The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 03, 1899, Image 1

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    p,,t, i,..T.ii'r''t
in 11 i v i x
Vol. XXX.
No. 26.
Tnu lliiirilic.
Mtiiilit 'lliinuTrir'inT ol M)li ml'l
Iroola. HuifUy Service'. I'reaclilm, 11 a, m
ami 7: ill) p. tn.t Habballi school, 10 a, m l I..
A, Walkei, Hu'rliiUmleul; Ulaaa Mealing l
( tiu ol the intimitis aorvloel Kpworlh lM"t
;mi. iu. r. II. Cliiiiclilll. l'roiln, l'rayr
UmitliiK, Wolndlay, al7 .Mlp. in.
w, II. AKll.l, I'aitlr,
l't.iiMKi'. 1'iiinar Main it l.uc.
liNiian Hum iiihh ciiuw.ii -on r"ulcr aired,
rluinlay eivl" al ll a. m. and 1 .: , I'ray
HI miHitliiii, I lnir.lay i v. nlnr
Mi.. Uc II. ('', I'anlur.
lit. u..a .a Ciiriu it. Corner awl
Main lni'l. H..ri' mi wcoud aii'l hiurlli
H inula iiimiiliiK ill ni'inlli kikI every ami
tlay cu'lilliR Hkt1 ae.vlie aiiii'iiiiirmt Icnw
1 1 mi' l.i llmr. I'v J"'"1 l'w""
M. i:, cm in ii, Huimi. - H ih!i'i'vTy Sunday
imi'ulixi ami r-veiiliw.
Iiav. J. T. 'i i'" r"l"f
lli nr l in " " ""i r l I aim ami H
, ruuilav m-i. .: I'o a. lilim al 11 a. in.
mid 7 M p. in. FnUmtli H. h.njl al l a. in., O. I',
i-mliuw, u..iiiil nd.iit. ffiij.r rii'.'lliin al
: M Wcluc. lay cvenlM.
H, A lliPl'1,1. , I'lWl'T
Kik.i (.MHinit.VM cm a' II Cm. r ol I'lm'
an I Woiflwanl lr-el. Him. lay m ix le v.
ITo limn lilli iiioi iiiiir ami mliiK, riiiuday
..'Ihh.I al la. i.i. Y T. H.C. K.aio .n ,. m
l'iaer niri'liuii v'li W.I.K""ly cuninii al
Acrdul wrulcomu aii.l Kti'dlliii! await.
W. A
Kllul I'HU.IUIUIAII Cut lull- Collier ol '
ii a. I ll'.w ucl. Kumlay .crrlce I'ulilio
..rl.ip, II a. ni., anl 7 :ai !' m..
.. Ihh.I, IU a. in. V. I'. B. V K. al 7 . m.
1'iay. r MfeUli. W lu. "lay ev. litim 7. W p
J. A. lOHPfini',
Nocloty Merllnga.
., ' it. I.I.K, Kiwtlll 'IcU MUMiK. N X,
li.ild lln ir r Klar c.iiiimuiiliatlui;. al tin)
i ii ii r. hull mi M't'uwl aii-l luiiiui iiniixipj
n li month. All iiieiiibura rv(iif "led lo
lend ri'nulaily, an.l all UMUUK
liniili. ! cur-
ll.lly,;.;;; L lAUifcV
K. M
I HA 11 Illl'I'l.K, miniary.
T "aUUKI." IXMH1K, A. V. A A. M . RKOl'LAH
- row.lnsa Hi" K'l " WwlunaJaya lu
W. M.
N. T. Ji.mii. H'lty.
pliaKTAkTAN I.OUUK. NO ". I. O. O K.
mwu hatur.Ur rvnilii ol acli w al
Ihrlr hall In O.LI tvWow 'l.;in.lo al Bnaebu.
Mvulirra nl lie ni'loi In kiI alawlln ar.' lnlt
,.1 U ailuu.l II PlIUi.M.. N.K.
S. T. Jr Mf, h.: y.
l.Olx.K. NO. lo, A. O. u. w.
in ix' La llio
ind ami l.niriii miuua) ui
ih niuntli al7 JU . m. al u.1.1 r.niuw. uau.
Memlwraul ll.cOuli r lu k.m.k1 laii.llii art) lu
TlUMl lo alUiil.l.
D s. IVnl,
t , W Hnavli, Klnaurl. r.
Kromli r.
RKNO I'OeH'. NO. '.'J, U.
llr.i ami IIiIkI Hmri
A. It . MKKTrt THE
llr.i ami llilit ItiuraJavl l I'aih mnnUi.
al '.' . jmi .
WOMKH'H llfcUKK I'OUl'rt
llr.i an.l llili.l frlnayi
no. io, mkktu
lu vat'U uiuuUi.
lOHKIIl)KiK llAI,rtH. NO
d.O. E. U..MKKTH
iho hint ami tlili'l
lliurxlaya ul iava
KK.I.IN A KA!Vl', c y.
R biwiU I'Vi'iy avcoml au.l louilli Hun.lay.
A .I'll A liOlHIK. NO. 47, k. OK I ..
A uvVry f.lmlay v. nli.. al OdJ clloi
Hall VI.IUHK KuiKfita lu ifoo.l alandln. cor
Jlally IiitUoI to atluml.
riiOUMKN UK lilt. 1 . . .. iiLii
No. 1-' .. IIKl'l" ' llll' U.l'l I '.
In Hi
I, mil, i v. rv ii, U'i ami .'
i -vi' limn
V iIIIiik nilKIH""" aiai
U. I'. l'o-ilo , t . t.
I'. l.(.M.HN,CK'll
I Ill
ioa..a m. unowN.
rniu, i'aui TimiH.
KiKium 7 aud H
Xay.n Wllauu llluck.
vy H. W1LLI3,
Attorney ami Counnelor at Law,
Will rrarilna In all ilia enuilaul the Bio. vt
tea la MKi.Uri lluililiun, JJouglaa county, Or.
J A. lH'CIIANAN, Noluiy I'aUW,
Collections a Specialty.
lloiun ,i
nraU'ia Uu U.I i n K.
fck'YU'W llull.liin:,
Tuloiiliniiu No. I.
Attorney at Law,
Kill. Ill M,
Taylor A WlUuii lllk,
Ko.iiuk I uii.l J
llcvluw llulldlini.
Attorney at Law,
RuuUiH 1 Si i. Mimlma DKlg., KOHEUUKU, OB
r-llu.liu'i.H t.i'Iuio tlit) V. ti. I.aud OlUco and
uiuiTiig c'K.o. a Mi'.:illy.
l.atd Urn olvcr V. b. 1-hhJ Ollluo.
Northern Pacific Railroad Company
Aio uullitiif tickota to till iointa Kant at
liall lUe rcgulur ruios.
1). B. k. lii'itK,
LoohI Aueut No. 'i, Murbtora buiKliiiK
Ol' KIOlC, bOU Jnck.oli Blruct, al rvv.
1'loitcool Mr. J. JJIucr.
QK.tiKO. K. HOl'CK,
Physciau iS: Surgeon.
Dllln.i liiiiniit. in .w n
'1 II V 1(11 ilH.lll
I'holl.'.Mllll! ,:l
mi I' iiuitii,
i New Store 1
w T - a
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
Low Prices!
Judge us
Judge us by what we arc doiug. Judge us by the
continued increase of buyers. Judge us by the
DRY GOODS your friends have purchased of us.
Judge us by our Prices Get your friends to tell
you how much they paid. That is al) we ask.
New Spring Goods
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
I'urnishinK Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine line of Millinery Goods.
everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call aud cxaimine Goods aud Prices.
ffec (Complete and
xccllcnt (Quality.
We give prompt attention
Will soon be here aud
CARPETS arriving,
In Latest Designs
all goods are as cheap as cousistaut with good
No trouble to show
Alexander & Strong
New Goods! J
Delivery J
, W
Arriving Daily.
. P..
to all Mail Orders.
we have a fine line of NEW
aud Colorings and the Price on
The Poultry Yard.
Poultry on the Farm.
My i.loau on thin atil j t will lio di
rected room fiarlicularly lo II. n fimm-r,
rather tban lo th (under, t,.I, trutt.
uiay t Hie mean of allniul.-itiuK ome
on. lo moro earnest and fnitlif'il work in
lb. poultry industry.
We know well what lid- i on ihtt furm,
The crojiH wLk-li y lal arc Uio oma
w. ar6 luriiiug our atlcnliuri (o ir.oiit.
l'uullry, on many fanue, wi longnr
i:otiieH in at Ihc end if tlio lti.c, l.ut in
Ujiulf! out' of ttiu inioilaiit crtjj.c, uivl to
make it luch ho would my :
In tliu lirtt I'liini a Miitul le imalioo
eliouM m mlicleil wl t-ro ll.c inuiilry
joue mill bo bliit likd frc in Ibu liorlh,
wim). A building naitii and roomy can
be put up for a naiuil earn,
a rHAcTiL'Ai. norm..
The uioet prui tical poukrv houno for
tin) farinet' Hock of ( l,i. k.-i.H, 1 lliink,
in it i-lid building ilic Iciili and
bi'adtlj to to kovi ri:cd by ibi neut er
of lo !) divided into ihrco ai uitmi'dta,
one fur laying, another for lo .iii, and
tint third for a nirattiiin j nou. this
la I la ni't needed for iiho in u inter,
A (lor the thrrahiuig mn lii: u has come
and t; jiic, atd whilo (ho oain ai d wheat
chaff io nice and diy, have a i.t( hi load
of l hi "nt iu il,e ncralcd intf room, cloae
IbeMliSJiJ hen tlio'wet, celd dajs of
early winter come en dvo our fuwla
accecs to thia liltcr aud eyuy day throw
in a little graio ai..l you mil ho auiply
paid. When you find Iho hens bui-y you
Hod eggs in the neate. . A la.y hen la no
profit w comoa to ega. I'm a ( .ire
ful obierver and notice the individual
in yonr (lock. Wben you find ono tliat
doca not get out aud Lu. ilo a little for a
living, aervo it on your ta'i'e. Thtee
liltlo thingn muet be looked nfier.
A 81I1AW Mil. I).
Whcie bin ban a farm lojted or lin ed
and doe a not lei-1 ul.l ) to l.uild poultiy
bouee, I would adviro u.akiii n f.ruw
Bhed for the purpose. Lvery farmer
koowa bow this is done. lx'. down
posts with forks at (be top. aud with
poles make frame work for iho tt'nw.
When the grain ii tbretbed have the
machine cet so that it will throw the
straw oujtop'and all aidva except the
south. If this ia properly dono no bet
ter place cau bo built dr ihiiksi.s.
I-et;horii8 can be kepi through a ecveie
wiu'er without conaba frtezius; eggs
will be more pluntiful than you have
ever bad them. These straw houses
niver seem to k0' (iltby as there is bo
much litter ana the fowls kept up such a
scratching and every yi ar or two a r ew
one can be made.
On 10 ruo farms where wo find large
birtis for Bheltering aud protecting block
we tee some old, dilapie!ati d, leaky
building used for tlio fowls, aud this is
so tillhy that we wonder bow a chicken
can live aud occupy bucu a placo. There
Is no profit where fowls aro kept in thia
manner, nor would not ue ju any stock
so abused.
A larmer who bail has large barnp,
granaries, nay eneas, ana, all tue modern
improvements on a well-regulated farm,
came to mo this ppnug aud said; "I
am going to build my wife a good poul
try house. Our chickens me in the hub
it of roosting in thetrecs, ou fences and
nearly auy here, and this winter has
about used them up; of courao wo never
see au egg iu winter. I would liko for
you to givo uio somo plau fei .a warm,
convenient hout.e.'
I advised him toput up a thed 'M feet
long and 12 feet wido, divided into three
apartments, inao the rati division bill!,
thia room to ho uned for laying and net
tiug hulls, tho next room for .rooetiug
and the third for a ecraUhing apart-
ment; the buildiugjtoface the.Csotitb,
and using enough make thoj.laat
two rooma euUiciently light, lu build
ing this house I contiider2hetook the
lirat step toward Biic'cess iu the Hue of
Cleaulineas is very esseulial to succees,
it prevents dieeaso aud vermin to a large
extant. Tho droppingashould be re
moved every week regularly, the ucnts
kept cluau and removed once a month.
Scatter air slaked lime about freely mid
use all the wood asbos, lu the poultry
lo you want to get rid ofjjtbose .little
mites you call "chiggeis?" Vou cau do
It ii you will. Your bouse may be so in
fosted with them that you are compelled
to close it to keep the uiitca from sapping
the life out of your chickeut wuIIb,
floor and nests alive with them. I'ro-
cure a quart of coirusivo eubliuiate, )ro
pared In turpentine ny uio ttinggibt as
strong as It can bo made. Slake lime
with boiling water for white witbh, add
the corrosive sublimate, thoroughly
Whiten every ere vice and inch of surface
while the mixture la hot, us it pouetrrtoa
much better than when cold.
lureo tiints a year, winio you uuve
these 'chiggors." whito wash iu April,
June aud September, using tho eubti-
mate only iu June; as this is tho time
tbey get iu ttieir uost wort. At otbor
times mane tue wiuie waau strong wnu
carbolic acid. Keep the houso thorough-1
ly clenii as aboye BtiggeBtod aud tho latl
tur part of tho Bocond year after declar-'
lug war you will llnd .tho enemy gone, j
ami will not roturii uiiloss you become
carolw. Ktoiniil viil.iin'o ia llm prion
i nn in nut pay for tacceaa. There oinat
be ru "Careful today and cartleM to
inor.ow," kind of work in this matter,
March, April and May if the time for
Latching out the laying .lock ; pullets
w ill t f i(in laying in Octooer and Novem
ber, and with proper care will continue
a'l winter and on winter rgg binge
much of th. prour, which coine by ju
dicious feeding and care.
On -w Years' day of "J4 nighlor
remarked that the didn't get egg enough
to nuke a cake. I was then getting fiom
fifty to sixty eggs etch day. My hens
had a warm breakfast of scalded bran
and oat. ; at noon a bead of cabbage aod
the vegetable scraps were given them
and a little oats thrown in the scratching
rc. in; late iu the evening liberal sop
ply of corn on the ear was givcu them.
A'ater or milk was Inrnifhed I hem at
morn and evening, and grit fernsbed
oyster idiella) was always before tbeto.
These hens paid tue handsome If for my
regular care,
ivnr rjos auk tiiEtr ix hnhkk,
Kggi aK very cheap now, and yet the
mpi'ly is scarcely eijual to the demand.
What is the cause of these low prices? I
am torry to say it, but this is the season
lor fetalo and rotten eggs, and is one rea
son why eggs drop to seven cents Ibis
time of year. How very careful we
should be in fathering up eggs for mar
ket. liaM.i r them daily, leaving no nest
eggs unless they be china ones, and mar
ket theru every week, being careful do
soiled C)igs or one that is doubtful finds
its Why into yoor egg laeket. In this
) you can gradually work up a special
egg trade with your dt aier, and to bear
him cay to a clerk wben you take in
some thirty dozen each week, that those
need not be candled, will be some re
ward for your carefulness.
Thia is my plan and my eggs bring
two cents moro per d'. tea than the mar
ket price. I take an indelible pencil and
mark ech egit with an X; this is a guar
antee and the consumer always finds
ti.eiu fieah and cone.ipieutly cal.s for
jtiem. Willi many there is a lack of
judgment io iho handling of poultry pro
ducts. A woman took thirty dozen eggs
to market lat-t December and fonrteen
dozen were spoiled. When the dealer
told ber she seemed surprised, and Baid
she didn't see why they should be
spjiled, for tbey had all beeu saved
since August.
There are but few eucceeeful ways of
keeping eggs. Should you want to bold
them two or three months, tba best plan
is tj peu up all the males, After ten
days separation the eggs should be
packed in cases and kept io a cool place,
and the cases turned frequently. It is
the fertility of the egg that causes de
Should farmers raise thoroughbreds?
I (irmly believe that to obtaio the best
results they should. Where spring
chickens or broilers are raised and sent
to the larre markets, as a rule, the pure
bloods bring the most money. Why is
this? It in because of their uniform
co'.or, shape aud general appearance. It
cofcts no more to feed and raiee them
than to raise a scrub.
What a pretty eight to Gee a farm
stocked with one variety of pure bred
chickens. The owners are proud of
them, and care lor them properly as a
One lady friend has 300 White Leg'
horns, not a colored bird ou the farm,
and while she does not sell eggs for
batching nor eggs for breeding purposes,
she says nothing could induce her .to
raise mongrels. She has much to say
bout the large number of eggs the sells
every year and the beauty of having
tbeui all uniform iu color.
.Some argue that tbey cau not afford to
purchase thoroughbred stock this is not
true as a rule, only imaginary. From
sitting or two of eggs, giving them extra
care, a trio or pen of birds can be raised
which will give you foundatiau stock lor
a large (lock. A better plau than pur
chaciug eggs is to buy a trio or pen of
fowls; this is more satisfactory to both
purchaser aud seller.
There is considerable inquiry among
farmers regarding incubators aod brood
era for their use. Wo have had consid
erable experience aloog this line and
will have something to say about them
and other matters iu another article.
Tar In Drlnkln Vessels.
If breeders, or these who keep fowls
iu the South would pay attention to the
tar prevention for roup, sore heads, etc.,
which the editor of the He view has long
advocated we believe these atllicttous
could be reduced iu virulence to a tnlui'
Tim fact that wo used this preventive
successfully for two Beasous while keep
iug fow ls iu Georgia, wheu other yards
sutVered much loss, while we did not
have a tick bird, gives us great faith in
the preventive, which consists simply lo
cmiiiiw the inside of drinkioit vessels
wi,i. .,! tar. aud giving the birds au
occasional dose of Urab Orchard Baits
juriUl the jummor mouths. After the
. aQUUai tiuio for the appearance of sore
Leads, tho tarred driukiog vessels cau
, be jigpenHed with uutil the uext sum
mor Fanciers Keviev.
' ....
Practical Thoughts,
Watoru re iivd poultry has within th
paat two years found its av into every
largA market.
The supplying market is a
new innovation, yet a single concern in
teres'ed In tha trade has had ovor300
ton of dressed f'l In cold storago at
ou. time.
The bulk tf the imrnenie
oiaritity of poultry required io suppiy
tha demands of onr shipper mmea from
our farms; there are but few ranches In
the West devoted exclusively to "practi
cal poultry culture," and wo have but
few "practical poultrymcn.
Kansas City, through
location, ia now aoont to become ine
great primary hog and cattle market ol
the world,
a But the passicg of cattle
range means that pooltry culture is to
become a atill more important factor as a
source of meat supply.
The fact that our farms,
without the aid ol artificial metuous,
have in the east furnished atmoel tbe en
tire crop, hows that the form is the
natural place for the work; nrwhore,
wi'.h careful handling, can Utter growth
be eacured or more vigorous bleeding
I'.ock le produced.
Fruit growing, dairying and
poultry culture should find a place on
every farm tbey combine naturallj and
each direc'ly cr indirectly connibutes lo
tbe snccets of the otber.
Where only natural meth
ods sre employed the crtliarJ H mo
idal run for Rrowing chicks.
We have seen the horticul-
oral, thoroughbred hog aod poultry en
thusiast increase tbe mongage on inn
farm that be might continoe to plant
trees and improve bis etcck ; and we
have seen this same en busiest come
out free Iroru debt, the result of theee ii
vestments, while his less prcgreeeive
neighbors went further "into the bo.e.
To raise commercial ( ou try
extensively upon the farm at a minimum
of labor, expense and vexation, (to prac
tically secure Iree range and still htve
chicks under control and protection) the
orchard should b divided with long
fences constructed of a baee board and
two-foot wire netting, that the cbielts ol
different ages may be separated; and
each long ron should have a cross fence
near the t rood-houses to prevent the
chicks running down into.tall wet graes,
bag bunting, in the early morning.
In theee smaller yards tho mornicg
feed sLould be placed so that the chicks
cau get at it with tbe nrst ray oi me
morning sun a chick, hungry, cbabng
under restraint, and endeavoring to get
out ol a brood-huBO is not going tn grow
but will worry the flesh off its bones.
The profits from poultry
culture, on tbe farm, could be greatly in-
creafeJ bv devoting the winter mjnthe,
wen work is Black, to the artificial rear
init ol oioiiers, mus luams uui6c
of the high prices paid for such stock
the early spring months.
This would require tho con
struction ol a perfectly warm and mois
ture proof broodhouae, the purchase of
atrustwoithy incubator and brooders;
but such a house could be made to eerve
many purpoees and the other appliances
would prove useful throughout the natu
ral season.
A good incubator of medium
size ia something that should find a place
wherever any considerable number of
chicks is reared, even iu the natural sea
son, for the reason that a large number
of chicks are more easily bsndled if of
the same age aud size. As to which are
the good incubators the best differ.
Those who are Berioutly
considering exclusive "practical poultry
firming" we would ad viae to also serious
ly consider the touting or purchase of a
small place where fruit growing and
.Uirvinu on a small scale cau be made a
part of the work.
To make poultry culture a
business requires a little time and more
than a single incubator and brooder
the profit on a hundred cutcas woi.i
keen the wheels greased a great while
Two or three hundred good young laying
hens can be counted cn giving quick re
turns and will help pay expeuses in
starting a poultry farm. Mght
now is noua too soon to build brood
houses, engago stock and order incuba
tors if the des' re is to embark iu tbe
broiler and egg business tbe coming sea
son, mere is an imponaui uhus iu
learn about tbe busioeea besides keep
ing etock in a vigorous condition, man
aging Incubators and brooders, etc., aud
that is to dispose of the stock to the best
advantage, and economy.
L. KOHLIIAUUN. Proprietor,
Fresh and Salted Meats,
' ' Evil Dispositions .
Are Early Shown. 99
Just so evil in the Mood
comes out in shape of scrof
ula, pimples, etc., in children
and young people. Taken in
time it can be eradicated by
using Hood's Sarsaparilla. .
In older people, the aftermath
of irregular living shows it
self in bilious conditions, a
heavy head, a. foul mouth,
a general bad feeling.
It is the blood, the impure blood,
friend, which is the real cause. Turify
that with Hood's Sarsaparilla and
happiness will reign in your family.
Blood Poison-" I lived In a betl of fire
for years owing to blood poisoning that fol
lowed small pox. It broke out all over my
body, Itching Intensely. Tried doctors and
hospitals in vain, I tried Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. It helped. I kept at it and was en
tirely cured. I could ftn on the housetops
and shout about It." Mas. J. T. Wilmamm,
Carbondule, 1'a.
8crofula 8orea-MMy buby at two
month had scrofula sores on cheek and
arm. Local applications and physicians'
nieillcin did little or no (food. Hood's Sar
saparilla curd him permanently. Hei Is
now four, with smooth fair skin." Nfrsw
S. 8. Wote. Karmlngton pti.
Zjcccti Sauafiailitq
m i wiana
Hoori nil, rnr. IIt,t 111.; th noti lrrlttln(t and
only fat'luriir to take with Hond'n Hriipflila.
Shasta Limited
Is the namo of the only perfect train
n the world, now running every night
between St. Paul -nd Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Taul Railway
the pioneer road of the west io adopt
I : ail improved facilities for tho safety
and enjoyment of aatengers. Au illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of beau
ti Lii scenery nljng iho route of the Pio
neer Limited, will lo fent free to any
person npon receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Address Geo. II. Ileafford, lien Passenger Agent, Cnioago, 111.
T .V., '
Southern PaclUc Co.
xpreia train Rare Portland ily.
J Norin
9:.i0 a."T
l'J:.V r. M.
r. .
6 OUF. .
S CO v.u.
B li A. M.
1'ortiHU.l - Ar.
liour,uri - l.v.
riiin J-'raiu-fseo I.r.
Above trains atop at all iirmci.ul
Ketweeu Portiau.l aol tSAlom, Turner, Martou,
Jefltrsoii, Albany, Tangent,, llalney,
Harmburir, Junction City, Eugene, ('otliiue
Grove, Drain, I'akUii'l, au.l all alatiout
KrKeburg to Ashland liicliihive.
lioaeburg Mail Daili ,
Lv. !
r:-t r.
Ill 'MIX; t'AUS OMll.l)t: Kill II..
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
MH M.I'iriMl Alts
Attached to all Tbro'iKh Tralua
Weet Side Division.
Ilctwceu I'onlaud uutl Corvlll
Mill train rial;; .'except Sunday).
r.M a. a.
'1 M A. St.
Portland -CorvaUia
Ar. I
Lv. I
6. SO T.U
I jo r. u
Al Albauy and L'orvallls connect with iraina
! Oregon Central Jj Eastern railroad.
xprcfc train dally (except tjuntlay).
:o t. m.
l r. m.
Ar. K;AS a. a.
l.v. ,S:fS a. M.
Lv. ! 41) a. M,
,1:0 P. M.
Direct c.iuneellou nt Sail Francisco with On.
ci.leutal au.l Urieuial and fauitic Mall tc.iui.
bbi lines lor JAI'A.N AND CUI.NA. Sailing
dates ou application.
Manager. U. F. Ji I'uki. avi t.
Kates aud tickets to F. intern lH.luts aud Eu
rope. Also JAl'AN, CHINA. HONOLULU aud
ALSI K VI IA. Cau be obtained from L. U.
J1O0KE, Ticket Auent, or V. 0. LONDON, llua e
Does Up
Wo are atwaya iu tba Lead, and niuaa to
keep thare.
The (lol.len HarvuBt ia upon ub, ud farm
ers aro niniling berauae Woodward
lo.ia. lo tlmir iiiturent.
!W;iY . IIAII.HIuS.s
- Kill I 'I'rimii f .1-. ,
ThuKO tiro all Leather and Wrrant I,
At lloduced Prices.
our purso and be mire and
iVoodward before buying.