J i ? U NOW FOR SPRING BUSINESS- My Big Spring stock is now complete. There's brightness of spring reflected in every department of my store now. All the different stocks have their complement of new spring mer chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the money-saving there is in buying of me. I ADIES' -7. S L' OXFORDS SLlFFcKS t AND The famous ML L. Exclusive Agency Don't forget the next time you arc down town to q come in ana see tne many new styles we are (0 showing. Our Prices will make you happy and Q the fit make your feet feel glad. DOUGLAS shoe for Men, ....I Have for Inspection.... Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremeh- low prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find the best assortment ever brought to this town. The People's Store. 1. ABRAHAH, Prop. THE PLAINDEALER. MAY 13. ISfr.. The highest graJe wheeis, Katnb'.ers HO. B021, the aaubuiaker. ikes in'. The Liflii'st trade whrfta. ! j HO. av- I Kr firvt class Liti;t of Oakland Tb9 highest grade wheels, Ramblers. HO. Wood tiken on sal sctiption. Tc:s ap ply to both o'd and new Eobecribae. liJOJl'irr?, ietitit-iry n t',!.',l LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. CbeaJl?, ntist, tt lr. Strange 's i Ti t-xenanue I t u.J: ..M I old eland, i hnnticg case, s:tm i:,.!i;:.; iu'ci Iked for bargain and your waVh le- I - ' , pa no . j Vancroit creamery butter at lit. . Bond, ti e wa-chaiaker tells spectacles i "Pride o! DoajW i est dour on tbe 1 - . l . ... L T , I ai lowest f rive, aaa can ui mem iui- . u.. Aft vour uroter k r ll.e IV.de of rectiy. Iludyau is now sold at 00 cents per D0nlas" flour. Sciatica, despondeLcy, locDinotcr j Packege 1 y al! druses HaJyari. ataxia, paralysis. Hudaa cares. All ! Sick headache, fullness in stomach, Arncr.fdK. r,a cents, tain ia bawl. Madras care. Al! f- n 1 It would be hard !o Enl a mora oblig- lrWts, 50 cents, ing set of cacnty o5:erp, than the pres- Governor Cle-er is in town attend ant incumbents in this coauty. i&Ra aieetmsuf tbe heard at tbe n . . . . . J bjv!. - i The -Pride of Lbuglas ' 13 a ne Brand J)r. j.,,. tlie c! 1 reuae cptuia-, r n . 1 . I - 1 . ti' . . TI S I . .. f - , ... I . - ci nonr aitae uj iuc h- -um:d a.mi.u. juitcur wui I cow at the Jlctlai.en lljlc , as lie liav;-s Every sack is -warranted. Try it. one to fi?e days o;d. IlisLeet price pud .QQjar ga:e 8CJ jee biuu I for same. .S. C. Baetkum. P.osbur. Ore. Kev- K A Pas!or P- IDvterun etiuren a'. l)ril9 i o:r.i, is tall, cr f end, an t subscribe lr "tLe I'L viNDHLi-i: Oar 1 i-.t i ia"reaii:g rapidly. Mr?. C. II N."ir is cllVr;rij s;nt:;al t..a:j;jic5 ia'aiillinery al! sitia oe?k . T'J.' T. L. O raves is our ag-nt at Oakland, authorized to Bolicif, collect and receipt (or any bills dee tbe Paimealle. E. DaGas. M. D., meniler Board of Pension Examiners. Office. Marsters building residing corner Main and Cass street. Jaks Wbitacre made tbe Plaimeau;k a pleasant bnsiiiess call today, and now has a paid cp subscription to Oct., 1000. It makes no difference Low bad tbe wound if joa ase DeVTitt's Wxtch Hazel Sat; it will quickly Lea! and leave no scsr. A. C MARSTEltS & CO. Ik. T T A-taAiurK a I , , town, and mad Ihi uttSce a j.aat that Le nas almost fully recovered Mejford to eujjv a mon'b s visit v.AU I from Lis recent illness and can be Lis family Sheriff V. W. Gige. of Coos county, j Endeavor sxieties at tbe CLtis'.ian passed through this city Monday morn- I ebcreb, on Tbur$dy evening, Mav IS !i. ing, enroute to Salem with Chas. tiader-1 al S o'ciwk p.m. Mr. K. W. Al man, who was convicted a? tbe recent lsn, cf PjrtnJ, be prei,t, auJ de term of circuit court at Co.j3iI'e City, of liver an addra to tbe people, an a'.-o assault with a dacgeroua weapon, and arrange for tbe transportation of Ka was sentenced to serve a term in tbe en deavors and all others wishiog to v .-it itentiary. I Portland during lbs anoaal cosveuiion Woodmen of tbe World 6Kcial rsund I to be bel I t PorUnJ, iini.ing May moved Lis ofSce from the corner of Pine trip ticket to Portland, are low oa sale 27ib, nn'. All are cjrdiiiiy invi ed to and any or.e desiring to tne adyactage cl I a'tend lii' oeetin tha low rate will applv to 11. L. Mar- I Tbe clang of the tirc l.rll a-. 1 etrccch eters at an early date. Excurtion train I jDg cf the whir.Ie of a lo oaittive at the wdl leave Kosebarj Tuesday May oOtn, roocd bouse, aroused onr ciUreni from at 4 :30 o'clock a. m. I their peaceful slambtrs at a little p&M J. A. MtIDnald, of Hoa'h Myrtle two o'clock anday mornicg. Tb? Cie Creek, was in this city Friday transact-1 was discovered in tb small res";Jnce of ing land effics tosicees. He made A. . Koje, on the heights at the tipper this oflice a verv pleasant call arid added end of Latie street, and the building was 'Woman's Home Missionary hlB namB our euiiEcrinliun lis- The aiaioft complete'v eavebpeJ in Canoes and Washington streets to the Abraham s building. Chronic diseases and deform ties successfully treated. Elmer V. Hoover, phy&iciaa and sur geon. Office text to city ball on Main street, Eoseburg, Or. Special attention given to diseises of tbe nose and throat. Calls promptly answered. 'Phone S4i. The Society" of the M. E. church will bold a t jcun fc'.ljw who jaajp?d Mr. Mcbjn-j before the alarm was turned in, hence aid's homestead claim last week, was the fire department made litii! or given 24 haura to get oat of the country no effort to check the dames, aad tLe bv the clever citizens of that vicinitr. bailaim was a total law. Mr. K se I:as and hs '-vamoosed" forthwith. To Loax: Frcm ti'.OCO to t3,CC0,oa first class security. Adrtrts?, C- II. EcmoL, Kceburg, Ore. parlor meeting at the home cl Mrs. F. H. Churchill, Saturday, Mav 23, at 3 p. m. at which tbe ladies of tbe church are in vited to me;t Miss Tatton, of Letroit, national organizer. J. L. Stratfoid, our live solicitor, who is now in the field booming business f&r the rLAD.DXAi.EB, is uceetiDg with even I greater eucces3 than was anticipated. He is sending in tbe names of new sub scribers at the rate cf (en to fifteen a day. The Plaisdeaixb is coming to tbe front and at rapid strides too. The ice cream axial givea by the Lidies Aid Society in tbe M. E. church parlor, last Thursday evening, proved a rrand success bo'-h socially aad Cnanci- j allr It was lareely attended and all ! and to the I O. O. F. that so freely be- EiUrtied. iiie inencea cs, we win always cnerisu a been knepir.g bachelcr a ball in tbe building for eome time, but as Hfeot at the time cl thj tire. Card of Thanks. Eiitok I'lai.ndkai.er: Woodmen, Attention. T,niil:t in the lat ir.pctint? of Oak A e woti'd like ,. tiore hB moetiucta ba addressed to give through the columns of your Ly ,k.aJ CaJBp Leclorer c . V.'. Wheeler. paprr m our neiguoors ana inecus enr . .rr.PMIOCIitl ba a,,,!-this Tbebilitst Krfio wIuh-Ih, Kaiublers, HO. The l-iKlicJ-t fc'iulo wbei In, Kauibleis, HO. Lawn mowere corn plauttis and cul tiViitors at, ChUfcinlt A Vo"i!cy's Mrs. John Juuii. son, cf Pol Hand, is in tbe city, the guest of Mrf. Will II. .lam it-sou. Ttio placi to buy biifc-nien. backf nd wagon. Stearns t Chenowetli, ',k-i land. ' Lynn binitb, of Uracgavilic, Idaho, is vieiting relatives and frieuils in this city. Firat class ' Vt.bll" and -Hartlord" bicycles at Chiuvl i:l A Woolley's, for $25 and Col.l rai.iH have datnan-d I'aiian prunes in Iouas count , but uot te tite. Wo lit-nire to call attention to tbe new ad of Mis. N. Boyd, un ttio lart of this ptper. Hon. A. F.'Stparns, of Oakland, mads tbo Pi.imeai r.i: a pleasant and interest ing call this mcruintr. 'a T..-X- l!iinlay vou cn consult Ir. I.3j i.i IVp't H ::!, at Oikland. Ifyoi ti-t-.i K-'-''ica tee liiiu that day EUf.'. I Tin. J. II. B,if!h at;d wife sj-ent tbe la'tcr part of l.tst m ek in attendance at the Mu-tca! Frclival at lvig.-m, and viiti ijt w I'll frii'iij.--. Ir. Lo?, t!. t'pticim, don't g- from h rite t. !i' uie. If you need g!aaes, t?t hita in .s botil otlioe. He leaves Sunday sure. "Fur ;. t Ilvne'' h !!. Uon'mrg, Oregon, M?f. I. KftcUel, pr pri-iri6-Mcaii an-1 '.o Lin i-ai li 10 ct-nts. I.ne Slrnt, w 1 xki iiO.il ilrp.'. tfeu B'- A Bice, Hot:- Foruirhtrs for every tbic: in the furniture lice, lirg.s! 'o k ail lje.t o:ic?.-, cs'. re ruiveJa.ir iul .J Ki-tern anl coii-l furr.it'ire. S, e n f :r b tr-.-aiLS. :.T:. ard ilr J. A. Hubbard. il Lave vi a hunt tir.i- ( ir loa, '..tre t!:fy :1 ,-c, ! i'i.v ta-cmer ti-iti.-K relilivv- a., i -i;. ri H. I: Im lti 1J yra.S t:i..;.- t!i-y i-il tti-'T iM b;:re, and th-' ft- 1 now ;i..t t ht-rc i a sum mer's cr, j ; uieti" t le lai t.y t;j'.:g back. Jjb i II j i;ur, I; u in !r.k-.iith pira' si-. In s re'oin t j Mj r:'c i'oiat U-t wtt k r .i.i ibis i's, din 1 la?t Ti.urs d.iy ; . r r; : I. is Mtr-,le I'.-ir.l bua.e. He was .4 jeam r, aj?, ... leav.-s a wife r.d !iv h:! .:l I Ml I'.-zt trri.i.-f torn rela'ive in i:ds c.t; . His remains fn tak d lot ii- mer for ir-.U-rmert. IKadC'an ;. I.fc'art-r l W. W unlet wi:! f;-ind h jt:(. .f Wod crif; neat Vid:.rJaf rvrnicg at Ibe U,ra bo jm". Every i.ifiubtr of Uak Camp s'.o jM do bis !tt to have every f:iend cf !:is in tlri.daLi s Tun oujjbt to be a gala dy f jr Wa..lcraft. It can bv ma !s r"j ifeveiv "Anul-uan ai'.i m ert bis iuiueii'-c tor l !iavi:; j a lare aiidiei.ee ia attendance noa Ntigoixir Wln-r'.er's s.IJ'c.'i next Wvdnv lav eve nijt V. C. L'irtrict Att Kucy no. M. Brn re turned b.Hus Irom Coc toaniy, last Fri day, wbrre tie bad been altendicg cir cuit cuurt. We ucte that Le was paid the foli'jii:g L'$h con.pli:nc-t by tbe grand j :ry in i s Coal rsrert: "We feel it onr duty add -i-tire tu t xprets our thanks to liftirg M. Bror, d;stricl at torney, far the fair and courteous man ner in which be has treated al! wiiue e bfire this bodv, and th unny fa vors rendered tbia boly, and do hereby rec. goiil in bi:u an ab'e and tfl'.cieLt otTicer." One hundred tier tf 'o tiade for cows, line mile aud a bali soti'h of Four corners. j4 Wm. M. lVnn.it. A. C MAKiTl'.RS u CO. tearnsA Cin-cje:h at Oakland have now on hsad har.lrara of all kimls pnr- chifed before tht reie and i!I sill at less thrn foimir prices m bile in stock. A'.j b'lcicr, hie ks and aaguas f io 10 less than can be bought elcesbere. WsriantiJ sexinj machine, Eest six L V.e '.0 in.b o'.en Steele 'racge with high cloret and eservo:r, i iO. (.'sr load of choice ceJar shingles. North Alyrtle Creek. I Suushtue and strawberries. Tlios. Brewer was duiug biisiubaa in town oue day, last wees. Our school is progressing nicely under tbe management of Addie M. Stewart. Ira Miles, tbe famous wood cutter, has been promted aud is now a corn plant er. Miss Mazie Mulkey seeuib quite abseiit minded cf late. Wonder what is tbe matter'; A few of our boys took in the show at Myrtle, Monday night. They say it was fine. Mids Eleanor Weaver aud Mia Uose Miles are becoming ipiite famoui as peJestriauB. Albert Bobinson who has beeu ork iug near Gray's Aarbor, '.V ash., has re turned home. Frauk Mulkey, "tbe rustler," is as sisting John Brown in siiie tuiii -i ork oa South MyKle. Chas. Miles, formally of Myrile Creek, who enlisted in the 1st Idaho Vol.,, baa b.ea sent boms ou the sick Uaye, an 1 is no r in the hospital at Presidio, Cal. Ions. Vou Can t Oct Rested Looking Ulas. JjUijj Itenaiog went to Kjicjurg Monday. The beautiful sunshine ha vouie fortthat last. Lee Davis made a flying trip l Brock way last Sunday. David Morgan as vie..!,' ilu eubis of Bossbuig last Monday. lieo. Matthews, of K.tloo, (.j.-J through our burg Monday. Wild strawberries are gvt'.iOn ripe in this Section of the county. J. T. (ioodman male a butiucaa trip to the county seat on ToesJay. Wna. Simmons and faaiiiv were viait- Bccausa That Tired Feeling is not lbs re sult, of exertion. It is dun to the un healthy condition cf your blood. This vital fluid should give nourishment to every organ, neive and muscle. But it c.'.iinr,: ,!o this no!' fs it is rich and pure, lhat 'u what jou want to cure Thai fired Feeling pure, rich blood. Hood's Satsaparilla will help you "get rested." It will g've you pore, rich blood, give yon vior an ' vitality and braco you up ho ti nt you may feel well h'I ilito'in'i tint i-,;iiin eummer. If yo.i have iH'wr t:i'-;l l!wl' Kariapa i ilia, d j .. n ; a , :m.l i ea li jw it euer g'lert an t vi'';..'S vour whole sv'm. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST l'luce wLile in town to put n; yonr team U at (jixxl waiting rooms for ludies and goiitluinea- well warmed and lighted. (icod aeconjtuoclatioriH for keeping trant-itt teainri over night. Voor I'.tronjc kcipcctiully foliciUd UEKT CASK, Proprietor. Cor. Wa-Lington and Main Sts. How's This? We offei One Hundred Dollar Be Hard for any casv of Catarrh that rai.not be cnrel by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo. O. We the nndersine I have known F. J. Cheney for the la&t lo Tears, and believe hia' perfectly honorable in all business Iratisactiuns and financially able to car rr L".'. ai:y obliaatias made by their Wet A Trnai, boltfa't LVug:Uts, j T..1. d . i I Wld:ns. Kinr.an i Martin, Wnole- THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. Our Spring Stock.... 'fti mm Is now complete in every depart' ment and a cordial invitation is ex tended to all. 4y EXCEEDINGLY GOOD VALUES ! In Ladies Shirt Waihts, Wrappers j and Skirts which sre a feature of onr I offoriDRs today. ! This lot will certainly aortal to maud for licrhtr Sboe. V.'e bar those w bo bny only wla they aru'smic-ipaled this and are prepared certain that qnslity is Terr Ligh and j with a full 1d of LadieV aod Missos price low. ;Oif.-edsand Lce Shoe ia Black, Uat they will alno attract tLoseiTan. Chrome and all tbe newest who like stylish good too. ; shade and tilt-s. Sizs are com- Thee are exceptionally styiihh and i pleto and M-ry kind of tee re pre -particularly well made. Couldn't be S teairt. All are of excellent quality, better if made to yonr order andjX" better made. There are Sboew costing doable tb6 rjjoiiy. which cet more money, bat none' Don't miss this chance. j which will give greater satisfartioo. 1 9 Sl'KIXG NECESSITIES. '1 La warm weather will bring a de- i r . J . , r f.i . 1 . . . Prof. Jas. A. Davis wa atUodmg to j business matters iu Bcburg a !c uays BiO. ! Clarence, sa -! Wiley l I r, jf Ej I ern Oregon, arrived here a few days j ao. : sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken itit"rc-u- ' ly, acting directly npoa tbe blood and mnco-is tnrlavt of the system. Price 7oC per b?t;. So! I t.v sli druggists. Test. t i vv t ...... I t . " Hv-.'lS-jcr fr.m U'LderimS or foll- riibt ei, piins under h.-uMer !-!.ide, ciattipalicn, bilioQScess, '"-"'sick h adacheaodfe dji), heavy and ;r-;.v yt'T l:t-t :3 torpid acd congested. Klceant Line of Spring styles in Hats and Millinery. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. An immense stock and strictly up-to-date. Prices to suit any pocketbook. Call and be convinced at JOSEPHSON'S I II ill k i through br MoaJay en ruut burfc-. . i v.auItau . ui ica .u. e as : j). . l i.;itis I.arly KltcJr ,il cere shaiinit hani ith fnen is aui rrU;iv T, , pr;;r!y. jifiuaty a: J perma-l on our s'.ie lat Sunday. ! ni,iiy ry rem-ivir. : th oncertioa andj i Lvanitebst W. V. Bj1;i beau a j cass.us the hi e da.-.e to opei and flow j TliEV ousu riLU. A. C M AKTEKSACO. oi iio ricitd me iOhB .14 the tbu-iii t nstarslly. brie on Moaday eveoinz lat, au I .ii ' con.inae for at lea l to eek. II i! a very e!(ient s:. -ker an I ea.ins '' - r.eefed dys -l:.c r.ifi.ii ns 01 me fimiin ,e ci- manner p'.ea'in t j ali. I-.i service is unJer Ibe directlou u! l'rf 1 Established in lSn 1 The leading varieties of thorough bred fowls. Eggs from the finest strains sent on short notice. Send for Cata logue. Address l!.e Bri:itartf4 in a vt-r ,- v vtAt mud n.n ;ti!ivr,ri;! iii.!;'ii, n-ari mae ana 1 w " " i .... ... I W Forest Grove, Or. J. M. GARRISON. MiCauley aod is an eaceueu. i liuou ? to the merlin; ooe aod all seem ' j take a great interest and much an 1 laetinc Kjd will no doaSt lo ae.vapi.s'teJ. VtM ves.'s s!! tbi ry ifKv'.ii.i a qiick cure in ! , . . . 1 A.C. MAKsILEs A CO. Wanted Myrtle Creek. AbeoCo-Lran left Thursday for Oak- j land oa a visit. i K is Adjm' is very sick, brio,; coo-! fined to her led. j K-port Las ilthtt Wm. Pol! i 1 be ; back here in a short ti.ue- 1 j Ajen'.s i.i ivery c uatv fur articles : nstded I'-j t vny.ne. Fronts I irg?. Ad dress 'ivkiy, liijrra! Agent I.xk Do 13 J. ... At F. BARKER'S & CO. ji'p- :diifrd, re. Ha::..i! i-.i H - vi iced, tljcr, etc.. 1)1:. .-. M .ii-. rd con'emrla-ifig Dr. Wbitcoret. is cooulcJ to hi t.oise j Koir . .tiy to nt any by a revere case of pcison ok. sincere thanks for the rosjectd shown to onr dear son and brother, who vs-as tak en from us so suddenly and tbo assist ance so kindly given us in cur sliliction, ! evening f it the meeticK auJ recep'.ioc to follow. I earnestly request evry mem ber our camp to be present tonight. O. P. Com low, CC. Teams Wanted. weni away iuuiuuj,ui c . , nroceeds. amounting to abjut ?20, will warm recollection Many thanks to be applied in payment on new carpet for tbem tbe church. Sheriff E. L. fc-tepheiis and Marshal Dillard returned Lome from Eugene Fii dsy night, where they went to witness tbe execution of Drsnton. Sheriff 8tepbens informs ns that tbe execution was very successfully conducted, the coodemned man falling about seven feet, breaking bis neck, rendering deeth al most instantaneous. Ma. P. Cooi-tK, Mas. P. Coopkb, Tl.'JL Cool'ER, Mai. L. K. MvNArr, TlSA COOI-KH, Eocah Coorta, MlXOK COOI'EB, A owe Coopkb, Hatiie Cor:-liK, Mas. Eixjak COOI'EK, L. II. My sat r. SEEN AT THE NOVELTY STORE. Lace and Embroider' effects in wash goods, Dainty line of Valenceincs laces, Rose Gold Sash buckles for wide Ribbon belts, Fancy and Plain Ribbons in all colors, Battenburg Patterns, Braids and Buttons, Model "line of waists in latest style, Silk stripe effect in Men's Golf and Negligee Shirts. Piques, Lawns and Dimmities iu beautiful patterns. Pretty line ol rarasois, in niceiy assorted nanaies. Death of Mrs. Cole at Oakland. Death visited ns again last Wednesday May 10, and tock away a beloved wife, mother and sister. Mrs. Lillian F. I Cole died Wednesday- at 0 o'clock p. m. She Las been lingering acd eefferieg since November. About a month ego she changed for the worse and continued up to her detli. Sbe was born in tbe state of Iowa, I August 23, IS,". In 1875 she came to I Oregon with her parents and lias been a resident of Douglas county up to her j death. .She married Ira W. Cole Dec. t 27, 1S94. She leaves a busbaud and two j small children. he was conscious tip lo ber death, I realized she nas dying, kissed bsr baby and bads it good bye. It. O. L. To ba'i: corJ'Aood. Apply to, Cami i A Ale.oii:b, Coins!" ck. Ore. All Records Broken. Tiiicr !-a'e3 oa Saturday. Mv list of sales t!;i3 season now icatbea 'JO and or ders for wheels now is transit. Imperi als re old standards, and the new oues am proving better tl ao the old ones Prof. Trsvcr has j-ist received his fine 2'j inch f.'ame In:erijl. T. K. PiciiAiiusoN. Pointed Paragraphs. Season of 1899. Mens finc-Vici Dress Shoe in Chocolate or Black. The best ventilating Corset. Beauty Pins aud Shirt Waist Sets. Ferris Waists for Ladies and Misses, Tinest line of Wash Goods, The best values in Hosiery, Good Assortment of Men's Summer Underwear, A 95 cent Corset that is Number One, Crash Skirts from 50 cents to $2.25, Neat Patterns in linen Suits, Fine line of Men's Crash Hats, Good Assortment Medium price Clothing, The Best 50 cent overall. "Our Wheel Brand." No one taking a nap. Courteous treatment to all. Roseburg Novelty Cash Store. Churchill & Woolley desire to say that they are better prepared than ever to supply their customers and others with goods in their line, having a more cotn- Au elegant line of Wash silks, and silk ginghams for waists, plete stock in the better grades of goods, ana uoiwuubihiiuikk iub auvauco in prices generally, are able to sell tbe same at reasonable rates. They would partic- ulaily call the attention of the farmeis to their stock of h arresting machinery, wagons and implements; they offering only what experience has thown them to be the beet, so that satisfaction amy fol low all purchase, both lo tbe buyer and seller. Machines purchased of them, w ill, if desired, be put up and started, eo that no inconvenience may occur. Materials for fruit dryers iu their lino, will be fur nished p'owptly at reasonable rales. Several new lines of goods have been added to their already large stock making it the most complete iu Douglas county. When in Uoseburg como In and ex amine our stuck, the goods will be cheer fully shown. Ttic strawberry fe-tiral is not such r .niote possibility ai i; war. The ip.iestiou with the Kansas ipil now ia: Will Funstou eland kissing? The evtr changing attractions in shop windows mako them an endless source ol delight. The proudest moment iu a bride's life is when sbe sees her lint cards bearing tbe title Mrs. My biy, sai I tlie new msnistor, U you fatl.er a Christian? "o tir, said tbe boy, he's an editor. Ofentth. na yout g woman tries to crush a man wih a lo.k she only sue ceetls in maniiiui? hi.n. bjme peopld actually laucy lucy are thinking nh-n they are merely giving their prejudices violent exercise. Lauh and the world lauglia with you, unlets it happens to be an old joke thut you are telling ss a personal experience, No niauly man should rcfusa to A'gue with a woman. f course you can'l con vince her of anything but think of the pleasure it givos her. .Mirk ii urn's p lem, ' " The Man Witti tiie Hoe," has a tival in th later and tu irii popular vereies, entitled "The Van AVith ti e Dough." Wutcluiian.. "Most every man in public lifu," retnaiked ilvs cynical observer "has four prioec tlm one he ;s woith, the ony ho intends lo ask, the one b ex ppcts to fret and the rnc hl w ii I get," lie. IIana dJ wile have tii dc iti-i-ithe ! i spending a fsw days in Kiddie. reiieJt ca: Jao. Aiznrr, cf Canyon ville, sent tbe day in this city, Thursday lacr. Thos. Mrole aud mother midi a vitit to CanTonviiie on last Tours lay. Lafo Bailey, ol Drr cre-k, wa io l!.e J city Ial Friday niiht, to vis't friend . Measles liui broken o it avam in town, K. A. Strong's boy is housd tip by them. C. W. Wheeler mill leciure f t la j Wou-tman at this pi ice on r.rx-. Tceslay iiht. liea. Pucketl and Wm. Biirgs. Jr., of Canyonvillt, were doing busiuess in Ibis citv on I st Tbnrsday. Mr. and Mr. A. Powell came cut from Elk Cre.-k for a few days risit aud to look after business matters here. K t.C, M. Bryan is hoaie I r a week or two, to rest up. Mr. Bryan has !en I o'dirg meetings in the valley. Rev. Pierce, of Canyonvil e, came over last Thursday to attend the meet ings cf Mr. K. t. iiwo l at this place. Diet, El Debt's li'tl baiy ooly two months old on lai Saturday night. It was whojpiog cogh that took the little one. Albert Hobinson, who left some three weeks a 1:0, returned last Thursday even ing. Albert aod Frank Beck went to Wahicton to work in a saw mid. Dr. Fallin made a professional trip for tbsS. P. Co., on last Saturday, going from here lo the wreck and from there t Uoseburg. B leave in a few days for Southern Ore gon and California, aud as Frank says thsy will be st home where their bat is tff, wo are uot going lo tiy to locate then'. Health is what th?y arc after. J. O. M. j ore riper s. by pbcii ( their aocoonts J c -Hrcticg sgene). etl le.-ueul wilh me or R. S. :oe, n y sitcefscr at tiie store. m'.M. J. 1. Mils. . nilCHElL WMll Also County Treasurer's Notice. CHAMPION BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES- Notice is berv-y given to ail pirties holding Ieui:'iif cjunty warrants in dorsed prior to ticiober 15, IsW, to present the same al the treasurers cfSre in tn D-Jtiilas ocr.ty toict Irr pay ment, a; interest will cease thtrron alter the date of this notne. Dated this the Mb djy of May, 1J at the City of P.-?feb:trg, Oregon. Oti. W. DlMSUCK. Count r Treasurer, Doug'as County, Or Administrator's 5ale Of Real Property. TIN TUt COl'STY C'tKT 7TitK r A irr-.:i. iu a:i-l ,ir 13! c'ouuty. In te mailer il the rr.orhlj t :!. ( S, )trttr. i A-ir Mi.-if. partners up. Uark A Co. Nolji-c : Iicrcbr (ifi taal iuruaol to an onJerof.aV ina-1 bf tboaUc entitlol cvurt on itir 1 ihila ol Mjt, Im., u.I eau-red ol rrc cord i a tU .iruld uid ixiu't. T'n un'lvr ftmol .tminit:;r ol fo i-aitnrhip claw ot M.rk auJ Jkhc- Mirk. j rtin ri un lcr t!:o (.rui ni 10 o . Muiii A (o, will Irom aad alter Ihc U:h djr ol June. 1:. proo-! to k11 at rrta;c ! frrati in baa4 a.l ol the Hxbt, in ii-l lnti-ro-t ol lae il vartocnhip oiate ot S ilt!tt A '".. l ie tame txsni; an uu1ii.'i4l hall lntemt t!-n in, ia nl lo the loilowinf .l -xrilx-J rrl I'.""i" '' tu IXiugla! county, or- ion.lo-it: Thr lot, llinv. faar. fivr and i. -action f. Th north ballot ibe northern artr. lbs north ball ol unrlbrul qttarh-r and aoutheatt yoartrol iitr1bcait Umrt'r, h-cUoii Ji, town .n: - i S. R idnt. containing -t Mt acres, aiw the niTthwrti iuart r ol tioiibirost Unr kc tlnli SI, a'.sotbo lnr.owtn ih-r1bi-d prrai tnwli: Coroni-ncinz at tl. Mutht corncrol tin' ilomtinn vlaini oi Koittrl ."aiilh aul ?"11miq Smith. a:it runninx tbvnce north U rods thenev wtut ono mile ou Hue parallel with Ih- oiith b-xiudary ol ld t'laiut, tbenre viuth U V Will , an.l ILih llnrr wiil I rodi K the oath boundary of aid claim thence t. ill s ana iwo tiervey win ,hnth ltnooi ij ,-iaiu one nnie lo niace ol bvsiuniiK. contatmtia 24 acrva AIo Ihv outiical iiartvr ol Mathnol uar ter. tection '.', aud t lie u rlliwc.l ,urtvr ol tbe liorthnot uturti rot km" Hon .'4, the fxun wot '1'iarierol iior'.li wot uanr section &i, tba ct half ol the uorthwent (.mrler oeclion S4. The tviKb hall ol northwest HimrU't nvcilon , and lot tour ol oectioa 2T, alt In tonnhip ii toiithnf ranee lira nest, containing in the aKgrv'jaiebN ;4 acre. AsllKR MARKS. Adniiius' ra'rr of tbe i attncrablp cutate ot & .Marki dc to. Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealeas in Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MaRTIN, 'Phone Main 181. Props. Columl ia stands for btst. You are sure of best when you ride a Colombia. See tbo fit) Columbia at Churchill fc Woolley's. if you have piles, ciuk them. No use undergoing bjrrible or rations that simply remove the reu.H of the disease without disturl.iuK the tliseat-e itself. Place your conlidnuce in DeWitt's Witcl llairl Salvo. I', has never failed to cure oTHEits; it will not tail to cure vol:. A. C. M.VliSTERS & CO. l'ouutnoaia, la trPPe, coufcba, colds, cro.ip aud whooping c iunh readily yield to Ooe Minute Cough Cure. I'se Ibis remedy in time aud lave a doctor's bill .r ths undertaker'. A. C. M AUSTllKS & CO. CASTOR I A For Infant 8 and Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the Signature c )1W Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Lovers of music and of oratory will bo grai.uui oy attending me "oou.nau itartificlallydiRrststhefoodandalds meeting ai tueupora nouso uext cu- Mature In Btrcriutnentne and recon nesdav fiivnlfi?. Thn entarrainiueut ia 1 StniCtinC the exlinusted ditestlve OT abslutolv free. Mr. Whaler is a Hoent ! Kni, It iSthe..MestdisCOVerCfidigSt- and entertaining spjsker, a good ttory teller ar.d will edify aud eateiUin vfty body, both youst and old. Kverybvly interested iu fraternal insurance will be especially delighiei to hear him. A good musical program will precede the adilws. ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in etlic.eucy. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, inumcstion, lieariouni, Flatulenco. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headaclie.Gastialgia, Cramps, and all otner results oi tmpoi rect aisesuoo. pre porsa ny t. c. uswtu t.o.. toicogo. For sale by AC. Masters Co, -OieS.-- The Roseburg Tannery. (Hihr?t la-b t rire TaiJ lor Hide. Fun aad Raw Skia. Fur and lUickkin Irvvel (.r Oloves, ljh and l-icv Leather. Furj ami Skins lresi'l and Cleaned. llack An?ra Kots fr Chaps. L DEACH, Proprietor. Ftatt vf Mill St., SiKith K'vlmrv, Orvgn. ..Ride a Rambler.. $40 -t IMIUMIS CM) $40 The Strongest Wheel, The Easiest Running, The Most Handsome, The Hcst. Sold ou the installment plan. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agts. Notice l-or Publication. fmie.1 Stale. Lant OQirv, U.Kct.. t)r.. May U. l.v. Noil.-e N h rfi.v iivrn that the hUluninf namnl MtikT has tiled ntitit ol his Intention tt make linal !!( In nipport ol hi. claim aa.l thai M n-r'n will be made tx fora Ihv R'ltUti r n. Itwlrrr, t'. S Ian. I OAioc at K."vtianr, t,xi!im, on Jtitv lv, ir: CU Kt t:v U NKhr tn II. E. n. Mtti. lor the NV '..See. II. T.U S K i tV. llnaMii's tlio lollon itiic witn-'. I.i 'Mi) In- ilnli!iii.ui r".I.U nee uiHiii a:xlett!ii vatlon of Nilil lan.l, vl : l.con.r l I'cnlne, it Ham Kirk, Sam Keatilo. A. l-o, tl, al'. ol IVr ilur, Ori n. J. T. lSUUklKS. ml I" K-Kitor. Administrator's Sale. Notice l lieri-bv sImmi llxl hr virttine nfan enter ol the run-y ourt of I).-t:i:ta ointy. S'.a'eol I'ntiin. t.iacanj entrvl. th un,len.u'ii as l!x A.lmini n:-r' lhrtae .! c". V. li nvniiu, ile-aeO. aiHon a-d ftr W eUtioaay, lira U h 1a o June l?'JO OrTcr lor aie at KoctiU'g. Ooiiiria-i cwu'.i, Cn ni, al pntaie a!, for caiit in bami. tue Kil kiaur; .teM'niieU nal i.pnriy oi salt! estate V uit: t lie uu,it 1,1,1 hail oi luc"Uh hallnt tot numiHwl s In bkK'ic miiiitH-r it S." tn Ih'eity o. K'Wfi'itr. 1miu1 Omnly, State of tireuon, .ae iml ee'rt tncrvimi lorly v:i I ;l" toe et emi oi I 4, t.ue'.'n r a ilh tiie tt uetuenis l-cn1ita niviito a-i.l -!!' uuiiiov Uerount biluogiat o-in a:i i-aiMrtaininir. I'atet :hs 1 -th .1 .y of Ma.-. f. BKNJ.V5IIN. V I i : n I-tin i.t ,.f the e-tat j of t'. Y. Benjamin, Rvking headaches, bleary eyes, weak ness, noises in head. Ilnhai cure AU drun'sls, renti'. Tale, emaciated, thin, weak ran ai .t ti:i.n. Ilu lyaii enres. All tlmitrufi .VI enli". f u