1 The Kind You Have Always Uoxvl t, mid which has been iu use for over 30 years, lias lrvue the signature of t-rf? -mwl has bco:; nuttlc under his por- Cjz-JrT souaI s,,Iei i-ioa ssiuec its infancy. - SS. CZ. vilov no one to deceive you iu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-IH-rimcnts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Ciistoria is a substitute for Castor Oil. Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. New e Tougucs aud Souuds. Spiced Herring, Whole Codfish, Salmon Bellies and OQODQOCO ....MRS. N. WOODWARD -THE- ROSEBURG Does L'p ALL COMPETITORS! TV arc alway in th: Lrad, and mean to kep there. Tta Golden Hn ret ia cpon nc, and farm en are trailing becaasc Woodward looii Xo their interest. IIUGGV IIAK.I6 Fall Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Theae are all Leather and Wimuited. SADDLES At Reduced Prices. Conaalt your pnrse and be tore and ee Woodward before baying. 7. G. WOODWARD BOSWELL SPRINGS On the 5. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To The Unfortunate Dr. Gibbon Thil old reliable and the most snocmlul bpeciaiiftt in Ban Fran rmco. atill coDUnuea to care all Sexual and Seminal Disease tuck : 3 u uonmirrnfra, til eel i'Ji. Stricture. 5p Ilia in . mil Avm iuiuwi oikid ( NmMia rtKil il'.S-.ltyt ImpoUncy. Seni- . . - U. 1. I iMr" rianhootf. tbe cone- queace ol aeii abuse and excesses producing tbe louowinp syrapUjmB: saliow countenance, dark spot under the eyes, pain in the brad, ringing intneeara. toss of contidenue. diSiience In ap proaching siraneerr. palfiitation of the limrl, weakness of the limbs and tiack, loss of memory pimples on tbe face, coucln. eonHumjition, etc. DB. GIBBON has practiced in Han Francinco orer thirty yes rf an '1 those troubled should not fail to consult him and receive the benefit of his great skill and expem-nce. The doctor cur when others fail. Try him. Cures guaranteep. Persons cured at borne. Charges reasonable. Call or write. i&. J. T. GIBBON. 62) JKearny .St. Kan Fran Notice For Publication. VMTED blATEE 1 IMj Of TICK, ROHrbing. Or-gon, Mar. II, test. Sotioe i-s hereby give'i that in emnplluDce witn the proioion of the act of Omgrera of JuncH, lb, ciititic-1 'Aiia' t for thn'salcof timber lands in the state of Ca'ifirnia Jwiii, Jcvad ami Wahiirrun Territon , ' COEG. DL KLAMi Of Oaklan-l. County of Dougiai". Stale f ire gon, haa thin day hiAdiiithis ollice his morn aiatcmeot. No. 077 fur the pun-base of the l.ji dj of section Ko. in towiiirbip So. '.'", S, ratine So. (i west, and wiil ofler proof lo shu that the land cougut ii more valuable for its timber or atouo than for agricultural piirpciKcji, aud to cciabihih Lis claim to mid laud beiore the Ueg isterasd Receiver of this ci'io- at Kohurg, Oregon, on Friday, the lath day of My. lust;. Be came as wiluesses: ixvieht Kc d of Oakland, Or., iiardiu tiavi of Wilbur. Or., James lempliu of Rowburg, Or., fiuis l I'ar rott ol Rosebnrg, Or. Anyanda'l liertsons claituiug adverxjly tin above described lands are requthteil to die their claim in this oflice on or before id pith ilnv of May, lt. J.T, HKIIK.EH, Signature of Arrivals. Pickled Salmon , Pickled Herrin Smoked Herring, Mackeral, at NOTICE. iisctiun:, Oreg'.-i., To u Ik'02 it mav fOL' trn : Sotiir j bi-rt'T tiet i! ' nr-n it Ii.nus KaUrocJ o. ha- tiled in thi o ! 'C a ;.-t id land it-ia:el in the twi.li:i' tlt-v:r.ool tjelo, and ha svi' f -r a pat'T.t frfaii lands, that the 1 open to the j-ubl.c i'r ln rpectiou aud ac iCT there" ! 1-T J--K:r.t live ub u:v.s:'U. hit;? l-etu piK-d in a jx'2' rii. til . place in lii: f2ii-e, f -r the inpt.iii'2 of p. irfins iu'.en.i'U'd slid lie p'jh.ic gtaLrniiy. owih of bit"--lir.v i IU": oi ilii.iut. Mer. ri..:r.. K !. S'4.rr r.x. 1. Mt -c II .,ir;J ntll':;f.xc " a pa-i i'i r j. P.. i. Tp. , K. i Tp. 3:k.: W- SW'i. 8ec. J. Tp. S-i. K. 3. sW-v and N1;' Svc Sec IS: all s-.-c. ST Sec. 3i. ;rt t'-2 uU jtr v i Tp. K. :;. Part tMj and ut E '-. Sec. 1 : par: ZZ" psr: 5r. 9; part ij ai.d part K', 11: 11 t;j and rart W : ."ec. 1 :: iot ani psr.s;,!-.:!; r;. XE . S-. tirS t! H? sec. S: Ws sec. Ji. lp. ", . A. far: N: . aa. j.:t sj, x.c V:; and part t:-ffec J"i V'Sec . : E'. -1. il K-2 s'-ii 1'nrt Tp. . K. . Lot 1, , i and ', 6- c. 1Z Tp. 35. K. 4. Part of Sec IT. Tp, lib, B. 4. Fart of E' -, sec. 1 . ' t, -r. Tp. X, R. 4. Fart of y-i and part of u'-', - c. 1.-. N NE ;, Sec. il. Tp. Sn K. 4. .'iacd part oi rstc sV'4 - ',. tvc. 3-i. Tp. "i, R. 0. Lot. 1,2,7, 4,i, Cand SE-sE'., sic 11 Tp. A, K. V. Ujt 1. 2 and 3 of sec. r. Tp. ST7. B. 5. XE'i NE'-,sec. IT. SU sW',, Si.c.;i. I-art X',. sec.T; gw4 eec. I... 1 p. jr. K. a. AU Sec 1 Tp. iA, R. ". Part S'.', SoC i. South of ba. line and l.a't nf Mer. Tp. Si, K. L PartN'; andiiarts'-.Mrv. 1. WiltUiCtU- Within the next "-ixtv Uay follow iuz the date of this notice, protect" or contents a-aiut the claim of the Company to any tract or subdivis ion within any section or part of bectnn. de scribed in the list, on the ground ibnt the same is more valuable for mineral lisnn fur agricult ural purposes will be received and noted for im port to the General Land Ofl:ce at tsli:i.:.a J. T. BEIIjtS, J. II. BOOTH. Register. Receiver. trrtlO Summons. TSTIIE tllti ("IT COURT A couuly, blateof Or'-rnu John I.. Arner, Flaintifl V 'R IjOL OLAs 1 I-iaUclia J. French, M'tfIy Krencb, Williau I-auou, ljeli lia IUMin, J. L French, a!eb Corder, Anna order, B lie French. L'lys" French, Iac Suit in E iiil N. French, bamson t-reiicb, 1 to fun .-tliic Kate Fn-iich, Loui-e French. I Mortvugc. EUen French, and Hannah French, lieiendanta. ) To William LauMin Kiid Ix-l.l.a I-auvja, abo e named defendant". -in the name of the b'atc of Oregon: Vou arc hereby nviuin.-d to appear and ansuer the com plaint iiled against you in the above entitled suit on or In-fore the limt ilay of tlie next regu lar term of the above entitled Xiurt, to-wit: On or before Monday, June 12, Yr0. and if you fail to apicar or answer Plaintiff s complaint against you ax alorevaid uithin taid time, 1'iaiDiiff 'uiil apply to the Court fur the relief demanded in his complaint as follow.: For the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage executed by Defendant, l&ubc'.la . I. French, and Samson French now dec-ased iu favor of Plain tiff, on tiiendday of October, fss'i, tosecun-tlie pay ment of aeerlain proinissorv note for the sum of fimi.Ki iith intcn-st therenn at t!ie rate of 10 percent icraunum, ujkiu whicli there is now ue thcnuin of .i. Ii, said worlds ire conveying to said Plaintiff for that puifioe the fcliowing de ribed rol proii-rtv to- it: 'I he E , of the N W i and the W 'of the N K 4ol Keclion 1, in Tp :;2, ehl V, W ili meridian ; a)K for a judg ment for tbe amount due uion Mid prouiii-sijrr note for sucli attorney's fe'-s as the Court shaft adjudge reasonable, for Plainlilf s nsu snd disbursements hen in and for su h other relief a is prnyrd for in said complaint and oi the Court shail adjudge niei-t and C'liiitalile. 1 his uinuioiis in piihlblied by. onicr ol Hon. J. V Hniniiloii, jud:- of said Court, which order i. dated Uarch, Z1, IhW, and the time pre cribed in said order for the publication of ihis siimiiioim is once a ueck fori-ix weeks pre"-d-ing tbe brut day of taid term of :ourt. and the day oi tiie first publication of this summons is Vunli :'T Ivi F. W. BKNs'N, At!.jrii'j- for I'iaintiir. Dl.Tlii Administrator's Notice. Votice is hereby sheu tiiut the UU'ieisicnwl A' was on the anli day of Jauusry, livs. dulr ujipointed auiiiinistrator of the estate of .law. f K. Milcljell, deceased. All persons having claims again t eaid estate lire hercbv re julred to present tbe sue projicrly eriilcd, to (lie ai'l adininistratoi- at tho la. oflicuolA.M. raw lord, lu Rosebuig, Doug:a Countv, Ore gon, within six tnonths from the date hereof. Ualisl this huh day of February, l.'iW. JOHN HAMLIN' liiiitiisttaUjr of the I-:tatinf James K ,'Nlilch. fll, Xfenx-, ITlEKjATURU. j Two Opinions. Shameless Treason of hoar, Atkinson and Their Followers). Tim V-tl'.i:' In XW: ward Atkir.sn-i nut n to ollicpts mi.l Pi.iii;i'rn :tt I hn-aUHO EA-1 ,. .,' i .Manila, which set forth the vuturH of nnti-imperalisiu Hl tl ry :t; i-.m'. t i I. lin I to attract ll.e uU-iiti. 11 n m ton ridiculous I, , II Fcutitih' men. ' Thosr poiiiil.ict.i ere t Uo.l ".editions .1 Atkins in in : livr Hurt;"' uml K.lwin ! Liourult ,1 as a "tniiUr.' If tho Anion - ,' can cause caiw.o! ttJiiJ b)ui'h ttacks as i this i lit of Atkinson's it is too weak to i ilesi-rve to live. Kast t i NV.hini; jK'.ssi le t.) lie .p.tiimi lor.i.) sail! ii'iHvriziiiii ji.T9.jiih wli- ire li'Hv i i the i ll.c lilleinuci s i)I Hi 'ii , like K.ltvar.l A t kind in ; eil'ort to lioiiiitcli the il j boner of their country, j eui-OM'iiia'ii n in its arm i eucuiir.iviiietit to in en cnity a:i 1 t!u i --m-)ltf i:s- I . u:.-j, v.'i! I n j !oj fi-vi i. Ti.e ki:n!e tbiiiij j-.-iWo t i he Fai-.l is that thev are is e m iv ieo m D.ir l.ii-nl (.'sun j lv "ttl:l:-:i!ij'tiial"' hriej r.ous ana wi.iin -ii'a! uii uf the f.iri erf..i!9 ef v:::i tl, fru ii iv ii-.111 i'ilitons or ia- t'lnliii t ji e i -,i!-aai-.i! little i icf.or.bibility Ttie;e ie:6ons nve tliir pav nonoav expects fouinl l lional ai;J eli-c r,!( Ts l eoas who, bavio no f ij. feiioiiii l eti ic!, ft el i;! for w hat they say or iij have been jieiuiit'.c.l t ) l.ecauce it has livin biliJve i that little lurni cotiij coaie from i ably hotter jkiHcv t'.iai; i This is j rob il'eir.j't any k'ici(i'.ino at tuic tovere in ii.".' wjv p I.'i6t so l.iij; tliL' nvii ite.l to iloiLtrti rircuht! ot: taut is lim it-. It can ilo no liariii. Nor c-uM it 3 ar.v iir.rui at Mai.iia, if it weo pisJinie t) conlire it to Aaiericita reiJcis. (M-en t'a.'r to Iay for 'u: on ti.e iiriii iiiit! :ita tot of a fort to be 'buuJ in tlu-ir patri'it ism by tbe mouiliins 4.f a statistical clerk like K lw.trJ Atkii.futi. Tlif lac ttr ii, lioever, tiii' Uie5. writing, fjllics into the barji!; ol' the i-.craiit Fiiipin-e, tuiT j:ive tl:e:n a taici notion of Amerkan fce'icj: cui so :ci-l tLcru to continue the war, nith a".i iu ioj iries and Lcrrora to bolU ui-lc?. In view of their pjesible effect ur-j:i tho 1 liipiuo, the AtUas-iii jauijihlets would better le ttoppei i.t taa 1'rancioi.o. lut tl.ere weald It; toft-evial jioinia ci -ein ttie ii, iiis aair: tl.cm a, hciue. Ii the ;:iu;icu were a criti -al on-, a Severe j.o'icv miLt tc neoes.ar ; but in case the i:ett coarse is l ive fo'iv ail the rope it wa: t with lesve to hng itsif. Axeri-.ai s like Senator Hoar, Mr. Al kii.son and ether ili rrolaUy eiper;. eaee a Eetse tf horr jr iu reading that certJiri American riiar.ii'a. lUiera of ara.e aat ti.uoiti-jss "-f war have it uiy have leva irl.irtf their li.erthin Jite to IO u?ed ia the warfaie rait-st Aiiieri caa tro?;s. The rep;:: ir, truly, ot;e to aiiock Jeivtt ceL.li.it:e ; tut we fail to fee that it is w-jfre ia uiors's or tu jrs treas-iijahle in fjiiii; thdT l.'.e attiiuJe arjd Cvr.J;:t". i f Le 3-cahci auti-i:ujn-alist?. From iuforma'.iuo in tbe j-osits-tioa of the aJuiitiistration, as Secretary Lou tta !e j'Uia in his Lott .u tjiich, iiifjrrectica had i:s baci io the attitude aa-1 f &; posed pja'.rs of the "aati :ui j)f lia.iste." Tbe di-patihes of A'uia- zll j'e eiuisfary ia ihie c-.-uotry, inttruct ins biui tj i tgiii warlike opc-ratioCH be fore Fei-crary 0 the date fixed for ton gre.- t j tote- upoa the treatr caa have but ct e inttrpretauon. Ilwas the to caiicJ 'aali-imptrtaiif ts ' who made thil war . iu trad etTtcts, as t'liTered by the Filipinos cad by ourselves, are uron lne:r tieau-?. llie Kaaulacturers n;io sold the Filipinos runs and bullet if there are each are ti j'. r.-.ore gail'.y ol a grofs kca ttiauiticivj i n-aeou Uiaa are Senator ll;ar aii-d i u fe'.i jn?. L'ailv 0:e,;or.ian. 5cottburg. Mrs. l'aiuer is dcn t ) viardimrat prettnt writicg. Mits Fhcrence Nottas cauie op frota Clardiner oa a visit oce day last wetk Supervisor Sagaberd eipe.t to begin repair w oik oa the highway iuiniediate 111. Upton aad wife of l.oou Lave, will lake up their residence io town very eooo. Mrs. A. V. Llieed, Mrs. IlaJley and W. P. Heed and Lea Lyeter, went down to Gardiner on the 3rd. . U. Tubbe has gone down the river for employment in the logi(inz camp lor the summer, also eeveral young men from the vicinity of Elkton. Mr. and Mre. Jce liatler were io to a for a thort time last wejk while en route to their home in iardincr. Mr. B. was -jaite weary with hit journey, be ing jaite strain on his frail strength, but we hope Le will be better eoon. A meeting for the improvement of the road near town was held oa the 01 h and Satisfactory arrangements made. If Wea'berly was chairman of tho meeting Some preiiiiiiuaiy work will be done on the loth, ac ording to appointment made. int. Alexander Anderson, aed S'J, died at the residence of Jo! Hatfield, near Scottshoi j, Vy t, 1S'J1. Mr. Anderson bas been for Borne time a resident of this Bection. but was formerly from Philadel phia. He wad an earnest, steadfast and faithful Christian. His virtues wero many aud hie faulis were none at all Before tha weight of- years bom bo heavily on hint he j reached several ex cellent eermons and handled Lis sub jects iu an able manner. He was a man of Cue education. His increasing years brought him to bo very feeble but his litt hours were eaceful and happy and his only complaint was that he was tired and war.tel to rest. He was buri ed in the afternoon of the 8th. II. Wea'.ht-rly read the 23rd Paului and sev eral appioju iate liyuina were tucg. X. Another Oregonian Wounded. The war department receive;! a tele gram from lieneral Olii Monday an- nouuciuK several lat eas'iilties ainong which was the following. fc'ccond Oregon Comjiuuy A, Cap tain 11. I.. Heath, leg, slight. Captain llerlx-i t L. Heath, of tool pany A, was a resident of McMinnville when be eniisfd. I f a was owner of the Telephone Itejcister, a weekly newspaper of thai i!a.-fi. Af'er he left for Manila Mrfl. Heath diPiioned of the paper for the purpose of jiinirijj her hunbaud, but for some reason ehanued her mind, and is jrt at. MeMinnvilbt.) 5LD1TIOUS LITlElvATLRU MIIIIJU ibiih Stanas To Oregon. I i li, :tvti '. lo t!n:c I cunm, Ki-tuniiun tj my uiuuiitiiili liuim" I 'eft hm years ui. 1 bev thy lofty tiiuu!jtaii:a tit, IM lovclv gruiuk'nr to tho naieH, i AS O IT tilt' WUVCH I T'jH. , (., n.on! niion thy hIuhc, ! t ,,,,,,... ,, ;i i ., .. i. .... I. in ii 'Hue nil", mi .'.ii tv iiii'rii, i ' - . ! -u"' " " '"cn.H a;:mi. I Now fjd-s the ocean f jr ht himl, 1 s oinvai J swifter than tli.i wind, Fut homeward Fpecd iiiy train, jo ,.,, .,;,;ii: J ov th.u.hui, j With iheis iiittiti fiir anl m-; In 1 iMUty thr.j' thy land, In thv f in tet-inns I burn, ! Aid kicu in ni.ii.lto I "h ninny in (train). i I I'.'ii thv lowh : cc.iii . in :i'i e i ii m .v. Ami while the hajpy h mia uway, t pnil thv iih.".i:U:iih hoar. Far (rum iho titi 'd noiso Kiid f ttife, Fil live a aweeter, mter life. Than I hi.yj lived 1 efure. Ai.uoN H.iurcsa, U rc';ll!, rfi.,,..-n. Lettar From a H ounded Soldier Boy t Hooiitai, ilai.ila, M.nch i.'7, Ij'ij. IVsr Mothtr ai.d ail : Vo'J will duULt !c Le wonied u'n . ut U:e Itric Woilh;!td iu tnc battle ot Sj'.iir.lay, I'oih ir.t;t., but 1 am only the worce of a rilie laii t!iruU(:ti my lii t arm, pai-iiiug Lelwct-ti bone and bicet s. As 1 a-n niitin wil'u my ii,;'.! hand, jo-t can e.j it ii :.ot n-ri- 0U9' I am iinlee i vciy lucky wbea sj uiaijy pair fcii-.'wa have 1-rcken bones, lace a.i'.i i-i j icica nr.ii i.U)t wounitu in j do. "-!, ttQinach or abdomen. I ii. not try lo ie a liefcripti.ia oi the t'l-t, or the charges we made, a w .i. all stc th:.-. i i tbe ajH-ri--. W'e have .c Uf. .f e.re here in Ibe j ho.-jolai ; i lj.!r (Sovi ice water m:l j he kindest ia Kr l t-.r.i u that ar.y one t .ul l wii-li i r. I N j :i.o'.i.cr. d i nr. ,:iy a'j n tl a : il, I l.a ; onl with tunny c-t tu t aaic in tv. j o.r i:.,. l:;c!b I :!-, r: ! a f i r.tti li eoaip r.-i .i'. U" oa . tv i w ecke. :i:i tav hart of ti.e ! ! . ? ii.vi tl.au fa.r V Slr.U. : ra r., t . c a :.'.'. e :n re pa. I aui (ici.iU on t::.t.y. 4 ; '. i.a' w-.-r:.es ti:e is t:.ei.ews pa t-r ii i ..I l hit at li.o hoior-, It-' wire ti.o-v r' f j olieu tr:ixcJ up. 1 ih ! net try to r.te p.. ore n.-w. Hopii ; will ii j. worry twA'.A lcar, I au. i our 1 j, :v. fut. ( 'iV-i. .1. Ai.Miiao l. j UIORCi: CRIME. Cardinal (nbbons Uenauncins a W cd- Cinz. 1. M.::1; "i.L, May Car j.Lai (."ji'iaf :i ti e tojt.-e cf his t--.-u.oa at t:.e cihe d:a! jif.vr.Jay on the unity i f thethurcb c':a:attrii : I the recent divorce acd marrijcj cf a najh-tr li-ly ia ' Yen s crimij agaiurt CLrit. Hn eniict r.cc said. "Co'libider the p.iji::!' in le'a'.i "i. Xj Kitg Iletry VIII, wha atttd f.r the rope's eanttian to a divorce v (hat he Oiiftht uiany aai:.. Tiie p:-pe nfj-eJ to give it. t-sy'v. g. Whom '.J halu jjinei b-V-rlher let n-j cist, put a-ur-dtr." Uoiy a few ilava aeo the -,un!ry nn shexkedata wt-aian iu hih hfe, who was d.v jrcjd at .' o'tlovk an l married attain a!ra:Et 1-efore t!is it.k was dry on the divorce papers. This ie a criie against the law of Jesus Chrirt. "The church is or.e in its teaching! It ii the same in i'raace, Kr.glarid, Italy rran Tratciwo oa the raciiio, aL l Ntw York on the Atiactij. Aii pu.-iaim the eix doctrine, or.e faith, one hope, oae baptiui, and one Lord, "-od grant that you may no, be contented to be united to the church, but to the spirit, God grant that ail may be living brar.cben at.d bar fruit." Pointed Paragraphs. U iirn a tiife wakes por totfee L(-r hueliand bas gcod groocd3 lor divorce. After a wotuau uurru-s a uau the Wjtios to lini titn oot aiaiost every nittht. iietore njarria;4 a woman luii-s to a man's neck ; after raarriago phe e:iu;y walk: on it. AVi.y s'uould Ite.ija'iiiu marry Ar.uie? Lc-cauHO Le would !e liecnic fitted, the Annie maied. "I duti't louk at all w.-Ii,'' id the neglected dooryard ; "bat I am aids lo be around ttie t.ous?." A married inan always prefers icmedy when Le ziet lo tbe llifitre; lie hag tragedy enough at Lome. lecture 11 arnae a man piounecs to rtfuee bis wife i.ctbiDS ; nfar inarriage that'll ahoat r.ll tbe poor woman petr. ben a aiau tells you be I1.13 j'ist been lnatneJ, it puzzlcH you to know wbetljer h- expecis congratulations cr tj aipathy. It is paid tb.it uioro tiianied lutu than ilr g'': ones tmk in their sleep. 1'bo ioor fc-1' . uiuiit have Bonie tiru at which 1. . ..au ease their niiad.-". Uoa't tei d anybody t- for teii yards ol BiU and expect to get anything more than silk t'ireid. Don't send 2 or anv sum to tbe ''Work at-bonie" fraud and expect anything of value in return. A fceiitleman living down on Dead Ox Flat telle uti of a Jersey cow he has, which ia the best milker in .Malheur county, eayu the District Advocate. The other day she fell in a dry well on his place which is feet deep, and Le being alone, was unable to get her out without aMutaiicH'. Ho he climbed down in the well end 1m gun milking the cow; the mil eoon filled the well up and tho cow flouted out without tho iligh(e8t injury. Tbe most peculiar thinn ia that this cow is now five years old and never had calf, and her mother lieforo her never had a calf. Father Toruuiv, btop pulling that cat's fail." Tommy "I'm ouly, holding tho tail ; tlif care pulling it." l.aFayettu Favorif, who myrteriomly disupiK-areil April 25 from his ranch, near Uf men, buy written from Dlgiu to his you ti wife, who win almost cr.ized with grit f hecausoof his absence. Mr. Fayorite offers no explanation of his con flict. DISEASE Or Chrome ttiflainmatinu of Hie Kniurys Is a very common ailment. l.ii.cBil chroiilc diseases Ui" hyinptoins coma on Insidiously. If prepsr ircntmcnt is oh'.atned in Its early s'agi-s, Bright' 1m 'v msy be cured. HI IITAX will cure It if it ! !l.cn in time. HI D. VAX will relieve all th! i mptorr.s. Do not d:lsy too Ir-ii jr. finn't wait un til your (aie Id oim s in curabte. Hcgin Ihe vr of III U VAX noiT, whl to.j mty 1" t IKE EARLY SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. CUKO.N1C JilCK Oil NAUBEOUB HL'ADACfl C HUOYAN taken atlrit-d v.': r ..v. - :'- 1 '. ' " U" lUfc'.r.mly. 2. W I Ui'l'l.N Ktih O K TUil SKIN UNDi.Ii TICK HYEB, d;- - to a collect ton nf H i - . r '- PRorsy. HUOYAN V .'. Ij" C'.-TH SSM1S! of ll'l.'l to be ts- :i 'p i'i '.! "1 ml be riiminst'd by ti. II : in?: 4 r.. ION t' t . 1 i'AI.U. DOUUIIY COMI'LEX tiUOYAf "Hi -Dif il..- c.rruiai.on . -...u. .'.::'..-. ui snd an the chk r 1 a-.i 1 r . 'EAKNCSU OP THE ULABT. U-T-.-M and i:t"r.g and H'JDYAti :i:!.. n i.: si. ! :i.tl' 7S WEAKNESS th ii Hitcio:: Oi HUDYAH : ti A N D PAIN I N TIlit KIDXEYS : ::.; to j-f-'.'-ni j t i in s j miiv . j I : - . : l i.- r ..r.r Ht D- i!.t!. ". "n-ult 'all and d-- :- to :i, an 1 V t III Ml tU (IMIHW, . '. '. : i If. . . - .all ... iifl)V v not Tons lltrli: HUDYAN' REMEDY COMPANY, C- S!; -51 Mirk-t Ell'S SlS , (. Cal i Li m. T I.' Montana. Utah. Colorado and all astern Points. N i IA-- i iitvr tn Salt Lake liars iu Denver tiars lo Chicago tiavii nj Xcv.- York I'n-c ltoclmuii; Cliair iais, tp-tiolHtcri-U Tourist lecplni j H arm, I'ullraan Pulacc (fleets- j iiik Corn opt raHU on nil ' tr.iliio. I .-: ;.r:. : it.:- ;..- ; '. ! J. F. tilVAN5, A!., ltTteburi. O. Terry, '. U. Coman, i r.. . I i As- i-t'j At. . I 5hasta Limited I ii i- riiine ol tbe o:.iy r-erft train i 11 t:;j ;r!i, mh rorir.irg every Light bttween ri. l'aul tr.J Chicago, via tf-e CiiicjjD, Milwaukee A r-t. Faul Kailway th? pioneer road of the west in adept- j ii: ail improved facii tie for the safety j ar.d tr.j-r ::ier.t of parcenere. An L'lus tratcd pamphlet, showing views of beau- j tiful rcer.-r- cg the route of the P10- j cei-r Liaiitr l, wiil L; sent free to anr j person upon receipt of two-cent poetae etainp. A 1 !re; Geo. II. HeafTord, Gen eral Fcifc;-tr ALt, Ctiif so. 1:1. County rreasurcr'5 Notice. .-.;..e ;s uereoy given 10 aa wrues v. bolidng Uocg'.as county warrants in dorsed prior to July II, 1S;7, to present tbe tame at tiie .treasurer's oCce in the Doaglaa Coonty bank for payment, as intercet will ce.ue thereon after the Gate of this notice. Dated this the t'tb day of Man h I&tf at the City of U -oscburg, Oregon. tiK"). W. Dimmick. County Treasuirr, IKjug'as 1'oantfj Vr. For Iher I'lllT Vi-uis. An o..d st WtLi-TairD Kkmxdv. M.-i Winviow's Sto'tiliii! triup has bot-a oscd lor avr tf'.y years i,t ru.liious of raolhcrs lor tbtir cr.iMrcn lii: tecthinr, wilt, jrrfccl success. It ft. "otl.es i:c cbil'1, mltcus ttio irucis, aiiays all pain, cures wid.1 C'liii. an.l 1 tiie best rvrac.Sj (or L'iarrii ia. Is .i.-aUt to the tutc. ifoid bj 4ruRsit in every part ol the worlJ. Twenty five cents a Kittle. Its value Is Incalculable. Re surcau t ak lor Mrs. lUs-low'a Sxithinf ?yrui, ami taku uuulhcr k.uJ. rarms tor Sale. A iioiiii er ol letii&il Urms lor eaie. adaiitoi to fruit growing, Hood apple and pruue orharda on eome of them, For frtrtl c particulars in-juiro of, ti. W. ALi.'kliaON, Cleveland, Or. Viavl. Vtavl. Mi:?. J. II. Shupe is local representa tive for tho popular Viavi remedies. Any one desiring any of thcee remedies will please call on her at her homo or ad 'rcea her at Uoceburg, Oregon. Fur fine tone and bigli yra.le piano get a Need haul. They iek (or tbeui selves. It does nut take a cracker jack at a bijs ealary or a pai 1 musician to eel tbetu. All vie ask ia to look at the in- atriimentg, try tbe tone yourself, and you will be convinced- that Needbatua are the bent pianos on tbe market, except ChickeriuK or tfteinnay. For reference ee 0. F. Uod.'rey, A. J. Marks, or 1. 1?. Riddle, who haa just received at his home a beautiful one iu figured mahog any case. The prices of these pianos are the most reasonable for the quality of goods ever offered iu this' city. I can also give you inside prices on any make of piano. Call an I leo T, K. RillUHDS'JN, Koseburg, Or. N. B. We also have iu stock some new and second band pianos second Vv i Hi' 1 Vllltl) luniuun onuii hand MO to f T7". New $-'(i0 to $:io:). Don't make the mistake of trying to build until you have looked over our iuimeu.se stock of Locks, Hinges, and Builders Hardware of every description. Bought before the raise. Churchill The Strongest, The Best What we don't and Won't do. W e ilou't naJ won t Lara lie LWcjeles uitrely t j b-il. It's policy. Our idea i that U;cyc!e9 ire taai t j ride. aaJ tLe Letter th wLels that we sell aa J the les" troable tLy giv, the Uior Lusi-tiw-s we'll Lave ia tie fatart-. TLat la-i word is the teert to tLe whole titoafion. We're in it f.r a latere. Ifjoafel as we Jo ia lh: ii,atter Kxnl o.-Jr. fair prices, piea-e-l cnAJznr, arJ a brisi r.es fnture -you're the people w want tj .1 j Laiiaess with. SnJ for RaiiiLIer Catalogue, A. C. HARSTERS & CO., Agts. i CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. A part of the btait" of the English and German Physi cians and Dr. Meyers regular monthly visit to ROSEBURG. Wednesday, flay 24th, 1899. They will be at the McCLALLKX HOUSE. I'iijs.. tacs an t !-ar.vtts, all .-iJua'. iiou liie U: Medical CoUegcs ia Uic World. Incorparalcd uudcr llie I.a vs of California for lijo.ooo. I-:stabllbc(l Tvscnt y-aiix Tears. AitiouK Ilia: Alliucnln Curtrd hjr tnc linKlish and Utrtuau rti. clans are ttie a-'sllowluigs Blight s I'.sease and all otiirs I)icvcsol the pa:i. Uor. S.een. Spiuo. Bowas, Heart, Stomach, Eve, Ear, k in anJ Serves. Alao Impover- isliCd B.oinI, Bloud 1'oU. u and Srrufula: Catarrh, aa.i t.tlur Throat an l Lung Troubles; Tum-TS Bui'ture. t)vH-ntcry, ScursJcia. Khvuma:i?ra, inciudaiR Ovarian T roubles, riic, FUtula. l.'1'lnm, I'oraiue and Li.juor liabil. llea.Uchc, Krvs.pe as, Hoiit, lae Worm, I!l'.io"ico. lr-pj-, t-ail Stone. Ec. etna. Frcdle?, Blackhead?, Caacvr, etc.. au-l t hrr-aic t:vaacs ircacraliv. 1R. -MKVERS4tX. cure Nervous TX-biUty, mc coiilairious blood fuuon, quickly and pcrmaucullr, and at rcar-.-nablc price. Th." Euglliih and Ucnuon riiyslclaus au i Vt. Sleicn A. Co. aiv net oi.ly tu3!e;c:il and rvUa bio, but are responsible, bciug backet by aiii).le capital and ablv c.aiiaciM. liiv ajcs which haiebarliod the skill ot oliicr ordinary medicines, methods and appliances ccsslul doctors. They have the !arw-t and bv: e - Call on tbe Doctor) wbcu Utey Ish and Oerinan rhysiciatis or Dr. Meyer A Co., il ly Uothing, Is Nund to result In a great deal ot lit) Mil Cl'Kl-lH-W hilc It is preferable in many luMancea lo see a patient, Iho Lue!ih and Uermau I'liyslcians have cured thooxaii ls of persons nboiu they hae never seen. 11 you caiiuol sec the doctom wrilo the homo office lor iacsii.u UL Aiviee lu recant to our ailment, book lor men or nomcu and trcatiac ou aay disease All l-'ree. CorrespOBd cucc and other dealing with patients or prospective patients sacredly eonadenlial. Terms) and Prices Wltliln Reach of All. ENGLISH AND GERMAN PHYSICIaaNS, 7 31 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. Real Estate Bought and Sold X sUCJa Jataj!slJLsLS. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AXD IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVES. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of ID. S. K. BXJIOK, "" .. at Kaaaas Vasaaaa vm Oveduaa Siitarili! & Woolley's. S40 & Co., Will ike their j1 KlJrieys UiK-aset oi the BlaJdt-r. Criuary Or- Tonsilitis Cint:mptivn. Broacaitis Asthma, IX-form:i;c. Insomnia, Melancholy, ParajT-ia. ati3 su l Swollen Join;-: Female CmpUinto, O'jeaity. King Worm and Gx'itcr: Tobacco. Uot Maiihid ai d all I'riTalc l-bcwt. incluil- phyaicJaus aud at ul'borulv rdu-d 10 siild Ic are quickly subJ-d aad mastered l y these mc- iuippc - l me.lic:d lti-!itutioo la America. come. -Ail ar'.n people hou:d see tho tat iib.c. A friendly ttik, which cpsta ab"luie sood, whether trvalmer.t ia taaen or not. FOR. OMttCO. IiKIAliT for Fait Maii H f..m. TIME SCHEIH.LES kvtiu Port.aiwl rait Lake, leaver, Ft. Worth, imslis.k:i ss l.'ily, i-t lyt'iis, : . hi:?u aad East. Aftr.lVK from Fas? Mail t t p. m. ! Hrikane I Flj'-T j .tp.rn. i j p.Ll. W alla '.Villi. Rjxjkaiic, Mlnncapoli-.t.l'aui li'ii ith, Jiilwaukce, Chu airo anl fcl. Ocxaa 5tcamshlo All sahmx dat"- "ir i jt-ct to chaaz-:. Vtr ran f rar.ivui , 6ii c r; lic dajs . hpokaae Kiyer i.4a. m. I p. m. ! t jj c. , 1 tt.r:,l. I rst-ij'i.l ! i J t".M. i Cultimbia Ifiter Stcaiwcrs. 1 A:or;a ao-i vt a) - 4 p. B. Ei inn-Jay WillarwctU fcler. Or ton .l:y, -e-Alrr5, .talcm ac V. Ay-Laa.! iris Wiilamctte and Vans bill Viitt. t Tx:nu il-, ton, and W ay hand.&gs f a.n., Kx-r jiiij ' a m. H'iv.l r.'ir. aad .-a:. a -Sunday S X p m. Kon., Wd. aod frt. V illamctU ier. i'or..an'i hjCvrvaii.s a;.d V aj-Larjd.r: j 5nek 'liitr. I'.. I c:.a Iiristoa. 4 -t p. as. ' Tao.Tfcir and oaL L-IxsrlsWa 1ai.y W. If. HIHLDIBT, O'-i-. ri! i iKU'rAjeaL . It. & M. Co., Tortlanf . Orctan. Notice For Publication. I :ti.i, rriifi LiM. tjny t. K-ttur? On in, aprU It-, IHfi. .'i(.l ' is l.rbT ri-ILat the loUorin r.ai.i-4 tK-.r.nt tas : '. r.o .-y: ol j iaLratuo lo isaj 1 ia. j,r'-,f in s :;i,rt of lucxia, aa4 -hat sa.'l prjo! !r .s.:e btrJr the hjrtfMrr "1 fceiver. l'n::0 -U" i-ad OS.- at fc.u:l Orv--rr. air j-. I'i.su- tMIiV U. IHEVsH. 'n H. E. N" -1 !. r tLe N W' , y ; itn. l .b . Ii. Wot. H &asu tae f....;oa.rn w:t lie".- ti pro- ti C'm:aviu rci4-3ce oja sa-1 C'i.l.vat.on o: a.'l lari, tLz ttii.;aj Tor.-n-on, AK. ' . ipT,i. J. Vs. '..tj, aa-1 J. & ,-w.o. at of Ca:..as Va. -. Or--in. J I. BiJijt-. A. Aj. fctjitter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. --. t-:rr, OrvjjC. Feb. 2. l-LO. Nu'.t-.t i hr--by- ;:itn Izai la rosapliaai a.-.hiiyr vnji.s:. us ci lietl '! C-t.;.w Junei. CDU-.i"l " As act Itrt lia -avI u.t-r lax. if ia 8'as or ' a..fon:a, Ozr t 3. J-tTatta a.-.-"! W a'i.lnjTt-a TerriVirT. 0! E-ii.'.. . 0.s-t ''.If--z'm. tit i.f orw roa. La it s tt : '.tyi ,u c k s-ao-r -a'.-.2t Vo. ! tir V-.t haje of ii s. sV ' B- w oi a 5 .. j. ia lasraxa'? Soil a. ti::- So. ; w . a.-.l ;.i '.Zt tvA losiana tiat w-r '.lz.1 i Eore t.uaM lonvs t-3iU ror t- !ie tl.ai: U a.icd:orai yzrpe ll" i-ai-.".-. (taiitosald ias-l Ur'.re vi-t K-.-:-u-r aa 1 !.r:T.roi L jcric a: iuw-ii-t. urai ..a sv-r-:y. vt la day of ar -i:. lr.'.-. 1! - LIBH I! W LT' r- J"bejOj A. horVrti. 'lal ti.t. O:. w. Ii. rsr.r., ot bUM, Or. f.a I ,ir. o: i-i.li.c- -'r. Frt4 -ari. raoo. oi K. U Or Anv ,1 prvf dalss- ;ia ai'Tr a-.iocr.i.l larKisarvre h -hvir t.iietia tiii oitt en or "jt:o: .; 1 '.U -laT cf A j r.i. l-. J. T. EiUDGF-i. - r. m? y r Notice For Publication. C'.riri er.Tii I.a;.rT:" a. I-b3.-r. 0--I-.3, Jictir ls3S. T- wl. :j :; r.sj c ..t m rV:c' : trr-j i.t. n 0-:oa a. Cali- Icn.a iU- r..l i vay ta, t.e-1 ia taia oSe a l."-t ci .a.-l f. i -aicJ ia U.e lAsatais 4e-fccr;--l t;.-.o-. a i a:.".;el lor a IMZcnt lor ia-1 ts: :iai .e j . 53 u. tie Ue or :D'Ir-.;c3 ani a f-- r titrwl by draervU'e .'ioM, l.s c.a -."-i-.i a CAardest tCat i U.ia oict i n lit .a-pecUuo ot a-1 PT oat i3-..."Tt-:.Ai aii li.- j. ..;e feaersClj: Cr-fa ar-t .a.....:ia R E Uivls. Tp - 5, K - E. s - - : :. T?:t ;,Ki . Aii 1 aa 1 - tt i ;, .'. ". aa i I. aal rK -c . AU-.;11 ua.atlse cri:a.TtT i lioitj ti daM ' 1 tii imix. yro:rsi cr o utrata mzajntx Lba elaia ' Utitiaar : -a-r trayt or -.txii-;oa wlv.-;.a any rei...3 tart of arcxi. :t-.u-1 :a tit 3 iL-c 3-1 lial ta same : core 1. a . ... i: aaeral laaa i aatrarrait x.r: in. rt-t. wu. rr.i v-d aad z4el iur a r-rt to law "jtsua. Lavl vice a Waar&xtoat. T. BEirjbE?. 1. Ii EXrH. ''r':, aveeTer. Notice for Publication. K.-l; iTteon, Karch X, law. No:.-nf . hrei.-T r.m fiat ia ctnpliaae a.th ll-r fma:t'U cl vhe act oi Cocaoes o! Jar trr. r. euii'-i -Aa art for tie ssuc of u:'" t Ixz-i 13 tiie of Callidrs. Ort SOS. NTa-ia a l V. a.- inr'on Tr:VjrT. TU 'MA 1 H-aRV2Y. " Of f(jii Co:t of LVirla. StaV; of Ore ion. ha th' iar z..-4 -a th o5r fc-s rsrora sia-j-ct No. i'i (rtitp-reiaar of tie . w t s. w . 1 tl trr-Ma No. . ta Tornl::p Xvl i EuaN'a. 4 VT a2d-Ulo?rr yrwf 10 show ;liai Ui -vD-i v..x j core a nahae tor its tun tr "-""--.: -.lao lor ar.caimra. Kirtovm. aad rs'-abLfh hi- cla.i lo ta. 1 Jaod before th Reri-t.-r aai ICo-.rrroi tii ofic at Ko?Nins i-rrtsc ta WfrlaftJa-, lie lua lar of Jmc 13.". HtB.us-;:ae Arci:h14 VcKeBc. Ha. t. n Vasuii. Llja H- Jot, A- E a c! Ouilaa l-in. Ass-as4aU WT ocs rjiiras a-iTr-:i ti a.T-dcscr-.l Ua is srx- rr";a.u-d fc fi.o their claias in Ibia . S:c vr re Mi i i l-jj daT of Jae. !, J. T. BKlIoB, Bcalstez. Administrator's Notice. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE THAT THZ . rc-r'-i- a.i:n:i-avr of th rfMi at Hisacv frwxaa. :reasu. has dlej ha tnal acroott sriUi tie Couarr Cltrrk of iMcaas CoiiafT, J-LaKot crrrou. ai-1 Ux Hoa. touaij Ja!.-chasiixM M n iav. the 1st dar of Itav. 1st, at o clock, ia th fun-nova. a" the Una (r hea--.ni ob..-ii.-os u aj4 aco.'UKt aad lor the l". Vn-.cnl . "i the saate. latcd lh.a iivl dai of Marvh. 1 JAMis C. FREEH AS. AJsicatrator .y tie estate ol Uiley Fr tnaa. drciaasU. Administrator's Notice. V-'iice is hrbT cirea tha:Jihe caUritnisl wasontfceU'tht'aToiFchmarr. X-MJ.Uuiy ar.poinuid al'Jiia:traur cl lhoUterfC. Y. Bvajamia, iieva.vi. All prrsuas harsac cloiau af..;r. said estate are hervb rriuired at vrat the auae t"!vr-rlv renied. to tbe aid a.lni:o-.tiaU)ra: Si rialadeak-r orBce 10 Ki-btirr. Doux-a; t ouatv, .reeoa, withla an monL'n In.ui t ie Jate htn-of. Uatt-d this .Vlh iav of F.-bruarr, A. P W. F. BKXJAStlS. A luuaUirator. Railroa J Time Table. No.lliboJcJ Uoaeban; local, No. 17 iparta7:C0a. m. isutbbounJ Koseburs ltxa!. No. 13. arrives 5 -.20 p. ra. Northbound overlanJ, No. 5. ar rives 10:23 a. iu.; tleparta 10:43 a. m. bouthboanJ overland. No. 6. arrirea 4:13 a. 111.; departs 4 . tu. iiuciuiir TRAINS. Northbound fat tbroub fneibt, No "1, arrives i :10 p. ra. ; departs 5 p. Southbound fast through frtiarht. No , arriTes7:00a. tu.; departs S:00a iu. Notthboucd mixed train No. 'JarriTM at 2 -53 p. tu., Sundays, Wednesdays aad Fridays, departs 9. -00 a.m., M:ndar Thursday and Saturdays. Southbound mixed train No. -Jt ar rives at 3.00 p. iu., on Sundavs. Mon. days and Fridays, departs 7:15 a. m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Weekly Excursions to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Tort- land every Tuesday at 9 p. ru. via. the 0. R. & N. without chariot) to Doetuu, and under tho supervision of experienced conductors. No change ot cars to the cities of Oaiaha, Chica, CuSalo or Boston. The k!eal trip to the east ia now before you. Hcuietut-er this service mhen goiuj East, aud consult O. K. A N. agtits, or address. V. il. IUrljibt (enerai Pastvngr Aent, 6 J :. I ;r anl rs'.. Lr I'.lt.t:. Ia.i-. v 1 i i tU. Tortland, (r.