The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 01, 1899, Image 4

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cgclablcPrcparatloafor As
similating ficToodandKcgula
ting the S mw-Trtre aniBoNvcls cf
Promclcs lEgcsticm.Chcciful
ncss andRcst.Cofllains neither
Opiusi.Morptiine nor lEucral.
Isot Narcotic.
AmUAV .Wj -Itm&yri
Apcrfccl Remedy for Conslip
tion. Sour Stonich.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions Xevcrish
ncss and Lo SS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Sifjr.aiurc cf
Tongues and Sounds,
Spiced Herring,
Whole Codfish,
Salmon Bellies and
Does Tp
Wears always in the Lead, and rrtac to
keep there.
The Golden E&rvesi U cpoa us, acd farm
era are etrjling bemise Woodward
Iom to their interest
Full Trimnici
Theaeareall Leather atid Warranted.
At Reduced Prices.
Conaalt your parse and be acre acd set
Woodward before buying.
On the 5. P. R. R.
Douglas County, Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open for recep
tion "of guests.
Water cures Rheu-
.: t
luiiiibm, uybpepsia, VlV
Kidney and Skin 1
To The Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
Tbii old reliable and
the molt aorful
Specialist in t-an Fraa
(oaco. a'Jll continues to
cure all Sexual ari'l
U Seminal Diaeaac suck
: as GonnofTbra, Gleet
' i Stricture. Syph Ilia id
aeasea. Nervous Dcbil-
' 1"k- 'T. Impolency. Semi-
!'.i: nsl Vteakneas and Lots
aCfe-.j o( rtanbood. tlie cou--
qoenee of self abuae an4 eacewes pnylucing toe
ioiiowiajr aympums: sauow oiintonanc.''. o.i:k
spots under tbe eyee, pain in the Iinl. n tiding
la the ears, 1ms of coniiiJt-iice. rtilii'lt nce iu a:
proachinj strauirers. palpitation of tin-' ii art,
"eaknessof the limb and bsck, 1 t memory
pimples on the face, coazhff, roa"u:r.ititn. etrt.
D&. G1BBOS has pra;lieei in Kruneio
orer thirty yearrand th.ow tmubled thouij not
fail to con. ult him and receive the ini-tit of
his irreat skill and experience. Tbe doctor cures
when others fail. Try lum. :ures euarnnK" p.
Perscns cured at home. Charir'n leanalik.
Call or writ.
DE. J. f. iIBBOV. i Kearny t. Fan Fran
Cisco. Cal
Notice For Publication.
I'XITED h'TAT( 1 M OfflcE.
Kov.-biirg. Or.?in, Mur. 1 1, lv '.'.
Kotioe Is hereby (fi- en ibat in iiiuir
vitn tbe provjuioii. f tl.e a"-: of on jp of
June , 1S;, eu!iti-j "AllH,., i r t, ,,f
timber lands ia tbe -uiie- oi 'u'iforiiin. n-voii,
Nevada and Waiiiij-ton 'fv-rriiorv
;nKi. lit kLANli
Ul Oakland. Couniy of liouglrF. T..t oi 4
fon, has this dsy li d in tbi ollira in- uom
slateineut. No. fc.7 for tbe pnr lia-e of tb lot
&, f section K'. in t'nfni No. 'J... S, r.irqi
Ko. 6 sreat. and will offer prooi lo fli.iu ibat Hie
land soucbt is more valuable loriK tmib, r t
stone than for arieultunil piir;v an. I to
establish bis claim to ai-i land Ih-Iop- t f i J:'
inter and Beoeiver of tbis iie - itl !:-' 1 mt-,
Onron, ou Friday, tbe P.1H1 day ,f My. l-:n.
He nawes as witne4t: Ira i ;l i' lie, I of
Aklana. Or.. Ilartim liik i Mi bur ir
ames i euj'i.liu of Koebure. Or.. i.ui M I'm.
rott of Bxeburf , Ur.
Anyanda'l j-ritons -Imi miiitr advcrelr tbe
above described land are rC'in.Tted to fib-'ttn ir
claims in tbisoSice on or i.Mbdav
of Jlay, IB.).
1. T. lii:lixEs,
l, jiiiije."5-LjtTfeia vw "5 it-l "w sna c 7v
ilhe Kind You Have
Always Bought -
Bears tlie
You Have
71 Ma R
ways Bought.
Pickled Salmon.
Pickled Heirin
Smoked Herring,
Mackeral, at
....MRS. N. BOYD.
I'KTEi n lit- Lisa On:. c.
iloseburv. Ore"io . '.VI v.-.
To u A'-m it may corai.em:
Jot:--e i hereby f nca th,.-.i th-. "re- 'U t '.
i.m:a KaJn at Co ta- tied i:i li. :'. e ;.t
of Jaii'li- it';'.eJ :n tht- t..w:,?i,.i- tlof-r:Uil
L-low, aLi'i l.a t-il:r-i : r a n: r a:ll
land? t;i: ice H-t i- open t.. ir.v v :b:
;s-!ivn a:.i a e-: y tijerx-'t! :-v- -
divi:t.ii. Y.-. be-:-a p!''-t :n a
p:acc in ih;- ffiw. i-z Ibv in; r '.t:-
tv':iu oi Iji--' ill.- aii'i o:
:-f.e IV
i: l
s?c. ...
Tj.. -v.. II i
N'.S: S..-C. V.'.
. rv. :.
Tp. R.
.'W.ffA - St-...;.
Tp. . n.
tM1,. an1! N: t-e
M-c. it: ail Sti. IT:
: j arl t '-7 a l
I an
. B. S.
Part V. ani uart E ' .. ?t .-. 1 .a
K' . ali-l
lri w cc. v: pari suj pir'. r. .. m.
11: rt 1 aii'l part W ssre. 1- : 1 i aud
I art f1 . bcc. -jl: .-: . Nt ,. -: jar: ui
tt. .;.
PartV-ai:-! j ar! : j. r, i.
S( 11:
i!U-i I-arl
' . sec. ij.
Vol' 1. 2. ' i aoJ j. S-... il
Tp. -j. P.. 4.
Part of s' S.-C. IT.
Tn. R. 4.
Part f E' eve. 1 , W , .. - . .
I Tp. ;.7. K. 4.
! Part of JC'. aud part V.
! SE1;. Sec. Cl.
T;:. S. It. 4.
1 S ! and fart of " Stc. 1.': a V. ; i cc
I Ij.t-l,2,a, 1, 0, Ct:..lX', if;, c. IL
Tp. - A, IL i.
Iol 1, i and 3 of sec. j.
hp. :.T. K. T.
! Sl'iSP:.- IT: SW -.V c. a-.: t art
N1.. cc.r;; 8W.v'. m-c. c .
Tp. :f.. E. 5.
AU 4.s; 1
Tp. ;a, K. c
Part v.'. So;.-'..
Siuh of Ba line and Kat of v. i::a:ae!e
Tp. P.. 1.
Part S'i and part S:-. 1.
W itbia tbe r.e.ii ixty days fol.ouice ti.e iialc
of this notice, prote-t or Contois aaiio-t tbe
claim of the Company 10 any tract 01 itd;vi
ion within any K-v-tion or part of eet: 111, de
scribed in tbe i:t, on tbe ground that the same
is more valuable for inineral than for agricult
ural purjoes will oe ro-eivei and r.oicl for re
jurt lo tbe General Land Oilicc at ashingto-j,
J. T. liRIIX.K.
J. H. IfxTH. l;eg:. r.
Kecciver. f.Tll3
TN THE till' I'lT COCKT & bJlOLAi
A county. Stale of Orezon
Job 11 I.. Arner. Fltisin! 1
I-abclTa .1. French, 1
I rencb, tviliiu:.i l.aiion, lieli- I
lia Ijuwm, J.L. Freueb, 4 a.eb 1
order, Anna ori(r. Belle;
French. L"Iys.r Freneli, 1-nae f r-uil in K-(Uilv
N. French, eamton i reneb, 1 to foreelooe a
Kate Fr neh, lx,uik French. Mortgage.
Kllen Fr-ueh. and Huunah i
Fnnch. Ix-feii'laTiU". J
To Wiliiam Lai:on aud IXliKa Lauon,
aV,ve named dc-fendant:
in tbe name l the s'ate of I'recon: Yr.u are
h' reby nvjuind to appearand answer tiiee,in
plaint bled caint you in t.' above entitled
niit on .r tielore tbe liiTl flay of tlie n xl ri gu
Jar term of the aVtt e entitl.-M t'ouri, to-wit:
m or before Monday June 12. l'i-i. snd if v..n
fail t BpKar or siinver Plaiarif! s eornplnint
seiiinst you as for.aid within nit time,
I'iaini::r Hill api'ly to tbe Court lor tto; relief
d'-hian'-'e i in bis eouipiainl a follow: For
tbe fop-eloitire it a eerimn litnr'ivai'" ei .tit''d
by lj. fenilaiit, f'a'-Ila J. French, and Alison
l-reneh fnow dw. 11-1 i) in faorof p.ainiifl. on
thc&!nd ,lay of 1 tol r, l--."i, lo --1:1. me pay
ment of a -.-rtaiii i.ronii..,r' iKtie for tbe sum
of ri.( .v lib r.-t tiif reou at t:i rate of lo
perent ,. r annum. U. n sthieh th r- : 11 ,
ue u.e Mini 01 .1. -.i. .ai-i morii'SLe eonvi in
to Sitd Plalmii: i.,r tbat pi.roo-.- Ibe f-!!. inir
d-eribed m i-I '1 be F. ' .. of tbe
N W and th- U 1 , ,,f tbe N F. ' , of e."t..ii I.
in 1 p v.i, s It I W , W i;i meii.iian ; !-o lor a iud
iiienl for tb" aioounl dm- upon a:d'--,,rv
noie for Mi'-ii mi:.. ruey . b .-.. tbe c,,tir! sbafl
adjudge r.-a--oiihbl-. f..r P'Hintiil s i.ts i.nd
dibur-.-uieni. ben-in and for n ii otbi-r r.-li-f
i- ,rn.d for iu -oini.laiiit and as Ibe
Conn .bail sdjudv UH ' t an I ...uinibiv.
'1 Ins Mm, Moil-, i po i.ll-li.-d bv onb r of lion.
J. W H.-iniiltoii, jnilL-a of a:d Curi. w!ib b
order i- dal-d Man:b, Z i, l'.:t. and ti.'- Iiiik- j.m-K-'ib'-d
in mid ord.-r for tin- publiratiou of ibiv
siiimnoT!-ii on e a wtt'k Hi-.-k, pr 1-
intf ibi- i,rl day of laid Inn of Conn .,..l 11...
I day 01 Ibe lint pubiieal i. ill of thi miuiuiouk i
Mnreli I .:'.
F. V B1.N'-N,
IM-Tlli Atlolliey for I'lllinlill.
j Administrator's Notice.
! "ol ee is I.. H In ei en H id ibe und. r-i.-n. .1
s .in. oi-lb.-ifitb di.yot .'Tiiiiiiiry, r, dul
1 i..;.oim-d Bd.iiinilri'f'.r of Ibe'ie 01 .laun-.
I K. Mllebf il. de.- M-d. All p-rvoliw bav il -j
' biiui. nifMiut siiid -fclate i.r. i. i.-t.y i-.(iiir. d
i to prK"-iu the same pioj rly erii!i., lo 1 1 , .
I va :'l adininitrator at the law ofbee of A . M
ran ford. In fl'isi-iiurv. I.,iu;lai oiiuI. on--
(ioo.wi'iiiu MX laonih. rioin in,- on!e ti, r-of.
UmkI ih,. liji.h .icj. of Fei.narr. l-.
dniiiiiMralor of tbe l".-i.:!"rl J K .Mitel,,
til, Jws-a-ed.
Statement of the District Attorney,
Ueo. AI. Brow n.
K.'M.r.i im. Ore.. April 2S, 1391.
I Mi: 1"iii..k: In y. tir ikmio of Thnrs-1
day containing a Rtnt:.icnt concerning j
the coiii'iiut itiiiti of th eentence passed j
by the court upon . I. M. O'tvr.iian, y. U
"As il cli kii.n l)!ii-iriii;!i killed J
N. l astcct, hi-i ininiiv partner, ni'sr
Myrt'e iVi-cli f itly on- uioroini;. while
i.wi ::i:n was u"'.eep on a Cut. 4n the
previous i-v. mm: the two ict-n had ipiar
rcled, at 1 d Ca:ecl had threatened Ulber
in:in's Hie iiml the Lit er Wlieviu him
sell in danger coinniil ted the ilee.t which
resulted in h!s arrept and convictlm "
Sheiiff Stephens has bliown tuv his
notice of the commutation of the M'ti
teiue ;ud it appears t:ia. tl.e tuwriior
grat.tcd the com mutation ''lor tl.e iea
"oiis fo low in.', to- it :
That many extenuating circiinid' tn es
existed w'uic'i run ived t lie crime from
tbe class of deliberately planuel mur
ders, and friucd there feeuis 1 1 havn lieen
fotne provocation for the d-'ed, it is
thought a crre!inl:iii reduetio-i
f-hould be made in li e snvrity of the
The record -f !h.; testiuutiv ni l 11 nt
hear you out, Mr. 1". lit ir. il vou tneiii
tint an c:.!cr;a:ueJ any fe:irs of
violence from li;e deceased that would
militate the cr me of tm.rJcr in der the
laws of the t-t.-.'.e of Orce in, nor will the
rec ird (-how that any "t s'eiiuatini! cir
c utitt inees i;!cd hiih lonoved the
crime 'rem the clis oi d-lilera'ely
p'ar.neJ murdere."
Tne te-iini Jl y of tlie witnesses eho
co: c u-ivcly t:i lti k imt cf tint nt
old i:, .J if-JHr N Caster I, a a de
hbotauly iIai:ur-J n.urder.
The testimony cf wi'.ues'es l'Jnuivau, csi, M.llt-r uliI others prvj that
the slayinj of Cas:ecl wai deli'ieratelv
pi it,t:e l.
I iiave no! the time to w rite an extend
ed r view of the evi!en -e, as I u:uet
e'.ar. witiiiii a:i Lour f r ai.o'.hcr ccuuty
for tl e p'jrp)-es of a'tendius a leular
te tn oi the circuit cur:
Li 1: ia rcvie ii the icarcr I will con
tent iuj s-.'i bv rer ro.lucing a portion of
my ar;u:i)riit on the facts coaiaicel in
nsy b -it. f ou til in the supreme court :
Tlie purport of ihs deiendaul'a eicaee
for the killirg ifCaSteel m ehown by
the tei'ia,ony is not on aeeoui.t of any
imuieJijte fear ci danger that threat
en -alio; hut he had to kill or
"p:ik U j his du i an I leave" aDd Le
clie !o kill l.iui .
The testimjsy
rais" tlie fcli.vloa;
in : ci?e does not
cf retl or apiareot
Tht re ii n it a par.icl-; o! tes-.iuiony in
th? !e liaiony tiiat lends lo ehost that
thi iUl .'t.dar.t i: or telieveJ bim.seif to
be ia any presriit dau-r that was actu
al, 'eji or npparect, a', the tlrue Le tired
the fchot-. Tuere is not the slijhtei-t in-
tiuiation of any provtx'a'.iou given the
deien.'.a-ji j.y the deceased a'ter the
cigL: pre'. ;oj3 to tl.e iuuiijile.
I: ii not lawful to ailla biciiec
bdiesr.-'t like 10a. Toe fact l ha, a
rxsn kills bis ent-mv i::-ttil of his fiiend
Cinn.t be plead ia j istincatijn tier in
mitiatijn of tlie crime.
There is r.o iiuectRn as Jo who was ibe
assailant. There is cot the jos;ibi!ity cf
ad.uhtr.s to ti e ilc'ebdar.t being the
ajgrefBOr. A iai-5 tr testimony t-hows
such t a be the c.i and there is i.o'.hini
in ;Le record even teniin to eLow the
contrary. The decease I was taken uc
awjrrs by the defendant. Toe defend
ant c Jtitrivinly f-nrt-rifcd the deceased
when he Fhot Liro, the ssn:e as the l un
ler desijf tit-Jly J s-irf rise the tnsu'pect
iun trsme l.e steals ,'oa ar..i f hycts 3rd
Ia the bar, premeditated mal
ice is plaibly aLd exprefsly proveD.
Tbe defendaut bad "meditated the mat
ter over," arms Li-.i.eelf with a revolver,
s;cks the deceased, alius and Cres with
out even the mitigation cf an iasaltinii
word; not the liLtebt provocation:
here the defendant purpoeiy and upon
deliberation eeeks the tpportuoity; l.e
buu'.s his victim.
Toe Inst words that Caiteel had used
to the defendant were kindly epoken.
Tbe defendant bad cone to bed about 'J
o'clock. About three o'clock In the
mjrninz be bad coa e down tUirs and
Castccl sail "you are up early this
mrrniDg', Mac." Tne defendant goes
out; returns Eoon and retires ti bis
room upstairs; about three hours after
wards he comes don the t-taitway into
the frvnt roam an I iteathily advances
to near tha foa. of t'i3 lounge upon
w hi b Caatcc! is h iug and calmly takes
the revolt er from bia ocket and fires;
the old man raises up from the lounge
and exclai.iiB '"What is the matter?" tr
"What does this mean?" and the only
reply of bis murderer was to fire aain
and as the murderous bullet went crash
ing through the bead of Ca:teel. the old
man fell bck upon the eofa bleeding
an 1 dying, and bis astailant fired again,
"then," as the defendant told the wit
ness Hunnivan, "ho was still."
He tells ' Mrs. Stewart that be would
not have, djtieit if be bad known it
would have hurt her so. What a chival
rous uinrderer! He leaves the house
and uie!s thu witnesf, l'errjr Duncan,
and lei is him to go down and get (ireen
Hearn and have him haul (be body to
Myi'Je Creek, lie is making arrange
meets lor the funeral before hie yictim'a
blood is cold. In prceecce of witness
Ibincan and others ha tells them to waeh
the 1 o-ly and prepmeitfor b'iria!. He
lf-ac'a the way to the bouse and rhows
thcru the bi.dy, and lifts from tbe bead
of the corpHb an oil loth"elicker"he bad
covered it with, and Hooped over aud
peers down iuio tin? ghastly face of the
bUin, and calmly remarks, "I am Brry
that I fhot Itii: old man in the mouth."
He then takes the dead loan by the legs
and ptaies that 'Til Htraighten him out
bo that ho will go in t ho coflin." Ifur
in aii liii-t tuns he i the iiuieleu', calm
eat ai.d iiiost uollecled man of the group
there gathered upon this melant holy
iiiori.iiio ; yet Ihis wa thu conduct of
Olbenna:!, lh excitable, nirvoin-,
fi ihtciicd man, wh'i had juht killed a
htuiiau U ing through fe:tr oL danger of
bodily harm, which he did not even
!i earn w an apparent.
I'dvioiiH Ihiea'H km-bir. 'or. Ik, and
woid'i aro 1.0 juf tilicatioii or mitigation
of n. urier.
I it ! r line;.; (acts what avail would it
h .te In en t the defendant if he had I
lii ved II, e dii e.i'ed !) lntv been a dan
geruiH and l ppera'n inan. If (.'rtn!eel
a ts a d tti ioiih and ilecpiaalrj man and
bad made throats against thy lii'e of the
! defendant, il who the defendant's plate
! avoid Inn enemy ami not seek him.
I Had not the defcuduut lived in the game
i , -., . , , , ..
I Cabin with Canteel for nearly three
'years and in Nuvmir, 1 S.7, he and
! el had movad t.i tM. Stewarl'ii. a
daughter of Castiel, aud had lived there
uutii the deceased was hauled away in a
colli n.
A fuw days previous to ll.o homicide
' the d dondiuit brill's mi action against
the .h ceased ; on the day previous to the
homicide the hceaed and defendant
ride iiii.e .-iiid one-half tuil.s, i.culy all
the di-taiico toethei in a siion tj Myr
tle Creek to uttend the trial ; the dtfend
iint au 1 deceased return nearly the en
tire dittame home together i:i the same
and CJ to the Mine hoiife and fut
IH rut the eauio table. Does thin con
duct l iok ai tliuii,:!! Olheruidu regarded
C-tH'.ecI as a dangerous 1 r di HKirute
man? Is it reasonable h Bupp-jse Ibat
di fer.d.uit regur led Caslecl as a dangi r-
ous tu-iu aud wait barrasiring.biiu uiih a
lawitiit involving f Ji. Thin iu the light
of the fact that he was living all this
time in a cabin in the bills all alone
with this daegtroue man anil with tin
dehpeiate man' daughter und her thre
littlii children. The ilefendanl evidently
told (ieorge Kite the truth ; he was n-t
afraid t f Cast -el and bad d-'eruiincd
that he and Ca:eel would live no lo: ger I
together on that crttk.
In this case prool of ll.rca's ai d the
dai-crous character of deceased would
but aggravate the defendant's dime.
I, would app, ur as though defendant
was vexing and annoying the dc-t erate
uiau as lo arouse his crger and
kill him. He c.mi. I have avoid' d the
decea.-nl, and it wait his duty to do g j in
cae of fear of vijlence; tut he h'irrasscd
him. T:.e con Im-t ol the defer.daut
throughout tliis Cane hiws tint he acted
after mature rell -e.ion in ah that he did.
"What U d y.a i:i the heat ot blojd the
law attribu'ej lo t ie iulirmily of human
nature." Wiitt is done after tims for
relle.'tio 1 pr ceedi froiu liie wiikeOnrnt
of t!;e I.e. i t a-;d revenge, atd aggra
vate. the die Vie the teS'.lu.onv oi
thecn'.ire c i-e an iu.pirtu! m:c 1
and one c 1 .:i
that i
and .'ie h .ui
'. IcMI-t til! Cl.idUsi Jl
a itii deli jerate anl pre
: , ejtiht Ji.e -Kccled
1 1 er:n tn was tiie sg
! Ii wli-jle t'.lf Bl'. li J.'l
gre r. w : m
impiit v a:.. I tn i
clu-i.-n t tat t'i ba I :
is the rtu'deri r an I
1 driven t a the coL
:. I d.ineious man
i.ot the tiiir lerel
man. eli it Cajilecl dru wi'hou;
provo-.-ali ju in c '. J I i ytj, and he ought
a t to Lo p-.'rmi"ed ; 1 come iutjt.jcr!
and dttrac: atl -nli-ja from his criate by
ma'i,:niLg th-j mex-jry of bis ti-'.iai.
Fcr be ti.a'. d-l.'-erately ee-kti the
blood o! aiother up.n a (r.vale (juarrel
ac'.elb in Uenance ,'f all law, l.aiuaa ar.d
divine, wnatever his cio'.ive le."
U-f(ec:f iliy fubrui ted,
O1.0. M. Hbo',
I'iu. Atty.,2cl l'ist.
Oakland News.
la Oa'.UU'l ir.i'
Juige Kay K-f: for lVrtlsnd ou Thurs
day morning to he a' ! nt lor eevrral
Mies J'aud utheilin has accepted a
pilf n as ttenographer with tiie A?i
en woolen mills at Athena, "re. The
position is a lucrative one.
IltrLd. riia" has fiiii;hcd bis
blacktmitii thop and is nuw doing Lusi
niee. Toe clan of th anvil is now
beard in his district.
The hop yards r jund Oakland are l
iog p':t in g d shape ar.d are a credit to
their owner. We hope there will Is a
bountiful jiell and tiia. the ) and
girls in Oakland wi.l get rich pickicg
bops this fail.
Farmers dawn around L'mniua Ferry
retort that crv.pi cf all kicds ntvrr
lock'd lt'er. 1 hey have all been work
ing hard f jr ti e pas, mou'.b and expect
a good return next harvest for tl.e raa.e.
Hoy .;earns ar.d Arthur Mahocty
weat over to ColesValley iat rranday
and made a dat far the reproduction on
next tratarday eight, April il'lli, of
"Above the Cloud. " We can cheer
fuliy recommend this play to the people
of Coles Yalier.
Ovis Montana
I-akev'c Itegis'.er: Within a few
miles east tf I.tkeview was discovered a
few davs riLce the remains of a mount
ain sheep, that from all appearances bad
been their prior to the civilisation of the
Tiie boms ut the base measureJ ten
ty inches in circumference, were ter.ty
four Ibche in.Iength, while from tip to
tip Ibe expansion was thirty-eix inches.
The fskull from the front of the Lrbio
cavity was four inches thick. The eje
sockets were five inches in dep'h reach
ing the brain pan which wah located
nearly under the lirbt juiut of the epiual
column and occupied only such a epate
aa would accommodate a goose egg.
What littlo braina tbe bearrt iiid were
evidently heated iu bis neck. The outer
eheil of the horns bad totnmonccd petri
'action and reiembied the rough bark of
a decayed juniper. It is estimated that
the bead of lha ehecp when alive would
! v j weighed btrtwecn sixty and seventy
A, eome remote day verging on the
I rehistoric, no doubt but that the big
fellow has grazed withiu what is now
known as the city limits of Lakevic.
Mill Will Start up.
Now that tiie court .has rendered ita
decision favorable to the Victor Junior
Mining company, lue stamps will te
slatted bt once and work pushed rapidly.
There has been ten or a djzen men
doing development work duiing the
pas! winter but now Mr. ioutherlatid in
forms us that about liJ men will be put
to work. The bard fought battle made
in court over the Victor Junior initio ia
proof that it is a valuable properly and
from it there wiii be taken a Meat deal
ofgold. When il is inuro fuliy developed
it will tive more work to a considerable
number i f men. Courier.
W e org) our patron.-', who aie in ar
rears for th I'l.MMitAi.Kii lo.eend ua nil
or part ol the amount of your subscript
ions. It n a nuiail amount to each of
) ou, hut to ii i it woul I aggregate an
amount wo very much need in our luifi
'The great i iV: J lires tu HatS lem
Is purely a nervous disorder aud all tbs
symptoms arc ol iietyous origin. Hysteria
csn bo perfectly
and permanently curea.
ni'DVA-N Will cura
f A hysteria. DCDVAN
I l Is.' will relieve eterr
symptom. Ol'DTAJ
wili restore the weak
ened nerves to a heal
thy condition and tbe
symptoms will dissn
Kar. lit DY AN Is a
vegetable remedy and
ha 110 bad effect on
the system. Ptudy
your symptoms care
fully. When you hare
done so, use the H VI
Y AN and then tell
your friend w but It bss done for you.
LIDS. HUDYAN will relieve this almost
imiiit i.n'.ely.
It I' II VAN' iil restore the nerves to a Leal
thy i. .11! 110:1, and tbe IremblinK will dlsap-pi-ar.
(.;:::: i l i;...:iti tht re was a ball in the
throat. Ill I) V AN mil cause It it disappear.
IIEAHT. HUCVAN "ill strerijtcen tbe
h. ntt and eaue the Wats to become
it.ous and tegular.
yiT OF THE STOMACH. It is dua to
t:..' artloti il the weakeneil mnu of the
H.n.a.b. lltDV.tX will strctibm the
neiv.s, and ibe sinking feelinir will not recur.
V. on, t-3. tb:s : for on. Kemcu.U-r that
MttlY AN i-ir. i ii-..!i and women. It will
trti-.-ie . vi of all tl.e aboe sympton.s and
y..u an befurid. IKHYATK wiileBaeta
v. rnian. nt cure Tale Ht'DYA-N now. Yen
can : l III l)s AN c.l your Jnirriit for :A
rents : I a- k.iie or S pkarrc-i for 1 'A. II
j :'.r .l:u;cii d'i s not tep it.w nd direct to
t.e lit DYAN Ult4El)f C'OMPANT. Fan
Fia:i ! e. ah'orma You ran c'.t th
d..:or. .d the Hl liYAN REMsTDT COM.
PANY rnilK. "all c.u lk !c-. wry. If you
uLi-.titiiil.iouti.ic vri'.e and ait. ie will t
g.tsn f:ee. AdUre-
Car. Sttlitsn, Hsrksl CilK tuu
V f rtmiscsfXal.
1 11 m.
Montana, Itah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
li.i eboite ! I route. .a 1-t
I NIcN l-AC:ri: lul lane, cr tbe
KIOCRANI E -eta'.c Uan.
It,.-k a: ti,. Lr..t-
i'z days to Salt Lake
2)i days to Denver
lli days to Chicago
4ji days to Xew York
I'rc-r Itccllnluit Cbalr cars, l'p
aoltcrrcl Tonrisl Hlesrplnsj
Csrsi. I U II man Patlace Bleep
itaie Carat opsrralrsa on all
Fjt fuith.r lalors-s'ier spply
J. F. 0IVAN5, Agf., Koteburg.
C. O. TerrY', W. E. Coman,
Irav. Vets. Ast. Gn. Aiet.
i.l Third St.. r.-f an l. Ur
Shasta Limited
Is tl.e name ol theouly perfect train
n the w..rl I, now running every night
between t. I'aul tnd Chicago, via tbe
Cbicagy, MiUankee A M. Faul Railway
the pioneer road of tbe west in adopt
ing aii improved facilities for the safety
and cr.; niutnt of paanrngere. An illus
trated pamphlet, allowing views ol beau
tiful H-enory along tbe route of the Pio
neer Limited, will be sent free to any
perron npon receipt of two-rent postage
stamp. Address Uc-o. II. Heafford. Gen
eral FtffiLgtr Avici, Cbirtgo, III.
County Treasurer's Notka.
Notice is Lereby given to all parties
bolidng Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior lo July 11, lr)7. to present
the Fame at lue .treasurer's cilice in tbe
Douglas County back for payment, as
interest will ceaee thereon after the date
of this notice.
Dated this the idh day tf March
at the City of Koseburg, Gregon.
Geo. W. DlMMKK.
County Treasurer, iMuglas County, Ur.
For Over l-'lftv Yeais.
Ax Out WiLL-TsiXD KcniDT. Mrs
Wlualow s roothin eyiap has been used for
aver fifty years by million of mothers tor their
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the rums, aliaya all
pain, cures wind colic, aud Is the best remedy
for bianbira. Is plcaanl to the taste. Isold by
drucxisls in every part of the world. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value Is Incalculable.
Be sure and ask for Mrs. W luslow'i Sootblna
fyrup, and take no other kind.
Farms lor Sale.
A ntnilier of email farms Lr sale,
adapted to fruit growing. Good apple
and prune orchards on some of tbem
For furiber particular inquire of,
G. W. Aliiehson,
Cleveland, Or.
Vlavl, Viavl.
Mrs. J. II. Shnpe is local representa
tive for the popular Viavi remedies.
Any one desiring any of these remedies
will pleaee call on ber at ber boms or ad
'rees ber at llosebur,", Gregon.
For lino tone and high grade piano
get a Need ha in. They spesk for them
selves. It does not lake a cracker jack
at a big salary or a pai 1 musician to sel
(hern. All wc ak is to look at tbe In
struments, try the lone yourself, and you
will bo convinced that Needliams are
the herd pianos on the market, except
Chickeringor teinway. For reference
see O. F. Godfrey, A. C. Marks, or I. II.
Kiddle, who has just received at his
borne a beautiful one in figured mahog
any case. The prices of these pianos
are the moHt reasonable (or the quality
of goods ever ollered in this city, I ran
also give you inside prices on any make
of piano. Call an I ice
T. K, ItlMI KI)hOX,
Iloseburg, Ur.
X. I. We also have in stock some
new and second-band pianof second
hand fm) to f 17 j. New tL'on to :wo.
Don't make the mistake of trying to build until
you have looked over our immense stock of Locks,
Hinges, and Builders Hardware of every description.
Bought before the raise.
The Strongest, The Best
What we don't
We don't aq J won't handle
policy. Oar idea is tbat Bicycles ure tsaJe to ride," and tbe .better
tbe wbels that we sell and tbe
laess we'll have ia tbe fatare.
whole 6itoatioD. We're in it
this matter good good, fair
ness fotore yoa're the people
Send for Itstnbler
A. C. HARSTERS S: CO., Agts.
S Send the ...
I ter r
fifty-eight Years Old ! ! !
Ii'a a long life, bat devotion to tbe
trne interests and prosperity oi tbe Amer
ican People has won for it new friends as
tbe years roiled by and tbeorginal mem
bers of its family pasted to fieir reward,
and these admirers are loyal and stead
fast today, with faith in its teachings,
and confidence in tbe information which
it briegs to their homes an I firesides.
As a natural consequence it enjoys In
its old ago all tbe vitality and vigor of
its youth, strengthened and ripened by
tbe experiences cf over half a century.
It has lived on its merit, and oe the
cordial suppcrt of progressive Ameri
cans. It is "Tbe New-York Weekly Tri
bune." acknowledged the country over as
tbe leading National Family Newspaper.
Recognising its value to those who desire all .he news of tbe Stale and Nation,
tbe publisher of Tut I'lainoialcs. (ynur own favorite home psper) has entered in
to an alliance with "Tbe New-York Weekly Tribune" which enables him to tar
nish both papers at the triflling cost ol fl.To per year.
Every farmer and villager owes to himself.' to bis family, and to tbe community
in which he lifts a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constant! r
aud until ingly for his interests in e-ery way, brings to his home all the news and
happening cf his neighborhood, the doings ol his friends, ths condition and pros
pects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and. In fact, is a weekly
visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive family.
Joit think of itl ! !
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
Send all subscriptions to the
Roseburg, Ore.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
sue ..: sTssasi staK,
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit iutcuding purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
StaasBSr Isss ar a
& Woolley's.
-toand Won't do.
Bicycle merely to seU. If poor
less trouble tbj give, the tcore best
That lat word is the secret to the
for a folore. If yon feel as we do ia
prices, pleaded co-toii,ers, and a bosi-
we want lo Ai business witk
To your Eastern
Friend. .. .
ISawaaatassaai )sss atjr, ia
From Porlaul
46 p. m.
Fast Mail Hlt Lake, Denver. PL 1
Worth. Omaha Kan
S p.m. sua City, Hi. Lou;,
Chicago ana k.aar ;
Walla W alia, r'pokane. ,
MlnneapoiU.tPaaI i
Iiulutb, Milwaukee, j
Chicago and East. !
Occaar 54sasliipa i
All saaiina; dales sub- I
)eet to ebanai. !
For ban Francisco j
frail ereTT va days 1
t p.m.
8 pm,
Ei jiunday
Iu fja.
Colambia ejver
To An ton a ana Way
LandioK. j 4f.m.
1 Ex sunday
Willamrtu River. 4 p. as.
Orvfon city, Sewberr. . Ei-oonday
eaiem a ay-Land ga I
7 a m.
Wiitansetta anal Yaat
taiil River.
Orer'.n City, Dayton,
3 JO p. Ba.
i Mora., Weal,
i sndfrl.
and cat.
mi way-i.anu.iia.. t
Vc iliaaactU River. 1 4 JO p as.
fortiacl lo Corralii ' Toea Tbur
aiid V sy-Ludlas ! and fiat.
fj a.m.
and raL
Lt El par la
5afcs fUver.
Elpar.a to Lewlstoa.
i L Lewlstoa
: Iatir
W. II. lll'HUBtBT,
General fasseEjer Afeat.
O. K. & T. Cw
Portland, Oreiam,
Notice For Publication.
llsrru Ittati Ld Orrua,
Rcisebunr Orexoo, A priil. U9B.
No! 1 hsrebv rlieu that the foDosrlat
named w.'.ler ha Med no tree of ti. is.lmtaa
lo make t,nrf in t ;Mrtof hMe.a.m. sad
tbat said proof w;.i be n.a.1 before tba K'Mm
ml hx-rlrer. I tiited Mat- Land Officer at
koseburg. Optic, on Ma 3. Vf, Tts:
sLMkY M. THRt eH.
On H E. Ko Ut tb N f , 5W i. See. JJ,
T. 29 S , K. S Wot. lie names the lollowtDC wit
or to prove ni eon'.inooqa re:irB- caoa
and ealti nation ot said land, vl SXllsa
Tbomw.n. A- it. W hippie. J. W. WUey, aad
J. B..M llion. ai ol Camas a-y, Oreroa.
J. T. BKibGEe.
CyiTio EiaTii Lass Om,
E.ebi.T. Creccn. Feb. X UBS.
Notice is hereby erven txat in eomaiiaaio
wl'Ji the provisions of the act ct CKpiaisf
Jane 3, li:.i. eoaued ' An art fur tea ssuoaf
nrnbsrr laads to tie 8raJ of Califoraia, Or
(.a, Kevada aad Wahiaras. Terrtlory,
of Riildie. . Cvcnty of lhs-f-mi, Prais ol Or
ron. has this ca ia u.ia oSec to. swom
slaroest NO.CTA lor the fraret asw oi the g. sr.
a . 1 . of eriM.. 5a jn lovwahip fo.
6. aVanre o Is. and w ofief proof lo afcosr
that ibe land srabt Isntors vaituhiat tor las
Umber or stone than for azracdtoTBi pm f
aad to eabiia his ciaira toau4 land Mora
the Herister and fceceirer of this oS.r at iaa.
iKirt. Oresroa. on raiariay. ia lxk day t, Vitt.
He Basses t wiinewes: Josbrph A. Wtaortow,
of kii'l.e. Or. W . il. 5 saim, of Enliard, Or.
Ben Fiber. of ELUIe. t Fred Eaaderaon. ol
Kiddie, Or. Any asd aU pemos rial m
ice adversely tbe aboveleverfbled rasadsanrs
qoeated to 41 their claim ra thia oSc ea
before sa:l lXh day of April, L-5a.
J. I. B2XDOE3.
jMi Kerrarrr.
Notice For Publication.
rfrro rtru omt,
atoaebvx. Orejcn, Marti Z2, ISM.
To whom it may ers.
ftoiic Is hr.y trrto that the Orecoa A C'J
foraia Ita..ma4 Coapasc nas l.ed la this oAe
a list of land -a led in tbe towcahips dsv
scibed te,ow, and has spp led for a pa'-eat for
sai-l lands, that tbe .. . pea to Lbe psblle far
lBpetioa mad a copy thereof by duipU
STrUliTtiiotia. has bers yosced la a eoave-uear;
place :n tha office for me lnspeetioo ot aU ar
sons interested aad toe pebire rmexaiiy-
Orvaoa aa-i t auicraia at K laada.
Tp 40 a. H 1 E.
f 1, V IL
Tp 30 s. R 4 Vt .
All sees 1 and Z.
Lot 1. 2. 3 aad t, aad it Sec .
All eee 11
lthiD the next sisty days foUowicr tl$ daia
of this oocxe. pnte'V or cnea4a szaJnst lb
ela-in o( iheCoisasy toary traet or aQbdivla
lon ai-.hia txt ecu..a or pan f sreraoeu dss
smbed ia thelisc, '-a the rruQnd that tsa arma
is mere ta.oab.e f-r s:nral tsaa tor arricalt
nral yrposs. snl- be rreiTd an-1 noted for ro
jxri lo ;bt onera; Lan-1 crtce at Wsatuag-sua,
Notice for Publication.
C:iiMiTij lacDOmct
Rovel-orr. onoa, Malta S, UBSL
5oice hereby t.eea that ia eospiiaac
".lb ibe prrriaion of the act ot Cescresa of
Jo e ire. V-T, n:l:.d -As act far the sale of
Umber as-x.s in tbe Sta of Callioraia, Ora
roa, Nevada and W ah;at -en Terr-. wry.
Of Oakland. County ef DocsUs. state of Ore
ron, ha ia day f.trd ja Una oScsr ha rsrora
statement No. r fe the porch aseaf tie fv W.
's1- W- '.of Jiecilon No i. ta Towasatp JCo. Si
e. Eacce No. 4 v.'. aad w Ul cSer pwf to soow
that the land sootrbt is more for its Uss
brr or stone thaa for surnrtiircrai rarpnaas, aad
toes'bUsh hicia:ra lo sard land before ta
ResrUtrr an-1 Receirer of this eSrWe at BUsartnua
Tesron.on Wrdnewlay, the Mia Ur (4 Jvmm
He nasscs as witaea.s- Arclitwld McKcruie,
narrltoa Maanins; WiLiaai H. Jcv, A E.
-rnita. ail of Oaaiand Orecoa. Anvasdail per
sons adverx-lT the abiTe-oVscjited
lands are reqaoted to fi.e' their c.alrna ia this
cCce oa or beiure ai 1 ltih dar ol Jane. 1SSL
J. T- BUI IX. S,
a3U9 Bisxtx.
Administrator's Notice.
andemrced, a admiantratc ef the ratata
of Hirhiey Freemaa. deceased, has tied his 8ml
account wiife the County Oi of Docaa-las
riinT. fcil. . I,i - k. T, .
Jadse has used Mooday. the 1st day ef May.
p...,v,... ,u,w n'lrawo. H Uf 1UBC
for heannr ob)ertins lo said account aad for
tbe setuemeat of the same.
Dated this irJrd day ot March,
. . , JAMt C. FRLEMA9.
Administrator of tbe estate ot ll rhley Free,
man. deceased.
Administrator's Notice.
w - w. n ' ' v u .wh. KAiW SHUCT-1
spooioted administrator of i m.i. ftir
Benjamin, deersued. AU persons aarin
cJoims axainst said estate are herebv reau-vd
-.' " nie rrcperiy Ten aeo, touts)
aid admin istiator at ti Plalndeaicr crBee la
Hnaebcire tknnvi.a n r . .
months tnro the date hereof. '
lalrd this ."Wh day of Fcbroare. A. D. I3.
AdminlstranaT. -
Railroad Time Table.
Northbound Koseburg local. No. 1?
departs 7 :30 a. m.
Sou'.bbound Krjfeburg local. No. 13.
arrives p. m.
Northbound overland. No. 3. ai
rives 10 :35 a. ui. ; departs 10 :43 a. m.
Southbound overland. No. 6. arrives)
4.15 a. m.; departs 4:25 a.m.
rtuiuiiT isutLts.
Northbound fast throogh freight. No
11, strives 4:10 p. m.; departs 5:20 P.
Southbound fast throuab frsiohL Xa
arrives 7:00 a. ta. ; deparU 8:00 a.
Northbound miied train No. 2!arrivaa
at 2 55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and
Fridays. deparU 9:00 a.m.. Mnndara.
Thursdays and Satardajs.
Southbound miisd train No. 220 ar
rives at 3:00 u. tu.. oo Sundays. Mon.
days and Fridats, dcpsris 7:15 a. m.,
Mondays. Thursdays sod Satnrdajs.
Weekly Lxcursions to the East.
A tourist a.eeplng car will (save Port
land every Tiles-lay at 9 p. m. via the O.
It. A N. without change ta Itoaton, aad
nnder the supervision of es per sored
com uctors. No change ol rare to the
cities of Omah, Chicago, Baflalo or
rtoston. The ideal trip lj the east ia
now before you. Uememter this service
a hen going Fast, and consult . H.A N.
agents, or add res,
W. II. Iliatsiar,
tisnerai Passenger Agent,
f2. Portland, Or.