s s ? NOW FOR SPRING ( I ADIES' OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS The famous W. L. DOUGLAS shoe for Men, Exclusive Agency. ....1 Have for Inspection.... Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low prices. Iu Children's Men's and Boys suits you ill rind the best assortment ever brought to this town. The People's Store. I. ABRAHAn, Prop. THE PLAIN DEALER. W hite uicjue ekirta at Joeephton'e Attorney Dexter luce made Yoncalla a profetsional visit Wednetday. Band, the matchmaker sells spectacles at lowctt pncs ami ran bt them cor rectiT. lvov. J. T. Cotton will till his regular appointment iu this city next Sunday morning and evening. Frank Calkins made the 1'i.AiM'tvLt a pieasani cau veunesuay auo nia uur thacke tor a kind favor. ...... : E. DaGas. M. D., uieuiber Loard of ' Tensian Exaiuineia. Office. Marebsrs building residins corner Main and Cass street. Judge J.W. HaaiUtou went to Ea- geoe tlia tnornins to attend circuit j conn, wdicu convenes in mat cuy nexi ; Monday. P. T. Mcee, an old Mteeiued citizen , tQ office dJ tt ' d!y w ednes-1 .y after a .uuntl.'s ( rctei nd businefa man of Myrtle Creek was ' sioaa! virit t nhe toons cf fie not: ! and in this city Thursday enroote to W.ibor 'forg bageu. a .Jea.er :u ine- jf , Stock, of Koeebari. registered at the OU3'UOT' "' Mrs. J. L. Stratford returned home I from Coaistock Wednesday evening i, where she has been visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Henry Stewart. Men, we have all kinds ol bats, straw, j crash, wool and fur, the common for .vary Jay, and tbe dress, sort, all al ngbt prices. ovelty fctore. i AU bicycle people men, women anJ . children are cordially invited lo join in a j arand bicycle parade July 4tli. For dec- j orations and arrangements eee T. K. Richardson, Eoseburg, Or. Gravel is again being dumped ito ibe S. P. Cos. yards at this place, and with tue completion 01 toe ewiicnes ana epreadlngof granite on the yards the improvement work will be finished. It makes no difference how bad the wound if you use De Witt's Witch Hael tjalve ; it will quickly heal and leave do scar. A. C. MAKtsTEKS 4 CO. TheXadies' Aid Societj of the Chris tian Church will conduct a restaurant on tbe grounds on the 1th. The public are respectfully invited lo patronize Ibeir tables. idj'4; Don't think yon can cure that slight attack cf Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will care itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cora will core if: it "digests what you eat" and restores the digestive organs to health. A. C. 51 AKSIEKS & CO. Freight agent K. V. Houston, moved into the new freight depot Tuesday and now has better and more commodious quarters in which to handle Hamburg's large freight traffic. The V. com pany's improvements at this place are rery creditable and add much "to tbeiaeiDf the bile ducts to open and flow t appearance of their dejx)t grounds. Work is now progressing rapidly on j iT ,.- ronrt house. The brick work of the towei is completed up U the top! of the second story, and the interior j i,.m-nrt- in.-Jiidmudnnr and window ! frames is about completed aud will soon i be ready for the lathe, plaster and floor-1 " keai ueiay is tauseu in rauroau in. This nocture when mplcted j t" bv the deeUuction ol the Leland will be one of the most creditable of its'trestje. I be "verland leached the , kind io the BUte south of Salem. , trestle lae night about 9 o clock and the Lggs l or ctuns. L?gs from pure bred White Leghorn fowls, par setting of 15 eggs, 00 cts. (j24; J. R. Wiusos, Camas Valley, Or. ltlMlMlMiMMtiItItIitiitltItlM0iiliiMMllMiia i L is. BUSINESS. My Big Spring stock is now complete. There's brightness of spring reflected in ever- department of my store now. All the different stocks have their complement of new spring mer chandise fresh from the looms aud workrooms of American and foreign manufacturers. .The display is worthy attention for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the money-saving there is in buying oi" me. Don't forget the next time you are down town to come in and see the many new styles we are showing. Our Prices will make you happy and the fit make your feet feel glad. - L'ocJ for barxaiu, au I your watch re pairio -. Dr. Cbeadle, den'ist, at I'r. strange old stand. M. C. Lord of ba eat, ar a Kofebtirg visitor yesterday. New line of tents and outing xods at Strong- furniture s'ore. Wiu. lions ui C-jo bay, a registered at tbe Mel lellao huute Wfdne?da . Ibe place tu buy I'Uiw, backs and ws'od. Slc-arns Clieuoweth, 'ak lanJ. T M lU.lm. ..r M..li I "....l- .... iv;.. ,f., ,-J I IMVMllk " ' . " ,WCIIKN 1KB r3 IU IUIO ktM I 1 Wednesday. Our immense Lie of ehirinais'o aud , sammer dfes good at rtd-ued , at Joeephson's. ;.iin Cm .n.l l.U,. i'.n;.n,:n I an , M;. . m .,,. , on , - . ,. . liriaoi. returned on las', nxhi's lo-1 f0!n m I'nrf'j.l ! U ..iVi , t:. ! ' f Ta Wn 1-una.l t..H l..vn R.tnri. IWvM- -T.:.,,. . w-ln-!.T Tiano Chain drive mower tull ueauB loe PWB- 'provta ior ChorcLiU A Vv'co.ley tel. theiu "7- w " ladge A. I . btearns, of Oakland u in auer ouemeas m.ue. s. ofl rkuuw' Very i r , J-1. Chapman, ieo. l'ctrequiu and S. C. Bart rum, forest rangers, left for their resistive reserves Wednesday to enter open their oihml duties. The celebration committee contem pl'e inaugurating a voting contest for the election of a gentleman to represent 1 wc -ui uu mj lustuuuu. J. II. Whitectt of Deer creek made ( this office a pleasant call this morning. , Mr. Whitsett reports that Kev. Cotton t has closed bis meeting at the Lvgges . school bonse, anJ that Lis labors were crowned with great success in that viun ity. Stearns V Cbenuwe'h at Oakland have now on band hardware of all kinds pur- chased before the raise and will sell at.. less Ihrn former prices while iu stock. 1. , . , ,, . - 1 , . lt!lro33 a business visit lo l'orrand anJ Also bnggies, hacks and wagons (j to flO J c , ,. , . . ., , ,. , , , r . t 1 Salem, brother Lute reports tnal ibe less than can be Dough t elsewhere.! ... ..... Warranted sewing machine, 3tf. Best ! wpW"n P'oeperity six hole 20 inch oven Steele range with j b" 6trUt k Marsbfied aud the Com Day high closet and reservoir, W. Car load country. of choice cedar shingles. The Cioddees oi Liberty voting con lest If you suffer from tenderness or full- j neee on the right side, pains under shoulder blade, conelipstion, bilioosneas, eick headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid aodcongested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers will enre you promptly, pleasantly and pcrma-1 nently by removing tbe corgestion and ! j naturally TlltV ARE 003D TILLS. A . C. 51 A RftTERS & CO. t . 1 1 1 . jl r- 9J, wno is inieresieu in JwopW" county mining prorties a'J " we'1 county, made known throughout this tbe I'lalxubalkr, a pleas- flrt infiirnif.il nil anl '' lUiB mommg. lie iniarmea us which is made by only seven teams was not completed until two o'clock this morning, lhe train arriving here after four o'clKk, a. tu. juis li'tle time jet will be required to replace the trestle. It will do you good. It will interest you as it touches your pocket book, contributes to your prosperity aud saviu'gs. Owing to the backwardness of the Spring scasou we make this sale to force out goods that should have beeu gone long ago and to lqiuidatc our Spring indebtedness. Iu order to do so we commence with today to single out various specials from the various departments that arc sure to bring you to our house again and again. Hot weather will come suddenly and with a vengeance. Then you will need the goods. Why not make them up now and have them ready. Look for the Red Tag which will give the former price and the new price Today and all next week the RED TAG SALE. ROSEBIRG NOVELTY CASH STORE, Take a lvaDtaie of that s.tli at .toeeph-sjn. tor hr-t-i laeb Littlt uf Oakland leu'iatrv :j i-j lr liuefou!eat for !adi and w-rlii'-! men, Josepbeon'e. V. 13. Jenningacf Wilbur nms luKia aller bne.oeiw matter iu th;s !tr W el- nesdav . l'ale, euiaaaled, thin, weak men and women. Hadyan cure. Ai! !ri:g;;i!-t, hd veolr. A tine hue of geutf J'juiiner ciothite: ' iu tbe U'e-t Mylee s.ni v)r;,'s ut ' Josepheon A. J. 'iiiibauau, .l Moccou, I lab ;, ar- I rived iu Kjeebnrg yett-.rhiy, to v;si: a Jew necki it!i his brotU,, A i.i,ry .1. A. Lacbanan. -'iss I-aura I'.. Jnee, ot III? Ir.n 'ctJ Watchman. i a gul c( Ur fter. Mm. , W. C. Coauer. Laiiu arrive 1 in U'y , l .... tl.ta ....... .-. . "JU'"'ul- D". J. V. S. rtlg t - !1 111C J t ; t.,1!! J- "J Mis- -V- 51. lVwcis e.c . , j . i...,i. r l ... .-.i, ... omjtis v.i . ..ii. iii,iit '"igrjjui :! a f;;-kuju io?n:.i u.au. Albany, an I TharaJay they wnl go to ' j their hoa.e in Drain Salem Journal. Jadgo llauiillou will arrive belt- to-, morrow to hoi 1 au adjourned term cf , ,k(S tbe is(UCs (urj the regular term which ice:. Mood.. 'iaard, Wtdneelay. Tbe xtM bines cf I'. 1. Davi, about. i one mil eat ol Loraue caught Arc Taee- reDo011, ..i ,;v rM1 , Je. !i 1 i...,.i .., ,.1 1 ! fective Use, and LurueJ to t e groJ::dJ J i Most of tbi boUeho'.J good were re- moved. The jBarj. buiidiuc was insured. ; . If vou have oiles. iikl Ibex. No nse onjer(t,jiDg terrible op;raUons that timp,y remoy9 refcu!u 0, tLe (Ii9eMe wilLoul otarL.iDg lne JlBC4M iUeIf. p,tce your u&etic io DeWitf, Wjtcf Uale! galve It LM never uileJ CUII ' i 01 nets , it will not fail to enre vol . A. C. MAKSTERS ii CO. Editor J. A. Luee, of Ibe .Marthiibidl cn . .. . nt...n .tt. . tt.;. ...r,...! T : , ,, .... . 1 at Eugene is growing equally as Interest- ing as the one recently held at this place. The three young ladies having the highest number of votes are: Misses Addie Bangs, 333; Jlay ganders, 230; Lu'.u Renshaw, 124. Votes are sold con- siderable higher tbn they ere at this place. Tlie .. ba8iue3i v, the poctol- I ;. t.r.im -!! tliH iKltitai driuartiiieut to increase the salary of Poatoubli-r Kroter from lO'X) lo 170O a year. Tbe salary of the Ashland postmaster has beeD tui:rc from !o00 to f 1000. j llonhuTt t;i .u.mtains its jwsition as I.. . . . .. l lhe Urg)J8t , j Iuuet ilMwUnt t 0f SouVbcrn o.egon. j L ,trdlforj, the lYviNi.tALEirs mu g)J EoUd Le wk jn Liktoa 1 and vicinity aud In been doing fine ! work for this piper, liy the time Mr. Stratford makes bis rounds of tbe couuty ' there will be but a few homes in which ' the rLAiNHLALi.ii will not boa regular semi-weekly visitor. I i 1. LOCAL BREVITIES. """. " u....n. . h1 I- t HU'htill is t u hoid it t oil iei.li- .;r I pat kuo liy nil drugg m(h. .e t Mil I' hii. ! .CialiLu. iirspotiJi'iicy, locuiiii.t'if aUx ' ia. iiumivei". It(i tan iiinv All dr - i.. I pstH. .V) cc-nls. Lacking hfaditchc. Olt-iiry i-vm. weak j new, noise iu head. Ilulw.n rure. All druggit!i, C'O cents. ' W .1. ,vhipl !-, f the. o;iirr?' ihrnc , ', ut Kofeburg, in a recent uriivnl ut Hip ! Imperial. Tuesday's Telegram. ieorge Johusou, who haa bueu alteud I iug Echoal at Forest (.'rove, i vieit- j log his mcther, Mrs. 1". H. Appelboii. " 'lis worth u bag of gold." This up I plies with spti-iai force lo Hood' Sar ! esparilla, Auifiiv.i'ti ireatePt 5Ielicine. I The .luno term of circuit couil (or Lane county convenes a'. Eagene uet Mutday. The Jacket is not an unumul I Umg one. All tinkers tie rtn'ieatcil la cuuiu to II It l t I . r 'III . 1 ..iii! vatuidav fcvcniiitr. 'ne LuudreJ voices 1 . , , ,,,e,-ttJW;J" Nwiy w iuui.,1. wia uivea anai en iue tuuicn ! law 11, this rburtJuv ! Cleam and cakr, I t c-ntn , cordially it.tp.e-l. I. Tiiuiuton cl l'juUi county paaacJ Ithrough Al.i:ud. this uufticg, with a drove of head ft i;oaU purchased iu j luiaic couuiy, wblOi Lo is l.ikii by tire on Apnl S is rapidl lin ie j to Ltaua!a. Tidine, lune!'-.!i : biil!. M'. L-iudy infjrine . anJ the I Mr. '. II. eirs ili eay to t!iu UJirii I of Kusub and vicinity, (!: i !os linciithir Ku.k 1! luiilibt-ry jjde re-, ! gardies ut cjt1. Ail cjrdial'y inv.tpd to, . get tii ' t iieat o( bavaius . j" . .vjc,ne..ey s ui;e Kuviie.y iu jure 1 at the fe'.ock yards iu (Lia city Mon day aflei noon by a v;ciou tc.r. It struck Li.u it!i iuho.ne thruwing l.im to the ground, L:a,iio Lis hcaider a.-. I cutting Lis Leaa. He i rec. vrii' g nicely lru:u ie irjr.rie Ira CjUip'jo.l, . t t!m Luei-e VrUarJ, has j-t- . on; ,;ii.i . ile a row f"vk irg to n renca the credit for lLo u 't 4 i tuu ol tLi? pap?r Iroin u acil vjr.ftr it I ... Upon the eider Louder at U-.ltage l-rove. lotejaj sujard.a.d. Ira tYi,rr. of tie IWbur l'i.Mk.vu.i.. ... I. - gn.'e !-Jay I .r an hour oi t ." rhe l'l -i'i.iLi.: i I h.reaitvi run g I, re.iabie up-to di'e I'o-tl kc-: r-;-j.-' hi- h : 1 b. f "jn e: t 1 1 ccr 'luntry u-i:cf5 1 I u.ar-1 , in::- 11 im 6 ailed : I a(rr Item ' llu.H Ilttic. nu'.ii it Iw j ktl lor 'r ' jul'jt-ro 'irg-Hi. it i fecund lo nc:.e i;u . I". H . Jcn-j!iip- ol l'oitijtiJ. a-.d u;.i V 1 in .i iiru.- f M i dav in jr: .i a' '.' at tl".' r. :l.r.tc :' Mr. sn ! Mf Wt i.r. ;:! M ! l:.. t,;J : th.- r.Iy ds-Ji'ilt r ol J!: : ! '.Ir i lieaaies. of K'a-iiatu I M". Ic . k-eifcg o:i? oi the u.c-nil'i!" il ' hankie ii'.n a". kuMi li l'.i ,, . .... brini s o.eajU'r cf t t.e ir:n Kaua .V Jenniug Company Leaving Roseburg... Haviug Jeci.leJ t !itn Il'jvvbprj; aboi.t Ja.'y 1st I will.eoinuciiciDijtoJay o:Ter my entire tc-ck at COST... CousUiiiil; LaJieb 'ieuls. aud Cbildreus furuitLmi. tinware, htatiouery and notions. No Humbug: AbsolutH ly at t'obt: Or will bell as a whole to any one de Hiring a good paying bus iuess, the above includ iug, lixturcri at a grubl bargaiu. f lv liilt KO A CASH I Jacket store i OSEBtTW. OREQON. N".tOo..r to first National Earik" 9 e e o) Code Noah Carnutt retu-n d to his Lome at Kid lie t"day, to remain un il alter tbe Fourth. Everybody vote for I'nele i:a:n. TbJ palls open today at Ibe postottice and will close one week from today. Tick els on sale at all of the business bouses at one cent each. If. Hazird, of Empire C.ly Coos couuty, one of the old-time attorneys of that section, was iu Salem yesterday, kv"g coml.-t t :.. business before the supreme tittv(man. Married, at the reu leiue of tbe bride' parents, Mr. und .Mrs. N. Day, at tiranls lUes, by l;v. X. 1". Jot: tins. June 11, lb'.M, Kenneth C. Root to Miss Florence 1'. Pay. 51 r. Root is a youug Ludiuces man cf Gi auts I'a:, whilo the b1iJel3aeutcc2fch.it bchojl teacher of Josephine county aud a graduate of Ibe Drain Normal school. We inadvertently ucglejted lo au uouuev. the ucddiug of Frank 1'. Wells and .Miss l-is:e L. Hefty iu our last beue. The ceremou was performed by Rev. J. L. Straiord, at the homo of .Mrs. Nor man iu this c ty laet b'unday. Tbe brido il a pupu'ar and accomplished school teacher of Drain, wbila the gruam is a prosperous youug farmer of Iho Elkton precinct. Iho I'lmvokallii joins a host ol (riends in wishing tbo happy couple a long, happy proepuruus life-. Tbo icecream festival given ou Tuesday cvuuiog laet by Abraham Lincoln Circle, No. 2, Ladies of tho CI. A. R., was a very pleasant alfair. The Icecream, cake and cotl'eo wero epleudiJ. Tho drawing for tbe quilt came clT about 10 o'clock and 5Iis. Will 1'earce of DecrCieek, held tbe lucky ticket. Tbe decorations of the hull were quite elaborate; flags, bunting and llowers were everywhere. Tbe dis play of flowers was very, very pretty and artistically anauged, All present en joyed a tiulitbtid evening, as they always do who ultcuJ the outer:aiumstils givvu by the Laiiei of the O. A. K. Horn. DOHS At Orten's Station, Tuesday, Juno 20, 1800, to tbe wife of 11. F. laH, a niiic-iiind Viy. .SaM i win the Klondike. s , i. l.iiirv, lueuitwr .lwl; r.mn luiii Ar.. fl, f ' & I'lliily, M-iivH.I in (iM rilv Irom I1H1.111 1 1 r i-U, u u 'mil lmi:i - '""M"" - ""'"Ho lu his burnt, at - ' Mit . I'oi-i', .tn.i u a un-: of the ntWvif ; of this pajier. Mr. Lumly !. i Jwton ; - ! Clty. .uuo ' UUtl ""J remarkable j good time i.n IjU I. ,. ' ' J'' lie ha spent the pit uuutbs iu tbe Klondike, 4. llltl Aj , 1-l).j,,rabV ,'siicits in hi uiiiiii.g operation. At : thti office iiiorniug ,f I'xliitillttil .'beautiful fi.t) v; nir of Lunar. mck iu j I the 8hp- ,f a mli.t cold r.-iKKet -.Vrigb- ' j ion j'l-t i M. Mr. I.mii.I) ray i( . mau ! . U B'lccc;sful in HfiMring a Ul.u in the ' I Klondike hp U alright. hov..r. th country I a.1 lu-en bicated t.ir mile i around au l il-uir-i'ila cUitm ar -, rce. i W'Ueu ii'i.-s:i Jtif,I rarJii,i Iho pro" mbl output for thio reason Mr. LynJy con- fir:"8 ,U' rel''t ,1"5 'Ju,i' iH j b liioiv than U ice the aiuouut ui Ja't ' eat' yield. Ti iucrea;e lie caya it I Ana !. It... f.. !.. ' J - IQM ViJlli t'JUlililUU. uiuuur 1 a"J I'uker crttk?, hit h trc practl- ,, ... !." ,tHy uDWcrkeJUt m-aeoo, have bfen (eveloied to a coiiwoeiable utent with favors: .emit, and the bench cUioia ! : ,. Kl.lo It n.A.r ..,.1 11... f j that their output wiil greatly increaae , the t j'al prcductioo. jo1J Kjo. which j ie practically the only oem crw in lue! ' diit'ici, Lua alj ebowa up ::. Tbe ' puriio.i of b.twaon ibicb as .'.K.ojed S ; tuu is vr live'r. Alt- i 1 r.cf iifit !lh baie lolka Sir. I.jnJ - 'ttnp!atef lrturniO t th Klondike, p- .hjl.i epu?aiber. Scott-Atterbury. w .. 11. 1. t. i- hcoit. -;l Lid Jle, aud Miu ICna I. L. . ,,, , , , . Aferburv, of iak Crerk, arriv-J 10 this . , , ... . ciM i.al Mouoa--, and cit I uc-n'ay drove , , , ,., , , ,, , ' tj the liome of Krlerr. . Leonard at , , . Did. rJ, where 111 the eteningof that 1 . . , . . , . day, June -'J, le.V, luv r. ere pined 10 . ' , , I the hoy bon It of ita!i 1 -none, the above ri " s UJILIiVirf IUC Bru'i :. . I .. ...... . 1 "'r' " lem - witg rntm. !. 1R'0'-""""-'oi's ' oel kboan anil uic-st UcveIii: buei t ovs urn, liavxg l-i. inarj m wer : chaa li?in at C .ty , !.'J J.eud rante l'.?, bj hav itig vjiui ie -ruprr- y intent Iku "f 'h.- la'li-r named . i VI, . ... ... .... :.i wb-.Ir-juud fe'loa -,u r aia u!J ; to inM:t, and cor "j iei.tlJ count hu i . . ., . . . , i L n. j a ii . 1 he b: ide M a v-.rt at iijm t:id ac c j.npii!iei 0'jn lady i-jwii tb'f ' : e'.eincxti of character l.. cit :n i .t her : the frieu Uhip and et! e.n uf !i :aiul-ai.ee-. Mr. anl 5lr. ..: to -k the ; lTiiefdT night's oveiiaa l f .-r liw. Ie 'Jue, 1... !... ,t. ! pieafant viail wiib M r . -cotl' ac-d i ..... i .... . . i . .... i o.v'.jti iujuiiici ir,unt ami i u-uut. Attbecloflhe scasva Ibey c ..utcm- Pi.te returning M N,u:Urn Oregon aud W1.1 to doubt u-.ke.. rants I'atstluirfu - tare mm, me nappy caapie nave me : bct wie!.t-s if a hotl cf almiring friends an J tue l'l viM't 1101 joins In extending cotgralaiatiojis and withes Ihem a s.vle and pleaeant ;:an.ry East an.' a i -Oi, harry. proiro-j wel le-J L.'e. Rose f estival It.; tire', annua ; r je festival i:i Le I Ho-Jic, 1 riday even- heiJ at tho 'pcra in. JaueI. Th rru-a mil rwr 11 as follows: fry out any obligations made by their 1st pike f j: test U(-Jel of roees. either J uio. collected cr siugl. 2ud and ,d priws for : West A Traav. Wbolei- IhnggisU, seooad and third Utt bc-tUeU of same. J Toledo, O The bluets may bo mad up of one or! Wilding, Kinnan 4 51io. Whole more varietie to suit tLe taste of lhe ! wle lngits, Toledo, Ohio, competitor, and iLe piues wi:l not te! Hall's Catarrh Cure is takes 10tert1.1l awardeJ for variely, but f the tuietfjly. acting directly upon the bl-iod and sp-.cimcos of any variety or any number m neons surface of tbe syatem. Price 75c ofvarittiee. Auy person nav enter any per bottle. Kl l hy ail druggist. Tes. number of bc-juet. Kulr:i s must be at I monialj fr. tbe 0ra Hout-e iy 7 .30 p. w. 10 suit-j .V'a . . d ....... . . 1 ;......i:.i 1 jadga n-,1, be appoine I anard the! ft ine ; I Hi.. RAM. .. . . Iublrumentai so'.o, Luc a iagtuaie. Inslrumsntal duet, 51:. Ma Ige Rag dale and Jlias 5Ietta liipp. RcciUtioo, "Abraham Snooks," Mias Amata Smith. Vocal solo, "Li Veparsnooe," Mrs. Chas. Minkler. BeciUtion, "Bi.ly's Role," Miss Ethel l'anott. Ins'rumenUl co'.o, felei ted, 5Iits Slab el VanBuren. Reading, "Toor Little Joe,'' Miss Clara j McCoy. Vccal solo, "Roll On, ISjep Ocean," i Prof. L. R. Traver. i Recitation, selected, .Miss Lntie bcry. Vocal duet, telected, Mrs. f. C. Flint and Mrs. L. A. Walker. II. II. i.iduey has !eeii appointed pofitmas'tr al Lay creek, vice F.leauor Haul, removed. At Keston, this county, .Mary K. Wilson, succeeds E. E. Weekly in the j ontollice, be having re signed. Remember the annual Uo.c lair al the oiM'.ra bouae net Stnr.lv ...ni,.. I The following piuaj i I ie .awarded for tue ucBi uispiay cl cut rote; I. Abra - ham, silk jarasol; J. F. llarker A Co., parlor lamp; M. F. Rupp, cut gUs p - r - fume decanter with pi fume, Among the novel features of ltaker City's glorious Fourth of July celebia-i tion w ilt l u an uicorl of about CO ladies, mounted ou burses, who will be in the! parade as a patriotic guard of honor to tho liberty car. The ladies w ill be co: tuxud iu national colors, of led, white and blue. Each tlate iu the l ulon will be lepreeeutcd, aud, in addition, there will lu liviug Ugures in houor of our uew poeeeeeione, as Cuba, l'orto Kico, Hawaii and the Philippine.-. Attention Wheelmen! Feeling that tbe cash piize offered by the Fourth ol July committee for the bicycle race is very iusignifkaut, we hereby add a puree of to the amount subscribed by thu committee making a total of $10. Vnsr.ir. Afl EARLY PRICE CUT. you 3oi"33 Jackson St. Soldier Home Supplies. "-ealelprupo5.il lil e rccU'eJ at Ibe office uf tue coinruandaot of tbe I'reou Idirs IfjtDe at Koeburg, Oregon. iotil 12 o'clock noon, July l'J. ' lor the following uppl;ea lo be. . f'iiniabe-l at rraired fo ue at tbe ' 1 lfo.no. -1'irinc ' !i year ending June 30, ( Or crriw and kindred a ipp't, as j i (r lii-t on hie at tbe Home. i I)g'o-lt, men'a f jrtishins gxls, ; , . .. . . " !. a. 11 ju, auee-iogf, luaeuuz. . , ... 1 ; . i t'lanket, ali-j an 1 suppers as ter int.! ,. . . 1 . - Drug, and u.e-l;ciuee. Lias to ivc-A 1 , , " the charge ir peracriplloo : and a.o lf l uaoa 00 oprtaiu line of drugs as , , . ., per lial uj &!e al tbe lloine. ' ,, , . , . . ; njlll faJ. AH gujJ uiii-l b gua-'an'eed first claaa In Ihcir line Th riht 1 rtferveJ 10 rveu y and all bi St. Wj(. J. r-miiv, CommaDdant. hc-fcnrg. Ore.. Juue 3i.', 15T'. A govd ape'ie U rsettial t ) g jod bewlth. ILjot'a -arjajxni'a reat an Appetite, tunes and Sirer.gtlo the ttoma b. And b-.ildf up the whole vlu;. It reiiev" (hat lireJ ftchag. anl ! purirving anl enrkhiuf ibe I'lo'J, it pfituply and iwrxati-n:iy -ir all rv-otai -rap"l jc. 'juils, Inuicr, piaplef and sore, fctreigthens the; rtuji", aol yivi tett. rrlrrfhing sleep. No other luriicitiC ha taken , vkh hold upja the coeUdeoce of the' tiei-i!.1 at liol' Sarsjtbatilia. and i'a 1 reClMj of ig bj ! lre,,r4Uon. Yoo may Uke juj., tt,iiU tb, 'cooC lence that it will lu yoo gL Mow'a TnlsV e ofiei One. Hundred Uoilau Iwiward i for any cas ut Catarrh that raunot be i corcJ by Ha.i'a Catarrh Care. F. J. CHKSEV A CO.. Trot. ToieJo.O. We the aaJr'.gBe i have known t. J. ' Cheney for the 'as'- 15 veais, and believe : a- prfecl';y uonarabts in ail bacinoss ' traotacUits anl nnacctaby able to ear- ::,:.,v., A petsous iu tbe pcMeasiou of aoyj plpertv within lbs limits of said !eal city of Ro9burg whether as owceror- otherwise are hereby required tj cat , and remove from said premises and tbe j street or streets aJjacent thereto to the ! extent ol tenty feet in width, immedi-' ately aJj jining said premise, all stand-' iog grass and weeds which may be ig- - cited by fire and thereby renders un safe adj lining property. F. W. DtLLARD, dj:; City MrhI. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby giveo to all parties holding Douglas county warrants in- dorsed on or before February 15, l)9t to ; present the rame at tbe treas iter's office iu the DdUglas County bank for payment, : al inlertst willceaie thfrron after the oato of this ooli-e. Dated ibis Uie I'.'lU day uf Joue, IJ ; at lhe City of Roeeourg, Oreiroa. ' (.iko. W. Dlhmick. Uouuly Treasurer, lVjugtae Jounty. Or. I'neumouia. I lirii.i. roughs. ..it.U J croup and whooping o-jugh readily vield " r r a 1 to Hue Jlumie Coug'i Cur. I sc Ibis ' rnedy in time aud save a .hviur'a hill '. r th m .leitnker's. j M ARTEKS A O. ! .... Vsgon For Sale. mbm Fou rpr'rg, two seated hack in good rhspe low pi ice. Apply to Cailon Dro.' stable. tjlp) For 5ale Cheap, a black b. r five year old. 'broke to 1 , mork, j;0l,in. ,t Mr. Scr.' miliinny ' stjre, i AlilNVS V AM Kl- K'K " HE UIE ANLl Achieviui.ul.i ot Admiral I Hatty, Iho norlit't grvateet uaval litin. llv Mural UaUlvaJ, luv llte-Uilitr IrlfUJ Hint aOmirtr ol tlio naliou Mol. UtxKvt ami iH'Jt liwk: ov.t !hO ikv. a.xl'1 lucli.ii; ueartv H nv-a bal(tuu lUukira. Hons, duly II W. Kanriiiuiii Oi iuauJ. Bl ciimuil.liPiis. cliil'.t Irc-e. llinv o( a lllc Uiik. Wrlle n i i -k . Tin' I). 'ii .In lull Cotupauy, nl H.iort axluu D!Jt;.,t li!cmi. Eugene will erect a mouumeut to tbe memory i4 Oregon roltintMiH. To make our summer Dress Goods ana Shirt Waists move more rapidly, we will make a reduction in price on all our Shirt Waists and summer Dress Goods. Our line 1R atill TTGfXT OAmvilrtfrt n 1 -1 1 i vwuicic, mi WflQ xaKe ad vantage of this sale will have a large va riety of Styles and Patterns to select from.! This is a bona-fide offer, and we invite! all to come and take advantage of it. JOSEPHSON'S. iMy Hotto I TO LEAD IN BOTH . . . Quality and Price . . . GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Anylhiug from jI rjeans to tin- Coffee is one of carry a hae line of Dishes. Crockery and Novelties. Trade Checks As a special induce ment. I am giving Tram: Checks to all cash purchasers, redeemable iu ?2o amounts. tJeaut:;ul iot of j.rize holder of creeks. Entirely free Orders by mail tended to. ft iRoseburg Pharmacy M. F. RAPP. Prfc,cil:,i;.;;5 Irri--. L-iUt Arti.-'.M-. rft;i.i r;u. C:;ar. stit;. nvrv. Si.p- I'aiiit.'. v, 1 hi- o) (9 photographic nppliei Tltc celvhrated Mai,';izinc Cyclone Plate Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras. -Call anl Lianiue thorn. T ttSSOCSaaava.ejit), Kl ill '.... lEtabliskei in 177.) The leading varieties of thorough bred fowl?. Eggs from the finest strains sent on short notice. Send for Cata logue. Address i or. j. silt)sf ff t)4e)se)iaiaavaai f 'tt ttttf tUff smse) At J. F. BARKER'S & CO. i . . . LlS O CHAMPION HAY RAKES- County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parlies :bJin8 iHwglae cunty marranls in- donMKl ,rior ,! l'b- .. to present the earnw at lhe treasurer's o.Sce in tbe Djug'.i Couu'y batik for pKymeut, a intrrl will c;ie thereon al'r the data vt this i.ctve. L'ate.t thm 1;. Is c?j f J'int, 1, a the I'.ty c-f l;oelurg, Oregon. W. IhM'lK'K, Coiiniy TieaCi'er, DjnUs County, Or. Ibe above warrants dale Irom Octob- er I lib, A. P , to February 1'., jjirj, Dd holder of the same will uke notice that th-y iasne. are not subject to re- Youhk Sam I't.'i r.i-ivr ul .lapmcsc Rnzar. Fire CracWr. l-irtworks, Taney Chinas art, and Novelties , . ,, . .. t;. I v tVrtp . k.y .- : I-. a bide of bacou or a .ack unf-u -,t nnesl tabic del:c;tcie; iuv succialtics. I also to or "phone promptly at- ....MRS. N. BOYD. o MS!. T..i!-t m I ; i i t m. garrison. (o 9) 4 mm wm BINDERS, MOWERS, The best and cheapest V -- vLlic in towu u pot y -r tenai id at ;FMIE: FEED SHEDS ti.KI wniting ro-.i.ns for laJieu anil i;'l,?ltMieti- w-ii w;:r:i ecl J.U.1 lighted (i.K.l Htv.ui.nio Ki:oat fcr keeping : tmtii.-t l-.i!:is e ver uibt. r Palri.-.t;;T R -fs.vtflly fvliatol ' ; l:r.::i CASK, froprietor i CVr. Wabl.ii. uu in.l Main Sts. County licasurei's Notice. No::ce it hereby given to all parties holding Doug'ae ccuaty warrauts io dcrstd prior to .ctoVior U- H'-'. lo i present lhe ssm at U.o treasnret'e ctbee iu - ku.m-. onm-is' tor pay - meiit. as interest will evae iherecm ! rtt r the .Lite i this uoln. ! 1jU J u,u s:i J-T uf M'r-1 SK ! at the City of Koeebnrg, Ore-oo. I ;f- W. Dimjikk. 'County Treasurvr, Douglas CoontT. . - i f - 4