The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 29, 1899, Image 2

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,,uii..i , 9...
it) years in the lead A stove
Lai oat lived half a century of cum
retittoa and of which mot e are
C3 each year must have special merit. at il.25 and oar special a ding to much car und consideration " j
Q The Charter Oak is tbat stove where "12.25 cobler seat rocker. cannot be given this subject. Thoso C3
pi is there another cooking aparat as a These are pt ices tha. talk. 4.50 iron and enameled beds are jnst Qj
kJ with incb a recoad. W also carrrWe do nut claim to sellSulmt dm .lnptnr nr.tam.l in wtel '
other makes of stoves and are eure
l please yoa in qnality and price.
Sa j(joi condition and uee-J no sacrificing inducements to disposo of tbeaj. Bat we do claim and have
demonstrated it during our basinass life tint oar Household goods are sold for the very smallest pro tit.
consist with a fair, honest equitable dealings
Write as ia regard to anything yoa wish to know. Wo like to have you write us as wa are here to be
of seerics to our out of town patrons. We are here for business and cnu convince yon if yon will givo ns
TMae House Furnisliers.
Fushshcd Monday and Thursday,
at Tag ri.aISDKAl.KK ri'RMSUlXU c.
i. urraATFORP
. Mgr. and Solicitor
svubscrtpttoii itntea.
Sis w.ith
Tl.e Fcsrth of July ie the ore time of
lMt to fan tli fire of atri ti:u iuto a
ft'.), brig-lit &i:Gr Tie iwiitsof the
Mi year mate the coaiin F-tirtb more
significant and every ods tl.ou! I Iw given
Ui ppportouiiv to j an in celebrutirg
the Baknal cluy of Frwsfosi. The
FoailU Miis yvr t-e a bij day at
E.jturg and 05;'jt to t-e nude a laud
4j t'jrojjbout the couatrr. and CO
ob:. Last rear li F icr:h broosbt
ay'oious aurprie. lut iit veirbratioo
bad to be i!(iTvi:u: j. M jc'.i U&s hp
ptnri daring the Us'. ear to u:ake an
laasricao feel (-rouJly pat-ivk as well
at ipauaiT. The Leroieoi v-IiKeartty
aaJ eary hat been fix.;Iy
!. CVa has been f-etd : J tb o:k
i haaianity carried IbrjcgU.ut bor
4r. Oar flag" it iver tew (.sets
lM that broaden the destiny otthesa
tita. Italic uaves over the ideaicg
Trees f onr devotei asd vK-turioae army
IB the Fhi!ipiioee. A rvnr eo fall of
rilliau! national arhicvra.f'.t naturally
CJta a national hoi;. fur oi" to:h an
Vd-faiLi ?ned and a ji:--fc!i; ;t;?.l kind.
Aeti-adoiinielration editors ai-i play
i la hard lock. Oae met-t they have
t abacs the president berate of the re
vert that he will rail for more volun
teers, and the next for the n p.irt that be
w-if! aot.
Attorney General firings reiurk that
tke Fbilippice Qieslija ; nt one o'
arty politic?, but tiao ply of national
la y, will be generally appruveJ. The
irty that takes a different view niil re
ah'xe its mistake at tb pollf.
Jerry l?imion may ivjt he p -lisbed, cr
classical, r profound, or liitnlieJ, hut
fee as b.t ti e buh's-eye of
batb, as he did the c:!.-r day hen be
eW: "Yoa might as veil disccss a last
year's bird'a-nest ae to disens-g fr-e ei!vf r
at II te 1."
llr. Uavemeyet'e virtoojt ra:b is
.atiUalirreJnpcvertt.e tariff, the 'ra jih
r of trusts." Oh, sugar! l'erbsi the
good Mr. IIive:iieyr can ei; Uin who
tbe fa:her of on! of tl.eui ie. I'otit-ln-teliigecM-er.
Ascumio ttat tbe TiirlU is tLe mjtLer
et trusts, tbe location d t;ieir father is
at difSeut'. The beuuiiul mother has
become the victim of ni-fi without on
eekas. Bat in spite cf their dishonesty
the mother sUll iSi-uain? 8 v. j'.ih' woaian.
Altogether, the Ijuinille cjnveiition
as a typical democratic iratlisrin, not
ly in its meihoJs, iu its so called
'ir.eiples." Tbe attitude taken by
this convention toard the republican
tarty, as reported from Louisville, is
eminently democratic. Tho resolati jn,
a reporieJ, approve w!:at th adminis
tration at Washington d Wnj? Iatt
year, and c jnJe;un wh it it is dainjf novr.
That is a!aya fio -v. Nothing that
is being doiie by tde gijvcii.'iipr.t tver
fail? to tad out tLe ccufii-e -f t: c demc
eratle party, und it ppr-ivea ivhal iia?
keen dor.e only a ter it is a'raid to Co
Ona vi var euttrrrisin i.trii:rr fr'e::d
st5saf?r witu.t'iriK 'be wt. of the
J.see eoaniy rock t-rmlier: "Wi Ii two
lt4 rx-k cruH'.iere, l.'jtijl.ts cinr.ty
eeild !uil(I more aiid ic.-t'.er roi-!s in oie
S'sinn thin the has been nhle to ai
tip!ih i'.hin the p.ic: tt-ti i rjtf, at
I'we prettnt eyelem .A working t ir poS
Iw b'yhways. Tt:e 'i lestijii of pus 1 roads
need no loner be talked, for this part
ef making them ban been'th )roi)g;!y ac-esipliebe-J,
and now i. u time to do
sifeeibio Ia-.-. It is not ni-cessary to
boen the alvsntigc o! jood roi Js to
enr Dople for they 1! rtalijf? the great
Nrsfit to all. DuiM what you build
right, and it i!l not be any great length
ef time nutil you a ill be dming on good
tl 00 1
; a
Y cu f nruish jour
I . . v a I-,... ....1 t A I.-, ...1. r..f S)
iuuureiupm inmi iw t iw i v 1 1 , .
i W furnish
your iioiiM
while you wait. Be ia
cnim, h special sale
Cutiubes throughout
- H we k. Sei our special
sold O Lbdies ' Sewioir Rockers lifa
to gooda lelow cost. We do neatness and price Mattresses w
J not have to as our goods J Lave all kinds. O
Burned to Death In Arizona. A
Brother of Hon. Binger Hermann.
1 1 .,5TArK, Ariz., June 7 W. 1.
Hermann Uervisor ol the rand Can-
, Jon forest receive, was fatally burned by
j the explosion of a kaip last night. It if
supposed thnt he went to slep un l ltfi
the lamp burning and it exploded, eel
ting fire to the beddit g. He is flowlv
8:.Dkins. His fauiiiy residiM iu Myilie
Poiu, Or.
On Wedne&dity nioiuii; a dispatch
was received by ftiends in Jtoeeburj, au
ncoucing tLat Mr. Hermann dieJ that
moruinj. He ltuves a wife and t-evtrji
children at Mjr le Fuint, and numerous
other re!. Vive, including an ajei
mother, fonr brothers, Hon. Dinger Her-
' ...... n . . . . . . a it I Ii A nAr n. j t .1
a u ii vi muiisiifUri V. lot curiii inuii
office , and T. M. Hermann of Wab'iirg-
iton, P. C, F. 1. and Cass Hermjcn.
and a a;tir, Mrs. Ed Bender, of Mjttle
iVcease 1 was nhaut or tJ j eitr !
age and was bjrn in bEltime, M. 1
He has locg ret-iie l in Orcjou, 1.4.-ii-.g
one of the eirlieet eettk-rs c- CoJs
county, and a pit;nfcr reboot teacher of
South-Western Oregon, here he we
well kcown and held in the hin es
teem. The remains will be shipped to
Myrtle Point for intc rinent in the family
Attorney General Blackburn's 5ol
dier Home Decision.
Attorney General Blackburn, tf tbit
state, has fl'ed bis opinion ta to tbe
Tali-Jity of rclie 12 13 and H. edjpted
by the board of trustees id the E?lJicrs'
home, his opinion hsricg been e?ke d
thereon by the governor. KtT.e 12 re
quired all members of tbe home to torn
their pension motey over to the com
mandant of that institution inj mediately
npon receiving it, and rule 13 provided
that said money, over and above the
sum cf 4 a month so surrendered, should
be paid by tbe commandant to the de
pendant relatives of the pensioner, or
if he had no dependent relatives, then
said money to be credited to a fund for
tbe support of a heme. Kale 14 pro
vided that tho allowance r.f $1 a month
granted tbe pensioner under rule 13 was
liable to forfeiture if the member receiv
leg said allowance should te adjudged
guilty cf any misconduct or infraction of
the rales of tbe home.
Attorney General Blackbam's decis
ion, as received by Hon. T. II. bben
dan holds that tbe assignment by the
old Eoldier of bis pension money to the
commandand of the home as he is com
peL'ed to da when be enrolls as a mem-)
ber of the home is a violation of section
4745 of the statutes of the U. S., which
provides as follows: "Any pledge,
mortgage, sale or trausfer of aoy right,
claim, or any interest in any tension
which has been or mav hereafter te
granted, shill bo void and of no effect."
Tbe attorney general therefore concludes
that said rales are in direct conflict with
the feJeral statutes and csnuot be en
forced. Tbe opiuion is a viudicaiijn of the
position taken and strenuously main
tained by Trustees Sheridan and Abra
ham, although outvoted by a majority of
the board. iUily Review, J'ice '27.
Sampson and Schley.
Ntw Yokk, Juno 28. Secretary Long
has reiterated tbat the navy tiepartmeut
contemplated taking no further action
in the Sampson Schley controversy.
"In fact," ejid tin rcve'ary, "to f-ir
as the department is concerned, tie
controversy does not ( x int. If any ollkr
should request a couit of iuijuiry it will
probably be granted. There is no truth
in the charges that the department in
tend to take action reflecting upon Ad
miral Schley.
"We tojk c jti'.i.mce uf the cases of
Lieutenant Hods-m and Heiln-r be
cause ihs Veracity of an officer w as in
volved. We do this often, j'iit the Fame
as we take co;rrj;,a:K'e of charges Ihitt an
officer has fiileJ to pay hi; honet-t debts.
The matter re erred to Captain
Ctiadffirk to laku tet m ny becaune be
is in command of tc station cu which
these officers are sta'i ned, the c;!3 (ak
in identically iIm .i:u i-.iur-e us many
others before it."
Bis; Strike In Bohemia.
CoTT.twt Gko k, Or., June 2S. Inior
nia: ion leached hirela-t evening d big
strikes in the Bohemia mining district.
Reed au I Fletcher, of Montana, have
struck ituch iu a tunue'. S50 fe-t h.nX.
The ore runs up!-. $2j,O0J per ton.
The ore is of honey ejxb clmi-c'er and
.tLe gon ran le aren wiiu the nuked eye. , been in the Wbita Home, and the
Tbevein ia about eight f.-ft wide, with a',, tl!8ijent will remain in Washington
rich ftreak iu the center. Men Imve ! ,.r.Bi,.. .11 .r .H
Ktr. working ou this tunnel il winter.
Vr. Bryan talks like a man wh? bnj
doubt! about ever thing except ho!
sbonld bead tbe democratic ticket nes' j
'. -
- IF. rem.
Ono-thitd. ves oua third of vour m
U cn in b.l Tn hml and Imd- HT i
rtyrtle Creek.
F.J l'ohl haul, ft fir partii u:ikiioan.
Will Gallup bus moved into Siii
Knight's house. .
Jack Wilson of bur was in the
city on last Tuesday.
i. W. Wonacott of Kiddle, al in this
city on last Saturday.
W.H.Cochran und family rvtuincd
Uet Friday from Oakland.
C W. Brown ttot as far us Atdduud,
where he has gone to work.
Ivy Deu, of Kiddle was in the city do
ing business on last Tut-sdsy.
J. M. Creek paum is at his daugutcr's
on North Myriie and is very sick.
C. W. Kirk, of C.myonville was doirg
business in the city on !at Saturday.
Children Day was observed oa latt
Sunday at the South Mothcditl church.
Jim Gibbs' daughter of Caoyonville,
was traditg in the ciiy on last Tuesday.
Uncle Uurr Smith is very sick at his
daughter's Mrs. Strode on S.iuth Myrtla.
11. C. (iall.ij and fai.iily left !n-t
Saturday night for tin I'al-jnfe country.
C. Seliera tf Sjuth Myrtle, made a
busiuess trip to Keburg, cn last Mon-o.-y.
Rev. C. M. Bryan ban reiurued home
after reveral weeks i reaching near Rorc
bnr;;. tico. K, inline, of Kiddle, was shaking with lb- bo;s in the ciiy on last
Merwln l'.ti!y it prepart&s to build
him a new hti near the sight of tbe
old bvme place.
A ift'.sr froai Arzy Kenton states that
he is imprjviug sjuiuch that be is up
pjrt of tbe tinte.
LI llannum of Flacer, was in this city
on last Tuetdty. Ld so'd a !3 interest
in a gold ledate, soma time ago for 15,
OQi. . Aiken at-d I. Thornton are herding
their band of ttvo thousaud gouts just
north cf toan, nntU after the 1st of nest
Wm Ledger aoou lift latt luc6Jay
night for Portland to have bis eye re
moved. It has bothered him for the last
six years.
Albert Itjbinfon on !at Wednes
day for tuact! 4 in the Cow creek can
yon to open tip the mine for Mr. Hint,
of Koseoarij.
Myitis Crock j juug men have farmed
a drill J may be foaud any even
icg drilling. Ira Miles a former regular
is the commander.
G. -W. Robinson baa been ruuning his
saw mill ou South Myrtle for several
days pa6t, having received several bills
laroieh laraber.
Mrs. II. I. West has opened an ice
cream parlor in My.t.'e Creek, and may
be found el the Eland on Saturday even
ings and Sanday afternoons.
Will and Eugene Gallap have sold
their crop t a Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Adams
jf anxious to get back on the ranch bo us
to get a good start for next year.
II. M. Oatuian met with rather a pain
ful accident, o.u day laet weak, by a
horse jerking a torch psV. out and strik
ing him with it. II. M. is using a cane
at a result.
Mies Nellie Facett, ot Portland, has
an uncle here and you may be sure Uncle
Jocii is taking q-iite an interest in tbe
contest at that place for ice most popu
lar teacher of Portland. Vis3 Nellie is
running a Una re -a.
Jno. Brown had the misfortuue to have
bis leg broken just above tbe ankle, on
last Saturday. Mr. Brown was working
at G. W. Kobinfoift: mill 11 miles up
North Myrtl. I: happened by a pile of
lumber falling on his leg, Dr. Wbitcomb
set tbe limb.
Uncle Johnny Uice says he don't keep
any First Natioual Bank stock on band,
but some one got an idea that he had
and tried to get into his hcuse laet Fri
day night, but after receiving notice to
inova or the wbola top of his head would
cotr.o off, be It ft.
The city onnci! met on last Tuesday
ui;h!t) traiif-Hct S'nue special bus'.ucr?e,
and; other its.-nt brought op was
oue f a rt' that all the general uior-
chaudise stores clo3e on Sunday V, some
fauit is fonnd with it, and d not think it
will be observed.
President Not Coming West.
W.tMiix;TMN, Juno I'S. Preeident Mc
kinley's pnjtc!d tri(i to tho Pacific
coast, which had keen looked forward to
in anticipation of enjoyment to himeelf
and imnrcvcinont in Mrs. McKinlev'a
con liti0D, ha been abandoned. The
! fi!a,e of Mra. xjcKinley'a health at this
,',:. is .cidedly worse than since she
Vil Je XM .lm out of the citv.
It bs been found out that the Philip,
p;uu w-ar will bet a lung lime. Uncle
Sam may have his bands lull but he; will
eoino out on top. -Alhrfny I democrat.
at-' I'
M " rfim ii V Im
b- ii - .. ax
And the Place to get them is at
Our lino of Bed Lounges in np-to-date. Alto couche nud if wo haven't
wLut yoti wan, we will make it for yon and you can have the advauta'u of
selecting your own goods.
fieo our JjiitJ.00 Sawing Machine,
have the bost uuchtne on the market
long any machino tat is made.
Iron beds from 5f4.-3 up nod wood beds fioui $1.1:0 up.
Have just sorletl up our stock of Wall l'pjr and bow sjiuo new de
signs that are hard to beat. Late buyers can be sure of getting as gcoj
colorings is those who bought early in tbe reason.
Oar motto is honest values and good goo 1 sold as cheap as it is possi
blo to sell them.
Will Take Two Meals in This
Astoria trip Leav Portland Satur Jay,
July ?, at S a. ro.; anive As oria 11:30
a. m.; salmon dinner ted clambake;
visiting canneries. j-tty and reaebcre;
leave ocean beach at 10 p. u. for Port
land. Willamette valley trip Leave Port
land at 7 a. tn., July V, and reach Hiils
boro at S CO and McVinnviila at 9:05:
leave McMinnvii'e at 10:05. Independ
ence at 10:55, Cacvallis at 11 :3), and ar
rive at Altany at 12:10 p. m., where;
lunch will te served; leave Albany at
2 :00, Junction City at 3 .00, Kaj;ene at
3:25, Cottage Grove at 4:10, Drain at
4:50, Oakland at 5:4 J and arrive in
Roeeburg at 0:20 for supper ; leave Roe-bu.-g
at 10: CO, Glendale at 1 .-00 a. m.,
July 13; Grants Pass at 2:50, and arrive
in Arh'.jnd at 4:40, wbero breakfast wn
be 6trved at 8:00 a. in.; leave Athland
at 11 :00 a. m. July 10, and arrive in
Medford at 11:25 for luach; leave MeJ
ford at 2:00 p. m. and arrive in Grants
Pass at 3 ;05 ; leave Giants Pass at 3 :3a
and arrive in Roteburg at 8:20 for sap
per; arrive ia Kogene at midnight, and
stay there for breakfast at 7:00 a. m.,
July 11; leave Eugene" at 9:00, Albany
at 10:25, arrive in Salem at 11:20 for
lunch ; leave Salem at 1 .-00 p. m., Wocd
burn at 4 .33, and arrive in Oregon City
at 0:15 and arrive in Portland at 7:00.
a Bin GOO.
A later telegram says:
The train will rau ia two Eectioca of
eight Pullxau coaches each. There will
bs about GOO visitors.
"IU. DO Tilt O&ANO.
Roscbr.ig has extended an iuvitatiju
to these gentlemen and ladies of tbe
press and will entertain theiu in roal
Today' Market.
Portland, Jane 23. Fggs
Oregon ,
17 cents per doz.
Butter Bett dairy, i2l(.i25c;
creamery, 300225c per roll.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $ l.00u 4.h0
Prunes Italian 2(ZK; silver, extra
choice, 54' per lb.
Wheat-Dull; Walla Walla 08c; Val
ley 585'Jc; blneateua 5Jc.
Oats White 45("M'5c; choice Eray,
42i'j43c per bushel.
MillbtulT Bran, 15; middlings f2S;
ebrts, 16 50; chop, $10.50 per ton.
Llay Timothy StL'l0; clover. 0'3;
Oregon wild hay, 50J7 per ton.
W )1 Valley, 10f?12c: Eastern Ore
C " 12, Mohair, 25(2 30.
1 .utoes Oregon Burbanke, ?2.25;
Gtrutt Chiles, fl.50(f 1. 75; CaJifcrnla
(new) 221.: ier pound.
Wood Wanted.
Scaled bids will bs received at the of
fice of the commandant cf the Oregon
Soldiers Home, ut Ivoseburg, Oregon, up
to 12 o'clock, noon, July 15, 1SW, for the
delivery at said Ilxne, of 3)1) cords o
merchantable Cr wood in 4 foot lengths
Bids for lo's of less than 20 cords will
not be considered.
The delivery uuder tho contract, or
contracts awardod muat be completed on
or before October 15. IS'J'.i.
Tbe right is reserved to reject any or
all bids.
Rotseburg. Oregon, Juue 20, lS'j'J.'
Wm. J. Sinr-LEY,
A beitutiful Fourth of July houveoir
phauipict con tainii:g a write-up of our
city and its piincipnl biiMimB and pro
fessional men und the Fourth of July
celebration has jst been issued by 1". P.
Crooemiller, the job printer. It is a
neat, artistic and cieditable doce of
This cut in au
exact repreM'ida.
tion of a solid oak
Rocker we have
in Mock, finely
liaiHbed rods,
arms, high back
suitable for pur.
lor or aittiog
room for$3.75.
Have other
good rocker
from $1.00 up.
To ace is to be cobviueed, Ihfct, we
for the priee and will guarantee it as
...B. W. STRONG.
Pithy Paragraphs.
The laziest man in the world has been
beard from. Hclivieia West Virginia
aud he wanU a place as clerk in a store
that does not alvertise.
Ubio newpapeis are go.ta to try to
decide wl o is the pretliett girl in Ohio.
Alter tbe award thire will be but one
female newspaper reader in the state.
Tae Mbcal Record givea the follow
ing: D.ii k le, breathe more; eat less.
chew mote: tide lees, waik more; clothe
less, bat'je mare, worry less, work more;
waelelet?, give more; write less, read
more; preach less, practice more.
The ForJ:u, tl Fargo, N. D., publishes
the folloving beginning of a romance.
Will it tnl in love or war, or both? "A
yoang fellow bjaght a boa of strawber
ries this morning and found some poetry
written on the side ot tbe box and signed
E?s Larkins, ot Miris, Oregon.
He intends wrt'iog her io find out more
of the fair strawberry picker."
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croop and whooping cough readily yield
to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this
re-neJy in time and save a doctor's bill
cr the undertaker's.
Uarklow , Mania Stage Co.
Private conveyance from Roeeburg to
Coquille Citv vis Myrtle Point, connect
ing with boats and trains. Leave Co
quille City aud Roseburg Mondaie,
Wednesdays and Fridays. Goo', rigs
ana teams. Beet of accomodations.
1 cr prices and particulars call on or ad
dre t, W. Fattbsos,
Corner Giocar, Ratebarg, Oregon.
Hnnten sometimes hide themselves is
the disguise of a cow. and thus make their
way into the very tnidst of the most cau
tious fame. The mode of -W3
operation is shown in the f f
picture. In a similar manner consumption
hides icclf in the disguise of a throat or
bronchial affection, making its way finally
to the lunrs where the insidious germs eat
away the victim's life. A stubborn cough,
bronchitis and other throat troubles are the
first steps toward this deadly malady. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
prevent consumption, curinir every con
tributing cause. Time and time again, it
has cured what local physicians have pro
nonncad wcll-dcvcloped consumption. It
makes the stomach healthy, the liver
healthy, the blood healthy. It is a reju
venating tonic, which makes the weak
strong-; puts ambition into tired people,
puts fiesli ou thin bodies, and vigor into
(duinrish reins. It is a pcculiur medicine
in that its properties are preserved in any.
climate without syrup, sugar or alcohol en
tering into its composition. It docs not cre
atecravingfur injurious stimulant. It is the
personal prescription of Ir. K. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, X. Y., whose widespread expe
rience and sncceij are at the service of the
public without cost. Anybody, anywhere
can consult him free by mail.
' I will write ymi what Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery has done for me." savs George
H. Mclcher. Esq.. of Ikirton. I'ike Co., Ky.
" Thirteen years iro I wi: wtmuded bv a ball
passiujr through my limp. I hare bad a bad
cough nlmost ever since with hhortuess of breath,
and it wns very easy lo take colli: (he slightest
chaiifre of weather would cause the rough to be
so hid I would have to sit up in bed ali night.
Could nut eut or sleep at time: wns all ruulown,
could nH work ct all. A few months oiro I began
using llr. Tierce s Golden Mc1k-uI iiscoverv.
Itave not ued more than two lH!lc and now
can cat, sleep, nnd woik und I ftel like a new
man. 1 cannot find words to sufficiently recom
mend Dr. l'iirce's Golden Medicul Dic6very, or
tell the good it has done me."
The no-gripc remedy for costivcucss ia
Dr. Pierce's I'lcasaut Pellets.
If you suffer from tenderuesB or full
ness ou the right side, pains nndcr
shoulder blade, constipation, biliousness,
sick headache and feel dull, heavy and
sleepv yorr li vr is torpid audcongc&tod.
DeWiit's Little Early Risers will cure
you prouiptfy, pleasantly aud perma
nently by removing thn cnttgi ntion and
csufiug the bilo ducts to open and How
naturally, thkv aiie ioo mlls.
I Squirrel
. .
jjj; Squirrel and
W Gopher Poison
x rn.'iar4'l
TA. ' The Best and Ctttnet
yc; iitcovcrei loc
i ineae orcn
much rttf
iU i
Under Auspice Roseburg: Fire Department.
National Salute at sunrise.
Grand Parade, forming at Couit House
at 0:30. Hon. P. B. Beckley, Grand
Marshal. Assistant Marshals: J. C.
Aiken, II. C. Sloeum, R. 11. Dixon,
Harry Pinkaton, T. J. Williams, Geo.
McDoogal and E. T. Woodruff!
Hon. D. S. K. Baick president of
the day.
Fire Department leads the way, fol
lowed by Albany Concert Band ; carriage
occupied by Orator; Reader of Declara
tion ; Chaplain and President of Day;
Liberty Car; Grand Army: Officers and
Veterans of Soldier' lionse: Relief
Corps; Indian War Veterans; Civic So
cieties with Floats; Individual Floats;
Carriage"; Horseback Brigade; Bicycle
Parade; Ping Cgliee.
line or Maacn.
From Court House to Jackson street,
to Cass, to EheriJan, to Lane, to thi
Selection, bf Albany Coucert Band.
Prayer, by Rev. Douglas.
Chorus of one hundred voices under
direction of Prof. Traver.
Reading of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, by Miss Laura Myers of Sa
lem, Or.
Oration, by Senator Johu If. Mitchell.
Selection by band.
Commencing at 2 p. m :
Han mile running race, best 2 ia 3 ;
purse $10 and entrance fee. 1st money
70 per cent ; 2nd, 20 per cent ; 3rd, 10 per
t4 tin: -
GoodsJ all that is uew and up -
prices. Mailorders solicited.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealeas in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181. Props.
, The Roseburg Tannery.
XT 1 Lace Leather. Furs and Skins Dressed und
Foot of MM St.,
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovai an ir two aoww. eo.. Mar wmt.
I Huns a, mr rwr
-m. tt.. j-.-r 15- - ,. V mf- .
iaal4U4e r ft a a T t 2 i a
. a r -
XT'. --,-,
Saddle horse race, ,'j mile dash;
paras 20 and entrance fee. 1st money,
70 per cent; 2nd, 20 per cent; 3rd, 10
per cent.
Slow rare for borsss or males ( '? mile).
Purse $5.
Trotting race, H mile and repeat for
roadsters. Parse 25. 1st money, 75
per cent ; 2nd. 25 per cent.
Bicycle rac?, mile and repeat, prixe
Bicycle race, 1 mile dash (amateur),
prize $7.50
Best bicTcle trick rider, f5.
Bicycle race. mile dash (boys under
15), prize $2 50. "
One handred yard foot race, prize $10.
Running broad jump, prize $2.50.
Running high jump, $2.50.
Banning bop, skip and jump, prize
Sackrace, $2.50.
Five minutes race for boys under 14,
prize $1.50.
Three legged race tor boys under 10,
prize $2.50.
Best equestrian, priae $5.
Daring above r ports, base ball game is
in progress for prize $20.
ix mi evinlso ai 7 r. m.
Hose contest on Jactsoa street, wet
test for parse of $100.
Most wonderful display cf fireworks
ever presented ia Southern Oregon, in
cluding Battleship Oregon; Admiral
Dewey; Batteries; Fountains ; Flying
Pigeon and hundreds of other gorgeous
specialties concluding with a brilliant
"Good Night." followed by Grand Ball
at Opera House.
Wheat) ? Q J&A&.Z t ''- "'
Itemed,- &5i-r. -Iv-X -
tneaeairiie- -- ' ' .
The Chief Charm-
of a Shirt Waist, is the charm of
Novelty. It wiU interest you to
know that our stock of waists is
Clean, Fresh and. New. The
"snap" and style of our garments
at our usual low price arc giving
us astonishing busy daj s ou this
Call and examine our entire
stock of Staple and Fancy Dry
to - date at specially attractive
(Highest Ca-h Price Paid for Hides. Fun and Raw Sklao.1
Fur and Buckskin Dressed for Gloves, Lash and
Cleaned. Black Ansora Goats for Chars.
L DEACH, Proprietor.
South Roseburg, Oregon.
jr-"rt fT I Z f
is -r. . - - ' -
A ad Effcctml
struct lea M
Mir mice, crowj. nc
Roseburg Bakery.
Hurrah ! Hurrah ! the bread does rise
And nicely made are our ruince pies.
No grumbling now, for the orice is lojsy
Iiitidc the oven tlj pans do go,
So when the purk-atHl beans are done
! Cauirales and patrons have some fun !
Hot cakes and pea-nuts we now sell
And all tliat buy, their swectkearta U-1L
Rye bread and loaves of every kind ;
Hue lota for low price you'll find.
Each loaf Ls good weight and jmre
Used by thegvnt anI maids demure.
Direct yonr order to Jackson Strcetf
Each patron we arc glad t greet.
; Prop.
I Guardian's Sale.
! A' unoVmxDed, ibe gnardiao of to penoa
I and estate of Kooa Joaeuhaon. tsamnel Jotraft-
aon. Juiian Joarpbaon aad Walter Joaapbaiaa.
minor beira of M. Joaepbaoo, decewaed, m ill by
virtue oi an order of to County Court of Doac
laa Cownty. Stale of Orvgoa. aej at pabUc aoo
lion lor cao in hand, at the Court Eouae dear
in Eoaebunc, DocgiaaiJouutT, Oregon em Toes
day, July 11, 1?. at tbr hofr ef 1 o dock p. ir..
of said day, aU the riht, ute aod Inumt of
aid minora ia and to tbe following described
real property, to-wit: T!ie P of 6W1.'. BE'm of
BWiiandftUolNWtio SeoUoo S. Towwhlp
S. B. 10 W. Willamette meridian, coBtaialaa
Dated thia Tib day of Jnne, ISO.
OSU) tauacdiaa.
Notice For Publication.
nited Stales Land Office,
&oaara. Or., May 13,
Notice ia hereby given that the tallowing
named wttlcr has Died notice of his utastlim to
maae final proof in tnpDort ef hia ciaia aad
tbat said proof will be made before the ieriaier
and Keceirer, U. 5 Lead OfSce at Sosebers,
Ortgon, on Jotr 8, rti:
Oa U. E. No- S.OJ, for the KW 'i. See. It. T 31 9.
E 2 W. He names the following witanauaa to
prove his eontinaona leai-ieDce upon and culti
vation of aaid land, viz: Leonard Pardue, A ii
Uam Kirk. Hun Ken tile. A- Powell, ail of Per
due, Oregon.
mtoP Kegiaier.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warruta In
dorsed oc or before February 15, 1S09,Y
present the came at toe treasurer's ok
in the Douglas County bank fcr payment,
as interest will cease thereon after the
date of this notice.
Dated this the 10th day of Jane, 1SU9
at the City of Koeebur, Oregoa.
Geo. W. Ddoucx.
County Treasurer, Doaglas County, Or.
as mine rAYisoovEa $1,500, snon rurs
Are paying good money at present,
bat a httle more capital needed to prop
erly work tha mines. Easy of access,
will sell all or an interest ia the same.
For particulars see me at Roeebarg, or
P.O. Box 21 Rosebarg, Ore.
Administrator's Notice.
nudenurned baa been dulv appointed ad
ministrator oi the estate of Ronana Stannlac.
deoeaaed, by the County Court of Doe ;ia
County, Oregon, and all peraoaa having daiaia
aaaissi taia estau are ncreby noooea to present
the aamc, duly verified, to aud atbaiaiatrator
at Oakland. Oreson. within aut months front the
date of this notloe.
Datcd at Roecbnia, Oregon, this the ZTVh of
June. 1SCO.
(J2 B. H. JtASSDiG,
Admlnisrrator of the estate of Bosana Maa
mng. Ucoeaaed.
The Home Bakery
701 Oak Street, Opposite
Central Hotel.
Fresh Baked Bread Every K-Y
"Boston. Baked Beans,"
a specialty.
Specialists for lea
Vtww rayariaaa feoff. m
ncua .IM wn lau.
TIM. kut U. kma aM
t.tatNab u4 Ik. aH oa-
1 U Cars.
" 1 ITafcetMrt. a. va-t'-tjrtl
. V neaadrtMaiia-
tsvasusNto it vcaas.
::L-tteneai&laii4h Ke Cbarg. fer reaaaltatiea.
3i ?AtBiSU8CO EaEaaar
For Infants and dildrta.
I Th8 Kind Yoa Bars Ahfajs BsiM
Bears the
A Bargain.
Five acres, choice bottom land, ou
which is located a goad seven-room
hou?e, good barn, and is situated ia a
fine agricultural locality, near a school.,
and poatouice. AViil be sold at a veV
low figure. Inquire of, J. W. Mo,
(djlfi) . Wilbur, Or.