The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 13, 1899, Image 4

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fledltatlons of .Mr. Dooley.
lC 0" If
The Kiud You llavo Alwajs i;o::.-;ii;, :n.l which has boon
in use for over ;0 years. In ; tvn.e Hie signature of
, ami ha--, K.':; nunio under his per
sonal M!;.ori-uu since ils inl'aiic.v.
Allow iit oho to deceive ou in this.
All Counterfeit, Imitations and substitutes are but Kx-IM-riincnts
that triile with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children llvperienee against Kxnerhnent.
Catoria is a uliitiite for Ca-tor Oil, I'areyovie, Drops
and Soothing Syrup;-. It is Harmless isimI Pleasant. It
eontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its aire is its guarantee. 1 1 destroys AVorins
and allays Feverishness. It cures Dtanixva and AViud
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Uowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
'1 H .m lin r 'II Iocv r-ruu l'r l'rifc
; i.linf." ho 1 b. H -r..wv. llo'.l l.a lh'
' null .late. 1 ilii.n.iw huther
; lieV a 1 'I h.iiv. i .: .i l'r jh'Ht.uit, bu (
IM v If l'r ir.m "
.N," t:iil !r l;;'i", ".Me eoimin
!t,it'ii-e ii ii t a c in 1 itite. ll ; uu'l
iiifl'.ii' j 'i mi' !iy lio lake it'.'
fan r imagine, MiiiiiiH-y, cousin
lii' M-uiu' iu tli' lap iv Dinky Viuk
f'l ; i'i :i n.nn i 'II '.' Can ye
, n 1 1 1 in i-riiiiiiin iiiuiiml lli' conn
j thr v Min 'l'i.' iv gasolit.t tiuuke an'
i iiia'kin' j t'ct lie-i ui r.nrkl.iyh'! '.'
! t.'ml .e t ohimii lii-mpt l'r to come
i 111(1111111.11,?.
i if rviiit
out o:i tli' t-ti i'i iv liis 1 nlil.-r-l ip to ad-!
' vlhtvs a iliil jjati-n iv tli' suspinder
! f-.i'i-.-m.ii! , Expansion, ll -ii;- Maikfl aii
; l'o'.l 1 .V fits' '.'
"II ai1 ii.i . ui is; .i j.luloitrtl' with a
io;-y iv th' WiuKir. i'allajiim in I,i
i hard au ! a t i t l 1 1 r iv his aunt Ma;.. ;i
j tin.- wail li;l,uil liitn .' lloii'.i Ik- an' me
I friud Maccheiv 'i'u.iv t aloni; tjclimr,
; t!ii iu' t J t:pii.'lil t':i' iv tli' ii.iv
j tiji.a! hmikiii' rysti-tii V !.e keep
; liiiusvif r-r i;!it it!i t'.' i- or:, or uton- iv
tV rap public. t:i' thrudc in Ucf in th'
icau'.1 Au' liu-.vM lie hull tii' lieruiau
Wm hi .;:iyc.
mum- are Ii : -i':; i n
1 11)1 I V.irr.. ; n t::,-
W. till. i tin .: ;:'ti-u ;i,i- lo bltM
lleni mutters in Kusfliiir, -;tei !.v
Mis. W. .1. I'uirnni ui,,! A'i y Milln
Wtc Hlit.ppiiic ill K.Htbilij:, yi ttTcnlav.
Mr. Mrc. tie.). Vote n en looking
after bnsinefs m.iiVrs m K ..!. ur,:, last
I week.
I I.. ,1 t'h.-i..rtelii, i.f Wi l.iir, p.u,J
i Ihruiili la r.1 yefleflay eni.,ire ! )lhe
count V ellt.
V. Wrikjlit i l me.l a hi tn i:itlm term
, : 01 Bell i 'I here, l'r; l.iv. !! i 1 op.-n up
the Kprnik' term a! t;i le, M uulay, April
M'S .1.1. M,:Kav is putting on' a iuig
gar.leu this year. Sli-! is a in.-ti-i , an j
ti.eie i-j no Ju'.iM 'out e'ice wiiitruwn
her iff. ii It.
I' i in ! , .lep ity :.i't'H-,r, hum
.loin.,' hu.tiiie.4s i i u ir t.j.ut .jti- ! iv laet
week, lie ii.f.'Mu-I m tint he was
tliroufi a?.-e.;-;in u !.i-. preiinef.
Hit!. T. I. Heir, A. V. Uf.-j'nu!
Fi.h t'jaiiiii-n hi t Mci;iire ki-n iu cu
The Kind You Have Always Bouglit
In Use For Over 30 Years.
i Vute ai; lave r. .k '.
i "Nj.i-cusiu t-eorKe is nut a i bir,: I ri Uv ei .:i;ii'. Tuey vitre IjuL
;l.yiie a hit iv ;t. A rav:tlui tiuJs j t ir a c.i.taMe place !o huiM a tleb
i biai up oa the jW iv a I atrle bliip ilivat- j hatel.ery. It is t;.c ie!i of inot aii ti e
' in' th' I' .! l'ii'i .ppeotis higher thin p,-op:-j here t the'.- o.ii i'. -. iui-ii
i t .il.iri, .y's kite, .iu' :as h Aihuiia!," ; (!-ei ! t i i'. in a I. i'i a', or
I he sj ' ;i! ve r-t ;in l"r l'r -iJiiit '.'" hu ' near i. ie.
! evs 'l"r l .u", says cousin ".core. UurtJ.:, (jt tin- l'j ,;M,;:au. .: ...s
i-F'r l'liri.Hi.t .v the 1'nit.d MaW beta cir.urJ. Tu. t jrm an I .. k. -up
jt:.e ripoitiii-r. I f.o ixveiA,' -: ; 0( this v.iluab'.j -.iirfrin- ir .Lai
in many a s, jalti:i
in:-re.-'..!'.: an i ph.
"Stcnic l.tnc ui tile World"
Tho I'av.iity franu: n.lio. iital Koutc
l;,-:'A,-rii the N jrUmibt uml all
I'oin's Kii t.
Cli .ire of Tvio Koiite.i
Thro ih the I auioiitt
Rocky Mountain Scenery
A' d tour lictiU'H I art)
u! 1'iiiMo an I lifiivei .
W1TI7 6ire ltic of rzu) qocaXs
I rut M.i.
j " I1 u-
! f't.' kaiie
I la.
tf llll k'Wl.MH'i
r. .: I. kr, lnv r;Ft.
v,rt.'j. 'rr.a.'ia kin
n. Ijfim,
lArutt't tut.
A. I I'iiKStn.T- raiiteil a iljy 'oi-over
iu tli." Muriiioii ('ai'i'nl or an lii-re on
tMfcii Oj.ln anl lenvr. I'ereonally le.l Touri-t Iixeiiri'jn9 three Jy
a week tj
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago
and the East.
Also a fine line of "PLANET Jr.," Garden Seed
Drills, Hoise Hoes, Garden Plows, Etc. Catalogues
free. You get the Lest at
Churchill & Woolley's.
Vi V, a.:. -A,kri-.
M rirj'-aif.:!.-! i'mtil
l'il'i't,, Sllim'ikw-,
r.r,:-a' ari'i
fKcin .Slemh p
Aii l.insr
for ra:i fraii'j e - ry tie
p. m.
n (.is,
I t ..!U.
Cotumbia bivcr
lr, l.-..
Ex eancay
WiilametU Ifivcr. (p
Or. i'iu 1 1'.. Nvr-r. i-tjiwlaT
T-i- 'I .'.-ir.
iu'1 ra!.
T .. .1:
ehiinh. 'I see ft "!t t'oi
j happy b.n t x-.-;til t:i:.ti
' home :o t!
a:.' :a'.i ,
'ti ! '-i' ' " vrfiaeMaaggasss
j ar.rcil!.'! il'm prteine: t
I naiiin' ihi'yiates." he ,):. 'I b-.'e ;ny
! nit, he i.iys. as he tho ! a t'iirteei.:::vH
'fcli.ii a', our f aiieiJ, ' e..;ii' lh'
i Na! A-eovia'io:i iv Ma::i i f.ulht t
. jtr.' iv lu.bauiiueJ l'..ef that tii-.'r'ii pre.
jean in' lh' thiaiitijLa iv Washington an' '
ll.irjlp, he tays, 'WLiu tLuy caa't pe-'
pu'jii-i e 1 111 t
strut! . i Ivm : 1 1 s
.1!.;- w ii vr a:..! an i
a I.'
T;.e i-a I
Jay ai i : "
e! the s.e:
0. Sk! of ti..- most
! I '' A!-1.i t ;
lln. !;. Ii
pi a.- ,ii uu j
N e v. ;.-li the 1
.'e e i.'i,r rii::th i
.is i .'o yte'.er-;
!el,'ai tlrtunjlg '
l '.e;,i-;s h:i I a:,y liiin :'.a!iuu Ke-!
tiar I it - 1U'.,-j, K' u:e", e!e., or h.r lie '
h r pile -!i Lisin .Matter. il on!
i;en'J',l ttieou lia;iay ,v Nav:gation I
Co., trcijii sji.jrt Line 1.- S;u:!,ern I
fai-ilk C-jaipaii:e..
.-. K. IHi )1 i:i;, ;
ei.ert:. I'a-s A i V et Ae;.r , ,
I't-r.vrr, t' ,.. '
l:. - . Nit'Hol..
1 .cli i-i.t.
N1. ..;h. st. lVit.a:. 1 i r. i
! an-; a.
Lv i:. a.'
:r . - 1
--.'--- . kc iJW .
WiiUmrft and Vaaa.
hill kivcr
Of."' n ' Vf v.a.
ati'l A t L
Vilia.-nrtU Vivcr.
i''r,..:.'i i" a..:
a:.'! '-'' a. 'U.1'l:l
niiie 'river
il.: ar.a l Lxn.t'jj.
4 m.
T'ia. itur
aol rax
W. II. Ill KI.UI KT,
'j. :rr-i 1-awri.f Aeat.
O. H. & . CO,
IortlanI. OreKOo,
Notice For Publication.
i iiar:.-l -'.' t.a
V. . 1;.. .- 1 au 1 I'i-h Co:ii-
e.irve Cj rueiit so that il "i; last tliraugh I J j:ie the N
a hard wiii'n,' he tayt. ,Ca'.c';i me j
Tongues and Sounds,
Spiced Herring,
Whole Codfish,
Salmon ilellks and
Tickled Salmon,
Pickled Hen i::
Smoked Hcrrintr,
Iackerai. at
....MRS. N. BOYD.
lu re, :-i
j eiLtn "T.hei're No l';aoe Like Home ' j vie t, p ::i
j ia I'ics'jii, an' he says, ' Tt.ey,-e No j .ear the
j l'lace lake I!o!i;e to iiet a ay l r'ni" in ,uir !.
; Watl,icjto:i," he tar. 'Th' ! a r i tt ? ' fays : ulii. uh-v .
j he. 'i i' only j wies I koj ahu' is ' har l cai;i
'those,' i.e i-ay.-, 1 oe to uysiH, to j Mr. ii I ,
pave joa a:i t ut tiery riiffvat:.' : dro.v.-.. :.
ihetais. 'Ia' luoiiev ;:iertion :b u.e ! uar t'.e 1 1 .
..." " !
j 13 n ' I ivl 'ho fahiiy that g vi wi'h th ; car tjai .
j her.-." : . r..r, -.'.a' th' I eapeh-:e bis
j t ay iv c tir ha; y e l.rv i; ever :ue.' he
.iJic, j:.' l'.l rjli.i i have iii- !eii j v i : i
! zens tiiht ; tile i( th hie u taxtkt
i t u.:.' iu- .'a., ::..; to le a n.jrk l'r
j thin; a'.; I:. : ae : : ii, .i l.oa;-',' i e
; sai?.
.s.y i: la' - .o.i prrjie iv :h' i ii :!
l ' 'i.ii'.
: a I'n.i.
; -i'tv".
ii.4 m a
I . ...
i :; .' li j I one ;
ia. -i .'r c.i.eB he-
i e i:i-r i'. h a !
h.i'ehc ry hen j
. o:.e ; t the !
tli 1 1 I
urre J j
ieio !
I i
I 1 '
- VIA -
Southern I'aciiic Co.
I'itted with special l;eavy tread G & J tires, are
The Best RA.TBLERS and IDE.LSeer Built,
The Best Wheels ever Built.
. ) a
;.' r. a
' r w
Xew '99, pop
ular list
" ; f. .
a". : a- :
( 15
! J 4
1 i .-- r
1, y.Ail u,
-.-i-lir. li.-T.
I. of.aurr
1 . tii'-t.
$40. $30. $25. $20.
Fred T. Merrill Cvcle Co.,
Hut, tiui ,'Iail - I)ili .
105-107-11 1 1 Sixth St..
20 year pioneers. )
Portland, Oregon.
ia I '.:
.;. :.',
.! 1
Lt; nniM. kh im.1). icoiti.
Does Up
'V. i
NOT I a'
s:i 1 '
: Ma ' -'.
(where 1
I cat: a.'
! p a ' Ji
! h.;.- :
; c.iv a v
,' he Pay-.
. r. th' sa,'
I ia ja' tv
'Ihei? !ria'
he tai , 'I a:n
.ai .1 cj era! icls ..ti 11. e jxn
fa;.?. 'I've jirt rrifileJ a
'V',' h i.y?. t.j u..?row
jjl i; : ave :i:rf -hii.s thrair.e.i to . ! : nj "r j .
: I theti a.a' ih.-i. . t! .up fh:trp.' hr j
J 'i :a t. iuv ora'.'.r ;v t:,' I'aiy,' he
'It., T- ',..i.;.,- .. ;. ...... .-A 1
We are siways id th;,
keep there.
. . ... K
N N l
Tie Golden Harvest U npua us, a&J fa
era are ertiiiEg 'orcaase Woo-In ard
loos to their icterest
K. -'
Fa;! Trirr-n.-"
Thee are ail Leather a l Wirraite i.
At IledaoeJ Prices.
-l . ar,0 '
V. "'.
. -. E
1'an w .
Mr; V
.: ..::
S i.
r: i'
fcivj. ., 1 iu makiu a tjieetL1 n ry t;ve
Uiicyin an' iiry f ; etih a yr-reat t it
Ti it'ti th' celor J vt,v, lie say?. 'I ric
'niMi.' h;i i. r ? as a r :j rislctaiii i
r.yp'j:ther hive c-rTercl tj ice," Le fays,
'Vit, ii.' s;, 1 t ri :Vr,' i e say?. ;ha:
s ;r-ae v..'.j tj t'.u 1 have :f," he eays.
'i',' i.e tai- ':.-'' e ii I w .icteJ i;
I ocn:j len t
' r- r
dhrcf-r 1
1". 1 a
Comclt your puree and Le sure acd ae
Woodwarrl before bcyicg.
n .. -
7. ti .:.
Vn:: N; . a:. .
U : .. a:, i ; r: L
'. ... ...
lyjti 1. -. ; ..:
T;- o. U. i
i'urt . '.'.. .' .
T:., K. "
lr...i t
T;-. E. 4.
NE 4. -e.
H. I.
N". al p.:
- ', E V
1, J. : ,
i. 1: .
1 Tl'-
T; '-: :r r., :..
iave t!.- ! !--;r.i :
han ' : a:i
n;n cjLihroiicJ
jt caught he th '
. he aye.
. tlinnis'y. Coic
cn here to a !
- ;at:;.;;!.t eitiz-cs
. iv a !hr..y. !!a';i
a' ravj, .Liio to ct!i r! i: th' way th'
!! ba:'. on whin he
invhor. He'ii iaue th'
1 t :-: :.;. -r- J. j
Hl'UYAX ..: .
y n. IirOVA.X i
r... . r .very
V.t.;U:... IICDTaN
w .;l r- :..r. v .
. at 1 :.e.-i. 5 ts a
t:. .- -iitun a 1
; -or.. .a
ir a: '.e r- : .- :.. 1
... T.-J t . : . ::
1 AN'
PuUn:an Buffet 8Iecpers
- - :. u - -
. M.I.A M.l l DM. 1AH
A..iLi-! to a.. 7ra;
A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agents
Roseburg, - - - Oregon.
Z. I tli I' I.
April L-rA.
r.a. i-r a. i - -rt of Ljt.a, asd
Ira: pr ry ryf--.r-r Kiaor
; I. :..-1 -ta I.a&.l Oije at
Kiy-Jrr ? '-n iti- . y.-, i .
h M ii Y ii Iii it." nil.
i "3 H E. ' - .'- r N ' S la.
j 1 - . ii ' V. ji- ttsi J'.. oir arit
I '. " . 0Li.r,."it r-. . V ao--.oai
i ar. 1 c . a'..-. rt . 1 liii. ' l-jiaat
ji.-.,:. t. . Ah- -i 1 .y, aa4
! J. H A..-;E. a. i.: Ii aj I' a-.- . Or-xoo
J t. HkAlA,I.
. A 1 M irjtcr.
!L':r. eTiTt Lii or r;' r.
E-.t, Or'..a. ?to. 2, Itrt.
So:;. : hr-tT $ . . -n tt ta encaee
ar.iiir.r j rx.-. i;. - of '-heect f Ouceaiof
.atl. c-i'.-l 'is a 1 ;r it taueof
tlE.t-r ia la m r'ax ! Ca-iforrua, Ort
j j3, vatfa a:. 1 a.? a Irmujrr.
o! E-14. . CtiiTT ! r fj.'.ut, tWji of Ore
rnia. ha .i.t Ca r ! ;a u.-a tlo! h'tra-org
i'ar.'5t No t: f. r jrrr:a.- of Is i. W.
s. ' , of -a j. :a Towa:a 5- j
r liar. No 7 IV.. a-d cftr rtr.-f to tcv
a : . f- r a.r-c-i:ri T"r7jara.
I t-rz . r ai f.! :.. .t ci.- at Bit
Wix n :;r:i.'. -.e i.'j ct of
At-.!. W
ii- :it" a ,'i.;b I. Wtorira.
.. It; :.. Or j. oi l..urt. Or.
Ii-a FiK'.o.'UV, ' r Frv2 ra-eraoa, of
i.-i i-.. O.-. at. t-J aii ciaiai
ciiwit r " - a ; -Axr-r:-j. Laiaarere
''."'.?i !.- tr:r : , n ihjciteeoaor
rjt:or a; 3 l.u. Ca-r f.i A;r.
J I. liE-DOES.
it :c
! ai 1 to
Notice For Publication.
LIDS. HUDYAfl ... :-. -f t-. a.:-.
West Side Division.
Ilrcvtn it VoTilxmd and i orv&lti
. r . ! '
' r ,
At A." a:.J i
o! j: i ' '.
E;:-.-s tra.::
iVr. K. ' i.r
7 . r. .1;
:.1i -:ii..:i o-ntf I w.a.
a lU'-cra ra:.-i.l
:; '. !aj .
V a
IllDiAN i, : ... ... c .--.t. .:..
L.r-.: -'-at .-an rran:--o :;h is:- ; 7
i: : 'i! i uri. -'ii a: ! l'aci.- Ma:. :-arj-
ii..;. i.a- !? JAl AN A CtiiXA M:tr i
iM.r.;;..'.:i-...'. 1 ft
a aUtH.CK. e H . 7
:at;r. It. K. a .' w l(tt L , ft
V: ;.:...'. I., i -::u ;--.z: t::.J li :- '
r- -. a AN. ii: A, 1'i'N'iH'i.:' aa-J i
f-l:tll.:.l " a- K- c'ta n-1 itra 1 . B. ' V
V'-v-.r . 1 : a.- V ' L' 'NI- N i..-c a
' !'-
. t:
On the 5. P. R. R.
Douglas County, Oregon! "'PaYtV; ha
I Witbia tiTc ui
HOTEL constant
ly open for recep
tion of guests.
Water cures Rheu
matism, D3-spepsia,
Kidney and Skin
; I
..'.'v.. :.
A.l -t 1
,i. K. .
1-art S'..:
Ty. :. R. 1
U'l i...
' ': tias rinti"-. i.rol'at. r i.n:..-:s tt.t.i..t tl.r
ciaira of thf ' jm;.n:iy to e;.y Ira. '. r -uSl-. ;-i-iQ
within ay vjjti.ja or part i -.xti o, J.
riOf 1 iu li-i; ii:, uu tiie groun l thjt tiic m..a'
ii m.iri vaiualiSv f .r :.!in nil 'fct-i f..r aai.uuit-u.-al
pr, 8 Ik inti' '-4 aa 1 ::i t t ;or r -rHrt
Ui luv j.jaeral Laa i 02:f. at'..a,
J T. IlEIIL.-.
H. E'XillI. Ktgi't-r.
X HIE Ii; TIT C'iL'KI F"K ii'J1
A c.. :n'v Htnti ,,1 r:,r, :i
Xo The I nloi tunate.
Dr. Gibbon
This o.d reliable a Lid
the most aieci'tul
fctitciaiij.t in ran Fran
cisco, ('.ill continues to
enre ail Sexual anil
:i 4 e. i - 1
" I"". C..M CU.h 111 In
"St , . .Vf-Wall ita forms, Sikin Di-
"''I " ,. scaa, Nervoua flebil-
'j'Kv. ity, impotency. semi
M' Weakoeaa and Los
aSsrfiV'L' of rianhood. the con-
onence of aeif abuse anl esc.'S.sei, iiroduciDe tr.e
foliowinr sj-mntomi.: saliovr rounteunuce, Jn:k
potj under the eyes, pain in tiie lica l. r.nzing
--ia the ears, li of eoni;.f-ni e. liifTi'lcnee in u(
proachtnc ntrari?"rt. iia:ni'nt;;n of the livurt.
waAneaof theiim!jA kii'I back. I.,. of ineiiiorv I
Jimple on the fac, toiis;li. ciin'uiijt.tiou, t te. j to -a;'l I'iui
uu iirai iii-e'i iu rjii rmrifinjo .
rer thirty yearan! ti.o.: tn,iol-.l hliouM u-.t N w
John I.. AiUL-r. l'iaaititt
PaUjila .1. Fn;i'-ii, :
j French, V;!;imu Iju-'.u. Icl:
iia l a Ji ju, J. L. Fr.-ucli, ( aici, ,
(.'order. MiUii ( .irdtr, B-IW
Krelicil. Uiyast- Iron' I-snv ; .- ill :ri Lt
N. ii-eiicli, ctiuiMiu ire;: !:. t- I..:.-. Ii.-. it
Kate French. Iin-e 1 r. tirh. M'j.'U'.ir..'.
KUeii Frvm.-h. and ll:,ti:.e..
Frc uh. I)i.e:i'la:r..
'Jo II iiiiam La';.jn u:: i l.,.;.a I.. i'.
alio", c nami-.l ik-fcti-Nnt."
in the name of the R'atc ui ;rj',n. Vou aie
Iiereoi rC iUir. d to apj. -ar a;, air ier t!.e :.,i:i
Ji' illit 1.1.1 :ii.'ail!-t .. ii i:i Hie nlw,,. entitiid
s-::.t.,u c: f-el'ire li.e l.rt .lav of t . n-xt i.-itm-nr
ter::i '.f tiie a''j.c crititi -J (.'ourt, t-i-wa:
On or tnaiore Monday, J ur- li. an l if j. j
fail to ai-iK-ur or aos.-.i-r Haintiil s i-otnj.ijiint
ai:iit you an aforesaid v.i'iiin ta.d ti t..--.
I'iaiiai.T iviil nj.j.iy t., th.- I'.jirT ;,.r t... re.'li'l
d'-.'jiMndcl in h.v f-.Iio.v-: f-'or
the'!.iiire of a 'rerla.n , .oriL'aL'..- exei 'itcd
l.v II fendunt, ls:.!,ei!R .1. rn-neh,' mi 1 r-u:;:o:i
Kr-iuh 'now d-ci-n-.-i; iu lir.i.r of Fiaintal.on
th" sSn'i .iay of Oi toly.-r. to .:i- ti:e pay.
iii'-ni of ai .-r:aiii i.r,ii;ii"-'iry not j f .r t;ie i'iu".!
of ?fi.if ivit:i irr.r- -t tiif-i nt t:.j ra'.e of Jo
p,;r nt ii-rannum. ::;."ii which ti. r-- In rio'.v
TI..- ...::! o; J. . ;.;.i r;ol ;u'8; ' I on-, Willi:
for that toinx' 'in- (';!..'. ini:
vleetiay iv I:,' t a'.icrj lo o!:;er. an' &e
t'.ia. l'u tA'.ijn s ttraiLt.
"I r'aj tii I;k iv tL;n's IU' iU'.eaiiii
Catu take a Jar c:!' l"r a n:.i!e tj" '.ive t;i'
worruk to tLe n.ark--uian Cousin trcore
wi.i etav ia tii' rh';i;'t.fe:;a an' b'.ox ul
tL' e'.;.ir.'.iii' sct cery ati' rctect tli"
haJLty ?u',;ec:5 ttj' I m j ror Wi::uui a:,'
Carl -Sciiurz ia t!,e ti!ir;rj .'aether iv liver
wur.-t, a:- I ef-e tLi: t1.' F:s-iJint i-ei.-i-cataiaisbi-jncrs
is not te be car eoliLt.
ened Lrelbern in Minila, aa' Mack an'
me'il stay at Lja.e praotisiu' th' arts iv
peace an'' with cousin 'ieorre
he goei u!r.fc', si that t!ie licr iheraiv
our be' jvel c"jar,t!n Ir'rr. Jay 1 j Jay 'i!
be vihire h:i c at tail liie.-i ia tii' bret.
Tti' I'ni'rJ tatea is on'jn.if.l ou th' ea?t
by th' Atlantic oceau an' on th' v.t6t by
coueiu (Jeorge.-'
After a locg ja:;; .tir. Hencetfy toolr
bis cigar from bis motitb s.nJ remai keJ :
"He wudJen't ';t th. (ieraran vote."
"No," mM Mr. I.w:?y, ' t,rj jf he
r-run inr;ars lie miileu't lave thitn
3. LuM i:; t-:e
IH D1 AS - ... t.
"7 I
4. 1' A L 1' 1 1 ATIOS OF THE
HEAItT. MUPVAN i..i .-(.:. :tt
s. .c a:.-l :f. Uat? i- t.-:(r.c
llt'D AN"
riiSi'IF.LiT E'.'-. TEI I
ru DVA'
I.' :.
' lT- .'
Montana, Ltah,
Colorado and all
astern Points.
his is the Place
to Buy
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a Erst
class grocer-.
Everything offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C:tii ::i:n Lis Orr.' a.
7 i a i: ru' t.
k''r . .'.r-- ; t'.rra tiat tt 0: ir-a 4 Cali-
.:.-a. ar.-: a;y- ;r-t for a fat for
a, i ."- a: ttt ..t :t pUie fca
:ii7-::a i:i a'-ty tirrcf ty (VaerpuTe
k::ilii ti : ti r la a cv-aTiai
p a- 3 t :. : i- r " l-r rprt.oQ of ali prr
aot.t "-T" v-i ai -1 tj: j-v .;c j - T .
Or- ai 1 uj.ri it iia.
Tf . r. t
-t v " i
7 9 V K V l
a.. r.- : ;! :
U : 1. i .a; 1 i. a I -E ' . ).
At. li
l.a. a te r.i: ..ity ,;a; f ;,isi;r li
i ro:x. r.T."i.-- '-r sar: t y1"
fia-, .-f it-. C -;aT t- aiy tra..: uttr..
- -t-:a ary 3 . r ta-'t ol atct-a. de-
ir.w la 2 tie c- -3.1 Cat th irf
- .' re .a t f. r : . -a. r ij ; r aaracl
-ra. f -irti.:.: .tT;Tj ar.S -i! .jr r
10 : ,J-' Lai i . ice a", ti ai.ifsoa.
Rostb I. O. Hours.
vii i:.-K'.oiti.
N K '.01 .-m-V.,,, 1,
..i:i-:i a!o i-.r 11 jii'l---::';..ji
ii.-l j.r-.ini.c, 1 ,
"i tli" ' "'irt "l.a.i
-il i. .il I -t . j- rl-. !'
a:i'l il,- '. ! . o: li.
till lO eoll.lllt hii.i 110 ! r.-,-,.;v,- fl." l--ll. li! r.f ill Tl. it 1 V. . W ,ii l,:.-::
fcia areat ill nul -xn"n-:ii-i.. 'J iie .li"M-tor enre j inenl f.-r tli-- h"i"'iii'. !': i:
avhea others fml. 'livlnin. (iiir. ciaruiil'-'-p. note i"i .'i'-!i n'.t. nil"'. - r '
renwna enrea at iioi.k-. I'iiar-'s r''an'ii,-. J a.ljii.;.- r.-ii-onu!,!.-. tor J':..;:i'iil . ... ;,u.j
Call or write. - .li-oiir-. m. 1 1 1 i..-i. in .m l i. wi h ,tii. r o'li-1
1B. i. K. UIBBOX, Ci;Keariiv .-. -an KraD : a- i- .ia---l 101 i:i .i.l o:r,t.i;.im :,i,.J ns the
CiacO. ( ai Co'in -liul u-;:- i.n-l k!:. e ,u,
. .. 'i h:-' -r..:--f:ty i .'i',:i-ii -1 .y o:'! r II. ,11.
a,. -v . .. . ! J- u Jl.iir.iilon, jn'.;-. f -u:.l Ci.'ji:, ivt.i. ii
Notice For Publication. or,1vr ,-'!i"";',M"?'hv-.!'" "; ,'"
I ti-nlK J 111 nu'l ...-'I r t. i tl:.- i.iio.ii-n'ioii of 11,
1"mtei SiarE- I am 1 11 1 1 t., U iiiiiiioi:-. i 0111 e :i vk fori-ix w.-'-k, .,.(..
Pon ( i- 1 . ' 111 i:ii. hri uny 01 f.-ii'i i.thi 01 i.ouri :n..i tli
Week Jaye. :.") a. in. to . , in . un
d ivB ari l h'j!;.j.i;. , ;::;o to 'J;W a. 111.
anJ ,o0 I 'j 7 ."ji j. in.
M.M.t lollLS.
Ko.eb'.ir to Mursi.ijid lJt'iar'.t) ev
ery day at j a. ru. ; arrives tvuy morn-
K'jfiebtiri; to Myitly l'oint. I'eparte
.a', t- . HIDVAV ..; ".. : a
: -:. I HI n AX V :
,i.:i 1 IIIU1 . :' ;.. .- !: .i.-t : : 0
c :; 1-r 1 a . --: . ; - itc--' ! r . .... :.
j , 1- ..-. ! - : t;. :, .: 1 u t..
ti.. HIDVAV iu;.Mi:i)V ompanv. -j
:. . 1 1.;. :. . i.- i , m. .
PAM FIIL-E I':..'. :. '.;. ; I! :
R1.' 1 -k.'.vi'i ;:.3y v...:.. .. v...;
S 't:i it"- A-i
Cc. Sli kltn. and Ei'. a Sli .
Sia Franc, tea, Cal
County Treasurer's Notice.
i.a t-e i
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
i. !: A vi-E -'x:.:c ; iuu
1 days to Salt Lake
1 d.iys to Denver
day a to Chicago
4'j days to Xcw York
Notice for Publication.
:.:Trn -r -t- U2 On-. 1
I iu-:' I'i s. ar.i X.
I No: .i -vtr T.n ta: :a rjZLSJzzt
I -a .tat;,- ci t;- a.:: C 'fr- of
i.a r ir. t, 1 c: ! r ti - ol
j- -t iasc :ne:a ci Cai:ijrr:a. Ore
1 c tn:i i"-. a- Tr--.u.-rT.
Ii- "Ha--: HAiiVtV.
C: I'ta'.i- 1. v -a t la .r'i... :a--.- u Ore
wa, t ta-- Uv - .. :i3 ;ti vice janyra
v f-rthe; -rciai--: ti- r. w.
a" Vl 'i'Im".'!! in Tc-ri:p No. 2i
Karo-N i V i;t a-o;t: j .-: to -how
::! ts- a .l -sr.: r. t Ta.-.aie Jo ua
tsrcri . :a !: .-a-T-it ira. . rr. aaJ
I" via ' 'a-l a- i tae
Re.".-:,r a;; 1 tr.i,-:ol ti.- . a: fc.-irs
H::t3uii:::(j. c A-5l.:li IT. itzs-
KarrtK.a Vi-ui.r u-..Uaa H. J-r. a. K.
:'--- - -'.-a- 1 i.T-sr.. Aj tJu rrr
' cj:.:; atnr-ij ti- at--rie-cearr.tiS
jc i art rv. t.. ti,.r ia Uti
v.e oa T sa:i i ;-Ji JaT oi J -3e. : vi.
J.T. BiiilA L,
'i- B,i.r.
fifty-eight Years Old
i 1 1
Notice i liere'.'.v jiiuii to :ili.i::i .
boii'lu; 1 j.iitia 1 .tit;ty aar'.ir.-.' iii
il'Tse 1 j.rivr to .I'j.y II, 5-v7, to j r n'nt
tLe Patne .it t..e Inasntft's i-tli in t!.e
Iaurf!as t'o iiity !ar,i; tor ; a it;-ti, a?
inten'St will cea!X' thireon at er li e i'.i'o
of this n..'U' c.
I'atd! this tiio .nil il.ii ir! !i,ii
at the City of K'jteli'Ji (ire jii.
( iii'.'. W. ln;.:i, k.
Co jt.ty Treaturor, I'o'ii.trt L'otinlv. ( tr.
F:arms lor 5ale.
iy at
a. in ; arrives every
every i
tuoriiiii jj.
U-jfeo'j' to Millwood Departs eyery
day exz'pt Sundays at 7 a.m.; arrives
every i!ay oxcept Sun Jays at 4:15 p. in.
lioseburi to I'eel Departs ;Jai!y, iex
cep. SunJav; at 7 a. ui.; arrives daily,
'ev'.'ep. .Sunday 1 at 3 p. m.
Kosebur' t'i I.'iricj IVjurts Tues
days ari l Friday" v.: 1 p. ta.; arrives
Tues l.iys itiiJ 1'iil ijsat UtoJa. in.
Notiee i herel.y to-.e" tlmt in - .!..-.: i;jrj-. I
wltn (he rovi,ion of 11, e '-:.! ( .-ti'-t. -s ot !
June3, eutil!.-. -.Mi n-t f-r the siilo ol
timber lan-U ill the .-lute- of niiiornia Or .11,
Jfcvadii an.l Wa.tiirr.'ton 'I.-rri(orv,
COt'j. Jil kl.ANii
Of Oaklau.I. Count , ol Im .ijiiiv .-tu'-of :e. j
gon, baa tbiv Uav lii-'i in tiiK oiln e l.i- mni 1
.statement. Nu. iii; 1 or liie .ui iiu of Uu. jot
5, of section K... in 1 , ,i-h,. No. L' .. S, i.iei;. I
No. (i arCKt, niiii .,!!. r .r..i to -l.o.v lioit t Im !
land nou'dil u more talimnie i..rii- in.i!,. r .,r :
'lui o: the (irl j.uijiii'ali'.n of th Minimon- j.
Men-h 'J7 !.
k. w. i;k - i.
in-'Ti'. AlloriH-y f-.r J'ln in: i il.
Notice Iror Publication.
1 -. 1 1 1 n 't.iii 1. 1 mi 01 1 1 1.
!;.-. -i,.r!.'. '-:;.,!, -. !- '.
'"' l.'l"! ;.' sum Hi:. I li:" lollonilli;
'I ' :t:'-r ha- 111-! i.-.t rj-,-f l;S 111T. lllion
atone than for a i.'i.o. nn 10 t" l.-uih,- iu.,i i.:.,.,t 1,, .iii,.,,t ,,r 1,;. , '.,.. ,.,,,1
establish Iiiselaim l-i ji. lao.l I,. f..j. Hm-It. e ' ' l'f'. ' h- n n' ll-foiv t I:, n t-1
ister S1 Bdeeiier ofllii- . - :tt :.,: nr -. It'" ' .' ', l ino l -ii.-. l.iin.1 on,,... K,
Oreeou, on Friday, Hie llith inv of Mav. )-.'. l:vtm. Ok-.'-.ii, 11 A i- iI I - '.1, 1 i.-
He name asn-ititscs: fiui tl.r Jti-1 f J JAM 1-l.i.M
Oakland. Or.. Ilartliu liai i- of Or., I"" " '- '"f U l K ! , i-ti..n 1.,
James leinplili of Bwimrg. Or , l.ooi-M I'nr ' ' J:- 7 111 111'." llw iil
rott of Ro-eliun;, Or. ' im? tiiti,u.t-. to j r.... Lis ouiimi., 1 n-
anyauaa'l i-rvtih elaimiir a l-. -er Ii tli- 1 1 "i ' " ' ion"' " 01 -'i i.,n'i, Vi
above aeatribeii Iniint aie roUentl to M. tb-ir
claim in Hii ollice on or b'-lore -ai. r..(lnl:iv
Cf May, im.
J. T. l;l:irx,K.-',
A . A. Mnltl-ell!., of S:i:mr I'iim- Mounliiiii. John
Kiii:' ni.l, .r,. lolin JJ-iikley, .hum--i.n.Mliriiiii,
oi I- louruoi Vall'-y.
J. 1. liltlDOES,
M'HC KeuiMer.
1 r I'm-: tone and bib grade piano
(.t a Nedba!,i. i'bey ppeak for tbem-iehe-.
It d'H8 not take .1 cracker jack
at a bis salary or a pai I musician to sel
tbetiK A !i we ask iii to look at tbo in
ftrumet.;?, try the tone yourself, and you
will be convinced tiiat NeedliatiiH aro
tint bett (lianos on tbe market, except
Cliickerit.j; or Steintvay. For rcfeience
ere ). F. .'i.Ur.y. A. C. Maiks, or I. P..
Kidd'c, -abn bas juhI received at bis !
botne a 1 'emit if ui one iu tiiin-d miliog
any cukii. l iie piiccs vi ibeie pianos
are tbe inot reaRonabb fur liie pjii!ity
of gondii ever oll'ercil iu tl.i i city. I can
alrto givif ynu itmide prices on any make
of piai.o. ( 'all a'i I ion
T. K. Kk'ii.ikiimin',
KuMcburn, Or.
N. 11. We alnu bave in ntock wune
new and Kecond-band pianos second
band U) to 7. New '(i0 to JMnO.
'. nu;nber of eaiall fjims f.r s.iie,
..jjjited to fruit Krowiiitr, tJiil a;.pie
i. ml prune orcbards on some of tbeui.
For further particular" in'juiro of,
ii. V. Ai.i'tiisoN,
Cleveland, Oi.
1 bave taken up, as a ttiay, one bay
stallion, about 3 or ii years old, weighs
about 'JOOpounJe, branded "K", Own
er will plcane call and prove property,
pay charges and take bin property.
it. K. Imxon.
Free KcclialiiK Clialr earn, l
Iiolnlcrcd Taurlil Hleeplus
I arti, l'ullruan Palace Nlcep
ii'i; (urs oprrnted un all
I I iitii.
J. f". OIVAN5, A ; t . . Kotehur;;.
C. t. Tcrrj-, V, C. Coman,
1 in' . I'.i . As! (ita A.-:.
;.l Tb.i : 1 : I. Mr.
Viavl, Viavi.
Mr.-", J. II. S.hnpc U local representa
tive for tho popular Viavi remedies.
Auy one desirmi; any of tlieeo remedies
will pleaae call oil her at her home or ad
dress her at liopclmrjT, Oregon.
I-or Over I-'llly Vtam,
An ii, i .i'.ti '.V1.1.1. Titini UeEbv.-M
VVIirioii'a riioduiii; .yriip Inn, U-en imeil for
uveriifty yearn l.y millionx of Jar tliclr
chll lrcii iiliile t.ctlilut:, 111II1 poifecl tuccess.
Ilsootlies the cliii.l, mlteii the Kums, allays all
Haiti, ciirra nlui rolie, aii'l ! the best
for I'iurili'i a. Ii ,hiiniit to the tuste. Kohl l.y
.lrin:iii.H in every .ntt of the mirl.l. Twenty
live ci-uIh a iMiltle. Its value In Incalculable.
He Mire ami a-k for Mr. W tiihlow'i Kwitliin(
Kymp, nii.l dike 110 other kjwl. 1
Haa j' rc;'i? c-.l a cew acl titrnnie ttck
coxmstiso or
Ladk's' Hrebs O', Uibbous, Trimmiars
lMts, ttc. Etc.
Of tbe best Quality and flniih.
Wood, '.Villow ami (Jla-a Hare,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Alan on hau l la large quintltita and at prl-i t.-
juit me umea. Aiao a lar-e alocK or
Custom-Made Clothing
For Choice
Call at vStantou's for P. M"
Happy 1.1 the man or woman who ran
eat a K'kmI hearty meal without suffer
ins afterward. If ynn cannot do it take
Koimil DM'iax.i Ui iti;. It diijosti what
yea cat, nnd curen all forms of I)ypep.
sin nnd Indigestion.
H'h a long life, but devotion to the
trne interests and prosperity of tbe Amer
ican IV. pie has wcq for it new friends m
tbe year nled t-y and tbe criminal metn
ters cf its family pai?ed to their reward,
and these admirers are loyal and steal
fast today, mith faith in iu teachings,
and condienc in tbe iniormation which
it bring to their homes and firesides.
is a natural consequence it ecjovs in
hi old as all tie vitality and vior cf
itsyonth. strengtlieneii and ri.ened by
tue eiperiences t over half a century.
It has liveil cn iu merit", and oo'lhe
cordial seppert of progressive Ameri
cans. It is "Tbe New-York Weekly Tri
bune.'' acknowledged tbe country over as
tbe leading National Family Newspaper.
Kecounixinjt its value to thoe who desire all 'he news of the State anJ Nation
the publisher of The Vlaixdealkb. (yur own favorite home p a per has entered 10
to an alliance with "The New-York Weekly Trihune" which enables him to for
uieh both pareis at the tritllina eot of I.7j per jear.
Every farmer and villager owes to hirnsef." t j bb family, and to the corn inanity
in which he livts a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly
and untiringly for his interests in e-erv way, bring to his home all the news an
happenings of his neighborhood, the doings of his friends, the condition and pros
pects for different crops, tbe prices in home markets, and, in fact, ia a weekly
visitor which should be found in every wide awake, progressive family.
Just think of it! ! !
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
Send all subscriptions to the
Roseburg, Ore.
Administrator's Notice.
'J r---- i. a- a i.2:;ri r t tie ,r.u
oi H-tLiTT rt. ran. le-,.'.?.! ha ; ;si t:j crai
aivout ..;a:r v:,t , ( IntntM
fer.i. f'a if i'..'3. ac-l tie Hoi CoaaTj
J .i tif . M z :y. th :r. ilay ot Mar.
I?-, a: J o c.oct. ia ti- f-. nacn-n. a tie u
W b?.nsffob."-::..:; ia.J a-.v-jact al for
-si:n.nt ai tie :e.
Dte4 th.t il .lay o Varrh. S5.
A Iz-.iniftraur vV lie etatc of H.fh.T ywt-ti-an.
Administrator's Notice.
Vit:o '. irebr ven it at tie UB!?rtjra.J
was on tie l.ta iv c Feir-.;ar is, y
ai'T'ictpa alr;Sa:tr!or ! ti :ate i t C. V.
B'tj;iici;n, ilwa.vl. Ail prs..c baviac
ciHmii:iuitM.,l:1u. itttT tvs u irrd
at prrf at tie --.e rri-T r"T vfr.icvl. to lh
aiila.!Ein;(ija;orit tie I Ubdoali-r oice ia
K.Tbur. Dcas'.aa I'ousrr, O.-wro-, witlCa an
month tnm ti aau- hcrwif.
I'a'.i-J Uu Ati Jjt o F-.iraa-r. A. P
W. t. BfcNJ AMIS .
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Railroad Time Table.
Nortiboucd Koeebar local, No. 17,
departs 7 :S0 a. ta.
troathboncd Rosebarg local, No. IS,
arrives 50 p. m.
Northbuond overland. No. 15, t
rives 12:43 a. uu. ; departs li;55 a. m.
Southbound oaer'acd. No. 10, arrives
2:511 a. m.; departs 3 a. m.
Xcrtbbound fast through freight, No.
Si, arrives 4:li) p.m.; departa 50 p.
Southbound fast taroagh freight. No.
32, arrives 7:00 a. ru. ; departs 3.-00 a
m. Northbound mixed traia No. ajrirsa
at 2-55 p. m., Sundays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, departs 3:00 a.m., Msndavs,
Thursdays and Saturday.
SjuthbounJ miieJ traia No. 30 ar-
rivisat3:00 i. ta., on Sundavs. Moa.
days and Fridays, Jcparis 7:15 a. m.,
Mondays. ThnreJaya and Satardays.
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Prune and Hop Lands of best oualitv. ill choice ic
iu quantities to suit iutendiuir purchasers, at reason nhle
prices aud easy terms. Inquire of
' aa- llotininai Juaat,
N cckly Excursloa5 ta the Cast.
A tourist keeping car ulil leave rort
land evcy TucsiUy at 'J p. ni. via the 0.
K. A N. Mtiboiit change to l'oe!on, and
j under the t-upcr vision of experienced
jcocdtictors. No rhaujM ul cats to th
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties TJl ZZ
now before you. Keoieiubor this ervii.'Sj
when goin EtUit, and consult O. K. A N.
ants, or addresa,
W. II. HiRtsi itr.
Uenerai rasse tiger Ant,
Portland, Or,