The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 27, 1899, Image 4

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1 1 - -- - -- - -
i 1
AScgclablcrrcparatioaror As
similating thCTeodandRcula
ling the Stomachs andBowcb of
UissFWitWi 1 Art;
Promotes Digcstion.Chccrful
ncss and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Jlincrol.
Not Xaucotic.
, SrrUl
KL,)U SJts -."tour
A perfect Remedy forCnsltpa
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Com-ulsionsTcvensh-ncss
and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
Tongues and Sounds.
SplccJ Herring,
Whole Codfish,
Salmon Bellies and
Does Up
We are always in th3 Ld, and rr.cxn tr '
keep there.
The Golden Harvest is npon us, and farm-
era are smiling because Woodward
Ioorii to their interect.
luiciGV iiari:s
Full Trinimeu
Theac are all Leather and Warranted.
At Eedaced Price.
Counlt your puree and be cure and set
woodward before buying. .
On the 5. P. R. R.
Douglas County, Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open for recep
tion of guests.
Water cures Rheu
matism, D-spepsia,
Kidney and Skin
: i
Tim ! ni'liiii'iln
jav aiiv iMivi auiauiu!.,, inn r..ri?r, JJeil.-
III IT1 1 1 1 II ! II I
XJX UiUUvii i
l"his Oid reliable Ki :
the molt fiowlsl i
Specialist ia ban Fraa-.
rifcu. tliil utiniiC to
nre all Sznel au4 !
dcn.aai u. teaser ;
!?V Gonnorrhira. Glrtl .
:ol nanbood, the oil
?inence of wed abuae an 1;lueiii? tue
oiiOHinir armplom: a&lior countenance, (lurk
poti under the eyes, pain in the h'-r.'J. rlrci.-ig
inlbctrarB, loss of coiiL.lene d:3i.lenee iu a:
(roacbi&c utranprr, paitiitation of the hurt,
weaknea of the limb and back, lofts of memory
plmpies on the face, conrhf, r4nun:,.!U.'U. etc.
DR. (ilBBOS haa practired in .an Francisco
otct thirty year and troubled thoui 1 not
fail to conoult bim and receive the benefit of
hi great akill and -xir.enee. 1 he doctor cum
when other fail. Try h:m. Curea guaraute. p.
Perkoni cured at home. Charge reanonabie.
Call or write.
DR. X. r. ylBBOK, 2i Kearny .St. aau Fian
Notice For Publication.
Ro;bun?. Oregon, Mar. 1 1, 1-,.'...
Notice U hereby given that in roiii!ian
witn the iroviion of tae act of :..!.cr.-
June3,18, entitled "Ana'-t for the. ale of
Umber uno in the i-ialef oi an
i. ruin, On.-tr-.n.
erauaanu nabinton Jerritorv,
COErt. Dl.'RLANfj
Ol Oakland. County of loug!a. Ht..!.-of i.--fron,
luta thia day fii.-l iu this ofliee hi fuorn
atateuient. Xc. i... for lite pun-ba-e of Hi.-b.t
5, of section Vo. il. in t.iwn!iit. No. i'., P. tacue
No. 6 weat, and iviil ofl'cr pr.Mif to -bow that the
land aou?bt ii more valuable f..r its tiiuU rcr
tone than for aericultural p::i-.-, and to
establish bin claim to faid land beb.r.- lb.- i:.-".
later and Receiver tit thfa -!tiec nt, Ito-i-hnr;-,
Oregon, on Friday, the r.'th le of .'liiy. I-'..'.
He naioci. at ' a itiiosef : Uwizhi l:.-c-J ;f
Oakland. Or- Hardin J-.avis of r ,
Jamen Temphu of Kofeburr, Or., 1misM l'r
' rott of Kiweburg, Or.
Anyanda'l persous clauuiuK adversely thc
above descriled lands are reou'flcd to file their !
-v 4 Stricture, sy fn ilia in I u on or iietore the hrst ltiv ol t..e i:.xt r-?u-'
V it'"'?!! 1 lonna, Sikis Of j !ar tenu 1 the aVne; -1 Coiirr, (.j-wit:
5X i -, v '.V 'k-tji -aeasea, Nervoua Debi nr txrfort M'.irJuv, Ji:ne 11, l-'j". auJ il v.u
yilt ; ' Jtf'fi ity, Impoteracy. SemU fail t- ..r or a:iner fiaiutid a -ni)iiiiiiil
i- eal Weakoess aad Lom ' ?aiut von a: aforvMid vithin fMid tune.
flaima in thif ofticc on or before wild ltHh oav Dated tin- day ol fci.ruarv. l.ifi.
of May, W. I JOI1 S If AMI.IN'
T IiUIfjES, 1 d.-iiinif.ratlr of the E-tate of Jhiii. s K .Milch
Rejflster, e'''i Deceased.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
s Bought.
Pickled Salmon,
Pickled licit in
Sniuked Herring,
Mackcral, :U
.te l:-"a On i ;
..situ:---, O.-v: :.
:av toll' e.T, :
So:., c
mla iia.i
b- r f . -en t
.1 i o. us- :..
I .a !
t..w :
1 in the
jvio'. ati-l l.e- b t I :
lands . :U'. the -t i- open to
-T-e tti. ! a r-: t l:..-p.-t :
i.v i-.-. t;.- V-eti 1
j.'.a. e :m tl,.s .-rE-.e. ; r ;h-.- m-;c;.t--u
d ai.d In' ii(-
!s.u:u of .,-. .ia- mi ,
1 MtT.
I. .
f'.-H',. f C. ':
tal j-art : ;: W :
& ni' :
ti e ....'-.
y d r :
1 i-an .! i
..v.. K i.
N 1 . S" ;
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Ti-. K
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' 1'art W ' i.n-i .rt !: ' .
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11: t'S't K'. au-J ( art W ., -c. l.
I-art.Sw.-l: ?! . SE'",.
rc. W. sV ;. r . . ...
' fsrt x: . ir,. t,;.:" ... :.
j : i a:id firti': ftn-.-.
jar-. I . jart
Lot 1, i, :;. J nd '. s-.-c. i
Tj.. K. 1.
I I-artof sr -. 9c. IT.
T;., . K. i.
IT. R. 4.
I'artol N" .' and I-Lit
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N1 2 acl fat, o: sr...-. .:
T;.. i. U. :T
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4, j. if.. 1 St
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! Ti. : 7. p.. "..
M.'1i.--.-e. ;
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j T'' 'pI'm'n V. .-r. :..
j t. p. i.
.u.I Ki
el ,;:a...t::c
S'.. w 1.
I Within the ni-xt -ixtr 1 f.i!:i. ins ii.- ...
f thifl notice, ,rot'.-.-ts .r i.,nt-.fii auin-t the
Iai::i of the ('..nnturiT to ai:v t.-a t or .-uh.'.iviv
:..n within auv kcIiod or prt of sttj ,n, le-
-noei in tnc .1st, .n the aron!il tlje f-arie
:a more va.unijle I..r ral thnn !-.r agritii;',
ural will k p--ei -4 an-i ui'tl lor r.-
r-.r! lo tie 'jeueral Lau l O.'hce at U ahiiig!..:j
J. T. l;kU.l.-.
J.H. h'jolil. ,. r.
K.etr.vr. I D
Its the .ii;tiT ci.L'ia r"i: loiola-
I f-ouiity, Stale of Orecon
; John I.. Armei. Faiutiil
1-aU.Ta .'. Ffeii.-h. Muo-lrl
Kieiicl.-, Wiliia-.i l.aii-ou, Ijeli-
lia l-auson, J. L. Freaeii, "..
! Kreiieh. Virsv, lai
l" .-U.t .11 h (':it;
rrei.e:i, caniu.n rreii'U,. i. I o-- a
K ate lui- French, i MoiiL-ai;.-.
FUen Fieiw h. a::d liuni:ah
Frrnth. L.-fen-lairj.. j
! W i.iiam Lauvjn aixl ixl.i.u
a-w- tamol ! feu Uiit-:
i the name oi ite s'ate of 're-on: Vr u are
i.j ieo. re-.uirvo i.j i.;.T.L'ar ana anhucr u.e eom-
hi:ut i.ltI L-a:n-t yuii in lue tljAc- entitlvl
I iaiulli: III to the l onrt for ll... r.-ii.-f
1c!!ianS.-l in hi complaint at foilow: For
the'li:.ur d u -i-rtain morifave exeeut. d
by li fendant. i-a:ia J. French, and Siiuaoii
I-r.-oeh r no-d. c. n'. .ij in ftt,-..r of l'laintifl. on
tlie -Jiif. ,iay t)i i l-s.- i,, M.( lrt. iiie pftv.
m.-ni of a i-. riain i.roiMi.v.rv uole ior the huin
of ? oi.or uith i!it: ;. t th-reou at the rale of Jo
pcrcnt per ariniin. ujioii h:eb thtr- now
lie Ih.-Mlii. of f I."', "aid n;onK:'C convey jut;
to ai t r.alii'iil .'..r ::.r.t .!iri.-e t!i- f.-il..i:iL-rte-. ,.r..- rtv to-v. it 1 be E 1 . of the
N W and th- w ',of the X K ' , of i-. etiou 1.
in Tp , n K 1 IV, will meri-iiati ; also for a judir
metit b.r the aiii-nint du-11110:1 faid proini-M.rv
cote for Mieh utu.rucv'k fe.-H aa the Court slial'l
adjudge r. a-onat.le. f.,r F.ainti.'l costs and
di-i.ur-pia. tils h.-r.-in and f. rsu. h oth.-r i-.-li.-f
a i-pr:.v.-l f... in cmplaint and as the
Court i-hail a.ijudi.'.- me.'t and -.juiTflble.
Thm !iMi;iious i- published bv ord.-r of Hon.
J. il.imilton. judfe nf raid r.iiirt, which
C-r-J'-r i- liaK-l Slim !i.2'i. Ii.!id liie time nr.-
n-nhcd in fa id o.-.J.-r for the publication .,f ti,i
! fiimmonx if on. e a hcck fornix ..-ts on c-l-
f ins; t"e hrff day of aid term of Court and the
day of the lirvt ).!ib!i.-ali..ii of this umimoii
ifarch T, 1-Xi.
V. W. BhN-'.N.
Attorney for I'laintil!.
Administrator's Notice.
police if hereby uiveii that the illl'lerfin.-d
hk on the -ji.t ii day of January, ls-j't. dul v
:.I;.;.ini d aoiiiiid -iiitior if the .-stale of JameV.
K. .Milcin-1!. U-.-. HM.-d. AU pcr.nK ha J:n.'
'hiitii- attaiuM said ctnte in.- h.-rebv tOjiiLed
to prc.'-ut tue farue pruj riy verlh.-d, to the
ivi aduiitii. trator at Ihe law ollice .fA..f
.ra'. loru, in Ito.scbun-', iJoiiKia ' onnly, un:-
"" wnbin fix mom lis Iron, the date hereof.
Wasiiinglon Letter.
Fi-mu our regular corn -tmu-lcui.
Wamiix.-ion, l. C. Apiil -JO, ISic.l.
Cuuii ): through tiUaie, IIuh
hi irnii In ii t-i-iiil liotu lite jiim nion
o'lice id id.- court Ii. ti-i', fittui); on it
be i' li, thai lia.l lit-i-n nil inter w.ii liik'
to' uu i cii mt, a; a ii.ui rtliobcal
Uii'y 1 oy Him" ul I I. will; his li'iru,
tun te ol a l.ui that K'cu by Iiie
ti !e. S ilh I his liny '.run, pel lie .i8
Mintihiii; liis ptpi- like s nno uiu-ic'ut
Tap, tiuoiiioiiii.i; ii.D (oiloAi ii. The
Ctltiim-jiiti Fci-ii.e.i iiiitwi-le.l wlii-n at
f.eiiiiij:, leluinii x ' M'-'tif tf
eh. hlii ii and ullicM pi.nitij; iiti.U-r l!it
lives an 1 roiiipiiii; tliruiili 1 lie- utasiry
lat.s liciiu lo til llieic will he
UiMiit Uvliit; Hie n.auy ntk. .uid
sporting cm the laAi.f.
Ill K I .VIL.M m I 11 I..
A tr.U potli-jii oi the l.c-aJij-iaiti-m
biilJin id tlie ili c-tlor depjrlti.t'bl is c-c-cupi-.d
by tlie patent t Ilice. lm:i-t.d
tli!8 great htliiilini; is ollenesl kt.uwu us
"Tue Patent Uiiice," nd to tlie tuaj jiity
it po5see6"s reatvr inttrcal than Buy
olhtr Luii-iii. Its force consult) vl the
c 1 1 it- ili'iL'B t'all, the application aud
iuterfei tfiae ilepartuieu ; the icietititic
library and the itstie aud gazette
T.iete are thiity luur divisions as to
I'i.eut?. aud it uuy Ik? cf interest fo
kUjw the cUs. tica'.ijns; 1, Ti.lejje: l-o, prei-M?-, live stock, elc. ;
luetnl.urjo, elcctroljeis, laelal foundiL;,
elc. ; 4, civii i niueci iug ; 5, tiue arts ; t,
cheuiis'.ry and eargtry ; 7, harvesltrs ai.d
veicc ipeiies ; , and table
Wite: '., Iiy Iratil c; ; 10, laud coiney 11, 'ea'htr norkiiij:, cla, but
ton?, buckles ; 2, mrcisunict! Obs'ii.eer
iui: : ll',. itilal working, forging, turu
iug; U, electricity, telegraph, telephoue ;
17, piiutibg aud paper manufacture ; H,
attain tcgiceeriug: IV, roves and far
laaces;l'0, hardwaie, deultstrr. etc. ; '21 ,
ttxtilee: tireatais. marine propul-
eit ii. frhip-huilding, eiguaiu: inetr-i-u-cbts
cf prtci-horj, accoustices ; 1'4, eew
ing inacLiiiee, appatel, designs : Si, mill!,
thiArLicg, etcne work, artcs:au at.d vil
cK, Lu'chcri'.g: lo, elettrici-y -'-ner.
atijn aud di3li:l.u.:on ; 17. washing,
bru?hiu. alraidiug; Us, paeuiuaUcf, re
frigation, air ar.J gas ergice : S1.', wocd
workiLg: typ-atiteis, l;r.o:ypt-,
matrix making ; laujpe, gas tiiture. op
tur; o!, alcohol, gas, oilt?, etc.. ; o.
arralioi:, hjttlitig, a tvertisiug, luggage
packing, and e'.oring veaee!: 3.J. trade
natKi; 4, raiiaay crs, and ap,:li-anct-.
The entire force u the patebt nice
uiu-l Lt iy jr-ur.f . It is i.ot pje-iole
to g:i e any correct lit.i of the indicate
wj:k djue ly luu-e alio have uiaj-j a
life rlitdy e-f ttiv drills of pa'.eul jllice
bat mo-ts iiiierceU is to go
thrb-.h tin v.'-; hall where many pat
terbs of ihiit tvnt n.achintry ure exhibit
ed. While lunch ti.-ue was on, since tiiis
ivtu-iieiiee-J. I hive tlruocd to the
upi-er ttory wbtre the pateLt odi.e
wjrk is tliietly djtc, tj take a glance at
th.- various mo-iels ou exhihit.
J cue inierca tAi tu tLe woiids pro
gress mere tD ire Cjtb;ng luore attract
ive than t visit a:n jUi :hc-se pioofa of
t ie great aivance tcaie djricg the
pre-ent century. Here are the various
inveu'ic-cs that havi rnaJe that progrefs
ae large case ia tilled with tyiica-ii'-
mg mode;!; when I rtkrd a Udy who
was working near, how laaoy typewri".-
icg ii.achiae3 Lad Ineti invented, she
referred iae to Mr, Vo..Uwaid, examiner
for that department. I had an interest
ing conversation wi. b him end mastoid
that the total approximated !,-x0. Oce
cu exhioiiiou, patented in 1S20,
This wast!. e f-s: iaven'ijc in that line
cf tlforf. U.hers cas.e to keep the
tsoi. 1 alive, bat Done aere tucees-ful in
enaliliigthe bv.fy world to d j haeiDees
with n.ore celerity.
The next effort was made ly a Trench
uian, who took cct a Trench patent in
l?oo. only four years later.
Ia another .ae there is a machine, cr
model cf one, that ma U the entire cot
ton Etates rich and left the inventor poor.
I rfer to the Whitney cotton sin that
enabled the growers tj save his Cjtton at
a hundredth part of the f jrxer cast, and
waa deliberately etol-a from the invent
or. Everywhere you turn in this great gal
lery of endeavor, are to be seen contin
ual reminders of the worlds progress, engine and j.riuting prtefes;
looms and weaving machinery ; electric
contrivances-, household convenience and
works cf art; uioie things than were
dreamt of in human philosophy, when
this cent'jry wag new.
One would be lott in this metamorpho
sis of the ages, r.ud forget that the olden
time had auy being, so changed aie all
thj appliances c f lifu and work from
what were in use when maty of us were
young, one who visile Washington and
does uot tea Uib patent office, will lese
oppbr.'uuity that may not come again.
Iu the main interior eVparliuent build
ing Pie the attorney g-riietals' cjfli.v, the
Indian btirea-i and those we have
named. thtr bureaus of this depart
ment have their ipiu lefe elsewhere.
Tha secretary of interior has his hauds
full, but tubordiuatcs do the woik so
completely tha. lie has only to exercise
gen.-ral turvisioii. This is alto true of
the various commissioners, who exercise'
control of th eevtral bureaus. They
may change with every change; of ad-
niiuift-atlo!! but their bubordiuute
chiefs are now under civil service rules
and to hoi 1 their places from one ad-
mibistra i-u to another.
The iension cflioe also has inleres ing
features; the geological survey has im
portant aims; these will afford tuhject
for examination to be uned at some
o htr lime. There are many capable
men and women in the departments
who are virtual. y retired from the name
of life, as most ot us play it. These can
only hope for advancement in tbeir de
partment work. Their positions are
ceitttiti, Kiibject to no change unless
thore is cane f ir complaint. They who
faithfully discharge their duties aud
answer uil that is expected from them,
aie reitiin tt retain pl.teo aud may ex
pect advancement.
S. A. CbMlKK
Wenrgo our ptlroup, who aie in nr
reaib for the Pi.ixi)KAi.r.K to'tond us all
or part of the amount cf your subscript
ion". It is a email amount to each of
you, but ti us it woull aggregate an
amount we very much iipi-iI in our hnsi
ITre at Urantd Pass.
Tin .Salvation Army bHrrai-kn mid the
grcK-fiv 8tort of M. Johnsjii, at tiranln
1'itff, weiH lii.rned early Stind.iy morn
tng. I he tiro stalled in the bnrracks
and it number of suspicious circuamtan
''M ' 'elation t i it luve lohulted in the
urtcst if a mail nunied If. M. Alien, who
iHchaiged with having nt it on fire.
Mini, jg Haid to lie of bad idii, having
ha I trouble with his wife, who fearing
violence lift him and went t her fath
oi "h home. Sh? attended the Sa'va'ion
Ai iii iiuctingH and waialmsed for it by
Allen, who iu.1,1 t ttircat-i if Betting liie
tithe building, it is said. Tin. build,
ing Uluiged to I'-trou L.'tiiike. the
brewery man, whose residence tvas
buined il.wu recently in tiranli I'ass
and with nim Allen is also said to have
hid trouble, Saturday. It wa claimed
tint Allen was seen going in t!i direL
tion of the scene of :hi' lire a! o'clock
Siturday tn .rntn,; Tiuu and olh-ir
Circii:ns!:it c-' are very strong against
Allen, who will have to atis vn- to the
crime of ars.m. The loei by the lire is
c lU.-i lerable t ) th giocer, who carried
little insurance.
Scottsburg News.
I be l.itiii. rs are aboct done leeJing.
II. We.itlierly has been rusticating on
the far .n for a few days.
I he ei!ij! at this p'a.e is prcgr-.iuj
nicely under the mantkViuMit of Mis
l.tura .i'lcei .
W. F. .lewett, lVe Nelson and Vi
ren Uee I wen in ton recently. Mr.
rainier took them to Klktou.
Tue inds havj d ied the m.i 1 in lhf
roaJs aud left I hem v-rr rough, a much
so as si much rock be.
W m. Luichard and t . Weather'y have
le-u assisting iu viewing out the I. jcn
I.kt road during the pa-.t week.
Mrs I'hile'.us McNett was acctde.-.tal-
ly throw n fioai a wagon last SatorJav but !
no very ser. us mj iry was sustained,
Mrs. Millie Weatheriv has returned
home with hertwin sjts She was sc.
companied ' y her mother, .Mrs. Maty
r v ,. i
Tie !'. li.t.i are Ugii.nlcg tj I loctu
agmi in ti.- ,i Is and the full tr.vsoni- j
ing of Ihe I'm:: ires g;ve prjiiile cf a1
Cce jicl-1 iti I. e hit ire. !
Llkton Notes.
April s!i wcrs
Ever thing
1 rar.k Wtl
iXsi I
i cjt.i;
d iw ii f.-om Kot-e-
burg wt-ek.
"Ti.-' dc v i! ai ay.
hands to iu."
W. 1. .leaett I
viviuity sa'.ur lay.
. K. 1 i.irl of 'i y.
is wt ik f .i idle ; in..
was i:. this :
l am, waa s-.-eu oil :
our ttrcc-te "-'ill lay.
Tbere are tlc-veti tates of
is in
t.i:a ii.iri'y at jresjiit.
J. II. l.evkley r-f E-Jgebe. wa vi-.:iri
relitives he.e the trt cf the week. I
Svii .iI losed ;u li e KelU-gg di-tncli
In Jay on aiC-t:i.t cf Ihe n.eas e. '
liie latiii.y i l I., t. Adams.u have
mj ed i.-ito:h. iio is. on Itic K J-ie
Mrs. J. Jces leturccl home lrm
ovirtl.e river Mnday, where fhe has
been fp.-Ld.Lg a lea da)s.
I". I'. Palmer cf f-cotlsburg, paaaed
through loan Mtur iav with a load of
passer gers en ru'e for I.'ra'ii.
The Flaimihalku has male iiaitd an
iuiprovemer.t cf late which co doubt
wili be apprecia'ed by i-.s readers T:ie j
new unr.aer l as our best wishes for his !
succvMia the newspaper field. j Is the came cf the only perfect train
MLg3 l-uiiiia l ijrJoD, of Forest Urove : n the wor! I, now running every night
took .uifa K:ia ? or Jon's place as teacher j lstweea St. Iau! n J Chicago, via the
of the lllkton school, Monday. Mifs ! Chicago, Milwankee A St. Taol Kailwsy
Ella will migis'e to pirts ucknown in J the (ioceer road of the west in adopt
the near futuie. Th lst w ishes of her ; ing ail improve I facilities for the safety
friends at this place go with her
Blooms From Ldenbower.
TLe W. C. T. I', of Ldeiibower
gave a parLr social at the hoi'io of
Mr. aad Mrs. S. 1L Musoa. I'n.lay
eveniDg, April "Jl. The occasioa. be
ing teacher's day, waa giveu, iu L itior
of Mies Eliza Harvey, our talleuted
iuhtructre!-?, aud was highly appre
ciated by both old aad yoang.
After the exercises were Ikiisbe I a
lunch was partaken of a lunch
such as LJenbower people, only,
know how tu prepare. The remain
der of the evening was passed iu so
cial amusement in which all heartily
joined, and at a reasonable hour the
W. C. T. L. beDodicfion beiog pro
nounced, our fond adieus spoken, we
repaired tjour peaceful hotu.'s, feel
ing that we had pu.sse.1 an ciijuyuble
eveuing and wishing biiceess and
long life to the temperance cause aud
its faithful workers.
Followmg is the program:
Opeumg sjiig. "All Hound ihe
ycripturo exercise, 1'iist lValiu.
l'rayer, Mr. Mark Muuson.
Song, ".Sunset of tho Year."
".ecitatiou, Ida Harvey.
jug, "Iloiiie I'rotectiou.''
lieadiug, Neal McCull.
bong, "Crossing tho Bar.
Kecitaliuu, Mark Muusuu.
tioug, "White Kibbou Vibrations."
l'aper, by Mrs. Ferguson.
Song, Miss Lydia and Mark Muu
son. Recitation, Neal McUall.
W. 0. T. U. Benediction.
Those present were: Mr. und
Mrs, A. J. J. Starmur. Itlr. and Mrs.
Briggs, Mr. and Mrs, McCalJ, Mr.
S. II. Mnnson, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs.
Alva Marsters, Mrs. J. C. Artnitage,
Mrs. Qaddis, Mrs, Forth, Mrs. Pen
tany. Misses Eva Clake, Fanny
Starmer, Vie Stephens, Amy Mink
lor, Ida Harvey, Ilattio Fogle, Edith
Brothers, Eliua Stephens, Lydia
Mnnson, Nina Starmer, Mary Cloako
and Eliza Harmer. Messrs. Walinr
Cloake, Clyde Ciaddis. John Fergu
son, Luther Stnnuor, Foal McCall,
Alex I'ifgtijon, Kollu Brothers,
l'ercy NorlL, John JIaurion, Wyatt
Stanuor. Frauk Brotliors, Mark Mnn
son. x.
The great i &
tires on Ramblers
- n i t v -i n
I.i I be result oi r. peat-.l attack. The
liver and spleen are principally affected.
They act as Mon-hoinm f.)t the malarial
poison and the Mood tnkc it from them.
The polou mm!
l driven out ol
theayatem. II CD
VAN will dcatroy
l lie action of Ihe
lOii.n and ercnt
ualtydrlvpout the
iat panicle ol it
Irom Ihn fyaiem.
In addition to
thin, BUD VAN
will retorp the
lost appr Ir. It
will build up til
weakened i)itcm.
U UDY AN mil
make new Mood
aii.l ii !b-h. 'Ihe pain- In the hour n ill
disappear. Ill DVAV Iihti cured oth. is and
i!ii! .mi' oi. We l.-.i-rlis" the sj mpt.iius.
cru'iy tie .j . ar.-fu!ly. 1 hey are yours. Lio
not d !: t .tu-r, but take III DVAX now
an-I "ri u lit cilied.
an I your h- iU. h- w til disapar.
PLEXION. HUDYAN wiUcstabii-hafrcc
c;r u'.itti-et .: pur,: bt'srl and cauv !hw ch.-rVfl
toas-uiii. ;h :ir natural . oior
mil r ---1 r - tie- a.-tite and ! ie .1 i.-stt-'U of
f --s-1 I. ill b'-eotli.- - -f. t.
i-IVER. T:..- i. d ie to tl..- enlargement ol
tin-iiv. i. It i- uith tie; ,H,is..n of ma-I.-.
.a. Ill OY A . ill .! rive out I be iii.-ou an-l
i alise the o' .11 to a-s'i:.le its nnt-ira! Ite
OF THE SPLEEN. In. -p'e-n - mr
fr at: eu:.:-l. HUDYAN :1. b-t:i lb
i .:i.r.- t '. ii sril ai-- the h'-avines :o .l:-ap-
p r
ol a'.
...1 l all t-
i uz I ' i one r-i
I III IIV AN' Ol'i re,i, ve w.-ir
'. at. I lii.s. - i.ei n-:: HI D.
I.ta.l., .1 ... alt' d;.isr.t. for K.
- . l.i.- -s P.r i. Ii your
, v.-s -I,:.,. to
.11 I.
I l-r e,
j :-.-r -l -e- - n... i j. -. S.-T1.! .Lire. t 1 lae
iua. r. -ir. ! I u.nrx.i I, nn rrail
I. i;.-!C- r lril ''. ran
.on--.',- lllDVtN UOlTOKs FKKit.
4 at! ik'll vi s .1.h!u;s ..ii t,. .. . -.I
'''n' "' m ':!' Ad'.r-s
Cr ttctMoa. Market Mi Ell Sit
j S.. Fraatrtca. Cal.
tilt I-:nt T Kii .'it T i
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points. i
the !
I N.uN S Acti : l.
i.IO KAI t -.rt.ic I
i 1 dsiys to halt Lake
j'.. days to Denver
3 5 J days to Chicago
. ' d.iy lu New York
j I ire Hccliulu c tialr tort, I p
j bolntcrcd Tourlal nice-ping
Curst, I'ullinan Palace Slten
! I on Car operated on all
lor iur'h.j .uionra'i. r apply to
J. F. tilVANS, Agr., lCoeeburg.
C. O. Terry, V. E. Coman,
Trav. I ;.s. Ajt.
1.1 Third M
Geo. Ait.
. I ott aiid. Hr.
Shasta Limited
j and eiijoymcnt of pasfngerf. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of l-ean-tifal
scenery along the route of the Pio
neer Limited, will! sent free to any
. person npon receipt of two-cent postage
' Itimn V l.1r..8alie 11 1 1 cs rT.i.,1 Can
eral Pifurer Agtct, Cuicago. 111.
County Treasurer's Notica.
Notice is hereby given tj ail parties
holilng Douglas canty warranu in
dorsed prior to July 11, ls'.7, to present
the same at the '.treasurer's ollice in the
Dsuglas County bank for paytueot, as
interest will cease thereon after the oate
of this notice.
Dated this the Mh day of March lifl
at the City of l.oseburg, Uregon.
Uko. W. Dimmu K.
County Treasurer, Douglas County. Ur.
l or cr Kllt- Veata.
AN u isa WxcL-TaiED Kcaxbr. Mrs
in-.lo-v So jlhiiig .""'I inp has been used for
aver ultv iars bj mthiousol inollicrs ltr tbeir
cMMrelt while ler-thlli. ltb perfect S'jcccn.
It soothes tbc chil l, solt.-ns the cumn, allayt ail
twin, c.irc-i xin.l, aud is lae best remedy
for Dicrrh'i-a. 1 pleasaut to the tatc. to! J bj
dru;i;is!s iu every part ot the world. Twcntj
Cvc ceula a bottle. Its value ti Incalculable,
be nirc-an I ask fr Mr. Winslow's Soothlnc
Sj-rup. ail 1 take no ot tier kind.
Farms lor Sale.
A iiJtuU-r cf small farms for sale,
adaoted to fiuit growing. Good apple
and prune orchards on some of them.
For further particulars inquire of,
U. W. Aldiciusox,
Cleveland, Or.
Viavl, Viavl.
Mrs. J. II. Sbupe is local representa
tive for the popular Viavi remedies.
Any one desiring any of these remedies
will please call on her at her home or ad
'refe her at lioseburg, Oregon.
For line tone and high grado piano
get a Needbam. They speak for them
selves. It does not take a tracker jack
at a big salary or a paid musician to sol
them. All wo ask is to look at tbe in
struments, try the tone yourself, and you
will be convinced that Needhams are
the beet pianos on the market, except
Chickeringor Steinway. For reference
see O. F. Godfrey. A. C. Marks, or I. 15.
Kiddle, who has just received at his
home a beautiful one in figured mahog
any case. 1 he prices oi these pianos
ore the most reasonable for the quad!
of goods ever offered in this city. I can
also give you inside prices ou any make
of piano. Call an I fee
T. K. llll-II.MIDSON',
Kosi'burg, Or.
N. f. We also have in stock some
new and second-hand pianos second
hand G0 to 175. New :'00 to $300.
Don't make the mistake of trying to build until
you have looked over our immense stock of Locks,
Hinges, and Builders Hardware of every description.
Bought before the raise.
The Strongest,
What we don't
-Aand Won't do.
W e dou'l huJ wou't handle Dicycles taerelT to tell. It Door
policy. Our iJea is that Bicycles are in&Je to ride, nail tLe better
the whelt, that we sell ah J the less trouble tbej give, the more bcti
Less tre"H Lave ia the future. Tt&t last worJ is the 6ecni to the
whole titaatioD. We're ia it for a fotcre. If you feel as we do ia
this toatter rijikI cjckkIs. fair price, pleased catotrjers, and a busi
neti future yon're the people we waat to do basiness with.
Send for liaiuller
A. C. HARSTERS & CO., Agts.
Send the..
fifty-eight Years Old
Keci'iiuiziog its value to those who desire ail the news of the Stats and Nation,
the publisher of Tut Plain dialkb. (vour own favorite home paper) has entered in
to an alliance with "The New-York Weekly Tribune" which enables him to fur
nish both papers at the trillling cost of 11.75 per year.
Eveiy farmer aad villager owes to himself.' to his family, and to the community
in which ho li vis a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly
and untiringly for his interests in e-ery way, brings to his home alt the news and
happenings cf his neighborhood, tbe doings of bis friends, the condition and pros
pects for different crops, the prices in home market-", and, in tact, is weekly
visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive family.
Just think of it! ! !
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
Send all subscriptions to the
Roseburg, Ore.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best
in quantities to suit intending
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
. llnuAlMd
& Woolley's.
The Best
To your Eastern
Friend... .
i i i
h'a a long life, but devotion to lb
true interests and prosperity o: t be Amer
ican People has wen for it new friends aa
the years ro.led by and tneorigioal mem
bers of its family pasted to their reward,
and these admirers are lot al and steal
fast today, with faith in its teachings,
and confidence in the information which
it brings to their homes an I fireside.
As a natural consequence it enjoys in
its old age all the vitality and vigor of
its youth, strengthened and ripened by
tue experiences l over half a century.
It baa lived cn itd merit, and oo the
cordial support of progressive Ameii-
It is "The New-York Weekly Tri
bune." acknowledged the country over as
the leading .National tatniiy espaper.
quality, iu choice locations,
purchasers, at reasonable
liaaat9rt ar4-
For From Fort. and
w ront
ilp. a
,vt Mall hilt Lake, Denver. Ft, 1
Worth. Ouaha.Kau. I
S p.m. City, i-i. Inil,
Chicago and Kaat.
Walla Walla, Spoken. -
Mlnnexpoii'.l.l'aal .
820 a. m.
Duliilh, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Kaat,
Occaa 5teamahlp
All wl 11 nit datea aub-
t to i-hansrc.
For tan Francbvio ' every flre daya ;
P. B.
p til.
lu p.m.
Coiaaibia River
To As tor: a and H aj-
P. .
Ex enaday
WlllamrtU kflver. 1 4 30 p.m.
6 am. Op-Ion City, Newbnr, Ex-facoday
Ex asuadajr Mien V ay-Land ft
i an.
Tua.l hur.
and .-at.
Willamette and Yiow
bill kiver.
Oretron, Dayton, ,
and W ay-Land. m;a
WillametU Kivcr.'1 to CrTaliia
and Maj-Lamd:na .
3 JO p m
Mob., WelL
and -at.
Da. ;,
- 4 2ti p. m.
. and oat.
5ake rjivtr.
L. aria to LewiUin.
..atrai I'aaMrDiter Afent,
o. r. & n. Co..
Portlaad. Ort(ea.
Notice For Publication.
l'5ini ETaTas Lai Orrt't,
K'jKbur Orefoo, AprC i.. ts.
Sot:c i- hereby :tun that the loCowisir
r-aiied wittier ha. l.l-A of Lai iatntM
i mane t ca; prfjf m -,ijn of hue. m, and
that Mid irri . be !;,.-it before the kji?T
anl Kec.ver. IMied -ta:- ten. O-tee at
lUntbunj, Oreroe.on Mar 3. nr.
"n H. E. So ,-, UiT lias W ' , S W See. U,
1 . 2 e , fcc D H eat. H-. naswta the foowimj wit
ii. to prove Li c..nttnnoia reick-cre sm
and eail.tauon ot aid land, tu wUiiam
Tr.ornton. A-B. .. V aip,:e. J. W. Wiy, and
J. HA iiwvn. el of Vail.-r. Orsiw.
J. 1. BkiLt,
cJiiui Ttt Li, Om a.
Kctbo-nr. OrcoO, eo. 1. lrt.
Notice bretT gi-ta tiat ia coatpliaace
itatte r-rv ...t t-f the art ol C' cipr-a of
June 2. l-T. rnutie-1 ' An aet 1-jc la aeol
tiaib-r laada in the stare of Caitbraia. Or
y .-n, Strult a:.d aalrix-.oti Terrlterr.
of E--Vd.c. . Cucatr oi IczUa, State of Ore
ran. has ifcia dar r.ld ia tu cfllee BJwon
ttatereal 5a t't. for thr pc.-chaj of te 5. T.
'i 8s W. i, ,f -e-t..,B "u. in Towxehip
s. b-anitc No. 1 W.. and m;J oSer pnW Le abow
lial itm land mi4Ut u uorc Tauabie iorita
Ucberor tbyne thaa 1-jt airrlcnJtaral pcrpeee
aad to ba clalra v :4 buid btlun
tlx ber.iu-r aa4 Utceisrr of uiia oSee at ioat
b-irf, Uresrou, t,u caiorUr. tie 1-XJl dar ol
April. l-Jir.
He came- a Uiefset' JohT h A. WbortDO,
of Eidd.e. Or. H. sa;-.a, tA D-.Uard, Or.
B-a Fjfctr. ol Ki-1-l.e, T. Frsal eaadcaoa. ol
kldd.e. Or. A at ad a.1 peraoxa ciala--i
avlnrs ttc aboe-ieacnbe4 iandaareie
j .-cd to i '.titm .ala UL eJttce u mi
tieiort aaii da; ol April. 1.
i. T. itaUiXiEs.
Notice For Publication.
Oitis eriixa UKiwx,
Utbar. 0.-ta, 3iajva2, i:.
To wl3 it xttar c -tsrem
f"i-ce ; terror (,Tra ; ; ti. Orcxoa At f- i
ioraia Ea.jsjal I'tottas; ta fijrd ia tkia oSe
a oi sitaaj-d ia tLe uagaiuM da
c'1-.sf 1 l-.o , an 1 cu :-d for a fect tnr
aatd iao-l. tt at . jt it jpta to tic yiMt far
su;uca aid ct r therrof by dncrrptire
KUiitosiL taa sMa p.l la a eoavecieat
Psasat ;a lav. o2. rr the istpacboB of .tii per
ot tateted aad ti pol.x reaexailT
Ort-ja au-l Ca-icraj K land.
a ;l
Tp s. k i .
AU so 1 ail Z-
Lr 1. 2. i aad L, asd ; see J.
A:lrVcll. '
iiia.a the text t.itr -:ar footraajr dasa
c-l tin ooiare. protot or eoctxat acairM toe
riaiia r f tie Uicmit toaar cr. t or actbdivus
lun wit-'.. a ii; si..a or part of aeeTioa. de
KT.ud ia ca IL ruusd tluu tlie aauoe
i-.ore lor anatrai tkaa f acricait--irai
rorwe. mr.'; t receiTod and note.1 ijt r
tvrt to '-reuca. Land vice at W eatxaatoa.
1. T. B JUDGE?.
itj-tl'i keceiTTT.
Notice for Publication.
Cm-rxa --aTi-s LtOm
Kc-tt,u.-tr. orrroa. Marts 3a,
Norxsr l t-nty fiven tlavt ia eotcjsUaace
-ta tr pr-v is.oa of lie act ol Oi-ofrr oi
Ja e Xre. .r:s, eatlr.ed -Aa act for tie av ol
lnc!-r lad ia the Sta'es of Caiiksrcia. Ore
ran. Neva I l t asliisrroc TerT-.u-rr.
iuoxa: t. Harvey. "
Oi OakUcL Ccaaty of Denravs. Staue ol Orr
roc, ha ta-s iay t d ia Ous oce hia rwora
staicra.-nt n. c . lor the purchase of Ue . w.
1 VV. ' . sf sst-ction No- 1. ID lowwship S.L 3
o- Eare No. 4 W. and mill offer prl to aow
tal tbe iaad so-xtit is more raltsabe for its tis
ber or u?ce tbaa for arr-arclrcra. ptir?re. aad
to otabhaa bi cia-zi to aa: 1 laid trt'.n tee
Reti-u-r and KsrTer of Uiif etc at Rceebarx
Om-oo, ca Wt-darsdav, itc Uta dar d Jaae.
I". '
Ht uoduiiaeiki ArctibaJJ McKtBiie,'
KarrW-a Maaaiar. Wila U. Jot, a. .
satita. ai. oi culul Orearon. A sr wad u rsrr
ors cls'.ur; a ti,e ab.T-decriwd
Usds are rtsj nested i c.e Ur.r claitzai in taxs
cice oa or t-ei-.-re au-l lrJt darol June. 1
J. T. BIUDoEs.
a"'sl'3 &eC3tx
Administrator's Notice.
iiaJcTtieas.l. a adaiixuscrator ot the erau
of H-tiicv revr-an. dev-eaaed. has tied hie tiaal
account w;U th Coiiuty c"sr ol Don&m
cvuarr, tfute of omron, aad the Hoa. Cocnty
Judi-ehas r.xed Moooar. the 1st day ol MaT.
ls.?t. at o c'.oex. in lae forenoon, a tae bnie
for heana; oi Vnlt-ns to sa.d accoaat and for
te ctiieinent ol the ame.
Dated thi il daj- d Mmh, Iil
A.lcimatrau.rol ihe eatate ol Hath ley Free
nan, deceased.
Administrator's Notice.
V-oliceu hereby pven .haftae sastfrsartl
a oa the lota 'ay oi Febnsarr. 1st, Tdaly
st'T'ciau-d aduiimstraMr ol the esiateof C. Y
oenjamia, uecssaMU. Aa perssns tartne
cloims axaiaM mid ettate are
hereby rcicird
at prnent the same
said adimaistjator al
at present the same properir Tenaed. to toe
the fiaindraler office in
Issjeeburr. Douilas Cooaty, Orearoa, within aix
month ln-iu the dale hereof.
latc-d thi -Vth day ol F bruare, A. D. ls.
Railroad Time Table.
Northbound Kosebarg I oca.', No. 17,
departs 7 :30 a. m.
Southbound Koseburg local. No. 13,
arrives 5 :20 p. m.
Northbound overland, No. 5, ar
rives 10:33 a. in.; departs 13:-io a. m.
Southbound overland. No, 6, arrives
4:15 s. m.; departs 43 turn.
Northbound fast through freight, No.
21, arrives 4:10 p. m.; departs 5:20 p.
Southbound fast through freight. No
-"-, arriyesT.-OOs. m.; departs SKW a.
Northbound mixed train No. arrives
at 2 -55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, departs 9:00 a.m., M:ndars,
Thuredays and Saturdays,
Southbound mixed train No. 220 ar
rives at 3:00 p.m., on Sundavs, Man.
days and Fridays, depsr's 7:15 a. m.,
Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday at 9 p. m.vfa the O.
Is. A N. without change to Boston, and
under the supervision cf experienced
conductors. No change ol cars to the
cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buflalo or
Boeton. The 1 tal trip to the east ia
now before you. Uemember this service
when going Fat, and consult O. R. N.
agents, or address,
General Passenger Agent,
124. Portland. Or.
i i