The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 05, 1899, Image 4

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T-4-of -.,. .!Sr.!;- Vo--' w yon
The Kind Yoa Have Always 15oii-;:t, ami which has been
iu use for over 30 years, has lunic the. signature of
ami has beiu mado under his per-
, sonal Mijcrv.Mou isiuco its infancy.
t-A&ryy. SicA4CZ Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
Iteriments that tr::'.e with and endanger the health of
Infants aud Children Exierienee against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, 3lorphine nor other Narcotic
Msbstanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays revcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
J Bears the
Sat . CfTZ
The Kind You Have
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Te ccwrauft roMnnv, t? Kum sti't, it son CiT.
Send the
Does Cp
VV axe alwaya ia the lxa-t, ami rno U
keep there.
T Goldep Haxreat is cpon oa, and farm
ra are smiling because Woodward
loots to their intcreat
Full Trimmed
Thoe are all Leather and Wirr-.rte.!.
At Reduced Price?.
"Arnault your purse and be sure and ot
Woodward before buying.
On the 5. P. R. R.
Douglas County, Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open for recep
tion of guests.
Water cures Rheu
' matisni, Dyspepsia,
Kidney aud Slcin
To The Uiifortusiate.
Dr. Gibbon
This Old reliable esd
the most siirc'Ptvbiu
KjK.cia:iiit in run r'rnu
ibco. klili continues to
cure all Sexual ai:1
Seminal Di scute sucti
h Qosinorrhica, Qlect
5 Stricture, 5 ph Ilia in
'. -- ;T Vi""eases, lNeroui Oehil-r-
A?fF? itv. I tn potency, bemi-
V nal Weakness and Loss
iSvaLl.;:"" of HanbooJ. the conte-
quence ol aeii abuse en 1 escevj. producin!.' t'
wllnwins; ymptcms: taliow o.uuteLauee. 1 k
spots under the eyes, i-ain in the ucai. rjiivii;
la the earn, los of conlidence. rtiflidenee in a
proarhlng siraiicr-. pait.itati'n of tiie lieait.
weakness of the limbs and hack, loss of Memory
pimples on the faee, ranrha. consumption, etc.
D&. GIBBON bas practiced In San FranciM o
over thirty yearanl ttose troubii:-! siiouIJ not
all to consult him and receive the bench', ol
oil (treat skill and experience. The doctor cures
when others fail. Try him. Cures etinruu'oep.
Persons cured at borne. Chaws reasonable.
Call or write.
DR. J. F. OIBBOX, C2ilKea-ny -t. hn
Cisco. Cai
Notice of Final Settlement.
A County, Oregon.
In the matter ol the estate of Henry A.
Adams, Deceased.
The undersieued adinini'-tisio.-oi i;. 4:je
hairing filed hie final aeeonnt In aid Ci ml,
fioeice is hereby sivc-n that Monday, 'lie .id due
ef July, IkCi, at 10 o cloc k h. ni., ot the c:inly
Court "room in Kosbtinr, UouIug junty Ore
Bon, is the t nie and place n l by the Jmlire ,,i
said CouK to hear obie thins (if any thore b?) to
said fnal accouut, and to the di'dicre ol
said adminitlrator,
Datodiat Kosebur?. (trczon. May is, Jxr.i.
1QKS W. WEAVER, Adn.ininriilrr.
w Tffsvjp
Signature of
Always Bought
To your Eastern
i Administrator's 5ale Of Real
T IX THh COt'STY Cut F.T F 1 UE ? 1 aTL V'F
a ,r ;uii. in au-l lor Uouc'ax t'oMn!y.
In tlie mailer ol the i'in't!!ii;i cml- if !,
Marks a; id A-bir Ma:k, partners a Hark
Notice i hereby given t:;at .-jr;!iint to an
I'rvltrof -a'c rua.le ly the a'mve enlitl-i court
ou iht l.lh da o Mar, end cnurvd of rcc
corJ in th- journal of inid court. The under
simed ad:niutt:a'.or if lie partnf rhii estate
ol . Marks aud Asner Mark. artiiera under
the firm name of S. Marks & la., will Irani and
after tbe Uth day of Jmie. lfi'.i, proceed to Mil
at orhaie sale furca'ii in hand a. I of iLerihl,
title and inverwt of the Mid parirjertliip etate
of . Marks A. Co tne me bc.iu; an undivided
hail ic'.eret therein, tn and to t!.e loliomng
dttcribtd rial prjerty :n lju?!as county,
ir-ma. to-n it:
The lolt. three, four. aad i a. Miction
The nor.h half of tho nor'-hwe! quarter. The
north Laif of northea.-t quarter and outheat
'luarter-'f northeast T:artt-r, section ton--hip
i S,Bj Wet. coiuainiuir arvs. aio
the artuwvt quarter ol iiorihwct lUnrter se
tiou SI. aiothe foliowini; di--Tibe-l premises
tonit: Comiiieucinr at li.e oulheat corner of
the donation e'aaipi ol lloocrt u.i ; b a:id uan
;i:iitl;, and running thence north 1J rvdv
thence wot one mile ou lino i-nraiiel wuh the
outh boundary of a:d chains, theuce toiilh 1J
rol to the oulh boundary of said claim thence
ea't a'.onc theaonih line of fai l claim one
::i.!e ' jiiaceof besinnini:, containing U acres
Alo the southt-att )Uritr ol waibuest quar
ter. M-cti'in s, and tbe norlhwot otiarur of
tat; north'el ihr:erof ec'.iou 31, the south
we-! .j j.irier of northwe-t .juarter section the
wot ha'i oi the uurtbwet quarter ceiion :.l.
The soti'.h half of northwest UrUT ace' ion .1',,
and lot (our ol fectioa 2T, ail in ton-b:pi;
M.utbof ranve hre e:, containing in the
a-'g-ga'-eov.Jl acres.
Administrator fthe Ja-tuer-hiii c-la'.e oi .
Metis a: Co.
tXTHE lllti III (' L" KT T'iu UOt'tJLAs
A con lily, State of Orcirou
John I,. Aruer, l'iaiut.rl 1
VS. !
!-abe"a J. French, M iy J
French, Willln.-a, beli-
lia Larson. J. L. French, ( aleb I
order, Anna onler. Belle!
French. Ulyi-e Frencii, f'aae f-uit iu Equity
N. French, cam win Fremh. j to forcrlos; a
Kate Fr"iu h. lui French. Mortgage.
Eilen Fr-nch, and Hannah ,
French. Ix-(endanji. I
I't V. liliam LaiiMin and Di-iilia Lauun.
alove ruined rfefeinlsni-.
n the name of the R'ale of i 're'-'on: You ore
hereby required to appearand twntr ihe com
plaint 1. led ncainit you in tue alove entitled
suit on or before the lirnt day of the next regu
le.r term of the a'lovc entitled Court, to-wit:
m or beiore Moiioay, June 1.'. lsJ't, and if you
fail to appear or answer Fiaintill a cnnipiiiiiu
acaiusl yon ax aforesaid tciihin said tiine,
l iainiiirniil uppiy to the t ourt lor the re' let
flVmandc 1 in iii complaint as follows: For
tbe fon-c losuie of a certain morlgase e.ei uled
! Dcfmdaiit, I-utella J. French, and i-muson
French ?now dc.ea-l) iu favor of I'iaintitr. ou
the trinG day ol October, 1-Vi, to seciin-tiie pay
ment of a ceriai u promissory note for tbe swia
of I s.H.'M u ith interest thereon at tbe rate of IU
percent )er annum, upon which there ii imw
lie tlie sum of .,. said inortcac conveyitiR
to said I'laintill lor that pnr)Kise Hie fcilovciui;
rtc-i ri bed real jirowrtv to " it : The E 1 . of the
X W 1 4 and I lie V .. oi the X K 1 4 of rec"t inn 1 ,
in Tp :;J, slt( IV, ill meridinH ; also for a judar
ment br the amount ilu- uimiii said promissory
note for such attorney's fcs as tbe Court shoil
adjudge reasonable, lor flaiiililFs cn-.s mid
disour-cuj' iHs hen in and lor mi h other relief
as it prayed for in said complaint and as tiie
Court thali adjudire meet and equitable.
This summons is published by order "i Hon.
1. XV Hamilton. )U!:m of said Conn, which
ordsr I- diiterl March, ii, IsiW, and tbe time pre
n-nlied in s iid order for tlie publication of this
summons is once ii week fornix weeks prceeii
irisT the hist day of sai'l term of Court, nud the
day nf ihe first publication of this summons; is
Mmth a; iKr:
F. W. BENsmN,
niJTlt, Attorney for i'laiiitiff.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflcially digeststhe food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the est discovered digest
ant and tonic. Xo other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
U other results of i mperf ect di gestior ..-
i-rrpgreapy c-c wewitt Co, Cljieoffl
For .y A.'C. Marttt'ACc.
"a ,. . v
Drain News.
(From the Watchman.)
Tho S. 1'. Co., 'oiieuiulttee pulling in
a (tuu table at iltu place soon.
Contractor IVtlereou is pushing work
o;i the kins brick with a vjngeuce.
L. J. llylton hits been employed ae
uttilit w;,t. li (or the Hudson Lumber
Mit. McCllis er expects to tnn au ice
creim put lor this miwuier iu connection
Willi the hotel.
Co. School Supt. Douglas Waito is via
iiitiK' the tcuools ia this eecion of the
county, this week.
Hello, Yoi.c.illu! The telepho-jc line
is tip us far 89 Yoncalld, ul will toon
be cor; nested with ttie maiii line at Elk
Kev. ijo. It. Arnold, of Koicburjr,
will d. liver tho liiivaUuteate sermou ia
the chapel of the school, Sunday, June
11, at 11 o'clock. Hveiybody should
hear Mr. Arnold.
Iied, ul tier, homo near this city.
Thursday, Mv 2o, l;Ul. Mi?. Sidler,
wife of E. Sidler. Ths.reuiiins wrie in
terrcd in the ci?y cemetery Sunday.
Many frieLdiJextmdsyiiipaihy ta the
bereaeJ husband, 13 Lis tiour of eor
I'l l 'n uui is to :c one of ttie attrac
tions diuiii!; cuuiuiencetneut. Ho is to
teli the t-tory of his life. Columbia will
alsj te p.cbcut. Uncle Sam wili tell
how he und Coiutubia came to be mar
ried, and ui.tuy o'.Lor incidents i:t bis
Sialioa Acut iJ-iseclt received word
this merging that the bomiuj! pigeons,
whit It he turced loose hero last, week
for CuUiornia pat Irs, ate a'l lost. This
fact id uo doubt due tj the iucleuieot
weather which has eince prevailed.
Our California brolheis should reuietu
ber Urejjii, utilise their own ttate,
is tot suiferiug with a drouth at pres
ent. SUiiley, the two year-old sju of lr.
aud Mrs. II. 1. lSrcokbart, uur.owly cs-
taj-td bv'-.rg drowced, last Sunday. Ia
cou.psny with his litt!e.4 tear olJ siMer,
he was playing tear the bank of the
river, when la eome nia:;uer not known,
ue fcl'. tuto the w-Jier. His little slater
11. t liibg old enough to realize the dan
ger, tUo-.ifcht Le was ocly switnaia, and
bad it do: teeo for the timely appear
utice of Aliss Lih.l ScetJ upju the
scene. Us would bave been drowned id a
very (i w seconds more. Mies Ethel was
pain;; a:oni; the road when she discov
ered the ciii' J, at that time biiog able to
ste oulr Lis li'tle hands above water.
Siir ru-hed into the water aad 8311 td bis
alaiusi lifeless form uJ carnej ii to the
luotc of it) parents, where with the
skillful aid cf Dr. Lo, the little use was
brought back to life.
Arrat geujetiis are beioK tuaJe lor a
bdsiLtsa meeting, a program aad a ban
quet by tl.e al JOiUteta of tbe C. O. S. N.
.S.ou Jui,e 1 j, of comrueDceaeiit week.
A Ltre tetiJat.ce is txpectcJ this tear,
as tbe Uiccttng is UetD well advertised
ulJ ail tneoi'jers of the alu Jiat are math
Ihe following protcatu will ba reuii
ereJ :
O.-ertare Orchestra
Invocation Kev. . A. Gardner
AJJresj of weicoaie EJwia Rh-jJe, !
Keeporjfre Prof. Juho J. Berry
Vocal Sj!o . Uattie M. Warner
Class Accuals L. A. Appelate
rjaartet'e. . . Missea Nellie Malkey, Pearl
2art. Messrs J. L. Cooke aod . E.
Oralion W. J. I.oobe j
Recitation Lulo L. McCalliater
Oral iou Ci eorge Uy ron
ujrlctte .. ..Wyatt Cornntt, Victor
Holt, FreJ Talcot and C. E. Wade
Kecitatioo Lillian Hogan
Vocal Solo Mrs. J. M. Isbatu
Talk O. C. Drown
Music Orchestra
Program to be followed by banquet
aud tojste.
Outlook for the Churches.
It la only during the summer months
that the people generally get much of an
iJcaof the tremendous energy of the va
rious religious eccts of tbe country.
There is barJly a centrally located city
in the I'niou that ia not, daring this
pcrioJ, made tbe meeting place of home
govcruiog hotly cf tho various church or
ganizations, and it is upon the pabli-bed
reports of thess gatherings that thoe
outside of them get adequate informa
tion es to the zeal, epirit and enerjfy that
ie cliaracteristic of religiotn stork io this
While this is t.u?, the inembereiiip of
the religious societies of the ronntry is
increasinz with a rapidity that surprises
one not familiar with the statistics cf
church growth. There are now in the
country about "0,000,000 communicants
in the various detioroinalious. or more
than one-thirl ot the entire population
of the Uniu-ri States.
Hits nutnU-r i.4 iocrcafing in a sur
prising raiio, as is indicated by the
growth of the ihnrches between Decem
ber :;i, ISOo, aud December 21, 1S'J7,
was (.,19,'Jol iu membership, while the
increase in tli number of churches was
There i3 nothiug i'i the history of the
religious deno.-ninaJun to Rhow that
this gain due to any tendency to so
called liberaliatr. for a very large propor
tion cf the increment has been in the
fctrictly evangelical denominations and
not nmon tlmre which are suppose I to
repreeeut free thought or liberal doc
trines. Cnimutistiu societies and tho
various ncn-evangelical asGuciutions
have, as a rule, done Utile more than
h)M their own.
Thee never was a time in this cotfi.try
when the outlook for the Christian
church was more encouraging o r more
hopefu', despite certain surface indica
tions to the contrary, News.
Acliiuvi nuntMif Adrairul Dewey," the worl'I's
enratvst naval htio. By Mural HalsUad. th iriemJ and aximirtT of the nations
i'loi. litfirtTt sti'l fl book: over -VO panes,
Ki in:l'; nearly Km i.ukis lialftone illustra
tion". nly 1 M. Kii'iruious leinani. Big
toniuiiiotis. Outfit tree. Cliance of n life
tiui.i Write ijulck. The Il.iininioil t'otnpany,
;rl f'l.ior Caxton Uldg., liicat'o.
Teoms Wanted.
In-J wood. Apply to,
Conistocir, Ore.
Cloudy weather.
E. Schal cane dowu from Drain Mon-1
Mre. Adams and daushter from l'ura-
diee were iu town recently. j
Alfred Ilainep, who apeut the winter
in Eas'.frn Oregon lias returned home.
Drs. L-jwe and Wade, i-f Drain, were
bueinces visitors in Ibis section Monday
Rosa aud lbyd Kaler froni Kcllc
were in this vicinity the first of H e
CM. Mente.- and family of Klog, '
were iu attendance at .thuMem jrial ser
vices .here Tuesday.
Miss Saiali Wiiborn, frciu Cottite
Grove is visiting relatives aud friends in
this vicinity at present.
Oar peop'.e are not slow to notice the
changid appearauce of the I'lainiieallu
aud to commeut 0:1 its marked improve
ment. NKtOi;lAl.",SKKVICliJ.
The Memoiial arrvicss at this place,
May 30, passed til" very nicely. The
oratiou by Itev. Mulkey was well re
ceived by the Unce audience pnsjnt.
Tho music by the choir was Fplendid as
also were the recita'ions by some of the
ac'oool girls. The church was hai.d
BJme'y decoraUd with burning, 11 ag,
lliwers and evergreens. At the grave
yard a bauniiful supplyof tlerd were
B'.revrn upon the graves, each receiving a
token of lememberauce. On the sol
dier's Kiaves tligs were added to the
i jwers.
Looking Glass News.
Jot l.'t.uiufr' lias ((due te l'o Hand ou
a visit.
.lesio Willi.tcia was veiling friends ft
AViueton bft.SunJiy.
C.J. IVnnii g lock liia tJepariisre for
Portia ud on l ist, Tuesday.
Wih. Ueitildstf Wolf Cr.ek, was
seen on our ttreeta Tuesday.
J. I.. hen ma le a Ir.iiincst trip to
lios.eburg on li-t Wednesdar.
Muss Ka'ie Wis'., f VViusloa, was
visiting her friend V here lat Sundiv. .
Mrs. T. F. C!.urclilll, of Ten Mile, mas
vieilirg friends aud relativca here latt
Mi-te J'usie Ol.ivant has returned hone
fro.n an cxtei.d-d visit at Spokane,
Mi MoLio Wiaitr, of K jbsits Cretk,
was visiting witU her old friends here a
fiw days Ust week.
Miss Fiora Andras has returned tome
from a visit to Kellgs, where she tfent
several days with her f needs
Den Colweil, one cf ourilJ friends
who has been lo Kastero Oregon for the
last year, has returned home once ruore.
Miss Mabel Madison, one c f Kelleeg's
pjpolar young ladies, came op a few
days since to pay a v:s'tt her old
WileyMiller arrived here a few days
ag3. He came by Ashland and reports
ibat the enow is about iO feet dep in
I'robite Court Notes.
1jcJ of T. J. William, administrator
of tbe estate of Jefferson AVtlliamr, de
ceased, fi'ed and approved in the sum of
J3000, with Mi?. W. II. Cochran, T. M.
Uiiivant and W. II. Cochran as sureties.
Final settlement of the estate of Dan
iel Welker, deceased, is maJa and ap
proved, and executrix discharged from
further liability.
In the matter of the estate of Aaron
Hose, deceaeed, Admitiisirator I. F.
Rice, petitions for authority lo eell the
real property of said estate. Citation to
heirs issue! to appear io court on July
3, ISA to make ejections, if an; there
be, to the iestiacca of such order of sale.
Milton A. Miller, of Lebtnon, is ap
pointed administrator of the estate cf
James A McCalley, deceased, with bonds
fixed at tlCOO.
In the matter of the estate of T. .
Farnsworth, deceased, J. B. Farnswortb,
administrator, petitions authority to
sell real property. Citation issued to
heirs to appear in court on tbs ltth day
of June t? show cause, if any exists why
said petition should not be granted.
Nancy Jane Welker ia appointed
guardian of the person and estate of Ora
Leander Welker, minor heir of Diniel
Welker, deceased, l'ond filed and up
proved in the sum of $1000 with II. C.
Stanton and J. W. W right, as sureties.
Fine Line of Jewelry.
A full and very line line of jewelry is
now offered for sale by G. W. Cartwright
of Yoncalla, Or. This eal-i includes
rolled gold plate, gold tilled, gold front
and solid gold goods of our own manu
facture, and we warrant them to give
perfect satisfaction, or we will relund the
money paid for tbem by tbe purchaser,
in cash.
We manufacture over 5,000 designs or
patterns of jewelry and do not hesitat"
to warrant our goods to the tullef t ex
tent. We know they are exactly aa rep
In case this notice should reach pa
lr - i who are too far from Mr. Cart
v tit's place of biieintsK, or other stores
ie our goods are sold, to admit of
tl t-ir going there to purchase our goods,
wtite us what you want and we will sup
ply you by mail at the regular prices.
We will Le glad to correspond with the
wearer of our goods concerning them.
ill send lull instructions as to tbe care
of jewelry, bow to clean it, etc. on appli
cation by mail. W. F. Main Co.,
Eastern Factory Cor. Friendship &
Eddy Sts., Providence, H. I.
Western Factory (largest in tbe world)
under process of construction at Fast
Iowa City, Iowa. Over 52,000 ft. of iloor
space. in 251 1
Nominated for Governor.
Geo. K. Nash was uominated for Gov
ernor of Ohio by tie .republicans, at
Columbus, last Tuesday, on tbe second
ballot. Cbaiuman If!ccmb attempted
to move a sus elision of Ibe rules to
make tbe nomination unanimous before
the ballot was completed, but the ballot
proceeded. Subsequently, on motion of
Chairman llolcmib the nomination was
made utiaiiiiiioui without a count. Nash
is a leading alicri.ey of C'jlutnbus, 45
years of af, mid a widower. He has
been prtwuiing attorney-general of the
state, a tn: tuoor of tbe supreme court,
aud during four campaigns chairman of
the state committee.
Ia Hie result of rt'iicnlrd aeuto altacki. Tba
j liver and uplcen are prlnrlpally affected,
T1,cy atorehouics for the malarial
i poison and the blixxl takes It from them.
Tie poison muit
lie driven out of
the tystcm. II I' D
VAN will deatroy
tho action of the
lioiaon and event
nail y drive out the
last particle of it
from the ayitera.
In addition to
thin, Bl'DYAK
will restore the
loat app -c. It
will build up the
weakened cjatcm.
HUD VAN will
make new blood
and new flesh. The pains In the bones will
disapiear. IIVOYAX has cured others aud
It will cure jou. W e describe tho xymptoms.
Study them carefully. They are yours. lo
not delay longer, but Uks IIUDVAN now
and von ill be cured.
nnd your headache will disappear.
PLEXION. HUDYAN "ill establish a free
circulation of pure blood and cause the cheeks
to assume their natural color.
will restore the appetite and the digestion of
food w ill become ierfe.'t.
LIVER. This ia due to the enlargement cf
the liver. It is 11 lie 1 with the poison ol ma
laria. Ill'UVW will drive out the poison and
cause thcori;j:i to as-uute Its natural size.
OF TUE SPLEEN. The spleen becomes
greatly enlarged. HUDYAN will lessen the
torn?eitien and ik: the heaviness to disap
You are suffering rn.m t'hrouie Malaria and
vou can be cured. Ill 1 V AN will relieve vour
cerv svniptoni and make you well. HCD
VAN can lie obtained of all drnsKUla for ouc
er packaze, or i pa.ka;es for If your
triistTi-t ilmn "t ki--p ii, 'iii direct to the
II t ui A i KCMEur, ban rn
cici. c'aliiornia Iteincmbcr that you ran
consult the Hill VAN DOCTORS FHEE
Call and ae the dx lon. Vou may call and
tee thea;, or write, as you desire. Address
Cer. StocVtan, Market aad Ell.t Stv,
Saa Fraaciscsi, Cl.
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
lii.i-s choice oi two favorile routi-s, ia tue
VNIOX 1'ACiriC Vt Mail Line, or the
KIOi.RANl'E scenic Lint.
L-.Hk at the time
1 ) 2 days to Salt Lake
2) z days to Denver
3 j days to Chicago
4j days to New York
Free Keclinluic Cbalr cars, I'p
bolfttcrcd Tourist Bleeplug
Car, Pullman Palace Sleep
log Can operated on all
For iurttor luforwii-r apt;!? l
J. F. OIVANS, .gf Koeeburg.
C. O. Terry, W. E. Coman.
Ttar. I"at. Att. Gen. Ant.
121 TaitJ St., rrt:uJ. Or.
Tne Churches.
K rriioniyr Curat a corner ol Main anJ Lace
strata. SunJajr Serrlce: Preaching. 11 s. B
and s.OO p. m.; batbaiti arbooL 10 a. m.; U
A. Walker, SurrinU:niect; Class UeeUnX at
Com o( the morning acrrice: I p worth League
7-Wp. n. F. H. CbnrcliUI. President. Praj-er
McoUng, Wcdnestlar, at T JO p. rn.
U. K. Aa.cuU, l'astur,
Panonace. corner Vain and Lane.
Sundar tK lct, at 11 a. m. anj ' JO p. m. Pray
er meeting, ThursJay crcnint.
Mm. Lcct M. Ccnir, P-Wr.
tr. tiS-ja cs CuvaiB. Corner Cass aul
Main slivtts. S:nricea on second and fourth
eunday maiaing ol each month and every Sun
day crcning. rjcial acrrlcvs announced Irom
time to time. Riv. John Dawsok,
M. E. Cue at u, isol'TH.-Sen ices every Sunday
morning and evening.
Kav. J. T. COrros, Pastor t'liinii-corner of 1-anc and Bose
streets. Sunday scrvlee: Preaching at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. l-a'obath iklioo! at 10 a. m., O. P.
Coshow, sujierintendcnL Prayer meeting tl
7:3J Wednesday evening.
S. A. DofoL., Pastor.
FiR-r CUB19TUN cm. ai it-Corner ol line
anl Woodward stncUi. Sunday services:
PreaebiUK both morning and cveuinff. Sunday
school at 10 a.m. Y. P. C. E. at 0.30 p. m
Prayer meeting eicli Wednesday evening at
7. A). A cordial welcome and (reetins awaits
all. W. A. Wov,
Kiar l'BEuTTtaiis C u tacit Corner ol Cass
aud Kosc sttvet". Sunday serrlce: Publie
worship, 11 a. m., anl p. m.: Subbath
school, 10 a, in. Y. P. B-C. E. at 7 ;p. m.
Prayer meetini:, Wednesday evening 7:30 p
ui. J. A. Towa.ND,
TBE W. C. T. U. will bold its regular meeting
ou tbe second aud fourth Mondays of everr
month at 7 :t0 p. in. in tbe Epuorth League
room ot tbe M. E. Church.
The Dewey Book.
Do you want to know more about
Dewey, the reat a Jmiral and bis gift to
tbe Nation? If en read our up-to-date
"Dewey Book," written by Ja?. L.
Stickney, aid-de-camp to Admiral
Dewey nt the battle of Manila Bay.
This book is not a history of Cuban in
surrection or operations it is a Philip
piue book. It begins with the daring
of Dewey and continues through the
operations between Spanish and
American forces at Manila. Tbe
battle of Manila Hay is described as only
Stickney can describe it from tlie vaut
OKe ground of tl e Olyiuuia's bridge, by
the Btilo of Dewey, where he witnessed
every maneuver, transmitted every com
mand and observed every phase of the
battle and exulted in tbe glory of tbe
American Xavy. Complete biogranhy
of Admiral Dewey is given, also biog
raphy ef the eminent American com
manders, fully illustrated. The accurate
and valuable maps found in this book
are a valuable feature of the book.
Price only $1.73. Sold by subscription
only. Occidental Publishing Co.,
Station B, Oakland, Cat M. W. Wriit
, general afnt for the Pacific Coast.
1 "
The King of the Meadow.
The Plain Chain Drive riower. No Cog
Wheels. Xo Backing up io start in the
Improved for
The Strongest,
What we don't
We don't aud won't handle
policy. Oar idea is that Bicycles aro made to ride, and the .better
the wheals that we sell and tbe less trouble thej give, the more bcei-
nees we'll bave in tbe futnre.
whele situation. We're in it
thie matter good goods, fair
ness futureyou're the people
bead for 11 ambler
A. C. HARSTERS & CO., Agts.
fifty-eight Years Old
Hecottniaiog its value to tLosc nho desire all be news of tbe State and Nation,
tbe publisher cf The Plainoialkb. (ycur on favorife home paper) bas entered in
to an alliance itn Ine ew-iork
nisb both parers at the irifiling cot of
Eveiv farmer and vil!ar owes to hiruee
in which he livts a cordial support of Lis local nevspsper, as it works constantly
and untiringly for bis interests in e-ery way, briogs to his home alt tbe news and
happenings if bis neighborhood, the doings of bis friends, the condition and pros
pects for different crops, Ibe prices in borne market, and, in fact, ia a weekly
Visitor wliicii snonio oe louna in every wue-aaase, progressive lamuy.
Just think of it! 1 !
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
Send all subscriptions to the
Rseburg, Ore.
01 America navmg over a mm ion tntf a half regular readers.
It YEARS (remainder of 1S00, nw, j-i, 1901 and 1903) will be sent by mail
to any address for A DOLLAR BILL.
Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free.
cuas.1-, jEMiuna.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in cboice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
3D. S. X. BUIOK,
BVslannRsmsi 1
mXaw ww ai
liilscrilii, i fliii
aar j " '
'99. See machines at
& Woolley's.
The Best
-sand Won't do.
Bicycles merely to sell. It's poor
That last word 13 the secret to tbe
for a futore. If yoa feel as we do io
prices, pleased customers, and a busi
we want to do business with,
i i i
i Ii'a a long life, but devotion to the
true interests and prosperity o' tbe Amer
ican Teople bas won for it ner friends aa
the years rolled by and theorginal mo in
ters of its family passed to t'teir reward,
and thf se admirers are loyal and stead
fast today, with faitb io its teachings,
anil confidence in tbe information which
it brires to their homes an ! firesides.
As a natural ceoequencn it enjoys in
its old age all tbe vitality acd vigor of
us youth, strengthened aod ripened by
tne experiences f over bslf a cectory.
It bos lived on its merit, and co tbe
cordial support ol progressive Amen
It is "Tbe New-York Weekly Tri
bune." acknowledged tbe country over as
tbe leading atonai family Newspaper,
eekiy intone wfcich enables fcim to lur
1.7. oer ;ear.
I. ti ti faoiilr, and to the comruonity
A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical,
Up-to-date. Concise and Com rrehensive Hand
somely Printed and Besutiiully Illustrated.
All about Morses a CoramonX'tisc Treatise, wita oter
7 ill astral Kins ; a standard work. It ice, jc Cents.
All&hont inowintr Small Vmit rd acd learn how :
cootAinA 45 colored htr-itLr reprodtictioa5of all 1ck1iiik
raricties aa4 100 other illustration?. Price, c Cents.
All about Pon'try ; the bot rooltry Book in existence ;
tells ererythin ; srithij coiorrd liie-iike reproductions
.fall theprincipal brrcd; with irj ether iUustral ices.
Price, v Cents.
AU about Costs and the Tciry Business. ; harins: a great
sale: contains Scplored lifclikereprodnctionscfeach
breed, with 131 other illustrations. Price, y Cents.
Just out. AU about flcg Breedinn. Feeding. Butch
ery, Discs-ICS, etc. Contains over Jo beautiful half
tone and other engravings. Price. Jc Cents.
The BIGGLE BOOKS are onique.original.nsefu! you oerer
saw anything like them so practical, sosensihle. They
are having an enormous sale East. West, North and
Smub. livery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hoc or
Chicken, or grows: Small Fmits. ought to send right
away for the BIGGLE BOOKS. The
Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is ss Tears
pld ; it is the great boiled-down, bit-the-nail-on-the head, Farm and Household paper in
the world the biggest paper of its site in the United States
aw a CJaamanntji'-, OseAsaa
for Frura f ortlaud from
Kast Mail S ilt lake, Denver. Yl. Fast
Worth, Omaha. Kan- kfaui
i p.m. saa City, rtt. Louis, 6:iip.m.
Chicago and East. :
ytKikaue Walla Walla. Spokane, Spokane
Flyer Mlnueapolis.-tt.l'anl Flyer
rrtjp.m. Duluth, Milwaukee, Mm.m.
ChlcaKO and East.
i p.m. Oceaa 5Uaansnlps 4 p. m.
' All sailing datra aub-
jei t to change.
For Ban Franciaco
; every fire days
8 p.m. Columbia River tp.B.
Ex.hunday ktcaaacrs. XxenodaF
Haturday To Astoria and ay
ID p.m. Landing.
WllUtmetU River. "T 430 f f
6 a.m, Orefon city, Newbert;, Ei-8ul ly
Kx.bunday 1 ealem at W ay-Land t
7 a.m. Willamette aad Yaaa- 3 JO p. m.
Tues.Thur. , hill River. Xoo-Wed.
and fiat- i Oreeon City, Iayton, aod FrL
and Way-Landinas
4 a.m. i Willamette River. 4:30 p. BU
Tues-Thur. ; Portland to Corvaliia Tuea-Tbur
and sat. ; and Way-Landing and fiat.
Lv.Rlnarla 5sak fliver. LXesrtibm
iMily, UaUy
, Kiparia to Lewis ton.
Host burg, Oregon.
General Paasenger Agent.
O. R. ft K. COn
PoniaoMl. Orrajosa.
Notice For Publication.
CjftTED BT4TES LlSD Ofrl' l,
KoKbunr, Oregon. March 22. U09.
To whom it may eocceru:
Notice Is ner?ty given mat ux Oregon at Call
fornia Hailroad Company has Sled in this ome
a Lst of lands situated in the township do
scribed below, and bas applied for a patent i"t
said lands: tbat tbe list is open to the public for
inspection and a copy thereof by descriptive
place in tn Is omce for the inspection of all 9r
sons lniexesteo ana tne public fenersuly:
uref on ana i a. norma ss av lanua.
Tp i 6, K 1 E.
AU tiees 1 and
Lots 1,2, 3 and I, aud at f Sec 9.
All Bee 11.
W itbxn the next sixty days following tha ateai
of this notice, protest or contests Mains th
claim of tbe Company toaay trsx.-t or ssiodislav
ion within any section or part of seeoon. do-
scribed in the list, on the around that tho asuns)
is more valuable for mineral than tut a;rlcult-
nral purposes, will be receired aad noted for 10-
n 10 me uenenu uuv vises at aamnjnoa.
J. H. tOuTH.
Notice for Publication.
C.1111D States I-i M OrrK
HoMbora;, U ret on. Xaich 30, UDA.
Notice is hereby t Iren that ia eoannuaBCw
with the prwlsious of the act ot Consjresa f
Ju- e 3rc. 17. entitled "An art for the sale
Umber land in the !a e of California,
con. NeTada and W ashineton Terr. Lory.
Ot Oakland. County of Doaglaa. State' ol Ore
ron, has th's day tiled in this of&ce his tsrose '
statement Xo. T ftar the prchase of tss s. W
4 V. 1 ; of Section No. 4. In Township 5u.
S. Range Xo. 4 V. and will offer proof to show
that the land sought ia more valuable for its Usa
ber or tune than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish bis claim to sail land beioiw tho
Kesister and Eeceirer of this office at Rosebsws;
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14lh day oi Jom
He names as witnesses: AretlbsJd McEeiuie
llarrisun Nanninr. William H. Joy, A. S
Smitb, all of Oakland Orejon. Any aud all per
sons cialnunr a! Tersely the sOTC-desezibesl
lands are reiuested to Die their clschaa in this
office on or before sail 11th darof JnftigSi.
J. T. BRItS,
aJUO c(iaC(.
Notice for Publication..
Roseburs;. Oref 00, May H, W39.
Notice is hereby riven that the foilowinr
named setticr has filed notico of hia lntsamboa
to make final proof in support of kia claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Bexiatr
and Receiver I'. land OfUee at Kuveoars.
Oregon, on Jure 27, le, Tit:
on H. E. No. 7130, for the W, 8W' i. Sf?l Bw'i.
S W . t E' ec. 2. Tp. J e, at. C W. He namea
the follow ing w ltiHsses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation ol laid land,
rlx: James McKay, Thurston Loll, J. 2. Chap
man, ii. W. G rut) be, all of Wilbur. Oregon.
J. T. B&HxiZS.
mil UO Register
Notice for Publication.
koeeburg, Ororon. May 12, ISO.
Nutiee is hereby given that tbe following
named settler bas filed notice of his intention
to maie tiual proof in support of hia claim, and
that said proof wul be made before the Register
and Keceiter C. b. Land Office at Koseburg.
Oregon, on Jnly, i l-t, riz:
On H. E. Ko. eiil, for the X R Set 2t T. 29,
S- R. W. He names the following wimc a 1 to
prove his con tinuows residenca upon and cuio
raiionot aia iand. tu: William Monre, Thomas
Burnet. Harvey Swofford, and .-ihn enrodord.
all of Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
(milp) J. T. BRIDGE?.
Railroad Time Table.
Northbound" Ko;ebarg local, No. 17
departs 7:30 a. m.
Soothbound Koeeburg Iccal, No. 18,
arriree 5 :20 p. m.
Northbound overland. No. 5, ar
rives 10 :35 a. in. ; departa 10 :45 a. m.
Soothbound overland. No. 6, arriYM
4 :15 a. m. ; departs 4 :25 a.m.
Northbound last through freight, No
221, arrives 4 :10 p. m. ; departa 5 JSH p.
Southbound last through freight. No
222, arrives 7. -00 s. m. ; departa S:C0a
Northbound mixed train No.222arriT
Fridays, departs 9:00 a.m., Mondars
Thursdays and Saturdajs.
Southbound mixed train No. 226 ar
rives at 3 :00 p. a., on Sundays, lion,
days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m.
Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays.
Shasta Umited
Is the name of the only perfect train
n the world, now running every night
between St. Paul nnd Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway
the pioneer road of the west in adopt
ing all improved facilities for the safety
and enjoyment of passengers. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of bean
tiful scenery along the route of the Pio
neer Limited, will be sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Address Geo. II. Heafford. Gen
eral Tasscngfr Armt, Chicago, 111.
Farms for Sale.
A number of email farms for sale,
adapted to fruit gtowing. Good apple
and prune orchards ou some of them.
For further particular- inquire of,
G. AV. Aldkbson,
Cleveland, Or.
viavi, viavi.
Mrs. J. II. Shupe is local representa
tive for the popular Viavi remedies.
Any one desiring any of these remedies
will please call on her at her home or ad
res s her at Roeeburg, Oregon.