The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 13, 1899, Image 3

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    j H ti.'i'niiKf It inili'i-f, 40.
I (tiimiiiiapi.ii r .Ins lt run was in the
rianili Letter
Settle Up.
All persons indebted to the undersigu-
cooie forward and make prompt eettle-
men. All notes and accounts not paid
immediately will be placed in the Lands
g of an attorney for collection. This J
means like it reads. We are going out
2 ol business, and must have a settlement.
Cako 308.
A 4A aaafsnaaTwi naaiaaa:ai---------------'--'
WJ Iff VWffff VTf f f f f V Pf Wf f "J
Closing Out ;
I Sacrifice j
I At Prices j
f Regardless
Of Cost
APE1L 13. !Si
Hit: Jsjuie Eai::bl.-rp, $40.
For a good 5-rvr.t cigar c.Ul on Mrs. X.
Eugs in intinite variety at Alexander
& Stror.g'e.
Sty West, imported ami domestic
cigars at the Koseleaf.
A finely bred Jersey wale calf lor sale.
Address P. O. Dos, ho.
A new schiol house Las hern com
pleted ij the Perdue district.
The Boss More is selling out at sacri
ficing piic-:-s Call and be conviuced.
Do yon smoke? If so, girt the Artie
cigar p.t Krus? A ShanA rooks, Erie agents
19,0v3 nea wanted at the Bo
to 6elect great bargains leiore it is too
Bond, tue watchmaker s;iis spectacles
at lowes-t ptices and can fit tl.era ccr
rectly. Thuroian Cbsney will corLUienee a
term ol scho-.l in the Perdu district,
April loth.
Caro Bros, inform toetr patrous that
they are in receipt again of Clark's "-pool
Cotton. Same old price.
Engineer F. J. Connolly tag nought J
the Champagne pro per y, in this city,
known as the F.oed place.
The "Pride of Douglas" is a new brand
of flour made by the new Era Mills
Every sack is warranted. Try it.
T. L. Graves is enr agent at Oakland,
authorized O solicit, collect and receipt
for any bill" due the Pa:siealeb.
Mei don't forget cor "Oar Wheel"
overalls when in need of a new pair; no
better made for fifty cents. Sovelty
E. Du!Jas. M. ., member Board of
Pension Examiners. Office. Marsters
building residing corner Main and Cass
There'll be a hot time ia the old town
when anyone trices curia tetter brand
of flour than the New Era's "Fride of
Sewing machines, spaing machines,
sewing machines at Alexander &. Strong,
and the best of them at that, ranging in
price from $23 to 37.50. Essare to see
hem before yoa bay.
Dr. E. B. orthap. Osteopath. Las j
moved his ofUee fiota the corner of Pine
and Washing' on s'ree'.s to the A brahams
building. Chronic diseases and deformi
ties successfully treated.
E:mer V. Hoover, phyoitlasjan J sur
geon. OiSce next to city hall on Main
street, Eoeeburg, Or. Special attention
given to diseases cf the cose and throat.
Calls promptly answered. 'Phone 11U.
See Kioe & Eice, House Furnishers,
for every thin in the furniture line,
largest stock and lowest prices, just re
ceived a tar load of Eastern and coast
furniture. See us for bargains.
Calls for copies of the Plaindealek
are received almost every day from
parties in the east who contemplate
coming to Douglas county to reside.
During the past few days we Lave re
ceived such requests from Maine, Neb
raska, North Dako'a, and Canada.
Commissioner McGulre, who was
drowned in the North I'mfum last Sat
urday, was a member of Multnomah
camp, No. "7, Woodmen of the V orld.
in good standing, and carries a $3000
benefit certificate in favor of bis wif
The news of his death has prostrated hi
wife, and she has eaten nothing, nor
slept, sine ehs was informed of the
death of her husband Saturday evenina.
Hand.-oxe Bambleis, M0.
l"o:;d, the watchmaker, does er.grav-,
Toad for larg ins and your watch're- ;
pairn .
Macaroni in one pound cartoons at :
ZU'.er'e grocery.
'"Pride of Douglas"' bet tlour on the
market. Try a eaik.
Best line of new crashes and lalle
linen ut the Novelty More.
Ugliest grade Eatnbiers. $ I J. A. C
Mariteii A Co., Bsehu.-g. Or.
T, .1. Wnitsett. of lvr Creek, helped
to swelled the crod t the county m-:!
All our gojds are r.e stid i i ::;e ittest
stjles. No shopwora oys on hand at
the Boss Store.
I Lave a ' b.i ! 1 A iu Mocow,
I iaho, to trade r 11 -sebur property.
Bliss Allen ha returt.ed home from
Idaho, where he haj been with a turve -irg
Pkin in loins, puifed eyelids, palpita
tion cf reatt. fludj an cure. All drug
gis"s, 50 cents.
M. G. Wilkin", s.ate crianizer ot the
A.O. L. W is looking af er ihe inter
ests cf his order in Ioytj;l8 county
If a girl loves it is n: r business. If a
man ioves i'. is his buii tss. Ii they get
married they fhculd isa '"Pride of Doug
13" flour.
If you want your Louse painted, pa
pered or artistically decorated or any
work done about your place apply to em
ployment clEce. H.G. Hoisnoi LutB.
Circuit court was in Srsi'on all day
yesterday, with Judge Hamilton presid
ing. The session is preliminary to next
week's regalar term. Corvallis Times,
Dora item in Myrt'e Poiut Euterprise:
Ed, Weekly started for Eoseburg w;tb
a fine band of fat cows for t'.e butchers,
at Eoseburg the ot'ner day. The price
paid was $3 30 p-?r houJrcdweight.
F. G. Micelli, N. T. Jewett and Ecbert
Eobertson have been elected delegates to
represent Philetar an Lodge I. O. O F.,
at the session of the Grand Lodge of that
order which meets at Salem next
Suits of clothes, ah wool, heavy
weights, i'j.50; regular price Boys
clothes from G tc 13 years for f 1.50 and
12. LUts all styles and colcra for :-oo
regular price Jl. 50. All these goods
only to be found at the Boss Store.
We urge enr pitrons, who are in ar
r-Mrs for the Pj.m.sdealeu to seed us a.l
or part of the amount of yocr subscript
ions. It is a small amount to each cf
yoa.tal tj us it would aggregate an
amount we very tuuch need in our bns-i
Joseph Eeafri, Vx'or Armitage and
Harvey Alien, three promisiog young
men cf Eoseburg, arrived at Beaver Hiil
several days ago, having walked the
entire distance. They were given em
ployment at the Beaverton mine, and
went to work without even losing time
to take a few days res!. Coquille City
The Fourth quarterly conference of
the United Brethern church, Eoseburg
mission, will be held at Pine Grove
church April 15 and 10. All official
members are earnestly requested to be
present. Bishop Henry L. Barkley wil
be preeent and conduct the services in
stead of the presiding elder. He will
also preach at the Eoseburg V . B
church on Friday evenir.2 April 14 at
7:30. All are cordially invited to at'end
Licv M. CcTur, Pastor,
lUn J.-mu IicaMtr1. f-JO.
Cro P.rt. are the Bo.s iLCiuu
ti to t!it Uoseli if f. r the b -st c ie
. N.
The slri'.-.gcst wluel. EatnMer,
city yesterd-iy.
P. r.-.(rii'di. k i.lit-ndod the Southern
Orcg.m Presbytery at Medford this
T.J. Biown, biitkemin tl S. P,
has returned from a lri; In Eastern
Trt mblii g liHiid", weak li'iibn and un
steady gui'. llmlyHii ciirt'K. AH drug
gists 50 cents.
A marriage license has ltcn issued to
John K. Anderson and Anna M. Bud
dick, both of Glen l ilf .
Havo Ljney, who lias lien em
ployed in orchard woik in Coles Val
ley, ia vihi'inn in Eoititmrg.
There wi l be pie-.chiiig ut Ihe Chris
ti in church next Sunday evening at the
u-ttial Lour. Ail ar cordially invited.
Geurge Vie, of Kobehii'g, has be n
granted a pcni-i n d $S ypr mouth, and
Alexander M. l'..jaty, of Kiddles, otie
of (ii per month.
,;e .1 I.yoin his turned fiom
a trip t i various cities in the north
p;rt i f the s'ate where l.e wen' to in
specl coirln ne fiiiniture.
Eev. N. S. Itn and lainil, who
have b"en re-ilints t.f Jacksonville for is.outLB o:-'. will e.inleavj
for Cahfo'iiia, au-I will pr iy lo.'Kte
in )i o i :i ! null . J.u h- i v.ile Tiiuis.
T, M. Mnin. win- was an i lll'er at
the (.! ! fur.ii M'ho I, ui:d fattier ci
tare I art in , th lawyer, I-ft toloy
it i Mr?. Martin for their cat:! ranch
ia suii'liUMiein I'Ulas co'iu'y. Sa
leti Jo ru.i!.
V -. B.-:it a:.d l.i...;iy have removed
ironi E ; e nrg to tii- r frm ueai E ddie.
Mi. i! i'", 'y i.ii j t unl linooraU-
Manila, March 11
I do not know when I caa wile h.oh, '
for as i. enr n I can figure, we are to !
Stirt for !he front Monday or I'nefda' .
We are 1 1 report to ( Wl.e iton,
Cob. A. B, D, E, I, L and M. A the See.
Oregon; eight company if the Hrft
Wat-hington, Tuenlieih and Tweuty-Sec-ond
Eeg., three troops of cavalry, one
section of artillery. The Seventeenth
Beg., relieve us frnn our present duties,
Cop., C, G and K are iu the fireing line
nearihu Fourteenth Ken., Co., II is at
the Custom House, Co., F, at the Palace.
Tbe companies will stay where they
are at present.
I have worked very hard nil day get- j
tin ready and helpline to store nnr lug
gage, but will havd to woik Imr i-r yet I
The Oregon regiment has won a god
name here. When it was foniid Ilia'
th Ihid Dreg in was to be relieved from
provo.-t guard duly, there ws a oriteft
be'.ween Wneat' n,
Maj ir- ieneral Anderson, and Major
G.'iieral MacArtliiir to 8cu-e thern,
which wai non rn- !irigd er General
Wheat .11.
Mjjor-General Anderson wan ttie hrt
I) raise a kick t'i secure t lie 2id ()regon
and Mjj ir-Genersl Hughs wanted to
k e; im where wrt ere heeauso P"
hjted to spare rii fr n trjv'i.t guard
Will write as often as to.-isle.
Frank S. (i .iiiiiEi, t. M. S.
Man: a. P. I.
Gen. Wheaton Drives the Enemy
Back from the Right flank
Other Small Villages Burned Otis'
Report of Yesterday's
Opera ions.
Bancroft creaiueiy b:i'ter at M:s
Boy I s.
Mr. aul M. Wi ir-ton w r i:i the
cry, .va-t;iiay. j manage i. -i.t f the tssc-.-or'a ctlice,
Mr.', 1. II. Krasc, cf Oakiand, has; d . .u; tt past two yet.. ruat.y f : i-t.da
been ;u'.te i i. j n 1 'ju-v .-t loiii.ti -
Ask vour srorer fir the ' l iiie c i j l'rof. W . Vr:.''.t c:o!-"l a suc:-f8! il
Pou.-'a--" ll ur. j term of s :;
A. E. Oi -f. .f MjUV. urg. 4. iiid.atil o
R echii: Tiienlav. term at '
. - :irs:-ciass .len'.t-try ( : I'l
iat.l of Oaklind.
Manila, Aprd IJ. 6:10 P. M. Gen
eral Whiaton i-tarted at daylight with
the Tenia Pennsylvania and the Second
Oregon regiments, and two guns, to
drive the rcLels from the American right
flar.k between the railroad aud the foot
hi. If. He met with sight reaistance
near Stnta Maria, aiid one tnao was
uu!..!i'l, I "it the enemy bolted when
thtll.-d by the artillery, and burned and
ahandined ihr town of San'a Maria,
where 1000 jeli.-U mere repined to bate
been concentrated.
During the rer. ot the day the enemy
w .-.s in full reir. ct toward the mountains
burning vi:!ges behind the retreating
'irec. f cat-ioi nily a fr drop-
i rl to tlr r- iT, .-unl tiied at the advant
I ing American ir-.ops from tho jungle,
1 appaientiv with the idea that this would
cl.ei k i. advance and cover the retreat
of the Kiliplu'-s. Fudirg there tactics
' h i llrc;uai, tLeec re?ls scrambled after
' the ruain Lody.
; of : i
; tcachei j
! .
r U'iric leCer, li-t Kri
x'. '-I ii. 1 iv i.l opto a
WrU'it ii oU
r::it)'s rio.'-t popular
. t.ever without eruplo,-
I Tne American jruaid el-jog the iS'lroad
Regents for the Drabi N vrmal Sthool ! btn uoateriaiiy strengthened, and
and Two Horticultural Commls i it ia not hkey the rebels wid succeed in
sioners Named. K '!:: g in the future to as close qaarttri
I . J a thy did eterday, even if they ie-
iov. ieer ha apiwiinteil ll.- h.ard cf j turn from the u..untains.
! reg nt f..-r li e t'rain N r:r. 1 -cho-'l,
j namii g the folioaing wel-kn i n cr:znB ! W AMiiNf.ros, A'ii 12. ll.e following
I of tliat owt on of Ine Hate : calderaru I. as been received froir GeC-
; Dr. Wqj. Kuvk'-niall. of Eugene, six'er! !.-:
jo fomm
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
ww wa aont o , f nw.
Myrtle Creek.
Mrs. H, M. Oa'uiao has gone to Eote
birg on a vit it.
Mrs. Frank Fisher it quite sick at
present writing.
Wm Wiley ol Canyonvilie wan in the
City last Tue day.
Will Pone 1 left for the Valley to be
gone for some time.
C. W. Poue a-id wife, of Koeehnrg.
spent hundty in the city.
Mr J-w Bot er is still qiite iil at ICS
Eev. Buekner h-l I -ri':-n at S -or.'S-burgon
the Mi
Mr. Fra k I: -l-rs ia itin in the
postoffice at pre-ent.
Ley. H ,;e CJt.'tnrted services or. laat
Hab'mtb. Mr. Hoye Uey reiirBal
from Portland.
M. D. Tr cuiti-on mf id town recently.
L'ccle Noah Cornotr, o' Kiddie, was ' He i ame to ou -ol . Dr. Pa'termn, as h
in the city, Wednesday la-f. j has been 'pii e out of health for soma
Cncle Joe Weaver made a trip ti the -,ilie
burg, on last Monday's train. Eev. Ba xter io marriage Win.
Frank Kramer ia out again on the f-tlbn la and Mi-s Lan McVf.e. on
Strt' t- after many As of sickt.e-s. taB 8 " in-'-i t'e Loan- of the brid-r'e
Burke Bros, late of Fivina. C.1.. PrenU"
Tbe sad accident that depriTed Fish
CotntiJi to.i. r Mciuire, and Beoa'or
Eed ol their lir, u an nnpeakabl
cal iiu ty, a Ur s t., this s-rtion ar.d the
who o county, tnd all mo'iro the loss c4
a K'Xjd man arJ t .n 1 frier.0". Ur. Reed's
fr. n ta mt.r . I r- 1 1 1 rtt t- 1 mil
Dr. HirrU, of G'endile, made a i ro- v . . . : ' , .
uiiufiuJji4i!i.e5 oi every one uo
knew tiiro. AVcrds can io no wise rx-
!eft last Toesiay for t e above I lce.
Mrs. Htnvn rane home iart 8iior
day from a rwo ' iit at E sebcrg.
There wid be a series of revival m et
ngi in the Christiaa ch urch, on Fr day
feteiocal call
F. A. Cox.
at Miril. Creek
our agent, has taken
on a vii'.
P. Lugenbuh! has :.!.t l is ranch
Dr. C. E. Bogue. of Myr ie Cn-.k, w,s ul ,: "
in the ti'.v. Mor.dae. i Mir
W. T. En. err. of 1'ir.rxina Fnrv. was is 8 L
in the city yesterday.
Mi. Allie Hoirfr v'i'tJ Oak'and,
a uidiy ai d Sondav.
Judge A. r. S;ebtn-i of O.iki i d, n.ade
B .ort isit !o Ecst I ii'g Tuee.i.i .
Mrs. M C. Flint wn-t to Oakl.nd
vesterdy for a v;-:t wi'h frien
Tue B. E. T. ol It .- ;urg wiil g ;ve a
grand haii mi lhs night i f M iy 1
Mrs. Al. Cloyd, cf Edm wer, h.-s
gone east for a visit at her ol 1 horn .
Eev. I. E LVain, pastor of ite lc-l y
terian Church a: k anl, i; ;u te i.l'
C. H. Baruett, of Wlia fvalla, Wgeh-
lngton, is vi-iting relatives ;a Oak'and.
You'll find a go;d line of truu?.
vaUesand teletcopes at the Novelty
Facts nut fakes is what our advtr-i
Using co.uuina
Mrs. L D. Carle has goce io Missouri, 1
I turtie 1 tot in f-.ual aifut :
;nd 1 in the city ju n.inuj l. u: j , . . , . ., ;
. Eecorder West :n.t:e.d a nmllj.., i .. j. . . .. :
. . . .. .1 unit, iiri i. at li r K.afri. m , i.ii. lmi
03 an extenJel vii: to re.atites ana : d j he t ,rowe1 (r0.n B iln: , . , , , , i
Iriends. f,;, ,i m-mr i. i.v h! f.n'.. ......
p - - -- i .Mr. JlcOuire s coal mas lonr o at a toint !
First class "edett and "Hartford . and fill or ai;n. H- clain.s to hive. . , . . . ..
bicycles at Churchill A Woolley's, for 25 been robbed while intoxicated.
and ). m m
E. M. Gjluian and faxily, of L-.ok- j THE JESSIE SHIRLEY CO.
g Glass, were conntv set visitors,!
Satordav. i Surpasses Expectations A Complete
t Taiinrinn W
means the best materials,
artistic workmanship and
honest values.
1 50
SellU ' O; 4
not max- . i
save Li- i i-pai:-i
i 1 i
thi v s k!.
e::J :- B .'". u
I-.-:: 1. a-e rays M Kin ey
., whi'e W. J. I', van is a
i ne s s'.e wtm'-l
.. r h; t-c':i f r Bryan t
i i- ati iiii,.er m i '. o X
i i .'. i - uaipi: t eefl-
j ci- t :ii
W. W. Wi! Voncaila, c:x yeirr1.
J. T l'ri !g-s, Kjsetuirrf, i-n tetrp.
A. M Craaf vrd, E ', f -or y.-ars.
E. A 1'. ot':. ra:.ti 1'.. , fuer earf,
C. D. Llrai i. D ain.f-.ur iti-
lo ph I.vone, Drain, two jet's
pi( era
t ci
if Li
fV an I larv
an :
E.le . ( t i- g
J'lrt 1 ae o'il". . .!-.
1 1 11 '.:ie n'.r ji I ageit ,
Lis i'e .- v :.i-x' .-it irJjy
to ru i.t Ns" trt:i m .-an Flnl.O;-,.
li-"i b- n )'- h 1 a va.-t.. Sinej '
an i I.e t e I .e :iee 1 1 u c'.v-g He
will nci'iv b ;.i:icj i"h pl-a-'l".
Lowrver, in the I'.iy ci v. A.
E'j'.-r.i. J 1 1 w.i - in c nig- at i'.i
cVpot wi i e Mr. K'c i away. Gratt
l'a5- P rve.
H. TeOcoiJih 'I t'liila can - ti town
lat r-un !ay, exp ctir.g to trke t!,
E )' rt V.aUh, Co'tage tt- -e. two
Ver. ;
itoc. ..-. S-.ntir. I'mir a3 1
Tr4:rrr Myr- hue appo.i.'e! thr.e
cemb-'S ol h' x'ate' t of t, -rt.cui:-n:e,
t r--v i - f iTir y r. fi,'i a fol-l.w-:
Ll y-i T. K-'ir Us, ii -aicaj, i .- the
n i.d di-trict, t. rncrt'-d I :n.-.f.
Eni-'- .-ci r,n -, of The Dall . I r the
I arih ':! u t . ti - hu. ived Lin - i;.
JoltGetr, A I n o.i, for ti,e tllh
i:-Mct 10 -necked i ;-org A. Hobbs of
r ice a a e-.
t "Manila, April IJ. Adj'i:an'-'!a!,
Wa.-h ntoa. Yesterday ia the lake
J rc-gloa Liatoa pcrturti the i farjjetU
eastward fr.:n t-n.ta Cruz, dispiening
thex. He captured til the la',Cr Tes
te : ii;d in the Jake trade, and a t-pan
tehgor.b- a. He la now en ieavoriag to
p.s t' em fr. iu the i.vr, where they
j were cor.ieaie:4, mtoihe !te.
"V Lea' on drove t:.e ei.tmy ten miles
to f e i astwat 1 ci the railway Cjixmuci
ca ion wi'.h Milo'c
Law ton's and
WheatonV ri-til.,a are !e and slight,
tt.e f r;i a. u. Je ro Stand.
T Live been;5d I v Si
b- wil
tvarua'e Mil d-ra and
Man;!, i. Aj i JJ. ; ...
eral Wo. ! i. i , i-l-. i.t
a! Ot;-, st. Ii
P. M. Gt-n-:.-
i io i j -i er-
' ii.y !.,J i.o: wait to
itij; L.J oi'H couring
Bodte.i Not Vet Recovered.
,. Mjr.d-v for IVrtlani. but in the u.eac-' i
represent. The , , ... ... i.T.p.aa.
; time he ,r c-edid tif:!i:po-i bo-z, ; Tne cj turned boat w
t k'li.ed."
li.s vie !,;') -n.ti Cruz. He Coda
tl.e ri U i-In -r .i. aj.i ej He has 14
ccret! a guri-a". i.x la -ncht-s an ! two
r-A fc." & r ?'.-.!-,.-. f-A lit:r.ny t.t
t Le t v r.
No trace has ve-' tera loor. t of the
in the n.od of
Law ton Captured Villages.
Ni'i Yoik. Apr':; 12 A dispatch to
' , t - t . - :
akonttao ar.l nne-hall trow tl i " "' ' ' l" - '" f
I . ! I ' t.'a i- n-mr J r.r.l iVa 1 1
point f.ere the acc..Jrr.t o-corred. ! --e -
W.res haTe been suet, bed .cts. lU j ' -'a; io ar.d Lomban jeste,.iay
.ir.,.t AK.,.t,t M-nt. .n.l ,,!(., i !r tt Utter pUcL
r ' :Ti.Ji.m-1. . . I - . . .. J. k
ble L. U ir. done ti rnr-r tli ",T cvu.atu u,
Eugene Mroud has Nc n ci le-i Vi l'ort-j
Organization Good Plays.
land, by the serious illness of his father,
G. M. tsroud.
Tired iixbf, aching j tints and pains:
in muscle. Hud;. an curie. All dreg-j
glsrs, oO cent. i
Bjw knot lace trianuirg in various
width" tv itb intition to nia'.cli at the,
Noveltv r-tore.
V. J. Patters .-a wen: to ak!and the
first cf the week, to do a jib of painting .
for P. P. Beckiev. ;
P!pi:at;cn (.f',, :
e.eep5?, tcelaccho.ia. Ilu lyaa c:.-..
All druggists. 50 cpnta. i
Kv. Hyaf. cf the M E. Cli irch ;
.South, pteacheJ at Wilbur, un!ay1
morning anJ tVL'tjiog. !
Ii your ter. wont tet, try a Petaluuia
inc JLator. r-ee t nurclih. an 1 oo.iey
they izy the freight.
Mrs. Ca;:;.. Peterson, cf Got,
ll.tijt .in. ti iff ftakily blocked agtitst
; . ........ - i.l . i ol aah.r. .fl.-r.rt !.!' o--'"
' i
And AJ1 Rid' ia-f f Kra ira rrk( K a-tntriw in.
week's lay . and jone to Jooctioa City m . , J n m ,
.cornea i.otiie th-r present week Mr.
' O Io ..! H i . i... r i- ti-
Mr.fcheroP.ri.r.d we ' 1 Mjld Fellow. E ks.od Matons. W.rre.
try railrr.ahng .gain : Keel, nepher of i e d-ceed ha. goo.
r "7', w tott.erce .ecf ti.e accident.
Montana volunteers was tlihlly woctd- ,
'd in the arm at Manila. How'a This?
Frank F.rewer came in WedneMay .
morning from Eastern Oregon, where be '
bis been for il.ree yea's.
Ager.t Cox c! this place has a belter
now Ibtt tr.e graxI train is r.ere. u.
II. Frain is bis night man
j rr-
We oiler Ua Hun ltd Dollars Eeard
for any case of Catkin that rai.not be
cure. I by Hali'a Ca'arrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Priva. Tole-t.-.O-VVe
ttie cniieiti.oe i Late km in . J.
Chcnev forth. ' 1 n.l ;i-r
Frank Betk and Ai'oert Robinv.n left ' h- M. . , ,. :n . , tMMm
I ... r a-, f c...L ir..w. . i. : '
' tr aiiOairti- n-i an . u Lai: t ab e X:
tns saw mills ot l&ai p.ace. pr . ar. , B. . . K
J. M. Hatson is cn Nor.h Mrrie,flrtn.
Crek getting out telegraph poles for tKe West 4 Traiv. Wr.ole. Dtastiista-
Local Tslegrtph C-ocsptDT. , Tol'do, O.
M. M. T. Dyer Las been vry sirk, s Waiixg, Kitir.a.-i 4 Miitifi, W;Ie
bnt we ander-ran i there are htK nf ' sale Driyg-'. T.-l'-io, (ohi--.
her recovery at lK:t writing. Hall's Cat;rr:: O-.'-j U Ukeo i t-rttil-
KJ G'.it ha. B-on. to f.n.o-.ilt ctic-!;y -.t:0 rr.e blr-l and
to run the miil, at that pltr. at nigr t.
Torre b-ir.g pi-ntr of grain ic the i-
Mr. s-i-ppi-f a&d Mr Andreas tf II
l:D'.;a Lave ni iv.'l :o thi place, aid
r.ave boo.-:.t a bom" with Ih in"e-iti n
of stayiog Lere. I! l ' way Las co i e hn.t to
e'ty, as we oniert'aai Chaj.
bas tea J;n in th d.-oto strickeo
diatric'js of California.
HiOCTa ajr.ac1.
per b .ti e. -1.'
monta; . .
I t..- system, lir 75e
'v all -S'Uiiy: f
New Co.ta;e.
Krj-kJ. Ci-:-no: jii nr!-i tt
C".nt'- f ir cr - n- for
Hon. J. W. U i : it o. ub Ca tn-et.
at a ecrt - I ii tli- p -r.s, which
were pr-n ei Ar-hitect F. E Alley
are i.r ie--o m o t if, eo-.T-cie .tlf
We are glad that the Pl:sdealu d d arran.-ed w ti modern improraetu
not gtt into ftrange tand. and wi:t Mr. leirs t-e r.g received by if
Sratfo-d at he holai w- a-e sar- to i . e arr'n e- fir a rlor.-an I a- .ail
hate an a 1- . himpioo cf our cans. Uot'.g- Ca- and Kaie streets for Mr.
Mr. ( artel'. f Po"!an I was tr lt;F. il Ca --.rcri..: T-.ioiiira.-t w li bw
Toe3aT wo-kina-in !half of M-. (l.hrr ll-tii Svarlir oi week
man. The tS rt i to'iave Vr. 0";ef- j
mi-n't eo a to rta I for .iV. in- I
teak of baninc 1
A little too cinch powder and po nt-d
Toe Cxanrctaeaw
tj e recovery of the b !y cfheuatorj
Looking For a Location.
Lit Monday eveLing one ol the most
pleasant and enj jyahle er:isgenieots re
corded in the his'.-.ry of our Opera
House, was Uvun hy toe .'e-ie Sh rley
Ci., a coiop.ete tii o-go.:. -'fiti a ever j
cauie to oar c..y. rroau.e very io-j-.q- t the pi. t,eu Tf4rl era
n ug ti.-.- tr.ost favvrab e resets were an- J r(.u., ,,orel,f j, B0W fig;,rir j( oa ioing in-1
tioija-ed as the freely expressed t bclr,THI k.r, ar.l was here'
in a' n.cst Hit- thi, vtU fcrl;a(, a !.K-,..:,-.-i hrnrx-.
I?r:-,' ...!!. c, .Wil". j;.:, a...i -a . .-:,. ,; ,1.. e-iA'.'i-!
Mr. t
k.e pas!
jerr.tna t f Eoeeborg,
;.o i. as tor ;
a clerk in i
ratlta to jv i very
made 1
has l-ees uiore ti.-ti fulilled at;. I that j
o ir n; ,p liav? I eel; favorid t y a c.m t
paay w tiicli i-i arti'i-:
wj-k ai it i-t me.'i'cii.
in rs collective;
hr.e.l fr.n. the Laguna de Bay c?rove
n.oi of ttie ir:icrger.ts in fl:gbt np the
m?u.ta;n riie. A rtnali force remained
io in cii church o5erlr.g resistance oo
j :1 it t rubed t y the troops. About
;;.Jwi.-e cii tun j and several killed.
Thf.e was ore casaiii'y among the
A -crricans. '.hit being an arm wound,
six ia itcles and two cascoee were
cap:::rl m tas river. Ihe mouta was
t n t. .!r':..l f,A- .n.l 9V-m ntt rl
ry gJ c--la:. i.-h-r ents. !
He uiav li.x-a e in thff Moi.:c t.-xk.i . ....
..... .1 SMt-ta, .ci and lagrjiin are now
taairg tae two rxuis a j ..tirg th pc-t- . 1 '
; uaTie-i i-i ii.r iii-"n 01 ine i osna cwv-lal.-r.
Mo-tofthe Fourteenth ic.'antrv.
Actui-i c-rraca ot lUin aixl La aw
--:. --i:j5t -re'j- : frrweat.c- H a. a
... ---. M - A. S-K A.vlwwJ -A . . t
the wrr w-y ra-ce very tear . k , . ttT . anUna-r-Kiaii; Ciwt." rtts wa
force da mag- to the e'eatn shov-1 er.irice ct of lis ajor-sr wruioe; K?tora Irawrae
l..t w-,i. Tt .r a., miaa. .rr. v. - T H Can-calU. PrwUrcU Prayer
stack as a rcult.
: It wT-.i. W-iU j. at T
5J p. .
' .- K. aasoLO. Patar.
corrwr )( aa4 Lax
Mr. Wilkiss, of I'orlLand. is ia toe
city for a week or ten days, in the intr- i fy.rto Surraais '.aruii-r rowarrr4.
est of the A. O. 1. W. of which order he ' sas-Uy vcrvsce. al ll a. n. aa l Tu at. FYaj"
rri.rur. ThrwiaT efamf.
3-v ".cct M. CrrLir. Twrvt.
is state o-ganiier. M. Wi kins sars t? e
word fail does tot a; rir in hiv caa?e.
Lt of teachers i tiat
rave tiera ec-
-houl I li.
!o e o t K"e rj ai w i.
1 be greaMy improved, aid confoli lated
i ll i ap i .li .
l:.'Jivtl-i .i .- . . . wi ii r.erai l.iwioa, are in i.umoan.
h- removing the pir:tivn. Ap'atig.i , ,. ,
l .... - .iv.. , , finn! VI t tint in an.! cn .vrtirl rrw.m - -1
m-". I are !. P.t I- M .n-, Daoghter of j .-j, u U;e re.Q t. Ai.!aro i To.n 1 M-r '' -t ,n b-tween Maril.o
the Ea.pirc an-l Mjt: -, and c : h one T... ,and Boiave at o o'clock this morning.
her, if one
has b j .. h -t:-r the
rxay t-xpre-s it that way.
Tie g-r.uii.e tteiiing uit-rit of Miss
-':ir'ev an ariis'e h'.s lieen aiuply
-T. u. L..L s Cur. . Cnratr Cwm a ad
Ua.n -."-".- !-ri Ice. u3 nA fr-k
gage.1 to teach the Kh...l of U.U ceih- iir. la--3-a:a; et ewci cm-.h erery ona
borh.vJare: Prcf. W. J. Pt erjfa as lay cveia.;. ?pec a. n iora wa-wwoced Irwww
pr.ncipa! and M ss Clsra E' i tie a pr:- ae" ltT ,m -'.
mary in the city s-"boJ ; Mis t'n; of 1 utoca-y.
RceVr2 at the Jotej seh.ooi : Miaa Ad- . Cbcich. wnrra. -S: vUeaeTery rciTiaj
di Jtewart a: ihe N rth My-.!- Cre-k
s'booi ; Miss Anny Bog:e at the Hnd--c
scbol; Miss .race Hall t thi W.ley
school cn f-nth Myrtle.
ci-? a-4 rveniaT.
Ss:-. J. T. Cnrros, Faator
wuo lias been in Ma t rancisco lor some e,:,ni.tlJ m t!ll. rounJ f r:,H.act-rs al
weexs, uas remrntu iiorre. . ... ...i
J. W. Wtaver, of Myrtle Creik, was : tion ha'ever a
n the ci y Tues .'ay, attending to Lusi leg.tiir.ats a'.trac
ness t-eor-i the p:obate court.
Mrs. D. P. Junk, stats coruininder of
tht Ladle's Maccabee, inI.j an official
yir-it to Eo-eburg, Monday evening.
Camp Instituted.
f3l0. Modem
as tnstitlted
EoselirR Camp No,
.1 - i . r .
i . mn --n oi .imer:ca
tt'.ere icma.r:s no line- l
! SittirJay n ght br Depntr Head C-nol
to lor stn.tmg ss allt . ' " :,u '., '.',...,
e is ler aitly
The best wav to avoid sickness ii to
keep yourself healthy bv taking
Hood's Parsaparilla, the great blod
irs-rung ot Ihi n.any kind ex. refsiocs
showered up..n ! r by her i'eHilited
sc.. henc-s, and il an opinion may be ex
pres-M I for foin'e she is d-sined to
tecome one of ttie leaiiing a1 tractions i n
tliis ci ai-t, a? she is now in the Eastern
territory in which eho is liefer known.
Her supp. riir g compny ar all ladiis
and g-nt'iimeu. There i that ab ut ia s"ands fjr best, ton are ; their iro:iali'y wtiich readily inites
sure of best w lien you ride a Colombia, j .ie rn.,at favorable .vt-ution and their
See the 10 dluaioia at Churchill i i wjr It on the stage isof the highest or-Woollc-y'e.
Jrr ,. merit.
Maiazine f jr the d'X-tors, lswyeis ,! T:.e riuiainler of the week ail te
buiness net), teachers, student", anljdcvo'cd to comedy, and iud. a i i:ow
tbe geceial reader, at H. G. Houshold-1 point to a cri.wde 1 house at even jer-er'-',
Eoebur, Or., opposite depot. j for-n Trio- prices nre e-u. h ai to
! brin the prices witli ti e i;rap of a I.
! and ;r ptople will no ilonl t avail
their.felveB now that the company is ef-
H. Boivin, with a charter list of 30 ntstn-
b rs :
Th fill ) inn o.Ticers were elected:
H. W. Miller, V C ; Geo. Kyron.W. A ;
F. M Board. A. ; H L Marsters, C ", J.
i. Smith. E : J. t . Pilkirston. v .
Dan Fber, S. ; S I Ihornton, F. C.
Cements, P D, AikinsoD, managers;
ffam T.-oley, D. H. C.
A meeting wiil be hel l next Friday
night, at the old Masonic hall.
To Teach at Haines.
Ti.e telegraph Use was cut. Our loss
was tive k iiel l.1 14 woun.ied, all in
i otupany M of the Jecond -egjn regi
Uj. :,t, r n.l c oo; sties C and I, of the
T..!rtccti h Mir res-ota.
Ttie in-'igenti Ixrer ed sonio rails en
tt.e raiir. -a l ir.u k. bot the daa-age was
ipr.iklv rvpai ed.
Royal Tailoring
means the purest of woof,
faultless tit and matchless
Boual Talloriua
The Royal Tailors, Chicago, U.S.A.i
The Novelty Store.; (j
Buys a good suit here.
Better ones if you wish.
A new spring line just received.
Also have a fine line of
men's shirts, hats, shoes,
Call and see these goods.
Roseburg Novelty Cash Store.
Poetmss'er Met:, of Myrtle Creek, was
in Boseburg Monday, and made this of
fice a call. Mr. MeU will probably put
iu a store of goods at Myrtle Creek, at an
early dsy.
Umpiiaa Lodge No. 37, 1. O. O. I'., t
Oakland, bss elected G. W. Stephens
and Dr. W. Gilmour as delegates to t lie
Grand Lolg?, which meets at Salem
May 17th.
Mrs. P. M. Morris, of laklan-1, Or.,
who hai been in Ashland on a visit to
her eon G C. Morris, chief train dis
patcher, returned to her home Monday
evening. Ashland Town Talk.
Capt. John Eeed, of Hoijniu, Wash.,
a brother of Senator Eeed, arrived in
Eoseburg Monday, called hero ly the
eaJ death of Senator Eeed. Cap!. Eeed
and Warren P. Eeed, of Gardiner, who
isaleoin Eoseburg, are actively er
suingthe search for the bodies of the
drowntd men.
For a high grade piano, don't over
look the Haines Bros. Indorsed by ali
leading musicians in Eosebuig. They
are used and indorsed by Dr. Glbine,
Mrs. Appelhoff and others. Mine. Patti
has a Haines upright in her boudoir in
her beautiful homo at CraigycoH Castle,
Wales, aud used tho Unities piano dur
ng her last tour of the Eiiilcd States.
ITainek Bros., New York, N. Y.
Letter LUt.
Eeiii.uning uncalled f- r in ihe Boss
burg k;' cilice :
Bellz, F. J. Mathison, diaries
Crossley, Mrf. C. S. Olsen. J.
Jones, Owen Palmer. Henry
Kiacuid, Mrs. Waiter
Esgtn, J. M.
Stephenson, Pratk
Peisuus calling for these tetters will
plcasa stat? Ihe dateori which lliey weie
advertised, Apnl 10. Tlic letters
will be charge I lor at the rVe of one
cent each.
Wm. A. Fk.ukr,
P. M.
Mini Ehrelta Bai ey, of this city, who
taught the schttol at Sutton creek ditrirg
the laet term, haa accepted a rimilar
po-ition at Hire. and will leari for that
citv Siindiy next.
Mi s Biiley is a l-aehtr of rm gntied
abi i!y, iind will inak? a success of the
Htines sch -xil. Her many friends ex
:e::l congratulations ai d best wishes.
liiker City Republirnp.
Shasta Limited
lty lou ual corjseut the paitutrship
heretofore txietiiig between T. Alex
ander and 11. W. Strong under tbs
style stid uauieof Alexander A iStroug,
i this, the 1 tit day of April dissolved.
B, W. Strung continuing the business
and collecting all debts due said firm
and assuming all liabiltlra.
Signed, T. A. Aplxaniier,
B. W. Ktiion".!.
Is the name of tho only perfect train
n t'.i world, now running svery night
between .St. Paul ind Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukie A St. Paul Railway
the pioneer road of the weft in adopt
ing nil improved facidties for the safety
and enjoyment of paseengeis. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of beau
tilul tcenery along the route of the Pio
neer Limited, will bo sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Address Geo. H. IlcufTord, Gen
e-l Passenger Agent, Chicago, Iil.
As the season of the year when pneu
monia, la gripe, sore throat, coughs,
colds, ca'urrli, bronchitis, and lung
troubles are to be guarded against, noth
ing "is a Hue substitute" will "answer
the purwoso," or is "juht ss good," as
One Minute Cough Cure. That is Ihe
onii infallible remedy for all luoj throat,
or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously
up?n having it if "coinething elso" is
offered vou.
' A. C. MAKbTEKS & CO.
Ilandsoms Bsibr, fO.
Birr.n i.'ars. a ca-r ei tn asl Bow
t-erl. i-::a".j -erri-x-: J-x-achia at 11 w. a.
isJ T i f. ra. -Lta'Ji sch-oZ at hi a- ra . O. T.
iVwaoar, aip-.-r.a'crki.-ii. m;.vr SMcti-cg at
T X vre.l2e'.ai- v:oinir.
S- A. Dut-OLaS. Ptauor.
Fia-T C"nirtiS orrwrw Corrn-r ot
to : iKotT-M so i-aiir
F-e-ori:rt twnh raora-.n tat frentas. anJay
A coMUl weieoae an t (Tretiirr wvwita
W . a. Wood.
fa? tor
1 hree Privates of Company il Killed
and Two Wounded.
Washixopos, April 12. General Otis
has forwarde.t the lollowing casualty
lint :
kin ro.
Fouiteenth iolan ry, April 10, Trivale
J. W. I'uts.
Second ttreon, April II Compine
M. Private Henry Payne. Edward Hoff
man and Jo-oph B ! !..
Tnirteentli M nne- ( . April 10 Pit
vatrs M.Cn le. A pi n II P ir.te Morris
P Ite.tty.
wm siiin.
Hospital corps, Anri! 9 cting Hos
pital Stewart i'arie;t A tn-an.
Thirteenth Minne o, Airil It)
Henry Fofs, First l diaries Ciark, First
Seraeant E'g-ne Sanini. CirporaU
llolden ti. Gib ert, Waiter Kniwrg, Pri
vates W. J. OMe, E ien. A. H-vey, C.
J. Miggson, Charle Packett, J ilin J
Young. John l.iiv.teii, Harrv Audets- n,
llich-rd Kelley and Adams Hitchkhs
I'ouiteeulh infaulry, April 10 Private
William Somcrf.
Fouilli cavalrv, April II Priva'e
Joseph Graboweky, head, severe.
First North Dakota t'jp oral tlr.
man Wolf.
First Idaho I'rivato Arthur P. Larson
o'eai in, revi re
Sevnd Oiegon, company M Privates
P. Miller, w'.domon, severe; Arthur
Sullen, aim, tli.'ht.
Talk about Ihe white mail's burden,
what with taking cart it the children,
holding up the churches, uplifting so
ciety and keeping ihe) men from getting
into all kinds of tremble and going to the
devil generally, the white man's burden
is a sinecure compared to the one tbs
werntn bars to bear.
Sunshine and (bowers
Mrs. Freeiin Coratjrt i sick tui wk
Dr. J. W. Strange was io town tbr 6-st p a"fr -stiacich xveOrtcvJav nrtainajat.
ot the week, doire baricers. i
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Dinned a
seven p und girl, April Ilth.
Mr. on ha movr-l in'o Genres
Cnts'orth's bouse f rmilly occupied ty , n
Mr. Griy.
Prjf. L. A. Stoc.irg, prir cipal of the .
i. :M - .1. .1 : . . .. . a . . .... .
uiuuiiif iiii.iaiv-a 11: u iiiv j Ptrito
thrW. O. W., Satoniav eveni:.K. ! Tv.-.C.T.r :".. h.! I it- i!ar raretlr-.
Mr. Mitcban, ot Oa.v.lle, Linn
connty t was to town the fiTt of lte we-k
on bnsines relating to fioit d'iers.
Mr. P. -pi., of Myrtle Cr-ik, fT d ' F r a o,'i k rm .; and nn ih.l ia
Eev. Hansen s a; p .u.t I eo: trere in-'-l", '.", ''"ml',n wm.
dav Mr. Hanwn waa l-.oldirg rreetirg 1 "(i
Among ths eont'rnt'ltio hnil.lir.g
frnit oriera ihia year are Frrd S .nder-1
son. G. W Gilruore, W . S. Britt an 1 G. !
W. Wonac-ott.
T. Alpkk.
F:a.T P:iS5SVTxia-i "acs'- Corner of i"aww
aat K"-! t-eetf. S.initav e-ric: Frtbtia
x:i' ? . a. ; Sabawtb, 1" w. ra. Y. F. f. E. at 7 . aa.
Prajer r-.eedDs. Wt-i.JaT evrti.oc T-.JS p-
0. A. TOW-l-a-iD.
Tat V. . O.T T ;".'. he
on lie wo-ca and f. arth M.n.;wr-i of errrv
rcoaih at 7 30 . ra. in the tporJl LrwxlW
r.-n ot th M K. Chnreh
if- i
O - V
.xivii- , r
h ihroar a
I coc'i Cnr- It IS
r- p. bo rj-if., t 'kliag
If von have a ronali. throat irritation. ;
weak lunza, pair, i'i th- rt:e-t, c'ltti. nlil
l.reathini, ct""P 0' hoarsen--, t Sj
sasgest Oil Mimre Congb Cnrs. Al
ways teliai 1 snii -uiiV
Tor Iitfa&ts ajid CMLirea.
Tha Kind Yes HaTS Always Eoaglit
Be&rs tha
Sicnatcre of
Bicycle Economy vnwmvvvv
The money you pay for a new wheel is
sometimes only part of the price. The
bicycle-mender gets the Test. But if you
buy a . . . .
to begin with you need have only a bow
ing acquaintance with the Repair man.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agts.