L.HUWLJJ'.'l'EJ1. 1 12yy VaV'cXSoNS' ovs232oSy'' NOW FOR SPRING BUSINESS-- 1 ADIES' L- ox POP I is ANI SLIPPERS The famous THE PLAINDISALI-R. MAY I. -ssui Tlu lent wheel, K.iml'h", 10 Tim ln-Bt wheel. Kamlilcr, .fli'. Tlie b 'kt liool, lUtnl Ur, flit. Tliu lifot wluvl, Kaml'ler, VHV Tim licit I! imbler, $ lit, V. I. I'roiii'inillei' lian re-tniiieil. Huks iu iufitiito variety at Alexmiiler k Strong's. I'eit -r U't'i. wt iit I" Yoncaioi lu.liy uu bu.'iiit'a.. M. I'. Th mips hi of Scott-hurtf w.n in ton yi'Bttriiay. II. II. (iiJettoof Asliluti I in rtvintrrctl ai tue mi -11.111t.Mi. Key Went, importe.! an.l tlomeetic cigars at the ltoscloaf. A Cuoly bred Jrlcy nnili- call fur ialo. Address 1'. O. Uox, lOu. l?cu I, tbo utchmuker pi.- 1 Is ('cctiu'li s at lowest pricui mi l can lit loom cor rectly. Ire J rattuitiou went to 1'iaiu m.J O'ber puii!ta luutli, leHvii K' on TueiJuy tuoruing'ii I xul. 1'alpit.ition of l.eit, iuJixoatioii, eli-i j lea3Ue"i, ineUncholiu. Ilii'lynu tiirec All Jrugiete, 00 ceultf. The "l'nde cf 1'aunUn" is a new biauil ul II Mir iiiailo by t lie new lira Mil.'i Every tnrk lnraiili'il. Try it. T. 1., i.r.ivtH'iit iiiir -lit lit Oakland, HU'bori.ei! t i Ho'ieit, i-ulln-t and receipt (or any lulli dun Ibu 1'aim-l.u i n. Ir. Iluuck report!) thu birtli, to the wifo of Lincoln t nimee, of Looking ' ilapg Weilncadtty, May u, lS'.f.i, a d.inijlittr. K. DuCias. M. !., luouibt-r Hoard ol 1'enaion Kxauiiurra. Ollico, Maretem building renidinu corner Main and Case stroet. It uukeH no ilillerencj liun bad the wound if you urn l'c- ill's Witc h I lael Halve; it will iuukly heal and leavu no car. A. C. MAKSTlCltS CO. Sowiuii macliiiiL-R, newin machine, cewiuK nincliiiu-0 ul Alexander t Stroi), and the lest of them ul tbut, raiiiiiil in price from Wt to fd7.r0. llesuro to sea b Oiri bvforeyou buy. Mr. K. I), Xortimp, Odteopalb. Iuih moved liia ollice from Iba corner of 1'ine and WaHhin'on ntrt-ebi to the Abrahams building. Chrunic dieeaseH and deform ties BUc-cesafiilly treated. Klmer V. llojvei , phyBici.ui mid bui -KCOU, Uilice nest to cily ball on Main atreet, KuHnbur;;, Or. Special attention given to diaeaaeu of the none and throat. Calls promptly aii8ereJ. '1'lu.nn llli. Pay Up. lUvintfiold my stock of feed, Hour, etc., to Jt. S. Klune, and contemjilalinn goinK away aod not wialiiiiK to put uny one to expense, by placing their accouutb due tue la the bands of collection agency, lequest an early tettlement with mu or K. H. Hone, my succestor at the store. ui!M. J. I. M nn. SEEN AT THE NOVELTY STORE. Lace and Kmbroidcry effects in wash goods, Dainty line of Valenccines laces, Rose Gold Sash buckles for wide Ribbon belts, Fancy and Plain Ribbons in all colors, liattenburg Patterns, Uraids and Buttons, Model line owaists iu latest style, Silk stripe effect in Men's Golf and Negligee Shirts. Piques, Lawns and Dimmities in beautiful patterns. Pretty line of Parasols, iu nicely assorted handles. An elegant line of Wash silks, aud silk ginghams for waists, Mens line Vici Dress Shoe in Chocolate or lilac k. The best ventilating Corset. Heauty Pins and Shirt Waist Sets. l-'erris Waists for Ladies- and Misses, l'inest line of Wash Goods, The best values in Hosiery, Good Assortment of Men's Summer Underwear, A 95 cent Corset that is Number One, Crash Skirts from 50 cents to 2.25, Neat Patterns in linen Suits, I'ine line of Men's Crash Hats, Good Assortment Medium price Clothing, The licst 50 cent overall. "Our Wheel Jiruud." No one taking a inp. Courteous treatment to all. Roseburg Novelty Cash Store. My llig Spring stock is now complete. There's brightness of spring reflected in every department of my store now. All the different stocks have their complement of new spring mer chandise fresh from the looms and workrooms of American and foreign manufacturers. The display is worthy attention for the pleasure there is in looking at pretty things and for the money-saving theie is in buying of me. 0 Don't forget the next conic In and eo show ing. Our Prices w ill make you hnppy and ft) the lit, make your fet feci Rind. DOUGLAS shoe for Men, W. L. Inclusive Agency. ....I Have for Inspection.... Klegant up-to-date Silk waists. lVrcalc waists of l lit- latest patterns. All kinds of wash dress goods at extremely low prices. In Children's Men's and Hoys suits you will liud the best assortment ever brought to this town. The People's Store. I. AURAIIAn, Prop. I'ullil, ' l.r u.ili liuiiikcr, il.'i'H fibrin in. I'l. t'l dill , ,J. u'iht, 11I I'i. Sl-nnni 111. I R'uiiil. I'ci.tl for I ar5 tun rill I y.mr h i'cIi ro ll urn.- . "I'liilo ul loil,llllii" hcrl flour on I lie market. Try h 1.11k. I Mi . iiinl Mr.-. I'. I'l-rUli y,!,! i.iklnrul, I o" 111 our i'ii M.niihv. Mth. Alin.i lUtticM, of UnbertH l n-. li, , WHIl vidittlllS ill ICOM'lllllH TlHI'llll , i J 1 1 11 N un tn'i-r iA ( .li i ll. tin 1'hiiii' in Hhm'Iiiii; lortnctlic.il I rtut im-ril I iicf . II. I'.ittiTiiiKi went li) l'urllnn.1 llns murri iii l; whore, lu v lit n tt 1 lt .1 in mk ; lot two ir three, cckn. Mr (.,, !. MrnM thiouiili town , yejtenUy, Wo iiiiuVnitiunl lie in 1 1 1 1 U 1 in of locating in I'ruiu. KM. I'ilUli.in, Milii: in ir-t 1 alor of I bo eMiilo of 1. J. Callahan, ileceaHed, wait making tiuul celll'ini'iit 111 piobatu coutt yesterday. MisH l.auia J'. Jones, ol Ihe Watcb man, returnel to her boiiin after a plea aut vlxit with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Conner, last Tuesday. Pewe'H battle at Manila is one of the attractions at the pera House Saturday Diglil. '1 Out alone is worth moie than the price of admission. John I iV. oiald, of I.Kking tilasa, se verely cut bis band while cutting- wood with an nx. Ir. Hoover drvisvd the wound mid report 1 the cute as nut ten ons. "I iivu mu a liver regulator and I ran etfulate the world," aaid a Kenins. Tbo rmiuiMt banded hi in a bottle of l'e Will's diltls liarly Itiners, Ihe famous little l.pills. A. l MAltiSTI'.HS A. CO Tbn appraisers in the Aaron ltose es tate have tiled (heir report, and fixed the anets at f JS.UIii I'D. Ibu estate consiets principally of real properly inthisci'y, which Mr. Koso founded. Kcpijrl reucheii im ol tbo death of Mrs. ArinMtiui'K, wife ol I.ee Ariiintrong cf I.eban iii, ( r. Iei'eacl wai about years of am and was born near Hot Springs, Mont., but for many years lived at Ashland, Or. Mi leaves a husbuud, mother, brother and sisters to mourn her Iojh. Shu was u truo Christian and an estimated woman. Hereafter 'rants Pans will liguru in the military allaira of thu state, a 'rants Pans boys will compose one com pany ol thu Oregon National (iuards. Thu preliuiiuaiy organization was made laul Thursday aud on Saturday of licers were elected an follows: Captain, Abo Axlel; lirst I.iuuteuanl, K. II. Hro n; Second Lieutenant, J, A. Tate. Tho reception giveu by I be W. C. T. I'. Iu thu teachers of thu city, at the Paptist rhuich, last Tueoduy evening was a very enjitabU afl'air. There wore ipiito a iiiimber id invited gut-els present. At tho conclusion of the program a uionl elegant supper was served in thu class room, and the even lug was passed iu pleasant social inter course. Our W. C. T. U. ladies know how to arrange a plearant social. time you arc down town to 9) the many new style wc arc (t ) ( ( ) In i't'iili; fur Hon. I 1. il l li'i.l hunt nn ci-v, uti'iii Mh iliii- wa'c'i 1 1. S. t 1 V 1111 10. 1 1 ic.imioi v . utter nt Mi. Hov.l. N. Auk your yror Poiiiflan" (lour. cr f, 1 lln' " " I " 1 ; (VI, r Mud, mi I fuI I'l AIM. I W Ml. I lilt ll-t Illic bit tin. Ik in 'imriiiu rapidly. Mm. K II Ka- p of Klklun, On ., l af moved to low 11 A ill Oi'i iimv her iei donee in north K rl uik'. We nre verv sorry to I .arn j mt it- we go Id press that Mini Minnie Kinder, who has been iiiilo sick Is very much woise. SfO Pibsuii's l.itrhl ami uieatot inni tiou at Opera HoU"e Satnrilav niuht, 100 srenes llrnhid on canvae. Admis slou nml I'i rents. A. S I'liehni'll of leu Mile, .im in Ihncity Wednesday on his way to I', il laud to attend his mle ut I he io. M ir.arilan hospital. I lor condition in mj improving. I. A I ean, a ancccra ul young fnul grower of the (low Creek valley, Mas transacting business iu this ciiy Wednes day. The I'i 1. mu. u.i 11 msn favored with a pleaMiil call. I. W. Croahy, Ide genial landlord of the Kiddle Hotel, was looking after business matters in this city Wednes-1 day. Wo were pinned to ifttiv.i a call from inn old I' o n, I. lion. John P i in. O, if Piiip'i'ia l orry, one ol Ihe old pnuieeia, a true frieml of repiililic in priin ip'.-a and tho Pl.AiM.tAu.u. male our ill,,, a biiel I visit latt Tu.Hlav uivuu u i I ,',.i,,l nnd substantial aid. J. T. Mayes, the rnsibng Kiddle mei- chant, w a Uo'i'hurg vintor Wednea- lay. He male the Pi.ai.mo: m.i.ii a pleasant mil ami repcu ls I iiHinef i ten- sotiably lively at liiddlu and crop pr.'i- pects piouiiting iu the l!n Creek alley. It is giatilying to learn (but Ihe mill men Mill raise Ide Magti ol their em ployes iu Portland, uud tdat the men have decidt'tl not lo etiike. A rt r iUn In UMUjIly hiol for all concerned, mid r.ue'y ever brings about Ihe ihcired ri-Mtil'. Telegram. lliKhop Morrii Mint lo Collage liroyo Tuesday morning. This is bh tirnt visit to Cottiign liruve in bis olllcial capacity. Ilev, l'4Mon U-lla ill that very soon their church Mill be moved doMli on Ihe front street and a nice rectory built w hi re the church now rl iinbi. The P.oiiaii.a mine, near Hakcr City, has been solJ by deed iu dm row to Standard oil uiagnalei. Ihe (ieisers, Mho onn tbn lloiiaii.j, and their attor ney, C. A. Johns, all of llaker City, will not deny Ihe dual, though it does not ap pear in I ho county record The bent in formation llgi-s tho pi n o a, an even f I,- IKK), 000. Tho yield since January 1 has teeu over IOO.IHiO. Kngllsli Shire, A line regislered stallion Imported by A. O. Kyau, will msk Ihe season at Koseburg and Wilbur. Will be at Wil bur on Wednesdays and Thursdays, remainder of Ihe time at home on the North I inp'ina. Terms reasonable. m-JI .1. H. Di ok. Stock and Dairy Ranch Of 1U50 acres, In Coles Valley, for sale. About 70 acres of farming land, balance pasture ami timber. J-1 no mountain range, house, orchard, two bams, water (or irrigation aud a J l-borse water power with (eed mill that can be operated dur ing the wlntor. Price fil.UOH), Cull on or address, (jl) Jill!.-, Ivmiii i r, I'mpnua Perry, Or. County Treasurcr'a Notice. Notluu is hereby given lo all parlies holding Douglas county warrants In dorsed prior to February H IS'JH, 1 1 preuont thu same at thu troasurei 's ollico at the Douglas County bauk for pay ment, as Intel uu t w ill couse thereon after the dalo of this notice. Dated this thu '.Uth day of April 181HI, at thu City of UoKohurg, Oregon. Uko, W, Dimmkk, County Treasuier, Douglas (lounly, Or Don't, think you can euro that iillght attack d Dyspepsia by dlollng, or Ihut it will cure Itself. Kodol liyNpepsIa ('urn ivju, cure if ; II "digesls what you cut" '"'' -VimiiT ifn' rf orgaiiH lo hea'tb, LOCAL BREVITIES. Tliu hi to niliM linvii Miiililed muiiy'iif I ho pliierr mini's to ri siiini' work 11 g iln. Tim phut.t to buy huggd-, bucks and wag 111, Sioirtis il CtiriioAe'li, (l.ik land. I'iial cUnM "Vedell" and '-llartlord" bicvi'lesnt Chiirel ill Wuolley's, for 'Jfi anJ :!'. -rZ St PI 111 ChoralaHoehit) ol tho PiiHOyleilan chiin h, will :uiel nl the '.'chinch, ns uciiiil, Kriday evi'idiirf, May Mb The leh phoiit) lino from Oakland to Cuh'H valley Is 11 ceilnlnly, A bonui Is being rn l-pil by pimi hi living along the lino. lMighl. lie. nl, of Oakl.unl, linul.i tliii ollico 11 pleasant call yeiltidiv nod left 111 soiii" of Hi. 1 nece uaty In exchange lor lIlU I'l UM'hALI.It, Conn' llliil Imve a, goo I liUUti III II ( pi'ia I loii"n Maturdny nlglil nml inn il lalent wnudclH of (do He. AdniiH-ioii IT) nml l.'i cent).. Par it II011111" hull I. Uijiinliiirg Oregon, Mir. P. Ketcdel, propiioliiH Meala ami lodging each :'() cents, l ane 'reel, tuo I I m-Iih from dep it. Hon. bold, llootli (Hill 1 in on the overland I in' nigiil from the IVs and Went mi iivm to I-!ii'"iii. iu eoiiiiee!ioi Wild no in.' of hilt hilt met rt intcte t ", .uiv, .. u. neeii relliiiiel to Iter homo at ur. liner Wednesdav. Shu was ai-compatiicd by Mrs. I!. I.. Iladloy I'bU w id he -I mid homo comir.g for Mtn Ur .1 nu I her ft lends. W. I'., I hake, a. 1 ul I ehleeined eili.en ol Myi l'e Creek, made thia cily a buti- lie b call Wcliiedav. Thin ollico Hi- k 11 .a li .l,;.'ii a pleaoiiii. call and leeelpl ol It l .I'll Mlllhfl Ipll 'll. e I.. ' i l.ice, Miilill I 111 IH-lielK (or vvety thing in thu furuitur.. line, liir,"'" i' ' 1 k 11 1 I 1. 1 a ei 1 pii' ', jii"' 10 eeive I 1 .it . ml 1. 1 1, 1 l -111: l i nt bit hit 'it.'. i'c it-. I ,v laiai:.H. "111. At mt.H'.e ut c i.'lli'.Hil II, .'e. olid 1 eguii, Hoti'i I I i., :i" arm 1.1 I aa n mil mi 1 1. c li . 1 to a ul I'.il .1 .11,, i ie I'li.ni in i'in i'i"! 1 to lit. gelling on llli I 1 11 ,1 goo I 1 1 I p 1' l o e ivil g I, IS "I II. I! in, i nl, lit. Ii.ll, l i Iu" it. Ui v I . I. M , t i I'i uu el- n N . .1. an K 1 -'.!-.' I d 'vliter We need nit hJ llm' K v uiid Mia MiKi'ar.' j 1 .1,111,, I 1 hippy in t'i.'ir o'A .1,' 1 1, tn i in , s'i .ke li 10 I , lh jiber Iih:ii', I.'. l-i i-.k I". Ill, iih't. i:.i. Il, li m 1 -. tit pillule I H, J Unlit i I ill" S.cnul Uiigon legiineltl 1' Manila. N i better selei't- ion e uiid huM Ie en ii.. Ie, I lit is Well i'l 'liil"d il'id lliiifceigiiiy c iiup'ti'ut lc tll-flia'ge l ie tlmi.'M 1, 1 adj itant. .1. A. M-p 1 hihI lan.ily bom M ., m li .i d at 1 1.-- -n-g l.pl I in s lay uu I Mid In, a'e In our ti' y Mr. Meier ih wuh I 'hi. ni, ill .V ,),,. i y and in looking idler llu'ii plumbing biihioi"f. lit ciptt'wes bliiiself as well ple.io.'d l li on' coiiulty HUirtiundii y, clim ile. i lc. Wn iinderiland 'hat .1. , Imcwhoii, of I Irani, ban ! i I I- ! to In at - ,. (', I nilit l ily and go into ti'ifiu.'.-M there, Mr. Klearon iioueol tin til I tuibfliiu ti ll biiHini'xN li en ol I 'rain a ,. I adiln we shall iiiikn liiui in I'.tiglait luunty, tlu Pi AiMii.u.m. bearllly m iflmi dim niic- '" "B Mimh Carna l.uj Cart ir, urgaiii.er aud hutorer lur the national W.C. I. I.', will be at Myrtle Cree liiefdiiy evening May ',, Is'.f.l an I Mill ilnliv.tr an ti'ldrtps ul llm I're ihy tenau chil-cb, ! ) wliivli 'be "'v'""'- l f. HI al i 1. 1 an miermion iue.uiiis' hell at tl,o ramu place ut J ) p. m. Mi. W. II. I ifher, aim h traveling in southeastern Oregon Mild her la'dcr, lies . D. T. Sutii nei yille, on his roiunls an pietidin eldei , wril -a d une from I . ikeview- that lii.-y are Ii.iiiii; severe siuw ft iriiii m that coun'ry yet. In places al'iti Ihe rn.i I I lut u nv in four feet deep. -Daily K .view, May la!. .1. 1. Chapman h.n in h i p i.-eHttiun a ravag'i 1 inking knife ol iincieiit type Mdich ho recently f ti ri-.l out on the lull near Iomii. 'I'he knile is In a good stale ol preservation, but it iiiin-t have lain a long 1 1 uu in thu plai:n where he found il. Wo uio inclined io think Ilia" it is a iii.ii'hel of one of the Cu'iau iiMiirgeut geueralf. (let oiir slrawbcriy In ter, i rale lacks, etc., at Chun-hill A Woolliy's. Stearus.V CiienoMelh at Oakland have now on h.ind haidaru of all kinds pin chaxed belore thu raise and Mill sell at vi th.Mi fill mi r prices m hilt' in Mock. Altio buggies, hacks and Msguu f i In 10 lens than can be lioughl elsewhere. Wiiriaiitid senitu maehine, tUO. Pent six hole I'll in; h men s'eelM 'range w i'.h high ilotiet and reservoir, f 10. Carload of choice cetlar shingles. I. ami uiottura corn plauteis and cut livalorH at, IMmrchlll Wo illey's Mrs. lieo. S, Downing went lo New berg yesterday for a brief viait, afli r which she will g i to Portland. In that cily she will be j lined bv Mr. Dow ning and together they will g j lo Al.mka to visit their daughter, Mrs. C. A, Hehl brede, of Juneau. Mrs. Downing ex pects lo spend the summer with her duughler while her hiiHhni.d Investi gates the At ltd gold distiicl, M llli A view of in vu tting iu gootl p iying pi'.ipeitieH. llllllll St I'l'HIIIHII. lleadacbeH, salloA uerM, falling heuni tioiis, liver Irnuhlea. Iluilynu curoa. All druggislri, f.U cents. Nei vousiiet'H, weakness, t'khausted tier, vims vitality, rheumatism. Iludyau cures. All ihugglsts. Orund Ball nt Olallu 1 Intro will be a giaiul ball at Ibu Olulla school house May U', IS'JU. Music by thu Collin string baud. Supper at thu hall. W. A. M. Cu.i.oi ii, I iu:n Huios, A. S, llll.l.AMl, Maiiagere. 1'i'uialo compUiintK, pale, hiIIuw com plexions, heaihichcii, iiiirvuuc dy'spi-psia. Iludyau cuich. All diugglbts, filcuulH. lly allowing thu aiv uiuulaiiona in Ibu IiowuIm lo reiiiaiu, Ibu uiitiru sybtoui is puiHuuud, DiiWIlt'a l.lttlo I aily Risers regulatu thu hocln, Try them and you will always use them. A. C. M A I(S I i;l(H & CO, Kinging In earn, noises Iu head, ol eyelids. Iludyau cures. inlH, Coiulll Valley, M'.iU Point, May II. iMtl.t. K. W, l.tindv mid Chat Hull g, of Ide liardwtiiii llrm of Hilling (V l'imlv, hsvn had ail outing mound Uuntt, tl o dew gold discovery, Tliey repotl that Ibey rxainliii'd eirclnlly the llai'll'oii elulms, ami I bey do not hiinltsla In say that they aro fully ai rich as tlrnt inpnilrd. Meiir. Hilling nml 1,'linly ore lutereidrd in tbn M) rl In Point Mining and Devel opment Cimipniiy's Motks n tdiorl dis tance from Kilsly Untie, and in their In I o vihit I'Mimined n large bed of por phyry dyko on I'.ig Jou and l.illlo Mai y mines, and il h believed that it Ih very lli'h. There is begiliiiing tn be i onsider nblo liayol to tbo now KIdorado. It Is reporled in Ibis vulltiy, mid It Set ins lo bo thu general belief nmoiig Ihe rai'road employees, Unit work will com mence to cvletld tbn railroad Iron) Myi llo Point, thu coming summer. Tho Kiippoxilion ii Unit llontinirtoii is Inking hold ol Ibu i nterpriHc. iSivcinl I lumholilt home Hcekers linvu veiled Ibu valley reeeutly nnd muiiiii of them will settle near Myi lie Point, Joseph I nry dad an nllur for I. in spleif did fruit mid ilait y liirm, tlist Is silinileil two miles Mouth of Myitle Point. I'nltlii: school ui,in'il liil Monday wilh Prol. Hawkins it Ibu chair, Mii-s Maud Deyoe in charge ol the intermedi ate, aud Miss I. ula Walker bat her in thu primary department. ThuO. P. K. and II, It. K. ami Navi gution Co., paid out rmthldi r i .Ie ni'iney to their einploy. es la"t wi k. Some es limales places thoamom ' it I tl.ooo Tho Myrtle. Point Kntei i-i i mlitors are giving general h-ilisfn-tlu'i lleii readcta, and no doubt sueceH i v. ill ei'ian II eir i ft iil", t'o'tl iiighti and colli in l lip. i.'ia i-i delaying tho early l aideuii g, but itta-s M pi n'ilie and I be da I le.i nr.- In foil itoe'i'- tiou. It i". i. I.i It '. iMyitle Creel. Wiail I'lirnilH i l bd'l' ap'-nt Wed- ueflday in the t'itv. P' in I at -. "I li.y. ( .el, w i- in the il l ittt Wetlnt""l iy. W. II, Drake nude a i u-i up lo II i ehil'g 'tn Wed il l ,' I l' I . W. 1 1 . K "I lev mil' K i e i i v a t"t"i in (i-ti,u I'liie'.l.iV l"t. I 1.1' k II I IV ,'l 'h f i h' I nl. I i.iu I, I'l , ' I l.tukmi t.l.l-t., pai I iliem a v n o l.l-t Sunday. I!ev, .1. W. Cia g pi. -ached in tbe S.ciili Metliodi.t ebuich, in Stimlay evening. Mrn.Sw e', tin i v .tn mIimI , i miiii'Mic 'd in eel niiH in Ibe rie-li !i i ian t hnn It la t ednc'idav. Mis. M. T. Dyer in agiiu luti r iving, ami the pritsprels lire now I li i' . !i j w ill get well. Hon. C. W. but.lt I will be in Myrth. 'reck on the l.l'h iiitt., 1 1 ledum in he half ol tho Woodman (, ihe utld Matk P.erdiue'i! iict! her and In I I tuth prank in h"r.' on a vmil l i Mack. ai k and his nitiier are g .log out south, in it d iy or lw. l-t piopael tor gold. J. 1.. Scolt and Mini Allfil ei tv took bnnei at Ilie overlaml, but Wi drenday. They sav Joe was on bis way to Pom- buig to get iiuriied. II so a long and pleaiant hi t t you nml yours. Miss Cariio D.-e Caller Ifcluier and orgaui.er of the Nalior.al W. C. T. I ., ill lecttiie here on Tucitday I'Vi uiug, May IHh, in the Preshyterian church. All are cot.ba'dy invited to alt'-int. Thi'ieMill b" pleaching iu the t hrin- tiau church on next Sunday at II.:: ami S o'clock. CAiiyouville and Piddle aie going to help l y tinning out an I making it o basket dinner day. Pveiy tody in vited lo attend and bring a well tilled banket. Tlie meeting N a smc m hi every way, thirteen having j lined to date. Mr. PolU has been having Hue uivcHi wherever In bat belt) meetings. Dime Social The I idies of the Cluiftian cbulcb will give a dime social at the residence of Mr. J. II. Sbupo on Pine silent on ! ti ll. iy evening M.iy .'nil Pyi'.t. A special pHVruni ii being ananged. Ice iie.un and cake m ill bu itei vcd. Allure cordi ally invited to attend Don't fad lo ecu tht) gieit Piasltlight M.iehlno and liraphophouo Oraud, lMi sou's lulel triumph at the Opera I louse, Saturday evening, May (i. Of them wonder (ul machines uu excdiugu ayt: The udv nice in the science of the talk ing iimctiiue of lsn'.l is truly wiudeiful, Ily the iitui ol Ibu Into moving picture machine and Ihe (iruphophoim liraud you would almost iiuagiuu yourself una hailletield, so truly are thu leprudiictious of both sound and action. Tho (iraplio phone liraud may ho pronounced asuc cess by Ihn most critical. This maehii e is j'ist out ami is dialling crowded houses, as it reproduces as loud as thu human voi' C i'si'lliind gives thu true sound. - .om is the tiiuu for bouso cleaning ami we would lemind oil that wu have eld p.ipeis suitable lur pulling under carpels, etc , al ibis ollice. Ciiluml'i i uiauda ( u best, Vou aie suru of best when you tide a Columbia, See llm 10 Columbia at Cluirchill Wool ley's. If you have pilus, I in. Iheui. No use undeigoing b irribln opi lalleiiH that slmplv reiuuvo tho iciuilUof thu disease without disturbing the dueam ilrell, Place your cjiiII loucit in DaWill'a Wild lla.el Salve. 1 1 has never (ailed to euro oiiickn; it will not fail lo euro mi , a. c. m usti:us .a; CO. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, coIiIh, cioup and whooping cough lesdlly yield to One, Minute Cough Cure. I'se this remedy In liuiu and save a ilnctor'e bill or (he liudeilakcr'e. A, C. M AP.STPIH ,x CO. rainy lowl. I'ure luud S. C, l,"glioina for sale, upply lo iii'lilli I'iiom,, liomtliurg, Or, m:',- Huu IiIvcm, aiiiokem, iittctioiiaaiiil coinl) lomulatliiDa all'liuicliill A Woolley'a, Tli6 rtittt (1 itc J lima uu liamblera CITY l!ATIinK5 MllUT, IVocccdlng.s of Ihe Regular M'fslun Monday l-venln. 'I hu i tin "mi rolM ell nl Iln ijiy o Itoseltlir loi't In I he r, fonli'i Y mliee 'n Aloiiilay I'vuiiiitP, Vlsy I, at H o'clock li, in , nml on loll call Ihn f i l iw- lug m iu n pnieitl : Mayor A. C, .M ir Stnl'H, Collin iluit'li (I. W, Parks, ', P llrown, W . J. I.niiiler, II 0 Hhcuiii, I-'. W. Winlley, Mnishul I'. W. Dilhird nml Ket:ordci D. 1. Wed. A I, font council tni'ii : W, It. Will in, I'. W. Peithon nnd A. Hcldii. I he iiiIoiiIuii ol the hint iiiei'ling hi read liti'l a pi i oved Month y ri p nil of llm treaiiilritr, marithiil mid lecmler were leml nnd ac cepted. llepoili ol t'lnpou 1 1 one Co.. I'epciie Ho ik .V lidd'tr Co., uiid Ko-o IIohd Co , Weru rn. i'l mid accepted. J. II, Sdupii appeared before Ide buanl asking 'bat the i ily ,imc:kI the propel ly ow imrs on Pirtu s'rei l to im- prove it iid litre !, Thu reiiueft hum ic ft'rrcd Iu the c i'n m itt'-ti on citv improve mriilii with oAcr I'i sci. The following bill wet,' nil iaimI and warranto ordi'ted drawn for the lenpec live iitimunl.'. t it'll. Carpy, t re .hu tei 'h coiii- ll.ifHioll $ "'.I lid Ueceii'. I look V I. nidi r Co, al- lowam fit (,0 (H) I'mpipia Hu-ii Co., hII iwaiici h lid UU llosn llo'.e t'u., iillow mum. i,0 (10 PluindcHler Pub. Co ! oil I!. I.. Pace, Htienl Mors '.)'') i. W, IVttit, board lor pritioiierH, 7 ii) P. W. Dilhird, Hilary I''. W. Dillanl, H lvertUii belling bo.'fi.'H D. K Wi-,t, salary '.' TiO H 01) o 00 J (10 und ( arlou II hi., Ii ciliiig l.ijtsi Chiiichi I .V W.nCev, Hi Mill b i in i uppiiei ... ."ill I.I", "ti.: l.i . (' , biOitt Hi (ieo C.ii p , iii'et i el nt b ui'V . . h7T O l I'lier ' em x i i' I irtl.tr i.ll.iti Hie l t ml adj. tin it" I. D. S. i.-i,( ily Hie , .let. Oak Creek I I! 'X f-'ipi'i i ..: ; l.ii'i ! I,i' Kennedy j ill l! i eliill It- v. Thoi nton i hilli li ;il I tlld", ' lie f.i'ii"'d II' II ' May ,,li 1 wile t-,' it l lliii I o: h' Idl'.g h' we, I M.-s-ia. Mat at" ni.il lit I III', II In tde j a ten, i lie ej ' 1 1 1 (i li Pci 1, l.is Vuudty. I Mr.at.tl Mr. Pucll, "I Looking (iluss, were Ide gu.-stH ol Mr. and Mis. I,. C. I Alterury, lal week. Pot li, on Api il 'J i, I Vi i, to I hu wile of i '. W. Mil no', a t'-it noun I H-m. i I Mis. Pooney, '( llo.tg'.m, have c.ono to I miitillii (ounti i,i tti.nd ,e Hummer : w ith In r d.i'ii'h'ei . Mis. Smrh. 1 Mi . el. iitii, I I- IU Crt ek, liai gouu to ! !io k creek on biihiuet-.". Il' wan uecom ipaniid b ' I. is ilimghter, Miih Maggie, ami b ui, I '.fi I tc. Mis. CI. nk, ol Oik:. ml i- .siting her d loghti i , Mi.-. ' . I.. Cr, tin ,ti, who iuuii leae f, i ''.in I laiici-i u. Mr. and Mis. 'i ...it-, ii ate g-.iiig in' i Ih-' hotel bilftinewi at that plat e. Mr. I.iiiltoru and I'.illlie .lulni M.iitiu have g.iio. to the id i timings near Cappa I llaliee I I a niuiioei h ouliog. Il is rather caily t a-t the inonulaiiis are Still "Polte.l iu their ganuelits of while." I lot hitlh 1 1 j' uly widt h was given on la-t I i i I tv i 'V.'iiiug in I, oil -r oi Mu-sl Ada I . S.niih .0 tin' reteuce id Mi.j aud Mi. keliiii Iy, was well altilidod and nil ple.-eiit i xpii iscd t!n i. ie!v. a as I we'l f.itiflitd wild the iveiiiiig H enler-j tainti.eul. . How's I Ills We otlci One Hundred Dollar. t Ueward for any care of Catarrh thai canunt t e cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. cilKNI'.Y A Co., Props. Toledo, o. We tho undcrsigne I have known I-'. J. (!lll'lllV flir lIlH lilltt 1 WJtH Utlll llMli.'V'l. I I hill' perfectly honorable iu all hindncHs ; ti ansii'.'lions and linanciallv able to cur ry out any obligations made by then Or in. est .k Trilax, Wbolecale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnau .V Marvin, Wdolo eulu Druggists, Toledo, (.dio. Hall's Catai i d Cure is taken intern. il ly, acting directly upon tde blood and iiiuco'.ih sin face of tde ftyalc m. Pi ice 7,"c perbuttie. Sold by all drngis'e. Test, nionial ) free . If you Hllller from leiulei nei-H or lull nt'fS on the right hide, pains under shoulder blade, coiitl ipatioii, blllour-iicin, sick headache ami fo. l it ill, heivy aud sleepy your liver is lot pi, I aiidioiigceled. DtfWill's l.illle lUrly liiaeis will cure you prompt:)', pleaaully and perma nently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts lo open and Mow naturally, iiikv .wit. mon rn.i, A, C. .MAKsTPItS.v. CO. County Treasurer's Notice. Notion ia lieii'liy given to nil curtieN liohliiiK )iiii;liiK county uanuntH iu iloreil nioi- luiM, II, Is: I,', to p ih. t,t tli h.iiiki at tliK fiiiiu- nl the tieuMiiri i 'h ollii c in I ltd I I jiil.io t'oiiuty 1 ,111k for IHiymiiiit.'iiH iiiteicst will ceiiHO theri'on tiller llm itiiltf of lliia nolico. )ile,l tliia tint l;illi day ol .tnil IS'.I'.I, nt llm Oily of ItoHi'tiiitK, Oregon. (ii: 1. W. I'lMMIl K, County 'I'liniaiiicr, I) uiyliia County, (Ir. i-vuuc ui l o Ii'hiiIIh of iit'ulni tctl tlya I peiilic coiiiliii'UiH u( tlie Hiomiieli me. ciiiiiei , ctiiiHiiiiiilioii, lieu! i iIinc.imi nml t'pil.'l'i'y. Kuilol iyiitftsi,i t'uro u ventH all Hi in ty cileiliiik' il iiiick cine in all ciihca ol il)'Hn'n.i, A.C. M AiiNlllCS.V i'ii. rliiiileil (iii.i:iri:-uovi.i;v. -.t tim i;,.m- ilonce of M, I'. Hie, in IJo inliui'it, Mny :!, 1 ;.. Mr. II. II. i;iU.;ie. oi v : . i .... I ,.,,.1 M,UJ I ' It .11.. l ... i ... I . ..I, ...... , . . . i.iiiii ih'jniev alaoul Atilil.itiil, lu'V, .1. I. Sluitlonl oHii'iiliiiiK Mi-ni K nv ley ii tvell k urn ii iu Kitfe bui'K innl viciniiy innl Imr oiuny ii iciiilx wish liei a li;i'iy voynm' on IiIo'h cce.in, Mr, tiilelle, I Im hiooiii, in well kuortu In llioct v of Athliin.l wlie i.t Im uii, din liililo w ill iiiultn llu ir reaiilniico iu the fiitum, Thu l'i..vi.Ni)i;Ai,iiu J ilua lu coil grul ululloiiM, Absolutely Makes the food more S'tvlll flAtrmo Do Not be Pooled Will, t h i' leu I hat nny pi -it tr t i 1 1 o i diuggii I may put up and tiy to cell you will ii i if v yniii b:o',. bko Hood's Kaisa purilla. Thin medicimi baa a rcpulution it bn 'I call ed il l lecord, It in pro- pared under thu personal Pupurvision of educiiiil phurina -it I who know tbn nattire, ipiality a',. I inediciti.il if- feel of nil llm ingredients une.il. Mood's Karsaparilla ahiolulely cnrdi nil forms of blou 1 diflcniei w bun olhi r mcdii ine i fail lo do any good. Ii, ii tin; Wotl'i's i .rout spring Mi'diciuu ami the One l ine Klood I'urlllor. I'or lirsl el'tiia denliatry go to I l .illln of Oakland. THI- LJOST AND CHHAPUS I I lm-0 W-luli. ill lO'Vli to ( lit up yoni I an i m II V. Mini iLIJI (und wiiitin looi'i-i fi.i Inilit'H anil (,'i'iitloiiK-ii well w in n, oil nri'l ligbtcd. tlonil iiccijiiiiinnbit iuih for Keeping rniisiid, li'iiniM over nibt. Vour I'alrnnuc UcfU'Clfully 5uhi.ilit. JJK15T CASK, IVof.rintor. 'nr. Wn..iiiii;!ij;i and .Mi'.in StH. n Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartiflclally diposts the food aod aids Nature In fitrongthonini,' and recon structing tho exhausted dlgestlvo or gans. His the. Vest discovered dlgest antand tonic No other preparation can approach It in cillcloncy. It In stantly rcllcvoaand pcmianently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Mour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, (;asttalin,Cramp3,and all other results of Imperfect digestion. (rapartd by E. C. DcWllt A Co., Chicago. Por s.du bv A. C Marhlrs Ci . Kige us Jt JtulL- tis by wliat wu ;uc- duin-. J tulc- us by the c'liitiiiiK-il iucrcubc uf buyer:.. Judi;e us by the DRV GOODS your fricml.s lutvc- purchased of us. J inline us by our 1'rivi.s (.L-t your friends to tell you how natch thc p.iid. That is al) wc ask. New Spring; Goods At J. F. BARKER'S d CO. jMM was. Also CHAMPION BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES- Cass Street Marlcet Wholesale anil Retail hresli and Cured Meats i-isn ami uame in reason, Hay, Grain and Hour. DOZIEK 5: MARTIN, 'Phone Main i8. tC3) The Roseburv Tannery. 1 1 it4ti--1 i ii.i l im- I'aitl (in lllile... KuiMinJ Kmiv hklOk.l liii- it n I I'.iit-lv.-Kin liv.-.'.l I'.. i- l.o.-,s, Lush 1(,, I ;uv l.i-atlicr. I'm-, nml sUu- I'l-i'i-.-ctl nml JiTa,ii' I ....I ..I Mil ..Rid Rambler.. $40 Tho ,St longest Wheel, The Kasiost Riiuuing, The Most Handsome, The liest. Sold on the installment plan. A. C. MARSTfRS & CO. Aflts. tuRE delicious ond wholesome POwlwn try , ttttt volf. To fiAN; -l roiii ',0110 to f.'I.OOO, OB liri'l ( In,' i r:i:cuiily. AiMn hs, i ii i i , i i. I ii. i.iii-tiui., jv.jotiori, . rrwt Tnc- C Inirclu-H. Mkih'ii,( cm t: n -icriier of Main iwi l.tns "tricls. Htinilsy Hervlixi: I'rcuihiiif, II a. m and v(K p. m.; Habbilh seliool, 10 a. I, A. ViaRu Hitpt rlnti'inlenl; ('!ms Meeting it eloso of tho moriilrig orviuo; Ipwortl. Iatin 7 W r- K. II. (.Iiurclilll, l-reiltlont. Prayi Mi't'tint!, Wi'ilncwls:', nl 7;:i0 t. in. it. It. A n num., I'atlor, I'arno.'ingc, comer Malu and Lau. I miii; II ii 1. 1 in. i. ,v ( iiiji'.i ii on fewlcr street. Miielti serviee, hi H k. iu. nml 7:: p. ill. I'ray i t inreliiii', J humility evening. Mri. I.t.xy M. ci n.ir, t'stor. M. i.K'.I'.'.k - liiici'.i ii. Corner Cam smI Maui ktriflM. hcrvlccti on nt'coud nd fourth Hiiii'lujf iiioriihnj ol mill mouth ami every Hun ilayevenlnn H.ei ni service annouoced from lint'- lo lime, liav. .lon.i Daitio.";, Miwloaary. M. li. cm mu, south Weniueticvery Huoilsy . .1. 1 . (.'OTTO, I'snior iiiniiiliu? innl evening. H ti l im ( iii ii. it corner or l.uu nml Rixe "' - in Iny v-r. . Pruseliiiig at II a. l. mi l '') : iii. nM.ulli .-i Into! nl lu s. in., O. Y. i.ii-Iiiiw, mi., liiiii ii'l' iit. rrntcr meeting ft T V) i illii .lii; t'Vi liili'. s. A. Jjoi.oi. v, I'm lor. Kut -r i;iini-ii.iN i ni ir (;oriii.r of IMno ;il 'Vo'i'livai'l -l.".l. .-uiiilay ncrvlecs: 1-n-M li I'm ili;n;r ii.it :t Mm ii.ii',' uii'l evcuiii, Htiulsy ''ii ii. Y I'.S.C. K.itfi&u p. m . It.t ill If lilt.' tin-i'i ii w e.iii'-wjar eveuiusat A t'"l'Jl:vl uil'-itiiii' nml Knetlnir straits ! all. W. A. Wo"P, 1-it-lor I u t Cut -in ii. Hun i in in ii -i enter of Can uii'l Ie -'.rut-, tionlnt .ervle.-: I'tiblic v."i-! '1-, 11 it ti, toil a p. ni.; huliltdlh -' '' il. l-t it V. I'. r. K. at 7 ;it. m. I'i ay- i i -."I'ii-. Im ""lay evening f "I .1. A. Tow s-kr, r.-tor 1 uu v' ' I. I', tvtll li.ii.l ii. regular iiiitcliiisn "tiiiit 'I nti'l i .i.rtli M'tinlsyfl of evrrv ' I'' ' ' I in Iln- Kpworlli Usgiis r l ul !!,' 'I K. CI, in h. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boar:; tho Kigiici'.uio tf Arriving Daily. WOLLENBERG BROS. Dcalcas in Props. I 'lt'iincil. I'.l.icl. A nt". n-n Hunt for I'lmpi,. L DEACH, Proprietor. null lit-cliiii'j, On'mi, $40 ,(fi " co, N s.