The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 26, 1899, Image 2

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And the Place to get them is a
( T 1
q 50 years in the lead A stove that
5? has out lived half a contrary of eoui-
W petition and of which more are sou
IJ each year must nave special ?i.-:o aui our special dio to much care uud cinshleralion
The Charter Oak is that stove where oo-, cobler seat rocker. cannot be given tbis subject. Those
ills there another cooking aparatusBibese are puces ih taik. 4 .50
E3 U ,1 W iU., ..orriT V .1.. .. ..I..!... .. I .
Q other makes of stoves and are sure
gplease yon in quality and price.
- 1 i a :
H io cjoJ condition and ne.l nj sacriticiuij indacaaieuts tj dispjoe of theai.
demonstrated it during our bnsiuess
consist with a fair, honest, equitable
Write us iu regard to anything
of seeyice to our out of town patrons. We are here for business an 1 cau
a chance.
PublikheJ Mondy aud Thursday.
k t-STRMFOKO "a j
Subscription Rates. i
Oh Ycr j
Si Montho 1 00 !
lre Month 30 i
JUNE 20. 1SW.
Alo-uet every cnon, gulch, croee-!
ruaJ, tiiil, villj:e nJ town in Oregon !
will celehrate the "Joriou Fourth this ;
vr. Mnirever. none Ol Miein K trie-,
- -
brateio grander' ryle than Koaebarg.
Eventbingpoeaiblethat will add to the
p!eaaore and comfort of those who at- i
. &.n...nA I, vn mid, I in i m.
.. .. s . . I . 1
IBUU IB wiut guue. "
royally treated and have a pood time,
too should not fail t-ja'teuU.
Alger believes there are cu!y to is-j
aee before the pecple-trus'a and el-ct-
i jo of senators by popniar vo:e.
The best editorial in a Mwpater is a j V"-J lo -J "'r,
Uwritten advertisement. 1: 11 bel' P"ai.n 10 , ie a, wt
nrticed that the Plai.vokai.kk has aev-jj". nt,l now at a depth of 1.', (ett
) the ore fl-o. There aie eig!:t
j claims in the gr.jup. acJ "be rich !t Je
Cap'- Drevfus will get back pay lor the "a ba "raced along the surface of all a
time he served on Devii Island, but j them.-Oregoniao, Junei:.
most of it will be exhausted infeedirgj
brass bauds and tee J log serenades.
It will be worth a trip to New York,
npon the occasion of Dewey's return,
ast to cast a casual glance at the feat
ures of a man who bas never made a
mistake, says an Exchange.
The old-time democrats kuow that
toere is no earthly chance of winuing
next year, therefore they view with com
placency the brightenirg chances of Bry
an for the presidential nomination. la
dependent. The Kentucky deni-jcrats have been
bavin a regular monkey and parrot
time of it in tbeir elate convention.
The daily cessions ivariably broke up in
wild disorder. Veriably, free silver at a
ratio of 16 to 1 is the paramount heue.
Tbe country will be glad to hear the
very best of things concerning General
Grant's operations in tbe Philippines,
lie baa the name, tbe training, and the
opportunity which should enable him to
come op to the expectations of his coon
try men.
Ferbapetbe democratic party might
make a bit in tbe Eastern West by a
declaration against cyclones, and anoth
er one in New England by denouncing
the drouth and laying ir.-'.Xi on Mark
Haona and his administration. It
seems to have nothing else lo gi on."
Hearst 'a New York Journal and Sao
Francisco Examiner ate cfjug support
ers of the expansion p Jilcy, and there
are several O'-ber ue.noc.atic papers ad
vocating the same doctrine. The great
mass of the people are of the same mind,
and no demagogues like Uryan can
swerve them from such a policy.
That Oregon bas gxnl echoola is evi
denced by the fac; thai she received
tbe first medal at ber school display at
the Omaha exposition. There were
many displays at the exposition from
schools all over the country, but after
carefully goine over them all, the
achoo! at Hiker City was awarded the
There appears to be tbis season, a de
mand for a oelter class ot Oregon farms
on the part of newcomers. Of recent
years rerr few 6trangars cared to invest
more tban $0 JO or f(5&) in a farm, bat
now calls are being made lor ihoe co.t
iug $3000 to $30)0. The demand comes
from recently arrived farmers from the
Middle Wes where fear of cyclones ap
pear! to bsc tine .-sore arcute each ecc
ceedicg summer. Even Florida ie con
tributing people from hr ortnge grove,
who complain that the orange crop las
frozen oat for the past lour years, end
they bare become tired of it.
F. H. Cjoper of the firm of fcicgel,
Ccoper & Co., w organizing a league of
department (tores. He rays that there
w ill be one store in Minneapolis. Chica
go, New York. Dulath, Detroit. Milwau
kee and Baflalo in the combination.
O.ber may coaie in later. The depart
ment stores are organizing for the pur
pise of fighting tbe trust", which have
been dictating to tbe department tturee
tor some time. He claims that the capi
fa! will be $50,030,003, and that there is
$10,030,000 cash on hand already with
wbicb to fight the truHts. The trnt
craae gives promise of bing abort lived-
S We can fnruit-h
uiir n
H liiind frmti pxllr In ivMtft-ft
a) - r- u
m W- furnish your biu:-f
while you wait, lit in the
. I'll, h sjocihI t.ah hub
Ci.ehes throughout Lis
week. S.n our special in
Ladies bowicg Kockers " iif0
. .. !...
to m eoods below cost.
b . t
not have to as our Roods have
1 are of an excellout
lite tnut our lio'iseliolit goods are
you wish t kuow. We like to have
Tlie House Farnisiiers.
MINES f OLD FOR $$5,000.
Mu&ick Group in The Bohemia Dis
trict, Changes Hinds
An injjortnt miuiig 'eAl w.6con-
8U,unjaUj jn TortiicJ jesttrJav, in the
purchase ty Nen York capitalists of the
Masick groap of n'l&ili mines in she T..)-
hernia district for $S5,000. tt.e money he-
ing pai.l iu a !uiup tnui. T;ie Uf w o n-
ere, unJ-r the nam; of the Musicic Miu-
inj A IH'iiiD): Cou.'.ii.y l New Yi-ik,
will at oncer"d to develop the mines
-," aajp5 to the iiiixl-r
of 15 are now on the j-reniites', and these
j.j r0ne!ac:iT. Sme 460 ton, of ,
coaem rates ill t-c immeilistely t.'r,"t e 1 J
,0 u,e tmf,Hei at Taiou a. this 'ask i
i :n ., ...:. i,ii... i ..
aiuucwi'l i r tin. iu icauiD itii icici,i I r i t
meek.f M the CvncenfMtrt, have to l e! Dys crr. a Joiug Uit.w iu this j
Lial?J hs. f;tuht , t0 ((.tta1:-!C1I ' V'
M. . - ...... :
I h. M:tKii-lr ii. i.e haa if-ti ii: I
tioa wvera! yeaw ncier the survw-.-u j
nr ti, n.nur r w ,.f I . .-.i
1 es, whohts jn;t eoM to the new cm:- j
I . - 1 ! . . .1-1
pan.'- lutmiat u- i.rti) uiiat
months steady run. ard ever 2a,aK) ia!c
c...r T..,-.-v" (J j
! (rates Lavs tieeu taken t ut. On the ;:-
State and General New 5.
Sileiu millers state that mcch of the
old wheat crop is ertill ur.soM.
Astoria is t Hired a who'e:de clothing
factory for a site worth i.$0.
Recraitioi; vo!utt:e:s will begin ca ic
turn of the president to Washington.
According t3 Bikr City's new direct
ory the population of the city i 75CO.
Oregon telephone line will he com
pleted to Prioeville by uii lJ!e of July.
Baker City ladies ill eeive breakfatt
to the National l'.Jitjrial A?;, elation
members on July 3.
Astoria will present the ei?:tois with
a handsome souvenir book sn i a half
pound can of ealmoa.
While Oregon will nut l-e ' "iuli of
prunes" this year, there will be enough
to supply the home market.
Thirty thousand pounds of wool were
sold at McMinnville last week fjr '.'e
cents, ths best price yet hea;J cf.
L. L. Horning, an oil California
miner in the days of 'ii aud for nearly
forty years a resident of Corval'.is, died
at his home in that city Monday v He
was born iu Berlin, Prussia in lSJ'j and
came to the United States in 131. He
was a wagon maker by trade.
Tbe Ore.rn said iera wi;l le esc cried
up the Columbia by the greatest lleet o!
vessels of a'l dtecriptkn? ever col'ectcJ
on the river. And this h proper, cs it
will be an occasion and an txperi-nce
which never happened b.foie, and prob
ably never will happen aain. Tele
gram. S. N. Butters of Grants I'd as tuccecd-d
this wek in selling the mining property
nejr Waldj that Wtng Back Eong had
leasel. It was a cash proposition, the
purchasers raying fltf.OOO. The com
pany whica boegbt it, tha English
Cana Jim Minii g Compiny o' London, is
a strong one an 1 the property wiil here
after be operated on a large scile.
J. Howard, chuf engineer in the
employ of the Gold Hill High Line
Ditch Company, is in Portland purchas
ing supplies and engaging men to go on
the permanent survey of the line, which
begins ab'jve Gold II The lcati:.g
and crcsa-Eecticning of the canal will
consume the tira; of V men for a iieriod
of three mouths. When the turvev is
GoisheJ, estimates will le mide of the
work in tbe various fee'ions and con
tracts let.
Kelalire to an increase io wage3 for
Multnomah county road work, last Fri
day'd Oregon tald: The commissiont-rs
yesterday no'ifiel ail roa I iipcrriKrs
that, beginning July 1, the rate id wages
for work on couutv road will be: La
borers, $!.S0rer d.y, or IS cents per
hour ; team and driver, if4 per day, or -10
centi per hour. The commi8ioners
have contemplate! the increase of wages
for some time, ns they have found it
difficult to kee 00.! men at the rale of
wges lhe con ty l as leea paying.
Judgment hai be.'n entered by Judge
Bahrs in favor of the plaintiff iu the suit
of tbe J. D. Sprcckels and Brothers Com
pany against Ii. A. Graham fjr fi.'J,
1G2.52 on a promissory note, with iuici
eet at H er cent per annum from April
I, 1SJ.I. This jqdgtnen' id in accordance
aith a Mti-u!alion uiudc hy lhn partit.
The mortgage on the securitie given fjr
tlie paynifiit of the i.o'e has b-en h;re
closrd hy the ju lni'-nt, '-nl a My f r-x-e:uti;n
for nix ws ni!:;wed.
This eudiug ot the fiit i" iIh- rcul' of a
eompr-'tnfre, whii-li was tepjrt .-d rnri-nt.
ly. K. Chronicle, Juno l'.
P 'iGfCDI g
Oue-thitd. yes oiie tbird of your
is t.unt iu boj. In bed and bei-
iron and enameled bods are just Q
.1 i ... l .1 W
... .'nuni iur tiutiui oiclfirn ill m :f,
We do fit npiitnnv unit nripn MutiruckuK vt-.t
. I,,. 1 ..... 1 1 :.. ...1.
all kinds,
O i
Hat wo do claim aud have
sold for the very Muallest J rIit.
you write us as ws are here to bo
con viuco you if you will give ns
C'lfh-ate at Ki.l.tlf.
in Kwik in luaii
ir jin !
I credit
1.-. I'.. fole went to Mi. if.
A K11-
Jay on I' '
Mr. aiiJ N'tc. Woilv, f l 'aiiyuitvihc, j
wei in tiii-i :ly la.-1 ItiureJay. !
M. .1 .. It -t i ., u.atle a'
s tii( ! Lelatul, Toitilar. ;
! btlsil!.
Miss A .na Kii.'.'in:! teturuci 51i-nJy
frjui :i rtiurt v:m' n!i IrieuJs at Koee-
ti,. Niuer ;iqJ sj:i of lujs creek,
9 hdiilin' freight from lliia 'ace,
U !rr.te Michielb nJ l ouly Wjl-
"-" f f1 . company cn a i;t to li?a
( . in- 1 ll.e ...i.J i:i-ii ul
Ii; os. Wilton, the rat!io) Cauvon-;
i viile uierchact, a c!oini business t !
- - - .
t. i.
. .' ,. ,
moek niJ is visiting vith his bro'.her'
V:i i. lira w a au J !.iaii y.
Li .v i iyav.t emu i i frj.a Da.!s
c.kSi:a:Jiv an 1'd t!- seti-.oa
,,.ae? ut r?. a-ru:n.
Tntf ;eiftsijit! thjer3 tinday
were much appreciated aud a i l g:eatly
tea-jil the K'aio and garden.
'"Uegalus" teems to be getting behind
time of late. Well, we'll pet our a'irm
clock a Ii:t!e earlier, Mr. Editor.
A. L i ati hir,;, who Ua- L-een at work
oi Jacjb i'-rvi-n"s new reeiJence at
Dvs creek, came iiuie Saturdar.
Miss Blanche Kiddle, who hss been i
attending the O. A. C at Corviliis, has i
returned t.ou;e anl is m a graiua'.e. j
C. Blur.Jci!. wno hi bsen attendicg j
the N ir ma' s.hojl at Mcrnmonth during j
the pis wir-J-.r leturncd home a few j
days a:c.
Mrs. Oeos ar.d daughter, Mrs. E.
McBroorc, of Kjieburg, were visaing
friendi in this vicinity the fore part of
tue week.
T;ie WiGiJien hell fieir ri'g'ilar
meeting .Saturf y niht au 1 several per
sons w, re initiate! into the mysteries of
Mrg. M.z.'e and daughter, of !an
Franciic j, arrived a' this place Thursday
anl are visiting w i;S Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Nichols.
SliesCliJa A-ii, oue of our charming
youug ladies, has beia selecled to read
the Di-cUratun of ludepeudence in the
Fourth of July.
Oar church U receiving a new coat cf
white paict which will ive it a much
improved appjurance. Frechi Corautt
is doing the work.
We were pleaded to ber of the mar
riage of Mr. J. L. Scott anl Miss Lena
Attertury, and we wish to extend to
them our meat hearty congratulations.
Mre. Gilmire, a&d grand dauguterj,
Mi-sej Lei an 1 Aaes Bice, of I'ort
laud arrived here Wednesday, and are
visiting with M'. and Mrs. .). W. Gll
mor?. Pro'. L. A. Slocking, of Cauyonville,
was in towu Saturday preparing to
move hii household go3ds to Central
Point, wberj he hn bien c'.ioseu prio
cipilof the p it.ic rcuxil for the coming
ThaEparcrih League held a special
meeling Thurtdiy evening at tho church
for the purpose of eloctingnew officers.
Elbert Ja.kson wss elected president
Robert Jackson s-iretiry, anl Nathan
Dean, treasurer.
Edl Day, runs the Kiddie-Can-yonvilb
stage, had a runaway Wednes
day morning jo-t before leaving town.
He had driven t the depjt and was
loading poai i freight into his wsgon,
wheu the team btcuii e frighter.ed and
proceeded to quit the premises at a
pretty lively pace, running out into
Maple Park addition, wheie they became
detached from the wagon, aod after
circling around a few times, were caught
near Geo. Culafo.-th's residence.
IU'.i n.
Polk County Ooats.
Tue goa1. ijuestion ia cout-iderably
agitated in the vicinity of Independence,
lhere are a number of parties there that
own goal, ai J. B. Stump, G. T, Booth
by, Luther tironnd, Henry Ehbertf, Mr.
Biddle and William llerren. All these
putics have brush land. Goats are the
thing to kill the lru;h. In about three
years the drubs are ilea 1. Mohair this
year is a pretty gcod price. Tbe goat is
taking the preference to sheep and when
once people find out what good meat it is
it will be kept in the market. J. B.
Stump srems to be tho champion goat
raistr tiipre. Hj has upward of .100
head. Ojrerver.
Declare for Expansion.
N iiuii Yakima, Wash., Joue 21. A
meeting f tho populists of Yakima
ciiioty nan held in tho c;'y ball this
ult ,-in-j-11. The Omaha platform was in
I "fe 1. I', was resolved by the meeting
to keep the party iu this county intact.
M:paiifiiou declared to be u good
tiling, and (he trusts were branded as
enr-mia of Ihr public welfare.
tJvir !iue .'f lied Louoges is tij.-t;-dute.
hut jo:i vt aat. e make it for von
M'lectiii j i.iu own goods.
See our -''i.'W S jHinj; Machine,
hae the he-,', machine 'ti the market
.. , ,
long as any tn;u-hit.e tha. is maJe.
Iron beds fr .m tw and w-.d
Have jast sorted uj our htock of
i;ns that are bird to U-at. Late Lovers can I e Hire
coloring - , is those w bo loU;Ui early in
Our motto i- values and ulki
I.. ...
b!e to m-II them
Today 's Market
Poi.11.AM, .l ire -J. Wtirat va'.ley ;
ii,-i-i-..t -. - .
Kliur-IVrtlar..!. $2 '.' J :!ice
"7j ,er .
ia;e nue tj i-tc
iliy Tima'.hy -r ton.
Ho,s 12 U'c: old crop ':.
Wool Valley, U-li:: Eastern t're
g:n, S." 10, Mohair, '27 '.).
Mi.lttuiT Bran. $17: ehorii,
Poultry Chickens, mixeJ, tl.W' . J
turkeys, live, lo .
Eggs tirefon, 16' t to 17 J4 per d..u
Hi les ireeu, faltcl GO 1', S .-, uc -
oer Dl '.iee, tr;ir, u
5c O per Sick.
Butter Bstt dairy, - -7'.c; f-mcf
creamery, iOi per ro!!.
Potatoes 1 75 to J.Ji for old u 00
to f 2.2-i for new. ,
Hjgi Heavy Jre.'se 1 5i "j
Mit'.on Weathers i'-e; dresKvI, &
Beef Steer3, 4.00 ' fl.oj; coaf, IJ.OJ
f- 1X"0 dressed, 7'- 7'c.
Vea' Dressed, tl'" c.
Fresh fruit Mrawberrke regon, i';c
per box; cherries, Ca.ifoicia, black,
white, l-oJ; Caliloroia cLerries,
13 per box cf IJ ounde; peaches, t0c
"' f 1 .00 per bsx.
Wood WantcJ.
Scaled bids will bs received at the c-f-tice
of the oaiiuandant cf the Oregon
Soldiers Home, at Kcseburg, Oregos, up
to 12 o'clxk, noun, July 15, lb.i, for the
delivery at saiJ II iaie, of 3jJ cords o
merchantable lir hoj 1 in -1 foot lengths
Bids for lo'.s of le!3 than 20 cjrJi will
not hi considered.
The delivery uader the contract, cr
contracts awarded :uun be completed cn
or before October lo. lsjj.
Tiie right ii reserveil lo rej;t anv or
all bids.
Keburg. Oregon, Junj 2), IS i'.i.
Wm. J. SlIII-LtV,
Notes From Elkton
l.LKTox, Or., June -3, 18'Jit.
We arrived in the tbriviog littie city
on the Umpqua last Friday, and were
just in time to attend the closing exer
cises 0! the public chool, which has
been under tbe efficient management of
Miss Emma Gordon of Forest Grove.
The exercises were very good and re
flect much credit on Miss Gordon as
te.i' her. The patrons of the school were
1 1 ed with her work and wieh her tuc-
if she goes elsewhere.
Grain hauling n in progress herd now.
Thousands of bushels of grain are being
ba iled t Scolt'burg to he shipped to
San Francisco by schooner.
Hay harvest, too, is just cymir g cn,
and the people are very bm-y. There
will be an abundant yield of hay and
grain this year in this vicinity, so the
people are rejoiciiiit; iu the promise of
continued good times, consfciiuontly, one
thing is very no'.icahle, tiiat dissatisfied
populitits are growing beautifully has, as
the above facts unquestionably ttare
them in the face. .
"A Little Spark May
Make Much Work."
The little "spjrks" vf VjJ blood lurking
in Vie system should be quenched tvith
Hood's$3pdiilU, Amelia's 7te.1t blood
purifier. Il purifies, vitalises &id crvithcs
the Hood of boi h rexes And all .ujes. Oirts
scrofut.i. tAlt rheum, dysvpzij, ai.xrrh.
ZJfcccfo SaUamrfa
aim 1 P'tftm .. , J
This cut i bit
exact represent u.
tiou of h solid oak
ltocker we have
in slock, finely
liniihi'-l rod-!
anus, high back
suitable f jr p:ir.
lor or silting
room f 01 $3.75.
llaxe other
gool roikers
fr iu l.'Ci tip.
Also io;;clit and if e it
eu 1 you can ha v. tie a lvaut u- t i
i'oseei ti ! coniutv.l, th..l, we
for the price and will yuhrMiVf it a
leds fr-jm ui
Wall lVp.-r atd Lat
;.od of
tbt e.., u
1 1:0
- 1 -1 l.h the .: ;.- it
... B. W. STRONG.
Pointed Paragraphs.
a i t :t -e;. raj
niir.y re;'-.rai--?.
d .'I I.:;:!
..c h-ea
: 1 ;j aarr::.e i
icille-l :
Au:nal I
:--.c t:n.r.
t' 1 !
V : i :j !i:7'ff nj a
': it's i', t 'i . fca
1 e a i j 1 '.i, r g 10
i ca-? : 1 ii;h it t.1 .m.
1 , ,
j aj , .1 a nsa'ter w-".ii n
tue ta iy I'iieyaiia ii r oi u
j a.l is si: 1 lo L-e :t.e m t -is;.-r:ic
gauieyet inve'vl. IKi iloiebar no
I arletcc at?
j Females wi.l u'.iel ta con.'tss
- a-iring ! ll T.; ll. I I..- c.un.; i. u
census Tl.s new law tj that wem-.o
who Telia t ) U! their ae ur i: Julge :a
any inscoura'e tta'.crar r. s there, :ha!l.
03 convif.i.n, le hse 1 I a u fha'.i ti.
oilier trjts rtf iiin to r;iy to ,jt-
iijr. or maiLg ia.ij;eri:. inej
census taker ou,;!.t t j !? toru to e,c:e
cy. It is aid tt.lj tru.ii we ki.oi
ujI that a cerla 11 jatlice cf the jeavc
haj hurg out the following f .in ttaliy
painteJ is yeiiow. "Ibis ii toe insnth
for marria-'S. At U' a v. r. a !.! ratrs I
wiil mairy cocplcs cafe ic'.o ti e h-r'. ut
of connu jial Hi:?. I have a rtcr J jtu
ehould exia-i'ie before ;cu prett-r.t your
sell for Uiairia;;. No couple I ever mar
ried have Le?n divrccJ."
IItinti.r mtl:r.K hiie Ibtniwlve !
the Jisfui?c "f a cow. and tiini Eiakc tier
way into the vtnr tun!? f thf rnt cau
tious game. The mo3c of ar V'
operation is shown in tbe ,
picture. In a similar manner cotii-muption
liidt it'.f in the J:.'jraisc of a throat cr
bronchial affection, makinir it- way nna'.ly
to the luntr. where the insidious ctrras eat
away the victim's life. A stubborn cough,
bronchitis and other throat troubles are the
fit-t steps toward this deadly raalady. Ir.
Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
prevent consumption, curing every con
tributing cause. Time and time again, it
has cured w hat local physicians have pro
nounced well-developed consumption. It
makes the stomach healthy, the liver
healthy, the blood healthy. It is a reju
venating tonic, which makes the weak
Rtronjr; puts ambition into tired t cor'.e.
puts flesh on thin txxlies. viiror ii-i-J
slujnrish veins. It i a peculiar lue'dicine
in that its properties ate piestrvid u: ;uiy
climate without syrup, sncar or .-ik ..hi,; , n
tcrins into its composition. lldiei !'.'l.-r--atecravinclor
injin iou, It '- t:-.e
personnl prc-ription tf Ir. )l. V. I'ii rce,
of Buffalo, N. Y.. ho-e wide-j.:, ad expe
rience and succeia are at the- se rvice oi" the
public without cot. Anylmdy, anywhere
can consiilt him fret liy mail.
I will write vou lint Ir. Pierce's ('.oSdrn
Medical l)iscoTcfvhaiUnc lor nr " -ivs (loorRC
H. Ik-Ieher. Kq.. of Dotton. 1-il.e Co., Kv.
Thirteen years apo I w.:s wounded lv a tmlt
passing throurh my Inner. I have had a had
couehahnmt ever siiicc with short nrsol breath,
and it wss very- easy to take cold: i!ie iKhtrt
chance of weniher would cause the o.-u :h to be
an I would have to sit iu led all uielit.
Could not e-at or sleep at time-,: wa -ill run-down,
could not work :.t all A few nio-nhs a-r 1 iKrsrnu
usiu; lr. 1'iTve's t'.oi''.eii teilnsil li-mver.
Ia-e- not ucd ,nire lli:m two b"!tle and ntiw
can eat, sleep, and v.i:k and I I'-el lii-- a new
man. lesnnot hnl uoi.U to sufik-iM.lly rcconi
uu tid Ur. 1 ierce's Medico' Uiscoxety. or
te-lt the g.Kl il lias done mr."
The no jcrir.c remedy for coslivcncsa is
Dr. Pierce' 1'lcasant Y litis.
The Oregon Hair Tonic
Will grow hair on b.t'd head', dcslreiy
dandrutl' and stop the hair from falling
out. It ii recommended by leading
phyukiaup. 1 have tried numerous hair
ton its but this irt the only on thut
brought satifactory results. II. A.
Jstowell, tigtut, Uoseburg, Ore.
a"-)lS. 1'rice, four ounco bot'lc, 50 cts,
Wagon For Sale.
Ton f ptir.'U, to 9ca(fl brick in (rood
.iape lo' price. Apply to Carlon
HroR.' ntahlo. (jlp)
w 1
!1 1
jt vi
(Pi 3
Squirrel and
Gopher Poison
TUESDAY, JULY 1. 1899.
Under Au:ik Poscl'urcc l ire IXpartment.
Nj'i .vi
ra: d 1 : i
a- ' .;. i! ;i.
si r.-,
Mir' a!. A'-i-'. i!,". S i-5...
A-ken, 11. (.'. --.-!.. !:.
Hartv l'ir.k?ii.". f. .i W :'.
Ma'.-agal a-, 1 11. T. Vs.-if.:
Ho. 1'. S. U. Vn .u ; Kj a ta.iiit IriU-:
i:Ji)'t.'. '. v C.n'rrt I'.jr
as-.d !.y ra. r: B.-.vir
is . Crat-lain ar--t l're:i
tl Car : ,r.m I Ar..:y . t.
Wterara i i.!r- lb;
.t r:.
' i.-'j
In Vzn
1 ;-':- it'i 1 ic-s' t : I r.
Carr-.ig: ll-irfc.'' a. i
liui 1 gliet
1 :v i. "i
."o:jr I! i ;m
1 r : z. '.
lit: if
i rovf.
t . CK :-i.s : . : s...
5-le-.'.i in, i r .Whir.y " :
i'rjyrr. ! v Hi-.-. !! ..-itila"
l h'T w i f e:.- l.-j: j v
d:rect:on cf f. Tr iv -r.
ljjji:g of ih? i'd.-ati .;
r-ait'Kc, i y 5fi I.iu-a Me
'.'a'i. ii, t v s.--, ,;. j J ,r
el-:e::: bi lK
St.:.:. .'.
C ;e n. et - p. :r. :
Ha'.fc.i'e r-jr.nlr.g r.
l urse ;) and ectrarte It.
70 x-; C'-r.'. ; 'cJ, -) y-er
It t .
-"'-i. :'v
GoodJ all tiiat is new and iu -
prices. Mailorders solicited.
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 1S1.
(IliiV-t Caii l
l'uraii.l Pm k-ixi.i
I '! "t Mill St.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
sfio Gopher
. - -': t--cj
. . , . a -
.-a-l lie .-,if
i.-e fc-. Jjh ;, c !e?. 1. mev,
J : '.. J) i-r cci.t; C'i, 1)
' O rHIXuts
fU'Sf t : i
T?'.'.; i; r :.i le an I repJ-t f,;r j
Uiirri. p.i-a- t.'i il rr.cney. 75-
tt ita1. . 'u i, '-") l -'r cr.t.
Lirtc'e !if, !.. m.leanl rrpeit, prire
m .e i-ji imiteur
Ova un :cr
ear!;.;' rtc. irij? ;i,
it ,uc-f. ir ze ;.VJ.
. j ;r.-.D, tZ oo.
-, fk:,i air 1 ' irr p,
1 t ir-ys uudcrli,
J-,v ::rfx'.r i.
. . -. s ' " '
j-.-f.l rjee : -r br s under 10,1
t rii.-
I".fi- j il)ee ;rt . tiw ball taaie is
1 1 .' r- ' J- f r ; r.i?
Il.-se evr.e-t o- Ja. is-ja
t-,t fo:
s r
. h e rs 1
f l.e.
... ,
J. C V. M
'-t , f ;, i,e
r; li
" e r j-rcf r.'et in S'ul'.era OreMti, in -
f'.jliic Kv: eihiji Or, :.b; Adxiral
1'; '.' it'tr.e.-; I cua'a cs: 1 lyicj
1. --e-r, ?nd hctdrrsla cf tAU r
st t ';cra lioii
Chief Charm.
of .t Shirt Waist, is the charm of!
Novelty. It will interest you to
.... i
Kr.ow that or.r stock ol waist
A A. .
l re.l aud New. The
'siuid" and stvle c-f our earuicuts'dor9eJ to 6 1S. ta
. present ttts sarce at tha tnuiitM,'a t
oui uiu.u iuv, pntc are y;ivinvj
astonishing busy days ou this
Call and exantiue our eutire
sloeh tl Staple and Fancy Dry
lo - date at specially attractive
and Retail Dcaleas
. Props.
The Roseburg; Tannery.
- rltv I II;,
Ir, - ,-.1 f,,r t;
Kiir au.t K inv
v,-f. I-L-h aii.l
l.:v l.cailu-r. l'nr and kiiw lrv-e-l ai:l
'ii.n)r.l. Uhu-k t ;,ts f..r Cltaps.
L DEACH, Proprietor.
oiuh l!i-M-bnr, tr'nu.
Oti THfc
Aid ElWctuaJ
"-5 2U
Druggists, i
i . 4 A JL AJl!
Roscbury Bakery.
llurraii '. II:;rr-h '. the hrx-wi l"w- ti-x
An-! iii.--!y ii;a!- are our nii.-e kr.
No . f-r t!e rW i l-nr,
I n-i'!- tin- wen t!i4- 1.
m li.-ii t!w "-rk an-! U-an are 'I"?
"2i;iral. aiI i-a:rrfi have me fun!
II-.; .-.ik aiel i-a-r.ut : n wll
And all t?.t 1,-iy, their ertheartt ttlL
!:.- hrej-1 a:jd !"ar-..f -v..-rT kiul ;
H i-T lw i-ritie yil finJ,
lla h 1-af i j: jJ lei'ht and -crv
I -I l.y t!ii'?;si - aid maid? I-inure.
lir..l y.jr .r'er t-i Ja k-i Street,
U.-H ii ;-atr-u we ar- t grv.-t.
Guardian's Sale.
- t.rt:j-J. :!r cafl. an. oi rma
ai-J -.eo? Kjj- J'mc-bn. rtavi Ajw
fa. i..ius irJ -pdMua a lm Jvte.
1 x -i a3 v.'rx A '.M Couatr cttrl 'A Imtf
a0aa:y ta:ro Or---a. tr'J al t4bjc aac-
jus U: aa .a tial. at &e uuil fiomc 4oor
lia.i-. Ju'.t l;. l-. xxl jr U.t M 1 u'.!or k
si i i-.iUtr. :a i-ri tu '.at Wi-f in 6cntc4
: r b yrjr.T. !c T t , A a K' , M
1 -r. 4 "i 3 r-c .jkj - , m Bui
- B. 1 w. i.a;..t;: ctcnla.
Ialt:! a T'i 1T of tr.
HiMH JCtira-OS.
Notice For Publication.
.aie Ljl&1 OStee.
ii . a e a or.. May U. L".
Soi;.-e here'-r s;i ea liav! lixr loLXrvtsf
s 1 -e.t-..r iaa ' k-i of ab tnnlaow to
-Ji'ini ;a re of ti cJaua aa4
u--: w .u t Kiie t i.e tbe krpaan'
a:yi S:-?te-.rr. I". - Laa4 02re at aUjsrMrc
Our era li r i-.j et.-
E. N-j s.-Xs, le-? ibe 5 .. li. T 21 .
i s : . iitte-1 tbe I- jo tsj m.:t m w
; ' e .-..'.. -..zs revV are oya aod cii'.ti
prLe : ''-"-' ol sa;J Uat rU ijrara ferine, W u
j '..a -j xrs. -a-a Xcii.a. ftrcU. a-1 of f
J T. BKI&it.
Notice of Final Settlement.
I c. -s:t. e-r,
1 a-Vaa.. Uoaiei.
-aric Ljr-i he l: a; accKat la w.4 l'ors.
t.. it sre'7 c-.a laas Uoedar, '.it irX day
ed JsJ y. k. a: ,o o cioca a. a., mi Coeatf
i ttt1..-! rurKa ta li- tz-w. lm- i oeiiilir e rs
i rn. : i-.-r f. e aa-l tace t ty toe jWdz
.- ' C. ii.-t 1st iK.n uoaa 0.1 aae tbere t) ta
1 ;,! f aa! aS-aa!. al ta Ih ,l:a-ka-mr i
I 1 alMi-aaar.
, JOBS vv. ElvVti. Aiaiajirau
; ssiiyi
. 15 I AVlNGe-Mly, fcHOBrrtM
ini ejtaxx otijrr.
Aee paia good naooey at prexcat,
lot a little mure capital needed to peep
er t otk tue ua;ces, Ey of
ill tell all or an interest in tbe
For particulars see me at Koeebirj, or
T.O. Bsxri Kaaeborz. Ore.
County Treasurer's Notice.
v j- - , -
l holding Doolaa COUntT marracta law
at the Douglas County bank for py
tnent, as interest wH cease thereca after
the date of tbis cotlce.
Dattl tbia the Hth dav of Apdt
l."-'. at the City of Reeebor'f. Oreoo.
CVjutv Treasurer, Donihw County, Or
The Home Bakery
701 Oak Street, Opposite
Central HotcL
Fresh Baked Bread Every Day
"Boston Baked Beans,"
a specialty.
F ivV. , (
-V - a T -jft f m a. 8. a
1r'' , i V. S Far TiM CM. ,
"ra.uSHto it vtana, ALL 'TtK.
W I aA I Rixt EWm, K.
Tor Infanta and Cliildrta.
Tii3 Kind Yea Hata Always BssjM
Siguature of C
A Bargain.
liveacree, choice bottoiu land, oa
hich ie located a Rej
b-n-e. s-xaI baro, aud ie situated ia a
Uw i'K-oltural locality, tear a echool
j aad pontoilice-. Will te told at a wr
low risre. Inquire of. J. V. Mora.
1 W' Wilbnr.Or.