The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 22, 1899, Image 2

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8 jtiKmr,
2 nxfcr
n 50 ear8 lu the lean A stovo
Oiiasotu urea qui a ceuiory oi cum-HH-tt'k. N onr special iu Oue-thiU. jos oue third of your
petition and of which more ar sold Ladies ' Sewing Hockors life is cpent in led Iq bed 0Qd bol- 5
each year must have special merit. ,at 1.25 and our special (Kdj to much care ami cocsideraliou U
O The Ctarter at 18 tbat p,ovt- wl,er' 5 2.25 colder seat rocker. cannot be given this snbrect. Those
is there another cooking aparatnsB These are puces th talk. 4.50 iron and enameled beds are just ft
" with such a recoJd. e also carry Wo do not claim to sell "what the doctor order! in stvle, 21
O other makes of stoves and are sure to goods U'low eot. We lo nenluess iind price Mattresses w
n please yoa in quality and price. "not have tons out roods have all kinds. O
Qltl 0
ia gjod condition aud ueJ n
demonstrated it duriLg our business life thut our Ho'isehidd goods are sold for the very smallest prolil.
consist with a fair, honest. e-initHble dealiujjs
Write us in regard to uuytliiu yon wih t kuow. lik to L ive you wriie us as w.s are here to be
of seeyice to oar of lown patrons. We are here for busino-s mi I can convince yon if yn will give in
a chanae.
rub'.uhinl Mon'i;" ni'l Tliuixi? .
tut I't.MSPI AI.KK ! TBI.llllN(;
- f..XXKB
r:sV.W-r ;
t Jilux .
- i'J
1 oo
Ci Yrr
i V"ch
1 ttvnttifc
just: - tsv.
Tii '"lust tLe tfiitury" t!fbrUon
wiil be made ote louj ! I rriTi'-tubered
at this place on July l!ie 4 fi. .V vey
Urj crowd of v:it t iil W liere ar. J
very Sort mi.l hi ruaJe to tTilo.-tain
tr.etn rova'.lv.
. .
Mr. Bryan eavs ihe door is o(n for
thf bolter. The cbancw are that the
will conUaoe to cuuw oat.
Tbougb much hasK .-n lilaxiut
m Tibip at Manila i: Ken found
Ibat evt-ry material fac: is bTated promp:
fv and fairly by Oei.eral ;i-.
This is tbe time of tbe tear when te
'oyi and girls, wl o have l-c-'i ay at i
we 10 welcome luem oac aisain.
Iewey baa vetoed the propo! to pc
arif htm Wl'li a 1,.',.A u,nl i.,ais!i ti jt
., ' , t . ,rei .
lue money oe used to e:t'jl;eb a home
for indigent sailors. The ejirjestiuu ie a
foJ one and worthy of ttie man who
inafcec il.
Aa tbe Republican National Couven-
a plank aSa;n8t traets tae democratic
ian)(erc must look around for eoma
other paramount vwae. A repablican
puna against rra?:i i a oi i as ttie plat-
Tbe next republican national couven-
l km is likely to be the mvt haruioniooa
ever held; no mentiou is likely to be!
made of apy man but Tretident
MeKialey for the head of 'be
ticket, and if Mr. Hottart's heMi will
permit Lis raoning again i e wi:l tt tbe
wins support, no doubt.
'iorernor Geer has receive I an iuviu-
lion from iovernor h-avres, of Texas.
to attend an au'i-trust conference, to be
held at St. Louia fepteml-er L0, lSOJ).
Oaveroor Geer has acknowledged re;eipt
ftftbe invitation and said in hie letter
lliat he looka with favor ajwa the propo-
sitijB to compass tbe growth of trnste.
Tne retain of tbe exiied Capt. I.-ey- j The general health of tbe inmates is
fueto Pane for a new trial ie creating . good, considering the nuxocr of them
great excitement throughout Fiance, j who are suffering from the infirmities of
There ia no doubt but what Dreyf us was j old age, wounds, etc.
railroaded t? priaon on charge of treason j Commandant aipler says he is as-
..1 !... : .... .1 ...i., i.... ul . . ,....'.. i ? t . ..
" j vw-'i ou. ic oc ie m-
Bocent. By reason oi being
great prejudice wa engend re I
him to secure hw conviction
achemea of debixniiig f nemie.
i Jew-,
t'y tie
" ! There ia a fine orchard connected with
Even the bip eastern dailies recognise j the Home and about .M acres of ground
tbe gallant servic e rendtrel Uncle in cultivation, yielding all kinds of vege
tiam by the Oregon boy. Th-? tilobe j tables and garden truck teeded lor the
Iemocrat save: -Ore.u'H vo unteer institution, including straabernes in
rgiment. which is returning from Ma- j plenty, io which the inmates have Wen
nila, performed splendid serried, and rs revelioz lor sertrat week pat Ore.
losaee compiratively a'e not heavy, i gonian.
Tte boye bring home a fine rei-ord of ;
health, tourage and military endnraLC?.
Tbe able mauageiueut of the army
apeaks for itaelf."
Captain Cooghiiu, of the Kaleigh, a
cloee friend of Admiral Dawey, when
questioned as to the Adniirad'e probable
program on his return home said : "I bc-
neve be will no at once to bit home in
Vermont. He will not make a trip over the i
country in response to iuyiutioos to at
tend Jabilee ce'ebratioas. He does not
like that kind of glory nor do?f any one
of tbe army and navy officers. Admiral
Dewey will probably attend the banquet
to be given in his honor in New York, as
Governor Kooasrelt, whi ii an intimate
friend, will attend. Hedes this, he will
attend no other celebrations or dinu'.ii."
Ourjeit&eined c jutemoorary wiald try J
to crea'e the impre-wion tiiat the I'lain-
DtALEB i resorting to a cut-rate nolicv in
order to secure alverticing. The infer-j
ence ie absolutely falai a ii well known i
by our business un, many of whom are !
patron6of both papers aud recurs llm !
same advertising tuie-t. Our r.-.tes se
cured for foreign advertising :ire the
aamaas for our local ad', less a email
diacount when electro plates are fam
ished. The grea'er number of our new
advertisements have bejn secured wii'n
ojt solicitation, onr business men rctliz-
Ing that with o-jr rapidiy increaeinir ,
aubscription list, there is n A a lrltar
advertiaingmedlauiiuSo i'.heru Oregon ,
thao the aemi-weekly lf.isoAuru.
me paper is upon its merits ,
alone, seeking in nowise t iojate the
bueioese of its outeuiporary to build
np its owu. Hjwever, j idgiug from the
pompous boasting and unjust accusa
tions of our Cuuteiupjra'f, something
mtifit tt hurling Ii.
Wf citit furuii-h "iiri
L)vin frt'in cellar to ictt
V fr.nii-h your Liv.ise
xvhih jeni wnit. He in the
S.M'U, il i-IIPCial SHlH ou
that i.Vt.ehes tiironsthunt bis
are of an excellent quality HUHmiMllllHnmiiinn
SHiiticiu iii liK'euieats t ) disp t-it of tht!ii. IJtit wo do claim aud have
Tlie House Fuirnistiers.
HENKV Patterson talks, j
IThe Hast Cannot Control Western
Democrats. Campaign of
ill lie Repeated
iS 'it
Nt Y,
hju icui a repjrier las: nifii inn: ue biti 1
not cjme to Ne Yotk for (l.e puipose vl i
. coaftrring it!i iroi-J deaiL-ii!6 or auy '
other detuo-Td's !ec.p;te rejrt to that
effect wbicli he it-e:i sent out from'
' Lauisviiie.
"I juiy it'rfiiiej veter Jay," ml Mr. .
Vattert.-n, "tlia. 1 atn .a New York to j
male piovic'ion lv-r a ii.cetsi; ol corcI- I
njon- democrats.
"I kno ri tilling slwa! ru ti a toil
- I'vrence atid would not a'.ten I on- it I
were im iv.t il.iso. I am out of p
! lies and unadvised of :!. purij9e an I
aoiDgaolu. traclicai r ,.ra! ;
, PW- Ai far ae politics is CT.crrn-
ed 1 care Vtr-V liltie hst liaPrn " :
does not happen to uie, aud it caunot.j
"I Lave no douSt wba'ever that Mr :
. . . . .
Bryaa and tbe pla'forin o! "; ill : rc-
eated at Cbica". f cotire? tb?:e a'
eooddealof political epecnlati.m at 1-,uf
' range resoried t- which ae 8i!e.
. wnile away the hour :y
.1 . i . . i
.ue .i tea,
; waves, bat all this is aiwcaUtive. Ti,e
, Eastern democratr- who undertake to
iandboulu will fare co better in
. , ,. , - .... ... ,
! than tbty did u ls . It liwks tj u;y
: mind tbat tae caoipaia cf 1'' w ill
reita't-J in I'MJ with w few issues Jded
. to lrirg rca'tirs down to date.'
At the Soldiers' Home.
W.J. ttiijiev. cc:unmL-iant ol i;.e
' Oregon 6;!d e;s' Ifme. at Koaebjr. ar-
.... . u ...ic
' morning for McMiacviHe, to attend the
; encampment cf the A. K. He
j reporia tte Home in a good cob Jition,
; qaitt and orderly. There are a? out o
inmates at present, which leaves rocm
lor 10 mose, tLe raracity rf
! being 100.
Tbe hospital ie Iu II, the it.acit ol it
being totally inadej'iale to the demand,
there being accomodat.ous for no, over
23 pcrotS6 tEd 20 of the in males are per
manent patients, blind men, paralytica,
and several inmates over NO years of aje.
Tbe Home itte'.f ia entirely iuadeua'e
to the demands madd on it. Many have
to be turned a ay for lack of room.
: 10 ",e Bianas maJe on it. Many have
, 10 lorDeJ a ay lor lack ol room.
' during Ihe summer 6eaeon a number
; 01 lhc tntJiates gj out en leave of ab -
i Benc' anJ ttiere ''! pi'r r"aj
I aancS t"e pleasant, out wuen
i tlie t'0? 6645, 0 begici. the u;imlier of
I PPl'canu for admieaion increaea l e
yoDtl tbe accomodations available.
eieieu in nia ounce ov an excellent corps
of officers, all of whom are efficient and
atteotive to their duties, and thij makes
the manairemetii ol ihe Home easier and
his duties lass onerous.
State and General News.
M h.W.J. I'iimale. whoe death oc
curred at her home in Jacksonville a few
days ago was well known throughout
Southern Oregon for ber good works.
bho was a nromineut member r f the j
Eaftorn Star, and was in former years j
engaged in temperance aud 'iraog4 work
VL wae not unknown in puriidlistu.
Energetic and nntiriug, i-he brought a
prodigious activity to her public work,
which was a iJe issue merely of her
domeli!: labors in Ihe care of a largo
family. She will 1 miased ar.d
mourned in the wide as we'd es tbe nar
rower circl of her endeavor. Orrgon
Un. inc special tram U-arin tho lied!
.Mens excursion hoai from
i ( lataop 1
u ijfjc I
wacli counted with Njriher
'reiIit train No. 31 a mile lotv l.iuu
l0". at S:"ij M m 1 iv eve liiu?. I). I
cvr.lectioner .f I'or;!an I, was!
kil'?lI and b:x pejplo were sevendy in- j
jare''. ' of whom were women. All '
of the inj nel, saw th - ennmeer and!
brakeiiieii. -,v-ic oa ihu Mga'i; ear iit
tached to the excursion train. Ai i.oar
as co'ild lie learned, she accident was
the result of a niiaua k-r-i! lading of or
ders oa the part of the train crew of (he
CommieM'tucr Hermann, of the jr-tier.
al land odiw in a caso ii.viivii. - l....,..
fctead entry has decided that an hdiiiitii.. !
Irator of a deceaued ectrytnan ia without j
a.iihoriiy un U-r the homestead law t ,
relni.iuisli tic enliv of
Ic'Bi-eiMlent, j
wiietiier auth.irizl to do so by local !
courts or not. j
JvUoVrt au l Sliai key iil tight for the !
lieavv-e!;ht champiorithip in October. '
The ar'ieles hvr been Mailed nnd pre-'
liiuinaiii'K Hiruiitred.
nrtle Creek Note.
lieimie l.olir i-i clerliing fur I'r. I'.jlc
U. S. I'.ri.nii i:( Viilur is licie ou a
Linic Uin c.i:i:e in I.Axt 1'iicj. ljy m rn-
Uev. Joiiii CjUou ui K.jjft'Ur,;. was in ,
llie city on s-atnrJay Ul. !
Jake Niclultf. tif KiJvlie. iui!. tor!
to !lie city on Thurtdiy Uet.
K. M. Gab'oert uiJs a .'Ijinj! li.pto I- j
lani the fore part -.1 the weik.
i:s blue ha; guLe sjulli ij litil .;i'
iu the luice; a'.O'il iraw crerW.
v W. IWcwer a:tl wife rrlurced how
.ii?n .nav nir iioiii iraTii ikko i
l-nrn, on arcoant if bavion tbe mcigiea.
I,.." l n -i- . . . i
-;". exa? tas come 10
nvrl Creei and i ta'.kmtt of iocat.n
f'ro, to Mr. auJ Mis. 1 m Lay oa
Mooday Uer. a telve pvund t'-r. .ill
! d )iii !:nr.
liej. Kob!':aeii. of Kofebu: i, accident-
U .'.roppe 1 in on tbe city on la.t Wed -
nesoav rr.oriutif.
it -r ..,..... ......
J litt Tnur Jay. Harry on hi way j
I to the Lees creek mine.
, ,, . . 1
It is reported that Ara Kenton is &:tk
n bid at Afblacd. Ari w feeling
pretty lad when he left hre.
W. A. Wuud, of K e'juri CV.e I ihe
Ipu.pittflbe Christian chur.h
on latt
S lnday uiorniug and avenio.
Chae. McOee has t!.e cjctiart of bjild-
. lag t. W. Carter's brick kilu at Canyon
l u i i:a cone ll.ere to c.ittmii-nrn
j. ii. ue.., wnt acuan ia
; ihee part b9 return 1 from California
and w id take chae of a pattorate at
j Baker Citr.
J. . eaver has a .1 !) !. I l.oi
------ - r
and Lis taken to the hills in .ri?M of tbe
I metal. Mr. Weaver i o'lt in the ranvon
oear I.?.ial.
The I. '...'. F. bojsof ihie place ob-
I served decctatiun day ijr ihe drrarted.
going to the cemeteiy and
flowers upon their gfaves.
Aant Elizi Hu'- 't sis'.er from St.
Joseph, Mo., isexj. otel to arrive here !
I t m I
otiore many ar j. j,e exjects to make I
I a goo-i ion;; visit before returning.
j Amos strong has returned from -ralem
j to spend the taiumer here iu the Myrtle
j ( reek mines, of which he is part owner.
Mr. S. brought his family with him
S. K. George, of Springfield, :., it
here iu the interest of the McMinnville
Fire and Relief Associatioa. Mr. G.
has written up liorl'J policies in this
I Jobuur Handsaker of K
visitor to the city on las'. Ssturday and
wanday. Johnoy ha len payiug his
brother a visit, w ho is nation, d at Wolf
Creek as S. I. agent.
tiraaviii Krewer'a mother came iu ou
last Wednesday evening's traiu and ex
pects to make her son's home her place
cf residence during her declioing years,
being over 70 year of age.
Jno. Maloaey'a house burned n last
Tuesday wit'i all its con'enle. The folks I
jast saved themselves by bum iog there- I
irom witu jift wiiat they ha I on. Jno
was away at the tune, out on liraves
Wilson Ilil.lreih, who ha 1 been tick
only a few days, passed away to the be
yond o:i Ukt Wednesday night, aud waa
buried on the following day. His eon
baa been telegraphed hut haa not been
heard from.
Wood Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received al the of
fice of the commandant of tbe Oregon
Saldierg Hume, at Hoseburg, Oregon, up
to 12 o'clock, noon, July 13, 1SV), for the
delivery at s.iid ll me, of ."J0 cords o
merchantable lir w o id in 4 foot lenglhB
I'.ids for lots of Iesi than 20 cords will
not Ie considered.
The delivery under the contract, or
L'on!rac,a awaidd must be completed on
' '"--'.'' F. lM.
lue iitit h
reserved to reject any or
all hi-lH.
It web'irc. Oregon. Jaue ), ISJ'J.
W.M. J. Sllll'LKV,
Strayed or Stolen.
brown or black n.are. weight.
about :W0 lbs., haa white star in fore-
head, both hind feet white, shod all
iaroiuJ. Hal leather halter on. Any
laiorma'ioa gladly received, or if
turned, will l rewarded.
I), ti. Wii ,
Kosehurg, Ore.
L. L. Uoruliig, all old Calif jrma:
,'i-7' -v? -
I . I r T . . .
miner in ihe days of '1'J and foe nearly Mamla, Juue 10. Kar-.dmiral
forty years a resident of Corvaliis, dieil : W'alaou arrived today.ou board the lians-
nt home in that city Monday, rio j urt Zaliro, Irom lloug Koug, and
ae ,J,JM' '" Scroti, l'russia in 13:"J and raisd his tlag on Mm criiiser Uiltiuiore.
anie to the Unind .Stales in 18.14. Hej'r'H 'onimoderi of all the warships
wan a tvsgon nuikcr hy trudi. j cnlli'd lint dm ini; the d.iy.
'I tic Mouse Furnisher.
Has the goods and
can make the Prices....
Comnion bed teadB for l.w.
Iron bed steads for ?125. Jlctltr
ones for more money, Springs to
tit all bods.
lied room suits from T2.5o up.
We hnvc the goods and
Call aud see for
vvwvww wvvsrvwvvvvywvv
Stlccctoor to
General Blacksmithino;
REl"Ail;!Sj or ALL KISDS fKOMl'lLV vwu.
Wliop ou Corner hluKlou aud Kauc Hi:, Ho.iburi:
IVuilam., Junji'l -Ka remain ub-
thantcdaul J.-jtie' i a thide eUfler,
i CLiickeus urj l.-iug receive J t ulc fieeiy,
! au l pric li.tve xeikeued (03);. l'ota -
j ljca re "f' l iJ u kein
leadij a: Uir hearts. itli gxl (Ja.aud.
I . K -.r..., r,. .,,,
1' are eil s-,p;.:led -Hi.
. tropic,j Iruit(l .XrU,Ull 4re -b.ut
1 gone, bat S:. M,c:a-:a ind Mediierranc -
j M .-ate! vnelie are iu -eawc.
h-?ra.rr I i.-Lr
i from 3'- to 1 cents r ound, an.l Ice
i demand UuMs en'ial to the supply.
1 l'-ran ia weak, ar.d ..iote. bwe'r. Hay
: is tellinz tlow !y.
I KOt'l t K.
Kgei '.'refjn, 17c per don.
Battel Country, Jj20c: creanmy,
31) . j5o jer roll.
1'oaUry t.hkkeai. mixe-J. 1.LJ
4."-0; (pring. .'.Vj.i3.iJ0, old hens.
$laX)5.jJ; neete, H-V) -'j t-J for cid :
dj;ka, I.0J'3.0J per dutan; taraeya,
live, 13 313c ; dretecd 13.1k per pound.
Chewe Full cream, Hals, 13"rl3';C;
Y'oani America, II H',':.
t COKTAnLt.1.
1'otat-ei Oregjn llarbank".
Oarcet Chiles, f.' per sack.
Deans aia.ll white, 2.6j prr cwt.;
I.Jy W ashington, 2'..c; pink, "3'tc; ba
you. 3!4'c; lima, per poucd.
v eietabl lee!s, eorfl per sack
i:.. .- il t-
j jariic, per to. ; cc'juae, : .-acra-
mento. 1.73 Per 1 f) Iba.: carrot, sacks. :
!vc : r.:il!il-ir 1 :al ner . l.ttn.-.
j borne grown, ldc per doun ; tomatoes,!
i Mexican eeiected. .'.) per boa; Call-:
' 'ornia, per ooi ; '.rio l-eans, S'-c:
ax beans, 10c: peas, 5c per lb.: rhi-
t arb, 1 ';c per lb.
f oions tJc'fl per sack.
1 lesu fruit Mrawberrks, .m;ou. Ic
pc-r box; cherriee, Califorcia. black, doo.. when tol the corpse arose tiightlv
H i); while, II,); California cherries, toiu iu revlioiug tKwiiiou and shivering
fl.2i per box cf IJ pounds; pineapplee. ! perceptible. remarked ptfilaullv.
H'jperdonn: peaches, tJc? II. (0 per !nut tht d.xi ! I think I f-efa
t- 'draught."
L'ried fruit Apples, evaporated, 7'2fc!
pir poaud; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, J mmmmmmmmE
D'Tc; prunes, Italian, -';'3-c; silver,.
etra choice, per lb.; figs, Smyr-j DISOUSLD DANGER.
na, -Mc; ' auiorma black, O'"0e; do
white, ''Jc; 10 lb layere. l'.c.
IXOIB. l.Bl AMI l tl l.
Flour Portland, aiem, Casta lia acd
Daytou are quoted at I-' t0.
Wheat omiaal export values , Walla
Wall ; oS.-; Valley, 'Xl.-: blueslem. ole jer
Gate Choice white, Fj ' choice
gray, 12 t 43o er bushel.
IUi ley Feed bmley, ; brewing,
per ton.
Mulituffs-Uran, li 00; middlings,
t)"; short. I0 o0: chop, 10 50 per
Hay Timothy, JS'alO', clover, '"$;
j Oregon wild hay, 15'tfi er ton.
I Wool Valley, 10 12c for coarse :15t
loa for best; Kistern Oregon, S'.'lSc;
mohair, 203J0c per pound.
Hops 12'? 1 1 ; 1'7 crop, ; per
Looking Glass.
Mr. lieury Palmer has takcu iiij de
partuie for iioteburg.
Mr. Oeorge Madiacn of Ktllogg came
up on a business trip last week.
,; Claud Tbouipsou one ol Civil
!' .'a Kpular young ladies is vieiting
I... many friend i here this wek.
MisaLlla strong of Morrow, v illiam
county, ( ireg'jn, cimo down on a visit.
Her many friends were glad to meet ber
once mere after an absence of about
four years.
There w ill be an entertainment given
hero by the public school and also a
box supper on Friday evening June 23,
IS'JO. Come one and all, a koo I time ia!
Mr. Al. Anderson and Fred Miniardj
have returned home once more, after i
absence of abour four months in Last-
era Oregon, where they have been to
try to better their fortune.
Mr. Wiley Miller left laat "Saturday
for Eastern Oregon with about one huu
dred head of line cattle. Those who
went with him are, Dun Caldwell, Fred
Mattoon, Iauiel Morgau, and Clarence
Lounge Hinl Couches in all stvh
and prices.
The lest Oak diuiur chair for ?J.
liest line teuls, cots, CHtiip stools
and chairs in town.
can save you money.
... It. W. STRONG.!! A- c- MARSTERS & CO.,
i. W. NOAU 1
Pointed Paragraphs.
V.'" UDV,n"'L, , t,;a!' M ''
, cIIe ' 8 'lio"-""-
l'ewcy m a :i;xJ tuan, ai.d
! at huust iiT rven tbv
While j
A'i. t;iiatj-r a.'ajr nid.wale b.s
cbaracter, Lu! n-ji t-i mucli ai whi:
k'-ta ;
Tlieie is no hoi f jf she youui mau
wLra a jt.rl talt uoioue on tbe uih! that
he ka j lie ia tuinj: to tail. i
I'l.c lN-fl idea ii I-i J a niebip (o J
be t.'ied "'rLe Aibericau tuii." l;j
reeiu I. atrial lo ihiria jf a Hrt.f arujor '.
i-jucd it? wil
A i n.y miit'iii- iKcorred tbe i
j Marne I. at Kl.nt- J A"?; W
t..ur, by Kev. :ndrton. Mr Nebemi-, Aiken, H. C. hlocuni, is. 1.. b.x'.s,
ah f-atid-t'jue to Mj W'c i.elmina Harry 1'iokaton. T. J. WiJI:ax, iro
Wl.itf s' bti! if I.:ti,etone. McUoajral and F. T. WoodriC.
U:..a;.llhatai;.,g.teprracL u.n.!"; D- - K- toick "eii'fC'
fJ t-LepL.aeoBrea.iona.aeia.t! Vire'Deiartruent leads the w.v, ioi-J-aooa
:.y irrachit jj a teiuiou on the lowed by Albany Concert Land . mt.if
daurrs il 'tepiog in church, bal the j f ecupi'd by rator ; lader vl I'ectara-IcoLlnbiiu.-n
p!a ritirred in ! ',:-: Chaplain and lieider.t cf Day,
I l-ility tar; Orand Arm : jcer aul
i'I-"1- Veteran of Soldiers 'Heme Uehef
A aoiinu here deariv i vves words. ' Corps : Indian War Vrterant : Civ.c j-
a'i ! tt.e .l tot always uae iheui cor
re tiy. I l.e utt er day a n:gbbor cjo-
: l,ti.:r-..i i i n. ...... n ' t.. t l.u. I..l. i
j whereuia the ur of atrdi esid :
"1 would cousuil lr. for ia
jthela.k. He'a the Anset l-tctrio'osist
i that I knew of."
i A ii; an frutu I jwa who weiit ptojc(-
mg in Kior.uike, iu the ccurre of
tbiiliui: event, w a frtan to death. An
-i-l. .n.... .v. t.ia f.i- I. ..I
hia fri...! .;n,
brought home for banal. When tte
bovly arrived it waa found to le eo drawn
out of eba;e as to foibid ua beiog placed
iuatcilin. To bring the liuiba down to
. ' " .
place i in a baaer's oven and a atrong :
heat turned on. la the course of half an !
1 1,. ,.,, ,,f ,; r,;..,i ,....i iv,
IItint(.r M.nctiiaci hide thcm.lvea fa
I the dijrn: cf a cow. and thru stake their
! way inio ihe cry mid ( the rao-t can-
1 . "r '.. . 1 r
num fc.iuiv. ii w ui.iuc vi Har"W
operation is hown in the ir- f
picture. In a similar manner conMinipUoH
hidc it-tif in the Ui-Buiie cf a throat or
bronchial affection, making M way finally
to the Inn, where the insidious perm tat
awav the victim' life. A stubborn coueb.
j btonchilii and other throat trouble arc the
firt tcis toward thia deadly malady. Pr.
Tierce's Uo'dcu Medical Discovery will
prevent cenMimption. cuiinir every con
tiibntiiip cause. Time and time again, it
has cured what local physicians have pro
nounced well-developed cinuuiption. It
rnaken the stomach healthy, the liver
healthy, the blood healthy. U i a reju
venating tonic, which make the weak
(ttronp; put ambition into tiled people,
put flcMi cm thin lodies. and vigor into
Mufrjrii-h veins. It i a imdicinc
in that its properties a:e prcntvcd in any
climate w ithout syrup, -usar -r alcohol en
tering into iticompo-ition. It dot-1 nut cn
atcciavingforiiyurioutiinnIniii Il is the
personal prrvcnjition of Ir. k. V. I'icicv.
of Buffalo. N. Y.. whose widespread th--rience
and succc: . are at Ibc service of the
public without cot. Anybody, anywhere
can consult him ft ft by mail.
"I will write von wh.ii lr. riercr's Golden
Medical Disooverv ha ihur ior mr " .iTscior;e
H. HelelHT. Y.t.. -f Ivirmn. l ikr'Co., Ky
"Thirteen cnr ato t w.i wounded lv a Kill
pasatnjr tliroui;!i my lun?. 1 have h.vl a bad
coa(fhnlinot t er since-w it li hor1nesil breath,
and it wns verv eny lo take oll: lhc ltc,titet
cbanne f weiiiher would c;uik tlie etmch lo be
so b.vl I would date to .it ufi in 11 all nlRht.
Conlil not eut or lepat lniie: uaall nin-dow n,
could m work at nil. A Irw month, airo I began
naiiic lr. lirret's f.oKrn Mdi,-nl DiMrovery.
Have nirt used more two Ih.u1c. and now
can eat. slccj.. ami work and 1 Ir, I like n new
mail, find wurd. to nlfui inly n-coin-inend
lr. rieri e".i;oM( ii Mei'ical In.eoveiy. or
tell the pssl it lias done me."
The no (rrifw remedy for cvtivciiesa ia
Pr. litTce-'. 1'lcasaiit rcllets.
r.MTi.n Hraiaa Lash Oniric.
Uoscbunr, Oivaou, June .Hi. L"W.
Nutli e 1 hereby given that lit compliance
nitlitliu vro Imoiix of theaet of C'ougressol
Juno Z, l;s., entitled "All net (or the sale of
timber lull. la In the 8ttes ol California, Ore
gun, No ie!a ami WAsliluntoti lerritory.
o( taiiyuliviUe, County of Douglax. State of Ore
foil, has this dny Ideil ill this nfilcu his aworc
Ulem nt No. CMC. for the iiundiasa of the Lot
of section No. ai in Township No :ni,
K. Kaiiito No. 5W.,uiid will offer proof to nbon
that the lmid smiftlit In moru valuable lor its
timber or stoiio lliau for ajti leultiiral iuirne
nnd to establish his elulm to said laud beinn.
the Kct-'lsler aud liesxlverof thlsoflieent Kos.
liiiig, Oreifoti, on Snturdiiy. the '." day ot
AiKUt, la'.M.
lie llaniea witiiuaea: W'illluui llriir Jr ,
Robert CoUjiler, 1 liouias Wilson, O. W. fucltett,
t caiiyonvllle. Ore.
Anyundnll lierons tlaliniug J'eii iv ihv
nloe UesCritK-d Inueta aru reiUet'd to tile tlieir
elnlnis in tit ia ofliee on or bvloru h il iuth day
of Auitn.t, lssi
J I. ItltltXiKrl.
(i-'-'c) liinister.
's i iK.?
Squirrel and
Copher Poison
I'p .r.'l liv'-i
Iti ' U'l rii.-a..Ml kviue-h
ye". 1I 'JMTC"1 lor lhcl':irn"
( llioc or b.rl ar.-l
Mlil-ll i-(.
3 y
N N.S S ,v'S..X N.. N. X
Lnder Aurke Posriurg Fire Department.
National falute at sunr.fe.
trand 1'arade, fvruiio at Cou: t II ,v.e
l(a na It 1 1 H t t
nMie with Floats ; Individual lioa:
Carriaie": Horwebark Bride. UuvvV
Parade; liag I'glie.
j j rom , oart Hou-e to Jacks-o
to Cats, to Sheridan, to 1 nr.
ttA itt- ui ai.o okLov m -.ti".fc.
.election, b? Albany i ju- ert liac 1.
i I'rayer, by Ker. Uoali.
I v noroa oi one tianure-: vajccs u: i-r
,Jirectio, 04 Irof- Traver.
KWJinjt oi iua ieciaration il Is..!r
etn (jr.
i cLcrut.
j ' JraLoa, ty Senator J .hn 11. M.icl :
! ptoro-
j .-elect' on by baud.
( AI If RSOyN M-vl.1-
Ccmmencing at 5 p. a. :
Hal.' mile running race. bet
puree (40 and eutracce fev. 1st u-,oi.ey
0 j
cent ; '.'ad, Vd per ten!
I. K'fer
GoodJ .ill that is new and up -
prices. Mail ciders solicited.
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured Mea.ts
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 18 1.
(lllghot fah rricc fa d for Hide. FnM.nd Kav SkiB
I'lirund r,tickkin lrvfed f-r tilovw. Ijvh .,.
l-ut l.cntln
t 'IftHlrd.
l end of Mill St.,
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
r t- -u- -tf- -nj-
and Gopher
- ."V
hadcle hone race, ! m.le daah ,
iri 1?) and entrance fee. 1st in-joey,
7J;rcQ'.; -cd, -) -r cect; Crd. 10
Ir cet.
f.j rate fjf horses erasers !- zr.i.t .
I'aree l-.
Irol'icg rtce, ': mile and repeat for
roalsters. lJ'ir fSj. 1st jr.oney. 73
lr tet : "ad, ij per cett.
C: -jcle race, mile and repeat, prize
Li.ce r r, 1 in Ja! u a'tlr ,
l rU; t).
k.'.-rcle tc. ' t wit da'li b-'ys unJer
li f tiie J C-J.
!ie h :u ire-i ;rd fjtt rac. pr-.i Hi
Hsning bo-d ;uxp. t,r.i ".'."0.
It3no:cg h gh Jimp, tS oO.
il'jui.iri L 'P. f-i-p iv. I j inrip, prize
."ack rce, IJjt'.
i":ve miactre rct f.'i l-o'S uuder H,
li.a t.W.
ri :r Ir.-gr I race lur boi s under I",
; r;?
Br i-sK-st'iaa. pr a above ports. lae ball gams ia
in pr.'irca (cr pr;z13.
; t:ii-. tva-vu-o r 7 r. h.
lijeo CJt.le.-l oa Jacjo ttievt, wet
tet for I'srac cf lu).
riiiL ess at ihe .soa at S:i.l r. .
Mjft Winder ioi dUpiay ef fireworks
ever prcfnteJ in Southern Oregon, in
tlaiicg Caltlethip Urern ; Admiral
iewey;; roua'a:c. tiVlcjf
l';gn and baud reds of other Korsecus
speci.lties conlud ng with a briUiaot
";.xl N'ht,'' fjlloei Ir i.racdliaill
at ra Hraee.
Chief Charm.
yji ii Shirt Waist, is the charm of!
XoycUv. It will interest you tol
kuow that our stock of waists is'
icati, rrc-sii aud .New. liic
"suaj;" and style of cur garments
at our usual low price arc giving
us astonishing busy days ou this
Call aud examine our entire
stock of Staple aud Fancy Dry
to - date at specially attractive
VVOLLENBERG BR0SJ;ct 0,k str"''
Central Hotel.
- I Fresh Haked BrvJ Every Day
and Retail Dealeas
in i
The Roseburg Tannery.
i'iirs and Skins Irl and
I'dack Angtira Inmtf fir Cluij...
L DEACH, Proprietor.
K'dmnj. tn'i?in.
Aid EHwtuI
MracUva M
n n. n;n. n
Roseburg Bakery.
liurrah ! 1I:itt-j1i '. t!r t.-n-a-i 'vxn rirt
i Aiid nj..--ly msd- arc tir minct pi?.
' No '.T'l-'ii'dinii ii'-i , 'r thr jrvn i It.
. Iji-idf tlx- v n lh. j-an !
j wii-:i ?!; l-rk aiI l-aii are I"n
t.'aiiirad-.-' and j'atr-ii.- Lave -i- faa '.
Hm isik- a.'sd (a-nuN we now n.-II
' And all that my. iht-ir we-tLarta tell.
I5yv brja I an I I-av d every Viifl;
I II i'- l A- for !-.w j rioe yo'lI fin.J,
; Kacb i -,1 weight and poro
; t.v-! l-y th'--nt- and luai. deirnre.
L'irc t yogr -r I..T- to Ja-.l-'n Stre,
Y.srU rtn-n we ar- g'ad to ny.-t.
' OuardLin's Sale.
v-o:;ci. i blecbv o:t.n thai iu
-.a-i. j-.f vl. fiartlAa cf uie ol
a 1 r:atc c; Kc-a J'.vi- ameri Jvmrpb
oa. J ..Ua Joxplaua ul w arr ioarpfcw.
m:ac .- ui 51. hteyite. 1wmX. hy
Mrtir v( aa oriei W 'X Coiarr mr yt Vfi
Uj C u:y. l-l- ol Ofoa. ar-U al MtLe aae
'Ua Wr '.a.s la i.i tst. c: tjaa ' oiut Idoase toor
ia htthvac. IfiM'-Ma.r. Cirroo. ca Ton
Ja;., Jz'.r il, i j. t! tM 1 v'.i f.
oluj cu. 1 uie irbt, tii'.K al uietaC f
' 1 ttv.r f. W f-'. o S' s-'. jr. of
'''!i1 -ri ol S'.oi Bf 'jn .mr
s- B- U . Hi-a3"' ncrxlaa, eonlavl&s
l?a:-l li T!h -iT of .'ta.
Hasau Jcr-iPiiov.
, -.sit. Ouardias.
Notice For Publication.
K.'el ?;au Laxt i
t a. . or . aUt h 1.
j : h.TxV. Ltat ur fcxriaa;
USMd n'.C- r ia r .oi .ee o tia tatmtioB la
rsi -,-rA :a srof iu ciat awi
; ILat -ui r ro 'U fcr trln ta Orfiaur
aal KrKtr.Tt-z. f. ? Lu J St al JLti;.
Oaf a.v!i i I.'. ir.
' U L. Nf :, :r ti SW'v.s'.M. IJJ.
, ti 2 w'. B.j. trse u.mtit wcaw w t-t
pcc ' or... oxu rr.:-irac soa aaicnUi-
iUj ol laa !, f . I .tuni tl
j Uai kai. a KVcri-. A- Po-r':l, a.i ! tVr
. I'ae. Orri
J T.
til.-r tir.tttr.
Notke of Rnal Settlement.
" t.nly, l.'-fxt.
tj- sMXtri ci ta:e oT Herj
; a licsa. Trcrw-1-
Iif a jraed .ti;iajcrU.i -aii r-Ulr
hxilsz taai acoova: la vlU Cbt.
3.1-e a om?t 53-vew taal Xocar- lh Ja4 daT
. ol Julj. Ir.v. a: ! a ekek . m , at la- CvOatv
Couit rocj la Kin. tnr, Iwcauaa Cocarj- r
.' I-a. i 11- .-.c al f ce l I y tbe
ai t Court lo b-M !-ruuu (if aaT lijrre ti m
. i 1 6 a! acrms. aal lo lie iaKiae U
M. 4 a laua.:-'jaar.
I'wlt'i al Eo ''Si?- 'rT'0. SaT !.
JOa" tv. taf tE, Aiiia-wtc.
o."t x'N!; rAv:i ovib $1,500, eliowr tv
riil n r ciaT.
; Ae paying good mosey a: prwaeat,
boi a Utile more capital nadeI to prop
jeriy work the minea. Faty n law.
wul all or n intereat in the same.
For parbcu.ars see me at Koewbar. or
T.U. Box CI Koeeimrg. Ore.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ia Lereby given to all parties
holding Doag'aa county warraata in
dorsed prior to February 6 1SC3, to
present U-e saae at the treaaarer'a o
at tte Douglas County back for y
ment, as intereat villceas thereca alter
the date of ibis nolke.
Dated Ibia the "Itb dav ol April
1S?., at the City ol Koaebor, Oresoo.
Geo. V. Lnxxicx.
Couatv Trtaaurer, Doulaa Coonty.
IThe Home Bakerv
I "Boston Uakcd BcansM
a specialty.
A. CO.
VV. v. km In
lvl i Kai r.. na r-a. .-
-e ',ty.
. , . 0 1 M rt.
r - J. wtm w i
1 r a. .... -m
i M'n. 1 . 11 a ww ui.
t "T fW t Mmltattes.
For Iufiats and Quldrta.
Tli8 Klni Yoa Hais Alwap BcsgM
Bears tna
Sigaatura of
A Barxain.
l-ne aciee. chok lidtoiu land, oo
'which ia located a jjoJ wrtD-rootu
; houe, Kx!d bam, aud is aituateJ la a
j tiott agricultural locality, Dear a acbool
i ao.l poatothLV. Will be aold at a vary
! low tij-tir . IrtTiironf, J. W."Mor,
1 "Ijl") Vi!h!ir.r.