'ix, July 15. Ttiu wnr de part men! has left the disposition of the d by thy p'.p'e, Oreguu troops iu the lmuds of General ty ' ' iveriior ticer Sliufter, eouitnarnJiiig tne department ol Pacific. Ttie troop have been ordered muttered out at San Francisco. It is Hi l here thatlhcy will be paid oil and ill return to Orfgun as citizens, not as soldiers. Alter ihty are mustered out and paid, the I'niled States has no fuither control ol thcui. ' A PRISONER'S BOLD DASH. Sheriff Gage is Having an Interesting Time With the Coqullle Robbers. Binger. Ed Wnite, au accomplice f I hoe. Drew in the bol i Cjiiuille robberies, is beuiudihe bar): at Cxinl!) City for the third time. I'.-e aud Wutte were given a trial before thi gtand jury at the last term of Coo countr circuit court, and while many wrr-convinced that they were the ga.liy parties, they were die charged for waul ut evUence. Tuey im mediately lrft the country, but weie shadowed and soon sfterwards at rested at Portland and Albany, where they had been disposing of articles which were readily identities! a haxiug come from the site in Lorena'a stoie at Co''iil:e City. They wer agiia taken to Co qoid j aad giveu a preliminary examine lion, resulting in White teing dis charged, while Drew was held without bonds to await the action of the grand jury. Strong eviduce has since been secured against bah parlies, ceasing the arreat of Wnile for the tbird lime, last week. Sheriff Uago went to Kivertou, Coos county aud secured his pnroner. but while on the trip up the river to Co- j quiile, White sudJealy djffed his coat j and vest and sprang overboad frcm the j steamer, swimming to the shore and ) successfully effecting his escape. j A posse was soon on his track, Lo ever, and be was captured the nest day near Hirer ton, takeo to Coquille and airaio lodged in jail. In regard to the re cent arrest last Saturday's Coo.uille Bul letin says: . WHAT CAl;EU TilE ARtUsT It not generally known, but a well estab lished as well as stailliog lot of evidence is in the hands of Sheriff Gage and Dist. Atty. Brown. The former has been working night and day on the case since ths grand jury in May decided that White and Drew were innocent of the offense. It it t liia aritaL re.i naat that Mr. ! Brown is in our city to ferret out the crime. The caee will be a hard fought one and several other arrests will no doubt follow. Yoncalla. (I'rvi.nrel Wlitat) Tlie Uot aii'l f!liop'st Itemed, yet nt'rf'm creu lor the deal rue ( th'.-w orehnl aul rrfiM-ti tn Speedy OK Hit And Effectual tructin af Dt- SQUIRRELS. .Lfe .f-V. tt.Z RATS UOPHERS. MICE, CR0W5. ETC- CO-, Druggists, ROSEBURC, OREGON. A- s '1 s V y t 'rt t ;,- s i - - r-Tl-- fURNITLRE, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER And the Place to get them isats- STRONG'S FURNITURE STORE: 1'. Marsh made a Hying trip to Glen- dale one day tt is week. Mrs. Molten is en joy in a visit from lier aged mother of Calafornia. Master .Samson French is cur n mail carr er on Upper Cow Creek. MifsLtfi' Palmer of Woodlawn. epiM a wee'e m Glendile visitijg friends. . u. i aimer, wno baa b;en woraiog n Myr Is Crest, was home on a visit Us w,-fk. M si Migg.3 Olioghouit wai caUed horns frooi Gl.'ndale to atten I her bro hei's w siding. L. U. McLlroy haJlh-r pUasure of or niing Miss Lieuiry Mote up from Glendale lat week. L-?s!ry Motten, E , showihia s niling face at Wooalawn oure oM-o ler what's tbe attractijn? Mir. t.. w. Lewis aca caiiurtn are spending a few weeks with Mr. snd Mrr. S. II. Miller, of P:nirer. Frantii Ulinghoues and Miu Bs.le French were married Iat Wednesday at the bride's Lome. They ara spending their hooey aioon at tbe Hael Dal I. Datr Bi tLt. Ashland Topics. Mias Gecvvieve Reimea returned to Jacksonville Sunday from an extended stay in Portland. Mrs. Ella Lang of Jacksonville is an Ashland yiaitor this weei, the guest of Miss Bessie Peed. Mi&Ms Aay aad Alice Bjotiiof Grants Pass are up attending Chautauqua. Ashland Town Talk. Frof. W. T. YanScoy returued Irom Coos county Wednesday. He reports having a successful tiip. Mioses Georgia and va Jacobs of Boeeburg are here visiting friends, lbs guests of Mrs. Vf. J. Virgin. Very warm weather here. Mr. U. O. Parker and wife left for a caxpiog trip on Coon creek Friday. Cba. Summers is a very busy man just now, finishing a house for Mr. Dick Uannan. Mr. S. K. Adams has gone for a few weeks outing on the MtKenzie river, with his family. Mrs. Locke, of Independence, Or., ia a guest of her daughter Mrs. F. 6baug!e of this city. We are expecting s very warm game of base ball between Oakland's nine and Yoncalla's team in the near future. J. L. Stratford of the Plai.nui.alek force, was in totvn shaking bands with friends and actiuaibtenaoces. a few days ago. Mr. J. F. Dauaherty has teen elected by the A. O. U. W, lodge cf Yoncalla, as a delegate to the Grand Cauip at Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Mr. George Merrill of California, ar rived at Yoncalla where he intends to make his future home. We welcome lit. Merrill in our midst. The man who calls himself Uncle Sam paste l through our town on his way er --. .d the world, he said. Ue also f - .; a few coppers from our citizens to hi lp him on his way. Luther Marsters has secured a position as tcction foreman at Albauy, Oregon. Mr. Marsters has been in the employ of the s P Co. for several years here snd is a very competent man for ths place. One Who Knows. QIRL DROWNED AT HOOD RIVER. Brother Tried to Save her From Swift Current, But Could Not. Hooo KiVLB, Or., July 15. Miss Cyn thia Dduimeck, aged 10, was drowned today iu Hood river, four miles above the forks. She and her brother were crossing the stream ou a foot log, when she fell in. The brother jumped iu and caught hold of tho unfortunate K.irl, but could not hold her in the swift current, and she floated down to a drift i quarter of a mile below. Trie ho ly waa found five hours later. Tti'J funeral will lake plao-j Moadiy . Keep your eye ou our windows if you ari looking tr harps ini. KWiY Pice, llooeo FuiuitiherH. Today's Market. FourLANir, June 25. Eggs Oregon, 17 cents per doe. Batter Be6t dairy, fancy creamery, 33"? 10 J per roll. Poultry Chickens, mixed, M0o.o0 Prunes Italian 233; silver, extra choice, 44.j' per lb. Wheat-Walla Walla WoDc; Val ley 59200c ; Lluestem 5S2G0c. Oats White 4345c; choice gray, 42fi43c per bushel. Millstuff Bran, $15; middlings $22; shorts, JIG iO; chop, 10.00 per ton. Hay Timothy 3 HO; clover. J73; Oregon wild bay, $0 per ton. Woo' Valley, 15(2 10c: Eastern Ore gon, S'.a 12, Mohair, 20y. 10. Potatoes Oregou Burbanks, 1.25; Garnet Chiles, f 1.50(311.75 ; California (newt 2 rer pound. Kinging iu ears, noises in twitching of eyelids. Iludyan Fifty cents. All druggists. head, cures. The Dread of Death. A man bound hand and foot npon a railway track can see the ap proaching danger with bis open eyes and re alize now actual and terrible it is; but when a man's faculties are bound about by cords of disease be feels only by a sort of natnral in stinct tbe danger that is coming noon him although he cannot actually see it Tbat awful sense of dread, the feeling that death is near at band is described by a South Carolina irentieman, Thos. G. Lever, Esq., of Lever, Richmond Co., with a truth that everyone who baa ever experienced it will immediately recognize : "I bad what the doctor colled nervous iudl ration," he ay: "I took medicine from my iamily physician for it, but of no avail. I u look ing over one of the Mroiorandtini Book issued by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, X. Y.. I found a case tike tulne described exactly. 1 wrote to Dr. Pierce and made a statement. lie srnt mc a descriptive list of question, n!o hviiemc rule. "I carried these out at best I'conM. tnit I thought jt almost linpoilIr. a I viMVrrd m much with pain umlrr my rilx ami an empty feeling in mv stomach. At niuht I uoulj have cold or hot fret mid haiuis nttcrnnU'lv. 1 tva getting very nervous and Mifurl a irnrnt tleal in r I U-V- with uurasini- that death won?, iug something a great dreaii and iiupalitrm "I could !" produce n Ki omc hcMtiii i' patent mcdi. of Pr. rk-rc- - Pellets.' Ann to mv rnditin.' thltikinir - hi ct:tttn in-: always xtrct lal to t.tkr tlace anil haviug . mind 1 v:i nlo irritable : -ii gn atly inlucrd iu Hcsh. - i lv anytlitng that would not in my atonmch. After .viiil to my prejudice URaiust I iltrcidcd tu trv a few bottles .ilen Mcdicnl icuvery and a I. ing ei-eral bottles of each I found I was improving. I have to be careful yet at time as to wlu.t t cat. iu order that I roav feet good mid strong. I fully bclierc if any who lutkr ivith indigntlon or torpid lirer or chronic ccid wjnld take Dr. Pierce' Golden lledical Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets' and observe u few simple hygienic rules thev would soon be greatly beneri'ud, and with little per-severaucv.- would be entirely curci." It is a very c-iuipk mutter to write to Dr. Pierce. No cliaige wliatevcr is made for advire; wliicli will lie etit vnit (in a plain ae.ilnl tiivr-Inpc) piotiiptly an muil. TLis cut 14 au exact representa ioo of a solid oak Rocker we have in stock, fiDely fiDtbLed rods, aruis, high back, enitable for par lor or bitting room for$3.75. Have other good rocker from S1.00 op. HltttuTl Roseburg Bakery. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! the bread does rite And nicely made are our mince pies. No grumbling now, for the srice ia low Ineide the oven the pans do go, So w hen tbe pork and Wans are dune Cainrade and patrons have some fun I i Hot cakes and pea-nuts wc now k-11 I And all that bur, tficir tweethearts tell. Rye bread aud loaves of every kind ; Huge lots for low price you'll find, J Each loaf is good weight and pure J Used by the gents and maids demure, i Direct your order; U Jackson Street, Each patron wc arc glad to greet. ; HANISCH & EHEUDE, Props. : Guardian's Sale. - i"-Om'E la HEREBY G1VE5 THAI TBX uodorfltned. the guardlao of Lbs person I aad state of Ro Joeevhson- Eamnel Joaepls j son. JuUaa Jow-poaon and U aer Joaenbaoau j minor heirs ol H. Jowyhsoa, deceased, w IU by t i-irtoe of an order Of the County Court of lunu las County, ttatc of Oregon, se'l at pabiic aue I lion forra-h in band, al Lae (out Hoote davr i in Bowbarg, DnuglMixwntr. Oregon oa Tues vi.,vuiy ,i, isn, at w. uouroi lodocM au n? of said day. all the rirfit. title and intarest of ?aud miBm ia ami lu th iullowtng deseribed real property, to-wit: Ttie S'i of SWJi. BE'f of WJan-lfrof NW'iol e-iln owniaip s. a. lt w. tVi.lauietia meridian, eowtaiaiag Dated tb.a 7ih uar of June, ls. "HANNAH JOSKPHbOX. 0li Gocidian. -Our liue of Bed'Loucges ia up-to-date. Also cuucbe aad if we haven' wLat yon want, we will make it for yon aad yoa can have tbe advantage of selecting your own goods. See our 32G.00 Sawing Machine, To see is to be convinced, thkt, we hare the best machine oa the market for the price aad will guarantee it as long as any machine that is ruad. Iron beds frooi $423 up and wood beds from SU) up. Have jast' sorted ap oar stock o! Wall Paper aad have some new de signs tbat are bard to beat Late bayers can be sore of getting as good colorings is those who bought early ia tbe season. Oar motto is honest values and good goods sold as cheap as it is posei- blo to sell them. DoCTRfi HM r- M f tl 11 n D A. CO. SpttlilistSiMlfl Yt V i !L "-. u- -- ''.if.'JvS K FT THI Can. i ! ' i H iiShr raraausMto jt rears. 13 '"-it K Taarr rr t arta4iM. 731 W1BIT ST I t. County Treasurer's Notice. ...B. W. STRONG. Notice ia hereby given to all parties? holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed oc or before February 15, 1899. to present the same at the treasurer's office ; ia the Douglas County bank for payment. as interest will ceare thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this the 10th day of Jane, 1SW at the City of Roseburg, Oregon. v Geo. W. Duuuck. County Treasurer, Douglas County. Or. '0 f . The Chief Charm. of a Shirt Waist, is the charm of Novelty. It will interest you to know that our stock of waists is Cleau, Fresh aud Xew. The "snap" and style of our garments at our usual low price are giving us astonishing busy days on this article. Call and examine our entire stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, all that is new and up-to-date at specially attractive prices. Mailorders solicited. WQLLENBERG BROS. Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealeas in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MARTIN, 'Phone Main 181. Props. VALUABLE PLACES MLNESTO SELI 0 MISS r-AYtOOYa 1,500, 6UOBT TT.5S wtlH SJLiU. GUM. Are paying good money at present, but a little more capital needed to prop erly work the mines. Easy of access, will cell all or an interest in the same. For particulars see me at Koeeburg, or P.O. Bos 21 Roseburg, Ore. Administrator's Notice. TVJOTICE 13 HEREBY GITtX THAT THE undersigned baa been duly appointed ad ministrator of t tic estate of Bosana Manning . deceased, by tic Countr Court of Doari. County, Oregon, and all persons baring ciaosaa , uiut nuu catw ic u.u. uuuii. w, preens tbo aatne, duly yarUied, to Mid admiaisowtoc at Oakland, Oreton, wiibin six mouths froca tbe date of this nouc. Dated at oacburs, O rerun, this tbe STtA of June, 1SW. B. U. MASMSG. Admlnisrrator of the estate of Bosana MB ning, dixeased. The Home Bakery 701 Oak Street, Opposite Central Hotel. Fresh Baked Bread . Every Day "Boston Baked Beans," a specialty. MRS. B. COMSTOCK, Proprietress. The Roseburg Tannery. (nighest Cash Trice I'aid for Hides, Fun and Raw SkiDNv Fur and Buckskin Dressed for Gloves, Lash and Lace Leather. Furs and Skins Dressed and -Cleaned. Black Angor.i Goats for Chilpe. L DEACH, Proprietor. Foot of Mill St., South Koscburu, Orckit. Administrator's Notice.- VOTItC IS HEREBY GIVE THAT TUK ' nndeniKbed was on the "th day of JuJt, ly., duly appointed administrator of tha estate of Loiidisa Mitchell, deceased. All peraona hav ing claims against said astato ara herobv re quired to present the same, properW venfied, to the said administrator al tha lav ottios of A. M. Crawford, ia Koaebnrg, Douglaa Count. Ore gou, within iti.x months front tho daw hereof. lated this loth da of July, im. JuHN HAMLIN'. AJmlnUtrator of the eatat of Loudiaa Mitehcl!, deceased. jlOt CASTOR I A For Infants and CMldrtB. Th Kind Yoa HaT3 Always Esugiit upsJd Utotoigo v Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovt aaKmo rowrwa eo., arw von. Bears the Elgaaturo of A Bargain. Five acres, choico bottom laud, ou which is located a good seren-room bcu?e, good baro, and is situated in a fine agricultural locality, cear a schoo aud postotfice. AVill be sold at a very low figure. Inquire of. J. AV. Mote, tdjlfi) Wilbur, Or, 7i