BJIWHWW''IstP!WI LOCAL BREVITIES. Aiatrimonial 1017 FOR THE SUMMER TRADE. 'AND SLIPPERS : The Famous THE PLAINDEALER. JULY 6. 1890. Count; court is in session. Up-to tUto jewelry at J.T. Bryan'. Lam it Rapp, of Etkton, made thia of fice a pleasant call yesterday. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. W.K Stowell of Winchester, July 4tb, a daughter. Lilious Leadiche, yeilow akin, coated tongue, levered lipe. lladyan care. AJ1 drefsirts , 50 centi. Sir. and Mrs Cnas. Stanton of Tort land are visiting the litter V parent, Mr, aDd lira. Yernoa Patterson. . DaGaa. M. D., member Board of Pension Examiners. Office. Maretera building rending corner Main and Cass street. Uncle Koah Com at t of Riddle vaa in ton Friday the guest of the editor and vile. He returned Lome Saturday to remain onUl after the Fourth. Dr. M. W. Davis will be in Eosebunt July the 10th and remain a week cr 10 dart. Those wishing work should call early. Q10.) Key. Edward Eccleeton is expected' bere on Friday night'a orerland, to Tieit his father, and will preach at the Sun - day evening aerrice at the Presbyterian church Joly 9th. Aiken and Thornton'a fine band of Angaria goat arrived at tbia place, to y day from California. There were about 2,000 bead in the band and were all evi dent! in good condition having stood their long drive remarkably well. Pordy and J. W. Wilson, of Kiddle, are in town on twain ess and were pleas ant callers at thia office today. They report the celebration at Kiddle a grand access in every particular. They said our townsman, O. P. Coahow, delivered an oration full of interest and fairly bristling with patriotism. Among the visitors at Boawell Springs are lira, J. Leteom of Elkton, who is seriously effected with rheumatism, and Mrs. Harrison of Jacksonville, who ia helping care for Mrs. Letsom. Quite r number of afflicted people are seeking re lief through the use of the famous waters of the Springe We predict a large gath ering at thia resort during the summer. An unlTtauate accident marred the pleasure of the Grants Pass celebration. During the progreea of the parade Miss Amy Booth, who was representing the Goddess of Liberty on the liberty car, came in contact with a low wire and was thrown from the car to the ground. She was quite sever el v bruiaed about the Lead and shoulders, but fortuoately not fatally injured. Persons desiring to purchase or rent homes ia Douglas county will do well to enquire of J. L. Stratford, ot the Plaix dialer, who, in hia travels over tbe county learns of many homes for sale or rent and be may be able to refer them to partiea who have just what they want .Wi are not red estate agents, but if we can help any one in thu regard we are willing to do so. Several families from Texas are com ing to Douglas county to look for homes. Messrs. Benfro and Bobbins have just recently arrived, one family reaching Wilbur tbe 4tb of July. J. L. ,Wbite tide, an old friend, and farmer resident cf Tevas, is in .the city today and is helping to mors bis friends to Peel, wbere be now resides. We hope these people will find homes in our midst. 11 ! i 1 IL. 8 M 4wEtl My Big Summer stock is now complete. There's brightuess of summer reflected in every department of my store now. All the different stocks have their complement of fine new mer chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention for the pleasure there is in looking money-saving there is in buying of Don't forget the next time you are down town to come in and see the many new styles we are showing. Our Prices will make you happy and the fit make your feet feel glad. W. L. DOUGLAS shoe for Men, Exclusive Agency. ...J Have for Inspection.... Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find the best assortment ever brought to this town. The People's Store. n I. ABRAHAn, Prop. Bend for Largtice and your watch re pairiu-. Dr. Cbeadle, dentist, at Dr. Strange'e old stand. , . . , ... vu luru iiuiuiiQior uuiucr hub rsr The place to buy buggies. Lacks and wagon. Stearns & Chenowetb, Oak land. Bond, the watchmaker fells spectacles at lowett prices and can fit them cor rectly. Best and cheapest watcles on earth for tbe monev and guaranteed af J. T. Bryana. Heartburn, cotei tongue, bad breath, conatipation. Iladvan cares. All dra?- giit. 50 cer.ts. The finest lice ol nkkle plated copper ware ever brought to Rcscburg at Chur chill & WoslleyV. Strong has a solid oak dining chair, aannot be equaled in Douglas county, for the low price of 85 cent". Wanted Vol. 33 cf UancrolVa works. ' Has been loaned abcut town. Return to this office and receive reward. Prof, and Mrs. L. B. Traver started awheel Wednesday for Forest Grove and Portland, where a visit of a month's dur ation will be enjoyed with raiirca and friends. They expect to cover the dis tance in four or fire daj a. Tbe proprietors of all of the dry goads stores of this city and the Novelty shoe and Racket stores, have agreed to close their stores promptly every evening at 8 o'clock, except Saturday evenings and-j the two evenings following the . P. Co'apay dsy. This arrangement went into effect last Wednesday evening and ia to continoe indefinitely. His Grace, the most Reverend Alexan der Christie, archbishop of Oregon, will be in this ciiy next Sunday. Tbe rever end gentleman will be accompanied bv Rev. Father Lane of St. Louis, Oregon. Services ia St. Joseph Church Sunday morning at 10 -3d, and in tbe evening at 8 o'clock. His Grace, the archbishop will officiate at both services. Stearns & Chenowetb at Oakland have now on band hardware of all kinds pur chased before tbe raise and will sell at less tbnn former prices while in stock. Also bugcies, backs and wagons $5 to f 10 less than can be bought elsewhere. Warranted sewing machine, $20. Best six bole 20 inch oven Steele range with bigb closet aod reservoir, $40. Car load of choice cedar shingles. Levi Kent and aon At, started from Drain for Oakland Thursday morning leading a stallion behind their baggy. When s abort distance from town tbe stallion made a vicious lunge and seized Mr. Kent by tbe arm jast below tbe el bow, overturning tbe bucgy with its load. By beating the borse over the bead the young man succeeded in making him release hia bold on the old gentleman's arm, but not nntil an ugly wound bad been inflicted. Dr. Wade dressed the wound and tbe old gentleman, tboogh 78 years old is doing nicely. J. C. Stratford, who ia without doubt one of tbe beet photographers ever in southern Oregon, is at Ashland and is do ing a good business, lie bus awakened tbe artists who have been inflicting a rather inferior quality of work upon tbe people of that community, aod it is amusing to see them attempt to f qua re themselves through personal attacks on their more skilled rivals io lhe-column of tbe local press. Jacksonville Times. It will do you good. It will interest you as it touches your pocket book, contributes to your prosperity and savings. Owing to the backwardness of the Spring season we make this sale to force out goods that should have been gone long ago and to lqiuidate our Spring indebtedness. Iu order to do so we commence with today to single out various specials from the various departments that are sure to bring you to our house again and again. Hot weather will come suddenly and with a vengeance. Then you will need the goods. Why not make them up now and have them ready. Look for the Red Tag which will give the former price and the new price Today and all next week the RED TAG SALE. ROSEBIRG NOVELTY CASH STORE. at pretty things and for the me. Bond, the watchmaker, does erfrav- For firM-dasa dentistry go to Dr. Little of Oakland. V..t m n Mil. ..J ! u ' ....... a J . W If VI I 1 1 -J' ' J 4'l liL),-tf Corn In tnu citv Julr tith. t Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fisher, a son. Latest at jlra in ladies and genta jew el ry in all grades at J. T. Bryan'a. Merchant I. P. Sk-bols and wife of Brock way, celebrated t this phec. F. W. Roach, tbe priuier, has accept e J a position with F. P. Cronetuiller. the job printer. Dr. C E J vu was araore t'.'cee Iroro Myrtle Creek who attended Use relet ri tion at this place. A fine line of rcenV !aU it Fedoras and stiff hats iu ths latest fbircj and colors at Josephson's. For your watches, clocks and j srelry ! go to Bryan. Hia piia w ill please jou ' and bis work is first c!ae. Rising in ears, ni-te ii ...!,! twitchirg of eye'ids Ha Ivan cans. 1 Fifty cents. All draggles. Willis Kfaaier, Sate Selig aod W. Ji. Moore were among the Myrtle Creekera who at.ended our celebration. Misses Ka!e and Grace Ca.Qp!l of Eagene, are viiitmg; their aact, Mrs. J. U. Whitsetl, ou Roberta Creek. C. F. Cathcart has sold his interest in the "Eoseleaf" at Tbe DaKes and will devote his attention to other matters. "A word io the wiee is sufficient" Wise people kep their blood pure with flood's J?ai9parila and meke sure of health. Many handsomely arranged show windows were to be seen in thia city on the Fourth. Oar merchants take a com mendable pride in making their places of business attractive and inviting. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to One Minute Conga Cure. Use this re-xedy iu time and save a doctor's bill or tbe undertaker's. MA ESTERS & CO. Toere will be preaching at tbe Win ston school bouse, Sunday, July 10, at 10:30 a. m.; and at the Green school boose st 3 p. m. Wi.l endeavor to or ganize a Sunday School at each place. M.uuc Mi.sso.v. Cong. S. S otganizer for Oregm. Attorney Olijer P. Coshow returned borne from Riddle Tuesday evening, wbere be went to deliver the oration on Independence day. He reports a very interesting and pleasant occasion and says the bills and mountain thereabouts fairly resounded with the eloquence and patriotism of tbe orator. Mrs. J. H. Booth attended the Grants Pass celebration and is enjoying s pleas ant visit with relatives and friends in that city.On receiving the intelligence of the injuries sustained by bis ueice, Miss Amy Bx)tb, during the progress of the parade, Hon. J. H. Boo h went to Grants Pass the morning of the 5th. Edward W. Clark and wife, cf Butte. Montana, stoppsd eff at this pUce, a few day a last week, on their leturn home from a wedding tour of Southern Califor nia. They were the guests of Mr. an8 Mre. Wooiley. Messrs. Clark and Woolley having bten old friends and echoil mates. Mr. Clark ia a prominent mining expert cf Montana, where he has valuable mining interests, lie was de lighted with eouie of our mineral speci mens and predicted a great future for our mines. If Born, In this city vu Wednesday, July 5sl, to Mr. and Mis. G. W. Hicks, a daughter. Keep u.ur i-yo uu our Miudnaa if J U are looking l ir bargains. KioeA Rue, Hougn l'urni8lirn Slfepiesms1, nu-Uncboliu. stomach PhLt, heirt trouble'. Hudysn cures, All 'inii'sist-j, 50 cpiitn. . . Mrs, I), S. Wett, accompiu.icd by Mies Mae Fishf-r, enjoyed a pliant drive to fak!nd ycEterduy to view the ruin wrought by the recent cor.tlagratiou at that place. W. B. Cortiu't Ht ui.rrkd ut Leban on labt Wedn hiv, md acviontpar-iod by bis fair bride h pin.-d through in is city em.u.t- in l.i-i homa at Rildle Th'ns We avkt.'owiedt -i p't-asant ci 1. On th murnin tf July 4 h C. W. Par rot, cl.i-f of tit- Ros.t-urg fir-.i depart- men', whs presoritcd with a handsome gold intdalasa tok. n cf the r-steoin in which he ia held by t:L fellow firemen The f nventati-tu scotch was nudo i:i a very p'oasta in inner by Attorney Iex ter Kico It Ii Mr. Parruit reepouded brifiy ttiuinj ihe bys that tlu uif; was da'y pprc a .tl and thrir kindness would evi'r b.-cl.eri-hod in his memory Mrs. Rev. Gc ". R. Arnold lelt cn this morning's 1 ral for Po't and to Le in at tendai c- upjii tha convention of the Woman's Home Missionary Society, which meets in the Firtt M. E. Church on raiaay, lue iu inst. Mie kccb ss a delegate to rent-sent the Ro&cburgaaxil lary and by the ourtebv of its members Alter the duties if the cnven'ion abe remain to i'h with frknds, that city 1-ein the licone of hr hubind's f.rint r pastoral labors. A Mr;-" titulii, who a moving arb her fmni y Jroin Wilbur, D 'iiglas caiitty. lit Bcwn?Vil!e, ws tl e vioim o! u run away Accident Friday iiecr liC-inn. Tie feruur of her lofi lej waa broken, end ehi suotained futther injuries. Dr. Brown was clled to attend the inja'.d isdy, and reporu Iter coudit ion se r ons. This moining she had t ot regained conscious ness fici'-M the accident. Tlic runaway was started )y a hive of tn-rs attacking the team lAtf. Urubb wa driving. Eneene Gnard. Married. DEBKOW.VO0D'.il'FF At Wi.bur, Monday, Joh 3, 1S, Arihur Dtsbrow aud Anna Woodruff, Jueri.e T. E. int:lt ton, offi- istiBf. COLLI N'S-NELSON. the Baptist lurHjngt i- ihi -i:y cn Tuesday, Jim 4, 1SI. E. Co i n n-i lsabeile N'chi r, Rc. S. A. Dnu'as, otEriat itiiT. 8tWvCtfrfimHvtttrf s Leaving Roseburg... HaviDg tleci-Jv.l to leave Ronebrrg about July 1st I will,cocamenci:?g today, offer my entire stock at COST... J Cocsi3ting of Ladies fGenti', find Children furnishiDca. tinware, a Btatiooery and notions. So Humbug! Ab9o!nt- " ly at Cost! Or will sell as a whole to any one ue- S Eirmg a good payin;; bus- f iness, the above inclod- ing, hxtures at a great bargain. J RtCHto-5 cash O ACKET STORE OSEBl. 80, OREGON. Next Joor to First Na:iiusl Caul Council Proceedings. Kosrpvuu, Oregon, July 3, ISiW. Toe common conceit cf tbe city of Roeburg mt in rfi;n!ar re'sioo in the Recorder's office on the above date at 8 o'clock p. in. and was cal'ei to order by the mayor, tie rolUeiog called showed the following rotults, present Mayor A. C. Mar-Urs. Cauncilmen, C. W. Parks, F. P. Bron, F. W. Benson, A. Field?, W. J. Land-r m l II. C. 8locum, Marshal F. W. Dillard and Re corder D. f?. West. Absent, Council men W. B. Wilds and F. W. Woolley. Tbe mi notes of last meeting was read and approved. II. C. Stanton appeared before the board and atkod that the board wait opon him at his place of business as b wishf b to consult with tbem in regard t licence. The question was referred to the judiciary committee. The Bilom bonds cf W. II. Pitchford, Harmon & Van Buren, A. Thompson, Good & Post. L. A. Harmon and M Pottweiier, were accepted, ordered placed on file, and the recorder instruct ed to issue license for same. Saloon bonds of W. Waddle, I. 8. Hildeburn and Max Weis referred back for correction after which the recorder would itsno license. Marshal Dillard and Recorder West's uiuithly reports were rend, and ou motion wero accepted and placed on file. Report of Treasurer Carpy wi'h bill, was reltrrcd to commute ol expenses aud accounts. The bill ot Moise Kilahner & Co., for Nouiberiig Machine was disallowed; Complaint was made against E.II. Oley for allowing trash and cleanings from bis barn placed in the streets. Tbe marshal was instructed lo notify Mr. Otey to dosist. Tlio following bills were read and ac cepted and recorder instructed to draw warrauta for their respective amounts: I. Thompson, strtet work (3 00 Chas. Tooloy, " 5 50 James Shatter, " 10 10 Geuw U. Clark, " 12 75 Cah Trask " 3 00 B. F. I'sge. ' 13 02 William Smith, lumber 13 04 I). 8. Went, Rulary for Juno 1'5 00 Pilkington & Son repairing liuto, 4 00 Carloo Bros, feeding stray cow. ... 2 00 F. W. Dillard, umtrhal salary aud ianiior fee, 52 50 Reviuw Pub. Co. trenanrct notice 2 50 j Roseburg Llectric Lfisbt & Power Co., lights for June 151 15; Thomas Alexaudcr, street woik 3 03 There being no further business coming before the beard, ou motion, tbe meeting adjourned, D. 8. Webt, City Recorder, Mi s KufBii Dixon, eldest iluugbter of Urn Dixon, ..I Rosul.urg. Or., uud J i i:i.iij of tibiae, Iltio, were untied in tuani-gebt the reideu:n of the bride' t'cusln, Mr. bin it b Dixnn, ThuiMlay, .(nne 2, 1890. Rev Mr. fnrphy performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and friends, afmr which a dainty luncheon wa eryed. Tle reridence wan prfttily tdtcorated with choice tcses nnd fniisue. The hiidn wa dimming in a fpjn ol white tilk' ami chifTin. ' The iuvired guests wire: Mr. and Mrs. Smit'i Dixon, Misses Mavn-lm, Elide and Minnie Dixcn, Kiv. an I Mrs. Murphv, Miss Ddllie Jennings, M'. aud Mr. Wm. Da Witt, Miss Birdie Jennings, Messrs Raphirl Dixon, Martin Dixcn, Neal Jen nuigs, Uah Yaryan, Dies, El end limy JenuiUkS. Eight O'clock Closing. u tue Undersigned merchants ot Rosdburi; do hereby igro) and pledge O'Jraolvcs to cIosm every evening at 8 o'clock excepting railroad pay days, the succeeding niiit and Saturday night ol each week, commencing July 5, 1800. Fisiieb &, ItEiXons. I. ADttAllAil. Woixendebu Baos Mas Joscriis v. Cako Bros Novelty Stork. H. C Stanton Pakrott naos. S. K. Svkes. A. Salxmax. . J. T. Bbva.v. B. W.stbono. ClIl BCHILL A WOOLLKV. F. M. Haibo. WlLKtXa' BOiSO Ha.ndtore. Rica St Rics. T. K. RicnAKisoN. School Report. Report of tbe Glide school for the mon h ending June 23, 1839: Sevenih Grarfr John B. Wright ater- a;-d 00; others ahjye 'JO atr Myrtle Ma'hev.-i. Sixth Grade Birdie Tipron arer- ag-d 04; other ab-vn 90 ia ma' were Minnie Dirckmano, Johnny DiaOmann, Zacb Backer, Perry Wriithr. Fuurth Grade Orval Ii)ghn avrr- a;d 93; o'I.era above 90 were Alvin Tip ton, EInif-r Wright- Toird Grade Rosa Dckmanii aver aged 93 ; otheia ac-ove Hj were Ilnrlry Wright and Jason llngbef . Second Grade Hnry D.iciteann averaged 95 ; above X weie May Highee, Firle Hilt and Vero Tipton. Firat Grade George Hughes arrraged 00, E:het May St). No. of days taught 13. Nc. of daya attendaaca 370. Average daily attendance 19. So. enrolled 2t. No. cf visitor, 1G. No. days absence, 69. No. times tardy 13. Average number belonging, 23. W. Weight, Teacher. Dju'I think you can cure that alight attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Core wtu. cure if; it "digests what you eat" and restores tbo digestire oryans to health. A. C. MAKsIERS & CO. It makes no difference how bad the wound if you use DeWiti'a Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal aod leave no scar. A. C. MARSTEUS A CO. For Sale, or Rent Cheap. 107 acres, 13 miles eat of Roecburg on the county roid, .j mile to school boue and ) '; miles to the pest cilice. 30 acres fenced, bu-e sad barn. Enquire at Mre. C. U. Sears, Millinery Store. j29:4 Barklow, Mania State Co. Private conveyance from Rosaburg 10 Coquille City via Myrtle Poiot, connect ing with boats and trains. Leave Co- qoille City and Rosaburg Mocdat, Wednesdays and Fridays. Goo rigs ann teams, lieat 01 accomodations. Fur prices and particular call on or ad dress, W. Pattzbsox, Corner Grocer, Roburg, Oregon. Ollde Notes. Fog and auuahine. W. C. Tipton and family spent tbe 4th in Roebnrg. Mrs. W. Hashes we are sorry to say Is indisposed this week. Mrs. J R. Poe is visiting with friends in Rotebnrg this week. J. F. Wright, our genial P. M. and merchant, is on tbe sick list thia week.-" Ed Wright was seen wending his way towards Reck Creek one day latt week. Miss ilvrtle Mathews was visiting friends in Roaebnra: one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Haghes attended the celebration in Roseburg. They re port having bad a good time. W. Hughes purchaseJ a new thresher of the new J. I. Case model, and expects to secure many crops to thresh. We wish you success Father Hughes. Many of our citizens attended the cele bration in Roseburg. Tbey all express themeelves aa being highly entertained by the good people of that city. Among the many entertaining features of toe programme, was the parade and patriotic speech of Ez-senator Mitchell. E. B. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undenlf ncd administrators of the citato ot W. h. Wilson, di-ccaited, by virtu of an order and decree, is sued out of the county court of Douglas coun ty, State of Oregon, will, on and after Satur day, August 5 1), sell at private al., at the premises, tbe lollowlrig described rem property brlooiflug to iliu estate of W. L. sou, de- Cvased, to-wlt: UoglnnlDg at a point 10.04 chains west and .6J vliaios north of quarter corner between Hcc.t M and U7, T) SO S K 6 W Willamette Merl Uiou; tlincBW dexreK, West Jl.Stl chains: thcuce Kasl chains, and lucnco north chains to place of beginning, coutsininR lu.'JO acres, being all that portion of tho doua tlou land claim of Willis G. Ocam (bolue claim No. t) aituato ou southeast sido of present channel ot Cow Creek, Douglas comity, Oregon. Dated this Clh day of .Tulv. 180i. HA-friK II. WILSON, ' f. A. WlUiOK. Admiuietraton of tbe estate of W.L WUson, ncr.attd. is- . o . WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SPECIAL AMOUHCEftENT 301-303 Jackson St. 4U444i4444aUiw444Ui4444414444444444&4i44U444UU for Sale,.. Mrs. C IL Sears, on accoant ot ill health, will retire from business. Now offering ber Btock of nvillinery nnd fixtaren at a barcaiu. A fine toned or gau. A complete housekeeping outfit A grand ouetiiog for a roillier and dressmaker. Call early and get a bargain. eV U2-J.4) 4 4VVVVVVVVVVytVw Soldiers Home Supplies. Stale 1 proposals will be received at the office of the commandant of (he Oregon Soldiers Home at Roeborg, Oregon, until 12 o'cloct noon, Joly 10. 1890, for the following supplies to be furnished aa rvquirrd Io ne at the liouie, during the year June 30, 19u0: Gr ceries and kindred supplies, as pr list on file at tbe Home. Dry goods, men's famishing goods, G. A. R. suits, sheetings, toweling, bljnkets, shoes snd slippers ss per list. Drugs and medicines. Bids to specify the charge per persciiption ; and also per ounce 00 certain lines of drogs as per list 00 file at the Home. Beef, pork and mutton. Flour and mill feed. All goods mu4t be guaranteed first class in their line The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Wm. J. Siuplet, Commandant. Itoseburg, Ore.. June 20, 1399. A good appetite Is essential to good health. Hood's Sareapariila creates an Appetite, tones and Strengthens the stomach. And builds up the whole sjtem. It relieves that tired fceliog, and by purifying and enriching tbe blood, it promptly and permanently cores all scrofula erapiions, K:ls. burners, pimples and sores; etra- g'.hens the nerves, and tives swet. refreshing sleep. No other iuedxiite has taken such hold upon the confidence of Use people as Hood's Sarsaparilla, and its record of great cures is unequalled by any other preparation. You may tase flood's Saratparilla wiib tbe utmost confidence that it will do you good. How's This? We offei One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cared bv U all's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Trope. Toledo. O. We tbo undersixue t have known F. J. Cheney for the las: 15 tears, snd believe hio perfectly honorable in s'l business transactions and financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Truss, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of tbe system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test. monialj free. For Over Flttv Teats. A Old axo WtiA-Taiss RaxsOT. Mrf nmlow's Boo thine Byrup haa been used tor ovet Bit j years by millions of mothers tor their pMldren while teething, with perfect aacceaa It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays aU oaia, cures wind colic, and la the best remedy for DiArrhoMU Is pleasant to lbs taato. Bold by drajegtsta la every part ot th world. Twenty- five cents a bottle. Its value la incalculable Be sure and aak for Sirs. Window's Soothing Syrup, and taka no other kind. ...Ride a Ramble $40. Why have Ihe American Armies always been victorious? Because the U. S. A had the very best of material and used it economically and intelligently, to the best possible advantage. Why do Rambler Bicycles continue, year after year, made, prove so generally satisfactory aud yet sell at such a For reasons similar to those above mentioned. We cater to those who demaud the best. Investigate our "No. 24 Men's Medium weight Rambler Roadster," the most sub stantial wheel ever made. Price only $40. JOSEPHSON'S. 3 My lotto Is. TO LEAD IN BOTH .Quality and Price... GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Anything from a side of bacon or a sack of beans to the finest table delicacies. Coffee is one of my specialties. I also carry a fine line of Dishes, Crockery and Novelties. Trade ChecksAs a special induce ment, I am giving Trade Checks to all cash purchasers, redeemable in $20 amounts. Beautiful lot of prizes given to holder of checks. Entirely free. Orders by mail or 'phone promptly at tended to. Roseburg Pharmacy M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist. Drngs, Toilet Article, f stent Medi cine, Cigars, Stttiooery. Toilet Soape, Paints sd Oils. o) (o Q) Saw photographic uppDe. The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. Call and Examine tbem. VvWAVWW wwww 3c ett ttumoman m W ffll ill IK.... I (H-taMisLctl in 1877) The leading varieties of thorough bred fowls. Eggs from the finest strains sent on short notice. Send for Cata logue. Address Forest Grove, Or. J. s eaiesaiaa.aaiaaatcaAQt,t,tf TB))ttt0itttt At - J. F. BARKER'S Also CHAMPION BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES- A, C, Marsters 13 Cj (9 C) fa G) ( $ e) (3 O) (3 G) (5 e) (9 e) ....MRS. N. BOYD. 9WVVWVVV M. GARRISON. & CO. 1 a to be the most popular wheels fair price? & Co., Agents, $40. i