The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 03, 1899, Image 4

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- ,tf
Tho Kind You Hnvo Always Bought, nud which has bceu
In uc for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of
? - and has been nmdo under his per-
J VV4V-7" tonal supervision slnco Its Infancy.
yuty. cUc4ti Allow no one to deceive you lu this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
porlmciits that triiic with and endanger the health of
Infants .ind Chillren-Exicrienee against Experiment,
t'uslorhi in n substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contain neitlier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
;uil allays Fevcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach nttd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Pauacca-Thc Mother's Frlcud.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
For tiue ton and high graJe jjiaco
net a Neeilhauj. They ?ieak for them
ft'lvc?. It Joes not take a tracker jack
at a big salary or a paid musician to sel
tbeoi. All we ask ia to lock at the in
utrumen!, trv t he tone yourself, and you
will be convinced that NeeJhams are 1
the beet i.Uncs on the market, except ;
CLickering or 5-teiuway. Vor reference1
ece O. F. U oJirey. A. C. Marks, or I. 1'. ;
Kiddle, wha has jaat received at
home a beautiful one in figured mahog
any case. Tla prices cf these pianos ,
are tho most reasonable for the quality '
of goods ever otfered in this city. I can j
also give you inside prices on any make ;
of piano. C'iU aa 1 see
T. K. Kk uaklon,
Koseburg, Or.
N. We alio have in stock some
new and pecond-hatid pianoc second
hand $' to I7". New LYO to fijO.
.Ml our i-oods are new and of the lateet
styles. No shopworn goods on hand at
tho Koss Store.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Fort
laud every Tuesday at '. p. tn. via the O.
K. i N. without change to Boston, and
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No change of cars to the
cities of Omaha, Chicago, BuQalo or
Boston. The ideal trip to the east is
now before you. Kemember this service
when goinj; East, and consult . K. & N.
agents, or address,
V. H. IIui;j.uLJiX,
Oenerai Fassenger Aeut,
fjl. Fortland, Or.
We urge our patrons, who are in er
rearb lor tha Fi.AtNiitALtu t j send us a!l"
or part of the amount of your subscript
ions. It is a email amount to each of
you, hut to us it would aggregate an
amount we very much need in our bnei
For Over Fifty Yearn,
Window's Boothiug i-yinp hu been used lor
over lifty years by millions ot mothers iDr their
chilJren while tuethiu?, witu perfect success.
It soothes the child, sofu.-z;s the gums, allays all
pain, cures tvln'l colic, and is the best remedy
lor DUrrtiuea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by
druggists iu every part of the world. Twenty,
live ceuu a bottle. Its value is Incalculable.
I)e sure and atlc for Mrs. Winelow's tioothing
tiyrup, and take no other kind.
I have taken up, as a stray, one bay
utalliun, about 5 or 0 years old, weighs
about WO pounds, branded "K". Own
er will please call and prove property,
pay charges and take his property.
K. B. lUxox.
Viavi, Viavi.
Mid. J. II. Shupe ia local representa
tive for the popular Viavi remedies.
Auy one desiring any of these remedies
will please call on her at her home or ad
dress her at Koseburg, Oregon.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular
meeting on the tocond and frht.u
Monday of every month at 7 :30 p. om
iu the Epworth League room of the M,
The Home Bakery
701 Oak Street, Opposite
Central Hotel.
Fresh Uaked Uread Every Day
"lioston Hakcd Ik-ans,"
a specialty.
Signature of
Tyee Items.
Iu Oaklsutt linseltv.
Spiing has come again.
Miss Addie sevens is visiting frieuds
ia Foseburg.
Mrs. Ira Cole, we are sorry to say, is
on theeick list. We are hopeful for her
speedy recovery.
Mi?s Mary M. Coe. ont of Tyet-'a
most a'tractive young ladies, i visiting
iu Djdge Canyon this weak.
Mies Bertha Shook, of Oreen Valley,
is visitiug her aunt, Miss Ora Fewell, at
A. II. Buck, ot Millwood, was visit
ing on Tyee lately, the guest of Miss
Emma Stevens.
Miss Ollie Stevens, who has been
working for Mrs. S. L. Evaus, returned
home last Sunday.
Misa iVila M. Cole, who has been
spending the winter iu Koseburg, the
guest of her sister, Mrs. D. B. Hall, re
turned home Mondav.
School will begin uext Monday, April
o, with Miss Delia Cole as teacher. We
congratulate ourselves on securing such
an abla teacher.
Kobcrt llayduu, of Cleveland, spent
Sunday visiting Archie Cole, who we
arc sorry to chronicle, Id on the sick
list. Robert is a line violinist. Come
agaiu Bjb. . J. U.
Oakland Items.
(From tut' Ouklan-I (jan-ltc)
I Taylor Beckley, of
Koseburg, rptnt
; Suaday in Oakland.
Charles Beckley, of Elktou, was in
; Oakland last Tuesday.
1 ilat'.ie and Arthur Beckley went to
; Koseburg last Fridav.
Miss Anna Clark opened ecu 00 1 in
Driver Valley last Monday.
Miss Jessie Omart will begin a term
of school in Camas Swale next Monday,
Mrs. Siella Woodruff returned to her
j home in Koseburg Sunday evening.
I Mr. Thomas Clark, of Elkhead, went
to Koseburg Monday for medical treat
II. F. Deardoru", of the Oakland
Mills, was in Koseburg on business last
Miss Marv Thomas, who has spent
the past month in Fortland has re
Mr. and Mrs. E. o. Farker of Von
calla. spent the Sabbath at the home of
F. C. Farker. of Oakland.
Miss Lucy 11 ay, having closed her
echool at Myrtla Creek, has leturned to
Mrs. M. Ficklo aud Matter Earl, after
a short visit in Oakland, returned to
Koseburg last Sabbath evening.
J. K. Medley ieft for Grants I'asa Tues
day morninii wheie he will join the
bridge cat peuteri ou the S. F.
Mia. Joseph Melyin left last Thursday
for Cahf'ji'iiia. where she expects to
spend the summer.
Mrs. Maude Fenuingtou, of Fortland,
has been ia Oakland this week, assist'
ing Ler mother. Mre. Smith, to estab
listi herself auain in her ol 1 Oakland
Mr. Walter Fatiersou, one of Kose
burg's leading grocerymen, was in Oak'
land this week, lie bought loO bushels
of potatoes Ironi Koby Kstea, which will
be placed in the Koseburg market.
A series of special evangelical ser
vices under the auspices of the Methodist
Episcjpal church, SjiUh, will begin on
Friday evening, March 31, at the Pres
byterian church. All are most cordially
invited to attend.
Mr. ti. A. Spoouer ia stopping at the
Coliius this week, having placed him
self under the care of Dr. Oilmore. His
health haw been giving him considerable
trouble of late.
Marcus Keeper, of Kico Hill, epent
Monday in Oakland, He reports things
looking bright ov r there, and says that
lie has driveu all the cjyotca in that pari
ot tho wintry ''over tho hills to llu
pojr house."
The people of Yuncall have hustled
around and secured a creamery nd are
feeling very good over .the fad. IVopU
In Oakland are looking w is mid w ond
ering how it happened, l'uili did it.
John E. Witeou, ot Coles Ylhv, wan
iu Oakland Tues lay Uanum ting l usi
nese. Mr. Wilson tepoils odious
damage doac to crop in tho Ynllry bv
Bols aud frost but iys the pi uini crop
is in tine condition. Mtu h grain It Ic
ing BOWU.
A, C. Jiachary, at St. Viucvnt'a lies
pilal, Forlliiid, was operated upon
Wednesday afternoon, a portion ot tho
iuteetinet being removed. Advices
from there Thursday morning say that
Mr. .acharjr withstood the oHrtiiu
well nnd that he is is resting e.ity.
Mies Ada Thomas, of 1'iirncr, ntlei
Visiting Ashlaud, Oranti Fas?, aud other
Southern Oregon points, loachcd O.ik
Uud Thursday morning and is now at
the home ol her uncle, J. E. l anmr,
whaie ehu will romaiti a guet (or hcvor
al weeks.
Drain Nc5.
lK,'iu tlie Watv liniAii
T. W. Andiew.4, t'.ie Scottslmrg
was iu Drain Sunday.
Horn, iu this ciiv, March iVS, 1
the wife ot W. W. Kent, a daughter,
Mr. Joe Butler, ol Oarduer, w.cs
towu a few days the first of tho week.
K. M. sbaugle, of YoncaiU.
Drain visitor Tuesday,
was a
Mr?. Foill, of Eugene arrived hero i ll
, .......
t-undav 8 local for a brief Visit.
C. M. llenderer, one of Cottage
(irove's business meu was a Drain visit
or litis week.
Misa L!z7.te Orubbe rctdmed hom.'
Monday from a visit with Cottage tirove
Mr?. J. T. Bridges aud to childfcti,
of Kosebuv. re guests of relative? in
this city.
Miss Lctta e;i' h. of Cottage Urove,
is a guest of her uuut. 'rs. C. F. Cumin
in this city.
E. II. Gardner and
returned home t lie tit
.1. C. McCallifUi
-t of the week from
a few day visit to l'ottlaud.
Mre. Marion Kyati, li'.tn lale, w.n a
pleasant visitor witii friends ia :tm ci'y
the latter p.irt of lart week.
Miss Mae Cowan returned homo fiom
Koseburg Sunday w hero the has Lcn
attending the teacher's institute.
Miis KcboUaddis, ol Kos-fStug, in ia
the city today on her way to teach the
spring term of school at Schotield.
Hon. J. T. BriJges, of Koeebuig, was
looking over business matters mul ic
viewing old friends iu this lity M011
Mrs. S. F. .tiawn returned lo her
homo iu Eugene Sunday. Her husband
came down Saturday night to acc jmauy
her home.
Mhs Moliie 1-arkin returned to her
home at Cottage Orove to.l.iy after a
month's visit w it!; the Watchman editor
nd other friends here.
Mr3. Jennie Appregate returned home
Sunday from Melrose, where the has
spent the past two weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Scott.
OrandmaCox returned home Monday
from a pleasant visit with her daughters
Mri. W. M. Cellars, of jg:iuw, and 1 1
Mrs. C. M. Heuderer. of Co'.tag.- trove. .
J. F. McConnell, who has been teach- 1
ing near Grauts Fass, was a of his
old friend, C. II. Clements in thu city
the first of the week, while on Iih way
to Bandon.
Otto Drain left Sunday morning i jr 1
Fortland where he expect to remain for .
some time a gue6t of his sisters, Mioses
Mayme and Belva Drain and Mrs. N. M.
Singleton. !
Mr;. J. M. Malic, who has been spend-1
ing the past few weeks at Kjseburg ai
guest of her daughters, arrival here on
this morning's leca! on her way to her
home at Elkton.
J. G. Hefty received a telegram ie-
cently from the surveyor general t l
e!in i
read v at a moments no' ice to join the
geological survey parly in California
When a woman'a
overboard she Ef.n-.e-times
drown-i v.ii. ti
theic is a life Luoy jr.t
within a few Mnwcs f
her all becau'-e t-li
rlftesn't har,rifn In i.i t-
'P it. Sick people often
pemn in tlie same w ay.
Help is within reaeli,
Dut they don't
know ju'.t w. In re
come eii'.xuuracf d
and diseuGted
jf with taking mcd-
leuiea nnu Kivc
liD in rlesoair.
Mrs. Mary I. Stewart, of
Saratoga, Santa Clara Co ,
Cat. in a letter to In. K. V.
Pierce, chief consultinir physician of th
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, I'.uf
falo, N. Y., aays: "I buffered for fourtetn
years with female weakness, nervousness
and general debility, trying everything I
could find to help tue all to no avail. Al
though I was thoroughly discouraged end
disgusted with taking medicine when I heard
of Dr. Pierce's medicines, I thought I would
Irv once more to find relief. I took tlie
'( iden Medical iJiscovery ' and 'favorite
I : eription,' and toogreat praise ca limit be
K i en for the rapid relief they gave me. I
a n now free from the former troubles, and
may God bless Lr. l'ierce in all his unclt r
takings to cure suffering humanity."
Thousands who had reached this forlorn
and hopeless condition of hotly nnd mind
bave found new hope and rescue in the use
cf these marvelous remedies.
Dr. I'ieree'a great thousand -page Look,
"The People's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser" is sent free in paper covers for si
one-cent stamps lo pay Cost of mailing only;
or, cloth bound for V fctamps. Address,
Dr. K. V. I'iirce, Buffalo, N. V.
Kev. J. K. '( hoiupsou.ol Hast Calais, Wahhiug
ton Co , VI., wril-a concerning this ifitnt worl-:
"I am charmed with tlie style and general i uli-
ject matter ol the entire woik. i t oiihiner n a
valuable addition to my carefully (i-lected library.
The purpose to wt men rigid pbykicully is a noble
one. I am also pleased with I In- ttlintd aud nt
the same time fearlest way in you bamlle
thou delicate iubjectt ierfuinliiglo biology, lliiin
tusking the Work aduiiiubly fitted fur the young."
County Trcasurar'n Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding iV'tiaUs county warrants In
dorsed prior to Feb. 1. lSt7, to
present the snine at the treasurer's oltU
in the Douglas County bank lor pay
ment, ns Interest will cease thereou
after tho date of this notice.
Dated this the hith day of Feb. ISW,
at the City of Koeeburg, lrfgon.
tiKO. W. DlMMIl'K.
County Troatmrer, Djuglas County,
County l'rcnurcr' Notice.
Not:co is hereby given to all parlies
hohdug Douglas county wariauts In
dorsed prior to July 1 1, 1:W, to present
tl.o Fame al too treueiitci'n vllice in the
Douglas Comity bank lor payment,
intercut will eoaeo thereon after the oate
ot this notice.
Dated this tho SHU da ot Manh
at tho City of Kveeliuig, Oregon.
tisii. W, DlMMK K.
Coir ly Treasurer, Douglas I'ounly, Or.
Notice l-or Publication.
C Ml Kit M I M 1I K,
Ko-i lmi)!. Oregon, Mm. II. K1".'.
Noi.iv U lu'iol'V Riven that In rompllauii
Kim ilu' pr 1. 1011. ol (lu- act ol ronitivs. -l
J it no .5. I! N entilli'd "All ni t tor llio lc ol
Hi ",N r liiinln Iu the Mate ot iilitoruia, Otvgoii,
NciA'lu mid Vililiiiini I'.'rrltorv,"
01 iV'tU'ii'.id. louut oi Pottglajt. stuir rt I'rx
cm. Iiiik llil- ilav ti iiil tn this olllo In. oiu
1 MHU't'iriil. No. T7 for Hie .iin ha,e o(itu-lo(
I . o! vctioii So. 111 i..wutil No. S. rrnwe
I So. i i. mill will orti-r mol 10 ho trim Hie
'.Kii.l -sioiytit U mot aluitlio- lor i Is tnuleror
loin- I hit 11 (or ituri.-u'.lunil mroM-.. ami lo
'.lioh liintaiiu lo -ait land bo tore t In lo'C
1 i.'.rr ard Kiinm,t of Itits i-ilin- at KoolMire.
j On-soii. on rri.lay, Hie l.'tli day o( May. I-.'.
Hi" iihiiu- a. wiiiu'- lwtRln Koi'd ol
j Oakland, Or. Itnnlm l'avt o( Wilbur. Or..
.'rtim'i ll'llllilkil 01 ivv'-i'iuir, v'l., i-i'iii 1 r
rotl ol KtMcblirl. Or
Anyuiida'l tumui!. liaiinliiK adtorM ly llio
alnn o dosonlH1.! ltt.ti.I-. ar - rV'iu-Uil to lUe tlioir
1' ! ti 1 111 1 In Hits olhev 1M1 or bt lorvaid l.'lli day
of Mav. 1S'.
.'. T. l.tllt'oKS,
t u i. r ll'o' aUh 0 ui.'lto 1 ill still coutiune lo
Mirev (or ail Minios di 'lriiiir niv as-l-tann' a
nil en:iii't'r or miroor. My ebart-ea will lie
rv H.iiali'.o mid my ork gUHrantted. Am alto
.Notary Public.
Addif. ne at Cktelnud, Poiiii'.a.. Co., Or.
wi i.i. i. hi:yiion
I or
1 .0111 l'ori:aii.
i' I ' . in.
K.i-t Mm:
i. t 1 nko
W,..-;ti 1
I 'enter, Kt.
'uml.a Kali
, .-t. I..el:,
and Ka-t.
N it'. ' t W u'.::l. Sj.,iLiltie.
1'iilmli. Mitnaukir,
C IdeiU" mi I Kii-l.
Oecan Mcamnhlps
Ai. al.iii,- 1I1U1 iiili-
jn I to 1 liant.
for can Kramio
'uil V v i, I I, 1,
a-.itl a. m
i p. in.
Culutnbia Kitcr
I., Aior.a an I W'ny
J .ahduiitt.
Willamette HUer.
1 ni loii t ny, Ne In nj,
.-aktn .V Vt ay-Laud k'
Willamette and Viim
hill Kiver.
in won citv, 1'aylnn,
and ay l aniliiig.
I I'. 11
- ,1 1 j riit .
Ij '.i.i.'
t ciuulay
4 IU) I'. HI
fcx-.Mi uday
7 11 1;'.
i ue- I iir.
UIl'l ut.
.1 JO n 1
Moil., Wed
ami t n
Willamette Riter.
i.i '.land lo t orvulii.i
and iiy-Itudinc"
-nake l(ier.
l.:nr.n to 11-'.'. 11.
1 o. ui
1 ul'.h. 1 loir
uud .-al.
I. l-cwl-lon
Kxi .-j.t
Ueneriil Pawtijer Agent.
. K. tk M. Co..
I'ortlaud, Oreituu.
Administrator's Notice.
1' h Ii Hl.l'.KHV OIVKN THAI 1I1K
ii ! --.iio-d u linlnintrator of the mate
of li-.'l
IT( ' 1
1 I Ma:
I'll .ow
Hi'- .
, 1 ' :
1 1,'
irv A. A luiii.. di i-.-tw d. by virtue of a d
!: County Court made on the '-til tiny
h . I - r mi.! mi and aftt r faturtlay, the
y. April. l-".i.ll al .ritHto Mile the
I' rl I r' ltl l'Ty M-lotlKlllir to
ol ll'.iry A. Aili.m, Ueceusii, to-
'. O . i,l :r,.- 1 W . of -1: '.. Tn ."J. S R
-i.'.H.iiin I" iirrt-n ieH four Keren wild to
nd. nl iinli-r of tidd K'-llown. Al"" Lot
I . '. . I; '1 U , i iiiitaiuiiiK acren. Al-
. - and I, i .-e .'-, i -M, a K .'. , 1011
f : ai-re. AIo tlie lolin Adam. liona.
.I Clniiii Nil 11. being luirta of Hoc. L7,
1 I ' j. ; mid L'l, 1 y - ', 8 H .ri W, de ribe. in
1" i. i.ii oiiiiiiiiiinb a ti'iiui iiiHiiin
K.i-I. an-l 'o eloii'H hikI '' link, nouth Irom the
I rii- r ' - -;ii'i S ' 'J7. '-,:-I nnd '', and running
; '.l.i u' ..r-Ji 4: liain-, tlo-nee W'Ti i bain.
I ii.. ir - u i linlni mid nihiikH, 11 11 1 them i- K
i.i iK.ii.- lu' i.i l, mnniriK, eonlaliiln!!
IV .. !.-. , t-.M-epliiiK flom Ilu-lal ulmveili
j I : ii-t ni luhd 'A fli T'- Hold to M. lluinil
; 1 11, -...,ii -uid ile. d in recorded In ol ii
! u' mi 2 .1 ihtr. of.
! a:-., I;.- I- '...flu' 1 1. ,11 11 1 iou Land Claim of
. !(-:.. . A liun", lu ini; laiin No. IJ and bein;
j..:-. - ..-'and '.: In '1 1 J, Hit.i V ani
i,. i. ,r' ii-iilarlv d' -i rib'-d as follow., loull
I I'- !! l.. : r at H lioillt 10 ( lnilllK llll'l '.' linki N
; i.,i;i i u i i.nier of mid Hci-:;;, and milium,'
tin-til-.- Ii '.I eliains tn n e N w I'liulns, thi-nc
Win, and lln-ncc K -Vl cbaiua to place of
Siunii. , i-oiitiiinini! V a(;ren. Kxi-eiillng
fio.-.i iibnt ii di Bi ribed trai-l of liind 4 vj
ie r. , .1 to i llaini ton. ili-eil for wliii b is re-
.i r I. ! I:, Vol 21 at page A thi-n-of, iilui Lot No
1 - in . lti . '"iitaluliiK :, Herea.
l-.. I -,- No :, of Ht; , aud lil No 1, 1 and I of
.- e .1 i I ii ", rf Ii i W, eontainiux IVi.l'J acres.
A.-ii I. a uud I of Hei-1 1. TI ii K ri W. eon
'..iiiln.- i i,m ai r' s. AI-..I lot No 1 ol hee :U lu
i i' . ', i: i V, eoiiiaiinng nerea all aituatu
ii, Ii. i;.,i eoiinly, .-lau- oi uri gon.
I. ne - of aid -ale to be eash ill build.
Jiule l ,u Knsebiirg, Oregon, Mareli s, Is'.c.l.
A lin.hi-trutor of tlie Estate of Henry A. Adams,
1. e, u-e..
Administrator'a Notice.
All. UK 11KAL 1'itOl'LKTV.
OU'K M IIKltl-.liV I.IVKN 1 il AT 1 11 h
i.iMier-m-iieil aduiliilstriitors ol the
I -' ,'..- of W. L. i iImiii, dn eu.eil, will by tlrlue
oIh ile. r'"j of tin: oiinly Court of Ooiiklns
. ,u ri i , iin i(i,ii on and alter Saturday, Die
nil diiv of April. Is'iJ. n il at private, salo the
fi. l.iH in:; d. M-rlb' d real properly beloliKing lo
tie ' el U . I, U il. on, dei eased, limit:
lm- .', .:, I, and 1 of i;'. of K-c Zi, Lots 1,
' :: ,- i i, i-i UK lloiui-sti-ad t luliii of Laviua
Wi-i. N ' , of V. L. Wilson lloualioii Land
I . .inn il. I.I.U li. 7 and s. riei- A. lita I and 2.
- . ..I N ' ., the W U "d W ' . of Of 8 K
and u ' . of N L1 . of ,-ue :;i. all In 'J'p : H It li
. I he N W :, of K K '.and K 'i of N W '.of
i-.-e 2, 'I i ;;l -i. it iiv. Also all thn right, llllu
itii'i in
I'M 111 llllj MtlH I ... , II"", 11. ... ... ..n.
ilic.s;; of I), million Laud Claim No
. .. . ...1.1 tO I It'll. ... I ti..i.u
nd t'
J i, : 'I H. It. I.. W. Kxcepling lioin tin: iinove
i. r I n id pn.pi ity, purl IjiI if, hee IIT lii-rn-
I'. l ii-i 'Pincyi d lo I'. A. Wilson, Ibo U' t'd of
. I. h i. i- of n nnd In ol T, ol iieedx, putto '! .
Abo i - '.i.-i-pilni! 11. 1 1 ai n- oil of Hie went side of
I j. . ti ii ilu Lund Clniiii Nil II hrnbifore sold In
Audi.-,' U'orli y, iln d for tvbleh J reeoided ill
Vol ;7 -.I Ji. cils at iiagn ...
i' ii n ol Mud sale lo bei itln i- cash III band
oi iiinii sin ii terms as lo i redlt as may be to tlie
yn nil-1 ad milage to aid estatu.
Iml. d al ItiiM-burg, Or., this tin; Sill ilai (if
Mum Ii, l-'.i'i.
A'liiii'ii-iiutoi" ol the l-ial ol V. L. Wibon,
iii i;( aod,
Want Your
Em pl.t rc.lTtd a aaa aaltn.!. .Un-i
coNeiHTiNo or
Ladivm' Drfos tioels, Uibboan, Tiiuiuiin,
Uofs, Ktc, K.lo.
-also a riNi stock or-
itoors aii iioi:n
Of th beat quality ani Bol.h.
Wood, '.Vlllow and (!lu.a Varr.
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Alau on hand IB lain qunuilr and al rlr t
ult the ttmea. Alw a Urw atock of
Custom-Made Clothing
For Choice
Call at Stanton's for V. M"
Kocbiir, Oii-iion. Feb. J. It'.
Notlee i bt-nby given dial in fi'inpHsine
ttllhlbo pro i-,lo'iiH of the ait of C.'Hi-ic-i oi
Juliet, IsTs. t'litlilrd "An ai t the -ale ot
Umber land, lu llio S!ult- ot I allfotuia, 0:
S"'.i, Nevada and Wa-liliiKton Territory
ol Ki'ld't , , County of DotiKlaa, Stale nl i'm
1:011, ban this dar lilt-d in till- oftiee hi- tnnni
Blaienienl No 1.7 1, lor the pun lme ol tin-
', !. W . 1 , of .-. -II, .u No. in 'loariishlp No. n
Kantre No 7 .. and tt ill olt r ptiM.I tu Mnot
ttntl llie laud s.iuKiit 1h moru tamable lor it
Iluibt r or stone lliaii br rurr Is ul 1 urul pnrpoM-a,
audio t-stabli.b bis t laiin to .tld laud Ih-Ihii-llie
Leu-l-ler aud lUnlti r ot Hit. olln . at Koe
bins. Ort-iton, on battirday, the 1 th tiny of
A pill, 1.'.'.
lie nauie a tnliii-M. Jo-ln li A. Wbonnii,
ol Kiddie. Or. W. II. -mltli. ! Dillard, Or
lit It Kl"her. ol Kiddle, t'r. Irvd .-itlub mm, ul
Kiddle, Or. Au and nd tr.'ii. i.latni.
ing adter-t-ly tlie itiuTt' desetili d luudi ate rt -iiiistidto
lib-their lat I in, t it Una olln i tui ir
Oefuie said I .tli day of Apill, l-:'.i.
J. I. HHilHil.s.
jilllJ Kei;iur.
L'mikii -r hks Lmi orri a.
K.'ebuis'. Oucou, Muiili .'.', 1-.''.'.
'lo tvhoiti it may lomerti
Ntitiee 1.- ticrt'by kucu that tin O,. ,:mi ,v CH
(ornla Kailroad Oompaiiy ba tt !- I in tin- olli -a
Ll of lauds situated iu tlie to tulii.. ih
seribed ln-lott , and hit. applied br a pan lit l-ir
said lauds; that the li-t 1 x it In the pui lle l,.i
iUspeeliou and copy thereof by ile-eilpllw
slllHlivliloll.., lint beeu iHiiled lu a tmllvellielit
plain in this ollne for tlie lupei Inni nl nil per.
ou. interested and Urn plil.lle uein mil;
On gou and California K K l.ui li.
1 p to 8, K J K.
MV ' -t e 11.
rp i -, it w .
All sees I and
Lot- I, .', .laud I, nii'l r-E ', -ei '.
All Sri II
W I tin li the liet a I sty .la;- f..ll..u i iiu Ilu- ilnl.
ol tilts notice, oi cnn-sis ri;iiIii-i llie
rlaiui of tin-Company t" any tnu t or sub'li't'.
bin tt ithin any -cetmn or part of settion. ile
u rilRil In tin- II-'.. on tin- gum ml Unit llie -aim
. more t alual'le for milieral Ibau fur ai;rleii'.l
oral piiriKi-i-s, tt ill l,c riet-ive.l and n.-t.-il I. . r le-
Iiort to the 1." ueral Laud lbce a. Vt atlilntini.
. C.
J. T. 1IKIIH.K-.
In.'.tlO Keei'lver.
Notice For Publication.
I'MTKii BT tTEs Land Ot mi k
llii-cbnrg. Oregon, Mar s, Is'.r.i,
Noti'.e is hereby given that the lollottiiiK
naiii' d si-tllt r has filed notice ol his Inb utloii
to make Una) proof in support of Ins i Inl-n, and
tlialsnid proof wilt be mai d before tin- I'.ecutn
anil Keeelvt-r, Lulled Males Land Ollne U
Kosi burg, Oregon, mi April l2, lyrj, .
on hi- If V.. No. '.'ill' for the N 1. 1 , w i tmu i,
Tp. '2s h., K. 7 west. He names the follow
I use ttituesse. lo prote bis eoutiuiiou. res
I'lencc unou and enlllvalioii ol -aid hunt, viz
A. A. MiitllietvH of Buear l'l lie- Mountain, John
rltgerald, .-r .lolin llt-asley, James Ooodiuaii
ol I louruoy Valley.
J T. liKII)i.K,
Mil'- lietjlster
On the 5. I. K. K.
Douglas County, Oregon
IIOTKL coustaut
ly open for recep
tion of guests.
Water cures Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia,
Kidney and Skin
To The Unfortunate.
Dr, Gibbon
This old reliable, and
the most successful
Hiieclallst In Han Iran
Cisco, still coutlmius In
euro all Sexual and
Seminal Disease.-1 such
as (ionnurrhtra, tllecl
Stricture, 5yph Ills In
all its form., eilkln 1)1.
iseasts, nervous iicdii
' 'V v"y' mP,en':y- Semi-
rr ., n...n... anil i.uii
ivjol flanhood. tho eon so.
? nonce of sell a huso aud eicesses prodiielng tlio
nllowlng syinploms: sallow coiiiitenaueu, iluik
spots under thu eyes, pain in thn head, ringing
in thn ears, loss of eonlldeiies, (llllideiieo in ap
proaching strangers, palpitation of the heart,
weakness ol llio iliuba and back, loss of memory
pimple. on thn luce, coughs, eou-niiiipliou, l ie,
DK. (ilBUON has nracUeod In Kan Krunelu r,
over thirty years ami those troubled should not
fall to consult him aud receive the I, onolll of
Ins great skill aud experience. The doc lor cures
when oilier, lull, j ry mm. l ures giiaranleep,
persons cured at homo, Charges reasonable.
Call or write,
Dll- I. K. (illUION, WlKcnrny Kl. Sun Kriin
Cisco, I si
laa js.inn' w lWtsWIk TT TTWsK "V K TT
i,i i i ail mr k w
I . ;. wf.u. v
,i 1!
. j viiir cs ii
AlM.a fine line of "PLANIjT Jr.," fJaden Seed
Di ills, Hoisc Hoes, Harden Plows, Ktc. Catalogues
lice. You icl the hest at
u ia i v til a t jf us juviii' o
his is the
to Buy
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
Wc carry the largest stock of to
baccos iu Southern Oregon.
r r m risc? r rt
x 1 e-tjF ;ut; c r. SJf-au; A.i: VtC;Ut aj Xjt UiMiattOOOOCj
i.l I. C- A I KIAL.
i iti.i; iM:i.ivi:it v.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Partus, large and small, to Rent,
Stuck Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices aud easy terms. Inquire of
i a& mm
Tongues aud Sounds,
Spiced Herring,
Whole Codfish,
Salmon Bellies and
IHuuccssor to
General Blacksmithing
jimi .mm iitijia acai jim. km&k 94
Nliup uu curuer WaHlilUKtuu aud Kauc Ilia., Hoaeburjf.
Cass Street Market
Wholesale and Retail
Presh and Cured Meats
Pish and Game in Season,
Hay, Grain and Flour.
'Phone Main 18I. Props.
RRINf! nf ne i.i nooXe.
- u ni-i. '-j nv -p u
& Woolley's.
- Ji Jlol 01VKK0
A full aud complete assortment
of all goods usually kept iu a first
class grocery.
Kvcrythiug offered for sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
aud vegetables, to which wc iuvitc
vour special attention.
Due loor (kiulhoir.O.
IKIfl HI'BtU, OMf.llON,
m ! ma ass
Pickled Salmon,
Pickled llcrriu
Smoked Herring,
Mackcral, at
Dealeas In
: t