The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 29, 1899, Image 3

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CO 1 ADlfcb'
a sf-v w m at
The famous
JUNE 29. 189l.
Men. see oar lot of odd coatf and vest
lit 13.00 at Joeephson's
Oor iunnier clothinf combines style,
fir, wtsr, and low prices. Jowpbeon's.
Attorn?? O. r. Coshow. of Kaaeburg,
Is ia Ike city. Albany Hera! J, Wednes
day. V. C. London, ol Uoeeborg, was in the
city yesterday. Albany Herald, Wed
nesday. VtmA . I. a .Lor aiuu.1 am
.iL.n.t.rirMtdd n tit them cor- i
redly, j
J. M. Hansbroogh and wife of Rose
burg, were registered at the Hotel Ore- j
rod, Saturday. Tidings. j
Strong bas a solid oak. oinicg chair, ;
oanoot be f qusied in Douglas county, for j
tbe low price of 95 cents. j
Comrade Ewing, an old trapper and
prospector of West Foik, was admitted j
to tbe Soldiers' Home today.
Nervousness, weakness, exhausted i
nervous vitality, rbeamatlsm. Hudyan
cores. All druggists, 50 cents. j
Arthur Arant and family arrived in j
tfiii city, from Douglas county, Saturday,
en route to Klamath. Tidings.
Try some of "that delicious Oregon
hxiey at Mrr. Boyd's. It far excells tbe
California product and is sold cheaper.
. DoGas. M. D member Board of
Fencion Examiners. Office. Marelers
building residing corner Main and Cass
Mrs. . C. Callins retuxne-1 borne from
PorUsnd Wednesday evening, where she
has been enjoying quite an extended
Tisit witb friends.
ilri. W. W. Kent of Drain, arrived in
this city TTednesdsy, and will remain a
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. T. Bridges,
until after tbe Fourth.
Rice & Rice : "We are buildinz a
wareroom addition to oar brick. Oar
rapidly increasing business as house
furnishers demands it."
Uise Esther Collins went to Roeeburg
on Sunday, where she will bo the guest
of Mise Vera Good for several days.
Salem Statesman, Tuesday.
Hen, we bare all kinds of Late, straw,
crash, wool and far, the common for
very day, and tbe dressy sort, all at
right prices. Novelty Store.
Dr. II. "vT. Davis will be in Koseburg
July tbe 10th and remain a week or 10
days. Those wishing work should call
early. (j!0.)
It makes bo difference bow bad the
wound if yon use DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve ; it will quickly beal and leave no
Tbe Ladies' Aid Society of tbe Chris
tian Church will conduct a restaurant on
the grounds on the -Kb. Tbe public are
respectfully invited to patronize tbeir
tables. . (dj4)
Don't think yoa can care that alight
attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it
will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Care
woL cure if; it "digests what you eat"
and restores the digestive organs to
Freeland and Clarence Cornult ac
companied by Mrs. Lizze Gegax and
Mrs. J. C. U.-een of Dunemuir, came
down from Riddle Monday evening to
enjoy a brief visit witb Mre. S. Catch
ing and other frlende. Clarence made
as a pleasant call and returned borne on
bis bicycle Tuesday.
My Big Spring stock is now complete. There's brightness of
spring reflected in every department of my store now. All
the different stocks have their complement of new spring mer
chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention
for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the
money-saving there is in buying of me.
Don't forget the next time you arc down town to
come in and see the many new styles we arc
showing. Our Prices will make you happy and
the fit make your feet feel glad.
L DOUGLAS shoe for Men,
Exclusive Agency.
....I Have for Inspection....
Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find
best assortment ever brought to this town.
The People's Store.
Loud for bargains aud your
watch rc-
.x- ,... e ,
vr. ucauir, uiui, av it. ""'K"
ola staoa.
Light, cool, dressy shoes for ladies' j
and gentlemen's wear. Josephson'e
Tbe place to buy buggies, Lacks and !
c. . , ,, ,-. .
wagon. Steams Cbenowelb, Oak-
Men s b ue serge cuiined coats ana
vests just the thing f x rummer wear,
at Joeephson's.
Hinging in ears, noises ia
itching of eyelids Hudyau
Fifty cents. All drug gis's.
Miss Deriha 1$. Snc'I, of lVrdand,
mQ0 bas been tbe guvs! of Misses Kieln
weQl to ibur tdy for a visit.
Capital Journal. Wednesday,
w anted Vol. 33 of Bancroft's works,
Has been loaned, about town. Return
to this office and receive reward,
Tna nano Cuain dri;e eliil
hetj9 the procee6ion. improved for
99. Cburchili & V'oo'dey tel. tbein
One good lorn deserves another."
Those who have been curad by Hood's
Sarsaparilla are glad to tell others about
Hon. W. R. Willis, of Roeeburg, was
in Salem yesterday, returning on but
night's overland train. Statesman
Carpets from 1C3, yds. up can be
found at Strong's furniture store, and
tbe very beet of patterns also a full line
of window shades, novelty and Uce coo
tsics, etc.
Miss Laura E. Jones of the I 'rain
Watchman, returned borne this morning
after a pleasant visit witb the Plain
sealer. She will go to Portland Sunday
as a delegate to tbe meeting of the Na
tional Editorial Association.
Marshal Ingram, an old esteemed
pioneer of IS52, died at tbe borne of bit
son-in-law, M. Tipton at Gtrden Tai.ey,
Jane 24, 1SVJ, aged 53 years. Funeral
services were held at tbe I. O. O. F.
cemeterv Monday and were conducted
by Rev. J. T. Cotton. j
Stearns & Cbenowelb at Oakland have
now on hand hardware of all kinds pur-'
chased before the raise and will sell at
less llum former prices while in stock.
Also bugeies, backs and wagons f5 to ?10
less than can be nought elsewhere.
Warranted sewing machine, f20. Best
six hole 20 inch oven Steele range witb
high closet and reservoir, f 10. Car load
of choice cedar shingles.
While in Salem the first of the week,
Attorney Crawford, evidently brushed
np against Col. Uofer, of tbe Capital
Journal, who thus sizes our fellow towns
man up from a popolistic ttand point:
"A. M. Crawford, a leading attorney of
Roeeburg, an ex-member of lbs legisla
ture, ex-federal office hol ler, a staunch
republican, bat a good fellow in spite of
all, is in tbe city on business before the
supreme court."
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Aiken returned
home Monday evening from Grants Pass
havine made the trip in a boggy. S. I.
Thornton and bis assistants in the goa)
drive, came in slso, but tbe goats were
left at Myrtle Creek, where they
will be pastured uuti! after the
Fourth. In tbe drive from California
nni. Knni ml vnaiH wpm lost out of the
2,000 head, which is not a heavy Joes
considering tbe bad weatber prevailing
at that time. The eoats will bu divided
np among tbe Douglas county farmers
and ranchers.
It will do you good. It will interest you as
book, contributes to your prosperity and
backwardness of the Spring season we make this .sale to force out
goods that should have been gone long ago aud to lqiuidate our
Spring indebtedness. In order to do so we commence with today to
single out various specials from the various departments that are
sure to bring you to our house agaiu and again. Hot weather will
come suddenly and with a vengeaucc. Then you will need the
goods. Why not make them up now and have them ready, Look
for the Red Tag which will give the former price and the new price
Today and all next week the RED TAG SALE.
i Bond, the watchmaker, does
' tor first-class
deutietry go to l'r.
. tilt! of Oakland.
Headaches, sallow ness, falling yensa-
itiou, liver troubles. Hudyan c-uer.
' A'l .lrnmrintc Si can I a
,. .......
A fins lineal men bats o teJoias
.... ,
and still hats la tbe latest ahspes and
colors at Jcsephson's.
Female complaints, pa!, pa! low com
plexions, lit-adai-be. narv-os dyspepeis.
Hudyan cures. All druggists.
U rand ma Owens ariived at Ibis place
from Empire City Wednesday evening to
et'jjy a visit witb V family of Mrs.
.urs. 11. voi.eow:rg auu uauiuer, .
Liilie, have returned boae from Port- j
land, where they have been enjofiii a!
vtr t t n ti . i.
nleasarjt visit.
Mrt. F. P. Cfouemiiler nnd children j
mornicg t-j erjoy a pleniant visi:with;
Mr. Cronousiiler's parents aud other re!-:
W. L. Moore, tf Camas Valley, is iu
town maLin artangsmenl to join the
crew which will sjou begin putting up
tbe telephone poles between this place
and Myrtle Point.
Ham Butler cf ScottsLurg is iutou
today. Ue purchased s nice monument
of H. L. Marsters which will mark the
tbe final resting place of bis parents in
tbe Scottsbar cemetery.
John .uLxry, of Dcglax county, who
was dicharg.d from the nitentiary
October !:, 1S03, was teetered lo cl'izen
sbip Wrdnecdry, be bating civet, evi
dence of gt o.l behavior bince his dis
tbarge. Statesman.
After a week's session ol tbe Kentucky
democratic state convention, the mist
exciting in the history cf tbe state,
William Uoebel was nominated Wednes
day on the SOtb ballot for governor by a
vote cf Cod to 031 for General Hardin.
The committee on music for Fourth ol
July have succeeded in securing a large
chorus. Tbe singers ate becoming en
thusiastic and will render come splendid
choruses. Two more rehearsals will be
given ; Saturday evening, July 1st, and
Monday evening, July 3rd at the Bap
tist church, b p. m. All eiugers of Rose
burg and vicinity are requested to le
present at these last rehearsals.
Tbe following Douglas county cases
came np in tbe supreme court at Salem
Monday :
Philip Merriaui, repondeut, vs. tbe
Victory Plicer Miniog Compacy, appel
lant; argued and submitted.
Philip Merriam, respondent, ys. the
Victory Mining Company et al., S. W.
Ulasdel, oppallauts; argued and sub
mitted on motion to diemisr,
Miss Pauline Beldis formerly t i this
city, and for a number of years a com
positor in the Plmndealkii office, bas
been choBen by popular vote as "Colum
bia" in the celebration of tbe Fourth of
July, at Tulare, Cal. Miss Bel tils will
riJe in a red, white and blue float,
! drawn by cij;ht brown horses, an J will
be attended by 43 youug ladies dressed
in tba national colors and representing
the United Status. Misi Belfils was
born io Roeeburg, and is the second
j daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. L. leluie, wiio
; movod from here to Tularo in IS'Jti. She
will bo remembered as a highly accom
plished and very charming young lady,
who bas a host of friends here who feel
sure that she will sustain the part of
"Columbia" to perfection.
IE 0
il touches your
savings. Owing
to the
W. L Nichols, the Koeuhur s clock
man, wan a Koooburg visitor Tutsday.
Our immense lino of shirt waioln and
summer dress goads at reduced prices at
S,e our new ilc. It will be noticed
that our ud vet lining paticnago bas doub
led within ti.o pint six weeks.
AH Imperial bicycle riders tru riques
ted to call at T. K. Kiclianlsou's and re
ceivo a Fourth of July souvenir bsiljje.
V. A. Pekir,s, t!je Hudson saw mill
man, spent a few days iu town this week,
lie reports the lumber hnsineea active.
The regular June term of Line county
circuit court convened a En sent Mon
day, Jud;t Ilaioil'on presiding. The
dot ket is a Iii.lit uud unimportant one.
A'Mieon Love, an iniiiHto of the poor
farm, died Mtnidiy :?ed 72 yar. Hd
whs well knoan in the pouthcrn part of
the count y, l avinj; formerly resided a
Myrilo Creek.
Miv Margaret Ru'(ii:id, who has
been iic.siotaLt uiutiuii at I ho blind
scbool, Ml toddy for u summer vacation
at Otkland, PoutfUs county, at tbe Louie
of bor mother. "-'alem Journal,Wedues
day. The U'.n.b'.ir btt:d will pive an open
air conceit ut the F.l!i;re home . Suudsy
afternoon from ' to 4 o'vhck p. ui.
This wi'l bfTord our ei iieua an opportun
ity to hear the ti.tnd play before tbe
boys start on tliefr trip to Ueon where
they i!l furnMi tnii-Ic for the celebra
tion. ' 1 !
J&. M. Kirn su inm.rto of tlie Soldiors
Uonii'. died Weliiesdjy Ue was a
uiHnw r ci Co. I, tt!i Mis.-ouri cavalry. !
Finn-rid services wero ''oiitluctf,! at the
Homo 0:0 this af.'t rn; ou, ai..l tbe re-
mtioe rr.- lutenea iu the Uou.u ceme
tery. Ore by os.c the old veter.-iui are
acfctt 11 w the linal roll cl!. i
The canvas of the ovular vote!
cast for the t.ettion rf an L'ncle Sam
wa made today, and D. F. Hixguubotb-
am, of Oakland, was declared duly elect
ed hiving p -r'led 15".0 o!es. tr.
Uauihy, po'led a vote of 430; Harry
Stapiek-n Soo; Lut'ur Hamilton lSd;
U. Mn:ke 1S2. Tba to!al vote was 2206,
from which tin Udles cgmmities will
j realize f 32.0i.
j C. A. Darl r,v !;ej at i.n h Hue iu po
ikane. Juue "j, IVJ-., at : lie a.e-of 40
i yenrs. IIn emploTf.l -u;n.-ryiior
at the ttate i .?au ay!uni from 1 lie time
Hut io.'ti utioa wal ca:cd until Or. L.
L Iv3landV ada.if!i5H';". For the
piM e'gh'.CC'i Jrnrj l.c ervcd i.t li-
cent io SjmA n .8 tbe
jfon c( Joseph Lin, deceased, a
farmer gooveruor cf etat.
llaviLj uociJvl I') leave
llowbi'rx about July Ut
I w ill. commencing today,
otTcr uy cutiro stock at
Coutiiting cf Ladies
dents', and Cbildreos
furnishing:, tiaware.
stationery aud uotionf.
No Humbug: Absoluti
X ly at Coat: Or will bell
J us a w ho!o to any one do
ts nu a jjooJ paying bus
5 iae&if, the above iclad-
ins, tixtarc3 at a great
J bargain.
Racket store
0 Ncxl ilo"t la lirst Nalivual Batik.
Job Haltic'.d undo a trip lo Drain tbe
first of the week.
J. Culy, formerly stags driver en this
route was iu town Hund.ty in'otvicwinz
his many frk'uuV.
Mr. end Hie. W. r . Jewclt I ava ie
turucd from Califorci.'. Mr 6. Jew et Lis
looking quite well we are pleased fo
Commuuicatious teing vgain open by
sea to tran Frar.cidco, cur merchant bas
stocked up wkh a tine lot ot gools of all
E. P. Upton unl wife, bsviui r.uted
tho property below town bvbngiog to
Wm. Wado, o! Saiitli river, will move
thereto iu tbe tear futuie.
Several loads cf grain and wool were
brought down from Eiktuu last week by
Mentis. Levens, lcnder, Drown, Heed
erer, Haines and some others.
Active preparations are beiog made
for a good time on the 4tb. A. L. But
ler id preparing 10 furnish all tbe ice
cream, nuts, candies and oranges that
may be desireJ.
Ibewatm, soaking rain if Sunday
afteruoou and Monday are of great bene
lit to the grain crops and gardeus, bat
he who is endeavoring to make bay ia
not quite satisGed.
The three mouth's term uf school ends
tho prt6cut week. Mies Laura tiaiduer
expects to return home immediately to
epend the 1th in Drain, and will le ac
companied by Mic-; Jcsic Andrews.
Miss Margaret liurtbard is again on
this coast on a v:!t to her frienda aud
relative!. Miss L is a sister of the late
K. II. burehard, aud was here visiting
two or three years og. Her friends are
glad to welcome htr back.
A bulky hoise cuscl a divcrrioii far a
bhert lima uuu day lirst week, but under
the combine I uud persuasive efforts of
several men.J. Patterson, J. Hedden,
and Kd L'ptu.i, among the rctt, the
boreo proceeded with bis loud ol hay.
A. I-. and li. I'.'.itler have removed the
remains of their father from the ceme
teiy iu Drain '0 the cue near town, and
placed it hcEidu that of tho niothtr, and
a neat and tableful monument will be
brought from Koseburg very eoon aud
elected alovs the graves ot Loth,
Mieecs l.tma Gardner, Julia Lam
phcrc, Jotiie Andrews aud Pearl De
lauuey attended at.tir'iiso party at the
homo of Mr. and Xnt. l'.eu Butler on the
evening ol tin - jIii, aii-l repoit a very
enjoyable tune. Air. butler wiib Konio
whnt Gurpiiud, no doubt, haviug re
tired for the night a nhort time before
1 tho arrival of the company.
I'ubl C Heeling.
A mee'ii g uf the ciliarns will h held
iu the recorders, oflice at city all this
eveninu si 8 oYlo k, Juue 29ih, to ninkt
arrauge uierilH fur lbs rirept'ou i f our re
turning soldi- rt. )ur c'.tiz,eun rr fsrn
esily invited t i lie prisnt and lend their
a-bistanca in prepuriug t j extend most
cordial and fitting home welcoming to
our returniug cilizsn soldiers, wh soun
hi bilntiujjl v and patriotically responded
lot their couutry'scnll nlid so bravely and
nobly upheld the honor of our lnu and
nation in timse distant isles Hint oj-ened
op for us a gttewav to the Orirt Our
citizens should vie with ccli o.her in
honoring our soldiers and making this
tbe heartiest and graudubt reception ever
held in our county. Members of the
patriotic orders ae especially invited to
be pre6rnt anil give their council and as
ttotaoce to extend a hearty welcome to
our poldier boys, who have met with
biu:Ii credit and distinction to themselves
and houor t j us all, uiaintaincd, pro
tected and upheld tbe Flag where Dewey
uuiurled it, and made the name of Ore
gon an honor throughout our nation.
A. C. M ABsTtUh, Mayor.
I'usiueBS of all kinds in booming in Ibis
village and valley and peaceful proserity
Mrs. Edith nimpkios, of Grants Paw,
spent somo days at (Jlaudalo as the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Ktta L'lam.
Mrs. O. (i. LllilF aud thihlrfi. me vis
itiug Mrs. KlliiPs parents .Mi. uu.l Mrs.
John Uaitey, io Starwuul cu- n k.
Mr. Lovina Ideal aud uir im anJ
daughter of Days Greek spnt some days
Veiling Mrs. C. P. Totien at (i i nclieu,
Ibjii. W. H. Lvurs, one of wagon's
b0.1l kuowu and very In I men, is at
tilendale eutveyiug for Hon. A Abru
bate. eo. Boll of Ulndale wsa ciii-jd to
Applegate. -lack son county, on lccuun'
ol tbe daogeious ilinettf of bis ag-d lath
er. He went on gunday morning
Uev . Cai ker aud' w tie f b julh Dakota
arrived bsre Tuesday nivming, Mr, Ca'k
er hsyiog bjru appointed the paa'or cf
this church work uulil conference. We
all bid them welcome.
J. Wiottuiu e, photographer, and
his wile and son left on FriJay Ailur
as, Mol-JC couiity, bere thvy txpectto
IjciIo. Wfc rec-jmmeud him t.i our
KiSt-ru (rj fiij:,dn at a excd!ul
Mrs. J.L. Do v-yaud a..uguirr, M:m
Edith, came i Iroai the Douglas u ioe
Taeniay. where tuey ar rut-tt atina
biie Mr. Dewey is iuui work
doue on the mine, wuicb he has rooeutly
iieorge (.iitbertboii bs imtchaa J tive
acrrS uf land adjjiniuK the loan ol U!en
dale, where be will erect a neat resi
dence and make for his family a l.oaie.
Wa extend a cordial welcome t these
excellent people to our iorn.
The material is already on the ground
to build au addition lo Hotel Oleudale,
also to raise the preseut structure an
other sUry, which will add tweUe bed
rooms to this popular bote), hi. hits
in:reBiog custom makes liecrssaiy.
Mrs. J. W. Wiisoa, one of Med lord's
leading ladies, and her liilla daughter,
Mabel, who Lara betu ths gaes:s of ber
mother, Mh. UedtielJ. at Borkydell,
and her sister, Mrt. Will Leveus of
Galesriiltf, for a mouth past, left for
home Fridar morning.
Mr. aud Mis. Dabell, o'. l residents of
Canyonville, were at ilenJal for sever
al days called hither by the illness
of their sou-ic-iaw, Walter Uen'.xen,
whom we are pleased to say was betier,
so as to be able lo accompany (hem
home with bis wife and little s-iu.
The fine two-eUiry building iiug
built fjr K. A.Jones. iar thettjiecf
ViA'.y & bmiLh and which it to If uet l,
the l jcr story for a public bail, aud tba
upper story as a lodge room for ll A,
O. I . W., U to bs completed ready for
use on Weduec lar. and will be a useful
as well as an ornamental aJditiou lo our
thriving little low n.
There will bu a celebratiou of the 4lh
of July at Maple Grove. An oration,
reading of the declaration by J aJg; Tiol-
ner, exercises by the cbadren. singing
by the choir, and last but not least, an
old fashioned picnic dinner. A general
invitation is hereby extended to all.
Come and bring your lunch baskets as a
genera! good time is expected.
Lela Frances, the infant daughter cf
Mr. and Mil. Arthur Aibro, died at the
family home, Sunday. 25th Inst., at 4 :10
p. m. ot pleoro-pneumonia aged 4
months and three days. The funeral oc
curred at 2 p. m., Monday, services at
the home by Rev. Edward Gorsline, tbe
interment at Msplewood cemetery, Tbe
bereaved parents an 4 relatives have the
sympathy of all, in tbe loss of their little
Mrs. Nellie Siday Owens, relict of the
late well-known sttorney, T. G. Owens,
of Marsbfield, alter an absence cf many
years visited Glendale fast week, having
comotoeeetbe family of her brother,
II. F. Niday, who were recently be
reaved by the death of their mother.
Many old frieude called to greet Mrr,
Owens and expn ased surprise and pleas
ure to see her looking so youthful and
bringing us sucb sweet reminders of ber
bright, happv, beautiful girlhood. be
went oa to Lucky (Jueeu for a few days
visit with ber mother, Mrs. D. H. bes
For Sale, or Rent Cheap.
107 atios, i:i miles eat of Kjstvmrg o;i
the county road, mile to school hoiue
anil',, miles to the l"ost oltice. 30
acres leoccd, hou-e aad baru. Enquire
at Mrs. C. If. Sears, Millinery fctore.
Fourth of July Excursion.
'I'he. I". K. It. (')., will run a special
f auurslou traiu to Kocburg from Drain
aud ' all iuttirniudiate edition on July
4th. The time echedule will he as fol
lows: Leaving Drain, 5:20 a. m.; I3cs
wdl Springs, 5:'-3 a. ui.; Yoncalla, 5:30
j a
in.; hii'o Jtili, :-il . ui. ;lsaaur,
5:lj;0.klaiid,5:5a. iu.; yilbur, 6:10
a. in. Arrives at Haseburg ut U:25 a. in.
A speuiul excursion rate bus Veen ce
cured, to-wit; One fare for rotund trip,
s- If, in your preparation for the "I-OURTH" you should need
- a uew suit or a new dress, a new hat, or a new" pair of shoes, in
fact anything in Ladies' or Gents' Furnishings, remember that
we are headquarters for everything in that line. We have bv
iai l,lc 'rgchi biocic m soutnern Uregou, and we believe we can
please you if you give us a trial. Our stock of SUMMER Zl
GOODS of every description is very complete, and we invite -
lZ your inspection of our lines, and comparison of our prices wheth-
er or not you wish to buy, as it is no trouble to show goods. J?
301-303 Jackson St.
for Sale...
Mis. C. 1L bear, oa accouut
ol ill health, will retire from
business. Now offering her i
"tuck of liillinery nud fixtures
at a bargain. A fia toae.l or
gan. A complete housekeeping
outfit. A grand ouening for a
milliner aud dressmaker. Call
early and got a bargaiu.
Soldiers Home Supplies.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the command 12 1 of the!
Oregon Soldiers Home at Roieborg,
Oregon, until 12 o'clock noor, July 10,
18'W, for the following supplies 10 be
furnished as required fo ue at tbe
Home, during tbe year endiiu June. 30,
Grocerie and kinJrrd supplies, as
prlist on file at tbe Home. j
Dry grode, men's furnishing g xsda, j
G. A. K. suits, sbeetioga, l-xeling, ,
blankets, shoe and slippers as per list.
Drugs and meJicinee.Iiid- to specify
the charge ir perecription; and also
ler ounce ou certain Vw of rtrnn as
prr list on hi al tbe Home.
Reef, pork and mutton. Flour and
mill feed.
All goIs uiiUl Ims guaranteed first
class iu tbeir line
Tbe right is reserved 10 reject any and
all bids. Wji. J. iMurLET,
Kowturg, Ore.. Juue IV, 18:J.
A gOrd a(tiUr
Is essential 1 1 guod beal'.b.
Hood's Sarsaparilla creaUs an
Appetite, tones and
Strengthens the stomach,
And builds op the a hole eyteni.
It relieves that lired fteliog. and by
putificg and enriching tbe blood, it
promptly and permanently cures all
ecjofala erop'ioos, txjils, burner.',
pimples end sores; Mrs-gthens the
nerve, and pves tweet, refreshing
sleep. No other medicine has taken
sutb hold upon the cocflJecce of tne
people at ll-xd' 8arMparilla, and its
record of great cures is unequalled by
any other preparation. Von may take
Hood's 2ar4iparil!a with tbe utmost
confidence that il aid Io "U g'jnd.
How'4 This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot, be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Trope. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe
h;n perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by their
Went & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upou tba blood and
mucous surface of the svstem. Trice 7 5c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test,
mouialj free.
For Over Finy Tesua.
Old and WsLL-TaicD Kimdt. Mrs
R'ioalow's boolhiut gjiup bu been used for
OTcr fifty years by millions ot mothers lor tbeir
children while teething, with perfect tucceca
It toolties tbe child, totteii the guaik, all
pain, cure wind colic, and is tbe best remedy
tor Diarrhoea. Ii p'.eaaant to iho taite. gold by
druggist in every iart ot the world. Twenty
flvo cents a bottle. Ila valu tt incaiculable
Be iiue and aik lor Mrs. Wtatlow'i Soothing
Syrup, and lake no other kind.
Why have lite American Armies always been victorious?
Because the U. S. A. had the very best of material and used it economically and
intelligently, to the best possible advantage.
Why do Rambler Bicycles continue, year after year, to be the most popular wheels
made, prove so generally satisfactory and yet sell at such a fair price?
For reasons similar to those above mentioned.
We cater to those who demand the best,
Investigate mir "Xo. 24 Mcu's Medium weight Rambler Roadster," the most sub
stantial wheel ever made. Price only $40.
A. C. Marsters & Co., Agents,
My flotto Is
... Quality and Price...
Anything from a side of bacon or a sack
of beans to the finest table delicacies.
Coffee is one of my specialties. I also
carry a fine line of Dishes, Crockery and
Trade Checks As a special induce
ment, I am giving Tradk Checks to all
cash purchasers, redeemable iu $2o
amounts. Beautiful lot of prizes given to
holder of checks. Entirely Jrce.
Orders by mail or 'phone promptly at
tended to. . r J
Roseburg Pharmacy
! X
M. F. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Pengs, Toilet Articles. I'atent Medi-
Cigars. iStst;orj-ry, Toilet
Soaps. Paints
photographic Supplied.
The celebratr?i1 fa
wivut i. ItiLC
C Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Cali an I Examine them.
rnnrnT nnnirr nnnimif tnnnn 5
tUKtdl lift PUIIlllif
(Estabii?hrd in 1T7 )
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowis.
Eggs from the finest strains sent
on short notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
Forest Grove, Or. J.
At -
a Rambler
....MRS. N. BOYD.
nod Oile.
- ,,tltff.,tttfJ)tttttt)0
& CO.