PLAIN A Vol. XXX. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, i8g9. No. 29. GENERAL DIRECTORY STtTE OFoKEGOS. C. s. Senator?. ...... "ongre'Jion Governor S.vreTiiry o: Male State Troa,iivr... s,::.!. Tub. lu'.rucliou... S'.itte TriuUT. Attorney General si irome Ju ices. (O W. McBriJe Simon sTIit. It. Tongue ill. A. Moody T. T. Goer K. I. l'lintxr t'. S. Moore J. H. Ackcnuan ..V. H. liti. U.K. N.Bla-:iburn F. A. Moore O. E. Wolverion R. S. Bean Sb'O.VU JI'DICIAL DISTRICT. JU.lgt? . V. H!:llllOU l'roociitiiig Attorney Gto. M. Bruwo r. . USD OFFICE, B06EECB0. Re'Vivor llemv lle-lli Les::Mer .1. T. Bri.'.-es T. 8. WEATHER cr&EAr. Observer .Thos. UtosoD DOUGLAS COl'NTY Stoimor ..A. v. Keod -,, W. W olllt Ott . w. W. V ron J. Vs. t"en:i . .J. F. GaVy K I. Stephens G. W . li:;imieK Eeprescuiaiiv,. siu-mi". Treasurer . Su;ei"Kit.'aieut Assessor count; J.:Ji;e Co:auii&:oiiers . U. K. G-.U.tte Jos. Lvo:i. iM. I- Ttieui-on J;:-. 1; r.m U sr Tl". iel Dr. K. V. U.vxer Ti". srasu- lYroa'er Sheep la-pocter 3 :;ie -j Li " - H. W Vi'Yr L. P. ti!:tr TV Or t.'fti'.Kli. A C. Marsu i V. A. tiater vOim:i.i:s. 11 Ward Sad Wtri 3rd Ward Ward Reeoidir . Treasurer Marsh si CITY tF 1' l'-rowa ,F W.Hei,M:t , . K. i.i - l A. F If las j".J. l.m-itr 1 W . u to-. lev ,11. C s':o.-a::i 11 S. -t two l a j.v , F. W. Di-ard i .V JS. MEEI1S -. Tiio I'.'nu-'ii ou:.e.l oi the city el Kiscl.u" meet :ae :r.-: Mxi '..ty ia eavii mvulii at ? O Clvl'k t'. U2. COCET tES?IOS. The (.".re-it Court or IVug'.as . ouu-y niee ttiree t::'ie a year as foliow: The Moa day in ii-rcn, the 4:h Monday in Juiie. and th ll Monday ia D-ceaiber. . W. liaLniij.m of Kosebarj jU'iire. Geo. M. Brown, of K.weburg. prosecuting attoiuey. ConntT Co-irt KreV the Is: Wednesday a!' ! the 1st Monday oi January. Man'h, May. Juiy. heptember aid Xnvemher. Jo;. I.u'". of Brain, judge: M. D. Thoiupson of sco'.burg and Jas. iroa, of Uiai a. commissioner. Probate oart is in session conanuou:y, J" Lyons. iU'lfe. society Tlectior 0 0?ESC5iG UIVisION SO 4Tt-. B. OF L. . mtxk erery secjud aad lourtb Sunday. OMEX'S RtLIEF CO&Po SO. 10, MEETS erst and liuni Fridays in a.-n month. DENOPO.-T, SO. 29, G. A. R-, MEETS TBI rst and Lii.rd Thursdays oi each month, at 2 p. ia. ALPHA LODGE, SO. 47. K. OF P., MEETS every Wednesday evening at Odd Feiiow Hall. Visiun; kaigaia in good e tan ding cor iially invited to attend. LAC EEL LOIXiE. A. F. A A. M., REGCLAB meeiina the 21 and 4"Ji Wedceaday in each month. ECGESE L PAKKOTT W. M. X. X. Jewett, r'ecy. D OeEBrRG CHAPTER. SO. 8. O. E. S.. KXJtTf iv the lirst and third Thursday! of eac tacnth. LIB3IE CViUOW. W. M. MAt DE UA-T, ece y. T-XDMES OF THE WORLL oRk Cantr. So. U. m-tts a: lh odd FeUoirs' Hi.; In E"seLari. t-ver lt. Gri ad ola Monday evtnirg. Vitinj neighbor" airy weic-'ine. u. P. t'.-ajv, i.e. V. C. L -. sms. Clerk. pHILETARIAX I.GilGE. SO. 8, I. O. O. 1. A tsecv t-aturiay evening of each we k at their haii in Odd Ke.n.a Tern;.!? at Roeeburg Meubert of the order in cood tjtndtnc are ir.vv.. ed to attend. L. v . ti kuSo, S. G. S. T. jtrETT, bec'y. D. .-. WtsT I in. t;. 1' Lt.K-. E. iSEiil'P.G LODGE. SO. Sf , Ti-A I :i-".r rular commutiieatiuns at the f u. v. 1 . ba.i oi -o:id end iour.a Ihursday i ea vh Lnanta. A.l nj;tnuers requested to at tend revu::tr.y. and ail visiting b.-otaers cor iiaiiy iavittd to ttteal CHA-i. L. II AiiLEY. E. R ld H. KilOLE. eecretary. nOsEEUEG LOIX.-E, SO. 16, A. O. U. W. meet the sot-ond atid iuur.h Mondavs of Etoi montn atT Ju p. ra. at O ld Feilows 'hall. Memtrs of tlie order in good ftand-ng are in vited to attend. 1) r. Wet:, F. . RnK5!,. Fihanci-.r. ii.k.-jrdT. Professional Cards. JTRA BROWIf, II. D. OFFICE, o.'J Jaciija street, at r.s idencc of Mrs. J. Either. ' RO; Else KG, OR Q.EOK'iE II. CfcOU N, Attorney-at-Law, Room 7 and 3 Taykr tfc Wilson Block. KOiEBCRG. OR. 2L HA2IBY, DENTIST, Review Buildin?, Telephone So. 1. ROrEBURG, OREGON. BA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Ryna s, Taylor ii Wilson Bla. ROSEBCRG. OREGOS. P W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 1 and 2 Review Building. ROsEBL'RG, OREGOS yf R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will practice in all tb eonrta of the Stata. Ot oe ia Marattra Bniiding, Doogiaa cnuty, Or. V. CRAWTOED, Attorney at Law, Rooms 141, Marsteri Bldjf., ROSEBURQ, OR. aW-Business before the U. 8. Land Office and miuiug cases a specialty. Late Receiver D. 8. Land Office. JB.OEO. E. HOUCK, Physciau &. Surgeon. Office Room 10 i 11. Taylor d: W ilsoii Bik. KOiEP.CRG, OREGOS. l'hone, Main l. JA. 151CIIAN.VN, Notary Poblir, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialt'. RojU1 Marttcrs Building. kO-EBlHG,OR LIVE f D LET LIVE! I'ndcrthc above motto I will still contlnye to iun'cy (or ail parties desiring my as-istauce an an engiuuer or aurveyor. My chargcK will be reasonable and my work guaranteed. An also Notary Public ddrtts me at Cleveland, Douglas Co., Or. WILl. V. If EVOON New Store ! A FL'LL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAiLOR & WILSON ULOClv Low Prices! Judge us Judge us by what we arc uin;. Jiule us by the eoiitiiiueJ iucre.ise tf buyers. Judge us by the DRY GOODS your friends luive purchased of us. Judge us by our Prices (let your friends to tell you how much they paid. That is al1 we ask. New Spring: Goods SOMETHING NEW! NEW STORE! The People's Store I. ABRAHAM, PropV. A complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets, and a tine line of Millinery Goods. Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern! manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade. Call and exaimine Goods and Prices. OUR LINE OF l (SjOliiftlcZe arid of. caollont (Quality, We give prompt attention to all Mail Orders. A. C. MAR5TERS & CO. Druggists. Spring. Will soon be here and we have a fine line of NEW CARPETS arriving, also WALL In Latest Designs and Colorings and the Price on all goods are as cheap as consistant with good goods. No trouble to show goods. Alexander & Strohg KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DEALERd IX SHE 1 Flf GROOMS 1 PROVISIONS FME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FL'LL LINK OF TOBACCO & OIOARS. GIVE US A TEIAL. FREE DELIVERY. New Goods! rocerv STOCK OF t t Free Delivery Arriving Daily. WOLLENBERG BROS. NEW GOODS! ; EVERYTHING NEW j -4-4- ffV v n I e,1 iFizsfias and PAPER ALL K1NUB OF Cue Door South oi V. 0. ROBEBl'RO, OREGON, 1 he .Sweet Days Coming: Soon. Oil, lllO hWt'ct (lltJH CuluidK HOOD,wLl'D tL worM will !) hi Innp, W lieu tin trHs will nil 1) lciiliuj, and t lit lrHk will thcp Hlutit.', Atu! f.T v'f v joy cf living, wren an rnl'in will 1) 'iviii-j; To tht iiici ty, clu'ery im.irtiiiis; ovor llotv of liajipy htiii'! Oli, I'ui' l"li tluy.s cuinit. hoi'li, wlieii tin futitiil nf hihei hhoou .Slirtll li LchtiI upnii lL" mountain, if ho 1k the our in ltiu, V Li'.'i f ull,-. In-:i l their tlieimijiCK, iii.-l ti. ilfi'lk liuil iheir i learurcs V ! t.j.rii,j airs an- blow. Ufl.l thr Wee 1 u,l riir,H the vii.o. 'i... li..' '.vhito ,1m - iMr,i-i- v i " :i..-r i-l 1 (.hull cr. IMv - ..;,..,; 1,1,, f;. l! ' r- c,;; 1. ; 1. : .'i-:. r i : :!:,.r. !:. Jil W l.i ll . ti '! :i'' i . . : , !,.. ,;.'. up II 111" tl l.'lV S i' -.'I:j1!i m UU'l. I -I i r. a..el . fjiirit- i Ml ; L -ti-'Ml.lae' r.iv. 1 : 1- - ii rhe ; " :. thi 'int- ... 1 n-Mar-. :-i 1". "l.or. - .jt, l' h-rt ill A ? k'LI'l LICN In Lane Cunl l:5cubs:s ;lic IJticS ti ol r.f Lpa:isio:i Witti a Demo crjtic Brother. Wu: li: :i th- :!; Ki.i -1.1 ii.;.! . Or.. M .-cli -y. 1 : J"l i.y.vL: r Aiiiten Wat.-Linan Thai .- i I.. I. 1-1 ...:. . i, s.k,.,-., p ' i i ' is nisi ii, tnevipnai 1.1:1 r .Man n li. wi.. f. :n ti e i:.t"iit!..ti to -snp-1 . ... at. a !.-..- at " '" rtM u oal(form of I imetahsrn, anti-tn.-t Mdiy f r aiea-er. in Te gW n;tk,0 offcj, lr a vo. , and j. rt.grt -s;e America, heems to have arocsed he ire of some cf oor intensely partisan dem-jciatic breth ren. where:n they charge the writer with 1 rt-akit.g away from the Chica- gj platform and makirg "a st ., knm jump ciei.r tothe l'hiiippu... I-l-'jQ lands." Uoesu.y .K-ruociatic 1 roth- it l ie ir.n liirt r.trtT inn tnf.-.r j .tas aih-d to in the last campaign, ; a:i 1 cf wb:ch he i t;l! s member. I ha 1 i. orbing whatever to 1 with the ! Chicago plat f.,rm or the making cf I l.e same anJ tLat his party, thesil ver Kepublicaa party had a platform oi tneir own anj a vory goo.l cne t xi and tho writer m-r-ly s;.Bl in line whh his ow n f arty in en 1 r.-icg the nominee t f the l.-rtj. c; a' ;c lattj.' The wri.t-r :it! i. t a! tu;.t t::;..-. 1 is :):'- c t: l-i.t that ai.'yi.l! if th silv.-t re u'ti I -inv ii: l :. t. t-.tCiT t-i r,ehriv aii i ii. IV". ii- CI. lev-..- ... makt .vat is pr. i pi.t: : rm. i .: : g t lit ir v : - ef et.-: .":rin I -i . .'..l.-:: -ill, :.-r i Ti... bii-inc-f cf tl. lil. y d: 1 I. t planks in i: I-latf. p li.Vi 1 1..;:'. T.n 1. i:.:i ii .::. tl:.t ' i..te.l n; :i fjr.i '. iae-:i' ' ' f : ;n :e r.vt wh i ! . il.- !..ri:T. t U:.r 1 to i 'ed 'r -1 i: 1 i it - me tl. !' . . tt ' j r rft-rt in ..i cir Taiio 1 rethrcn J lea-- t.-il ti1e America Low- ! ii g s.:u.,. ;s it that th- policy of th- democratic patty bis chanted from radical espansioni-ts to -ca'le 1 anti-iuiperialism ? I) es h-' not kno'- that the great est annexation of territory by the United Slate atone time occurred nnder democratic party rule and nt the instance of ibat greatest demo crat of all. Thomas Jefferson in IstW, wbeu be purchased fiom Napoleon the territory of Louisiana, a tract of land extending Louisiana on the Atlantic Cjast und including Ore gon on the 1'acitic coast, and what today composo.s 15 of the grandest at ites in this mighty republic, nud what Napoleon Bonaparte ileclaied, wbeu he signed the treaty ceiling this territory, that he had signed away an empiref And don't he know also that what constitutes u'l of this great and glor ious republic of today has every foot of it been acquired by cession from foreign countries either by conquest or purchase, including the 13 colon ies? Can it be ray democratic broth er is judging mo by himself when he asks me if I am not lonely because I am not buck in tho old party? Inti mating that I have taken this oppor tunity to get hack to my first politi cal love. To pet the uiind of iuy democratic brother at rest, I have this to say: No enemy of mine, either political or otherwise, has ever yet accused me or lacking tho cour age of my convictions. Should tho timo como when I shall determine to aguiu joiu the ranks or tho republi can party, I shall return through tho same door I came out, that is the front door iu plain view of all iu n. W hen the Louisiana purchase wks i-r.ide, Oregou of that dny was three times or moro distant from tho sent of government than the Philippine Islands are, coubidering ail tbo means at hand today for rapid com Z grets tin IiIimjiI hl,ed tbat in goin "f: j iu the I'Lilijipioe IilamlH iiioro than tbehiiver repuLiicauH. i.ut fii i.rotb-) ei ueniocrat, .wlio h rerjMrisitiie i ir th?it co'jilitiou of affairs. Was it not caused l.y tho actios ;f the democrat in the eenutM in their aitetiif't to ill-feat tlie rat ificaf ion i,f the treaty with Stinilt ? Thi'iel.y et. co'iriifjin tlio .'),,ir iHi"iili;,tfi.e5 l'llilij. pines t-J If.-lieve th-it i.;i ti.Ii! was neces.iary to si'i'iiro cmI iii d'-pcndeiH-e vmi i t i nl.:cl; th Aiiii-r-lcun f-ol lier at Miiiila. ihery Mlvt-r reptil'lica.'i in the hh H'e Las ili-pl.'tye.l tl.o l,iliet t;. j o . f aiiiotism l'ri'll: t in- e( v lo ItH.ili;' '!. fhi trcul'!.' u i:it S ain 1,,. st'. 1 ihi-ro ii'i l voied II.' Ii fil.d i ; v f r t!l' t!J,'t:., p(i.O( il! ., i,f It.;. ,ar. I le y i.ate ki t It.t- T "' 1 iii.-l.-.' . ll... i i t ; l! - - r. . '. ti..-tr-a!t i.i: lli." i . a- t!j hive al .t m ,.t' . I. lieil !i. r I'l the ;r.,,.L- f tho ..II lepi.i.l: iti , t .i : i r ; ! a! an i wit atriotir f 1'. .:.fe:.-ely to their c 'tr.try I -.U l I'ihl!, t i 1( ,,Kl-'- s . i I i he mMkt at S!,o fr H lis I. ikiis Hid. . Mi nr either It' h"tuo his count rv''ai. .aiii-t I Indian. Spaniaid or Fiiipin". an 1 , who Will C'otitilill" to 1 e f,,l!!l i doiri' dity in uph 1 iif.' th invtiication by steam anil elnptricity. v.. ....... :. it ... 1. 1. ...i.,.. ... Y...lllih.flT Mi. pl...ry v (irctil ll. pnl he an i who will :.-w 1 f. uu i in tl.. ait.-tiip' I i p ;ii il r.w that pl..r: -j':- .1 1 ' f i lerty. t. . t.r u. l.'it land it ha- !-.: ri 1 and Mi( p-. it- 1 ly ih- v-d.r. i and pairictism of the A-n.-riean so! r -n i i r wheiher in the Fnil j ippit.e- o.ih ii ttiiles t.any cr np.,n '.Le r.itnj .'ts , f his t:.aj -ti.s l::r.- k,u. th' d-V.l hilti-eif 1''I j;i!e- i;, ' ; Ha lei-. f v i f'. th r .!,. ci . the to ine M:vr;ilw r,ai.i;c;ta j. bant.r.n.' t . I the u:.J. r-' i i. .,., i . ..... ii. ,,, , 1 I..... ,,n , instea 1 f ht-t-Lite :t- in' as th. I nil to st. :u- i." t '-. '- Le f i Lite uu 1 - n a i . eie: f th- jp-ecple, bnil. ling the Nirarsgaa can! iby the governtaent. C. II. lit.sll.. Hon. C. 1L Baker cf Walr. rviiie i- I an e-Uniou ft. ldier. who w.-.s re- 1 fabrciti tnectvr cf the 1, , ;.!! are is-.r. He wasone cf the 1,-alir.L- him-lailic repohlicar.s wh . s M r ,rt- ed liryan in't ar.d t!. T:.i n I : metallic ticket in lV's. - SaU-i J -nr-na'. A NIGHT ATTACK NEAR MALOL05 Outposts of t.:C Oregon Regiment at , I: Mariljo AttackeJ at the Same Time. M!i t. Ai til 11- i I .M i AIk)'.!'. midnih: tl- i !tele.'r.i;.h at iui":i here a:. 1 Mai : i tires were light- 1 an op i.l ii.- f . .:L:.i- t j tie- I a ir a !. I.a'.i-r i , I 10a. 1 tie- , -ts . f I r. 1 1,' M: nt. " I; v.-u. 1 ; . 1 . . 1 It lite lii'.i-.- s ,f .Mh'v!..s. i cave. I i:..i:.g two men a:i i u i.:, 1 1. j Simnlt-iL-ou-ly t'a-i o .tp.,-'- ,.f the ( :':. iron r.vimer.t at Mii il.i. . the ne" -tatiou i .a the way to Mmi'a.. were nt;a:ke 1 with th. remit that, three American were killed and to, woua t-.l. The h-s i f the enemy was b m.-n killed and six wcun led. ' The Americans als , ciptnrel two1 pris i::er.. Thv troops were cancer.-! trite 1 along the railroad a thickly j a- possible, and the rebels wer ! driven !;ifk to the ftjthills. j ! i WasuinuTox, April 11. The follow-; ing dispatch was received fmm (ieti j eral Otis today: j "Manila, April 11. Adjutant- !en-; eral, Washington: The insurgents' attacked MacArlhur's line of railway communication last night in consid-1 erable force, nn.l were repulsed by; Wbeaton with heavy loss. Wheat-' on's caiisaltios were three killed and I 2 ( wounded i Lawton's success at Santa Crcz wai more complete than reported yesterday. The enemy left '.Hi nnin- j formed deal on the field, and u num- ber seriously wounded. Liwton captured the city without destruction of property. His loss win tea wounded, slight except two. One has since died. Lieutenant Filing was the only officer woundod. His injury is slight in the hand. The enemy retired eastward. Law ton is in pursuit this morning. Oris." The attack of insurgents upou the railway north of Majila indhntod to the war department ofiiciuls thit whilo MacArthnr was pushing uorth bodies of insurgents took to the mountains and jungles to the lig'ot of the railway, und have been watch ing their opportunity to capture the road at Home pomt and thus cut off tbo main body to tbo northward. The repulse of tbo natives shows that they had uot tmiliciout force to accomplish the purpose. J. Mieer, Sedalia. Mo., couJuctor on electric street car liiif, wtiicn that lii: little tluuirhtcr was very low w.lh troup, auu ner mo snveu o'ter nu puytiirm.1111 Siu Uu;e.U'V ("',, Mi,,UI" i:r.. i i . .t. .; A. C. MAUSTERS & CO. CAPTLRED SANTA CRUZ Rebel I orces Compelled to tvac- uatc the City. BLI SIX W0lDtD,N0NE KILLLD. .Tany l ct).-N A'ornJcil Large Num ber lint i I'lihontrs by the A niericans. Apiil l't, :''t a. iu. Gen it. h ii raptured Santa e:.Te,L.e I (ji tho lak, th" re!.-l-. v. ho v.ff cttu a 'ui'.tiioii narned 1'ao i 'Le ii.o-it.tain-. TL 1. li: ;.t ti ii ;. :. i i -i .:, r i. . :. r.- :- I Kilil.l"! - , i . . i..-i an i iwrty , 1 ;v,i April l'l l.-pt'Cii ''.1-1 Ter ; ') ti-d-f. : 1 , ' M '. i. A;. i ii '.. A i : nan: (i-ne.-! :.:"n'! captni "f I.-.; ! ) ir i !i..- i I a I;, an 1 a i s .r.ti Cruz, in- chief cityV1"" '""' th chances of ' n. a d" Uav. tlji-. in mint?. a-.ial-i were six woonde.1. j . -. --.( tr "P-. w r tlriven a.;:..' ' sdeal oo the field I . . i 'l:i;.er (! '.'lnlJ. Ai c:.sid.-r'il.:-nninle-r were captnred. i 'L ovt ,u wiil r.r.-h v,etard. Ont : An .-tj ).t; i!i-.s of about 1", c .::-.a:. le i l y Major- O -t ,1 H .iy Lat. :,. lef: Sn Iro .ilaaM. ri th- '.i-:ir. Sitor-i day r.iht. wrh p-srj f cross-! if I.vus.a i:. av! rapturing! th- 11 f S tVa Croz. n the east . rn -L r-t.iti.flai- 1 n- America! ik ! s were then, a- t.i inneL to . w.-re th'-n. a- pi mneL to :.- ir.;r t . inf -o -no. ! T;. s!. irj. ' 'f 2 J ticked . r- it ;e t irious reg:- II t Ail; .e s m unvd battery;; . .s lr ,u and thr-v troops of ; th,? f..'.r:h nntuount?d; Hr,.jl'' a-. 1 Tampans' battalion", ! i inft try; Lmck's battal- to .n-en-i infantry; Hack s battsj-j t'.rst I iaha infaniry, an! Frains I a'fti; j . ;ir-t North Dik-ta infan-! try. i;l (ien-ral K;r. ttild f i. 1 1 a-; t-;el by tegs and i c. v ;. d 1 j it.f gnnU.ats Lainna de -. O a-'a a:i i N t-piti!!, and pre-; ! I '..! - - ner - a I. a : a t :.r i t - Inres-j le s;' 1(1 :.-rai K nr. rnvevl i i- j.-t h- the erenirg i i. It w i- truly a f. ic-1 .-.- in- m-n came-i ra tlavs with th- iigbt- - j'i;pment. I.i a ion's plan was 1 1 t,ruz .nM nJay m-rn- r 1 ) e-t .1 - '. to c I . iir t.'i ti 7tie, j ture cr d-s-trc-T a' t r shipping, tO; a:. 1 then sc,,.Gr the ; va:h t f the lak-. a .'i . t j.-t i e af: exph re-l by the : D.-tr.tit is to f-tt p , r leaving I'otl Li-; I.. .' 1 A Ani i'i - 4T p. iii.- T r.-ht-i- the fired at :.-ar Mai.los to lay f tLe Kansas regi- a s-.'nting p.,r:y w -nt. ::r.g two t mi n: rhf I'l.l'ed jv.q. t.:: t. ii ha- gone Up th" Cjast 10 or l.-r to r.-li-.e ihe Spanish garrison cf IT i..i-:. Ivleagneretl there since May. It is r n-i 1-rfd signiriosnt that (oeat.ia L-paiioIa. formerly ralidly in f av t of tn 1'iiipinos government. i now conns-ling disarmament, and advising the Filipinos to arcept thej inevitable. It has carefully analyzed - the proclamation of tU Unite.! l'n:!ippir.e co:n:a:s-i-.n. pointing out th- a lt-ant ig - of the definite p.dicy dtVi rmined upon. War far From En Jed. Apiii 7. i U mg Kong A'rl1 i' - 1 Uo"u !"r' -. l'iu,M at0 llail-v to their UuU'''s an 1 are oesirious t i resuming Tceful pursuits, and though the 1 V 'h I nited la,,'s 1 "11'1P'"- com.i.iion na K1V('U Q inip-n- o movement. the war is far from ended. Ono of the foremost American generals said recently : "We will see ltKo,t.KK) soldiers in Philippines before the Americans control th islands." and a majority of the army officers are of his opin ion. It is generally considered that great reinforcements are necessary, there not bei ig a snllicient number of American troops m tbo urchipel. ago to make compiest of the island of Lnou and h.ld those occupied; and it is thought tua! it would be cheap- I er in the long run and have a better ! t'ifeot on the natives to establish ' Ameris.Mii Mipiemucy effectually thau ! t.i temp ii izs with a score of rebel lions. AH tlie series lont iy prisoners and friendly n i-ives ate to the effect that a majority of the insurgents wouldbegiatl.o tlni, fighting; but C that there are enough professional revolutionists lvft to infest tho conn- try with bands of hiiudrrds of men ii i at him i demoralize nusiuess tor years ocome. Some high Americans bej lieye that the government wouldJ wihely exjienj uioney in ttiritf off j AKninal I j and his cli'j'ie of inline:. - tial I'llipiiKm. Foreinrs in Manila think He Aniencan ate. too op!iu,ijc, n.t t0 tb effects f'f th proclamation. They nay thai the weaknr-hs ,f the procla-i ruction hefi in tie Net tbat the nit-! tive.. have o lone Wlt nitb the Spaniards that they are n!,ahle to realiz- what its word mean und that the purport of its promises is any thin,; hnt a t-nare. Amaj .rity of th- United Sta!fB j neJay and Sunday oer the north-volnnte-r are eu.-r to return home; ern pornon. and rain is falling today and "wm did not enli-.t to riht ni- j over the entire section. The total Krs" is a rernaik that i, constantly j for the week amount to from Sf to hearJ. While 1 raw work than lley j M of an iMb. reloir,Zi impossible to find, theyj cotisiur iiiai mere m small Kl'ry in ueirilia warfare, t i ,- 'Ji:,rs and hard -hit cf which c-inot Le ap-pi.-ciae l at home ih yolonteers control their enli-iruent "to the j the wr i c! -. of the war'r ti applj t with Sfiftin sri,l a-i.l. 1. i ! ' '""fi The fol- A'le-paMfcti isystetj or deren iin ! Uannrf February and March nnmer ive. frco, j ,aai'il bJ' I'fc tf hi .c.bonses may Jons reports were circulated tbat i ai'.pted I. ihe Ani'-r:can ant hor-J great damage was done by the Feb- Jvl" mx wet wa-oL, as it t rlnir"! i' ttan the trench j 1 1 sickness atLong the defenders. Lipitena-.t Steanecrerg. of the 1 lali0 gimet. a brother of theg jf- erti cr of 1 Uh ' eo placed on fri.t 1 t- .r,i,e r. ..:..! t it J """"' or tailing : f t -- - . . . I JiaJ jr 1 'ltl3 a co'rl in the prev ence of his company. It h eipected that h will be discjisiei from the j j ARTILLERY FOR .MANILA. Thrte Lisht Batteries Have Arrived ' at San Francisco. i ' Sas Fkx iv.o, April D Three j J. batter:-, of Uni:ej Stales lignt artil-' batters of lYi? 1 s..a i:r. a,n. . lery from tLe E-t nave arrived . : Oakland and two trains wuh foar ! ba-terifs of Leafy artillery are doe' this morning. They will U qpart-i eras! at the 1'rtei-lio natil the trans- ports are ready to saiL Itisrro-i L.d to send the light artillery di-! rcct to Manila, and the heavy bat-1 rcct to Manila, and the Leavv teries to Hocclala for garrison dotv. ' The Twenty-first infantry is rw. ' The i-oion its way fr,ai lia:t-l xz and is' schedalI to leave cn th Ariz? na. The Tuirt.-enih Unitetl i State infantry is also on the wav fr. : the iia- and mid probably; h :ran-; crta- I : h -,v, the S. an 1 a i, 3 t .Msr.i'.v TME TRN5I0ST FLEET .. . , es.els ill 5ooo Be Ready lo Mart for Manila With Troops. i Fea.v.:- Air.i l't. The I n:tI S:ate c i. e r IlraT.s bs ria- i.:;e,i i,.a ting rs-.a. ar..t w;.i to Jay . for d wra. Ihe Scaad:a r.:! I,, uk-:: t j ' II's 1'. int Jrj i c k ::Jay. Ti.- transput Ariz,!. finishe.1 i coi!:r,g. and is all rea ty to tak ...i i j Vl" -T another v yae. aboit t ver. and the result has been ; T!1" Nejt:t w:;l be d c'.el tt!ayiWy sa:ficJory. The Io& has been a! 1 3U Un: n iron w ,tks. f r a lUr- so raj 1 tLat it will no be noticed, joah over bailing. I: is exerted j Cattle end horses are in r-ood eon. jibat within a ffw dj a'.', ct the rO u I t . . . , 1.. I . . . .- . .- ... ..-...-..3 "... .- ,e..j u . -Manila the troops cow en route Lere from th Fast . Telegraphic Brevities. Tne Cleveland carpentus strike was settled by compromise. ... . ., ... t...,s a reunion in Chicago m October. Right Rv. Conaliy is iu Cbicsgt to take part in the conference of ib-l Catholic colleges. The American Smelting i nefin ing Company orKato'zetl in Now York by electing directors. Sir Monier Williams Bod-n, pro fessor of Sanskrit at the university of Oxford, diet I in L .ndon, agetl t?0 At Bridgeport. Conn.. Dr. Nancy A. Guilford pleaded guilty to man slaughter, and was sentenced to 1 years imprisonment. President Bartow, of Oberlin col lege, annonncetl the anonymous gift of $50,000 for building and equipp ing a chemical laboratory. The Victorin trade and labor coun cil protests against the importation cf '20 men from Pennsylvania to work en a steamer tit Like Bennett. Fx-Govercor Altgeld telegraphs that he cannot attend the Chicago platform dinner in New York, though he strongly approves its pur pose. John E. O'Brien, chief of the S., - - ta Fe fire department, was instantly killed by ttie California limited tiaiti . , , , as it was passing through the yard -r i " ,u Topeka. In a scuillle pos.stssio:i of a Hi. i t,...l. ..... - . ! r,ue' 'v,,'erl 1 . f'vate oi the twenty-fifth. infantry, was killed 'tL" Lb "' 1 1 r "aru' Ambassndor Ubonte has takeu ri! ' session of his new London house. aTWWfc Carllon lions' Terrace. Secretary; White has taken the house formerly occupied by Mr. Hooley, Weekly Crop Bulletin. j I I' l-'- S. Dfi artaiefit of Agriealtors, j V'.urnl an 1 Crop Bulletin of tb j week en Jm Alonday, April 10. IK). j wu-iEsX okegos. WVatber. -Th temperatnre for the pat week averaged 53 degree, j which is 3 dere hiKber than for the corresponding week. The max- itnou, teuiperataree raoged from 56 to 78 degrees and the minimum from to Tjti dtrrm. IJain fell on Wed- FrosU wer freqnent. The daji were warra an 1 the nijfhta eooL as 19 nsaal at this saon of the year. Crops. Satisfactory reports are received from all correeDondenta. Freeent conditions and prospects are favorable fur a snivefcfcfnl rrn ir Oram, I all and winter aowo jfrain are in eieellent condition. roary freeze, hot the corrent retorts d j not indicate that general damage was doo, or that even local damage to any appre.ia'ole extent resalted. The freezing oat of grain west of the Cascade is Tery nnusoal. and, as a role, some local condition is the cans, rather than the sererity of the weather. The favorable wea'her dur ing the past ta days ha produced good growth in the grain, and its present condition onld not be belter. Spring -eediLx i progressing rap- idly : in the boothem counties seed- i ir, . is hr,nl fir, it AI1 1 way on the higher land in the Wil- lmete Valie-? conntie, and is being eitendf-i t tbe 1-jwer Und as rao- dries oai. 'riit---Feb, cb riit reacD. cherrr. trine and f',QtD tW4 i bloom ia all P"r,, j!'" of avesr-m Oresron. Th I dat of treaera! LI xm cn uUi U ira s ,L l':l, lh dat? ' b'0'a iu torar -ht is ss follows: 1N5J- Jiirct -"; Ar-nl 2. 1831, iIsrea -; AI ti: lt3L April 1,: 1''4-ilir;h -J: March 25; Mtc 23: l-1 April 10; 185, Af" ' -; AF ril 10. Apple, quinces and other frnits from one to two weeks later ,L'a ttn k arieties mentioned above. The report show that the damage a3:'8 10 irai ,r was net as great M wa sported during February and March. Some correspocbenta are of th opinion taat frsit trees now iQ- . d:cate a larg-r yield than they did at th; iim last year. There was ecraJ wter orchards were located in i ..-t . t. , . ). - Vs'J ou; elsewhere there was i ptaC;.,,:Iv a t daaa Ia a fow lo ci.iu--s b;aciterry and raspberry s a s are reported to be injured, as a r ni; . f :ht Fetrnary freeze. As b -rri-s ia Oregon are more proline ;.. j otter frair. local icjory, if really exists will net affect the g.CerI urp!y. Strawberries are in i ,u be southern counties S:wk.-Tbe lambing season n i d.tica a-d food is plentifoL ji:ss:;:aneou. tte warmer . r w. 1 wither produced a rpid growth in . &3.i is ne w ia excellent condi- ' ,i0D- i , j is ( pear aoove tQe i ground and adive work is beine j ,,on,? 'Q :i y1- Hop growers are j pleased with present conditions. Flit i beiagf.on; the acreage w ;t,,rjlj Kra,jv increa-e1. j (isrd-n lU'tkint; has ronimenced. j The rendition of pioduets and of ,iltm Wv"k " now k"stctory in all ' r11'-11 anJ a FT-r-'n crop year . 1 ,...1 ; . u ... 1 "Spring Unlocks The Flowers To TiirJ the Ltzsvy Soi." And not rven Nature tuooiV aZow the flowers to grow and blossom, to perfection Kvithout good soil. Noxu Nature and people are much alike; the former mast fuve sunshine, latter mast have pure blood in order to have perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures blood trou bles of all sorts. It is to the human system what sunshine is to Nature the destroyer of disease jerms. Tt HtTcr Jtsnrpvints. Poor Blood-" The doctor Mid thr were M"i seven drops of cvssl hlocsl in my "twi sarsaparilla Mult me ud ami I?'3 ".'r: J""1 itK.B. i" .it't him, trnii, .miss. Dyspepsia, etc-" A complication e Xnne .Vmtli sThrow "tJrrb I "inantniation it the stuuiacb. rheumatism i 't'- tJe me misersbie. lUdtno arMtit until I Kxit Hswsls J-sntaiusriir. ihw-K ,ike nii,. , ,m t&fcj? 1 " lraver,l'oi. v t ... .... : .1 '."wi.,wiil UUSUIltd .11 , obi.i to r.vr up ork,.n account rbei ; TZTt iSUkS, niicuiiKttiwii m, nusuanii tii I results." Mi. J. S. McXUtb. stamnij,Vt. (JfctdS SaUabati rie. iit tn. bob IrrtuUne ... oisIt rathuUi- to uki wiiaTGatfrsTKr