r The Plaindealer i READABLE, RELIABLE, REPUBLICAN, Job Printing o NOTE HEADS, LETTER " HEAD.', BILL HFAD5 ENVELOPES, ETC No better field thaa Southern Ore L ra; m better medium through which to Advertise. Executed hort aocica at mr. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. consiitrat with food work. p. -PLAINS Vol. XXX. ROSEBURG, OREGON, ; THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1899. Nc." 55. VOLUNTEERS' RETURN Transports Ohio and Newport Ar rive at San Francisco GRAND RECEPTIONS AWAIT THEM The News of Their Sale Arrival Sets the Entire Population of Both States . Ablaze With Enthusiasm !Salkv. Or., July li.-At 2:40 p. m Ue Western Union Telegraph company at sMlm u it a lio over the wire that lite Oregon volunteers were e;ghted at Km Francisco. Immediately the bella were ringing and whisUee blowing all over the city. tub nasi tfxkgrax Sax Fkakjsco, July 12 The Trans- iwti Olio and Newport with returning valnnteera were ticbted off the harbor at 2:30 p. na. Wbeu first sighted tht transporta ' were poesibly twenty miles at From telegraph hill the vessels came in to perfect eight and the Bay City barst into biasing and thundering enthusiasm, the iruua at ihe Presidio answeriog the cannonades at Mare Island navy and the nat at the Mole. vard The transports will not reach this city antil -oo. 6 o'clock. It to not kbown vtt whether the Oregon troope will be . - allowed to land uere. The city is in treat state of excitement. Gov. Gear of BP Oregon will try and get an order Iron AVaahingtoo to allow the troops to come shore here tor a short time. Wasuuwtos. July 12. Unless tone change is made, the plan now arranged lor the Second Oregon is that the regi ment will go to Astoria on the govern ment transports and will then be trans ferred to the river steamers, chartered by the quartermaster's department, tak e& to ronlaod, and after the reception at Portland w ill be.tak.en to Vancouver, where ther will reinaia antil mastered out. It will be soma time before the master oat takes place, as tnere most bo an ac counting of property and a settling of ac conau with each company. Paymasters are yerr particular in the final settle ments, as any mistake would mean s lose to tbem. as there will be uo farther iUalincs with the reziment when the final settlement is made, and the money paid over. GETTING HEADY. Vancouver, Wash., Jaly'.12. Exten sive preparations are being made at Van eouver barrack for the reception and accomodation of the Oregon volunteer aponlbeir retard from Mini La for master-oat here. Company barracks and officers' quarters are being repaired and pat is order, and s large earner of ser vice tents are being erected in the gTove in the rear of the barrack, for the ac commodation of s portion of the regi meat. There is barrack accommodation for eight companies, inclading one com pany of Tweoty-foarth infantry now here. TO U&KT THE VOLC5TESUS. The G. A. K. committee in Portland have chartered s Bteamer for Astoria to r neet the Second Oregon. Fare round Portland to Astoria and return (1. Ample notice will be given that allG. A. It. men may psrticipate, and all others who may desire to. Low Round Trip Rates to Portland. On tbe occasion of tbe return of the Oregon Volunteers (opon a date hereaf ter to be determined) tickets will be on sale at this station to Portland and re tarn, st the Ijw round trip rate of f5.95 for adults and $3.00 ior children between the ages of 5 and 12 years. Tickets will be lira't to two days in addition to data of sale. L. B. Moobe. Agent S. P. Co. Roseburir. Sword For General Summers Tbe handsome sword to tie presented to Brigadier-General Samoters, by the citizens of Oregon, has been received by tbe presentation committee at Portland and is said to bs the most beautiful sword ever seen on the Pacific coast. Artistically engraved on the blade is tbe inscription, "Preeented to Brigadier General Owes Summers, U. S. Volnnteers by citizens of Oregon for his distinguish d and meritorious services on behalf of his country in tbe war of tbe Philippines Hon. It. J. Hendricks, who was ap pointed to the position of appraiser of customs at Portland, to fill tbe vacancy occasioned by Gen. O. Summers upon the latter 'a departure in command of tbe Oregon volanteers for the Philippines, has tendered his resignation in favor of Gen. Summers to take effect upon the ar rival of tbe latter at San Francisco on his return from Manila a very graceful set on tbe part of Mr. Hendricks. 'Woman's' Work is Never Done. ft The constant cure causes sleeplessness, loss of appcide, extreme nervousness, and that tired feeling. But a wonderfut change comes when ILxxf s Sarsaparilla is taken. gcves pure, rich blood, good appetite, steady nerves. ASHLAND ROSEBURO. The First Fruits of Our Indifference Toward ths Editors. Oreat Tribute to Oregon. t Portland Telegram, July 10.) Asulano, Or., July 10 The editorial Party's reception at this, the southern terminus of their jiunt, equaled any thing tendered (hem iu the stale. Nothing was to good. We arrived early litis morning and afters thorough night's re6t 011 magnificent sleepers, fur nished by the Southern Pacific company, all are iu the beet of spirits, and in per fect condition t j enjsy the many fea- tures of AshUad'a welcome. The first thing on the programme was breakfast in the Chautauqua assembly ground, a picturesque grove deliehtful- ly located alongside Ahlaud creek, a babbling brook fed by pure crystal wat ers from the scenic mountains eurnwud ing an ideal valley. The meal was served in true rustic style, but rjrfct preparation uiaJe possible the serving of a meal that would do credit to the best of hotel. Fried chicken, tender aud juicy, pure sweet butter and an abund ance of l be c.-eam for which Ah!and is famous, threw the editors into raptures. lwepreeentative Cuter delivered a wel coming aUdrt-ss, aud after breakfast. President Henry heartily thauked the entertainers for their hospitality. Tiien followed drives over the magnificat fruit country of the foot bl'l, eo:ue 50 conveyances b? ing furnished by liie ti-i-xens for the purpose. There were many otLer pleasant features to display the hearty good fellowship of the Southern Oregon metropolis. Cheery wcrds from everyone aud the unaniu.it- with which the ciliiens worked, is refreshing after the experi ence of lt axht. wherein Kosburir fell down" completely in its reception. and ths Portland committee was forced to do the entertaining there at great ex peoso for, to eay the least, indifferent service. Oa the return trio Koebur will be lei: oat in the cold the intended stop there being traasferrel to Glen- dale. Ashland is on the I-djuj, more than $11(1,000 having been expended iu build ing within a comparatively short time. II. Eihkix. fEXSlDEXT UEXKY 61'KE 11 AT MCMIXS- V1LLE. "The delegates of the National Editor ial Association, now making their annu al tour, are deeply grateful to you for this generous welcome. We appreciate mors than words can tell tbe many re ceptions we have received from the good people of Oregon. We entered your state on the 3 J dayjof Joly, welcomed by your beautiful women and gallant men. We are told tbat from then till we passed beyond your borders tbat we were the guests of the state. U'3 ex pected royal eatertaiomeats, as the fame of yoar people for hearty hospitality had reached across the mountains, bat we are totally unprepared ior the generous receptions yon have given us. "We had heard much of your grand state, its fertile fields, mineral moan- tains, its stock and fisheries, its balmy breezes, fruits, flowers and charming women in whose cheeks sre reflected the tint of your roses, whose eyes spoke with the brilliancy of tbe gazelle, and whose raven locks excel tbe tresses of tbeda.k-eyed boarisofthe East. But with one accoid we exciaim with Sheha, tbat tbe half bad cot been told. Since leaving our homes we hare crossed some 12 or 1$ states, bat bsve teen no one that compared with this bright gem of tbe Northwest one of tbe youngest bat one of the progressive tales of the Union. "It is needless to esy we hare enjoyed this toor of tbe land "where rolls the Oregon," famous in song and story. "We thank yoa for this kind reception and will cany with us our homes bright memories and cheerful thoughts of tbe people of this land of plenty, peace and happiness." Oregon News Notes. The price of w ool still holds firm at Tbe Dalles st 12 to 14 cente a pound. Daring Jane 123 real estate deeds were filed at Salem, as against O tbe same month last year. The Oregonian reports that It. moole, formerly of Eagene, made a strike in Dawson City, and is uow euroute out with $3000 in shining dust as a result of eight months work. I. U. Bingham, B. Lurch, D. liristow, and B. J. Jennings, have filed articles of incorporation for the "Cottage Grove Bohemia Telegraph t Telephone Co." Capital stock, $5,000. If Game Warden Qaimhy cau succeed in convicting and causing to he panisLed some of tbe pot-hunters who for years bave been unlawfully slaughtering deer by hundreds in Southern Oregon, he will have done tbe state a service more than commensurate with bis salary. Every efl'ort should be made to put a stop to this practice of wholesale deer staying, and it is being done. The open season for deer banting he gins on the loth instant, but banters mast not sell any venison, under a pen alty of flCO to tSGO. Game Warden Quimby has deputies out among tbe banting grounds, and these have orders to prosecute all violators to the lull ex tent of the law. Mr. Quimby baa al ready succeeded in convicting four per eons of killing deer out of season, and this, be thinks, will bave a salutary ef fect on other would-be violators. He is especially pleased with tbe conviction of Ole Oleson, st Bo3ebuig, as be says this man had a gang of eight aebUtante, who slaughtered deer by wholesale, just for their bides. He thinks the present law is ample to permit tbe increase of deer, which in five years will be quite numerous again in the Coast range, the Cascades and tbe Blue mountains of Eastern Oregon. Oregonian, I vs. ANNEXATION Of CUBA Is favored by President McKln. ley. CUBANS TO DECIDE QUESTION Of Independence or Annexation by Ballot 'Fightlns Joe" Wheeler (Joes to Manila. m toiiK.juiy 11. .couMiui: to a " . X a. correspondent cf tbe Wcrld at Washing ton, I resident McKinly ii working en ergetirally upon a plan to submit the question of Ihe independence or annexa tion of the island to "the people of Cuba. He believes that they would vote for an nexation. Reports fro Governor-General Kroeko indicate t coutrary view, hut the president has received confidential loiters from influential representative of commercial interests aud from other eourvea in and about Havana wbich have convinced him that General Brook" is mistaken, and thit the inplo in the western portion of !: ibland as well ho those iu (lie eastern portion would glad ly vote for a territorial government Wi der Ihe ureal republic. The president inquired particularly an to tbe exteut of the sentiment lor and against annexation. "I am firmly couvinced." said Gener al Wood, "that aunexatiou would be car ried by four t one in Santiago. The people of tbat province, and I If lieve (be ' majority cl tt other proviave, do not want independence. Iht-v nave real iited many t-enctite from the emorary! government e have givea them, and! are anxious I'jt secure tlieee iieneti! 4 permanently. WAMiix..ros, Jul? 11. Geuer.i' Jo, h WhPe'far UtrnA I r . i a aflorn..n t . kr , ... He satis for Manila July 20. "1 havwuoi plans of campaign," be taid ti nn Asso ciated Press reporter loday, "and shall not know what 1 am to do u:.::l I receive my instructions from General 0:is. I should like t) have it understood." he consit.r.ed, ' That I o the Philippines in entiitlf a nr:ori:ia;e capacity, not only to Otis t.ut to Lawton and MacArthur, who will t u'.rank me." Our Fruit and Crops. The temperature and sunshine condi tions are favorable to the growing crops, hut rain would be of benefit. The continued dryness is not injurious because there is an ahfeuc? of hot, dry wind. Tbe second c rop of a!Ui:a ii hetni; cut in the southern counties. The catting of wheat for hay has commenced ia a few sections. Clover, timothy and cheat continue to be cur. The bay crop is turning oat as well as it has ever done. Fall-sown wheat, oats acd barley are turning yellow ; in a few favored locali ties bar ley bavest has commenced. Early-sowu spring grain has commenced to head. Tbe spring grain prouucs well; Ihe yield will not be as heavy as the fall sown. The reports indicate tbat the grain crop is in a fairly satisfactory condition, not as good us iu wins year, but better than in 0 the it. Mrawberries are about over. Cherries are ripenieg; Uoyal Anns are about two weeks late in ripening. Apples, pears and prunes hare not cbaoged in condi tion : dropping has ceased and tb fruit i now on the trees will probably mature. The light fruit crop allows of aa extra good growth of wood, so that tbe or chards are really benefitted by the light crop. Peaches are ripening in tbe southern counties. In Jackson county there is a good crop ; in other counties there will he little, if any, more than tbat required for local markets. Hops are making good growth; lice are iucreasing and spraying has com menced in msny of the yards. Ths car reot condition of the vines is favorable for a good crop. Garden produce is making good growth ; rain is ueedeJ mors for gardens than for auything elfe. Kiepbc rriea are ripe and very plenti ful. Blackberries prouiUe a t;ood crop. Today the crop prospects for western Oregon are fairly satisfactory. Iu east era states the present crop prospects of Oregon would be called excellent, bat compared with usual conditions in Ore gon they must he classed as only fair. Summer weather prevails and a gener al rain is not probable for two months more. A few showers west of tbe Cas cades and thunderstorms east of them may occur. The movement of the at mosphere is such that bot northeast winds are not probable. The grain croo ia cow in its critical stage and an absence of hot winds for two weeks more will allow (he greater portion of the grain crop to mature with out shrivelling. The rivers are falling slowly and no danger of higher water exists. The riyera will continue above their normal heights for eevcral weeks. B. S. Paoiu. Section Director. Railroad Contract Let. CoquiLLE Citv, Or., July 0. The Por ter Mill Company has let a contract to Ball & Lagan for the construction of lour miles of logging road up Cunuingbam creek, and about one milo from this city. They will begiu grading next week. Some difficulty is experienced in securing men, aud the firm is now ad vertising for thirty more laborers and 1Q teams with driven. The wages are un- deratood to be 2 per day for common laborers. VISITED BY SPIRITS. The Finding of Body Alleged to be Due to Spiritual Visitations. , Dj departe.t pptrits hold commuuica lion with Iri-uds still on earth? Our readers can draw their own conclusions frjin th fo!Ijii!K: Th disappearance of young Henry Brownsworih at Wimer was noted in Towu Tali, and now comes the curioos pait of liie story in connection with ttte finding of ihe body. It will be reinem U nd that Browneworth left a note dls- potusol his property aud saying he was goii.i: in kilt himself. Jcshua Xcaihauuner, ttu uncle of Itie young luan, relate Ihe folk-wing experience: On the night following the disappuauce, Neatliammer s.iys, the spirit of young Crownsworth came to him iu his sleep and related how he had left home on the preceding day aud how he had put an end to his earthly existence, detailing the cin uuieUuies a'tending the act. Tiie ear:.:- appearance a:d the rsme com muiiica:;i.ns ere rp;alc.l to Nealham 1111 r Iho uext nibt aud lhee no t Jrual vietiH and communings were tepeated for -ix cuii.'ccntivd uibte. The mo?t iin porUiil par; f the spiritual intelligence, liowc.tr, tint which told of wuere the discarded leueoient of the Spirit could be found, am reserved until the last or eetenlb oiLt. U;i Sunday tight the ppirit appeared k mual, and iu add lion to ihe usual cotnuiunicatioo. de-cubed a l.in pine irt about iwo miles from Mr. Neatbammer'a ioue, at the fo it of wbiihthe Itody of lire deceased would l-o foood. Early Monday morning Mr, Neathammer saddled hi boe and rode ftraiubt lo the designated tree ai .l found the remains as revealed hy the rpirite St-ichiiig paities hid fcauri-d t''m voua- i try lor a -vk previou t thii time.' ' I Act. !..! T., n T.'l, m'tmm General News. ! ti:iiia ia i:pit k lo cr. I10I :; KloO' j diiu oU(!tt wjlh IC j y, ( ca,lal 1 1 aeniy tboutiuJ negr.j,- are destitute ; iu Ihe H xtded districts of Tn, and are j being fed. Uihittg deunk-nta threaten t uomio ': a ticket tpp -iit Goebel f.r governor of Kentucky. Wealthy S;i:i4rdsar leariu lUvaoa for Mexico. wl.ere they exi- el to in ret t their aii'iier. John 1). Koi kefelUr lus purchased ex teoFiv - iron mines on Texad.i inlands in Brkitli Columbia. Preeideut Scharman, of the Philippine peaco commission, isexpacled at San Francisco, July 23. Admiral Cervera was acquitted by ths court-martial which investigated his conduct daring th war. If any fighting is going ou in the Phil ippines these days, it isn't reported. It is presumed that both armies are busy trying to keep dry. The Attorney General of Iowa has asked all county attorneys to prosecute all trusts withia their jurisdiction to the best of their ability. Friendly Filipinos ia Muilaraen Jeavoiioto indajeona of the leading insurgent geuerals and his followers to lay down their aim. More than live hundred new army otlicers are to ia appointed to take charge of tbe new compauies formel for service iu tbe Philippines. Tbe governor of the ls!e do Diable has been removed from otlice because he pui.iibeJ Drerfa while ther in ths at tempt to make him onfes. Cohans ia tbe province of Santiago are applying in great numbers for a share of Uncle Sam's gratuitous distribution. They at first declined to lake part. Secretary Long has been chos.'u to pre-ent the sword voted to Djwey by congress. Tbe presentation will take place ia front of the capitol shortly after tbe admiral arrives. Seattle Is making an ?tl"irt to have tbe Washington volunteera taken Ibere from San Francisco to be mastered out. A special train with pay car to be at tached has been secured. Charles M. Murphy roJe a mile ou a bicvc'.e paced by a locomotive, in 57 4-5 seconds a few days Si. His course was a two-mile hoard track on a si ling of the Long Islaud railway. Murphy followed an engine and a day coach, the latter be ing provided with a hood, which acted ss a wind shield for Ihe ridor. County Court Proceedings. Tbe petition aud subscription of Bond et al to build a bridge across Little river (East Umpqua) was accepted. Tbe county t y famish the hardware, lumber and a foreman to superintend the work, and the subscribers to famish labor to complete the bridge. It is ordered that the bridge across Looking Glaes creek, at Brockway, be re-built, also that a bridge be built across Elk creek ia South Drain. By petition of laud owners tbe road iu district No. 2, leading to Scottsburg, is changed. Beginning at tbe foot of Rocky bill at or near a largo rock on the road marked with three notches on top, and running southerly around the hill and intersecting tho road again at or about 50 feet from a large white fir tree marked with a letter II. Tbe proposition of Morris Weber lo build a road iu distiict No. ii accepted, and S. 11. Munson appointed to superin tend said work. It was ordered that all prisoners iu the conuty jail serving Hue or sentence bo requited to woik upon the public highways of the county, aa provided fur under act approved Feb. 24, 1S99.' Oregon will4ie hotter known utter the editors get houje, take off their coats and tell about what-they saw here. T w . New More! idlers' FULL A Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR & WILSON CLOCK ii tefSdMM8)gS9s8taa) punrnnnns a Reasonable A. C. MARSTERS & CO. 1 rrescriptiens com poundod Day and Night i his is the to Buy Groceries. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We. carry the largest stock of to , baccos in Southern Oregon. r t r a rii'c c rr r ft W. vv. ft kix Speaking of High While we have Imperials at io and $30 our $o5 wheel U ja.it at high guide as oar $50 one, the difference being simply iu the tioish TI19 above mentioned wheels are jast as high gra in as any wheel in the market and NONE is superior in material or uiecliiiuisiu. The oldest wheels now in use in tho city are imperials. These wheels have been ia constant nse since 1S'J2 T. K. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DEALERS IN ALL KIN1S OF SHE ID FANCY GROCERItS ffl PROVISIONS FME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FULL USE Of TOBACCO & CIGARS. IUVB U3 A TRIAL. 1'REE DCUVERV, P. Benedick Any Job Work done at, ' P'inn'M Dr r New Goods! It roeery STOCK OF Free Delivery ! Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Perfumeries, Stationery, Cigars, aud Druggist Suudries. Complete Line of Goods at ' Prijef. Druggists, i ttfttigf eesega Place A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kept ia a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which ve invite your special attention. ex w., urocerb. Grade Wheels! RICHARDSON. ouc Unor South ol P. O. U OSICIIt. OKICUON, Undertaker1 and Embalmed. ?5 A Complete Jin" of 6 now on Land. DRY GOODS. Ladies Dress Goods, llibbon, Trim- iniDs, Laces, Etc., Etc., ANo a fine line of of the best quality acd latest style, Staple and Fatcy GROCERIES. ood, Willow, and Glaesware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc., also ua hand and at prices fo suit the times. Aa cp-lo-date hue of II H. G. STANTON. EAST AND SOUTH - VIA - THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THS Southern Pacific Co. Rxproa trun ivi Porttwd daily. r. m. I Lt. - Portland - Ar. I S 00 . " r. h. 1 Lt. - Eoseborn - Lt. I 10:14 r. a 7 4- r. ' A r. - pan Fraoeiwo Lt. i 7:' r. m .'. . r. m. 1 6:m f. M. f 6 -r A. M. : ii v. m. ; 7 ") A. M. f : i: M i 4 M V. M. ! 7:iiA. II. I Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. oydea Ar. iHfiiv-r l.v. I 0;naua Ar. j Jhiti;' l.v. j L Anj-.lt 1 El l'.-o Ar. I 1:1U V. M b:l I". M. o:7 A. V P. M. 9 P. M Ar, .as K M- Ar.Fort Worlli Ar. iA.M Ar. New Oritaos Ar S- U P. H. Dialog Car 1 Observation Cars. Pullman Silt ; anj toori.! can aitarhmi 10 ail Ira. 'H llokrhura; Ttail Dailf. A. A1- r ILv. I Ar. Por.laa.l Ar. I Lt. ! ii r. TSS a. . 5-a. a. i Lt. U ' M. I Ar. for; lmikZ -lorTaIi:n - Ar. I s.M r. Lt. 1 Sir. a At Albany and Corraliia eoncect wlih irala? o. orrai.is a tjuttcra riiiro.5. IsJi jvatience Pav-iitr Dailj (except niijay) I Kt. m. 7 r. . i r. . Lt. Ar. I.r. Por;iau-l -Mcilinvillti Ar. Lv. Lt. a. ! h . vi A. ' 4 '0. a. K KOEHL2K. O.U. MVEKH4M. V:ijcr. 'i.F.4FSi.Aj.tl PoaLASo ek;"s. L"r-t .ria.--,: n al a Kriin-Iv., iriih fUa:;iliip liac i.r Ka i. Jpan,CtiiDa. The rnui:ppiD. an l AT:.-iia.:a. i-r tlirourb tirkel auu ra' ta'.! ,vn cr a-1-!rtL-B. ilOVKE A.ot or V. f. L"XOOS, P V "Scenic Line oi liie VrW" Tl.o Favcrite Traucconlii-Lta! Konte iletwtn the Xdrlhwrtt and all lVtnrs Km;. Ch.h"e ti Two I.O'itrs Through the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery And Four Koutes East ol Tueblo and Denver. A l L'asst ugers racted a day s'op-over ia the .Mormon Capital or antvhfrs re tween 0len and Denver. Tersonal'v conducted Touriet Esctirsicns three day's a wt-es to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. For Tickets aud any lakrma'iou tte g.irding Katet, ltoates, to., or for I striptive Advertising Matter, call t-n Agente?if Oregon Railway A Navigation Co., t)rnou hort Lite or Svu!hern t'acitic Coinpsnie. S. K. HOOF-Ell, Geueml Pass & Ti. krt Ajient, fover, Col K.C. NIC HO I., lieneral Agent, 251 Wash. St. Portland Or Roseburg p. O. Hours. Week days. 0:30 a. in. to S p. ro. San days and holidays, 0:30 to 'J:00 a.m. and 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. STAGE ROl'TKS. Koseburg to M.trshtield IVpatU ev ery day at 0 a. rn.; nrrivig every morn ing. Hoeeburg to Myilte Poiut. Departs every day at 0 &. m ; arrives every morning. Koseburg to Millwood Departs eynry day except Sundays ut 7 a. in. ; arrives every day except Sundays at 4 : 13 p. in. Koseburg to Fee' Departs 'daily, (ex cept .Sunday) at 7 a.m.; arrives daily, (tveept Sunday at 3 p. m. hojeburg to Lurley lVpans Tues-, nays at.it rrutays ;it L p. in.jurriyea TudJa s aud l"ii 1 1; s at 11 :30 a. in. U yen sutler from tendt-rnees or f all nets on the ri;!.t side, pains under shoulder blitili', couelipstiuu, bilioustios-i, sick hoitibu'lio mul Ktl diill, lio.ivy and sleepy your livr se torpid uiidcuii;erted. DlSV lit 8 LlttlsS l rll- !:isira M ill riii-! BOOTS SHOES nHiii(! you pronnl:y, pleasantly and perma nently by removing the c n gfi!ion and caiiBnik: the bile ductn to opeu and flow naturally, thky ai;k ooou tills. ' A. 0. MARSTERS ft CO. GENERAL DJIaECTCK; D.S.Senaton... vngrcMEien . H. Ta--i ' iit Uovernor.. .A. UooAt T. T . ? --t jr. i. rw r ia. a. a? ? H. Ai-krr" ji Secretary of rttale . fetate Treasurer Hupt. Pub. Iutruction. ouue rrinier Attorney General , H. I .,- b.a.N.Bla-.a Supreme Judge.. it r.A. Xou V. Z. WMcerraa fi JL8. Seaa ucuas JCDiciat Olaiam. . algc..... t.w. Harafi Proccotln Attorney Gu. M. fcro v. . LiD ornia. luuirt.. Kerjjlver t itf'.,ie " Benrr ttftk J. I. Brkt a. vaavaaa avacae. . Tho. Oi OUTTtr Doceiaa cocriT. A. W. Bae4 BeprcfteutatlTea i'. W. WooaevM W. W. WUasa O. W. Coon "aerk "heriiT. rrrmaarer Reboot auperinU:udeni J.r.Gaxler . -it U ttaas . U. W. Diaaiaca U. B. Cil!et aMMOT. County Judge Com m into ner. 3arryor -Jo. Lyoaa iM.D.Tttoiapioa Byr coroner- . UKarlUie. Ir, E. V. Hwr-f Sheep Inapector iaaa. arra . ., raaciacr orncaa. Jot'.icca . -H. W W.r l. r. Ktrter Mayor citt or P'Timastcr W. A. Braf , co4.aciu.aat. tat Ward. Iu J W ard. If r Pro a w. Para - )w. r - W. BcuMia fW. H.WUIJ. Iri Ward I a. rielda i.J. laOrt IF. W. Weoile? ' I a. C gToro- IX a. WM HvOl Carf F. w. wia-a 1th Ward Recorder Treasurer Manual CITT tOt JK tl. aUTllCfi. The Cuzmon ( ouneil tJ ihr rltr ml ak B'tt tbe lint MnivlaT Im t O'e'.uck p. in. Cut ar Tbe Circuit Ihree tim&z m tm . tv.i - ri laty aeerto Sd Ma Ut UoDdy i December. 1. V . hTJjoW 3 aoKborc iu.lKe. Uetv aL Bn.wi. - - Fwiiiui aUutuey. -uutT Co-rt niceu lie lal Wedjwtda ar a.e ti Monday oi Jaauarr, Karea. May, ary, . Pteralier and .....iZ i.T , Drail.. jadae- u. I Thin.. t n 771 1 """" -!.),;., naaiaiaiwaaia : frobaii-1 f - . ProfcMlaaal QEKtHiE M. BROWS, Attorney-at-La , 7 aUld ft lajk.r tk Wtlann tHocit. KOUarii. an RA B. RTDDLX. Attorney at Law, Tayior a W'ilaoa Bit. aoXBCKa. oaiiioa. Ym BS2TSON, Attorney-at-Law. Ruuma 1 and Review Bnildiaff. ROsKBCRG, O&XtioS Ty R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will srmetiM i .n ik. - ..- lea ia Manaars BaiiUUis. OeclM antr. Oa. Attorney at Law, Rooau 1 A i. Xarstera Bld, ROSBSOM, O. gVBusincai before Uu rr a la not-. u uiig case a ipeoalty. Lata BeoelTer O. a. lavaa OaW. J BlCHASAX.Xoisry Public, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. t-i.-'Bl 3 H.rsU-rs Buildina. ROtRBuaa.oa JACKSON, Attorney and Counsel or. Miuinz and Iirinion Law. Settla. meot oi ea'fs a sjecialJv. Manter C;d. KOaBBUKG. ORKUos g 2L HAMB7, DENTIST, KeTii w Euildias, leiepbouc No. 4. ROaiBLTlG. CRKO." yjTRA EROWK, M. D. OFF ICS, SOS Jacxaoa SlrreO. at res Idenca ol Mr. J. Bilaer. ROeUCBQ.OB D HKO.E. HOCCK, Physcian & Surgeon. 09it Post Oflioe BM. l'licne, .Main SI. ROEBCBG, OREtiOlf. SeletT MecUataw. nosEBCRo nmsios no op, b. of ll meeta ercrj tccoud and foaiih Soaday. 11-OMES aRlOJRF CORPS Ka 10, MZXTS ' first .111! 1 1 1 1 rrl Thl f- . k D ENO POST. SO. 29, Q. A. X. BtXXTS Til v Sm aud third Tborsdara ot eaefe BatA. at 2 p. m. 3. U'HA LOrxiE. SO. 47, K. OF F- atlXT ' TTery Wedaeday erenlnf at Odd Failawe K.l. ikUu Knisbta la rood. Handing c. iuviu-tl to attend. LAUREL Lulaji. A. F. 4 A. V.. RIOCLA mc-.im 2-i and 4ta Wedneadaia ta v..aa uvm ' ' . T ' :..XK L. PARROTT W. at. : " k y. S.T. Jta-i t OsKIiCK.. I! AlTER. SO.tO. I. a.MXBTB iv Ui trst and tUint Taoradara at aeb itnth, IJB3IE COSHOW.W M. MAI DK tiAST, Seer. A ODEItX WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MEET n !-r-t an 1 ilu-.l TcoMaj of tavb aioatfl in tno oiii .Ma-oniv rrnil. H. T. Miujca, V. C. 11. 1.. M rtcrs, tlcrk. tiUOMK.N r,K liiL ORU. Oak Cam a No. l.'.v. !;:i-i i ai the Oild Fellows' RaH ;u Kit.Min( w-ry lit, onl acd 3ta Monday .'Kiniis. i-.iiiug neigiibura alwavs weleoraa O. F. l'vUOW, C. C .t LiSbos.Cli.rk. :!I!LKTAK!N LOiiE, NO. 8, I. O. O. F. m-v.a Situflxr crenimc ol each week at !i. 'r Un.l iu f.Jd Faiiow limpla at Roaebarg. VStulx tmI tUe order In noil aiandinc arelnTl .it l.i uttt'iid. B. W. 81 ROXg, S. O N. T. Jkwett, eVv'y. p. . 8.Wasf. Fin. B, r. . KLKti. KOEBCKti LOUGK. SO, , li!'! t:u-ir rvuuiar commnnicationi at tba I O. i). F. halt on wwnil and fuurUi Tburiday ( eat'h mot! tb. All uioinbora rviiumtod to al iotiil rt'vi!;irly, aud all viaitiug brolbers cor luilly niv-tcU to atteutl. ClUi L. 1IADLEY, 5.R tliV !. KlUULE, Secretary. rOSEBL'KC LOIX.8, SO. IB, A. O. V. W. . lv uitvw the sici'ud and foartk Monday! ol m..utu i7:JU p. ra. al Odd Feliovra aaU. "iientrn r .ti tbe order ta good alaadina art In- rtit-.i ti, ?iii. . i D. B. West, Flnanrie, F. W. lU-aeh, ttPwrUvr.