JelahlcPrcparaUonrorAs slialaling CKlToodandllcgula itatf Stomachs anCLBowxis of PromotesDleslion,ChecifuI ncss ardIfcst.ConlaIns neither OpRimtMorptmic nor Mineral. Ivot XAHCOTIC. Sml- jhlmtmmt fir. IHrmStrJ - nM Ju Ua mar A perfect Remedy forCorvslipa- lion, sour oionwL,jjiiiii.Q Worms jConvulsions.Feverish- ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NDV "YORK. XXACT COPY OF VEAPPEB. 3 ,1'" JBlm-ST Closing out Sale!!! j" We are closing out our entire stock, for CASH Now is the time to BUY. Read Prices. ,tji Mens' Heayv Boots, worth fJ.iO, for I " " "Shoes " .i0 to f 3.0 J, ...for l.fW!o2 Ladies' Heavy " " 1.5j for 1 Tj Fine " " $1.50 to 3.00 for 1,00 to 2 nn Boys Soils wortli 3,00 to 15.00 f or 2 00 to f.1 fg Meat' Pants at almost ba'.f prices, 1 3 Ladies' Yeats for Summer wear 0k- 23 yda. of Calico, 0 Mens' an.! Bore euaimer Hats at Discount. Tbree packages 31a. Goll Prop Washing Powder Cs Ten' Bars Liundry Soap, 4B Fonr cans Tomatoes UH Three cans K. C. Diking Powder ma Seven 2 cs. rk:. Smoking Tobrcco jjp Disbes, Tin ami Agateware at jj-" Bar pow before tie stock my store will te sold at Cost Drain. Oresron. W. G. WOODWARD. HARNESS flAKERS HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, BUGGY ROBES, BLANKETS, Snperior hand mad baraefas, both lit and Lcavy, Manafactored to order on most reasonable terms. Leather work, including repairing, execnied ia the beet possible manner atshorfest notice. SX'-ofJorkin.hop. W. G. Woodward I6uocR6or to General Blacksmi thing jlMP iiommeshoeixu. rROTTINQ AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL. KINDS FBOJIPTLY DOSE. . Stoop on Corner 'Waablnxton and Kane tt.f HoaeborK. BOSWELL SPRINGS On the 5. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. Te The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon ftZEi 'tA ThU old reliable cd U-';a;4 the mom nuumlul -' 'Ti 8jiali(it in Ken ra:i S' ii"-., RiKco. ctiil continnf to cure all bcxuei anl i Seminal Diaeasc mefc 'St-i-: a (ionnorrhira, Glett """- . S-" Stricture, Syph Ilia In sT,-Jf:aiI 111 'orma, Sikin Di , '" V- aeasea, Nervoua ltbil- .' '-Vlty, impoimcy. atmi ' nal Weakness aud Lou ot nanhood, the cot- nenee ol sell abuse and excesses prodneine the (Hewing symptom: aaiiow countenance, ia:W ra ander the eves. tain in the heail. riniring in the ears, loss of confidence, diffidence In ai meehlnf s'ranent, palpitation of the heart, weaknea of the Uznbi aud back, lews of memory i (impleson the face, couzbs, consumption, etc. i DR. GIBBOS has practiced in Kirn ; 0m thirty year and those troubled should not fall to consult him and receive the beuelit of j a is aroac ski, i inn exiTieuce. i lie aojior cures when others fail. Try him. Cures .uaranle. p. Persona cured at home. Chan?' reavmaMe. Jl0,rri.t';..nn,vv, v. c i. DR. J. T. iIBBOJ, f.3 Kearny Kt. Han 1-ran eiam ra: ' " . A6EKTs wantkd- for "Tii f. x.iFK a vo Ahivm-ntf of Admiral Itwey, ' the world naval hero, liy Mural iiaihtead. tne Tiisvlont friend aud adaiirer of the nation'i idnl. Bierest and Im book: over WW panes, ixlO Inches; riarly 1W pages halftone lllunra riont. Only l .V. Knoniious demand. Biif mmmictinns. Outiit free. Chance of a life ttsra Urite quick. Yhe Dominion Company, pi Flwf STlon P.ldp., liiraro. (Sal For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T JltffllB U10 , Signature A)) of The Kind You Have Always Bough!, f3 B kl E-J fcl n t h fir: 9 1 14 a a NfW CTV. -Lr - v-s- . -W J 5 00 00 .(0 :o !oo :(.r f jr $1 ..for t ir .for ..for ..for .: .25 .25 .10 .25 almost jour own prxe;. is picked over. Everythini; in but for Cash Only. J. A. Black. Roseturg, Oregon. A A i U PILKINGTON, G. W. KOAH, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'MTKIl TVie l.ASU 0fU K. Kiwelrare, Oremn, Jnnr J. Nniiiv is htivbv iv-n that in eomtiiiance with ibe tirovisions ol the art of emigre of JnueS. IsS. eiitillcJ "An net fur the saloof timber lands in tlie eta'.cs of t'aUfornia. Ore gun, h'eada and W "ashlDKtua Terrltorr, FRANK M. HUPKIX?, ol CaiiTonville. County of D.jiiglaa, t:ase of Ore gon, lias thil dnv liled in tb; oltce hwmiii statement No. lor the of t!ie U;t of Section No. si. in Township No 3", Kanire No. 5 V.. ana will oiler proof toshow that Uio land (u.uiibt is more valuable iorits timber or s tone tlian for a?neultiiral p!irtKea and to establish his claim to aid laud before the IteriBU-r and lleceiver of this oflii e at Rose- burz. Oreeon. on fcttlun!uy, the -lith day of He narne as witneiK-s: t nllum riricir, Jr Eobert Courier, Thomas W ilmu, U. W. 1'uckett, tf Caiivonvllle. Ore. Anv and all persons claimiiiR the atTe-iecribfca land" are requested to file their claims in this oflicc on or beore said 2fctlt day of Auguu 1-M. :. T. BBiDGH.-f. (j J) Ketcister. Ho, for Boswell Springs! Coumenciof May 10, IHW., and until September 30. ls'J:, Bpecial tickets to BoBwell Springs and return to this city will be sold as follows: 30-day tickets, $1.85. Tickets going Saturday and re turning the following Monday, $1.-10. Special rates arn also given from Port land and intermediate pointa. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. j t t . , i, . ! ItartlflCiallydipetstllCfOOd andaldS Nature In 6trCIlgthcnil)lJ and TCCOn- i Btructing the xhaustci diRstlve or- ' ,,Vi, V.i ji I pans. It is tne.Mf l clcovprcd aipest- i ant and tonic No other pix-piratinn j can approacli St in cllicicticy. It in- i ptantly relieved aud rrriiuiicritly cures I Tiwanpnsiu Tnrti.r, t ion I linrtl,iirri. g"ri""' i f. iT t.- Sicklleadache, ( ; a i & $w . ( .'ram ps, r.ud all other result s ot 1 m p rf e-t icstion. Prepared by E. C EzWtll 6 Co.. ClyiCOQO For sale by A. C. Markers A Cc The Story of Beautiful Willamette." Ad intimate friend ot the late Sam. L. SinipBon wtiting to the Matoetnan uives the fallowing version of the writing of biuisin'n het poem : At the tiii "Uoautifol Williainette" was wriiien iatu Simpeon bad only be UHU his eiriijule his strong and yet weU iii-iii.c. Like the chain, it was no stronger ibn the weakest, p.tft, which was hid b,; thirst that was fated but m ver aatwitie 1. At t hat time iie felt rofoiind temurea in hia sjher and gloomy momen e. He had a lovinn lfo and dear chil lten. Obif after a peiiotlj of diaoipu'.i on, titling that the world was! aKaiubt him and thai Iih wh nn-iin! hunn If, he oanilrrcl to the i;rcn hold er of the Willamette hu thouxhts u( self di'B'.ructioti. A plunge, and the crystal flood wo ild ilo in chaii.y over his troubled form. He lay do n on the bank of tho ctrettu, and its sweet ututU' and its latiKhinK beauty called out from the chilis uf lai toui the wealth f his genius an I ' Ceautilu' Wiilatnette'" was the re-ult. It jrn in travail, it breathes thoughts that irj eternal, thouuht-i clothed in words that will ciug with the everlasting stars. Keuieniber ing the conditions read these Hues. Oh! thy iihmmering iuli c( gladness Mocks this turl id life of mine, Kuirg lo the wi:d lure ver Down the elo; ing paths of time." The EHUie bejuiiful aud cad sentiment runs t brought lit the wh.le production. lit AVllH L WILLAMrnK. From the Cicada's frozen gorges, Letpit'g like a child at day, Widining, widening through the rality lh ijht Willauictte glides away. Onward ivtr, l.ovelv river, - tidily calling lo tlm bea; Tiuie lha( scars us, Maims and mars us. Ix-aves no track or trcncli ou thee SjJiinifs green wiiclury is weavir.g I'.raid and bcrder for thy tide; - Grace forever haunts thy journey ltauty duup!e oa thy tide. Through ti e purple ga'.s of incrning, Naw thy restate ripples dance; Golden then, when day departing, Oj thy waters traiU his lance Waiisir.g, flishing, Tiiikling, plastiin;, Limpid, volatile and fre. AUays hunied to l e buried In the bitter moon-mad sea. In thy crystal deeps iuverted, Swings a picture ot the tky. Like those: wavering hopes ct Aideu, Dimly in cor dreams that Le; Cl.iadeJ of. en, drowned in turmoil, Faint ar;d lovely, tar away Wreaihirg sunshine ou the UK-rrow, Breathit g hagrsnce round t ly. Love would wander Here and pondei Ilithtr poetry would dreaaj ; Lite's old iiuealions, f-ad laggeetions, "Whence and wbitbei" 'throng thy Etream. On the roarinz waele tf ocean ?oon thy scattered wavee thall toss ; 'Mid the surges' rythmic thunder ;:.all thy silvtr tongues be lost. Ou ! iLy ghiuiiA-rinrf ru.U of 'adcees Mocks this turbid l.Ie of mine, Racing t) the w ild forever, Down the sloping paths c I time. Onward ever, Lovelv river, Softly casing to the ees, Time that scars ti, Maims aal mars us, Leave no track or threat h on thee. The al-ore poem w as flrtt published in the Albany I'emccrat on April 10, 1S0S, and was aigned only, "r?. L. S." It ia too bad that t j author of such a poem shoutd die at the age cf Gfty-four with the latt .-r half of his life almost a blank. Joining a Lodge. A man in this town j Diced one of the numerous ledges that infect tbe place againet tlie gentle admonitions of his wife. Ikin something cf a jjke-r be persuaded himself into the belief that this was a rare occasion to piay a pka on his wife, eo after he had been initiated at the lodge room be went to a drugstore and bought a quarter 'a worth of sticking plaster which he cut io strips and pasted in crisscross shape on his face and hands, streaked a w hite handkerchief with red paint and tied it around his head, placed one arm in a sling and went home. In auswtr to tbe tperies of bis frightened wife he said they were giving him the 6kyfuz!c degree at the lodge, but instead ot coming back through the skylight in the hail when they tossed him up they threw him clear over the building and be lit in the alley back of a hardware store on a pile cf barrows, plows and scrap iron. His wife was horror strick en and wanted to know if there was no law to puuish fools who would insist in joining such heathenish lodges. Some of the neighbors have told it around and about that when the wife found out that her husband ha 1 been fooling her, he was compelled to buy moro sticking plaeter to cover some very serious abras sions alung the side cf his nose and above one eys. Be this as it may, be never told his wile anything about tbe other degrees in that lodge. Cannon Fall Beacon. Elopement From Chehalis. Ciii.ii Ai.ib, Wash., June 25. A. Jr. Taylor, traveling salesman for the Wiley B. Allen Co., of l'oriland, and Miss Mar garet Dever, of Chehalis, got a marriage license hsre yesterday and were driven to Napavine. where they were married. They took the ut'ternoon train for Port land. The banns produiming Miss Da ver'a marriage to a youn man from Woolly, Wash,, at the Catholic church here uext Wednesday were published in the Catholic church at Chehalis lutt Sunday by requett of the young woman's parents. The young man from Woolly came this last wek to be in readiness for the wedding, aud before he bad learned of the elopment of his prospect ive iiruld secureit a marriage license yesterday afternoon. Miss Dever was deputy in the poatoflice uuder ex-Post- i master Lillpop. The Kdward Alxinfon, of Spain. haB been K0ieiing statist ic to ehow ho much the U'e war cost that country in I he way of colon ml possessions. Count ing tho territory ceded to tho United State?, and the islands transferred to Germany, the total area loct was 105, 838 square miles, or nearly one half the former colonial empire. Prune Culture. A valuable bulletin has just been is sued b? the Ort-gou Agricultural Experi ment Station ou Points ou Prune Dip ping, which Bays: It is an almost universal custom among horlicalluriuls in this state to dip prunes, particularly Pelites aud Italians into a boiling solution of lye just prev ious to drying, primarily for tbe purpose ot hastening the operation of drying, and tecondarily, as claimed by many, for tbe purpose of cleansing and tendering the skin less tough. Bulletin 45 of this station aays concern ing this process : "Lye dipping as prac ticed in Oregon ia about as follows : One pound of concentrated lye is dissolved in from 10 to 50 gallons of water, the pro portion of lye and water differing greatly with tbe various prune growers. The primitive way is to keep the solu tion boiling in a large kettle, into which the prunes, placed in a wire basket or a much perforated metal vessel, are im mersed and tbeie kept In motion, by twirling or swinging for from 30 to CO seconds, depending upon the condition of the fruit. The more modern way is to have the fruit tun from the grader to setofeue lees chains with carrying aprons aud by them cariied ttiroagh a pan coutaiuiug the boiling lye solution, healed with sub merged steam tipes; from the iye the prunes ure carried on through fresh water, preferably running water, and then spread on tra;s. 1 1 the operation is well done the prunes should have their tkins bright and chining, aud present on close exam inatiou a finely checked condition. Over or under iraiuerbioncausea the fruit to dry unevtuly ; when too much stalded tho tkiu tears and becomes ragged, and the fruit becomes soft and rxueby, in.ak iug a ttickr, nasty n.eM ou tbe tray. ' Tiic pricking method ueeJ in Cantor ma lo accomplish the fame result is not practiced to any extent in Oregon, al though a maehibts are lo he fuond i the bUle. From the hje it woull appear that a vatt ditTeience eaisis in the strength ol Solutions used for dipping. It was to leirn Eumeihingof the ccndiiions atfect tjgthis prtA'eSi that some experiment wjre uuJeruaen in the fall of lS'Ai. In the summer ot Is'.'S these wete exttnJe t furttier in order lo usceituiu sotuethii.g as to the relative slrecgtb of the com mercial concentrated lyes on the mar ket. Ttiis Utter phace of the work was add ed because icquiriea were being askeJ as to the relative merits of the various brands and from the farther fact that many complaints were heard from I bote u-ing the article, both for tbe pa.-pese indicated and as an ingredient of sprays, that a wide ditlerence existed in the ct'eegth of tho various brands bastd on the fact that ail brands do out givt equally cood lesuhs wLen used in like manner. The maximom strength for the dip ping solution in o;e would give a lye so lution of l "j per cent alkalinity, provid ed the lye used was 1(A) per cent puie and the minimum strength a 5 per cent solution. An analysis of one s.toiple of dipping solution taken from a tank showed .S3 per cent alkalinity as sod. There ap pears to be a great difference in lh stieng'.h of the lyes for sale on the mar ket, and Uie more observant oerators have found that i) U unsafe to fix any quantity of be as measured by the nam ber of cans of the otdioary eise, but that the correct strength of the lye must be judged by the appearance of tbe fruit coo. if g from tbe solution. A confesecJ fault of lye dipping is the nnevenness with which the fruit dries after being dipped, and particularly is this heard from thoee who are not in the habit of thoroughly grading their fresh fruit. Some experiments have been conducted which I think will throw some light on this question. Prunes ot normal size were subjected to treatment in a 1.55 per cent solution of lye for 20 seconds, and on removal from ibe edition were found to be well checked, but small prunes were very iui icrtectiy checked, many of ihcm not be ing ailecied at all. Increasing tbe time seemed only to cause tbe prune to crack deeply or the skin to roll up leaving the flesh badly exposed. A trial with a solution of double tbe strength used at first, 25 per cent alka Unity, only caused tbe skin to roll up worse and the cracks to be made deeper and failed to produce a well checked fruit. It is well to say that the weaker solu tion is probably somewhat stronger than that ued by most horticulturists, inas much as the lyes used are very variable and the strength used in this experi ment would only be obtained by using the strongest solution tustomary louse in this state, and on the condition that the lye used be 100 per cent pure, which is not usually the case. A practical app.ication of these results is to enforce lue idea ol preliminary grading of fruit, or, still belter, tbe ne cessity of keeping trees iu sucn healthy condition as will permit them to boar only fruit of normal size. Particular care should be taken not to allow 'hem to overbear, which will al- v a cause them to produce a stunted Conclusions: 1. The smaller sizes of prunes are not easily affected by the ordinary process of lye dippiu?. 2. That increasing the strength of the lye solution does not bi ing abcut a pro per checking ol these small prunes but merely causes them lo crack deep into the flesh or the skin to roll up leaving the flesh badly exposed. 3. To obtain a uniform product of dried prunes care should be taken that trees d j not overbear and thus produce an abnormally small prune with a tough skin which will not check. 4. Prunes should be thoroughly grad ed belore drying bo the smallest sizes may be removed and hither subjected to some other treatment than lye dipping possibly pricked it they are to be dried or used to make secondary iruit pro ducts. 5. The net weight of most brands of concentrated lye to be found ou tho mar ket ia considerably short of one pound, and tho total alkalinity is quite variable among the dificreut brands. 0. The most economical brands of fered fur salu in Oregon at the lime those samples were collected were Btbbit's, American, Giant, Quaker City. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH Is a chronic disease. There is an taflamma. Hon ot the inner coating ol the stomach. A thick, ropy moans forms and this eaute the mors pronounced symptom. It remain in the stemaoh and decompose. Then, ot coarse, dig estloa can not be properly perform ed. Tho treat TegsUbla - I rcmsdy HCDTAM nstsr 6 5 - fall to effect a cure. I I HCDYAN can be had of I ,1 all drugrtft for 50c. per 1 package. Study your symptoms carefully from this chart. Each num ber represents a symptom or a group of symp toms. Yon have the symptom. Cm BCD. TAN and they will disappear. THE SYMPTOMS ARE: . 1. BILIOUS HEADACHE. This 1 Bore pronounced in tbe morning. HUD YAN will relieve the headache. 3 3. BED AND WATERY BYES. HUDYAN will cause the redness to dissp sppear and unke the eyes assume their nor aial, healthy appearance. 4. COATED TONOUE AND TOE- TID BBEATII AND BAD TA8TB IN THE MOUTH. HUDYAN will clear the tongue, make tbe breath pure and sweet and cause the bad taste to disappear. 6. PAIN AND TENDERNESS IS TH2 STOMACH. This ia due to indiges tion. HI D VAN will cause the food to bo- come perfectly digested and tbe pain and tenderness trill dinappear. 0. ENLARGEMENT Or THE LIVEB. HUDYAN will lessen the rouges- lion and reduce the enlarged liver toil nor mal sire. ULDYA.V will relieve you of the above symptoms and make you well. Do not delay. (jo to vour ilrr.pcut at once and procure a package f HI DYAN for SOc. or S for i2-X. It your dmget does no: keep It, send direct lo the IllUYAX REMEDY CO SI FAST, Ban Fruf i-co. Cel., and they will send it to you. You cm consul: ihe great H I'D YAN DOCTORS r'REE. Io not forget that. Call and see tlira if ;ou wish. You msy call and tec them, or write, as you desire. id.lrcM HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. Blscktoa, Msraet aad Cilia (4 , tee Fraeeisee, Cl- I II PI TUKttllBECT BOCTT Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. (iives choice of two favonx route, tia tbe CMOS PACIFIC Faat Mall Line, or tho KIO ORANDE scenic lines. Look at the time days to Salt Lake 2l3 days to Denver . 3 i days to Chicago 4j days to New York Free Kccllsslatr Cbalr ura. Hp bolstered Toartat Sleeping Cars, Pa U ma a Palace siecp itsig Car) operated on all trains). For further inioriealrr apply to J. F. UIVANS, Apt., aioseburg. C. O. Terry, W. E. Coman, Trav. rasa. Act- n. Agt. Ul Third SU, Portland. Or. Tne Cburchc. XKTHODivrcucacH corner of Slain and Lane Simla. Sunday Service-. Preaching, 11 a. m and V00 p m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; l A. Walker, Superintendent; Claaa Meeting at close ol th morning service: ZpworUt Leagn 70 p. m. r. 11. Churchill. PrcaidcaL Prayer MccUuf, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. G. R. AxyoLD, Taator, Parsonage, corner Main and Lane. Cmtxu BKTaat5 Cucacu on Fonricr street, Sunday service, at 11 a. m. and 7:50 p. m. Pray er meeting. Thursday evening. Mrs- Leer JL Ctnrr, Pastor. St. s CuvacH. Corner Casa and Main streets, service on second aud fourth suuda; morning ot each month and every Sun day evening, bpecial services announced from Umo to time. Rsv. Job Dawsox, Missionary, St. K. Cacatit, Soctb. Services every Sunday morning and evening. Bar. J. T. Cotto!, Pastor B-iriin Cucacu corner ol Lane and Bote struct. Sun Jay service. Preaching at 11 a. m aud 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at !0 a. m., O. P. Cothow, superintendent. Prayer meeting t 7: Wednesday evening. S. A. DuCous, Ptor. Fibt CuaurttAS cucacu Coruer ot Pluc an 1 Woodward slrveU. Sunday service Preaching both morning and evening, Sunday school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S.C-. . at 6:30 p. m Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at '.30. A cordial welcome and greeting await all. W. A. Wood, Pastor Fia.-T I'h,iittkkia!( Chckch Corner of Cat and Kosc street'. Sunday service: Public worship, 11 a. ui., aut i p. m.: Sabbath sellout, 10 a. in. Y. P. 8. C. K. at 7 p. in, Prayer meeting, Wcdncwlay evening 7:30 p di. J. A., Pastor Tbk v. c. T. V. Kitllnild its regular meetings ou the second aud fourth Monday of everr moulli at 7 30 p. m. In the Epwurth League room of the M. K. Church. Notice for Publication. C.N1TED STATES LlND OrricE, Knteburg, Oreeon, May 11, leOP. Notice is hereby i?tven that the following named netiler has filed notice of hi Intention to make rtnnl proof In support of bia claim, and that said proof will be made before the Bcyisttr and hocclvcr V. S. Land Olllco at Koeeburg, Oregon, on June 27, lfc, viz: JOHN C DAVIS, on H. K. Xo. 7190, for the W'i 8W-i 8E; 6Yii, 8;, SE,4,ricc.2,Tp. -M S, R.IW. He name the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot raid land, viz: Jnmes McKay, Thurston Lull, J. K. Chap man, ti. W. Grubbe, all ot Wilbur. Oregon. J. T. BKIDtiKS, mlltlO Register Best Bargains of the Age. 2C0 acres. Stock farm, 40 acres in grass, Orchard, buildings, l4 mile from Myrtle Point, P. O. Splendid invest ment. Price, $1000. Homestead. 3 miles from Myrtle Point. C acres cleared, good timber. House, barn. Parties will relinquish for $200, half wuat improvements cost. A stock farm of 020 acres 20 miles from Myrtle Point; 700 acres in excellent pauture ; 40 Durham cows, and 60 head of graded slock cattle go with the place. Price, $3,000; terms, $4,000 down, bal at 3 per cent. Inquire at W. F. - t Co.'s Express Office, or add re bp, Orvil Uodgk, J24 Myrtle Point, Oregon. Prepare for Harvest. You will have the world pull, if you buy a Piano them, also the Chain drive Mower, at Churchil NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old Kecognixing its value lo thoee who desire all tbe news of tbe Elate and Nation, the publisher of Tub Platsdialeb. (your own favorite home paper) has entered in to an alliance with "The New-York Weekly Tribune" which enables him to for- nisti Dotn papers at tne trim ing cost of per year. Every farmer and villager owes to himself, to his familr. and to the community in which he tins a cordial support of hia local newspaper, as it works constantly and untiringly for bis interests in eery way, brings to his borne all ihe news and happenings cf bis neighborhood, the doings of his friends, tbe condition and pros pects for different crops, tbe prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a weekly visitor wmcn snouia M round in every wide-awake, progressive family. Just think of it! ! ! BOTH One Year for $1.75. Send all subscriptions to the THE PLAINDEALER, Rseb urg, Ore Real Estate Bought and Sold JJO Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable pnees and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. S- KL BTJTOK; OR&flCO. DEI-ART ' TLME SCHEDULES I ABBIYE For From i'ortiand From Fast ;Mail bait Lake, Denver, Ft. i Fast Worth, Omaha.Kan ! Mail 8 p.m. sas City, bt. Louis, i a Up.m. Chicago and East, j Spokane Walla Walla. Spokane, ) Spokane Flyer 1 Mluneapohs.-Ll'aul j Flyer :3o p.m. Duluth, Milwaukee, I S JO a. m. Chicago and East, i I p.m. Oceaa 5teajwshlps Ail sailing dates sub ject to change. For can Francisco Sal every flm days 4 p. m. 8 p.m. Columbia River 4 p. ra. Ex Sunday Steamers. Ex Sunday Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 p.m. Landing. WUIaasetts River. 4.30 p.m. a.m, Orefon City, Kswbcrg, Ea-8undaj Ex-Sunday balem a W ay-Land g i 7 a.m. WUIasnetts sad Yam- 3 30 p. m Tus.Thur. kiU River. Hon., Wed. and at. ' Oregon dry, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-landing 6 a.m. WIHasactta River. 4:30 p.m. Tties.Thar. j Portland to Corvallia Tues-Thur and Sat. , and Way-landing and Sat. Lv.Klnaxi 5aaka Rivtr. LewUton Daily, ; Daily Riparia to Lewiaton. JOHN F. GIVANS, Agent. Koeeburg, Oregoo. W. U. HIRLBCRT, tiencral Paascngcr Agent, O. R. & If. CO.. Portland. Oregon, County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parlies holding Douglae county warrants in dorsed prior to Feb. 1,1309, to present the same at the treasurer's office in the Djuglaa County bank for payment, aa interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated thin tbe 1st day of June, 1S99, at the City of Boeeburg, Oregon. Geo. W. Dlmmick, County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or. Tbe above warrants date from Octob er 14th, A. V., 1393 to February 1st, 1399, and holders of tbe same will take notice that they are not subject to re issue. Young Sam Proprietor of Japanese Bazai. Dealer in Fire Crackers, Fireworks, Fancy Chinaware, and Novelties Cor. Jackson nt Douglas Six. hill See Binder with fly wheel. & Woolley's. i i i It's a long life, but devotion to the trne interests and prosperity of tbe Amer ican People has won for it new friends as the years rolled by and the original mem bers of its family passed to t-'ieir reward, and these admirers are loyal and stead fast today, with faith in it teachings, and confidence in tbe information wbicb it brings to their homes an I Gresidea. As a natural consequencn it enjoys in its old age all the vitality and rip r of its youth, strengthened and ripened by the experiences of over half a century. It baa lived on its merits, and on tbe cordial gup port of progressive Ameri cana. It is "The New-York Weekly Tri bune." acknowledged tbe country over as the leading national iamily ew? paper Lands and Mining Properties, a sb Cow S;jr. Db'sA Railroad Time Table. Northboacd Eosebnrg local, No. 17 departs 7:30 a. m. Southbound Rosehurg local,' No. 18, j arrives 5 0 p. m. Northbound overland, No. 5, ar rives 10 :35 a. ni. ; departs 10 A3 a. m. Sooth bound overlaod. No. o, arrives 4:13 a. m.; departs 4! 3 a.m. rBEIOUT TBAINS. Northbound fast through Ireijtht, No 221, arrives 4 :10 p. m . ; departs 5 :20 p. m. Southbound faat through frtight. No 2, arrtTes 7.-00 a. in.; departs S:00a m. Northbound mixed train No. arrives at 2 55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, departs 'J :00 a. m., 3Iandays Thursdays and Saturdays. Southbonnd mixed train No. t ar rives at 3:00 p.m., on Sundays, Mon. days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m. Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays. - Shasta Limited Is the name ol the only perfect train n the world, now running every night between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Chicago, ililwaukee & St. Paul Railway the pioneer road of the west in adopt ing all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illus trated pamphlet, Bhowing views of beau tiful scenery along the route of the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address Geo. II. HeaiTord. Gen Geral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Place while ia town to pat . up yonr team id at FARMERS' FEED SHEDS ( Good waiting rooms for ladies and gentlemen well warmed and lighted Good accommodations for keeping transiet teams over night. Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited BERT CASE, Proprietor Cor. Washington and Main Sts. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to October 15, 1S9S, to present the same at the treasurer's office in tbe Douglas County bank for pay ! ment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this the Sth day of May, 1 80'J at the City of Roseburg, Oregon. Gko. W. Dlmmick. County Treasurer, Donglas Connty, O by the tail and a down Mining- Application, No. 95. I'ftiTKD Kr.iTta Laud Orrics, Kosebiinr, Oregon. Juue S, W. VOT1CK l.i HEREBY GIVKX 1 HAT Cbarlr Bruneaii, f. J. Jc-oninxs and B. J. Jconiinrs. whose, posiufnoa addrfae aie a fol lows: of Cbarka Bruneau and B. J. Jenntnga, Cottage Glove, i.ane County, ores-on, and If. i. JenniUKs, uf Portland, Multnomah County, Ore gon, have this day bled their application (or uaunt for M linear feel ol the Helena. Consol idated Quartz Mine, or vein, bcariBg gold, sliver and lead, with iurfa" ground suO feet In width, being 311 feet on each side of tna center of said vein, and being linear feet of the Helena r Lode Claim and ISoO feet of tbe Lauretta Uxsa ( lalin, the laurette being the 1st extension Easieily of the said Helena Claim, raid claim beinr particularly described a Mineral Survey, 'o. Jit), II- lena Quartz Lode and Lanrette Quartz Lode. known as Heleua Consolidated Quartz Mine. lluated in Bohemia Mining District, Donglaa oiinty, Oregon, in Township No. a. tt. B. 2 B . Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Application or unarie xtranesa, r. J. Jeu ings and B. J. Jennings. HELENA L5I1E. B.-rinnind at a fir cost inches tunero. 4 feet lonir, f t It inches In the ground, with rock mound alonirside, scribed SL a. 30 Identieal witb lot at on starting point of tbe Helena lode ciaim, woenee lie oiworerv eui. ana luncei No. 1, is S. ei d.-greee B. 15 Icet; also a fir 14 la. in diam. bears -N. f, decrees, W. si feet, (cilbed M. M. B.T.: alma fir a In. diam. beans X. degrees W. 21 feel, scribed Jf.B. V, B. T. Also the oondar Minina Co. a Ora llonae bears S. 1" degreea W. about 20 ) feet. Also trie mourn of Oeo. KerTs Tunnel beanB. lde. W.a boot Vn feet. Also VI L Theihnn. commonly known aa Lowborn Peak of tho Cas cade KauKe, bea s . 43deg. E. aixo iiamoni reaa bears . w neg. ; then 9 run N. 64 deg. W.on coum of lode, op tiers -ccnt!i" ft., Interaeet wagon road leadirjciiojn the J'ioudy Co.'s Mine to their qoanz sw. 1 iw it. -i ir post in. square, tee . IS inehi- in the sround lor center oost oa tSeac- - erty end of this claim, with mound of stone ionirside, scm4 i . 3to, irom which a II r la in. dia. bears S. & deg., W. 3) feet, scribed M. a 3M, B. T. A nrs in. dia. Dears .v W oex. Z. ia feet. scribed M. 8. :m B. T. This post is klcntieal w itb the location oost set on westerly end ot thU claim. inencce asuetf. w. jwil post Ho. 1, identical with location cor. 4 feet long, 4 Inches siaaxc, 1 iocbea in the gronnd with mound of stone alongside, senbed C. I, M. & 3c0, frosa wbicb a fir H in. die. bear S. 7 deg. St ft. scnbe.1 C. I. M. ft 4tf), B T. A fine H in. dia. S U dec. I J ft. scribed C I M b Ml. B T. Whence corner to sections 7-12-13 and u. T. 23, S B 1 and 2 E, Wiliamene Merioan, bean t O deg 30 rain W 17j feet, thence Irvm Cor 10 L ; oCldegK. Var JJdei? JOmin E. -V" Descend steep .M.mntain. aluce S s. U f t wmm- . ... on road leadine frum oonlay Quarts Mine to Quartz jiui t ; as aeg e ua u. Mine road c tju in. lej.i it t cor So X ' ldenUcal w ita a coiner of the location. A Sr oost 4 feet looar. 4 iacbes aa uare. at M ia. in tbe rronnd with mound of atouc aloacsilc scrlbedCSM S3CO. Whence a pine p) in. dia. bears X 13 dee w 3" ft, scribed U A M 8 0. B T. Theuce frm Cor Jo i S 26 dec . Tar 19 Eec t) nun B; 19 ft to Cor No 1, of Lauretta Claias, J fe t to pot set in center of Easterly end of " the Helena Claim, ideotical with location poet s-r : in eaaieny eui vi uiik ciatm. A fir post 4 feet lone. 4 inches rtnarc set IA fa. in the ground wita sivuil of stone akmgaid, smbea M t ZfJ). Wnencea flr in dia besrs 8 32 dot E 'l ft. senbed M 8 A) B T. J13 ft to Center Post or Westerly end of Lanrette Claias. W h lo small creek c South Earn, 6o4 ft to comer 5o 3L Identical with a corner of the location. A fir post 4 feet long. 4 incite sooare sMt IS inches In tbe ground with mound 4 nous aiompnde, senbed CXli Whence a rirS in dia bean X C6 dec r I It, scribed C 8, M 8 3S0 B T. Corner o2of Lanrette Lo.1 bears ?J 2S dec K 19 ft: thence from Cor "o 0, N 64 dec W", Var 19 deg 30 min C Ascend steep moontnn S10 ft utcnect wacotz road leading Irom Noonday Mine so Qaartz iLA. 1Z ft same wagon road. Its J ft to comer So 4. identical witb a location corner. A fir post 4 ft k-ne. 4 in. wiaare. set 18 inches in the around, with u-oond of stone tUoBssdde. scribed C 4, is S 360. w hence a nr , in dia bean 8 8 dec 30 mix w 21 ftscnoed C 4, M , B Tjuid thesK-e S Kdeg W, Var U dec 3u min E. : It to center post est westerly end of Claim before described, emboss ing 20.06 acres. 1-iC atui uuui.. Becinninc at eoreer So L identical witb ti corner ot location, a lir post 4 It long, 4 1 aoate . square, set la inches ia toe groaad with moaa I ot stone alongside, senoed cim 8 aw. when AS Pine b in Dia bears S 43 degreea east, 3 - scribed C I M 8 360 B T Corner o 2, of Helena bean g to dec W M ft. thence from corner Ls'S aeg E, var 19 dasj 3D min E 2M ft torenter post on Easterly and f Helena Claim, aw ft to center nose oa wr-iLrrir end of Lanrette Claim. A Cr post, 4 inches aqnare, 4 feetloog, set IS inches in the ground, scribed M. 8. SuL wiLk moand oi stone alongside. - . Identical with location of Westerly oat of , Lanrette Claim, whence diacoiery Cat and Iunnel 5o-4, bears 6.T2 dec. E. B4 ft. iSS teet toSmaUCrer. c. c, E. oel ft. to corner No, S, Helena Cauo, eud f t. to comer No. 2- Identical with corner of locatioo. A fir post 4 ft- long, 4 inches square, set ia inches in the groana, wita moand of stone alongside, scribed C, No. 2. Si. Mo. wheaca, A f.r 14 in. d:a. bean S. il deg- X. 13 ft. scribed C. J 3L fi. 3C0 B. T. Tbence from corner So. 2. S. 73 dec. X. Vac ' 19 deg. 30 mis. E. descend 1499 ft to corner No. v 3. A fir post 4 ft.long,4 inches qaar. set is inches in the groaad, wita mound of stone alongside, senbed C, 3, JL 8. 3u, whence a-yiaw Top ahneta Bock, two ft out of ground 24x2,7 inches with cut with a chisel at direct potal which bean & a deg. W. 32 ft. marked wua a Chisel, C. 3- M.S, 3Su, B. B. Aiau the X, S. eomerof the Xoozxlav Qoarta 31:11, bean S. 4 dec. W. 9o.5 ft. Thence frvm comer No. 3, S 26 deg W. Tar. 19 deg. 30 min. E. lju, it- to Crek S ft. side, C. S, K. .TO ft. to centcrpoat on Easterly end of tola A flr post 4 ft. long, 4 inches square, set IS in ches in the ground, with mound of stone alongside, scribed M. S. 3o0, whence a fir 13 ia dia bean X. ol dec. W. 22 It scribed At. & 360 B. T. ascend X icet to comer No. 4. Identical witb a cor. of location: A fir post 4 ft, long, 4 inches square, set IS ia- . ches in the ground, witb mound ef scone aloogsi-ic. sieribed C 4, 8. whence a nr 10 ia. dia. bean X. to deg, E. 29 ft. ycribed C. 4. If . 8, 0 a. T. Thcaee X. 72 deg. W. from eor. So 4, Tar. t9 deg. :v min. E, 725 ft. to Creek 3 ft wide C. East 9t f v. lo wagon road leading from Koon day Mine to Quaru MilH 1 W ft. to cornet No. J, and place of beginning emWacing 20. tS acres. The survey of the Helena and Lauretta QuarU Lodes are ideaticai with the respective locations, and tho presumed general course of the vein r lode is northwesterly and soctlV easterly, a Is shown by the plat filed herewith, as near aa can be determined Irons the areaaat development. The Notice of Location of these wowing; clslms i recorded aa follow, se-wit: First, location of th Heiena, (called Bearaer) w ia recorded in Volume ft of Donglas Cowntv, Oregon. Mining Record?, at Paae laa, oa the 7th day of July, Lv: and the second notice there of Is recorded In Volume 6, oi Loot-la Countv Oregon, Mining Becords. at Face 3ul and 302, the 2nd day of August, The first location of tne Laurette Lode Claim was recorded in Volume 6, of Dooelaa Co ty, Oregon, Mining Beconi. on tbe lata day of No vember, lat7. at 1'age 36, and the second loca tion notice thereof was teeonled oa the 2nd day cf August, Ut, in Volume 6, of Doocias Countv, Oregon, Minln; Bccorus, at Pages and 300. The adjoining Claim are: On tbe northerly side of the Helena, (Helener) Lode Claim, the Verde, Lode Claim, of which r. J. Jennings is locator and claimant, and on the Northerly side of the Laurette Lode Claim Is tbe Americas Bov, Lode Claim, of which B. J. Jennings and C. H. B. Bruneau are the locasofs and claim ants. The easterly end of the Helena, (Helener) Claim is the westeriv end of the Laurette Claim. Oa the easterly end of the Lasuetie Claim is vacant sovern meat land, and oa the southerly side of the Helena (Helener) and Laa rette Cairns is vacant government laiid. On tho westerly end of the Helena (Hetswjs--Claim is tbe White Wings, Lode Mining Ciz. located and claimtd by G. G. Warner. And any and ail persons claiming adieaaary the mining ground, vein, lode, premises or any portion thereof, so described, surveyed, platted and applied lor, are hereby notified that, unis their adveise claims are duly filed according to law and the regulations there under, within the sixty dsys oubticaUon of this noOee, with tho Recta ter of the United Status, Land Office at Kosvbuxc. in the County of Doug. Ian. and State of Oregon, they will be bailed La virtue of the provisions of said statute. Dated this sib. day of June, IK'S, and first pub lication on June Utn, IX'). J. T. BRIDGE0, Kegiitex U.S. Land Otice. Notice for Publication. cxited States laxd office. Roser-urg. Oregon May 12, IS99. Notice is hereby rven that tho foliowins natred settler has filed notice of bis intention -to make final proof In support of hi claim, ar.d that said proof will be made be for; the Becister and Beceiver U. 8. Land Officm astsus. Oregon, on Jnly, S 159, Tlx: T"a JAMES F. R0SSELL , On H. E. No. 66S3, for the X K Sec 24 T. !, S. R. 6 W. He names the folio wing witness to prove his continues residence upon and culti vation ot aiu land, vir: W iliiam Moore, Tbomaa Burnet, Harvey gwofford, and John BwoflurvL all of MyrUe Creek, Oregon. (ni2ip) J. T. BBJDGX3, RegUter. Farms for Sale. A number of small farms for sale. adapted to fruit growing. Good apple and prune orchards on soma of them. For further particulars inquire of, G. W. Ajldkbsox, Cleveland, Or. . . Viavl, Viavl. Mrs. J. H. tive for the Shop ia local represent- - popular Viavi remedSrr. Any one desiring any of these remedies will please call on her at her home or ad es her at Kof tor?, Orr pen.