The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 13, 1899, Image 2

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Published Monday tud Thursday.
L P. SIBATFOSP. FJttor and l'liUi-her
Subscription Rate.
Olio Year .... - i
Six Montht 1 iv
Three Months JC
APRIL 13. 189.
T ,, . i ti i- i
Let's Lave a good old fasbioncxl ;
itb of July celebration m Loabui '
again. tiat a tuo use ot going to
Portland and other towns to spend
our time and money Let's bave a ,
big time at borne: spend our niouey !
at borne, and invite the wbol couu-;
ty to Kosebnrg. Lt's get a Uiove ou '
J. L Stratford, who is well kuow u
to many of the citizens of Pjaglas j
vintv- lia sncMt.l nositiiin with i
T i -ii
tbe PLAiMEALti:. and will put in con-1"
, .
eiaer&oie lime uuriug lue summer iu
soliciting and collecting tbrougbout
tbe county. Id fact, be is liable to
drop in on you any minute if you
ow tbe PLAiM'tALEi: auvtbiug, so it
would be a good idea for yon to be
ready for biui.
Tbe deatb of Fish Commissioner
McUuireand State Senator Heed re
moves two efficient men from active
aud useful service. Few men bad
more promise of a succefsful public
career tban Mr. McUuire. He took
up an unfamiliar work and mastered
botb its scientilic aud its practical
sides. He administered bis otnee so
as to win tbe ultimate respect and
esteem of those who were at lirst en
raged at bis inflexible enforcement of
law. lie turned a deaf ear alike to
jobbers and to those in high stations
who urged bim to practice tbe dema
gogue's wiles with the unreasoning
and prejudiced. He so capably and
bouorably filled bis office that bis
tenura of office has been undisturbed
through years of changes in adminis
trations, and might have continued
indefinitely. This is a remarkable
achievement A heavy loser by his
deatb 16 tbe great iisbing industry of
tbe Pacific Northwest. His place
cannot be filled. Oregouiau.
Tbe retnrn of tbe delinquent tax
roll for 1807. filed in the county
clerk's office by Sheriff Stephens,
ebows a tax of 15,4-3 charged up
against tbe Pl.uxmialee Publishing
Company which he was unable to
collect. This would indicate that
tbe government official who edits
that political organ is unwilling to
give up any of his salary to support
the government from which be
draws bis sustenance. Why the
PLAiyitEALtE has dodged this regu
larly assessed tax, is immattrial be
cause the record now shows that no
tax was paid by tbe concern for that
yesr. The example set is vicious and
dishonest It is bat simple justice
to W. F. Benjamin, administrator of
the estate of C. Y. Benjamin, de
ceased, to state that he paid one
half tbe tax as assessed. Review.
The above article is on a line with
what might be expected from this
defender of Aguinaldo. Let us see.
March L 1887, .1. B. Eddy and C. Y.
Benjamin was each tbe owner of an
undivided one half interest ia cer
tain personal proberty, consisting of
presses, type, etc with w Lien they
printed a newspaper. Facb of these
persons was liable fo.- tLe tax on bis
individual interest in'said property
for tbe year 1S!J7. About the 1st of
March, 1818, or more than a year
after this tax was assessed, the pres
ten editor purchased, tbe interest of
the said J. B. Eddy, in tbis'personal
property. We don't know, nor do
we care whether Mr. Eddy paid bis
taxes on this or any other personal
property which be may have owned
more than a year leforo we bought
it, neither is it any of our business.
A short time ago an ol 1 gray headed
laboring man came to us with a com
plaint that tbe Review Publishing
Co., owed bim $15 for work and la
bor. On inquiry we found that the
labor was performed for the Review
Publishing Co. and before the pres
ent members of that company be
came its owner, and that they were
therefore, not liable for the debt.
The cases are exactly similar. If
the editor of the I'laindealek had
been as contemptible and mean as
the editor of 'be Review, he might,
with tbe same propriety as the above
article was published, have declared
that tbe Review Publishing Com
pany had refused to pay this old
man tbe amount which was justly
due him. The editor of tbe Plain
dealeb does not owe a penny of de
linquent tax, and no one knows it
better than does Aguinaldo Fisher.
New Yori Journal.
Oar troops in tbe 1'biiippines are prov
ing themselves irret-igib'.e, a? usual, but
in their last desperated stand tbe ineur
gent Tjls have carried mourning into
arorea ot American home.
Who can measure the awful responsi
bility of those reuei Je Americans, who,
by caricituriotf and falsifying tbe be
nevolent purpose of this republic, en
abled Aguinaldo to convince his ignorant
dopes that we inteade-J to reduce them
to elavery, sod iher-hy substituted mu
tual slaughter for the huiuaue work of I
reconstruction that Wood has been
carrying on at Santiago and Henry in
Porto Kico?
Answering the suppoeed .juestion of a j
oreigner as to bow mmr rtatea the e j
fays; Forty -fiv ula'es and mmii.i ter
ritories ; they fill all tho spm-a l.ctwcHu
tbe two great -ahP, ami at hiih bugle
call last summer in every one, B''ldierH
lell into line; tiic trean oi huh (
lue the tullin of Ihu liehH ol ilonliny, i
and Urn ilDtliiii"n of Ibeir ntaiidards ro-
fleeted bark the t-unliht through one
eilitli of the- mo' daily round And
tbey all speak urn: language, till Biuj! the
eatue sout? ; all turu for inei-ir.itio;i to
Ihe mine ll.i; ; ami thotiuh caili i.i a
sepaia'e wave, when blended they make
Lai one otv.u ut.d wheu in full nmr the
shores i l ti e v. a i tt sire thaken, for in
u ajeaty, iu latent power, i i li
able pp'.endor there is no eoun'erpur! f ir
them in !1 the r. eerds n! the n..ti.ii:8
tl.iit l.jvc existed, Miu-e were
ih-t .'aiiiv;- ! earth,'
IV -j l. wh-.i Lave Ikcu o a:iw.u to
lvesiieui dedarc ui: niiii,.pii.e
.k w to w Mli8lt.u -J0. u that
; tiw at leas:.
Mr- Hubbard's Story of the lro rung
V 1" Ho -bard, who Ut-toe mu ut.e
0j ,. n ho esc ipe.l Irom ih i.tpide
of the i'i-t. Hive" the I iom. at
om t of the accMent :
".1-. Miuire wauteu me to aavui-
lllt' coiumiisio:', ' faid lie, "b:-
Caure He knew
ibat I t been ill ll.e
hatcher.- husiiit.-s for lii- nod i u i-t nt
- ,
I for reveial yearj.
"When we rea -he I Wiuche-tcr Fri
day afternoon, we stopped and ! ike 1 ut
t'ae riv r there, and then went on to
lift .'U1:. lit i" , r.-hi ulcJ over
"tijveruor iic'ir, ecretry if tate
Hanbar, A ljotar.'.-ti;neral Ta;;le aLd
mysrlf comprised the party. Saturday
moruini: we Irft ijvernor ie?r and Tattle at Koseburg, where tlify
were to iuspett tho ffo'.diers Home. Mr.
l'anbar returneii to his home at Astoria,
and Mr. McUuire, Senator Ueed and my
self went to work to iarp-t the Norlh
Umpiiui. Mr. Keed was anvioua to
have a hatchery established ou that
stream, and Mr. Mc'iuire atked bim to
aijompaay us.
"We lirst walkid the river
abjut iLice-fojrlhs .of a mi'e fiom W.n
cbster, where we fouJ a fairiy good
place fjr a hatchery. Then we prx-ur.d
a skiff from a fisherman, intending to so
oa down the stream for sivtra! n iler.
Toe man from whom wo ca'' tbe Loit
waroed u of the damtercui place at-out
one aau uj i u.i:e? below.
"Who. w caie to that p'.ace M-.iSH.
Mdiuire and li-itd got on! acd waited
around, and I carried t he boat through
the rapidg. We did this at t.vo or tinte
places, aod ail thougiit that we hid
passed ail the dai)j;r pjiuti.
l oar or rive miles ti w where we
Started we idde:.!v diove.ed, as we
rouudeJ a beiivl in tue river, tbt theie
d a dangerous rapid ahead, benatcr
Reed raid we had ie'.ter row aiiore.
I s'arted for the shore, wLcl. the oarlock
broke. Mr. UeeJ t xik one p-iddle and I
the other. He was io the front o' tie
boat and I in ti c slern, with the stern
downstream. W euccctd.d iu reach
ing the bufhes which uverLun ths lick
and Mr. Keel caught one cf them. Ia a
monLt be 1st go, I thi-.k Wcaj?e he
saw thl it would swamp tje boat ii he
held on, the water was 10 eia'i.
Ol 1 IS IHE t.'KLW.
'"As sojj as he let go, the boa', ttar-ed
over the r.ii-i i. I was e i'l in the ilfin.
which wae .iown strsax, M-. llrel in
tbe frout with .- othtr ra ' 1 c, and Mr.
Mc'iaire in tlie centtr of the tuat The
current carried the '-Oit down to the
middle of the stream.
"My aim was to keep tLe b?at straight
and endeavor to go over v.:thoot harai.
I da Lot thiui any tf tbuuht th-;re
wouid l scriojs trouble. When abont
l! or 15 feet irom the tLore we n:a ;nt
e1 the bii waves. The third one
struck us swamped the Ek tT. It went
un ier and came up bottom idc np.
-vimm;So 1 ok l:: .
"Mr. McUuire wa tne un one to
leave the beat as i: rose. I fjKoseJ,
striking out for the shore. T:ie water
was coll, but did cot chiii n:e. I mau'e
up my mind at lii it to take itta.-y.atd
not lose my head. Soon at':er i-?avis
the boat I looked ba.k ac 1 ta -naor
Eeel cn the boat, and M-. MetJuire wes
following me toward the shore.
"The great daoger was froj the
wives. They were fally ten ftet hith,
and fell back as they roe?. I came near
getting under thm two or three timef ,
and was completely exhjt?l when I
reached the th'jre.
"I expected to find Mr. Metiuire there
but when 1 had eutliciently reovered
my breath to look, I could see neither of
"From the time the carlock broke un
til the boat went dowu was not more
than a minute. No one spok- a word
and none appeared to be exutcd.
"Mr. Mc.ia:re hud sa:d some lime I e
fore that bt nue on e an expert swim
mer, but that had b-n H years ago. I
have since learned that Mr. KseJ could
not swim, though hi didn't say so.
"As exm as I realized that theto
men were not to be seen, I struck acroet
a field to a house for assistance. I found
only some woxea at the bouu and bad
to go to another boas-, sjnic ili!ance
"Taen I got a man aud we returned to
tLe stream. We met the wa;on which
was to meet n, and in company with
tbe farmer we drove down tbe stream
and searched for the be dies all after
noon. Word had hee.i sent back to
Koseburg, and o'b?rs joined the Birch
ing part-.
"We were all 111 o:;r shirt e'evs, and
no. cvsn a coat coald be found in tbe
"I remained iu the neighborhood all
night, and ear'.y Sunday morning Gov
ernor Geer end Clon I Tuttle arrived
with anotVer snrchiug party.
"All day S i'i i -y lit- search wa; con
tinued with grayling hook!. Hynamite
was also expljled under the water, in
the effort to brio ii:e holies to the sur
face, but when I left Sunday aftetnom
neither bjdi'-s, boat uor cost had ben !
"The searching ptuly was still at wurk,
and was arranging to put wires across
the river with book attacked some dis
tance below where Ihe oc-
j curred.
" ioveruor Goer thought that the boat
miglll liave oarried Mr. Kw(lI tIil0UK,t in
Mf(.t tltiI , S4tt tIie bi w
! Thn he d'.'nidi'd tha' no one could have
! gor.! Ihr.iuh there and livrd on a cap" i
HVdboa . !
Mv "pinion in that Mr. McGiiire -n-!
,,,,,,,,., .- . ,
hlrAn.M ,lilllt 1Rt .sH1tor Iteed re-1
mained on the until nwept oil byj
of othe l.i waven.
Washington Letter.
Krom our regular torn -i-onihiil.
U ,MiiV,:rV It (' iril St IsUlil 1
I luteud to civd Oregon readers this
week, a vi w i f the. interior department
with fea' ins of the public service; hut
the present time htn Us fptiitl interest
that should iileaso Ihe entire nation.
Half yes, ijuarier of a century ngc
the K.juter time, iv8 only kept as a holi
" j
day by Kpistopal and Catholic churches.
Gradually the pui itmitui of New Kng-1
land lias grown to appreciaio i-.e ueau ,
tiful Inracter of the season, that
peala t j t .0 higher chri-tain t-ympathy,
from the subliuu, H , m J, to-:
beiucre,,o believe u, the
hie. dea h n.:i -a of Jesus of Na,- ;
erelh.ri.ewrh coua.-n devotion and
rejoicing t) c linui :m jrate llie lusen
At th-cios.' o: len' came t tie coin
memo a i 'ii of the hoar of patou at
tietlm niaae and the cIomii,; S'v ue ut
t. .ilviry. Tiiea foi'owt 1 t!u rejiicitig
ol l'aster, tlia'. afumea the form i f fes
iivi:y us well. tlo.'J Friday fvenini! 1
attended service at S". I'arrick cat'iedral i
where Dr. M-iitt'.-rd :Uf mo-t iilrrl
and celebrate i Catholic c'n.rchman of
our time ve 1 lo.j tint teaching 1 f the
lite an I tl-Mto t.r Christ. lln :inuiej
oemll-ai lai, mu npiM-ai .ivui.
Mv Gol! wiiv l'.i"t tho i forsaken me'
It was a uhW.-rf il p ei from a master
ac or; i:s;ei:e i to uy no .nousan 1 au 1-
it ra who burg epeil-bouud 0:1 his niter
auo?, lilliu-; that temple, even to stand
ing room,
liister morning I was at Calvary Bap
tist church, where the paster, lr. (Jreen
spoke from. ' l'-i ought I. it-' in I Immor
tality to Light."
He w 13 no lofty orator ; Uktc was 11 ;
intense ac'.icg: bat I'.-. 1 ieeu i kn-n
as one of t'tie zu .t devo it, au 1
imprrss.vo preachers tl ttis worj. liere I
was a'so a greal audience, tin most at-:
tiactive of this cit's worshippers, whoi
listened tjcneot the impressive elToits
for which the eyaker is so diitiu- j
gii.-hrd. j
The opeuiag week -"e' ht'.ive greet-j
ing an I general enjiymcut. l.Vaii'.erl
Monday develop3 a feature nnknoan j
e ee here; a ch'istaiu holiday, oa this
day the grounds of ihe presidential man- j
si on are cjeu to the public acd the day 1
is espe.Ialiv for children. The bjauti-
ful custom was in i-jgural d by Graven
Citw-i.iud, Here ail come from earij j
10 ths f jrtnojn to Hie s:u !es o! evening
brihging li isler e.'g', ahd wish these
play gifjies and u.i-; sport. It is
know n as day ; the especial
fea'ure hiring tr lii? little ones to roll
the:r eggs down the slopes of lbs l-eauti-ful
knolls back of ;bc presidential man
sijn. Tut i i ttiey 1 js eggs fi jji one ti
anothti : tlies? fjii'ssli'; eg are pres
ent every w . ladies h'ing baskets
foil to he:p oat the f .n. Here ccine
i hh Jrea cf tvciy lg? an I shade of com
pletion ; tvery country is represented
and maiiy t .ngues are head.
It was three p. m. when I arrived;
the streets leading to the avenue wrre
thronged by those going and coming;
there were ih inlands in ihe streets eur
roJuJing the grounds; ali the epace,
probs jly t vea'.y acree, was thicnged
witii comeia and goers ; from the luag
niicent treasury to the grand war de
par rneut there were thousands, if cot
tens of thousands, of the elits and com
monality ; here were groups ot colored
chhJrcn au J lutir etters, cracking egga 1
eating ;einu:s and p'.iying games ; there
wasaliveiv time t-vt-ry where.
Tiic r.'pe, uhol? g" rips were jompihg
together; everywhere sere toy ba'.oone,
lacch baskets, a-.d --emits, the only tsUy b-icg to t" I room to sit on the
grass and partake : :i:e feast.
Whiis hi' i.en were the attraction
and vericjitrtfl cgj-s the chief feature,
ti.cie were far n;ore aJjits thin little
ouf s, bat all were ic a pleas nt mo:d.
Here a grjap ci foreign ljking and
cooimonpiace people are loliing 00 the
grae, smoking, while the crowds surge
around them. Tue crowd must have
nambered twenty thousand and had
been coming and going ail day. Tne en
tire day must have eeen Eily thausiud
po; la oa these grounds. I'art of tbe
time the president was viewing the Uy
Iroui th o rear porch ef the mansion, so
tbe jiveniie bad a view oi the chief mag
istrate, as well as pofession of his prem
ises ul grounds. As I went ai j: g
there was trouble in one dvai woman's
heart for she bad Soel her bantling.
The report cf the day shows that theie
were a d.en sacb est rays, but the loiice
found them ail au 1 canied them home,
Sometimes not until lat? in the evening,
but they wereall well cared fr.
In remembranc of th; holidiy lime,
the host cf The Kenmore invited his
rather large family to er j y a game of
progressive : uher ; there were fifty pres
ent ; after the most were euchered, the
sx'ial ball was clareJ f r dancing:
liter a jst bb. 'i ran, of Africa, one of
the waiters r.ui a new arrival, gave
renderings in various character. Thie
Ethop ia a graduat-s of the university
o! reunsylvaois ; he iilustiatej the dif
ticu'ty ibat at'ttds r.igro echolarship
and tbe boje of the raco when educated
to bar, pul it or medicine.
Wa-bi'gtoa is a p collar city; It is
the mint charming city ia many re
ep:ct, m a l the wor'd; certainty in
Ani-.ici. H-rethe:eare treat hotels'
where, somttimea, are families of tbe
moet cult vat - poop'e ia department
lifj. On - sees life here in ali is change?.
Th'iic'i mcijufiCtuier or merchant may
coxe h ie wLea bis mercantile mission
is 1, bat this is lo'. essentially a
city of ne-iltfi. Here taieut is appreci
ated :b nowhere ebe; here life baa feat
ures that peculiar to clHcial endeavor
and success. I 3 hotels are ofteu d -lightful
in pla :e of home to I bote who
are home'e!?, as I have found.
I le r a bea iuil and reliable tribute as
to the character and .jiiality of our
soldier boys in the Philippines that I
jam proud to relite. An officer returnei
Irom .Manna, who has discriminating
ability, was attesting the value of all the
volunteer force in the service, each be
ing reprenentalivo men who are credit
able to their respective htatee. While
speak iug words of praise lor all, soine-
j one asked bis opinion of th-j Oregon
! boy ft. His reidv oh Ihe finest attosta-
tion that words could give. "Ah ! There
'H a "-vUnPnt nf genlk lin n !"
S. A. Ci.MtK.:.
'"Give nut a hvtv regulator mid
icgulule the world," .said n genius
druggist handed him a bottle of HoWitl's
f.illln Karly
I;ifers. Ihe famoiiH lilllo
A Serious Loss.
I i i.k lis;, oi 1 1 n:
'Pi ... I . r t
. A. V. Kted, vthoj
the North CiiiiMi'in i
was ilrouiii'il m
river on Saturday, together uilli State. !
l iah CuiuiiiiHtiioncr MitJuire, id a c.eri-1
oil none to the coniiininitv in which he ''
lived, and to tho Ptulo. Ho wan a sort
of man we need many mure of i i Ore
gon. He made two Mailed of r.w tow
where only one .pew before. II'? f und
near Gardiner, wheie he ha been the
nioving g,)ilit fur Miny t,,,,,0ulli.
ti(;8 f)r IliaUin. .oJ f;irm ,Kll up
,anJ u be u,..,,.,,.,! .., or lHV, :
up-!..i,.r t r,..,;, ii., ,,, ....1'
ti.;H 1 1(, i n l ,1 . 1 1 , . "
Z. .. " "h T. J . I, . 1 "I !
' " 1 ' j
a cieamrrv. making everv n-ilil or wlmi
. rovv Thev all paid off i
tht,r ' -,,,, ,,,. 11S1V
,,,. HlUi ,, . '
" 1 fuj... U:ereo:i alter the ilalo ol tins
iui:U with a Hwiit Ftcacihoat. He built'. .-
and conducted a cu i.ery, Im'ping there- ,)at,.a ;.t K.;!l.t,rA 0r., ,l,ie lloth day
y me wnoi comiuuiiiiv. nepu' up a
lanncry, iaKiiin' ali l!,o liMs-i ,t
ah l!,o liMsa ,t t ti e i
neighborhood, an 1 importing still in, re.
Mr. Heed made himself rich by his er.-
j tcrprites, but he alo tiiHl the ciou-
mutiny ru n ai.o ni.clercil pnperotis
everv man iu it who was willing to work.
Theie was nothing whatever tending to
the good and Kr jw th ol his ton 11 and
country that Ai Uejihl h't nn o'.rage.
i(PVrn cmrr.unit
in ( trefoil p --rd
a le Al. Keedn
we would foci have
the grcutet-t and richest stat-; iu
un;0. v0 would devt'.ope uur re
(.,r,.Cji. - ou:J usecvirv biuntv i f
nature to the
be'rt advantaf.--alem
"There ii not a man in Ojeg.u to
whom I am more closely allied by the
ties o? pt-iaosal frie:i'
Usi.ip itiau
w as
to A! Kee l." Coatiuuiiii;, hj said to it
at ti. r-.
t.'i'. id enitor K-el, the
: t K 1.- at thiu: 'i':i ',
party !ia 1 :
ei-.-ii ui:ii't-er f is
!;.ivi;ig t hii. - j 1 1. is
pi i;ra:u at Mr. I
s rci'ivs1 , that
their pi i i !. 1 1
to in-pec th
ine the pi , i-
the I'j'U a ' c .
g ing at aim
the ar'y a.- i 1
es'.r i iu fin 1 i;.
t rei to g j al a ! ilrr
j! i:tra' ii j:ii at; 1 tj:i.
I i it a hat'-'.i-r ', th 1:
il'ity svuatjr l a I urg.-d
1 i v 11 i? i oi" if
V. jfi
iLt r
til'? .t.
. :f ti.-.-y
i .r
-s u.i-r t ie
ttit I it r, ii
gi o'iu '
. 1
. ti j .
1 U:i
j jr'.v. ar.,1
(! ;(l a, ,v ,,
I man.
N cathcr Report.
j tor ii.-
k 1 11 hhg ;.t,
en. 1 1 ra' nr. 7
teiu; .ra' lire, I'
n, iiuhes.
To'al rain
tf n.ontii,
r th;j moM.; f r
Average pr'cip;tati i r
-1 irars, 1' ' :.
Total preeipinrlj-i ir a "
dale, ll.' I
Average pr-.v p. &:. 1 fr
date L .
T..tal fid'? b-.'i.i ,-pt !
Avorag precipila'i h lor :
Sept. lo May, irxlusive.
Tu.-.s. H:.
I. 1- '
to d
a e.
V O. ttiVt!
iss 'aii-r
agency of th.- It al Ta.ior;.
MII.LEK-JOHNSoS. At (be re-id-uce
of Kev. i)-i:-kcer. at Gardiner, Henry
Miller and Miss Mv .Ichcs;r, o!
Sou'h Tea Mi.'a.
I "NNKI L.-At Kid He. A; ril 11.
!-0.. to Mr, and Mrs Wiii Hcin";-, a
A part of the stiiri" of the English and German Physi
cians ;t:id Dr. Meyers & Co., will m ike their
regular monthly vir-it to
Thursday. April 20th, 1899.
Thev will be at the MVCI.ALLEX HOl'Sl..
Flic- I'hi nmn- o-l surgion-, all (iradu iie. the Ut Mitli-'al I'lIIvSci ill tue Woi..1.
lucorparntert uudir llic Law tf Calllorulu lor
litttalillnlircl Tweuly-tilx Vearit.
Anions Ibc Ailment Cured l tlie llnnllsli a ml (acrmaii InHl
cluiit are tiic I'ollowiiiKt
lliiglil'a l'ieaM- aul all Ktlms lU-va.s ( II..- KMtif. m ut the Illa Mir, I r.iin y Or
jraiiK, Liier, Silrcn. sjiin. , h.nvcl", IK-urt, sumn -ii, Kjc. K.-i-.-kin i.n l Nerves. Alto Imixjier
foiled Blood, Uiol Pol 11 and Scrohiia: I Htnnli, l'oti-itill-, C'-n'ii 'I'ti-ni. 1!r nchili, Alhtuf,
aud otliir Throat utid I.uug "1 ruii'ilis; Tumt, Ii f..i in It i.--. Iii'oiuiha, 'e!:iiiilioty. I'aralyki,
Kupture, Uyinterr, Scuratgit, HbeumatiMit, Mil! and i-v.oiltti Joint-; 1 ornate CVinp.iihil,
Including Ovarian Troatdis; Pitc-, Klstnl.-i, Oi'iiy. liiiiR oria ami i.oitcr; Toliacco,
Upiuin, toraine and Li.jiiur Hahit; Heaylai'ln.', i:r;vpi'i, iont, lai e W.jnii, l!ittoii'-tie. I)opy,
'all Stone, Keema, Freckli -h, lliai klu u.1-, Ciitn-. r, vte . nud chronic In-eavcM seni-rally.
I)R. MEYERS : 'ire N. rvous Debility, Matib.l ami all I'rivah- pi-eans, iuvhid
ins t-omai'liius hloo.! puiMiii, jtiii.kly and perinain nt'y. mi, -I ut t a -iial.l.' jri .
Tlu Kthrt-'li and ';.-r.n.ui l'li.:iati ail 1 Dr. Mc v. .v i are not only -.:n.l' iu ami i ha
l!e, but arcrcinm-ib:e, tx ing biicVt-.! l,y ample i-apltnl mi l n!! iiiaiiasiil.
Diseases w-bleli lin e bulth d tlie skill o( ntlier physb tails a'l.t t tiblKirnly u-tii-d lo yii 1.1 Ii,
oidiuary iiiidiciin -, ni'.tlifi Is and appliance-, ao- cpiii L ly Milehi. d mid inaMh red l.y theo sue
rcssfiild'Nt'.nr. I hey li'iie the lanrit and Ik-I i'Uippi d uirdienl iiitimtloii in Ann-riia.
Call on the Ilocturn wlivu tliey tonic. Atl uiliu:: propl.- stuiuld mi- Hie Kim
Ish and (loiinaii 'liysieiMtm or Pr. Meivr A Co., If p-issitin-. A lu-ii'lly talk, wbicli eil.s al.dulc
ly iinibitig, i hound to r iilt In h drat ot t;.iod, n h- ili. r tr.-ultni-nt is taken or ti"t.
lIO.SIi: Cril".S-Milk It le prx-Is-iaMe in uiany In-iani -us lo e l'ti iit, the KnglixU
and licrimi i I'liysiciuus have enred lliou-uii'ls of prroi' h bum tin y have never seen. If you
a -o the doi tors writ.; the home olllc- h.r Mii"tIoii lis!. Adviee in njruid to
your ailment, li.x.k loi nu n or ivouieii and trenliw- mi any II-'-om -All I"rcc. 'orrrton.l
em and olInTdiiilins with patients or iros"eolie patienis ir redly I'oiHideiitoil.
TcriiiHand Prlcm witliln itvttch a( All.
731 Market St., rrnnclsco,
County Trcs.surer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given lo all parties
hulilinii Jiuiitrlae couiilv warrants in-
cloretd prior to it. II, IH'J, to present
tlie eamo at th-' mint at the treasurer's
ollice iu the IIjiiIjh County hank for
piymeiit.' will ceuso thereon
after the : i f tlnK m tice.
Dated Ibit l:ilh 'lay ot April
lVJll, at the ('ity of llusebur, Ore'm-
lifcO. V. Dl.MMRK.
Count v Ti.-aa.irer, Douglas Countv. Or.
Tr,aur,P.a N,
holdup Koeebur city warrants indorted
, , , ......
','" ' ' ' T ' r
- il , 1 10 . "
or u,CB,,. .u.err , n,
(), j j-o i
(lLO. t-Alil V,
City Treannier.
-.;r imst bites, bums, indolent erea,
rc.-ui:i, pkin liseae, and especially
l'ite', li' ;t:'H Witch Hazel Salve Mauds
til-si aud tist. l.--:k out for diehonest
people who try iniita'e aud countertit it.
It's their ei.dor-nneiit of a good urlic'e.
Worthbs U'jod are not iuiita'id. -et
I'eWittV Wit h Hn.el Salv.
A. C. MAKSll.Ih- A Co.
Wanted: .igeiits f'.r Monarch book
Con.; any. N. A. Itu u ULi.
D Hard, Ore.
Siu-ke ihe
c gar cf the yr;
fo!e agents.
"Artie," Ihe bett oc
1. Kruse A haml rook,
A Desperate Woman
Hip-it- 111 Si
lis IH.l v. :j :i;:.air uo-.
inar.f : . n-titty thru whi-'.e nature is re-er-f(!
'1 v : unj ay mctlr t!: .
I j oitc ttiirv- t whit tbty .,a'M l !n
their -"" irtirn!- niolhtr t:; Li
breati-i '" n nr.di r i ltrrrr.r rnous t :;-
. sion tnar turn lh- ore ot-jrcl in !i
th' world I'l i-I i rttiou. 1. 1 hrr -her t .,! v
onir v. t-.
Vetpi III'
The crr-r
p!ic--'c i r.
wh'.l :: :
tr..-.i -A 'tii
Ti: -;:
literally -lil?
rr.n .-; '
e r. tou lcni. r. ui:.r h;i!l
n i:v; ar t mikr I-cj -m- of
'jirfa'e cf liieir ei
1 .
ii. -i i!it viivvfij.'f r,f ir:-anity.
ii ' .':- -.nil ii-.i:n 'a;.n the com
,i: ': 'irl: f :i'in:-.Tr- irTcc: t::
.'i- ::! ri'i tmii ii;- ti-r
i 'ni I'rr-i-tiV'f niatinr-.
I- ' f :(' .:rg :i have U- n
f..-.rn the irare a !: to t.;
. mJ-j-sfttl Ir 1-ierct Favorite
:i 1: t, tiie r.e t-trfrci aa.-I pov
il'.C f .r rt' r.l jen-.f-it of wo.
ii..! ' ' i:r.--n It i, a sicntitir
tan rt r-t-e f i r thMe -rvr-e
rrj '.ic.-.".-(i f., (, f hich (5 -rtor.
n'l'lf ;: It 14 the only
f it- iiiri'! '!e i-."! It an tducated
ir.d kiH1
M- 31-. -:zi
t-i'-r t
'.: --ci .1
! h:K 1 I'it..s C-fMio M
1)T I if-rr It 4, ,:l
that n: tu"'!!fi ccni-sesce-t It
li ' ' ' rr-.nrn:eet. Ilc.kt.'
! -t.lh the !t-:r pane, :i r-l te
t--c-! d'ei'Jiu'.'y an-! ;iif
l"' Vy I Lf ren-c-l wx.-r I
i: 'hit s i;J tre sy t .! I hi-!
-I u 2 itc'jcat.--Sj ii no Ivrfuf
iurrrr-.:.;- I -a a ai-. .i L- a
:r m- l-r-.r an-3 I ":i I g,J oie
ra'- 1 'nrrrjlic-' lid cne of
1 f a ': - 1
itv K-, ! 1 .
1 irlh t 1 r.v
dxir,! 1 .!
:n f iit.
ta !v I J ITV X
-.-! ;'. i::r
'.-.: '. :'.? Vrj-,..:
t 1 :: r 1 ' ' .:r v. t
I----t--ery I ha.! ukro
hra it ctr.-recre-J
- fc; -i-Mt . an 1 t:!l cn
i3 i ytcn time I !t 't hie
! ' "'-I ' ''.-.i-l
i-:" a- " I j-h :2J Crib I
am c. .- : t'. . 'ii o' Th:. 1 l"-t i
it :-'-'. .: -r :':il w! ci '.:le
TH. i uric - ! r.;j-t i"':tr:r(J txici;.
"The Pcr(;. - Medical A ! i-tr ' e nt ; ir-er-hc--nJ
free frr the r-1 r( niavinR n.'-, . ri
c-ie-'-rr.t :3m;' r -h tTn-.-.l i tarr.-.
, : v v t r r..r,- c v
Assignee's Final Notice
: Ltr
- i
iic ol If. it. J. hu-n. au
-1 Li-r.c.i u:.t a
t .,itv -..-ri !! e x'
t jt .a:l Cr.-u -ast
1 : tfc- :se
;:'. ..! t'. Si : : i in ,- a
ir.-o ;,t ii'' t-.r ha
u i a- rn - i h t
i lti'.y, er..''!:. a -a 1
;- !..- ! al.l
hr-i .-I the- ir- : r
; r L- .ila. vvi.f . '.
ti ..a ! 3-1 - v -ti -' j:.'.
. M. HI liKEIif. A---n.e.
-i!0 -iiS RIii AN. A-.t-rtafv .' r A..n.-
h N. N -N N.X N N
So uirrel
- j
SURIi ) v I
'a' Squirrel and
Gopher Poi son aN
. 7 a
yt li-ivcr-! lor ti- tri
4 ':
: ; DrccDi rmr rr ro t. r-. n
J-I J-'l i"-l -l'-A-- - l"i-l ' k i 'i-'i-
5 mm
quality of the work
tnaiibhip in our
clothing is one of
its strong points.
Kach garment is as
carefully cut aud
tailored throughout
as though made to
order. See our new
Fall Suits.
Send the...
I PLfllflDEflLER
2L- To your Eastern ZZ
Friend.... g
cjcccstor lo
General Blacksmithing
REl'AIKIS'J or Ala. KIN Li I'Kt'iilTLY DONE.
ttbop 011 corner WaiablnKton
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealeas in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
Hay. Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 181.
Dyspepsia Cure.;
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclallydipeststhefoodandalds i
Nature Id strengthening and recon-
structlng the .tbausted diRestlve or-
gans. It is the. Vest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation ,
can approach ft In efficiency. It in-1
stand j relieves and permanently cures '
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, i
blca H eadach e, (i asti ahrl a, Cram ds. and !
allother results of imperfect digestion, i
For sale by A.O. Marsterast Cc. i
Mrs. A. C.
iSuee-sor lo Mrs. Kn-ton.
Calls attention to her nice
fresh siock of
Kvcry tiling standard and
of the best quality. Kcrncm
hcr .it the old Kris ten stand.
HID Gopher
1 AU
Hake Friends
are the only kind
wish to sell. They
the only kind we do sell,
and with each pair we
sell we make a
Thev are
onlv stvusl
clear throngh. See our
Shoe line.
'J. w. -(AU I
and Kane tt., KoMburK. 4t
L. KOHLHAOIiN, Proprietor,
; Fresh and Salted Meats,
I k.sUN KOKBl'Rii VK. ,
Administrator's Notice.;
VO'tee is h.-n l jiien that the iiu tersi-u.-d !
ai u the .Mlh day ..( January, v.',uiT j
iiiwini. 'I dnnmlr:i!or ol ihe estate ol James
K. Mid-hell, devea-od. Alt -rs,ns ha In- i
lulim. iivniin-t said.-slnte are lu rel.v i
to iirei"-tn the same jro-rly veniie.1. t.. the i
said admmi-trator .it ho law olliee ol A. M. i
"i"" luwinini. i .ouum i uuiuv, itv
Son, will. in six mouths (r.mi the dato hereof.
Haled tins I. Hi ,hiv l Keuniarr. 1 "
... " JOHN MI.V
AdminisUaloriil I ho I -ImI.-.,( J.u.o-s K -Mjleli
eil, Keaseil.
Pi stU
oison 1
And Effectual
rsi ' .
i"f'Wi li' i J
Uessie Shirley
t.j L-rr ia e.r inj -j'. .' t
P er. .a..ertie .noosateta't of HiaiT
w. -ir-. f .r ci.e 'ti. lOtL-iie-at-.B;
flonday, April 10
las rer cr.f - ci us i j lj.t-arx
Program Changed iNightly
. .. La Be.. V.rve
. 1m uL'jtr of rh E
. Mo3
. of th ttl
. IK trrrA
Cs-ier Two Ftaajs
; p. as Lc1f.raiy
vnurviar .
-t :?-:'"
' '
Prices.ioc, 20C.30C
B - 1 a 02 ta-ea: aioi-ra -tr&sx
aTaT"' '2.f,rriel la l a.-,'S as-1 opea ir
ai.t.t 'la.. 1 at b a. a.
For Good. Vhoiesc21e
i BREAD, there is none
equal to the
Roseburg Bakery.
We hae always a nice
assortment of fresh
Ornamental Cakes to or
ier. Give us a call.
i Props.
Want Your
The Home Bakery
701 Oak Street, Opposite
Central Hotel.
Frrsh Baked Bread Every Day
"Boston Baked Beans,"
a specialty.
! Noti
ce For Publication.
i C.siiostiru Usd Crrm,
j K.cttirt. Oico.Ainl .
I VUie i herelT piTrn that in ovmphaas-e
ttlittie j.rostsioca of t.s act ol (.ODTnol
(Jims' V l, enmUsl Aa kt (or liie alro
. tlmt-r t.'w o( l ai lornia. Ore,D.
) Neva-la and iliiiir.on Temi.-ry. ' a riu-nJ-j
J"1.).'1 ,hc P"Jt,iie ;a--iJ 5tte ty actol A iiroat
i JCiKl'll I ttHltTHV
ol Kid.!.,-s oviiintr of Poug as, male oi Orvtron.
nasthiadar ri.ed in this bii snoni iai
mentNo. t-r. for the i-.-.rrha-e e4 ttw i-E ".of
MVlioo N- U iu toohit No. : S. nn So. T
i. and will vf.vr lo show tbt Ibc land
j outht i more -UuaU.- i its lim-er or toor
than tor asncntturml var,He. aad to s-atab.h
Jlna.laira tounl land U fori? the mmw and
reveirero thi cfiif il Kswcb-.r.. Orettv-a, ow
i -alu;Iay the iott Jar o? June. 1;.
i H ' nai.ies as -aluu-..-. 1.,-orf.- W. Ki l.H.
I l;:,V"0't!.ln.s.rje -j:ae. hvrjr R. RnWle,
ot hio l.t-. , i'revi-1,.
i .uy an ! a i t rs.n ch.'.taiut adinriy lt
. .. ... vii-- , t i-m a
ands a?- r-.,t:eiusi to rite ttir
: calm', in this
olJ-ine. 1-....
i'ii or rviorv sani i-ita day
v-l & co.
11- ll.-k-i
si . v ... lsj.
la., l ... , Uami aaw
'-- ...-Ml Mill w-
o fs. .' iJt-?ja , k-k-
HTiiitH(l),TTIM aiLriiit
, . . . Vs-., anrl ,a aa
.nramiij; Aotkarar for aullatloa,
701 1RT ST.. I..
N N N N.
; a-Vi-r ; iS- t. m. i it. a.
-"la i5 W R V'J TUI
1 ' . jV, ,; 'iat tasbw