The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 19, 1899, Image 3

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O) Iho hamnnc
JUJ5E 19. 1899.
Mr. Frank Welle, ol Eikton, u visit
ing in oar city, Saturday and Sunday.
Bond, the watchmaker Bella spectacles
at lowed pi ices aud can fit them cor
rectly. Bilious headache, yellow skin, coated
tongue, fevered lipe. Hudyan cure.
All druggists, 50 ceuta.
E. DuGas. M. D., member Board of
Peoaioo Examiners. Office. Marstera
building residing corner Main and Cass
Pretty white silk parasols nicely
rnftted, also colored ones, it yua w ish,
very reasonable in price at the Novelty
H. A. Crow, the barber, has our j
"T.u - Born, to Mrs. 11. W. Stewart, Com
which were presented to this office Sat-! ..,.,
B. F. Lawrence, ot the Coqaille C ity ,
Bulletin, passed through this city Fri
day, on bis return home from a business
trip to Portland.
Jesse Lose, the Rental editor ot the
Marshfield Son, was a pleasant caller at
this office Friday. lie was enroute to
Portland on bosinesp.
Men, we have all kinds of hats, straw,
crash, wool and fur, the common for
Everyday, and the dresey sort, all at
right price. Novelty Store.
All bicycle people men, women and
children are cordially invited to join in a
grand bicycle parade July 4th. For dec
o rations and arrangements Eee T. K.
Eicbardaon, Eosebnrg, Or.
It makes no difference how bad the
wound if you use DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve ; it will quickly heal and leave no
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Chris
tian CLurch will conduct a restaurant on
the grounds on the 4th. The public are
respectfully invited to patronize their
tables. (dj4)
Dr. Devore and wife, accompanied by
Mrs. K. N'.CoWijC and Mrs. Kimball of
Canyonville, and Dr. and lira. Fallia of
Myrtle Creek, enjoyed a drive to this
city today. Dr. Devore made na a pleas
ant call and has our thanks for kind fa
Tors. C. O. Ashler, advertising agent of the
W.H.Hooker & Co. patent medicine
firm of New York, was in this city Sat
urday and selected tbo Pli5dkaux aa
the company's advertising medium for
Douglas county. Mr. Ashley knows a
good thing when he sees it.
Don't think yon can care that slight
attack ci Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it
will core itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Core
wax cure if ; it "digests what you eat"
and restores the digestive organs to
Dr. Mrs. Koberds and daughter. Miss
Kate, and Mrs. E. E. Sherwood and
daughter, Vera, came out from Myrtle
Point Friday, Mrs. Eoberds and daugh
ter proceeding on to Portland, while
Mrs. Sherwood and daughter remained
until Sunday in this city guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Maratere. Tbey will en
joy a visit with relatives at Eapene and
Cottage Grove 'ere tbeir return home.
Eggs r-or betting.
E;gs from pure bred White Leghorn
fowls, per setting of 15 eggs, 50 its.
(j24) J. E. Wjxso.n,
Camas Valley, Or.
! 1 1 ILL.
My Big Spring stock is now complete. There's brightness of
spring reflected in every department of my store now. All
the different stocks have their complement of new spring mer
chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention
for the pleasure there is iu looking at pretty things and for the
money-saviug there is in buying of me.
Don't forget the next time you are down town to
come In and see the many new styles we are
showing. Our Prices will make you happy and
the fit make your feet feel glad.
IV I 11111 II I A CtlAP Tftr Ot
list La UUUUU1U OIIUU 1UI IflVlli
Exclusive Acency.
....I Have for Inspection....
Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits j-ou will find the
best assortment ever brought to this town.
The People's Store.
Dr. Cbeadle, dentist, at
old stand.
New line of tenta and outing goods at
Strong's furniture store.
The place to buy baggies, hacks and
wagon, btearns & Chenowe.b, Oak
land. Heartburn, coated fugue, bad breath,
constipation. Hudran cures. All drug
gists, 50 cents.
Wanted Vol. oo oi Bancroft's works,
lias been loaned about town. Return
to this office and receive reward.
The Tiaiio Chain drive mower elill
beads the procession. Improved for
; 5)9. Churchill & Wool ley sel, tbeia
! The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.
I church, will give a social on the chcrch
; lawn, Thursday evening of this week,
i ice cream and cake, 10 cents. All are
cordially iuvited.
! M nthnr an.1 rlillt arA inin well. tfpn.
- . -, . . Bn . him.f ,
- J - - w - - rr;
little boy in red-top boots, and Grandpa
Stratford U wearing a broad smile.
Among the killed in the New Rich
mond, Wis., cyclone was Mrs. Orin
Graiton, a sister of W. E. Jacobs, for
merly of Ashland. Mr. Jacobs is now
in the Klondike, but his family reside?
in Eoeeburg. Ashland Town Talk.
Eemember the annual Eose Fair at
the opera house nest Saturday evening.
The following prizes a ill be '. awarded for
the beet display of cat roses: I. Abra
ham, silk parasol ; J. F. Barker & Co.,
parlor lamp ; M. F. Rapp, cot glaes per
fume decanter with perfume.
J. L. Stratford, the rus'.iing represent-
ative ot the Eoeeburg Plaisdealeb, was
a guest ot bis daughter, Mrs. II. W.
Stewart, at Comatock, Monday and is
spending the remainder of tbe week in
this city, looking after business interest
and attended commencement exercises.
Drain Watchman.
Stearns & Chenowelh at Oakland have
now on hand hardware of all kinds pur
chased before tbe raise and will sell at
less than former prices while in stock.
Also bogzies, hacks and wagons $5 to f 10
less than can be nought elsewhere.
Warranted sewing machine, $20. Best
six hole 20 inob oven Steele range with
high closet and reservoir, f 10. Car load
of choice cedar shingles.
If you suffer from tenderness or full
ness on the right side, pains under
shoulder blade, constipation, bilionsoees,
sick headache and feel dull, heavy and
sleepy your liver is torpid and congested.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers will core
you promptly, pleasantly and perma
nently by removing tbe congestion and
causing the bile ducts to open and flow
natarally. tuey akx good pills.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
ot Eoseburg will have a stand on tbe
celebration ground on the Fourth of
July, where can be procured dinner for
23 cents, also luncheon counters. Sand
witches and coffee 10 cents, salad, wafers
and coffee 10 cents, icecream 10 cents,
ice cream and cake 15 cents, lemonade
5 cents. We solicit a liberal patronage.
Tbe proceeds to be applied on tbo fund
for purchasing a tnanse for the church.
Dressmaking and Plata Sew Ing.
Fur dre&smaking and plain sewing rail
on Mrs. Chas. Dodge, Flint street, be
tween Lane and Moeher. d-jl6
It will do you good. It will interest you as it touches your pocket
book, contributes to your prosperity aud savings. Owing to the
backwardness of the Spring season we make this sale to force out
goods that should have been gone long ago and to lqiuidatc our
Spring indebtedness. In order to do so we commence with today to
single out various specials from the various departments that- are
sure to bring you to our house again aud again. Hot weather will
come suddenly and with a vengeance. Then you will need the
goods. Why not make them up now and have them ready. Look
for the Red Tag xhich will give the former price and the new price
Today and all next week the RED TAG SALE.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr.
Little of Oakland.
Hon, J. H. Booth niadit a b ueioets
trip to Eugene yesterday.
Mr. aud Mrs. T. G. Dabney returned
home from Kan Francisco this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D.Graves spent Snn
day with Mr. Graves' brother at Oak
land. We desire to call attention to the neat
new ad of J. A. Bleck, of Drain, on our
fourth page.
Pimple , eruptions, eweaty hands and
feet are cured by Hudyan. All druggists
50 cent.
F. A. Addertoa has our thanks for a
subscription renewal accompanied with
kind worJa for the Plaisdkalek.
Two beautiful artistic new signs orna
ment the front ot tbe Uoeeleaf, the work
of tbe skilled painter, Fred Tollee.
Tbe family of T. E. Sheridan returned
borne from California Saturday, where
they have been enjoying an eitended
visit with friends.
Mies. Laura Mvree, ol the Central Ore
gon State Normal School, wilt read the
Declaration ot Independence at this
place on July Fourth.
J. L Jones ot Cottage (trove, was a
guest of the editor and wife Friday and
Saturday. Mr. Jonea is a brother of
Mrs. W. C. Conner.
Uon.J.U. Booth and wife returned
home from Portland Friday, where Mr.
Booth wet.t as a delegate to the grand
cibin of Native Sots.
Pref. 1. U. ForJ, ons of the pro5.i-ot
educators ot r-.outli Iouuj, njs Ko:e
barg visitor the latter partot last ?.tck.
He remembered this office wi!b a f leas-
ant call.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Yor.caKa.
well known in the county as among tbe
oldest pionf era of tbe state attended tbe
the old pioneers reunion at Portland,
last week, returning home Saturday.
The complaint comes to us that only
about one-third of the wheelmen take
any interest in making a suitable bicycle
track. Tbe other two-thirds find fault
because tbe track is not good enough
and are the most anxious to rids on it.
S. E. Lowe, one of tbe progresiive
dairyman and farmers of the coast s;c
tion of this county, made this office a
pleasant visit just before retnrning home
from this city Friday, and bad bis name
enrolled on our subscription list. He
says he hears many compliments for the
Piumeaub in his section.
If you have piles, ccbk them. Noose
undergoing hjrrible operations that
simply remove tbe results of the disease
without disturbing tbe disease itself.
Place your confidence in DeWitt'a Witcl
Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure
yTirnis; it will not fail to cure vot.
We have just received a communica
tion from Mr. Geo. Estes, of Et. Lukes
hospital, San Francisco. Mr. Estes was
very sick, and his many friends will be
pleased to know that he ia now eurely
improving, although ho will not be able
to leave tbo hospital for a week or two
yet. We will be glad to welcome Mr,
and Mrs. Estes home again.
Qoats for Sale.
Aiken &. Thornton's angora goaU will
be here about July 1st. Those having
ordered or bargained for goats from tbeee
gentlemen will be advised as to when
they shall call for them through the col
umns of this paper at sn early date.
... i SI
Bond, the watchmaker, dia gray
ing. L'oii'l for bargains and your watch re
pairii .
Attorney I. B. Kiddle visited Portland
the Utter part of Usl welt.
Sick headache, full new iu stomach,
paiu iu boweli). Hudyan rniee. A'i
druggists 50 cente.
" Tin worth a bag of gold." This ap
plies with Bpeciu! torce to 1Ioo1'h Sitr
saparilla, America's Greatefit Medicine.
Prof. L. E. Traver of the Eoeeburg
public schools and Co. Supt. Douglas
Waite, graced the commencement exer
cises wi'h their prence Wedi.eUy and
Thursday. Drain Watchman.
Mrs. C. II Sears will say to the ladies
of Boteburg and vicinity, she is clos
iugouther Block of millinery goods re
gardlees of cot. Ail cordially invited to
get the benefit ot barainc jl
After touring Washington aud north
eastern Oregon in search of a belter lo
cation Jan. Young, the tousorial artist,
returned to this city laat week, and bus
resolved never mora to wander from
EoEcburjj'a pleas ir.t icne?.
Jake and Will Nichols and Win.
Chadwhk, of Eiddle, delivered 100 bead
of floe two-year-o'd rattle to E. E. Han
an at this 'place lat Friday evening.
Our old tr end, Jake Nichols, made this
office a pleasant call and has otir thanks
for kind favors.
C. F. C'thcart, formerly sherilf of
Douglas county, was a Salem vifitor
yesterday. He is now located at The
Dallee, where he is ensued In conduct
ing a cigar and tobacco houee. Thurs
day V Sa'eui Statrsiuan.
C. F. Geix ha resigned hi position
as touJuctor on the McCioul railroad
and re'urufd to Athland Monday. Con.
is a gwl careful business man and
thinks teriously of ijaitting the railn-al
business and giug into merchandiyiuj
in Ashlaud. A'bland Bscoru. Mr. Ge
gax is a suu-iu-Uw of Mr. sad Mrs. Noih
Cornntt, of Kiddle.
Attention Singers!
AH singers of Eoeeburg and vicinity
are requited to meet at the rresr-ytcrian
chnrch lor rehrareal, this tvenir g. The
committee haa furtisbs.l music for one
hundi el voices, and tifc.s t!i op, rnr
uity to invito every i-iii-r to j tin ti e
j chorus at S p fii., this evening.
Having decided to leave
ItoimbprK about July lit
I will, commencing today,
offer my entire Mock nt
Confuting of Ladies
Cleats', and Cuildrooa
farQUhiDffa, tinware,
stationery and notions.
XoUombag! Absolute
ly at Cost! Or will tell
as a whole to any one de
siring a good paying bus
iness the above includ
ing, tiitures at a great
nPRl Tn nsrr.nw
Next door 10 First National Bik' m
Father J. Leye?qui, cf this city, wi
in attendance at the tbe grand reception
tendered Alexander Christie, archbishop
of Oregon, at Portlaod lajt FriJay and
Saturday. Of the uotable event Friday's
Oregooian paid: Alfxacdr Christie,
archbishop of Oren, was welcomed to
Portland, col orJy by Catholics, bnt by
Protestants of every belief.
And never was a moro genuine or en
tbutdaitic welcome accorded a prelate.
From tbe time of his arrival, at 0:3J p.
m , Thcrsday, L was iu the hands of a
joyous crowd of priests aod laymen, and
not till after midnight was he able to re
tire. The church chimes in tbe Catholic
towers of Portland rang merrily aa he
wase sccTted to the archiepicopal reti-
dence on his way to tbe installation cere
mony. In tbe evening as many citizens
aa could crowd into the Manj-iam assem
bled to welcome bim. He is delighted
with Portland, and was ciuib moved by
the warmth and feivor of his reception.
Last Friday evenin;, June 10th, Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Drain gave m reception at
tbeir beautiful hoove iu Drain, O.., in
honor of Mr. and Mia. Theodore Eoth,
the happy bride and groom who were
married at the clos) ol the cuusicale in
the college cbspol lat We-Jues Uy after
noon. This was one of the social evenU
ot the Ecaaon. There were present a
invitei guests: Prof, and Mrs. Ander
son, Mr. and Mrs. Kotb, Captain and
Mrs. Bwell, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe,
Doctor and Mr. Lowe, Jr , tb?
Mieaea Edith and Cert ha Lue,
Dora and Laura Mirej, Mr. and M s J
M. Isham. J. L. Stratford and Miss
Laura Jonea. There was so:r:e wry ex
cellent music by Mr. Lowe, and vocal
duets by Mrs. Lowe and J. M. Isham.
Miss EJitti Low a entertained the com
pany with some of her match lea. recita
tions, anJ Captain Ejswell with his
laughable war rjiuiulcsuctti. The ban
quet was an cle;mt one and was deli
cately served by tbo hastes. The atlair
was a very pleasant one indeed, aud ill
long be remembered by those who were
Music Lessons.
Mrs. MaJgc K'grdale will give lessons
ou piano, organ or guitar during vaca
tion, ct reasonable tales, Eoeeburg, Ore
gon. Wanted
Agents in every
needed by everyone.
county tor articles
Profits large. Ad-
dress quickly,
General Agent
Lock Box 132
Medford, Ore.
VANDEVEE. At SatiU Barbara, Cal.,
June lClh, W. S. Vaodever, alter a
long illucsa, of consuuiption.
Deceased was formerly a resident ol
Olallaand a son-in-law of W, B. Wells
of that place.
Double Wedding. "
David Y. Allirun and Oarcot K.Jones,
ad J tinea V. Gregory aud Liasie Wil
son, were married at 8 o'clock Hunday
morning, at tho bume of W. Waddlp,
corner f Stephens and Woodward
eiree'e. The ceremony was beautiful in
iti simplicity, being solemnized by EV.
Wood, pan'or of the Cbil.tian Church.
It was a piivato affair and was wit
teased by only a tew friends ot the con
irnc inj ptriiH.
Bj'Ii of th9 couples are well and
fvo' nbly koowa to the people ot Itose
bug. Mr. Ortyory formerly lived at
Eugene, Liue cnuuty, where her folks
still r- id. Mrs. Allison is one of Eoee
burg'e looet estirouble young ladies and
baa resided bere since childhood. The
j icrooms have been in the employ ol the
boiitheru Pacific Company for some
tirao and have made this city tbeir home
for the past year. Mr. Allison was
r.nieed iu CotUge Grove and has the good
! will and reepect of bis many friends
tbere as well as bere. Mr. Gregory is
held in high esteem by those with whom
he is acquainted. '
Mr. and Mis. Allion left ou the 7:30
train this morning for Cottage Grove,
where they will spun! tbeir honeymoon
at Hit! home of Mr. Allison's arntn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory were alw pas
sengers on the same train bound tor
Tbe Plimk.ileb joins with the many
Ji iends of both couples in wishing them
long life and happiness
Mi?a Etta Fiook left on m iy morn
ing's local for Gates, where wiil visit
G. M. hhor', ol the Myril Pint En
terprise, paesed through this ci'y today,
o i bin return home from Portland.
MissluUy Fraler aeiit to Mc.Mion-
vi It, as a delegate to the Abraham Lin
coln circle encampment, tbis morning.
Mrs. Martha Perry le.'t this morning
fir McMinnville, wh re she goes as a
delegate to the W. R. C. encampment.
Mis. W.J. Plymale is at death's dxr
after being bedfast for ver four months
itb a complication of din'H. a aud her
children arc twing summoned boaie ibis
weik Ashland E-cord.
fl.-alers in muv and pruviuio e al.o
ar e.:iirg dried venisja or venison
bam, are liable to intri iw.-d by
lite eam a t the Ore
suniau, (or t y an act ol the lal legisla
ture, no o: in iti cao hav- in his
l-Brteinn at aoy tin- ( r a lei a: of
tbreyeara ti hrt (resh or dried veiiion.
Tho penary for violttir.g this is a
6ntf from f100 to fifO.
The Plain DciLtu nn ter ub.iguiooa
to the Oregon Mining Journal of Grants
Pasi for a copy cf the "Mining Lm of
Orrgon" just issued. The contents in
clude all the late michg las elected
by the recent legislature, a digest l! tta
Federal Statutes, decieions cf courts re
lating to mines, mining and watar rights
and many valuable tables. It ahould be
in the bands of every locator, prospector
and mice-owner.
The last issue of ths Drain Watchman
paid Eev. Geo. E. Arnold, pastor of tbe
Eofeborg M. E. church, tbe following1
high compliment: The baccalaureate
sermon waa delivered at tbe a-eemblv
halloo Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. by the
Eev. Geo. E. A'nold, of Eosebarg. This
proved to be one of tbe deepest and moat
intereeticg talks ever delivered before a
graduating cUh of tbe C. O. 8. X. 6.
Eev. Arnold ie a fluent speaker aod has
few, if any superiors in tbeeta'e. Hia
lemarks shooed careful study aud were
brought oat in such a manner as to re
ceive tbe highest prairC from tbe lirire
audience present.
Tha state unireisi'y Uto le corgrat
olated on its prompt acjuisitioa of a
competent man for Its preeidencr. Yet
the discerning will temper their pleasure
ai Dr. Strong's arcettion with raret at
Dr. Ciiapmin's retirement. His abund
ant labors, fruitful scholarship abd bigu
iLtellectoal aod moral ideoli havs been
faithfully pursued in the fare of un
toward circumstances and pusillanimous
detraction. The new president is said
to be six ftet three iochea tail, auJ
euiublv proportioned. It is well; fur be
will need all his strength and stature
iu bis difficult place. It may be hoped
he has big Seta and no very ksen sensi
bilities. Then be may be happy at Eu
gene and command respect from its edu
cational censors. Taste and scholar
ship need not be considered. Sunday
Wood Wanted.
Scaled bids will be received at the of
fice of the commandant of the Oregon
Soldiers Home, at Eoeeburg, Oregon, up
to 12 o'clock, noon, July 15, 1309, for the
delivery at said Home, of. 300 cords of
merchantable fir wood in 4 foot lengths.
Bids for lots of less than 20 cords will
not be considered.
The delivery under the contract, or
contracts awarded must be completed on
or before October 13.
Tue right is reserved to rrje:t any or
all bid.
E'trebur. Oregon, June 20, lSutf.
Ww. J. SllU'LKY,
Letter list.
Kemaiuiog uncalled tor in tbe Eoee
burg poetofhee:
Baxter, Hirry M. Mason, W. E.
Campbell. E.J. E. Kop, l.G.
Croy.Mr-. S. 11.
Drasgo, Frank
Lee, Chas.
Mays, Mrs. G. E.
Mays, Mre. (irant
Myers, Mrs. M. E.
Persons callim:
Eidder, Johu (!)
Stafford, John
Tompkin. H. A.
Wallers, Harry
Whitehouse, J. E.
Williams, Geo. P.
f jr these letters will
pleass stat) the date on which they were
advertised, June 19 1899. The letters
will be charged for
at the ri'e of one
cent each.
W.x. A.
l or Over Fifty Ycata.
an old and Will-Tried Rkuidy. Mm
WIdiJow'i 8ootlilug Syiup hu K-en uied foi
over fitly rear bj mllllous ot motlicri tar their
children while teething, with perfect lucceaa
It soothe the child, soltaru the gumi, alleyi all
palu, cures wlu'l colic, aud Is the best reined;
(or Dlarrhoa. Is iilcaaaot tc the tute. Sold by
dniRgifts in every part ot the wurld. Twcntj.
Ave cents a bottle. Tie value la Incalculable
B mire and ask lor Mrs. Wlnlow'i snnthtrtf
Ryrup, and tako no other ktiil,
Announcement Extraordinary.
lt'ft a feat to fit th feet bnt we cao
do it. Our customers will not have
to break in the footwear we soli
them. Well made Shoes, fitting per
fecting, will be comfortable from (he
first . This is worth eomethinK, bat
we charge only for tbe valae of tli9
leather. Oar Men's Shoes are tbe
finest ever sold at the price. They
retain their ebnpo and look well on
'l worn out.
301-303 Jackson St.
Soldiers Home Supplies.
fceale I proposals will be receive! at
ihe office of the commandant. I the
Oregon Soldiers Home at Eoseburg,
O.-eon, uutll 12 oV1-jc u-wo, July 10.
1893, for the following euppliea to be
furnished as rerjuired for at the
Home, during lh year ending Juue 30,
Grxriee and kindred supplw-, at
p?r list on file at the Home.
Dry gode, men's furniahing so-l,
G. A. B. suit, sheetings, luwcliogi,
olankets, shoe and slippers ae per list.
Drugs and medicioas. Bid to specify
the charge per per.crlptloo ; and also
per ounce on certain lines of rirqgs aa
per fist oa file at the Home.
Beef. ioik and mutton. Fk;or and
mill feed.
Alt govts nia-t be garrt'?-d firs
clit in their line
Tbe rinbt is reserved 10 reject any aod
tJ- - Wm. J. Siuitev,
Eoseburg. Ors-. Jore 20, 1900.
A good appetite
Is essential to good health.
IIou.l'a aruparilia treat an
Appetite, tonee and
Strengthens the stomach,
And builds op the a hole sytem.
It relieve that tired .'re!iog, and by
purifying and enriching the blood, it
promptly and permanently cores all
rcroful erop:ioos, boils. hnmc,
pimples and eoree; ttre- gihens the
nerves, aud gives sweet, refreshing
sleep. No other medicice has taken
such bold npou the cocuJeuc of the
people as Hood's SareaparilU, aud its
record of great cumsj is uoetjiaded by
any other preparation. You may take
Hood's SarsapariiU wiih tbe ntmoet
confidence that it sili do yon good.
Mow' Tills?
We offer One Hundred lJulkrs Reward
for any case of Catarrh tbat rauoot be
cored by Uall'a Catarrh Core.
F. J. CHENEY St CO.. Prow. Toledo. O. !
We the nndereigned have known F. J. j
Cheney for the last 15 veers, and believe j
b;m perfectly honorable in all business !
transactions and financially able to car-1
ryout any obligations made by tbeir
West A Troax, Wholesale Drnggiets,
Toledo, O.
Walding, & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucona surface of the syetem. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test.
raoniali free.
EotCBLSG, Or., Jane l'., V..
All persons in the possession ot any
real propertv witbin the limits ot said
city of Eoseburg whether aa owner or
otherwise are hereby required to cot
and remove from said premises and the
street or streets adjacent thereto to the
Hicoi 01 iwvmj ieei in wiatu, immcdi
ately adjoining said premises, all stand-!
ing grass and weeds which may belg-i
cited by fire and thereby renders on-1
safe adjoining property. ',
F. W. Diix.vao,
dj3 City Marshal, j
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
domed or. or before February 15, 1399, to
present the tame at the treasurer's office '
in the Dsuxlaa County bank for payment,
as interest will cease thereon af'crthei
oate of this notice.
Dated tbis the I9lh day of June, 1& j
at the City of Eoseburg, Oregon. j
Gko. W. Dimxick. I
County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or.!
j Pneumonia, la grippe, conghs. colds,
uuutrouu 'iw'inug iuku trail ii i phi
to One Minute Cough Cure. Use lbi!
remedy ii, time and save a doctor's Kill !
or th ti1
& Cv.
Wagon For Sale.
Four spring, to seated hues in good
! shape, low price
Apply to
Calou !
Bros.' stable.
For 5ale Cheap.
A black hore hve year old,
work. Fuqiilre at Mrs. Scars'
broke to
Touituv Did you do inuc'.i fighting
duriug the war, pa?
Pa I did my thsrc ut it, Tomu.y, 1
Tommy Di I you n.ekc lie enemy!
Pa-w-You'r r:gbt I did, Tommy.
Tommy Did Ihey raleh yon, p.t ?
The counter where these exquisite
goods are shown should prove an at
tractive one to the gents who like
latest styles and moderate prices.
When my beautiful good sre seen
the impossibility of finding eny more
artistic, or of better quality, will be
apparent. All of the styles and de
signs are new this season and all are
very pretty. Each has its own great
charm, and whatever the price, great
My flotto Is
N. SS. sm. A A. a . . . m. m. a s-r.
, . . Quality and Price . . .
Anything from a side of bacou or a sack
of be ail s to the finest table delicacies.
Coffee is one of my specialties. I also
carry a fine line of Dishes, Crockery and
Trade Checks As a special induce
ment, I am giving Trade Checks to all
cash purchasers, redeemable in $20
amounts. Beautiful lot of prizes given to
holder of checks. Entirely free.
Orders by mail or 'phone promptly
tended to.
....MRS. N. BOYD.
jRoseburg Pharmacy
M. 1'. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drugs Toilet Articles, fate nt Medi
cine, Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soap?, Paints ind Oile.
photographic Supplier
The celebrated Magazine C3clone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call and Examine lum. -
(EstaMibed iu 1Sh )
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Eggs from the finest strains sent
on short notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
Forest Grove, Or. J.
... At -
Ulinitll 1UI1
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all partir
; holding IVjuglae warrants iu- i
j dorsed prior to Feb. to piesent j
"' ,
tbe DjngUs Coau-y t.ik for
payruent. as tntc?et willcvas thereon
, after the date of tbis notice.
i Dated tbis lb lsi d.v ol Jj;:t,
i lslf,, at tbe City of Eoeeburg, Oregon.
; Gko. W. Di.mxick,
I CoUfiiy Treasurer, Doogljs County, Or.
j The above warrants date Irom Octob
er 11th, A. D., 1S9S to Fcbruarv Jst,"
1S!)9, and holders of the came will take
notice tbat they are not subject to re
iseuf. Young Sam
rroprittor of-
JaparCSC BaZal.'n lhd D.ul.i County lack t.r pay
IVaK-r in -
Fire Crackers, Fireworks, Kancy
China ware, and Novelties
1 T !
a -; . . t
Iglu Ladies Shirt Waibt. Wrapper,
and Skills which art a feature of on
offering today..
This lot will certainly appeal fo
lbCM who bay only wLitj they ar
certain thm quality is very high and
price low.
Tb--. are exceptionally ttyiisb and
particularly wvll made. Couldn't be
better if rubd lo your order and
com ins; dunble the ioony.
Don't Uiis-B this chacce.
d GO.
l'ia : hi!e iir towu to pnt team i at
mm feed s
t0"l Wili
ii;; iWiUi for ladies and
ouiioiuf u vrii warmeu amt nznted
i (rood acci'iuTuudatioos Tor keeping
j traubiet tosiu? v.vor night.
! Vour Pa:r-.i3.-eRespv.-tfotty 5oJicit
i UEKT CASE, Proprietor
i Cor. Wabhin;!ou aud Main Sta.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglaa county warrants in
dorsed prior to October 15, 1898, to
nrpFtmt th urait at tlin trejnrwi'a nlKin
ment, a interest will cease thereon
after tbe date of this notice.
Dated tlii- th day of May, I S99
at tiie Citv of Ewjburg, Oreion.
Gl'. W. Dixmick.
Ponn'v Ti-i'.-tfiir'r, Ihi1;i ('.Hinty. Or
n mmm
at- 13