3LAIND The Pla.ridea.er RE A It A H LI! i Ai KELI AHl.t!, RIUU'IILICAM, Nn better flrld than Southern Orr Ron; nn better medium thmiiiili which to Advrrtl.c. Job Printing .J Mill! HliAll.H, l.l-ril:H .( J til Al).', I. II I. til AD J- i:NVI!.OPI:S, LIC. linttulrd nn alwrl nnllm at price consilient with good work, A 11 U PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. Vol.. XXX. ROSHHURtt, ORKCJON, THURSDAY, MAY ,j, i8gy. No. 35- pr---- T70 AFFAIRS AT WARDNER The federal f rooos Are on the Scene. RIOURS MVV GO LNPIMSHIO Local Courts Try l he and Juries Cannot ttloterx, so it Is Salt. Wakdnkk, Ma . May I.'. Slate Audit or Sinclair is hciuj meed by citizens lo Use ilH Hill UMUV i) p-COlring martial llW'US ItlOOIllv 1m I O ( 't' IllW-tlbidillg people in t lit Coeur ilo Wenes. Five masked men woo icon between Ward nor ami Kelh-gg last night lt no fiuth ir outrage has been reported. A com pany til colore I troops lias jurd erriyed Irani Spokane. Hundreds of people met thiMii at llid depot ucd were wilil with delight. AnvetH i'l ettikeia I nvo com menced. Wau.ai c, Ma., May - stieiiu Young ad County Attorney Samuels are both iu Wardner today, presumably confer iuj with State Auditor Sim-lair, tha goy eruor's representative, who i.rrivtd yes terday. Cnder-Shei tl' Scysler prnnuuni im Sat urday's outrage as unparalleled. Ti e destru. tio:i of properly was bad enough, although not surprieing to one aopiuint d with conditions hero. The holdneFs of the attack, however, is w ithout pre cedent, while tht) shooting of tin" men was utterly without excuse. Ilo further says that while punishment should ha uieted to (lie guilty parties, only the federal government cm ilo ho, as there is not man in Shoshone county qualified to tit as a juror in Hit) case. There is no talk or expectation of any action by the local authorities. SroKA.vB, May 2. Soveuty-flvo picked men of Co. al, Twenty-fourth Infantry, Captain Datchelor, left l-'ort Spokane for Wardner thia morning. Thev carrf 13 daya rati jus and 1,000 pounds of ammu nition. Many are veterans who fought at tan Juuu. The men expect no im mediate tiiihtiug but aro rea iy for any thing. Walla Walla, Wu , May 2. One troop of the Fourth cavalry, under the command of Lieut. Monroe, will leave this afternoon to proceed to the scene ol the Wardner riot. Mlgh-iTtnded Outrage. I.auguae is aimo.st iuado junto to ex press tha horrible conduct of the em ployes of the Hunker Hill and Sullivan mine, at Wardner, Idaho. Because this mob was unable to dictate terms which were unreasonable, to in employes, it destroys about oI'O.OlHJ worth ol their property, wi'h niant powder. Not only that, but the frenzied ininei i" also jeopar dized much human I id) in tho execution ol an act unworthy of thi-t u;e. It is scarcely cjnceivablu that al this perioJ o( enlii?htment au 1 toleration particularly in ll.u I'nitnl Staten a mob of white men would enao in such satanical work. What have they gained by it? 1 lie answer can be suuiuitd up ,u a few lines. They havo destroyed the avenue iu which they earned a livelihood: they have discourayed other mioeowuers in the camp from prosecuting work; they have throw n a largn number of inuotenl nieu out of employment, and have sub jected themselves to serve criminal prosecution. This act on tho part of men accredit ed with intelligence, committed in the heart ol civilization, startles tho world. Ex. LIrigadior- ieuerel Harrison (iiay Otie, lately In high command in the Philip pines, has arrived home in California, having voluntarily resigned. He will at once tesume the cditorship-in-thicf of the Los Angeles Tiiueif. 4i Spring Unlocks The Flowers To Taint tht Laughing Soil." And not even Nature would allow the flowers to grow and blossom to perfection without good soil. Now Nature and people are much alike; the former must have sunshine, latter must have pure blood in order to have perfect health. Hood's Sarsapurilla cures blood trou bles of all sorts. It is to the luiinun system what sunshine is to Nature the destroyer of dist-ahe germs. It ntvtr disappoint. Poor BlOOd-" The doctor halil there win- not Hi-veu drops ot uxi blood in iny body. Hood's Siirsiiiirillu luillt me up nml inadci me nl roni? ami wi ll." Si hif K, IIhown, li Afllor Jlill, I.J tin, .M.i-,!.. Oyepepala, etc.- "A lompiiiuiiou troubliD, rf t-nlu. liroiiii: luluirli uud IntlmniiiHtioii of the Ntoiniir-h, Tliciunallnm, ti-, n i lulu imi inlM-ralile. llitiluo api(-tlt until I took Jlooil h f-uru. nulla, wnieli ai teil likn mairle. I nm lliuroii.'hly rured." N. It. hiK.i.ity, 174 W. Hlh A v., lieiiver.t'ol. Rheumatlem "My hin.i,iimt was obllKi-U lo i.'ivt op work on ui i oiiiiI of rln u mallHiu, No rciot-'ty lieliil imlll he iiki'il llorxt'a FarHupuiillu. width periuaiieiitly cured til in. Jt in rail my iluuidiU'r of ca tarrh. 1 (.'Ivu It to thu ihlJilri'ii with K'i'xi retultt." Midi, J. H. Mi Math, Htaiiifonl, t I. 3 focdi S(VUal)ail(g U(m4' P)1U trurp llvt-r Hit, lh liou rrlUtlti mtA FILIPINO AULUONAIHnS. Cortex Brother In this Country $t,ooo.ooo During; the War. Lost l int Cord brothers, nilllioimiin Fili pinos, who i-liilui th(iv were robbed of 1,000,000 by tho Spuinnrdii at Manila, have neon in Washington, wheie t licy had siivernl conferences with President McKinlcy in regard to thu heal wny ol governing th unlives in thn l'hilipplni-9. Thoy hIfo Buiilit to havo their propn ly ri'Htoied to lliem, mid applied for Amer ican i iii.eiiHliip. They hay that, nfter duo inveHlitjatioii, Ihn prcpident decided thai their pfpetly uliould bo returned to theiii. They uio of tint opinion that an iudo pctnlei.t Knveriiiiioiit in I ho I'hilippincn would not endure, but lliev fiink thai the people) can leiiitiusted with local govornnieiit. While in Waaliintmi tliev e.ii);eitfd that 1'rciii.hiiit McKiuley ehmild take in to coiihiili-i ation cuiiditiuiiH an he found t lit' ut in the Philippine)!, and rrt'.yuio thj inlli'.i-nro i f Die property cbuH, win uiii j lliem over by doiiitf jilf-liie ,o t!i-ir cliiima to have their property teMorcd, If the pieciilent f dl.)w lliix HiifcUi'ttioi', fiey think the war will ni l iipoi'ilily. AlcKlnley to Uewcy. Wamiimiio.n, Mar 1 I'romdoiit .Mi- Kinley today, sent tho loilow nu lo Ad miral l'owey : '(In lira anniversary of your gie.it victory, I tie people of the li.iled S.ates uuito in an t xpressiou ol ttieir all'et lion anil gratitude to y.uiitel( mid the bravo ollkvrs hi. d men ol your fleet, whoso brilliant m coiiiplidhiiientH mark nn cpoi h iu hifctoty a'ld w i l live in tho u:iu:i!a of tho woil I'd heroic ileeilH. Stale News. For iiinv dwelliOKd or bin-ines I build ing under construction or to bo cun- etnicto I, tlntru i-i li oiu oxpeu lj d in Ba ker city, by cjiiservativ estiui.il about 100.000. V. II. Ilyairt, of Salem, b.if secured the couiiact for thu eurveying of town ships 3 .South, 11 West, aud o South, 7 West. Both tluiHo townships nro lo cated in Curry county. Owing to t'io locent suit decided against them tho Itill.im v colony, of Liucoln county, has broken up, and the association is no mure. Many of the members will return to their oi l homes io Dakota. Wells Fargo has established a iliiect expreia service between Coon I'.av and 1'ortlaud. This will be an advantage to the public who do not believe iu patron ixiug ho.no iiihtitutioua, as the express ra'o will ba only onu-third of w h.it it tire t J be. Murithheld Mail. No more letters unking thu governor to demand the recall of tho f-ecoiid l ire gon volunteers from .Manila havo U'cn received at the executive ollice at Sulem, hut many iiupiinea an b the probability of uncther call for volunlcers and offers to respond theret o are coming in. Thu prune crop in France is reported to have been injured eeriou-ly by front. There will bo u c jiupet itioit thityear iu tho Kisteru .narkuti with I '.it i ti c coast prueep. 1 tin Cahlornu crop will be large, bite rains having put the piuue orchards in perlert conditions us regards moisture. tleiit ial .lohn M. Bacon, who bus been in Vancouver on a four months' leave of absence, w ill be tetiicd at the expiration of his furlough. ( ienerul ilucou has de ci led to 'ccute pern.anently In Clark county, uud will devutu his time to rais ing prunes. He bus a line fruit farm, north of I'oi tUnd. KcndeiiU ut llaima uru stored up over the mysterious uiriappciiranet) oi I.afayetta 1'avorite, a well-to-do rancher, who, on April -, bade his young bride good-by and s'arto 1 for Haines to make a laud deal and attend the Old Fellows' lodge. Mr Favorite never reached Haines. It id feared he hai been foully deult with. At the meeting of tho I. aim t.'juiity Fruit (irowera' Aesoci itimi Saturday the rjtleHtion of enforcing the law in regard to fighting fruit pests were discussed. All present seemed to favor a strict en forcement of tho 1 iw iu regard lo the Kan Joo icale. A resolution was passed to this effect, and also prohibiting the sale ol wormy fruit. II, 11, Allen, arreittd for arou in con nection witli tho Urn at brunts l'ass, last week, in which (he Kulvation Array barracks aud Johnson s grocery were burned, was found gn'Uy by a jury io circuit court Friday, Tho cafe was a very strong one against the a:cliS"d aud it waa ably conducted by District At torney Watf.on for thu statr. It Is thought that the sentence will not be lees than tea years' imprisonment. I'nited States Senator (ieo, A. I'etti- grew, of (South Dakota, after investigat ing the pOfibilili"S and prospects of the Bohemia mining district, and the plans ol the Calapooiu-Bohemia (iuld Mining and Milling Company, has bscked his faith In both by tho purchase of a large block of Ibe treasury stock of the com pany. Bohemia Is fust becoming favor ably kuown in other paits of the world. It has been said that the day of mir acles was pub I. Not so with the stage line between hero and The Dulles. On Tuesday between the bridge and llake oven tiie co ich turned over w ith seven passengers aboard and no one was hurt. On Wednesday night following, between llay creek uud Willow creek the driver, umiblu iu lime to see that the bridge ucross it deep ruvino had been washed awav bv the swollen waters, drove into the remaining frame woik of the struc ture in such u way tbut the coach was supported on the stringers, the team fal ling through into the water eight feet bo low, throwing tha driver aud passengers out, nothing iclng liijuitptl but the har ness, I'rluovlllft lteyhiw. PEACC CONFERCNCf Oils Will Accept Nothing Surrender. But PROPOSALS ARt CONSIDI Rl I. Rebels ln.il.t Hint tin? Consent of the I lllpluoh Coiigrcis Must lie Ohlniiicd. Manila, Mav H, 0.0.) p, in.- Major Manuel Arguelczeim uud Lieutenant .lose Denial, of tho stall o( (iciieral Antouto Limn, lotiirned In m today to rn'o-w end prosH the icipieMi of tieneral Luna for u cesBiilion if bostiiitiee. They have found their held of lanor u n.o-t uncou gonial one. The t wo nlllc i i were io- ceived mid Hiliuilli d t i a conffrelice with Major- le no ml t i -. I'ho proposal.-i which they had to submit differed hut slightly fruin tin!' which lliev bit. light from tin l'l'opii o cominauilt r ill the liial place. Tncy desired il little time to Htitiiiuoii cougiciis, uinl cxpicecii lliem selves as I eing conllde.tt lliut coiite..s will ilecrep peace, becaute the people de sire It. They rcprcMMit I tint Aguinald is i ii- out power to niMciiilcr the mini mo ejiigresn must tlecide that iUenll il'. Ill cidi'iit.dlv the Fibpinori i utoys u'-n rted thai A.Miiu alio had not et unide a fair test of l.ii ilrengtli iwaiiit the . im i lean (on es, bte austi lint oiih third of his iirmy bad tict II avHeinbleil togt Iher. The ell Voya presented a letter from nior M o 1 1 ii i , piesiib-nt and minister of fjrc iiu ! atfaii .-i, iu I Im t ii'iinet 1 1 Agiiliialdo, mid w ho i the backbone of the t ilipino or ganization. The coiiiiiiiiiiicalioii ir per soual uinl iliuitlii iul, aii'l seconda M.ijor Argut'ler.eaN' arguiiieiitH. Thu truth ia, the tlit9eiii m nui jug tha leaders of the rebel is helpiu,; mi the di-torgaui.Ation ol thu Filipino r:nv al most us much as I'm Ainericiii niin paign. lucoiirauof a cinfernnce widi the Filipino envoys, lianeral Otis agreed with the stateineut oi Major Vrguelcr.re that the people of the I'i 1 1 i 1 1 h i n w tot ed peace, and h ad.lo I that rei'i tit) f r protection were urindj upon him Ir im all iurtt u( the couiitiy. Flovoys will see (ianeral Oin again to morrow. They will stop t might in Ma nila. They lunched with tieneral M ic Arthur at hi 4 head n lartcts on a tar of an armored train at Calumpit befoie go ing to Manila. Whotuer or not tieneral Luna is sincere in hi overtures, the lie gotiations are giving the ii suig"iita much iieede I tp;Mrltiiuty lo reorganize their demoralized forces. tieneral Law ton was engaged in hard fighting lailv this morning, bill l- lu graphie couiinuiiication whs cat at 0 u. in., and there have horn no lepoitl from Law ton since that lime. (iencral Hale Joins .Msccnbcbs. ticneriil I lale Blurted ut daybreak with tho Iowa and South Dakota i vh,i'iiclili'. A tiplad ol cavalry and two gum ol Ibe I ' tan battery, (rom I 'aluinpil, moved in a iioithoiisterly direction, to co-operate with Muecabebs. who havo aked A ri- cans to in .n them in or.h i that they night light Taglis. Tho Maecubebs liuve already orgaii.;d a company ol bolo men to gtlilld the town. They ure taking Tiiglls pii'ioiieia lo (ienerul Mac Arthur. Oregon Hoy Promoted. W.isiiiNtiiiis, .May l.-lu accordance with the r(. HMt ol the pioidinl lo choose, from each legicient in tliO I'hiiippine?, the one upial ilistiuguishe l for gnllaiitry f jr app ointment ut second lieuteniiiit'iii tho i ,'guUr army, Oeueiul Oliii has I jrwartle I n lint of such volun teers. Among the name-) il that of Uhees Jaiksju, a liiniteuaui nl the Sec ond Iregon. Uhees Jackson enlisted from Foit Klaiiittth Juno 1 ', 1S07. lie was dii charged uud re-enlisled ut I'oitland, where he wan comuilssiouetl us Ii mt lieutenat Co. F.I Of Interest to Stockmen. If. Mo Douald, i prominent stoik buyer of Eastern Oregon ssye be does not expect that prices for cattle will be much better than those ol last year, hut fully s gout). Thu tendency ol Montana buyers Is to keep (he price down but tho fact that last whiter was a hard one, many cattle pcilshing In dilforoiit paits ol the west from starv ation, will tend to keep prices up. The McDonald Bros, have coutiactud to furnish the Kiddle ltroi. at Island City 600 head ol cattle to bo delivered at F.lglo in May. The cattle will bo shipped to the Nebriitka market aud are one aud two-year-olds. In speaking ol the hog murket Mr. McDonald said that the poiccs so far for hogs to be delivered iu Elgin iu June wero 4 cents gross. One reason why the price docs not get any better is on account of the very fa vorable terms dealeis have been ublt to uiuke with the railroad companies, Formerly, if a hog buyer wished lo ship iu (rom the east, where the price for fal hogs is less lhau the pi ice paid Lu Ore gon, he would be compelled to ship one train luad Now il is diU'erent, a single car cuii be shipped ut Ihn siiiuii nil u us u (rain loud, A curious thing occurred whil.i Col. Bryan wus being Introduced lo hid Sche nectady, N, Y., audience the oilier night. Just us tho chairman of the meeting uneiled that there was always an abundant supply of torchhearois prosout when tW light of true democrat wight be tenii ly ohsuurod, s. lautrlo light Till! COI'PliR NlVliW HOUTI! Many Destitute Tllucra nro Coming Out, and n llipltnl lln llecit Orgnnl.eil. Wamiimiimn, May I. .Ailing Secre tary M 'lkli j liii has received a report from t ' 1 1 if iii ii Ah rciombiti, w ho Is emu miiniliiig the expedition InicwiioMt pg the Copper river route t i thn Yukon couiitiy. Thn ii'poit conica through t'lip'aln liobhins, ipiarlciiuiihtcr at Sratlle, win h i) s i be ol.r. Ino; messiigt was hniidi il him by the pin ii i i,( thu slit, on. t I'.xcel--tor, w lib h in rived vcslcrdiiy (mm Vul tic., Al isku . "My expedition do-i mbai ki d today, April ";l. A hospital wan orgauii-.ed lor the c. mi of the dent i tut o iiiIucim, who ure now coming nut of the interior by the route )o c mti niplate o ening S i fur il H the de dilute me c incerncil, tbe mo it in nifl', " A in. n 'ou 1. 1', Con una IP 1 1 of. SAN I UANCISCO SIIAkLN. Two I'.w llttimUcH Iluilng .i Driving Ualn. I I. iNt l.-t ii, Apui .;0.-- I no hlmt ks ol cuiili'i lakes utTii iliiiiu. ily leit In nil pails cl Hie fit v today, (tin fust think waa latiur in I Id , lor. I ho m nml , w li i h followi-d nn in diati ly uliiu wull, was of lunch giriUto i" len.t , It wai iiiiiitlWr ul lii ut i.tl i .iniui"i' ln.it i he shocks, w lilt h t ci c I. ui uO .ii 'J, lip. in., should haic o.i ui r, .I dm a p lining ram and wiln nil tiuu i i ihy I n li'iupt i.iUwo fur this u'mi-'iii. W inl,'. die hi colnl shock w as 1 1 Mpoi.t O'l for a -1 1 1 i .i I 1 1 ulit . par lici.l.uiy lo il, ..ni wli, u. ii' l.i.iiei lip ttian ttio .ii ii.. I II oi ul n.ji.s nr ti'hcr buil Iiuks, co In as kiioau no tlamiige has reMiUi d limn tim i ai liiipi.tvn beyond lllVlal Inulsi lilild ilf.it.U I , i, l.i'lhHBIO and 1 1. io. i 1 1 1 n niiotkv title Kfio i . Ibe co. st i j ii ti I : . i i-i tin- tenii. ui ,'in of tbe i lute, the itiraiiuiid t.e.i.g from not lliwcst to nun he.is: , li.u limi lastiiiK two si.oiitl.1 and the mi ui.l rlimUcou. liiiuin t u it' ti.u I mi s con. I.. I., some loCalitit,,-t tli.-t-otitiipiaKo m.iu m re p:u lioiinied t'liin lu i,ii 1 1 aiit isco. Al .val- IliLtS, lullll UtlllOSit'lll II lIll'S Ui'Cllll, i.lli It'll the Sbotk, mil W llliluW -ghlrSl s weic l iiki o. I ourtli Body Kccovercd. Thepaityloatwciittin.ai.il tur ihe remaiiiiiig vietiin ol l ie lii-l.it.d timber laud parly in Clals i,i cniiitv, returned to Seaside last Sunday uud it ported hav ing fun il '1 the htily of A . J . f luiili io ubuii'. u mile and a halt in the bat k trail (loin wheie llii lodlts id K.t.lir and I li'ikui inn w . i e I miii I. (.'ion'iit' was eviib'nlly the lirst i f tht) party to die, us hi-, Ii. nIv had bc"i. ilra'gsd iImWii Ihe ri le ul u hill lor i.tr 100 anla and ilatcd nihil r a o iu a sheltered place. The body wai 'tell pit-.ond. It was biniKht intij Seaside Moiiilay. Near wheie Cloutrie tlie I t'.e.e was evil nee that tint e other li en wcit'iit that lime ill g io I health do, ii lli.t w i t'n v w tike I iiluiil. T'nein wi ln signs n llnir Inlying eaten raw tloui "H'.ic mil me, an I the kkius nl t: j ik. .ul ui' al H.iui.tg-4 weie on Ihe ground. It is In In ve. I no v t'l.t' the sausages Were the i iilso nl death, hut this is only tin) lain t of m t'iv the jr i'S. It is evident that tint men cnild not ha ve been very sii k when ('I..ii'im died or I hey wciild not have In en so caieful to lay his body nwuy in a shelteied mid out -nl-the-w ay place, llicir camp has not U'cn tliscovt i ,'d . hut llui pail) Ibat wen', out lioui Seamlt) M uiday moiu ing will keep up thn semen until it is folilid. , Current News. j lay's Irii'iils me wui king baid lo in llui ni ti reiiiiloni io fayor of loaiing hiin. A statu itiiiveiilioii will be called in lutuigiu lo consider the l in 'lung noes tion. Over ilo. IO mechanics of Cleveland w ilt receive iiicrcancd wug''d thiting liom May I. Bet'iiniiig Copper river piusp'ttma bring horrible tales of tuU'erin;', s ckueSH ami disat. point ineiit. Chileat lud una ure reportud on Ihe warpath ill Alaska, uud diivilig whiles oir Ihe White I 'ass tisil. Several lumbering ctiiijniuie I near llurcku, Cal., buve raised the wueiol their employes from lOto 1") percent. Th i Nicarutigua couiinisriii e .' ri port will be preieiitetl soon. Thu e ist is esti mated ut ! "0,000,000, poisihlu mini mum, 100,000,000. It is umpired in Wadnngloii that I'hitt and ,uuy have comliimd lo ellect the election of Sheriiiau us -pinker, and a l'ennuylvaniau for tlooi keeper. Col. Funstoii, of tbe UOili Kuusaa regi ment, liuw lighting in tho l'liilippiues, allhongh one ol the bravest men in the service, weighs, i lollies and nil, only OH pounds. Not one c iirespoi.ihuit ut Manila, uinl tbeie ure several icpieseiiliug non-ex-puiisiolilst psvers, has said thllt Agul naldj reprcseiitu uuythiug but u bulbar ous military despotism. With nun voice tho coriospondeiilH declare that tho Fili pinos mo totally unfit for si II govern ment. Southern Kantian huuii is nro pi tuning a triict, which, if it pioves succoshful iu orgiiuizition, will raisu tin pi ice ol w heat lo higher pi ices than hist year. They have commenced lo loriu it com bine to prevent the s.i'e ol all the May whiiat raikol in Kaiis is. Hitch (arnier is to sign au agreement to hold hi.i wheat until nil agree lo sell. In thin way they expect to prevent iii'irkoling until the price is raised to suit thum. Seveiul bundled fanueis iu Hudgwlck uml Cow ley counties have ul toady signed the ueuieiit. Fanner Smltl wn Hjlitlclau of Mcl'l New Store ! Ziolei s' A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Houghl and 5old TAYI.OU & WILSON BLOCK Low Prices! OUR LINE OF 1 .I l UAJ rwKHKIHWn . 1--. J Y W (omplctc and or? Excellent (Quality We tfive prompt attention to all Mail Orders. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Druists. his is the to Buy Groceries. A full ..fall ottils class eroccrv. C. VV. PARKS La Ut 5 i4 ft f A ti .1; c tit X r- ii i. . r :t ..n . Nothing like having the r'ghl wheel al Ihe riiiht place uud at the right price, I mpeiial high grade bicycles ure selling fioiu flo to 10, with (i. & .1. Morgan & VYnitht or any other tiie tbut a customer might desire. We nlso bavn several second bund bicycles, priced tutiglng (rom 12 lo .'0. We aio also agents foi T. K. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, IIIC.VI KKH IN Al.l. KINDS UK STAPLE UD FANCY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS FIJ1E TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. Al.stl A I I'l I I INK K TOBACCO 3c OIGARS. IIIV !: t'H A I 111 Al.. i iii:i; ut.i.ivi itv, I'l is.. i. i oeiieuiciv. t t Any Jolt Work ilono at Ueasonablo Rate. New Goods 1 j ( x roccry S'I'OCU Ol Pree Delivery let 01 and -J UlUil i Place ;u:d c'liiniik-U- itssorlnicnt usually keit in n first- Kvcrytliiii itHVicil fur sale is fresh; and soltl at very icasoiiahle prices. Wc have a vciy choice stock of caniieil otitis, including hoth fruits and vegetables, to which te invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick ets, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. y i. u' 4.j: ; i; ,i ; v ; ff f: fl ff lh C'lebrut-il Cleveland bicycle, mi l tuny a full line i f biecle nilidrtts, lamps, I umlle bars, yri wood rims, liics, inner mid ou'er c.nings cements oils, itc. Bicycles icp.iited. Notwilh siumliiig the late ruiny season we buve itlreatly soi l iiUht lmperiu's mid have orders (.' iiior,. lit sp'cl fully, RICHARDSON. Dim I nor Hniilli ul 1'. tl. if imt.iit uu, iim;iiNi i r t Undetalci1 and Embalmei1. H. C, STANTON IU pil ructilv.il n.w nml rittomlve ut... I. DR Y : GOODS UONHIHX LNli or Ladies' IhOKH (iuols, KihlieuH, TriiiiinitiH, Laces, Etc., Ktc. - A LOO A FINE HTOCK OK Of tli. tuiit quality aod Bnlali. GROCERIES Wood, 'Aillow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, Ali un Jiii'1 In Ur(j ijiuintiti- nil t prl?e tj lull tb.fi lifnt. Alwi Ui aWck ut Custom-Made Clothing For Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for P.M" EAST AND SOUTH - VIA - THE SHASTA ROUTE - -OHUiK Southern I'aclllc ('o. Kiprm. Imiim li'.te i'm-Uanl dully. '"r m I l.v. I'tittlmiil Ar. i nrai.il JT i.ll.i'. KimelmrR l.v. I l:is i". M. . I v. I Ar, . l.ui Krnin U.-ii l.v. '. :W )'. 1. . in P. M i. . . e. m i. I.i A. VI I . P. M .' "I A M I . P. l I 1.1'. M . A , M O'-ill'll Ar. I I In IV M. In-lit .T l.v . I ill I". M. iliiuihii Ar. - " A. M. " lui .ii;. i I . i. - t p M I .i- Al i;. I. - '.. '.. I' M. I I P-.. Ar. '.' . P M. hull Wi.llil Ai. i i I" A M. '- n Dili mis At i - W P. M olini'rvulluii t urn. liniliiii CiirH t'lllll.i.lll I IM I'lll to nil IlH 'Iv uliU t-.til ,-t i HI- li'.lltelii -l Itoti l,t,ri( .Mull-Dmily. SUA. M . I l.V. i.M v. H. i At I'urtlitiiil l'.'i.'l:iri( Ar. I I .Hi I'. M l.i'. ! T .1 1 A. l.i : Ii toy (Km t pi Mili'l. l W f. A M Piil'.liiii.l fiitmllO Ar. l.v. .. .'ti I', u ' tl I'. M A I A llntliy mil I ( 'nrvuilln entitle. I W'ltti Irallll nl t ni ml : , Imi. tei it r i ilium,. I'l : ll-lt II. .' I'.i n'!!.,'. r li.nl.. I. . - pi ii. i. I.e. I I.e.,' M.I l.v. I'm I liitnl ' Ar. I h .'.I A. . ).-f M.lAr. MeMiiivllle l.v. '.... . v, III' ti l.r I l.-ll f ti.l.'IH ' I I -I -i A v, I'lll. I I .'111.' I'll" "II III -Itl ll.tll'l-. Mill, hi. .(ILhllip Mill'- t U illltl II' I, I .1 pH II, t III II. I, II...' I'lu l.l I-pin. i .in. I A il-'. t ii I i.i I- ..I I liri.lUli"! I. in l u II-1 1 i - e., 1 1 tl i .. ii I ilr. I. II MiniKK A, nl l;..-. I .in il. II KOKIII.KK I'. II M MIK II I Nt, MiniNi:i r. it. K. .V I'm. Atp i t. I' l tile I Mi lliKiiti.N. mm "Svfnk Line nl Ihv Werld" The lavurite Traiifcoiitiiiciilul Koute r.etweeu the Northwit uml ull I'oints li.i.-t. Choice ol Two Ihintes lii rmili the 1' .illume Rocky Muuntain Scenery Ami l our Koutos l ast o! l'uehlo uud I'envcr. All I'assi ugeis gianled a day stop-over iu the Mormon Capital or nuv w here tie I v i imi i :! n and Peiiver, 1'eisonally cun.liH t'l.l lour it I Excursions three days a week to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the l;ast. im lickets uud liny lufoi million Ko gunbng Kates, Koutes, etc., or (or 1 o senptue Atlvei lising Matter, call on Ageutslol Oregon Kuilway Navigation Co., Oiegoii Mioit Line or Southern Bacille Compiiiiifp. K. MOOl'Ki;, tieneral I'ass. A Ticket Agent, lenver, Col. B. C. NICUOI., i teiieral Agent, -'51 Wash. M. I'orlhiiid Or. Roscburg , O. Hours. Week days. 0:110 a. lit . lo S p. in. Sun days uml holidays, ti:;i0 to 0:00 a.m. mid 5:;t0 lo 7;:I0 p. in. SI Al. K liol'IkS. Kuseburg to Maishilehl -Pepurta ev ery day al 0 a. in. I arrives every morn ing. BoBuhurg to Myrtle Point. I lepatts every day at 0 a. in ; uriives every morning. Boseburg to Millwoo ! let arts eyery day except Sundays ut 7n. iu.; arrives every day except Sundays at I : lo p. iu. Itosebnigto l'cel lVpurts Jdully, tex ccpt Siin,lav)ut 7u. in.; arrives daily, (uvcept Sunday ) ut U p. io. ItOBi'biiig to l.urley lep.irU Tues tluys uud 1' iidayu ut 1 p. iu. ; uriiycs Tucs.lii) n mid l ii lays ut 1 1 ::!0 a. m. - City Treasurer's Notice Notice ia heioby given to all persons holding lioreburg city wiii'iuiitH iudomed piior lo July I), IS'it, lo ptoseut the same a' ihe city treasuiei's ollicy in Ihe city bull for payment, us iiilerebt will cea so thereon lifter Ihe dale ol this notice lted ul Bosebiirg, Or., this Unth day ol MunV I mm. (Iko truu'tr, (lily Treftsiiier, GENERAL DIRECTORY h i atk ut oaauox, jll.W. Mi'11,1,1, lHHih Hliimn iTbtM. H Totiijtir 0. H.Ui:iiHtui, t.'OIIIreHMIII'tl . i w. A. Il.'tlilj ' 1 1 1 v . I nut . -..''I.'li.i ill tMhte Mill" 'I Ii Hi- , -lt.l Pull I ut 1 1 llel Inn . Klnll' I ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' ,' A I initi'.;. 1 1 ' i ii - ml , . . Biiiit'iiic Jmlxeti T. T.Ui-. r. 1. lmetr !. ft. Mourn . .t. II. Ai'kt-nnixi W. 11. Iwll K. N. lllH'tkliirn K. A. :. K. Ol. H. K. A. Moor Wolverion Bosu JinlKi' J. W. lUml'uxi I'riiM i illliiK Alliiriitty (Jo. M. Ilnnvn u. s.i.AM, urri' K, iturHeao. KuMtlvur Ilinrv Hcolh K'.KlHt'r .1. T. IrilS U. S. WSATIItU SUIIKAU. OIurvcr ..Tho. MimmiB nociii.AS count r. H i . ..A. W. iUcil W. Wonneiill V. w. Wllntm O. . I.uini J V. Omtli'V , It I,. Stephen, .. W. Iiliinnlek ... II. II. (illletie ..Jim. I.yunn I M. l Tliiuiiiaoii (Jim. Ilvnin On-arTlilel Dr. K. V. HiMjVfr ...I'ho. Smith KepreM-iilitUveh. :i"ik 'hull I) I'n ,i. ufi-i Hi' I ,.. li U l I 1 I! I' lllll'lll .... AhFi'rvwir t;ouill' Jll'lKe (JuiuinlnAloniTi Htu veyor I Jiiruner Slii;ei lnnn.i tor I'llKI l.'.i I UKriCKHII. J'lKtl'e. . IV. Vlllrr '.'iei-t.,1 le. J, p. p ,tf CUV Or RoSEBl'EM. Mayor A. C. Munlera i''-i'"iit' r w. a. kraicr t ocrieii.MKN. Ut WarO l : "row" ).. W. 1'nrkn lud W.nl I1' w " Reenriti r D. S. Wot Tre-aAiirer tico. t.'ariiy Mnnaial V. . Dlllmd t I I T I ut'Ni IL.MI.ITlNi.. I In I ..nil, it! I iitllli'li (if tin' t ilt til KoM.-burK I... I- Hi M.I Munliiy In i Melt" Intllitll II I ii el. .el. p. in. CDCItr KEtMnM. The t in ull I'liurt lur D.nixtitK t'ouulv ineU Hue. tniii'i n r.-nr h- tiilhiM-. Tbv iitl Muu ilny In .Mun i., the nn Mntnlny In June, and tbe l-l Muii.lH- ni tut ..iiiher. j. W. llainlluiu of KiiMilnni jii'iiri.. lien. M. Hrt,wn,o( KiiMtburg, iiiM-eiitiii,: Mii.it .u-y. t .nn.i v i .. ii t in. el the Ift l i iliu-AiUy all r Hit' l.l ' 1"v ni iiMutniy. Maieli, May, July. t'pl.-ulU-r Kiel Niiicnncr, .liin. Ljotl. ol fjTaiu, Jii'lKc, D. I hompviti ol hcoliaburg ttti.l .in.-, lit n. ni ttluI'H. t'uiiiuiiHBloneni. I'riil.m.' i i.ii't i in m'-Mtui etititliiuouly, Jue l.ti.li". lil'le. Mm lvl' .MccliugB. RO-iKllt'K'i DIVISION NO l (, B. Or I.. I., in. '. every M'ttond aud lotirih Sunday. II'O.MK.N .1 Kl.i.Ii.K ( OKI'-l NO. 10, MtKIS I' Ptt im. '...ml Krplaya In earh monUi. TihNtilovi su ii. A. K., MKITH THK 1 ill. I met tli.l.t 1 hil!t.tlMvp ul eaeb month, l 'J p. l.i. A l.l'IIA l.iil'i.K Nl). 47, K. OF I'.. MkKTB every W eilnt -ln v evening al Odd Fulkma Hall. Wiiiii - K -uv;liu In iciMi't aiandinc vut llaily iuvited In nl t'lnl. r AI. IU l. l.DDiiK. A. K. A A. M , ItEliltl.AB Lf ine- iiiin the .'.I and lilt Wctluuadaya in :mi h liliilitli. kl i.tSK I.. I'AKKtn I W. M. N . I'. Ji.u i.i i, 6'eey. I) ii-l-.tlt'lli. I IIAI'TKR. NO. S. O. K. H..MKETH lv Hie i.i-i and llui'l Tliuriidaya ol oaeh ti ti'li. 1.II1IIIK I tiSiloW. W. M. MAt DK KA-T, M' )'. .i niiiiMI S DK TIIK WOUI.Ii. Oak l'aint Nn 1... in. el., ill Hie Oil. I KfllowK' Halt n i...-i l.tiri. eterv l.l, :ir.l and olb Monday .-t.i.iii.; i inii iieinhlM.rN alu-atr wetciinii'. t). P. I ..-'now, C. O. . t I ...Mi. s.l 1,-lk n'lll.l l.VKUS I.O-jtiK, NO. B. 1. O. O. f. 1 m. eu hIii ril ay rvenltiK of each wek at 1 m h-nl ill Oil.) kellow leinplc al KuM'bunc. 1- no., unit fie nr-ler in v-immI fciandltiK areiuvil '" nn- ml. 11. W. .-1 KoNo. N. li. S 1 li:n Mr')'. Ii..m. Hit. See. I, o. 1.1. Ks, l;oKllt l;ti I.ODOK, NO. US, I' tii-M lln ir rt'Ktilar tiiintnuiiiealitiiiN ai ibe 1 i 1 1. I . IihII mi i-eeviiiil and limrlli Iburauay ii i-.e h iiu'i'in. Ail ntetiilMTt rt-.iuei.led lo ai .1.1 ieKui,nlv. nml all viMling broibera cor l;....i nn lied to attend Ull AS. I.. II IDI.EY, E. K IK l It. KlliDI.K, Seervlary. L l)-..lH'liti I.OIHiK, NO Hi. A. O. 0. W. 1 nieeiji the kis'ihuI and tinirth Monday ol t. h in. nun ai 7 ,i . in. al told Ki'llima ball. Meinu r nl lb,, oriler ill giMHl -landing are lu filed in Htlen l U.S. Weal, rinaiicier. f. V. It ili'll. Iteei inter. l'ruft-HMloiial ciirtlH. JVKA BROWN, M. D. i-1' li'K, .vr.i Juekson tttrttvl, at re idein'v ot Mm. J. l'.iuer. KO.-KBI KU, OR Q-':i;" l-KOWN, Attorucy-Ait-Law, Kouiiik 7 aud S la) .vi WUmjii lllock. UObKiJUKO), OK. M. HAMDY, DENTIST, Revii'M IliilldiUki, Teleidinnu No. -1. KO.-KIU'KU, OKK'liON. JRA U. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Itii.illl s, liiyloi ,k WU.ii UU. KOSKBURO. ORKliON. W BENSON, Attonicy-at-Luw. llimiiis I uinl J Renew lliiililiiu. KOMvlll KO, OHKUON yy n. Willis. Attorney ami Couiwelor at Law, Will nrAi.li.iM in mil 1 1. - A....- ..f Li. . U.. I . ru Bco in M m le i tluJduii;, Duuglaa ouualy.Of. M- CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, tUioiin. I .V. t, Murittera UldK., KObKBUKQ, OB. reF-'UiiMiiekA lii'loro tha U.S. lamdOOce autl nuuiiiK uavt A a iccially. I.ulu Hwoivcf V. ri. Laud OtHce. Qu. ii i. i:. iiocck, l'hysciau iS: vSurg0ou. Ollliti' K.i,.,.- til II, TiivIim ,v U il-nii lllk. I'liuiii', Main :U. KO!t llllRti, OltkOON. J A rl"C MAN AN, Notuiy t'ublie, Attorney-at-l.aw. Collections a Specialty. ltiiiiia :i MiinU in llinliliun ItOSKUl Kli.OR LIVE LET LIVE' Ituder I lie iiliiivo iimllii I h III allll eiiullllllu In tnney lur nil puille-. tleotthei uty iu Ulanoo as au tuiHiiieer or an i i- nr. My iliaiaua will b rn-nmiialilii iiivl my wink siiiiiaiileeu. Am alia NoliirjHubllc. A tldri t i r ul I V-Viiikla l.'u.. Or. V. hi;v iits r r 10 light? r X 'M