The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 05, 1899, Image 2

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PcbUihol Monday md Thursday.
& . 8THATF0ED..
. Mgr. and Solicitor
BstsacripMon Rates.
as Year...
til Months
SIM Months.
JUNE 3. tS90.
The very latest is perfume trucl,
profit! of which are expected to yield
Urge er la-nt.
Some tf tli big trust are likely to
b-eak down from ihe weight ut their
rapiUliastioo alone.
ba ceded t!ie CaroIiiM and
reigtihoriug islaude to ilertnauy. U is
now dear mly the German tried to
make tliirg so unpleasant for Admiral
Dewey at Manila.
Tl.e Oakland Gazette tiaa turned up
its toes to thedaieit. lie failure was no
lault of the good titiwtis of Oakland, nor
any reflection on their public rpiiit, lib-
rally or enterprise.
Mr. Alltel J remarks that ,:il the demo
crats attempt to drop iLe (.'biaiga plat
form the result will be the dissolution of
the parly." He could have gii.o furth
er and said that stick iup to it will cause
iipver defeat than that of 1800.
No city of the importance if lloet
burgcan afford lobe without a local
board of trade. Dachau oraniziliou is
of iofEtiroatile value to a Uiwn aud cjiu
nautjity, and our euterprieiu.: business
and pro'eeeional men realixin this fact
met and effected temporary organiza
tion iaat Thursday tveniug. Ti:e per
anxnent organization of the board will
He effected on Thursday evening- This
is ct Mainly a tuott commendable lu jve,
from wliich we may exjwt tariy and
" Kood results.
" To attempt to make pol.tical capit
al against a popular foreign war ie suicid
al to lite part? that undertakes it. Noth
ing is so popular with the American
peop'.e as a successful foreign war. It
baa elected and re elected eveiy candid
al who ever ran for I lie prtsiJeucj on
that issue, and it w ill again,' ears Kd
iu H-j'er, of the Sletn Capiul Journal,
fortueilv an admirer and tappcrter of
Bryan. One by toe the Kepubiican
prodigals are retcrniog to the fiid aud
're this time nest year ttiere p'omiees
to be a great advance in the price of
val if all of (be penitents are to receive
si share of the fatted caif. The republic
ans are going to sweep everything in
sight nest year, from municipal to the ticket. Dauglas coucty is go
ing lo fall in line toj, and don't you for
get it.
Ranks With tbe Best.
J. L. Stratford, of the Kjeehutg
Flaisdesle, was in town Mouday.
The Plaimealeb, under the mauage
sent of Messrs. Stratford's has been
much improved and now ranks wi:u the
beat papers in Southern Oregon. Med
fetd Ere.
Board of Trade Organized.
The following is a report of the pro
ceedings of the chines meei iug held in
the Marks building last Tbureday even
ing for the purpose of organizing a board
e! trade :
the meeting was c!ld to order by
Hon. D. Is. K. Buick. Oo motion by
Mayor A. C. Marstere, D. S. K. Baick
was elected temporary cbsiraian and .
C. Flint, temporary secretary.
On motion by O. V. Coshow a commit
tee of five was appointed on constitution
and by-laws:
O. P. Coshow, A, C. Ma me. , Juo. H.
Shape. C. a. Fisher. H. L. Miller.
On motion b J. H. Shape the chaii-
min appointed tbe follawiug nameJ per
sons to act as a finance committee :
T. K. Sheridan. V: C. London, J. A.
Buchanan, W. A. Willis, J. C. Aiken.
On motion by H. L. Miller a com oi it
tee on meui'ierliip u appmuted as
H. Marks, E. L. Frro:t, (1. W. Kim
hall. On motion by Uou. ito. M. Brown a
committee of three ws appoio'eJ to
pTOTidt a suitable place of meeting, said
couimiUee consisted of tlie fjilowin
named person :
leo. M. Brown, W. C. UilJebranJ,
Jr.. O. P. Coshow.
After a few general remarks by
Meesrr. Cjshow, Brown anJ Fisher,
on motion by T. K, fjhe.idin
the meeting aijonrr.ed to meet Thurs
day evening, June !Uh, at 8 o'clock.
S. C. Flint,
Temporary Jsecretarv.
Cabin of Native Sons.
List Saturday evening imrsuant to a
call, a meetiiiij s held at the I. O. O.
F. ball for the purpose of ciiauizing a
cabin of Native Sans. Twenty-five na
tive eons responded to the call aud a
cabio was dnlv orgauized. The follow
ing officers were elected for the eueuing
Jonior past president, V. C. London ;
president, R. S. Sheridan ; 1st vice presi
dent, Dlter Rice; 2nd vice president,
I. B. Riddle; 3rd vice president, L.
Wimberly; secreUry, C. S. Jackson;
financial secretary, J. H. f-ykes; treas
urer. J. H. Ux)Ih : niainha!, (. p. Co
show; trustees, J. II. H-wtn, J. W.
Kamiltoti and j-o. M. Hrowp. S. Katt
was appointed iiifi le eentinel, aud F.
Wim'.ierly for outside sentinel.
A motion wag made that ihe cb;u he
called the Joe Ltne Cabin.
To Orar.d IVceident K ijfeue l.
Wnite now aidrcsued the cabin, and
el ing the oilier elect forward duly
installed rhetii and intru-td them as to
Lfir dutie.
Thu ia a giod liealthv owaizuion
and U reprceesied by u ir la hria busi
new and profesfional men and we be
ak for it a tbriviog fatur.-.
The ea-'in will mret tomorrow, Tues
day night at the M&tonic temple.
Hong Ko.ig Dily Prcs says that
Aguinal Jo has drawn fSJO.OOO from a
bank in that citr.
Dreyfus lias Been Granted a New
Pine Lumber Ti ust Diplomatic Re a
lions Resumed With Spain
Shooting; Affair at Myrtle
1'aki, lone 3 The court of caefation
t nly rendered a verdict in favor of the
Dreyfns and utderirg the court
martial f tr the trial of the prisoner.
Tillamook Slide Still Moving.
Tillamook, J ir.e 1. The laudslide at
the sand spit i still on She move to
ward the bejeh, it having moved
feet under the lieiuli, which in some
places hue tei ii raised lo fet-t. A Urge
quantity of c!ay h is U-en utit-aithrd by
the landslide, and it ii c'ainied tb.-U it
is suitable for brick aiid pjttery.
Friendship of Spain and (iermtny.
.Mmkji, June ;!. Oita. any, it is un
uouoccd, pn's T.WtJ.OuO pesetas for the
Caroline, Talus aud .Marianne ultnds.
ipain u'tiins three coa!iue' stations, one
iu eaih roup, and Germany mulerUkes
to defend these ttations in case of war.
tieruiar.y in adJi'iju grants Spain the
most faVtred-.'iation trtjlaient i:i Her
mauv an J iu t':e Colonial ieUuds.
Pine Lumber Trust.
Sax Fuancim: j, Jane 3. The Pacific F..rt Inmhor mannfir'nrnra v.. !
Just coDguuiuiated arrareiueuts which)
will make tLe price of this buiidiuK ma
terial much hiiier froai uo on than it
has teen Tor a long time past. The com
bine is coiiij.jecJ ot all cf the pice 1 aui-
ber companies in British Columbia,
Washinstoa and Oregon, rontrollinx the
entire output of pine on the coast.
n , - 1,1. l..
L uuii i .id i. cvJCJut; tuutc-i (
teeu aovacced about f 1 per KK feet, '
and the advance takes place at oacr. .
The C3aib;cation wa formed las". .Vov-
... , , . . i
ember, and its siirewd mathe na'iciacs j
hive been hard at work ever since pre- j
paring the schedule which no has aP- !
peared in tabulated form. Tue combine !
has agreed to nuke the ba:e price $10
per 1000 feet, tuijsc. ta a rebate of ft,
making the net price I'.'.
Diplomatic Relations Rcsumtd.
Wasiiinutos, Jane 3. The diplomat
ic relations with Spain, "ureLc-n off April
21, 1;-VS. were formally resumed at II
o'clock today, when President McKin
ley greeted Pjc d'Arcos, the r.ewly ac
credited minister to the "n:teJ Mates,
in the blae parior the Wlii e House.
Simulunejalv in Madrid, if the pro
gramme arranged was c rried out, Ikl
lamy Storrer, the new I'uiied Stales
minister to Spain, was being presented to
Christina, the queen-regent, darinz the
lejal minority of his Catholic majasty,
A'.phocea XIII.
I; was a noUMa occasion in the
world's history the resumption of
friendly relations between t so nations
which had been at war aud in the brief
strangle had changed the map of the
world. The speeches of today were es
pecially notable. They were pfain
epoken and devoid of ths usual hazy
diplomatic phraseology. At the conclu
sion of the address the president stepped
forward and ehaoi hands cordially with
the new minister, an J they engaged in
conversation in a low tone 'or a. minute
or two. Tbe party then retired and was
driven to the Arlington.
Shooting Affray at nyrtle Point.
A shooting affiir took place on the
street in front of the Enterprise cilice
lest Saturday about noon, in which Sam
uel Appletoa was shot by city marshal,
Ed Carter, the ball entering the lower
part of the cheek and coming oal at the
corner of tbe mouth. A warrant was is
sued charging Carter with shooting with
intent to ki'.l and on Monday a prelim
inary examination was held beftye
JaJge Uodge at this place, W. Sinclair
acting as prosecuting attorney aud A. J.
S:ierwo.l appearing for defendant.
From the evidence a J lu.edat the ex
amination of Apple too, who lias been
working, at Smith's camp, with some
neighbors was oo his way to his borne
on Myrtle creek. They etopped at Leh
monoweky A Deyoe'a for some packages
which they took on their bores and
started up the street, Appleton was
ahead, and witlt a whoop -started up tbe
street on the ran. Toe marshal saw
him coming cad ordered him to btop
which he did not do. The marshal a'
tempted to :rab the horse by the bits;
the horse ran against him, bis pistol,-
double action our, was discharged with
result tatl above, and hn hand was
lacerated by the bit and be was some
what bruised ab jut the site. Appletou
did not stp nor tiitcaver that he was
sbct until he bad gune some,
when he returned and had Dr. S. L.
Roberts drees his wound, which h only
In rendering his decision tbe .ourt
stated that the ne of a deadly weapon
was a serum? . f f . i r aiid thculd !k re
sorted to only when t:ic iircefsity of the
occasion mj'iires r, a-id in tha cs be-
! fore him it was p .Mib!e that the mar
jehal had been too ha-ty. Hoacver, the
; marshal was an ofli er wh-j was Rivjru
Jto perform bis duty. Ttso evidence
showed tht Mr. Appletou had at'empt
! ed to r.iie over itio . w.,en ho at
j tempted t airet-t liim whil he was in
j the act of violating nn nrdiuancd d the
Itown, and did almost lilcliim docn,
j therefore he wo lid ilimi-i I In -!.
' E-iterpri-p.
General Gome?, is reported to beseri-
ouR'y ill with asthma.
I Ambassador ( 'hoalo may Htfcwe the re
j least if Mie. Maj brick.
j Rebel at Sun Fernando have cnened
ii the summer rHnipaii!.
; .ihtioia hati hud i.-fuiIv -sever. i,t.t
! rainfall pince Iai-t SepieiiiNrr.
A dispat-di from S-.attlo save th.e crack
er trumt has een declared "off."
oQoooooooooooooooDooonooopoioaooooooooon r:ex c
J&Sfc P lWm 1 SURE DEATH l!
o g.QMxA. : House a ir- - !! t, n & 1411 a i
g A iCWUt S Furnishers'. g tpIZlzzirHHl Tm O !& a . . ,
s n iEE! 1 1 Squirrel i Gopher Poison
4U'W : while you wait, lie in thej feSpft O A J. H
q "M'uAV gswiu,, a 6pecia 8alo on t , ferrJ J
;w years m toe a. stovo mat , 7, "" u u v rA.V
bas out lived half a cuatnry of com-S"6- be o0r special iug , (iri,,i,iri t fYi ; (PRFPARFH AU4F"T '
jO potiuou and of which more ato sold.-; Jr. Uik PREPARED WHEAT) J
! 7: Tir rh;n7r Oak ll,at Av. ZhW, S ?2.25 cobler aeat rocker. 2 1" ? '"" c couMdcration W ift . . fl- $
W w Ihere I UDothcr cookin- aDariu2Those w P,lceH tLu' talk. li ivtm tuw suWect. Those Q . "EATH ,A' ll?" '"
! O oZtnTJke aud assure i I oos below co,t. Wo So vle, g Squirrel and 01 ' - "
Pdensoyon ia - qCopnep Poigon MM SQUIRRELS.
tleuioustrateii it auritijj onr business life tuut our Household ROodn aro sold for two very wuailetit profit
cousibt with a fair, honest, eijuitablc dealin-s
Write us in regard to nuythiu? yo:t wish to know. Wo like to have you write us ns waaro here to bo
of oeevice to our out of uwti patrom. Wo are hero for business and cau convince you if you will five ns
South Myrtle Creek.
.luilizi' r.vit ; leat U' le judged.
We arc ei i in; beautiful weather
F.thel .McDoual.l ia vxpectel home
from Hose-burg soon.
A! Ak.ra i pi;ie l''i?T iaul:n; lumber
from Jackson's tui.l.
J. A. McDonald made a plc.isant trip
to the ity lt Friday.
nlcritc for the 1'la'Mik.vli;k if you
wa: t all the lcas and the best news.
We aie slid to learn Will Strode is ex-
r-c'VJ "i"u" u -" v.regoo coon.
t , i t. r i' . i it. .
V.;t3 iraco
Hall vUited rieuds in
Myrtle Creek last .Saturday and fau- j
Chas. lot:e was seen isiug dowu the ,
rosd iti a oue horse bojv last uiday
j Vha" tust? i
j MrS- xvriht and Carrie Frccuian I
lacked several tallons of straw beiries
. .... I
la&t i' Tl JV
Jjho Frceaiaa and his 'bjs" hiiiied
... M ..! ... .-i I ...
. .
l.tbt wtelr.
KcV- Jj ( l"'-cJ veiy .!
1'Jcat senu'jn and-y. " lag much
by ail present.
We feel rorr? fjr luno ladies ho
were caught in tLe a uJ and rain last
Thursday, and wilb no boots oa either.
Thief Creek Items.
Coiriie Lej t pent Sauday at honif.
Louie Dakf r was calling ou Mr. Ca'.
1 uk Ust week.
C. C. Walkins was seen ct Money's j
cawmid Sandy. I
I?rt Seales was calling on .Miss Liura j
Carr Sunday. j
Matter Fred I-e has bocu ou the uk !
list for the We; wetk. j
E. J. Stacy has been on tbe sick liet '
for the last fe days.
Miss tirade Lee spent Sunday with
Miss Ethel Hcflinan.
Mies ilirtha Appleo-to was seen iu
YontalU one day last w--k.
Miss Ethel Hotrmaj spent Friday
evening with Miss Hra-i9 Lee.
Mrs. B. L. Walkinj nade a dyifg trip)
to loncaila or.c :y last week.
1". Ward, of Astoria, ia stoprinz
with A. J. L?e, prospecting for coal. i
Ceitie Cutlack, who has been sick
with rheumatic fever is slonly improv
ing. Mr. Wingal?, who bis been stopping
at A. J. Lee's returned to Roseburg Fri
day. G. W. Siuders was seen at Joe Tur
pissone day las', week. What is the
II. M. Kelly aud Charlie Leo are
work'ng iu their copper mines near
Miss Maggie Jo-ca of Wilbur has
come to spend the summer with Mrj.
Henry Moaney.
Miss Mollis Seales has been unite
sick for the last week, tut is much im
proved at this writing.
Mrs. I). L. Wailins' adjp'eJ daughter,
Misa Phoebe Thiber, was seen out ttraw
bfrrying one day list week.
Elmer McNanght is working on Salt
Creek, lodging for IMbert Tracy, of
Yoncalla. Elmer is a worker.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Fagan attended
the memorial Fcvii es at Yoncalla Tues
day and said it was a success.
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Le moura the
loss of their beloved cat. It hid readied
fie ad va reed aire of lo years.
Miss Ethel Hutfman, of Yoncalla, is j any patience to the old. old story explaio
visiling htr partiite, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. iog why he didn't get home earlier,
Hulnan, of Thief Creek valley. jwliica men bare been telling to women
Mr. aud Mrs. A. E. Joues his moved
to Sagiuaw where Mr. Jones is engaged
in the Booth & Kelly saw mill.
A.J. Lw, who is soliciting funds for
tho Roseburg monument has succeeded
in laising i-ightten dollars in his vicin
ity. Mia ;rjci.) L e ar.d Martin Clark
t!en !e l -reach iug and Sunday cchool
on Paes Creek Sudiy ia-!. Tho dinner
was a success and all the yonm: folas
enpyed themselves splendidly.
5chool Report,
Report cf the M'. Scott Echool for the
month ending June Js'i'.i.
No. of layp tangbt, 20.
No. echolars enrolled, 7. No. ol days attendance, ij.'..
No. cf times tardy, I.
j Avirag4 daily aUcndar ce, (i.
j Deportment very Koud.
j Piipils neither abeent nor tardy during
i the mouth, aro: Lynn Strader, N'ictor
; and Cecil lliakelv.
Tbo-c w ho averaged above 85 per cent
in the monthly "xaminatioii, are:
Lynn Strader,
Cecil Wakely.
Lloyd Atteibury and
Ada L. Pmith, teacher.
The House Furnishers.
TUESDAY. JULY 4, 1899.
Under Auspices Roseburg Fire Department.
Grand Parade
In Forenoon.
Fine Display of Fire Works.
of Afbany, Will Furnish Husic.
Oratiou bv
Exercises at
Hicycle Track, Race Track, and Ball Ground
near at hand.
Pithy Paragraphs.
When a person stutters cow. lays be it
sail to ta k in lag time.
A society womau is one who has
learceJ t) smile like a politician.
Frieu ls are those piople who act eur-
prised when we te'.l them bow old w
j It rejairee more moral coaiage ta keep
I ons'a troubles to oneself than to bear
Sometimes vou hear of a perfect mau. .. , .
..,,:, r . i i Ths Oregon Hair Tonic
lie is lb-5 fellow your wife csuld have I
married. j ro,r bair on bald hea ls, destroy
Thecrazs fcr fibred linen makes the H"Jrnffand o? the hair from falling
f...;nn.,,i- n,n"l.,-k Iik a mintrliJat- U u '3ajmende.l by leading
. r . .
Many a man who wouldnt think ol
m.kiDg a wi.u ouv u. u.o , uu
scruples iu making a cook out of bis
wife. '
If a woman could manage to have her
husband serve on a jury every lime 6be
goes away .'i oui home she would feel much
safer about him .
Why is it that nine out of ten persons,
as they run up a bill at a store and can
not pay it, will always epjud their ready
each somewhere else7
A li:tle girl, age two years, livii.g not a
hundred miles from Roseburg, is in the
habit of getting pennies and going to a
grocery store near home for gam. On
seeing a cow chewing ber cud, made
this remark: "Oil Koney, where did
you get a penny, who gave it to yon?
Give me some gum."
Wt en a girl likes a young man, she is
always willing to listen to tbe old, old
story that mtn have been telling to
women since the time of Adam, but after
they are married she doesn't listen with
just as long.
! !-( follow irrir is said to bo an extract
fr i the oration now under couree of
c .. l.ucliou which will be sprung on
tii" Riddleburgers July 4th, by our gocd
friend, O. P. Coshow: "Ii this year of
our Lord an 1 expansion when Dewey is
coming home, and the Eagle has his
alone f ist iu the frozen North and his
beak planter in the jiia'or, wliii his
wings tlap from the snow iir.u ol Asia to
the mid-Atlantic, let i ring i. lie
changes and conj ugate in nil the moods',
tenets and inflections, tho patiiotis n cf
our forefathers and ahuui for tho A iu cr
edo, eagle aud Yankee Doodleum for
ever, Meet we forget, lest wo forget.' "
Letter List.
Uemaiiiiog uucallud for in the Kose
burg postoiliee :
Persons calling f r th -sa le'lera w ill
please state thedaleou which they were
advertised, Juua 5 ISJt). Tim letters
will m charged for at the ra'e of one
cent each.
Elyroth, Francis M.
Gregory, S.
Miller,' H. C.
1'atternon, Frcdeiick William
Welsh, William
Wetzel, .).
Wji. A. Fratsk,
Various Amusements
In Afternoon.
Notice to Taxpayers.
Ordered that a penalty of 3 per cent be
added tc ail taxes ou the assessment roll
of the year l.S'.'S, not paid before June 1.
IS'JV. Further ordered that a rebate of
two per cent be given oa ail taxes paid
in Jane, an I a rebate of oi.e per cent on
; ail Saxes paid in July.
Jih. Lyons, Judge.
M. l. Tnoursox,
Ja?. Bkox,
,' physiciaus. 1 have tried numerous bair
1 tantcs but this is the only one that
bronght E4,bfjicl0ry r!alt9. K. A
. cto.4ll ,,. ... lIllfc,,1Ilr. (W
. - - ----- - - n v -
a24iS. Price, four ounce bottle, 50 c'.s.
Will trade pianos, organs or bicycles
or luoib.-r or wooJ.
T. K. Kkiiabdson
Roseburg, Ore-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Haie Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A Deadly Danger, fag
Manv a man who fffr
has the seeds of
disease planted in
his blood dreams
away his time in
fancied security
with a dendlv dan
ger coil
eel upon
ready to
its fangs into bis very vitals.
Miouiei a man imnic lie uas consnmp-
tion," you ask, "just because his appe
tite lstKXir ami lie is losing lk-sh and lie
lias a little coimli and a general feeling
of weakness and iucainieilv?"
Xo: that doesn't necessarily mean con
sumption, but it means that the system
is living steadily undermined ; "it is
losing force and vitality; it is being
tainU-d with bilious poisons that the liver
hasn't pjow'cr to throw otT and any day
that which is now only a prolxibility may
suddenly develop into a certainty.
" My wife 1i;l licmorrliage of tlie luii3. She
hail tt-'ii lieinorrhaifrs. and the people all around
here Niid she vould never be well tiKain." said
Mr. V. A. Smlcr, of Hern, Mnsou Co.. W. Vs.,
in a very iiiMmctiv-e letter written to Dr. R. V.
l'ierce of Ilufliilu. N. Y. " lint she bei;au to take
Dr. I'icrce's eioKlen Medictil Discoe-erv and she
ooii begun to (fuin strength anil flesli. After
takins ten lwttles she was enlirtly well. Should
you think this will do you anv Rood to publish,
just use it, and if any one disputes the merits
of this almost omnipotent medicine they may
enclose self - addressed envelope with stamp,
and I will answer the same as written in this
But the time to use this medicine is now
while the little weaknesses are slowly
breaking you down. Awaken in lime and
throw off the deadly danger before it
strikes you in a vital spot. This glorious
"Discovery" will give you appetite and
digestive power, pure blood and solid sub
stantial strength.
Write to Dr. Pierce about your condition.
He will send yon good, professional ad
vice, free of charge.
. tf;'1!! m
t,......v::?...; 'vi.;'ir!S gophers.
fTj Jet'M-.verea lor the.l,ln.e.' -v-iS:r
UT ranch ,kl. .-J 7, K&Z? RAI? MICE. CIDWJ. ETC.
A. G. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists,
;' . s
of a
r, , ,
Goods, all that is new and up -
prices. Mailorders solicited.
3"'- i?Si-v
v V
(Successor to Alexander S: Strong.)
Has a complete line of Furniture as cheap as 2nd
hand goods can be bought and you run no risk of
Bed Bugs.
WALL PAPER iu a large variety of styles
in latest Patterns and at prices as low as in Portland
or San Francisco.
You can Hud iu my Store all goods kept in a first
class Furniture Store also cau Repair anything in
Furniture line that is resparable or cover any
Lounges or Couches that need Repairing aud Satis
faction gauranteed.
Xo trouble to show goods,
...B. W. STRONG.
-n a . 1 J a a
General Blacksmithing
Shop ou Corner Vasblnirtan and Kane Sts., Rosebarc
Cass Street Market
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181.
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ovt tump
Notice for Publication.!
I'MiEu st uks Land oith k," I
Itinelnirir. 'rv)tD. May'ii. I
Notkv i binliy i:ien that tho followiUK-
liaiiie.l xt iiu-r liusi.lcl notice of liis int'-mion
lo iniik inittl y-nxil in MivjMirl 01 liis eluiin. atut
,' ,"."' J,l'","1IH '' lnmlo l-lore the t istir
Hint UecciviT, I", .s. Land (niir.
t l:.wl,urK,
Oregon, on .(urn- ! 1. ls;r.i. vi,-:
KANcIs I. RIliKl:.
1.11 II. E, No. ;ojii, f,r t tic !?'.. NW:, N' .,
Kv. -M,T. MX., K. 8 W. ilv. immts H10
followins wHui'Wie-. U rove Ills lontinuous
resilience uimti uixl eultiaiiou of f.niU land.
viz: i nml. s t.. Kulcr, Beiiniln V. Uiilcr
Isnac iuuiuslmni. lioiirlu u iimln.iijim ..f
Olalla. Orvijoii.
tii"-W J. T. BRIUCiEii.
Ke:;isti r.
v v x :"V".
Chief Charm.
Shirt Waist, is the charm of
Novelty. It will interest you to
know that our stock of waists is
Cleau, Fresh and New. The
"suap'' aud style of our garments
our usual low price are eivincr
U.S astonishing bllSV days On this)! br"' luavw of every kind;
. , " jJ luge lot.-for find,
article. , Kadi Iaf is j;. weight and pore
Call and examine our entire 'y the gent and maids demure,
stock of Stanle and Fancv Drv I Hin? onr t,J Jackwn street.
. i , - t-
lo - date at specially attractive
aaa a 1 a a , jf
to G. W. SOAH
and Retail Dealeas
The Roseburg Tannery.
(Highest CaU Trice Paid for Hides, Furs and Kav SklnK.''
Fur and l'uikkin Pressed f-r tilovoM, lish and
luicc Ia-atWr. Jnrs and Skins Drcsstil and
Cleaned. Black Angora Omits for Chaps.
L DEACH, Proprietor.
loot of Mill St., i;..M-burir, Orvavui.
ettmm co. . rw vow.
Notice For Publication.
Land Oh h e,
Koscburs, Orviron, May 5, lsiy,
I Notice Is hereby uiveu tliat ilia folowiiiir
I named wttU-r ban HieU nulice of his iuteutiou
I to make till a! proof iu supiorl ol hUilairn. nml
that said proof will tie made before the KeU.
tor anil Keeeivcr, United Mates Lud Dilloe at
Hocbuii: Ore'., on June l.i. l,y., viz-
C'n II. K., Xo. 1710, for the I ota ;i, li. 11, SW ' . s
Ei4, S'.SW fn See. i, 1 IV. S, KG V. fie
Humes the follow iuj wituefM-s to prove hix con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, vi-: Charles Hattleld, Eduanl Di'.lard
William Kaiwr, t'oaitaut Tou'saiur, all of Mel
rose, Orrgoii.
'- "
v v v w v v v -v v-v-'x v-"i
Roseburg Bakery.
Hurrah ! Hurrah ! the bread does rise
And nicely made are onr mince iies.
No rrmiibliii;; now, for the Drice is low,
Im-ide the oven the ians do p,
S w hen the rrk anl beans are lon
Caniradee and i-atn.-ns have mmtv fan !
f Hot cakes and i-ea-nutri we now sell
t a
uu all that buy, their sweethearts teU.
"en palnm we are gla-l to greet.
, WamHnir DtfB.nTI
The Home Bakery
701 Oak Street, Opposite
Central HoteL
Fresh Baked Bread Every Day
"Boston Baked Beans,n
a specialty.
Mrs. A. C. Kid
(snctsaor to Ua. Eastun.
Calls attention to her nice
fresh slock of
Every thing standard and
of the best quality. Remem
ber at the old Easten stand.
Notice For Publication.
UsiTE Statu Lasd Omrt,
v- . .R?set',r-riron.ArrUi.Ua5l
fitiilhe' ioviions of lb act of CoomTc?
JuMJ. b. MtiUri.i,, t lorlhSJoi
Omber lands m thr states ol CaliJorail Wo
tdiv ail Ue pu Wic Uad stale, by act of Auswi
of RiAlles. cwnty ol Douglas, Cate of Oraroa
has Ibis day fil in thu T-rUci hi. sworn,
ment No. 6T9, for the wrrrhasc of 'Jof
sjcuon Now in township So. nK N i. 7
W.aod wiU offer pr.x.f to show that the likj
jousht a more ruable for its limber oT.ts
than for aenculturml tmrpwies. and TSeiubSS
his claim to said UudMirS
receiTer of this offi at Wb,7. oL
sanirday, the 10th dar of J aa.
Any and all persons clalsiinc advcisvlT th
Uatl oa"xoaor U' HHhday
Assignee's Final Notice.
police is hereby given that the nudersienrt
- ,'J-Tee of the estate ai H. B, Johnson, an
.nsolveut debtor, h.s tiled his final aocSl "
uel ass.enee with the Countv Lik 1,;
tojnty Oreeon.and that d nil iSa?
wUl be heard aud passed upon at theJal
fer Douglas County, to be held begianiuiVUb
the second Monday in Jane, lxs
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given to all partlaa
holding Douglaa coonty n-arrants in
dorsed prior to February G.lS98,fc
present the same at the treasnrer'a office
at the Douglas County bank for pay
ment, as interest will cease thereon after
the date of this notice.
Dated this the 24ti day of April
1839, at the City of Roeeborj-, Oregon.
Gt).VV. DmsicK,
County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or
Notice For Publication.
Usitkd States Land Ornci
Koseburg. O.-vfou. April 26,
-."Vl. " hereby eirea that tho follow, n.
to make una! prewf in sxipport of his claim and
that said prooi will be mlTbefore -e bStUiS
and Receiver. United titaw Ld OftuS S
Koscburs. Orevon, oa June s. vli-
on his H V No. :s,n for trie x NK , .
Tp. s,. R. 3 west. He nameiuie foUow
j"K wilnesae-s to prove hU coaUnnons
i.i.nce upon aud cultivation of Wud Uiid 11T
W llliam C Tipton, of GUde.Orwon. Albert Jlol
Commis. of laglln, Oregon, Frank cluueU and
Aw J- T. BRlfXiES,
Specialists for Me.
ttkfcrl imi
ytrtM .
titutwa, ua tli. mi .,
Main imctica iatb.CS,
Ko Psv Till Cared.
CltluHnBate BWB vbtt MM-s
crrsauaHtotTvtaas. Alt PRES.
All MRKmUnu.1. -"Tr".. ".
rw ir tsasnttatisa.
AX t KA.Ht nkl) I Ermac