The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 11, 1899, Image 3

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My Big Spring stock is now complete. There's brightness of
spring reflected iu every department of my store now. All
the different stocks have their complement of new spring mer
chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American
and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention
for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the
money-saving there is in buying of me.
The famous
MAY . 11 ';.
The rtost djribJe wheel K-tabter,
Rags ia ii.tuitti variety at AlrsuJtr j
Key West, ircporteJ sd doaietlx J
cigars at the Kcseleaf.
A finely brtd Jtr.ey inula call for tile.
Address T. O. Box, JG3.
Wood Uien cd eabferipucc. This ep
plys to both old std i ew sal.cribeiE.
Bead, the watchmaker Ha ejfclacl.'
at lowest prices and can Gt them cor
rectly. Kev. A. II. Mdkey, of Drain, will
preach in iba OhrLstian church Sunday
mornirg and erenirjg. May 11.
Ths'Trideof Boats'' is a new brand .
of floar cede by the new Era
Every sack is wiiranted. Try it.
T. L. Oraves is cor a,;eut at Oakland,
authorized to ej":icir, collect end receipt j
for any bills doe Ihe Pai.vde-vlcb.
Fourteen carloads of strrk cattle were j Street Superintendent Fig. This is
shipped from this city, the early part cfjry cexjndib!c work,
the week, ta parties in Sjatb. Oxsba i The work trains ere hauling and fillii.g
The steamer llalph was so! J at (Sardi
oer last week, at United States marshal's
eile, and bid in by JA. M. Twomb'y lor
E. DaGus. 51. i)., member lxiard of
o : r- : j-its . r .
bailding residing comer Main and Case
It makes no difference Low bad the
wound if you use DeWitt's AVitch Hazel
Salve; it will quickly Leal and leave co
Sewing machines, sawiag machines,
sewing machines at Alexander & Strong,
and the best of them at that, ranging in
price from fi3 to 37.50. Lesnre to see
b em before yoa boy.
lr. K. B. Xorthup. Osteopath, has
moved his ctUce from the corner of Pine
and Washington stree's to the Abrahams
building. Chronic diseases sad deform
tie? successfully treateJ.
Elmer V. Ifoover, physician tad sor
gecn. OiLce nest to city hall on Main
street, Roseburg, Or. -Special attention
given to diseases of the cose and throat.
Calls promptly answered. 'Phone 341.
The "Woman's Home Missionary
Society" of the M. E. chorch will bold a
parlor meeting at the borne of Mrs. F. H
Churchill, Saturday, Mv 23, at 3 p. ai '
at which the ladle of the church are ia
Tited to meU Jliss Patten, of Detroit,
national organizer.
i ay up. j
1 j
Having sold ray stock of feed, doer, i
etc, to 11. S. Stone, and contemplating j
going away and not wishing to put any
one to expense, by placing their accounts
due me in the bands of collecting agency,
reqiest an early settlement with me or
E. S. Stone, ray successor at the store.
m24. J. D. Mas..
Lace and Embroidery effects in wash goods,
Dainty line of Valenceines laces,
Rose Gold Sash buckles for wide Ribbon belts,
Fancy and Plain Ribbons in all colors,
Battenburg Patterns, Braids and Buttons,
Model line of waists in latest style,
Silk stripe effect in Men's Golf and Negligee Shirts.
Piques, Lawns and Dimuiities in beautiful patterns.
Pretty line of Parasols, in nicely assorted handles.
An elegant Hue of Wash silks, and silk ginghams for waists,
Mens fine Vici Dress Shoe in Chocolate or Black.
The best ventilating Corset.
Beauty Pins and Shirt Waist Sets.
Ferris Waists for Ladies and Misses,
Finest line of Wash Goods,
The best values iu Hosier',
Good Assortment of Men's Summer Underwear,
A 95 cent Corset that is Number One,
Crash Skirts from 50 cents to $2.25,
Neat Patterns iu linen Suits,
Fine line of Men's Crash Hats,
Good Assortment Medium price Clothing,
The Best 50 cent overall. "Our Wheel Brand."
No one taking i "p- Courteous treatment to all.
Roseburg Novelty Casjh Store.
Don't forget the next
come in and sec
show ing. Our Prices will make you happy and )
the fit make your feet feel glad. (
W. L. DOUGLAS shoe for Men,
Exclusive Agency.
....I Have for Inspection....
Elegant up-to-date Silk waists. Percale waists of the latest
patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low
prices. In Children's Men's and Boys suits you will find the
best assortment ever brought to this town.
The People's Store.
l: ) ' durable wheel I3Bj'..l.-r, '
j Ko:id, the tt: UliiUiker,
i in.
Dr. CheaJl-, Jn'ie!, at I'r.
old stand.
lien J for bargain: aril your
pairio .
w;'h re
i 'Tride o" Dona.,'' t e-t ::j
el! the
I market Try a sack,
i Frof. aud Mr?. Apple'ioT ara i-i
; gene attending the musical festival.
! Hck headache, f alines iu Btcmacb,
: pain in bowl?, lluJvan cire?. All
. dru;sciets, 53 cents.
; Waxtlp: Ti.reeor finr ca'ves fiora
; one to fiva days eld. Highest price pjid
; for same. s. C. B.vtTiii v,
Koseburg, Ore.
Dan U-irkljT, w:.-j is r.!t.irg a back
i: l . f . - ...
v.. ., , ,
senger3 yesterday m.dwili start borne
Friday mcrnicg.
The city is having considerable grave
placed on the streeti io ths way of fillinj
op holes and rats, under the direction of
in dirt and gravel abest the tew depot
bcildicg?. and a Dtx yard is also being
onstnictod, which will be surfaced over
with gr.-itita i.ul laid with new
) James M. Fletcher and Thil. Ream are
fitticg op the store rcom rscectlv va
cated by Mrs. Leca Dt-na for a cig.r
store. Messrs. Fletcher and lleani are
both well known and pop-ilar geatlf man
and e wish them sacceea in their bysi
neea venture.
A.Fenton, th geaiai fjraltare deal
er, of Mvn'e Crek, was transacting
basicess in this city Wednesday. He
made this oSee a pleasant call and now
holds a receipt fjr a piid-ia-aivaoce
suOscrjption. Myrtle Creek, La says, is
holdiLg i'e own with the other prosper
ous towns rf the connty.
E. A. Adam?, a Myrtle Point mer
chant, arr.ved irj this city Wednesday
afternoj::. Mr. Adan.s and Kev. J. E.
Blair of Oakland, will Uke th? overland
in the morning, cn roate to Minnesota,
whereas co:mu:s:ior:ers they will repre
sent the Southern Oregon Preb)tery in
the general assembly which convenes at
Minneapolis on May 18.
Asulam, Or., May t Willie Hcgue,
the 16-year-old son of I). X. iljgu-;, a
rancher, residing on Warner creek, west
cf AehlanJ,diappaarel from his Lome,
which is in the footbiils, and wandered
oil into the mountains last ThniaJav
evening. Search was iasiitcted for him
at ence and kep. np cantinaois'y, the
tomher engaged Monday being about 150
people, bat without suTcef", Tneeday
afternoon, when the lad's body was
fonnd a haf-dayVi jjurney from the
scene of disappearance, on the Annelite
The appearance of tbs body indicated
that life had been extinct for two or
three days. The boy had always been
weak-minded. It is sipposed that he
becaxe bewildered and wandering about,
soon succumbed to hucger and exposure.
time you are down town to
the many new styles we are Sa
Th-. n.ost .!u-:ib!e wi re! X in.bW,
T.i escrumo fir wood: .ol l filed i
liUEtic caso, st?:a ir.Ji:g watdi.
1. S. WiM.
Var.troft aesmeiv butter e Mr-. X.l
ItnydV. !
A-k your :riv-r f. i ti, -pri ie ci !
Pj'r.las" fl-iur. ;
Henry Champagne o! Deer ( rt-ek is!
ii th city tJay. ,
Ca'!, or Ef.i !, au 1 i-ul vrib.' Ijr the j
PLU-NotAtti;. Oar liit is increarinji!
rapiily. i
Mrs. Frink Ixkey, tf Grauts Pa?s. is '
in the city stopping with Mrs. D. S. '
West j
Mrs. Will lyer, of San Francisco, is j
visiting her mother, Mrs. Parker, of j
Edenbower. i
Hudyan curea hleeplessne?s, bad j
dreams and cisht sweats. Fifty cert: '
ad druggists. j
Heartburn, coated toune, !.ad icith, j
constipation. Hudyan euros. A'!;!ro;-t
ciets, 50 cent. !
icecrffciD f o !I in the M E. church!
parlors this evening uad?r the auspice' i
of tbe Ladies Aid S ociefy. A'l uro in- j
vited. I
W. B. t'oroatt, of Ki ldi-, s'oppi-d cd"
in t':U city M :rday, while ea roote to
Willamette Valley points. The rui-
oealek acknowledges a pleasant call.
Prof, and Mrs .AppleUiff lei: for
Eajece on We Jnoc-'ljy morning's ljcal
to attend and participate in a fc'tivii at
that place. The !'r-.f. ss;re'rj :h or
chestra in reuderio ii radical j ro
grax. Tbe jjb prirticg depart
ment Las been crowded to its fullest
capacity for he pas: two weeks, rcqiir
ing tbe wo! king of onr force overtime
Who says the Ti.a;mje4ler isn't ail
IlCfc'h McLain, t upcrintendatt of the
I'-eaver II ill Coal Co., of Coos county,
was in this city Tuesday, ou bis return
bomp from San Francisco, wher h
went as a witness in the ttriham
Spreck'.es cas?.
E'der John Bon-;wi:z, ol Myrtle Tolnt,
arrived in this city Wcdr.esdiy and took
the midnight overland enrou'.e to I'.o-
noke, Va., where he gr. as a delegate
to the International conven'bn cf the
German Baptist church.
The Baker City K?pahiican says,
' Steps have already been taken toward
the organization of a tirst-class band in
this city." Looks like Rosebure would
be about the ouly town iu the state with
out a band this s aaon. Why is this
The will of th j lite f-euator A. W.
II?ei has 1-een lileJ for probate and the
executors named therein arc Mrs. Eva
.V. Heed, Warren tt. Heed and Benjamin
E. Lester, toeerv without bonds. The
lezatees and devisees are Eva A. Keed,
W. P. l:ed, children of Wesley Keed,
John C. Keed an
sister, Mary McAUip.
Tbs Norris Bret
big trained animal
show gave two vt
y creditable perform
Toesday. Tbe baby
ances in this city
elephant, zebri
are new features
nd csges of monkeys
ijf tbe show and the
combination frrttl
nts q'lito an attractive
appearance in its
bjiit'-erins street parade.
John llodson,
who has been teaming
from Myrtle
to Koeoburg, on re
week was stricken
turning borne
ith paralysis anil
fell from bis wapon a
short distance this
side of Kemote. He
bis borne at Myrtle
was removed tq
Point Tuesday anil is said to be in a pre
carious condition. He has relatives in
this city
J. L. Stratfortl,
the PlAlNDEALtu'ti
genial and wide-a
wke business mana
ger and solicitor, la visiting North Doug
las towns in tbe interest of this peper
and is meeting wijh great success. The
semi-weekly PlaInokaxek is winning
new friends every day, who realize the
r . .1... . . j . i - . .
iH liiBb as tiu urtbu-iiiitB uewB uisaemi-
nator it is second to uo paper iu
Southern Oregon. I It means to head the
procession. I
One of the most 1 nourishing fraternal
beneficiary iDStitullonsof this city is the
A.O. U. W. Oa last Monday evening
after the reception of a number of new
members the lodge adjourned to its ban
quet ball and thcr injoyed a bounteous
spread which the ladies of the Degree
had been instrumental Iu preparing.
Following the suppe - a social hour was
spent which was interspersed with
Bp itch making, mu lie, etc. Bjth the
lodge and the Degree have a large num
ber of applications for memberuhip
pending, and each it) in a flourishing
Thf inu:t !!ural! ..' KauiMi-r,
Tin' sri-i :.t ilunililu wlu'fl Unmblfr,
f 10
Mr. and Mr. C W. Sh -rni-iu hjb vle
itir. i:i the city.
E. V. W. tj', state itJllie acd
fores-try wnr('e:i, h i:i this city.
I.iWil niowiire c )iu plulittts uud cul
t ivhtord at, C'lutrchill it Wo-illry'a
Tho I'lacn ;jbuy luiyirt', I.mks ui.d
wagon, ive.rus A t'liono'.M'tli, Oak
hind. Mr. and Mrs. E l Patterson returned
on this iin'riiiii's iveilaild f:om Por'
Uud. Firot ilu-H "" and "llirtford"
bicycles at Churchill Wo -Il.-yV, lor 25
acd J;!.
U;;u. i-o. I'. T ippiiijf, C u coutit'e
irjiresi'naiiv wai a Uiiso;'Urg v.hin.'r j
Mie'S Al'i I'od'a of My rib lVitt, Hill
Sjieud th- HJOJuior with Mrs. Ohas.
Dode ol thin city.
H a t jr I. i;i' m i l.-f Cauao ! ar) iu
the city I'-i.i Wilt.'jr, ii'i'l are UUi:i the
te aher rx itui i n.
Irj CM ', o-' t i- I'i.m.mjkalm: force,
ha; purchased a fine llaicblcr bicycle from
A. C Ma-r'."i? To.
Mi.-v-ci A'.t 1 '. x, i' u ec," Winui'o'd,
a:.d V.f.A t'u: ; ma-. ! V.'i ( ur a'-' r.!t;nd
io,; t':;- ti'ii h.T x i-.tir.atij:.
T'i I. 'a:. : I'm tii 0 to C on
tirct c'a: " -; i -i" i'y. A'.'trts,
. II. Pliirvl, Hofi-i'lir', trc.
1. v il M l.y..!.s .'. Mr:l.. Creek,
.. . - ' v rv.- v.-:' " '.'' d'i. fd;iy.
T.':t i'l i .At.; - 'av.-.'jd wi'.li a
1 j 1 i : 1 M 'y ir
-. j j 1' .. i"i c I ' ' ! i
1 ' . '. f I'll . :ii.i 1- ! i-
A . C. :
I V.;.
i"4 fai'."-- . '.
We ar- i 1 ::n 1 ' v i . li'jl.ia-, -
Frid It , uh- icl h n'al'V tt.o!
!:i-iiv'.: . i .t ;U:- 2J ra'. rirle,
is a t i .g el nic.-ly.
"I'-rui : !I in-'' ii :!. Kosebars,
Oregon, Mis. P. K-'.c'." r T.i tres-j
?d-:'- at:d 1 .i.i; .-: ii c t::s. fane
s'r. rt, j ' 1 k !-.- t o : -! p .'.
II j . J. T. i:. :!ie- ! .Ia l,;e Joe
i.y..r.i w. n' I- i i uij v t arsis', in i
tt - i n I i.r ii I of rt-'eLlS
tf 'ii- C-.-ntral t.-. g n t-ist-; normal
i';u- h;iE it.-i tkr n ool to trade lor
io .,f '.a i.- ar.i i Ul ti..ul!i of Focr'
j-t t. M. I" o.iku.
i.F. l' Wi.le-'.r, u-.tdc thii
olli e a p ea-.w:' v:t T .e!ay, tn ! tx
pressed him 1: ft ti. ;:- gr-t y p ei ed
with ' I"m:m luilc, fj rrccb
so (hat he c.r: .- da .y r c i-' I r the
paper t May, 1-0.
The WooJnasa r-vldra' liiocuiuent IVrt! .:: ! ai.. ..-ae Cceburg
at 4.3) e. t!i May.
The rouo 1 trip f .to r vl l-i y,, .t d H.
L. Marsierj !.g c-irj-.- f t': faJair on
the pirt cf Kcbu. iaui...
I ! j thank th-. u i s ficL.J. aLd
esjctai.y A. C. Mais'.eis n 1 fatniiy,
who to kisd y a.-ais'.rd us Juiioi; aiy
hashaL d's ekkciis aod dea?h. Their
kindt:ess tt ni aillljnj te cheri;he I ia
cir a; tnory.
Ms. I. M. Wis Ukmr.
Notice to Taxpayers
'.-d-.-rt; 1 tii -it s penalty Z jr cft be
added tc all tues on t.'ie a.'S'.;uijLt roil
of the yer Iv.U, dt paid lft-re June 1.
16A: Furlher ordered that a reba'e o!
two r c-nt ht givea on taxe-i paid
ia June, an I a rebate o! e per ctot oa
all tax' s paid i i .lair.
Hi s.Ju. Lv'jm, Juie.
M. I. Tii"Mi ,,
J .. H ilZ'lV.
Con.'i.i-.'i ji.cis.
Drain Normal Shool.
MLij, .'., M iy Ujvetn.r Geer,
.cre'.-tty Ji.:s Da .'.ar and .S.hjol
SuperintvL'Jei.t ickermirs wiil, cn
Thursday, so to I'rain, hcie. as ex-olli.-lo
in-Miil-eri ti eyil as.:sl in the
org nuitlcn of thj 1 cf rtsnsof
the Corral Ure;oa ila'.u r.oru al school.
The appointed regents are: J. T.
: Brid,es, D ain ; Cen 1. Coae B ftwell
jSprinss; .Jo erh Lyjn, I) ain; A. M.
traafird, H -ex uv; K b -it Veatcb,
Co t-g irove: K. A. l'Oiih. Gratt's
Pass; Dr. Wi lira K'lyk. ndill, Eig ne;
W. W. Wiistn, Ycncalle.
I'. Doty Seriously Crippled.
l'red Djty, a Kjcburg bay and brake
msn oa on-; of ihi lo:al freight trains,
met with a very Eorious accident at Wil
bur Wednesday evening. Just as tbs
freight train wa? puliicg into that station
and li id come tlinuct to a standstill, Mr.
Do'y, who was standing on brakeheam
of the tender, slipped iff onto the track
and his loot as ought under the wheel
aud held ftt, the engine (topping j'.lsl
at that mouivnt. His cri"s soon attract
ed the atieuliju of the enxim-cr, who
moved the eugina forward and released
tho yyi.-.c rntn's fjot, which was found
to he terri'jly cr ished just bel j Ihu iu
step an I he will at least )oo all cf the
toes oa the foot. He was brjitglit to
tbis city, and upon tbs arrival of the
overland was sent to it he hospital at
U'jhott Connor, of Sau l-'raucisco, and
Miss Curio Dixon, of tbiii city, were
mank'd in ttio M. E. church Wednes
day moining at 11 o'cioi k, K v. Geo. Ii.
Arnold cdiciBting.
The wedding was a tpiiet and unosten
tatious affair, only relatives and a few
iniiuist'i friends of the contracting
parties witnessing the ceremony. The
g.-oum is a genial and highly etteimcd
young mnti and in a member of tho San
Francisco police force. He is a brother
o! Mrs. A. M. Gallagher of Deer creek.
Tho bride is n daughter of Hon. K. B.
Dixon, ou.l is a popular and highly er
teemed young l.uly who has a wide cir
cle of admiring friend.
Mr p.nd Mrs. Connoi took their depart,
ure on Thursday morning's overland for
San I'Vftucieco, their futuro home. The
Pi.inmi:am:r joins in extending the hap.
py couple congratulations and best wieh-'.
Johu F. Van r.!r was born ii 1'otiu '
9lvania, Aj,ril i860 aod died May Tu
18'J'J, axed 41 yBU and 5 days. i
He cmijcra'cl to Oregon iu the year
tti?T ii J I
io. no Wdu united m uiarri.iKa ti
Miss Ida M. Uorsline, May 115, 1831
They lived happily together until his
death, lie united with the church of
the United Brethren in Christ, at its cr
gtiaizilion ia itoieburg, under ths pas
torate vl thj writer, atiout elevfii ye-irs
ai;o; one of tho charter membere
of this church.
He was a pillar in the church, always
beiuu found at his p. jet, and always
ready to io carrying forw.r 1 the
interests ol the church.
All ho knev him bear witno.sH to his
iiiteKrity aud Chtintian character.
Hit health has been declining for
tune Unit', but during all his allliction,
ho wa patioi.t and resigned ; be was cot
htarj to inurmiir cr couiidaiu.
The wiiter pleached his fuufral ;o the
Urtftf audience which tKe'nb!ed to pay
their Ust tribute of respect to the de
ceased, from I Cor. l.j:05, alter which
his body was conveyed t0 the cemetery
where it n dcoilei t3 await th.' res
uint'lion of tho jubt.
I?v'eMrd leavn a '. au J t , , t i,t'J
ren, a e n at.. d,j .(iri ,. tir.i !,h
E. M. Ma:.-
.Marys ville Boy's Sad IK-v. I:
A jojrijr i!-eii ad .
H'v-eif I.u name at Jjhr I
rn 1." i
rive t in thisci'y .aturil, t ,.
on t). Ct'lutubij rier r . : t.- t.- a
t..i ii mgad iu tishiOi;. He f il e
as--t-. rrnt t i hn h .:nt, hi M.,..i-i
'- :: t.. nt.s J.e upj I. d t. .
I ! . ...
i f r. iti :tr. U f,r Ku
aid he wat taifa to H,f I..
I'pnri ex i u :.' in
l.' it. I that tho jo-' n;ii
fr.m a vr- a: a- k of pte
ro-t!;:io sxia becaxe cry
; t:
.1 r'-ff -fi-K
ti.onii. ll.a
' i a r. ; te
tf iro.-st oi the "en'ion a-.d
oudicd ti I K-ven liisi, I.. . Wr Ins
day eveoinf . May 1 J, JS.m a J. 1. -n:o
h" !cs fent to th r. luivrs a: M ,rjs
vl! e Lo:.iyin the:n of the yo'jLi ilia's
dca'b. but op I , ti.e Lour 0( s u .. Xi
prc-s no wpljr ha I 't r. rc eivr.!.
s.;.;; ree-Vf!;; I .t: j'at
coanty's p .j ulsr h?i'.:( re..-:. !'.. "sell
p.g.froaj tic S. P. C npan it crj?
:f; i.-g icdfed, acd the kia !ej tc! lib-eril-y
of the Comias.y in --antiiij j sp-...'-
ti ; i;:.v. from th- vinnw
,r.: '. btet M ll -i I
f - ' .... a'j (
i:l t d Viv appret-:.t:r I l,y th f--rVi of
p.-j, la bi vi,:t th-s hpiiti, ,; u;:y j
ajl retie bet tfiui rtu'.;e (r; i the j
helt . restoring ir, ic of i'-n Usuutit I
waters. j
I: ice A luce, ll.-u-e Fc.i.i-Lers !
for every thin in the furniture lice,
l'bs: f-'o-k an 1 loer-t price, yzy. re
ceived a car I jj jr.f Eastern a t t c-jsat
fjti.itre. c fjr bargains.
Ail next week, positively v l- r.rr,
yoj. can hjvfi Dr. L.e, the wel! k .own
oculo-opticiin, tct joar eyes fcr u tftej
al the McCl.o H ue. As Ihe lVtor
oa't be back for six muntht, duc t fail
to see him this trip.
Ey k!low;cg the accam i!'inr.s rj the
bnwp's to rmin, th? ejtire j'r u is
p"ioi.e.!. DeWiu's Lltt e Erl
d yuo
r-u:a: ll.e IrjwtU. Tr iher.
wilt s!ivj a3 them.
Stearns A CLtnoe h at Oakland Lave
now oa binl hardware of all kind par
ch wed be I.jre tlu-rirean l will :i at
lesi th.-n forauir prks hi!e ia stitk.
Aio bu.vie. huki i. I agr, : ;o
l?s thsn cau bf ought e'te!.ere.
Wartaiited sein ni.-irh-ni', ;o. Eest
ia hole a inh oea aVela rari with
high cl-jset aad -eservo r, kh Car load
of choice cetlar hi:ig!er-.
Teams Wanted.
Tj haul icriiocd. Appiy to.
Camthlll xk ALtVAMH-S,
CorusJtck, Ore.
Wi.l trade j ijno. i-tgiti". cr l.irychi
for lumS -r or w jjd.
T. K . K:ni iku.'On
!.ofth".ii. Ore.
CVlum;:ia etands f r ls'. You a e
sore of best when you ride a Colombia.
See shs I0 Columbia at Ch m hil! &
If yon have piles, c i uc them. No use
undergoing hjrrible operations that
simply remove tbe results of the di-ecse
without disturbing the disease itself.
Place your confidence in DeWitt's Witcb
Haiel Salve. It has never faile.l to cure
omnia; it will not fail to cure vol .
Pneumonia, la grippe. coabs. colds,
i-roipand wiioopusg tvugh readily yield
to ne Minute Coogh Cure. Cse this
rcnedy in time and save a doctor's hill
or the undertaker's.
Fancy Fowls.
Pure bred S. O. L-ghorns f r sale,
apply to Gaddis Bios., Koselmrg, Or.
School ICeport.
Keportof the Mt.Scjtt school for the
month ending May 5, 18'J'J:
No. of lays taught, 20.
So. pupils enrolled, 8.
Whole number of davs attendance,
Average dai'y attendance. 0
No. limes tardy, 8.
No. of visitors, c.
Di'iiortmeut good.
Thoso who were neither absent cr
lardy during the mouth are:
Lynu Ktradr, Victor and Cecil
Thoso aveiaiiig altove 8i per teut in
the moulhly examination are:
Lyun Strader, l.loyd Att-rbury and
Cm il lil .kely, A da L. Smith,
The Oiegou regiment is still among toe
ii'.ohI sidive of the troops In the Philippines.
Do Nut be Fooled
WiUi the ill. m that ny preparation you
dwirjji'-t may put up and try to sell you
v i:l ,inilv biood like ll-jod's Sarsa
pniil!. Thi:t itit-diciim hurt a it'putatiou
it bat eari.c l iLi record. It is pre-
partd under thu erroiial supervision
of educated huraiaci.its who know
the nature, cjualiiy er.d medicinal ef
feet of .til the ingredients used. Hood's
Sarsaparilla abaolutely cures all forms of
blood ilisease whet- other uiedicinea fail
to do any j-nod. It i-t tlie World's tireat
fprln M.;diriri- ttnl the One True I'.lood
For Ijrftt cl.itj dciitit'ry o t ) It
l.itt'e of Oakland.
Place while iu town to pat
np your tt-am U at
Uoo.i waititij rooms for ladies and
(,'erjtlrtiueu well warded aud lighted.
(luoJ nccoiutaudatiouH f.r keeping
Iiausiitt teauj i over eight.
Vnur I'atronni--kcipcctlully ioliciUJ.
UEUT CASE, Proprietor.
Cor. Va-Li:i;to:! arnl Mbin rjt.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
1 1 art i S P i al 1 v A : pes t s t h p f ml s i A a t A a
nature in sirenKiceriinf; ana recon
!. j structing the txhausted dipestlTe or-
T rta 1. tf.Wn . n . J 1 a. la. .
' iuc.v vil u.sjereo: aijreso
ant and tonic. Jo other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cares
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Siclt II eadache. Gait i algi a. Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by C C OcWitt A Co, Chicago.
Fcr sale bv A. C. Mars'.ers & Cc.
Tnc Clinrcbea.
-Ut m-i Cat t'. uco.titro! ii;n a4 Lase
rr-.':. un:y ttnrlct: Pre hlaf, II a. B
::: it j.. S',Uii ool. 10 a. B.; I
A 'Viiit:.; C'jum Meetlcf at
t. .! :.: B-.ora:c -rrit; KpworJt LecC
rj. r. il turchi;:, trw. Imicr
V. v: lt. Wv!r.?-:r. ntjip.ti.
t:. lis Li-, l t. r.
fr...;? . corner yi.u id La&e.
ls;ie:, tai.ii. ciicam on owic-r itnct.
;::t a; ;j t. za. sj T U p. sa. Pray-
tr.ttf.Tr. TTiurvi.r tvraiaj.
Xn- Lc.T M. ( zur, VvUjZ.
L .
i- it. Cora , r I. i
. : f.:o.i: ot ..; s. ,nii as4 eir Sea-M.;..-r...
M. L
i v.:
I. h
.? v.
i-i . J. T. . on l ui ir
. ai 11 a. a.
i U . a.. O V.
:r . : t .o :z; tl
. V.
. A
ii. I'y.-l'-r.
' ii-Con.-.f oi llac
1. 1", t !C .v a
'A -iirStr c. 13 .f at
rr! rrt:s
;v .o.
tut n..,,ri -:-
c.t ! . 1. s i.. X
Prayer : .t .-x . -. '.
T .iO. A r : a ." - -
Kt-- l Z.T
m.-.i. ; i
i ' s j- ij. . '.lih
IV r. i . LU : ns.
ttsij T .0 p
!. A Tc UD,
; ! mro ar EtttunCT
ur.:; i .nday i ! t' trf
.-. ' t Ey--. r.h Uaj-if
l ( i.t-:
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature cf
Maw's This?
We oiler One Hundred Dollar Keward
for aay case of Catarrh that cannot t
cured by flail's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo. O.
We the undersigneJ have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 vests, and believe
him perfectly honorable in ail business
transactions and financially able to car
ry oat any obligations made by their
West & Traax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, vk Martin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken intfrr. Al
ly, acting directly uKn the blood and
mucous surface ol th ! s ytem. Price 73c
per bottle. Sob! by ail druggists. Test,
montaij free .
li you sutler from teuderness or full
ness en the right side, pain under
shoulder Made, constipation, bilioceneae,
sick hea lache ana feel da", bejvy and
sleepy your liv-r is torpid and congested.
DeWitt's Little Eirly Kers !'.! t-rre
you prompt y, pleaaut!y and perma
nently by removing the csniteslion and
causing tbe biie du "a to open and flow
naturally, thsy auk oood mll.".
S.iine ii ;: c recoil j of i edited dys
peolic cm li h;is of the stmsch are
cancer, coiisainptLii, Ii.miI ! --tve and
ep;l'cpsv. l'vhpep-ia Cure pre
veiitM b!! thi by efferlimt a iiniek cure In
all f of tlvfl'.tt'i r-ia.
Weurgn our p:rcn', who a'o iu dr
rearn hr t!i Pi.mmh, tojsei.d in a'
or ur- ol Ihe amount of your etihfcript
ioi.s. Itiiilf'ii.ii aniKii'tt to e.ich cf
you.lrit t i.s it w.itdl -.greK.f,! an
aitu nut w very mnoli need in t.ur hnsi
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is her. by given to all parties
holding DjukI'Ih ciu;ity arriit:t in.
doised prior to tl lo!..r Ij. IHUS, to
presort tht! s.'int :it the tu amir.-i's ollice
in th! Dtin !.:m v niiitv t..uik lor pay
meut, a- iiitete't. will eiMsn therton
after the d:i!o . ihin ni'iti.
Dated thiM the Sth .lay id M:iy,
lit the City of liusc hlitg, rt"in.
iK. W. DMH K.
County Trefttitiror, Douglas County. Or
Our Spring
i- -:".iJ.""! ini'.h.
In Ladies Shirt Waists. Wrappers
and Skirts which are a feature of nor
ofTerinn9 today.
This lot wiil certainly appeal to
thoso who Lay only wi -n they aru
certain that qnality is very Ligh and
price low.
Hut lly will also attract tbo;-e
who like stj li.-.h tron-U !ck.
Tbea arw exc"pti.;ii;iy ftyiL ai.l
particularly w.-Jl m-.d-. "Cuoldn't l
b-Hr if ror.ii to ;,. t.r crdr at..!
coftin .IvnLle the
Don't Uiiss tbis chanco.
Klctiant Line of Spring styles iu Hats aud Millinery.
An immense stock and strictly up-Lo-dalc. Prices to
suit any pocketbook. Call aud be convinced at
iLfeUbiiehd in l9 l
The leading varieties of thorough
bred fowls.
Kggs from the finett strains sent
on short notice. Send for Cata
logue. Address
J Forest Grove, Or.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dea leas in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 18 1. Props
The Roseburg Tannery.
(H:xbct a.-h
1 1 ' l "T a"'1 'kin rr-si f,.r 4il.v-. Lah an-1
Twi'iii jiti "T !- I-athvr. Furs ami Min 1tvs.1 an
.Ride a Rambler..
The Strongest Wheel,
The Easiest Running,
The Most Handsome,
The Best.
Sold ou the installment plan.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agts.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Nuii..e is h.-rv:.)r iven to all turtiea
bolJini Dtu,;Ui roiiuty warraats lo-dor--
vri-r ti February f ISiW, to
lreT.l iv s at the treasurer' office
at tli. Dm .-It. County bank for pay
ment, intrirtst wilIoee therwn after
the ilve cf this notice.
DtVid I hit the :M h .lay of April
li!l, at th City o' U ihar, Orciji).
Connty Twaniiier, Houvi. Comity. Or
I nplioiin, aweaiy lian..4n.l
feet ariMiro. .v lln.lvan. All drnvylM-j
50 cent?.
Is now complete in evry depart
ment and a cordial invitation is ex
tended to all.
X. Jr4?C?-(f
i pMmfi
Ib wurui weatbfrr will LriDff a d
luarid f..r !i);bt-r Sbo. We hate
anticif.t-d chi-t nud r prepared
with a full lint . f Ladies' and Misses
Oif'-'dn arsJ Lce Shoe in Black,
Tan. CLrouiC anl all the neveet
hh'a'ir h:1 riylf S;z are eoto-plt-tn
v.-ry kind f t repre-x.,.-''i.
All y. i f ncdifjt qnality.
N , ..-fr i-a TLere are Shoes
which ca.-.t tar oiotit-y. bot none
which will ive reatr tatifaetioD.
!"rr TaiJ tc Bi-Jes. Tars vti Kstt Fkiaa.)
ss-d and
tVanol. Ulark Angta tnt f..r Char.
L DEACH, Proprietor.
l".t .1" Mill St.. Smth R barsr. Oresmi.
Countv Treasurer's Notice.
Motive ia hereby giveu to all parlie
hohlirit Ootiglae iMui.ty irntl ia
doreeJ prior tolVt. 11, IS:T, to pieaeat
the Hum at tb Mate at th treasurer's
otli.e in tbe Donflaa Cocu'y banc fvr
pymwitaa interest wil! ve thereoa
nf'er llii 'lili f t!ii 11 t'tv.
j V-1 it.ii II-.. Uth ay ol April
i lS'l, 9' Ihm I'.ti of Koarl.ui;. Orvcon.
' 'iC'i. W. DlMVICI.,
j Cnttiiy Trr-uier, Dmiil C'UH, Or.
; V. ii . l.pj.I-1.. y.-llo kiti, coa'ol
Inrcno, f. vnr.l li. Ilmhn rnr.,
- ;