The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 01, 1899, Image 2

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Published Monday ImidThursdaj.
,mr Pnl.1ii.hrr
J. L (TBA.TFOSD, . Ngr. and Solicitor
subscription Rate.
ae Year....
Six Monthi.
fkrea Monthi....
.. 1 W
JUNE 1. 1890.
Large Crowd Present Despite
the Threatening Weather.
Eloquent Address by Dr.G. V. Uue,
Our Soldiers.
but it las ;
thirty-eight !
It does not seem eo lou;
been little more than
yari ainc the great civil war broke
at id this country, and as time toes on
w ae reminded oq each Memorial
Day tbat the 'u greea teut in "fames
tterntl camping ground" sue groaici:
more numerous, and tbat the few who
compose the Grand Army of toi-diy
are but straggling remnant of win',
was really a Urand Army iu the d ys
of '61 to '05. And yet. wheu tnis time
ef flower aod memorials arrives each
year, the incident and scenes rise ;
is tbe minds of tboee who were yonn
and bore tbe Hunt of wariare durum
tbose rears of fiercest con tlict. with very
vivid presentation They were bs;
then just such hots as en'dated last
year. There er wore jotta boyi
who enlisted then in irojor!iou, than
were permitted to euliet under the calls
of last year, for the needs of men to till
the ranks were eo much greater, and
anyone wbo would do, cuuld go. Every
company bad its boys who were bote i-i
fact, beardlees and .undeveloped. Tiie
whole nation is prouJ cf its American
soldiers of "J3 and The whole
. world pays tribute to their heroism,
tbeir intelligence and euros. They
are ectith d to it all. I5ut in comparison
ts the soldier boys oi 'ol aud '03, their
courage met no test. The buttles of tbe
Spanish-Filipino war hivj beea mere
Skirmishes as compared with the great
conflict where American met American
and great armies of bacJreis ot thous
ands came together and ground together
until one bid Worn tbe ot ier out. We
speak with a'.I pride ef tbe euJurauee,
the heroism and tbe pluck of tbe Amen
can soldiers of to-day. We know they
would L;ht with all tbe'eoarae and en
dare with all the fortitude of tbe soldiers
f the civil wr, bat '.hey have not ha J
the opportunity. Tbey have merely
demonstrated tbat tbey have the pluck
to fight as tbeir father', fought, if they
had tbe opportunity.
We are getting a long way otr, bow
ever, from the lines tbat formed in 'ol
aod marched and met an J ijiil so
heroically dariug those .bljoiy days.
Toe lines of t'ie euvivjr groa
thinner and thinner with eich recurring
time of memory en J floiers. There are
se graves to deoratj ei :U year.
Let ns remember as we pa?3 along
that tbe beet tints to honor tbe dead
soldier is before he die. Lt os remem
ber a we drop tear i-edeweJ tljwerg op
tbe lowly graves, ibat a smile aud a
cheer, a kindy wor J and an honoring
hand to 'the living hero is even mote
appropriate than fillers scattered over
honored dust.
I). D., of Portland A Chorus of
45 Voices Afternoon Exer
cises at the Soldiers'
When tins auti epaosi Miit-'-a of 1SC7
ere eo eager to express themselves in
diaaproval of tbe pun-base of AUska, we
kocv no more about tbe country than the
anti-annesa'aanis.s iilS13kce about
Oregon and Calif jrr.12. Had ti e advice
f tbose wbo protested against any at
tempted settlement of Oregon been taken
we woold have lost ail the Paciiic coast
eutes. Had the adviei of the anti
asnexationiat of ISoT been tat an we
would have lost all the great region of
Alaska, with its magnificent rivers it)
ioeihaoetible resources, and tbe richest
told mixes in the world.
If we are to take tbe adviei of the ami
annexationists of this day we will de
liver op Caba to anarchy, return Porto
Rico to Spain, furrecder the 1'hiippioes
to any European power tbat may care to
take them, yield Hawaii ti any country
that wishes to fortify it against us, re
dace oar navy, give op al: prospect of
control in the Pacific, shut ourselves otf
from all interests in the world's affairs,
aod be content to take tbe doan graJe
among nation?.
Fortunately, the anti-e xtiai.H'ouiets of
this day have as little iu'.lj:ucd a? did
those wbo protested with a g'eat dis
play of misdirected foresight, against the
eettlement of O egoi, the purchase of
Louisiana, and the annexation of Alaska.
Inter Ocean.
MciimtUI D.iy va- more appropriately
oltferve.l in Oregon this year than
ever W-fo:r. The sacredtiors of tha dav
of tiiemoii.d tribtitrf to cur de id heroes
seemed to l ave a double significance,
and while its perrnaceucy vae ass iied bo
ffin the Sniuish-Americau war, the
evei.ts of the past yexr wid as;iit in per- j
pettiating it for a.'es yet to ouna
The day ;an. l cj1 and clou ly at
this place and remained plta.-ut with
! the excep ija of one light shower. The
otinty oilices, bank, land cflice anil
pastotlice r;mained closed a part or all
day. Tue cerem nies cDuimeuced at
JijJ in the rpt-ra house, upon tlu arriv
al of Reno Pott, ti. A. K., the
W. K. C. an I ladies of Abraham Lincoln
Circle, ti. A. U., from their lull. Tbe
following program eras very suite;-sfully
reuded :
Headirgof orders by the adjiitaut,
Juile Hainliu.
Address by commander of the Tost,
E. 1. 11 jacii, which was f jlbeJ by a
salute to the dead-
Song, "The Stars Sparkled Hanutr,"
by the chotus.
ti. A. 15. ti:ailisi:ec.rvice by i. A. 15.
Trayer, by U-v. Dr. TownscnJ, of the
rresbjteiian chnuh.
.oDtf, "Hag Without Ou .S'.aiu," by
the Ladies tiaartet. I'r.f. L. IS.Traver,
Kcciti'i-.j, ir Soldiers," by Miss
Ciara M-Cov.
Sjng. libia, I'.eloveil," by the
.tddresf, by K-v. ti. W.tiue, 1. D
of Tor'.uud.
Son, "Arutrica," by the Cuoru?.
Ujtediction, by liev. Jubit Dawson, of
the Episcopal church.
Worthy o! particular mention was the
crand na'jiotic addreth of Dr. tiue. The
" '
eloquent speaker began by paying a
glowing tribute to the hoary Leaded old
veterans aud their fanen comrades, the
brave volunteers tow io the Philippines
receiving their die bha-e of praise and
comaieaJatiou. "II-it," contimed tbe
speaker, "we must uot permit our ad
miration lor tbe EC s hero to lea l a 10
f ?net or neglect the old. In our admir
ation f jr the sous we must uot forget the
tire. We must not firget the fact that
the most potent factor in the brilliant vic
tories of the recent and prcseut war w as
the iutpiring ititlueuce of the examj lts
and achievements of those magtiiticeiit
men, a t-art of whom 1 am now to ad
dress. Tuese men, who not only have
made history, bat who have been c':o?ely
identified with aad have been them
selves a pait of the most striking events
and most marvelous achievements that
have marked the growth of the present
century." He also referred t tbe heroic
part tbe women played in the gTeat Civil
war, and declared that the.- bore the
greater share of the troubles and tr'als
of those times. Nor aid the speaker for-1
get to denounce in plain terms the
copperheads and demagogues who have
been opposing and decrying everv
moremeut in cur present struggle, and
the policy of oar government iu the
The following poem, eo c reditably re
cittd by Miss Clara McCoy, at tbe Mem
oiiul twvicfs held in the opera hall dec
oration darn published by request of
the old veterans :
Only a giay-bairod veteran,
Weary aud worn and old.
Traces of care on the furrowed cheek,
His life's story almost told.
And he sits aud thinke of days gone by
When bo was young and strong;
Of the friends and hopes of early
That youth now past eo long.
And his thoughts go bark to tbe sol
dier boy
As be lo.Ved long years ago; j
And he clones his eyes, aud he Kcems 1
to see
Tuoee scenes before him go,
: He tees the young man marching
Away from the homo ot outh,
lioing away perhaps to dis
For his country, riebt and truth.
He teems to bee his mother,
As buo stands with falling tears,
Trying to bid her hoy good by,
And to Hitlo all her lean.
Thou be sees tbo young girl standing
Apart from all the rest,
A noble light on tbe fair young faca
Au awful fear in her breast.
Fourth of July
a..T w-i r
11-1. 1
1 Gopher
And tbe old man, sitting, thinking,
Sees the weary, weary days
When the bod; was worn with march
ing O.-er ro.igti an I rugged ways;
And then be bears the thunder
Ol the battle's awful din.
And rees the weU-iilled ranks of men
Orow quickly, oh, so thin!
He hears the shrieks of wounded,
He bears their groa os of pain ;
Ha sees the biliels falliug
Around him like tbe rain.
He sees the green grass turning
An awful, bloody red;
He sees tbe grouni all covered
With tho wounded and tbe dead.
Put worse than this seems to see
As be sits aud thinks today ;
A prison worse than death it is,
Or tbe bloodiest, fiercest fray ;
Where the starred and half-clothed
Look little like tbe ones
Who went 'rom home to well and
. To face tbe rebel guns.
Ah, there's a God in heaven,
Aud He's a just God too,
Who'll not forget our soldier boys,
The bovs who wore the blue!
Wl o suffered in those awful dens
More than tougue can tell
More than diJ tbe brave ones
Who ou field's of battle fell.
AuJ though years have pasted since
And tbe old man's hair is gray.
Ha shudders when bethinks
Ot the sufferings of that day.
And so he sits and dreams today
Of tbe times now far gone by.
Only n old. worn veteran,
With the light dimmed in his eye.
Yes, only a weary old soldier,
Not far from eternity's gates ;
P.ut he's one of the noble savers
Of this grand I'nitrd States.
Ha one of those who did not (ear
When the shots came toick and
fast ;
He is cue whose bodily strength
Was on his country's altar cast.
"He's tnly a worn-out soldier!"
Ah. tan we far it SO
Of one who, when his country called,
Waited not cce mcrcent to go 7
Never speak lightly of the ones
Tuoo brave, unselfish nien
Who went to the South long years
Many ne'er to telurn again.
Tbey are passing fast fiom the sight of
Thete gray-baired soldiers old ;
boon tbeir wcrk will be ended here,
Tneir story of life all teld.
Then htus boner them while we can
'Tib little that welcan do
To show cur love for the Union boys.
Tbe brave beve who wore tbe blue !
Tuesday, July 4th, 1899,
Under Auspices Roseburg Fire Department.
ns Sauirrel and
Gopher Poison
Grand Parade
In Forenoon.
Various Amusements
In Afternoon.
Fine Display of Fire Works.
of Albany, Will Furnish flusic.
Oration by
Exercises at
Hicvclc Track, Race Track, and Ball Ground
near at hand.
jRoseburg Pharmacy
M. V. RAPP, Prescription Druggist.
Drugs, Toilet Article. I'atetit Jledi-
ciues. Cigars, Stationery, Toilet
Soap?, Taiala and Oils.
photographic Supplied.
The celebrated Magazine Cyclone Plate
Cameras. Triumph Cut Film Cameras.
Call and Examine thctu. -
a .J
(l'ri-paril Wheat)
Tiic Boil ami Clu.'eal Kemel)
yetdixeorored (orthe1eatrnc
ot thctu orvlirJ JanJ
raucli pent.
P:mWzri en
And Effcctaal
stntetiva af
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists,
tUs . .
fir,: N S N..S'-"N"N V V S. 'X XX X X XX X X X X X'X A'S'V'N' ;
The Chief Charm.
Roseburg Bakery.
Ol j ll'irr.ili ! Hurrah ! tiw; brvail riHj',,
0 j -Vii-l nunjly inalt art- otir niiiKe pi. f
. rumtiui iivw, lt tlie nce is Kw,
of a Shirt Waist, is the charm
Novelty. It will interest you
m . r . 1
knOW ttiat OUr StOCK Ol waiSIS lb j hlr tli.; oven the pains do go.
Clean, Fresh and New. The h,-n ti.. i-k au-i Usui are done
. I I'aiuraili-s and patn.-us have me fun!
"snap ' and style of our garments i ,!.,,. wc now
1 . . -Ti rrivmrr I lr..l nil fl.-t l.nt- 1 cUw.l.AM4a 41
us astonishing busv davs on tiub; - 9
O " " I I ti"l I if lr IU liTl. Visfl II final
article, j l-ach is jp.jd wfi;.'ht ail pure
Call and examine our entire j 1 f1 '' tlw-pt-uts and maids demure.
, r (l 1 it T-.. i I'irwt ywir firders to Jacks"u Street,
stock of Staple and Fancy DryEachMlpmu.eare . .
Goods, all that is new and up-to-date at specially attractive!
prices. Mailorders solicited. ?
(Saccessor to Alexander A: Strong )
Has a complete line of Furniture as cheap
hand goods can be bought and you run no
Bed Bugs.-
WALL PAPER iu a large variety of styles
cause o! humanity and freed um. The
speaker was roundly applauded and hie
was declared the ablest adJies3 ever de
livered od a like occaei jo in thie city.
The afternoon program as cju Jutted
at the SjlJiera' Home and was as fol
low :
Sjcgs. National llymiis, l tbe Choi
us. Keuiarks, by Dr. ti. W. Oue.
l'roccssion then formed in 'rout of the
Home and matched tJ the Soldiers'
Home cemetery. Arriving at the ceme
tery a hollow square was formed arouDd
tbe monument erected to the unknown
dead, and the ritualistic fjueral services
of the ti. A. It. rendered iu an impress
ive manner. Tue Chorus furnished
Memorial day recall tbe fact that vi , beautiful musk. Flowers were deposit-
O. A. R. .Members Extend Tbeir
Thanks for Assistance Rendered
in the Exe: vises by our
all the graves of our presidents, hut one
remains neglected aud practically uo
esarked, that of John Tyler. Whatever
his virtues, they cjuat for naught. He
betrayed tbe political interests intrusted
to him; he mugwumped. The teruu
mogwnmp and independent, in tlitir
present political sense, were born many
years later, hut every man wbo pretends
to belong to onj party and gives support
ed, a salute tired by the
tribute was ended.
l'o8t, and this
Tue laro chorus of U'iseburg's singers
did splendil work at the Memorial ser
vices Tuesday. Many compliments have
been received upon tbo perfect time and
harmony of tbe different selection?.
to another, howspr hiih or low he may j Each einger deserves jtreat creuit for
be, Tylerires. Tbe difference is in de
gree, not kind. Every voter who to
(ratify personal spleen, or from auy
otber motive, is euil'y of off year in
fidelity to his party fallows in tbe foot
steps of Jobu Tyler. Nor have tbe
American people any lesa abhorrence of
tncti politics now than tbey bad then.
The popular reprobation of mugwump
ery finds appropriate exprees.on in the
dishonored grave oi Tyler. The absence
ef any memorial token of respect is in
itself more conspicuous than any shaft of
granite cr inarble could be, atd tbe i ieitie K-mt, Li liiii Criteser, Veil Bar
pergonal effort to make (he woik cf tbe
chorus a success.
The ladies of tbu "l'lirtet ari worthy
of especial mention. Tbeir numter ne
prepared at one slio.'t reticarii', ye l it
was rendered with -ujU pleasing ilftct.
The eingers who formed tbe chorus were:
Soprau;e, Mefdames S. V. Flint, J, H.
Booth. l'. Ljhr. ;t. C. Morris, E. M.
Cheadle, !. W. Bales. L. H. Traver,
C.W. iihvrman, L. B. Mojie, 1'. M.
Mitbeae, Mieei? Eva Jacobs, Lucile
.Sacry, Maul" Uset, Lilliju Stanton,
The Memorial services were under the
directuus of Keao Post, No. 23, U. A. R.
On Sunday May 2Stli, Keno Tost, Corps
aod the ladies of tho 0. A. K. Circle
marched in a body from their hall to the
M. E. charch, where all present wera
entertained by a most able, patriotic and
eicinent sermon delivered by the Rev.
Geo. R. Arnold, pastor of the church.
On Tuesday, Memorial day, the l'oat
and auxiliary societies, assembled with
a large concourse of people at the Opera
house, w here was very creditably carried
out, the program of tbe day, which is
published herewith.
For and in behalf of Ueuo lost, we
want to express our most hearty aod
sincere thanks to Prof. L. R. Traver and
his very able corps of eiugars for their
labor and inter et in the program, and
abave all, for the rendering of such
beautiful mueic to tha delight of all pies
ent. And to Miss Clara McCoy for her
recitation, which thrilled and warmed
our old hearts.
We were treated to a most eloquent
addreei by the l!ev. U. W. One, of
Portland. He teems always loaded
open such occasions, uow he dealt ont
to us patriotic lore and while he re-
counted the toils, sacriGcee and triumphs
of the sixties, how the hearts of Ihe old
comrades warmed with patriotic fire and
'ove of country, Aod our old wives
hut then our young wives who stayed by
the fnrm and the babes how their
memories were stiired while the lr.
Come a;;aio, Dr. Oue! and to the peo
ple of Koeeburg, we thank you heartily,
but you have only done your duty as
loyal American i ili.eas.
E. D. How mix,
Commander Post.
epitaph of dishonor which stand out
with extraordinary plainness marks tbe
political graves f all mugwumps.
Tbe copperhead uf the Sooth and the
South-hater of the North nre uow b:ick
numbers, Dec iralion dy was liltiugly
observed in S j'h C-TJiiui a-id djrgia
nl Hsnry Wattirjou delivered a nie
mirial address at L lui.ive'.ls, Ky.
ker, Kate Ful L'rt ) i, arid Willetlia Koed :
Altos, Mesdame-t I. A. WliiCr, .;. R.
Arnold, F. W. Woollev, and M IJ3ilale';
-Mieses Belle Catching, (i-ori.i Jacoos,
1 Luna IIa:t-(I,Cadiiicc i'ro'anand Miunie
jll'iston. Trt.Tjr.1. M'SiM .1. II. Shupe,
j I):. E M. C iea lle, lieury IU faardson,
land Clare id(re. Bai'se.", J. A.
Buchiina-i, T. If. Reiiter, . 1
If. E. Mi l itere, W. C. Coi t:er, S. C.
j Flint, II. . Iloueboldei , and William
' B i.."l. Prof. I,. U. Traver iliioctor.
Many Volunteers Believe There are
Great Opportunities for Them.
Ntw Yokk, May 3E A special to the
Herald from Manila says: Information
baa been received here that satisfactory
results have attended the movement
among members of the volunteer regi
ments in Manila for the establishment of
a large American colony in the Philip
Four thousand cf the volunteers now
in the island are reported to have signed
a petition to the president and secretary
of war, praying that they receive their
discharges in Manila, instead ol at the
places of enlistment, and they Le al
lowed travel pay lo the places of enlist
It was explained that they believed the
Philippine islands 'offered rare opportun
ities for industrious and enterprising
Americans to make for themselves
homes," and that they desired to remain
for the purpose of taking part in the
development oi the mining, agricuitura1
and industrial resources of the islands.
The petition stated that in the event of
favorable action by the government,
those signing it pledged their united eap
port in upholding the laws and protect
ing the interests of tbe United Stales,
and would, if so desired, become mem
bers of a national guard or such organiza
tion as might be necessary for the best
protection of American interests in tbe
Eggs For Setting.
E.'gs fr.-iu pure bred White Leghorn
fowls, ier ecttiog of 15 eggs, W eta.
J. R. Wilson,
Camas Valley, Or.
Notice to Taxpay ers.
Ordered that a penalty of 3 per cent be
added tc all taxes cu tbe assessment roil
of tbe year 1SI3, not paid before June 1
IStX. Further ordered that a rebate of
two per cent be given on ail taxes paid
in June, and a rebate of one per cent on
ail taxes paid in July.
Jo?. Ltcns, Judge.
M. I). Tiiosinso.v,
Jam. BlKON,
Alv.i LaRaut Dead.
I.MJltS "Jl'AUlKr.
No living man lias to meet mora pre-'
dictions, pompously made, which have!
proved absolutely false, than has W .1. j Meedames C. W. Sherman, E. M
Bryan today. i Cheadle, S C. Flint an I I.. A. Walker
I Miss Mabel Van Buten, pijniotn
name as j chorus i!l he increased ,:n n il
"Immortal j he in rthetrciu; f jr I jur.h ji Ju'y tele
hiati'Ui exririM-g.
With i)ewey'8 name the
Washington's the ttr.u,
'.ieorge'' may in the future have a double
Aiva LaRaut, sou of N. I.aUaut of
(iarden Valley, died at (irants Pass Tues
day May 111). 1H'J;, after a lingering ill
nees. He was aied about 3ti years and
leaves a wife and one child, besides an
aged father and mother and other rela-
Cosbow, 1 llvea a,,a "leuas to mouru nis loss.
He was a member of one of Djuglas
I county's oldest aud most highly cs-
teemed pioneer families.
' Tho remains were brought to this city
for burial Wednesday evening, ti e iuter
: men l taking place in the Masonic ceuie
I lery lit 1 o'clock this afternoon. Rel-
I be alives and many friends ol tbe deceased
soon ; were in Httendanco al lh funeral ser
vices from (i ran In Page.
Decoration Day at Myrtle Creek.
Memorial day exercises at Myrtle
Creek wee of special significance. An
excellent program waa prepared and ar-
rangments made for a large gathering
The program could not he carried out in
full on account of sickness in the com
muoitv, but tbe exercises wre good and
the attendance quite large. The proces
sion formed on the street at 10 o'clock
a. in. with tho U. A. R. in the lead fol
lowed by the band, then came the young
people bearing tlowera and (lags. These
w ere followed by a large procession, all
marching with solemn tread and appro
t ; .te music to the cemetery, where
- V:i proper ceremony tbe floral tributes
uf honor and esteem were laid upon the
craves of the departed heroes. After
the decoration the procession again
formed and marched hack to (own
The program consisting of music by the
band, song", recitations and addresses,
was given at tho hall, beginning at I
o clock p. ra. Tho exercises were cer
tainly excellent tbe parts being we'l dt
livered and the selections uf tbe hihtr
elats. The addresB was delivers 1 by J
L. Stratford of the Plainiikai-ek. TIm
crowning events of (he past live he
made tbe services of the day doublo in
teresting aud impressive. Altogether,
the day was one of special interest and
will b long remembered by tho people
of Myrtle Creek acd vicinity.
Bburg will have tbe grandest) A decade or so makes very little differ
fourth of July crltbration ever held in enc iu tin newspaper por raits of (Jieen
Southern Oregon. Djn't forget it. Victoria. -
Tbe Orexoii wool growers are exper
riencimr some of ttifl benefits of tbe
Republican iiiuli tariff. Much of the
clip of 18'JS is still held in Southern Ore
gon, and the best pries offered is 10 cents
per pound. Jacksonville limes
Taking it throughout the couutry
1 j wool is i0 per cent higher than in
And now comes the report from all over j Cleveland's administration, and clothing
tbat the late rains, of which we have I is sold just as cheap or oveu cheaper now
heard so much unpleasant comment, ; as then. The foreign wool grower,
have had fetich a beneficial effect that
the crop prospects are excellent.
however, is not reaping tbe same bar
The Oregon Hair Tonic
Will grow hair ou bald heads, destroy
dandruff and it jp the hair from falling
out. It is lecommended by leading
phveicians. I have tried numerous bair
tonics but this is the outr one that
brought satisfactory results. R. A
tftowell, agent, Rosebnrg, Ore.
i2t3. Price, four ounce bottle, 50 c!e,
Will trade pianos, organs or bicycles
or lumber or wood.
T. K. Richardson
Rosebur;, 0e.
Fancy Fowls.
jTheliome Bakery
ijoi Oak Street, Opposite
Central Hotel.
Fresh Baked Bread Every Day
"Boston Baked Beans,"
a specialty.
Mrs. A. C.
in latest Patterns and at prices as low as in Portland
or San Francisco.
V rin finA in niv Store all irouds kept in a first-
a wU tM o a t
class Furniture Store also can Repair anything iu j
Furniture line that is resparable or cover any j
'Lounges or Couches that need Repairing and Satis-j
faction gaurantecd ' i Every thing -standard Krf
No trouble to show goods, -of the best quality. Remem
ber at the old Easten stand.
fiuctMur tu Mrs. Eatun.
Calls attention to her nice
fresh siock of . ,r
. . . B. W. STRONG.
i.roi w T T 1 T tT TVT ""Tri TS.T
OfVL T 1 IE r"lL.rVll1VJi i
rsucccwor to G. W. XOAH.J
General Blacksmithing
bop oa Coraer irashlnttoa and Kane (t
Pure bred S. C. leghorns for sale,
spidv to tladilis Bros., Rosebnrg, Or.
A Deadly Danger.
Many a man w ho
has the seeds of
disease planted in
his blood dreams
away his time in
fancied security
with a dcadlv dan
ger coil
ed upon
ready to
rrrA i
its fatiis into his very vitals. ' ' -
" Should a man think he has consump
tion," you nsk, "just because his appe
tite is ioor and he is losing flesh and he
has a little cough and a general feeling
of weakness and incapacity ? "
No: that doesn't necessarily mean con
sumption, but it means that the system
ia iKiing steadily undermined ; it is
losing force and vitality; it is leing
tainted with bilious poisons that the liver
hasn't power to throw off and any day
that which is now only a probability niay
suddenly develop into a certainty.
" My wife hcmorrlmire of the luniks. She
had Icn lieniorrlinscs, and the people all around
hrre niu she would never be well affaiu." said
Mr. W. A. Sanders, of Hern, Mason Co., W. Va.,
in very instructive letter written to Dr. R. V.
l'ierce of llulliilo. N. Y. " Hut she beitan to take
Dr. l'ierce s (iolden Medical Discovery and she
aoon tK'x;in to pain streuKth and flesh. After
tutine ten lwttles the was tnlirtly ttr. Shonld
you think this will do you any ood to publish,
just use it, and if any one disputes the merits
of this almost omnipotent medicine they may
enclose self- addressed envelope with stamp,
and I will answer the same as written in this
But the time to use this medicine is now
while the little weaknesses are slowly
breaking you down. Awaken in time and
throw off the deadly danger before it
strikes you in a vital spot. Tha glorious
" Discovery " will give you appetite and
digestive power, pure blood and solid sub
stantial strength.
Write to Dr. Pierce about your condition.
He will send you good, professional ad
Vice, free of charge.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealeas
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181. PrOpS.
Notice For Publication.
Csited St vtes Land Orrn k.
Roseturg. Orexon. April 4, kat.
Notice U lien-by irirca thai in cuslikkc
ui;ht:ic provisions of th act of Congress ef
J-jue i, IsTs, enuUed "Au act for thti saieof
ttiaber Und5 in thetates ot California, Oregon.
Neala ad WasbiDftoo Terriury," extend
ed to ail the pubiic land states bv act of Aujnat
i, is..-, -
of KidiiU-s. ivnuiT 5 Douglas, state at Oregon,
has this day riiediu this ofSice bis svora !i
nient No. e), ior the pun-hate of the fcE l. of
s:;ioa 14 m town-bip o. M s-, raasaNo. 1 j
W. arhl will oder pnof to show tiiat tbalacad t
! sought is more valuable for its Umber or tooe
! tbau ior acrieultural rarniaM. and ta exlaiMsA
b-si in.ui to said laud before toe Rsister aa.i
receiver of this otti-e at RoaeiKirg. Oregoo, oh
ra.'jpiiT, me lum aay w iaaf,
lie names as witnesses: Oeorge TV. RiM
c . . le uu, 1 5, iKil). luuc, uwrC s. atouj
oi Kiddles, tregiD.
Any and h'J persons claiming adversely tb '
claims iu this ollicc ou or before said KUi day
of Juuo, ls,
The Roseburg Tannery.
(Highest t'ah Price Paid for Iltdes. l";irs and Uaw skins."
Fur and Buckskin Dressed I"r t doves, Ui.-!i and
Lace Leather. FiirT and Skills lresl and
Cleanetl. Pduvk Anra iJouts fr t'l.aj'S.
L DEACH, Proprietor.
Foot of Mill St., South IJosvlmrsr. Oregon.
Vssig:ne's Final Notice.
Votice is hereby givcu that th nnderniirncd
aiciieeoi the estate oi H. B. Juausoo. ao
iu-o'ivciu debtor, has aled bis final account a
suci as:?nct5 with the Countv clerk oi Uvxig'u
CouutT, Urezou. and that saiid filial accouai
Ulbe heaid and passed upon at Ibe Jtu
term of the Circuit Court of the Suie of Ornra
ior IXiuclas County, to be held beginning vita
the second Jlondav in June, I".
c. A. EUIBRKDE, Aasismee.
CcSUOW SJIERIOAX, AtUfuey for Aauguee
County Treasurer's Notice?
Makes the food mortT delicious and wholesome
evw um eo. . tr vo.
Notice is hereby given ta all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to February 6 . 1.',' 1 1
present tbe same at the treasurer o3ka
at tho Douglas County bank for pay
meet, as interest willceae thereon after
the . date cf this notice.
Dated this the LM'.h day cf April
!SlU, at the City of Rosebnrg, Oregoo.
Gko. Y. Dm mick.
j Conntr Treasurer, Dougiaa County, O
Notice For' Publication.
I'mtkoStatcLand Oftici
Kowburg. Oregon, April 26, 1S39.
Notice is hereby isiveu that the following
i:suicil settler has nied uotico of his intention
I to make limit prooi iu support ot his claim, ant
that said proot wii! be made beior the Reristci
; au.l Kevciver, I'uited Sutes Land Omc at
i K"Seburc. Oregon, ou Juue S. lD, vU
I en his II. t. No. 7s4 tor the N SK 'i. Sec 10
j I'p. s., K. 3 vol. He uames tb foilo
i Uv' witnesses to rroTe hi! continuous re-
i i-tenee upon and cultivation of said land, Tii:
W i.liam C Tipton, of Ulile, Orvson, Albert Mc-
I Nun, v J. Welter. i O.k Ciwk. Oreeo.
! A'-Mi :" J. T. BRIIXiES,
! Register.
Notice for Publication.
Koseburg, Oregon. Maylti. Is'.'.'.
Notice is hereby given that tho followiiig
numcd settler has tiled uotico ot his intention
to muke tinal proof iu BUpiort of his claim, and
that said proot will be made before the Register
and Receiver, V. S. Land Oflice at RoM-buty,
Orcgou, ou June 1:1, JsK). vi:
cn H. K, No. 7o5, lor the S'j NW1;. N1,
SV! See. 2t,T.MS., R. 8 W. He names tho
following niuicsses to prove his continuous
residenea upon aud cultivation uf said land,
via: t buries K. Rider, Beujamiu K. Rider
IfBscWiuuiugham, Imuglaa VYluulugbaui, of
Olalla. Oregon. v
(mitp) 3. T. BRIDGES,
Notice For Publication.
Usitku Tiks.
Land chi k
Oresron, May 1
N E Y E ItS,
Notice is hereby siven that t'u t...ow.iii-
named settler has nled notice ot ls intenti'ti i
toiuako tiual priMii in support ot his i li-.ii. mid ,
that said proot will be made before tin- Hoc is-
tor and Receiver, United Mates Land Oftiee at :
Keburg. ?G-TjrBi;tRirir-i
Ou H. K., No. "V, lor the t i's 1'. It. "A S j
K I., S'.. bV ,. e-. : T -.V. S, Kii . lie
names the follo'wiu-i wituosses M pne his wt-
tititioiiH resiileneff neon and eliltivatl-'U ot said I
land, xU: Charles Hattield, Kdw rd lil!ard j israoitSHCD it tsabs.
Wllliaui Kaiser, Constaut loustaiut, an in jie!-
' " J.T. lUlim; K, 7JI NAKEt.T ST..
lti-sister. lOI S.tS tBAMlSCO
i CO. T
Specialists for lil
t,-, (v n W':?i - -" v'
IK Urv 4
atnl th att
Pay Till Cr4.
No CliAr?s tor iouvlte mr