The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 04, 1899, Image 2

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robUaocd MoBiley end Thomtar
tt ft. STRATFORD 1'iil.lnlicr
J. t. ftTBATFORl) Mtr. "J Mleltor
abscrltUon Rate.
VmN '-' "
111 Moliltil 1 '
TltrfO Months
f A MAY I. I '.
'iit,.i , '
Husehurg will celebrate li.iliMHMnl
lice ilT in grand, si triot ! Hlylf.
AjluilinKlo'e fUllS t iS9H tbll HUlllllit I
Ml. CIiiiiiI wine rmli'ly ilUtiirhcil.
Miiine rIwhvs kci one bi! public:
ii, mi in stock. Who will nuccectl Km-il'.'
Thn uKIM Inliutiitrtiit in linn imrl of
he coiuitr) agrees Unit tli rpiitit! i
nut mi bim.
kiltuit mm in tho army nti.l mity iicv-
r stood higher in p.itilic opinion limn it
the iireent time.
tbi your iigt) wo were laying, n.iiicn in
our Imrbore. Toilnv our (roup are
marching on in the nf l.'i.nn
lO.vh'O miles uwiiy.
Th plan to ivi l lie Pri'gnii r
s, demonstrative wo!ciinit :it roitl.tml mi
their return Uvtnrthy ot the oi.tlorao
itient of (he whole state.
'I'll ri.MMiKAl.iK li iMtiiing l U'H
front Hi rnpi.l snide. !'. rate t
which new eul'sci iicrn iirt tuuiinu in and
ciM ou urn iriiewlnit tlieii ubtritioim
it gralif.tiug indeed.
Tnrra American colonel nave fallen
in Imlilrt iwt Manila, l'lu-v illcd tit the
ttaa.l ul tlieir rfi1' 'If. ami ha' tiuv
loughl liT w ill not !'f lie! I ill
tm hj their countrymen.
Iirfiit ri
ll ii claimed that America haa thn
! ilr5ed navy in tlm world,
wheu 111 nieu b-hilid llm isun rlrip
ilon tfitha inilnral buff il n mlnnlttd
that limy am llm hent linhMs in tho
A New nny'Bii I ih'iiMiTal ic paper
yi: "We must expand our inarkelg
nbrod, mid 1!mI it why we wnt the
rhllippiues aa a distributinu center ol
the vaat nmrketn in llm Kii"t that 'e de
tlopin." On vxpiiiiKioii, an on other
lueitiuni, the deinucrHtie pirl neenis
omen hut nt variance.
W. .1. Itryiin li.n hud his nay, leit by
the time I'avo I".. Hill Biid n vcr.l other
prominent democrats t ready to make
lew reaiarku, the nnl'jert ot expiint-i' u
will have been driven to ihe tc ir rank ul
back niiDibeie. Mr. Dryan Feeum to pea
aeia a facility of t:ki'' up and attempt
in (j to champion dead i?nurn.
When an advertiser drop out ul ti e
papura lor three or four mouth be inimt
tnaw acipiaintanceHiiip with readna
who tout iiht of and iuierei-t in him.
It il far better lo occupy xrnail opacu and
kttpit tilled with olten changed matter
i the olteuer the li.-t'.er than it is to
come out a lon iiiteivaln with bi dis
play advertise'iicrit.
lit the aeorca ol lellei i from the bo at
Mauila which have been published in
the Oregon pa-rn, there ban not ap
peared a wont ol d jnb', that tliu I'niteil
Platea wan doinn tho riM tiling in hold
ing tne ielandi nnd in piiihin tiie war
against the reheliotiB uativeH. What the
men who have the fili'.iin: to do think in
right it mighty apt to be riht.
The heavy raina of the pant fortnight
have iotcrlered materially with upring
eeding, but experience ha proved that
jood crops of grain can I e ruiued in ' re
(ou when town even u late aa the mid
dle ol May It in emulated (hat not
more Ihan'lM per cut of tlm iMual acre
age of grain hash -en h,wo in the Wil
lamette valley. Tnete ia no rerioiiH ap
preheneioD ol a bort crop thiniycar,
Col. liobert li. Ingeiaoll delivered uu
erldreaea abort time ago nt the funeral
el Mra. Mary .!, !low nini in Kancae I ily.
Col. logeraoll in an old friend ul the
family, and in bin addrcun Haiti: "1
Hrtt met the lady w ho now lien hi lore xh
tleep, oearly halfja century ugn. llien
we were both young and pjor, with
nothing but youth and hopu to atart nu.
rVjmehow, louiewhtie I feel that I ihall
meet her again."
According to a returned Bailor, a mins
trel performance waa given on board I bo
Olympia alter the battle of Manila, at
which one ol ibe end men naid:
"fewey is to be tried by conrlmui tial
lor opening a ahell at Manila on
Sunday." Admiral )ewey, who waa
present at the performance, laughed
heartily at Ihe joke uud gave each of the
amateur minatiela n twenty four huura
releaee from duty.
The action of ihe governor ol both
California and I'eniiHylvaiiii. in llm ap
pointment of I', K. Henalora from tlmir
leapective atalea, in hti!ibiiig generally
ifineuuaeil. The uppoiutmenia cannot be
recognized by llm renatn of the l idted
Htalee iinleha it reveraea ita former do
cliiona Claune 2 ol Section .'iofAitiide
1 ol the t'onaiililtio:! ii n almokl uni
formly been in'eipretul by Ihe Nenate,
ot once but many linnc, 1 1 mean that
where the legislature lot I an ( p or! unity
ti rlrct hut (ailed to do mj Hie govtrnor
haa not Hie power lo uppolnt. The leg-
ialafurea of iVnrnylvaiiia and California
met and had uu opportuuiiy to elect
enatora but did not do ho; hence u vu
eaucy eiiata today of tln ir own making,
which lectured while th y worn in aea
iou, and not, mh the coiiH'itulion of the
foiUil H lalea naye, "dining the receita
ol Ihe legitlature." Tin ai-nuto baa
never in ita entire history inbnitled the
right ol governor of a bUle 1 1 appoint
eicept where 4 vacancy occurred while
the legislature waa not in eini hi, aud
why theae governors ahould to oitentt
lloualy announce their appointment i-
eptltLefor a'rtaiu lolitiual crlVct, it
iliffii nil
Agulniitdo Wants Peace but on Dig
nified Term.
Manila, ti It. S (. in.-Tlm 1'ilipl '
no envoy, Mj " Argui-li uinl Mint-
eillllll llllllllll, inlVli abandoned tlie to
tl'limi under which they dune In ( timer
at "in, Unit they i -I'l-HMi'iitiMl iIi'IuthI
niiilloliv iiiiiiiiuncinl i.iut limy
i. ici:i'iit iiivc el Attuiinilili)
l, I I. c hvn ciiin-Hiirli-n UHcii mi
11. C w of
Bii '.i:-' tt rci'lv
lich Ihcy wen- c.ii.ilil(i to
from Oils to lle Imlci
from Sciii" Mnhii.i, Aitiuimidii'
(liii.c mini li r ii! d liiiniK'cr i l lor
cinn irt,ti' In I'" d'C! -.I. i'n c.ilmut,
which (lev u,MMt'd In Ol:M ck
lerd.ty, hut o u lu- i' in niak i mn ic
ply, on the urouii.l llmi I do h,i would he to it icC'iniiilion il the en
chI!i' I iiovetliuieiit ol llm 1'ilii'iii"" At
gilelt .i ii N.iid Anuiiuildo knew ho iiiinld
he ovcip .wcicd in I mm. 1'Ut. (lull he
would l o iihlo In t 1 1 i 1 1 ii the ll.;M fur
IllOlitlis nicd I lint he vvoiil I do in linleiii
ho was civen what Arum I vr Imii ed
peiicu with ilini'y.
Ilinnks tiovcrnor tlccr tor Cunntitit
In;; Ills Sentence.' -.I..M. Oll'erm in, the
1oiii;Iiim county inurdei ci , whol e n n
teinetilife impr i.innuieii' the day be
fore he w tn lo ha handed, in i;i'' lol for
the cleioeiicv eiiti iidcd to him by tiny
eiimr lieer. The follow iiit letter, ihitcd
llonebi'.r Jaii, April L'H, ban been re
ceived lit the executive oMicc (r iiii'il
brriiulu: ,
"I deolie to tender you my beailfcll
thHiik for (he action yon l ave lakcii in
my case. Thouub buuiau opinion can
not cleanse the :iulty or n'ain llm inuo
cen,ctil di I my beait (jood lo know
that, after viewing the cafe liom tveiy
aide, you wt io w diint; to admit thai I
was not wholly uily, am1 lo act ac
cordingly. Wlmlficr Hie futuie 1 at ill
tore for mo, I tnmt t will to live
Ihiouuh it m to nee.- cau-e y.m lo re
gret v our aiiion.''
I.atct I'roni NNnrdncr.
W uii'M ii, Idaho. Mav l illy-foiir
warraijM have been nworii out and c hi
UtabieH urn iuhkii. ariolK undi r the hi
leclion ol cjloie I H.iopK. Tne djiiannt-
era ure lleein lo the hilia. I'iicir cahiiiK
are bcinu pe.irched, and elm town in wild
w ith excitement. About l"i arri s'.aliave
been made.. fSinitb'a holy will be
brought back Irom Canyon Creek today,
and Ihe iiupiest will he held. Oilier
truopH will bo In ie on the next Irain.
Clieyn'e budy is iijiv on llm way back
here fir, m S-v k.uie tor the iiniiei'.
I-'irlowiiig tiie hint rate wr id isn.s be
tween the N utbcin ovarian I liner, ever
the ipiesiion of dillerentiala, peace wnu
declared on a I ;ui oliipial raten "all
round,'' but tin; linen b.-lween M I'aul
and Chieag'i wcie ntiU ibetutiel bv
local Iioui'Ich, mi l the c jiiibiiiatlou ol
latin e. n' and weft of N. I'.ui1 iii.tdc
Chieagn f 7.i lirrt, and H 7" hcc
ond clupf. Ibin la! dilli ciiliy in (he
way ol cimplete iin'oialioii ol a'audaid
fares bus at l.iB' been lolj utol, mid on
April I'o'.b. Ibroiili raten In Chicign and
pointn webt were rebuilt to normal fig
ures by all linen, hi that it now crl-t no
more to travel by way of ihe !-'oiiticrii
I'acilic through California than by the
.Vorthini lines through aneouve . Hel
ena or !poknne. l'iolii er rres,
I'olntcd Paragraphs.
L'cwey day wa-i lint olmei ve l in .
drid. W e appear to be having an uiiuMliilly
early fall.
You can initially nay of a young mini
iu debt that he ia uleo in love.
I'ohticiaiiH rcucuiblc nil ore iu olio rc
epect; (ho higlu-i grade are not iiinchino
The iudicatioiiH from the Klondike
thia year, point to leu talk uinl nioro
A man iidmitcH a woman who taikn of
hia future uud maken no iiepui iee tin lo
hie pant.
Your eiroual hiiitory doeHu't have to
repeat i'.nelf ; yi'ir iieighborH will at'end
to that.
What Ibin country nccdn uiojt ih a
blind aayluui for people who arc blind to
their owu iiitcrrfl'e.
Wouicu ought to make good Icgiida
tore. Many ii man can tentify that a
woman's word in law.
At first a boy wears bin lathet a old
pants, inud't over. Later, Ihe father
wears the sou's old panln.
When a woman marries her ideal she
la very apt (o change her views iu the
coiiree ol a few short monthe.
There are two UiiiiUof people iu the
world llioso who take iu a great deal
and llione who take in il great many.
The golden rule ehoiild work both
ways, but must men who are willing to
do an they would lie done by waul to be
done by Ural.
One thing inuy be said iu favor of
niormoniflui : It doinu't throw Ihe en
lire burden of Kiipp n tiug a husband up
on one woman.
Kuiilicul ph)niciiuiH claim that girlit
whupruclice ut the piano u gieat many
bourd daily w ill Kooner or la'cr fall vie
(inii to uervoun proxlratiou. Toil in te
aHHiiriiiK i UAH to llm lou Huiririiu
According lo a hiiiti'ininit of Mhort tV
liohiu lH o( llm Myrllo I'oinl Duterpi ine,
there ia a stockman near that town who
in a gciii'i". Iihi niuiioer in Ily tium be
lied bie kck in l.o heito Ihe Ulln t,( bin
cuttle and the unimaln learned to cruel;
tlieiu like cxpeilH, and iIhim near Ibe
llien away. When u hunch ol caltlegot
together Ihi popping noun led I i Uu II
Fourth of duly flrociuikt-i celebration,
Thin remedy i i ivrmunit nd id to all
- -The
Oregon I lair Ionic
tY'ill grow hair on bald heads, deutroy
dandrufl and atop Ihe hair from falling
out. It ia recommended by leading
physiciaue. I have tiled numerous hair
tonics but thin ia the only one that
brought tatinfactory ronulle. It, A,
fttowell, sgent, Winebenler, Ore, i
2ll. '
I). K. Slinmbrook (Iraphlcally Do
scribes Soino IjigngemeitU with
the I -illplnnM.
M inii a, I', I., March Hi, !!)!.
I'.inioit ri.,iMii.'Ai.Kn: An it tuia beun
h iiih' i mi" hliicu I wrolo yon last, I
tlmimht pcihiipn it low linen In rc.ird to
the Oh'imii li'tjlumnl wont I lui of Inter-
,.ri to win and your ninny re.tih'tc
I'lm tiicnoim iiflcr hiiviu( iloim mivcii
, ,ni,s iirovuHl c.imhI duly, vmhii on llm
l(,f Mmch relieved mid phued In
tt ,.,t w.m Known im llm llyii hrlnde
in di t I'ommaiid of I i ui. Wlmatnu. I he
b vu eu vei y glad to be relieved Ihjiii
I i cvofl uu aid . Tlmh- iliiliiM weie uhoul
lb" name in the police duty iu I'orllaml
or m y i ( our largo cllien. tieu. Mnghcs
withgicil lel.ictiiiicii allonnl IB t be
iclievid mid ci.nipliiiiciiU'd the Oiegonu
vi i v 1 1 1 ; : 1 1 1 y for I'. eir pant work. tlen.
Itili'.hin in ptnvo uiarnhiil geneinl bin
Hi'lcd in I he enp.i.'ily ol iiiiivnr, chief el
police, in f ict, bus bad the t til i i o mail
Mgeuii'iit i ( Ihe cily ultair.', ami ha ptov
eti binu't'lf lo be a mull nbove rt proiicb.
1 1 en , Whc'il on'n command w nn rone
p . d of nix coui iinics i Ihe Oregnll,
i-.gbt compiiiiie.i id the Wic hiiigbiiin,
llm twculletb nnd Iwenly-necolid regil
,iiih, one rrrlii n id llm Sixth Artillery,
four Imopn id ibe l onilb ('avalrj nil
told, ml, uid foiicn lour tbounaiiil , two
hundred, besilm beiu mppoiled by
the liver -it ii b cile, l.muini do Hay uud
I'. !'. i ir.inl.
Alii i lein iciieved on the I lib, we
broke camp on the afteriin ni of llm I -lb inaiilied in a r-oii'berly ditcctioii
aSoiil six milcH, wbern we went into
ciiuip (! the night. An h.ioii an the web
foolei i began Iheir biateli ihe ciintomiu y
Orag hi mint began to (all, and il wan ro
lil uk .'d Ihrotinb. ait the enliio leiiueut
that nil that wan lo produce
ruin WitH hi tdarl out ibe Oicni. We
ale our lltllo bnid lack mid ci in bee(.
We weie oidi ml to tlccp with every
thing on and be iu i '.eliiicnu to be called
out on n iiioiueii''i notice. Nothing
hoacv.-r, of I, inc. i bappciie I during
the iillht, i vept an i ec.iionnl rdn t by
the "-eiilrien.
At '.' . I mi the uinl ning id March l.i,
reveille wan rounded and by I ,:M tl
woblnoleia weie well under w.'V lowardn
Ihe b lUh lii-l I mid W'ie pbi 'ed in the
foilowing portilion; The Wa-diingninn
(HI the lull, I beg .mn in ceutei, i I icgu
lar.s on liie light nipi'Oilcd by llm aitil
Alter aiMiui I w b mi .' he. y firing the
order w ,im .ven I ch.u :e
Willi a I vi
rilic ye!l Ibev III ele ll datli rijhl Into the
enemy 'a ntiongl.old. Strange in it may
nuem but lew i! ll.n Ani' liciliM weie bit.
O'llte a litiiiibel ( the enemy wero
killed mid captured.
I'lio nilit ol li e l l:li we ringed on our
units up tlm iivei Iu Ihe ein iny'a conn
trf, about trt'i ii iiec from the ci'y id
fan.;, an ninirg'uit nlroiigliold o( twenty
thouraii i population, where the enemy
were iliongly inlrenrbed.
i 'ii Ihe morning ol tl.u I I li Ibe ll lug
brigade usuiiucd the dclemdve uud be
gan tic Imiiitj irdiiient ol the city by the
l ib mliliery asninted by Ibe I nl fit ry uud
guub.aN. Mm enemy ill.i.d a very
Mnhhu'ii n eiiitance. Tun i lea thin
j il.iy mi our f l ie weie very hgbl, owing
lo Ibe long rangn in which our troops
weio idiouting. Tao I. ova iu Ilia :".'ud
reuU'S weie killed uud three wounded,
oii.'olC i. 1', Second Oirgun, wounded.
i 'a i m uinriiiug ol the 1 , 1 1 . jnft an we
were leaving I lie company lo renume our
march, Mm iu-urgi nU ma in an attack
upon ii1, molding in lln-ir leaden u if-eln
lik rain. Alter on hall bourn heavy
firing thn enemy weie icpulned. This
prolonged our nl.iy etitil the next morn
ing, the Iti'h, wlm:. 1-1 and 1 ul the Die
gon, wi iaord-ied acronn the river l'anlg
to think ihe enemy on the left, II, I1, M
and I. weie held iu n nerve, Ihe Twenti
eth I t'litilura the center, WnnbitigtoilS nil
the i ight Hank. Alter about four home
heavy lii ing one battalion of the -Ot li
moved acrosa the river uuder cover ol
the artillery lire. They met with nnlub
born renintai ce mid fought their way in
by iiicbcH us only American soldiers can
do, w bile the 1'Olh were buidly engaged
in the center. Tbu Orcgoiis weie not
idle ou the lell Hank, but here met with
a tlubboru iceinlauce alno, but held them
iu cluck and finally routed (hem. The
Wellingtons on the right loet no time
but advanced ubuiit live miles on the
right, cutting oil' their, capturing
three hundred an I neveuly-tlve prinou
em. Tim cunuaiiliea iu thin engagement
weie - killed and o wounded on our aide,
while Ihe luKiirgeiiln bint heavily, prob
ably 100 killed. An many of their
hodicH were recti lloatiug down the l'umg
rivel and en tlm trenches.
17th, St. Patrick's day The -Ulh were
relieved by Ibe I'Jud uud moved back lo
tow u lo relieve the Miuiienotnn.
On tbu ISth all troops runted on their
arms except one company ol tbu I'L'ud
regulars, w in wtne sin rounded by the
insurgents while icconiioilering and
were feat fully cut up, I), eir captain being
wounded iu the thigh, o privates killed
and 17 wounded, and hud it nut been for
the timely iihninluncu ol Co. It, 'ud Ore.,
not a man would have escape i lo tell Ibe
On tbu morning id tho UnU, tho Hying
brigude prepared lo strike u decisive
blow and drive llm InaurgentH back into
the mountains Tlm whole brigade ad
vruccd in tho following order ; Wanh-
ingtoiis on I ho led, On gons iu (Im center
mid L'L'nd regiiliiii) on the light. After
lepcati'd cburgi'H through bmnboij thick
els uinl ovur luuiehee, they drove the
enemy lo Ihe cxtremo end ol J.nko Lit
Owing lo tiie cxtreiu i beat uud rough
iicsaoflhtt country, Ihe I'-'nd l'.egulurs
be.'iiu uniiccl jmtitcd were unahlii to llanK
llm enemy on the light. Thin allowed
them uu uveiiiin of i ncapa mid they were
not rlo v In Hun iheir opportunity end es
caped. I lad llm program beuu curried
out us pi tuned by (imi. Wheatou, the
enliio iiiHiiigniil loi cm would have been
captured or killed, llul uveiylhiug con
nidined Hiim campaign of eight duys, bus
bi.'i'ii u iuomI In illiant kucccHM. Not only
did I ho Hying biigade nd tbu country of
the iuniirgeula, but Ihcy lull a wuke ol
di'Hlniiiiou iu tlmir path. Iu Iheir
mm ch ihruugb Ibe most firlilo valley of
f. ion they horned the homes mid de
stroyed thn yilhigiri, leaving u lmg)
area uf country iiniiiliahilnhle.
'Ihe ia una 1 1 lies dining our right duyn
lighting; Oregon regimrnt, killed aud
aeveii wounded; Tw nnlv'-seeoud regulars
six killed and i.'- w.tu'uded: Twonlielh
... . ,,f . ... .. 't, t asning-1
tons, 7 wonniieo" eonservaliye e'tikibj Wnj remain.
tualo ul the onnmy's los In, killed lli.O,
wounded 40t, prlnuners ltJOO, Thus ends
onitollbe inonl itednlve cmnpalgiin ol
llm Aiiiorlciiii-Killpliin war, The Ore
gonn, tool :oio iiiiil wemy, mn now in
camp on the l.uimlla, whine Irom our
lent we can see out upon the iccim nl
Aduiial I'awey'e iniuiovablii victory, al
so Hut biittleshtp Oregon, The Oregnu
regiment Is iiwaitlug otderi to movo
upon MhIoIo.i, a city of 10, 1)00 pnpln
w heiu Ilia niiiimy have cnncmiln.ti d
tlmir entire strength, milking It their
iiulloiiid capital uud baitu of niippllrit,
l'hit ia Aguiiialdo's lieiidipi.ii bira mid
thu nuppuaitlnii In ilia1, when M iluloi
fulls tbu bsi kbuim of the reb dlioii w ill
bo broken, and peiiuipH Ihcn Aguiiuildo
aild Ills (lllA'idl f l!lo'i'i, W'ili HI'll
thocrroi i f llmir wiiyii, ami will be will
lug lo c i. uu under tlm protecting arm of
l' uric Sain.
lien. Wbeaton Hi lda tlm i . lliat
the OregniiH and Wiinblugtoiin c mid yo
through thicker bniih, light hn-di'i' uud
walk fnillier In it d.iy than any nol lieiu
be ever euw. lien. Wheato'i is uiidou'i!
elly a hrilluiit cumpaigiu r, a brave
soldier nnd above nil, bun a high ri guid
lor his men, aud lemnikt'd In bin men
dining Ibe tight, not to iipme mninuiil
(Ion Hull ll wnn chenper llinii men.
In coin hem. i I w ill say that Ibe O.u
gou region tit ii tnj ning vety j.oid
beulili, enpeclully C i H, hating only men hlighily iiidnipo.-n il ,
l.ulei : We linvii j lH leeelveil news
Hint Agiltualdo i-l willing lo inln ..'iider.
If nucli in llm rime we will imm I n on
our w ny bo'iie.
). K. fu innin'MK.
runner P.iguc on the W'cuthcr and
Crop I'rospecl.n,
Ioiiii vmi, May I Sii ia led on Inn
Const ai d C.t-cid.i i augi n on 1 bun day
and I' 1 1 l.i , ex'cudiiig acll doAuinlhe
(n.ilbllln. II nl leil oil I'bnind.iy .lid
Sniidiv I,, iii.i iv t'tilmnn. 1 1." lolid
pleci l ull i i I t the weil, laug-d In ill
1.0.1 to I i inches. Iu li riiic e iin
there b.ii he o ui loilch i .iiilal duiilig
n veil it.i iu pi it an li l'in lit wliir.
lint Ihe Irt 'i'lei cy "I t ii- mill, ri'pl ciillly
during tlii lie n.u of Apnl, la wry
I'll'! Illi. Ill 1 1' 10 I' . r .1 ' 1 1 1 e uveiagn I hi h'l
IhewiH'k, which li ! A ut thin ll Ihe
preceding week, m d 7 lower I n ihe
coi lenpondilig week I li t yc::r. Ihel. in
peratnro f ir the well avei.ied '.' a d i)
b.liwlhe norma!, an I mii Mm. 1 1 lit
ban averaged li ii d iy below
I be ninximiim temperature. r irgi d
from H to il I, and llm minimum It -mi
lo II. 1 lottn o.rnrrrd on Tourf I tv tin l
and I ri lav iiioiitiugx.
The weather w.n uidavoral le In. faun
Welk and h'r groAth. I'.xcepl In lb"
luont faVoicd ('clnoi", pi ining uinl t-cid-ing
woe htiipei.ded, mid n n h wink in
l.ow Bitvcral wicks l i'u in ccupb-ti n.
Spi ing Heediii,! c tiinot now be comp'.i led
before May I t. Kail and winter Hiwn
gia ii have good color nnd, w bile Ibev mo
not making upwurd growth, Ibev are
stooling much better than unilal , the
thick Htonling wdl make g'cd n'and
later, and with lavoia'de glowing weath
er a large nop will result.
Lilly mowu Hpiing giaiu is also a'.oolii.g
much belter (b in uminl. ('lit . m ibe
weather toon becomes favoi.ibbt lor
the ucrengti i f npiittg grain w ill be m.iti r
ially icdiict d. I ti ii pbintiug t -mlinrcn
in tlm southern counties, t i.irdi u mak
ing ban been inleirupte I, I it' gioil id in
many platen being yet too eel I to plant
I'ruil bloom in dropping, t he lioi-tf
liaye tl one no damage, but il in thought
that the cold rains have prevented polli
nation to some extent, and Hint, in this'' fruil has bri u injured. If in
jury has ecciined, it will Hot be obierved
for several wccl.s. Apple and ipiince
lices me coming into bloom. If pleas
ant weather occurs within a few days,
llm fruit bloom will yet be dale, except,
of coume, iu Hume sections wheie injury
bus uliendy occurred. It is not thought,
however, that any mateiul tlamiigo ban
thus f 4r been done o tlm fruit crop,
(irana is making slow growth; Iu fuel, nil
vegetation Is slow iu dovclupriiiciit.
Stock is becoming sleek nnd (at. 1 be
young lambs are growing.
Hops aie doing very well , some cones
poudt'lllH leport that wheiu the hills
were missing, last year there in giowth
this year. I. Ice on slung, healthy vines
A lew days id bright, win in weather
will ebiingi) fin rout growth coudilioiiH
ami mote rapid development will set in.
W hile condition ma dinjoiiraging, t.o
damage has yet been done that cannot
bo quickly overcome by more hi unoiuiblo
While the coiidiliona throughout the
state ai o nol un good un they imunlly tire
at thin reason of tlm year, they me not
bail or Hereditarily tliscouiaging. Ihe
season is lute, hut warmer weather mid
more HUmbiim will soon prevail, mid
thuil lapid grow Hi uud tleve'opl'Hii'lit
will set iu.
Showery weather.
I I. T. Woutlrull' un I w lie vinitrd llone
bnig Friday.
Im ilaiice ut lb C. Cliurchill'ri 1'rid iy
. ibt was well iiltctnled.
I M wry Day wan ohsnrvci ved by llm
Cleveland public school.
H. V. Vandyke of Colen N'ulb y wan
seen on our nlroitts Prlday,
I. most Crunii and Virgil Woolrull'
biivn returned t i Cleveland.
i'.J Tbumpno i of Cole i Vul'ey was do
ing business lino last week.
llnoi Cuiri and Churloi Couichlll i f
Mclroao were i n our streets Si!unl.i .
Some ol our cili.eiie nllended llm show
given u1 Coles Valley h.iturd.iy night.
Kjiu Sineml bin .pnil currying the mail
between llosohurgau l Millwood.
Kev. .1. II. Skiliuoie of Oakland
piiMimd Ibroiigli here Muturdny livening,
I tick llayims id K lo.ibiw er w as pi cs
nut at Ilia dance given ul ,1. W. IIhII'h
Sat unlay night.
Sherman Purlin, ol l i unch Selllemniit
pitfHi'd Hirniigli here Saluirtiiy on bis
way homo bom Coles Valley,
A lieu Martin uud sun Sam Invo just
completed a contract. o( making pickets
lor K. T, Woo huff.
Ilurinuu ii nd lliwiii'd Wilson ami
Chiis. I'lercit expects lo allend Ihe box
siijiprr on lue Calapnola next tiatuiday,
1, ,.,, w 0war. will
WW at lie Helm.
When Nlektirsn once bcRlnn Iu n fiuiilll
Hie liimblun multiply no fun! Unit lliry nrrin
to mine in nvcrwlirltnliiif wnvrn. No won.
iler If H.iittrllitirn one of botli of Hie parents
given mil timler the strain and petliapi
sume kind nrlrililmr or one of the youngcl
mi uOm-m of the Imiiicliold Inn (o nelc I lie
helui aiel keep Ibe little family ship off
Ule lockH of artiml tllitreni. The pour nick
fatliei or luollicr Hilnkn " It, if 1 c8u1l only
gd tin my leel and bo nt work flow differ
ent il would be ! "
Day niter day Ilie uiling utie ntlugKlc to
I i tiip'-iiiu lo tin- iBinniy llmt waiglin 111 in
ot lu i ilow ni Imping ngalunl Uope Hint Hie
next tt.ty w ill le n neltur one The doator
it scut lor He given nil the " rcgiituHnil "
nleientyprtl remedies but they piovr ol no
avail. 1 lien Inllow more ilayn uinl wrckn
tieihapn weal iiioiiIIih of will ting and hop
liiK l"i the lentmiitlon Unit 'lorn not come;
while eVcly heart in lille.l with the fotr.
boiling tpiriiiimr " What will be the end !"
A man tlocui'l in llie mailt r
w ith blifl; he Iccln all the ittcnrlb imtl i n
rrav ooinu out of htm; lie cm I lie
can't rut: he rixtt'l nleen; lie cau'l even
think t it ally. He lost it liriiilptld emituKr
mul; jurllv maul lie fcrlt batllv ill
lui limr.i I lie doetoin rait it roiimiuiplioii
ami pn eiibr lung specifies. Hut what Hie
iinin ttreti i'i n nititlit ine to go deep down
into Ihe liiiind.ttioiit nl the 1 1 until r; clear
the piii'im mil tf bit blood: wnkr up lui
live., pmifv, icvil.ili.e mid Imihl iii liit
tiyitriu lium the foundation nlone He
lit eili I'i l it n u n liiililt n Mcdleal liincov
tivwhnli li.ii cuir-tl imuuiirrut'le can ol
ohtiiii.iu- Im i eiiiiiplitiiit which the diKtoin
tHiiniiNM-il .i. Imp. I eti eoiiKitmptlmi
Ihe wmk ol lliii ni.inlerfiil ' Tiiirovn y "
liegiu. at Ihe vt iy corner nlone nl lift- in
the t'nii.u Ii nutritive frtruui-mi It
glvt -. llpplllO'. nmii iilliut nt. Hill hluiltl,
htallliv I'll lb sli A cruiali ' 1 1 V a
"vuiptein lie it- .ut- ether llitinti Unit make
Hie ciikIi. Hit v limit be gut titl of lu-.t. llie
ci.iikIi in. iv Iu llie let thing lo go aw .iv-
I'uts In. pun, t l.iim o t lire ceil' limp
linn ' ipu In n I- n I ninth iiignmy ,.
nl r.-e i . . it. T.iUe a In point. Ifrrr
in a in. ui on vvoin.iui with a hacking rough,
a In t in-, uiglil nwrala, great riiuici.t
lion m wailing ul llt-ili, npiltiiiK 'f bluoil,
ihoi tut n , ul lnt-iitli ami nil (lie utlit-r nviiip
tuiii'i Afl'-i cvtiv it nirtlv ami eveiy lutnl
phyiieiim h i-. Mill il, he, an a hut n-ioit.
l.ikt-t "tiulihn Medical In.cuvtrv" antl
the t utn;li vanillic, the clicrk net bat k id
n.ttiital culur. U-t p ht-ctuia ituimtl anil r
lirliing, Hit- epitniiK ol blootl tups llnli
ittnl iniiiclt 1 brt-oiiie titm, weight iuctr,iMi,
.mil lite yirn illullu ill tpilet Slltl coinrmt
to tin- lull limit ul the thrre icoit- ran
ami leu
Put may be it uuiti't ctuiitimptiou afti-t
ul I Mav be it wa-tl't Yen I utv.i-.
n unt tiling 111 il w a . .iiI.k king the very cit
adel ul hie, an! il iv.t-. iniiu Unng Hint n ti
t ' u 1 1' 1 1 by Hit- u i- uf )r Piricc'i I'.oldni 1 i.m'in ei v Ami In. Pit-ice in cm
tug mu ll " irotnclliiugi " right nlotig witli a
it t ool I, I iiver a tiniflcr of a iiiilliou rate,
uinl not moir iliuti ihtce per itiil. of
Hue tact, ut Ir.iM. in well ilablulitil
Thai tiie "t'.olilrn Mcillcitl Disrovny"
tlot-i cure weak lungi, bleeding Until lungi, . lingctniK cuiigh. laiyngilii.
biunelntiH, ilibtaie, mul kinibrtl
aili-ftiiiii of Hie uir paia.igr. th it'll, if
tit-Kli t It-tl ur b.nlly trruted, Iratl up to t oil
Miinpti'iii. cm in. lunger Ik- doubted iu
irwuf Ihe many t1ioua!idi of well rstali
linlieil i met uf .uch ia.irn reported by Hip
limit tiinlwoithy ritireun. Many of tiirnc
fait have bcni pinniiiiiii ed eoiinuiuiitiPii
and iiiiiiial'le bv the bet local pnysj
claim before the hultcietn cuintllf nerd the
use of I'i. I'lt-ice'n l.oldeii Medical Pin.
Mute than half a mlHimi tuplrt of fi.
l'lt-ice'N Ciniiuion Seme Medical Atlviit-r
writ- lold at ii.ft each, but a lite paper
Innmd tdittun i-t now i-ismil tf which a
iupy w ill he 'elit ahHolulrlv without t ll.tltfi
f.u llit- bait- cult of mulhua ji one-rent
M.llllpt. I'llrsr Hlimild be i.rlit In Win hi
I'lptn- .ity Medical A-.K.I latum, llull.ilo.
N. X, Hut copy only H ) - t-u( to one
l.imi'v ' ll a hiatal ilutli htumd toiy m
pit (t ired ten M.itupi exlia slionhl be ncnt.
l'.inplen, cruptioiiH, encnty luitidn and
feet lire cured by lludynn. 'l drug
giit.', .'ill cent. .
l'.y n u'ua1 toi.n-nt the parlucthbip
lieieb f. le rxixling bet ween T. Alex
ander and- P.. W. Strong under Ihe
stjle nnd name of Alexander Strung,
in Ibin, the l.'lhd.iy ol April dinnolvetl.
H, W. Strong ( . illuming Ihe buciness
and collecting all dubls due said firm
and iiiHiiiciug till liabillics.
Signed, T. A. Ai.u.tM.i.ii,
H. W. Sun.'....
Wanted: Agents for Monarch Hook
Company. N. A. Hit u mii.
Pilhird, Ore.
Snmkii ilu' "Artie," the bcM lie
cigar of llie year, krone A Sliaiubrook,
nolo ilgeuln.
A i.ra captain
nuy it a v igale
Ins nlnp n.ift-ly
ll'l.lll t ll c
ocriin, but when
be comes into
it t " ... .
"ilvO liaveap
JtkiA known
,n'' ,i,ii;. -ui.
nlot who
nil Hie
'Out tbllicultifn mid
il.iimern of
psitieiihir cliimiiel. In the voyage of life
llieie aie ninny peiilonn places where we
lireil the help of n pilot who ban a UloioilRll
know h due of the sneeiul tlilliciiltirn and
ihmgi'i s to be avoided.
Iu those delicate phvhicul wcukucusea and
tliii-a .en pi-ciili.u to woiiieu a krutral piue
litioiiei in oiibtini y tloelor ban no oppoilim
ity In become IhoroliKhly proliciriil, Still
lei to he tiiiitt'tl in Hie advice of any mere
nurse or unscientific pfisoii.
Dnlv a npt cialist w ho has given it life ol
ntiuly to thin p.tiliciilur lirltl of practice, in
competent tolieat the dine uses of woman's
bill ii . He ami complicatrtl oigiiiiiniii.
Any woman .uitli-rinir Irom thene delicate
lioiihlen niny obtain the niotit eiiiitieut pio
feniointl adviee fiee of cliurge by writing
to llr. U V 1'ieice, chit f coniultiiig phvsi
cinn ol the liivaliibi1 Hotel nnd Singical In
nlilute, of Hull, do, N. Y. Dining tienilv io
yearn' at Hie bead of bin niileiuliil ut u If uf
Miecialists, he lian nucet-nsfully trealetl many
thousands of cases of obstinate feminine
Hi t " I'avi.i ile l'ii-.ciipliou " wan devised
for llie Hole puipi of t illing tlm discuses
uud w I'ukiicssen of the Itiumine tugiiim.
No other luetticliie linn been bo mill velotiHly
niiccrnsriil iu thin pioticiilar liehl nl' piae
lice. No i.IIiit metliciim no cuiiiplttclv
ovcicimiea nil the il .ngeis and neatly nil
Hie pains of iiiothc ihooil.
" tl ri Willi pic itstiii: 1 ii'eiii.iit..'inl llr. Pierer'n
P. i vu i lie I '. eii i i pi iuii ti. s.illf i iitr luihri," wi ttrii
Mis. I lii iii-.i.ii, l,,ii J.i, Ii.iikIiis Million, h.-l
LnU to, AI ii n il, ,1 ,n "Alirr loituld
t.o tons think i,il I I.miikI nl.ti uinl eiiiMa
In. I'lt-iie's l .ivuiiie Pirsciipliiiii."
The uie, ili ut book for women ever pub
lished is Hi. Plctee'n Hioiisimd page illus
ti.ited "I'oiiiiuou Seiine Metlieal Atlviner,"
ncnt lit e iii p.ipt r euvt is lor net of inaillng
only, im one-cent nlaiupn; clolh bniiml ji
sttiups. Addrran llr, I'leics an ithuve,
Assignee's I'iiKil Notice.
N ul ire ill he.eliy n I v on Hull llie ui!ilcrMi:iit'i II. II. .lulu. tun, .in
lllM.lttll.t ilehlui, Iiiih lil. il his llll.ll lll'l iiunl ss
Hell .. Willi I lie lulllll t I'l.'l'k of lliilinlns
Ciiiiiity, tl.eunii, uud Hint mill llmil iiceuiiul
will Im heuul tin. I ptissed iiiiiiii nl the June
fun ol Ihe ( in 'lilt Cum I nl 11. e hlnl" nl Oieauli
iKiUHin" i tunny, in lie l.i'l.l Im-hIBsUJ 'J'lf '"'
" ml Miiiun.y ui .nine. n-'f.
11. A HKlllllltkll
I i l V V . ll ift rt S f
. h . r vv s s
t-Mljri 'l JsSJBSw.
fi'. i
( L
u-"ij:Ui h ui SjA
tX' Squirrel und
y Gopher Poison
ii'ii'ti.'..i WI....H -..:..;'? )';' o.;- "i,;,- Vr-;-. iW&
he I'.'M illi.l IMiei.neH ll .,.,, fXi.' V'.jf-; - v,r..'M , . , .. fc- tvlfv
...! I tert-l (ur the. lest, lie . i-'c--,'..-'' V-1'..'':'. .'.- ) e i,t
ul tin .- .iielinrti; and , .- fU' Ct.Wv't f -'iWiJ4tf.';lt.;-.i-. : ..V-Wt
ltd. el. lU'ils. y ,' ';p.l'f,
nr . . w
jj. ROSEBURCi UHtrUUlN. tj
rv;s N s s sn s n s s S..''S3
Ous Spring;
. .....
... 1.1 V 1 -
i:cr.i;ti.tii hood vai.i ks1
In I. in lies Sibii t Whist;', W'i,i.iein
uinl Skills which urn n font lire of our
tdTi'l inn Itulliy.
This lid will certainly iippi'itl to
th'JMi w Im tnty niily vvl i ri limy nro
eel lain llmt ijuulily in very lii;,'li utnl
prim low.
I!ul tlmy will also nit i net lliom
wlm like tdylinh '(titi'U too.
l'hrm mo I'M'i'ptii.iiiilly btj
pin liculiirly well 1 1 1 ut 1 1. I't.iil.IiiT Im
better if' Iu jour nriltT (lint
ctmliiitf dtitil.ln thn iiioitty .
1 b.ii't uii-..t bin chltlice.
l'.k viant of Spiinj; styles in Hals and Millinery.
An immense stuck ami strictly itp-to-tlutc. I'rices to
suit any pockctljuuk. Call ami be cunviiui'd at
(Siii.'ei'hhor to AlexutiiW A Stronj;.)
Has a cum pic tc lino of I'urnitute as cheap as 2nd
hand jjoods cau he houjht and you run no risk of
lied UuKs.
W'Al.I. I'ATl'R in a large variety of styles.
in Litest Patterns aud at prices as low as in Portland
or San l'raneisco.
You can lind in my Store all goods kept in a first
class Furniture Stoic also can Repair anythiug in
Furniture line that is resparable or cover any
I.ounj.'cs or Couches that need Repairiug and Satis
faction gau ran teed.
Xo trouble to show goods,
v w w v wv ywvw
IsiicccMor in tt.
General Blacksmithing
Hliui uii C'urucr Vanliluittuii hiiI Kuhc NIm., ItuHc-burit.
SDiWeekly Inter Ocean
Always American-
Every Column is Hriltl, Clean and Packed v.iih News I
The Literature ol Im column In
equal to that of the he -t nitnui'
zincs. It is itift't ;.. '.'.,' to the
chlhlren sis w ell .'.. ' pat ents.
THE IN'I'HR OCI'AN !.. a Wl !:' I ii'-'.N ,v Vi'l'AI 'fili, an- vw.ik it
brings Iii Hit- family TUT. l-lli'w'S ti I !. Wt'ldl) .-i-.t jivri ib.
read 1 i the Uil i.nd al lt t di . 11 .i-. n . t ( .'II i4i . ".-.-i f tin' t'.-y, il it lit
full lympMhy witlt tiie idras ,-.iul ,mi'i .-.lii a , ' V -t. hi ; !. .'m1 di:,f ti -v
literature And pulitici from l!ir rn btaitdroi-.t. ..
$1.00- PRICE ON: :i:Oi..I,AR 1'lrU YiiAR -U.W -
i -s
THE DAILV NI) H'KbriY 11)11
ARE lilt ll SI t VI K
Hilt of bally bv mall
S) I'll, . t,l .c.oiultfv liv itiittl
IIm.Iv utiJ bunv bv tuuil
, -- ---
id Gopher
f t . a .'- szv 2?i.:c . f s si
Is now complete in every depart
ment nml i cordial invitation is ex
tended to ull.
I'lin warm went her will luitiga ilu
niiiti'l fur lihtfi' SlineH. Wo have
ntiticipiitctl lhi mul lire prepared
with ii full line ul Ladies' aud Mi uses
. Oxfords and liitco ISlnm in Hlack,
Tun, Clituiii" uud all the tieweht
hhiiilee mid Htyles. Sies are eoin
ploto auil every kind of U' repre
tmiitml. All are uf exeolliMit ijualily.
No In'ller Hindi'. There are .Shoes
which rust tnuin tnuliey, hut Initio
which will c;ivo greater Mitisfuclion.
... I!. VV. STRONG.
v. NOAil.)
Always Republican
10H5 01 IHf IMIH t (UN
Mill IfJ ut V .
tw. 1 TI
KKWtl If; I XtUt' tiVb; ;U
J I lit. per fin' t rj;V rj
l.i r.i.rr ii-iti' a ili.'fcSy
Si.i l.O . .1 -.t-Jt' e
- . .
I. It 'I UK
Ami Llliiliml
structlun l
Druggists, 4
Rosebury Bakery.
Hurrah 1 Hurrah '. tin- bread tlocH rim
And nicely luiide urn our minor pie.
No miiiiMifit; ii"W, for tin- irice in lo,
Iti-ido ho ovi-n llie pans do an.
So w ben tho j .r k and lieum- nrc .I..110
'nuii-ailen nnd patmn- have mim: fun !
Hot t ake" and pi-a-milH e now m-
And all that 1 .11 v . tlmir sh eel heart
live l,r. ad nnd Inaviw nf every kind;
llii'o Inii fur low price you'll lind,
Maeb loaf ii .mid weijihi ami pure
tVed by the u, nt ;iin inniils tloiuurit.
Iirt-t t your order t .lat kvui Street,
Dnch patron we are jrlad lo jjrei-t.
The Home Bakery
701 Oak- Street, Opposil
Central Hotel.
Fresh linked Bread Every Day
"Huston Raked Beans,"
a specially.
Mrs. A. C.
.-.ici-or lu Mi. Hie.luii.
Calls attention to her nice
fresh siock of
livery thing standard and f
of the best ijuality. Reuicui
ber al the old Hasten stand.
Notice Por Publication.
liuseliiiB. urcR.ui.April i, ly.'.'.
Nutiif if lieteby iilvt-u tl.ttt in eiiuiihiiuce
tiillilln- )riiMhitini ui llie u l til L'ouKre8 of
June I, li, enillliil "An ni t (or tin- sale ol
Ui.ilier lumli u tin .-Intt-i oi I'nliltirniii, DtVKon, mul VVitlun;:ion Territory," n extend
Ctl to all the pulilic ittinl atnten bv let of AiiKUkl
4, i.'.',
of ltiUUii'i. cmiuiy of Uouglm, male ol Oregon,
tia UiiMlny i.U-ifiit this uilit-e bin stxt.rn MAtc
nn i.t No. oT'.i, lor ll.e eitrclinie of tliu K ol
ifcliuii No. 11 in loivu-l.ip No. 'Aj . rnngoNu. 7
W, uinl ill oitt-r imnif lonhovv that liiv Inutl
inii-) 1 1 Ik iiioiii 1 ultinbli- for ila lluiber ur iloae
Hum for ni:rii iiHiiritl inirpoi-ii, mul to csUbllitt
Ins 1 lit 1 111 lo sulil laud bt fore I ho muster utl
receiver ul lliii oltit e nt Ktovbiim, Oregoll, oj"
Mitiinlny, tlio 10th tiny of June, Intnl. '
He uttiiun ui iiucfit'i: Oeorue W. Kltlille,
V. Nn. hulls, Ueunje tjtiiiic, licorge K. Kiiitllc,
of liMitlt-B , Hresoii.
Any nml nil jxtm'Iis chilinlus n.heivljr tho
nlHiM- tleii rilivif IhiiiU are retiehttl to nlu tliulr
claims lu 1 1111 ollite 011 01 livlore Mini Inili tlsy
of June, HJ',
Notice for Publication.
t'MIKU MA rfn I.IMi 1I IICK,
lliwliun.-. Oit'Kon, April Intnl.
Nulltc l liert'liy itiveii thai tliu fulioniuR
iiaiiictl selllt-r Iihs notice ot his inteutiou lit
uittko lliuil pn'of ill itiiUHit'l of Iun t-lgini, ami
thai Mihl )irool it ill be inuile l.t-fo:v (ho KeKiler
uinl UetciM i, L'. s. I Kil l Ollke, tit llo-vljurf,
Uivsoii, en May '.' a. Is-.m. 1:
011 11. K. So. n.v., for Ihe K' NK1 ., SH 1 . NK't,
SK'.Stt',,!!', Vi, T. f.. tl. 7 We.t. Ho
iiauit-it the liilliiwiuit a itut-vies lo .rove bU coll
liuiioiif reviili Dt e 111011 ami t iiltlvatiou ol nitl
Ittuil, i: t.rnlit l l.tytnu. I.ilunr Walker, Ka
liila l l.ijtou uinl K. B. Miiilh, ol Uillanl, Ore
sou. J. 1, BK11K. ts, , -
ulTIi'. lU'Ktsli r-fc
Notice for Publication.
I NITKIi M ATSS 1.AN1) Ol'Klt li,
Kowbiiiv, I'leimn, April IS, I1V.1.
Nnlit-e Is liereliy irlveii Hint tliu following
iuii. letl nelllei-hits lili il ntillto of liix iiiteution
to in.ike 11 mil proof In (iippurt of liln elaini, ami
lliat bai'l pttnif m 111 U- ntai.e U-ftiro tbe KcKbter
ami Kteeiv er, U.S. 1-aiut ottice at Koaebunr. Orv
Sun, ou (May V I. In;'.', i' :
r. o . . l, 1 a 1 1 it'.-s ,
foi'ineily I sti'lla Walker, 011 II. K. No. Tin, for
llie k'.. K.. Seu. I'.'. T. 21' ti.. R. 7 Weal. Hhu
liamea the inllow ing u itiiesM's In prove her con
Ituiiomi lealilniiee upon ami cultivation of aaitt
laiitl, tic UinriKoii H. Ailanm, Ktiar Walker.
KtiRtnie Ili ii, W. W . Walker, of Hilliiiil, Ore-
gun. J. f. UHllxiKS,
a 17 nl Kcgisiar
Notice For Publication,
I'mtki) Statki Land Oi ku k
Koscburg, Oregon, April a), 1SW,
Notiio 1 lieieby civeu Hint the folluwiiig
liniiit il netllei' bat Uletl uoliefi of liln liilcutloil
to itittki1 Dual nroof lu mipport ol hin claim, autl
Hint Mini pioof will e inaile lienue the KcRtattr
ami Keeciver, t'ulttil Males I. uinl llltk'O si
Koacbiiiv, Orenoii, oil .lime ll. lil'J, vU
m iniiAeK TtrruN.
on his II. K. NikTiU'l for the N ', NK ! S'o JO,
I p. '.v. 8., It. a ii't He tinmen Hit follow-.
1 11 kf'n to niove hia ciiiuliiiiuuf rw
nient'e upon ami cullivniioii 01 oaiil lautl, voi:
1 1 1 in 1 n 1 ' iiiiitm, oi 1.11,1c, Dick-ou, Allll M.
Coiiimis, of ilunuiin, uieguii, I rnnk Oniiteli autl
Nancy J. nlkcr, nl Onk I'rc. k, Oirnun.
A.i'tii J. T. II ill I'll KS,
Suecllllslt fnr M.e
a - -e
life liVl.-lni IiiV lst
UIILJ titMkU. . .....
tl It. ilmt-uu k'Uv
fMUlH-J liittlustl 11,.
i-lillitlcil, ft u I ll.aj kityt ax
Ulit) J I aii lira m lta U. 44
ho ry Tin urj
ITiifiirltui.ttu sii.u ol... A-..
Iixktjtl li..u il kil.. 1.x UL
tw 4111I i ml Usui-
(TAtutHcoir Venn. t -Atl. mK.
'ewu"vrLi4UJ not Hartf lur (MliaulUt.tse
I VX i !trM -1
1 m. tp
731 VAN MA.Mltli JKvttKU.