The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 06, 1899, Image 4

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    , ,i m. i. .....Jia
simiialiiig licTcodandUcS ulaJ
tm thtSUaiuiclis andJ3ocJL iaf
Promotes Dicstion.Chcciful
r.cssnndRcbt.ConUir.s neither
OpiucuMorphme norlincral.
Vr cfCU TlrS-'l'lZLFnUiLIl
. SJu -
StusZ StfJ -
. Ojrt 9o Si ' .-- i.:
Arv.-fi-cl F.tntcdv f.-rrCotvMifw
I'i ;ni!rt,nii'-rh n..-irrtvr.t.
orms .Convulsions .fevensh
ncss crtdLoss OF SLEEP.
.cSiatLr Sivjiu .lure cf
l i: - - 3
Tongues and ouiius.
Sliced Herri::
Whole Cudi-sh.
Sal::u-:i HlMcs
:wa a the
k.p t.-ere.
II .
1 V.l .
r.i .i!ir. j i v.n?!
t-i tl i ir
Wo. - v
Ti:e.. arc -i" Leather i 1 Wirrai tel.
(Ti A
n nis
At IU.i!uce! V:u.
Consult ynur l arfo ar.-l i c ur a:.i r
Wot'iuar.i before l.uiii .
On the 5. P. R. R.
Douglas County, Oregon
HOTEL constant
ly open lor rc-cej)-tion
of guests.
Water cures
raatisui, D .speps:a.
Kiduey aud Skin
rv mi m -
o i lie t Kiioriiaiisiir- v
Dr. Gibbon
This o.d n-.iarilt find
u.f.i'!t.-riling to i
ii. sciu.1 Mia
r" ;
.'ilia n
v nniTiu utaeaac
h Oonnmrho-a
u til- ..- i ..' r. ....... .1-ii;
jaioaciiixig i.rani:eni. ei;.itat-.oii ol lht fce.irt,
wealracta of 'hehiai an-J back. ! Lieayuy
j.inip.c-on t:...-Lit-.-, cou:-'-'ii-Li:r.;-t.o.i . w
HU IJIPIK I i- .... t.,..,....
otct tbirly vetr-c:. ! '-Lo- .- ;r. :'o..-'I b.n.H not
. . . l . . ..... .
fail to coiifiiH bii.i anl receive- !!ie tne;.l of
bis crt-at .-kill an-J '-i.-r.- a.;. Ti:L lt tor c;irt-
vvbcu othe la.l. 'i -yhiin. cures Ki;xrii:iT.-.-p.
Persons c;irv-l at lc::i.-. i.':iar-;L rt-B-inal.;i-.
fall or wrr; te. ,1
, UR. J. r. iiXBBO.V, JKearuy rt. Kraa 1
' -
Notice r-r Piihlirntmn. i
- - ,
Tmted Sra.E- lcin-r
Jto-ci. .:-. o.-
-a. .
if. i :
Notsec i he:e';.y s. i:.nt ::. :,.!.; ;;a...
wltn tin- pro'- ;ion- of :..i; .-: :..!.rr.- of
.luue I!, 1. ctltitti-.! "Aa i.-t : -r i c: Mtte oi
linibiT ,'an-is ia the Matt- ' .;.:-.-:: , :.s:..n,
JCeva-la and Wf.-bii'-t jii Terrm - -,
Of Oakland. C'oun': . t j'igui-'. .-:afi-.if orc
feOli. haa fliif lay I; vl in thi- !ii:e in-- -v...:u
Mieitoti No ii" for Ian i "
of section No. -V. it: I icp No. J-V. ., raos-
o. i wt. and iTr t.nmi in u-v tbat tli
Ian ! sourbt la i;.oi..- M-inan..- p.r iu t.n l.rr or J
alone tiuiii lor a-n'-u;i-imi p i.'i-.- -. kicj io .
uatabi:i.h hi? iaini P. id lam! l-'.-lor- tti' .. I
ivuranl fc."-iuT of ttil- '- Ro-hu:-.
Op-cou.oii Fridav, the l.nii !k- of May. Im.i. i
H- Baiuc sKiti:c.-: !ieii' 1'.'- 1 oi ;
Oakland. Or.. Hardin Uacis oi Wili. ir. 'J. .. j
JarJieslemplili .f EoM.borg, Or., IxrtiiK -M Pai-l
rott of K.melf.irj. Or. ' -.- i-l
Any aod all .pirr-oua laiujiiiC a'ive; -c tac
above dtacritaMlauuV are rei,iicieil lo t '. t.n-ir '
' . . -, , - j . i., 4. . .. : . i. .1 .. ..
ua!iai in iiua oiiice oa or un"ir -ai'i .m.. - -
..i vv isr.a I nf
V.J. Iil-l irir..-, I
K' tri't'.r, '
f ir ji I . - .
idf TTT - 'r. vr
"-K.a f . t, t-f. stricture. 6vrh
5C Vrfv'vf Nevoua ibi I ' U'1. yo'-', " 'Mlhln aai.J time,
?&-X5J'-fr& -Veaknesu-.l Loss ' 7 comi.laiut a tol-ow: For
.'lir!i..r.n . . -, n 7i... ! " !l '? - a -.-.1 1 in favur of Planum. oo
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
u Have
Always Bought.
Vw . C'T
Pickled Henm
Smoked Herring,
Mackeral. at
Bears the . i
...MS. N. BOYD.
-I Tl.- I.vSD UHl'l.
1: w.i u:--. O.T.-"i.. 'i ' . r-.
. . ". i:'.:.y ..ii. . rr.
r .1 i v.. ha- t.lci !"i Ihi' t:-c i.t
i . At- ; :L, :v--T 'J-sr.vtiu' -ati-1
- vn.x.n p.'.oi ::l ft ..iIlvr!:l. ul
-. i1.....'. : r :u-j- tiun ol nil y.r
-. .1 1 : . i- .t- i- iv.
t-a-.- .;:!.' c-i vi i.i.i::u;
;i i.,-t
N .Ml
. - . I.. :.
- A . i N
NL , NW .
. at: t .
. K '
'-art K' . aa-J part w '., rcc. 1 : lot j and
w ., - c. v . ?"a; .. e. ....
1'i.r-. N . a:. 1 ? - c. -i E . 11
'A ' . a-..i i-r: t i-.v ytn E . ajiJ part
. -X'
I.'J'-- 1. . i Ixllil
. .'. i:. i.
.- .. .w i:
. . K. i. '
!V:;. !f :
. K I.
- - .
k. ;
N - aa
I-..:- 1, J. , I. ..,
-I. K. ..
NK 'tSt .,-.T
t i ; -,
'ia'-c' i
. -i. ii. .-.
I-art V.. -..
'-:h t-.-i-.- :;a-j
1 St'
'..5-.C. Ii
;1 La-
lp. :.r..i.
Part N- . aa-l i.;ir. s' .. I.
Wi'Jita "be ii-xt :: tla;. fo;.o-un; tbc iiate
. : r.otiiv. j.rot.-ts ur conv-i'.i a.-&iu: iht
.a:::i of th- i'-.r:!;.:iy to a. ay tra. : or "Uhdiviv
j ---a wi'.aiaauy m-vtiiiD or part of ecti m, Ue
: - r.tie l ;a '.be list, -n t!ie groua-l that the iuie
t : a:-t : aluaUIe fur luiDcral ibtn fur africull
; ural puriiOs be tu-civ4 an-1 notol for r-
;jrt i-j . t-atra. Laa 1 05c; at w
J T. Bl:Ux.K5, Kc:-vr
K.'-El'.t.-. JJTtlO
T-iiih :i.i nr tui:r l-oK jj-jloLai
- r-. i:;:v. e-jieoi jr:.-.:i
Jobu J.. A:..u..-. J-:int.:r
-. .
' l-uri-.i a .1. FreiH-ii, Moo. It I
i i'i..-ne;:, ".V;;;-;t.-j au..!i, Ktli'- j
I l-a-- n-, J.I.. Kr-it-:., aMi :
f ' oiJf.'. or ler, Bi-lli '
f r-.-aca. ' !; -. hiea. a, Iuic ; t-uit :u t ,.iiij
r:.;ii.:i. enrawa rn-n.-a. To m
I hic tp-:ita, iyjui-e l raicli. ' .-loriKaac.
! KU. n Pr-ri. h. ..aif4 H.mnaU ,
i i r. :i.;ii. I:e:ii-iaii. !
I T.i VI i. ham Lai:Ha ui.'l
! atou r.iuai 'l ili.-feU'laiit'-
i u I'm name of tbc s :at of irevon : You arc
' .. .' . yo u'.tr mcc.iia
t-l iiL-ain-l l-.u i:i mi; ab.iv.: n:ill;lr-.l
"s l'" "'--i'r-tlay of in..- ncxi
i1'11' ! ';'' :,;.c nl" K mit-"l Curt, to wn:
: ,"-'fn--3-.uday.J-:n.: IJ. lsW. aud if v..u
. t'nj.iii-v.rv nou; lor Itie so in
'''i lalir. si tbereuu at tlic rate of Ji
pi-r .
I-.. lT u:ii:uui. lll-.U HDii-Ii men; i lii.iv
V "!!' ' 11 '""oUaL-ctoiivcyiLg
i.mi .;iii.f me ICIliHHIii;
- - " .--ii- i-i 'I- I - yi-.iu j ii,. t i ,.i
N W 1 , an. I tli- H Cot tla- S K ' i,l wri i
in Tp:.;, SKIrt, Ai;: nmri.llaii: a!o for a iinl-
iaet I'lf the i::.nuni ilue uiiii a.. l.n.nn.
iic-c lor sin i. ullvruey fi-- li.c i ourt thnU
fc.ija.U r.-!i.-..:iaii),-, :.,r Pluiunil i i-oti uud
:.ur- ui- alh nL-n in ami lor mi. h othc-r rc-li. f
.nui-l lor in .i. i-. in plain i mi.l ai ti.e
lOi'irt - ba:!
i.:in-.- una c.unuitili-
J ii: -'i in:...!!. I-pnl,lih-d by r of Hon.
J - ' ' " ,:'." cun, wi,i,:h
o. - ucr i- ij.-uiii .inn ii. i-ji, ana tin- time Iiri'
: ri-r.iica in !! ..rn-r lor tbe iiilnicatlon of tbia
' - .an .oa- i-on t-:i u.-c-k fornix wi-ck iireriil
I ia. :be I P-t day of raid term of Court, and tbc
1 '' ti t;rt publkalion of thin MiQiniii in
; Mart-li -J7 lV.'j.
K. W. BKNx.N,
Atlora. y for I'laiuiiff.
Notice For Publication.
Ki.-c-iiiint. oriKon. .Mar. x. ll-W.
v i- licn-'by eici-u tlial lb'-- (oIIowiiie-
nai.ii ! - It;, r ba ti'. d notice of Ills iuli ntion
"no..- iinai prooi iu nupjiorl ol !i:, clnm, aud
I.'mt mid pro..: w:i: b.- maud before tbe R. r1(cr
"nd K.-.-:v.;r. !'u:H ,-iatm hand Office a
Uoa- Liin.', Orce in, ..n April jj, -ja, U-
;" bi' H K No. 'jjjl fur tbe N E i teetioo 6,
f- ", K. ' t. lb- name the follow
'itnest t prove l,ia eoulimioua rea-
fence upon and ciiltivnlioii of i-aid laud, viz:
A. Mtittiiewa. of giirar I'iae Mountain, Jobu
I-1 1 ui-ru 1,1 . Ii.K n li... -1.... - i ......
- - - Mir;,- jtmo u.m.iuiiiu
rfciurnojr alley.
"...lot! IVir.n,
'' "' ' K'-KiaK-r.
Weekly Crop Bulletin.
I !'. S. 1 Viuitiiu ut i if A.-riciilturc. I'li-
i male :iiii t'r..i rmllctin hi tin-Weather
luircau. On-pin Section, for I In- week
I ciiiliiiu' M. unlay. Ajril lsw."
j Thi- i tin- initial ir-iu- of 1 1n- Weekly
j I "I i i:it :iiiI I'n-p I'liilli'tiii of Oregon for
the year IS'.iii and the eleventh year nf
i it ir-Ml.incc. Tin- Weekly climate and
t'r..p r.tillctin i- compiled Ironi tin- rc-
ni- of iiioiv 1 1 ii it LVO ! r -( h 1 i it
I lm-atcil in nil HTtinii" of tin- Uitf, mill
; ill uri . a- accurately a-ran Ik- inrr-
tajuol. tlu in 'Vailing weather roinli
timi, their cfhvt on crop, tin- dcvclop
inriit. pruiiri-r-s :nnl rolitioii of crop-,
mid agricultural oH-ratioii-.
Tin: iwmt m Montis.
H I'oni i;. Tin- weather a-i'i ainl
dry . condition favorable for fruit dry
ing anil general farm work, Plow in;;
and seeilintj pi;rc il -atir-faciiirily.
tiras made a pH-l ;-rn 1 1 1 . except over
tin- r-tock country.
.ovi:miii:i!. I lowing anil M olini; wen-
actively cnaiil in ilurinj tin- inoiitl
Grain !ii'ii in the du-l in Scpti-tnlicr
aii'I OrtolnT ';t-t of tin- 1'a-cadi a
!! Jla ktil l in liy tlu- NoVfinU-r
raiii, anil liy tli- on-l of tlir nioiitli iial
inailc prnil rowtli. Til-- rainfall wa
iK-fii icnt cast of the I'asi-a.ii an-1 rati
fihl for tin- m'k m s-anr.
Pix tMliKlt. Tin- month iik'I anil
'Iry. Plowing ami Mtilin; ointitiMcil in
maiiv M-otion- of tlio ftato. Tin- nioiitli
wa f.iiraM4 tn f.ill-Miu n rraiu ;:i'l t.
aruiiHtiral work. In:j not favoraMi- to
tin" growth of ranp' foml.
lwi'AHY. Out-d'ior work pro;;n-il
luring tin- mmitli. Tin- oil mi- too
wet for plow iii; wi'M of tlx- t'a.-i aili -,
Juit ia-t of ilicin plowing .i? uniti-in-ral.
Warm watlicr from tin- ltli
to -.'"itli i-aiiMil luiiN ti -w.-ll. Fall
s iw n rain wa- in xi- ll-iit nii.litioi).
Kanr f'H'l w a M'anv, lmt tin- -npph
of hay w a? lari-. A i-w laiiil- wi n
Ktii in tl- Willanii-tti- valli-y .luring
thi- mouth.
l i RKf m . Tin- moiitii a uniavor.i-I'li-
fT f. i rni work. Thi- nu-t m -irrr
wi-athi r ihat haj xt urrol for many
Vrar- t in on tin- 1-t aii-l .lit inui-J
l' .r .-n l.i . Out a portion of tin
Oolinuhi.i Kivcr Valh y w hi-at w .i- :?
'!i or.t aii'I it i!l hav.- ! N- r- ---!i-l.
.r. ! j.l.mtM on l.,w. jroim.l
wi-t of thi- l'.i-i a.U- w.-rv killi-l M. k
i-s,, -j,r, .nJ, (. p, ri"I witii
iT.u Ti. aUy no lo-. i .i pt in a t'- w
haii.N ! ln p in tin- mop- x; 1
pla. i ! tl . I'lati-a'i Kc'oi). li'-r.- ti.f
! w.i- unit.- laati-ria!.
M via ii. Tin- t.-mpi rat ir.' j- ir-.m
J to -I m..w t!i- normal. :;i-l tin- pn
ripitaTion a- ! ti i.-nT . x.-. p' oi r tin--ni'hw
i-ti rn portion ! thi- t.i!'. licrr
it w.i- in . x.-- of tli- aw.i.T. Th--in
.ir.ii w.i- iv-t a- :i- t-.
-priiu plowing an ! iir.. ".i-pt r.p
oii Tin- l.ijii. r l.iti-1.
ThiTi- i. a- a pjK- nik-raM- mi it
lrin: th-latter part ot March
1"U thi-year i nly apricot- ait l p- a. ln -wcri-
in M-aini at tin- clo.-e of tin- inontii
;ui-l they only in the K-.rJf UiviT Valley.
Lam'iii) ncral vc-t of th.- Car-
cades I'.urin the la'cr part of the
tsTtHN 1'RI.MiN.
Wcatlicr. Tip? tcmpiraturf averager
Vi .!t-jn.i- fer llie part sch-ii days: the
luaxiiiiuin ti-mporat'irv rani..-l frun Is
t-i t4 l.-irrcx-?' and the-miniiiiuiii fri-m W
t-i 4" de-jTcv". Kain fill m almer-t
every day, tip- total for th week N-ius
fnui i tic t-i tiiri-c-ipiar'i r- "fan inch,
t'oiiidi-ral'lo Miii-liim- iTcvaih'-l every
lay, ex--i-pt onSaturiay. oti i.ii i. .jy
rain and clouds j.r-vail-l.
r..p-. Tip-f'liliti'.ti ..f fail aul :
V -r .-.v n rain i fair. In v.iiii-. l.jli-tic-tin-"rain
a-ii out in 1'i-hru-ary
: in otlii-r-, Mt-iiui: a ih Iaye-1 by
on- can.-- or another, and tin: mil i ip.t
U-.- iii a i-on-lition t- le workil. it '
!US t-" wet. With a few week" of fair
weatlii r iltjriii tho I'iirreiit month t!;e
u-ual avtraj- will prihably ! mii.
The rai.'i not injuresl 'an l the amount
iiij'in-l in c'.iinparirron with tho total i-?
very Miiallj i in a liMrt proiiiiin c"ii'
'ii'.ioii. The t."l weather retanir
grow tli, hut asiistj hi tJJ!ini:, mj that
later the rtAtnl will K txcelleut. A a
whole, the -jraiu fp.ip i in fair to gowl
Apriex.?, jrach an-1 j-ar trxti arc ill
full blijoni in IougLi.--, Josephine and
Jach?on count in the-M; countii. r
Uiere arc j.ractically no rfjmrt-i of lam
JJi't.. fruit tree-. In the Willamette
N alley fruit l)I..nii ha- or;ini."iiii-.J. but
it will not !. p-neral for a week or
more. Kru'.t tree in thi valley, where
I lantcil in wet ..;. wen- kilhil by the
rt-hruary fn n-. Tin- ilamai- i not v.
reat a ua1 at tir antiei.atil. Many
triii that Her.; cnpHi-.-.l f. ! injiire-l
are now i-hiiwinjj life, and while tin
crop this year may U- nluciil, the tre'!
wiil live. Tin-injury will not have a
material t-ffect nion tin- total fruit crop :
it if continiil altncrt entirely to prune-
and i !uin, a;;. in a. lew l-n-.ilftie to
iarde.ii making an.r. -iring work are
dilaye-I. Onimi". rali-hes jn-a-. :iu l
other early vevetahle-. have been
I but purnil garden work will jmt
comnniin-c until tin-. it! bccomcM- wann
er. Straw lierrie- are makiipj -low
ltow th and n l.l.r m-i are yet rei.rt-
I. Ka-plx rrier', .o-e iM-rric!" and cur
rant" are in leaf.
I-ambiii;; )' in pront- aud no lor-? r.-
iorti-l. - teak winUreiJ, wll and ii
notv in v'al condition, firar ! inak-
nx .low growth. A lat n rear-on i- al
way di-i-oiiraiii, but it d'ie not al
ways mean a detriment, 'to tlm ipiantity
oripiality of theeropt.r In: Ii
H hile other -ea-..ii- h:.vr iiriiallv lxvil
iiispicioiH at the turn -lit date, there i-
ii'ithin in the many rcjio rt- received to
an -; anxiety or alarm.
ShasU UmH cd
Is the name of tbe eafy perfect train
n the world , now rannhur every night
between St. Paul nnd Cbc go, via tbe
Chicago, Milwaukee A lit. Pa il Railway
the pioneer road of the wei t in adopt
ing all improved facilities for the safety
and enjoy went of passengers. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing viewi of beau
tiful scenery along tbe route H the Pio
neer Limited, will be sent fr ' to any
person upon receipt of two-ceni postage
stamp. Address Geo. If. HeaEfott Gen
eral Passenger Agenl, Cuicago; IU.
For a quick remedy and nn ih t is
perfectly safe for children let n com
mend One Minute Contrh C.r It is
excellent lor croup, lioarsenessr tici ling
iu me mroai anu couglis.
A Bi Timber Deal.
San I kamim o, Apiil 1. lino ,,f th,.
bii;eBt Ji-als in liuiU'i lamU in Ui(.,.u
niatlu in Boiue turn, wai cjnxnnatinl
l'ri.lay in the puichabi', l y tlm liouth-
Kelloy LiliuherCi)., from tlui Soiilhcrn
radlicCo., Ihroiih W. II. Mills, o( a
larse tract of laml in I. inn county, liie
consitluratiou being H'-'l ,-'-'.'. Tin; IuiiiIh
purchaeeJ are tributary to Mill ricck,.
ami art) locatud r.ibt ol ami about nixturn I
miles from Cohur, thu (criiiiiniH of the!
Oreoniau raiUay on thn eai.t tti-Ia.
which runs out from 1'ortUm!. It it'
ihe purpose ol tlio lloutli-Ke lley t'o. to j
construct a iailroa.1 Iioiii tlu-ii newly.:
acjuireJ lauds t.j t jmiry, an.) tne
way ultimately he extended wenlwaid
to cuuuecl with (he nuiu hue of tl.i.
C'alifuruia Oregon railroad, about live
miles north ol I.ugune city. Tina enlei
prigo tueau6 the einplox iiHiil of a lare
atuouut of capital, aud a laie number
of Luttu. The cotnpauy to cut
1,UXW,000 leet of luuilier dining the tei
eu. Railroad Time Tabic.
ottuboui;d Koteburn loiul, No. 1, ,
departs 7 a. in.
Southbound-Kosebuitf l.nal, No. Is,
arrives b .'M p. ui.
-Northbound overland, No. 1 ', ar-j
rives V2 ii a. hi.; depjrm i.m a. m.
DUiuuouua ouerianu, .mi. arrive :
-.5(1 a. ui. ; departs '. a. in.
IRtR.lir IKAIN-.
N'oilhlMiiud hiM through lie:;bl, .No
ol, arrives -1:10 p.m.; depart. 0 p
..ii,i..... i ,i. (. .; .1.
;0 !
L7UU1IIUUUUU I " . LUIUU.1 11 tlU., -' U . '
31'. arrives 7 :M a. m. : .ferarta S .iri i
Northbound mixed train No. 1' i arrives
at 1' j-j p. ui.. SunJaye, WtJntsda s and 1
Friday.-, departs '.'."O a.m., M-ji:davt.
Thur8las an l turJa.f
Southbound mixeJ train Nj. ; ui
rives at J .'X) p. ui., on -auJays, M-jl.
days and i'ridays, departs 7:li a. ui .
Monday?. Tlrjredas aa l SaMrdit.
Koseburg P. O. Hours.
Week days. -. 0 a. m. hj s p. uj. ",:i:
Jays anl hu!:!as. ru'cl a m.
n J " to 7 "-J p. m.
-; '-1 i.. l nr.
KoeeLur lo Ma'shhr IJ lJe; arte t'.
ery day a! i. a. oi. : arrives eveiy u-or:;-
iDi- . . , i
lloMjburii; to ilwt.e l'ciut. Peparlsj
every day at a. m ; arrives every j
Iioeebur to Mii;woo.J I'epatte eery
day except iaiJav at 7j. m.. arr.vesj
every day except ju Jays at 4 . " p. ui. '
Koseburi: to IVei lepart j dai y, ex- ;
cept unJav, a. ; j. a : ariivci i!a ly, !
evcept SanJay a; J p. in.
IcMeburj; to l.urley LVjiaiUi 'luc-
days anJ Fnda a. 1 p. to. ; arr.vte
Tuesdays an J 1 ri Jay a at 11 :J0 a. ui.
i o: line lone auJ hiU graJe piano .
gel a NeeJnaci. llieyepea'-v for them- (
telve. lt does n jt lake a ciacker ;aek)
at a big salary or a paid musician to ee! ;
them. All e ask is to look at the iu- i
etrauieo'.t, try the tone yourself, ar.J you
will be convinced that Nce-lbarna are
the let pianos on the uiaiket, eMp! 1
CtickeriDg or Meiuway. l or rtferecte
ee O. y. "todirey. A. C. Mark;, or I. 1"..
Kiddle, who has jutt received at bia
borne a beautiful one in figured niahcg
any case. The price ol thee piano?
are the moet reasonable for the ., ja'.i'y I .
ol gooda ever oereJ in Ibis city. 1 can
also give you inside pricea on any mate
of piano, (.'all an 1 jee
T u- f . ,v
1 . K. tv-e II '.h. r-J.N,
Kosebarg, Or
S. 1:.
We a. so have m etoca some
oew and second hand pianos second
band KO to f ITj. ew Ijm lo t
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist e.eepin car wiil .eave Tort
land every Tuesday at p. iu. via the O.
R. A without change to Uoslon, asd
under the supervision of cxieriei:ced
co nd actors. So chaupc of cars to the
citiet of Omaha, Chicago, Buttaio or
Boston. Tlie ideal trip ta the east is
now before you. Itememter this service
when going East, and consult . K. A
agents, or address,
W. Ii. IUjuihhi.
tienerai I'aeeener Agent,
(14. rcrt'and. Or.
County Treasurer's Noticj
Notice is hereby given to a".l partieti
holidn lljuglis ixjunty warrants in- j
doreed prior to July il, lt?J7, to present I
tbe same at Uie .treasurer's ctllce in the
Douglas County bank for payment, as 1
interest will cease thereon after tho oate j
of this notice.
Dated this tho fib day of March I i.e.
at the City of ICoeebur, Grcjon.
Gto. W. l'l-itK k.
Couoly Treasurer, Douglas bounty .. or.
farms for 5alc.
A number of a:uall farms (or r-alc,
adaptl to Iruit growing. Good apple
and prune orchards 011 some of them.
For further particulars inquire of,
G. W. Al.liKllr'ON,
Cleveland, Or.
1 have taken up, as a stray, one bay
blaliion, about 6 or years old, weighs
about WO pounds, branded "K' Own
er will please call and prove property,
pay charges and take his property.
U.K. PixoN.
Viavi. Viavl.
Mrs. J. II. Shupe is local representa
tive for tho popular Viavi remedies.
Any one desiring any of these remedies
will please call on her at her home or ad
dress her at Koseburg, Oregon.
J. .Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on
electric street car line, writes tli at his
little daughter was very low with croup,
and her life saved alter all physicians
had failed, only by using One Minute
Cougn Cure.
1 or liver Fifty Vcau.
Wlrulow'i bootblUK 8yrup baa been used for
over fifty yeara by millions of motbeni Ijr tbeir
children wblle teethlug, with perfect ncccaa.
Ittootbea tbc child, aollctn tbe guma, allayi all
pain, curea wind colli', and lathe best remwly
for blarrboa. 1 plcaaul to tho lanlc. irold by
iTnuujiata la every part ot tho world. Tweuly
flreccuU a bottle. It valuo la Incalculable.
Bo lureand ak for Mrn. Wlnhlow' Soothing
Hynip, ami lake 110 oilier kind.
"Scenic Line ot tha World"
The Favorite Transcontinental Koule
liutween the Nurthwest aud all
I'oinla Kaat.
Choice of Two J.outeB
riirough the I'lLuoui
Rocky Mountain Scenery
And lour 1 .on ten Last
! l'uebio ami I'enver.
: All l'.irei-iifc'cra urauted a day atop-over
' ' Mormon Capital or anywhere be
jtween Oden and Penver. I'erBoQally
! conducted Touiift Kicureiuns three daya
i't'k to
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago
and the East.
For lickels and any lnloimatioo Her ,
irardiiiK IUt'f, Koutep, etc., or for I)e-
- ' ' . -l - - - j
senptive X.hertia'u Matter, call on
i;enu!ol Oieon Hailway A Narigation
t: . Sl'"r Line or Southern
I'a.-itii: C jiupaniea.
tieuerai l'as. .k Ticket Auent,
Denver, Col.
K. C. N1CHOI.,
ieueral Aett,
l i Wasti. t. I'ortiind Or.
Southern Pacific Co.
IrttTc Pjrtiaa4 daily.
Por.:u4 - Ar. , ? JO a.
Emt.v:r Lr.i;:.4M.
in Fraacaro Lt. : Ii r .
Atwvc :r::; iv.p at pr scipa. '!:oi,t
' : e:: 1 '. ac t r-alcrr;, Turnr, Virion,
Jr2cron AllriT. rar.cnl. tibedda, Ha-aey,
lia.-r.'t urr. l is. :'. t ;-.y. l:--taf. collate
.1 ... b.-a.n. i-ak and. aad a.; lUUuni from
Hi1: ..'a to Ai.laii'l iuc.-a:Tc.
Ilmrburi Mail Daily.
l a a .
5 r
Tor-.. and
Ar. i I m r.
! iiimmi i hs oobl)E ROlTE.
' j
Pullman OufTet Sleeoersi
Koll.(l.l ALttriKii IAH
A ..ihl lo a.i 1 b:oufb Tialm
West Side Division.
liriatrrn I'srtlaad aaa Coryallla
!!.'. itaiadai.y ,tact(-; Siaday .
X- a. .
I! s a u
'oTraii ia
Ar. 1 I SO r.
Lr. t I r
Ai Alt.aai and t orrat'ia oonaart wl'.b tratna
o! Ort(oa ci;.'..-a. A Kaa'.cra railroa4.
Fi; rea t.-ata i7.j txcepl frisday'.
I Ar.
! r
icr .aid -McM;nT'.:
. tepcrs-nie
Ar. , a a. .
Lt. ii. a .
l.v 1 4-.Su a. .
Icriit t r.ntx t;. n iiran 1 ranci.oo wr.h Oc-
i :-. r.ul aiJ tr.ra-ai au l l'ac;ro Mail r.eaan
.tt.; !or j A CAN AN1 CHINA- Saihtf
; ta:.' . - at j ..cation
; Maaiicr. ii. F. A Paaa. AiesL
uvtH-f a w- Ta ABVlTnV
. r' aA ..t. - ' xwwu auvt x. u
p.i- JA1 AN. c UiNA. IIONOLCLC and
Ar-TKUJA. Ul be ob'a!sd from I. B.
'KiO-.t, T.catt Aject, or V. C. LX1WN , Roae
ItlE b:HET But' IE IO
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
Eastern Points.
1 .'L'.'.c .: 1 . iaior.U; rvutc, via tbe
I NIoN i VltHC Kat Vail Line, or tb.
it 10 R A N L' t -r.-e: k l.iav.
L....a at :b.- ti.. e-
1)2 days to Salt Lake
2 1 2 days to Denver
; 1 days to Chicago
4J . days to New York
Free Mccllolns: C'timlr can, l"p
tiolfttcrcd Tourlit HlccplBu;
cam, Pullman I'Blacer Hl4rci
iok tarn operated on all
i 't .''ir:a' r i:i:v.rn'aici' a-p'y lo
J. l- OIVANS, Agt., Koeeburg.
C. O. Terry, W. E. Coman,
lr.n. I'j. Asl Ocu. AgL
;:i rb.rl M., 1 ..rliaml. Or.
Baa Jul received a Daw aad ilaaaivt toek
coxsiBTiNO or
Ladie' Prerta o'iiojj, Kibbois, Trimmiki-s,
Laeef, Ktc, Kb.
- also a riNi stock or-
Of the beat quality aad BaUh.
Wood, '.Villow and Glasi Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Aiao un baud In laife quaatttiai aad at prleat to
eult Ibe Umaa. Alvo a Urge atoek of
Custom-Made Clothing
For Choice
Call at St anion's for "L. P. M"
1U f I
VsSW7 ' "WE
Also a line line of "PLAMM Jr.," Garden Seed
Drills, Hoes, Garden I'i'... .,, Etc. Catalogues
free. You get the best at
Churchill & Woolle's.
Fitted with special heavy tread G J tires, are
The Bebt RAHBLERS anJ IDEALS ever built.
The Best Wheels ever Built.
jNcw 99,pop
'ular list
105-107-109-1 1 1 bixtii St
Seattle. Rosebur,
his is the
to Buy
1 "
fifty-eight Years Old ! ! !
It'!, a long iii., but devotion to the
true interests an i prosperity of tbe Amer
ican I'eople has won for it new friends as
the yea: $ roiled by aad the original mem
ber ol its family paed to their reward,
anlthfra- iJ-.u.rers are loyal and stead
fast todav, aithfaita in its teachings,
and cjatt-ieacrt in tt j iniormation which
it brines to their homes and firesides.
s a natural cone.jaeuce it enjoys in
itd ol j a.-e ad the vitality and vigor oi
its youth, stretti'-hecexl and ripened by
tne exrerienevs ! ever bt'.t a cectury.
it lived on itj merits, and on the
cordial support of progressive Ameri
cans. It i? "The Nea-York Weekly Tri
bune." acknowledged the country over as
the lead:og Sati onal Family Newspaper.
Uecognixing its value to those who desire ail 'he news of tbe State and Nation,
the pobliaher of Tuk Plainue.i.b. tyour own favorite home p aper has entered in
to an alliance with "Tbe New-York Weekly Tribune" which enables him to fur
nish both papers at the tridling cost of 1.7o per tear.
Every fanner and villager owes to himself, t hi- iian'.y, and to the community
in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works consuntlv
and untiringlv for bis interests in every way, hrinn to his home all the news and
happenings of his neighborhood, tbe doings of his friend:?, the condition and pros
pects for different crops, the prices in home market, and, in fact, is a weekly
Visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive family.
Just think of it! ! 1
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
Send all ubM.riptions to the
Ro$ebur, Ore.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
4U2SJT AaI2wKjmM
Farms, large and small, to Rent.
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit inteudiug purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
Maoai4aaRwatAa SB a .. aa "a. "- si aaaa .
, OK?
$40. $30. $25. $20.
Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.,
' 20 year pioneers. I
Portland. Oregon
A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agents
A full and c:::; "cle atsortment
of all goods utruat'y kept iu a Srst
class grocer)-.
Everything orTcivd lor sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including bcth fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins. Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
Wc earn the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
& CO., Grocers.
from foriiao.J
Pact Wall ha:t Lake, lerrrirr, PL Paat
Worth, Omaba.Kao-1 Mali
8 p.iu. iaa City, el. Iuia, I lip. m.
i Mt p.m.
Walla Walla. Bpokarw.
Mlnnrpolt,oLl'aul I
Imlutb, Milwaukee, !
. -I. I. .... mrA 1 . . 1
ttM a. m.
Oceaa 5t-tilpa i
' All aaiUur Ulca aab- i
)rt to chamre.
Por hac TtbkAm i
sail tTiry B" ;
4 p. a.
1 D in. CatomMa River
naiuplay To Antcr.a aol Way-
I j ..m. LanaiQ..
' - 1 1 a ral t. m
Orefon tlty, Sewbent, ' Ka-suoday
Ex-suiuiay , hauem Wa'y-Lan-1 ,
i -
7 a.m. - WIU-mKLtta mmd Yaaa- .It m.
1 ne. I bur. kill River. Uua.. W4.
aad Onrzon Utv, Uajton, man rn.
aol Way-Landiuc
6 am. Willamette River. 130 p.m.
T'.tn lbur. r.,rtian'l to l.orraiiia . Toea Tbur
au4 Eat. ao.1 A ay-l-anfllnn . aaa aeL
Jaak RJvcr.
Kipaxia to Lerwiaton. '
ka.l) ,
(jtmral Paaerujcr Axist.
O. R. m. r
pertXaaial. Orejt
AdminLstxa tor's Notice.
crvlr.ttl ailiniaKtraUir of IM eeta
of Henry A. A laica, ooraJ. bj Tirtie of a dr-
cnr ol tixr Louuty vonn ma:e on roe nay
of Marca, IKM, ul on an-1 aibrr Patwnlay, tae
Mb 'lay of April. lsJ. ae.l at prlTaie aae the
ne .oju: oi ueary a- ar.ama. uarwaae. aw
ait Tbe S W : of the e W 'kof rx 2i Tp 23, 3 B,
i . 4u acna m Ion acrea ao.d to
!nd' pendent rkrr iA 04d Pe;io. Alo 1X 2.
e-n ., Tp j. s k j w , cootaiai&c .3 acrea. Ai
ao o J arid i, r Je. T j J, B W 'Jra
tair. .; aepr. Alao tr;-e Jobs Adasa Ctuv
iva Laad Coara o4l. ue.r-f parw of oa ...
r 3S, 33 an.1 It. Tp tli w, oearnOKl aa
foitoaa. tow-.t a: a a-jtat J ena-ca
Eaat. and l.nat -motA iroa tAe
a-aer to -aul octart. J,3 and M al naais
ae NorJj v. etaina. t--x-ace w .4 cbaoaa
tbeace S J cialua aadsBUaae. aa 1 hma K
tt i.aalna to pa. oi enn'aintirr.
.17 acrra, eifpurt from tae -t arxrre o-
rtaed tract oi -and M-X airrea aold to a. Eaai
P,ri. waiea aa.d W-d ia reOorSird la Voi J4.
ai page theraof.
tji ta- r. ;,oi tae mcivn cai cairn 01
Hear A- A-ltrr.a, seixsj Cam No. t-' and brief
r-ara'ot - -i xA ii la Ip A !Ri VT. mad
more part.r-alariy oVamid aa fo'krwa. towlt:
br-m-iT f at a pole: 10 cbatoa aryl " lisle S
iroa S ' comer f aal Of Si, tad nam:!
-.-enn- E r.a:n. tin-r (Si) cfinn, uvner
W -4 ebaina. and irv-nre r- v) ebataa to pr ol tonta.a.uc I-J acrea. xrcti2f
fro! .aat arjove 4e-r.be4 trart of jm 4aj
a r -.d ui Haaulvin. dent tor wcea la re-
0 rlrd is Voi 14 at A Loerrof. ia) Lot Bo
1 -r i Tp 3, rai W. eon tar mat acraa,
A-, Lot Bo of r--e . aul Lot So I I arid i at
U :a I? 3. S K ". w . enti--atriirjr 15U3 aavaL
A ao .0 . 1. 2 aod 3 oi se -T7. T? 3 - E W. eoa
tal2lBf TL.- am a. AJ tot No 1 ot ec B ta
Tp J'. - B j w, toatai unc H.40 acr-a ail atoae
.a I-jlaa ojETy. rrtaJe of urezoti.
Terrza oi ia-d jc So be caaa ia aaad.
La-1 a: BoarUjJ. Or-Tt, Karr-a . !.
joh w. wLAVia.
A talnt'Umor of '.re Eatar ot Bcsry A.
Admiai5trators Notice.
v-oik E in
anlerauoeii adu ntatratari- of ta
e-'ac o! w . L. w ijaoo. de-aasc. l3 by t-jn
of a d-.r-e of tx Coroa-.y irt of Dow2aa
isry. Orearon. on aad after rratorda. IA
'2 "ta- ol Apn:. V&K aekl at pr.vasa ea le
fc.Jt.wu3s d.- nt;-d rea. properry beioaaas; to
ti... o' of W" l Wioo, daeaaod. Brwit
ik'tad;', of 5 EJ.of S, Lota L
: k six -i. bciBX B jeaeead Claiaj of Laisa
Wri N , ot '. I W:iaua Inoauoa Laad
Cauja No L Lott fc. '. aad , rVrr Loot I aad i.
- . ..: N w ! ,. Os- rr W aod a'.ofofjl',
au-1 W !,!sr, e-f r-ec .-i. ail :'a TJ 3 rj B
. lae
V'nSl'.aad E:-oIS W'.e
. Rw. a jo a.; Ute rcat. uite
aod latere- of lt al W L- W llaoa.
.3 aa-J to ibe a ol Lvaaaoa Land Gaim
4t. Tt--X) B. B-a. w. Eiier.a fcijea lae above
d-vr.d real W"prr:y. pan Lot i r-et: V, ame
! f-.-rec weyx-i to P. A. Wri. tae oVe! cf
wtak-b ' oi leeorrl La Voi T. of IKeda. paaw r
ijaturrtittr 2-.1-icngf of tae anl adeof
Dt'cauoa Laad C-aua No 41 berctoiore eovi ta
Aadrtw w jrVy. deed for wtieA a rrcorKd ;a
V. r i-f leOa a: pare -.
Tixi of Mid a to be estaer eaah ia kaad
or ipoa .e a tcrrsa aa to credit aa auy be t LBe
peatc altaatare to ad evtate.
aara mi t-o .'-.-x. ct, iaia Lae na cay el
t.1-1--. ,-a-xr- tb-c Ettate of W. L- W Jaua,
E.-ebcre. Orreoa. raw. 2. UBS.
Notice - bertby f-.Ta uuat la ccaip'uaacw
witatbe proi:i"se ot toeact of C- a t ie!
June a. I-"-. cari-J.-J - An act hr la fayeof
romrrr lax-ii ia tbe Sraies of latiionua. Oir-
roa. Nci ad a ad Wailavm Trmtory,
af B;a4.e..Cv3i:ty ofDoccUa. S.aur of Ora
roo. baa k:t Uv ted ia uua cSAce kia aweea Nol 4. tor wixlait of la .
a a. . .of r-rition -i A. la Towasiila So. M
a. -o . .. aaa wiu oer prooc to taaw
that tbe '.and roucat i more valua&e tor iu
unbe: or --ne for aiicwlsna por.wa.
ad to cstabsh tj riaia to aeid laad before
tae Krx:rrr aad Keeeiver of txi exer al
burr. Orvfoa. ia Saturday, lae lxa day of
April. 1MU.
He naates aa w tar-oca Joaaepa A. W barto-3.
ot Bidd.e. Or. W". H. i-iaita. cf Dilia.-d. Or.
Bea Piaacr. ot Kidix. tT. Fred saodenoa.
Ej.ld. Or. Aay aad alt permae- claiB
ui( adrersetT lac above-deaenbed Uada ara te
I jested to t.e tbeir ia Uua oce aa or
betore said Lia day ol April, l-ai.
J. T. BBiDGli?.
:t Id Ker-aur.
rsrtao rjraria Lkvoovrf-a.
K.w-barr. Orroa, Jiarcb 22, LS3S.
To whon it may o-oeera:
Vj.t- i berrty p-ren thai the O-ron A Calj
oraia Bai.raad Corapaay ba AUed ia tbw oaVo
a l.l of Uada nraated ia lite township de
a:nred b?.ow. aad baa applied for a sateat tct
nid ti a: tbe Ltt at opea t tae paNic tor
inspeetioa aad a copy taeveof by deacnpue
rnbdivuioria, haa been peweed la a coav-ecjesi
aawre ia tats oCice for tae lapecUoa oi ail per
oaf latereated aad Lie p-r boc geactalT-.
Or-roo aad Caionua B & IaihU.
I ) ri. K 2 E.
r?tv sec- 1L
All rreo 1 aad J-
Lot 1. i aai 4, aad riE '1 Sec .
AU rw U.
Witb:a the atxt anty days foUowiag the data
of this notice, -..rorrvca or cvatesta acatrtat tb
cta-rri of tbe Ccaipaav to aay tract or acbdivm
toa wlihia aay vecuoa or part of ecuoo. oa-
5 . . vi ui -c cn aa areHiau irra: ua i
it more .a:aatle for mineral taaa tor arrtcnU-
p.-w.wu- lw icceiveu aaa aoced tor ie
i-.n ut -it utscrai lauia vce at
J. XL Boom.
Notice for Publication.
Bosetmg, (k(ob, Marca jn, DOT,
Notiev Is raavby riven that ia compllaaM
w lib tae prortaioos of the act of C-oaaica vi
Jaeelrv. !rs. -Aa act lor tbe sale of
UaiNrr lands in tbe States o.' California, Cra
yon, Nevada aid W ashiartoa Territory.
Oi taa'atiO, Couaty ot ttOGCJas. State tf Ore
con, haa tbta day uied In Uus oCce hat (won
statement No.. fur the purcbeac af taa 9. .
' a W . ' . of rreetion No I. In Townabip No. ii
Racvre- No. I W . aad will offer proof to abow
thai the laad nouetit ia more vatuaba tor its um
ber or itoue t baa for acriculturai parpcaea, aad
to esuabliab hla claim lo wud laad before la
Bciri-.k-r and Kea-eiwr of Um ofbca at Boaebon,
fmroa, on w cdneaday. tbo Ia day ot Juae.
He aamcs a witaea: Arcbibatd McKrojie,
llarrt-e. Maniuu. Wuiiaai H. Jot. A. B.
niila, all of OaAlaod lrrsa. Any aJdaU per--Otis
riatiairu advcrvely tho abovedcata-iaril
lan.U are teuuested U fi'e tacir clalua is Uia
eS:ee oa ir before raid lita dav oi June, Tar,
a.: tl.i Ba-soatar.
Administrator's Notice.
-a urvk ntirie-d. a administrator f lao rattle
oi Hul loT r -te.TaM.-d. baa nled bia Saal
mivu::: with tbe County t ier cd Daugts
ConntT, State of reoii, aad lb Hon. Cwucty
Jil.lse has ri. Mndav, tba In day ot May.
1 v. at o clock, ia tbe foreaooa, as IB ttrne
:r hearing oje ti.ns lo said account aad tsr
I'.e w ttlt-meai of the saara.
Lwted this dav of March, 1.
AdiniaisL-aior of the estate of Hhiey r rec
ti: au, deeeaetl.
Administrator's Notice.
Toliee is hetvbr given tha'-l:bounors4aed
A ai on the bob a' ol rebrtiary. lrt. duty
apfamitrd aduiini-lraior ol thveslateof C T.
Bvnjauiiti, ileeeaxl. AU penoaa aaviae.
loinu aicaiiisi sai.l estatu are eetv-by required!
at pnnent the- -ame properly venaed, tats
-aid adiulnlsirator at the ptaivk-nk-r oftrce is
Ue-bnr, lo i:aa County, vrcmxi, wilbta ats
m.vntba from lhailate bi-r-of. .
Dated this JOth day oi rVbruarv. A. D. 19l. r
W. f. BfcX lAMIS. t
A.ln.litlalhie- i
S 1
tor iu r I
lefore -A