.taw" VJ AXl. I I I WW l N.VVNA.-V.N.V V- N ,1 ft. -N V. iv. N X N N X N S N. N - V H '. Vt-N V-N: 'V.1; I iff v I IfclaW fclvftlll&M&l KV llllllllt. WWt llklib llllb uilliwuinv bsjs gMBTiii.ii ;i .1..W,M,l.J.1B,,fclll' i T.aii.ir.' at ' -iwjaw This cut represents our leader in Iron and Enameled Bedsteads, the Best Bed ttttd offered by any concern in the state for the price 4 25. Our line of Bedsteads art complete. Common Bedsteads for Si. $9. Better ones k r 15. Hard wood Btdstead for 53.00. SPRINGS, MATTRESS. BLANKETS. QUILTS, and PILLOWS, as cheap in proportion. BICE d& BICE, Tlie Kou-seF-uriiisliers. THE PLAINDEALERl PiiMtabed Mtmi.v and Th-irviay. Twa fLtrSTKALBK ITKl-l-HlNij t o. . . 9TAtroK ..Po'-au!r! V. C BOKSER. Editor I f. klTlATTOliP Sabacrlplton Mates. Yr,. to Mtata Hm Vaattw j JULY 3. ISW.- ' Mi .... 1 CO ,. jc . i ! Wnen the 13 u;.s peal out i t eaorise (morrow aorcii.j, July the Foattb, it wiil bt tbe ar.ncuncerr.et.t vf tlie in af sraticc ef tht rrca'ttt cei',1. ration of tk nation's natal day that l a ever been ksbi in Kosebare. Evi.!er.tc of the tasd prtjaratijue (hit have l.et-u made Wr the occasion may te f eu oa every ka I totes and vaiiuus ftreet? hare takia on a brilliant j..tn t.i- air. n l ii tits Vaaatiful. cool, h jy grove on the ettks of tbe pla id TTusi qa in the west- tlborbs of tuwu, w here the exercises Wil) be held, bus tevii put m holiday (aire. Tbe city hit; already a'jumed a fisry appearaiu-it and ty tomorrow ornicg wi.l l in hl.r Klcry. Jot wbat patiictieia be voiced oa taw day can only te cui.jectored, bat tht it will ciai in vo!ame fro:u every searee Is cerUin. The executive cm salt res annonnces that tvrj thin; is now ahlpsbapeind shere h no doubt but wkat tbe day will U- celebrated ia a Matter that wiil make ttif alien; apply vapers of citizenship ae coon as tbe faetiwities are wer. Tu-r- is sumeihinj aeoltirring in the fiht of old glory f oating on tbe breeze a monument nn t Itself and a source of inspiration and Jeyalty to 70,000,030 people, it needs at the drum-beat and eight of "Old lry" to form a ral'yin point for every leyal able-bodied un in tiie land who 4r willing and ever r.-a ly to de.'en 1 the M tag with their latt I reath of life, arrfch for tbe jrhri u rourtli ! One of tbe depre ein thoabta of tLe ienT it that youu Ame:i.-a has several fcsnsdrsd more liuuc ie tJay than he will passes afitr the hut Fourth ef July Ere itkr baa exploded. Ketitacky democrats in thfir platftrm tck the usual party grouud that protec ttn is responio.e f r tru!?. 1'erhape they will esplaiu the oriitt of tru.e in free trade coonlrief. lowa:e eilver repu!lie'i party has eon out cf boeinese, i's few members announcing that he re a f:-r (hry wiil be Uoerte. M a matter cf fact they Jievt been that li the tiuu-. It will pay to treat o-ir vlsithijf j jniinl eta royaiiy, and make their two or three ems' sojourn in li)eb jr) ati event wbieb will prove t!io bospitility of Rose forji people, the state acd the Pacific Cast. Give the eJinrs a toyal recep fien for it will he an tuaur ta the n and fe yoo. TLe Forest tir ;v- T m'-i ca ie tuour (able this week s-ndwe i.otetLe tLial and versatile Co'. J. !.'. Eidy bis re otne its ed.tor tn 1 jiiopiiet o, wh i.'i is guarantee tha t' e ia;tr v.ili he brighter and more interesiin tL.m ever. Htr our bat.d Bro'.ler lvJdy, aud assy yo:i proep-r ahunda;.t!; in yoar BiSW leld of ld'.H)r. Ii the tra-.is are giiug to throw htiu 4rsds of tlioja.tiid i, men oat of em teyment, and ' the sune tms laise prices to consujiere, they will before lenjr come in toa'a:t with the biggest isnerican c'.ub tliey ever saw, heard r lreawed f. Furtliermore, tiiey could ! net arouse a more ,:lufi,emy than the ! eaarxiereitfl tmeiete o! tne country. - Trtess men belon to party, thvogh llian ar.Mui;f, MtA ....... .I'll '-ir one way. a great majority if them voted ( for Cleveland in J&92; v. ty few of titm voted for bryao in lsO'j. i tiie '"drum itsrr" go, io toes the country, aud if thty tske up toddle againt-t the trusts, : there wiil be a hot time in trust-: txwn anma nt lhf Ways. j life., 'On he ihiiss of t uba,'' t.tvl Mr. , Vouu, prominent L-aai newspaper j i man in an address to the lioutth KM, ; juea I ta the St. .( etrrans ( um,lu,M w"r" 1 talkers 1ieJ t . faw, J tUc i. L'f ' ..Mpr. ad icUcitor Confederates f!t;:Led iu the satne uu: loroi. bearios t!it- esuie arms acd ai-trc!:- injr under the foi :lir. nl the t-ti! ; 1 tjruicr slaves accor.tretuet:e 1 and i.ru.'d . liae the o'.htrt, whb ttte t;! above tliftn ; aud tlie eatue par;we iu their iirarts, aud lv) ii..k-i.i,irn f Lii.-l-I :oded iadiatw sellk'v 1 5n u "m !'J "5 1:r'! lU I 1 1 .. T I i vcw to high Hoav..ii never to he a ii.-.r t- . ' aLiim ill-it lit.ni.fr h :ti! i iirVt r i - ,, , ii. ii. all Axeno-ins thoj.u iouk thke to mi'. rmmmmm ! m .... .i ... .1 . ,- .. ... . ( i the Ctitei S'aU" haw bad .!-ir iLewbe 1 Ws-ly iocrote ' ;te the day cf I;K5, j when the B-jauite rtiu of tuJurtiia! j terror rae ucder a ay. Between i.l,- j 00J and 3,tM,O0i i; oic wapes is tl'u- j burted to the :ik'is v.1 ti.e eoiti.iry eveiyday at ies-;.t Bun.wa-srtven at the time that thv lei-udiatiou paitv ! mnki:.? ita auri three wjis a;.. thn j country bears uotuii. o! '.he " t i I j 173 ' ll.ee days. It i .h.- ei i.-. e tt l-vw the ia3HKi.se advance in the wa. ci the vat ainjrity of Aa.uii.vji wi':kef. n all the idu;:iits atid th irettra! h"i,b tide :a itii wave of ty thfit is eefiil:v wLith is diiiturbioj : todav. r-p-.i..".:.-aa ; rj?..-1.-uv-jr ti. ; c j u - .;0 Ie.::J'a'i : J .fi Summer at the beach w ith aii in gaiety wiil be samewti.it late t'ii- yr.tr, as ti.e "eblrt-wais;'' girl is awaisit f tLa ir'.uin olher6oldier h.y'bel;r tioirti: do an The dear girls tre b.'g:.-!niu l plaa lor August clam riigio, fjo.uivht s:r camp-firr e ar.d ail '.Low. ttlu r .leii'.i fol things that make tert.'il.' Y.h a di j cf bliss. "When the 5v-3 c pk Lcac" i is uuw about all tne c.i:. Lear. Sl::h-J mer g jwns ar.d u.itty itooj'.s ait.- t e-j;.ir carefully locked after. aie t-r- ing plant ed and tlie d-.ar 1 1 i bo;s wi.l have to emiie od 5 ).k v'ej.sr-.i. and no duubt ".bey will Le ph-ased. Tl--;i,i:i;. Ti.e trastees cf Wjiiistijette ui.ivt-r-aily, baviug cjusilt?rel the r ;p;iltij of Bre'idcDt Hawiey to ileit a '.Icr.-ynia as president if tba oaivt rntr. decided not to act at present on the "ugijestijn, auJ re-elected Pretiiet.t Hawleytolhe presidency f;.r the ensu ing year. When ycu notice a man uwa'-uj. iu the garden very slowly, tin pin tfita to rest and twin' cccaslon iliy, i."s sa f-s t" say bis wife has g )t him t work, but ii be be digging like a goo i fellow cever sio ping to real and whistliu a popn!..r air, lie's alter woncs for bai. V.n. President Will Come West. Wamknown, Jane -J Squalor War ren, of Wyoming, called uio:i the preei dent today with reference t j Lis Wee'. ern trip. Tee presib-ii? conrtadicted the pnb'.ibl-d repir:- th-.t lie lice abandoned the jjra (if k' In' Wet this summer. . Grand deception for Volunteers Oa occaaiou of tbe return tt '.lie 2nd regiment ol Oregon vo'.tiu'.eerj iLre w.jl baagianl crlebtation h Portland, and it is probable thai the Sjiihi i :. Batit'.e Company wiii c'iier speciil rates fr.ti; all po:nle in i's tbegoti lints. Fall iiifjtm atiaa as !o m'tr, ute of celebration, etc. will bi Huiiounetil l.:tr. Further par- tico'-ars can be obtaired Uj i. otiv SvUtb- i ero Pacifi agent. Y-.ara l-uly, C. II.Makuiiam. Pros-perous Cons Bay. Tne I r-:-e .t I l .'u - . r.; .y 11 biy ty f .r Mrp . : t:e K.-rin-.- Ol tlie Wi! l.-rt r:.l'i:i -i v boam ia hi-t..-r!tu nd t-'.rji ' has sta te 1 in iip-i o-: .-n I v. i'.h forewarning. It w.'i u : before every av.tiia'i e i .'ii:' c the country i ! 1 r-nnsi-.i l .ii C ) .5 iieaiiji riti'' fchij -build r- nu ti: : b. luve e n for all t'j i i ti. :ii bill a'-!e ;U,i j everything toia'-. i v i'i i:v ti th liabin of iw u -w ;.ar lt 1. field. A for f l v, r i-.v ,.: ti dc-r t'.e SUpetvioa o.' !.. ti ..a-. work pjttin,; the I' , t-r 11. id i:: r to run and eAjie : 1. ! t.- iiy e-tib- 1 I ir j :i i-. ;-.) ; rail' l.l ; r n . - l...t,X. 1... 11.:. O I V , , . ... fm,,t on !, - e ' ;..i. .. ,.t , . iitih .iir;w:i;.i, heeil , ,.,,,, ,,,, (, ' ' p.f. 1 j9 in demand and sliips 1 .! '.' I tion are desired. .- t.e ".-i.-irt" liken i uu the biv te of ttiv I trii.m ivj an J i.iv'. of a I oviii vp Msr-iLiirl ! t i: tp,it lfare the eyes, d--i ,011 . n.:y, t-on-tai.t woriy. Hudisn iukh Ad dni;'gihti". V) eeritv Kiddle Items. K v. 17 Vo ly ii t likhig F arih el Jul-, atJ:J i;s'lU ,op. ,. tl,llJj; 0 ,j0. l;cCoKe j,,,,, vcumli .u,l vu.i will interest 'others .iru Uili was in tjxu l iiJty. Kev. Mi.ler cf i'.iUiJ, creciie-i at iliit P-8'8 .-'JU"y. T F.ite n' Days C.-tk. a iu l.jn fr sfvrrai days !at ee'a. l.ir. a. it. Cie tiude a prcU-esiostal via t ti '.e:.di Ijs'. Tuesday. W. L. Nk'.uIs w,ut to I'.rMaad the htvf catlle XX" a I liditis iiu.!. i-isler, tii ol l'iy .... Crvtk ht-ft yjitn v u !e, ere in tbl eity 1j1 V.i:it...!,iy. Fted JK:u!, i.t cuu:j.t.y with Mia A. I.t Ikdgo. eatue uvt-r tro u 1'at.jouvitle Wednesday evetir.j:. Oeo ??.eatu, otiif i;.c prouitueot b!.t:ea .e: of Ojfc.ai.d, was doing b;it;iie6 at r.ii I'iiw M jiidiy. , r- jvj .-e ra ,J4 (ro:u tbe (jia. ker J .t k r.ii.e a few dsvs Mtf) aad : , f, ., . p BdTar.i Vcisi, o:,e o! the cutcriris iu farn.eis and Ir-i jcr.w ers of the M .s vuc I'jitoui, .ss doia bus:r.e?3:n town Fii 1st. Dr. t .vf ieit frilay nvht wrta the ei p.t.t';.a - f -.-.vi:,' D g. to Alaska, w'.itre L;n a eua who ia ?er:cu5lv ;'!. Jme el cur .irosrr iive rerectiy e.!l their .ol ..t lj tvnts p?r poaad. Viaite a cotitras'. i -etween this and Cleve land ptiiv?. it. tofio Cairo cji sauday uiurctng frjai My, tie Crtek to fee Mri. 'Viu lilaiin.s alio Las 1 ecu ;ka f.r the past n .'ek ii". her Loiiie i:i th.s city. ?Ir. II -la C.iki.li :md daughter, ilJti i.e it-si i-n'.s .( Caaye.-iviile. but t; ia :. l'.i.i'ad, ;. .... an Sai-day morn itg to fpvi-1 tie l .:r.ii here anl vitit ru rr!t;'-es a:, 1 t.-:iJ-. Mr. a. ! M??. L. . Mer.iaia Lavegyue t j Days Cv i- to i o i.!i Mr. Merri iLaii'e n.'t vrf who is seriously ii! witL p:ie.!Oj .:ila. We are ieaeed, however, to irarl thl be' coad.tioa is Jomewhat improved. Mi-- Jcsie Siuii'i ilaet J a sacceesfu! ' nioi.lbs U-ita tf echoo! in the upper . ... .... Friday evening. Miss Smith hw5 t r jvta herfe.f to be a eomnetent tpcher, aid the directors Lave shown tbtir appreciation. eecaring l er eer vices for the !al! term. Dan't forget that tLera will ha a rous ing telelranuti h'. Biddiu un the Fourth. ;eaki:lJ, recitations, music, etc., iu the f ren jici ; f p.r.s and games of different k.n !'! i:. tlie afiernoxii and fireworks at ninlit, ar5., a dar.ee wiii Le given in Jac kson's ne warehoase. KtOCLtS. Best Way to Reach the Coast, Jutt t,uw when there are so many State r.-Mes to the Valley it U rpite iiu poiian: that the u .lii- rbould know of the best, cheapest and most convenient. A 'in re; rcsentirive Las just made tbe journey over ihe s'.cpe line from Myrtle Point to Rowburs and cju say that this is without doui.t the easiest way to reach the Valley. v Tliere are no tteep giades, the roads ore. t-a.co'.h and in tiny condition; the rou'e ij well f- (ickd ami th siae com pai.v ii iM i;::id.- ahoudaiit roviiou far the cjinfoit ff nil trave'eri?. If you want to tv.vo! wi;:i eje mid over on of tne mofct pittiirePipie Hjc routes in South tin ih'i D, then von wiii faka n Irin j ni:h ..,e Mvrj,. l0int A K.eel.ur Suge jc. StigeleaveM daily. S. B. Hermann, ant, .l!y,'.e J.ni i'. C. Beam, ag"i.t, ;:i.?'-"ir.v AT.irrh::-! Snii. Letter List. 1, iitiii.c ":a 1 ( .. ri. tho liOSJ- .si Iiii4 1 b ir 1. s'liU-iv : it ar.yjCi.-e.':ha Jl:.a K.:i: ..l ,Mr- Nellie d ;-3 ! Ilermoa, M s. K 1 ii--r i:." ") m ! Kiiv.ade, Tlioaias ' i ; j lltdsbooiu, Al .Mvt.'rc, Mrs. Alice E .lone?, t'.cvr 1 e r k i : ; -, J. A. l'ersoai i-1 i,'a ( ,: th mj lo.Uvd will pier ' d'.ai th . ilat.uiii v.iiicli the y were oly ii IS Too letters I f jr :t tlij rate of one- Wm. A. i'"n vitii, 1'. M. 1 adverti?ed, i wiil be chari; 1 cent e.ifli. Barkiow, .Mar In Stage Co lVlv.t'.e ivii Ccjoi'le fi!;. iiif.' i'.'i I - :.! (vi:!i City W I'd net-' I-js iiHi tv.;Pii . tey .t.c-: I r: K .f-vbmg to i i 1 Myr.l-j I'.jiil. connect-; i liO 1 .ml U n n. i,...ivo Go-1 Mondaj 8, ! a ii 1 ndAj?. Goo' rigs iJ' "1 lli CiHIlod-.'.iouS.'i f. r tri'-es and ivuii-iilatH call on or nd - dreen. W. P.rrEHov, i I foriier 'iroeer, Boirditirp, Orpgon. FOURTH CELEBRATION 411776-1 FtOSEBURG. OR. TUESDAY. JULY 4. 1899. Under Auspices Poseburjr Fire Department. PROGRAM. Nalioaal Salute at an n rue. Grand Tiirade, (ormioii ut Couit lloufee at 9:o0. Hod. B. B. Beckley, Orand Marshal. Aiftant Marshals: J. C. Aiken, II. C. Slocutu, K. B. Dixon, iianv Binkaton, T. J. Williaras, Ueo McUotigal and K. T. WoodrnrT. Hon. D. S. K. Uuick j.tefiilent uf the day. Fire DepatttueDt leads the way, fol iawed bv Albanv Concert Band : carriage occupieJ by Orator; Header ofUec!ara-j lion; Chaplain aud President of Day , 1 t ibetty Car; Grand Army; Officers and Veterans ol Soldiers' Uoma; Belief Corps; Indian War Veterans; Civic So-' tieues with Floats; Individual Floats ;j Carriage: Horaebaek Brigade; Bicycle ; BaradA;Mug I'gliee. "; Ltxi r MABcn. ' From Court House to Jarksuu street, j toCaes, to Sheridan, to Bane, to lUn Grove. ! SIHtlSLS DI UISU OEtOOS AT .ROt. j Selection, br Albany Concert Band. Prayer, by Km. Douglas. Cboras of one hundred toiees under 1 direction of B'uf. Traver.- BeaJini" of lbs Declaration of lnde-! penJence, by Mis Laora Nfyera of Sa-1 era. Or. Chorus. Oration, by Senator Joitn H. MitebrU. ' Cbofns. Selection by band. At 1KKNOOS M'OEI- Commencing at 2 p. rrt : Half mile running race, oett "J iu 3; parse f 40 and entrance f-e- 1st money 70 percent; 2nd, 20 per cent; 3rd, 10 per rent. I ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Mrs. W. E. Bites arrived here Satur day evening, whre she will make her' fainre borne. Mr. and Mrs. Will Levins, clGiW vilie, came to Bosebnrg Sunday night, to spend the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kicks and child, of Ju action City, came np Friday evening to trend tbe Fourth. We are informed on good authority that in a recent personal interview with bareckel. of Sao Francieco, an influen tial business man of Marsbtield was told that in case Sprecke.s came in full con trol of tbe Graham property be wou'J undoubtedly begin wotk on the railroad to Koseburg. r-'preckels alto stated that tbe coast terminus of tbe road would, for various reasons, be located at some point on tbe bay below Empire. Bandon Be corder. Today's Market Bokilam, June 23. Eggs Oregon, 17 cents per dcz. Eutter Best dairy, 25'527,'.c; fancy creamery, 30v?.3oc rer roll. Poultry Chickens, mueJ, t3.CJ33.2o Brunet Italian C33S,'; silver, extra choice, per lb, Wheat Walla Walla o$&Jc; Val ley o9560c; bloestem CO'iClc. .Oats White 42'?43c; choice gray, 1'5 4lo per bushel. MillstufT Bran, $17; cnJdiings 22; shorts, 113.00; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timotlty $8(3f9; clover, t753; Oregon wild bay, fS per ton. Woo' -Valley, l?(S14c: Eastern Ore gon, S!i?12, Mobatr, 2530. . Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, ?2.il5; Garnet Chiles, f 1.50(1. To; Caiifcmia v'new) 2 2 2' a per pound. School Report. Bepott of Mt. Scott scbool for the term ending Jane 2V, No. of days taught 53. No. of days attendance i!7o. Average daily attendance (. No. enrolled 8. Xj. of visitors, 10. Deportment good. Tuoee averaging above So percent in the final examination in order of rank, are: Ljnn Strader, Lloyd Atterbury, Beryl Atterbary, Victor aud Cacil Blake- l'upils neither absent uor tardy dur ing the term are: Victor and Cecil Biakely. Ada L. Smitu, Teacher. Wood Wanted. ! sol.l Kl.la --ill K. .., lice of the commandant of tbo Oregon Soldiers Home, at Boseburg, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, July 15, 1.SW, for the delivery at said Home, of 3J0 cords o merchantable fir wood in 4 foot ldngtha Bids for lo:s of less than 20 cords will not he considered. The delivery under the contract, er contracts awarded must be completed en or before October 13. 1S!'.I. The right ia reserved to reject any or all bide. Boseburg, Oregon. June 20, 13'J'J. i W.u. J. SuirLEV, i Commandaut. If you suffer from teuderuefs or full ' ues uu the right side, pains under shoulder blade, coustipatiou, biliousness, fcjtS; hea.lachi and feel dull, heavy and slervjiy your livr is torpid andeongeBted. DeWilt's Little Eirlv RinerH will rnr you promptly, pleasantly aud perma- henHv tie roinnetni 1 1. ft iwr.jijdinn an.t .caaeiuir thobi'o ducts to ouen and flow naturallv. thky aue ooot I'tr.r s. A.C. MAnSTMRSA Co. OF JULY Saddle liothe race, ' milx dash; pares 4'ii) and -nli auce fee. 1st wonev, 70ercent; '.'nd, 2t) ir cent; ord, JO per ceut. Slow race far horses or ijjuiee : h. mile). Puree ". Trot'icg race, '.. tuile aud repeat for roadsters. Burse 1st money. 75 per cent : 2od, '2 per cent. Bicycle race, mile and repent, tie tlO Bicycle rate, 1 mile da.-U (amateur', priia $7.50 Best bicvele trick ri !er. .. Bicycle race, S nuv daeli (boys under 15). prize 2 60. One boodred yard foot rce, trio lu. KunniniJ bro'd juusp, prize f2.50. Banning bigb jamo, U 50. Konnin bop, ekip and jump, pruo "!f', ... rj. tack race, -.ot). Hv minutes race fot bo under 14, prize I.uU. Three legged race tor bors uuder If, 1 prize !20. Best cqaestriau, priaa f3. Duriaa above iporli, bass bali gains is in prr-srew for prizs 2J. is inr. kVEXtyo .r 7 p. m. Huss inntm on JjrVion utret. t teat for porie of fjO. riHCWOKES AT rUE OHvVt AT S:3J V. M i Mot. i wundt rfni dieplay cf li ewoiks ; ever pietited in bootherti tlrenon, in- 'eluditi) lia'tierhip Oregon; Admiral ' Ilewey; Itatttries; Futin'aitis; Flying j Pigeon and buudredw of otbtr uors us t ( (ciltis concluding with a brilliant j j"Good Nigh'.'" ioPoweJ b t.rar.d Ball at Opera House. Pointed Paras raohs. ! i An egotist is a man who talks abont ; bimaelf when you want to talk about J yourself. J Womau, tbe en;gma uf the nineteenth ' century. We can't guess her. but we'll J ne?. r stve her op. J. DsWitt Mil-1 ler. A bookkeeper named Simmoo, ia Morrow coauty, is hired by a man named Green, and signs letters "Green, per Simmons.' One would suppose that such a firm would be in a constant puck-1 er. Giaes I cusa are the latest scientific improvement. Tbe retired capitalist will coon baye them for their cummer resorts. And yet there is one obstacle that has not yt been surmounted, viz, a glass houw with sn electric light in it would make a retiring man shudder, to j say nothing about a retiring womau. Monday after nooa Kev. C. A. Woo'ey, the Eogece minister, was raying Ir. J. L. Hill of this city a soda! call. He car ried with hi:n a small black satchel, ani when bis visit was ended be picked up bis satchel and departed. It happened that Dr. Hill bad a similar ealcbr!, sod he csrried bis medicine around in it. In the course of a few hours tbe doctor was called out on a professional trip, acd thought to replenish bis medicine bat ties belore starting. Imagine bis sur prise when bs opened bis satchel to find a bible and a uight shirt. It was a case of presto change with him and be waa at a loss to understand tbe suddenness of tbe change. Finally the situation dawned on hiai and ha begau to look around for t suitable building to commence his new calling. In tbe meantime Mr. Woe ley bad goae ou to Salem, and very early yesterday momiog came a teiephoue message from hioi apologizing for the unceremonious hustling off of tbe doc tor's medicine case. Dr. Hill good na turedly toid him he bad been reading tbe bible constantly since the discovery and adyisi 1 tbe minister to keep the medicine ce and strike out. Exchang es followed and everything is serene ence more. Albany Herald. DISOl'ISED DANGER. Hnnters sometimes hide themselves in tbe disguise of a cow, and thus make their way into the very midst of the most cau tious came. The mode of a--aar" operation is shown in the Jy picture. Iu a similar manner consumption hides itself in the dUguise of a throat or bronchial affection, making its way finally to the lunfT!', where the insidions germs cat away tbe victim's life. A stubborn cough, bronchitis and other throat troubles are the first steps toward this deadly malady. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery will prevent consumption, curing every con tributing cause. Time and time again, it has cured what local physicians have pro nounced well-developed consumption. It makes the stomach bealtby, the liver healthy, the blood hciilthy. It Is a reju venating tonic, which makes the we ale strong; puts ambition into tired people, puts ilcsli on thin liodies, and vixor into sluggish veins. It is a piculi.tr medicine in that ita properties are prese rved in any climate without syrup, sugar or alcohol en tering into its composition. It doc not cre ate craviugfor injurious stimulants. It N tlie personal prescription ol" Dr. K. V. Tierce, of Buffalo, N. V., whose widespread expe rience and suececa are at the service of the public without cost. Anybody, auywlicre can consult him free by mail. " I will write you whut Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lia0mir lor uic." r;iy George H. Belcher, Usq., of Norton, l'ikc Co., K.y. "Thirteen years tipo I -as wouudcil bv u ball paaftio tlirouph ruy iui(. I huve had a tad congholiuost n-er biucewiUi shortness ol brer.th, and it was very easy to take cold: the s;i!;litcs.t change of wrntln r wonltl caut the coutrh to be so lutd I would have to sit tip in br.l all nielli. Could DOt eat ur sieep.it tliut.: njsall rue-Uowp. could not work at all. A few jjiomiis a-.rvlbegan minx Ur. l'ic-.cr s GolJeii Medical I'iscovrry. liavt not used lucre thau t'i bottles aud uu'w can et. bieep, t! n irk u-id 1 feel liUe a new man. lcaiiri.il fold wnrAs to uificieiitly rccoat tucud Ur. Pierce i ' '.oldeu Medkal Hiuovery, or tell ilie ijoinI ii lia-. lone me." The. !' v'T'e remedy fur conlivcuess ia Dr. yi 104' wistnt 1'cUeta. I Squirrel m Gopher "-'V ESS SUkE DtfATH $V Squiffel and 'jC' Gopher Poison i v Hi.- I'.m u:rt :n'';). Keme.i. re' u .i reM f.r I ii; I'-1 rn--vi lu:tr p:lx rt ml liA. C. MARSTERS & CO., S": v FURNITURE, CARPETS AND WALL PAPER And the Place to get them is at STRONG'S FURNITURE STORE: U ILL i-t r :1 mtti.fctS . svv Our liuo c Bed Lounges n u - k what you want, we will tunke it for selectiufl: your own goods. iiee our $2d.OO .S?w;n M-atrhi-i have lha best machine oa tie tsarlet long a any iffschine. that is wado. Irta beds from s 1.11.1 u: &Dd v - avo just sorted up ecr ttuc-: cl V, a.t Paper aud Lave sortie new do- i , , , , , , , , . 6i-U9 teat are hard to l-eat. J.:it. l uvers can lo mr? cf ifUtns as good! , , 1 1. . 1 colorioy is those who KngLt eanv m tu? btas;.n. c I .ar motto is h i;v-l a!ara atid Owd goo Jo Sold aacLeaj it ia t-.cssi-1 ble to sell tier.;. ! The V V I i r-s-y- GoodsJ all that is new and up-to-date at specially attractive prices. Mailorders solicited.. , . - - - Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealeas in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. D0ZIER & MARTIN 'Phone Main 181. aiBS?IUaLLY i itN yilLld Fatii!mrer 1,1 v. y ii tub ji?Miri k MaKes the food more delicious and wholesome flvt HUM 'iSUKt: DEATH PREPARED WHEAT) s:v x ;v:;v n lhis cut ,au , eaact repre&Bnta- hoa of o.td oai K-Jcker.- t(e - "io 6(oc.ifi,-? Erjtfly firjisbed - rod, : V- aris. high L?u;k. saiutfor-gpc-V lor " or?" sittiQS twin for$3.75. iliivet othfex: jd . - rocker troroll.(x) np. ! f - Jate. Also coucbes r.ail i' we havera't yyti aa 1 you cij have th advantage of lo-veeis K. be coaviuced. tUt, we f. r tbe price aad will guarantee it as i Led fiwinSl.i'J up. ... B. W. STRONG. Chief CiiarnL of a Sliirt Waist, Is tdie '.ciiariu" of Novelty.- It -will interest jfon to know that our stock of "waists is Cleu, Fresh '. aud New. The "snap" and style of onr garments at our usual low price' are- giving us astonishing' busy days on this article. ' ' 7 " Call and examine our tntire btoek of Stapk'and Fancy Dry WOLLENBERG BROS. Props. The Roseburg Tannery. ttlishest Co.-a Sr!cc raid for Hidei, F usaud V.m Sttns.' rui'i'ntd lUtcktldn I Veed f. r Glove-. La?h and f.aco Leather. Furs aud Skin.- Pressed and t 'leaned. PJaek .nfra Goats for Chaps. L DEACH, Proprietor. FimI of .Mill t.. Nnuh Tbr-vobur-j, Orewu. tURE W R eO. . SFW VOSK. A; - - i vv . ' ft y k.. 'it At? Poison OK THK And Cifccural struct! of Ce- SQUIRRELS. GOPHERS. PAIS" MiCF. CRCW5, ETC 5 v x:v V v v v Wl I Roscburg: Bakery. i j i Hurrah : Hurrah ! the fart-ad d.s fux ! And nicely iuad ar; our niince pics. . Jiio-mnablin ii. , f.r tin; Dricc U Jo 1 Inside tin.- oven th.- jmu ilo g, j So when the prk and ljcatw art--: ! Camra'Jea and j-atruns Lave "uic jFun ! Druggists A6j:in that Uicir ewwtlieart teU. Eye bread androaves of every kind; --vlIagiirot!fcrKrt xnceroa'll lin.J, j BacL loaf h g.-J weight and pure tted by tl-jfHl; and uiaids demure. lirect your wh-r to Jaclou Street, S Eacfl Iatron w to greet. HANISCH & EHEUDE, jj Props. Guardian's Sale. ;-VOXI" ii 1IEBEUY eilVEN THAT TBK UD5risri: J, tH guardiaii ol ;h penua , anil tate of m Jpa-in. SaioiiH Joerpii- on. Ja'Aa Jof-yh-wn ma-i Waller Josephse. , minor beuivi M. J.-pb.Ha. decw-d, oiil b -, ytrtne rt m order erf the County Court vf U005 . U -..aniT. state of Orfga. acll a; r.ub!:c aae ; lou (ur eaifa In IuumJ, al the Conn lfouae Ooor ; In Ku-etrtm, I.U5ia'.'oontT. Onrgoa oa Tuta , (Uy, July il, 3.. at lh- Uoi.'roi 1 uloek p. te :oiMit day.alltie right. tiCe and inter- of ! Mi.l miaoia In aii.l to the fUlawlaa- described i r?l pr.pert. t--wit: H e i-U of S.. BK' of -wW and SE! , or NW , J r. ila C, Towiup 1 o A. k. 10 w , Wiiiamet'.e meridian, eontaimoz 1-0 T(f. ! Dat.l :h.a 7th Caeof Jtite, ! . HA.VNaH JObKPUiOX. I tJMij OoaidiaB. JNotice For, Publication. ' nited Stale Land OSee. ! ouce 1- hereby even that the Miowiof ' Bam.-i ettle; has fitol notice of bis intenuoa to i nuit final pnol in nn-.trt ot his claim j that aid nruul will oe ctade before the Hrtiner ! a:t ReceiTOr. U. e Laa.t Ottice at Eobr-c, I Oref ja.on Julv s. eirr CUARIXV G. SEET S E-.r- S"'r" 'or tie " 'Sec. 14. TIS. i k - " - ileuaaica tae k.lori witnet-t tr j proTe li;a conua-josa residence cpon and eolti- va;;oa of taH iaad, tU : Leonard Perdue, W ii t .ia;a Kirk, ?a:a W entile. A. Fo-aeU, ail of Per 1 due. Orc?oo. j J. T. BRIDGES, I ml'! Resiater. County Treasurer's Notice.' j Notice is hereby given t all parties (holding Douglas coonty - warrants in- dof T.bmary 13 19. to in the Douglas County bank for payment, as interest will ceaso tbereoo after the oate of this notice. ' 1 mtut ttil 11. m J - ff T ,ma .,,. r-. , " at the City otJtoseborg, Oregon. . . ,. Geo. W. Duuticki. T . . Coacty Treasurer, DongTaa Coonty; Or. ' VAI.t" VRLK Pi.rERXiTvrsTt-iivTr or xtss rAi-QorEa flrSOO, biioai tvss TTU SafAlX GIAXr. A-t paying good money at preeent, but little more capital nee-led to prop erly work Ihe mine. Easy of acrwm , will sell ail or an intereet in the earns, For particulars see me at -Boseburg, or P.O. Box il Roeebarg, Ore. Administrator's - Notice. 13 BESSSY GIVES THAT THE a- luidenixaad tut beea daly appointed ad m;hi;r.ter ui tag estate ot Bosasa Mannioar, Or mom 1, fc tbe onnry tonrt of lOoiuriaa Coaa'y,Oresa, aad aU person bavin; clauna aaloM .aiJ estate are Bcretw notiaed to present li sajne, daly Tarilie-i, so and administrator at OaiiajiJ, Otesoa, witUa is nonths trom the data ! thu Bot:e. fared at Koacbai?, Oixgoa, iki the iTta of Jaae. UW. ., - B. II. MANNING. Aamialsrra'.orotthe estate ef Rosana, Maa niag. deceased. The Home Bakery 701 Oak , Street, "... Opposite Central Hotel. Fresh Baked Bread Every Day "Boston Baked Beans," a special t-. MRS. B. C02JST0CX, Proprietress. ra Doctor BEYERS 1 - '1 CO. criai'c r fn V 11. 1 .i.f.l. 1. 117 t-.r tne knt .a I t -:Jr,' wioii . an-'oc u. tb u. a. ; vy ray TiU fartd. . l '"jf lNrn't- "w H -F 1 I crraausHto ir tsars : v-.trmrenxt; J.h Ji faarw (arCaaMltattmJ 7C1 AUKr.T KT.. I ... . : CASTOR I A For Infants and CMldrea. Tli8 Kind Yea Havs Always Bought Signature cf A Barxain. I j Five acres, choice bottom laud, on l which is located a good seven-room ! hnncfl. trood barn, and is situated in a. tiue agricultural localityx near a echoo and postctlift. Will be sold at a very low figure, lo'iuireof, J. W. JIois, uljld) Wilbur, Or. f K