The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 06, 1899, Image 2

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PifblibheJ Monday tiadTkurxiav
t. 1). S1K.UT0KI..
..Editor Hiul 1 " i l t i i 1 1 c r
Nubscrlptlou Kati.
On. Ymr.
tix Month?
Tlirvc Months
S. 10
1 IV
;ujuirtil tin inionM of
i'.u- l:tto.(. Y. ;,.-.. iutii'.ii in tho
Vi AiM'i all!;, i h;;v( aMiuuiI ibo
ujaJiaiiieut ;uiil control of th oii
tiro luiMiits i!ua.vU',i with !ln .:;
por nii.1 iti n:Wuito;i. li irtlt-r io
tmvt tif- vi.h. iiifiiifiit to the
l)i:ivLaMof "this iiitoivt 1:1 t ho iia
Hr mu! its iiKirijt'inoni a:ia im
proi.nui::t. it ' '.vfil l-e aosoluio'y
uetv.;-i foy t.i ivll.'ct as rapid
ly as ivssil;,'. tvtr: .loilur tbat is
tW ou . sn'oscrijition. Kiviu'iubiT
that ovwjy. dollar ivM.vw.I will he
expt' iuipivAiu. tL lupi-r.
U lib tuis ir-Mie vt iuai;, tru-ul an
other of our j-rvtuiss n:a.ii :j our
friends vheu wo t.x.L o.litorial
charge of this yuper v. yoai j.jjj. At
that tiiye tho I'l um t ah.:, was a sev
en oolr.ruu paper a:i,' v,;;s puttlisbeJ
but ou vveek. W e si-uu bej;an
the palhLanva of e::ii-p;eekly pa
per Lil"h Las eo:itimeJ since tbht
time, TrJuy ve enlai -re ;li. l'i .
mvlli.!" ialvins ::-'Li e
tiiiiU paper' While the form and
make rip of the ; aper .l.ies ::ot
reach our i.l.a! of a country ne.s-
paper.'jcei we are souiewhat prou.l of
the iuproveiL.eLi whic'n v,e lilieve
has iiis-ie ikuii. th. pa-i year.
bile :w? havf vrilar.l the papfr
and ,lali'eJ the .Li-amber of its it
sues, we the'ame tinje vast
ly increas'eJ its circulation. All
these improvements have iuereased
the epense of the ptibiication of the
paper, "but -the :i.LTeaseJ patronage
has jfrstfirr :L-v jhaues. I'cT
more than thirty years the 1'uun
icalli: Lss teen a welcome visit r to
the homes cr hli'iiJieit-- 1 1 l)j-js;las
cooutyV 'best c:?iv:'ei.s. anJ ther" is.
we Ivlieve. cjatv ia Oregon,
or a staie-m iUie ln;.c in whieh it
vloes lijl ciriruia'.e. :.n i we r-hail Jo
var bo?t-tj maLeit i-tt-r ati.l briht
vr .luriL ewry; year lnr
which we mav Lhv- ibare -.'f it.
From aL..t after -I uly 1. iyx. the
a'i.,s.ript:o!I pri.-e the 1'l:M'l
Lt; will be''J per ver.r ij both o!J
Hud new " subscriber?. Si m...iitL.
51. l'iire month-. K' oent?. This
rate does not apply to a:iy who are
liaiJ iu aJvutiee of tbit .late. i"iom
iiotv oa t'j -Jaiylst. you cau pay up
your arrearage aaJ iiy as fur ahead
as yoat!a fit. at the ol 1 rate of "l.o0
Ier year.-
Specifications for the jetty work atJ
Coos bay: -C onci'le an J Siuslaw hive
lMea preticai!y comp'ct.'J by the
Portland U. S. engineer.-, and will be
seat off to Washington for esamina
tion and approval in a few Jays. At
eoon as they are approve!, b: Is for
thesfl works will be calie 1 for.
Oa the steamer earning from Alas
ka this.spricg. we met a man with a
quart bottle who declared it was ju-t
as easy and every bit a- s-ti-factory.
to get hilarious on water ris it was on
land, and lie pr;ce,Jed ; j prove the
correctaess of his statement.
If the numerous countries which
are asking to Ls let into the Ameri
can L'cion. will ju!; get into line and
wait their turn. Vr.cle Sam will gel
around to each of them ia turn, but
there should b no shoving
It makes us. -formerly of Kansas,"'
fellows, who nor.- live in Oregon, feel
good when we read of the acheive
ments of the tw?ntieth Kansas and
second Oregon boys in the late cam
paigns. Cirov'er' Cleveland has given as a
reason for cot attenieg any of the
unmeroM,,JerTeTGti- -dinners to be
giveu ia'JTchv YofS. the fact that Le
has not-Uetvi.nvited .to any of -them.
A Lujj'opeaTil-ntic says the Auit-ri-cau
fcolJicr ihot attractive in ar
learance.' '".He" shoul.l see the other
fellow 'after' the American soldier
g?ts through with him.
The newspapers are having 'fan
over the report thai Alger got lost Tti
the Caribbean whiio ou Ins trip-
to Havana. It w.-js Havana. thaU was
JuJgihg'by the way things are go
ing ia Jamaica, it won't m long un
til there will br- another i-!au l seek
ing anuexatiot! io th-i Uu:t;;J States.;
Theroiare as many different
of Jefferson dinii' rs bcin,' atrar.ged
for in New York as there, are differ
ent schools of democrats.
Aguinaldo appears fo Lave Leeuj
loo busy (luriug the past f.jw davs to j
issue any proclamation.
The Oregoniau neyer Las to worry j
about forked lightning cr funnel (
bbaped clouds. .
fjelf mado men are scarce, bat the
crop.o'f elf male fools nevsr turiib
out shorL
Brvan and Belmont bLouM stud j
represent VjvS tntlm czar
4'he New York ' Commercial.
showing tbrotiirh.its export noleN'AV.
Kiowth of this eouutry iu. iitiluMi'liif ;
imperialism. A reeetifc isstio ' has u
list of late Miipi)uuts "ot AiuerU'Jp
Koo !s lo foieiu eouutnes. from!
whieh the fallowing are sekvted: -f
Can iajis. wagons. euttoTS duck,;
tut -i:tii.-. bieycles. iron and brass
bedsteads, and soup to hiouth Africa.
Hefi ii-raiitif; machiues to Uritisb
Coloiiiis. Staiih to Kussia Blower.-,
heating, ventilating anil drying
apparatus to South Australia. Axle
gr?asv to S mih Africa, llotiolulu
and Ireland, llauge loi!ers and
milk can to Uio Jaueirii and the Ar
gentine llepublic. Bicycle cases
and irou rkeir,' tools to Cieiiuany.
K'evator out lit to the City of Mexi
c. Soath American ports and Berlin,
llisjh-spcc.l stationary engines, llKl
tv 1"J" hor-e power, to .lapan. (las
water and .-team pipu;; to (.'uba.
Mexico and South America. Coffee
machinery to Costa Uica. (las eu
erators and ventilatin fuus to South
America. Yi..s to Chiua. lapau,
British Columbia and England. Bi
cycle and carriage lamps lo (Ireat
Britain, the continent of Kurope,
New Zealand. India. Australia. Ja
pii;. llexico and South America gen
erally. Ceiling fans to Bio Janeiro.
B lenos Ayre. ' London and ihe
Indies. Water heateis to Cuba.
Mexico and South Aweiica. F.leva
tor out tits to Ljndou ami Liverpool.
Two thousand horse power engines
to the continent of Kurope Tur
bines for factory purposes to Lhg
lan 1. Steel mills and other machin
ery to Southern Busia. Bicycles
an 1 s'tudties to Norway, Sweden.
Denmark and Finland. Miscellane
ous hardware and wooden ware,
laundry machinery aa 1 agricultural
implements to Liverp.!. Steam
engines of from "J1.) to"b to Western Australia.
Afrie.i nnd Japan.
Tw j brothers from a north Miss niri
county appeared one morning' at' the
portals of the St. Joseph insane asy
lum one of them to be incarcerated
their as a patient, the "ther ha'v
having him ia charge as far as the
asylum. lla'. t?re- dressed very
much alike, end the casual- vb:-erver
oathe train could u.'t detect tigus of
insiaity in either. W hen ti? ketf
er appeared each insisted tit at lre
ha I brought the other. The asylum
manager wa- m a jiiuilryr lie
chatte I with his visitors un'il a late
hour, an 1 then locked them up in a
t jgether.
he tele
graphed the authorities at the town
where th" brothers lived. "Two
ni?a from your town today, loth
dre-s-.' l alike: one calls hiinstCf Bill
and taiis about constructing an air
line to the moon; the other g--et by
nauie f Da'.e and advocates the
nomination of Bryan in l'MM.
W'cicb shall I keep T'
Kansas Claims to be a prohibition
6tate bat the announcement that 500
gallons cf wine was used at the I ig
democratic banquet which was giyen
at Topeka on the evening of March
30th. cc-nveys the impression that the
democrat party is not a prohibition
party at least. Col. Bryan was the
principal speaker at the festal gath
ering, and the combined iniluence of
his oratory and .jU'J gallons of wine
ciald the occasion one long to be re
membered. NevertLeleis. we think
the management ought to have pro
vided a little more wine and thus re
lieved Col. Br van. somewhat.
It is siid that when a dog bays
the moon he imagines that he exerts
a great intlnence on the movement
of that orb. There is a cur ia this
town who thinks that his continaed
barking at the national administra
tion exerts a very potent intluenence
in national afJairs. His barking has
about as much intluence as does the
barking of the dog at the moon.
The government board recently
appointed to investigate the condi
tions at Yaqaina bay will meet about
April :!'.). If this board, after exam
ination, reports, that the proposed
iaiprovenietits are feasijjh; apj pepes;
sary. the goyernment will order tbit
it be done. -. ......
:- t -'
- Iu his recent hpeeches Ml'Bryau
neglects to say anytningiljout hard
times. The return ! prosperity . is
too manifest to be overlooked even by
a populist statesman.
History tells us that Lome was
wved by the cackling of geese.
There is a fellow 'in this town 'who
thinks hoin Having Lin country the
stims way.
This is.iue.of tun 1'L.uxi'i.ALti; con
tains a large am junt of new material
and more viil be added as fast'as the
changes can bo" made.
' It is very tinkiod for the cham
pagne dealer to form a trust just ou
the eve of so many democratic ban
quets. The only limo when Aguinaldo
appeared at tho head of Lis army
i was when the army was on the re
treat .
h) you lLiut
j,aster ,j(?aJ ihgm ,
f our new
How iln you like onr now hpriug
liefori- tbe ilii;iivcry of One Muiil'e
Cough Cure, minialerH were jjreatry dis-
1 t llrtta. ! MV .'t Illlfl 1 1 r nun rtrmi i f tnx a
i nro fur it now:
A. C. MAItSTKUS il CO. j
: Present Membership of Co. "B".
' The present loster of Co. " l" Second
Oregon volunteers is as follows :
Captain .1. L. Mav.
let Lieut. I'. I'., llamhu.
L'ihI Lieut. J. V.. lliorutiu.
Musiciiius K. I'unly biiJ iee. Koee.
11 Serpt. W. H. (irubb.
j. M. Seinwaut Frank lioill'rey.
Serjeant Harry M(m iiui.
Serjeant 1). K, Shambrook .
Stri;eant Win. l'racbt.
Sergeant W. Y. Cioweou.
Corporal Chan Itoltoii.
Cororal .lecrr 1'arL.
Corporal Aiilstonu,
Cororal Fred Uoblo.
Corporal 1 rank ( irubb.
Corporal Foster.
Corporal McCord.
t'orjvjral 'tto Miller.
Corporal Lealbertuati.
Cjrpeial ieo. Day.
Corporal Ferd Slranito.
Charles Thomas, Walter 1 eiwy ,
Milton irej;oiy.
1. lo,
Frank Wallace,
I'.l.oue Klum,
L. Thompfoij,
l 'rel Wit brow ,
Koy Steven,
lames lavi,
K. L. Lyon,
LJ. Uwis,
K. l'.euton,
H, Klupler,
H. WriKbt,
L. auJow,
Jas. brown, nurse, Clyde ray,
Samuel Starmer, Isaac Fairbrotber.
LJ. Kiddle, .los. I'vanf, Co clerk
Albert Crabtree, William Smith,
II. Morensoo, Frank Burke,
(ieorge Cburcbtuan, Dewey Sackctt,
Fred llerriu,
John Uriner,
Wni. Buttler.
John Wagner.
R. S. Sutton.
Henry Wagner.
Harry Youn,
Abe Ftadcliffe.
-eo. 1". Smith,
Thoe. icKezie,
Clyde Hockett,
Burl Smith,
Thomas Murray,
Carl Battce.
A. itarhinit ,
Patrick Djhuol.ue,
Henry Strange,
Jas. balJwin,
Thof. Hinlou,
Thomas Conb,
Clarence Black,
Jas Taylor,
II. 1. A tarns ince killed ,
John Dray, LI. Abrolt
Wni. Armitage eiuca noumled
. HopwooJ,
Percy Webb.
Mark KobertEoii.
lerd Million.
Lamest Stone,
LJ. Lrwic,
Kobt. Wilcox,
John Coats,
Lloyd Stone,
P. A. P.isb.
FreJ Busey,
I. Dreckman.
L. Parsley,
M. S. Gobi-,
Delmar Dixou,
Morris D. Jams,
J. L. Foster.
I aii CooLer,
Thief Creek Item5.
Fred Saniors too a trip to Crow 1 oot
valley the latter part o( the week.
Miss 1 sura Carr as visiting with
Mrs. K. J. Stacy one Jay las', week.
l.asln sau'lay come auJ i;.uc.
No u.ore s'.crnis. Plant your gar lens.
- l .ajer McNaugiit will farm with S. B.
Ca:r tne eosuio; season. Knner is a
1'ickat.J Bill Sander have gone to
.-ic.:Law to work tB a logging cauip near
tbit j 'ace.
. Mvasles are raging in ccit'.a va.le .
The families cf Letsoui anil lVnnct
have them.
Messrs Sa!s, lee anj sanJers have
LnisheJ tbeir large wool contract witb
Mr. Mofcier.
The Scotts valley school is progressing
nicely under the skillful oiaDagemeot of
Geo. S. Wilsoo-,
KicbarJ Hanu drove a nice herd of
cattle up from Coles alley the latter
part cf the week.
Mr. and Mrs. KicbaiJ Uaoaa, of
Scotts -.alley were v'siting with Grand
ma Hauan, Suoda .
Miss Grace Lee was visiting Miss
Mary r-sals Saturday, sampling tome of
litters birthday cake.
Messrs Lee and Keliey will resume
work on the development of their copper
m Be iu the netr futcre.
We are having some ideal spring
weather and farmers generally are
taking advantage of it and are rapidly
pushing their spring seeding to a close.
Lea Sander?, of California, is sojourn
ing with his father G. W. Sanders, of
this place. Mr. Sanders sas in all
probability he will return to California
this tali.
The em iling countenance of Bad Cel
lars was seen enroute to Kartis creek
fishing. Bud you must lemember the
law and take none less tiikn live inches
in length.
Koji Kov.
Kainy weather.
Plum and cherry trees arc iu bloom.
Roy and D. Wells made business
trip to Brash creek, the first o tbe
GranJma S'mitb it visiting the family
of G. W. Benedict, on Iowa Hill, at
School commenced iu the Haiue dis
trict, Monday, with Mrs. Anna Mark at
the helm.
Miss Ella Gordon's school iu this dis
tirct i-oinuienccd Monday, with goodly
umber of scholars enrolled.
Dr. I. L. SchotielJ, the dentist from
Cottage Grove, has been doiug a ruMi
ing business in this locality tbe st
Lev. Mulkey, of Drain, filled bit ap
pointment here Sunday last, ljuite a
large number of people were io attend
ance at church.
Mrs. S. W. Bell, of Iowa Hill, was on
tbe sick list laet week. She has tbe
sympathy of friends, who wish her
sjieedy recovery.
There is some complaint in this sec
tion among farmers because some of
tbeir prune trees were killed by the
freeze, during tbe winter.
What a sad fate it is for boy to have
a brother that comes out of a "band
box" every Sunday morning. Lspecial
ly when that boy finds his collar and tie,
shirt and shoes are minus alter bis
brother has made Lis toilet.
Ilappy is the man or woman who can
eat a good heartv meal without suffer
ing afterward. If you cannot do it take
Kohol Di setrsi A Cckk. It digests w hat
you eat, and cures all forms of Dyspep
sia and Indigestion.
Wanted :
Areata for Monarch Hook
X. A. Kk ii miiik.
Jriilanl, Ore.
Washington Lftlcr.
K ii'in iMii n mihn i cm ii i ( i k i ni.
Washington D. C, M ircb l:, lS'.i'.i.
Never was the broiitii of wpiin;; iuijic
wolcomo to unv l ouiinuii'ly tlutti to ibis
at the. national capital at tin- pueiit
Washington biiH no iiieinurv tf i'.h iILj
agreeable a Htii.-iuii ,ih tin- winter now
pafscd. Tho Kieeii raMi is aln-ady
freshening the numerous paiks ami
grounds, and tucu the builer;iin trees uj
every street and aveutiu will put forth
verdure and bloom to linke liic and na
ture beautiful.
As a farewell t winter, Mr. 11. II.
Gilfrey ami invwlf went las". sinday, by
trollev lines tbat lead t Ardntou.
Stopping lit l be l ort Meyer t-i.itii u wi
then walkcl tloo'i'j!i tlie lontinutM
grounds ol tbe Felt Meer parad and
the nat'.oiinl cemetery . li ib' jilleieii
colonnade of tbe an. I. nine of tbe
Lees, at Arlington.
Tbe views nil the wa are w enderdi! :
the Potomac, and bewn.d it tbe wide
spread city, with its liloiiom monu
ments, all were ..,.: i to tl.e view ul
limes, in brond-K) leal istue ; ;.at rt::i,iii.l
US of tbe iiuwinii;: featuru -.f i,ativii;il
bistorv. Five nnl-.i awa Ine ;;reat
dome and spreading wingi .( t,.. vapitoi
seem wider nn.l iieadir il.ui Irw
wbeie 1 aiu wilting at niv 1.. in -, . u the
block adjoiniiiij r. ou li.e i:u :i.
The uu-st etiikir a feature cf ud i. the
Wabhington mnriu:i.eiil, , Uil,
loftiest of ad earths inunum.-tii:. an I, iu
such perfect proportion :n to t-ut.sfy
every eenee ol beauty aio! m.i e-y, defy
ing criticism.
This in the lure.-r . -it,.!.-, the iinat
dome milts l" oud, vn.i'.c .o. l pcift-ct a
perspective tb.o :e,j.;;r,-s n comparin :
for, near and far. it in. lude; tl.e swaying
liver an I its var.e i outlu.-s, and j iv ic
monuments tuat repreci :;
of our republic.
.e greali.e-s
I Arouu.l us. U-Cia'Si eranJ--.
tnapleD, cl.t:iuts u-.l svca-.-ions ,-. .:b
kuows, arc tbe nve . f il, n.i-;.:.
dea l. .-c!.!j.'uie-l tt.-t.e wi.l
I tell where r.-t the ikllo: miri.i:- i!
tbeir tin.e: ,s...ried urn an.: u.oi.u-; eut
al bust" aie cr. the oi.e 1 ai. 1, .:. ! itti.e
otner the t;l-tr. Lea jjj-- f.'I
l ever to-St'-ii .:f 'be battle
tieiJ kI tl.e i-. .:. btliTiLe
vast iu r.oi.l:., .o.- li..- -e:fta!r:- irt t! e
"I'tkccwn l'e.i!,'' li . -i tr. s !:.:. d
the g'JIit'' 1.11-a.e'- i'r uiilUM upvil
tne scn,Ue c-f fame t-j iv hassaflt:..-!
tbrou.-b ail tbe . V, .h -(.-i, rf ; t
that t-aufiot '-t ir.t.-f.;
tne lecor itl; tl i.e : an 1. v '. ,' r . arf
the Ariitigton ::..ii.-lon a'.. : '.!.- ' r; i
meu'.s '.h: r.e.,r .-.
'bet.' t!.. i . ' O- f..;!Jl ..k .. tl.e
1 or. Meyer j r.i !-. i- I I. oi !'.. it
L.-vxk- s.-a oi :;.
bad a ectil'.r ' a.:. ' t.-j ja
l-lj .r.
of the
"a ti.t; a: '
l.:eJ'.el.aL'. Lj
i iLal i.e ... i!
tL-.tMl 1
l i li.. ai
1 ! ir .1 ;
i. ,.i ;tc
tl.e t-veniLg trail, i r i.
been in the ea:.. i ait.s vl C.
the sta.i (.:' 'nt.I V. l.-
Wc -..s.e I Mr-. 1
ing frem Ar..ut-.ui. t
s a.-:i t
UlA her
' ; Tac V
prosp!i"t t
a l.i.s
lid fD
! tht.r
t-xpe '.amy
were a.ej excite
athet'e hoxe-cniirg. i.'ae can ea.-i'.y
imagine hi gla ! a hoxe-toxing that
would be. s las'. s;riig Lieut.
Brooks Las Ken in the thick tl battle
and the frout of war; every battle fought
had caused intense EcIic:taJo ;vj? mail
tbat came it was feare-l wool! b.- t!.
harbinger of id-tiJin;-. all lae w.;sry
moDtbs that devoted wile and mother
had been torturej by tbs anxieties that
n time of war attend the soldiers wife.
Mrs. Brook; bad ci Jered the girris.n
wagonnette, and at las Lour i: was be
side the doer. There was a c; 'end.d
team, and in bail aa ha-jr they had trav
ersed the alaio'. live tuiles distance frm
the fort parade t li.e capital. The i;
and O. depot is on'. one block distance,
and my own boa:e wi t.t'.wern the two.
We lhocght tLit if all sold crs w,es
were made of each a spartan tuol:rl.ooi
as we witne-sed, i. was fortunate I r'ti.e
sons of Mars and 'or thei: fa:aii:es.
This morning e bad an j;her expo.
tion of woaanliO'd iu the juris jn tf Mr.-.
Dr. Mary Walker, wi4j vlsitu I tii J pen
Bion office ou a matter of busiaeis ihat
involved both her profession s a Uaver
anda'toasa doctor. 'n? eiiir.-e .-i:. v I
have full conhdenci in this ncted
woman : tbat is, in her ivomauiin?: an 1
perfect sanity as well. he w- at'.ired
in uitfculine array, her iiair -a as cut
short in tbe neck; she wc:.; a rtlt-r
entlemaniy outfit, anil, bit Lr her
voice would have pissed for a man, naiv
for her voice and the c it oi b"i hair. I
She CLscusseJ her i-iiitti;iiij:i as a
medical uim with dipioma to eu ow , .n t
legal mind also e.juippeJ fjr tcrfri
ance. lo this dual capaci v the .i!.ut-
guished lady
aJy of rucdiviik-xl&tuani'e.i that j
to gfaat a 1t;iot; ..;.i'J la i
a refu.-fel
There r are 's':e wli 1 i.Bar."!, aue
sense of worflriu 'without sujieu Icriuitile
most clmruiiiFH aMubntes i tb'tcj;
there -Ao poure whn-c"artii . t'3-oULi.Jj
please' fasti tkus ta.-'u , yet; the- :trte
us room to Itrlieve lint they o-reitc
kommendatiou and appreciation liiit
Mre. arv Wa.kcr, wiio tiai irl! ijt ;u-o-feffions
at con. maud, leavts tbcttu rrj i.ri
' Jnate aa to n.ei ! iier, with tbe un-
' -satit smsatio-i thai we- b:LV;v.iin4 a
louian w ho has uneexed hers, j, and
"otild like to utisex all ol her ki.-ij. ,
Congress lias wpnlerel. a4.', ItUt
spring has come-in lie lace. War ia fa,
away as the Philippines, nrul it is un
pleasant to read tbe news tbr.t two score
Oregon buys are incbid-d in tbe list of
casualties. But lboe Oregon bova are
koowo, the world over, as heroes liiid wei rl r" !lt :- '! writes big, round sums
,. . , . on tin- health miIp uf the account, and
can we.l lie prou.l of them, lhey were; i pes the f.trurrs of weakness and dis-
from thu cretm of Oregon's mi'ii-t r-"c 11 i"''1" the vital foiccs and
. , ' Imrlds up healthv flesh, muscular energy
hood. D IS wei! en. gli that oir country Lnd ncrvr f.,rce. ' :
should know that Oregon has moroof J l'"r nearly years Dr. Pierce has heen
i.i ,1,., i,-,,, i , . i rhirf con-uitiiiit phvsician of the Invalids'
the BtUil that heroes are u.ado of, to offer .-t. I i:.d Surgil at Institute, cf . Buffalo,
when our counrry has nerd of men. I N. V. His formula are everywhere recc-
In mv r.Pit I ab.ll rn,!..nv,.r ..........
some pictures uf lif-j in tbe de
Oregon has one of her besl-knowu sous
in charge of what may be considered the
most important of all the departments
tbe general land ollirc. There is much
n Washington life and surroundings
that will be of tutored to tbe people.
We are a long way from (be capital, but
I . - .
are as mucu irueresieu an any iu Know-1
ing how public bunincnn is conducted. I
With the ailvpnt of i-i'rlii llurrc v i ) I i '
be tbU('l) 10 toll Mini irrm r., inK'i t
for tlie J(Hiil() ut l;tr;r'V Tlii'tO air
many fealurt'H of liln un.l n;np!o iu-n-
llml arn iliffi'ionl from nllu-r iri (.( fhia
Kpy iw narai
' li' a. lie- i,l .red f .ILd ar Worth
-b.iwiiig up in t heir' fu-cdiiaf wayi. '
TiiM bun;.!! w ben-my lioiim in, in oho
of the biMtiu ie edilices of ibiM nation an
i I! :;h f Wusbiiigtuii. There are muny
delibtlul riiriouinliiigH lO-tbiij ctty that
de. .-rve to he vwitUm.o'-. ' hi tbe coure
oi a mason my lrawU ivef 'ground that
will bit of valim In writx i,f ar.d sliow tbe
viiriuu eon iitiniis of lifu ami cbaracltr
Ihioiiii the dilfcrciit Mates.
S. A . Clakku.
As -,se puuc and note the glowing
1 1 ami of truth sublime,
We i an mi ; tbi- world is growing
I'.etter all tb time.
W e t an ree tliHt is waning,
A"d eie long must fall,
And that si lence im explaining
M; teries to all.
True i. fo'ii.s b ve ij'iii kly taken
I'i.h o .f evils rife.
And Imiii i anted us tu awaken
T j iaer Lie.
W,. are ib awiui; ever neii cr
T eternal peace,
Ai.d e ia.r way grow clearer,
As all sue! decrease.
!'u'i ;. nit I lues!ittil llounsb,
A :: ! in lif vet ,
Aiel all coins o! error perish,
In ..i.oGo'i's n.i-t ,
l or ti:e w..t!d thall I our truiple,
h i ;-d w ith 1 1 utb, our God,
And Christ's teachings pure and simple
-aal; be UQi'ertt'JO-l.
Al.l'N H.VKM.Vi.
L.rei '.r.-, ri-g-ii. Mareb Ji, 1 '..,
Weather Report.
For the i eu i,ai
prii , 1 '.
Mi!.:::.;... tea. per a'.urc, , ou the
M. .;:n i.n tcoij rat ure, IM, on the
Preeipitatiou, U.o.' inches.
1 itl rai.-ifd'.i R.uee Is: of ui-jnth, y.
A vi r.i.-.- prei ip.tati.ri for tb.e mo;:'.:,
- i ears, - ', '..
pre. i: itti jn f r j:m ,-vpt. i.I-':
i- prec.piutioa from Sep. J,
v ii .ai rpt 1, to Ja'e,
...- i-re.'ipitatlofr -! wet s-ajl.B
' May. i (.elusive,
Tiio-. io. ; server
C.'unty Frcisurer Notice.
:.y g-.vti to A.i
t o uLty wi.rai.I- .n
A; r.. J, I - i',, to priced
a i - at the 'treasurer
yj'.4 C.ijnty i a:. a for
;:-. Will icare ihircoC.
1 .1 Uav
ai. :.
i: C .. I;v9i urg. 'rrgjii
Gj.o. V.'. 1): ;-... k,
i:cj;..:tr, Djj.'a CuULty. ' '.
City Treasurer's Notuc
e .i here! y g.ven to a., pert .as
li -e'' :tj. e.ty warrants iuloireJ
1 ' i v i '', 1 - ', to present
.. t:.e city treasurer's clice ia
.. ha., ijr payment, as iutcrest will
there . n -iter tbe dale of this
tct. e
1 iti' 1 at fcusebur.
Cf Ma-Clr, bn.
Or., this J.jtb day
liw, vlati v.
City Treasurer.
1-or iroht bites, burns, indolent sore,
eci-nia. f'..ia l:ea. and especially
Piles, I'l-iVitfs Witch Jlaze'. alve stands; ac 1 best. Lock out for dishonest
t i le who try imitate and counterfit it.
It's their cn lor-ement cf a good article.
Wi.rtiilea cjoJs sre not imirated.
I'.-V ;-ft Wil-b Ha;ei Salvo.
A. C. M.K-TLK ,v. C.
. it. j
r.xT . i t
.i.e "Artie," the best 0c
he yea:. Kruse A shamlrxk,
soic a.-en's
H ' A " K-rK-. At tbe boxe of
V. A. ! !,-. in tins city, April o.
M.". !. 1. H --tn and Mis Nettie B.
l.i'.es. ixo' it ct i!anj. Kev. .. A.
5'ugli-i o iiwatin.
t ..e I'.. .
-iii.!i the friends cf
p.'oplc ia hea-iy con?ratu!a-
tae y
ti y..-.
lACK"'1 IN lu t!;; ci'v Saturday,
April 1'. to Mr. anJ Mis. D.
D. Jaiksen a son.
The pbvicl .rx:tr ncs
lir on aranunt in a lecrer
ltrillh oix.our side its
re nn rhr other All Ihe
putc aiT.'Kmxi frxxf; ra-
tmral ricKee and nnnd
r'.ecji ko on one sifte pf
tl" sc.:ir'! ItVuro c; fceVith and
ftreretli - m 4br ethtr .--ice are bi air.
rer i .o.l. ovi i i.Tli arril worry. Tbat foots
Uio.ii:;;fi4r..l ilirair
U hi .i ::r aft'i-tiui ol NOrrp w ditntbeJ;
hrn Kh -t.iin.irb anil liver are- net work-
:rr? PTf.;.' :'y. or ihe p.mce, arc not in rejru
Inr con irti- n: nm.are lo-infr vitatity anl
stirrrrj'.li lipiio air. coinir Hown on. tbe
w riirtg Mil'- ! the ! nite r 1'nW this
rtcppi il ioi.l tt-.r nthrr i(c of tlic' arcrmilt
i. built tip, vou it joon t'e a pby-"ical
lrkt-.i;t " :
Tlie nn-t pr.ifriat.le account a sick man
run open in In beilncr a& Life i with lr.
riorrr n CnMen Medical Discoeery, a
womli-rfiil n:iJ seirnlifi tonic which im
parts a direct ami hrjltjiy ,timulin to the
r"rttiro nutritive oTRanisia. It stren(rthen!'
tlw iliKestive thuds and Ui liver, and en
utiles the Mood-making organs to produce
pure. red. highly vitalized blood.
It i-. not a nu-rr trmporaf exhilaiator.
It feeiN the cutiititution with Kenuine, per-
d as 1 lie mo-t Mertive remedies in the
woiiit Mis l'lrasant I'rllets ' are the
most perlect and srientific cure .for consti
pation ever invented. They are not violent
in-their action, hut perfectly sure, and at
the same time comfortable. Their freat
reputation has called out a score of imi
tations, which druggist sometimes try
to substitute, hut there is nothing "just
as good."
Assignee's Final Notice.
s - oh.
hor. I.i tlvi'll lliut tllp llliilrlMirllr.l
nfcsiirn.N' ul Hip .'StHlonl II. II. J.ihiiMiu, an
I I i.. Ill .11 L .11.11. .1 . KB ui.-.i inn llUltl Mir.,111 11L
-"''''' "i'li iln .Miniv i.-rk ( DmiRia
.... ii i y , . i .-ir'ni . h.i'i inni win uiihi ai t-.uui
nil: U li.'Hi.l hikI .hm-.1 urion At tlir Jiltir
1. -tut ol llii-rir. ml (itiirlnf tin Slali' ul dri'KoO
l..i lloilr-lnv t'.Mintv, to Ih li.rl'l lM'i;illItill-; with
Hi.- .i i.ii.l Mi.ii lnv in J mn. ivci.
f .'A .sHII I1KKDK. Al-i-.Tini'.
i osliow ,t -II llltl lAN. Aiiuriit-y l-.r Acicn,-,..
suki: oi -Ait i
Squirrel and
Gopher Poison
Tin.- Bit ii id I -t.wV. S.
yultl-'iv'r-; lor tlit-Itl:ii
?T. N N N
quality of the work
manship in our
clothing is one- of
its strong points.
Mac a garment is as
carefully cut and
tailoreS throughout
as thouiru
made t-
See our new
Fall Suits.
N.NNNNNNNNNNNN.NNX.Vvv-vvvvv v v v . v 4&
- trt-f, I ,
i'! ' M ' ' M ! M ! M ! ' ' H f m ( f T f ( T
Send the...
To ycur Eastern
Friend ""
-y 1 I l 1 I l i i 1 i ', i i i i i i , . 1 '..'.'. . .' i r i
General Blacksmithing
.kv at b&mso -:! :rw.
Btaop ou Corner Wanblngton and Kane st.. RoMbani.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealeas in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season,
. Hay, Grain and Flour.
Phone Main i8l.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflclall vditresls t he food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest-;
ant and -tonic. Uo other, preparation
can approach it In efficiency. It in-:
fitantly relicvea and permanently cures
mspepsia, indigestion, iieartburn, ,
Flatulence. Sour -Stomach. Nausea, i
Sckneadache,Gastialgia,Cramps,and i
For sale bv A. C. Mareters t Cc.
Mrs. A. C. Kidd
(Micfsor t.i Mrs. Eajt.m.
Calls attention to her uicc
fresh slock of
livery thing standard and
of tlie best quality. Remem
ber at the old Hasten stand.
rrv ro t, ti
s W 1 -1 .
: It . na, ,
iVl Li o- i
. y.i I yi '. .. i.
: I - r !
Clsr That
Hake Friends
re the onlv kind
'ish to se!
I. They
the only kind we do sell,
and with each pair we!
onr.' :
. e make a new
They are not
throngu. See
, ,,-r-.-
ECOfSUl 1 1 i lKkFT
-'ww''",-'4 i.-iiUI
I L. KOnLHAUEN, Proprietor.
j 1. kVLKK IN
'Fresh and Salted iMeats,
j Administrator's Notice.
' VJoliiv ln ii l'V i n li.H' u,c iiaitt'rNir.-oril
j i'1 inr the '.I'tli .lny January. In", .lulv
I niiioiniiil alu.; nl tin intait. uf Janiii
1 K. Mililii'll. ilc..'.l All itmh ltaini;
) i laiiun .iiiiii! i-ai.l 1-r.iali ar.' horul.v rr.)iilrit
to i.rvs-tii ihi- iimo iron-rlT vi-riiiiM. to thi:
Mll'l .iiii;iiiMiiii ii. inn inn ulllio in A. M
t, in liOM-tmr;, IViilg at oiinlv. (ir.
i;ini. willnn i iiii.titlis Inmi tin- ilatm lu-rvof.
lirtli.l tins Ir.lh il.iynf KoornarT, :t.
AilniinitrHliir ( liic ISInt." of Jiiim k.-Mitch
I'll, Ihvi-ilMll.
And Effectual
traction of
Druggists, 4
Jessie Shirley
;).Iv.--rl tT her onif.ii,t; ol ri t
f "'. -ir te raooasvt o fliur
"Kir a. j.-r one ic:ixieiK-ifl5
Honday, April io
la a rcpTroirec! f.; rve u Eosetiun;
a i.J...i.ei .
Program Changed Nightly
T-ielar. .
- U Br: Marie
laughter of the E-nplre
-- M.rfh
t a.ld of ILc fisumt
CoVrT To Kaa?
ixirt t:t a Vy
Maj at p. a .
i Q : ifrrzA? UsJ prie mzvi ope a air
For Gcxjd. ho lescme
BREAD, there is none
equal to the
Roseburg Bakery.
We have always a nice
assortment of fresh
Ornamental Cakes to or
der. Give us a calL
Want Your
The Home Bakery
701 Oak Street, Opposite
Central Hotel.
Fresh Baked Bread Every Day
Boston Baked Beans,'
a specialty.
Notice For Publication.
Vsitid 6'iti. Lajiq Onu 1.
lUoctiars. mvu.Avnl . 15a
..ui.e ia bvrebT jtTvn in cvmpliajv
witlitlio i rovi-jons ..( ih act oi Conimaul
Jim x U, n..iU..i -An avl f.w lii-timlH-r ih.- Stairs ol California. OnaMn.
' nl waahincron TVmtorr. - a (xurad
4 ls" 'u!,'itf "nJ t,,r ty"avt of Au;ni
01 KuM.n. couniT of Dou . ;at- m Orroni.
haithl5dT 6ml in this oTttv- h'. sworn ra
mvntNo. o"79, tor thr vimha- ol the SE 'of
jretmn N.v U in townhip No. :) s rancp No. 1
. and will ortrr fmil to snow that the land
ounht is more Taluable Kr its timhr or Moo
Uiaji tot ai-nculturml, anU to csrahlish
li-.sila.m touiJ ianc b. fvre the rrcistrr anl
rx-t !T, r f th: at Rib :rr. Orm.n. on
I !unlay, th 10th dax of Jut;.
i Hi- nam, aa i::iti Iml.T' W. RiJUIc.
I I . . Nn,tj..rxc Juine. (.nMrjv R. KnMlc,
i of Ki.l !'.,- . i rru.
i Any nn.l prro!i cialmins Jh:t the
.--!r'r!NM lanjs an- ronintnl to n th.-.r
i- aim. in thi orliwoaor t-forc nai.l .ih d
( June, lf. '
I J.T. BKIDtilrX
j Ktriru-irr.
4, CO.
Specialists for Iia
1 aV ihm larwH ti
twt. fcraifaij i. - ...
Itnuuut. r. ALL FRBIIC
a-i wtw.KoAJraaafc ChaJJrVicSISltluiat