The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 08, 1899, Image 2

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    J 7
or- n
Published Monday .and Thursday.
, ...l'ltblWitT
..Mgr. and Solicitor
Subscription Rates,
ae Yar ...
Six Mouths
Three Month
1 u
MAY S. 1 S9l.
Cullom and several other renators who
voted against seating Mr. Corbrtt will, it
is reported, vote to seat Juay.
When a campaign reaohe the white
flag and conference stake the seriaus
fighting is usually over.
Tr.e oik of Cok-nel Stiu.rr.era ai:d the
Oregon regiment iu the riii:ippin'' i-
mach appreciated in Washington Cry,
as well as at home.
This is en'.i-ituver.t mason in pain,
but the army is not filling up very rapid
ly. The majority of the Spaniards have
about concluded that the? are cot a
fighting people.
The English papers that thought
Uncle Sam was Ket'iuK tired iu the
Philippines have aai-i concluded that
they do not understand Auericm eei.ti
ment. tiormau is anxious to receive the
demo-poi ocratic nomination for presi
dent in 1900. I'nlres Mr. l'-ryan is de
eiroas of an at her drabbirg he will let
Gorman have the nomination.
There is probab'y u;o:e jealousy
among omaiciacs than auioni any othtr
class of people, the world over fiom the
tmal frr to the l:ig fry. the
pianist Godowsky was in Portland he
was a ked if he knew Saner d ll-jsen-thal,
tro world renowned fijiiisif. He
bad never heard cf ibiui.
Eaglish papers compiiment the Ameri
can volunteers at Calnmpi on their de
voted patriotism and gallantry, and with
excellent reasjt. They also Ecora the
copperheads who have been tryiog to
"humiliate the n ition and the govern
ment by perbundicg the volunteers to a
disgraceful and cowardly retreat."
Good and bad resnlta have followed
the organization of tracts. How to
overcome the bad results without doing
away with the gJ), is the problem
puzi'ing statesmen. Any demagogue
can jamp up and curre the irusts and
combines bnt ttatesmen reaiiz : that the
problem is a deep and ditlicoh or e.
It is uu time to le idle now. Good
health and digestion wait oa outdoor
exer.rite. The garden rake and a few
matches will get away with mnch un
cightly etulT about the baek yard and
alley. Ttie thrift of a p!ace is judged by
stranger from the neat r ppoaraece of
the slreote, lawns and lhs whole i remis
es about resideu?.
Diplomatic rela'ionsbttween the Unit
ed States and Spain have been resumed
This ia a pleasant occasion for the two
countries. War is excecdicgly disagree
able to the United States, as it is to all
other civilized nations. The conditions
in this count rr will undoid tediv be
made particularly agreeable for the r.ew
Spanish diplomat.
The rash for the Ute reservation lands
is at its height. Many who bad held
places in the filing line left it and jaiced
in the race for good locations. Men are
scattered ont along tbe edges for a dis
tance of 40 miles. Town cite boomers
have principally centered at Aibo!e3. bnt
SOJ Oklahoma "eoouers" are booming a
its near Ignacio, to be called Tabor.
Republican papers are quoting with
relish Henri Watteraon's opposition to
W. J. Bryan's nomination. Wattereon
favored McKinley in 1300 and will do
tbe same in 1930. Journal.
Gaees you'll admit Watterson's rare
intelligence. Guess you'li ale; admit
that tbe Bryanites w iit be fighting a los
ing battle unless they can win over
mnch support that McKinley received in
Governor Gage appears to be so tee
thing of a joker himself. It is evident
that be was joshing c-itiin newspaper
reporters that be pretended to trke into
bis confidence recently in regard to tbe
senatorsbip. He has not made any ap
pointment and is not likely to mike one
onless Quay is seated from Pennsylvania.
Colonel Burns says that be bas had to
intimation from tbe Governor in regard
to 'he matter.
The recognition received by Douglas
county's popular health resort, Boswell
Springs, from tbe S. P. Company is grat
ifying indeed, and tbe kindness and lib
erally of tbe Company in granting a spe
cial rate to the Springs from tbe vanons
points between Uoeeburg and Portland
will be duly appreciated by the scores of
people wbo visit these fepringa annually
and receive beneficial results from the
health restoring properties of its famous
There are no trusts or corporations in
Kuseia. Combined capital has no rights
or powers in that country. Tbe govern
ment runs the railroads, and such other
thing! as are too huge for individuals to
handle. The government is tyrannical,
and bas to be, in order to make a success
of its undertaking. Toe individuals are
limited by condii-jus bo that they can
accomplish but linlj. A a result ilui?
ia is at least one huodre I years behind
tbe times, and is not gaining any ground
on advancing civiFzition.
Every day tbe pres dipatche from
all tecticus of the Union announce the
formation of new industries, and the ad
vance of wages of artisans. This news
comes so regularly that all doubt of the
birth of a new pro."erous era is dispelled.
For example, last tvenia's dispatches
from Cleveland, O., say that on Monday
last 359U mechanics in lhal ci'y received
increased wages. Yesterday ui'iruiog
700 tnolders went to work with an addi
tion of 13 per cent of their late' pay.
Tbi, though, is one instance of a great
many, which practically illustrates that
the stae". men t that better times r re with
(he whole country, is no myth.
Riddle Items.
Wild str.twrrio are gi'tting lipe.
Success and the IYuxhuau:!; are now
synoi'vauns tonus.
Hon. tie.-. W. IU hile x;in d. i-.g bti.-i-nets
in Kost-b -ri Tiiu.'t'd.iy.
Li-.tle lna Corrutl, who has been
dangerously ill, is mipu vii g.
J 1'. Terry ca-iit: down 'r in ll.e Mt.
Uciili'ti r; ice M.:nl.iv moniinj
M.- .aid Wif. Walter CVriintt weie in
town i..i:u lUvs t'.vck SilurJ.iV.
cr Kt.'iile rua.'.e a tu-i:n- t i to;
the f.tiiity seal last Tliurs-.uv.
J no. M. Jackson will sjm U-gin the,
ercctio-.i of a Uiy new w iv!i "..;
Ceaslty, tli Oakland tattle buyer,'
was doing bus;! o-s in this vi.iuity ro
c-ntly. !
Tbos Oluik en; :ii-ed li yusng wiM
cats wi.iie out pio.-in- lit g a few t'ave j
Mr. an.' Mrs. K. l'Ve ' Pys Occfc, Scliurinaii . i ii.!ciit of the peace c m
wre i-i ii g frit-nis in t!;i- vii intlv I U1jat ;ot. Tue r suit of the next cotifii
Moiidy i t ' Tuesday. ence. betaeiu toe pea commit! u and
Jno. M.Jukson j ist i ad rvii.e Aguinaldo's r-i rctetitativc, the pri
new and at taciive sir. I ain'id iri ;r -:.t j dent I elcivtp, will be a decision by the
of his s'.ore building. Filipinos to lay ilon their aims as a
Mise Jo-io
tuilh MMit'v i-: cl.t a uw i
dsys vieitir g rtla:ive3 in llfg-bv.'g
tari?iu: t j hrr fd.o 1 in the rpp. i
re. j
trict Monday muruing
We're goirg to ttl-trate the FoiiUh of
July. Myrtle t'rctk, Cnyotville ai d
everybody e!s p.!ea?e take nct:ce and ac
cept an invita'.ioti to attend.
Dentist B-naett cf Medford is pet.dit g
a few days in town daicg dental work.
We understand ttiat he wili uiaiie his
regular visita to thia place.
Dawey day wa appropriately observc.1
at this place, and th?teni2ic"car.con3d
ing" would have irightentd a whole
Spanish army intoimuiedia'e aiid !as:itig
Mr. J. L S.Mtt and Misi Alter
bury went to H-isehurg WednttJav tv
private Kamor has it tLat
the merry wedd;r.g leils will be rir.giog
soon, and therefore we cxtetd our con
gratulations in rdvancr.
Look out '. T;,e Wooda-.en are g -iag to
give sn enter?:nruent Mocday evtnirjg,
May 1Mb. C. W. WLe?!er. gei era! tr
gn:zer, wiii bi preatnt and give one if
bis eloquent at.d ins'.rae.ivi ad ir?ss.
A gosd proiramaie has been prepared
and a Iirgo is desired.
J. D. C-rautt has tl:e clia.a
pionship as a c-"yoe huae'. He rei ent
ry discovered a nest of tL'ht ycorg ones,
which he cap'uied ai.d broatht to his
borne in a eac. He then returned to
the scene of the capture, where he set a
trap and caught the old cao during the
following night.
The many reaiere cf the I'iaimjuuk
in this iricity are glad to Knw that W.
C. Conner has become its editor-in chicf.
Mr. Conner used ta iive aiuonj u-, hav
ing been ( Jil&r a.i 1 ptrt owner oi Ih
Riddle lifter' rise, and he has uianv
friends who feel sure that the I'lain
HEALtR is destined tcon t. beccm?
Southern Oregon's leading cc-wri ajer.
A meeting of our citizens waj ca.l.u at
Jackeon s Lull iiinr:diy erei.iLg ' con
sider the'wayi tn f meaus" f iiavicg a
Fourth if J aly cele'jratioc. Torre was a
gocd'y atteedtn e cLd ir was dc.iieJ
nnanimcusly to celebrate. Jno. K. Love
at d D. W. Crosby weree tc'.ed managers
and were given fell power aud at'boriiy
to appoint a'ti cemmit'ees and tnaka ail
other Deces?ary arraugerr.en's. Tula ac
tion ie an that the fTa:r will
be a complete success, acd thus will this
123rd anniversary of the independence of
our nation be given a fitting remem
brance. It is feared that tt:e late cold rains
have dose incalculable damage to the
fruit interests. It is sail that tbe
Italian prunes are cropping in enorxcas
quantities, acd ii this continue there
will coon be no fruit left on the trees.
We judge from further reports that the
Petites and Silvers are not damaged, as
these varieties being earlier than tbe
Italians, bad passed the danger line be
fore the rains came. This condition of
affairs ia much to be regretted as the de
struction of the Italian pruoes means tbe
loss of thousands cf dollars to our fruit
growers. However, immediate warm
weather may save a portion of the crop.
Coos County News.
Mvrtlc Point Euterp:ie.
G. II. Gujrin, proprietor of the Gaerin
Hotel, has taken tbs gjll fever and ac
companied by his tin James, left IjT the
mines Tuesday.
Parties returning from Sn Francisco
report that R. A. Graham bas about
completed arrangements for putting the
railroad through to Roaeburg and that
work will be commenced by the middle
of June.
The parties who have tbe contract for
dredging at Coos bay have been unable
to get all the men they need to carry on
the work. It is certainly a sign pros
perity when th; demand for lahor is
greater than the supply.
The vacaut lands in this vicinity are
being looked after and homesteads are
being tile 1. Young men and women
who were raise 1 in Cws county that
have arrived at the ag-j of 21 years
should avail themselves of this right be
fore stranger from abroad take all the
vacant lands. We are informed by the
U. S. Commissi itier that there is yet
land enbjsct to homestead no, far from
Myrtle Point.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas entity v.arratts in
dorsed prior to October 15, 1S'J8, to
preyeiit the snme at tbe treasurer's office
in the Douiia County bank lor pay
ment, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of this notice.
Dated this the 8th day of May,
at tho City of Koseburg, Oregon.
Geo. W.
County Treasurer, Douglas County. Or
The Oregon Hair Tonic
vVill grow hair on bald Lead, dufroy
daiidrnlTaud ttap tho hair from falling
ou!. It is recommended by leading
physicians. 1 have tried numerous hair
link's but this is the only one that
brought Kitkfactory reeultH. U. A.
Stowed, sgfiit, Winchester, Ore.
Lnvoys Arc fiegging lor
Rivers, Intrciitlimcnts, Jungles nor
Kcbiil Sharpshooters Impede Ti:eir
Wamum.i ...n, Miy t. Vro-i.l-iit
Wtnley I t'lii ve? war i;i the l'ttilip will be at an ei d within -IS hours.
T is conclusion is bated upon highly
' traMf ii'i; Ci'.Vh grams received from Mr.
prciliuhiary io ;-.e lu.iu.urMvi. u u.v
form of
government which the peace!
C nitu.Jpion tev.'ii-uiePd d ami
the piesidetil ha p:o d
A high ollitiai i: tie a d,i it.i-tration
6 .i i r i'it :
"0:ir infor:ii:i--i) jiS'lties the b-.lief
thai ;!iere will h-a ccfia i. n tf h s'.i'.i
ties within loee t ian 45 liours. Mean
time, !'- is a'i;ola'ely i.eccseaiy io keep
up the fighiing ou the .r: cf ti.o
Lutis iu -jnler to tnak-j the rc'.-el- reabze
the utter us-less:;eis of ih- ir riS'tacce.'
Mi.MIT llttV AKE Wllli'l tl'.
- Manila, M .v 0. Co'o.iel Arguei.cs
acd iue other peace euv.iys of the rebel e
are lure workii g and bccgii-g far peace.
They admit tl.ey aie hipcd. TLe
troj;3 rie not to le ehakta is their re
solve to rurrct.drr s.nd tluv wi.l not
Cglit. Aigus-.l-.-s as the icIh-I sold.ere
are throwing away their ueapoiiJ, ar.d
have io-t a:! heart iu tlu ligh'ing, tii:ce
nothi-jg si".tua to ttan t in th way of its
American foldieri rivers, iutituch
tniiits, j-Jt'gle atd rebel bbarj hnottrs
being all alike to them.
Arue l?s ha-, thrown aiide all refetve,
and declwrei w ith an iuj'ire-l air that
there thoull be tu si'i-ij oi baJ
fai :h ia the re-t'u' pioporal fjr :ace.
He declares all are willing to earrender
as eooi. a- a?t-araiices ;.re otide that the
Fiiipiues will have ou.e rej::estiilitlon
ia tii- 1 ca! guvernuiciit tliat ii to Le
j substitute 1 for the t-panish govcruaitut
in the jirchipeLgj.
While negotiate it'. for eace cucUauc,
tieneral O'.is is lusmcg the campaign
aheal and ;ii to.-p up the lighting ui.
til A-uinaMj au ! his men Iiy down
tLtir jraiS.
M .i Mi KLI.LL l"i.lLj.
May C A big Lrce
MvM-., Mav C. A big Lrce cl Fi.i-
pii:03 is r 'porWd u.oirg i.roui: ! 'i.-u-cral
MacArlhiir's lef: lln.k. Scouts also
locate I ttrccg rebtl fci.a at Antipolo
aud San Mateo. t.?u:ral Kind's bi;k-a ie
und.r C-'lonti Who"ey, is nuvii g to
ward Antipole.
Suj j '.ei frj.n Mmdi hereafter will Le
takeu to the front on lna fy the San
Fcruaadi river.
Gen iA Lawton's ca!u:a advanced to
a position i' miks tor'.h oi Baluag to
day. Defers r.iakiog a fjraatd move
ment Geeial Lawton fcut hack l) Ma
nila t 3 wouadsd nieri f tho Miaaciola
regiment arjd ore cf lln Oregon "regi
msot, who were hir? in yest-rJay's
fighting, besides 110 si', k men.
GenerI Liwtu's a !v.nce met with
bu'. siight opposition. Oa'.tMc of Maus
ia 2030 rebels, w.'. occupied an en
treat hsd posili -n, were touted ia short
or-'er. Jlany caries of rebels have been
d-fcovi-r'd in the river a. San Toiuas.
Scores of rifles and o'.her arms have been
recovered from the river, into which
they were thrown by the retreating reb
el'. MicArthur'e division is renting at San
Fernando, making in the meantime ex
tensive recennoifances.
School Report.
Report cf the ilosebarg p Jblic echo ils
for the month ending April 23, 1S.U.
FiBsr (.raue. dumber of days at
tendance, 512; average number belong
ing, 40; average daily attendance, 42;
number of times tardy 3; number days
absence, SI.
Miss Eliiabe'.h Parrot!, Teacher.
Scosi) Gbade Naaabarof days at
tendance, 605; average number belong
ing, 33; average daily attendance, 30;
number of tims tardy, o; number days
absence, 51.
Mrs. Kill Brown, Teacher.
Thibu Gbade. Number of days at
tendauce, 1143, average number belong
ing, 00; averajr dily attendance 57;
number of times tardy, 0; number days
attendance, 7G.
Misj l'2va M. Line, Teacher.
Folktii GiiuiK. No ii. tier of dan at
tendance, average number belong
ing, 43 ; averan daily attendance, 40;
number of tardy, 2; number days ab
sence, 02.
Mias Cora Snell, Teacher.
Fun i Ginoi:. Number of days at
tendance, 0 1 1 ; average number belong
ing 50; average daily attendance, 47;
number of times tardy, 2; nu-uber days
absence 132
Mils Ma lgd N. .Surk, Teacher.
Sivrn (in W)r:. N iuilmrof days attend
ance (jOI ; average number belonging, 34
average daily a'.leu fance, 30; number of
time? Iff ly 2 ; i; ill. her of days absence
7K. Miss Ina Willis, Teacher.
Seventh Obade. Number of day; at
tendaace. 4'J'J; avrage number baloa?
ing, 24; average dailv attendance, 23;
number of timss tiniy, 0; number days
absence II.
Mrs. EmniA E, Kichardi, Teacher.
Eiuuth asd Ninth Gaauts. Number
of days attendance, 751; average nuru
bit bdlong'ng, 33; average daily uUrto 1
aoce 3i; number of times tardy, 2;
uurnbsr days absence, 12.
L. Ii. Thavkk, Teacher.
Simmahy. Number of days atteud
ance, C,113; wboli number on reg!ater,
301: avjr&n nu'uber bjloaging, 335;
average daily a'teu lance, 3)3; number
of times tardy, KJ:per cent of attendance
rl; uumber days abseut, 533.
Tho Astoria Taxpayers' L?aguo is try
ing to have the county oilirern' salaries
The 1 reuch Uros. l l'.inger ur
il.iii i
busiucfcs at (ilendale today.
We acknowledge, a p!ea.-aiit call fr.vj,
Mr. and Mrs. William l.vvei.K i f t i .1, o
vlile, la-t Wednesday.
MrB. F. T. l.ady, of ikinhil ", is visit
ing i-i Porllaud. Shu is tbo g'lryl of hi r
sister, Mrs. Cail Nelson.
II. I '. Sln'er of tho Sii'iw creek l.u er
n.iuts, unearthed auo'her rich .iu ki t
'.his wet k and brought in so:i:c lino nug
gets v i 1 1 1 a big turn of g-dd.
William Wilcox, F. T Lulv, and Mis
lienevii-vi' K.ihoit-wi I gothii weiktc
l'o'tl.iu.l. Mr. W. g i s fir n.cilic.i!
treatment, Mr. I., is en rjuV to ll.iki r
City and Miss Kobeits t i epen I the tiitu
Miss Madge l.iv u I Ad lie lhii
ley t-t'iit lewey dav at Csi.y .t.ville ui.d
are enthusiastic in telling us what a g.j. d
time they hid. Well, they de-eivoii
all. Thi'ywire escor'.-.-d t-y Kt.os Wall
and Charted lailey.
.lohn C. Lewis, of the Lewi'; minis oi.
lir.r.e creik, wis a itlviUl" tiis
witk. We aie i:i(: 1 that the lt'
clean up from tl e IIamp'oi-L"w ia n;ii.
w dst'.e !rg;-t i vcr n-ad, and p'.-i- es
t:.cj as lb-- rul itt i n S u i: r i.
Accompanied iy ; o. K Jr..
wo will leave the lt'.h f.r an .-x''-; d.-d
trip thro'i-.h Calif -i:i.i, and we will
the 1 1 a'ers c f ;hf Pi: Mvi'im i i: li';r.?
to ii j y the fc-i.e? o: ';r r.-.-;,1 :ii.g 1
pen pic'iUns cf iu'ciei'.ing p"svs we
." iti rough.
P. lotten has r.-i.-gnd !h p-s.iiiti
of p. us., at ilt'i ! ile, a he ii e-:ea.vd
in o:her bucicees t!:at rcip.iircs ln- i.s
attection. Mr. lot'.cn mad- amvc!
h i:t elVni.i!, sa ! we re .'ret To ise hi::.
A petiiicn is !'.'l:ig circthd-' I arhin; '1;.;!
A'l l r 'i-"e Marr-hah he ' ! p. rn.
Kvtroi:e ! g lie pe
M :r-h sil and l.e v. l 1 till the
.' r Mr
e Mi '.'
biy aci ' 1
p ' d.
Mis K:e
daugbti r i.f
I hn
15 FUrf: t
a-'i w.i.j . .. U
ii 1 Mr-. .!. I . 'I . ,
'II. W i, i f
: an p;.r-;a c '. v::-it
IV l : t - f the c J o ii g
rt, :.r. i v ry i il.t
Portland, .i:
on !a?t
i:. i le
ladie tre tt-n
bi.-inc?-! w :.. o V.', r i !
Wui h-vlr,.-
SomJ a eltik d..r ti. I f "il. ri ci
the 1-gi-i o it the -I- tighter
Mr. and Mr.'. M...W:, i ! ai.rl" t f
Mj ilie C:evk. ti l? c i.t.ty.
Wil'.iarj l.vcr.-, G il. il.-, ..:.!
Mlrd Nett - l:'i:l- i i if 1'. il; : ', r--m.iriied
at Var-c -civ r, V.'.tr'.., A; r. Lj,
Iv'.i, Jadg- .'. Ii. 11 Bell, oil", i,'!.-.'.
Mr. a;; I M .-s. I.i-vt-i.s a;e tl.-.- dwrd
ati of tA rr',:,:;,:-'lt pio-ei-r f::.. !'-
ot Cow Crick vj. v';. Id?) Hi:; - in
a:. 1 rea'i 1 in i. .::n-s ctily t is
apait, at: i they ea. U have tlii- i.igl.f-t
eiteem o! c'.e.-y one in this v-iiey, h r
they have J itsed thlir hve", au ! t:.iy
are well known ci: ov.r t:.e iti'e ar.d
from all settiju: i :,ii'.i.ij'. u;.t r -iug
thoatr.-! up -a . l:ilch.lio!
s'iolo'ir po.iewe i !i i r 'h-:.. 1. . .j
ofe-.r ne.t Lapp n j-. Sliy ln-e i : '.y
r.-aiizi llv" fr i'. i u of ever w.-li
StOWtJ Upuii ti.'.i:t. Tt'ey wri.t iti.m.-d:-a'tiv
tj Mr. Ieveii'tf U-aiiri:j'. ciui try
residence, I uglernv re, tt iA iv;tlc.
wLe:e ll.ev will uiike their fa'ure Luue.
lit M.l .-!
i;in av oi
We ae pair-c i to c::' t.icle the .c'.xi
oi John Van Order of t .i? place, J 41
yeais ar.i live day.-., whi h trcturcd '.
Rjje'jurg la-t FrlliT. Mr. V311 1 r-d-r
was taken t j U-itb;rg on Tuesday
evenieg's train, as I whf n leavir.c the
depot t tbi place w j3 tu iJenly pros
trated, frjia which h- never rahied.
f'jath Cims a few hou.-s later. Mr.
anl Mrs. Vau Order hid rcti.h-J a. jUn
diltf several unn'l.sand Lave a L:t cf
friends here w ho syirpatl.k? with Mie.
Van Order and Ler children i- their ir
reparable lo?s. Mr. Van Order had r ot
an enemy ia the fcUt?, sr.d na;iod'e
greatest handiwork a gooi". iuau. He
died in the full a'-snrance cf Ihs Chiis
tian faith, and has et-tere J into tiie re
ward cf the faithful, re.iliz'n tbe
promises to lho: who put their truit in
Him in wham there is 1,0 vaiiablencta tr
shadow of tnrnirg.
The funeral services were held in U.U
city last Saturdjy, itov. E. M. Maretcrs
conducting the strvlc;, and the rcini 119
were laid to rest iu the Masonic ceme
tery in the pretence of a lirge coccov.rce
of tor row 11 g friend-'. IVare to h'e
ashes E J.j
Moi in:.
South Hyrtle Creek.
Items ecarce.
More rain and plenty u( mud.
Frank Brewer mado a pleaant trip up
South Myrtle Creek last week.
Kev. Jay Chancy preached tji n ap
preciative audience last Sunday.
We enpy the I'laimiealeu's nawfy
columnp, it ix a pleasant visitor iu our
There will Le u grand ball at i'rtES
Jackson's the l.lh iust. All ute cordi
ally invited to attend.
j!r. E. I'.. Drewcr tiud chilJren will
stait for her home in llas'cm Oregon the
loih iiiEt. .She wiil be accompanied l y
Mm idler, Carrie, who will rpend the
r i icr iu l'.ast.-ru Oregon.
We hear that John Freeman, Chas.
l'otts and L'uclu Jiiiimy Mcl'onald con
template going to the cold re(ioni of
Alaska bouu. May euccecS utdiid litem.
Allen Cccbraa was teen in our i.,i.'it
last week. IIj has attain donn d his
white Bbirt ami black tic. I,o ik oir, ol J
maids and widows, for Ii" lia uriiu rc
euuud IhoEC fa-dun ting. Fiuib e
l)t TV.
Letter Lit.
Ucuiainiuij uncalled for in the Hote
burg postollice :
Barner, F. C. Kelly, Erl
Godwiu, Mrs. J. A, Mclnnon, Miss Lulu
Jickiap, Jolian Means, ?.IiaH Mae
Johnison,MitHMariu .Nickereon, F. M.
Kansonj, Abo
IVisoua calling for thenu letters will
please state the datuou which they wcie
advertised, May 8th, ISM. Th letters
wili bo charge 1 for at the rate of 0:10
ceut each.
W.m. A. Fkatkii,
T. M.
A hijf plot to oaiUjjulu Chiuote into
this country from Mexieo hai 'opcii uu-
earl bed at Anolin, Tex.
Who's at the Helm.
When sickness once begins in a familv
the trouh'.cs multiply no fast that they genu
to come itt ovciwhclniisifr waves. No won
der if sometimes one or both of the patent!
Rives out under the strain and perhaps
some kind neighbor or one of the youngei
member- of the household has to 6cize the
helm aivl keep tbe little family ship on
the rock of actunl distress. The poor fick
father or mother think "O, if I could only
pet on my feet and be at work how ditler
cnt it would he ! "
Day after day the aiiirttf one ftn:Kjile to
rise superior to the misery that weighs him
or her down; hoping against bope that the
nc xt day w ill he a better one. Tbe doctor
is sent f r. lie Rives all the " regulation "
stereotyped remedies but they prove of r.o
avail. Then fhllow more days and weeks
perhaps weary months of waiting and hop
ir.g i i the restoration that does not come;
white every heart is filled with the fore
boding jaetsonr " What ill lie the end?"'
A i:ia:i doesn't know what is .he matter
with b;:u; he feels all the ftrinfrth r.l en
erj:y o-jzuzg cat of him; he ca t work; be
can't eit: l-.e enn t sleep; he can't tvtn
think clearly. He loses heart ami course
and i'.ch; preMv soon he feels badly 111
his limps. The dorters rail tt consumption
and pricriT lung ;.tciic . lint whnt the
m.a r.tcds i a rr.cdicine to eo deep down
into the foi:n h.tior.s of the trouble; clear
the poi-' v. .!: i f his Idoodttrxke tp h:s
liver, pur::'y. r.-vitale and build up his
system !r..-:t til- f'.t:r.!alion - stor.e He
needs Ir. Pi-tree's (Wldea Medical Ititcov
cry e. hi.l: h.s e-.jrtd inr.umerahle cases of
oh-.::: r.o !:-.i: c-impSanit wh:cb the dK-.ors
di.-.gti.-cd less cor."-utspti'n. .
T!:e v. :k f th;s itn:rrf :I ' reovery "
fx fcia t It:- itry of hie in
the ftoiaac'i aud nutritive orjra::;-:". Jt
gives apt 1 .::. nourishment, rich 1.1'.d.
i hi-l'.hy .:J ilesh. A cough is r:ly a
i syn:; : th :cr .'.re other th:r;gs liiit iri'ike
the iv-agh they i-just be got rid f f.:-t. the
cou'a may 1 - the 1.1't thief-J j go away
!.-. s hr. I :c:te cliira to cure cor-.i-ump-tion
That enaction i-a't worth arg-air.g. fik
r.l t.-ii-1 rv.r .. T..kc a case in point. Here
is a r.s..-a -r woman ' with a hacking cocgn.
a hectic :1'.;-'.i. right swtats. great erraeti
tion u: i f flrsb. spitting of fc'.ixul.
shortness cf brcata and all the other dyrap
toms. Af-.f r every remedy and every local
hystcian h-s fj:d. he. as a !at rcscrt
Likes (",. I-:-:! Medical ljscovcry ' and
the cough v..r.! the cheek pvts baek
catnral co'.r.r :rr j btc-'mes vum! and re
frea:cg. 'he ' ( Mood slops, fieri
and rruscl- s bicorr.e Lrrii. weight inert ses.
and lite goes a'.r:; jr ruict and cofort
lo the f-.l ::r-a:t cf the three sc.- re years
and t-.a.
Put r:.;y be :t wasn't consumption after
a'.l? Mivl: i'.nj'n t. You ifl:r-it ss-js
ca;ctr.:rg thi. w.i . j;.:.ii:r.i the very cit
adel of l::e. ad it s.j:ne:h:cg that wi
cured by the u-e of I;r Pierce s Colita
?Iedicai I:covcry w.nd lr i :erce :s cur
ing fuc'a '6on-.e;h:::js ' vght along with a
record rf cecr i ;::rlcT ft a r:;llicn cases,
ami r.f t sore. t:;an three rr cent, cf
t'ne fact, r.t least, is setll e -uV.iihti.
That the '(klclen Medical I'-.scovery '
df cure - eik lucj, Llcedic; from 1'args,
obs-.:r.a:e. lingering cccghi, iirrngjui.
bronch;-.;-. throat diieave, zzl kindred
aiTirt:or.s tf lh- air-parages, which, if
neglected tr badly treated, lead cp to cen can :: i longer t deubtecl in
ew oi tac Kir taotuancs of we.l estih-
ijhed cures cf t-wch Ci'es reverted tvhe
ict tmstwor.hy c-.'.Lrens. ilanv of these
ases have been pronounced tx-tiuraptaon
cind incurable bv the best local tavi:-
.aas Ix-fore the uB"errrs crrimeljced "the
-ic 01 ur. 1'ieree Oolden Medical
.More than half a million copies cf Dr.
pierce s Common S'nse Medical Adviser
Hrere scld at s 5.3 each, tut free paper
'bouni edition is Ti'! issued f which a
Very will !e ::t ae-vdntely without charge
for the I ire cost cf mailing 21 one-cent
stamps. These hotiM be sent t i World's
Ltspeiisary Medical Association, tuulo.
N. Y. (inc copy only w i'.i is- ser.t to cue
firr.ily. If a heavier c'.-th hound cpy is
preferred tea stamps extra should be cnt.
I'lt.) f, c-rup'i j: ?, sweaty bands an.l
feet are c irel ! y llidyon. A'l drcg-:-,
5J ter.'r .
I.y i ::'r.r.' c-.:,;. i.: m? partus ru:p
Letcte-f i txi-iir? letwtta T. Aiei
aui.'er ar I i'. W. f'tror. ua !cr the
8t!e tr.d n.iu.0'.'! AlexsL'ler A Mr jns,
is thi, lli' 1- li !..y ci Ap-il dissolved.
'. Mro::.' c t.t r.tiin tbe haiinefi
and coll
and asi
Ui-A a!"
ts d'-.e sai l
:i ii.g a 1 liabihies.
SVntd, T. A. Ai.KANHi:,
Ii. W. .Srco ...
Watited: A -gents for Monarch Book
Company. N. A. U:i'i!.nr-.
D.ihrd, Ore.
r-niiko iiie "'Artie,' ll.o best 5c
cij:ftr of tbe yisr. Kruse & Sharnbrook,
ole aset.ti.
A sea-captain
may navigate
M acroi the
coracs into
Lave a pilot w ho
know all the
difficulties and
dancers of that
particular channel. In the voyage of life
there arc many perilon places where we
need tiie help of a pih.t w ho ha a thorough
knowledge of the difficulties and
danscrs to le avoided.
In those delicate physical weaknesses and
diseases peculiar to women a general prac
titioner jr ordinary doctor has no opportun
itv to become thoroughly proficient. Still
Jess to be trusted is the advice of any mere
nurse or unscientific person.
Onlv a specialist w ho has given a life ol
study to this particular field of practice, is
competent to treat the diseases of woman'
intricate and complicated organism.
Anv woman suflering from these delicate
troubles may obtain the most eminent pro
fessional ndvicc free of charge by writing
to Dr. K. V. Pierce,-chief consulting physi
cian of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In
stitute, of IhidTalo N. Y. During nearly .i
years' nt the head of his splendid staff of
specialists, he ha3 successfully treated many
thousands of cases of obstinate feminine
His " Pavorite Prescription " was devised
for the sole purpose of curing the diseases
and weaknesses of the feminine organs.
No other medicine lias been so murvelously
successful in this particular field of prac
tice. No other medicine f-o completely
overcomes all the dangers nna nearly an
the pains of motherhood.
"II is with y!ranie I recommend tlr. Tierce's
Fnrurile l'nstriptinn to snfl'ering ladies," writes
Mrs. J. l-'crci!-.iii. llux jo, injuria Stalion. Set
kiilc Co., "After siiffrrinjr untold
torWrr I ,ol I found relief aud cure in
Iir. 1'icrce' favorite 1'rescription."
The greatest book for women ever pub
lished is Dr. Pierce's thousand page illus
tratcd "Common Sense Medical Adviser,"
sent free in paper covers for cost of mailing
only, at one-ccnt stamps; cloth-bound 31
stamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above.
Assignee's Final Notice.
Nutiii' in lil'ri'by Khrn llli'.t tin- lllhk'iM-lli.l
KK.--l:;iif--01 the I'stHiiMtf II. II. JnhiiMin, all
InMilvi'iii itt'liiur, Iihn lili-it IiIh llniil at'ioiiiit rh
fturh nsjiiu'iH-i. with f In-4 'ntinli t'li'rk o( IiiiiikIii
t'oimty. Un coil, mill tlial ntiiil Html nri-niiut
Ulli in llOnt'l Hllll llllHUt-it llIOM Ht Dill .1 II 114'
ti-riii if llicl liiinl (uiirlof I In- Sin tc of tr-uii
lor Dunlin r.tniitv. to In- hi-M U'inniii with
li. mr'Hl'l Mmiiliiy in Jimp, lvi.
:. A.HKII1KKKI1R, Ali.'iii.
COSI10W d: SHERIDAN, Attorney for Amlgm-u
i-CSX-' jL r .ii
v Squirrel and
!a.v Cophen Poison
ll'n-ptr .1 U lieat)
t'-.t riU'l tli.-.ii-iit
-.ere-d l..r ill- il.-tr'i'
Judge us
Judge us by vliat v. c
continued increase of
Judge us by our Prices
you how much they
New Spring- Goods
(Saccetevr to A'cxaa l.r
Has a cunitilcte line of I'urnitttro i Iimti n; -iwl i
, , , , , - . fiFresh Uaed Bread Every Day
liana quods can be bout'Iit ana you run no risk of
Ucd Uiiys.
in latest Patterns and
or San Francisco.
uu tan !i
nd iu
class Furniture Store also c;.n Repair any thing in
l;urniture line that is resparabk or cover any
Lounges or Couches that need Repairing and Satis-;105'1
faction gauranteed
No trouble to
?ccccor to
General Blacksmithing
(shop ou Corner Washington and KZae Sis.. Roscbnrg.
! Weekly Inter Ocean 1
Always American-
Every Column is Bright,
Tbe Literature o' its columns is
equal to thst of the fceer r.iaa
zlnes. It is interesting :o the
children as well as th? psrsn'::.
X bruin to the fattily TIIE InEw'S CF
Z 4 .U . I 1 . ! . j:
readers ta etst and iticst ct 11 . i
full rymp-ithy with tte k?c4A and i-pj-i:!:-.: . ' T." -literature
and politics from tilt vTi.-.i iiirJ-r-.-.:. .
Kflceol ilailv Pir m.-i
Knee o I un.1av
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Notice fori Publication.
t'MTKD Statss Land t'irii k,
KoMlmrR. UrvicoD, May C. lsU9,
Niitice I hi-tvl.y Ktven tlmt th fillo iti(!
lmincil wttlrr liasfilut notirtf of lila itili'iitton
to tnnki' linal J'IxmiI In iuiport of li'i rlnm, ntnl
Hint saiil imMit will lie male Ix-lort the t.i'itlti-r
nn.l Kci'i liiT. I . S. IjiuJ Oiliii- at KoM'liunc,
Oregon, on Jim- 1;'., lvm. vl-
t.n II. K, No. Tii-.d, fur the (' NW'4. X'i
bWVs-i'O. SI, T. R. 8 W. rie naiurs tha
liilliiwttiK ultm'knea to provo UU coiitinuou
n-shlciico ii'li ami riillivatlon of ail lanil.
vl: 'harlf K. Uiilrr, Benjamiu l Hiil.r
I hi m: liiiiiiighmii, iHiuglaa WlnnliiRhain, of
(HiiMk, On KOii. r
(ni.'-p) J.T. IlltlDtiKrf,
1 in. G
arc doin
J udt'c us by the
buyers. Judge us by the
friends Iuiyc purchased of us.i";
Get your friends to tell
paid. That is al' we ask.
Arriving Daily.
lar - c varitlv of btvles
at prices as low as in Portland
htore ati touas
show a oods,
... ii. W. STRONG.
G. W. JiO.vH.J
Clean and PaC.c-i v. itii .Nctvs
1 h r. i
'-. : i.y, i 5s ia
KEW5 IS eXCI.U3iVC. s.; H
i i t-cv -r c '
1 lml
i-i 0 - . :-i
Notice For Publication.
Ijind Orru tt,
Kosolmrk", Or'Kiin, May 5. IS'..',
Notice Ii hi-by ijtvcu that tlia tolowinit
uamcit it (U r ban fi'.e.l tiotuvof ln!
to wake Unal proof In .upport of his i-laun, ami
that sai.l prvof n ill bv before t'u' Ki i
t.T ami Koerivvr, I'mteil Matei'
Uosebun;. Oio., on Jim,. j:, 1'
i"n If. K.. N'.. TTt.:, for the I ..U "
K'4. s',, 1
UlUIKMthil IlllloHlll WilUP
(iiinuUK rei-iiletiee iiiu ai
Inu.i, U' t'hrii' H "
William tviwr, Cun-i
rofi', Oroniin.
X -V . S N V -
Druggists, -5
v -v-y;
Roscburg Bakery.
i XUrrA! ' 11 irr-h : ,5j- hn'1 i,s ri
x r.uMiu-j f..r the- arice u lw,
lii-id.- t:.- v-n tb.- ,n- d. .
wij. ii it i.rk ami Ijeurii. are- done
; '"!- and !-4!rn hare swine ftai !
t A;,,i al, l!at ,Vt .j,,:, ...Leam kli.
liyi- 1 a.'.d hes'.-s .-f erry kla-l ;
IIm-.- 1 t- f..r low j ri.-.- y. u'il tilid,
Ea h f-wA weight and pure
, C-.iI by ti.e.-;.t- a:i-l Uiieii'- demnr.
I'irvct r !. r- t-.Ja. L--o r-trtt?f
Ea.-! i-atr-.u c -re rlj i t jrrwrt.
I Props.
;TheHoine Bakery
1 701 Oak Street. Opposite
Central Hotel.
' Bos ton Haked Deans,"
a specialty.
Mrs. A. C. Kidd
j Calls attention to her aiVe
sik of t . y.
EvcrY thing standard and
'n'Tv-; RT;m-
i ber at the Oid tasten stand.
j Notice For Publication.
i Csixta &Tin Um Crn.-i,
j N..::cr ; benbr rirra thai in c-tnp..Ar.n:
j!lo;i.c rl te mcl ci Caszrrta oi
1 Jaw . !. a:itio! "la -i iot ihr
utit-r uxxi -a iV;a:f of CaI:!orCL. Ore(io.
Nrila n-i Wa..scton TTr.u rT. ' a xiea4
! to aU tic r-i-x.c UcJ ttau bv c; oi lira;
c K..Sd-. cin;T ( tiosn'.!, iiaiuof Orvfa,
h iIst crfin ihj lxti rxom :mie
taeotNo r?. for Ih -'rrfca.e ot the f 'of
wv;:on S"r It :r. towo-i.:p o. -to . ncrv No. 7 fPM t :oN..r hattbeUc-1
cueist i core rauatw- f.-r !U tiairr or tir
than for Jr arhl w cb;i.
bu r'ira !. Mid !and b. tbe rwjter mod
rvotiTvr oi lai f St ! Keimrr. Orcf'B, en
r-alardaT tbe J.Xb .Jar o! Jar..
Hr ne. as ii.a(Wi: bcanrr W. K:Sl
C. Svfco.:G'.tS; iOic. oeofxt S. R.i;.
of Ri4ik-,tirc,.a.
AnjxnJ a'J t-roci cialmiaf ajverwly tie
a'Tv--!f.-Tibel buttls an- v)uctcd to r.'.e their
c alm. Id th. otbceoaor Uiore xid k'tli Ut
of Jaae, L-v.
Notice for Publication.
I'NiTza tTi Laso frnca,
K.. lart. Orecoa, A&rU 15.
None t hereby tnta iba: L-e fo.:.w
namd setUrr ha r.".cl nonce oi hu ia-.eouoa !
make final v."1" in fupnort of bis rlaim and
that proof be maJe b K tie Kc-xtcr
aaJ Kwvivrr. C. S. lnj O&w, at Rowoan.
Vn-gon, oa M ar 2- 1 r , , ;
on U. E. No. si., for the K!, N t1 ., NV . r' .
name the lot.uwiag itncw to prove hi con
Uouou n-wl. n-e upon ao4 rctuvatioo of txxl
taoj, vi: i.rant ClaTtao. tar valkvr t-h-ila
Ciaj:.n an4 R. B. smith, of D-.lanl re-SO-.
, - J. T, BB.UX.,fci,
Notice for Publication.
Kebare, imra, April 1 It.
N.lce l ht-n-t.r v-iwn that l:;e f.;owlDr
nauievl tUer has rW4 uot..-e of hi nitration
tomakf tiual pr-f ia rjpravt of hisrUim. and
that aiJ proof 111 be ma.!e bt-fore ihr Rci(er
aua Kw, Cjj. lit oUite at Koat-banl Ore
r. 00 May is. 1. vl-:
Ksri.U A CLAYTf.N.
fotoH-rly Ktelt Wa'.Wer, oa H. K. So. TM for
l!iek'.i;'t,ec- U. T. J9 Sk, R. T West ' She
uam.-a tbe to'.lowm aituow. 10 prove bvr con
uauous wA'uw npoa au.l cu'tivatiou of taij
laud,vU: Hm'U K. Ailaini. K.4nr u. k..
Eugeue Hiin, W. V.Vais.-r,of liU!arJ. On
1. Blil'.HjES.
Notice For Publication.
rsiTKD Statu Lano Otru
K.teburg, Orvsuu, April ih. ISSlo.
Soti(-e is hereby civea that the following
nanuM K'ltierhaafl'.oluoliceof htt Inivniion
lo make filial proof In support of Ui c!iini. a.n.1
thai miJ ptvxW will be maae betor the RectMet
an.l Kwivft, Initea Ma tit lao.l tmioe at
Ron-burg. Omeou. oa Jp , l-, tla-
on h tl. r. No. T't for the N , SK U Src lo
T Ai A. R. S et. Ue uamea U ka0i
tn wttrtvws to prove hia coutinuous res
ilience upon and cuuiva'.lon of ut lan-1 ri
tti'.iiami' Tifion, ol liU.le. Oreson. AiNrt m"
Lmuii. of ll.f Ua. reg..a, Krauk CauteU aaa
Nan, y J. aiWtr, ol Oak Cm k. urecoo
J. T. BRIlKiEji.
mm t"i m K
4 CO.
rr wkMM a fi.
U-C r-jV H-ni fc-;.w-l Ua-
TIU i r.
i- .'
ivC' -nI