WW www Tho Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and has sonal ' Au r V , ' ... All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ex periments that triiic with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience ngrniust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregroric, Drops uud Sootlriug: Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its truarantee. 1 1 destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving1 healthy and aatural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Si Bears the The Kind You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. TNt cnrriu covmn. tt Closing out Sale!!! We are closing out our entire stock for C ASH S Now is the time to BUY. Read Prices. 4gs Mens' Heavy ttoois, wortii T-."0, - " shoes' " ILIH) to 5- Ladies' Hesvy " 1.50 Fine " 1.50 to fo.00. . CTr Roys Suits orlh $3,00 to aBa Mens' rants at alxoct Lalf price?, m 3 Ladies' Vote for -anasuer near gy 25 yds. of Calico n Mens' and Boys summer Hats at Discount. gyr Three packages 31 j. Gold Prop Washing Powder . . 43a Ten Bare Laundry oat, . . . Four cans T.iamloef . . . . O Three cans K. C. Uaking Powder jT Seven 2 oz. pkg. mokicg Tobccco U Dishes, Tin and Agateware at almost jour own pri 4y IJiy row before the stock ie picked over. Everything in 'Jj my store will te sold at Cost but for Cash Only. Drain, Oregon. J. A. Black. itUmumiumUiWt.i.iiitu? W. G. WOODWARD. HARNESS flAKERS HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS. 8 BUGGY ROBES, BLANKETS, Q Superior hand niaI harness, both JiLt &u J heavy, 6 Manufactured to order on raost reasonable terms. fc Leather work, rj t ho best possible JL lpSSikin W. G.Woodward. BOSWELL SPRINGS On the 5. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin 1. Diseases. To The Uutortiumtc Dr. Gibbon This Old reliable slid the most eucccalul fc'pccialiM in Sao Freu rwco. stiil continues to cure an sexual ana Seminal Disease! such a Goonorrbors, Gleec Stricture. Sypb Ilia in Jail ita forma, Sikin Di ' . aeases, Nervoua Otbll v ity . Impotency. Smi .V oal Wcaiuwa aud Loaa lot lanbood, the conte- Sience ol teli abuae and ezcessc producing tbe Uowiiyf lymptoms: sallow ttuutcnance, ua:k wpoti under tbe cyea, pain in tue h' a l. riniring In the earn, !o of confident., dillidence iu ai pioacblns atraairerx, palpitation of tbe heart, weakneaaol thelimbi and back, loss of memory yinipleaoa the (ace, couchu, conrumption. etc. DSL. GIBBON haa pracliped In Ban Fraii:i,-o j crer thirty year ani ttrf e troubled should cot fall to conault turn and receive the bcnetlt of ; au great skill aud experience. The doctur cares ! vhn otheni fail. Try bim. ;ure xuaranteop. j Persons cured at home. Chanjes reasonable. ; CaUonrrite. I KB. J. F. tilBBOX, r;Kcr.rnr Kt. fan Fran 1 Cisco. :al Dyspepsia Cure.; Digests what you cat. ; Itartiflciallydipp'-istlic food and aids Future in fjtrengthenincr and recon-1 itructing the -xhaustwl 'digestive or-j gans. Itisthe.-vlestriiscovereddigest- j ant rod tonic. No oi her preparation e&n approach it in efficiency. It in-; etaotly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, j Fiatmence, bonr btomach. Ivausea. ClekHeadaclic,Gast.ia)gia,C'ramps.and ail other results of imperfect digestion. Prtnard by E. C. OcWitt A Co.. Cllcc3o i or hAiv ny a. v;.uarfipr v i;c. 4 Bought, ami which has been has liorne the signature of boon made under his per supervision since its infancy. no one o cicceivo rou in uns. . . . . . Signature of hurriv Tfrcr, srw roust nrv. kril for $1.00 iot2 . for l ,00 to (2 OOtofJ for 1 .for 2 .f..r for! ..for . for for .for ..for .5J .23 .25 .50 .25 Roseturg, Oregon. including repairing, executed in manner atshortesi notice. Administrator's 5a!e Of Real Property. TIS THfc COVSTY COL UT t TUE STATE .'F Uregun, in and for Uougias County. In the matter of the parturrship estate of g, Marks and Ancr Mark, partners as . Marks 4; Vo. Notice i- hereby iri veil ! that pursuant to an order of sa'.e made by tb above entitled court on tbe 12tb da of May, l.-9,., and enured of rec ojrd in the journal of said court. Tbe undvr sifmed admini?t:alor oftie parlnereliip ettate of e. Marks and Asher M:.rW, partuers under tbe finn name of ti. Marks v o.. ill from and after tbe Hth day of June, lls.'J, prweed to sell at private sale forcan in bund ail ol therisbt, titiesnd interest of the said partoersbip estate of 3. Marks V Co., the same being an undivided ball interest therein, in and to the following described real property in iong!as county, Uiceon, to-u It : The lots, thn-e. four, five and sir, section 2. Tbe north ballot the northwest quarter. The north half of nortbeart ('JarU r aud southeast quarter of northesst uartT, taction J.:, town hip 'it S, E b West, eoutuining .j.Vt acre. alo the northwest quater ol nortbw et ijuarter sec tion oi, also the followini; described premises towit: Coiunenciu? at the southeast corner of the donation i-laim of Kobe-t s-rnith and u-au Smith, and :urinini; thence north 11' rodK, tliem-c wx-t one mile on line parallel with tn south boundary of said claim, thence south 12 Toit to the south boundary of said claim thence ca--: along the south line of said claim oue mile to plucc of beiunini:, containing 24 acres. Also tbe southeast uuartcr of soQthnett tunr ter, sectjoB 2.", and the northwest 'jaartcr of theuorthet .Usrter of xectiou 1)4. the south west quarter of uonhwot quarter section S-i, tbe west bailor the northwest juartcr ection -A. The south half of norlbett quarter section St, aud lot four of section 1'T, s'.f in tow uhlp 'Si south of ranee live wet, containing in the aggregate h.2t acres. AaliKR MAKKti, Adminiitrator of the piirtuership ctatc of f. Mark A- Co. f-nie Line of JeweJry. A foil and very floe line of jeAeiiv in now ollere'I for mle . W. Cartwrinht of YonralU, Or. This ea! j iiicludea rolled gold plate, gold liileJ, fol ! front and solid gold gDoj of our own manu facture, and we warrant thetu to give perfect satisfaction, or we will tfiundtlie money paid for them t y tli p'ircliaeer, in cstl.. We maouUcture over 0,000 Jcsiniig or patterns of jewelry anil ilo uot liesital" to warrant our KouJ-t to the fuiie't tx tent. Ue kny.v they art fxactly ai rep resented. InciBOlhis ipjtica slumlil n-utii ia trciieuboare too far from Mr. Cirt wriniit'a place of bitint", or other stores where our gwda are ful l, to altnit of their goini; there to puichast' our uojds, write ua what you want and we will nip. ply you ty mail at the regtiiur ri:ra. We w ill be :lid to correspond with the weartr of our goods concerning them. Will eend fuli ius'ractinns as to the care f jewelry, how to clem if, tti'. on aplt cat'on by mail. W. F. Main Co., Ka3!eru Factory Ocr. Iiiiiduhip A Eddy Sts., Providence, It. I. Western Factory (largest in the world) under proc8 of construction at Fast Iowa City, Iowa. Over 5:.',000 ft. of floor Bparo. m2.")f FLOWERS AS EVANQELS. Observance of Flower fllsslon Day by the W. C. T. U. The '.)th i( .lune, which we celebrate as flower mission day, is the birthday of Miss Jennie Casfiduy, through whose ef forts of love and inpelfishuoHS the flower mixtion tuuv -oient firttt originatuil. God in His infinite wisdom and love saw tH to remove her from active life, and for many years she was a great sufferer. Her friends in visiting be r brought beau tiful flowers to brighteu and cheer ber in ber hours of pain, aud the idea came to ber tlmt if she was so refreshed and com forted by tue silent messages the would juf t "pass it on." And so afutr she bad enjoyed their hesuty and fragrance she would Bond them, accompanied by a t-xt of scripture, or ho.uo words of encourage meut to some one else. Perhaps to the hospitals, prieou cr children's asylum where they were s niach nppreciuted. Mies Willard, hearing of the eli'orts of tbi devoted t'brioti tn woman, went to visit ber and was fo taken with her plan of work that it was ad.tptcd by the Wouuu'a C. T. U. as one of their de partments of work, Miss Jennie CaesiJay being sppoiuted national eupcrititendent, which office she nobly filled until called to bibber and better service. But the work gx'a on. the tbwcis still coutinut'S to bloom and eeud their mes sages, opening up opportunities for us of doinj good, that perhaps would not be so eatily obtained but f jr the beautiful example of Jennie Cas-siday. Mus. Pe.ntssv, Co. Supt. of flowor mission work. THE I LOWES M1SMOS 1VV ALlKbsS. Lord Byrou writes of the illustrious Coni vard, who, fr many years, had been confine.! io a prison below the level of tho waters of Lake Geneva. He could bear tho rippU of the waters day and nibt. One day bird sang at bis window the sweetest carol he had ever beard. It resurrected bis heart of stone and created a yearning fur g look over the land which was free to tbe bird, so be dug fojtl olds ia the wads of bis dungeon, and c'iabedto the window at tbe top. There be siw bis beloved Switzerland, its mountain i unchanged, He saw the snows of a thousand years, and learned patience and hope. That lock put new life into him, and gave him a vision that lasted to tbe end. Just so our flower mission comes with its sunshine, its beauty aod it fragrance, as a mefeuger from tbe Father and ere ates a longing for better, pare' living ; a desire to climb up and look to "tbe Mighty to save." Hearts that refused to bear tbe kindest words have been touched by tbe ionoceut blossom which called up memories sad, sweet and lend er. As our missionaries take God's thoughts, woven in paneiea aod roses and violets, not only to the sick, the pour, the sorrowful, but the rich and prosperous as well, and speak of tbe fbwer million, it is an easy trai.sition from that to Chriet,' mission, helped by tbe precious text attached to the bequei. Oar own words may bo weak, but the tex'.s those are the gojd eeeJ which must Llossom io days to come. The tinv bunch of blossoms has opened many a closed door for us. Oar mission has peaetrated the darknees of prison cells. A bunch of ewest pi! is reached between tbe iron bars cansed a sinful man to cry out in tbe midnight of despar, as did tbe jailer at l'aihppi, "Wbat mast I do to be saved?" In the reformatory at Huntingdon, Pean., where three hundred" boys were con fined, to whom our workers gave a ixxpsel and card, -duiost every face brightened. Some k ked permission to rend "the card 3 id knot of ribbon home to mother," while others pat them care fully awa and took them with them when they were releas 3d. May we not hope that God spoke through tbe flower? In another Pennsylvania town a little crippls in a tenement house was made happy by a Yieit from the flower cemmittee. When they returned a week later thev found a large broken pitcher on a chair by ber bed, holding tbe precious boquet. Every dower that blooms is an expres sion of the thought of God. Think what dowers must say to a tired woman who never Bees them where they grow. They keep her faith in God and human ity. This ia not sentiment; it is what they were made for. After tbe gift of flowers, ho eas-y to place a Bible in the Lome, darkened by tbe shadow of tbe rum traffic. Next comes the pledge, then to the church pew, aud finally the altar, and tbe table of the Lord. Jetirie Cassidiy said, "There is no thing so sweet as to ba a happiness maker.'' Wbat she did each one may do. Where God h there is peace and power. Scatter sunshine; let love flow full aud free. Stranger hands which you have strengthened, Shall strew lilies over you." The red rose says, be sweet, And the lily bids be pure, The hardy, brave chrysanthemum, Be patient and endure. The violet whispers, give, Nor grudge nor count the cost ; The woodbine keep ou blossoming In spite of chill and frost. And so each gracious flower Has each a sevcial word Which road together, raakeih up Tbe message of the Lord." People who wish to go back among the cyclones of Wiscoiiein, Minnesota and Nebraska, aud a few other states are welcome to do so. Oregou is good en ough for us. Who wants to be where a funnel shaped mass of unfeeling wiud may come tearing along at any time aud sweep you oft the face of the eaith. We get forty-five inches of rain in this valley and it drizzles along sotno times in an aggravating manner, but it is sweetmeats compared wiili tbe terrors that may strike rncpt any time sloni; the Missis sippi. Ex. The Oregon Hair Tonic Will grow hair on bald head.-, destroy daudrufT and stop the hair from falling out. It is recommended by leading physicians. I have tried uumerous hair tonics but thin U the only one that brought satisfactory results. It. A. Stowell, agent, Kosehurg, Ore. a2H8. Price, four ounce bottle, 50 rln. LUMBER BUSINESS GOOD, Prosperity Item From the Eugene Guard. "11. A. Booth, of tbe Bool h-Kelly Lumber Company, of Grants Pass and Saginaw, one of the largest lumber man facturing concerns ou the coast,' reports the demand for lumber of sit grades brisk. Nearly the entire output of this firm is shipped out of tbe state, tome go ing as far East as Chicago and some as far south as Mexico. Mr. Booth uUo re ports that wages of sawmill hands have advancod 12 per cent tbe pact two jvan, and says that competent men nee i not be out of employment. "The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company now operates two sawmills ut haginaw aud another at Coburg. A fourth mill will soon be erected on tbe Mohawk river, 15 miles east of Fugeue, and when this is completed the company will te able to turn out 1,000,000 feot cf lumber every four days." New Treatment for Appendicitis. Geo. llelmcr, a New York doctor, has ju6t cured a patient of appendicitis in eight minutes without the use of a knife, ice packs or poultices. lie applied oue Land to a point midway between tbe top of tbe right leg and a point above the stomach, then bant up the right leg of tbe patient at the knee joint, and pave the leg a slight twist, by means of a quick motion, repeated two or three times, aud tbe operation was over. This forced out of the appendix tbe clog ging particles that occupied it. Just back of the appendix is the largest mus cle in the httui'in body, known as tbe psoas mngnus. It ia attached to the fe mur, or big bone of the leg, and is the muscle lv which oue can revolve tbe leg as on a pivot at tbe heel. It is this muscle which is tuado to do the trick of emptying the appendix. Using the Gugers of one band to hoi I the wails of the a'odomen in place, aud to prevent rupture of delicate internal structures, with the other hand a spas modic contraction of tho psoas magnus ia brought abort, which soaps it against the appendix and forces out of that or gan whatever foreign substance it may contain. Ao Appealing Appeal. A country editor makes this appeal to delinquent eubscribtre: "Fisb down in your pocket aod dig op the dost, the editor i hungry and the pa per 'bout to bust. We've trusted you for several months, and did it wi.h a smiie, so just return tbe compliment aod trust ns for a while. Oar wire she needs some stockings and baby needs a dress; Jim my needs some breeches, aod ao does Kate and Bees. Pud is on tbe hog train and Peggy sick with grief, and good gosh almighty, can't you give a man telicf? Shell out those nickeis. and turn loose the dimes, turn 'em loose and w histle and we'll have better times; there will be fewer patches on ibe boeoin of our pants, and we'd make the paper better if we bad half a chance. Don't give us that old story, long gone to seed, 'ooot taking more papers than the family want to read ; bat help to feed tho print er, and be'il help our town to grow, and thus escape the sulphar iu the re-iocs down below." Last Day of Circuit Court. On last Friday Jode HamUlon sen tenced Henry Staler convicted of lar ceny, to three years io the penitentiary, and Jessie D. Gilbert, convicttd of forgery to l years imprisonment. Defore the close of circa it coort Friday forenoon tbe following orders were made : Asher Marks, as admr., vs. L. K. Minard, et al., to declare a deed to be a mortgagor J. C. Fuller too, Atty., for PlfT., Willie & Kke, Attjg. for Ieft. Findings of tbe referee ect aside, and real estate involved in tba cafe held to be subject to sale for tho payments ol debts. Geo. W. Kimball vs. II. Dyer aa cdior. et al, foreclosure of mortgage ; Willis & Kice, Atty. for Vttt. Decree of foreclos ure. Oregon Notes. Let us remember and be than kful that we bavo no cyclones in Oregon. Professor W. A. Calder, of tbe Browns viile public tcbooie, will soon publish a book entitled, "Biographies ot the Tio necrs and Native Sons and Daughters of Linn county." About 350 nan.03 of delegates who will attend the lttli annual session of the National Editorial Association have been received by tbe rortland Tress Club. It is thought that nearly 50 more will be received. These, together with those accompanying the delegates, will make the number ot visitors about ?50v or 803. Lane county seems to be taking tbe lead in the matter of road improvements and this is the way it is done: ''The county has Lad a lot of river bowUers delivered io the outskirts of pringtield and will have them crushed by tbe rock crusher and pi iced on the road leading east from Springfield. This road needs repairing very badly, aa it baa been io an aln. it impassable condition during tbe I i i winter." The new registration law will mater ially change tbe manner of holding elec tions. It will increase the duties of county clerks and be of considerable ex pense to the several counties. County clerks must have suitable register books. Between January I, l'JOO, and May 15, 1930, every voter who expects to vote must either go to the county clerk s of fice and he registered or go before some justice of the peace or notary and regis ter, and have such officer eeud iu his registration to tho county clerk. On election day the judges have a precinct register into which the countv clerk his copied the names of every elector in that precinct. When a man goes to vote tbe election judge looks at the register to see if the would-bo voter has registered. After tlie election tho precinct registers go back to the county seat with the re turns. There is a general register of the whole county in each clerk's office. AGt.NTS WANTED- FOR "THE LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewey," tbe world's greatest naval hero. By Mural Halstcad, thu liiu-lon friend und admirer of tho natlou's idol, litest aud beat book : over 600 panes, oxiu inches: nearly 100 pages h&lftono illustra tious. Only fUO. Enormous demand. Big couiuiMoiin. Outfit free. Cbancu of a life tiiii.). Writo quick. The Dominion Coinpanv, :lnt Floor Caxton BMr., Chicago. BIWS DISEASE Or Chrome Infiamrr.atloa ol tu Kidneys is a very common allaent. Llk all chronic diseases llle ymptom com on lDtidloualy. It p reasr treatment la obtained la IU early itag-ei, Bright'! Disease mar tie cured. Hl'DYAl will cur UU it la taken la time. HUD. TAN will relieve all ta symptoms. Do sot delay too long. Don't wait un til your case become in curable. Begin tbe use of Ht'DTAN now, whUe you ma; be cured. THE EARLY SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. CHRONIC BICK OB NAUSEOUS HEADACHE. HU DYAN taken i directed will relieve l ho lira.laclie ins;sntljr. 2-3 PUJPFINE88 OP THE 8 KIN UNDER THE EYES, due to a collection ol fluid-lnothtruorus.DBOPSY. HUDYAN will cause tUc extra amount of fluid to b taken up by the Wool and ba eliminated by tbe Kldner. 4 6. PALE. DOUQHV COMPLEX ION. HUDYAN will restore the circulation to its uurmsl romlition and t-aus tb cheeks to become red and rosy. O WEAKNESS Or THE HEART. HUDYAN m strengthen the ncrres and irnis'-w-s of tbe heart and make It strong and ngular in It boating. 7-8 WEAKNESS AND PAIN IJT THE REGION OP THE KIDNEYS. HUDYAN nillrause tliu kidneys to perform (heir functions properly, thereby relieving lb pain anil wakn'-j. tit HID VAN at once and take it regularly. HID VAN in told by all druggists for SOr. per packai;, or 6 package for fi.:0. K your drog gi.t doc not keep it, tend direct to the HI D YA REMEDY COMPANY, Han FraneUco, Cal. UemrmlKT that yon ran call and consult the Hl'DVAX DOCTOItH ft-RKE. Call and see thcin. If you cannot call, writ to the doc tor and they ill advise you. Tbe advice will be ijiven free. Addrrw HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. Stockton. Markst sad Ellis -, Saa Frsaeisea, Cal. II W. TUEDIBECT BOCTETO Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. CUvcs tho:co of two favorite routes i tlie UNION 1'ACIFIC Fat Mail line, or the RIO GBANDE toenic Lines. Look at the time days to Salt Lake 2j days to Denver 3 j days to Chicago x days to Xcw York Free KccIinluK cbatr cars, l"p- ttolnteresl Xonrlal Steeplng Cartt, Pullman Palace Bleep- toil Cars operated oa all train. tor iur'bcr iufonnafrt' arplf u -J. F. aiVANS, Agt Koaebarg. C. O. Terry, W. E. Corrutn, Trar. I'. AkU Gen. AifU Ul Third St., rortland. Or. Toe churcuea. VsrHouiyt cm am-corner of Main aad Lan streets. Sunday Berrlce: r reach inj, II a. and s.00 p m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. as.; L. A. Walker, Superintendent; Clata Harting al clot ol the moraing serric; Ipwortk LeafM TOO p.m. r. II. Churchill. President, Fraycr Meeting, Wcdncfrlar, at 7:10 p. m. G. K. Ayou, r as tor, i'arsoaafe. corner Hala and Lane. L'miiu BnLrMKE cuctcu-on Fowler street. Sunday service, al 11 a. m. aod 7:30 p. m. rrap er mectioj. Thursday eveninj. Jin. Leer H. Crn.tr, Pastor. tr. s chcbch. Corner Cass aud Vain streets, berrkes on second and fourth Sunday morning oi each month and every Sun day evening, special service, announced from lime to time, Rv. Jobs Dawson, Missionary. M. K. CHi am, ssocth. Services every Sunday morning and evening. Rev. J. T. tonu.i, faslor Baths r Ciilk.ii corner of Lane and Rose ttreeti. bundsy service: Preaching at 11 a. m. aud7:o0p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m., O. P. Coehow, snperintendent. frayer meeting ft 7:30 Wcducsdsy evening. . A. Dol'iiU', Ptor. "tasT Cuiusru.x cucacu Comer ol 1'luc and Woodwsrd streets. Sunday services: Preaching both lnorninx and evening, Sunday school at 10 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. al6S p. in Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 7.30. A cordUl welcome end greeting awaits all. v. a. Wood, Pastor Fia-T I'aisutTLBUN Cia i'.cn Corner of Cass aud Rose street?. Sunday service: fublir nrorship, 11 a. ui an! a p. m.; Snbbath school, 10 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. at 7 p. in. Prayer meeting. Wednesday evening 7:J0 p in. i. A-Townd, Pastor The W. c- T. L'. ill hold its regular meetings ou the tecoud and fourth Mondays ot every mouth at 7.3) p. in. iu the Epworth Leagu. room ol the M. E. Church. Notice for Publication. Cmteu 6t.tl Ijno OrrtCK, Koteburg, Orecon, May 11. Is99. Notice I hereby given that the following named M-uler has tiled notice of hi intention to make tinnl iroof in support of his claim, and thai xaiil proof will be made before the Register ituu nvccier c . - i.auu vutce av noseuurgi Oregon, on Juue -J7, 1SS0, vU: JOHN C DAVIS, on H. E. No. 7190, for tho W ., BW'i. SE' 6W!i 8W). MJ',,Kc.2,Tp. -"O 8, R.6W. Ho names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous resmenco uimu ami cultivation oi sani innu, vl: Jnmes McKay, Thurrton Lull, J. R. Chap man, O. W. Urubbe, nil of Wilbur. Oregon. J. T.BKIOUEd, mlltlO Register Best Bargains of the Age. 2C0 acres. Stock farm, 40 acres iu grass, Orchard, buitdings, l'-4' mile from Myrtle I'oiot, P. O. Splendid invest ment. Price, flGOO. Homestead. 3 miles from Myrtle Point. 6 seres cleared, gooJ timber. House, barn. Parties will relinquish for $J0O, half wliat improvements cost. A stock farm of 020 acres 20 miles from Myrtle Point; 700 acres in excellent pasture; 40 Durham cows, aud 60 head of graded slock cattle go with the place. Price, f3,000; terms, 4,000 down, bal auce at 3 per cent. Inquire at W. F. dc Co.'s Express OOlce, or Address, , OrvilDoduk, j24 Myrtle Point, Oregon. Hi Prepare for Harvest. You will have the world pull, if you buy a Piano them, also the Chain drive Mower, at Churchill The Strongest, The Best X" $40. What we don' -2and Won't do. We don't anJ.'wou't handle Bicycles merely to sell. It's poor - policy. Oar idea ia that Bicycles are uiade to ride, andjlhe belter the wheels that we sell and the less trouble they give, the more busi ueea we'll bare ia the future- That last word is the secret to the whole sitoatioo. We're ia it for a fctnre. If yoa feels we do ia thin matter Rood goods, fair prices, pleased customers, and a busi ness future you're the people we want to do business with. Send for Rambler Catalogue, A. C. lARSTERS & CO., Agts. NEARLY Fifty-eight Years Old ! ! ! Recognising ita value to those a ho desire all the news of tbe Stats and Nation, the publisher ol The r l-uxdxa'.bb. (your to an alliance witn "ine Aew-iora tveeciy irioane ' wntcb enables turn to far oisti both papers at the triflling oost of tl.75 per year. Every fanner and tillager owes to himself, to bis family, and to the community in which he tins a cordial support of his local newspaper, at it works constantly and untiringly for bis interests io e?ery way, brings to his home all the nes sad bappeniogs of his neighborhood, tbe doings of bis friends, the condition and pros pects for different crops, tbe prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a weekly visitor wntcu snouid be touna in every wide-awake, progressive family. Just think of it! ! ! BOTH One Year for $1.75. Send all subscriptions to the THE PLAINDEALER, Rseburg, Ore Real Estate Bought and Sold oar 73ucajcxBsx2v. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of ID. S- KL BUICK, O.RAttCQ DEPART i TIME SCHEDULES ARRIVE For ! t'rum Portland From 1 - Fast lail ; Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fast ; Worth, Omaaa,Kau- Mail 8 p.m. sas City, tt. Louis, 6:i3p. ui. Chicago autl East. Siokajie i Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane iljvr ' Miunonpolistul'sul Vlycr :;i0p.m. i Dulutii, Milwaukee, S:Ms. m. Chicago aud KssU f p.m. ! Ocean Steamships 4 p. m. I All sailing dates sub ject to i'hsngo. For Ban Francisco i SU1 every Bvo days 5 p.m. ! Columbia River p. n. Ex.Suuda Steamers. Exiiindsy' Ssturday To Astoria and Way Id p.m. Landings. WillaoMtta River. 4 S0p.ni. a.m. Orcfon City, Newtwnr, Ex-Sunday EiJiuudsy Salem k W ay-Land gs 7 a.m. Willamette and Yam- 3.J p. m. Tues.Thur. fain River. Mon.,Wed. and Sat. Oregon City, Payton, and Fri. and Way-Landings 6 a.m. Willamette River. 4:30 p.m. Tues.Thur. Portlsnd to Corvailia Tues.Thur and Sat. and Way-Landings and Sat. Lv.Rlparla Snske River. LXawlstou Daily, f Daily ! Klparla to Lewiston. JOHN F. GIVANS, Agent. Koaeburg, Oregon. W. U. HIRLBVRT, General Passenger Agcut. O. K. it ti, CO.. Portlaud. Oregon, by the tail and a down hill Binder with fly wheel. See & Woolley's. It 'a a long life, bnt devotion to the trae interest and oroewrttT of tbe Amer ican People baa woo for it new friends aa tbe year rolled by and lbs original mem bers of its family passed to t'ieir reward, and these admirers are lorai aod stead fast today, with faith in it teachings, and confidence in tbe information which it brings to their homes an i firesides. As a natural conseqnencn it enjoys in its old age all tbe Tiulity and vigor of its yootb, strengthened and ripened by the experiences nf over half a cectarr. It has lived on ita merit, and oa toe cordial support of progressive Ameri cans. It is "Tbe New-York Weekly Tri bune." acknowledged tbe coon try over as tbe leading at tonal ramiiy ewspaper. own favorite borne paper) has entered io Railroad Time Table. Nortbboacd Rosebarg local, No. 17 departs 7 :30 a. m. Soathboand Eosebarg local, No. 13, arrives 5:20 p. m. Northboaod overland, No. 5, ar rives 10 :35 a. ui. ; departs 10 A3 a. m. 'Soathboand overl&nd. No. 6, arrives 4:15 s. m.; departs 4:25 a.m. rBSlGUT TRAINS. Norllibound fast tbroagb freight, No 2".'l, arrives 4 :10 p. u. ; departs 5 :20 p. m. Soutbboaadfast through freight, No 222, arrives 7 :00s. in.; departs S:00a m. Nortliboood mixed train No. 222 arrives at 2 55 p. to., Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, departs 9:00 a.m., Mondays Thursdays and Saturdays. Southbound mixed train No. 22t ar rives at 3:00 p.m., on Sundays, Mod. days aod Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m. MondayB. Thursdays and Saturdays. SbasU Limited Ia the name of tbe only perfect train n the world, now running every night between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway the pioneer road of the west in adopt ing all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illus trated pamphlet, showing views of beau tiful scenery along the route of the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address Geo. II. Heafford, Gen eial I'mtEKer Afjtnt, Chicago, 111. Mining Application, No. 95. ' CffiTsu StTAtas Liid Orrics, Koseburtr, Oregon. Jane 8, KW. XTQT1CE IH UiKiBY OlVtJi THAT Cbsrles Bruneau, P. J. JnirrrMsti4 R. i. Jenniutn, whose poMoffice addrewies aJ"'"'" lows: Kit Charles tfrunean and H. i. ifmu- i'. ' : Cot tag Orore, Lane County, Oregon, ami it. i. JeuuiBgs, oi FortUnd. Muiiou stall Couoiy, Ore gon, hae this day Sled their apptieattea for . patent for linear lest ol tbe Helena, C.t. i ulated Quartr Jline.or vein, branng ol,i! : -and lead, with surface ground CO ieet In widt,:, - , " beiug l feet on eseb side of tbe eeater of ssud vein, and being lf0( linear fee of tne HeUsua Lode Claim aod 1 ltvt of the Lsmrette Lee is Claim, the Iurctte being the 1st extemtloa Ksaierly of the mid Helena Claim, said claim being particularly described aa Mineral-Barrey. No. aeo, Urlena QaarU Lode and Ijioxette QnarU Lode, known a Helena Consolidated Quartz Muk, Hostel in Bohemia Mining District, Doqk'M Conntj, Oregon, in Township Ko. 3, it B, 2 , Wiliamette Mvridlan, Oregou. Applk-ation of Charles Sranoao, f. J. Jr Dings and R. J. Jennings. HELENA. LODE. Bitinning at a lir post inches snaar?, 4 Itr' long, -t is Inches in tb gr-jnnd. with nrk mound alongside, scribed M. 8. 30. Idcnucil with location starting point of tbe Helens kxie cialm, whence llie discovery cut. and Tunnel .no. l. is ti. St degrees E. IS reel; also a Hr 14 lo in diam. bears N. 37 dcim?, W, 11 feet, acilwl M. s Mi, B. T.: also a lir S in. diam. beam 2 St degrees W. U feet, scribed X.8. SSO, B. T, Alxo the Hooadar Mining Co. a Vrm lloase bears 8. Vi degrees W. about art fceC Also the mouth of Geo. Kerr's Tunnel besrs A. 51 dc-g , W. about Sw feet. Al Mu Theili, commonly known as Cowboro realt f tho Cas cade Kauge, bea-s ti. 43 df. E. Also IriamoTKl resk bears H W deg. E; thesM ma 64 deg. W. on jim of lod, up stce as cent M0 it., internet wagon road leading front iuq itMw.j w. iidcw iu'ir inaiu mil. at liijO ft. net fir post in. unsre, 4 feet long, W incbrs m toe ground for center ul oa Wt- eriy end of tcu claim, with ssoond oi Uru longsiue, scniiea m a. n, trots which a fir 1 J in. dia. bears 8. 5 deg., w. so feet, scribed M. h. SCO, B. T. A nrs ia. dia. Dears sn dec E. bt feet. scribed M. 8. 360 B. T. This post is weoiitsl with the Iocs dim noet set on westerly end of this eiaixa. Thence B- ot aee. w. .?') iu bet poM ?o. I identical with location Cor. 4 feet long, 4 tor osre, IS laches in the giunnd with a ntono-i oi stone alongside, scribed C. I, X. 8. S-A, U - which a lir 14 in. dia. bears S.S7 dec I. o II scribed C. 1. Jl- b 360, B T. A cine 8 in. dia. s 11 deg. E 9 1L scribed C t M 8 360. B T. Whence corner to section 7-12-13 asd VL To. Tt, 8 K 1 and 2 E. Willamette Meridaa. txrr 64 deg 30 rain VV 173s k-ct. thence boss Cos 9 i. bStdegE. v ar l'J ace 9) min K. llccna bleep MoanUin. blows 8 K 15 ft ui. on rosd leading from Noonday Uaarls 3aii Quartz Mill C S3 deg E tlob it. hiw roaa t; eoaia. l uo i it u cor no Z. Identical wita a comer of the local iuw. A Sr post 4 feet Wng. 4 inches sooara. srt ft is. in the ground with mound of sione alusseux-, scribed CIMS 360. ' whence pine m is. di. bears 15 d K ft, scribed U AM 8 Xfi. S T. Thewce from Cor so 2 SS dec E. Vsvr Vt 30 min E; 19 ft to Cor Ko 1, of Lsnrette Claim. 300 feet te pot set in center of Easterly end of in Helena Claim. Mentlcsl with Vocation nest set in easterly end of this claim. A fir post 4 feet long, 4 inches ioare, set 13 In. In tbe ground wita nwund of stoae akngsite. scnoea x o jm. Whences lir 8 in dia bears 8 Sides; E 9 ft, icribed M 8 360 B T. 3W ft to Center Fosf if Westerly end of Lsnrette Claiss. A ft la aaull creek C Sooth East, COS ft to conn Ko 3. identical with a corner of the locmlion. A fir post 4 feet long, 4 Inches square set 13 inches in the rroana with numad of atone alonnde, scnbL-d C 3, H 9 M. oences nrs in a;a bears .N Gfi deg t . scribed C J, M S 360 B T. Corner o2of f-aniette Lode bean 7 3 des c . 19 ft: thence tram Cor No 3. N S4 dear V. Vu n dcg3DmiBC Aseeno steep moontno aio it intersect wa5a road leading Irom oonday Mine lo Qnartz Ml. 12a f t same wagon road. MS ft to come 5e 4, identical with a locaoun comer. A tir post 4 ft long. 4 ia. suture, set IS inch? in the groand, with mound of stone sionim ic. scribed C 4, It s sea W'lteace a Sr 7 in dia beau S S deg 38 mim w zi ftsenbed C 4, U S , BTjmd thence 8 2S4eg W, VarlSdeg 30 din E. Srt ft to center post en westerly end of Claim before described, embrac ing J0 acres, LAL&ETTE LODE. Beginning at corner So L identical wt&t!t) comer ot locatioo, a fir posi41t long, 4 incite inaie, set W inches in toe groond with awa s t ot sum alongside, scribed CIMS StO, srhene A 8 Pine i in Inn bears S 43 drgreea esat. U scribed C I X 8 360 B T Corner Bo 2, of Meicn bears 3 3S dec W 13 ft, -thence from conifr hoUMH ar E, Vr I? Ac -; nun E2S1 to center post on asteriy end ol . Helens Claim. 3u ft to center post on westerijr end of Laurette Claim. A fir post, 4 inches suture, 4 feetioag. set IH inches ia the ground, srxsbed M. S. Sua, with monad of stone aaomoude. Itleniical with location of Westerly end et Lsnrette Claim, wscno discovery Cot swl Tunnel 5o. , bears 8.T2 ie. E. Hit tt Hi seet to Small Cret-a r. 8, E. 1 ft. to comer So, 3. Helen Claim, tod i w o oocner So. 2. Mentical with earner of location. A or post 4 11. long. 4 inches m'-tsre. set. inches in the ground, snui mostnd of alongside, sen bed C. . If. & Jfr). i A lir 14 in. die. bean U. jt eeg. IV 12 il C.iM.S.SJB I. - Thence fri carBcr Ho. 1, TJ Vw. a."Vsr. 13 deg. min. E. desceun Ut It to ortter J. . - A fir post 4 It. lonr.4 inches sqa&re, set S inches in the giwand. sritn mousKi f : - slocgside. sexibel C, J, JL 8. 380, ttunv t - Top subnet Beck, two ft out of ground : inches with rat with a ehisel at direct r- . which bears 8. 4 deg. W. J2 ft merked e chisel. C. i- yiJi, 3SS, B. B. Also tbe E. comer of the Noonday QuarU Mil:, bears S. ti dec W. S5j ft. Tbcm bvm corner Na 3, 8 3S dV-g W. Var. 13 deg. 3J min. E. UO, ft- to Creek S It. wide, C. S, E. .Wfk tocenterpost on Easterly end oi tsua Claun. A fir ioet 4 ft. long, 4 inches sUS--r, set IS in ches in the ground, with mound of stone aloncsidc. scribed JL aso, whence a fix 12 is di bears S. it lea. W. 22 ft. sen bed M. 8. Jb9 B. T. sseend iWO foet to comer So- 4. Identical wiik aoc of locarioa: A nr Met 4 ft. lone. 4 Inches so naic ms 1.1 in. ches in Ui ground, with monad ot stotM sloogsKle. nat'ttA c 4, M. 8. 3Ml wBcncs a hr 10 in. dia. bears N. 10 deg, E. a It. Scribed C. 4. JL 8, 3(0 B. X. Theaoa 71 ttcg. W. from cor. So. 4. Vsr. Ti deg. 30 mia. E, 725 It to Creek 3 ft wW U East 0 ft. to wagon road tending; from Soon day Hi DC to Quaru XIH, 149 it. to conHg Ho. i. and place of befjnning embcacuig JB.ri acres. The sorrey of the Helen sad lsaieu Quaru Lodes are identical with the respective locations, and the presnmed grnersi eooro of the Tela or lode is northwesterly aw eastaiiy, ss is shown by the put filed tM'. as aesx ss cn be dctenniaea irom the present dereiopraent. Tbe Notice of Location of then niiaiae claims is recorded ss follows, to-wit: Fint, location of Ui Helena, (called Rclcner) is recorded in Volume a of Cougias Counrr, Oregon. Mining Records, at Psae laa, oa the 7;a day of Jnly, and the second notice there of is recorded in Volume t, of L-ougiss Onatr, Oregon. Muting Kecords, at Pages &'l and .iCJ, ou the 2nd day of Augtut, The first location of tac Laarette Loue Claim was recorded in Volume e, of Doucla Coofrr, Oregon. Mining Records, oa the lMh day of No Tcmber, law, at r'agc S6, and the seoood locn tion notice theiwf was recoidol oa the nd dsy of Atnrut, ls, in Volume , of Doug jm County, Oregon, Miniag Recotds, at Fazes 9 sod 30O. The adjoining Claims are: On the BartaerlT side of thd Helens, (Helener) Lodo Cl.,aj, the Verde, Lode Claim, of which i. J. Jecnuigs is locator and claimant, snd oa the arthetiy sida of the Lsurette Lode Claim is the American Boy, Lode Claim, of which JL J. Jcenings sad C.H.B, Bruneau are the locntors and 'claim aats. The easterly end of the Helens, (Helener) Claim is the westurtr end oi the Lsurette Claim. On the easterly end of tba Lame'te Claim is vacant government Und, snd ou L".- southerly side of the Helens (Heiener) ud Lsu rette Claims is vacant governnieut laiid. On the westerly end of the He. en taVeer Claim is the White w ings. Lode Mmlng C h.o. located and clsimed by G. G. W smcr. And any and all persons clausing mixtssfty the mining ground, vein, lode, preaiissa er ,f portion thereof, so described, surveyed, tia: and spplied tor, are hereby no tilted that, uiuosn their sdrcise claims are duly nK'd sccoraiBg to lw snd the regulations there under, within the sixty dsys publication of this notice, with the Kerfs lex cl. tbe United states Land Office at Koi burg, in the County of Doug las, snd State of Oregou, they will be barred ia virtue of the provisions of said statute. Lated this Sin dsy of June, 1S, and first pab Ucation on June Uth, lS.'U. J. T. BRTDGJEK Register U.S. Land Office. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LASD OFFICE, Rose burg, Oregon, May LL 1S!9. Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, and. that said prwf will be made before the Register snd Receiver U. S. Land Office at Roseours. Oregon, ou July, 5 1SS0, vir: JAMES F. &DSSEIX On H. K. No. WX53, for the S K V. Sec -J4 T.3, S. R. 6 V. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and eulu vaUon ol mia land, vis: William Moore, Thomas Burnet, Harvey Siroffoid, and John Bwoflonl, all ot Myrtle Creek, Oregon. (uiiip) J. T. BRIDGES. Regis wr. Farms for Sale. A number oi small farms for sals, adapted to fruit growing. Good apple and prune orchards on some of them. For furtbe- particulars inquire o!Jt G. W. ALDKRS&i, Cleveland, Or. Vlavl, Viavl. Mrs. J. H. Shupe is local repreeaU tivefor the popular Viavi n&9dM Any one desiring any of these reaT;ss -will please call on her at her boss or si ess her at Rosebartr, Oregon.