The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 01, 1899, Image 1

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The Plaindealer ...
Job Prinliii .
I I I . Ml i. rU Al
No better field than Southern Ore
gon; no better medium through which
f.xcuulc: o- -hcrt n.icc at prlte
cnl tent aitii tf'f (1 vork.
to Advertise.
Vol. XXX.
No. 34.
Enemy Realizes the Hopelessness
Lof their Gause.
AguinaldVs Emissaries Call on Otis
Hostalities Are About Con
eluded. Washington-, April US. ciblt.
the war department this tuoixicg
the caoimajdirg ueueral of the insur
gents had recti ved from the inturdtnts
government direirtious to suspend hos
tilities pending ne gotiatious f jr a teriu
ination of the war, and that the insur
gent staff officers are now in Manila for
that purpose. es of the arrival of ti e
Filipinos under a flag of trcce sprtsd
through the city rapidly, and many c-tfi-cere
gravitated tjtlae t-jrridom ef tue
At 5 oVljek, ths two Filipino officers,
escorted by Lieutenant slated arJ Ma
prMaloney, left the tpaUce. They did
not lookelated as the result of their talk
with and nr.emt-ers of the Filipino
commission. The test of 0:is' dispatch
ia as follows :
"Manila, April 2$. After taking Cl
otnpit, MseArthur's division crossed the
Rio Graide river in the face of great ob
stacle's, Uriviog the concentrated forces
of the enemy back of the railroad two
mile. MacArtbnr reports that the
passage of the river is a remarkable mili
tary achievement, the success of which
is due to the during skill and determina
tion of Colonel t'tinfton uader ihe dis
criminating control of General Wheaten.
"O-ir casualties are slight, the number
not yet being ascertained.
"This morning the chief of staff frcm
the commanding general of the insur
gent forces entered our lines to express
admiration of the wooderfal feat of the
American army in farcing the passage ol
the river, which was thought impossible.
A staff officer reports that tte iutnrgent
commanding general has received from
the insurgent government directions to
suspend hostilities pending ntgjtiatiorjs
for termination of the war. The staff
officer with bis party is now at Manila
and wid soon return.
''Lawton's forces are well in hand in
the vicinity of Angat, east of Calnmpit,
vbere he is waiting for supplies to be
sent tomorrow.
"Yesterday a force of 1S0O insorien'B
attacked the troops at Tagaig, were
driven back by the Washington regi
ment. Our loss was two killed and 12
wounded. Otis."
The dispatch from 0:is was immedi
ately tf legraped to President, McKinley
at Philadelphia. The officials cf the war
department believe hostilities are about
Eugene Notes.
(Kuirenei.uard, Fridar, April 2otlj.)
Judge J. C. Follerton of Eoeebarg is
in Eugene. He is to be one cf the
ndges at the debate tonight.
Sheriff Withers and Marshal i-tiles re
turned frcm Eoseburg on this morniog's
early train, without seeing a banging.
Hon. Jasper TVilkics of Coburg, at
tended a mteticg of the state fair board
at Silem, of which be is an active mem
ber. Mr. and Mrs. Dorris are moving to
their farm near SpringSeld. Their
many friends regret to lose them as
residents cf the city.
Benj. Lester and wife, of Vancouver
B. C, are here visiting G. Ontutt
and saintly. Mr. Lester is en route to
Douglas county to take charge of ths
late Senator Reed's estate.
Wasco is the t-iotb county to pay its
State taxes in full, a remittances of f 17,
612 10, the total amount doe from it,
having been received by State Treasurer
"Better Be Wise
Than Rich."
Wise people are also rich
when they know a. perfect
remedy for all annoying dis
eases of the blood, kidneys,
liver and bowels. It is
Hood' s Sarsaparilla, which
is perfect in Us action. It
so regulates the entire sys
tem as to bring vigorous
health. It never disappoints.
Goitre-"For 42 years I had goitre, or
swellings on my neck, which was dis
couraging and troublesome. Rheumatism
also annoyed me. Hood's Sarsaparilla
eared me completely and the swelling has
entirely dlsappeard. A lady In Michigan
saw my previous testimonial and used
Hood's and was entirely cured ot the same
trouble. ne thanked me for recommend
ing it." Mas. Akna Sctheblasd, Ixjvel
fctreet, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Poor Health " Had poor bealtb for
years, pains in shoulders, back and bips,
with constant beadacbe, nervousness and
no appetite. Used Hood s harsaparilla,
gained strength and can work bard all day;
eat heartily and sleep well. I took it be
cause it . helped my husband." Mas.
Euzabith J. Giffels, Moose I-ake, Minn.
Makes Weak Strong-" 1 would pive
$5 a bottle for Hood s barraparilla if I
could not pet it for less. It is the best
spring medicine. It mokes the weak strong."
AijsEET A. Jaokow, Houglastown, X. Y.
FVJ- a'M
Baod'i Hill euf l-y,r till ; tlie non-Irritating auj
ofity ftlirtic tf "take ylttt H-wd'a ftariatiariUal
State News.
Indication of a spring flxd along the
Columbia are uncomfortable encourag
ing. Cx is the eighth county to pay its
IS'Jj na'e txJg i'i full, A remittance of
rH,5'.i7 5J. the total amount due from if,
having lneu received by SUte Treasurer
Moor, lt Thursday, Coos ia a dairy
ing county.
Ciaud Pranton i fentenced to be
banged in E jgnia nty one week from
next Friday, according to schedule
Ever; thing is n in readirc-s for the
uatiK'maa'e ro;e, and llrtnton see uis in
different to the ou'eome.
J. M. Oi-burn, of Corvallis, has evld
lod head of beef steers to an Astoria
dealer, and tic animals are !-eirg
shipped. The prL-ee have tor been
mede pa:. lie, but $55 or -in re pT hesd is
supposed to Lave been paid.
E. 11. Sherwood and James liruwr, of
Myrtle Poiiit, a:e galheiirg $00 he-ad cf
ca'.Me f.irE igeLe Hannon, who will re
ceive 15C0 at Koseburg hy May for Ne
braska i-hipme: t. Prices paid are : For
2 year-edd s eers, heifers, $10; year-
hegs, steers, f 13; hei'er--, $11
Pacific coist lumber is eeekini many
foreign marae's from this cvast and
there are at ihe present time 13 vessels
loading luaiber from ilie P.r: Elekely
mills, their destination being llaeiieme,
San Pedro, San Francisco, Honolulu,
Newport, Sydne, New South Wales.
Dtdsgea tav, South Africa, Callao. IVru
ani Port Pirie, Austral. a. Ti.e total
tannage cf thee vessels is 1J.531 tons.
The Bx'lh-Kelly Lumbtr Company, j
which recently purchased a larg tract of;
timber lai d on the Mehaak, lat-t Thurs J
dt purchased of J. W. Cu?:ck the En-.
terprise sawmill plant at lireitenbrceh,
on the North Sau'iam. Tne mill has a '
capacity cf 100,(K)J iett daily. It will le ;
renovea to it e vicinity ol their uruler
la"!ds in Lane couc'y. Tne considera
tion was about $SCM.
An industry carried on tear Monroe is
the gathering and feeding cf mud turtles
for the fan FiarjcUco market. List sea
son nearly a carload of turtles were kept
in aa enclosed portion of a lake above
town, and fattened on bran and shorts.
It is said that more than twice ttat
camter wiil be bandied this summer.
Something like 25 cents apitce is paid
for turtles by the owners of the pond.
Ths Weste-n Lumber Con panr, of
Portland, has purchased a kite for a big
sawmill on the Sherlock property io the
north end of the city, compris nz 15
riverfront lots and 20 other lots. The
price paid for this property is $50,000.
Tba mill la be erected will Le of the
most modern type, and will have a cap
pacity of over 100,030 feet per day.
Lumber will be manufactured for the
export and tail business. Aftorian.
Governor Getr ba3 appointed Dr.
Everett Mingas, who practiced (or sever
al years in Portland, health officer at
Coos Bay, to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of Dr. J. T. McCornac.
Dr. McCornac resigoed because of the
ro.wg ot Attorney-i teneral biackcurn
that be could not hold two cilices, he
having been named as health officer
wLiie acting as assistant tcrgeon io the
UniUd States marine hospital service,
which position be retains.
There is evidently some very bad peo
ple in Albany judging for the following
from the ll-rald : "Some mi.creant en
tered the opera house on Tuesday night,
and cut about a doz?n gjwns of the la
dies warerobe belonging to the lihirley
Company. The dresses were torn and
cut with a knife, and several cf them
were ruined entirely. The leas will be
about $500, as the most expecsive dress
es were destroyed. It is sail that the
police have a clue to the scr jun lei."
The Ashland Record paje Lindley
Mason & Coffin start up their big saw
mill at Klamatbon this week with a
large force of men for a good ran. Their
new chute up Klamath river has teen
completed, and some 300,000 feet of logs
per day have been put into Klamath
river for a week or so past, floating down
the stream without driving, the water'
being high on account of the melting
snow in the mountains. The box factory
at Klamath is also running in full bias.
A new industry in Oregon is the util
ization of the unmarketable fruit by con
verting it into brandy. In Lino and
Clackamas counties (tills were operated
last year. The total output of a still at
Janction City was 132 gallons of bqior,
which tested 15S proof, and on which
the government received $225 in reve
nue. The brandy was made from over
ripe fruit discarded at the drier of Bash
nell & Mahoo, at Junction City, and aft
er being made into brandy wai soil at
$2.50 per gallon. At Eigece last fall a
still proluced brandy of 104 to 130 proof,
which was sold at tbe same price. The
trade is beginning to demand this prod
uct, and next eeaon it will become con
siderable of an Indus' ry io this stale.
A correspondent writing to tbe Ore-
gonian says relative to tbe time in which
homesteaders have to prove op on their
claims: In the Weekly Oregoninan
a statement regarding tbe manner cf ac
quiring homestead land was made,
which gave a land officer in the state of
Washington as authority, which said
that final proof might be made at any
time within eight years from tbe time of
the original filing. The time is seven
years, except iu the case of those who
had filed, but not proved up, at tbe time
of the passage of the act of July 2G, 1894.
That act grants an extension of one year
if "the time for making final proof and
payment for all lands located under the
homestead and desert land laws of the
United States, proof and payment of
which has not yet been made." A pub
lication of this correction mav save some
homesteaders, who have filed since July
20, ls94, from losing their homes by de
caying the proving up for the extra
Cyclone in
Hundreds of Homes and Stores Lev
eled to the Ground -Ruins Caught
Fire Other Places Visited.
r. Lot i, "Apni JT. V ;a
etortu that hid b-cn threat -i
afternoon troke upon Kiiksvilie
tonight ia all tiir fury id a yd.
lath a iiuattt-ruf a mile id
clean as the prairie was swept throuith
the eastern p irtion of the ity, and -iOd
buildings, h i:uei and uicr.-atails ho i-e
Weie leveled 1 ) i iie ctui.u 1 in fcatteied
In the heavy rai'i tiia' fnlliAed ihe:
j people ahohad (scaled turned vut to
res .-tie tbc mjirued rr tw. Iio-rs
n I iiiucli aas c.-otiip istiel, an a t was
conto?iou, but by ; o'clo k 4.' dta-l
bo-Jies had iten talen Irotn the ruin.
It is expect-.d itha'lhe list of tdei l vvi'l
reach bet we -n 03 aui 70, ii ,t ( xc-.-id
that. Near v lu.-d eip!e er-
less it jarrd.
Daviiht will b-l:ci?a'vj in-;.ie all
adequate conception i.f the d ttiujti jii tf
life and property can i liad. Each
blanched face reports a ne calaa-ity.
The li t af ki led i" tii cw', s- far
a kuoao.'is as f j 1 w :
William B Howeii-. etudrr.t ol Amfr-;
icin uchoc-I of Oiteopa'hv
j Mrs. W. II. Sherbnrne, wife of stuJeot !
of scho-d of osteopathy. j l'-c ' : a! i. nor i:
James Wearer Sr., retire! contractor, j 'B J?' 'Metiers, !,av
Theodore F.ngham, merchant. Ed B.m- j tot the i-- . d ti :e "S
man, boy, Mr. W. W. Green anJj1'0"-"
daughter Bssei, Mrs H'nrylLi'.iirton, :
A. W. Glaze, Mrs. A. W. G.s Mrs. j
Ben Green. Mrs. Jehu Lirkin Sr., C A. I
Gibbs, Mrs C. A. Gibb, A. C. Beal,
James Cunningham, Mr. Mitchell, Mrs
T. Mabiffev, Mrs. C. Wol, Mr. A
Little, A. I.iale, Joe' Mr. Joe;""5 u'''-r I-r v. rekit g id it Le
Woods, A. W. Ra.nechott, Mr.-. Bow-'said:
man, Mrs Tbeodore Briham, Mr. Peck .
Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Meiinda Heiinn, '
Jeaa Petetthott ar.d wife, obkntiwn baby j
Mm. Miller. Colonel Lt'tle anJ family !
four, Mr. and Mrs. Kiik, Mrs. Hi. Is,
Alma Williams, Mrs. G. E. Stevenson,
Mrs Looa Whaley, Mrs. CouJtr Henry
Lowe and three children, livii.g near
Tnose report. d kiliel.aie: Mr. - P. c,
Mr. Anderson, Mr. Stephens. Ir. Bill
ings. The kuow-t iijlrei a-e: Mr. aol
Mrs. DebiUn, Mrs. Hohtor., Harry
Mitchell. Miry Mitchell, Mis Evai.s,
Sam Weaver, Wjliia Kfllogg, II jl is Kel
logg. Those repoitid iniired are: Maud I
Waldeil, M'. T. BjHock. Mr.
J. II. Kirk. A. L. Peal, W.
and Mrs.
Mrs. Hennocs. Mrs. Miilen. Daan Mills.
Ernest Mills, Andrew Robeits, Esther i
Little, Ina (ireen. William Brace, Mrs.
John Barley, A. C. Biwman, Mrs. Mary
Cohan, A. T. Ck, Beeman, child,
and Asburv Green.
KiatbVi.'Lt, April l'avs n.'jgt
pass before a cotcpleti list of casualties
can be sec ire 1 an! bef jrs th? real ex
tent of the damage to property can be
knjwn. The tornado destroyed tele
phone and telegraph wires out of Kirks
ville, and not until J:30 o'clock ibis
morning wj communication with the
outside resumed, anl then only in an
unsatisfactory sort of way.
The tJ'alof knonn deal has been
ra'scd to 3J by the identification cf -i
more blies. Mayor Njon, who has
been activa in re?tU9 work, estimated
that the death list may reach 100. Re
ports from the cjuu'.ry districts 6tate
that many farmers have sufferel severe
ly and that several lives have been lost
outside of Kirkeviile. Henry Lowe and
three children, living three miles north
of town, were crushed to death beneath
their demolished home. Other fatalities
are reported frjm the country, but no
name) ar given.
Regents Meet.
A meeting of tbe board of rejeuis of
the Southern Oregon State Normal, was
held io Ashland last Tuesday Apr. 25th
for the purposs of organizing, electing
officers nod attending to other business.
There were present Governor T. T.
Geer, Secretary of S tate, F. J. Dunl ar,
State Superintendant J, H. Ackenvan.
Senator Harman, of Josephine, Supt. G.
A. Gregory, H. C. Kinney, F, II. Carter
and L. A. Neil.
Tbe following officers were elected for
tba year President of board, Supt.
G. A. Gregory, Vice President, Judge L.
F. Wiliitts.of Klamath Falls; Bccty. L.
A. Nell ; Treasurer F. H. Carter.
Preliminary work relatingto the trans
fer of the property to the state was done
soils other items of routine business
was transacted and the board adjourned
to meet again iu the near future.
Painful Accident.
Last Thursday as C. 11. French and
(Jbas. 'Vf. iiitd, two miners of Applcgate
were returning from a prospecting trip,
laden with their tools, and Mr. Dird,
sIbo carrying a loaded Khot gan, a pick
which lie carried, accidentally fell, link
ing the hammer of the gun, and dis
charging it. The cntiie load took efl'ect
in the lower leg of Mr. French, causing
a savero wound. Ho was brought to the
hospital at Jacksonville where he is be
ing cared for with hope of speedy recovery.
j CrockerandKceJ5aii Fr,-ns,anj
Hi. I. aid Crcckf i' Vailed f jr InUnd
j last week on t!i A'ne- rican i ii.w ste in -
? T , . w-'. ,
T.iiiiiii; v ie.i li r lof Ui fi:W")td to his
CMIltpnl.i ii liip mi tl;e viimih v i ll lll;f;h
p-i:iM:r. .Iieyarjold lneii lf.
Mr. Cruker 'sav M.e i'jnid.-r Mr.
i f'd i"1' "f the men lie ever me',
I and likes to listen to his !ori-t.
I Mr. Or;ker has eiijtJ'.'l a s, In. did
t-u le mat co-t lii'.u It is .no. i . on
the port (-Mi- of lb promenade dtck.
: Ii :s l -i -r. u iilil cak and blue
pluli. Tne mi: - cjiii-i-le of a hdrojiu
M t : i .i ii .in i 'atli'room.
Ihe iii:i:i.5'J'.h n i tarter thai; li e
avrrait v- d bedroom, in ;i Hurler flat,
but it is about four times as Urgu as an
in till i urdi-.arv staterKm , tucli as h iccu
at lii'.'O. p;e I b. Mr ll e l, who id a much larger
e A j !.,!! ii, at, C.i.Uer. Mr. IVker'a
aud as i si er ali i niece wd' o. c jp a t- ill to-
; gUV r l-el.iw. 1 Is mi It- .n tin- : oon
! M-.t
(. Ii.
i h,.i .:i n
ker ' ahkt d i- iii
l n il.t in 1 tried h. '
n lii u zv. 1
r that
' iii),' aLout
'iVilimii J.
ted tllat CO
t rue :u.d he n
' su
. !ii uid o ill' red.
! It wu ii a iiice -iiOi);ii (eiUw
pel- i. aily,-' !i- aid, "imt ins Iti to 1
ilea i."i ih. I d ir.t
s'noa' ! tv ii'. m! cf t'l- ir patly for not
; accei i "h r
.'J ll.e
pi :orm
biioil'd t- aLii- r irt?
r-vv r: .rv.
My i !i.;ir ! u:
t::at a !:. ) 1 m '
an I a t-r ff let
I !
1 I':..l.piitJ s is
!ie:i. to as to
t e can the
s'il li i:
i ' i I Ii
; lt-rr:t ry
.ri. fie lA ii d i vf r
I ! I h- ii cover a
Ii i' i r. ! cp-r-Un
l- ..ii i r ( an-ft-
I. i . West
' lo M e ::.!... :a'
' t!ie,i.- i.e-. It
pvit d t !ra I. ii,
; ada c j .if. i r
lad ef.'
Sojvenir for the Editors
Aj.c atio i at
given cession
!' " r-r 1 " ee:.r 11 i i IVrtln d,
"r'' -ri 1 r,r,'l "'::: ar- i i course
ot cvn u:ua : r, i,r t: pur,; ca i r, o! the
, finest
vv j.k ( t ia' k r. 1 Jet Mr.
a . u. iiiintiij Kin cii.r' ano
i w4 in Kjs.-tiurg lav K; day, i kr:g cp
iJ. B.
'"Th s p .Mi -ati'.ii 1. romp'eted
'1 'a' ' uV?r v L l S to
le cimir.g e U't ato-it Jjue loth. It
"!' contain iim-tra't I d.-. i:t i ms cf
. ! i tcrt in ii i tits
which wi.l v )i:tni tl.e let ii-,
toetber with a c r.let;ed nte np oS
oar rtsjorcc, etc. This will b no ex
pensive ft rk and we ihrefore prcpose
to sol cit yo'jr siip;t)-t ti tie til fnd
pleasire cf jour b.f., triends and la
Irons. We are toll. a: 1 1 've tlim a
gj-d ti-n? a -si if wj cm Ji a li t'e more
for them than ever I e!.re we n:e cot go
ing lo miss the oppjitanitv."'
The mee'.iug of the editors will be noe
of the most enjoyable ta'herios tver
assembled iu the state. The members
I0' National Iviitoiial Association
Wi.l bate trin-port-t'ou furn sled ihem
free ti nil point of iri'erert in tio s'ate
'J lh privileges w
is, for thiity
davs. Mr. MaLer mil it!j ton-iderable
eucce's ia Lis canvass ol 11 jse-'.-urir.
Current Topics.
Spring huchiijrf h.3 1-egin iu eor-
gli. ar.d i-mlora fio.u the nun b at
Naihy ille and 1'. . ttocpi p. rtici. aled
iu the Confederat Ijcciiti;n diy cere
monies h'. Vickslur, Mis'., Ust we.-k.
"Lucky" Baldwin has been firced to
place a rr.oitag-? on hi $3,OO0,C0) farms
in Calif ornia to meet a $153,000 cbliita-
lion. A man should never i najied
"iuckj" until he is dead.
A the rtnit ef an iujite: e.vr the
bodu-fi f K.d.r and Heiktuai.n at AsVo-
ria, Hie fact uas clearly established '.bat
they died of ptomaine p-ii-toning. con
tained in emtio I gool4.
A mi 1 "iiaire ha recently married bis
typewriter ia San Irancitco. and cow
the schools that each typewriticg in that
city are iu danger of bi-iog overrun with
marriageblj pupils.
Ttie la'est reports show that the wheat
crop ot canaia miu laii saori oi ine
usual average this year. Here is an
other customer for the never-failing
Northvtest wheat field.
There has been an increa e of $1.70
per cipita iu tlie cirt uia i o ol i'ie
country in the past twelve inon'hi. It
no amoun'e to $25 45. Itm-iness is
gaining at a rapid rate, but the growth
in the currence keeps pce with it.
The Portland telegram says: It is
shonn that manv farmeisiu Oregon who
have turned their attention to dairying
have made an average profit of $50 per
year for each cow. One creamery paid
farmers in the vicinity of $18,000 to cash
last jear.
Coos Bay News.
The Cotjuilld bar was roun'j all last
week, and no vessels croa:cl iu or out.
Trout fishing was good, all lust week,
and tome fine catches wers made on
both forks of Coos river.
The heavy northwesters of last week
delayed vessels bound from San Fran
Cisco for iiorthern ports, nud costing
steamers madu unusually long trips.
From wbut we glean from reports,
Judge liahrs hue oveiru'ed It. A. Gra
ham's second motion for a jury trial,
and rendered judgoicnt in favor of
Spreckles ior amount claimed.
The steam schooner Luella is oil the
route between San Francisco an 1 Tilla
mook, and, we iiudcrHlaiul, is to call nt
this port regularly lor fuel. She made
her first I l ip here Tuesday laet, bring'
ing some freight (or Heavcrton, and
sailed Thursday morning for Tillamook
J New Store I
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce ttoulit and Sold
Low Prices!
s Complete and
Excellent (ualittf.
We give prompt attention
to all Mail Orders.
his is the
to Buy
of all
Judge us
Judge us by what we are doing. Judge us by the
continued increase of buyers. Judye us by the
DRY GOODS your friends have purchased of us.
Judge us by our Prices Get your friends to tell
you how much they paid. That is al' we ask.
New Spring Goods
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dcaleas in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181.
New Goods! j
Free Delivery
I- j n f f -rrt rS
'ailct Articles 9
rushes and
A iull ami couiulctc assortment
tisit.T-ilv kc; t in a hrst-
class grocery.
Everything offered lor sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which .ve invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
& CO., Grocers. jj
Arriving Daily.
one Ivor South l P.t.
HOii:iU Ri;, (IttKGON.
H, C. STANTON ( general directory
Haajiat r.-iTM . ar.! tM. ,u.k ' C. .uf.'.n J'j . h eliooa
- . i i. ...-i . e kixre
CObl3TI( Of
Ladies' Drees iiw.U. Kibbou.i. iri;nuiit.
Lmh, tic.. He.
hoots aii siioi
W-ivt '.Viilew and i.u.-a Atn.
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
aut Uic ticica. Al ti.-j ujr l ur
Custom-Made Clothing!
Fo- Choice
Call at Stanton's for -I.. P. M'
or THE
Southern Pacilic .
: "'t .t. . r-.irtlkLl - Ar." Ti'a7"i
r a. Lr. . hjf-.TZ Lt. i 'i is r.
1 " Ar r.i Pra- - Lr. : r t
.. '. K M. , A- itri-a Ar ' 1 :. I y.
M IH2-r l i r p M
t k ! . At i:i.a.. r - s. M
!'. i'. l .r !... ., i.r -,.)- '4
T-)A M Ar. A:.r. . -.-..I-.?!
1 Y. M Ar tit !. Ar ; y :
l'f M Ar Mbt : A .
: '..A. J.' Ar Ar . ... f. ii
Itmlnic car Observation C'-r.
r:;:..i ..n:A : r: tt: a::tti..l
to i tra- l
ICM-burf Icil-Mailr.
i a-a. . . Ls
A- r a A r
J-..r.:.--l - Ar. . i A. r
B Lr
1 Ar.
r.rtUa4 - At.. r.u
a-Air-.j a.l vr-.a..:i ct.i;c.-i w:ti -rar
'Hi'in..j4U:Br' -
lr. :. jinl- Si ; !'- . . r !:- : j..- jt ),!.&)
.-. a. L. ii.r.:2.J - Ar i j
r a. ; Ar. M M :nr.;: It. . -. a
r a lr !- !-fr. !". - I. t ' a
I'.r! -.:.a. .. -i m. fnx.. .v-- :.i'.
an lp i r Hta a :. .' . t.iti i, I
l h.':i -.-l --.-- a
r !!.rTajr-i. i ar.-i ri al
i.-- l II M..SE A ;-!.-.. K - 1 l-s.
a KOIHLFR -. li HAF.kltAM.
Kr. r. -.. r. A l ax. At X.
Tte Kavcriie TraDtCJi.luct.tai Kcute
I'e'.ween the ir'lwt acd all
Points Kaf .
Choice cf Two Koi-.;es
ThrcUjih the Fam-.-as
Rockv Mountain Scenerv
And Ft ur Uoules last
ot Puel-Io ard Wnver.
Ad IVsetniers eranted a day s op-ever
in tne Mcrmon ta; ialor aavaherere
taecn Ocdn ant IVnver. rerfon!lv
cofidnetfd Touri't l'scursi cs three dajs
a ek to
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago
and the East.
For iH-kets and any Information Ke-
ea'dina- Katf. Houtes. etc., or for re
rriive Adyertisinjs Matter, call on
Agentslof Creeon Kulaay v cavitation
Co., Oregon s-hort Line or Smthern
Pacific Companies.
licueral Pas fc Tu ket Aent.
Iei.ver, Col.
t.eneral Awenl,
231 Watb. St. Portland Or.
Roseburg . O. Hours.
Wi-e-k dayf. t-:.i0 a. tu. to S y. xa. Sun
dava and lioli.las, :.?) to'JilO a.m.
and 5:1!0 lo 7 M p. in.
srvuk K.are?.
K selmrit to IV arts ev
ery day at ii a. ut. ; arrives every morn
Kvehur lo Myitis r.iin'. IVraits
every day at 6 a. in ; ariivcs every
Koseburts to Millwoovl IVpaits every
day except Sundays at 7 a.m.; arrives
every day rxcept Sundays ht A :!" . m.
Ujeehurit to IVrl 1V art v i'y, Ex
cept Sun lav) at 7 a. m ; rris da ly.
(evcept Sund.vv) at 3 p. m
Ivotehiirj; to l.urley IVpaM Ttio-
days aud Kri-liva at 1 p. irj.;
Tuesdav s and I'i it e at ll::!0a. m.
. . .
City Treasurer's Notice
Notice is hereby jiivcn to uil persons
holding KoFrhurK city warrants indorsed
prior to July 15, H'.M, to present
. rJ- '. V" AA f
"Scenic Line o the W"
to July 1, H'.M, to present!. ..fp n.!ri ITT IliFP
ame at the citv treasurer's oilico iu ! I I 1 r fl Pi 1 1 I r i I 1 11 n
ity hall for payment. B interest i:i - U L liU LL 1 LIVE.
the Pa
the c
vvaotT viiu ... mi!.,
. I
Dated at KoSi-hlirtT, t)r., 1 his UtUl d .v
of March, IS')!). tie.) Cuil V, i
City Treas'iicr,
- i . i',i'. I::.?r-4tii!... 1. H. A-k-niBa
i''K t r.a-- r W. H.
.. Al R. N.i:a-'kt,u-B
if. A. '.-
..- ? v..iteriii
fi'lit. J. A'. Ha:i.''u-a
I OLrrrcr , . ..Tj. ii i 'O
a. w. td
i. Wouacott
. Uuwii
J. . ejeca
J K.GxieT
. . .HI. ru-l-btua
. '. n. liiajjfa
JV ;
, II. P.. OiiUrtte
i'i. Lf'MU
- M. V- T Loir. wr-u
.. CwarThltl
. t-r. t. V U-mirr
Tim. ra:Ui
! f .rL r ,
I r-',' iusl "T
1 Kcifn orr .
I iir.Mi .. H.W . Vjrtr
. ;ou x. p. f tr
I c:ti or t'4t!te.
Mav.r.. .. c. Krvst
if-' s.-r tf. A. Enter
lit Ward....
li! Ward
ir'I Ward
y P hnz.
' i. I-.ri
if . fr .n
i ii. i.t.
( -V . J UjT
. K. . W01.. .7
til. C. rcaiw
-It t U , .1
. . . T
. Ii..arl
Wari .
R..ti,r.:..x .... .
T r .
c i-T !i. a tir
it r. - iic .1 o! lie tit- oi K-. e.rr
r t y : r: Kct-iay in ca tsos.a al
T-t ' .-'. j;; .::rt . .r l.t..e. Cwa'.r l..--"
lii-v-r nr.- a -- '-..,.- Z titz aivia
i r . 'A-r . i:3 M in Jcrx. ni ihe
1-: K ti t :z. it-KCz. J. W. Hasuiio ol
5:'..-.-".-t-. ltl .eT.
e -r .u.- .r,r: r. '.iii lit "in lay afi t
lie ;: ; ; .r ..j a-aarr. iia.rrii. atay. JniJ,
-v-;.vrz.'-- aii NTtratr, J... LiA. it
Cra.A. iilit. jL. D. Xao-pauaof Kucalvf
r: lit t. .f oI a. eom ci'.m-jntn.
r- .1.- . i.r. j- .a W3a.-a eonCaooaa.j. Jo
L?- : . U'.r IectiMa.
Deiirt i;v.?ios so . b. Of l l.
race-. iTerj s4 focnA mjjiaj.
oy.r. .- r eoaPs so. , .vtm
L-i a-. -, t. 1.-4 Fr:4y !a -n.
r 1 1,
fs, -... .
.. a a. a.. MEk-rs zvt
a; : j
Vll'lU H.i'jt. SO. T. k. CF P . XLI1
vry . ev-i:ri4 at O&i '4
Ha.L Vo.'.-.; Is r1 ai.l rv uut
1 ii 5 :i .rvxi k . j zA-
r ll'aii. LO. A. T. A A. M , Ernjia
ii.'.i- :!; an 1 a WeiiscKiBTa la
';t.LE L. fAilKOTT w . X.
S. T. iiwarr, a ecy.
p i5ZK', CHArTESt, SO. A O. K. a-.XII.Ta
4V tae -r-l acd i! ir.j Tanmlay ot tmem
LliSSiE c--?aotf. W. K
1 A L i. K fcAiT. : y.
il-)S'!KX OF TUE WOP.LP Omk Caasp
k i-- a: Ihf CiJ Kt. tfmt fc.l
U "!'j' vtrj" iU aid Xotklay
-.. .:r;. i .nz Qe;ii,tr aiaari we.nyar.
I". . .-1K., CC
V ; i, a&ca.ikrk
j-;:i.ETAiiAS ujaasz. so. a. l o. o. t.
1 r:i:r!at emiig of rack n k al
:rt. r iJ ia a ic.irv I-a:p; ax BoriQnc
fi-Tt.o. t-ie'WJtrio c-"1 a3-lint tninru.
-' aiieao- B. W. IEoSe. 5. U.
N . T. .'isrr. irt'j. I.t. tT.
io Cf c.
I f . '.. F.LK.-. K E5i;'i Lor;E. SO. HS.
Inn-I t-.e.r rrsua; trorcas-iaixaiwc ml litt
I . 1 a . fa rw&l Ibttraim;
i --a b tri 'i A:', tri-naber rratel lo at
r:vi r-:ii'r.j. an 1 a. tii;.h enL&crs cvb
J:.:. iutiiw io a:u :J
i Hlv L- U kDLY, S. R
I.-ii i5. K.: 1LX. rxiary.
nOiiECK . LOr.K, SO. 1. A. o. c. w.
rittU the ecoad and fi-jrth MonlaTa ol
rx h raoa-i a:7 Jii p. n. ax rejowa baa.
M-arro tae order ia good -tallax aiw ta-riie-i
to aruavL
?. t.
i:.e..rt r.
Profeaalonavl cards.
YP.A. BROWS, 2i. D.
: firs, 3, Jrctsoa Street, al rta
idnreof Kra. J. Bujw.
Q'.'.- ;k m. cfc own.
Attorney-at-Lav ,
Rooms T and S
Taj.. r a "i.-vnfc.cL HO?RBCR. OR.
Kcvua Hj'.lditur,
le'.cpitone So. 4.
Attorney at Law,
K.hviu .
f.yior A vvaoa BU. KOSEBCRG. OK.Kfie.vS.
Kim.. 1 ati'I 2
itrview BjiMtas. ROfEBC Re, OREuOX
Attorney and Counselor t Law,
Will pracUe la all tk. ouarta ol ta Stt via.
lea ia Marat r Baiidinj;. Doaflaa eaaaty. O.
Attorney at Law,
Room 1 i. Xareters Bl.ljc., ReVEBCRR. eR.
r-Bxviaa before th. f. s. Land Oaka anl
miutu cjlc? a v(vvial:j.
La lo Receiver U. 3. laud 0e.
QK.tihO. K. UOUCK,
Physcian vS: Surgeon.
o.- u.i.i i'.t n.
luilr .v. ii . it lk.
' 'li. nt-. M.-ui, i.l.
J" V C' CIl VN AN. N .'.-y Piitdic,
Collections a Specialty.
K.k.'ii -1
Stinkf IlmMii s
lOrHl-UG. R
.lr lie l. . m..;-.. I n ,; Mill c.olliin t
mtv.y i.wall in ; uiv aa bunn aa
an ciK'iK'vr "T ai r.i-v.T. Mv ihareia a iii fc n t my work (iiaraniMst. Am alM
xV'nrnifw. rxvotta. r. iw