The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 26, 1899, Image 3

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The famous
J use zc. :s9y.
White pi-)ue skirts at Joeeph'.on'a
W. J . Tattt rson is in the city from
Gardiner looking aftr business matter?.
Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield, ol Roberts !
Creek, were iloaeburg visitors hi it nr Jay.
Bond, the watchmaker sells spectacles
at .owes, prices ana can m ttiero tor-
L Varhrauh u in from Dillanl
1 r D
in thai vicinitv.
Mrongnasa eoaJ oak uinntag chair,
. . t. . 7 . 1 : 7 ' f
, , . , e
the low price cf 9j cents.
E. DaGas. M. D member Board of
t eocion i-xaminer?. umce. Marsters :
building residing corner Main and Casa
a syndicate which recently purchased ;
10.000 acres of timber land in Lewuj
xuesiaew mmany pans 01
re in very ce:apiuated concmon ana
should receive the attention of the prop
erty owners of the town.
Men, we have all kinds of hats, straw,
crash, wool and far, the common for
every day, and the dressy sort, all at
right prices. Novelty Store.
All bicycle people men, women and
children are cordially invited to join in a
grand bicycle parade July 4th. For dec
orations and arrangements see T. K.
Richardson, Koseburg, Or.
Miss Blanche Riddle arrived at this
place, last Thursday evening, from Cor-
valiis, where she has been in attendance
at the O. A. C, and on the following dsy
proceeded to her home at Eiddle.
It makes no difference how b
a. . j:ar t I I .1.- I
H males do aiiiereouow uau
wound if you use DeWitl's Witch Hazel
Salve; it will quickly heal and leave oo
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Chris
tian Church will coodoct a restaurant on
the grounds on ihe 4tb. The public are
respectfully invited to patronize their
tables. d;ji
Dan Earklow of the Myrtle Point-Bose-burg
back line, baa formed a partner
ship with Geo. Marti a of Ccxioille City
and will make regular drires between
the above mentioned places. See their
notice in another col am n.
W. L. Patterson of Marehlield, who
graduated last week from the O. A. C. at
Corallie, passed through this city last
Friday enroute to his home to enjoy a
brief vacation, alter which be wiil ac
cept a position in a Corvallia bank.
The elate fair will be held this year
from Sept. 15th to 22nd inclusive. Hod,
G. W. Kiddie of Kiddle, and J. A. Whit
man, of Medford; were appointed to
gather and arrange au exhibit of the ie
83urces of Oregon from the third dis
trict. The wife of an engineer in Portland
sued for divorce, and among other things
said ber husband thought he was the
"mugul" and the "whole locomotive."
Where the husband made bis mistake
was ia not regarding her as a "tendsr"
Don't think yon can cure that slight
attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or liiat it
will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
win. cure if; it "digests what yon eat"
and reelores tbe digestive organs to
DEI 118 81-i..
My 1 Spring stock is now complete. There's brightness of
spring reflected in every department of my store now. All
the different stocks have their complement of new spring mer
chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy atteution
for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the
money-saving there is in buying of me.
Don't forget the next time you are down town to
come in and see the many new styles we are
showing. Our Prices will make you happy and
the fit make your feet feel glad.
W. L. DOUGLAS shoe for Men,
Exclusive Agency.
....1 Have for Inspection....
Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find
best assortment ever brought to this town.
The People's Store.
Lokd for bargains ami your natch e-pairin--.
Dr. Cueadle, dtntifct, at Dr. sirauge's
old stand.
The place to bay buggie, Lacks arid
wagon. Mearne v. liienowetli, ak -
li. A. GrVusiu returned from au
trapciri'D mi !n Ku!b, laesday.
i Marebfieid Sat).
Uor immense hie of
hirtwa'Bts aud
i summer drea v o I :it itliii r I tiri.fn.
I . 1 :
. ML JlPTDUnil f.
1 .
, ; :.. ,.-. I ...!.. lo
tion of heart. lljJvm cures. All
f Jroueiet 50cent
I rem b! inn hatJ-i, ;a
. 1 n 1
unsteady gait. Hudyau
druggists 50 cent;.
WantA.' 'I': of I'.iri'rnii'i ar.rli
u.0i 1 , . . t, . '
loaned abo it town. Ketnrn
to this office and receive reward.
ltie liano Chain UriTe
beaJs procetj:0O. ,
Churchill & Woo iiev
auo i ian j u&iu uiitc utuer cviil
Iirrovsd f-r
reh i hem
; ...
j Tbo6e wbo be been CQrea bv
, . aU, .....
lonJncicr camuei eaten rpent a
few days daiiog the pit week, Tisiticg
bis parents. Mr. aad Mrs. H. C. Veatcb,
io this city. Cottage i-rove Leair.
lion. A. t, lron olUaklacJ. i& look-
ing after bafioeM matters iu tbia city,
W'aw aVnnrrIa I va i-ep ..'-. -, ilai
c Vwuu w VaTUjjv: cj ,ia:a i . iti.
with lbs geuUl old pioneer citizen. j i uui fJ j juf. u lj.1i i c
loand a: Strong's farnitare store, id
the very best of patterns isj a lu'.l hue
of nindow shades, licvelty and sa car-
Ulc8' etc"
Mrs. Sol Wise, of Maiehtield e;tut a
fa m- Av farilh fripnil in fbi ri'r lart '
- -; - "
!weesva:ie enroa.e uoaie irom ion-
mr,rm ha I. -M Vn in ( r,l .r.t A
at the grand lodge of the . K. S. She
was elected grand Electa.
Grant Pass has also inaugurated a
votine contest t3 elect a Goddess o
Liberty. Votes are beisg sold at oce
cent each and the young ladies b,viog
received the largest number thus far are,
Hyde. 1131; Mis AUie Thornton, oo-J.
vm Km 1 utmio. i. . : Jim . r
P, W. Kbodes, bo has teea fjr some
month past engaged in the butcher!
. - - .it--t. ... t f. 1.. 1
oosmese in in cuy, . aa icu ir Fa , gjajp,f rMa,f of ,Lo
onknown. He a.w left seyeial unpaid witbwjl jiitQrUoi tbe die4;Me iiM:U.
bills without rettiement. And sine- his j p,ce To(jf confi(Il.ute ia neWitC. Witch
departure several partite of hom be j Ujm1 tt L, never f.ied to cure
bought Jive stock have become wLIutM. it not w, tocnf. lol.,
and some of them have entered suit and . r 1 i. tiu ; r i 1
attached bis few
Grove Leader.
belongings. Cottage j
learns A Chenowelh at Oakland have
j now on hand hardware of ail kin Is pur-
! waa- .1 I -.11 .
cuaseu Deiore me raise anu wui eeu ai
less then former prices while iu stock,
Also baggies, link and wsgons fi to f 10
less than can be uoaght elsewhere.
Warranted eeiuz raachine, Best
six hole 20 inch oven Steele range with
high closet and reservoir, f 10. Car load
of choice cedar shingles.
U you Buffer from tendernese or full-:
nese on the right side, pains under!
shoulder blade, constipation, biliousness, !
sick headache and feel dal!, hesvy and
i sleepy your liver is torpid and congested.
JJe ill S utile r-ariy Hirers wi.i core
.a nl' i- ..1a.acat.t1w ain.'l r.nrtna.
nent'.y by removing the congestion and
causing the bile dects to open and flow
naturally, tuev aki: 0000 tills.
It will do you good. It will iutercst you as it touches your pocket
book, contributes to your prosperity and savings. Owing lo the
backwardness of the Spring season we make this sale to force out
goods that should have been gone long ago and to lqiuidate our
Spring indebtedness. Iu order to do so we commence with today to
single out various specials from the various departments that are
sure to bring you to our house again and again. Hot weather will
come suddenly and with a vengeance. Then you will need the
goods. Why not make them up now and have them ready. Look
for the Red Tag which will give the former price aud the new price
Today and all next week the RED TAG SALE.
Take a.ivir.taje ol that sjle a
For irhl-cla&;
LitIV of Uakland.
- Fine fuj! wear fur ladies si:. I .-i title
iujeni JcM-phst n'f .
Call and tea (hat tine uw line of ha
a,e just receiveJ by KUc & Kice.
W sir...... r ....; .1..-'... c .. .
j miuu HIS IUIUHUIC UIT.1B1 l 3
a liie new ad ia this issue. KeaJ it.
ra'pilatioa of heart, indigei-liou, siecp-
: !asnu.
11 diovjl'!'. .'0
c ntr.
A tine line of geLte'' -umui-r ciothiiig
iu the Ute't t'vi-.s :iud inatfrit!-) r,t
Jos-pli? -iiV
At the shcp'JV
!. ."a'.ii'.iav 111
Hue case 11 . i'. tiu v.'. rramieto
j MaroLcfa Ira I'er.nington i-id in the ;ru -
I ert fur a)J-
; The ioe cieaa sociil g.veu by the a-
' dies of the M. K. Church on the" cLurch
1 - - imni-iT i.i'u:n ii'j. 1 a
very f !eain: an 1 sec v-rfi: i.
' n T ......,.7. ...
v '; -f.:'::r;
to the r,. on Td.y from a
. ,fcrMs.L c,..,,. tKtn,!a, .-r.n:.i
:....t i .. . ; - !
t . . i jca re urnrti Jrjai Koeburg :
! Monday evcriss and has resumed his'
j position ae f reuia of tLt? BjIIsfi.a.
; Ue is rccomajieJ by Mrp. U. nJ liti e ,.,.!. r..M . :
1"UUIW-" vvi Ji" mjicuu.
i K. A. Sro(-'l i in town to-Jjy uu liu-j
f.r,ro i- l!il i a . tm I t 1. . . 1
i z c- t . - . v ' ret. uitu in- tA
claive a,: -r.' f r the rronorr.y llr
- ' - . xv
'connlits. I- i said t 1k a vety u-f jl
j article for farmers r.d teamsters.
. At a taee'isg cf the biard of n-gcnti
: of the Central Orfgj:i :a'. Nr
i mi! School at L'rain last Satariir, l'rof.
, Jfhn Walker of Spckane was elected
1 resident, an J l'rof. A. li. Molkev was
president, an J 1
".. . . . .
! "'"" u. n.e bluwi. .
elccte-J scietate teactcr ol the school.
TLe was also approved
i b ,be boarJ- !
Co!. U . II. Liar,, of Salem was in j
town Kaiar.y cn his way to Josephine
,nJ V'"5 CUeB hC b" !, T'
tract for government surveying. He has
us. riiurueu irooi xx.ueaiia uu re-
I ports yreal ac'Jrity in thit eccliou.
j The Pl:ii;au.k was foyored with a
: 'ieaaui auu mtcmiiug t.ti.
If jou have piles, 1 i ol IheiD. No use
goicg bjrrible op rations that
! capt. f-. Matiiers anatior. A. u.
Curke, governmut land inspectors, re-
; tarDed SattirdiT from Lskeview. where
j eat )aet week to io,. the land
OIj,ce at tbst ulatv. Gov. I'.aike left
j Monday morning ftr iiie north, levin? j
- Cap; x;atliers, who will remain in this I
vicinity a week or so attending to legal
maltora. Klamath Uepnblican.
Waldo K, Hubbard, who has been su
perintendan! of the Clackamas hatchery
for the past -2 years, has recived notiO-
cation of his api.intrccr.t by the I'nited
States Fish Com mission to tbe superinr
tendency of the hatchery at Nashua, ',
II. Mr. was Grst connected
; with a hatchery ia California 25 years
; ago. uaviog came mere irom uin cams
' itftl 1 T ft. nfttl I ro ' rasri n.n
, Hull ard was with Senator Al. Heed and
Fish Commissioner U. D. McGuiie
when they were drowned in the North
Mioa (.'airiu Oarua ol .Mat hlield, in a
ruuM of Mits l'.lunche Aiilciiniiili.
Kium new line of crockery jusi '
wived ly Uiee A. like, the !.oi!" 'tir-iiislu-rs.
A lli'.it uriiuti.: bay wi'idou' iti being
bniit on llii! end of ttiu fouth wing ol
I the'eu hotel, second fturv.
! Ua lieidler, ol Oakland, a f.niiur Col
lage rove boy, was iu town tho firet of
j this week. Cottage Grove header,
j iood al! hard wood dining chairs, !H)
j cents each at Kice A Kice's. Fine new
j line of chairs. Anything yon want.
' W. W. Thompson, Ihe weliknon; man, of Nickt I mint' aid ictoria
" : f l 1,v r " f!i.e, ii aoj-mmirg in this
citi .
W . . Miij.ley, the coiuliiitlniaiit cf the
ViO.-. gou Sul li.V II me at lCo.-eb'-rj, is
nvis'ered at tin Wi laaittte. S.tlem
t-tute' Saturday.
I'alc Mraiiife, ioll of D, an.l Mrs. J.
W. Mrai g,-, rciurm d i uiih' from Fir
est -ruvo l.kst fhui-djy, where lie l as
been attending Echool.
i lie aM.n::ii i,f uoi readers i-i directed
to liir ne ili-iln ad for the celebration
c ii .lottf i it cur M-c n J pa.;e. The a 1
contain - the revi-c I !"ura:n a:.d piies
to be a.aidcd.
Ldw in M.ore, a c'ij uf .1. V. Mooie
whi'c i; i i tl.M d.jor jaid at the
faii.ily h.iue ihi.-i n orniDg fell aud brt kB
both .Hid f :!: left (orearm. Dr.
Il j'ivir ciKed a :d hLilfu!!v tf.t;td
tho fr Jctii:c.
. M.i t..u:i i liit-hased I'. K.
fc.n. ).: ' !u; a. i t t tk :i ill tr--? ol the
b i.--:; i i Mr. Si.; .mjs a't : la;i:i!y ex
1'Ci t i.j i-ivi- i:h ri a days fur
Nui!,. in la I -f. rt.u.-Arl.Iacd Tomn
Mi. :i. ! ilt'. V. . 1. Jret: t asked
ti.ii uii I .n .v.ituro i . liiruir tj then
h. Uie t.1 ar.hner Ir.j-n Mu FraLtiMO,
whtr.1 liny Lave tieti ou a hutines
vir:l. Mr. Jt-a. i: is .uerl t:.anaj:r
v.f the ir lii)i r .Mill C.
1 ne itivil icit-! i.i !-li.j(ia have
lxi: i f ii.c.k'-;.:' rseiit to the
(..J'.li 'l, r; ha-, j; Jt-t lij JuD.
1: i-i lo le hvj..1, iu.vir, t!.t they
a lii c
ol tiivri darali ni a .out nua
lc r.t.n -u I i i 1. a teroug to
the lara.L'is
:d l ll.e K.urth . f Julr '
ieit- r fr.,.
1 I.MM'I. l 1 n'-
r:"eii nt i;
tic til'ri. t
r.i.:-r.i k. !i
'. o.
J. I.. : l.r l,
ld..i a. in i'
." Ii.c n a ilt. o.
i! r:i j-i i j T;.e Le
pac- i ;i
I'l AiN-
.11 U ! I. -j; r llitrll t
u i . It .i ill 1
1 e itiedi- !
p.; i r ii, 3ath-
ern '.'nton in S.I
p. :
la'.cumak -r, -I ,
IlaVitijj decided i.i leave
lJu'biTR alKitjt July 1st
I wii!. C"jajUaCi,ci:ig tiKlay.
c.'Ter tuveuiire t.Jck at
i COST...
Children f
ti.:oliry BL.i Ilotiou!.
No lluixb::: Absjlnt
ly ut Cot: Or w ill .-eil J
a a whole 1 3 a:;y one !-
t-inug a gjod l'ctyiDt bus- 2
iues, tLc ab'je ilcIuJ-
tiitureh at a great J
S-.-it !o- r to I ,r-t t;.ii.: 9
Mifs 1-lel.e J ti U, mice o.'Caro Lijs.,
form-rly of this cry and wu j moved to
Portland wi:h I er (orcLts in 1W hs elected to a i-ofiti.m as teaclH"
in the Port lard putiic schools.
SLm i a graduate tl Hie l'cr.'aiid high
scLojI avl ol the l'.ain Normal and
her (ri.'ii-U hem wilt be I leafed lo
learn of lir su.vers as a t'-achr.
TircJ h.i.b;, achiog jciuls and pair.s
in mus.hs. Hudyan cure. All drug
gieis, W centf.
On lat Friday, Mr. i-lil Mrs. i). S.
Wet', had "j ii'c a:i esi-itirg experience
rrl-jrn:ug ti mi with a tcaai aud
btiiry from a trijt up on l-er Creek,
where they neu. t- .ecurj tin-ir bugy
hor;c, ! w;a' (Stray la-l week.
When o;.;o9ite t!ie I'arro'.t pine, the
g'arirg ci tho biliary parte! and Mrs.
Wtt, who was driving, was thr jan out
on Ihe ground behind the horses, which
crc lr.'t with on!y the tongic and fore
wheel cf the v-hic'.e. Mr. West
pluckily held oi.t.i the line?, aad after
being dragged through the dost for 50 or
HH feet, succeeded In stopping the team.
Mr. Wet, who was leading hia lion-e,
was also tbrown from the baiT but
luckily escaped without injry. Mrs.
West fortunately eeca.vd wilh but slight
bruizes. A cait vi.8 tecurid and Mr.
and Mr p. reluruc I tome fully con
yinccd that Friday e.iil retaiuc 1 its old
rep ila i .:i as an unlucky day. On Ar
riving home Mr. Wrst discovered that
his pncKU'-.bck waa mit-siug and on re
turning eitht liiilca to the scene cf the
accident, found it lying Dear ths roid
side. Vote for Uncle Sain.
'f iio vo'.ing contest iuaugurated by the
ladies cf the town for the tlecliou of a
gentlemen to represent Uncle Sam ou
the Fourth is growing somewhat io
tereaing. The llljts wero counted
just as we go to prcts and show tho fo!
lowing retu'.ts up to this date:
Hermaun Mark, 182; D. C. Higgen
bolham, 171; J. W. Mullen, DO; Uurb
Brock way, IS; Douglas Wa'.te, 10; E. 1..
R.i8hfcrd, 10; F. W. Benson, 11; J.C.
Fullerton, 12; lr. llauiby, 10; Phil
Becklcy, Oaklain'l, 0; T. L. Graves, Oak
land, 5; V. M. .igler. 15; Koy Kteams,
Oakland, 5; Harry Stnpletun, 12 iC. 11.
I'ihIhi, !l; Gene Parrolt, 7; A. C.
Marslerx, 10; IScattei ing, 27.
I BalhVs m.iy bo purolnsed at all the
biuinebS houses at ouo cent each. Vote
oihIv and avoid tho rush!
llio District Fair.
lie folio in iliXiUitai.ry It-llnr i.:
I ""'I i" iiiiiueroi! i;i ioii ol
uie rHiiiUiein l)reKni district fair l.y the j
the Inir Huh eeaio:!. the izrandent !
most mh( e' 'i.l in the hisli.ry of ih
atieociatiou :
Kohtisi Hii, Or., Jonel'5, iHtry.
Dear Sir: ihe Kreat gixrd
yr;U etilidj lit if VOU will. 0(irocilv
fakes this method of i-aliing your alten
feuiion ior.ur annual fair and nolic'iting
jour co-cci rgiioi..
w e are deniroim of making the fair uu
usualiy hue and Ukh year, and to
thtt end wish to awaktn as eiif tisive
personal ii.ti reH iu it as it is pox-iM ).,
We believe you to he our friend, and
recognize the fact that your ioti lence, if
exeited, would le the means of itainiog
I us other friends and patrons among
your neigulois aud associate. F..r that
rtaron e have appointtd you lo look
ailer our affairs in jour vicinity. We
trust that you will not abate the favors j
you have hitherto shown for our exhibi
tions. W8 look to you not only t-j give
'.s your accus trued patronage, hot to in
crease it as well a to aid us by bringing
patronage from those who have hitherto
bsen strangers to our fair.
By making mention of it to those
horn you meet and sujeMtintf the
prcpiiety of their Kwttiug something pre
pared lo exhibit ; or, if ther iMinut do
so, that they at leaet attend one r more
daye, exprtsciug your ii.tri'i- ri lo do
hkewiie you mil help 'i: ireatin,; a
prominence for the lair an I it arriving j IS'iO. lor the follomng eupplma to be
an interest that mill bring u the r-iciet ' furnished aa rruircd fo- uie at the;
e are bl living for. ! Iloiue, uriu lh yer rndmK June '), I
Any ; I oU can t-'ni hi ti ili a'K: '
duly apprei -iatnl. ; l,r ttrM and kiuiirni uppls, as I
In t-rhalf d our 1 tin er; aiidburd of
e are
Very 'i-iM-e lhjl!y yoars.
II. W. Mil.Lr.k,
LoMri.N. .""eereta'y.
I"rsidpiif .
The Rose Festival.
V. c.
1m Hie Ludavorera . I 1:. (. br.e'uan
jciiu'ih belongs the credit for rifel co'i
'ceuingauJ putting into prn.::.l exe-
cu'iun the idea uf a rose fenvai fx
I this city, aud a teau'll.jl. 4umiii acd
'. succes-fai occasion it as. Tte Opera
j House at ihe rcene of li e Irasanl
event 1 -. Kriday e-i mu, nrs and
. tveigreets lu profai-l n larlrg ga'tirnd
and aiiif' dipia rd. Ice cieaiu
! bili irt. atlfaj airaig ! aoJ arlialx-
al: decaral" ailh eTetinerns. th.wera
rj Kaolin,
in the Uiera Hoiue. and a
i' lui-u inerary am matKH program
rr.grar- ml rjrJ ou. J. A- acl
. ic as muter ol cereuionit
Iu the prize contest for the htn '.eom
est bvipet cl ro-8 many enrij were
tiiade an 1 the display was ei j uii j
beautiful, and proTed conc'utivrly that
U'jseSurg excels in the production ul !
Mr and choice roeeS and ihit tin re is
liouiesignlficaIiceinth,n.u1eofo1rfair;,ath Lo:j uwn lL fO0nJo
city. The jadges in the cvntest were . " "
Mrs. Child, Mis. W. K. Willi, and' U v CO,e U '
Mr K. P. I. ram a i? "t"" pre,ralioo. ou may late
' TbeVrUe'a ere a-arded as foLo.e: U1' ,s""a ',u lh
K.rst, lo Mitte Gertie Kast. for La r race ; j ofi'' hJ is l r
Second, to Mrs. K. W. Benson, for Mar-j
sha! Neil; third, to Mrs. S Zigler fr j how 'a This?
Djch'M. Hereafter a re festival wilt;
no doubt be made an attractive fraiar.i We ofiei One Hundred Dollars Eeward
in Iteburg dcring the accual tl ery
teas- u. Wr-.y rot?
FaUl Accident at Gleadalc.
Jtll l airaealher, a yoaac man about
iw.en laen'y years, cianuias an
Irani bco as his pla-.e of residetice. wss
fatally injure 1 while attempting to board
amoving train at (iler.daJe yesterday.
He was irugiit l-jthis city on last
night's overlaoi aad being without
I unucj luium u?rr mini criuiy
ofhcials wh j look the ir. iro-l aia'i in
charge and saxmobed 1.-. Hwvrr.ihe
Couu'y piiysiciao, who with Dr. Ij iaa
made an examinaiioa of the patient and
found him lo I seriously in; jred, one
leg was badly crufheJ, his sp.oe was in
jured and besides bciag coidvrabIy
bruised about the bodv alj su ire red in
ternal injury. Soon aller beintf brought
to this city tLe yoaog mau became un
conscious and died al 2 o'clock this ait
ernoon. The young man' father is said
to have been a prominent attorney of
San Francisco, where he still resides,
with a daughter, Mn, Florenre Woodard
at'Att Sutter Btreet. The father and
sister have been telegraphed of the
youog man's death and it ia thought
that the .remain! will be ordered
shipped to that city for burial,
Notice Comrades!
Head Quarters, Keno Tost
Dept. of G. A. K.
All comrades ol the G. A. ii. and all
old soldieis, sailors and marines includ
ing Mexican and Indian war veterans,
are hereby respectfully revested and
cordially invited to meet with Reno Post
at their hall, on July -lib, at V o'clock a.
ux. sharp, to fjrui iu ranks with us and
march in proce-sion to th- celebration
.. D. Howell,
Jons Hanux, Post Commsnder.
Post Adjutant.
Barklow, Martin Stage Co.
Private couteyance from Koseburg to
Coquille Citj vi Myrtle Point, connect
ing with boats and trains. Leave Co
quille City aud Uoesburg Moudas,
WedDcsdsys and Fridays.
Goo4 rigs
Ana teams. Best of accomodations
For prices and particulars call on or ad
ure-s, W Patterns,
Cornsr Grocer, Koseburg, Oregon.
Special Kates July 4, 8iQ
tipeuiul excursion tickets will be on
sale .July aud, 3rd and 4th irom Uose
bu'g to any point on the t. P. Co's.
lines in Oregon at one fate (or round
Heduoed rates will also be mads to
California points, within 300 milna dis
tance from Koseburg,
list ray.
White cow, de orr.od, both car tips
cut oil, underbit out uf oce ear and bit
out of tlio top cf the other. Was taken
up by mu at Uroukside about Jane 20.
Will release to owtier ipou proper proof
aud cost of advertising, etc.
Javks IV.MN.
301-303 Jackson St.
Soldiers home Supplies.
."ea eJ proposals will be received at
ibsothce of the commandant of the ;
Oregon SjMiers Home at Iioieborg, ;
Ureou, until U' o'clota noon, July 10. 1
I per lift on tile at the Home. j
i I'ryg"le. uieu's furnishing gwds, :
i. A. K suit?, sheetings, toweling,;
' Idaukets, shew and slippers a per list, j
Drugs and n,eI:cinee. Lid lo specify ;
ithechirge er perciipti.o . and a'eo .
; ,-fr ouoc oo certain hues of drags as '
per list ou Lie at the Home.
! lieef, potk ar-l in a' toe. Hoor and
mill feed.
All gols uul be oarariled first
cla in I heir liue
The right is rerf eJ to r jct r.y and
i ali bids. W. J. miu lii,
Kirw-turg, Ore . Juoe 1M, !...
A goad api-e:i.?
It eeoenlaal I J gooJ health. .
Hoxl's araprll'a crealeo au
Appetite, tones and
Street t.ecs the s'oaiacli.
And boiids op the vboie )Uui.
It relieves that tired ftelieg. and ly
parifying and enriching 'he hhtwl, ,t
profup'if and pru arjrn'.ly cuiea all
sc:ofala ercp'ions. boils. hami.rif
pircp'.es aol sore ; strengthens the
nerves, ant itive sweet, refreshing
s.eep. No other o.ed:cioe has taken
i for any cise uf Catarrh that ran not be .
icnreJ by Hail's Catarrh Core.
I F. J. CIIENEY A CO., Props. Toledo, U.
I We the un ieTfine 1 have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 tears, and believe
! hitr perfectly honorable in ail bosiness
Iransactisr.s and ncaocuhy able to car
ry out auy obligations made by their
West & Tiuai, Wholesale lruggista,
Toledo. O.
Waldicg, Kinnan A Mar'in, Whole'
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hali's Catarrh Cure is lakco iotercal
iy, ai-ticg direelly upon the blood and
mucovts surface of the syateui. lrice 75c '
per bottle. S.ld by ail druggists. Test,
Notice. i
lULin at.. Or., June 1:, .
Aii peiaons in the ponseeiMcu of any :
real property within the limiu d said j
city of Koseburg whether as owcerori
otherm ise are bemby reijuired to cut '
and remove from said premise and the i
street or streets adjacent thereto to the
extent oi taeoty feet in wid.h, immedi-!
ately aJjjioiog said premise, all stand '
ing grass and weeds which may be ig- j
cited by tire and thereby renders on-,
safe adjoining property,
F. W. DiLLvao,
dj-! City Marshal. ;
County Treaaurer's Notice. ;
Notice is hereby given to all parties)
holding Douglas county warrants in-1
dorsed on or before February 15, 1R.9, to ;
present tbe same at tiie treasurer's oCice
in the Douglas County bank for payment, ;
as interest will cease thereon after the '
oate of this coti-e.
Dated this the l'Jtli day of Jane, lSTJ !
at the City of Koseburg, Oregon. j
Gto. W. Dimmick.
County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or
l'or Over Fifty Vcau.
Ax Old aica Waix-Taiau Raaaov. Mrs
Wituloir's Sont&lnt 8jiup haa been ntc4 for
over 8 It j year by m ill loin ot mother tor their
children while teething, with perfect iocceta.
It cootbes the child, aoCloix the gums allays all
1 eurea wind colic, and It tbe beat remedy
nruaaiM iu tmy rii ui (no wuri'l. iwcdit -
Or cents a bottle. Ita value Ii Incalculable
Bsaureaudaik tor Mrs. wtiulnw'a Soothlnf
yrop. and uto no other fclud.
Pneum.mia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croup ant! whooninir cocuh readilr vicld
to One Minute Cough Cure, i t this
remedy iu time aud save a doctor's bill
or the iiudettakerV.
For dale Cheap.
A black borne live years old.
work. F.nipiire at Mrs. Setrs'
brok. o
Tbe Utile girls wn.i ar. lo represent
ths states al the coming 4'i., are rttj'iel
ed lo at the Opera lloure on Wetl
nesday, June "dth at 3 o'clock p. at
for practice.
To make our summer Dress Goods and
Shirt Waists move more rapidly, we will
make a reduction in price on all our Shirt
Waists and summer Dress Goods. Our line
is still very complete, and all who take ad
vantage of this sale will have a large va
riety of Styles and Patterns to select from.
This is a bona-fide offer, and we invite
you all to come and take advantage of it.
Mj lotto Is.
. . . Quality and Price . . .
Auylhing from a side of Iracon or a sack
of bcaus io the finest tabic delicacies.
Coffee is one of my specialties. I also
carry a fine line of Dishes, Crockery and
Trade CntcK.s As a special induce
ment, I am giving Tradk Checks to all
cash purchasers, redeemable in $20
amounts. Beautiful lot of prizes given to
holder of checks. Entirely free.
Orders by mail or "phone promptly at
tended to.
....MRS. N. BOYD.
3 3 A
iRoseburg Pharmacy j
M. F. R.aPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drng, Toilet Articles, t'atf M MhS;-
ciu. Cigars, Staticoery. Toilet
Soapsi. I'aiu'.s -inJ Oil.
fholograpliic Supplier
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call aaJ Examine tLcm.
i K! Mil ... i
( EotablisheJ in ls77.)
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Eggs from the hueM strains sent
on short notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
W w m a trv jm m v
Forest Grove, Or. J.
... At -
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given to all partus
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to Feb. l.l&tf, to present
the same al tbe treasurer's office
in the Djoglta County bank for
payment, as interest willcrasn thereon
after the date of this notice.
i .
! D,eJ w ,t0 l l!a-v J":"''
SW, at Ihe City oi Koseburg, Oregon.
j c;KO w. Dimvick,
jCouolv treasurer, Douglas County, Or. .
i Theaboye warranU date from Octob-
i 1 1.1. 1 n to. c-i. 1., 1
l$l), and holders uf the same will take
notice that tht-y are not subject to ra
ise ue.
1 Young Sam
' - l'ri-rielor f
,Iaiai)CSC Unnr
' " v '
Fire Crackers, fireworks. Fancy
Chinaware, and Novelties
Vm. Jtw'ti -nil an.l ' S;.
d CO.
1 fLiie in town to pat
f ;. oor team ia at
Cool waiting toais lor ladies and
, K,"'"afU wrtilUni1 lighted
(ickkI accomtuoJaliona for keeping
i trausiet Iimuih over night.
Year Patrv-.tagc RescKCttally 5JlcJt4
i(.ir. WeLi:ii;to aud Main Sta.
County Treasurer's Notice.
No' ice is hernr-y given t-. all pvtice
holding luoglss county in
dorsed pritr to tMobe 15. IS'.S, n
mew 11 1 the same at tho treasure cthw
iiniae UhkUs Coiiuty-it Ur ray
l . .. : :
ruent, interest will cem
I after the dxt of I his 0i,e.
Dated this the S'Jt rtay o Va, 1 S!W
at tbe City ol K-Mobnrg. .re..
Gs. W LMmxick.
Crun;.y Treawrer, ltng!a Cona'y. Q