The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 06, 1899, Image 3

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    T T
Settle Up.
A 11 persons indebted to the undersign-
ed are hereby notified and requested to J
come forward and make prompt settle-
meut. All notes and accounts not paid
immediately will be placed in the hands
of an attorney for collection. This
means like it reads. We are going oat
of business, and mast have a settlement.
Cars Ssor.
APRIL tf. !S9;t.
For a cood 5-cent cigar call on Mrs. X.
Russ in infinite variety at Alexander
i Strcng'E.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Kuseleaf. j
A ficely bred Jersey male calf for sale. ,
Address P. O. Box, Ittf. i
me ioss .-.ore is sehin,; out at eacn- ,
ncicg prices. Call and be convinced. i
Doyooemoke? If so, get the Artie ;
cigartt Kruseit SLam'orooke, sole agents i
10,00) wen wanted at the Boss Stor
to select grrat bargains before it is too
Mrs. A. T. Caoipliell. o! Monmouth, is
visiting Mrs. D. C. McClalleo, in this i
J. D. Maun sells the best flour in town
prices are ail right, quality consid
ered. Bond, the watchmaker sells spectacles
at lowest, prices and can tit them cor
rectly. Severe nervous spells, bearing down
pains, loss of appetite. Hudyan curee.
All druggists, 30 cents.
Sleeplessness, melancholia, stomach
pains, heart troubles. Hudyan cures
All druggists, 50 ceLts.
Caro Bros, inform their patrons that
they are in receip: again of Clark's Spool
Cotton. Same old price.
The ''Pride of Douglas" is a new brand
of flour made by the new Era Mills
Every sack is warranted. Try it.
T. L. Graves is our agent at Oakland,
authorized to solicit, collect and receipt
for any bills dee the Paixdealkb.
Men don't forget cur "Our Wheel"
overalls when in need of a new pair ; no
better made for fifty cents. Novelty
E. DuGas. M. D member Board of
Pension Examiners. Office, M arete rs
building residing corner Main and Caes
There'll be a hot time in the old town
when anyone brings out'a better brand
of floar than the New Era's "Pride of
Say "No" when a dealer offers you a
subslit-ute ior Hood'e Sarsaperilla.
There is nothing "just as good." Get
only Hoods.
.las. Hutchins, of Gardiner, deputy
fish commissioner, was on the bay Mon
day. He was on his way to the Ooquilie
and Rogue rivers. Marsbgeld Mail.
Sewing machines, sewing machines,
Bewing machines at Alexander fc Strong, j
and the best of them at that, ranging in
price from $23 to $37.50. Besure to see '
hem before you buy.
Dr. R. B. Norlhnp. Osteopath, has
moved his office from the corner of Pine
and Washington streets to the Abrahams
building. Chronic dieeasee and deform
ties successfully treated.
Capt. Mathers, 17. S. special land
agent, is in Jacksonville. He came to
investigate charges made againet certain
parties for catting government timber
lands. Jacksonville Times.
Elmer V. Hoover, phy&ician.and sur
geon. Office next to city ball on Main
etreet, Roseburg, Or. Special attention
given to diseases of the soee and .throat.
Calls promptly answered. 'Phone 341.
See Rice & Rice, House Furnishers,
for every thing in the furniture line,
largeEt 6tock end lowest pricesjust re
ceived a car load of Eastern and coast
furniture. See us for bargains.
means the best materials,
artistic workmanship and
honest values.
means the Dnrest of woo?,
faultless fit and matchless
hopi Tailoring
S Trustwortilg Tailoring :
The Royal Tailors, Chicago, L.S.A.
1 III . 1 1 l ILV .ILOIC K "
Tailoring IT
Ronai Tali
Roseburg Novelty Cash Store.
yv V 1
j Th Fourth I"""'- conference of
the United Brethern church, Rceeburg
I mission, will be held at t me drove
church April 15 and W. All odicial
members are earnestly requested to be
present. Bishop Henry L. Barkley will
be present and conduct the services in-
stead of the presiding elder. He will
'also preach at the Rosc-burg 1". B.
j chnrch on Friday evening April 14 at
- -ou. ah are cordially invited to attend,
ncv Ji. ciTLii-. raster.
Senator Al. Reed came up from Caii-
fornia, on the morning overland, and has
tendered his resignation as a member of
the state fair board, on accoui.t of hia
business interests, which require his un-
divided attention. Thi9 is very much
resetted as Mr. Reed possessed the
qualities for a good member. Saleru
. Journal.
' T 1
We urge our patron?, who
ire in ar
rears for the Pj.aindealek to send os all
or part of the amount ef yenr eubtcript
ions. It is a smad amount to each of
you, but to us it would aggregate an
amount we very mocb need in mr tnsi
Suits of clothes, all wool, heavy
weights, $6.50; reeular price $9. Boys
clothes from 6 tc 13 years for $1.50 and
$2. Hats all styles and colors for njo
regular price $1.50. All these goods are
only to be found at the Boss Store.
It is now lawful to take brook trout in
the various streams of Oregon . The tak
ing of trout or salmon less than five
inches id length is prohibited at all
times as is also tbe sale of trout, or offer
ing them for sale.
If you want your house painted, pa
pered or artistically decorated or any
work done about your place apply to em
ployment office. H. G. Hoi' uo i' LiEK.
Magazines for tbe doctors, lawyers
business men, teachers, students, and
the general reader, at H. G. Houshold
er's, Roeeburg, Or., opposite depot.
Frank Waite, of Douglas county, paid
Mack Porter , of Corvaliis, Oregon, $150
for a two-year old Polled Angus bull a
few days ago. Northwest Farmer.
Judge Wm. M. Cake, of Portland,
one of tbe attorneys of J. M. Olberman,
mode a professional visit to Roseburg,
Monday of this week.
Make a trial subscription to Review of
Reviews, 5 months, $1. H. G. Hocs
holder, Rsse'ourg, Or., special agent.
Opposite depot.
If a girl loves it is her business. If a
man loves it is his business. If tbey get
married they should use "Pride of Doug
las" Sour.
I have a house and lot in Moscow,
Idaho, to trade for Roseburg property.
Dr. E. M. Cheadie has bought Dr.
Strange's dental practice in Kveburg
and will be found at his old stand.
All onr goods are new and of the latest
styles. No shopworn goods on hand at
the Boss Store.
Tired limbs, aching joints and pains in
muscles. Hudyan cures. Fifty cente.
All druggists.
Highest grade Ramblers, $40. A. C.
Marsters fe Co., Roeeburg, Or.
Best line of new crashes and table
linen at the Novelty Store.
"Pride of DouglaB" best flour on the
market Try a sack.
Maearoni in one pound cartoons at
Z gler'i grocery.
Bond for bargains and your watch re
pairing. Bond, tbe watchmaker, dees engrav
ing. Tbe popular Rambler, $4).
Buys a good suit here.
Better ones if you wish.
A new spring line just re
Also have a fine line of
' men's shirts, hats, shoes,
Call and see these goods.
"N.J I i i
Closing Out
! At Prices
Of Cost
The popular Rambler, ;H0.
Curo Bro?. are the boss m erchants
: -3ni-,rott creamery butter at Mrs. X.
! Boyd
Circuit cmrl opeci iu Benton county
i Monday.
, For brat class dentistry go to 1
' Little of Oakland.
j Lane county's new court house will Le
HJ.,i; r i..
Mrs. H. Wollenberg and two children
; are visiting in Portland.
lbe :ovelty Store has taken tbe
( agency of the Royal Tailors.
Senator Reed has returned home from
1 a month's visit to California.
I Hon. T. R. Sheridan has returned
home irom an extended visit in Califor
nia. Judge Hamilton convened an ad
journed term of court at Eugane yester
day. State Senator A. W. Re4 of Gardiner
is a recent arrival at tbe Perkins. Teie
gram. You'll find a good line of trucks,
valises and teleFcopea at the Novelty
Facts not take ia what our adver
tising co.umci repreaent. Tbe Boas
First class "Vedetf and "Hartford"
bicycle at Churchill A Woelley's, for $3
and 135.
Bilious headache, yellow skin, cjated
tongue, fevered lips. Hudyan cures.
56 cents.
Babys -'Cry for Castoria" but their
papas cry for Oliver Plows they most
have them.
A. W. Martin, wbo hat been mining
in the south Dart of the countv. hu re
turned borne.
Hudyin cure eleepleeeoese, bad
dreams and niirht sweat. Fifty csnta,
all druggists.
Pimples, eruptions, sweatv hands and
feet are cured by HoJvan. All drug
gist 50 cents.
Heaatbnrn, coated tongue, bad breath.
constipation. Hudyan cure. All drug
gists, 50 cents.
j-ow snot lace trimming ia various
widths with insertion to match at the
Novelty Store.
kk headache, fallness in stomach,
pain in bowels. Hudyan cures. All
druggist, 50 cent.
Spots before the eyes, despondency,
constant worry. Hudyan cu ree. Al
druggists, 50 cents.
If your bens woui eet, try a PeUluma
incubator. See Churchill and Woolley's
they pay the freight.
John Hunter has returned home from
a business trip to Ashland and other
south em Oregon towns.
S. W. Reynolds and family of Look
ing Glass have removed to Wolf Creek,
where they will reside in the future.
Mrs. Magdalene Htrdman, widow of
Benjamin Hardman, deceased, baa been
appointed administrator of his estate.
U i.rk i f."1'"? forward in a very fcatif
tai't'jry manner wn the new improve
ment" at the Suutheru Pacific yards.
Main street, through the business
part of the city, baa been thoroughly
cleaned, and put in excellent condition.
Hon. Geo. M. Brown went to Eugene
yesterday, to attend the adjourned term
of tbe circuit court now being held ia
Columbia stand for beat. You are
sure of best when you ride a Colombia.
See the $40 Colombia at Charebill &
L'ifc'b Richmond Freeman, of Seattle,
editor of Ranch aud Range, was in
Roeeburg in the interet-t of hie paper
Monday, and made this office a call.
W. T. Emery of Cole Valley was look
ing after business matter in Roeeburg
Tuesday. Mr. Emery will give moat of
bis time to bit farm and orchard this
Cbas. Clements of tbe Roeeburg firm
of M. Joeephson fc Co., baa been in tbe
city on business during tbe past few
days, returning to Roseburg last even
ing. Ashland Tidings.
One of the Ashland boys, writing to
the Albany Democrat, rays: "The in
surgent have five American prisoners.
We have about 7000 and could get more
but wont take them. We take their
arms and kick tbem outside our lines."
Atjthe city election held in Drain
Monday, the following officers were
elected: Mayor, E. R. Applegate;
Councilmeu, C. E. Haeard, L. M. Per
kins, If. P. Brookhart, F. A. Clements;
recorder, Ira Wimberly ; treasurer, W.
W. Kent ; marshal, Ed Brown.
W. R. Thompson and Miss Rose Em
mitt, of Umpqua Ferry, who have been
at Los Angeles, Ca!., since the middle of
January haye relurnod. Mr. Thompson
stopping at Ashland for a few days, and
Miss Emmitt going to her home at Ump
qua Ferry, after spending a day with
friends in this city.
Thfl popular RnmUer, f 10.
E. W. Rowe Reports (Jret Activity
la riount Reuben District.
E. W. Rowe, who has jusi returned
Irom tour of inspection of some mining
properties in Southern Oregon, reporis
great activity in the Monnt Reuben dis
trict, says the Portland Teleitraui.
"Id fact," Bid be, in riiacuseing his
observations this morning, "(here is life
in every mining camp in Southern Ore
gon, and if I do not miss my guess there
will be plenty of work foi all the unem
ployed there before the season is over.
Prospecting parties are numerous, and
extensive development work is in pros
pect." "At the Gold Bug quartz mine, owned
by Senator Jones of Nevada, and hie
brother, there are low 47 nieu employed
and the work goes on day and night.
This mine is about 11 miles from tunnel
No. 7, on the Southern 1'acilic road,
near Glendale, and Willis Jones, a
nephew of the senator, is resident man
ager. Over $20,000 has been spent on
the road, giving the mine communica
tion with the railroad. In addition to
th:e a sawmill bas been built and ex
tensive bunkhouses erected. Although
but a live-stamp mill is new in operation
it is the intention of the owners to wuik !
on a more extensive scale as soon as tue ;
machinery can be go! in. Tliere is au ,
immense body of ore in sight, and the!
mice promises to be one ot the heaviest j proclamation, issued today. T!. cotu
producers in Southern Oregon. j mission assures the people of the ibiand
"At the Victory placer mine, near by, : cordial g.joil wiil ,,! iratem.l fcelicg
from four to six giants are kept at work, j which i entertained for them by the
and as there is plenty.of water, a large j president and the American peo,.i?.
ciean-up is expected. ixUouel I.iaisdeli
leincuarge ot liie operations at tlusjttitu the recect iuforuiaiiun
propertv aa superintendent, and knows j fruui OUb, has led tj tbe belief
unuoiK iroui. inegrouno pans oui
iroiu iiui.j cents to me yar.i.
".lust across tbe creek from the Vic
tory Chicago syndicate has extensive
placer holdings. It is the intention ol
this company to erect a station and builJ
tramways early this fcuuiuier, and work
the ground to the limit of the water rup
plv. Mr. Ileifield, one of the members
of tbe company, was recently on tbe
J J i , ... .
ccr.i iiuv(eviiiiK parties.
"The Lincoln and tood Hope are the
names of promising placer propertiee I
nsited on Pad's creek. Work ia being
done on both. There is little qof ttion in
my mind that the mine of Southern
Oregon will furnish a great deal of em
ployment tbe coming season for devel
opment work here hat aa yet tcarcelj be
Proceeding of the Regular fleeting of
Monday Night.
The common council of tbe city of
Rosebarg met in the recorder office on
April 3rd, at 7 o'clock p. m. On roll
call there were present Mayor Marsters
uoBDcumeo u w. run, r, r. Brown,
W. J. Lander, H. f. 81ocnm aod F. W
Woolley. Marshal F. W. Dillard and Re
corder I. . West. Absent, t'ouocil
menH.R. illis, F. W. Inson and
A. Fields.
fc. DaMolta and Geo. Byron appeared
before the board in behalf of I'mpqoa
Hoc Co. and Rescue Hook & Ltdder
Co. Tbey were instructed to bring in
report of their compaoie at next meet
ing and their requesi would be granted.
Monthly report of tbe marshal and
recorder were read, accepted and
dered filed.
Report of tbe city treasurer with
referred to committee on expeoss
On motion it wa ordered that the city
purchase a ssitabie flag for the city
Tbe marshal was instructed to notify
propertv owners to clean streets and al
leys adjacent to their property.
The foilowicg liquor bonds were ap
proved and the recorder instructed to
issue licensee for tbe same: ood &
Poet, Mary Du'.teiler, L. A. Harmon,
Harmon A Van Boren. W. Waddie.
Tbe following bills were approved and
warrants ordered drawn for the same:
F. W. Dillard, salary 52 50
Rice & Rice, boe 50
Roeeburg Electric Light Co H3 70
P.. F. Page, street work 5 C5
Churchill & Woolley, 150 ft. hose 127 50
Julius Ambrum, pike poles 2 00
Estabrook k Watins, repairing
D. 8, West, salary
1 50
25 00
H. K. Sykee, setting coupling on
fire hoee 2 15
No further business appearing the
meeting adjourned. D. 6. Wit,
City Recorder.
Railroad Accident.
At tbe Divide, south of this place,
Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. L. Mc
Klnney of this city, wbile riding en the
S. P. freight train received a compound
fracture of a rib. It appears that tbe
long freight train parted, and when the
front section slowed up the rear section
craebed into it, throwing tbe paseengers
violently with tbe above reeolt. A trav
eling aaldtmao, Mr. Richmond, i re
ported to have been serioosly htrt at
tbe name time. Mrs. Mc Kinney had
gone to Yoncalla only a day or two pre
vious to be io attendance at the bed
aide of a tick relative and wtt tele
graphed to return here on Mouday morn
ing's local to attend at lhe bedside of
her daughter-io-law, Mrs. Frank Mc
Kinney, wbo is quite lick. Tbe mes
sage wat not delivered nnlil too late for
her to return on the local train, so abe
was obliged to return on the unfortunate
freight train. Cottage Grove Nugget.
Appointed to a Lieutenancy.
Pliny It. Strange, a eon of Rev, F. G.
Strange, of this city, wbo has been a cor
poral and a sergeant successively in Co.
"M," tith Missouri volunteers, the regi
ment which Gov. Geo. Stephens of that
state ha referred to as tbe "pride of
Missouri," has recently passed a success
ful competitive examination and has
been appointed as a second lieutenant of
Co. I, of the same regiment, which is
now stationed with American army of
occupation, at Camp Columbia, Havana,
Cuba. The I act that the young soldier
received his commission upon merits
alone aud without the aid of political
inlluence is a source of congratulation,
too. Two sous of Rev. Mr. Strange are
with tbe volunteer army in the Philip
pines. Ashland Tidings.
grvuuu, auu ueiure leaving started out'""7'" mreauy neiermined on re-
Tin popular Rambler, f-10.
Proclaimed Toward the People
of the Philippines
Aguinaldo's Power Based on Coercion
and Fear.
H ANHIM.illN Anril 4 I Inlv t, . ..,o,.,.
- f a as j - v J uiuuj"
hers of the labinet were present at to
day's meeting, lhe a.eiitia being
Gage, Alger and Long. The principal
subject under discussion wan the louu
cablegram Irom Mr. He-human, chair
man, of the Philippine comniihi.u at
Manila, which was read by Secretary
Part of the message which attracted
the most attention was that which eaid
Agoinaldu'e poaer over his followers
was largely based on coercion and the
fear of violence in case they oppose d
N- Y..i;k, Apiil l.-Ttm
i Manila conespondent cablen il.e iiU
i text of the Philippine i-oniiuissior.eri.'
j Huh message, taken
recti ted
that tbe
cn.' cl tLe trouhies ith the Philippines
i is near at h.ind.
1 "KAtt:"
; 1 April t. Agonciilo, the
j u' -lguina!do, in the course of an
, V1 publiehed in La Patrie, rayo :
j "Tim capture of Maloloa is not
important aa the Americans
are trying
,0 "ake it appear.
The Filipino govern-
n,an 1 .1 1 . I.. . .
j iw can rernano.?, an I a email de-
j tachmeiil of troops was left with orders
j to tium the tu n, au J thns to draw the
American imaoj.
"Two month of rain and ferer will
save the Filipinos their amnmnition
and a good deal of trouble, and tbe
war will cot nd a long at a siog,e
Filipino remaict alive to bear arms.
: Agonciilo cnaxgea Major Gaoeral Ot
with optcingthahottilitie. and h-jlbs
J the Americans rttpoaaij'.e foe tbe irsn
i fer of lhe Danich nr:nnr n,l
I venting the Filipinos Beg.natio a
'treaty wnb Spain.
raoxLAuarioK m fcll.
Jia.ML, Aptti, 4. roe United Mate
rniiippm commiMion bat j it issued
pioctaeiauon w tae native It is;
adlraaeed to the people tf the Phihp- !
p:oe itlaodt. Foilowicr are the main i
feature of the documeot: 'To Hang
Tbe commission detire assure tie'
peopie of tbe Philippine islands of the
cordial good .ill and the fraternal cood , Ua ye.ter lav at Eogce Judge llamil
feehng which 1 entertained for tbem by ton re-ttence J .auO L.acton to be
the preehlent of the Cnited sti and j hanged on Fridav, Mav 12, 1V for the
the American people. murder of John A. i n,.. Ummit-eJ i
Tbe aim aod object of the American I Lire couciv Jue 15, H 'i.
gtvernment. apart Irom the ful;lment! Lranton was b-ought mio court band-
iu oo.ciuu ooiigauoo 11 uaa aaeumea
w.uuiuB umuj ui Diiionim me c-
cerunce of eoverignty over the Phil.p-
F.u . .. . fv:-ij
ana uapiuees ot me rninppiue t eop.e. :
their elevtt:on and their advancement :
to a pjfition among the most enlight
ened and civ; lized people of tbe world. .
The presMent believes this felicity aud !
frfect:on of the Philippine people can j
be brought about by tbe assurance jf j
order and peace, the guarantee of civil !
and re.iiious liberty, V.ts es'.abiishiect
of jitt ice and the cultivation of letters
an 1 faience, liberal and practical arts,
the enlargement of iotercooree with
foreign ua'.ions, expansion of inJu:rial
putsjits, trade, commerce, the mclti
plication of improvement by means of
internal communication, development
with the aid of modern mechanic! in.
vention?, and the great natural resources
ot the archipelago; in short, by the un-
interrupted devotion ol tbe people to the ,
pursuit of useful objects and the reali
zation of the nob'.e ideals that constitute
higher civilization of mankind Un
fortunately the pure aims of the Ameri
can governmenr an4 people have been
tnirinterj reted to some of tbe inhabit
ants of some of tbe itland:, and in con
sequence the friendly American forces,
without provocation or cause, been
only attacked ; and wby these hostil
ities? What do the best Filipinos de
sire? Can it be more than tbe T'nited
States is readv to give?
Tbey are patriots and want liberty.
ills said. The commission emphatic
ally asserts that th United States is
not only willing, but anxious to estab
lish in tbe Philippine Island an en
lightened system of government, nnder
which tbe Philippine people caa enjoy
tbe largest measure of bom rule and
liberty coeeonaot with the supreme, end
of tbe government end compatible with
ttioftf obligations which toe United
State assumed toward the civilized
nations ol (lie rld. Ttie United .States
is striving earnestly for the aelfare and
advsncemenutof the inhabitants of the
Philippine islande. Tiiere can be no
real conflict between the American sov
ereignty and tbe rights and liberties ol
the Philippine people, for aa the United
States stands ready to tornifh aroiiex
and navies and tbe Infinite resources of a
great and powerful nation lo maintain and
support its rightful rnpremacy over lhe
Philippine islands; so even more solicit
ous is it to sptead peace and bapincee
among tlio Philippine people, guarantee
them their rightful freedom, protect
tbem iu their jntt privileges and im
munities, accustom itietn to free self-
government in au evei -increasing uioad
measure, encourage tliein in tliose dem
ocratic HHpiraii oils, sentiments and ide.ile
which are the promise of potency aud
fruitful national development.
It is the expectation of the comun'sbion
to visit tho Philippine people iu their
respective provinces, h th for the pur
pose of cultivating a more intimate
mutual acpuaint Alice and also in view ol
ascertaining from tho enlightened native
opinion what form or forms of govern
ment ia best adapted to the Philippine
people, and is apt to conduce to the high
est welfare and is most comformable to
tho ciiBtoiiip, traditions, nentiiuents 'and
rhi-rinhnd ideals. In both the ettali-
(iii'li.t.:. t)l Knv-rti-
mentiu the Philippine inlandi ir aili
1 : t i , ,
iuu juiii;jr ui me i nilnl rlaten lo con
sult the views and wislm ant) ciir the
advice, co-op ntum an I aid ..f the
Philippine eopl thotuFelvea.
JesHie Shirley and Company For
Week's Engagement.
The.lescie hhiiley Company which
ojiene a week's at the Opera
House M'.mdav. April I0i!i, is no doubt
oiiu of the bent on the road. The papers
all down through Oregon and California
have nj'.Iiing hut ttorda of pranta for
thecompmy. 1 ri Meiif jr.J Mail com
ments aa foiled.
1LC .lee!-; Murley Cumpiny '.peued
a tteek'a rneuK-.t at die Opera
Hon.! i;tt .M'ii liy -veiling. The open
ing piece :n 'Li ii-Ala Marie." In
this there is m i.ppjrtduity for some
very tine work and, l,e. it a.i to the cred
it of the company, the. tojk advantage
of every upp.Tt'iniiy ami pretentei to
ourpeuplo by in heht dramatized
piece ever ::i,el ir tiiin city. Mia
Jeeaitf .Shirely iu fi ralo of Jean Ingle
Bide and Marie Ddbjia proved herself
tbe very rale.ited and alwatj capable
actress that t:lie i-. Her support in
this Mir firfct-cLn iu every ;..--
ticuiur. . It i5 iuip'jiM'e f jr uj (,j'-urize
in lhe i.:n!-jnr,el ul other
characters, to da thii :n, i men tion of
ai; t..e gj.ji work -lone w-.j;d re juire
an entire page o: tiiis pi;.er, hut when
we eay all weie good, thai includes the
eutirn company. The i.-arater ae-H'Jtne-l.
mhe'her plensiug rr displeasing
to aa udience, his -nuch I, j ttita
the weighed value of tbe
! ing the role
n the opinion of the audi
ence, an 1 th app:e- :.ilwn of the reai
nier.H of an actor or actreii .n ptrforoe
of'litxei lost '.ght of by roaJro.i of the
d:pieas:tg or fienlii-h roi t.iey carry,
llenoj r. is not lair t j judge of an ac'.or's
work in any one cast wuer ;:, jr.v d.ffer
eot ones are astrimed oat i:. Shirley
fjcjple aie all right in every particular.
The eer-era! opinion of a!l who wit-
! needed this openicg
piec- ns one of
hig'-e-t mer:t. Many :tat
I) fee Mis birley a- Marie hzim
was cr;h a dol:i J m:,y person's
money .
Tl.e company 1- p',ed !, well
fii-eJ iOtr each evening i as the
inlere-t in their exceliat prluctioct
eeeon to be crou:g it i- u.or than
prot a j.e thai eUcdicg r aimi.l be at
a preajUiB at ih o'.h?r tarwe perform
, anc?.
j Ttiere are ain:en ifo'.e in lr.e cotu
! pact an I tney are the happr-s , mo
, iriit'.eaiao!y and la U;ie crow t of boy a
jan.l t:ia: have ever ; ted our
I ti-y. ::i 1-! iar.s h! cu:U3t jn
v-y -r. 'nucre ao-l their
rre: r-r; l:t:one .!r '.,g crowds.
May nth.
Friday ,
tuAJ, as he .irea ly ma le
n.cre nt:aipu t et- A
an.t ia 1vtLat 1
upon a derate an I daring criminal, j
sr... ,t m,s .hi: he .01,1
, u..),eT :t-u,;.i ns.ap.
Loxikin ' Glass.
I-et'ti o :!i:,itk-.
Gaicer.:ng is i.veiv ia this ticinitv.
G. H". Suvia was in iiojeburg a ttw
days i fj.
Vroi J. A. Davis returned Louie iioui
Drain, !al Sunday.
WV' 3
l'3 luvit, of Reston, was. here oa '
rv, TneMay. .
Mr. Uevnohls sad fiuii have moved
to Woif Creek to res:Je.
Walley Churchill, of Ten ?.Ii!e, wae :n
our va'.iey , on basine, the part of
laet wtek.
Miss Etta Simmons returned limine, 1
ondiv. after a week's vi-it k ith fronds
and relatives iu O'alia.
Wm. Simmons, of
Krockway, has
!ea?eJ the blacksmith shop, which has
been ec.-upie-l by Mr. Reynold?.
Pavi'l .Morgan bis ret iine
i rtua
from Portland, where he
has len for
about two mouths in the bospi'.al.
are pleased to see him with us
VTe i
once j
We are very muc!i grieve 1 to hear of
thecal nea of the .I.M'h of Grandma
Wimer, as she lived in the valley for
a number uf yeart, and nil who knew !
her found bit to be a g-oJ neighbor, in
every respect.
School opened MooJay with a good at
tendance sad J5. A. Davis as principal.
He is well and favcrlOy known iu
Douglas ccunty an. I n? no introduc
tion. Mirs Maude I'eVoro, a'sistant
teacher, is a graduate of tho Drain Nor
mal (cbool, and is a teaciier of ability
and experience.
T;.e miinerous articles i- defence ol
Aguinaldo, which haw lately appeared
In a number of democratic pspers, aere
launched at a very inoppirtune time, ap
pearing as they did at tip same time
that tbe dispatcher from Mmila, brooht
news of th? death rf fo many lrve!
American boys at t'n hand of tliisl
same Asliinald ar.d hiH g.iti;r ol niur te--
ing vntfabendf. !
For a hiijh grade piano, drn't over
look the Haines ilro. Indorsed by all
leading musicians in Koaohuig. They
are used and iudorsed by Dr. Gihuie,
Mrs. Apr-eihorf and t;iici'.. Mine. Patti
bas a Haines upright in her boudoir in
her beautiful home ut I'raigyccs Castle,
Walep, and used the Huints pin no ilur
ij her lant tour oi the Unite! Stales.
II.unks l'.aos., New Yoik, N. Y.
For a ipiick aod otu that ia
perfectly fe for children let ua recom
mend G'n Minute Cough Ciir. It is
excellent lor croup, horsenerf), tickling
in the thronl ami conhc
If you havt rough, throat irritation,
weak lung, pain in iU i:tmt, dithcult
breathing, croup or Im:utnefs, let us
suggest One Minuto I'ough Cure. Al
ways relinhle and aafe.
I int i rti f-t t
Tim pnpnlnr RamWor, 1 10.
the food more
Olendale Item.
Bemtifal sptiog weather.
Kverybody in thii cityara boar and
Miss Nettie Kedfield of Boakrdell waa
hopping at (ilendale today.
Mr. and Mr. Totton of (ilenallan
mad) a bosineea trip to Gleadale today.
Peter Ulam will remove hit family to
Olendale, next week, where tbey expect
to make their home.
L. I). Hurd, who hu a large contract
of R. K. wood at this placr, is rushing
tbe work during tbeee pleasant day.
W. H. Kedfield, deputy ameesor,
called on us this week. Mr. R, is mak
ing a careful aod pains-taking official.
H. F. Niday, wbo has been working at
tbo Ml. Kheubeu mine for tome time,
is visiting bis family at lilendale.
Mr. and Mrs. Rraick Fate of Dy
Creek spent two days at this place at
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . i. Elliff.
Our dittrict echool commenced on
Monday with a large attendance, and
wim mh, bleaboin ot Central Point a
P. F. SoberU Laa takeu another three
hundred cord contract for locamotive
wood, near tbe place where tbe first con -
trat.-t waa cat.
H. D. Hourr has found another tig
pocket at hia mine oo Isnow creek.
This ia tbe third pocket found at tbis
mine within two montha.
F.T. Lady apant two days last week
at Glendale, visiting bin wife and rela
tives, returning to ML Reuben, where
he expects to spend tbe trimmer.
ToU4, 01 G1,MlJen hM :rge j Hoping you will tod ro.,m in tbe eel
wood contract below the bridge .ett of Qmns of yoor paper for tbe brief del
G.endaleand baa a big force of men at j of an bonoraol man a do good ci'fzra.
m oct and it rutbing hit boeineea jostf
now. i
Harry Stevenson, of Kacklea, waa
visiting relative at Gleadale, oo lat
Saturday. He west oe to the Doogia
mine, on Tear eet n Gsieh. Harry is a
nice yoong aaaa, who i always welcome
at oar hoe.
T. W. Billing and family will go to
Wttt Fork to Jive after three yeart reei.
deoce at thia place. Mr. B. will engage
io tbe merchant!! beBaaeaa there.
Many friend regret their going aad tbey
will be miaeed al Qleadale.
J. L. Wlnteaote, photographer, ia
lurmcg oat tome very fine work io his
line, and if you want a good oboto ot
yourself, wife and baby you should call
soon, aa Mr. w. expect to leave for !
Lake county a aoon aa the
rood are
II. D. Slu'er Lai bought tbe nice reai-
deoce property of Mrs. E. Philina in
Weet Gleodal. Mrs. Philip and her
ton, Earneet, will leave oa Monday for
Goideoda!, Wash., where Mr. Pfcilipa
has porcbaaed a livery liable and it now
in bosinee.
.Nme o( tbe boyt concloded ihv
WfknM htni a tiffin fmli. . . . I.
ing their coorage with a few doe, of th
"ardent.- maJe a raid on
i on the ben coon
at hotel Glendale uking therefrom, noe
turkey an J seven chickens, end a big
chicken pie was indulged io at the den
, Ul parlor, retail human gloriee like
jthithare their day. Th. avenger was
i oa their track. Landlord Kennedy pro
i ceede-1 to g oat a few warrants, which
!3Jtof the offender, to take a ! u. ZJ8
, joarney to Season, eom left for Canyon- J(iKear
Uil!. and the other, faced themuac.j M. K. cacixa. ijoctb" seroc-e ery Susday
t... ... i , . ."'
Abe txys are sadder ao wiser, and mi-
na, tbeir caib. Mr- Kennedv'e action,
- .. - hn.n mr taw lum Ot 1U.
l .
i 10 in.s matter it commended by all law- !
'abiding people, who think it is just as i
: uiucb harm io steal a chicken a it
j aouid be to treat a bora.
Looklag Glass.
Mr. and Mr. Sidney McCov
were .
gueets of C. J. Denniog. Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. Foster apent the Sab
bath at the home of Mr. Hartin. Tbev
report their daughter no better.
! ....
was wito inureet we read the arti- j
; cie on poultry ratcng, in the Pljsobl- I m
aE. Such article in oar eooatv rD-r'
are o! real valoe, and many will profit i 1 c wUn;J i:rera:ar meeuac
by tbem ' on th aJ '"onu Mocdar, ol e-vry
. Bioata at 730 n. in th Xpwortb LeawM
Easter Sanday waa spent very I "oom of ia t. B. church,
pleaaaatly by a Bomber ol yo-tag p ple. ' '
Tbe spot teJtcted for the ooaiion wa I m" b yea wheat bmb.
, . .... . V monia, la nrlnpe, oon ihroat. cocxa
what ui known U lb. Lieorlce rock, oa colds, catarrh hroocbiti. and InaV
tbe hill near A. 8. Buell. Toe day waa troubles ar to be r")d awainet. atnh
perfect lur aa oat-door laaeU, an I Easier ! lr "h wbKitore," will "anew
eggt were pleatefal. Tnoae pretest w. re ' n ET -(irai Jl ' One aliaot Coogh Cure. That ie the
Grace BoaU, Btaars Morgan. Jennie one infallible remedy lor .11 Inaw. throe
M aa 9 afaaaa & T$ A' . , ' a. a - a . m
Hart, E4BUB Bad Stha Goodrmaa.
Blanch aad 3tti Buell, JtV Wil
liauis, Fran Arnold, Heery Palme-,
Roy and ti iy Baell, , Frank Good
man aod Yernie Buell. The ocrainii
was enliveoe. by music, both vocal and '
instrumental. Mr. Jonas kindly Biol
hit accordlan for tbe pleasure of thai
yonna people. '
Ioxt. !
Pride of I
A your grocer for the
Do'ia-las" flour.
Bicycle Economy
The money you pay for a new wheel is
sometimes only part of the price. The
bicycle-mender gets the rest. But if you
buy a . . . .
to begin with you need have only a bow
ing acquaintance with the Repair man.
delicious and wholesome
99ttt9 00., W
Applegate Defended.
RosrucBi, Or., April 4, 1399.
Ea. Pli5diaub: I with to
that tbe article writteo bp Capt. W, F.
Drannan and poblithed in tbe "CbloagO
Record," ia somewhat incorrect, notably,
tbe blame of tbe oatbrrak of the India
being laid on tb thou.'uVrt of Mr. Ap
plegate, by bim not famishing rappli)
to Capt. Jack and hi tiiba of Hodoe
Indiana. It it copied by tbe Cregooiaa
of the 2nd intt, aod thereby can a fait
impression aj to tbe Applegate men
tioned. Tbe fact it that Meacbaei ad
Dryar were the Indian agenta at the
time of the masters in lb glade near
tbe Lava beda, when Go. Can by and
Rer. Thomas were killed. Maachast
escaped by tbe flee.oeea of foot.
Mr. Lindsay Applegate waa appointed
tpecial lodian agect in 1V5I, and vkta
the Ueaty wat maJe with the Mode
tribe Mr. McKay and L. Applegate were
tbe interpreters at tbe council in Octo
ber, WA. That treaty waa tbe "Key te
i the Modoc War." Vide Vol
tory of tbe Northwest Oregon
, Washington 'H9 p.)
Lindsay Applegavi eommandel a cotn-
VJ 01 voinnteere, movtered In the
' Bogue River Valey in 18CI. a3
, rcbed toward tbe p'aine to relieve
; tbe immigrant and guard I hem to the
! MttIen,eDt- io "V- He aod ha
' fmU' wtn DMd P'00" Orejen.
i Hi mllgted in th armT "
of the commonweaitb, and the family.
; a a whole, are a race of warriors aad
j state men of whom Oregoniao are yrz4
and wboae memory is held io revert ace
at tbis day. "De oiortoie nil niei toe-
i nm "
Year Truly,
lluir H. Woodwbo.
How This?
We offer One Hundred Doilare Reward
for any caee of Catarrh thai eaaact he
cored by HaH'e Catarrh Care.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Prop. Toie-lo.0.
We the andercigsed.bave'knowB V. 3.
Cbeoey tor the laet 15 veara, aod beiiev
hia perfectly honorable in all beeiaeea
hraiwartinrit and financially ahi to car
ry out any obligati' made by tbe-'r
West A Troax, Wbolal DrBMi,
Toledo, O.
W aiding, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole
ae'.e Droggista, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall'i Catarrh Core ia take internal-
: ly, acting directly upon the blood aad
! mnMia mnvlmj rJ tka --au Dh2 . aA
per bottie. 6ld by all druggiau. Teat
monialj free.
Tate CBuarcfeeaw
Xxtboout CBxracB oKaael Mat as4 lata
tneta. Bnaday ferrtee: Preaehiaa. Uaa
aa TJ0 p. aa.; Sabbath acfcooi, 1 a. aa.; t.
WaUar. Ssperlauodanl; Ctaaa Meallac
cioa at the awnla n,; Xywon Laaan
JO p. au F. H. CHarcain. Prm-irnt. Rrayet
Vm'wSC Wedacaday, axT.Jtp. m.
O. B. aasoL. Paalor,
Paraoeace. coram Uala an Laa.
Vyiita Bacraass tacaca-oa Tr'ja rjrrt.
Saadar tcrrioc. al II a. a. aad 7 X p. ej. Ttj
er meeuas. Tacnday ereolac.
K.i Lccv M. Ccrnr, Faor.
sr. iii,ti CaracH. Oiratr Ctae aa4
Maa laeet. trriota ou accood aad fboRB
uaday Doraisc ot eaca month aad tttry Ssa-
no-uu aai Ten:n-
Ktv J. T. . orroa, Paftor
arrisrl.Ktai.B oorser ot Laa al
teu. Sanilaj rnSc: rhlng at Ue. aa.
401 ' 30 P- oatiata Scbooi at I a. o. P.
"p01""'. rrayrr iseeut at
Coahow, topenntea-leaL
: " 30 W"edncUv eveaia;.
j A. Doc;ls, Pasujr.
ft-v Caaumay cm H-Coriirr of Pice
j aad W.Kxlwarl :o.eau ruaJaj tcrrtcw
i PreaciiiB bod morala and tvenic. aadmf
cbool at 10 a. cr.
. r. s.u E.attjo . wi
i Prmrer meeOaa each Wcdacadar Hnin.i
aad rUbc
w. . Wont,
Pa tor
FiaT r.iTTta:A5 Chit tea Coracr of Caaa
ad RVw mts. -sndij crTtcr: PnbUe
worship. 11 a. ni. ant TJ. p. bj.: SabbaM
etaool, M a. m. T. r. 8. c. E.ti;.
asrrttaa. wdBiiay ercaln 7:30 p
J. A. TowyBjr
' r oroncniai tront lee. lnaiet vianrnoalw
upon baring it if "something alee" hi
nffcrwd voa.
?or IsJaata anl CMldrta.
Till Klnl Yen Han Alrijt El
Bear the
Signature of