"71 The Plaindealer Job Printing READABLE. RELIABLE. KLl'l BLIC AN. xOlE HriAUS. LETTER I - . hilt fir ADS ... H OPES. fcTC N better field thaa Southern Ore Ken; a better medium through which la Advertise. l.iuul hurt HOIK at prca con.-teat ita (.d rk. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. Vol. XXX. ROSKBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY s, i8q9. 1131 A I TTW A 1 1J A V I -I .-1 A GLOWING TRIBUTE Paid the Orcgan Volunteers by a Manila Paper HEROIC COURAGE AND BRAVERY No Veterans of Wellington, Napoleon or Grant could have done Better RliADY FOR THE RUSH. Homesteaders Lined Up to Fil on Ule Lands. ! TROOPS MARCHING ON IVbanuo, Colo.. May 3. Ab ut 100 hoiuestea'ieis were line.l np nt the land office lie'e today prepared to make fil ing on c aims in the Ute reservation, which will t. f-pened (or settlement at noon tomorrow. M.-uiv .-.tool in lint all night, an 1 tin- numier is slowly aug mented. Settlers are divided in cpini&u as to the medio! of Sling. San fernando Occupied by Mac Arthur's Division RIOTING MINERS ARRESTED State News. In the bitt'e of Malaboa on Saturday, March 23th the S.-coud Oregon regimeut LT. S. V. took an ao:iva and leading part and displayed courage, valor and endur ance if the higliest order. Fi r years t ) i coma ths work of tl ii regiment latt Sat urday will be pointed out as an example of whit caa be achiiveJ by volunteer?. No veterans of Weliiagtoa or Napoleon or Grant couM haw doue better. No one can po eib'y conceive the heroic Tue Jefferson bicycle club annonncte that it will test the constitutionality of the Lirye'.e tax. An Albanv lawyer lias been employed 1 1 !egin a test ce. Superintendent J. 11. Lee, of the Ore-! Five Hundred Troops are at the Scene i of the Recent W'ardner Outrage FUSION FOK 1900. Populists Bent on Nominating Bryan : Second-Hand Candidate i Tor the Democrats. New Store ! IV r.-t .a t n! I ! Wa-h iIik S"'i!h mi l liigtou :!!r .1 lnu i.I III" J"'i!ii ' j WiV, uti l ..., l'it no pow er h i ear li i i van hii j- U lion iiihti'in uf Iir an. Ti-1 lillers ,5 New Goods! rocerv Manila, May 3. t :5" p. n:. M.ijor- i .eneral MarArthtir , dm-io-i advanced j to San Fernando today and f .nr..l that tlwt r.liifo h:i! te,t hv 4iMir..'t hv ihp gon peniientiarv, hai betrnn the work of i . , , , ,. ... , .. . relw;., w ho left a d. tat hn:ci.t to i- ver , ., ' , , their trail bv tram, .ent ral ..lac Arthur i h.ici.iu. .initio I'H vil ii.v.- . . -.1 . . lj j. cecipie 1 he burning ton n wiihout loss. I The reb-ls Fontli of Manila utt.'i.:;.vd to K?pte;entative Tonje lm K.vepted j rllf j, thronjh ;..n-r v'wnshiriH'e l;ne i aa invitation todtliver t!ie addr.-s- a; ; (a1 nij.llt r.. 8tI.ipt faded, bnt the bravery of the Sjeoad O.-e-oa on thU:'" ' - - 'ene; maii.;aina a iuiiH.ie ot n.ueiry i over tii! " - v..... ". on trie iiirt:i in'antrr reum-ni I t. v- ! erl !iour?. Th deiiioi-firati in wa"ii.- rffeetiiid beyond (.ariii( tt.e inhal itinls jofMaliV. the cntuwtsof the IShi.i ? i i. i . .-.i I i occasion unless ue uaa j.tcj oci wit, battle field ; over the insurgent trci.cl.es j r one after another; t iroaj i the thicset Mr Hermann of the general Un.I cf i : u. . .t,.i,u. ' tice. "ransxitte l a sra'eaient of aj foroOOyardi ths bjys face I a eteady rain of bnlleta; aii up tjtae fiaal iasur est lin?a nh'ch consisted really ol a fort with etona Ioj? h jits. This ij not exaggeration. It is nol half the truth. 'JThe who'.e trn hcoDo rn'mj the work of Ibifl regim?nt will not be written. No one saw it ali. aad descriptions of those counts bTteeu the United States and land California regiments U'yond ati popii ih'b w:ii hold a i en: ion lira', he j !. (, ! r.i !ni:i it- hi :., a:;d the d.-nio- j rr.i(Hll in. lo ?- the roiiiina'i-tu, and lh- -i,-.er i.-i.u'.liriin will fall in'o hue an I ni' port i'..-yan as ihev did i i 15. . Tt . r: I ... t .1 .J. .... I -r t il i.-.i i. il' VI . J . ' j. :oi:i.!.. r ..! li i-'ern deinocrits to take j i!.-y..:i a i'-r the ! p'.liisls !i.- Vs 1:1 id e l.UU tln ir . .n.li l.i'e. Many ' f the-u thought it vi.;.s "ua-I i r.-;ij! t have hi.n rnnniug 0:1 lie p ;!:!!'; In k-t '.tire- tarai', alt-T t'.:e de:.i .. 1.1I '. liad put h'ai pi hat to i.t .i: liii: 1- mote ;!i .:i rn iny iau j ttand. J An ?.r.y pu.t imnitnatioa 1 1 r.ryan 111 y n-'-r,: .e lern"Ci's a y ont. i W i ll i hive n'J exi'iife to 1. : ' - ";u-'; 1 i v 1 ' if 1 hey C. iuid c. i-.e.. ir inn. flr.iih Captain Awarded fur Services Rendered A FULL STOCK OF 9 the 6:ae of Oregon, giving to the latter 1470, being 3 er cent oi the net pro ceeds of government pu'l;c 'and f a'e? :n Oregon in 1S.S Very Rev. F. X. Blanche' , adminis trator if Oregon, has been otScially in foraoeJ by the iuo.-t Btt. Endiop rashes through fii'di whera the air was , Cbrtstie, tnt. b:shop LSn-'-ie, his ti-en Uirly cha-fei widi paleicg lead woulJ j appointed srch'ii?h--p of Oregon. B'u-h-, rdly be brlieved. Why was ihe regi- i op t'nritie will take h i'cs i f the an h aot antiihilatei? tiod onlv know?. ! dioce of Oregon on June 15th. rnerew''t'1J fying that U uie8a! Ed. E. lVaiovk.of Grve creek, says ton of lea-' ki l 8'dier- Toe natives ! tbe Minio4 joaraa)i brought to t iwo this , v'j poor mar Ksmtn. xuis are phenoue . . , . . , rf providence savtd the fact and a favor.. . 4. plhsr regiments Oregons, is it d. from deetroc'.icn. r , ... -wiurig Mans The insurgents with era threw torrents of leaden ou' lines at random jo.-ne bu SJU6. find a victim. Cnl Snmmers ehoald ba proud . "rue regiment; taa ttga'.a -vrmy aa. a an coaimiaioner, so! iiers home, pen ehonld be proad of tlis record an. t-.:. ir..ne T!Qm. rer.rm. blind the good people of the great state of ,'r nd dnrab tc.ws are entitled week a big nnet of g l l that was picked up on hi placer claim four miles above Flacjr. It -vas a beauty and weighed lT.'j oaice, anl was valued at f3. But such diecoveries sre not .on common io cur section. Attorney Genera! Blackburn has given kjs j his opinion that the fool and dairy com missioners, game and forestry warden, Oregon :an words expresi ho- they feel? People of Oregon, yanr sons have this day proved that their blood is like that ehei at Thermopy.ae and Banker Hill. Freedom, Manila, P. I. THRILLING TRIP OVER ICE. Latest News Brought Out by tbe Last Party From Dawson. to prt. Ming at the expense of tbe state. and that tbe eta'e toi'd of dental exam- Se attle. May 2. II. J. Cameron and Fred Hall arrived from Dawson this morning nith news to April 13th. They bad a terrible trip oyer the fast-breaking ice on tbe Yukon and lakes. They will probably be the last arrivals before tbe river opens. They were compelled to abandon their sled at White Horse rap ids after pulling it through many miles ol sloeh. They waded through a foot or more of water to the foot of Bennett. They claim to be tbe last party that will leave Dawson before the break-op. ! Tbe miners at Circle City Lave formed t combine to keep Mp wages. Taey chum that owners threatened to cut wages', but the onion established a scale of (1 an .'ionr, and appears to be etrong enough to ecfoice it. Tbe loading or unloading of boats is iccluded in the wage scale. Ferdinand Anderson died at the Daw eon police barracks April i!b, after enS erinir terribly from a wound inflicted with suicidal intent a year before when minicg on Qoai tz creek. Ronald Morrison reported on arrival at Dawson, April 9th, that a strike bad been made on Talare creek. The stream flows into the Yokon, 100 miles eootb of Dawson. He saw a fo0 nugget taken from the discovery claim. iners. med.-5 "amsnere, barters com mission and b cf P-armicy are cot. Promoter Wal.''- representative ol the colonv, made payment of 1 10.000. at Monroe Mondav, toTardi purchasing- lands and mills spct:. orui -ai agreement. Tois U the pivment in fall. Toenew owcrs Ue cnar-e im mediately, and the invoicing wid begin Saturday. Jones. no:s bactmg tbe scheme financially, is ill at his home in Cottage Orove, but this did not hinder the fulfillment of a'l asreeicents. Ea gene Register. Toeflay night, burglars entered the merchandise store of L. Lurch, in thie city throogh a side window. They broke open one money drawer, bat only secured a few cents in small change, which bad not been put in the safe. Two gold watches,. 4 pocket knives and some tobacco was al taken. A chisel and a saw were left tihich Lai been taken fram Stocrfcr's planner. Thcra is no clue. At 3 o'clock the same night Miss Ileicrica wj awakened by some one trying to get in to her Jlilhneiy store. Miss Heinrich says they ttrack match an l bold it np to the window, and ibat she coul I eee their bands, but was afraid to get op. Cottage Grove Leader. Pedro Macati were also attacked durii g ttie ui;:li'. liereral I. in ton is i-iill ij'iarierel at Balii.air. llr 1. l the . M .v 1 A r in c.al . i j.4it:tt.i.g'o ta): actut'llaa w;:h the leipest o! Ad- Cabinet Satisfied. W a.iiinoi.in, Mv 5 Three tn-m of the cai'ii.er, linge, Alrr an.l Griggs, j were a-s-iit fr irxt tclay's meeting. The! prei lent ar.d riliirjet regarded the fi!u- i tion in th l'hilitn.ine a i.ni.roi ii ' uui ti I' n-i, .- iieijiv L r.g ha? ( re fi.lv i i-i A V.". i; i S::.r, cir:r ol ihe I'r ;.-i t.atili ii. ., a il u ih'ono. u. r .a ie-'V'.i'i- i f Lis eev:ce to ll.r" A -i.i'iv ; , i..i:.-i ii ;na.e iulciv af r I hi? !m ll-- ol May 1, In c.jii tun i:a'ii w.:!. th .:.; ; -. r.n r g i- rii at Ma:. :la fir A la.iiai i'. aey. Cuptain II ' ' i i i.i i t Ii .it t: e 'L I" tl if i.vitir. l'-arv i i ::v-v ki ig- i' noti h?t.:i:..g th fiibttii. ni..lt... ?,lUf spirisrds ia Mat.iU. The admiril eirlvsir.-nl-rnf.he inirgmifm-t.,..,. t, Jr., ,., .,.,.::, , uvmir. anticipated. r.j , , v Rl; jAr , . n f t caUe PoMmaveM.eneral S nith tea i to -In;!,,, Mj8j . , ,, K.,D(tf Cibm.t a lefer fr jm Kdward A' in-.)i. , , rir m n. i i I I le r. .j , tl a t.O. C K- pres:deat or the Au't-IwperiaSi-t ic I , : i .: ', . ,i i ti. c r r ii i-l i.j,!oC'H mi 1 ne. 1 lie .-pn- L.guf. asaios rwi-wi it to.:,., r,.? .... , i .... r.,u . fe 'eveijl ,-n i:ters aiiirb the al u i.il .!"-i.'cl t.i r."--r,t ! j ths rtpn- i -r. ol t:.e . i' -!, a-i j'i-i, . an 1 1 aj .-. g--:i. i y lu- icIi ioj a': :r. Staple and Fancy , GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and 5old TAYLOR & WILSON BLOCK Low Prices! Free Delivery j OUR LINE OF ' loil.r the officers andtold.tr rervirg in the T, . , Philippine! cjp:ei of the interdic'.iil litera'are of the leago?. The le'.ter aa j . . i i . . I :. . . .1.. . uaieJ ptr.rrai uai s ago, aiei u a me i ( j. ; receipt cf this le'.ter whic-h in la"e I t: e , t 3n,lna; poetofBce departru-nt to take ae'i . No reply i- to' made t i;. Taught a Lesson Vaxcoi'ita, B. C. fay 1 Kerei.t Hong Kong advices say Ad i.irul i'eafj gave a French cruder a leeson in naval courtesy recently. Wh?n t ie cruiser Jian Bart arrived al Manila, th? gave a rear-admiral salute. AdoiiraJ lee ordered the salase to be returned exactly as given, lie then sent an officer to the Jean Birt to call a'tentjin to lsadn-.i-ral's ppnant, whicii they ha S up) areUlt not noticed. Affairs at Wardner. nTiKm:m. Mav 4. There is a be- Hief a"10nS members of congress that the ,nrnu;ni win can coogresa io mc i .Sa;i tb probably in Oct ber. 44 4 to ThraMity is Better Show Tt ni 'the jnuUi xuc wcauu is millionaires is not ... good health. Riches iviti health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, inHoof s Sarsaparilla, a valuable as sistant in getting and main taining perfect health. It never disappoints. Scrofula-" Three years ago onr son, now eleven, had a serious case of scrofula andryslpelas with dreadful sores, discharg ing "and itching constantly. He could not walk. Several physicians did not help lor ixtm months. Three months' treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla made him per- : fectly well. We are glad W ten oiners oi Mas. Davib Laibd, Ottawa, Kansas. Nausea -"Vomiting spells, dizziness i and prostration troubled me for years. . Had neuralgia, jrrew weak and could not . .iT M pi was airainst me. but Hood S : Sarsaparilla cured me thoroughly. My -.in.ht inrrpauvl from 125 to 143 Iiounds. I am tbe mother of nine children. Never felt so well and strong since I was married as I do now." Mas. M. A. Waiebs, 1029 Jd St., Washington, V. C. Eczema--" We bad to tie the han'" our two yea. old son on acco on face axd limb -helped nnt wi-'-' BOO- Ashland Notes. (Ashland Tiding! ) Geo. G. Gillette, who went down to Rosebnrg, Tueeday eyening, to see .the Gillette-P.owley wedding knot properly tied, is visiting in Portland f or a few days. It is reported that a 1100 brick was the result of the last run of ore from the Ashland mine, amouutiog to about 40 tons. It is said that better ore than ever is being opened np at this valuable property. An order goes into effect over .the en tire Southern Pacific system, June 1st closing barrooms located at stations on vroreity tn.ne4 by the company and ,.w..t ondtr leae from them. Tbe order will close Lftrroom m the De pot hotel at Ashland J. Dereloam, proprietor of the county poar ?arni, near Jacksonville, was in Ashland je&lerduy. trying to get traces fiye Lead of fiorees, s fad.lie and Vrfi.beloncin8 which tuacd up other. .4 farm ar,.l it in amiDosed misiing aw pj,hu Jbe horses, were stolen Tow .... . nt nn th- i w&ra kpnt on the which were all in. the farm, were in the pa. ,. house. No trace of me tiuei o. had been secured at last report. Large Amount of Provisions Capt ured. WaEUNta llUii. May 3 'f t.r-e .'.in- dred a'l fifty miarj arcast of p-t:ci-paticg in A'urliy' riot era noT ton fined here un ler guir 1 of Cnitrr l StaVa troops, urh to-lay a aruvais ol L . troops are now ia the Coe ir d'AIene d:st'ic', and all fear id fa'ther oo'breiks is pasted. There U tfi three chargrs aaintt the prioters, na-ua y, noting, destroy iaz pro;erty and stopping fie I'oitel States mai's. Ii is uo'.;k!y t'lat all of Ihe pri-onera will le trie I, hot th-y will t-e held nntil evidence :s c.IiiC.d aair.ft the leadtrs. General Merrimau has his ha '-4 iait- ers here, but a special train U l.e'd in readine3 to carry him to any part of the lietrLt whenever he U needed. A ma jority of ;lia trcops are bel J in ILe yicir.- ity of Wallace, Bark-, Gim and Malian, owing to tha fact that most of the alleged rioters are in tb .t d strnt The itq'tefct over the bodies of Soilih and Cheyne will probaMy last for st least a week, as ahoit 103 w itnesses are to be en:uin?J. Coroner France, speaking of the inquitt ttjday, Biid : "The iui'ie.-t is ia the natsre of a gran 1 jury investigation. I have been au'lnr ized by Attorney-Genera! lU'e-.of I L ho, to make tbe investigation as search ing as ro-eible. We deaire to punif-h tbe guilty and rsleae (be innocent as soon as possible." TUB I.SabEKS lliVt til.U'EU. Washington, May 5. The war de partmect has received the following dis patch from Genera! Merriam : "Wardoer, Idaho, May 3. Adjutant- General, Washington: The ir.ijuest is still In provttit f ith closed doors. One hundred and twenty-eight arrests Lave been made by state officers under mili tary snpport. No signs of reels acce are visible, but indications re that most of tbe leaders of the mob have escaped by going East and Test into Montana and Washington, Others are hiding in tbe mountains. The sheriff at Thomp son Falls, Mont., reports many arriving on foot over tbe mountain trails. The governors of Idaho and Montana are cor responding to f fleet arrcets in Montana The' trooP are in a position to do all thatlsposslt:!?: Tbere Is now no ap pearance of organized resistance. MeBUI AM. i.-jr A tu.iril Bra li .-i l hi c:.tu;.!rtej arrn.- n.eii's i wli:. h ti.e United --tatt' w.it have cvul.t.g stations we'ldis tr.ti :'. i e:r:eg a it an 1 i:.va.u.ll4 to the A:. i rlein ! v i-: ese cf a'. r.--ce- U: g- t, c jr. !i-.nii M.;.-io 1; , Ca'.. arc exi-r te i to b- c 'Uipletel i , an J a oa'irji-i:.'ioo .!! w it'aj'a-t there. Coa:aiaa ! r J. F. M'r.,4i0 hat t-ceu a-i-uv.ed to command IIh T" sta'-.on at !! nolulu, it) ia confeyia: U lay with B-ar-Adalirtl Bradf rJ, -c gr.tir:i l!ie c .: i-tr-.c i n of cxolitg h y'.r, lip! ar.d v.!irves nt IIj.J ilu, wlre 1'iere w ;i. h a r-oal pile of tM' y O I n f . Te o'.li-T. B.i is, nib has pro'-a-b!y arrived a'. Apt, has 4"0 !on if coal oa boar J. anl the Abiren la. ea route 'o the taow p'.ai e, cariies SXO tors. Fpoa the r.rrivai of the Yc; snit- at Guaii, Captain I.-ary wi.l deteraine Ihe best t-.l:- for a oiling s'ati n, and lO.tXS) or 13 '"-'J tons ni'l U- k-pt at ilut point. .Vlxiira! IiWi y r.o h..? tons of Cjal nt Cavlte. IT,'.! to.) ialhewa, a:. I -j.J tons . II! leave this country to day for Ma:, ill. Ia the At'an io a toal pil-f t-l 3A) tors i-5 malr.'a ne I at .Sin .1 laa. a coal bu'k with 73,1 ".'O tot.s n ta'i j:i-.! .it Guaota caaioatid TiKx) I al Kev West. Current News. An Aaieriean packii.g (irr.i will thip at ojcu 1,'A'O.iX'O poinds of dressed ttel to the aroiy 13 tU 1 nMppmei and ttie sol dier" are eaer tj gc; it. Tt-ey know from cipeii-nce that lti- nartnadenn American tfe. cnnr.l or otliT. ia HO pjrta in 1'AtJ mera fraai and talsehood. Tii- So Them Paeiflc cvi let.tly expects to d nonie t.u.iuejis this vea, as it has ordered ll.e consiruclion of three thous and tew freight cars and thirty-six loco ni"tiv. g. a cumber rf which ore slrea ty coivpie'eJ It is exiec!eil that Un re will le u e lor ail o! tlietn in moving California's big crop which from prefent apptaran' e wiil be the Urg-st in its li tory. At are:, nt ekci:a ii Hays Ci'-, Kan., a ticket conipise.l of b i s v--is run agatnst the 1 1 1 u'.en, and the bojs won oat io a canter. Fred HalTamitr, the major, ia barejy twet.'y-one, ar.d only one of the coancitaien is older than twenty-three, if. If inner was hern in the ton ie. Tw j of the connciln.en were privatei in the Twenty Hrtt Kan sas. Colonel Fanston ii t'ie Rw-H Velt of the Philippine campaign. II p'ace is always at thp front, wbere he takes more oppoitunities than any one el- finds to win personal ditinc:i jp. If ho lives, Colonel Fur.s'on wiil .r i' -1 v he able to make his choice letacen a cmnii. sion in the regular Army a:: I a great political career ia his honi-.? Btute. lie is already a republican favorite for gv ernor ol U ns.m, rushes unarics Jruggists s Complete and c Excellent (SjuaHtvr H, C. STANTON BMv(irif(4( a tatol f.,-1 C. i.sDatr. ... DRY:G00DS:SS:, GENERAL DIRECTORY iTirt or ua.st.oa. . Jfjirph Ma.ora in. A. MlT 1 T. (i f. I. tmobar M'Ji.l. Fif. I ritru-ilrc. i slate rr.tilr Obaerrer 9 -r alor... CObL8TI50 Ol" Lsdiea' Drws Gk.1s. Kibbous, Trimmiirs Laces, lie, lie -also a risi sTocr or- hoots ii iioi Of th4 bMt qaalitT ul lalsh. GROCEEIES Wood, WUIow aad Glasa VTare, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. aUao c hand ta Urri saiatittw md at prtcat t wit laa ttaav, Al a ktrg atack af Custom-Made ClotMng For Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for 44 L. P. M" EAST AND SOUTH T1A THE SHASTA ROUTE or tha- Southern Paclilc Co. Lv. - PoniaiMl - At" I Lr. Roab-t Lt. i At. - fcaa Fraaritro Lt. i r. t 4. A. sot r. a r-ose. J. H. irttriiia . H. LaMM .UK. . Bta'abor-f . a iuitm Jod?i It;. K. WotTeroQ 'E 8. Beaa aacojrD ictticiaA biaraaci. i'te i. W. Kami'tor r-rM?r-tiuuf Atfrrut- Ga. M. is row c. a. Laso orncs, acasaraM.. BeeaHrer H.nrjr Boll i"tCT ;. T. brief s. wiTaB scaaac. Tfc Ke- reaeolaUrea Tux rrr.o in-airtr.. i Gla- IMCLAJ tXKWTI. A. W. Kead Jw. W. WII J. W . Cra I r. G,iW .at L. PtofiawBa l. lAmmiCM. arhool a peri ute ruiest, Coaaij J u4(r Comnialonf Barrejor Coroner ihaey Iair tar H. B. Htltrt' )M U. T bom tow rjm. Bjin" utr Tatrl Dr. E. V. ifoarrr tt iaaaiow raxciacr omens. .H. VtCer ..Ii a. raber Maor .. . pi-.:ratT.. citt or tctKinrn. A C Maratctw W. M. Inter Lat Warl tul Warf ata War! fc-r,r-.r T ia'r nana..' cwauti. iF Br - w. ir.rk if W.finMW iw. K. iU- tA. fietcm f.J. Lcuilrr I r . W. W n jrr H. CftO-BB. - U. B. W r Ca Yf F. - Imiaod at. I Ar. i re. f. M. i Ar. ( A. V. I Ar. IS Y. M. ! A.'. J A. H. I Ar. tlr. . Ar. We give prompt attention to all Mail Orders. Oa-ien Ar. t W P. M . IjTr Lr. I .!. M. raaia Ar. I A. 't CLi j Lt. : Y. M Urn An-.lr. I A Y. H Ea J aw Ar 2 ii P. M. I UP. M. ; Ar. Fort Worth A.-. I A. M. iiA, M Ar. Sew Orteasa Ar I ) Y. M Daaains: Catrai OoKrratloa Catrai. PaU-oan Crt ctaw aad tor. can aiiarl to an trola. Krhart 1JI Uwiif. hit i j: f ii xjnTisyi. IK C..xt3.in cT.tr.: ol te city of Bawfcwrf n.r'.t tear r. ri jiitt'i Ib aeh atsctstlk at o cork p. ta. c-otar cuk.. Tte Cimuii :.r. ..- LKa. CautT ail an tir. ne a jr.r a foU.-w. Ttttc ia Ham la ia Ji-nvh. ir- t:a Kotxlaj ia Jtaac. aa4 Um Ut MutvU; Imxmtxr i. a). Bataiiioaot BV,-cti3.- -,. at Brows, at B twin I OSU' T yr.r: ulM the 1st W) mtl 't- Im Ji-t.L .-i Jaatury. ILarca, May. Jvtj, la! OTT91BT. ioa. Lim ii Draui, jii-lj; JL D T!mbum cat reo-iabaus . - rn . wi jaa a aixl . Jeat aax-tetf o1ciaaaa i. a. i Lt. Kr a A- - Porkart4 Lt. i t r. a i on ah: Ma. I La.lj (xcr-l saU.rj. DOeESCiitj 11VISI05 SO C,LOrkl aas verT Moatdaad loon null) lVC'H.V - tiLitr foaPS NO. H. UakT - trvi asM u.ird Fuoara ia ata. im A. C. MAR5TERS t5c CO. Druggists. T j a. i Lt H i a ' Ar Pwtu-ui -rrrai; - At. I r. Lt. ! I -.OP. a At Aibani aad IXmrrmla concert wild tni it I !.; A Eaaaera rilrowia. In -K.cil.ocs raeca-r tialty (curp; ualiv) i 'J. t. a. , Lt. r. a. : Ar. - 4 - r a lr I: fjENOJo-I, No. , G. rl aal inu-ii ltiira at i v- - a. xim ths .rxia oi Kt mxri, ror-aod -?e-.aieace Ar J Lt. i Lr. a-1 a. A HV HA UjiA.L XC. 4T. or P.. Mt.T CTery eilj;ay ere; aa fce - -HaiL Vltt-j" k ..z.-tta ia - ltau.jianM '. attM. his is the Place to Buy Groceries. Jrl b KOKHLEtC C.U MltiHia. Masater. O. F. A i'aM. f ' poaTLAvn oxEt-os. IM with Lhiaa. Ti. r-w fK tarxrt. :i.-aeu aoa ra" rati a -r a-t- ilraLB OiMVfcE Jlnti vr V. 4". L- S1X5, Ho-efccnf. I I.r-t c-.t.ixion at MQ Fratu I y ,t.'-.i.ij, ;im S--r H.i. 0,-n, Iti J AC'iiL Lui.-a, A. t A A V . KZ.'Trij40 ECGEJE.L. PAE80TT w. M. S.T. Jawirr, S-eey. p CVLBra., CHArTEJt. SO. LO. L 8-MaoTTf ia ir-t a4 uinl A fall and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered ior sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos iu Southern Oregon. I DENVER S RIO GRUNDE R 0 I "Straic U CI Ttaandara LIB S IE COeHOW. w. M. MAI L-Z EA.-T, il-v'SlEX OF THE WORLD. Oak Caara V Xa. 1 -' . rr.t'm ml th 1 j! FIm I...1 Ltsr. eTTTT ut. Sri .ad jta kfoaxUiT fnot- aitlna; ne-ataor. htii a cicada. O. f. lC-OT, ut V.C Lf-M.?. CVlk- U-ETABJA5 LOuGE. XO. V L O. O. F. b-tr in Old FeJov TceDi aa li aan V-c-U-rl it order la n4 a.ljo anriavw. k io aFco. B. w . si kOM,, 3. 4. S. I. JiaiTT, Sec-y. I. 3. W T. I la. m. Rj p. o. r lr I L' . I.ta.i I -i ow-a mocia. at the World" The Favcrite Tranc-onlirf nlal Itco'e LWtween the N-rthwrt and all Points EaeT. t'hoice of Two Kou'.es Through tbe Famous P.O. ELKS. EOSEBCRG LODGE. SO. CA. waar cotcmcBojrauoB. aa ta toswokod aoa aucnA TkandaF l Aa iKBbrtj "reqaeaaeat aai aa- .-flrur.T. aad a-i Ttaiuaa bmam m. ; itiT:tl utauend iHH L nmi rr a tiA B. EU'DLX, scr.t. K " - wwift, .1 j. im. a a, i'. w. 'v DRrta ihe acaoad aad fcna MoadaTa ad soota a:7.A a. au al odd Feiioaa aaia. M.c-.t.-aoi lae order la foorl i-r ala tar rittJ to aUead. C. W. PARKS c5c CO., Grocers. J g Rocky Mountain Scenery F. W. R -arii. Keeunler. Fiaaaorr. Profeawlooavl Caaa-alav, And Four Routes Fast o! Pueblo and iVnver. A'l Passengers tranted a day s op-over in the Mormon Capital or anv where re it ween Osden and lenver. lersonaliy conducted Tourist Excursions three days la week to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. 1 TTRA. BROWN, it. D. OFFICE. x3 Jaclaoa Slreei, at ra. ldccca o( Utk J. Uun. EOaEBCRG. OK Q.EKI.K.K M. BLOWN. Attorney-at-Law, BoosuT aud S riv.r - tfiock. EOaiKBrRa. Ola. SSL. HA.3LU1, DENTIST, Washington, May 5. The war depart ment bag ret eived the following: "Manila, May 5. Tbe following cas ualties occurred at San Tomae yesterday : One officer, Lieutenant Toggart, ol the Twentieth Kansaf, and four enlisted men wpra Bliebtly wounded. Among the wounded were General Fucston, in the baud, slight. "General Lawtou reports the capture -'ver 150,000 bushels of rice and 250 f sugar at Baluagu. The value ietence captured at Malolos ie Much rice and corn belong V were also captured at insurgents destroyed ' nn of San Tomas, 'ie city of Han England Confirms the Decision. " Washington, May 3, It is learned here that England lias mailed the reply to the American communication on the Alabka boundary question, and that it has decided lo confirm the decision of the Canadian officials who accepted the United States provisional boundary, with a few modifications. It is believed America will accspt these, and the boundary question will be bettled for the time being. This applies to tha Daltou trail from Chilkoot paas to Pyramid bsr-bor. It may turi, out that some shrewd American merchant in Hong Kong has beou supplytog the Filipinos with shootr Tot Travels Seven Thousand fliles i Alone Vamoi vbh, 15. C, May 2. Mies Ida Chamberlain, aged 5 veais arrived in the City ti'lay from Lmdjit, England. Ma has a history peculiarly her own. tier ticket tells that the came from London to Yaueouair, 8"d lit r dettination is fcauta Monica or L'tg tleach ta!., a trip Of about 7000 mile-', ma le entirely olono Sb.o made boats ol good friends in her iona- Inn. not one of whom she rouU tell however, whero her tioaio yas or wjipre she was going to She rei.iembereJ traveling three days to London, and a kind old man telling her that aha would uicot friends all the way o California, and so she did. In Vancouver tho o:ing Wo-nens Christian Aaiocialioii took care of tho lit tle traveler, and will see her safely ou tho next steamer for San Francisco. Ida says alio has had lots of fun tinea tha left Lnglaud, and is ready to tako the trip over again. She has $100 in a grip. Kothirig like having the right wheel at the ceieb-a'.ed Clevilin.l bicye'e, and sundries. he lia'it plate and at th ? right price Impeiial high grade bicycles are selling from f 55 to V0, with U. & J. Morgan & Wriiiht or any other tire that a ruatonur mict.t denire. We abo havi teveral standing the late rainy season w i I i.;. ...:.... . ,.,,.!..,. have il'.- .lv b 1 1 eijht Impcials and peeoii'i ii.&ij'i u.j i-ivj-, .'bi.. j ----- -. from 12 to t-0. We are also agents foi have o-.b-ra to-- mor.. ite,n.tiui y, carrv b full line of bicycle lamp1, I andie bars, t;r p, im I rims, tires, inner and ou'rr cuioits, cemepts oils. eh-. Kinclea repaired. Nolwilh- For Tickets and anv Information Re- sardins Kate. Routes, etc.. or for la scriptive Advertising Matter call on Agentslol Oregon Railway A arigauoo lo.. Orea-ou bbort Line or Southern Pacinc Companiee. S. K. HOOPER. General Pass. A Ticket Agent, Denver, Col. K. C. MCHOL, General Agent, 251 Wash. M. Tortland Or. Roseburg P. Wetk davt.i.30a I Ecviea Boi'.disc. rciepb)Qe No. a. BOStFiCSG. 0EEG05. JRA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Taylor A '.Vioa Bik. ROSEBCEft. ORJUKW. . O. tloan. . m. io S p. m. T. K. RICHARDSON. P11K KRUSE & SHAMBR00K, DEALERS IS ALL KINDS OF STAPLE 1 FUM G1EI8 ftl FIHE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A KILL LINK Or TOBAOOO cSc CIGARS. one Door souin un.v. Kosrini-iiu, oF.UN, GIVE L'3 A TRIAL. FltlX OtSUTERVi P "W BENSON, At torn ey-at-Law. Ko.ua? 1 and 2 Krview Bu.lnne. ROSEBCEG. OBtnx vy R.WILLIS, dajs and boii ia.s, :30 to 9:00 a. m. Uttorney and Counselor at Law and 5:30 to 7 :30 p.m. I WT11 prUo. u aU ta. om of ta, ub. oa! STAOE EOl'TaS. Rosebnrg to Marshfield Pepatta ev-l Jt. CRAMSTOBD. av aa t (i am W EFpivM at IfifV mAm. I . " a ii . t icg. .vuoraey ai law, Roseburg to Myrtle Point. IVpartsI Eoom. lAI. Manters Bids;, ROeEBCas OE. evtry day at 6 a. m ; arrives every morning. Roseburg to Millwood Departs eyery day except Sundays at a. m.; arrives every day except Sundays at 4:45 p.m. Roseburg to Peel Departs rdaily, (ex- cept SunJavi at 7 a.m.; arrives daily, (evcept Suudayl at 3 p. m. Roacburg to Lorley Departs Tues days and Fridays at 1 p. m.; arrives Tuesdays and V iidays at 11:30 a. ra. OS. iT.O. Businoai before tha TJ. S. Land maw auuuif caaea a apecialty. Late RacaiTat C. 8. Lao4 OAtea, Q .GtO E. HOUCK, Physcian cc Surgeon. Oltca P't Otln-e BM. 1'Qene, Maiu -it. ROs-EBURG, OREGON. i P. Benedicl . . . Undertaker' Bud Enibalmei. - Any Job Work Jone at abV -w .. . a. ba... t KeasonaDie Kaica, m, u has been good to her en i a-wvrv'fVir City Treasurer's Notice Notice ia hereby given to all persons holding Roseburg city warrants indorsed prior to July 15, l&H, to present tbe same at the city treasurer's office in the city hall for payment, as iuterest will coase thereon after tbe date ol this notice. Dated at Roseburg, Or., this 30th day of March, IS99. Geo. Oaept, City Treairot r JA Dl CH ASAX, Notary rnblic, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. ROSEBURG, OR Mars.'er Bu Miup LIVE fD LET LIVE' f nJerthe above motto I will ti'J eooHoac a a'lrveT ha-aU partly I'eairinic bit aa-iataaea aa aou;:iieer or nnnnr. Uj rharwea mux ba reaaoua'o! and bit work (uaraatevd. Aaa al Notary Publk. Addr tia it at t Vn , Doc ft at Cav, Or. Vril.1. I HFTDflN I Ing material, and that it is of a 7ery poor Every one ronte- .WWWWW -ww- r