r?jj!SSflBHBHMWrW COOQOnOOOOOOOOOOOOODOGOUOOOOODOOOOOOODOn B. W. STRONG, V-S.'V.:n;vA:;n.aa-....a;'a,s v v v v x. n x n v.Vn s u SUBS o p o o o a o E3 ffvS SURE DEATH o u o J o o o u o u o We are House Furnishers'. The House Furnisher. Has the goods and can make the Prices.... it OAK oison 'il ! 1 :tefHJ ' ; si I a We can furnish yonrj 2 bouse from cellar to garrett while yoa wait. Be- in tLeB iiwiin. h snecial sale on A. V: VI m3 SM mm TmY W3m v I w jW ni W mM 1 it.,.-., tl Lai out lived half a century of com KUUVUiwiuuu.y u.. O other makei of atovea and are snre O Pi yon in quality and pric. Q Th. CbtrtM Oak is that atov whr; . SmcJTL Ulk S "ot be Mil thr another cookiog aparatusS l.-f8," K.S!, . 4.50 iron U with inch a recoid. We lw ram .d? .Dwt c1h w.u u, QlIl9lllltlllaBll MmilHIIIlllHIMIIHHHQ n ia jfjod condition and ueeJ no aacriticiog to tacaaionts to dispose of them. Bat wo do claim and hav Q OtieoinQeiraiea It uuriiig our ousiuHba iuui vui uuiwiiuiu kiuu!' iur iue very HWHitfsi 'roui consist with a fair, honest, eqnitable dealings Write us iu regard to anything you wish to know. Wo like to have you write us as ws are here to be O of twevice to oor oat of town palrons. We are here for business and can convince you if you will give ns Q achanae. O BICE z BICE, u 0 The House F.urnishers. i I . OQODOnOOOaOQOQOQOOOOOQODOQOOODOQOQOQOnon THE PLAINDEALER rubltkbrd MonUny ni ThutfiT. Y Tub rt.HNIKAU:K 1TBUS1IINU r. . . MRA1TORI' . n . c. COXKEK ; I t 5TR ATFOKO . rbUhtr E'Utor .Ui:r. and S-llciu-r Subtrrlpllon ? Yrtr -tx MiBth Win Mnii Kales. l on i w jusfi to. ts.r. - - I in the No'inal chapel and in the evening R.eburS is ea.iDg n.ither uioner or ' L hM a crowdeJ to overtow iuj fia le ak t!.e 3eoraitv-a a Kraud ! hear the .rcnram of the 7.nu'jnua uct-eat. Jaisios'froai reports on of ; literary society. The music, both in largest crowds ever asfffubttd in Uone- sJrumental and voiitl, tte crations, reci will be reut-on this occasion j lioas ilJ ublcaox were a'l very fine mmmmmmwmnammmmm and a'.l d-si rre ipecial meutun. The II it was left to the repoMicana t0 ' recital iji.s by Miss Lowe was specially ; a a 1 1 . . 1. . writ a democratic viatform for ifciy weal 1 limply endorse the Chicago platferm of 1S;H. ii There was a treasury surplus in March a ad again in May. In spite of war ei pemea the republicans maiutain their U recotd as debt-payer. , i Nearly every repaluicao eoumy con-, tension in Ohio passed a retolulioa le- nounrisg (rut's. Kepublican plakVs on (his subject mean something. mmmmmm" - - Building the Chicago platform a little hl;brr will never make it acceptable, Its I -undation is bad au-l the cracks akaw that it mnst come down. """"""" Admiral Dewey profeasea to t amaxedat the preparations nvw being maocioruis reception. iue Aamtrat ! saonld rem.nter that be is a much big- ! ger men than be thinks ht i. j .... I lhe new ufmWter to Spain nreeentcd ! hie credentials this wees. It way not I we ent ef place to remind hitu that for flev. Gordon, in an appiopriate and ta tins U;cg it will be just aa well for very impreseire tutneer. amid the riDg hisa lo forget the Maine. : ing of marriage bells, j jinHl in' bdy i ? Can. Liwtoa says the country trav ersed by bis expedition "is grandly beau t if ul and fertile ." When iwacilut in. i toiry i sis a chance the Philippines wUlfo"n followed bra shower of roses and soon reach a high degree of prosperity. ! ce. There were present iu tbe audi- ence nearly four huodred people, the The Anglo-Transvaal eitoalbn is be- j 03081 cf whom Vi fT congratulated tbe roming critical. TLere is danger that ! bride an,j 8room- r Taul will not grant the concessions Tbe "edaesday evening exercises con ttmaBded jy the British hib eommis- j 5et'1 ' daM e'ocuUonary eoutest. swner. In that event, war may tecome S There wer ,our wtcatante. ouerepre iMTitablf, but as England has had som3 i,w,liD? "chof'the four clatsee con reewus experience with the I'.oera it i nected with the school, will become inevitable onlr as a last r- ! Mies Winniford, of Wilbur, presenteil rt. No ainc miner supposed wbea the sil writes told him tbaf the gold s'audard was the cause of low prices that in Jai-e. 1999, tbe price of line would be ZOO per teat higher than it was during the Ury. aa campaign, and with the gold standard maintained. M.uy a miner was gulled wfee sbonld keep a sharp lookout here after for demagogues Toe internal revenue department has made a ruling that is of particular inter est to ail members of lodges and of set ret tors attending tbe exercises, and many societies. It provides that l ereatur no I of the o'.d students and graduates of for stauips will be reoiired on orders issued mer years are coming in to meet with by lodges, benevolent societies, clubs, cborcbeeand Y. M. C. A. associations where they are to be cashed directly out f tbe funds of the tocieties cr clutw mentioned. He eat at his door at noonday, lonely, g!nm and sad. l'he flies were buzzing about him, led be a blue-wirged gsd. Not a customer darkened his jiorial, cot ' a sign of business was there; but the' fl:ee kept on buzzing, about tbe old! nan's hair. At last in miser? lie i shouted: "Great b'cot' ! I'm covered with flits:'' And the zephyr that toyed with bis whiskers said: "Why lon't you advertise'" Stia-1 of Anapias! The Eugene 'uar.1 is now claiming the gliry of the Spanish-American war for the demo crats, stating that the "democrats racked by tiie independent republicans forced the istue, declared war for hu manity iind ttirsshed .Spain within an Inch of hi-r rillianous iife." This dec laration reminds uf of the old story of how "we killed the bear." Oregon's humorist, Editor Fhfcher of aleui, cer tainly has a dangerous rival In Ira Campbell, of llic tiuard. W nh such an ! aud etJicirul corps ! The meetingof .h Lane's Cabi.t N j. f teachers, the ci.e beat to bu bad in j ,0( Native Sjns of Oregon, held Satnr the state, andwul, the prevsiling bar-! ,aj. eveuillK wa8 Ulj,ty jevoUj ,0,Le mnny and liberal support of our public J Wfjrk of ij.itiating new membera. The schoo. patron., the coming school year I membership has now reached i.early premises to b: one of the mo,t interest-1 100. Hepresentatives to the iraud Cab leg and srccestlui ones in ;the history of, in wijicb .a in p.ind this eek our school. With tiie proper en-.-eur-: .re 6tected as follows: Je. II. agement undaupport it will only b a I price, V. C. Loudon, Ml. Hx.lh, I!, patter uf a Imle time alien a high j McClalleo, L. S imberly. school w ill be instit'Hed at this place. ! It is Vfry gratifying ti note the lUCreas- N-w ,da todav. Imudiai hievU ing Interest in educational matters i" 1 hi city undi-ounly. - I F- our pij w 0ne.thU j -loe rw1 nnr anarnal ft iue t?? tow7 npntnoaa nrin i - "JSffi: S have If. lT....n..l...l .1.. DRAIN NEWS. Commencement Uxcrcise. A Pretty Wedding. Other Interesting Notes (!VCil toltlC l'LUMitAI-Ka At Irio Mtudtr eveuiuK the students' ; reunion brought out large crowd, but ' somehow lite reunion did not rspidiy materialize and the evening was near); gone before the young people be g4i to i enjoy themselves. Tuesday alteraoun the class in bjtany t made a ttry fine tlisplaj of their otk , V1 na 'ounu oi appnuw; j,rolu ,Le audienoe. the encore U ; which she nspondeJ, gate the audience i one of the t est treats of the eveoir g, but it was generally concealed by tbue pres ent that one eiercise could hardly be coneidereJ as prefrrable to the other as 'all were exceptionally well rendeed. This was one of the very beet titeiary entertainments in the school's history, . . . . . . proud of its work. Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'ci jck oc 'curreJ the Mosicateof the commence- ! ment. This waa indeed a musical tret, j M j;g title would indicate, consisting of j TtMi tnj lnBtrumei.tl sjlos, doetls. f qnavrtett. etc. i xbe climax was reached in the last ;act vi this cnteitainmcnt when I'rof. j Anderson, president of tho Norm!, led ; hie blnehiug, aceompliehe! tUoghier up- 0n the plst'orn . pausitg t'cncatli a njKnifii;irat and exquisitely w rought flgi bell, where Ihfy were jjined by Mr. Theodore Koth, of Sa'.ein; accam- panted by Kev. Gordon, when to the amsaement of some and delight ol ail, matrimony tbe happy coo pie This was one of tbe most beautifnl weddings we have ever witnessed. Mr. and Mrs. Roth marched from the ptat- Mary, Queen of f?cotte. Mr. Parker of Oakland, presented, Libert v and Unioa Miss Bessie ire'.lare, of I'ain, Pavid's Lament for Abeoleui. Mr. liantiogton, of Yoncalla, Edgar Allen Poe. Miss Winniford, of the jauior class carried of the gold medal and Mis lies lie Sellers, of the senior class, the silver medal. Much interest wse manifested in the contest and many compliments were showered upon the contestants. Tbtre is quite a large cumber of visi- ' the Alnmni It is rsorld that Prof. Mulkey re fuse tbe position of president of the C. 8. X. S, at Drain and another selection will have to lie made. We have just learned that the revival just closed at Eiktou resulted in 1- ad ditions to the M. E. t'burch. .1. L.S Will Hake Roscburg Two Visits. Secretary Toiler, uf tbe state press aesociaiiou, furnishes the probable itin erary of the National Editorial Associa tion in 'regon : Leave f'ortlaud Satur day morning for Atoria; clambake in evening. Sunday afternoon for Port- land: attend church in evening. Leave rortland Monday looming, July 10; Oregon Citj fr dinner, Salem fur sup ptr. Tuesday, July II, Albany lor breakfast, Eugene (or dinner, Uoseburg forrupiier. Wednes lay. July PJ, Sled ford for Lrcukfgtt, Aehland for diuner, Rosebnrg for supper. Thursday, July 13, Albany for breakfast, Mc.Minnville for dinner, Portland for eupper. Leave for Washingtof. Native Son at Roseburg. Curanteed f-ir one year from date 0j ' Bau,, T, K . Jin hahhmin. '' "1 ESQ jcsrSp, o m i - : jes onetbud cfjourn is spent in uoa. in uea ana uea- ; T 11 1 ucu care and consideration j given this subject. Those O and enameled beds are just Q doctor ordered in atvle. m Mattresses we all kinds." O I J Ci D o a o n o o Pithy Paragraphs. A pbri -imlugist says large butupt ou a niaa'a bead often iudicales a muscular wife. In Sjiue families an uuexptcted guest to dinner has the same rtlVtt as a cy cloue. Whenever a woman cuturs t a big plite glass wiudow she always pauses to reflect. A man is a good deal like a pie a smart woman can make a pocd one out of any old thing. We may not admit thai clulhes make the wan, yet there are many who owe much to the tailor. When a woman is satisfied that she has made a mistake in marrying she isn't a bit satisfied. Tiie man who kicked all spring about the rain is uow beginning to sear at the dust. The average man is hard to please. Oae of the new summer driukj is called "I'ogilialic paucii." It makes people quite talkative, but doesn't knock them out. Virginia once because noted it the mother of presidents, ami now Califor nia seems likely to gin a reputation as the mother cf pugilists. It is tiecoming harder and harder every year to get aoinainled in Oregon. Under tbe new stite law, barbers are re quired to pa an examination and take out a lic;ne before they can scrape art acpaiotance. Teacher John, illustrate the differ ence between sit and set. bright and Patriotic Boy Tue United States is a country on which the sun never act? an t the rest of the world nexer tits. Myrtle Point News. The CotpiWle valley had an Oregon mist last Monday. borne farmers cut hay last week but the mist cactee much fear that there w ilt be some loss. , It. C. Lee, a btilliaat orator, cf Marsh field will deliver the oration at Myttle Point Independence bty. New gold difcoveri s of amazing rich ness are repotted I.-ji fouth Sixes every day. Pack tri ua aro ou tbe move' to that legion daily fiom Myrtle Point, the source of supply. Tbe bhort man went out over tl e road tbe other day. 'Vhere the tall mno is the Enterprise knoaeth uot. Hobby is master of the situation and the ll'evil stands rouoJ. J. W. Sears has au oiler for tiis ccle- orateu stock tarm o about IUW acres, 20 miles south-west of Myrtle Point. fSOOJ ie a email sum for that excellent ranch with 40 cows and 00 bead of stock cattle. Myrtle Point is arranging fur a grand Fourth of July celebration. The Sugar Loaf Mouotain ucar town will be illum inated with Hash lights in the even ing. ' irand preparations are in prog ress. Three car loads of freight came oyer from MarshtJeld by special train Satur day. Our merchants are neil supplied aow, Some of them received consign ments of wagons, buggies, and farm implements. Tbe city council of Myrtle Point will be pleased to entertain tbe mayor of Hoseburg and his advisors, early next autumn when the firs', train of cars pass over tbe route. Venison and "bar" will be barbacued, clams roasted and a cheese as large as a drive wheel will be cut. iet ready ads! . . Ji imi; I.. Scottsburg. Mrs. Majjry bus returned aud will re si J here at the old Patterson Uouse. Oscar Iteed, uf Idaho, is visutug! friends and iel lives in this vicinity. . . . Harry Pinstou was in our sectiju rt- ; tcntly, and expects to icturii u a few I Java Misj Annie MiuUr, of Kcliogg, wag cu route down the river to engage iu school duties. Mies Mary Fiejcr is sgaiu iu tywu, the has been at Cottage Grove for some weeks past. Miss Walbh, instructress iu the Har ney Diet., was a visitor in town Saturday and Sunday. The new road neat (own is uow suit can be used but of course itill needs j Oakland ou Sunday, last, where they much more work to lie done on it. j Uvo been for several days, with Mrs. S. E. Lviwe came up from Tsilcoos one j Weaver's folks, day last week, be is one of the jury for j' Toe Kuckles school has been closed the next term ol court. Mr. L. reports J for three weeks past, on account of sick every thiu progrssMiog at the lakes. j uess in the district. School will com- ioing to celebrate? Why of course, a i mence 011 next Monday, picnic dinner in the woods is always' Wilson Hildrilh is very sick at the good, the young folks w ant lo dance aud 1 diuit etorc at this place, with pueumonia. something must be done tj mark Ihe j Mis eon iu California has been telegraph dy, eveu if there are out of the way ed for, uud Is expected soou. places. . Maitoon bat relinquished the stage biuets; lin ued benedict, Btid left our Pi I of the l ountry. Wc wish him and Common bed steads fur 1.80. Irou bed ntoRd& for l 25. Hotter vuv3 ivi iuviu mvuvj ui'iiuua Ded room suits from $12.50 up. v Wc have the goods and can save you money. Call and sec for yourself. ...B. W. STRONG. WYLIE PILKINCTON, f ;8Mccetor to o. w. no.vh.j General Blacksmithing TROTTINO AND RUNNINQ PLATE5 A SPECIALTY. KKI'alRIKU OF ALv KINDS PROMPTLY UOSE. Mbup u Corner WasblURtou and Kaue 8t., Roscbarg. his bride ail that is good aud pleasant, and Lope he may return in the future permanently. M. 1). Tbuiiipfon has goue to Fiddle Cieek, Tsilcoos, to look after some road maliers ami bridges, that part nf our county is lookiug up, and desires to be recognized and considered Mr. Wm. Kiehards, of ScLoIielJ, was in town recently. Mr. K. lately came from the cojntr sea', where be had se cured a legal sep.iratiou from his wif., although they were nnited in matrimony may years ago. Tbe recent eulertainmeut and bux supier was a success both financially and socially, each one acquitted them selves iu an excellent manner; tbe school children mads evident the fact, that their teacher. Miss Laara Gardiner, has been painstaking with them. Myrtle Creek i'ick Ueaaley, is here on a vinit. School will close at this piace oi; Fri- day June lOtb. Peter t'lhui, of Ulendale, was in the city on last Monday. YaI Cbauey left lat Tuesday morning for Koothern California. Mrs. K. I. Helm, made a trip HitlarJ ou last Tuesday. Sam liaylese made a dying trip Uoeeburg last Saturday. Mrs. A. W. Cotton of Uoseborg to to la here ou a visit to her fulks. Fred Merrill of Canyuavills , was a I caller in tbe city on last Friday. F. A. Cox, touk in lie conduit )i e coraiou lo Salem on last Sunday. J. L. Dewey, of tileudale, male the city a Hying visit ou last Friday. Mathirs Sly, of Days creek, came over last Saturday for a lew days visit. iec. Strong left lor Leland on lasi Tuesday to wotk in the wood camp. Kev. Jay Cbauey tilled the pulpit at the upper school house on latt Sunday. f ''liililrAiia itdi- Ml tit C7!irif riin i church, will tie observed ou text Sun day. Jno. Dicks .ud Jno, Stephens, made a business trip lo Uoseburg ou last Wed nesday. Noble Andrews tilled the pulpit iu the M. E. church on last Saturday morning aud eveuiug. EJ Dobl has moved in from the Teu nessc mints, baring completed his winter's run. Dr. C. E. Ilognc made a professional visit to Placer on lael Thursday return ing on Friday. Link Ii ice and family from liuttevitle expect to soon return to this place to make it their home. Llyod Ady, made a butiucsj trip lo Floseburg on last Monday. Lloyd is building a Iruit dryer. A. E. Meyers of North Myrtle left for Uoseburg, on last Monday night cn business at the recorder's office. i. W. Crews is buying and i hipping cuerries from this market. He made bis first shipment ou last Saturday. II. M. Oattnan has a fine specimen of ore from his mine on Dodsou. The na tive copper shows very plainly in it. Mrs. Jane Adams is having a dryer built. We failed to report it in our list .f new dryers reported eoac lime ago Jakey Miller has already excelled F. M, fJabbert 's samples of grain at the p jtllce. Who is next for the ribbon? "all W(ai-aariaMk nf l?iirW1asa lifsO rnliwn . . , . , , . . . . . ' V I1VIU ..IU WI'J V U UrtCtt IUHK3.-, UU i.uy be found at his home at Uucklee. Phil. Mice has cjmc in from Wolf Creek, where he has been woikingin the sawmill. He will return In a day or two. Chas. M.ee is having lumber hauled iu contemplation of a new blacksmith j 8hop, nesicr lo the business purl of town. Mrs. J. S. Duunivau had a narrow es- cape from being seriously hurt ou hat Saturday, by being thrown out of a hack. C. Weaver aud wife returned from J. Card well held a lucky . number in iho San Francisco Examiner, and diew j a fii revolver. Jack, we suppose will hr mil looking for FilipinoH ho in. Lounges and Couches in all styles and prices. The best Ouk dining chair for fl. lesl line tents, cots, camp stools and chairs in town. rr iisi rrio.iv auj saiur.lny lell like we had direct communication with the Filipino diet, ict, from the hot wave that was here. But just think of the melting east and look happy. It is estimated that Oregon's iruue cicp will not be over oO cars this year as against ow ia-t. t.veuiog lclegrani. i ne reiiorit r oi a Dove nas no', been in ! Suulhern Oregon, as Myrtle Creek alone will til: -4 of Hie 50 car lin.it Mr. Ed Weaver alone, can fill 1-6 of the amount iaea agin. South Myrtle Creek. ",ir Sonday school i r.t:i easing nicely. Plenty of sunsLine and fins growing w eet her. Ike Weaver i having tie rusd woikid in fin? shie now. Carrie Freeman made a II; in j trip lo Myrtle t reek the otl.er dar. John and Itoy Free oj an and Otho Sellers made a pleasant call at J. A. McDcnai l' Sunday afteraom. What is the attraction, boys.? Son'.h Myrtle is making tvry ptepar atton X) celebrate Uis giori ui Fourth. Plenty of ruus.c, go k! teaking anJ loll of fun in general. Everyone is invited lo come. Cat... CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Th Kind Yea Wm Ahrajs EssgM Bears tho Signature of The Home Bakery 701 Oak Street, Opposite Central Hotel. Fresh Naked Bread Every Day "Boston Baked Beans," a specialty. MRS. B- C0MST0CK, Proprietress. Doctor MEYERS &. CO. Specialists for Hei "Win, nlM and iJty'W Ko p" rin 1 1 . y t 1 h win. h. rsTaatiSHce it vcaaa. t-t HIEK. V. i-tvntraiui'.ti Jfa Tliarra ftr aai.ltatiaa. 731 VaYlMtl j Kwrinc, THE REAL QLESTrON, The real question of disease is "Can 1 be cured?" If yon or anyone dear to von is losinir wrcnjtin ana enenrr and vital ity, if you are w-i-sc you will not spenu inucn time trying to fig ure out just what name to call l lie disease bv It i almost imnossible to draw the Hue where debility anu w-caKticsa merge into con Your trouble niav not be con- sumption to-day, hut you don't know what 11 may ointr to mor row. Hundreds of neo- pie have been restored to robust health and condition by Dr. Tierce's marvelous '"ioldcii Jlcdical Discovery" after reputable physi cians had pro nounced tkcm j conump live be- yonu nojic. Were they in consumption? You don't know; nobody can ever know: but that is not the question. The imtxTtant point is that thy were liopcles.-dy ill hut this match less "Discovery" restored auI saved them. l I was not able fo ito li;irlly any tvoi V at nil.' says Mrs. Jennie Diniiiiiiiu. ill" Vanlnireii. Kat lcaska Co., Mich., inn most inUrctin-.; letter tt Ur. ricrcr. "1 liail rnin in my h-ll siile and back, and tiad headache all the time. I tried your medicine and il helped me. t.ast striiifr I had a bad cough; 1 g-it v ha 1 1 hail lo be in bed all the time. "My husband thought I had consumption. He wanted mc to get a doctor, hut I told hint if it wo3 consumption thry could uot help me. We thought we would try l!)r. Pierce's .o!drn Medi cal XJiscoven- and before I had taken one botUe the cough v.w stopped aud 1 li.e e had uoniore of it returning. our medicine is the best I have ever taken " Write t.. Dr. R. V. Pierce. He will send you Rood fatherly, piofessiotial advice in a plain scaU (1 envelope .ibsolutcly free. His thirty vears expi-rietice as chief eonsul tinyr phy-feian of the Invalids' Hotel, at Ihirfalo, X. Y., has made him an expert iu chronic diseases. tffl 61) r O sumption ji c Sj SURE DEATH Squiirirel and Gopher Poiso w ( Preps rel Wheat) Tiic Best and Cheapcat K yc. aucjvervu lor ine iim of Uin orcbanl a ranch icnt-. g A. C. MARSTERS & CO., 5 S N N., X N The ill Ulll US stock Goods, all that is uew and up-to-date at specially attractive prices. Mailorders solicited. WOLLENBERG BROS. Cass Street Market Wholesale Fresh and Cured Fish and Game in -Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MARTIN, 'Phone Main 181. Props. Ill)- t Makes the food more eM mi Ho, for Boswell Springs! Commencing May 10, l&TJ, and until i September M, lJ, special tickets to Boewell Springs and return to this city will be sold aa follows : HO-day tickets, fl.So. Tickets going Saturday and re turning the following Monday, fl.40. Special rate are also giveu from Poit land and intermediate points. Wanted. Will trade pianos, organs or bicycles or lumber or wood. T.K. HauAKtisON County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to February tl ISlKS, to present the same at the treasurer's oilice at the Pouglas County bank for pay ment, as interest will cease thereou aiter the date of this uotice. Dated this the 'J4th day of April lSW, at theCity of Roeeburg, Oregon. Geo. W. Pimmick, Couutv Treasurer, Douglas County, Or Notice to Taxpayers. Ordered that a penally of 3 per cent be added tc all taxes ou tho assessment roll cf the year 1SIS, not paid before Juno 1. lS'jy. Farther ordered that a rebate of two per cent be given on all taxes paid in June, ami a rehate of one per cent on all taxes paid in July. Jos. Lyons, Judge. M. D. Thomi'son, J.ls. liVKOX, Commissioners. Roseburg Bakery. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! the bread dot's rit And uiccly made are our mince pics. No grumbling now, for the orice is low, Inside the oven the pans do go, .So when the invrk and beans are done Camrudcs and patrons have koiiic fun ! Hot cakes mid pea-nuts we now sell And till that buy, their sweet hearts tell. Rye bread and loaves of every kind ; Hugo lots for low price you'll find, Lach loaf is good weight and pure Used by the gents and maids demure. Direct your orders to Jacksou Street, Each patron we ure glad to greet. HANISCH & RHEUDjU, Props. (PREPARED WHEAT) ROSEBURC, OREGON. V V V V Chief Charm. of a Shirt Waist, is the charm of Novelty. It will interest you to know that our stock of waists is Clean, Fresh and New. The "litTiti" aiul ;tv1f nf nttr "nrttieiltS SUap ailUSlNlCOI OUI nucmsi j i USUdl WW niu aic Uiuug, aStOUlshintr OUSV daVS OU tJllS " J article. P Call and examine our entire of btaple and pancv Dry and Retail Dealeas in Meats The Roseburg Tannery. tHtsliet tah r rice Paid for Hides. F.ir anJ Kan skins.' Fur ;itfl Puckskiu IVosoJ fvr tt'oves. I-i-h and I Leatin-r. Furs and ffkiii Pressed and ("b-ainsl. Pbck Aiii?ra Goats for Cluip. L DEACH. Proprietor. Pout 4 Mill -t., SmuIi K.-.-l.iirvf, )r.";?'i. delicious and wholesome ee.. tw wsaa. Notice For Publication. I'M ran MAIS.. UtNi units, boebur, Cresou, MaylsyJ, Notice is hereby given Uat l!i foIowiDg nained settler ba filed notice of his intention M make fiml nmoi in siioxort of hUebiim. and that said proof will Iw iiiade be lore the Kcgfs ter and Uccivcr, Ctiitcd states Land Office at R- sebiir. (.'re., --n Juno 1 ly.v, Ml: AV'GOSr T. BAHKS.E i u H- E., . Tiii, for tbe U-ts ', If, II, S ?. S K S.5tV J4". See. ;, T In W. tie names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of ud land, is: vhsries liauieid, Edward Di'uard WiUiam Kaiwr. Constant Toasaiat, all Mcl- rsoe, Oregon. J. T. KWIK..1;, Kivittcr. Guardian's Sale. VOllCE IS 11EEKBV OIVES TliAT THE u:iderinr.cd, the guardian of tha p'r'n audeialeof Joncphson. Samuel Joe'ph- tou. JiilUa Josphsou and Waiter Josephsoa, minor heirs of M. Jose-phou. deceased, wiil by irtue of an order of the County Court of Douis U& County. State of Oregon. s-il at public auc- ion for cash iu hand, at tbe Couit )Iouc door in Kosebure, JJouglas county, ore-'oii, ou i ties ilnv. July 11. lif.. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. u.. of said day. all the rijrht, title and interest of said minors iu aud to the follow ins described real property, to-wit The of S'A ,. SK'4 of SW1, and K' , of SW4of So tlou 2, Township 23 s. R, h) vt . vt Llamcf te meridian, containing l'V) acres. Dated l'ii 7tU o.iv of June. tS'.' "HAVNAU J06--EPIIS0N. (;Mi) t'tiaidlan. Assignee's F'inal Notice. Nolice is hereby given that the undersigned assignee of the estateof II. li. Johr.suu, an insolvent debtor, hss lili-d his tiual account as such ass'iueo vviih ihe County Clerk of lAinglns County, Oreson. an-l that said tiual avrunl will be heaol aud passed upon at the Juue icrni of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, to be held begiuaing w itb the second Mondnv iu June, is'".!. V.' A.SE1UBKEDE. Alicnef. L'OMIOW A SHERIDAN. Atto uey for Assiguee Notice of Final Settlement. tn the col sty t'liiititv. tirt'Vtiii t ot r.T cv mil rl 4 i i ui..v3 v i lv. i " i turn notice tiicreot w as recorded ou tue aa C u'uuVHi administrator oi said e,tatc linviug tile.1 his liual aeeonnt in said Court, j "'.'"'V Vregou, Jliutoj heeords, at I ages.. jtiSMKi The adiotning Claims are: On the uortheriy s d Court to hear o'vcvtioiis faiiv there he) t . , , fl Uuree L(nla c!!llm i3 u,, AWViean S . ,U". ' ' vlharc Bov, I.ode Claim, of which K. J. Jcnniuga aud nSl n.,-..n vn is-. ic. H.B.Bruueau are the locators and ciaiui- r,, i! V f il vine cf Henrv i estate ct JOH H W. vvhAVtli. Administrator. M;pi , . , i, ,,v-.. . r a ... r A1A A13L1. I'LACi-li MINKs 1) fcl.LL ., -s, ONE MIS!; fAVINU 0B I,oW, MiORt Il'XS rtllll SMALL t.lANT. Ace paving good money at pieseut, but a little more capital needed lo prop- erly wn U tliiv mines. I ..iy of access, will tell ail or au interest in the ..nuir, 1'iir particulars fce mo at ltosiduirt;, or dress, 1. O. Cox 21 Koseburg, Ore. ! r 'A A ' A "A s " A Sptcdy And Eifcclaal traction of Do SQUIRRELS. CJOPHERS. Druggists, r N . . N 'N Mining Application, No. 95- f I'mtrdVtatss Lio Orrtcs, J KoaeMinr. Oregon. Jnne 8, I j VOT1CK l-i HEBKBY OlVtX THAT r Ctaarles Brnnean, P. . J'-nnion and B. 1. ', Jcnuina. 1kim poaiofliee addraxtea are a. iyl- r" ions: vi marie snineaa ana jk. veuu:c,'. Cottaze Grove, tane County. Oregon, al f. J. JenniiiK, oi ptntianil, Maltuumah Craniy. Orc- gull, baTe thti day flJ'-d their application Utt a patent for SOOl Iim-ar (net ut tbe Helena, Coiuoi iicied Uuaru Mine, ur v la, b-ariu( oil, 1 ? tt and lead, with lurfanevniuud 0 (eel in ri;ir. bvi n; ? feet oa eaeii i'le vt Uxt eenler of Mid a. itiu.BKl ittAan IVp' lintfar feet ol tue Helen " LuJe Claiio audl iwfivt tbe Laurette Ltxia Claim, til" laurUe liu tiie L?t exteaMoa Kawe'lr ' UieaaiJ Ilclena Claim, aunt tljiii Aseritwl aa Mineral 8'- "- so.. . . J5 a Helena W'JarULoJe and LauPrttcViuarUIi-.-, .itaalclin Btemia Mining lnstnet, IXmxloa I Coaul j, Oreeon, in Towaxnip S. 25, . B. 1 K , riiianietle H n-lian. ( lroii ADDhcatloii oi Cbarlea Bmaeau. V. J.' I' ll- l' - ffitoDi!. kn?. i icche m uw mhl, wa sitblocaiion narliDt; point of I be Helena kMa c aim, whence tje discoTerr cat. and Tanret Ne. I, h . bi deirrees E. 15 tuet; also Or li la. In diam. bf-art C. dVfrws, W. 32 feet, eiib.-l M. S M), B. I.: a'.H a hr S in. diam. bears S2 d.?jree W. n feet, -ribed M . S. SM). B. T. Aioothe NoondaT UlniBg Co. Ore Uouw bn . Ii degr:ei W. about 3Q t-et. Also the moutb of Oeo. Kerr Tunnel N-arc S. 51 Ji? . W. about feet Aio Mt. TbeUj, eomuionly known as Cow bom Feak of the Cas cade Kanee, bears S. 43 def . . Al9 1;lainoDd Teak bear !. 0 'leg. E; tbenao njny.Wde. w.oocoaof lode, wpMeest a- . real WO ft., mt?rct majeon road Icadins; frvn the N"ood j Co. Mine to their quaru mill, at k.'") fu oet Hr post S in. aqnare, 4 feet loor. 1 locbe Iu tbe sroucd for center pout oa West erly end of this claim, wtib BHiand of Mose l.jusrscle, scnl-ed il 5. V, from whk-h a hr 11 in. d:a. bean 8. 5 de? , W. 3D leet, aeribed M. & , B. T. A fir S iu. dia. bears X. i dec. E to feet. KiilwlM.8.WB.T. This post i identical ilh the location jvst set on treaveny end of this eaim. T!wnce S. ltx. W. so It sl iKt So. I, identical with locaonCor. 1 (eet lone, 4 ineac tiaare, la ioebs is the ;rvcad with mound of tone alontnKie. icnbed C. I. M. & M, frot Bxb a nr 14 in. d-.a. bean N.67 des. 43 ft- cribed C.I. M.fM.BT. A pine S in.Ia- S 12 dej. t 9 It, teribed C I M S M. B T. Wncuc comer to aeelionj! 7-1-lJ and IS, Tp. rt. s) B I and 2 . tl iUamette Meridaa. bears is & des 30 nain VV 17 feci, taeoce inna Cor So 1. S der E. var 13 dee o mm fc. 1 Cenl svxp Me.anlaia. aione S E li ft wac- oa roaj leadinz from Noe-n-iaT taarta 31 ine hi Usaru ilili tSefeK I2 ft a'jic roal C sou In. Itt-r. i it to Cor 5 Ueatii-al it i'.o a corner of the locaiiuo. A ftr vot 4 feet lowr. 4 incnex mnare. set IS ii- in tbe rsnj r. ith ntotiivl vf atone aioosude, scribed C ill S son. w benee a pine 1" in. dia. bears " t ks W SO tt, fcribed CiilS W B T. Thcaee from Cor 2o 1 S 2 d--g K, V ar 19 -g SOiuln E: U ft to Cor So 1, of UfcjreUe Claiis. . feet to po-t el in eenler of Easterlr eixi of ibe Hek.na Claim, identical witb location pwt set ia easierfy end of ibis claim. A hr puai 4 feet lunc, 4 inches finare, (et li in. in the grvionJ i'.a nte-nihi of xoc aJ-.'tupi'le. scribed " hence a tirs in dia bean Si de? E J ft. scribed JI t) B T. ;a ft to Center Fott Cf Wester! end of Laarettc Claim, 5e ft te umaii crck C Sooth East. A ft to corner Se r. IJentieal with a turner of tbe kicaiioa. A tir post I fet lout;. 4 iacbes maarc set U inches m the crouna with moand el mosw akmsrsde, scne-.-d C it S itf. QCDce a !;r 6 m Jia bear. es (fc-g I I It, scrtlW T. Corner No 2 of Laaretie Uxla U-ar S JJ dec E 19 f i: tbeace from Cor No S, 04 Oeg W, Var B dec M mi a E. Acend steep mountrin 510 ft interwet 12'vi road leading lru Noot'dar Mine to Woartz Miii, L.5 ft same wijim rearf. lr.'J.i ft to corscr So 4. Mcotieal with a locauvn corner. A Hr pt 4 ft k'Ur 4 in. wiUAre. M-t 1 iuctra in tue gromid, v ith s&ound ft steoe aianir-i'.lc, -eribed Ci,as sto. Wheuec a fir 7 in dia bean S s de-a nun w ;1 ft.scni'ed C I. il B T ami tneaee S deg W. Vau 1 dr Jl) u-.in E. - it to center pt on westcrlr end of Claim before dcscribcl. cmbrac In; -Ve acres. LAV RETT t LOPE. B-ciuiiiDg at OTacr No 1. identical with the corner ol location, a hr tosi 4 ft loo:. 4 inches vinare. set IS ixtchea in tbe irroniid with nhy&mfy oi sione aioiiiue, acriueu v. i . a . wwnte A S line j in liii bean S 13 decrees east, S it scribed C I M S B T Curuer So i, of Helena beam s 24 d-.-g W 13 ft thence, from corner So 1, 31 26 teg E, ar 19 Or? 9) uin E 1 ft to renter post oa Easterly end vi Helena Claim, 3 V ft Ioccbict poet on westerly end of Lanrette Claim. -A lix poet, 4 Inches Square. 4 feet long, art 1-S inches in the ground, scribed M. & st, Ua moau't uf stone aion-side. Identical w ith location of Westerly end of Lanrette Claim, whence discovery Cot and Tunnel SV. .s bears S.72 dejr. E. 101 ft, 5oS kri to Small Crecc f. E. jel i L to eorner So, 3. Helena Ciaun. M ft. lo corner So. 2. Idcaucal with corner of location, A tir nust 4 f i. km?, 4 inches itnarc, set IS inches in Ihc ground, with uoand of ?tous aiotmidc. tcrihed C, So. 2, M. s, a w hene. A ir li in. dia. bears . H dcx. K. I t ft. sente-I C. 2 JL !?. B. T. Thence irviu corner Se. 2. S. 72 d-g. E. Var. !'.' de?. a) min. E. deMud lt, it to eorner N. A firrnist 4 it. Ions;, 4 inches SMUarc, sei IS inches in the ground, with mound of stone aloDjrside. scribed CiM. S. gal. whene-e a Har Topaighnele Kock, two f t out of ground 24X24 inches wiiu with - cut with a chiael at breet ount h bears ! H deg. W. 5! it. marked wuii a J, C. 3. M.S, Uiu, K. R. which chiel. A:otheN, E. corner of the Noonday Onarti. Mil!, bears S. tt dej. W. 3a ft. Thence frem eorne r No. i, s 2 d.-j W. Var. 19 dc-j. 30 min. F La it. to CreeW S ft wide, C. s. E. ;V0 it. to centerpcat on Easterly end of Claim. A or iost 4 il. lonsr. 4 inches oiuare, et l! in ches in the ground, wtth mound of Mono alongside, scribed il. . 30, whence a tir li in. dia bears S. 54 ilea. W.22 ft. scribed M. & SjO, B. T. ascend O0i) feet to corner So. 4. Identical with a cor. cf location; A tir ost t it. long , 4 inches square, set IS in ches in tho pronnJ, with mound of stone alongside, beribedc. 4, 31. S. w hence a lix 10 iu. dia. bears S. It) desr, E. 29 ft. s-ribetl C. 4. M. B. T. Thence S. 72 dcs. V. from Cor So 4, Var. W dej. :v mio. E, 725 it. to Creek S ft wido C. Kat 'J0 ft. to wagon road leading from Soon- t day Mine to ( jnaru Mill, 1 W it. to corner No. 1, ! and place ol beginning embracing 2U.4S acres. Iho survey oi uio ticieua aoa Laureile Qimrtx Lodet are identical with the reft-ective locations, and the presumed general course vf l 'C vein or ioie is nortuweicny ana souin- easterly, as is show n by the pl.vt Hied herewith, as near as can be determined from tho present development. T!ie Notice oi Location of these mlniu claims is recorded as follows, to-wit; hirst, location of tha Helena, fcailed Hclener) is roeorded iu Volume a of Douglaa County. I Orcgou, Mining KeeonK at 1'age loo, ou tbe 7iU dav oi Ju!y, 1n; and tho seevmd notice there-, s ' ol " wcowca iu oimne s, oi tiouias county, i Oregon, Mining Reeords, at Paxes Jul and 3M, ou W'tattaurette Lod, ciain. "H:1 reevrvieii in Toiume o, oi twuuu vvuttiv, Ort,on Mining Records, ou the lfth day of No- r rL,,..,,.! i ..: ,.., n..i. m.i..-. Ciaiui is tho westerlv end oi lha Laurel-- I Claim. On the easterly end of the Laurtr, Claim is vacant government laud, and on tie VlUIijer;T ideof the Helena ( HeleDer) and Lau- I rctte Claims is vacant government land. ! On tho westerly end ot the Helena (Uetcner) i claim is tho White w iugs, Lode Minltig claim, ! located aud claimed by tl. tj. Warner. j And anv and ail persons claiming adverselT j the miuing ground, vein, lode, premises or any uortiou thereof, so aescrioeu. survevea. Platted uud applied for, are hereby notified that, unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law and tho regulations thoreunder, within the sixtv- davs publication of this notice, wiil'i tho Register ol the United State !, and State ot Or.-5-.u. ihev wiU be barrel iu- I lit tmt tRisSth tlav i.f Jun. 1SI. and Hrst lUb- tteaflon on June Kth, imw. J. T. BRIDGES. Register V. 6. Laud Office. r I I