The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 22, 1899, Image 4

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    "IT . , f , .
! , J
v- - '-. ft 1
sinuiating theFcodandP.cgula
ling the Stomachs amLBowcls cf
ness arvdRcst.Ccalains neither
Opmm.MorpliL'WJ per Mineral.
Hot Narcotic.
Atxjcana '
(Jtf4 Super .
ApcrfcctTlcrncdy forConslipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions. Feverish
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile 5iiw:turc cf
I Ml ! IP I I I III IU h
v - ti
I IXACTCCPyOF veapfcb. k E
Closing out Sale!!!
We are closing out our entire 5tok for C A5H
Now is the time to BL'Y.
Mens' Heavy l.oots. wcrt'i ?"J."-.i,
- " 'shoes' " irl.-'J
Ladies' Ileavv " l.-"
Fine " 1 oO
Bovs Suits worth .!,'j.t to so.O
Meas' I'ante at alaift i.aii price?,
3 Ladies" Ye! for Sania.rr wear
25 yds i'i Calico
Mens' and Bote s;u;.:i er Mat at Li-co-jLt.
Three pacat:es 31 j Go Id 1'rcp WasbirjT l'owdei
Ten Bars l.iundry Soap,
Four cans Tomatoes
Tbreeeans K C. llakin I'owder
Seven 2 cz. pks. nKa.r.g Tobecci.
Dishes, Tin and Aga'cwate at aloicst jc.r ow n pr'.crs
Hay rott h-fore thf st-ik
my store ii! i e soli at Cc-t 5
Drain, Oregon.
Snperior baaJ mai! bariics. Loth liLt a:iil l.avy,
llauufaetareJ lo orJer fa most rca;uu&Li!t' term-.
LafLer worL iacladlug rcpairiD. c-secuted in
tbe best possible mariner atbortest notice.
v Call auJ Feu block
5 and 6&mples of work in t-bep.
On the 5. P. R. R.
Douglas County, Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open for recep
tion of guests.
Water cures Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia,
Kidney and Skin
To The Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
Thin o:d rilitVe ud j
the most f..c;ci.'.';l
fcpeciaii-t in fcaa Fraa
i.iio. t'.ill entin-ics to i
Z.-Jf cure eil Sexuml and ;
li Ciiease." tucb
t t '. . '-5 an Gonnorrhasa. Cleet i
"v.' .. .tv Stricture. Syph His ia
,i 7- -"ail i: forms, Sikin Di I
. . .... I
j i m v. . jcun, . , . uu 1.1.11
V"S5"itjr, Impotertcy. Setni
' .in' Weaknesi iiid Loss
ijimh mil"-' lit rianhood, toe coi,--
rvot under the eyes, pain ia the lir a t. r;iii,'inK
in the earn, loss of conlidenot. aiflirtenre in ai-
proachlng fttmnecru, paipi'at'.ou of lii: t ear!, (
wcwaneaa ol the limbs and back, io-s ol memory '
pimpieaon the face, cou?h, con'umjdion. ot?. I
DR i;tSRnil h. nrsptiifa In an KmnrtKVi ;
1 6
oer thirty yearn and thoi.- trouhicd nb'iuld not i N"!io- t u...n tliat t!i folowiuK
fatt to consult him and receive t!i W-neUt of I Uatnert ic-itl. r has liic-d iiolieirf lo intention
uiarreateiiil and eim-ninee. T!:e do. lor cures ; !" unit'-' fini'l t ro-ii i:i - i. m of his i liiim. mid
when others fml. Try him. Oire auarniiteep.
Persons cured at home. C'hanjen roa-.itial.-li-.
tall or write.
DR. J. F. iIBB0S, f.irtKearny St. sIhii Fran
eiaeo. Cai
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Katnre In strenethenir.r' and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It ii the .Vest discovered difrest
ant and tonic. Ko 01 her preparation
ean approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour fct'unach. Causes,
all other resu 1 1 9 of i n 1 rK-r f ec t d i pest ion.
Prepared by C C DeWltt A Co.. Crjlcago
Fir aah- by A. C.afarMrH Cc.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
yways Bought
Bears the
You Have
ways Bought
! ira fee ll
;4 in
Read Prices.
to iX-'x;
to j::.uJ. .
h-r 1 5 .
. .for ifl.O-.' to J-' K
f .ril
. . for i.O-' to 2.fO
. . f.-r 2 . to ."..)
f.T I.0J
for ' .-V.
fv-f .S:
.lor .-r,J
.fir .:')
s picked over. livery tl
u'. for CaU tu!y.
J. A. Black.
Roseturg-, Oregon.
VV. G. Woodward
Via: Line cf Jewelry.
A fud and veiy tine !i;.e of jewelry is
low otlcred i jr t-aie hv i. V. Cartwruht
of Y'oncalla, r. Tbia saij includes
rolled cold plate, pold filleJ, gold front
and solid gold good" of o:ir own manu
facture, and we warrant them to .ve
perfect satisfaction, or we will reiur.d the
j money psid for tiiem t y tt;e parcuascr,
; in t-asl .
Ye macufacture over ."j.C'jJ dialr.a or
; pattern? of jewelry and do not hesitat"
i to warrant our goods to the fullest ex
, tent. We know they are pxactly as rep-
i In case this notice i-hould ir-ach pa
; irons who are too f ir froor Mr. Car'
; wricbt's place of tuint-, or other stores
where our goods are sold, to a-iniit cd
; tbeir going thure to purchase our Kolf,
j write us what yoa want and we will sup
' ply you by rniii at the regular price s.
. We v, ill be glad tocorreapend with the
j wearf-r of our goods concerning tLeru.
i Will g.-nd full ius'ruc'i'ir.a as to the care
' f jewelry, ho v to clean it, etc. on appli
i cation by mail. W. F. Mai ..,
i Ka'tern Factory Cii. Friendship &
Eddy Sis., I'rovideuce, K. I.
Western Factcrv v'argeal in the world i
under process of omi-tri)i;tioii at llast
Iowa Cite.
p r 1 !'i-
Iowa. Over o.'.OOJ ft. ol lloor
Notice Pnr Publication.
l.X' U Ol 1 11 1..
( r.7- n. May .", I-v
I tliat laid t-ro'd w iil ! oridi. lM.f.iie l!i- 11'
itrrnnd i:-.-'-i .tr, L'liiod ?-'ai-- liii'l Hlici- Ht
), Of ., ..n J 1-y, viz:
A I iil F. V. HKKE
i:i It. l:.. No. 7T:, for the la.t .. l.ll.hW Kti
, E ',. h'..SW !.;, I . f. lit W. lie
: iiitiiie the fotiowin? ilije' i Oi )roe hin con
' timiou" r''"ih-iine upon and i-uliivati.-n 'if wiid
i innil, t hi:ri'-s llatfiel'l, Eduanl iiillard
Wiiiiem Kaifer, I on-Hint Toii'taiul, all of Mel
' rvor-, r ti gon
j. r. i!Kiu.i;.
! lt'vii'i r.
Uo, for lioswell Springi! May 10, Ifjli'.i, and until
September J), special ticketi to
lioeacll Springs and return lo thin city
' will u gild aa follow: so-day tickets,
$1 So. Tickets going Sa'.urJay and re
tnrr.iug the following Monday, f 1.40.
S' jjecial iat aie ako givmi from I'oit and intrru ediate pointn.
Will tr.-do piatiofi,
ir liii'vclri!
or luuib: r or wood.
T. K . l!ll II MtDS .x
i Right cf-way Through Marahfield I
Not OranteJ. Porter Mill to Run.
(MundilUld Mull
1 .1. A. Y.i.k.i.r. arnwd ui the !;ay i.
ilia-Coos 1 ' ly wng.m road last Sunday
1 uicrmiii: luxn San Fraui iscj lit Males
! that tin' I'ofi; ! mi l i- t put in St. ape
i tijint away .in 1 that r will lie Mulled up
i to f.i lnuil tr, run ipally f-r the cargo
'trade, a swii h visiiK. A nuniher o(
' machinist ie ccming on tlm I'.laiicLard.
i Iu the iiio.inw htle- Mr. Yoakum, who is
'general euperiiiter.detit, will make ur-
raugcinetitti to uprii up camps, e'c. H is
also stated that Porter Sc Co. have pui
cha'cd tlu Binn-pace of the Chmtwirk
I tract from K A. irahiii who will aleo
j haul the los to tin hay. In thit r n
; uectlon mention i; also made of an cx
: tension of lh- down tlm hay
frout to l'ortt r. Some of the?e things
i mav hapvt, oil. em will le too expen
sive to nuvl. rtake. lo ai y case we wish
success to any uiic'ei'iakii.g that will help
to keep labor employed on the hay.
The town h.ard held a uiee'.ing
' ou v eiiineday ntaii'. J. ... icaaam
made an application on i.ehait ol the I
I Coos Hay, Uoteburn v K. II. U Co , fori
I a riiht of way for a M in lard gauo rail- !
j road over Bnalaay, l'ir:t atlt Cedar!
streets. Af r an inform .1 discussion
j and a per-oia' i xprrssiou of opinion by
tl i.,,..,:'e:.- ..! ti,, ,.vi..l therevi iest)
was u'enh-l. ir. Y. akam thanked the
...h..ra i t .. , 1 I r !'.tir to-.irifev
in iviii- h n. a;i.K'. wliil at lUe ' uisnuer showing their iffoite to he a
eansu tiu.t- fx,.fe-si! hi fegiet tLat the j "edit to any gidua'ii-g daa, there
citv dud i-.:i M ti-..t look a! the tuattt r in ' could taut help but come a lios of tad
the san.e licht an he did, for fti r ma-! at the thougul that they, ai ciiM roi:derA-iou and much tie p ' mate!1, weic SO Soon to bo peparated,
tli.-.ujis.t he had c:t.e 1 1 the conclcMon ; to wn.d then way alone in the pursuit
that .1 that M.mhhMJ uan!i-J in i r-ier of his or her dmie The u-euroiies of
to l i.vii.e :u reality the iue:r.iK.!:s cijil'eir deasaut school days leather,
jl..trn Cireou, w as ri'r -ad tt r miu- w h;. h wei i ?o s .en to be severed, could
us with loiter mill, thr.a aJordin,: ar, j ti .t W.t In: ta aee a Sign cf i.grtt. de-
ut. iui;a a.ior.j.:i,
t f.r the pu'lccts ol
i.d also aJtiu to tlje
ii! th-' i ucted outht
our hack county at
value id the 1'ortcr tijill roperty
Sunday School Convention.
i T;.e I.u'is Cwt.'y S iu lay " -h-jol )
j .i.-ojia:i .u he! 1 its atiQUal n:eetiuK in j
1 H.ftl i;:.', dune lo. 17 at.d 1. Ir'J. at !
' tt.e :st I iiurcli. rn.uyal p. in.
: the ii.te'-iri; was called to order wi h M.
j C. Mdri;n, record te.'re'ary, presid-
i in,: ia tie alwiice ol lue president.
j i-o3. S). 41 and
j I'r.tyer, ' y Kev, M. I.. Kose.
i (ct.iti retnsrks hy M. C. Mutison,
i a:i-i i'l'io: u tun oi
. t i t
I-.7V. n ?se, ti r.u-
' Ki::e. w l.j iiTs s verv interest in
. ,
i " . v . w,i
j Anaounceniet-t of raise service, '.' :1V)
1 a. m, Sa'ur lay, an I other work for the I
' die.
! Tl I.l' . i 1.! i. M
I Mtc'.ini called to order
M. t
j Svnis. No. ikj ul t-
j'.ure realing, IValui 2 !.
j I'rjyir, Kev. l'jj!a
S No. lo.
j ."ort t.ile : y Mr. Munson,
il.nJ at'
; poictiuer.t of cocinittees on ere
and nominations.
Adjourned until 1 UO p. in.
fiTCai'.w, 1 :30 1-. m.
Meeting called to order by M. C. Man
Scn, '.ij ar.J b-j.
1'ra;. tr, Ktv. Voo!. of the Cnri -tia n
S otg, No. I'j.
Ad-.'res, "ll jw Can We Ucst lucrease
the InVre.'t in the San-lay School?", O.
P. Coshow. Discu's-i'.n. Mr. Mnntoo,
Mr. McKay. Kev. Towcsend,
Ilcdg-.-pa'.h, Airily '.irubb,
Ilayuiou 1.
.-uf. No. 7.
Miss Julia
U-poit of caiuuiiuee ou cieJculiale
. . i . :. . . . . : .1 . :l !
accepie-J ano cuiuiuiee cjuiiuucu uul'lrecen
evening seesKU. I
The fy'luwiug delegates were present ;
Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Mary Cbake, Ld-
en': .itt 1'cicn : Mr. i'owell, Cjlea Val-I
ley L'mcu ; Fred lontbrake. Fine (jiove
L'uioa ; S. C. Miller, Miss Kent, J. A.
Ccbb, I'illaid Ucijn ; Misses Luic and
Ma'.tie I'-lain, Cleveland Union; Miss
Julia Kayu.oud, Oakland M. L :Mra
Traver, Kev. lijnglac, I. Cosbow,
Kose'our,: Bap: lit; Ilev
Elva Lough, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Slmpe, seemed to be meeting witb fair tatron
K.feburu C.'iiietian; Kev. Towneend. joe. We wish the young man success.
Mr. and Mrs. Kezartie, Kosebnr Free-
bvterian; Mi9 Elsie Hefty, Frank
Weil, llikton ; Mrs..!. E. Hedgepatb.
Drotkway; MifB Myrtle Spaa;h, Miss
Fearle Sinimuns, Mias SJSte O.livant,
MirsAd Miller, Licking Ciia?s;D. 1.
McKay, Harden Valley.
S jng.
Report of committee on nominations
nai rea l and accepted ai follow b:
Mrs. S. C. Flint, President.
F. W.Wojlley. 1: Vic e I'reaident.
O. P. C-whow , Corresponding Sec.
M. C. Mansos, 'cording Sec.
J. II. Shupe, treasurer.
.. P. Ccshoar, resigned and M. C.
Munson was elected to act as corres
ponding and recording secretary.
A motion was made and carried unani
mously that hr one wishing to attend
the state Sunday School convention at
their own expense be furnished creden
tials hy the president and secretary.
A list of the districts of tbe county
was read by the secretary. They re
main the same aa last year.
A committie was appointed to ar
range (or a mass meeting at tbe M. E.
church. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
S ir.g.
Closing atlJrefS by M. C. Mini son.
I lisiniesioii.
rviTKO.w 8 r. M.
Meeting called to order by Mr. ,Vr.n-j
Songs, No. 17 and 8.
Address cf welcome, M. C. Muueon.
Bong, 150.
Address, by Kev. Toaiisind.
Announcement of tbe mafs meeting at
tbe M. E. Church at 3 o'clock.
(jl SIlAV Al-'I'tUXOOS, M. E. '. Ill Bt ll.
Address, "Spirituality in the Sunday
School," Kev. Douglas, of the Baptist
Address, 'The Relation of tbe Teach
er to tie Class," Kev. J. L. Stratford.
M. C. MiNbON,
Hec. Sec.
Jri.M Kaymom,
Acting Sec. Pro Tern.
Last Day at the C. O. 5 N . S.
( I'ihj iaic for l"t 1MU.)
Th'.mday morning Hi an early hour j
' I he asaemhly hall was ciowdeJ to im ut
riiosl raiiAiilv with lvlalivefl and friends
of thu meiuhera of the graduating class,
who had aFcembled to lieten to the
cradtiatini fxerc'iMa which wne to le
t;iii at 10 o'clock.
Kootn 7 was prepieil tJ receive the
ma;:y heauliful pud sweet scented tlm-;
era nlnch were thought and sent iu il.ei
c as by Ui-ir hundied cl inen ie. .-v-er
hef'ire wt-re the piofu'ion of II w-t
greater than at thia coiuuieucciuetit and
each friend seemed to vie with the other
as to which should prewre he rh'iiit-st
and raieat bcipiet.
I'romptly ut 10 o'tlock the tr&eicieea
leuaii. An outline cf the prog-iu was
aa follows :
M.itic Anthem
l'ivoc I'.ioii.
Salutatory Miss Mau l H.iiieeU
"Na'ure, The True Source of Ivlin ation"
"Am: r:can l.'.tnaluic"
MiSa I.u'il 1'uill.
"rh ini'im Castles" .1.1.. Couke
Valedic'.oiy V.. K. "arr
Charsc to Ciaf . . . I're-. of the Kactilty
i-vory uumucr o u,
j leautsiui'.y nu.'.ereJ, hut while winded i
ii'U i ut -.lical aoilitv au I .re.artd iu a ;
j - - ----- n o
tptie the he! that ttey no frth to well,
N'luippcd to battle with ti.o feiti riali-j
: ties of life.
Prof. .i-, president of the lao
ulty, iu a few well ch oeeo remark, de
livere I his chaise to the tU, au 1 iu
the a'K-tnce of the pre'idou: ol the luard
of re.';,tj, lion. J. I. awarded
the d:p ouia.-, at -r wh:ih the cias re
ceived Uie hearty c itiratu! itions of all
I present f or th- tthcieut n-'ioo! work
which ha-i eu'ltied theiu t sla'.e diplo-
i At the aunual has ner meeting of ttie
i.. ju. Liou Ttiurs-lav a.lernoou, the foi
n . . ....,. M ?
lUWtiiuew olilr.T.-rs Tic r.ri iii . .-i.w
. - ...
!MaJ,;e Wilson, ires; Mce rres.
Hit I'earl Dart, Mil ua i'av;s,
Iu the evening a bic.,uil was ivcu at
the txxirdlnif. ha i. with tlie follow ing
; toasts; The old KjarJ of l:.vnls,"
' Vt A. A. II. Mulaey ; ' The Oregon Ujs
at Manila,'' tV. N". 1'ioticr; 'Icflueace
jof Aiuaiui lor diool," l'rof. 15. Y. Mal
j kej : "U oinf n iu tje Newpper Work."
I.iura 11. Jotiea ; "Tbe Ilumotous side of
! School Life," lVof. E. II. Anderson.
Thew were intertpertei with munie,
it.. r.vil .! n I.r Mi.o Niiie Malke
land J. M. ishim bcinj: espcvially worthy
i ,
oi nieniion.
I Tae
ttae now ruos
daiiv with C.
! Frar.khu for driver.
Mra. Ma aiy Hen I.-tsJu was in lown
an 1 vuiai:y ou a 'w: list week.
M ij I.iura eiardner and Misa Joeie
Andrews were ou. t-a I-oog Frairie
Saturday and Sunday.
We are sorry to bear that Mr. A. K.
Mrs.iOajuf is'iuite ill at tbe home o.' her
I sister, Mrs. Spencer on Dean creek.
j Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wde of jitb
I river were combining pleasure and bui-
Cesa and looking after their pfi'l'eftr.
Mr. II. sherritta cauie from tbe Uiines
recently. Mr. S. was well and hearty.
His sojourn in other lands evidently
did not disagree with bim.
J. lied len and family attended divine
services at tbe Long I'rauie school bouse
on tbe ltS'Ji. Tbe service were conduct
ed by Kev. Mott of Drain.
K. 11. Duller wis taking orders Mou-
WaoJ. Mrs.idaylor the Chicago Fortran to. aud
j Divine services will le beld ly Mr.
j Mott at Lang I'rairie on tbe 3rd Sunday
jn July, and at tbe same- place Mr.
j D'Kkuer will fill an appointment on the
o:b Sunday.
Arrangements have lieen made for a
picnic below towu on tbe 4'.h; all thiutts
pertaining to a good time for all friends
and neighbors will be on band and those
who wisb to dance will have lbs oppor
tunity in tbe evening. Efforts wdl be
made to eecuie a good orator. II .
Weatberly bat been chosen president
of tbe day and Tbeo. Andrews marshal.
t p-to-Date Card of Thanks.
To the Editor. 1 wisb to express my
beart-fei: thanks to tbe following-named
p, rsoiis for the assistance rendered me
in tbe death of my hoeband: Officer
I.rown, Loftus, and O'Donnel, who
iie i 1 get the carriages in line at tbe
f .il; John (Jortuan, who watched
ti.o corpse ; Adolph Simmon of Simmon
A N'orrby, who was especially noticeable
while singing "AU Coons Look Alike io
Ma'' at tbe wake, and to Nick Wenta,
fur serving lunch to the mourners during
their bereavement. These men shall
never be forgotten for their kindness.
Mrs. Sarah Ann Kiley, neo Murphy .
The Oregon Hair Tonic
Will grow hairou bald heads', dealroy
dandruff and e top the hair from falling
out. It is recommended by leading
physicians. 1 have tried numerous hair
tallies but this ia the only one tbat
brought satisfactory results. K. A.
Stowell, agent, Koseburg, Ore.
aiMlS. Price, four ounce bottle, 50 cts.
l or Uver I"Iflv Vcait.
AW UUI AN3 WlLL-TlllltO Rkmcdv. Mn
Window 'a iioothing fiyiup haa been ued for
over fifty yearn hy millioun of motlien lor tbeir
children while icelhlne, with perfect succeaa.
It lootliCk t!ic chihl, uiftetii the gunik, allays aU
palu, cure wind colic, and la tho hast remedy
for Ltfarrh't-a. Ia pleaiaut to the taste. Sold by
druggist iu every part of the world. Twenty
(Jvc ci uli a bottle. Ita value U Incalculable
Bo sure aud ak lor Mn. Wlnalow'a Huothlni
Ryrnp, and take on other kind.
Hi iiif
In tli rcnull ol r.'pcutc I cu:j : L. n,
liver ami rluvii ur- I'limipii! y efrcl.itfl.
TUcjr vt ktoruliuux'i Ut tin- nia:ril
poison and llir ik - It ftom thrui.
I hi poiriti must
I Ullvr-n nut of
1 lir -iji. Hi u.
VAX nill .Iui!r..v
f lie action of tin
I:mjii nnl cvrm
uaHTiIrivcout tin
iist j artii.le of it
from tho yMem.
In addition to
tlil?, IllIJYAN
will rcti'f
l')t ki;. c It
Will liUli'l lli Hio
neakf-ned y-! m.
l:;k'.- luiv ,UA
Hi in liiv lN,i,r v
(lia III OVAN list i iir"l otln-r
It Will in If 0'l. W' ,'i.r:il lii- y; :,hI'i.. .
SlU'iy tiic::l oa rtrf lii ! Tlly a: - yo':rv Ii.j
not 'I- !y i'lasr-T, bin lai;.' llt'DVAV i .mr
mi'l ii w j! c i.''l.
Mlll 'i-ir hrwai-rii. i.l )-'.
PLEXION. HUDYAN . i.l -,!-;: air. c
cir'-'iiati'!! oi jnir.- ! ati ! rau- flf -l: -4-k
lo iiSi:'C lli-.-it iiiiMil '..ii.r.
will t '.-- tie- ! ; i aa-l : !:!; :! !
4. rttuauur w tioti i uvt.iuii
LIVER. Tin- i- il l - t.i tu- rr.:i-..-:..pnt of j
the !i' f. It i -i t .- ! :: .! '
Ill ilVtV . i ::.v-..- ! : J..j.-.- I :: t !
t - 1 l.e "'S :r I ' :i:r.- ;t : : .'I -;
OF THE SPLEEN. ... -t v ?. '- -:-cs '
in.t.y HUOYAN ' i- - . ta !
t 'i i ' - 1 1 ;
I-"' '
Vj : oil-' ii." ; ;. -u:
.,:i c;:li 'i' ' M 111' A " .
.-.fT 'Hi i I U.'
V A. :i I- ;!. .i :' -!i
j.-r l -- k-t--. - l i.-r I
I .
Ill l.
-I '
ill v itr:iiu ro.n ..
- n
...i. ,,t ..- lit iii inirrims t'Kt.t:
I ;1 r.i.-l - o.'- "i v.- ''..i :. l
tti- ii-. -r r ' . f d.. ii tf A Or
i uk:!;;kk t K"! if. s
Montana.. It ah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
. l -A.'. K -1 1
tM'J.V l'ALi! 1
KiO'-HAM L -
' 1-
I ' : u.iys to Salt Lil'kc
2 ' . cuiys to Denver
days to Chicago
.' : days lo New Vul k
I'rrc Kccllnluic lhair cars l'p-'
liolticrcd Tourl.t slcrpluc
Curti, Iallman Palace tleer
lou Can opcratc-cl on all 1
fv.r i..:;L.r mii-TU's':. r s;-; -y
J. F. UIVANS. A;!., KjscI urg
C. O. Terry, NV. L. Coman,
Trai. l'-i- As. A :
1.1 Tairl t-- a:.-. v:
Tnc Churcbei.
Mar i--:,i-i ruva 11 i".--i r oi M..a f-1 La:.c
uviU. saday Service: PtraihinE, 11 a. ra
and 0 j p as.: ea'-tata Khoii, 10 a. m.; I-
A. W a.i.1.-, s-upvrit'.eiiCcn:; Claaa a:
caac 01 ia. moriiiaj aciTiie; ip.ora im
7-iop. ta. F. II. cfjufcMl-'. I':v:l- a.. P.-aytr
M-jvU-jS. Wt-Iactday. al T iu.
'.. It. t.U-, l'aalor.
I'arrouasc, corner Main ai.1 Li.e-
I'Mtaij EiiiHuix Hi tr.. a -va toilet Uct.
aiu-lay ten ice. at II a. ia. a:i J ' 0 i r. I'ray.
rr cci t.- c 1 hurvlaj evi ulai.
Mr-.. l.HT y. i"i tin, I'a-'.ot
s.t. c t;i a :i.--C-:uvr c a- ad
Maiu uniii. service ou aitou I and luur'.h j
euuday ciotu.a of each tu u:h acd i" iiy : :a j
day i-icaiug s;iecia! tcnicct asnouaced f.-oia '
titae t- tirii.-. Ktv J..u Uantcr.-, j
M. t. ti 1:1 11. Bo cm.---!, iwsntir Sunday
taoininn and cvcuiui;.
Ktv. J. I o:m, l't.r
Birritt C m a. u -corair o! lae na i i:,r-e
ttrwl. Saaltytcrvici. rr.a(.iiiU.-at li a. m.
tii 1 l.'M p. ta. eabtth s-. ln-o. at Id a. ta., O 1'.
OieUotv, uperiBteu-lvDt. I'rayi-r nicotine ft
7.30 WdiKlay cveaii.!
S. A lv,r..t.i-. IV.Mi'i
I r I
i I.l II' R ll' S'i. 1 !o Mi
Kia-T CIIUIMIAX llltlill lutmr oi l-..ieirrUUC ailU HOD WUUS Ui UCSc liUUUl, iU CUOICC lOVUllOU-.,
ant VYiwlivari ('.. suuday -ni.-:
PrrnLliiii? Ixitli liiorn.u.- and cveuine, r!-inday
m hO"l a; 10 a. in. V. IV s. L". K. at 0 p. ! '
Prayer mcetiu ueii cdue-dy at
;.). AtMrillil wcl'-xiae and urt'ooi!
a'.l. V.. A. Vto- D.
Iiu-i Cm iuii-t oilier oi Caw
aud K..ii- -ir-xt-. Sunday setTli'''' Pub'-ic
worship. It a. ri., ant ! 1-. tu.. Mit.bath
school, 10 a. in. Y. 1". i. t". t:. at 7 j.. in.
Piayer mee'.iiie. Wedn. d.iy 1011111115 7. .Id j
111. ' J. A. To N-tMJ,
TE . '. T. f. i!t li-M ii nsuiar r.i Clin-'
oil the second and fount; Monday ol c-verT
monlli a 7 . 111. in t lie Epnorth U.S'ie
room of the M. . t'liarili.
Notice for Publication.
t'SITr.Ii STiTI L.VD on leu.
K.avlMiri;. Oreaon, May 1!. I-:'.'.
Noliee i-hcrebr dveo that ihe follomiis
naioeil setiler hiu tiled notlea o( iiit lmennon
to make tinal proof in urirl 01 bio claim, and
that 11 root iil be made N tore the Keni-tir
and Meceivet l". I and Oilico at K. l.unr,
Oregon, 011 Julie i7, Isw, xt:
on II. K. No. Tim), for II10 Wj SW 1 y, SK' , 6W '4,
8W' , SK'Sfc. , Tp. -M 8, K. jit, lit Uiimu
Ihe loll. ovine nltursnc" 10 jirove his continuum
residence 11 pun and cuttha-iou of id land,
vi: Jiunes McKay, Th')rlon Lull, J. K. Cbnp
man, i. Y. Ortihlic, all of Wilbur. On-con.
J. T. ISKIiKits'.
liillliO liegntcr
Best Bargains of the Agea.
0 acres. Stock farm, 40 acres in grass,
Orchard, buildings, l'.: milo from
Myrtle Point, P. O. Splendid invest
ment. Price, flOOib
Homestead. 3 miles from Myrtle Point.
0 acres cleared, goo I timber. House,
barn. Parties will relinquish for $-00,
half wuat improvements cost.
A stock farm of 020 acres 20 miles from
Myrtle Point : 700 acres in excellent
pasture; 40 Durham cows, aud CO bead
ot graded slock cattls go witb the place.
Price, $3,000; terms, $4,000 down, 1 al
niice at 8 per cent. Impilre at W. F.
A Co.'s Express Oflice, or addrcrs,
OltVil. DnlXiU,
jlM Myrtle Point, Oregon.
Prepare for Harvest.
Y'-ti wi!
',e th.- v.orl
piui. 11
them. ;i
Iff I I XI. I ' V
you iiiy a PJilim Ijinder v. itli
'the Chain ilri'.e Mo vr, ...
The Strongest,
What we
I -ill 1 W
r i l. 't
- la 1 La
iL::t H e-;
el! :fi I !i
.- f..'.l:T.
e'ro ::: :t
j-. 'i-. '. r
1 1.? H i ! .1 V.'.
j.. we'll I.r.'.i.' ia
ti-i t-atter-icJ j;..
t.. - y .-i':.. tl.
1 f r
! l..-r
A. C. flARSTERS & CO., Agts.
Fifty-eight Years Old '. val i" u :l..-ie
the I 3'. if Tin- Vs i v.: t
t aa all art :th "Trie N-Y.'k
ni-h Ivtli paiers f.t !.-' tf.rl.irg e-'
lively luarr and ui .1 ' r t .-s :
in u l.irli !.. iiit s . r.r.i't it : ' r : .
! 30,J ur.t'.r ir.j:lr f ir his i-Vn-'t" :r: '
; l.a, r-ci: ( f ! :i" t i :.; rl.iv-.! li e
1 vc'S l-'f iii..rrer.l cto
: ;e ( ,r t, 4- 0i'.j i
!l.f l'l'arf in
i ! in very u :
Joit tl it-k rf it'
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
a.i ."
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
ni riMKniATii
Stock Ranas, Tiiber
!n 1 t t t i. ri
tu quantities to suit intending purcaaicrs, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
id. s- k:. buick,
ia.aialt aA, ft m : a tt y OaoAa
i'.'nia I'oriiaud
AKiilV K
i. t p. in.
Knt 'Mall !it Lake, ivuver, Ft.
V l.i.
!.i tr. I y. st. Umiis,
I hic;.o aud Iliisl.
: .lop.iu.
W alia W alia. Spokane.
Minm'uio.i.t. I'anl
lui'iiltli, Milwaukee,
t. luiu-o aud tat.
Ocean Sttam5hlpt
Ail -anno; riil-
ie'l loiliancv.
For' Saa Fraiu i.)
ev. ry tivo da;
I p. III.
S p. til.
10 p.m.
Columbia Kicr
M earners.
To A-totia aud Aay
l.anJir.ffi. WillametUKiver.
I p, m.
u sitnuae
4 p: in.
6 a.m.
Orvion Hit, NcwU-nr.
E.v.sitiuday Salem W ay-Laud K
7 a.m.
aud Sat.
Willamette and Yam
hill Niter.
Urvcnii t'ltv, li ion,
aud Way-band. hut
1 , p in.
Mon., Wed.
aud I'rl.
t a.m.
Tue. Tiiiir.
and Sat.
W illamette River.
Portland to I orvalhs
nakc ftiver.
hij'aria to Lewistou.
4 J0 p. in.
Tui-s 1 bur
and sat.
Koseburg, Oregon.
W. II. ItlKLIItRr.
General Passenger Agent.
U. K. 4 ti. Co.,
roriiau ti.OtCKCii.
f .
1 ''""?.,.'
- '.i lv the t ::i
;:Ui ;i
:iv -iicei.
& Wool ley's.
The Best
and Won't do.e
.- h;clr'.-.-
- ir: :
Ii.-.: 1.
f r :i ryt:i
if. ,
r:Ji'. aa.l5tL Li-t:.r
;;:v-, tl
rt :i tie ;e?r.-t to tie'
, 1 f
- v.;
. -.
7--- - : ..- -v'v
1. r 1 . . 1 j i r.'--d c M - 11 a 1.
r.. if 'X l:t4 fc.- u; 1 x:.t:,.):.!Iv..T'.l.-.!.i.y; E
e t-i-rs. tL.l & ta-,i-!V fror-. n w. o
1 ! !
-,-n !) tLe
AU2tT- i :
,-s:i i .
- tr. .
r :: 1 . .r.rr-is a
1 i i.e ( r ; :.j. rr.. Ei -
ixilr ; . -!
m 1 i
ir rwird. I
ii 13 e !".'
t::.- r !. -:rcs
.-rl t r.;
s i :: ;
. fri- rhrnr 1
ri ifior. w !
sr. 1 tres'ld. i
i! ec; y in
a- 1 r. v r f
:. ex.
: t. i
r:tenl by
Uri.e1- f'V.fii
a c-?r.f:rT. j
, sad or t'.e j
1 :
I r -irei.-ive Ax-rri-
. ' T o Nei.-Yora Wtkly Tn-1
a. Vr-"i-.'e ! !. i-.t:r."ry ov-ra? '
!: ; NV.: ta! Faai.y ;ewf jrxr. '
Lvasct It- - - e arl Natl"
Ll, nl "i -
e .i.rre lipT et:-, tj :a
" wl.-lc!. er.atr'r-s Lia to fur -
-.r- a i
- i'y T:
T . t-. r 1 I
i' '. t i i 1-ft Mi", it.-! i .l.i c '.-..i:.tsr.:tT
s al r .-: .;. a1 it .' tor statll v
m.,.-..., W a.' .be re-t an.'S
1.-oi : . ir it:-:.-. 1:0-c :i 1 n ar. 1 rri
1 ice ii a:k't., ..r-!. :u f.'.c
f.'.c:. 1 m w i eV.y
.. ' ..
'-' -
: -a-; e. j-ro;reMve fa
Send all uIM,ripticns to th
Reb tir, Ore
rosr. - iox oiven.
Lauds and Miuimr Properties,
. i - . ... : - t
Railroad Time Table.
No:;!.oi d Uofe'juri local, No. 17
departs 7 .110 .1. c.i.
SoijlbV.oni.d lloie'. ,sr; Iccal, No. IS,
a: rics o :ld p. :tt.
N"ottir'ii!:d cwiland, No. 5, ar
rivts i'J;il a. in.; departs 10:4j a. m.
Southbound i.vt't'&n4. No. t;, arrives
4.!a. tu.; departs 4:lM . m.
I'KLll.lir lltAl.NS.
Ni i ih; -cur.d fast ir.rongh freight. No
21, a r-ivc 1 :10 p. m. ; departs 5:'0p.
SoutM-oan.!- fas! turcau frbt. Nc
arrives 7 .00 a. tu. ; d -pr.rta $.00 a
Xoithljcntid u.ixed train No. L'. arrives
at C o' p. r.'., Sui;;lav, Wedtie.duvs aud
Fridays, d.'-iart a.m., M ndavs
Ti.niad.iy and Saturdays.
Soiitbbi un 1 mised train No. c, ar
livisitU tM p.m., cu Suadays, Mon.
diia.l Friday, t'.epar; 7:15 a. m.(
Mor.days. Tburedays aa.l Saturdays.
haita Limited
Is the came ol tbe oulv pet feel tiaia
I n thu wotl ,10,v running every night
I between St. Paul tnd Chicago, via lbs
; Cbuttso, Milwaukee it St. Tatil KaiUav
; tho i icaccr road of tbe west ia adopt-
ir.g all improved facilities for the safety
i and enjoyment of passengers. Au ilius-
trated punpblct, sbowin;; views of beau
j tttul fivtiory al jr.g the route of the Pio
! nccr Limited, will be rent lrce to any
BUm. Addrces Ceo. H. HcaUlord. Gen
f SI 1 tIMI Ml, t t Utio, 111
Mining Applicatiou, No. 5.
I's tu jij-ia- f.i!t rri c,
i; -tr.tii- 0:-.--iU. J .: -- ,K
.,!l:.h I- IJKiieiJV .1VN 'I MAT
i - ' i i.ii.i i trri:.i-i, J. J' !iiii; al K. J.
' -i Ol t iilll.l - triUl-:'l JU'I 14. J. J-rnnm.
" .'! o.-- -, Ijiih ;o'irj!j. jrt-."ii. as-l f. i.
I. i r, i'-i and, fi:l!i"a Owotjr, On-
in (" t'-- a;-i tnr aw-"'1"-"1 a
:.ri- ar J.t .. ilie lit-:!., tmol-,;-l
'-.r or .'.io. ti-ari:i( Ko:4.tiTT
m I .. -J Mi min t sr'.utl It Iu width.
L- -. I'- t i w!i l f o' t" - of 1"
,"". 1 i,-n. linear f-ret ol Me Helena
i i.l:ii i :i 1 1 f'l 'f tuw Laurctt Lola
i ;i !; - Iu.-:.c i-id t!ie lt exicDiioo
Ka- :' ,,! u. i 1 H'.lna Claim, aid claim
-ii y d . r'.l Miiiexai aa-nr-rf.
II i-;:.a 'r:a:i L"i.' i--2id 1 ji'ifi'tU: 'uartz Lflv,
..,.'. a i-a o:;ii;'la:--yJ 'uaru Mine.
.! .a'.'l ;n I; ..v.-nii ;-t:u:r- i'i-tr-.f-t. jjoofi-iaa
i:.' , i).-,- ;:i. !a lo- iiri:p . ':. K. 11,
a - m ii'!:in,nrr
i ;-'i"o o Ctarie isruoeao, V. J. i-.n-
: . .. :.1 U. J. Jetialri.
i ilhLKA LOJyil.
t'S.aa i.i! ljf Kiiwbr ,utre, 4 fe-t
I i,i. . t In ir.'.hw in lis"; irr-ina. wtib roek
i x'Oi 1 i.ficc!. wnl 31. . M-JsUca:
.. :-j wc. 'jH mart.c? point of the H.'-ii lodr
! ' e.M, arii'-r.i e fie d.-.err rut. an-1 Tunael
I l, ; -. (-1 E. l lrtt: i a i:r Li lo.
I . :i dj a. U s . -T !'-rr-. W. feet, rrlbtd
i .' B. 1.- i.r b. duuj. tjara .
! A.- tii'- No.ijdaT iiln.ct -"' 1 1 'fine
i. ir -. j , dea.-'-t tV. !: iJX.' ('-!-
Ai-ot-.e i.:vi!lol'j. KerriT'innel i-a.-ii.
'.i d-.t? . V. . fciA.ut 'j I'it. Ai-vo M- lixumja,
yci::.'z.y kij iotil 'jwnor--i Feait 'A trie It
'.':. h Ua r. .;d-rt. K.
A laiaou-l I'ra tea.- f . i !-?. E; Ibeajc
r:a N CJ W. ou .ur-e of Zd-, at'
; i ." !".. i!i,rj t jod road letkl.ut f'-im
j v.'Uyi.'i. Tir.v w lii'-lr ','imrt iuilL at
! 1.-; I'. - f -y-: ia. ft't'jai:. loel WjD(,
i i-.:lil- ' Jri.c-l 1jT ceiit-r po.t ' W --
j..-.v i:. l '- mnuad ol tw.
! i:i !.. l-. tr -. , -a . fi-et, w; M. !?.
H. i.
! A Lra ia. -lia. S. i dtf. fc. i Uxt.
! - -:o -t M i. V I
! li.i ;- tt i- id-i. ...! Wvt i-ca'i.a poet
1 ---j a-jst..-r:y :.! I.i i .fii.
j I. .'-CM 3 ; ,U It -Vrl 1W1 I.
I i- :: ui lo-a-- n ixr. I loet loutt- laene
; t-; '4jr , i iui- ;: li.e rr.icd with a uiw.aA A
: -i -..-aiorr.-iif:..- w r.d c . I, 11. b. Ina
t ra a II :a !.. ,n N.7 d..-s. t-, 1 fv.
A y.
l.-l'-r I. !u e.-.!d C I
j M - .,u. U T.
I t' wt o.rv r in '.:."i.i M:i; tail 1. Tf.
I r -. K I a::d :E, i;a.:r.t: Jf-nsaa. Va.-l n
j -i:-z .ii -..-.a v. 1T I t, !t,.;c If a Cor ho 1.
i '.ari tl'. j i;a K
j L- :. - p -3".ra.a -ii'-p-j a i. U ft vmz-
uu "v 1 a r- at ' l-;t 'yartt M.a 4-
! ' : 1 t m-, it.
.--.-1 - uj. :t ,tUjt 5-
i i:-u"..-i cji'-ff of ifc.e Joia:.o.
i A 6: I ! '. .. i;--, i UrtK ncrr. 1 1 i.
J .'i '.-- z-ai-.A vi.-a ii,iri i tuxse aiclKT-ifJe.
j v. io-l C 1 H . o
i ae a )- :a. -:.a :.a 1 -inn; v
j i- it. ri je-i t, i. 3i a tf 1 .
I :.:r :r ; : t-i-r So N3, l.xl. Var 1 :
1 :. .a if. ..' it to'.-r No i. ui i Miti'r Lu:a.
j K- '. '-a i:. r '..r -.' K-: -rtf rm p
; :: ii- Cla:. ::-::: . :.a i.x.auon pc-t
) -.-.;.;. tji -.1 i 1.4.1.
r -t: i t ... I 'iar. f t Is ia.
rPAlfii.'t ji o: -.-ft-; a.svV
I leiT. fl M s l".
I lc- a r - -..i i r S Jr Z 9 ft,
IVT-..-4M - i i B i. r. t. irwtr f-t .-
"l-r't;-i.,(U::f.(j. i fl lu utl
i :- c;ii: -.3 4 c-rae-r of ttc kjar-MO.
! ;c..e ; ;ct- srsi:.a ' tac-ail ef Moot
I . . .. . - - j- xi ...
lil,!:U.Usl;:iif I (l
! A:A :er:;. ij.3.u.a .:: ft ;Et.-r. .If ja
j rt. '. .- i. oo: day Miar w -ixrto MJ1,
, . ".1 z. . ::h a " rr.-r.
' A r 1- -H )r r:: i i .-. ,i:rr. t-1 I- -jire
1 .a - n.Tti;. 1. lito . ! '..-ar acr-vlr.
-v :-.::- C i. m ;
". :::.' a ' .a l a - J- f J- ia. w 1
'.: tlH - ii Xl-jxufK 4et;W .
..' ! -r X i. :u i. ."- 1, orier pct oa
I-Al. E.T7Z L- 'I E.
5t:c-a-Nol siaZ ii&ia
, a r i 11 l- c, t acae
:a ?rti3d :d n a a 1
; s"t I? :
! : -y.-t M,c?!: ., .-. .-: I J . j. waeac
I A s i : - .a t-.t 01a- i . l-.:.i.ti cast,
j !.r: - I C1M; j'- U I
! ('..-!.':.. 1 O! dr. - El '.i-i i i W 13 It.
j C.ti; f; -.t o.r.t t .1 S : E. V ar U daif
! Ii a- .;...'-- v.c- r.:--T poi on cer;j
) l: f1- -:k-"k' ,ar. 1 I-ft "..MX. wtt t
- : - :': ai A--. i--
. i..:.vii ; .; Utjucriy eaJ !
' i--:v - . a- c ilamitn Cat ai
-. t-T..- 1...- o-.-;. t. n fu tcr(
' i c . ii i.. -i-: : t roriKT Sa s.
; :-:-! 'a.t'j c-rrr vt" i.'jn.
-' tr r: 1 '- -aci pisn. t i
: . -:3 t?.ai, :ta and 1 stoan
a r r :i :n i t. a. -i tr E. 1: ii. cr.J
1 C- - - ' - - r.
1 i- a- eosx.T . i si Tl X. Tar.
E. d--.2a It"? it to una S.
1 .
:.r:- -; 4 it k-ar. ic-bei --,xiaTe. st 1
; Ite rrtj. .;Ji ajuod of j?oe
t.- -n. -r . - r. .--I c . M. . . bcik a na
1? ?-:aic io.xi. s oil of rroia4 Iwl
... - c.t w.:"i a ciiiKiat diret putai
.b.1: bra.-. . ier. W ;u tuartc-i tii a
isi;.1. a. e.
A j-- X. t c raerof the Succiiay Cfaarta
Ja - X v : :.
' , 7 r :r ? T ' r Nl- '-Yr.
, 5-.-. . asa K lM.'.t. to t rt S t wMe.C..
; 1: te :t. : j ori:- rjoi: ta tuKtit cad ot tilia
: "-- -.
- i. i-J t i-.-M. .3 (-,jjv, cl i- ia-
j i .'.., aiKsniLit: ja
! -iar N. I it-a. .J;i cr.U-i il. .
; 8,lV' VTS"
1 a tti:;
j i ' :J i: e tpjnsl, :-.a taonaal vi mae
a. C :.. vr. 'f3 C t. SI. !- m ItrSCC act
':.-:3 c:a. Vat- N. U dS.i. K. 311.
- :.:vlC. 4. X s, o a. T.
, - cv N. Or-e. w . ;.-: c.,r No , Var. r
; o .a. 1, is- :t- Csrk a it wlc .
Li-, .- aac.3 nmi b.a S-a--MT
M;3v ;i ..;.rl- Miii, !.. - t. ia coma o. 1,
j J t-.a-e oi i- s-.ii c- :vraci2 J) ts arrra.
i- arte vt -... Uelra. aat La M-et-.
Ij.-j- --e i ai-oa. .-.a tae itsrfx
. ui. ar-l it- fiwavl p.-r rxl t sine of
::-M:a .-r ioac it doiui..! t idi eaita
"'?. "io. a t y iS; pUi aervwi-a,
a aei.- be diM-.rtatacd sroei Use prr-rwl
i: rtjcprsia:.
,1-"- Not-ic - i lAt::ca W Ucss: buulas
iiaiit nxo.'.tc! xt iloir?, v-:t
r ii. '.oi i.k-d c-1 t:: Helena. !cajc-l Uckacrl
: textcied ia Volaaj k of Uicii Coaatr.
': ;-..a. 'ia.a; Kcvurvts. at l'ae . n taw 7ta
!..; ol July, aa-l ie eixo-l notxT
o i--ciKd ta Vo.u:ite . f 1 catla Cooat-r
virwva. K.aia j acvx.--i. a: 1 av i-i aad va
:.-f --! dav v,t A-as-is'. Ln
Tie iorai:o . of lie La u re lie Lo CILa
rev- vl -1 ia ; -. , of L ocUa counrr,
c'rxc 1 1 . u: J K. x nu IV 1. n a V
I lI:i:-.r. is.r. ; ls aul th mokkI kn.
t; a :..;;:: tljinvt rC"OiIl on tae
die .; a v- is s in Volasiic -, ol lvxi.-ai
i.-r.u:r, c, M.uiai KeconLs at race J
i- I
i t a-!, jir.itij i laic-.. a: Oa lae nortQCTtj o: uo Uv ltaa. , tie rijer) Kvle I Sa;au la
V - r l.':,- c laua. whlei r. J. Jeuaiaja m
.-c.i:. r asj ctr-tat. a:vicu tie No.-tirerty lo
if tie la irr-.-.a J,ic tlmim j tae Atacriema
B -t. I !.. cUim. of a hiea K. J. jeanicjra aaa
i. It. li. liraaca t are lie kv'.oti xa-J claua
aa: Ttc caster t ,aj it tie lieliaa. tlieleaer)
:a.i :j C-.o ncaUriy ,n l oi the laiurtlc
i Oa Uie cas:erly ca t ol tho Lauretta
c .a.'a it i ai-aat oi er- ieui "in-t. .ad oo law
s- :i;"::-rlt ;deo ti Heicaa illeleoeri aad Laa
n :;e C'aa-a c Tacaut merutni:t iaad.
ca tae weter".y ee l vf the Helena illeiarr)
C .a: ;i is :c u h-.ce tai. Lo-lo ii:iun Ctaua.
.ii.oi c'k.umi.) ty i.. c. aiaer.
f A::da:.e and .11 ir'i: ciaiajia- adveratly
i the miaij sniicd. icia. lode, pnau-eaor tar
. por-.;osi t Hereof, to, J-.-naed. -runerd. piatUvl
aud applied, tor. are fcen-br aoti: eit tiat. uiilc.
1 t.n-.raUTvit.- c aia:. arvd.ily oKnJ aceurdinf aa.
t . aud ta n -i ila.ioca ibere under, wiiaia tao
j:s:y dajt publication f th ooK.
... i v ..r-..5ier . i t:i raitcj state
Laud t. :w at hvxeoarai. in the Couotr vt Pwas-.-.
a ad state ot Urvaoa. lacy iii tw'barreil la
v:r-.iic ol tlx t-ro iuu o: taid ;atule.
1 'a:-d 1 h : saa da. t J une, 1 aad Srst po
. cation e-a Uta, L-cV.
R.-sascr I . . Laud (. Sea.
Notice for Publication.
. , H esiinr. On-a Mar 1 Lvt.
N-itc:Ue-iMT ;.vn ta; Hie io.UittC-ca-rs
, ha 6ii,l n.ttee o! at mieaSMo
. r-a.e :ii:al pren ia support of his claim, atxl
t ,:al ta.d prool ! wi.i b made N.-fore the Eeeisu-r
and Koceitir I . s Laud OSic at Koseoara.
I'reeoE, oa Ju'.r. l-...!, v ;t-
I -a H. L, .;, Ut Ui N a sec-. T .1.
s K. t w . He name tic follow -a itnce to
I rove hu c-a:;'.-.'.ioa unon and cuili
lat.onoi aia la'.rd.v:.: William More. I Bom
h irper. liarvey.-wolford. and John SwurhjrdT
a.i oi Myrtle I ree k, Orejron.
J. t. BRirx.e.
Res is Mr.
Farms ior$a!e.
A ua.i-.ber of small farms for sale.
adapted to fiait urowiug. Good apple
aim ftuuec cbardj cu some of them.
For furtte -urticulaxe inquire ol,
G. V. Aliiiksos,
Cleveiand, Or.
Vlavi. Viai.
Mr. J. U. Sbu( ia local repreaenU
iiofjr tbj popular VUi remedies.
Any one desiring any of these remedies
will please call ou her at her home or ad
KB her at Kosebur, Oregon.
? f